Newspaper Page Text
i' .i' THE "NORTH" REGULATIONS - u.a -.amr on fib 20th Oct.. 1867. 1 All members of the N. C. State Agricultural Society will be furnished with a badge of meniber- upoV Went of the annual tax of $2, and wXtuiredtowetr the me during the Fair. This badge will admit the ladies of his family and children under 18 years of . faring the Fair. ; - 2 Members of the Society and families alone will be admitted on Tuesday, the day for examination and awards by the judges. All competitors are ex pected to be present. The public will be admitted on and after Wednesday, at 10 o'clock. Price . of admission 25 cents. Children and servants 12 cents. Clergymen, Editors and pupils of charitable institutions admitted free. ' , 8. Agricultural societies and institutions from Other States are invited to send delegates. Such del 'egates will be presented with a complimentary card. 4. AU exhibitors who intend to compete for the premiums of the Society, must become members of the same, and have their articles on the ground and entered at the Secretary's office in Reception Hall, at or before 5 o'clock on Monday evening, Oct. 19th, without fail, so that they may be arranged in their respective departments, and in readiness for exami nation by the Judges on Tuesday morning at 10 o'clock. 6. The regulations of the Society must be strictly observed by exhibitors, otherwise the Society will not be responsible for the omission of any article or an imal not entered under its rules. - 6 No article or animal entered for a premium can be removed or taken away before the close of the exhibition. No premium will be paid on articles or animals removed in violation of this rule. 7 All articles and animals entered for exhibition must have cards attached with the number as enter ed at the Secretary's Office; and exhibitors in all cases must obtain their cards previous to placing their articles or animals on the Fair grounds. 8. Those who wish to offer animals or articles for sale' during the Fair must notify the Secretary of such intention at the tine of entry. 9. The Executive Committee will employ a day and night guard, and will use all reasonable precau tion in their power for the safe preservation of all articles and stock on exhibition, but will not be re sponsible for loss or damage that may occur. Ex hibitors must give attention to their articles or ani mals during the Fair, and at the close of the exhibi tion attend to their removal. 10. The awarding committee or judges, selected for the next Fair, are earnestly requested to report themselves to the chairman of the Executive Com mittee at Reception Hall, upon the grounds of the Society, on Tuesday morning, the 20th day of Octo ber, 1857. 11. In no case can the judges award special or discretionary premiums; but will recommend to the Executive Committee any articles in their class which they may deem worthy of special notice and for which a premium Das not oeen onerea. 12. The judges on animals will have regard to the symmetry, early maturing, thorough breeding, and characteristics of the breeds which they judge. Tbey will make proper allowances for the age, feeding and condition of the animals, especially in the breeding classes, and will not give encouragement to over fed animals. 13. No stock of inferior quality will be admitted within the grounds; a committee will be appointed to rule out all below a medium grade. 14. Animals to which premiums have been award ed must be paraded around the track, that visitors may see the prize animals. 15. No person will be allowed to interfere with the judges during their adjudications. 16. The several superintending committees will give particular direction to all articles in their de partments, and see that all are arranged in the best order possible to lessen and facilitate the labors of the judges in their examination. 17. The superintendents will attend each set of judges in their respective departments and point out the different articles or animals to be examined, will attach prize cards to the articles, or flags to the suc cessful animals after the judges' reports have been made up and delivered to the chairman of the Ex ecutive Committee. 18. The judges will withhold premiums on ani mals or articles in their opinion not worthy ; though there be no competion. 19. Premiums of $25, and upwards will be award ed in Plate, unless the person to whom the award is made shall prefer the payment in money. 20. Stock brought to the Fair for sale will have an enclosed lot adjoining the Fair grounds assigned tbem, with water convenient, where they can be kept at the expense of the owner. 21. Articles manufactured in the State, when brought iu competition with foreign articles will take precedence, other things being equal, and the foreign article be entitled to a second premium. 22. Articles not enumerated will be entitled to discretionary premiums at the option of the Execu tive Committee. 23. The Chief Marshal, with efficient aids, will be in attendance during the hours of exhibition to keep proper order. 24. No exhibitor will be permitted to enter more than one animal in each of the sub classes. 25. Animals, when duly entered, are well provi ded for by the Society, without charge to the own er, and cannot be removed from the ground, except by permission of the Executive Committee. 26. All machines, implements, or other products of mechanical art, must be exhibited by their re spective makers, or inventors, or improvers, or their assigners, to or for whom only premiums for such articles will be awarded. 27. Every machine or implement offered for a pre mium, must be so designated or described as will serve to identify it to future purchasers, and also the selling price of the article must be stated and mark ed on the labels and in the public reports of premi um articles. 