Newspaper Page Text
iL h A Vo pROPBIBTOIU - j.nce. ttiv ' Dollar Wf 1?'? ntf THE SESr."1" , . - riably I" d!?.r; i t)U nir ott,fcr4 ' -,:v:- -:-.-; ntV:,v:..JMr;:-,;V.,- L ' - . 1 V'b. e- ' -. -. : r,,-, .-. 1 J 8 4 WOT, . . , 1 8 4 C - ' ' - - 11 1 91011193",, 7 8 I;' - - ' - ' ' v ' " ' " i i ii. Mi -' I'" i ' 7 ... . . . 8 4 5 6 7 8 9 TA 6 6 7 8 9ld ...... -. V - - - . - ' ,- t,-f : , - ;'-"---.:'L2.-1!l ':T -V.; ! 10 11 12 18 H 15 16 r 11 12 18 14 15 16 ir Z4' ' - .-TTTmi-WeeVlT Standard. 1' iesof edrt.?M V $l oo reg" ... lines or 85 sauarc,v . inwrtioo. - mentsinproportwn. -- - - TO be made "!" r.t the el. of . P.rn. not exceeding five lines. at or. buf u!T; Wwkly or Semi-weeny, .or f ''.Mh. or IW :v: "t.alTe months id in - . i. twelve mon.tbs; or in uwu. six mo '""7,- nntha. or i f.,,10frrs'' . . ia ii r f iv U0 ,- , l' . .-77n Weekly Stanaara. of Advert i tes oi " ... ,hR 6rat insertion, natwB..y- sua - ni. adcrtuemenU, ?"lmmi.ZM be OnlV limits namDer o-no, othcr. namtr of Jnsertion. is not WLlSSemw it inserted until forbid. .entusbymailUatourTisE. rR.0PEB.TY FOR SALE, a iLTLAVpSFORSE IN DAVIE tract contams M m theln .to. lS00 acres iadjmmD .each otwr y u 1 OT 'TweU adapted to the raising of K'nnnd. ntrv, and weii aL!u' . , nrchase. can irono iw Any person w.shmg to imreta K to ime, an d call to see me or . jirjST. VT tf. '2. 182. lDlOR SALE On kRENT.t ,stt TO SELL U -i .fw; residence of Greensborough. The lol nHininS 8. S. A. B"?n. i p. " fcr . faIBiiT residence. comioriauic '"r. J r ...Li. in.itnrf with all necessary 4. 'early application desired by L. D. OEKELL. 97 8t 6. 6. 7. 8.' . 1. S. s. 4. 1. 8. :. 2, 1S2. nE-! nv LAND FOR SALE. ich is cleared, wdicd P"u; ,T,atlhA ; the immediate heat, corn ana u, -""--"-r- The boltom 1. 8. .t,on an "Tereee" nb stBbIes umber houi, ic. negroes, with . corn enoa, , . . 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 1. 8. ;are lour i. .u . norchaser. Ith. nlanution can do 'so by eali ..f f.irldcr. WDICD 1 win mau r . - one wi T f.. .,r.-,n ihe nremises. and will ion Mrs. Renn For further particulars, ad- nleasure in snowing n-. r l . . u.. Wmrrpn C.ounlT. 3 V. me, at Sianson r".'"! ,7.v it JONKS. M Do lm. v. 25,1862. Estate for Sale near Greensboro', N. ft. 7. ft. 9. OS bnThrPVme, Said land a i fp,tatc One-half is cleared and in cpod order. mner half weU timbered. It includes the late res. "of Tbo mas U. Fentress, deceased, and has on it one I hJ ORCHARDS in this State, some ten ld fruit-bearing trees of the different nU lruu orarii imnroremerfts are good 10. 1. 8. S. 4. 5. 6. aud u..o. - r , fl.rth.ra. new. Purchasers are invueu j s. L same time and PL" ffiT TREES'reS? ...j .,...,cnrt choice erafled FRUIT TBfcba. ,reaay VhS a W collection ot choice and desirable nSqcantitv of rery fine, apneots, necur.nes, fcC5iSd1e. I will sell a)Hbe personal ea of the said Thomas U Fentress, dee'd. baU to con ffrom d" to day until all is sold. Terms made known aj of sale. jQg A HOtjSTON. Jf mr. jrember 2 1862. ' T VIRTUE 0FSto THB COURT OF Equity tor Wase county, at - - --i ended at the fall term. ISfi'O I will sen in the town of itvUe, on Saturday tbe a7lh day of December next, uolic olucrf. to the highest bidder, a lot oNbnrjcrea nd King m said town of Forestv.lle, well '" improved, belongiog to the estate of the late Brian Uo. under the same authority, I will sell at the Court w door in the town of Louisburg, on Thursdar the 1st of January. 133. a tract of ten acres of land in the ity of Franklin, near tbe land oi nniiam C?udup, and belonging to the estate f ndf" oth the above parcels of land will be sold on a credit ix monthspurchaser to Kive "r'soJ 'UtS ' Adm'r. and Commissioner, lso, on the 1st day or January, 1863, at Lonisburg, I sell Two Hundred and Twenty acres of land, in the theast corner of said couuty of Franklin, adjoining the 1 of Capt. Orudup. . - eras of sale cash or credit to 8ult'cPaBl:hrtISQN. ov.25.lS62. ' 95-6lpd- LAND FOR SALE. VALUABLE FARM SITUATED WITHIN 2 1-2 i miles of the town of Oxford, containing 20 acres, ntoue-halfof which is in forest growth. The soil is pied to the usunl grin crops, and grows fine manulac-. ng tobacco. The situation- is healthy, well w'erd, has a good dwelling house and other necessary build i in good repair. lie terms will be made accommodating. - Address R wf LASSITEB, - Oxford, N. C. W.n isr.. "1 ' GOOD OPPORTUNITY FOR REFUGEES. HE SUBSCRIBER WISHING TO REMOVE IN . ihe country, offers for sale in the town of Chapel 1, a laree and handsome HOUSE on main street not from tbe College buildings. The lot contains four or re acres, with a good well, bathing house, kitchen, ne- houses, carriage house, barn, stables aud all necessary houses. . i! nnnthpr lot containing abont two acres, and has on- i gtKid building, containing six roome and all necessary houses. Uso, thirty acres of .wood land, about three miles trom ?n. - f not sold by the first of January, it will be for rent WORN ELI A MORROW. Jhapel Hill, N. C, Oct 88,' 1862. 