OCR Interpretation

Semi-weekly standard. [volume] (Raleigh, N.C.) 1853-18??, December 09, 1862, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Library, Chapel Hill, NC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045450/1862-12-09/ed-1/seq-2/

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:; :, -8ENATE. ' .
rHrgiD at; December, 4, 1881
WScalllfewrderat it tfclodc. ' Prayer by
"EeTi'Sft; Atklnsori. Jouraal of jesterday reed
nprtT4: f
-. aire rt or tjolmnrFBS." . .. ,
. Mr. GniW frw the committee on ttie offices or
Adjutant General, Attorney General and Solicitor or
the 4th tircuK made its report declaring these offi
ceavecaW: Ordered W be printed and made the
pedal order for Monday 12 o'clock, . : ..: .'. ,
Mr. Lassiler fret the committee on corporations
aide Xnson, a bill to" amend thjo charter
jftbeOtalReldsJEUilroad. Referred.
Mr. Ltndsej,. bill to pay the officers and men of
Capt Bank's company. Referred
Mr. Sharpe, a bill to transfer troops from one oa-
wanisation to another wheo properly authorized. -f.
Referred. . " i .x-y .
y The resolutions offered by Mr. Lassrter, having
been read, Mr. Wooley. presented an amendment
eongratalating the women of the-State as well as
the soldiers. Adopted and passed. .
A bill to repair the " Western .Turnpike Road.
Passed. ;'
A bill to amend the ordnance of tho Convention,"
making provision for the families of deceased sol
diers." Passed after a change in the title.
A bill in regard to the. salaries of Judges' of the
Superior Courts of Lair.
Mr. Graham favored the passage of the bilL
Mr. Cerraway opposed it
A .debate ensued, in which Messrs." Outlaw, Cor-,
pening, Brown and Graham participated.
Mr. Ellis offered an amendment paying a salary of
' $3,500, to J udges of tho Superior Courts. Rejected.
. . The bill then passed its third reading by a vote
of 20 to ' ; '
A bill in regard "to the settlement pf estates by
commissioners appointed by county courts was de
' feated. .. , . -
A bill la regard to Cherokee lands. Passed.
-. Anessage was. received from the House transmit-,
ting several bills" and resolutions, pending which,
the Senate adjourned until to-morrow 11 o'clock.
. The Speaker called the House to order at 11 o'clock.
Journal was read and approved.
. ' Mr. Beam presented a memorial, with a bill to in-
corporate the Shelby and Broad River Railroad
Referred to committee on internal improvements.
- Mr. Fowle, from the committee on the judiciary,'
reported back a bill. referred to the committee on
jesterday, to exempt soldiers jn the service for 3
years or .the war, asking that the Mime be referred
to the committee oh finance.' - Agreed to.
By Mr. Person, authorising the select committee
to whem was referred the subject of public printing,
to inquire whether there had been any fraud prac
ticed in regard to the public printing, and by whom,
authorizing them to send for persons and papers, and
have oaths administered' to witnesses. Agreed to.
. By Mr- Ingram, a series of resolutions, relative to
the determination of this State, complimentary of
our troops, and one also returning thanks to the la
dies of Y'r8'nl,l for kindness and attention to our.
sick and wounded soldiers. .
On motion of Mr. Worth tho same was ordered to
be printed and laid on the table.
By Mr. Kcrner, a resolution to continue in force
resolution of the Convention exempting volunteers
from poll tax, adding conscripts to its provisions
Referred to finance committee. , .
On motion- of Mr. Fowle, leave 'of absence was
granted to Mr. Parks until Monday next.
On Mr. Love's motion, leave of absence was grant
ed to Mr. Fleming for one week, and to Mr. Burgin
until Monday-next
- MessrsV Young of Iredell, Jlorton, and Hooper,
were announced as the committee on enrolled bills .
for the week.
Mr. Barrin'ger introduced a bill to incorporate the
Swift Island Gold Mining Company. Goes on the
calendar and made special order for Saturday next
Mr. Avcra moved a reconsideration of the vote,
by which the bill for the relief of indigent families
of the deceased and sick and wounded soldiers, was
passed on yesterday.