28. Efficiency, cheapness and durability will be regarded as chief excellencies in every machine or implement 29. The Chief Marshal will call the Judges at 10 o'clock on Tuesday morning assemble them at his tent on the grounds furnish them "with the printed list of premiums, also with blank books to register their awards, and have the Judges conducted by the assistant marshals to their respective departments of the exhibition. i 30. The Marshal and his aids shall give particular attention to the proper arrangements of all articles exhibited in their respective departments ; point out the articles or animals to the Judges, and otherwise facilitate the examination by the Judges. . 81. The track will be open for the trial of harness and saddle horses every day dnring the Fair. 82. A band of music will be in attendance each day during the hours of exhibition. 83. An efficient police will take charge of the grounds during the night THOMAS RUFFIN, Ch. Ex. Com. Wji. D. Cooke, Sec. JUDGES TO AWARD PREMIUMS, At the next Annual Fair to be held at Raleigh, com mencing on the 20th October. Thoroughbred Morses. Edmund Townes, Granville, Charles Manly, Wake, Thomas McGebee, Person. Quick, Draught and Saddle Horses. 1 Peyton A. Dunn, Wake, John Lewis, Caswell,' James Turner, Granville. '; ' . Heavy Draught Horses. r John B. Leathers, Orange, John L Shaver, Row an, James Twitty, Warren. Jacks, Jennetts and Mules. William K. Lane, Wayne, John L. Bridgers, Edge eombe, J. W. B. Watson, Johnston. j Cattle Demons. . George W. Johnson, Caswell, Thomas D. Meares, ew Hanover, John S. Dancy, Edgecombe. Durhams, Hereford, Ayrshire, Holsteins and AU detneys. !!t- Franklin, Samuel Ifargrave, Davidson. ' ; W . Grades and Natives. Dr. SmUh' Wak8' Imported Cattle. ;f Dr. Win. R. Holt, Davidsoiv Henry T, Clarke Edgecombe, C H. K. Taylor, Granville. ... '; Milch Cows. - "" : Wm. H. Strother, FraoVin, Jas. Sloan, Guilford. Wording Oxen. S. S. Royster. Granville, A. T. Mial, Wake, R. R. Bridgers, Edgecombe. Fat Cattle. Eldridge Smith, Wake, John Ilutchins, Wake, Seth Jones, Wake. ..... .. - Sheep. . . .. . ,. Dr. J. M. Davidson, Mecklenburg, Paul C. Cam eron, Orange, John G. Yancey, Warren. Goat. John S. Burwell, Granville, John O'Rorke, Wake, Riley Crawford, Wake. Swine Large Breed. J. E. Lankford, Franklin. Ashley Saunders, John ston, Chas. R. Eaton, Granville. SwineSmall Breed. Wm. R. Smith, Halifax, Wtn. K. Lane, Wayne, Laurence Ilinton, Wake. Swine Grades and Notices. Wm. R. Poole, Wake, C. Wooten, Lenoir, Wm. O. Green, Franklin. Poultry. Maj. John Caldwell, Mecklenburg, Thomas J. Blacknall, Granville, David Ilinton, Edgecombe. Agricultural Productions. A. W. Tenable, Granville, John W. Norwood. Orange, Richard H. Smith, Halifax. Tobacco. Thomas Miller, Granville, W. D. Jones, Warren, Wm. Long, Caswell. Salt Provisions. Ex-Gov. Ch. Manly, Wake, S. D. Sessums, War ren, Owen Fennell, New Hanover. Dairy. James Smyth, Rowan, John A. Taylor, New Han over, Dr. Charles Skinner, Warren. Pood, Condiments, &c, Wm. Upchurch, Wake, J. U. Kirkland, Orange, John Winslow, Cumberland, Nicholas L. Williams, Surry. Satire Wines. William S. Ashe, New Hanover, Chas. F. Fisher, Rowan, J. D. Whitford, Craven, Wm. J. Hawkins, Wake. Fruit and Fruit Trees adapted to the South. Dr. R. S. Mason, Wake, William J. Bingham, Or ange, George W. Johnson, Caswell, Prof. E. Fetter, Orange, John Stafford, Alamance. Vegetables. Dr. R. C. Pritchard, Warren, T. H. Snow, Wake, W. W. Holden, Wake. Plotcs and Harrows. Dr. Wm. R. Holt, Davidson, Wilson W. Whita ker. Wake, Kenneth Rayner, Hertford. Threshing Machine, Hay, Straw Cutters, Corn Shelters and Crunhers. Geo. W. Collier, Wayne, E. Belo, Stokes, Edwin M. Holt, sen., Alamance. Reapers and Mowers. Dr. G. Field, Warren, Solomon Dixon, Alamance, H. K. Burgwyn, Halifax, E. Mallette. Orange. May, Cotton Pre, f-c. J. M. Fleming, Wake, Dr. J. T. Leach, Johnston, Dr. S. McClananan, Chatham. Carruiges, Wagons, Car's, Ac. P. A. Atkinson, Pitt, J. M. Mon-head, Guilford, J. C. Washington, Craven, John Taylor, Beaufort Machinery. Gen. Alex. McRae, New Hanover. Silas Burns. Wake, J. A. Soyden, Rowan, J. H. Thompson, Da- vidson. Farm and Ion,e-iie 7W. T. L. William, Granville, John A. McMannen, Orange, Netdbam Price. Wke. S-iddU aud IliritA Dr. Wihv.n. Warren, W. B. Fooler, Franklin, Eli jah Milliard, Nash. Oibintt Wort. Dr. T. D. Hogg, Wake, Thos. Hill, Orange, J. M. Fleming, Wake. Shoe, lint, Ae. Alfred Williams Wake, T. II. Sclby, Wake, N. N. Nixon, New Hanover. Sundries. James Sloan, Guilford. James McKimmon, Wake, John W. Cunningham, Person, Dr. T. B. Beck with, Johnston. Mill Fabrics. T. W. Dewey, Mecklenburg, C. B. Saunders, John ston. Daniel A. Montgomery, Alamance, J. A. Bul lock, Granville. Ifowhold Fabric. Gov. Bragg, Wake, G. W. Mordccai, Wake, John H. Bryan, Wake, Mrs. M. M. licnry, Wake, Mrs. S. S. Royster, Granville, Mrs. G. W. Mordccai, Wake, Mrs. M. Somcrville, Warren, Mrs. Archibald Davis, Franklin. Crochet and Raised Worsted Worl. Mrs. J. Bobbitt. Wake, Miss Sophia Partridge, Wake, Mrs. Kemp P. Battle, Wake, Miss Fanny Hawkins, Franklin, Miss Julia A. Holt, Davidson, Miss Joana Nixon, New Hanover. Embroidered Silk, Coltm and Worsted. Mrs. X. O'B. Branch, Wake, Mrs. Alfred Williams, Wake, Mrs. John U. Kirkland, Orange, Miss Maria Cooke, Wake, Miss J. M. Ruffin, Alamance. Knitting and Knelling. Mrs. H. W. Husted, Wake, Mrs. Lynn Henderson, Warren, Mrs. Louisa Kittrell, Granville, Miss Lucy Gregory, Granville, Miss Emma Morehead, Guilford. Fancy Work and Needle Work. Mrs. L. P. Cotton, Wake, Miss Tenable, Granville, Mrs. J. F. Taylor, Wake, Mrs. J. McKim mon, Wake. Fine Arts. Dr. Aldert Smedes, Wake, Francis E. Shober, Rowan, Dr. Charles E. Johnson, Wake, Mrs. R. M. Saunders, Wake, Mrs. L. Walker, Guilford, Miss Susan Somerville, Warren, Miss Julia O. Saunders, New Hanover. Union County. On Thursday last the people of Union voted on the proposition to subscribe $60,000 to the Wil., Char, and Rutherford Railroad, aud en dorsed it by 424 majority. We received from a friend just as we were going to press the following statement of the vote : Precincts. Yea. No. Monroe, ' 202 64 Ashcraft's, 40 15' Rogers', 29 24 Starns', 25 3 Wilson's, (Waxhaws) 30 38 Lawson's, 25 12 Davip Miue, 21 8 Condor's, 54 3 Simpson's, 24 11 Grassy Creek, 57-28 Gourd Tine, 50 5 Thos. Griffin's, 61 0 Bivins, 21 4 Total 639 ' . 