87 18tpd. HORSES FOR SALE. MSE COLT, 3 YEARS OLD, (STAL10N.) BY M0R . can Hunter, out of an Elevator mare. ALSO. A YOUNG GELDING, 5 years old, by Moore's Black aw, out of thorough bred mare. Apply to WM. F. ASKEW. Ualeigb, Oct 1C, 1S2. - 82 tf- EAGLE HOTEL CHAPEL II ILL. . - rlllS VALUABLE PROPERTY SO GENERALLY known throutrhunt the Southern States, in connection iih the University, and its management fir twenty years 'y Miss Nancy Hil'liard, and recently by the subscriber, ia w nir sale on accommodating terms. Wir an oppor- 'inny ior an advantageous investment in real 'estate, is rarely presented. . - The buildings are extensive and eommodions, tbe grounds il stable lots gpacions t 'd well enclosed, and tbe stable ud outbuildings in good repair. No similar property in Wth C'amlina has probably, during a long series ef years, gelded a larger return on ihe outlays, or promises in the nd of u efficient manager fairer remniieration in fnture. It i' offered for sale because pirainoimt public engage rents will not nermit the nronrit-tor l irive it the atlen- nuiwi so extensive an cstaoiisnuieivt rromn-.. I II II 1ITTI U. GUTHRIE. October 28lh, 1802. 87 13tpd. NOW FOU SALE. . 1XDIG0. ALUM. GUM-OPIUM, MORPHIA,' BLUE Mass, Calomel, Toilet Soap, Arrow Root, Brimstone, '-'naninr Tartar, CimiHimm Bark, "Quinine, Epsom Salts, -Jlck Lead, Matches, French Bnmdv, Old Port and Sherry "ne. K. RIB UUTUyiSUS. Charlotte, K. C, Not. 13, 1862. 98 lm. A SUBSTITUTE WANTED. A LIBERAL PRICE WILL BE GIVEN FOR ONE over 4f. years old. Apply at the Standard office, S.I.'O, Utii T8 tf. CONFEDERATE STATES GOVERN9IEIfT. rkCSIDDTf, ' ; JEFFERSON D A VI3,f Mississippi. TIC I r3IDNT,- ' : ALEX. H. STEPHEN of Oeorjrt. ' Members ot tk CabiaeU. Junin P BiswHW, of Louisiana, Secreisry of SUt. ' r G Mmmhiger, of Sonth Csrolina, Sec'y of th Tru S- STI5t..M. of Virginia. BeereUrr of War. SraPaV-. r! Mallort, of Florida.uSecr.Ury of ft. N.yj JoS Rso. of Texaa. Post Martw GeneraU . Thomas H. Watts, of AlabamV Attorney (JenaraL Kobbbt E. Las, General-in-Chief. First Permanent Congress. - .SENATE. ALABAMA. Win L Yancey, Clement C Clay. -: ASKAiraAS: Robert W Johnson, Chan B Mitchell. FLORIDA. A E Maxwell, James M Baker. - OIOEOIA. ,' . " Benj H Hill, KBNTOCKT. H C Burnett, Wm E Simms. . LOUISIANA. Edward Sparrow, T J Semmes. MISSISSIPPI. Albert G Brown, Jamrs Fhelan. ansaocu. John B Clark, BUY Peyton, HOBTH-CABOUXA. Gedrfte Davis, Wm T Dortch. - SOUTH-CAROLIKA. Robt W Barnwell, James L Orr. TB!)MESSBBi Langdon C Haynea, . GuauTU A Henry. TEXAS. LouU T Wigfall, W S Oldham. TIBOINIA. . BUT Hunter, Wm B Preston. Total number 28. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Alabama. hobth carolika. DitU 1. Thomas J Foster, 1. WNHSnntb, Wm K Hmith, John P Ralls, 8. 3. 4. a. . 7. 8. 9. 10. Robt R Bridgers, Owen R 'Kenan, . T D McDowell, Thos S'Ashe, Archibald H. Arlington, J R McLean, William Lander, B 3 Gaitber, A T Davidson. SOUTH CAROLINA. John McQueen, W. Porcher Miles, L M Ayerf . M L Bonbam, James Farrar, . W W Borce. TRKNESSK. J T Ueiskell, W G Swann, W H Tebbs, - -E L Gardenshire, H 8 Foote, M P Gentry, G. W Jones, Thomas Menees. J D C Adkins. John V Wright, David M Currin. tsxas. John Wilcox, Claiborne C Herbert, Peter W Gray, -F B Sexton. J L M Curry, Francis S Lyon, W P Chilton, David Clopton, James L Pugh, E S Dargan. ARKANSAS. . Pelix I Batson, Grandiaon D Royster, 1. Augustus H Garland, 8. Thus R Hsnly. FLORIDA. RB Hilton, 6- James B Dawkina. 6. . GEORGIA. Julian Hartridge, 1. Clias J Munnerlyn, 8. Hiues Holt. S. Augustus H Kenan, 4. David W Lewis, 6. Wm W Clark, . Robt P Trinne, 7- Loci us J Gartrell, . Hardy Stiickland. 9. Auguatna R Wright 10. KSNTOCKT. 11 G W Ewing, E M Bruce, . H W Brae, . s- Robt J Breckinridge, 8. . 4. 5. John M Elliott, 4. Moore, 6. Henrv E Reed, 6. Malcolm D Graham, Wm B WrighV TincixiA. MRU Garnett, John R Chambliss, James Lyon; Roger A Pryor, Thus S Bocock, John Goode, Jr., Jamea P Holeombe, D C DeJarnette, William Smith, Alex R Boleler, Jnbn B Baldwin, Walter R Staples, T L Burnett, J S Chrisman, 1. Geo B Hodge, 8. LOUISIANA. 8- Chas J Viliere, Chas M Conrad, 6- Duncan F Kenner, ft. LucienJ Dupre, " 7. John F Lewia, . - 8. John Perkins Jr. MISSISSIPPI. o. 1. 8. J. W. Clapp, 11" Reuben Davis, 18 Israel Welch. IS- 8. 4. 5. Walter Preston, . Albert G Jenkins Robert Johnson, Charles W RusselL ARKANSAS. - 0 A Garland. Jas M Patterson. Total number, 107. H C Chambers, 14. O R Sindeton. IS- 6. 7. E Barkdale. " 1 John J McRie. MISSOURI. I W W Cook. 8- 1. 8. ' S. 4. S. Thomas A Harris, Caspar W Bell, A H Conrow, Thos W Freeman, 6. 7. Geo G Vest, .John Ilyer. MISCELLANEOUS. G LUE, GLUE, GLUE, . THE BEST IRISH GLUE, MANUFACTURED BY THIEM & FRAPS. BALIEGH. N. C. Oct 18, 1862. . 