Mr. Worth said that be hoped that the motion to
reconsider would prevail. He heartily approved of
the object the bill bad in view, but he thought that
it was impracticable to carry it out as it was passed.
He could see no manner for the Treasurer to be in
formed how many indigent families, the number pf
each fatuity, 4c., hit, there were in each county.
He-would have no means of knowing these facts,
aod, under the bill, could not pay out the amount
appropriated. Tf the amount had to be distributed
in accordance with the provisions of the bill'as it
stood before the araerduient of the gentleman from
Sdgecombe, Mr. Cobb, there would be no difficulty
attending the matter. If the House thought proper
to adhere to that amendment, same legislation would
be necessary to enable the Treasurer to ascertain the
. number tf indigent families and the number of the
members of each in the counties of the State.
.Mr. Spruill called for the ayes and nays. The
call being sustained bj the. House, the question was
" put and the vote reconsidered. -
Mr. A Vera moved to strike out the amendment
offered to the bill by Mr. Cobb on' yesterday, and
that the bill should retain its original form.
Mr. Cobb said that he thought this matter was
settled by the action of the House on yesterday.
He could not see'the great difficulties apprehended
by the gentleman from Randolph (Mr. Worth.)
The county courts had adopted quite a convenient
mode of ascertaining the indigent families within
their limits. He thought that his proposition was
a just and equal one. If Guilford and Randolph
counties had more indigent families to be supplied
than his county, under this provision they would
get a larger portion of the fund, and so it would
hold throaghoutthe Sute. It was for this reason,
as well as others, he desired his amendment It
certainly was not the purpose to include the entire
needy of the State ; they were provided for by each
countyrbot was intended for the indigent families
of the soldiers in the service and the families of
those that had died and been killed in battle. He
desired that the needy, wherever , in the greatest
number, should bo the recipients of the largest
'amount '
Mr. Worth said that his object was merely to
have the bill in such form as to render its opera
tions practicable He was in favor of i$, and hoped
it would pass, but could not see bow it could be
carrid out without the amendment
Mr. Shepherd said that there seemed to be great
unanimity oft the part of the House that some bill of.
the kind should be passed, and as there were several
propositions before the body all having pretty much
the same object in view, he moved to send a message
to the Senate proponing to raise a joint select com
mittee to whom all the bills and resolutions on this
su'jjeet should be referred, which' motion was then
agreed to. v."- . . ' .
ttr. Costner moved that a resolution introduced
Iby ftniself fixing certain hours for meeting and ad
journment of the House be taken up and considered.
Lost ... ; -:
On motion, leae of 'absence was granted to Mr.
Henry f Henderson, and. Mr. Kerner, until Mon
day next -
Mr. Mann, from tbe- committee on internal im
provements, reported back a bill to amend the -char-ler
of the .Greenville and French Broad 'Railroad
Company, .recomiuejoding its passage. ; .
On Mr! HeaJeo's motion, a' bill to prevent the
distillation of spirituous liquors from grain, &.,
r taken up and considered
Mr. Shober proposed an .amendment providing
(feat agents of the Confederate government might
manufacture liquors from grain brought from with
wt tbe timitt of the.State. '
Mr. Shepherd said that be thought it .pot ou t of
rdor to state that a similar proposition been
ei dowi in the Senate by a very decided vote.
Ho was ddcidetfly opposed to the amendments-n-it
would tcad to. abuse. "t; . ' - -
Mr. ShoW said he had no ftfn ;n
h li .rtn A i .1 t: - ....... J
uvu.mu tUV yuKu m lore DHL but
lijk il.ri not m. L.. : . , j r "
I .V "T """u' injunousiy atfectcur
people to allow the Government to distill oW
brou ;bt m from other States. Be did not propoea
o ail W a gram of the product of this State used
; Q I"- ' -v :- ' 'v'";
He ww aware ortnejaci uiai-tnaiixfouiiTw u
Sute bad been written to In regard to this matter,
and h had seen the advertisement of Ithe lledical
Purveyor for a large quantity Df alcohol j it was well
!ujewotbatforaome purpose h was absolutely .ne
cessary for the Government to have It So far as
the agenU were concerned, be thought that tbe bill
could be so framed as to require nndtubted authori-
1 ,ty, -before allowed to act - . .
bill, intended to meet aa extraordinary emergency.