215 Maj. in favor of Subscription 424 Char. Dem. Teachers' Association. Conversing with a very intelligent teacher of our Common Schools, ' we learned from him that it was the desire of many of the teachers or the county to form an association Tor the benefit of those engaged in the instruction of the youth of our county ., .... . We highly commend and appreciate such a move ment, believing it beneficial not only to teachers tDemnerves, but to parents and children. For by an exchange 01 expenenee greater perfection can be at tained in the art of imparting: instruction. ' And tBis is of more importance to a child than any other qualification of its preceptor. We hope that an association of the kind alluded to will be formed at an early day, and anything we can do for the ad' vancetnent of the commendable objects it nas in view shall be done most cheerfully ; and we doubt not that the citizens of the county will do all they can .v ivuivid iuu nuiiieuiitie wganiasiipn 01 we assv' ciation. Newbern Express. THE .BRIEF, BTP INGLORIOUS REIGN OF ft known6thingism. VTha Nashville. Cmon syividly and powerfully por-. j trays the results of Rnow-JNothingism during its brier, and iniquitous. career. : " In the elections of the free States in 1854, when . that dangerous and united organization first made its advent into the country, for the first time in many years there were found to be but two tickets in the field Democrats and Know Nothings. There had usually been three Democrats, Whigs, and" Abo litionists. The two last had disappeared from the stage of action, having no tickets in the field ; and the inquiry was naturally made "What had become of them ?" The election passed off, Know Nothing ism swept everything before it, and elected to the last Congress the following members: , Maine, 8 New Hampshire, 8 Termont, . 1 Massachusetts, 11 Rhode Island, 2 Connecticut, 4 New York, 17 New Jersey, 4 Pennsylvania, 13 Ohio, 15 . Indiana, . 6 Illinois, 2 Michigan, 3 Iowa, 1 Total, . 90 When Congress assembled and the election of a Speaker came on, eighty-four oat of these ninety Know Nothings proved to be abolitionists, and voted for Banks, of Massachusetts, the recently nominated Know Nothing black Republican candidate for Gov ernor in that State. While Mr. Banks was admit ted to be an abolitionist he also declared himself a sworn member of the order. In the course of the House proceedings we find that Mr. Letcher said : " Now let me try the gentleman from Massachu setts: does he belong to the organization called "Know Nothings?" Mr. Banks, in reply, said : " I belong to an organization not that I know it is called by the name of Know Nothing, but that answers the description that is generally understood by the name in my own town. Nobody has asked me the question. I have never declined to answer it, and nobody has screwed me up to it" This is the same Banks who was willing "to let the Union slide," and who believes in an amalgama tion of the black and white races. During the same election of 1854, the Know Nothings defeated the Democrats for Governor in ten of the free States, viz: Mori ill of Maine, over Parris, national Democrat ; Metcalf, of New Hamp shire, over Baker, national Democrat; Gardner, of Massachusetts; lloppin, of Rhode Island; Minor, of Connecticut ; Grimes, of Iowa ; Chnse, of Ohio, over Medill, national Democrat; Bingham, of Michigan, over Barry, national Democrat ; and Pollock, of Pennsylvania, over Bigler, national Democrat. The whole ten Governors thus elected voted for Fremont, are abolitionists, and hostile to the South. This same party, then in the free States, elected, and aided in electing, eleven senators of the United States, viz : Fessenden, Abolitionist and Know Nothing, from Maine; John P. Hale and James Bell, Abolitionists and Know Nothings from New Hampshire, over Wells and Williams, national Democrats; Henry Wilson, Abolitionist and Know Nothing from Mas sachusetts, to succeed Edward Everett, national Whig; Foster for the long term, and Gillet for the short t.-rm from Connecticut, the former tosucceed the latter, both Abolitionists; Charles Durkee, Know Nothing and Abolitionist, from Wisconsin. They also aided in electing Seward, from New York, Abo litionist ; Ilarland, of Iowa, Abolitionist, over Dodge, national Democrat; Truuibell, from Illinois, over Shields, national Democrat Thus it was for the first time in the history of those States that all the Governors, Senators, and eighty-four out of their ninety members of Con gre turned out to be Abolitionists of the deeest dye, and were elected as Know Nothings. Such were some of the fruits of the last year's work of the Know Nothing order in the free Slates. We cannot lake time to go into their local lepisliition ; such as the appointment of their famous "Hiss smelling committee " gotten up by the legislature of Massa chusetts to visit all the Catholic schools, and, under the Tctence of hunting up evidence of I he inqui sition, insult the nuns in charge such is their act of nullification, in refusing to the federal authori ties the use of their jails for the safe-keeping of fugi tive slaves such as their act authorizing the admis sion of negro children into the public schools upon an equality with the whiles their act to permit all the negroes to vote who could read, and disfranchi sing all white persons who could not read or their act expelling, as paupers, all poor foreigners from their territory. But to continue. During the last Presidential