87 tf. SUGARS, RICE AND MOLASSES FOR SALE . by tbe hhd , barrel, or retail, for cash only, or country PTt.Tighestprieeswill be paid for good apple brandy Raleigh. N. C. Oct 17, 1862. . flif' GRIND STONES. mHE SUBSCRIBER IS PREPARED TO FTONISH 'I' nlVc, r .T aiu. from 18 inches to 7 fret dUmeteVui Tto The TNov. Scoti -Weh j amble. They have been tested at tbe Fayetteville Arae- "AesT0ry,DdPPro,pATRIGK LINEHAM. tSFen Branch P. , Chatham Co.. N. C. Or JOHN MAUNDER. Raleigh. N. C, Not. 11,1869... 81-1 mV ORDNANCE DEPARTMENT, I Raleieh. Not. 19th, 1802. f ' J! r, TTv-rvroctMvn WISHES TO CONTRACT IB1UA y.iiuiJ. -- . - M. for the manufacture of 1000 Knapsacks, samples of which to be exhibited-al this omce, nrr insp.."-. A. A, uvuu, Capt and C. S. in charge of Ordnance. Raleigh, Nor. 91, 1868. rr - Headqnarters, Cobb's Brigade, 1 If.,. FaEDBBICKSBOBO: V A., Nov. 2tth, 18S2. S OFFICERS ABO MEN ABSENT FROM THIS BRIG W ade without leave, (including exchanged prisoners.) are hereby notified that correct lists from each Regiment " " " - i .k. nf th. Assistant AdiuUut Gen are now w uio uo , , -fl . era! : and that such as fail to return to duty by the firat of December, will be reported to me proper ..uuunw dealt with according to - army regnUtiona By order of Brig. Gen. Cobb: BERRIEN, A. A. A. Gen. Dec 8, 1868. 7 t TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION. THE UNDERSIGNED HAS IN PRESS AND WILL shortly publish a work, entitled Surgery for Camp, Field and Hospital." . Those disposed to become subscribers will please for aid " ' . . ... . r. w k 111 EDWARD WARREN. M. . Surg. Gen'l oi N. Carolina. 98 lm. November 14, 1862. C03IMISSARY DEPARTMENT,! Raleigh, Not. 24th, 1802.. f THE UNDERSIGNED WISHES TO PURCHASE AS soon as possible, TEN GOOD MULES. A libersl price will be, paid for them. a K . T. D. HOGG, Cspt 0- 8. . Not. 85. 1868. .95 6U SNUFF I SNUFF 1 1 , ar ORlLLARLva -uiun ivAai djuk. 3lA Appleby's -Railroad " do. or sale by . A. A. WILLARD. POWDERED SUGAR. 3BBLS. GOOD POWDERED SUGAR. For sale by A- Greensboro', N. C, Not. 81, 1862. WILLARD. 94 8m. Wltmin.tnB & Weldon R. K. uo., i ,' ? ' . Wilminotok. N. C 8th Not., 1668. . I THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS HAVE THIS DAY. declared a dividend of eleven fll-100) per cent on the unappropriated profits of tbe Road on and after the 1st January next, at tbe office of the Treasurer. Transfer Not. 18, 1169. " . . . . 'T9' ;- . - PROPERTY. FOR SALS, , : , , - tiia I TALUABLE REAIr ESTATE FOU 8AXE W - AT WHITAKER'S. ' . A'.. ' . .. HAS THSKEWS ; ' .. .A J .. U AL7I' CHAPEL HILL ' . . - " . A :, f V "ll - V, ' ' " -"HAS THS KKWS- v " r 8 6 U 8 9 SkwJ 1 6 f-,i - OFFER FOR -SALE THE LABOE BRICK DWELL- J - Ortl I.t. IMS.' -'''I- v i-i : 1 ' f ' -HAS THS WS ' ' 10 11 1218U15X6 g a lolll IS 18'l4 :-..-- ina- House in Chapel HilL known as the Hunt property, aitoated on the College Avenue, -near the residence or lit. Jones. - ' ' '- ' - " " . 'j ' 1 The bona is of two stories, with . seren rooms "d six : fire-places. It has been well constructed. It would tea rery desirable place for family wishing to reside in Chapel ; Hill, or for a private Boarding House There is aq excel- lent well bf water, with the usual number of out-houaea.- Tbe Lot contains about four acres. 1 Tbia.Raal Estate will be offered at Public Auction, tn Chapel Hill, on Thursday, tha 180 of December, 1868. Terms made known at the sale. ''.-, - Mr. D. Tilly, of Chapel Hill, will take pleasure, in show. Jog tk, ipropertf to those -bo .y wish ex.m.h. Dec 8, 1862. - 97 otpd. LAND FOR SALE. I HAVE FOR SALE DETWEEN THREE HUKimfcu and four hundred acres of land, lying about four miles west of Raleigh, on the Railroad. Persons who may de sires to purchase land will please apply to the-nndersigned. r . W. G. HILL. Raleigh, Not. 1868. ' i' a 'I IMPORTANT SALE, m H E UNDERSIGNED, AS ADMINISTRATOR OF X HughE Loo, deceased, will, on Wedncsda.T the 10th day of December, 1862, at the dwelling houae of the late Hugh E, Lvon, near Cedar Fork, expose to public sale SIX SLAVES, some of them very valuable. Tbrms A credit of 12 months will be given, tbe pur chaser giving bond with approved security, before remov ing the property. Cash will be received if desired. CANNADT LOWE, Adm'r. Wake Co, N. C, Not. 8 1868. 48-8U A FINE RESIDENCE AND FARM FOR SALE. I WILL SELL, IF CALLED ON SOON. MY DESL rable property, situate five miles west of Greensboro', on Salem road. The housis are new and complete. Tbe farming lands well fenced; an orchard of near 100 finest fruit trees, and every convenience necessary: two hun dred and twenty-are "acres of land, one hundred and seventy-five acrea well timbered, only milea fr jtn the N. C Railroad, where there is a demand for wood and sills. Any one wishing to bay, will please caH and see the pro-, perty, or address-me for further particulars, at New Gar 5en.N.C. DR.FAUCETTE. - Oct. 81. 186i ; 88-6U PONY FOR SALE. a BOUT EIGHT YEARS . OLD, . PERFECTLY GEN- f 1l tie and a natural pacer. Apply to A. A. WILLARD. 