Heretofore our peopl, bad thought it an infringe
ment Of their righU'tA pass a bill of this character,
:bu,trat this time the people- were willing to urren
render this right for the common good - This being
so, he thought it ought to aOoct all alike, be was op
.poVed to granting a monopoly in' tbta. matter, and
wanted to pass ouch a bill as the exigency of the
times required ; . "-. 1 "
Mr. Beallaaid that be held the doctrine that tbe
Confederate Government did not have the right to
offer premium! for the violation of State laws f n the
way of making contracts for spirituous liquors. If
the Government wanted brandy there was a consid
erable quantity In his county that could be bought
' Mr. Amis was for throwing around this bill all the
safeguards possible, and was opposed to granting
exclusive privileges. Mr. Shober'i amendment was
lost. .... 4
Mr. Amis proposed to amend by strikingout $100
and inserting $1,000 as tbe penalty for violation.
Mr. Shepherd -favored the amendment ' '
The amendment was then-agreed to. -
Mr. Waddell proposed to amend the bill by fn"
sorting ninety, instead of thirty . days imprisonment
Tor violation. -v Agreed to. x
Mr. Amis proposed an additional section, making
each day or part of a day a separate violation and
liable to penalties of the bilL Agreed to.
An amendment offered by Mr. Waddell, making
parties liable to penalties if tbe bill that carried
grain out of the Sute for distilation, was agreed to.
3Ir. Person proposed an amendment, fixing from
and after the ratification of the bill as the time for
it to take effect
This proposition was discussed at length by Mr.
Fowle in opposition, and Mr. P. in favor, and it was
finally lost The bill passed its final reading in the
House by a vote of yeas and nays, 92 to 8.
A communication was presented from the Govern
or enclosing a claim of Messrs. West and Johnson,
of Richmond Ta., for damages which they ailed ge as
due them for ties pass by the Sute upon a copy-,
right Also with a statement of a Mr. Davenport,
relative to the condition of certain prisoners con
fined by government in Salisbury, with a letter of
CoL Radcliff on the same subject
On motion of Mr. Shepherd, the same were sent
to the Senate with a proposition to refer so much
as relates to prisoners, to the committee on military
affairs, and the claim of Messrs. West and Johnsorf
to a joint committee.. m "
A message was received from the Senate refusing
to concur in the House proposition to raise a joint
committee for the purpose indicated above.
On Mr. Shepherd's motion the same was then
referred to a select committee of tho House.
On Mr. Mc Aden's motion tho House adjourned
until 11 o'clock Friday.
Fkidat. December 5, 18C2.
Senate called to order .at 1 1 o'clock. Prayer by
Rev. Henry Uardie. Journal of Yesterday read and
Mr. Smith, from the committee on internal im
provements, presented iU report on several bills.
Mr. Lassiter, a report from the committee on
propositions and grievances. ' . -
Mr. Taylor of C, a report from the committee on
banks and currency.
Mr. Wiggins, a report from the committee on fi
nance. Mr. Warren, a report from judiciary committee.
. Mr. Eure, a report from tbe committee on Milita
ry affairs.
Mr. Shipp, a report from the joint committee on
salt, presenting a resolution in regard -to getting
transportation for salt belonging to the State now
on hand below Wilmington. The rules were sus
pended and the resolutipn, after the adoption of an
amendment offered by Mr. Outlaw, excluding spec
ulators from its benefits passed its several leadings.
Mr. Ramsay, a report from the committee on
claims, with a resolution in favor of Lewis William
son, which passed its third reading.
Mr. Sanders, a resolution asking the committee
on internal improvements to inquire into the con
duct of railroads in regard to furnishing transporta
tion. Mr. Ramsay, a bill to amend the militia law. Re
ferred Mr. Ramsay, a resolution to compensate ministers
for services in opening the different Houses with
Mr. White, a resolution to prevent the extensive
production of cotton and tobacco and encouraging
the production of grain.