election, almost the entire party in the free Slates, that had a short time before belonged to the Know Nothing order, the same party that elected the ninety members of Con gress, the ten Governors and eleven Senators, threw off the mask and voted for Fremont for President. Mr. Fillmore received for the Presidency in no one of the free States even a respectable vote. He re ceived in the whole United States the electoral vote oi but one State. From the time the Know Noth ing party in the free States made its appearance up to this time, it has, upon every occasion when as sembled in State convention, adopted resolutions hostile to the South and against the introduction of any more slave States. In addition to this, the Know Nothing order at this time has no separate organization from that of the Republican party. Black Republicans and Know Nothings are one and the same thing. From all the northern States, the Know Nothing order has not elected a single member to the next Congress. It has been absorbed by black Republicanism. It established abolitionism as a positive element of pow er in the North, and then dissolved its organization, except in a few States. Wherever it yet has an ex istence, it is secondary to Republicanism and is al lied with it In Pennsylvania, at this time, the fu gitive members of this disbanded party are support ing Wilmot, the notorious abolitionist, for Governor. The president of this powerless faction has put forth his proclamation, urging all " true Americans " to vote for W ilmot In Massachusetts they met to gether, a short time since, in State convention, and nominated for Governor of that State, N. P. Banks, the abolition ex-Speaker. In every public meeting they have held in the North, they have adopted strong anti-slavery resolutions, denouncing the Su preme Court for its decision in the Dred Scott case. Thus it will be seen that though brief and inglori ous, the Know Nothing order has not been without its results. Tolumes would not thoroughly portray the enormities it has committed. Robbery and Suicide. The St Paul Minnesotian of the 12th inst., says the Quarter Master at Fort Snelling was robbed a few days previous, of about $6000 in gold. Suspicion fell on two men who had deserted the Fort the day the money was missing. . It was ascertained that they had taken the stage to Henderson. A sheriff was notifled to meet and ar rest them there. When the coach drove up to the office, one of the robbers perceiving the crowd, as sembled, and divining its meaning, stepped from the coach with his carpet bag, and before the sheriff couid execute his warrant, drew a knife and stabbed himself to the heart I He had only time to utter, pointing to his carpet bag, " there is the money," and fell dead. The other gave himself up. ToLUNTART Enslavement. Elizibeth Bickley, a free, girl of color, aged about 22 years, voluntarily went into slavery at the present term of the Abing don Circuit Court. She was bought by Capt Sam uel Skinner, Sheriff of that county. ' This is the first instance of the kind we have heard of, says the Abingdon Democrat, in this -end of the State. The woman is very intelligent, and was fully aware that a kind master was better able to provide and care for her than, she was herself. This is a nut for Yankee philosophy to crack. Military. The Wilmington Light Infantry and the Salisbury Tolunteer Company have accepted an invitation from the Orange Guards to visit Hillsbor ough on Oct 27thv the second anniversary of the Guards. - The Independent Company of this town, . we learn, regretted to decline a similar invitation. Fay. Obi. THEilTEWLYTjRODUjCED SUGAR CANE, v Parish St. Joun the Bafto, (Lj ' ' . ' September 12, 1857. - ( .Messes. Editors 5 I have thought that a few lines from this quarter may prove of interest to" some of year readers, more particularly to those interested in the culture of the newly introduced varieties of cane known as Sorgho and.Imphee. These having been lately experimented upon to ascertain their rel ative merits, particularly, for those prominently set forth for them, viz :' for the quantity of "sugar and molasses they were said to contain, "l will give you the result of some of these experiments. . , - Last year several of our planters cultivated a small quantity of these varieties, but, not having a suffi ciency of seed, could not arrive at a fair result - I will give you first my own experience with the Sorgho, of which I planted last year a few 6eed, the greater part of it in the field,, in old land, and a por tion in my garden, in very rich land. It attained a very large size, but I did not find it sufficiently sweet for the purpose intended, and supposed that I had been imposed upon in the seed.. I had the seed gathered, but did not think it worth while to plant them this year, and still have them on hand. A few scattered seed, however, came up in my garden, which, curiosity leading me (o taste, I found it to be quite sweet, and I am led to believe I bad the genu ine seed. Several planters extensively engaged in the cul ture of the sugar cane have, within the past fortnight, given these 'new varieties of Sorgho and Imphee a practical test among them, Mr. Soniat, of the Par ish of Jefferson, a short distance above the city of New Orleans, and well known as a practical, intelli gent, and successful planter. He has recently rolled one and three-quarters acres of Sorgho, and obtained four barrels or about one hundred and sixty gallons of syrup. He found that it would not granulate, and no sugar could be obtained from it Mr. Soniat states that, allowing himself a fair price for the quantity of wood he consumed, and the labor of his plantation hands, and valuing the syrup at the rate some Sorgho syrup has been disposed of in New Or leans, viz : forty cents per gallon, that he has sunk the sum of about fifty dollars. Another gentleman, a resident of