9ft 6 m. Greensboro', N. C Nov. 88, 1862. HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. UNLESS DISPOSED OF AT PRIVATE SALE, WILL be sold on tbe first day of January, 1"63, at anction, on the prem-'ses at 13 o'clock, the lot situated oo street immediately south of Lynn Adams' residence, on which is a small tenement, containing three, rooms, conveniently arranged for a amall family, with a good garden. Tb.a la a desirable location for a tradesman of amall family, aa it 'ia near tbe mark!, and convenient to tie business part of the city. " . Terms favorable, and will be made known an ihe day of ule. JAS. M TOWLES, ' Agent and Anciioneer. Raleigh, Not. 28, 1862. 6 tf. CARDS, Aa H. A. BAD HAM, ATTORNEY AT LAW. RALEIGH, N. O. t3T OrncwSrict building tar th Omrt House. . Oct 14, 1868. " M tf. E. II. STOKES, AUCTIONEER For the Sale of Negroes, CORNBR OF FBAKKL1X ST. AKD LOCUST ALLBT, RICHMOND, VIRGINIA. Will Board Gentlemen engaged in the Trade, ' . AND THEIR SERVANTS. September 1ft, 1861 75 6mpd. MRS. U. W. MILLER, W1 rILL BE PREPARED ON THE FIRST OF NEXT November, to receive BOARDERS, both with ana without rooms. Sept. 80, 1862. . 79 tf. Register copy till forbid. -J MISCELLANEOUS. F OR SALE. CONFEDERATE STATES BONDS. W. 11. JU.AA 98 tt Dec 5, 1862, SECRETARY'S OFFICE. Wilmington A Mamcrbstsii Railroad Co., Wilmington, N. C, 18th Not., 1868. THE FIFTEENTH ANNUAL MEETING OF THE Stockholders of the Wilmington A Manchester Rail road Compauy, will be held in Wilmington, N. C, on Wednesday, the 2th inst. The transfer books are closed nntil after the meeting. WM. A. WALKER, Ssry. Not. 1R, 1S68. ' r-t "valise lost. -ar n.T AT OOLDSBOROUGH. A SMALL VALISE, I A marked on both ends F. W. L. A handsome reward will be given for its delivery st this office. . November 28, 182. 9ft tf. PRINTING OFFICE FOR SALE. PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT 13 OFFERED FOR 2. sale, the materials of which are nearly new. at thia office. ot. 28, 1862. HILLSBOHO' N. C. MILITARY ACADEMY. mHE FIFTH- ACADEMIC YEAR OF THIS 1NS1I- I ttttuim will commence on the first Wednesday ia February. 1803. lor information Jind circulars. .pplyto Maj. WM. M. GORDON, pp ' Snp't. U. M. A. Hillsboro', N. Not. 28, 1862." 6-8m SALT) SALT 1 1 -fcvN CONSIGNMENT, VIRGINIA AND NORTn CAR- 9 oliua SALT, and for sale by tbe sac only. JAS. M. TOWLES, Agent Raleigh. Nov. 28, 1862. 6-tf- Office of Snrg. Gen. of N. C, 1 . . NotbmbIB la?. 163. I nnHE FOLLOWING ARTICLES ARE REQUIRED FOR JL our aick and wounded soldiers : Shoes, Socks, Hats, uoais, rnnu, i, , Leather, Khoe Threud, Lasts, (from Ro. O to No. 12 inclusire.) Buttons, Cotton Cloth, - Flannel, Potatoes, Brandy, Butter, Eggs, Ac. Ac Proposals will be received at thistoffice for a proper snp VI. nfih.m.. Those able and willing to contribute, will please address the undersigned. Transportation will b furnished, if necessary, by TmWK. . , Surg-. Gen. of N. C. nr- i, ir. . 98 lm The Fayetteville Observer, Chsrlotte Bulletin and Asbe tille Kews are requestea ro copy iur vuc iuuu.u, their accounts to mis omce. - LONG HANDLE SHOVELS. ---rrcT niTEIVF.D A SUPPLY OF THE'NORTH- .1 n.i;. m.nn- SHOVELS, well made and will com pare favorably with any Northern manufacture mAd '7 "t.. .JJ.'mm AinMMa Mpparas., M. TOWLES, Agt. Baleigh, Not. 7, 1863. 90 tf. COMMITMENT, Ac- COMMITTED TO THE JAIL OF WAKE COUNTY, J a negro man who savs his name is WASHINGTON, and that he belongs to Capt William Smith, of the 6th regiment N. C. T, and that be now resides in Petersburg, Vc Said boy says ttat be was pot on the ears i at 8aha . v n i.. and by some accident tney be eame separsted, and be. the said oury, v-. J ""j T. il. Kny wma taken nn and " j MAlw'sotherng,callinghim8eHENRY BROOKS; says be is free, and that he is from Wayne County, N. C ao'd was bound to Benj. Herring, of said county, now dead. Said boy is a bright mulatto, about 87 years old. Notice ia hereby giren that tbe owner or owners come forward, prove property, pay charges, and take tbent away, or they will be dealt with aa the Taw direct L Oot 14,18(2. ' ' " M-tf. ap- 96 tf 1 J.,'. Vi, -..j,, Z"-:"r v. I55'S--' ' r - - - j hfll8l920aitoa8tt VlBlfillOoair JUST RECEIVED, " BT TKLEQRAPfl ' : ' ;' ' f ' '" !' r '-r 24 25 26 27 2B 29 80S . " 228 24 226art8 ; ' .-INDISPENSABLE YTHITAKIR'S . ' ! - "V ".r. '! ' f.'." I'ISS Slifc '.A,,HI J 5,f ,5lS 'iFi-i oiStAtl' Oc,,l8M..-. - FROM EVERT POINT Jg , t J. ffi J;' - BARRELS NO. 1 RICE, JLVF At Oct. 81, 1861. BOXES TOBACCO, WEITAKER'S. . Oct, 81,1868. . 8ft. 18 BEAMS BLOTTING PAPER. 80 CASES CLARET WINK. 8 BOXES PURE STARCH. - . .. v At WEITAKER'S. - .'. . 84, Oct 11, 1868. DAILY : EXPECTED. 1000 LBS. STRONG FRESH SNUFF, i. ; 1000 CAKES TOILET SOAP. -- At v . WEITAKER'S. , Oct 11,18(9. -. 85 aTVN HAND CONSTANTLY, A FINE AS- V sortment of FAMILY GROCERIES. At WHITAKER'S: 80 tf. Oct 8, 18(3. CANDLES. A SUPERIOR ARTICLE OF WAX CANDLES, manufactured by - - VESTAL k KLAPP. . f" Orders solicited. - Graham, N. C, 0$. 