Bill to. establish the 8th Judicial Circuit
Bill to pay the regular salaries to Judges of the
Superior Courts. Passed
Bill to amend the charter of the Coalfields Rail
road Passed
. Bill to amend the Revised Code 107th chapter;
increases the fees of jailors. Laid on the table.
Several bills passed their second reading, which
will be noticed when finally acted on.
Message from the House transmitting a bill pro
hibiting the distillation of spirituous liquors with
amendments. The amendments, were not concur
red in. .
The Senate then adjourned until to-morrow, 11
The Speaker called the House to order at 10
Prayer by Rev. Mr. Lonsdale.
Messrs. Shepherd Cobb, Allison, Bond and Earn
hardt were announced as the select committee under
Mr. Shepherd's motion of yesterday.
Mr. Fowle, from judiciary committee reported
back House bills Nog. 4, 9, 10, 53, 54, the preamble
and resolutions of King's Mountain Association and
a petition of citizens of Wilkes county, asking to be
discharged, from the further consideration of the
same, and that they be referred to the select com
mittee named above.
Mr. Worth from tbe committee on finance repor
ed a Revenue bill (The bill provides a tax of two
fifths of one per cent on land ; on slaves declared
to be of the averago value of $350, excepting me-,
chanics declared to be of the average value of $700.
Stock in banks in addition to tax imposed by their
charters, money at interest and each on hand less
the debt of the tax-paver, 10 per cent on ill pur
chases of domestic, and 20 per cent on purchases of
foreign liquors,' $G0 on retailers, one per . centjpn
salaries above $1000 and most other subjects of
taxation contained in the last Revenue bilL) "
' Mr. Worth, also from the same committee report
ed back several bills, asking to be discharged from
their further consideration, as most of the subjects
bad been embraced in the general Revenue bilL
Mr. Person, from the military committee, reported
back a bill to raise 10,000 troops for State defence,
recommending a bill as a substitute for the same.
(Proposing to raise fire thousand men between the
ages of 18 and 45, not subject to conscription ; those
between 18 and 40 to be called ant first, and if a less
number than 6,000 shall be thus obtained, author-,
izes the remainder to be made up out of the second
class: 'The Governor to appoint and commission
all the officers of the line and staff, and ciuse regi
ments to be organized and tender them to the Presi
dent for local service within the Sut&X Ordered to
be printed .
Mr. Cowles stated that as a member of the mili
tary committee he. was opposed to this'.bill, and
gave notice that he desired to enter his protest on
the Journal against it . . '-:
MrGrissom stated that as a member of the same
eommitlee'he dissented from the bill, and gave notice
-that a minority report would be "made. ' ' '
'" Mr. Person, from the same committee, reported a
bill for the relief of sick and wounded soldiers, re
commending Its "passage with several amendments.
Ordered to be printed ,- ,.,. -.
Other reports were made from the committee .on'
tnjutary affairs, as well as from iwher commitr.
the subject qf which will be noticed when they
come up for consideration.
Mr. Fowl introduced a resolution in favor of T.
H. HilL Reerttd to committee on claims.
.,:.' Jdr. Shepherd introduced resolution in favor of
: Oscar D. Johnston, an inmate of the Lunatic Asylum.
.Referred to com puttee on Lunatio Asylum,.- ;
i iMr. fJUssVa rt joluifoa instructing the Governor
to have such salt as was. pi band belonging to tbe
State, distributed first tOlaJigcnt families'Of soldiers
mow in servicw.1. " ; "'.
V Oo motion, leave of absence was granted to sev-
ceral members for a few days. " . ' - -.' ' -.
MsWMMWaicamii was i ulci red ftuiButtviavWHMf
in resDonaa to a resolution; of inquiry ; from the
House, relative to the attest ofv citizens . of this-1- be wished to uphold tbe. supremacy of the civil Jaw
State, by ConfederataofScers. A' ULvi' a J fean tended ihat theaawas-an agreetadtU between.
