Newspaper Page Text
UlFiri L D EN, v nn,a AND PROPRIBTOB. - - JJTwEEKLT-TVw Dollar per annum SfnTsEMI-WEKKLT-ltar xToBsr, '"jS at O, expirali of rt, time , vdrcrtislns in Semi-WeelT Standard, jates of A"? of advertising are as follows: urre'fesor less) first insertiou, - $100 jjch sub"fiseD,enis in proportion. - . linger adverse with advertisers, a iA a&t Contracts wm be mo and ,t the close of ftf' f"'3 v p-r cent, will be deducted from the gross foe contract 0071 r ... mount. Knmness Cards, not exceeding five lines, the Weekly or Semi-Weekly for "tbior SW for twelve months; or in both 6 f'To six inonthsr 15 for twelve mouths. Rates of Advertising in Weekly Standard. a n.r oer souare for the first insertion, and twenty 0e do!lr. 5?T,bea..ent insertion. No deduct vUl ' Ykly advertisement, no motto; v made on " 7 ...-.k.. nf .Hvertu Amji the Onlv a limited number of advertismenu wiii i - ()n T 1 1 iiiii tev - , - . . , o1- r J'intn the Weekly. AU advertisfments, not other m,!rlXd are iniSrted in tne Kemi-Weekly.and ch.rg i,ed' n,lv When the number of insertions is not ti fewrttwnent it is inserted until forb.d. Money sent us by mail is at our risk. gehiS-Mfeekifl &mhri- PROPERTY FOR SALE, 4c fTSlB LADnSOB SALE ,N DAVIE ir Haul's Ferry, near the Vadkin river. BL ract c,uins about 399 acres, the other K,t ?oo acres adjoining each other. 1 will sell them to hrr or seraieV This land lies in a healthy section Cun rV.Td well adapted to the raising of gram and to Anviwrson wishing to purchase, can go and view me.abd'call to see me or address me 2. ' "ltf: HOl'SE AND LOT FOR SALE OR RENT. u onr no rrvT MV HOTTSE AND LOT in Oreensborouzh. The lot adjoins the residence of 'i C a Boon. The hou.-aj is a coralortaoie two-siory iouse'with all necessary outhouses for a family residence. An 'early application desired by omZLU Dec 2, lSfii WSt EIGHT HUNDRED ACRES OF LAND FOR SALE. T-nD sur PimiT nnNDRED ACRES OP IJJ, t f Vl Ua J a uav& - -fine land, lying within three and a half (8) miles i of HeDderson. Uranvilie uouniy. jono wn. ..... Sirbich is cleared, which produces remarkably well to Leo wheat, corn and oats, end situated in the immediate neiellSOrm OU Ol g"m mnn-Si.o. ud produces equal to any land m this country.. The en . K i,,o k. an rnuntlr nnt under a rood fence. tire pianiant'ii u ' r -- t . . Lid in a tine condition for cultivation. There is npon the i,'antation an overseer's house and cabins for thirty or frtv Decrees, with corn cribs stables, lutnber house, 4c. There are four hundred barrels of corn and thirty thon Ld pounds of fodder, which I will also sell to purchaser. .1 ;h;n in ttin nlnntntinn can do SO bv call- anv c wn!ui..n - 1 7 ine upon Mrs. Renn. who lives npon the premises, and will take pleasure m siiu.ius -, dress me, at Manson l'ostolhce, W "'jjp Xov. 25, 1S62. 9'v-lm Valuable Estate for Sale near Greensboro, N. r on the lath of December, 1862. V1RTCE OF A DECREE OF THE COUNTY O Court of Guilford, at November Term.-1863, as ao . . n-i . . u Fnniwu Hpcpasfd. on the lata minisiraior ui ii""""J - - , , . ' . . (Lrof December, 11(2, 1 will sell at public auction, on a . - .1 . . 1 . .. C I nil within creditor sir nionins, zi icraw ..... U' miles of Greensboro', on the premises, fcaid land is a rutuible estate. One-half is cleared and in good order. The other half well timbered. It includes the late resi denccof Thomas H. Fentress, deceased, and has on it one of the best UKCHAKUS in tnis oiaie, comainuijc wmc ieu the different varieties choice aDd selected fruits. The improvements are good and new. Purchasers are invited to come ana see lor tuem At the same time and place, I will sell at auction one fi1 FRCIT TREES, ready fur transplanting, and an equal quantity grafted and bud- aea loraoomer join v ii.. n i.,ra m.llMtinn nf nhoice and desirable Craj.-'-Vines' for planting. Among the large collection of t- . . . ck...iia Flnaror4 tiH Vi tip?, will be found rruii-uCTT3, .111 niij ...... . - - . - to unusual quantity ot very nne iruus, apncois, neciariDea, i. oesrs, iiiuuia, tucmca, -At the same time and plnce.i will sell all the personal es- .. 1 m 1 It t.' . , - ,1 .n'.l ... M.n Utool tne Saia inoiuasu rciimroutvu. tinuo from dav to day until all is sold. Terms made known 00 ilaj of sale. , 30S A. HOTTSTOX. Jtfmr. XoremberSft, 182. 95 td. NOTICE. By VIRTUE OF A DECREE OF THE COURT OF Equity for Wake "couuty, at the fall term, lfitil, (amended at the fall term, Wt.) I will sell in the town of Forestville, on Saturday them27th day of ftecember next, at public outcry, to the" highest bidder, a lot of four acres uf land lying iu said town of Forestville, well situated and well improved, belonging to the estate ot the late Brian Green. Also, under the same authority, I will sell at the Court House door in the town of Louisburg, on Thursday the 1st day of January, 18fi3. a tract of ten acres of land in the county of Franklin, near the land of William Harris and Dr. Crudup, and belonging to the estate of said deceased. Both the above parcels of land will be sold on a credit of six months, purchaser to give b nd wilh two approved .ureties. C. B. HARRISON, Adm'r. and Commissioner. Also, on the 1st day of January, 18t3, at Louisburg, I will sell Two Hundred and Twenty acres of land, in the Southeast comer of said county of Frauklin, adjoining the land of Capt. Crudup. Terms of sale cash or credit to suit purchaser. C. B. HARRISON. Nov. 25, 1862. - 95 6tpd. LAND FOR SALE. A VALUABLE FARM SITUATED WITHIN 2 1-2 miles of the town of Oxford, containing S20 acres, about one-half of which is in. forest growth. The soil is adapted to the usual grain crops, and grows fine manufac turing tobacco. The situation is healthy, well watered, and has a good dwelling house and other necessary build ings in gtiod repair. The terms will be made accommodating. Address R. W. LASSITER, Oxford, N. C. Nov. 11, 1802. 