91, 1862. . 8 9tpd. AT WH I TAKER'S, NO. I FAStlLY FLOUR, WHITE MEAL, . FRESH BUTTER, . EGGS. I. IRISH POTATOES- t . -BWEET " " DRIED APPLES, PEACHES, - PRUNES, PLUMS, Raleigh, Not. 81. 1868. . - 94 tf. SAUCES, At WHITAKETTS. 94 tf. Raleigh, Not. 31, 1862. INE CITY CARRIAGE CAN BE HAD AT ALL M. hours at . E. A. WH1TAKERS. 94 tf. Raleigh, Not. 91, 1R63. A FEW BARRELS SUGAR, INIMITABLE WEITAKER'S. 85 Oct 81, 181. MISCELLANEOUS. -UNIVERSITY. THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE TRUSTEES OF the University will be held in tbe Executive Office, oa Wednesdsy the 10th inst. - CUA3. MAAbl j becy. Raleigh, Dc 8, 18!2. 97 t.. SECRETARY'S OFFICE, ) Wll.dr Man. Railroad Company, V Wilminotox, N. C. Not. yyth, IS62. ) THERE BEING NO QUORUM PRESENT ON THE " 26tb inst., the Stockholders of the Wilmington and Manchester Kail Road Company adjourned to meet ia W il mington, N. C, on Thursday, the llth of December next . YtM.. A. WALAtK, sec y. Dec 1,1863. 8781. JUST PUBLISHED, TURNER'S N. C. ALMANAC, For 1803. (RICE 9)40.00 per l.OOO, $5.00 per 100, fl.OO per dozen, and 15 cents per single copy. OK BALK wholesale and retail, by - X. C. Bookstore. Raleigh, Dec. 1. 1869. 97 It. NOTICES, 1& NOTICE. WAS TAKEN. UP AND COMMITTED TO THE ww jml of Randolph County. North-Carolina, on the 9th day of Oetoher, lsft-i, a runaway slave, who sava bia name is llh.MUK, and that be belongs -to Jobn Thomas Mebane, of Bertie County, North-Carolina. - The said slave is black, five feet aix incites high, and appears to be about twenty-one years old. The owner ia requested to come I. forward, prove property, pay aH charges and lake him. away, aa be will be disposed of as the law directs. ' it. I. DlLt.u, bailor.. OoL28,1869. 44 wm. NOTICE. eTRATED FROM THE SUBSCRIBER WHILST ON mr return borne, about the Uth November last, three MULES, one ol which was a light colored e:ay rrrule. one small mare mule, dark color, the other not roonllected aa to color. One was lost in Warren Couuty, the others left . at Uilliardston, N. C. and were coupUd together when they got away. Any person having any knowledge of their whereabouts, will be reoeouably rewarded by writing me t Falkland. N. C. P. A. ATKINSON. Dec 6, 1868. 99 lmpd. "NOTICE. f WILL PAY THE HIGHEST MARKET PRICE FOR M. Fodder. Oats or liar, delivered at my Stables, (former- ' ly Clayton's,) Raleigh, N. C, opposite Market Square. 4. Jj. rnAnn.L.13. Oct.81.lH63. 88 lm. NOTICE. rpAKEN FROM A MULATTO BOT ON THE 11TH AU JL gust s Sorrel Mare, star in forehead, white hind feet white spot on left shoulder, and foretop cut off. The own- ' er will please come forward, prove property, pay charges, 4c JOHN SHURMAN, Oxford, Granville, H. U. August 90th, 1 863. 63 tf NOTICE. . . , THE SUBSCRIBER HAVING QUALIFIED AS AD ministratrix. with the will annexed, of the late Seth B. Jones, of tbe Connty of Wake, desires all persons bar ing claims Against the estate to j resent tbem lor payment, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their leeorery. Alt those indebted, will be expected to make apeedy payment. Dr. E. A. Crodup is my authorised agent to transact all business pertaimng to aaid estate, v Letters addressed-t e me at Rolesville, Wske County, will receive prompt atten tion. SARAH S. JONES, Administratrix. Wake Co., IT. O, Ang.2, 1868.. 9 8m. WANTS, &a NEGROES WANTED. THE SUBSCRIBER IS AGAIN IN THE MARKET as a purchaser of negroes of both sexes and different ages. Persons having slaves to sell are invited to give me . i ni nmw tli. hiirheat market prices in cash. When absent from Raleigh, application may b i made i to L. T. Clavton. -. r. . okna. Raleigh, Sept 8,1869. YH-smpq. " TANNER WANTED; AN EXPERIENCED TANJiEK van ltu wa atant emnlovmenl and rood wages, by applying im mediately In person or by letter to , ' , . , .v . r-i y iu ury tj . l;u w - Or U. C. LIGON, FurestviUe, N.C. Good reference required. -..- Not. 84, isfti. , . ... 95 tf. WANTED TO HIRE. ar WISH TO HIRE FOR THE NEXT YEAR FOUR JL field hands and two female house servant, for which I will pay a ir price. Address me at County, N. C. Lewisville, N. C, Not. 1 1, 1 868. . LewUvilli Fwrsyth W. B. BTIPE. . 91 6t. . WANTED-AT THE GRANGER HOUSE GoHsborough. N. C, for ttie ensuing year, eigbf No. I DINING ROOM 8ERVANTS, for B hbeivf price will be paid. Persons having such set vanta to hint wiUdo well to make early GSAKOeB ' . Per C. L. McNIDER. ' Goldsboro',K.C.,Hov.81,t889. . -!, IN THE CONFEDERACY IN THS CONFEDERACY . a IN THE CONFEDERACY, '- And Is mailed to subscribers at f 1 for ona month, 92.60 for three months, $4 for six months ad $6? for twelve month, and sold by news-Soys everywhere. - Agents will be supplied at 93 per kaadred. It Is published at Raleigh, N. C, by the Edi tor aad Proprietor of the original DAILY PRO GRESS, established at Newbera in 1858. It is Independent la all things, belongs to no party, ana is a iito newspaper.