the Parish of St Charles, and very widely known for his intelligence and devotion to agriculture, as well as the law, Judge P. A. Rost, has given the variety known as Imphee a fair test The Judge's sugar works were undergoing repairs, and the experiment was made at the adjoining plantation of his neighbors, the Messrs. McCutcheon. These gentlemen have very extensive and valuable works, and, the Judge being absent, they gave the matter their personal superin tendence, with the experience of a life-time devoted to all the practical details of sugar-making. The re sult was, and I have it in person from those gentle men, that from one-half acre of Imphee they ob tained upwards of five hundred gallons of juice, which on being boiled gave thirty gallons of syrup, but that it would not granulate and they could ob tain no sugar. I tasted the syrup two days after its manufacture, and found its flavor quite different from Louisiana syrup, nevertheless pleasant to the taste, and quite similar to damson plum preserves. It was slightly acid, and fermented a f--w days after, which would be a most insuperable objection to it The Messrs. McCutcheon informed me that there was much more labor in cutting and preparing it for the mill, as compared with the sugar-cane, it being very difficult to divest it of its leaves. From the Email quantity of syrup it must necessarily consume a largely increased quantity of wood. The Imphee was planted in rows three feet apart, drilled in the row. The Judge has frequently rolled cane planted in rows of six and seven feet apart that yielded three hogsheads of the best quality, and, in addition, the usual quantity of molasses, viz: sixty gallons per hogshead, that is to say, three thousand pounds of sugar and one hundred and eighty gallons molasses per acre ; while the Imphee gave at the rate of sixty gallons of syrup to the acre and no sugar. In the New Orleans papers of about ten days ago a sale of five half barrels Sorgho syrup was reported at forty-five cents per gallon, and on the same day was repotted a sale of a cargo of about two hundred and fifty hogsheads of Cuba molasses (fermented) at sixty-two cents per gallon. I should say that new Louisiana syrup in half barrels, if in the market on the same day, would have brought seventy-five to eighty cents. The prospect for the Louisiana cane crop is not good, the cane being fully a month hackward. It was much injured by the frosts of April. In the month of June it was hoped and supposed that it would recover from the effects of these frosts, and the crop was estimated at as high as three hundred thousand hogsheads. But July and August passed without the improvement anticipated, and the crop is at present estimated at about two hundred and twenty-five thousand hogsheads. The season from this time forth must be very favorable for it to ex ceed two hundred and fifty thousand hogsheads. Of the sugar-cane imported by the Government for the planters I received a box of the Dcmarara variety, which promises to attain a large size. It is of the Otaheite family, and will, I fear, prove very tender, as all of these varieties have proved to be. The canes were very small, being only two and three feet long when received, and will produce canes, I shou'd think, of nine to eleven feet long. I will take every precaution with it to acclimate it, if pos sible, and compensate, if possible, the Government for its endeavors. And, for one, I here fender my acknowledgments to those gentlemen through whose endeavors our interest was so much regarded. It appears to me that the industrial pursuits should be its first care. Of the Laguayra cane I can hear of but one solitary shoot growing ; there are others, no doubt. It was nearly all lost in its transportation. It may not be generally known that the planters frequently import cane at their own expense, and not a year passes without some new varieties or fresh plants being received. The cane appears to be entirely free from disease this year. I do not think there was ever any deterioration, but there was destruction, and caused by too long a continu ance of wet and cold weather. Very respectfully, your ob't scrv't, WOODSTOCK. U. S. Grand Lodge of Odd Fellows. This body, composed of delegates from the respective Grand Lodges and Encampments of the country, convened in regular annual session in Baltimore, on Monday last, and will not adjourn, probably before next week. From the Baltimore papers we gather the following items of the proceedings. The report of the Grand Sire states that the Order is in a flourish ing condition throughout the United States, the Ter ritories and in the Sandwich Islands, where the Or der is under the jurisdiction of this grand body. On Monday the following Grand officers, at the last an nual session, were installed : George W. Race, of Louisiana, Most Worthy Grand Sire ; Timothy G. Senter, of New Hampshire, Deputy Grand Sire; Jamos L. Ridgely, of . Maryland, Grand Correspond ing and Recording Secretarj ; Joshua Tansant, of Maryland, Grand Treasurer; Rev. J. D. McOabe, of Tirginia, R. W. Grand Chaplain ; A. M. South, of Tennessee, R. W. Grand Marshal ; S. H. Lewyt, of Maryland, R. W. Grand Guardian, and J. E. Cham berlain, of Maryland, Grand Messenger. The report of the Grand Secretary for the past year shows a total receipt of $11,995 18; of which amount there was received from grand encampments, $200; far cords, $216 20; for books, $166 82; for diplomas, $39 95 ; miscellaneous, $12 50 ; for rep resentation tax $800 ; for grand lodges, $3000 50 for cards, $3,940 80; for books, $2,41 49; for di plomas, $82 25 ; representation tax, $2,100 ; miscel laneous, $5 66. . . The report of the secretary speaks of the prosper ity of the Order, particularly in Kansas Nebraska and Oregon, in the. two first named of which the Or der is, as it were just introduced. The session will probably not close before