91 tf. A GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR REFUGEES. THE SUBSCRIBER WISHING TO REMOVE IN the country, offers for sale in the town of Chapel Hill, a large and handsome HOUSE on main street, not far from the College buildings. The lot contains fonr or more acres, with a good well, bathing house, kitchen, ne gro bouses, carriage house, barn, stables and all necessary outhouses. - Also, another lot containing about two acres, and has on it a good building, containing six rooms and all necessary outhouses. Also, thirty acres of wood land, about three miles from town. If not sold by the first of January, it will be for rent. CORNELIA MORROW. Chapel Hill, N. C Oct. i 1862. . 87 13tpd. F HORSES FOR SALE. IXE COLT, 3 YEARS OLD, (STALION,) BY M0R gan Hunter, out of an Elevator tnare. ALSO. A YOUNG GELDING, 5 years old, by Moore's Black Haw, out of thorough bred mare. Apply o WM. F. ASKEW. Saleigh, Oct 1C, 182. jj2-tt EAGLE nOTEL CHAPEL HILL.! THIS VALUABLE PROPERTY SO GENERALLY known throughout the-Southero States, in connection with , the University, and its management for twenty years - lllss Nancy Milliard, and recently by the subscriber, is ii'iw for sale on accommodating terms. So fair an oppor tunity fi,r uft adrautaguous investuieut in real estate, is rariiy preeuted. The buildings are extensive and commodious, the grounds 'I stable lols spacious and well enclosed, and the stable and outbuilding in good repair. No similar property iu t"u 1t''ur""na bas probably, during a long series ofyears, TiMded a larger return on "the outlaj. or promise in the lands of au etiicient manager fairer remuneration in future. it i offered for sale because paramount public engage ""nts will not permit the proprietor to give it the atten tion which so extensive an establishment requires, n.v 0 IL'B. GUTHRIE. October 23th, 1862. M-mpVl.. 1NOW FOR SALE. SuIG0?, AI'C11- RCM OPIUM, MORPHIA. BLUE r M". Calomel, Toilet. Soap, Arrow Root, Brimstone, B Uck?LTri?r; Cinnamon Bark, Quinine. Epsom Salts. fcck Lead, Matches, Irench Brandy. Old Port and Sherry GU.Ull. v n v . " -"''i . 931 m. A SUBSTITUTE WANTED. A i,TBE,'AL PRfCE W,LL GIVEN FOR ONE fcnTr 0M' AW'' at the Standard office. Vol. XII. , . . r . ... - . " r ' , . ' ' f. r-i . . ... J ' 1 '.' 'r ; ; .' ' -' ' :. " . . ' . .''' ' ' . RALEIGH, N. C, . FRI DAY, J)EC. 5, 1862. No, 98. COXFEDERATE STATES GOVERNMENT. pivsmurr, JEFFERSON DAVIS, t Mississippi. TICS rBCSIDIKT, - ALEX. H. STEPHENS, of Georgia. Members of the Cabinet. Jcbah P. Bkkjamik, of Louisiana, Secretary of State. -C G. MamiiKGEB, of Sonth Carolina, Sec'y of the Tres. Gcobqs W. Randolph, of Virginia, SecreUry of War. Stephbs R. Mallobt, of Florida, SecreUry of the Nayj. Job R. Reoa.. of Texas, Post Master General. Thomas H. Watts, of Alabama, Attorney General. Rob krt E. Lee, General-in-Chiet First Permaaeat Congress. ALABAMA. Wm L Yancey, Clement C Clay. - ABKAXSAS. Robert W Johnson, Chas B Mitchell. FLORIDA. A E Maxwell, James M Baker. GEORGIA. Beoj H Hill, KIXTUCXT. H C Burnett, Wm E Simms. LOUISIANA. Edward Sparrow, T J Semmes. Mississipn." Albert O Brown, James Phelan. SENATE. X1S90UBJ. John B Clark, RSY Peyton, XORTO-CAROLIIIA. George Davis, Wm T Dortcb. SOOTB-CAROLIXA. Bobt W Barnwell, James L Orr. TENNESSEE. Langdon C Haynes, Gusuvus A Henry. TEXAS. Louis T Wigfall, W S Oldham. VIRGINIA. RUT Hunter,. Wm B Preston. Total number 29. PROPERTY FOR f ALE, 4c. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE IN i CHAPEL HILL. OFFER FOB 8ALE THE LARGE BRICK DWELL ing House in Chanel Hill, known as the Hunt pre per ty, situated on the College Avenue, near the residence of Dr. Jones. . The house is of two stories, with seven rooms and six fire-places. It has been well constructed. It would be a very desirable place for a family wishing to reside in Chapel Hill, or for a private Boarding House. There is an excel lent well of water, with the usual number of out-houses. The Lot contains about four acres. This Real Estate will be offered at Public Auction, in Chapel Hill, on Thursday, the 18th of December, 1862. Terms made koown at the sale. Mr. D. Tilly, of Chapel Bill, will take pleasure in show ing the property to those who may wish to examine the same. IRA BECJCWITH. Dec. 8, 1861 87 Stpd. LAND FOR 8 ACE. I HAVE FOR SALE DETWEEN THREE HUNDRED and four hundred acres of land, lying about four miles west of Raleigh, on the Railroad. Persons who may de sires to purchase land will please apply to the undersigned. A W. W. XllAO Raleigh, Not. 1862. . ' 88 U. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. ALABAMA. NOBTfl CAB0UXA. 1. Thomas J Foster, Wm R Smith, John P Ralls, J L M Curry, Francis S Lyon, W P Chilton, David Clopton, James L Pugb, E S Dargan. ARKANSAS. Felix I Batson, Grandison D Royster, Augustus H Garland, Thus B Hanly. FLORIDA. R B Hilton, James B Hawkins. GEORGIA. Julian Hartridge, Chas J Munnerlyn, Hines Holt. Augustus H Kenan, David W Lewis, Wm W CUrk, Robt P Trippe, Lucius J Gartrell, Hardy Strickland, Augustus K Wrigbt. KESTVCCr. G W Ewing, E M Bruce, H W Bruce, Robt J Breckinridge, John M Elliott, Moore, TIenrr E Reed. T L Burnett, J S Chrisman, Geo B Hodge, LODIHIAJiA. Chas J Villere, Chas M Conrad, Duncan F Keoner, Lucien J Dupre, John F Lewis, John Perkins, Jr.. MISSISSIPPI. J. W. Clapp, Reuben Davis, Israel Welch. 11 C Chambers, O R Sirtgleton, E Barkxdale, John J SlcRae. MISSOURI. W W Cook. Thomas A Harris, Caspar W Bell, A H Conmw, Thoa W Freeman, Geo O Vest, John Hyer. DM. 2. 8. 4. 5. ft. 7. 8. . 1. 2. 8. 4. 1. S. 1. 2. .8. 4. 5. C. 7. 3. 8. 10. 1. 2. 8. 4. a. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 8. 4. 5. 6. 1. 2. 8. 4. 5. 6. 7. 1. 2. S. 4. 5. 6. 7. . 7. 8. 9. 10. 1. 2. 8. 4. 6. 6. 1. 2. 8. 4. 6. 6. 7. 8. 8. 10. 11. 1. 2. 8. 4. S. C. 1. 2. 8. 4. 5 ft. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. IS. 14. 15. 16. 1. 2. "w N H Smith. Robt R Bridgers, Owen R Kenan, T D McDowell, Thos S Ashe, Archibald H.Arrington, J R McLean, William Lander, B S Gaither, A T Davidson. SOUTH CAROLINA. John McQueen, W. Porcher Miles, L M Ayer, M L Bonbam, James Farrar,. W YV Boyce. TEKXKSSSE. J T Ueiskell, W G Swann, W H Tebbs, E L Gardenshire, H S Foote, M P Gentry, G. W Jones, Thomas Menees. J D C Adkins. JohnV Wright, David M Currin. TEXAS. John Wilcox. Claiborne C Herbert, Peter W Gray, .F B Sexton, Malcolm D Graham, Wm B Wright. VIRGINIA. M R H Garuett, John R Chambliss, James Lyons, Roger A Pry or, Thos S Bicock, John Goode. Jr., James P Uolcombe, D C DeJarnette, William Smith, Alex B Boteler, Jobu B Baldwin, Walter R Staples, Walter Preston, Albert G Jenkins, Robert Johnson, Charles W RusselL ARKANSAS. G A Garland. Jas M Patterson. Total number, 107. MISCELLANEOUS. GLUE, GLUE, GLUE, ' THE BEST IlilSII GLUE, MANUFACTURED BY THIEM & FRAPS. BALIEGH, N. C. Oct. 28, 1S62. 87 tr. MONEY FOUND. ON THE 23D OF OCTOBER, NEAR THE CENTRAL Railroad Depot, a sum of moncv, which the owner can have by describing and paying for this "drertiwmenk Apply to W. L. POMERGY. Raleigh, Nov. 11,1862. 91 t. gjUGARS, RICE AND MOLASSES FOR SALE by the hhd , barrel, or retail, for cash only, t country rTheCbi"hest prices will be paid for good apple brandy and good flour. J-W.0M.BtE, Raleigh. N. C. Oct 17, 18fi2. - BANK OF NORTH-CAROLINA. A DIVIDEND OF FOUR PER CENT. ON THE CAPI tal stock for the last six months has been declared Ibis day, payable in currency at the Principal Bank, Branch es and Airencieson the first Monday in December next., B C. DEWEY, Cashier. Raleigh, Nov. 7, 1862. 80 7 1, GRIND STONES. THE SUBSCRIBER IS PREPARED TO FURNISH Grind Stones of any size, from 18 inches to 7 feet diameter, equal "to the Nova Scotia Stones, which they re semble. They have bten tested at the Fayetteville Arse nal and Armory, and approved. Address PATRICK LINEHAM. Branch P. O., Chatham Co.. N. C. -Or JOHN MAUNDER, Raleigh, Jf. C. Nov. 11, 1862. 91 lm. A MEETING OF THR STOCKHOLDERS of the RALEIGH GAS LIGHT COMPANY" will be held on THURSDAY, 20th inat at 4 o'clock. P.M., at the Gas Office, over Williams & Haywood's Store. W. E. ANDERSON, Secretary. November 11, 1862. 81 id. TO THE MEDICAL PRpFESSION. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS IN PRESS AND WILL thortly publish a work, entitled , "Surgery for Camp, Field and Hospital.". Those disposed to become subscribers will please for w aid their names to the Author, at Raleigh, N, C. EDWARD WARREN, M. D., Surg. Gen'l of N. Carolina. November 14, 1862. ' 92 lm. COMMISSARY DEPARTMENT,! RHleigh, Nor. 24tb, 1802. J fnilE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO PURCHASE AS soon as poaaible, TEN GOOD MULES. A liberal price will be paid for them. . T. D. HOGG, Capt. C. 8. ' Nov. 25,1862. ttS 6t. SNUFF! SNUFF! I T ORILLARD'S "HIGH TOAST " SNUFF. M A Appleby s Kailroad f or sale Dy :r '. do. A. A. WILLARD. IMPORTANT SALE. TH B UNDERSIGNED, AS ADMINISTRATOR OF Hugh E. Lyon, deceased, will; on Wednesday the 10th day of December, 1862, at the dwelling house of the late Hugh E. Lyon, near Cedar Fork, expose (o publie sale SIX SLAVES, some of .them very valuable. ' Terms A credit of 12 months will be giyen, the pur chaser giving bond with approved security, before remov ing the property. Cash will be received if desired. CANNADY LOWE, Adm'r. Wake Co., N. O, Nov. 25, 1862. 