On motion of Mr. Cobb, a resolution relative to the Confederate and Slate authorities that tbe Uov
he minora! otVaaU from Wilmisgtos -and otbor-ax -enter of-North-Carolina should execute- the Con-
, posed points, to tbe interior,- was taken up and
u pasiied jts several readings) ordered to be engrossed
sua sent w was oenate. -
"V . , BILLS rffTKODirctD. i I'f .-'-'' '
: By Mr. Gentry, a bill to protect certain' grants.
Referred ti judiciary committee.. ; . , ,r
1 Bv Mr. Shober. a bill relative to the statute of
limitations.:. - Tfa.ir:ji
Mr. Fowle introduced a resolution authorizing the
' Governor to protect tho citizens of this State from
arrest by Confederate officers, on suspicion of being
conscripts, Ac, - - - . - -
,.s Mr. Fowle moved to.suspeod tbe rulesto pot the
resolution upon its several readings.
' Mr. Person said he hoped that the motion would
not prevail'-. He thought the matter. of great im
' portance, and he would like to bare time to examine
it that he might give an intelligent vote upon it,
when called upon to do so.-
Mr. Fowle said he was surprised to bear the gen
i tleman from New Hanover (Mr. Person) ask for
, further time ; several days had elapsed since the res
olution of inquiry, for information from tbe Gov
ernor, on this subject had passed and there had
been published in the papers of this city an order,
'(Which he "read) for several days, past under
.which these arrests were made. Confederate 'of
ficers were having citizens arrested daily, upon mere
suspicion that they were conscripts, and had even
gone so far as to arrest a member of the House;
an officer in the State" department bad also been
arrested He thought the Legislature should act
promptly, SBd give the Governor the authority to
have a stop put to it
Mr. Person said that the gentleman from Wake,
Mr. Fowle, might think it singular that be had not
seen the order, but it was nevertheless true ; it bad
escaped his attention; he had never read it, or" knew
that such ' an order was in' existence, until read by
the gentlemen; he had been engaged for several
days past, morning, afternoon, and night, in tbe
discharge of bis duties on committees, anil had there-
fore not given the subject sufficient thought to vote
at this time intelligently upon it . time lor this was
all ho asked
Mr. Waddell said that he hoped the House would
suspend tbe rules snd pass the resolution. The of
ficers alluded to were transcending the rules of pro
priety. They bad gone bo far as to arrest one of
his colleagues. It was a gross wrong and was an
indictable offence, but for the military authority
under which it was done.
. The hour having arrived for the consideration of
the special order, on Mr. Mann's motion the same
was postponed 15 minutes.
Mr. Alford said that he was present when the gen
tleman from Chatham (Mr Ueaden) was arrested and
that be knew that others parties from his' neighbor
hood bad been arrested also, that were not liable as
concripts; one of them a young man that had been
in the service apd discharged on account of - bad
health. He thought our people ought to be pro
tected against such unwarranted arrests. These men
say that under the orders given them they will ar
rest every member of the Legislature i in. their
opinion they are not beyond the age for conscripts
and when asked to go with the parties arrested to
some point where they can bo convinced that the
person in custody is not a proper subject reply, that
it is no part of their business to bv going about in
that way. He hoped the resolutions would pass. '
Mr. llcadcn madeastatemcntconcerning the man
ner of his arrest
Mr. Shober made a statement relative to tbe ar
rest of a citizen of his county.
The proposition was further discussed by Messrs.
Fowle and Person, when the question was put and
the rules were suspended
Mr. Amis offered a resolution as a substitute for
Mr. Fowle's. . ' (
Upon this quite an animated and protracted dis
cussion ensued participated in by Messrs. Amis,
Fowle, Shepherd and Worth, which resulted in
having the whole matter referred to a select com
mittee of five, composed of Messrs. Shepherd Worth,
McAden, Person and Waddell to consider and re
port as soon as practicable.
Mr. Worth tendered hjs resignation as a member
of the House, to take effect on the 22d Doc. next,
and a writ of election was ordered to take place on
24th to fill the vacancy.
On motion of Mr. Shepherd, a bill to authorize
the President and Directors of the Literary Board
to appoint a Treasurer was taken up. ' .
' Mr. Shepherd and Mr. Shober made some few re
marks upon the bill assigning reasons why it should
The bill then passed its second reading.