next week. The ceremonies of Installation having been closed, Grand Sire Race announced the standing committees. The chairmen are as follows : . . ... . State of the Order Boy lston, S. C. Legislative- Fitzhugh," Ta. Correspondence Gilmore, North. N. Y. Finance Teitch. Mo. Anneals John A. Kennedy, South. N. Y. Constitution Ellis, lie. Petitions-Uoore, Pa.' Returns Prall, North.; N' Y. Prfn'ting-Eckell, Del. - Mileage and per diem Hunt " Texas. Grand Bodies hot repsesented Prime, Maine. e. ' -f a , . " ' : .' .' r,i. . Agricultural Address. John H. Haoghton, Esq.,. of Chatham Connty, has accepted an invitation to deliver the annual address before the Cumberland Society, at the November Exhibition. Fay. Ob. Grafbb. Read the following from the Wilming- too'T andleCyour mooih ; water" accord- Scutpkbnono Grapes. A friend of ours, an enthusiastic lover of the grape, remarked to us the other day, that while we were disposed to render justice to those feathered delights, the rice birds, we did not pay suitable respeet to the Scuppernong. " Sir," said he, " next to the Mecklenburg Declara tion of Independence, North Carolina has most rea son to be proud of her grapes." 'We did not com bat this assertion being under a vine and in the very act of getting some very fine ones, large, plump, nice ones, that, on a slight squeeze, shot from their fragrant stems in a miniature flow of nectar down our throat. How could we contradict the man? Even the most" perverse of wives, the most contrary of the opposite sex, she who periodicallyblQws her husband up for slight reasons and on every occasion, would, under like circumstances, have murmured "You're right, sir. Scuppernongs are a State Pride l" Scuppernongs are good. The Indians used to call them sweet water. Hence their name. Just about now they are delicious. They've reached the cul minating point . They could not be finer if they wished to be so. . Well tell you a good time to eat them. Make an effort and get up before breakfast, and go beneath the vine and you shall find it glittering with dew. Then pick gently. They are liquid diamonds. There they are, the champagne-colored rascals, rustling among the green leaves, and filling the air with an aroma which goes straight to your heart Aha ! you smile I We don't wonder at it What do you care for business now ? Business ! You're think ing of something else. ' Do you know, my dear sir, that you have been eating steadily now for twen ty minutes. -. Stop, in mercy's name! What, will yon never be done ? You'll ruin your breakfast 1" The only reply is, " I'm looking for a good one to stop with, but I can't find the one I want ;" and breakfast is delayed. Sometime after breakfast they go well as a settler. Eat, say, three pints, and go on jour way rejoicirg. You are going under the vine after dinner, of course. It is then a very good time to cat them, you know. Dine as heartily as you choose, there is always room for the Scuppernongs. They are so good to wipe away the last lingering remains of dinner, the apprehensions of grease that may mingle with the parting farewell of the good things you have just despatched, that you cannot but choose to pluck a few as they lie temptingly on the vine say, two quarts. It is then, after you have dined, that a few, as we have said, of these condensed sweetnesses, upon whom the sun has lavished his warmest kisses, and which have ripened and are ready to burst from ex cess of richness, a few of these grapes for instance, three quarts go very well. You march off, after awhile, full up to the throat, serene, benign, jovial, at peace with all the world, thankirg Providence that your lives have fallen in such pleasant places, j and making up your mind to pay the vine another j visit just about sunset Ah! you rascal, yon have a female companion this time a young thing al most as luscious and sweet as the grape, and you are busy in getting a few for her as well as for your self say. six quarts between you. Don't deny it We have been starving ourself looking at you, could hardly get a grape. You say -we've gulped down four pints! It's no such thing sir! Well, towards the shank of the evening, some lit tle time before the clock tells " the hour for reti ring," a few grapes, two or three bowls-fulls, are not disagreeable. The vine is not far from the house. and the perfume of the ripened fruit floats on the ; air. It is wafted gently to where you sit Can any j thing thing be finer, more odorous, more sugges tive : Hurra for the native grape of the old North State! Let's all go under the vine." Know Nothing Sot. The Plymouth, N. C, cor. respondent of the Petersburg Express, gives an ex tended synopsis of the proceeding of a suit at law in Washington : In the case of A. W. Darden r J. A. Anderson. R. G. Cowper, J. A. Reddeck, D. Talen tine and C. Fraetas, damages claimed at $25,000. They are all members of the Know-nothing party, and the declaration stated that the defendants charg ed the plaintiff with falsehood, abolitionism, and that he was unworthy the confidence of the American Party. The libel was published in the Murfresboro' Gazette in 1855, as the cause which made the Plain tiff be excluded from the K. N. Lodges. Messrs. Outlaw, Jordan, Winston and Heath for Plaintiff. . Messrs. W. N. H. Smith, Barnes, Gilliam, Hardy and Garrett for Defendants. Judge Caldwell, presiding. The trial commenced on the 17th inst A long list of wittnesses was examined and still longer speeches made. On the 23d inst, the Jury returned the fol lowing verdict : "The jury in the case of A. W. Darden vs. Jno. Anderson, et als, from the county of Hertford, say that the defendants are not guilty of the conspira cy charged. That they are not guilty upon the count of special damage ; but are guilty upon the other counts in said declaration. They find also, that there is no justification. We therefore assess the damage at one dollar