48 8L GREAT SALE OF FRUIT TREES I I WILL SELL AT WEST GREEN. NURSERIES, 4 miles west of Greensborongh, on Thursday the 4th of December next, at public auction, s lot of FUU1T TREES. I have on hand two hundred thonsand choice TREES, ready for planting out this fall and winter, and am deter mined to sell. I will have trees ready for delivery at all'' times CYRUS P. MENDENHALL. t-Jf" I also have for sale a large quantity of the very best APPLE VINEGAR. Nov. 18, 1862. 93 5t. A FINE RESIDENCE AND FARM FOR SALE. I WILL SELL, IF CALLED ON SOON, MY DESI rable property, situate fire miles west of Greensboro', on Salem road. The houses are new and complete. The farming lands well fenced ; an orchard of near 100 finest fruit trees, and every convenience necessary r two hun dred and twenty-fire acres of land, one hundred and seventy-five acres well timbered, only miles fnm the N. C. Railroad, where there is a demand tor wood and sills. Any one wishing to buy, will please call and see the pro perty, or address me for further particulars, at New Gar den. N. C. - DR. FAUCETTE. Oct. 81. 1862. 88-6L PONY FOR SALE. A BOUT EIGHT YEARS OLD, PERFECTLY GEN rm. tie and a natural pacer. Apply to A. A. WILLARD. Greensboro', N.O, Nov. 28, 188. 6m. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. UNLESS tlSPOSED OF AT PRIVATE SALE, WILL be sold on the first day of January, lt3, at auction, on the prenrses at 12 o'clock, the lot situated on street immediately sonth of Lynn Adams' residence, on which is a small tenement, containing three rooms, conveniently arranged for a small family, with a good garden. This is a desirable location for a tradesman of small family, as it is near the market, and convenient to tie business part of the city. Termi favorable, and will be made known on the day of sale. JAS. M TOWLES, Agent and Auctioneer. Raleigh, Xov. 28, 1S62. 96 tf. POWDERED SUGAR. O BBLS. GOOD POWDERED SUGAR, 3 For sale by Greensboro', If. C., Noy. 21,.1862. A. WILLARD.. . 94 9m.. Wilmington & Weldon R. R. Co. 1 v ; W1LMIKOT0.T, N. C, sin Nov., 186. . THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAVE THIS DAY declared a dividend of eleven (1 1-1 W) per cent, on the unappropriated profits of the Road on and after (he 1st January next, at the office of th Treasurer. Transfer Book will be closed after 20th December. . L. H. DkROSSET, See'y. . Not. 18,1862. 93 9t. CARDS, &c H. A. BADHAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW. RALEIGH, N. C. , Ottkk Brick building near tk Court Hon. Oct. 14, 1362. 83-tf. E. II. STOKES, AUCTIONEER For the Sale of Negroes, CORNER or rRANKUV ST. AND LOCUST ALLEY, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA, Will Board Gentlemen engaged In the Trade, AND THEIR SERVANTS. September 16, 18S2. 75 6mpd. MRS. II. W. MILLER, WILL BE PREPARED ON THE FIRST OF NEXT November, to receive BOARDERS, both with and without rooms. Sept. 80, 1862. 79 tf. Register copy till forbid. MISCELLANEOUS. -I SECRETARY'S OFFICE. WiLMiKCTON A Manchester Railroad Co. Wilmington, N. C, 18th Nov., 1862. TH E FIFTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the Wilmington k Manchester Rail road Company, will be held in Wilmington, N. C, on Wednesday, the 21 h inat. The transfer books are closed until after the meeting. WM. A. WALKER, SeeV. Nov. 1, 1S62. ' 9S St. VALISE LOST. TT OST, AT GOlfteBOROUGH, A SMALL VALISE, JJ marked on both ends F. W. L. A bandwme reward will be given for its delivery at thisoffice. November 2H, 1 862. 96 1 f. PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE. A PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT IS OFFERED FOR - sale, the materials of which are nearly new. Ap ply at this office. Nov. 28, 1862. 96 If HILLSBOXO' N. C. MILITARY ACADEMY. THE FIFTH ACADEMIC YEAR OF THIS INSTI TUTION will commence on the first Wednesday ia February. 1803. For information and circulars, apply to SUP'T. B. M. ACADEMY. Uillsboro', N. C. November 28, 1862. 86 8m SALT! SALT! ! ON CONSIGNMENT. VIRGINIA AND NORTH-CAR-olina SALT, and for sale by the sack only. JAS. M. TOWLES, Agent Raleigh, Nov. 28, 1862. 9-lf. TRUNK LOST, y OST. AT THE CENTRAL DEPOT, RALEIGH, A JLi black TRUNK, brass-bound, containing three silk dresses one cherry black, one corded black, and one not made, black and red, and one likeness of my deceased child. Fifty dollars reward will be given for the return nf the trunk with its contents, and 00 questions asked. Apply at this office. W. N. ANDREWS. Nov. 11, 1862. 91 4tpd. LONG HANDLE SHOVELS. . JUST RECEIVED A SUPPLY OF THE NORTII Caroliua made SHOVELS, well made and will com pare favorably with any Northern manufacture old at tkop price only, adding for ex pent. JAS. M. TOWLES, Agt. Raleigh, Nov. 7. 1862. 90 tf. COMMITMENT, Ac COMMITTED TO THE JAIL OF WAKE COUNTY, a negro man who says bis name is WASHINGTON, and that he belongs to Capt. Williabi Smith, of the 6th regiment N. C.T., and that he now reside in Petersburg, Ya. Said boy ays tl at he was put on the cars at Salis bury, N. C. by bis master, and by some accident they be came separated, and he, the said boy, was taken up and committed as a runaway. ' Also, another negro, calling himself HENRY BROOKS; says be is free, and that he is from Wayne County, N. C, and was bound to Beoj. Herring, of said county, now dead. Said boy is a bright mulatto, about 27 years old. Notice is hereby given that the owoor or owners come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take them away, or they will be dealt with as the Taw directs. W. H. HIGH, Sheriff. , Oct, 14, 1862. S3 tf. - GROCERIES, Ad AT WHITAKER'S. October 21st, 1802. .1 1 . !,. JUST RECEIVED, ..... 