A resolution in favor of Mr. Bryson was then
passed on its second reading.
Also a resolution in favor of T. J. Cam Passed
second readiog.
A bill relative to working public roads, was then
considered Considerable discussion was elicited
upon it when it passed third reading, after having
been amended in several particulars.
Mr. Waddell, from the select committee to whom
the resolution introduced by Mr. Fowle and Mr.
Amis's substitute for same Ac, had been referred,
reported a resolution as a substitute for the wholo.
Again an animated discussion sprung up, and the
substitute was finally voted down.
Mr. Sheperd then moved to amend by substitut
ing the resolution at first offered by Mr. Amis, which
was finally voted down.
Mr. Person then proposed certain amendments
which wire accepted by Mr. Fowlo, and the resolu
tion finally passed its 8d reading. . '
Mr. Waddell introduced a resolution to raise a
select committee, to investigate the circumstances
connected with the arrest of Mr. Hcadun, a member
from Chatham, and if necessary, have tho parties
making tbe arrest brought before the Bar of the
House for triaL - Agreed to.
. On motion of -Mr. Harris, the House adjourned
until 11 o'clock Saturday.
. SatUkdaV; December C, 1802.
Sr-nate called to order at" 11 o'clock. Prayer by
the Rev. Mr. Lansdale. Journal of yesterday read
Mr. Sharpe a report from tho judiciary.
Mr. Graham, a report from the select committee,
on " bill for the purchase of provisions," offering
amendments. ' '
Mr. Ramsay, a bill to amend' the Revised Cde,
Referred,. ..... . ' .
Mr. Ellis, a bill to raise a calvary company in
Rutherford county for police purposes. Referred
A resolution in favor of J. L. Fisher. Referred
Message from tbe House of Commons, transmit
ting a resolution requesting the Governor to use
his discretion to prevent tho arrest of our citizens
by Confederate officers and soldiers.
Mr. Ramsay offered an amendment to the effect
that the Governor be requested to remonstrate with
the Confederate government in regard to competi
tion between State and "government agents in pur
chasing provisions. Ruled out of Order by the
chair. ....
' Mr. Copeland opposed the resolutions in their
present form on tbe ground that be did not wish to
trammel certain Confederate Tofficcrs in the State.-
Mr, Warren said that he .had beard of the arrest
of a member of tbe House, of Commons, and other
exempt citizens by order of Gen. Martin as Briga
dier General, after an agreement had been made
. with the government by Gov. Vance, to return con
; scripts through State agencies. - lie did not recog
nize tbe authority of Confederate officers over eiti
tent, after this agreement had been made. --" -"
Mr. Taylor of- Chatham, said the self-respect of
the Legislature demanded the passage of tbe resolu
tions. - That several exempt persons, citizens of
Raleigh and elsewhere had been carried, at the
point of the bayonet, to the guard house.' .
Mr. Copeland offered an amendment excepting
from tbe operation of the resolutions, places in
? S
tbe vicinity ! tha enemy ; -thought it was necessary,'
lot tha arrest of traitors and spies, "; v .
Ifr. (are favored the amendment endorsing Mr,
Co; eland's remarks a said the bayonets of Con-'
federate soldiers were necessary to bring in.recreantt
ounscripis, wag oppoeea to toe resolutions sua uo
pricaud their introduction. . ; : e:.-. ' i
Mr.. Warren said he wished to see the military
law as far as citizen were concerned, made subordi
nata to tb "civil authority." :. vrz v?-!-rt.
1 Mr. Ross favored the resolutions, snd said that
script law tfarooeh tbe militia officer under his
command and they 1 beeo industriously engaged
in rying to execute tbe law, and was now unwilling
to- abandon that, position. Men -who live near tbe
Capitol nave imposed upon, tbe fights of militia of
ficers, he wished to see tbem deposed' Tbe time
has arrived when, In order to extract men's brains,
.a Surgical operation was not necessary ; put a but?
ton on the cap and a stripe on tbe leg, snd tbey
might very soon be declared non eompot win (is. .
i Mr. Outlaw moved to refer to a select committee..