and fifty cents,' and they are discharged from finding as to the statute of limi tation. Therefore it is considered that the plaintiff do recover against the defendants the damages as sessed by the said jury, and his cost to be taxed by the clerk. There is a rumor current that it wiil be taken by appeal to the Supreme Court at Raleigh, if so, the end is not yet The costs of the suit thus far are variously esti mated from $2000 to $3000. -Henrt Clat's Last Tote. The assumption of the pretended admirers of Mr. Clay, that he occu pied substantially the black Republican position of the present time, and would beyond a peradventure, have affiliated with the party had he lived, derives considerable corroboration " over the left," in the following fact, stated by the Kentucky Statesman, published at Lexington : " In view of the attempted use of Mr. Clay's name to arouse the long buried animosities between Whigs and Democrats, the Statesman deems it not inap propriate to mention the last vote ever recorded by the old statesman. In the first State election under the new Constitution, sixteen officers were to be chosen. Twelve of these candidates had Democrat ic opposition, and between these twelve Mr. Clay's name now stands recorded on the poll books as fol lows : For Democrats, 7 ; Whigs, 5." The Charleston Medical Review) for September is before us. Many of the articles bear the impress of deep thought and patient investigation, and some are lighted up by the fires of genius. We have been interested in Prof. Dickson's article on the Height and Weight xf Southern Men, and American Recru its, and were astonished to see it stated that Georgia and North Carolina lead the van. j In Georgia, 30 men out of 100 were six feet and upwards. In North Carolina, 24. In Indiana, Kentucky, and Tennessee, 18. Illinois, 17, ' New York, 5. 1 , Phragment of an Owed to a Phremont Poll, What Was A Bein Cut Donn For Stove would : Woodman ! spare them poles, Touch not a single wun. Last fall tbey cheered our souls, Just let them stand for phun. . It was our Phreemont Club That 1st did place them there; Oh !plese, aiir, let 'em stand, , Of else you'll beer us aware, -v . ' ' ?' " - . Boston Post. Bones or Horses. A Kentucky breeder of horses, during the recent fair at Louisville, gave Mr. Holmes, of the St Louis Republican, an interesting fact rela tive to the bones of horses. He lost eight colts one season, four of them thorough-breds, and four of them common, scrub stock. -He amputated the legs of all of tbem and -boiled off the flesh, cleaning the none thoroughly, to learn by examination, what dif ference, in respect of bone, there was between pure blooded horses and common ones. On taking the bones of the thorough-breds, and holdirtg them op to the light, he noticed- that they we,re almost trans parent, as much so as white horn. He tried the same experiment with the bones of the inferior stock. They were opaque and transmitted light no more than buffalo horn. He then tested ' the bones by weight, and the thorough-bred by far the heavier, showing their -8nperior substance and 'solidity, Tbey were hard and dense as ivory. ' " Over the River. Over f e river they beckon to me Loved one's who 'v croMad t tbe further side The gleam of their anowy rubes I see ' But iheir voices are drowned by the rnsbins tid. There 's ona wuh ringlets of sunny gold. And eyes the reflection of Heaven's own bine He crossed in the twilight, gray and cold, ' -Ad. the pale mist hid him from niortui view We saw not the angels that met him there-.- The gate t the city we could not see: ' Over the river, over the rivor,.-. ... . Uy brother stands waiting to welcome me! Over tbe river the boatman pale, Carried another the household pet ; Her brown curls waved in tbe gentle gale Darling Minnie ! I see her yet ! She crushed on her bosom her dimpled hands. And. fearlessly entered tbe phantom bark W watched it glide from the silver sands, ' And all our sunshine grew strangely dark. We know she is afe on tbe further side, Where all the ransomed and angels be Over the river, the mystic river, ' My childhood's idol is waiting fur me. For none return from those quiet shores Who crcss with the boatman cold and pale We hear the dip of the golden oars, ' And catch a gleam of tbe snowy sail, And lo ! tbey have passed from our vtarninjr boart.. They cross the stream and are gone for are We may not sunder the vail apart - That hidea from our visions the gates of dav We only know that their barks no more May sail with us e'er life's stormy sea Yet somewhere, I know, on the unseen shore They watch, and beckon, and wait for me ! ' And I sit and think, when tbe sunset's gold Is flushing river and hill and shore, I shall one day stand by the water cold And list for the sound of the boatman's oar I shall watch for a gleam of tbe flapping saii-' 1 shall hear the boat as it gains the strand' I shall pass from sight with the boatman pale. To the better shore of the spirit land ; I shall know tbe loved who have gone before And joyfully sweet will tbe meeting be, ' When over the river, the peaceful river, Tbe angel of Death shall carry me! 'XP'-i-'&iiJd q,,,ii;m. The Bubbles of the DAT.