1000 lbs. Wax Candles. At INDISPENSABLE WHITAKERB. Oct. 21, 1862. , : :. . . 85 BARRELS NO. 1 RICE, Oct. 21, 1862. ENERGETIC WHITAKER'S.; 83 SO BOXES TOBACCO, At Oct. 21, 18621 WHITAKER'S. 86- 12 REAMS BLOTTING PAPER. 20 CASES CLARET WINE. 2 BOXES PURE STARCH. Oct. 21. 186Z WHITAKER'S. 85 DAILY EXPECTED. 1000 LBS. STRONG FRESH SNUFF, 1000 CAKES TOILET SOAP. . At , WHITAKER'S. Oct. 21, 1862. 85 ON HAND CONSTANTLY, A FINE As sortment 0 FAMILY GROCERIES. At WHITAKER'S. Oct, 3,1802. 80 If. CANDLES. . A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF WAX CANDLES, manufactured by VESTAL & KLAPP. I ?7 Orders solicited. Graham, X. C, Oct. 21, J 862. 86 9tpd. AT WHITAKER'S, NO. 1 FAMILY FLOUR, WHITE MEAL. FRESH BUTTER, EGGS. IRISH POTATOES, SWEET -DRIED APPLES, " PEACHES, ' - PRUNES, m PLUMS. Raleigh, Noy. 21, 1862. ' 94 tf. s AUCES, At Raleigh, Nov. 21, 1862. WHITAKER'S. 94 tf. FINE CITY CARRIAGE CAN BE HAD AT ALL hours at . A. WHITAKER'S. Raleigh, Nov. 21, 1S62. 94-tf. FEW BARRELS SUGAR, ' INIMITABLE WHITAKER'S. Oct. 21, 1862. US- MISCELLANEOUS. UNIVERSITY. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE TRUSTEES OF the University will be held in the Executive Office, oa Wednesday the 10th inst, CHAS. MANLY, Sec'y. Raleigh, Dec. 2, 18''.2. 97 tt. SCO REWARD. DESERTED FROM COMPANY F. 4TH REGIMENT N. C. T., HARNETT RUDD, iio MOORE, and SANDY W. BAILEY, of Granville County, N.C. RUDD is fifty-two years of age, five feet nine inces high, grey eyes, fair complexion, active and athletic. BAILEY-is forty-one years of ag. five feet ten inches high, dark eyes, long black hair, atoopa in the shoulders, has the scar of a burn on one cheek, and frequently trick hi tetth while talking. Both have families, and as they are above the Conscript age. they have probably moved west of Granville'Coiinly. The above reward will be paid for their arrest and delivery, or f0 lor either, that they may suffer the penalty of forfeited patriotism. W. C. LANKFORD, Capt. Co. F, 47th Reg't. N. C T. Dec 1, 182. 97 2U Headquarters. Cobb's Brigade, 1 Near Fredericksburg, Va., Nov. 24th, lS'i'2. ( OFFICERS AND MEN ABSENT FROM THIS BRIG ade without leave, (including exchanged prisoners.) are hereby notified that correct lints from each Regiment re now on tile in the office of the Assistant Adjutant Gen era) ; and that such as fail to return to duty by the Krst of December, will be reported to the proper authorities to be dealt wilh according to "army regulations " By order of Brig. Gen. Cobb : J. M. BERRIEN, A. A. A. Gen. Deo. 2, 1962. 97 8t. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, ) Wil.A Man. Railroad Company, Wilmikotox, tt. C, Nov. yih, 1M2. ) TnERE BEING NO QUORUM PRESENT ON THE Viilb inst., the Stockholders of the Wilmington and Manchester Rail Road Company adjourned to meet in Wil mington, N. C, on 'Thursday, the 11 lh of December next. WM. A. WALKER, Sec y. Dec. 1,1862. 97 3t. -JUST PUBLISHED, TURNER'S X. C. ALMANAC, For 18C3. PRICE $10.00 per 1,000, $5.00 per 100, $1.00 per dozen, and 15 cents per single copy. FOR SALE wholesale and retail, by HENRY 0. TURNER, . N. C. Bookstore. Raleigh, Dec 1, 1862. 97 St. Office Wilmington Sc Weldoa R. R. Co., I Wilmisotox, N. O., Nov. XOth. 1862. f THE ADJOURNED MEETING OF THE STOCK holders of the Wilmington A Weldon Railroad Com pany, will be held on the 4th day of December next, at Wilmington. S. D. WALLACE, . Pret't pro tern. Not. 25, 1862. ' 95 Ct. ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT, Raleigh, Nor. 10th, 1802. f THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO CONTRACT for the manufacture of looo Knapsacks, samples of which to be exhibited at this office, for inspection. T. D. HOGG, Capt. and C. S. in charge of Ordnance. Raleigh, Nov. 21, 1862. 94 tf. CONFEDERATE 8TATES ARMORY,) Wilmington, N. C, Nor. 20th, 1802. f THIS ARMORY WILL COMMENCE TO WORK again from this date. All Blacksmiths having been in our employ are wanted immediately. Finishers will commence 00 Thursday the 27 lb of this month. L. FROELICH. Nov. 24,1862. 95 St. FURNITURE-CARPETS. 1H AYE FOR SALE ONE SETT MOHAIR BLACK Walnut Parlor Furniture, consisting of 1 MARBLE SLAB CENTRE TABLE; 2 SOFAS; 1 LARGE ARM CHAIR; 0 PARIjOR CHAIRS, (Spring-bottom:) 1 SETT QUARTETTES; 2 TAPESTRY CARPETS, made for rooms about 16 feet square. THOS. J. MITCHELL. Graham, N. C Noy. 18, lSS. 83 4tpd. Office of Snrg. Gen. of N. C, I NovENBrir 12, 1S62. f THE FOLLOWING ARTI0LES ARE REQUIRED FOR our sick and wounded soldiers : Shoes, Sock, Huts, Coats, Pants, Drawers, . Leather, tthoe Thread, Lasts, (from No. 6 to No. 12 inclusive.) Battoas, Cotton Cloth, -Flannel, Potatoes, Brandy, Batter, ( . . Eggs, ac. Ac - Proposals will be received at this office for a proper sup. ply of tbem. Those able aid willing to eontiibuie, will Jilease address the undersigned. Transportation will be urnisbed, if necessary, by the government. - - EDWARD WARREN, . " Surg. Gen. of N. C. Noy. 18,1862. . .. 