Mr. Graham favored the resolution ; thought that
it did not interfere with the execution of Confeder
ate laws in regard to deserters from tbe army, or
disloyal citizens. . Referred tcCa select committee.
Mr. Graham introduced a resolution instructing
tbe Secretary of Sute to keep in a secure and sepa
rate repository all proceedings of the Legislature in .
secret session. Adopted '..".-''
X)n motion of Mr. Ramsay, the resolution in favor
of Tbos. E. Skinner, passed its several readings. ,
Resolutions in favor of Tbos. IL Hicks. Passed
y Bill to incorporate the town of Marion.. Passed
Mr. Warren, a bill in rezard to kabea ccrvv.
' Ordered to be printed and referred
several enrolled bills were ratified by tbe Speaker.
Message from the House was received transmit
ting a message from the Governor, and another re
fusing to concur in the Senate's amendments to the
bill to prevent the distillation of spirits.
.. The Governor's message was referred
The Senate refused to concur in the proposition oC
tbe House. . '
Tbe Senate then adjourned tilt Monday, 11 o'clock.
Tho Speaker called the House to order at 11
o'clock. Prayer by Rev. Henry Hardie. Journal
of Vriday was read
Messrs. Waddell, Shepherd and Henry of Bertie,
were announced as tbe committee under. Mr. Wad
dell's resolution of yesterday.
The Speaker being informed that Mr. Waddell
was not in the city, Mr. Mann of Pasquotank, was
substituted in his place.
KBPORTS ntox coMMTrrcas.
By Mr. Allison, from committee on propositions
and grievances, a bill to amend the charter of the
city of Raleigh recommending its passage.
By Mr. Fowle, from tbe judiciary committee, a
biH rehttive to executions for capital felony. Makes
them private.
By Mr. Costner, a resolution aod petition to ap
point John E. Roberts a Justice of the Peace.
Mr. Foy inquired if the gentleman proposed was
liable to conscription. "
Mr. Costner stated that the gentleman was be
tween the agesa of 85 and 45. He had served more
than 12 months in tbe army, and that be knew the
fact that there was no magistrate in the district
where the gentleman resided
Mr. Foy said, he hoped thai no appointments of'
justices "Of the peace would be made from persons
liable to conscript duty. He did not intend to re-,
commend any such for his couqty.
Mr. Amis inquired if there was any necessity for
haste in making this appointment He had no
doujbt but that there would be a number of appli
cations for appointments of justices of the peace,"
simply to avoid military duty. : He thought some
rulo should be laid down by which tbe House would
be governed in this matter, and if no especial neces
sity existed make no appointments, and particularly
of such as were merely trying to avoid military
Mr. Costner said that he knew of no particular
reason for baste in making the appointment There
was, however, no magistrate in tbe district at this
time. He had received the petition more than "a
week ago.
On motion of Mr. Love, the resolution Ac., was
laid on the table until such day as the House may
set apart for such appointments.
By Mr. Woodall, a resolution fixing certain hours
for meeting and adjournment of the House and pro
viding for afternoon sessions.
By Mr. Brown, a bill to alter tbe times of holding
the county courts of Mecklenburg county.
On motion of Mr. Shepherd, tbe rules were sus
pended and this bill passed its second and third
readings., ..."
By Mr. Fowle, a bill to strengthen the laws al
ready in force for the protection of persorial liberty.
Ordered to be printed and referred.
By Mr. Ingram, a bill in relation to the Richmond
manufacturing company.
The rules being suspended the bill passed its
several readings.'
By Mr. McNeil L, a bill, to amend 6th sea 19th
chap, of laws relative to common schools.
A bill to incorporate the Swift Island Gold Min
ing Company, passed 3d reading, ordered to be en
grossed and sent to the Senate.
A bill in favor of Wyalt, a free man of color.
Laid on the table.
A bill to incorporate the Beatiesville Seminary,
was passed its 3d reading. ,
A biill to amend the charter . of the Lizzerdalo
Copper Company. Passed
A message was received from the Senate transmit-
ting a House bill, authorizing certain cqunties to
levy a tax, for working public roads, with an amend
ment by the Senate. The House refused to concur
in the Senate amendment
' Also, a bill relating to distilling liquors Ciom grain
&C. The Senate refusing to concur in several amend
ments made by the House. 7
After considerable discussion the House voted to
adhere to its ameiidmonts.