-Under this title the New York Herald contains an article, show'nghow the Yankees mix up piety" politics and stocks" in their railroad and land speculations in the Wt It says : " A distinguished gentleman, recently returned from a visit to the Northwest, gives an amusinp ao count of the manner in which the speculators in that region have managed to turn the Kansas fever to their own account, and the .result of which is now being felt in the swamping of railroad companies and the explosion of kindred bubbles. It is a great error to suppose that the New England States con tinue to deserve their character for 'smartness.' Their day is past Wooden nutmegs and basswoo'd hams were well enough some years ago; but that sort of business at best was mere petty larceny and utterly beneath the dignity of rascals who 'go in' for their hundreds of thousands, and whose oDera tions ruin households instead of merely givin" them indigestion. The keen fellows now live in theVest men who, in point of shrewdness, can twist an un fortunate Yankee round their fingers ; and who. in point of fact, have done so to an almost incredible extent. In justice to the New England States we ad mit that most of the operators are emigrants from the land of pumpkin pies, who having found that paradise too circumscribed for their genius, have sought its expansion amidst the prairies of the West. " We have every reason to believe that thousands of the citizens of the New England States have been taken in by the land and railroad compuniea of Kan sas, Wisconsin, Iowa, A-c. Their stock is found in almost every farm house iheir bonds in every vil lage. The plan of operations adopted by the spe culator was beautifully simple, and easy to carry out Agents were sent to the East to describe, in glowing colors, the properity of the West Chicago was an instance of the beneficial effects of railroad communication. A thousand Chicagoes were in embryo, and it was fortunate for the people of the East that they had thus an opportunity to receive some of the golden fruit Then, again it was neces sary to check the progress of the slaveholder, and this could best be done by building railroads, and thus opening the country for settlement Tbe min isters, too were told that whilst all this temporary prosperity existed, there was a woful lack of religous feeling ; there were few churches, and no dependence upon stated preaching. Here was on ample field ; but shepherds are wanting. Thus railroads, freedom and the gospel are beautifully mixed up, the result was that every man who had a dollar laid by felt that he was not only assisting humanity and religion, but bettering himself, by an investment in the 'West' This has been the true secret of the Kansas fever, and it is easy to see that its collapse is a necessary and natural result, buying experience at the expense of ruin to all the dupes who have been shrieking for freedom, and hoping, at the same time, that it might bring in a handsome dividend. "It is exceedingly doubtful if even the present warning severe as it will be will prevent a repeti tion of the same game whenever it can be played. It is not the first time that 'stated preaching' has been lugged in to help to bolster up a stock specula tion, and it is expecting too much to imagine the race of dupes is dying out The Kansas fever and Western railroad bubbles simply mark another lustre in the commercial history of this country." Simplicity of ExGMsn Dress. Tn the families of many of the nobility and gentry of England, pos sessing an annual income which of itself would be an ample fortune, there is'ercater economy of dress, and more simplicity in the furnishing of tbe dwel ling, than there is in many of the houses of ourciti sens, who are barely able to supply the wants of their families by the' closest attention to their busi ness. A friend of ours, who sojourned, not long since, several months in the vicinity of some of the wealthy landed aristocracy of England, whose ample rent-rolls would have warranted a high style of fash ion, was surprised at the simplicity of manners prac ticed. Servants were much more numerous than with us, but the ladies made more account of one silk dress then would be thought here of a dozen. They were generally clothed in good substantial Stuffs, and a display of fine clothing and jewelry was reserved for great occasions. The furniture of the mansions, instead of being turned out of doors every few years, for new and fashionable styles, was the same which the ancestors of the families for several generations had possessed in substantial and excel lent preservation, but plain and" without any preten sions to elegance. Even thearpets, dp many suits of parlors, had been on" the floors for fifty years, and were expected to do service for another half century. With us how different is the state of things! are wasting an amount of wealth in this country, on show and fashion, which, if rightly applied, would renovate the condition of the. whole population ot the world, and Christianize, civilize and educate all mankink. Calender. Cblesration op the Battle of King's MorNTAis. A celebration of this interesting occasion will take place during the week, commencing October Un, 1857, by the Officers and Cadets of the King's Moan tain Military School, who will encamp near the town of Yorkville. . Wm Gilmore Simms, LL.D., will, during the weeK, deliver a course of Lectures, and on the Anniversary, wil deliver an Address. This day will be celebrated with appropriate ceremonies. n- The friends and patrons of this School ; the Um cers of the 34th and 46th Regiments ; the Masonic, Odd Fellows and Temperance bodies; the Ladies and Gentlemen generally of tbe District, and those interested in the perpetuation of a day neia dear to the memory of every.patriot, are respectl" ly invited to participate. . A programme will be pub lished next week. Yorkville Enquirer. Where the Tobacco awd Cigars Come Frox. The whole number of cigars exported from Hawnji up to tbe 15tb ultimo, the presenLyear was 94.9M 000 of which 26,681,000 were cleaied for this coun try; 18,800,000 to Great Britain; 7.783,000 to Hanv borg and Bremen ; 9,628,000 to France, 8,130,"u o Spain. The exports of tobacco amounted iw 1,180,345 pounds, of which 528,636 pounds cleared for this country. Apprkhenoed. We learn .that one of the t0 Everetts, who were convicted of an attempt to wu " der P. McGowaTVEsq., Mail Agent, but escapeo from Halifax jail, before the expiration of thair tenu of imprisonment, has been retaken in Tennessee, anu recommitted to his old quarters. The other is at liberty. War. News.