92 "lm ' The Fayetteville Observer, Charlotte Bulletin and Asbe ville News are requested to copy for one month, and send their accounts to this office. THE DAILY PROGRESS THE DAILY PROGRESS THE DAILY PROGRESS 1 BY TELEGRAPH BY TELEGRAPH " ' ' -' ' BY TELEGRAPH FROM EVERY POINT ' FROM EVERY POINT FROM EVERY POINT IN THE CONFEDERACY IN THE CONFEDERACY. IN THE CONFEDERACY, And Is nailed to subscribers at $1 for one month, $2.50 for three months, $4 for six months aad $6 for twelve months, and sold by newsboy everywhere. Agents will bo supplied at $3 per hundred. It Is published at Raleigh. N. C. by the Edi tor and Proprietor ot the original DAILY PRO GRESS, established at Newbera ia 1858. It is independent in all things, belongs to bo party, aad is a lire newspaper. No attention paid to orders unless accompa nied by money. Address J. L. PENNINGTON, - ' Editor and Proprietor, Raleigh, N.C. Nor. 14 1862. ?2-w4sw8t, ' JAlENDA.R FOR 1862. Vf 'rn,rJ' ' 11" 11 wsfWHry Tram.- j saRaaasWsasaSBMsj . ' !-:-V?!ilS.Hh:" Si H Sit i rt t . . - . . . K ; ... J ' . .1 i '''.''''')' .1 ' '' JA'v, .. .. 1 8 4 6jJ(TLT, .-. 1 2 846 8 ... 1 1 0 7 8 9T011123 ' 7 8.81011121 'H '' - nil imciirleiol . ' 11 iririmo ,n on . I I; . lw IJ1VI,H u An IXIllO I1U II J IOIIVWV I M21i22 23 24i26I. ' pi 22B324te5B6r5T - l . . WBSS 29 30 31 .Jt I 8 2'9 30Slt.i X. " v f i r Fib't, ... .. 1 21 Ano:, ; 1 9 - " - f , ! 8 4 5 '6 7 8 9 r 4 6 6 7 8 10 i " '.'-I''- 10111213141516 V ' 11 12 18 14 15 16 IT fl ' - 17181920212223 V" ' 18192021 29J3 24. "V f 242526728.. V' 252627282980 81' 4 March. i! A . - -'.r :y !, 8 4 6 6 7 8 9St3L 1 2 8 4 5 T 10111218141516 IS 910111218,14 " " ' ", , .17 18 19 20 2122 23 ' f516 17 18 19 2) 11 ' - -A ' 2425 26 27 28129 30 2225 24 25 26 27 1 - ; ' 2980V-. j . Atril, ...1 2 8 4 6 6 Oct., .. .. T2 8 4 5 " .. , . 7 8 910111213 6 7 8 110 1114 -. 1415 10 17 18 19 20 1314 1516?7l8l i' 2122 23242526 27 2021 22,23 24 tsifc' Jj-- , po ,o ... .. . , . . B'Hop nOBl . . . . ;, J1AT, ...... I 2 o "or., .... ...... 1 2 . 6 6 7 8 91011 1 8 4 5 6 7 8 , ' ' 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 f 1011121841518 ? '.! 1920212223 2425 1718 1920tal22a 262728293081 .. 2425 2627282980 Jm, 1 ' ' 2 8 4 5 6 7 8'Da, 1 S 8 4j 5 -T 9101112181415 8 9 10 11 1713 14 J ;' 16171819,202122 . 15 16 17118 192oj91" . " ' " 282425 26,272829 23'23 24 25 26 27L88 80r..l.....-'. 2,.:303ll..l TRACTS FOR SOLDliljlS, 4a y , : , ' , I 1 r 'HAS THE HEWS DAS THE NEWS UAS THE NEWS AND MAIL AN0 MAIL AMI MAIL BY THE GOTERNOR OP NORTH-CAROLINA. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS, IN ORDER TO STOP, IP POSSIBLE, the wicked system of speculation which is blight ing the land, and prerent the production of famine and distress iu the midst of plenty, the Legislature of North Carolina, by joint resolution thereof, ratified on the 22d day of this month. (November,) bare authorized me to lay n embargo upon the exportation from the State of certain articles of prime necessity, except to certain persons and for certain purposes: Now, therefore, I, ZEBUL0N B. VANCE, Governor of the State of North-Carolina, do issue this my proclama tion, forbidding all persons, for the space of thirty days from the date hereof, irom carrying bejond the limits oi the State any salt, bacon, pork, beef, corn, meal, flour, po tatoes, shoes, leather, hides, cotton cloth, and yarn and woolen cloth. The following persons are alone to be ex empted from this prohibit'on, yii : All Quartermasters and Commissaries, Agents of tho Confederate Government and of any State of the Confeder acy, exhibiting proper evidence of their official character ; also all Agents of any county, district, town or corporation of other States, who shall exhibit satisfactory proof of their authority to purchase such articles in behalf of such town, county, district or corporation for public uses, or for distribution at cost snd transportation, and not for re-sale r profit; also all persons who may make oath before the nearest Justice 11 f the Peace that the articles purchased are for their own private use, and not for re-sale before they are removed ; also allpersons, non residents, who may have bought such articles before the date hereof. The excep tion is to extend to salt made by non-residents on the sea coast and in their own works, and to cargoes entering any of our ports from abroad. Any of said articles that-may be stopped in. tratuita from our borders are to be confiscated to the nse of the State. J-n-Until rurtber order the Colonels of Militia, in the different counties, are enjoined to see that this proclama tion is enforced. Kot intending or desiring to prevent the people of our sister States from sharing with our own citizens whatever we caa spare, but to repress speculation so far as may be possible, I earnestly appeal to all good citizens to aid and sustain me in the enforcement of this proclamation for the common good. , ) . In witness whe'eof, Zebolok B VAKca.Oover L. Jnor, Captain General, and Commander-in-Chief, bath signed these presents, and caused the great seal of toe State to be affixed. Done at our City of Raleigh, Ibis 2th day of November, A. D., 1862, and in the rear of our Independence the 87th. ,v Z. B. VANCE. By the Governor: R. 11. Battle, Privat Secretary, Raleigh, Nov. 28th, 1862. 