- (-. flvaueauoi paia 10 oruere unless accompa nied by money. Addreaa - J. L. PENNINGTON, : Editor and Proprietor, Raleigh, N, C. nor. 14, 1869. - : ' 82 wAswIU. HEADQUARTERS, Camp of Instruction, I Camp Holmes, Dec. 1. 1868. I IN ACCORDANCE WITH INSTRUCTIONS FROM the Secretary of War, tbe following General Order, Nc 9. is published: . - i- Tbe enrolling officers of this State will pay particular at tention to ihe same and report to -these Headquarters all officers and enlisted men who do not comply promptly with Hiu viucr. By order of . COL" PETER MALLETT. " Commanding Camp of Instruction. E. N. Manx, Adjutant. Adj't. and Ixspbctob Gbxiral's Officb, I Richmond, Not. 97, 163, J Gbsbbal Ordbrs, I . No. 9. ( Commandants of conscripts will cause th follower or der to be published for at least seven times in a sufficient number of newspapers in each Stale of the Confederacy to ensure its reaching every part oi tbe coontrr. I. All commissioned officers and enlisted men who are now absent from their commands from any other causes than actual disability, or duty nnder orders from the Seo- retary or war, or Iroin tueir department eommaodera, will return to their commands without delay. . II. Commissioned officers failing to comply with the pro . .v.. r. : "v -.i r t . . TKiuu, vi .u. iuic(uiu mniK;nipa wiioiu a mvouaDie length of time, in no case to exceed twenty days after the publication of this order, shall be dronped from the rolls of tbe army in disgrace, and their names will be furnished. lotne commandant ot conscripts for enrollment in tbe ranks. III. All enlisted men who shall fail to comply with the provisions of paragraph I, of this order, within a reasona ble length of time, shall be considered as dsertera,and treated accordingly, their namea to be furnished to the .commandant of conscripts, in their State, for publication, or such other action aa may be dtemed most efheacioos. IV. In iJer to ensure the efficient co-operation of all concerned lo carry this order into immediate' effect. De partment Commanders are directed 'to require from the com manning ouicer oi eaco separate oommind in tbeir De partments a prompt report or tbe names of all commission ed offievrs and en lated men now abaent-from their com mands. These reports moa state in each case the cause of absence, and any regimental, battalion or company com- manaer woo suau uegiect to lurnisn suco a report, or wbo shall knowingly be guilty of concealing any ease of unau thorized absence, shall, ou eonvictioc thereof, be summarily dismissed. V. Under the provisions of the 3d clause of paragraph L of General Orders No. 82. commissioned nScers and mi- vates wbo are incapable of bearing arms in consequence of. wououa recei vea in oaiue, out woo are otherwise nt Tor service, are required, if not otherwise assigned, to report w ue uaarai niunninaut m conscripts in ineir respective States who will, if they are fitted for such duly, assiim them to the collection of stragglers and the enforcement of in provisions oi mis order, with full power to call upon the nearest military authority lor aucb assistance as may be necessary thereto. VI. Officers nf the Quartermaster's Department charged with payment of troops are hereby directed not to Pay aor commissioned officer, uon-eommisaiond officer or private who does not furnish satisfactory evidence that he is not liable to tbe penalties described in the forecroi as order. Any disbursing officer wbo shall make payment in viola tion oi tnia oraer aoa.i oe naoie oo nis Doua lurtue amount of such payment. Bv order, "(Signed,) S. COOPER, AdTt. and Inspector General - Alee. S. 1611.- 93 7r. 137 The Keirister. State Journal and Proareaa. in Ral eigh, Wilmington Journal, Fayetteville Observer, Greens borough Patriot, Charlotte Bulletin and Asbeville New, win puonan seven times sua forward Dills tc Standard omce. BY THE GOVERNOR OF NORTH-CARO LINA. A PROCLAMATION. WTfTHEREAS, IN ORDER TO STOP, IF POSSIBLE, . v w the wicked system of speculation which is blight ing tbe land, and pre rent the production of famine and oiatress in tue nnost oi plenty, tbe. legislature oi rionn Carolina, bv iofbt resolution thereof, ratified -nn the . lid day of this month. (November.) have aolhorixed me to.lay an embargo upon tbe exportation from the Slate or certain articles of prime necessity, except to certain persons and for certain 'purposes : Now, therefore, I. -ZEBULON B. VANCE, Governor of tbe State of North-Carolina, do issue this my proclama tion, forbidding all persons, for the space of thirty days from the date hereof, from carrying beyond th limit of. tbe rttaie any satt, bacon, pork, beef, corn, meal. Hour, po tatoes, shoes, leather, hides, cotton cloth, snd yarn and woolen cloth. The fill lowing persons are alone to be ex eniptvd from this prohibiten, vis: All Quartermasters and Commissaries, Agenta nf the Confederate Government and of any State of the Confeder acy, exhibiting