96 2t lT All papers in the State will copy twice. Publications of the General Tract Ageaer, ALBIQB, X. C. ' I APPROVED BY ALL THE PASTORS OF THIS CITY. I . 'TRACTS or FOUR FA6ES. A Voice from Heaven, Don't Put it Off. Self-Dedieatioa ' to God, Private Devotion, The All-Sufficiency of Christ, ' The Act of Faith, Motives to Early Piety, The Sentinel, Are . Too Prepared f Prepare to Meet tby God, An Appeal to the Young, by Rev. James McGready,.Come and Rest, by Rev. J. C. Ryle, The New Year, The Great Gathering, Lv. est Tbon Me, The French Soldier, Are You Ready. The Life-Preserver, The Precious- Blood of Christ, or How a Soldier was Saved, My Spirit shall not Always Strive, by Rev. J. U Fowles, The Improvident Traveler, by Rer. Wm. J. Hogc. 0. D., Soldiers Conquer Yonr Great Eat. my, by Prof W. H. Owen, Where are the Christiana in the Army f bv a lady of N. C, Who will Show us any Good f by Rev. Wm. J. Hoge, D. D., What Wilt Thou That I Should Do Unto Tbee? by Rev. Wm. J. Hore, D. D., What Can I Do? by Rev. T. V. Moore, D. D., Sonahiae by Rev. P. B. Price, The Sinner and the Savioar, Gospel Showers, by Rev. J. C: Hiden, To a Christian in tbe Army, bv Rev. T. V. Moore, D. D., Liquor, Ac, by a Pbysiaiaa, Where are You Going f Do Yon want a Friend f TRACTS OV EIGHT PAGES- Casting Our Borden on tbe Lord, by Rev. Jos, M. Atkin- son. The Soldier, A Mother's Parting Words to her HoU . dier Boy. Individual Effort, Christ in You, bv Rev. C. F. Deems, D. D., Christ's Gracious Invitation. Why Will Ye Die ? by Rev. A. M. -Poindexter, D. D., Don't Swear, bv Rev. J. B. Jeter, D. D., A Living Oracle, by Rev. L. W. Seeley, D. D., Advice to Soldiers, by Rer. Wm. Rorat. Shiloh. by Rev. J. L. Burrows, D D., In Camp, by Rev. Wm. F. Broadus, D. D., Sufferings of tbe Losi, by Rer. i. H. Martin, The Sick and the Physician, by Rev. J. C. Long. TRACTS OF SIXTEI1C PAGES. Your Soul Is It Safe? Call to Prayer, by Key. J. C. , Ryle, Tbe Great Day of Wrath and ot Glory, by Rev. Jao. 8. Long, The Centurion, by Rer. Thos. K. Skinner, God the Giver of Victory and Peace, by Rev. Jos. M. Atkinson. TRACTS OP THIRTT-TWO PAGES. : Come to Jesus, bv N. Hall, The Bible or Atheism, by 3. . Randolph Tucker, Esq., The Soldier's Pocket Bible. Tbe Soldier's Text Book, by Rev. J. R. Macduff, D. D., 48 pages ; Hymns for tbe Camp, 128 pages. Each dollar given sends out 1500 pages to our noble if fenders free of freight. Since Jane 1st, 1861, we have sent out of the above 17,540,420 pages. WM. J. W. CROWDER, Agent. P. S. We are also binding 25,000 copies of the Teata ment and Testament and Psalms, printed by the Bible So ciety of tne Confederate States. . , Raleigh, Oct. It, 1862. - 88 tf. APPRICATI0NS TO THE LEGISLATURE. APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO THE next Genera) Assembly of North-Carolina, fora Char ter fur the Xantabala Mining Company. Oct. 81. 1862. " 88-lm. APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO THE next General Assembly of North-Carolina, for a Char ter for the Mucon County Mining Cumpany. Oct. 81. 132. ' 83-afm. APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO THE . , uelt General Assembly of, for a Char ter for the Franklin Miuing and Manufacturing Company. Oct. 51, 1SC2. ' 88 lm. APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO THE next General Assembly of North-Carolina, for a Char ter for tbe Tuckasege Miuing Company. Opt. 81, 1862. J 88-lm. APPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO THE next Legislature of North-Carolina to incorporate tieatavilla Female Seminary in Davidson County, N. C. Oct. 28, I jti2. . fef-Stpd. MAYOR'S OFFICE, ( Ralelsh, N. C, Oct. , 1862. i A PPLICATION WILL BE MADE TO THE NEXT General Assembly to amend tbe CHARTER of tbe Citv ot Raleigh, tfct. W. latii 82 lm.. NOTICES, Ac. NOTICE. I WILL PAY THE H1GUEST MARKET PRICE FOR Fodder, Oals or Har, delivered at my Stables, (former ly Clayton's,) Raleigh, N. C, opposite Market Square. J. B. FRANKLIN. OcV81,l62. . 88 lm. NOTICE. r p AKEN FROM A MULATTO BOY ON THE 11TH ATJ X gust, a Sorrel Mare, star in forehead, white hind feet, white spot on left shoulder, and foretop cnt off. The own er will please come forward, prove orooertv. nav charges. Ac. JOHX SHURMAN. Oxford, Granville, N. C. Angnst 20th, 1862. 63 tf NOTICE. THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING QUALIFIED AS AD ministratrix. with tbe will annexed, of the late Seth B. Jones, of the County of Wake, desires all persons bay ing claims against the estate to 1 resent them for payment, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their lecoveiy. All those indebted, will be expected to make speedy payment. - Dr. E. A. Crudup is my authorized as-ent to transact all business pertaining- to said estate. Letters addressed 1 0 me at Kolesvme, Wake County, will receive prompt at ten tion. SARAH S. JONES, Administratrix. Wake Co., K. C, Aug. 26, 1862. 69 8m. WANTS, &c NEGROES WANTED. THE SUBSCRIBER IS AGAIN IN THE MARKET as a purchaser of negroes of both sexes and different ages. Persons having slarento sell are invited to give me a call. 1 will pay the highest market prices in cash. When absent from Raleigb, application may be made to L. T. Clavton. 1 J. STERNE. Raleigh. Sept. 6, 1862. 72 Smpd. TANNER WANTED. AN EXPERIENCED TANNER CAN FIND CON stant employment and good wages, by applying im mediately In person or by letter to D. McD. LINDSEY. Raleigh, N. C. Or H. C LIGON, Forestville, N. C. -, Good reference required. ' , Nov. 24, 1S62. 95 tf. WANTED TO HIRE. I WISH TO HIRE FOR THE NEXT YEAR FOUR field hands and two female house servants, for which I will pay a fair price. Address me at Lewisville, Forsyth County, N.C. W. B. STIPE. Lewisville, N.C, Nov. 11, 1862-. 91 6t. WANTED AT THE GRANGER HOUSE, Goldsborough. N. C, fr tlie ensuing year,eigb t No. 1 DINING ROOM SERVANTS, for which a liberal price will be paid. Persons having such setvaots to hire will do well to maks early application. . T. A. GRANGER, Per C L. McNIDER. Goldsboro,,N.C,,1862. 94-lm.- INSURANCE COMPANIES. N. C. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. AT the Annual Meeting of tbe North-Carolina Mutual Fire Insurance Company, held on the 14th of Janaa- ' ry, tbe following persons were elected Directors snd Offi cers lor the ensuing venr : DIRECTORS: ' n". Henry D. Turner, Raleigh. J. R. Williams, " . - . T. H. Selby, C. W. D. Hnlchings, Kemp P. Battle, - George Little, " . ' . ' ' James M. Towlea, - James E. Hoy t, Washington. V. ¬ Alex. Mitchell, Newbern, ' . ' - Joshua G. Wright, Wilmington.' . -John M. Joces, Edenton. ' Geo. W. Charles, Elizabeth City. . ( Jos. Ramsay, Plymouth. !.'r, J. W. Harrell, Murfreesboro'. " ' H. B. Williams, Charlotte. Samuel Watkins, Milton. . . . A. W. Steel, Fayetteville. .:..' Joseph White, Anson County. Josh. Bonner, Salem. t .. . A. T. Snrortly, Asheville. ' ' OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. . T. 'H. Selby, Prerident. j H. D. Turner, Vice Prerident. j John H. Bryan, Attorney. - Hamden S. Smith, Secretary and Treotur?. T. H. Selby, eroJicio, ) . - John R. Williams, Ex. Committee. C. W. D. Hutebings. J ' i This Company has been in snccessful operation over IS years, and continues to take risks npon all classes of prop- ' erty in the State, (except Steam Mills and Turpentine Dis-' tilleries,) npon favorable Terms Its Policies now cover property amounting to nearly $4,000,000, a large portion ef : which is in country riskt; and its present capital is over . . four hundred thousand dollars, in bonds, properly secured. . All communications in reference to insurance should be addressed to the Secretary, post-paid. HAMDEN S. SMITH, . Raleigh, Jan. 18,1862. 8 GREENSBOROUGH MUTUAL INSURANCB COMPANY. Fays all Losses Promptly I DIRECTORS: Jobn A. Mebane, Cyrus P. MendenbalL David P. Weir, James M. Garrett, T. M. Jones, N. H. D. Wilson, David Mo- -Knight, M. S. Sherwood, Jed. U. Lm I say, R. M. Sloan, v C. G. Yates, R. Sterling, Wm. Barringer, Greensborough ; Alexander Miller, Newbern ; Dr. W. C. Ramsey, Wadea sorongh; W. A. Wright, Wilmington; Rev. R. C. May nard, Franklinton ; E. F. Watson, Watsonville ; A. J. York Concord; B. Craven, Trinity-College. ' . or r icees : N. H. D. WILSON, - . President, JED. H. LINDSAY,-' - - Vice President. . '. ' " " JOHN A. GILMER, - Attorney..- PETER ADAMS, - .Secretary and Treasarsr. . N. H. D. WILSON, 1 . CO.-YATES, V Executive Committee. .' J. M. GARRE'lT, J All sommnnications on bminess of the office shenld bo ' directed to PETER ADAMS, Secret ary, . . ; Greeaaberongh. ;. April 25, 1862. , 8-ly. . ,JV . . NORTH-CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSU-- RANCE COMPANY. Orrics Raleios, N. C! .' THIS COMPANY TAKES RISKS UPON ALL r; healthy lives between tbe ages of 14 and (0 years . for one year, for seven years, or for life the attvrerr for ' Uft participating in the profits of the Company. Slaves, 1 between the ages of 10 and 60 years, are insured for osa year or five years for two-thirds their market value. All losses paid within 90 days after satisfactory proof M presented. i;ittft;iunvs (uu law aim 1001. Chas. E. Johjcso. W. W. Holsrx, Qukxtes Bessss, - H. W. Hosted, . W. IL'McKek, Eteraro Hall, R. H W. 8. Masow, W. H. Josss, - JC. P. Battlr, J. G. Williams, C. B. Root, P. P. l'BSCTO, 1 Battlr. OFFICERS'. Chas. E. Jobksoit, President, . W, W. Holdrx, Vice President, H. W. Hcsted. Attorney, W. H." Joxxs, Treasurer, ' R. H. Battle, Secretary, W. H. McKss, Med. Examiner. C. B. Root, 1 . . " Q. B trsB ia, ' Ez. Com. ; W. H. McKsa, ) tar fnrthrr information the publie is referred ta the pamphlets and forms oi proposal, which ebtainesV at the-office of the Company or say of ito Agencies. Address. R. B. BATTLE, .. Raleigh; Jan. 8, 1864". Secretary. -iy. SPLENDID GREEN TEA. 1 ONE CHEST OF 80 POUNDS, SUPERIOR QUALITY and flavored GREEN TEA. For sale at - PSCUDS DRUG 8T0RB. Raleigh, Sept. 12, 1862. ' 74 tf. ' ?