proper evidence of their official character ; also all A cents of any county, district, town or corporation of other States, who shall exh ibit satisfactory proof of their authority to purchase such articles in behalf of auch town, county, district or corporation for public uses, or for distribution at cost snd transportation, and not for re-sale or profit ; also all .persons who may make oath before the nearest Justice of the Peace that the articles purchased are for their own private use, and not for re-sal before thy are removed ; also all persons, non residents, wbo may have bought such articles before tbe date hereof. The excep tion is to extend to suit made oy non-residents oo tne sea coast and in their own works, and to cargoes entering any of our ports from abroad. Any of aaid articles that may be stopped in trantiiu from our borders are to be confiscated to tbe use of the State Until further order tbe Colonels of Militia in the different counties, are enjoined to see that this proclama tion is enforced. Not intending or desiring to prevent tbe people of our sister States from sharing with our own eitizens whatever we can spare, but to repress speculation so far as may be possible, I earnestly appeal to all piud citizens to aid and ' sustain me in tbe enforcement of this proclamation for the common good. . , In witness whereof, Zfbolon B Vancb. Gover II (nor. CaDtain General, avd Commander-in Chief, ' ' hath aigned these presents, and esused the great seal of tbe State to be affixed.- - ' Done at our City of Raleigh, this 2tb day of November, A. u., U62, ana in toe jearui our inaepenaence tne nn Z. B: XANCE. : By tbe GoTernor s ' .. K. U. Battle, PritaU Sfcrfiary. Raleigh. Nov. 28th, 1863. . . 94 Si HST All papers in tbe State will copy twice. , , -' CONSCRIPTION. THOUSANDS IN THE CONFEDERATE STATES, owing to the different laws and exemption bills pass ed bv the last two sessions ol tbe Confederate Slatea Can- areas, are ao invalided aa to real duties they know not what course to pursue We advise all wbo really be lieve themidve aubiect to the law to report immediately at tbe respective camps, appointed lor tbe enrollment of conscripts in tbe different States. To those who believe themselves exempt we would respectful lysay, that on - ennnirour lee. wnicn is rirs ahillabs. we wm lurnno them the law bearinr on their case snd everr additional information which we bare gleaned from the action ef tbe authorities in narailei ease, and we are I) re Da red lo take all the responsibility of auch advice. W wilt do nothing but a Leoitimats business. Those whom we find are reaii, li.M. mm will inform armirdincrly. Thoa. who are not (ani thra .r. ihnnaanda in inn Stat, -who are BOt) We Will rive them our advice with the law bearina npon tbeiresi H.wini, t r fxtilitv. mm .r- nnmnd to BrV CVrV to' fornation regarding any other business connected witn Owing to th heavy expense incurred in procuring this information, we will notice no communication oaeoompa- nied-with pur retaining fTV?- a. ; : Box, 258 P. 0, Ralsigb, N. C. Dec 5, 1862. . ; ". . 94TlB !J8 29 30 . ....... .,H . ". 2728298031 .. .. , r ii at," .. 1.2 s 4fNoT., til t'. : 5 6 7 8 91011 . r 8 4 6 6 7 . 12 13 1415 16 1718, 1 101-11218lil5jl ... 19202122232425 . 171819 20(218228 .' , 262728293031 .. . 24.25 2627 28a9j80 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 DIII, 1 2 8 4 61 T. , '! 9101112181415 - 8 91011121814 ' 16171il819202122 - 1516171819affl81 . , - 2324r2526272829 , 2223!t24l25 263738 : ' . . 80.:l:,..i ' 129!30l81.. ..(.X. 7 ' ' TRACTS FOR SOLDIERS, &c Publications of the General Tract Ageney, -','-- . ' ' BALBIOB, BT; 0. '. - ' APPROVED BY ALL THE PASTORS OF THIS CITT. , . tracts or- roua PAGES. 'v A Voice from Heaven. Don't Put it Off. Self-Dedication to God. Private Devotion. The All-Sufficieucv of Chriat. '- Tbe Aot of Faith, Motives to Early Piety, Tbe Sentinel, Are Yon Prepared r i re pa re to ateet tny uoa, ab Appeal t ; tbe Young, by Rev. James McGready, Come and Rest, by -Rev. J. C. Rylc Tbe New Year, Tbe Great Gathering, Lot est Thou Me, The French Soldier, Are Yon Beady, The Life-Preserver, Tbe Precious Blood of Christ or How a ' Soldier was Saved, My Spirit shall not Always Striv. by Bev.J. a row lea, Tbe improvident iraveier, y kv. Wm. J. Hog. D. D.. soldiers Conquer Your Qreat gae mv. hv Prof W. H. Owen. Where are tbe Christians in the ' Army r by a lady of N. C, Who Wilt Show ns any Good 1 by Rev. Wm.J. Hoge, D. D , Wbst Wilt Thou That I Should Do Unto Tbeer by Rer. Wm. J.-HoA, D. IX, . What Can I Dot b Rev. T. V. Moore, D. i), buoabia. by Rev. P. B. Price, The Sinner and the Saviour, Gospel -Kbowers, by Rev. J. C Uiden, To a Christian in tbe Army. . by Rev. T. V, Moore, D. D, Liquor, Ac. by a Phyaiiaaf Where ar You Going T Do x on want a raenar TRACTS Or II9HT rAOBS. Casting Onr Burden on the Lord, by Rer. Jos. M. Atkin son, Tbe Soldier, A Mother's Parting Words to faer Sol dier Boy, Individual Effort Christ in Yon, bv Rer. C. F. Lleems, U. U., VUrist s uractous idtiuiuod, nnj niu km Die? by Rev. A. M. Poindexter, D. D., Don't Swear, by Rev. J. B. Jeter, D. D., A Living-Oracle, by Rev. L W. -Seeley, D. D., Advice to Soldiers, by -Rev, Wm. Royal, Shiloh, by Rr.' J. L Burrowa, D. J., In Camp, by Rer. Wm. Jr. Broadus, IJ. U., Bunenngs oi toe liost, oy hot. . ,Hi Martin, Tbe Sick and tbe Physician, by Rer. J. C. Long. TIACTS OF SIXTRXN FAG KB. YonrSoul Is It Safer Call to Prayer, by ReT.J. tV Ryle. Tbe UrearDay of Wrath and ot Glory, by Rev. Jao. 8. Long, The Centurion, by Rev. Thoa. E. Skinner, G4 tbe Giver of Victory and feace, oy ttev. jos. au amwi. TBACrf OF TB3BTT-TW0 FA0EB. Come to Jesus, bv N. Hall, The Bible or Atheism, by J. Randolph Tucker, Esq., The Soldier's Pocket Bible. Tbe Soldier'a Text Book,., by Rer. J. R, Macduff, D. D, 48 pages ; Hymns for tbe Camp, 128 pegs. Each dollar given sends out 1500 pages to onr noble de fenders free nf freight Since Jnne 1st, 1861, we have sent ont of th above 17,540,420 pages.. ' WM. J. W. CROWDER, Agent - P. H. We are also binding 25,000 copies of tbe Testa . ment and Testament and Psalms, printed by the Bible So ciety oftbe Confederate State. Raleigh, Oct. 14, 1862. ' . 88 af. INSURANCE COMPANIES. N. C. MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO.. AT the Annual Meeting of tbe North-Carolina Mutual Fire Insurance Company, held on the 14th of Janua ry, tbe following persona were elected Directors and Offi cers tor the ensuing year: DIRECTORS: Henry D. Turner, Raleigh. .... J. R. Williams, 44 T. H. Selby, C. W. D. Hntehings, -" Kemp P. Battle, ... George Little, ' James M. Towles, " . .. James E. Hoy t Washington. Alx. Mitchell, Newbern, . Joshua G. Wright Wilmington. John M. Joces, Edenton. . Geo. W. Charles, Elizabeth City. '.Joa. Ramsay, Plymouth. . J. W. Han-ell, MurfreesboroV U. B. Williams, Charlotte HamueWWatkina, Milton. . A. W. Steel, Fayetteville . ..' Joseph White, Anson Connty. Josh. Bonner, Salem. A. T. Snmmy, OFFICERS OF THE COMPANY. T. H. Selby, Prtndent. H. D. Turner, Fie Pniidmt. . John H. Bryan, Attorney. - . ' Hamden S. Smith, Secretary and lreaturer. T. H. Selby, eixifioio, ) John R. Williams, ' Ex. CommUUt. C. W. D. Hulcbinsrs. i This Company baa been in snccessful operation ever II Tears, and continues to take risks upon all classes ef prep- -irty in-'.he State, (except Steam Mills snd Turpentine Dis tilleries,) upon favorable Terms Its Policies now cover property amounting to nearly $4,000,000,'a Urge portiea ef which is in country risk: and its present capital is over four hundred thousand dollars, in bonds, properly secured. All communications i 1 reference fo insurance should ha ' addressed to tbe Secretary, Ppst-pa.d. Raleigh. Jan. 18, 1863. . . GREENSBOROUGH MUTUAL INSURANCB Fays all Losses Promptly I DIRECTORS: . - . . Jobn A. Mebane Cyrus P. Mendenhall, David P. Weir, James M. Garrett, T. M..Jonea, N. H. D. Wilson, laTia ne-. Knitrht M. 8. Sherwood, Jed. it. Aiimsay, n.. m.. oiomo. C Q. Yates, R. Sterling. Wm. Barringer, UreensDorougn t Alexander Miller, newoernj ur. w.. imoij, " "" borongh; W. A. WnghtWilmington ; Ket. It. u. mi; nard, rranklinwn ; r. r. wawon, nwuuiu, Concord; B. Craven, Trinity vitiege t . . - - President Vice President . ', , . - . Attorney. . ' ' Secretary and Treasurer. N-H. D. WILSON, JED. H. LINDSAY, JOHN A. GILMER, PETER ADAMS, H. U. V. wiLsoa, l C. G. YATES, Executive Committee. i u iJARRFlT. I All eommunicatioos on business of the .offiee should bt directed to PETtK. AUA.aia. secretary, - ... April 35, 1863. , " .. 84-ly: NORTH-CAROLINA MUTUAL LIFE INSU . ' RANCE COMPANY. Officb Ralbtok, N. 0. THIS COMPANY TAKES RISKS UPON ALL healthy lives between the sges of 14 and 60 years for one year, for seven years, ot for life-tbe Awrr for life participatiag in the. profits of the Company Slatea, between the ages of 10 and" 40 years, are-insured far ona Tear or five years for two-thirds their mar kit value All losses paid within 80 days after satisfaetory proof la presented. - lyi A M V ' ' " - Chas. E. Joh3sox. ' W. W. HOLBSX, '; QuBNTBM BUSBEB. .... H. W. Hosted, W. H. McKeb, -Evskabd Hall, . R. H W. B. J1ASOW, , i . W, H. Jones, K, P. Battle, - . J. G. Williams, C. B. Root. P. F. Pescop, Battle. ; . OFFICERS' Chas.' E. Johnson, President T W. W. Holdex, Vice President, --. - H. W. Husted. Attorney, W. H. Jones, Treasurer, . , - R. H. Battle, Secretary, '. W. H. MoKeb, Med. Examiner. - ' C. B. Root, ) Q. Busbeb, - A. Own. W. H. McKeb. J . ', , - For further information -tho public U referred la tha pamphlets and forms ol proposal; which may be obtained LTth office of to'tonrffi?'. a xUTTLE. -V:-'.-': . '---.- - Seevetary.-'. " Raleieh. JaH.8,1869. v - '-' .'- SPLENDID GEEN TEA. ' ; " NE CHEST OF 80 POUNDS, SUPERIOR QCALITT . ..d flavored GREEN TEA. For at PESCUD'S DRUG STORE.- .BBligh,Sept 12,1868. . T4-tf.