A message was received from the Senate transmit-
ting the report of the President of the Bank -of Lex
ington. Also, s Series of resolutions of thanks to our troops
4c.; passed by that body.
Also, a bill providing for having ammunition, dis
tribute4 to each county. i
Also, a bill to amend an ordinance of tbe Con
vention, for the relief of tbe families of deceased,
sick and wounded soldiers.
Also, a bill relative, to jailor's fees, a bill author
izing the county courts to increase Sheriffs bonds,
and a resolution requiring the Secretary of State to
keep all resolutions and bills passed in secret -session
in a separate and secure repository, no one to
have access to the same, except the Governor, the
members of his staff and his Private Secretary.
'All of the last named bills and resolutions were
passed their several readings under a suspension of
the rules.- ' : '
A message was received from the Governor trans
mitting a communication from H. W. Guion, Esq.,
President of the Wilmington, Charlotte and Ruth
erford Railroad relative to an order from the War
Department to seize, for tho use of the Confederate .
government, certain railroad iron, upon which the
State holds a claim by virtue of a mortgage.
On motion of Mr. Fowle, the message and accom
panying documents were .sent to the Senate with a
proposition to refer ' the same to a joint Belectcom
cnitlee of three on the part of the Senate and five on
tbe part of tbe House. . .. - . ' .,
A bill altering the time if holding Hie Superior
Courts in 'the 6th circuit passed its' third reading.
On motion of Mr. Best leave of absence was grant
ed to Mr. Dunn until Thursday next
..Mr. Hcaden addressed the House relative to his
arrest, upon which tho House, oa yesterday, had
taken action." , '- . -
He stated that for fifteen of the best months of his
life he had followed and upheld tbe banner of the
Southern Confederacy, and that he . thought be
ought to be allowed for a brief season, to repair a
shattered constitution,' and attend to tbe duties'
,which his constituents had, "without his seeking, im
posed Upon him." He further remarked that while
Lis .constituents loved the flag of tbe Confedera--cy,
they loved tbe 'tattered and abused and wars
worn banner of North-Carolina better. He" was
'a ware that the question'of these arrests was one 'of
a most delicate nature, and regretted exceedingly
thai anything of tbe kind brf .-occurred but was
sore that the path of duty was plainly marked out
and that if. ire do no more than tfieOecessity of the
ease requires, there can be do danger of a collision
between the Stale and Confederate' antHOrities.'
; On motiod of Mr. Aver, the "Hooiso adjourned
until Monday at 10 o'clock. - v"--.
:-. r , :J -. , y . '
- 'f- v for the Standard. :
, ... Tbe despot' beel thoa dost adore, : 1 ; '
. Maryland, Del Marjlaod; ' - . i "
Kow worshipped at thy temple door. Jj. . 1
'-'; Mary bod, fief Maryland;
.- Is vain tbe patriotic core. ' . ' .''." .;.' - J
f . jgeep Bowed tbe streeta of Baltimore, , . V '
a . juTjjuuie spim are no morel
Maryland -net Maryland I V ' X - ';. A 1
Kow" Mien State, noea to then kaesL
Maryland. Bet Marviand . " -
. Tba traitor's pains tbml't ever feet, v 7.
,jT Maryland, fie !' Maryland ; -'' '
Z Sknlk'd from thy sisters is the Odd ' ' ' ;
.r. all tarnished U thy ancient shield, - ':
.t, Thy heart to patronage did yield., ;
Maryland M Maryland! , '.. .,
". Tbon snamed the oftVr of a Lee,
-I Maryland, fie ! Maryland ; - - .'";',-
And bartered for thy liberty,' "
. Maryland, Del Maryland; .' -. v ' ;"
With servile minion for s fee, - , .
Vo nope that thou will e'er be free, . V
While Lincoln's gold eocbanteth thee t :.
, Maryland, shame) Maryland- - . " '.. - -
'. A noble band came to thy ahore, "
- Maryland, -fie I Maryland; '-'
I and bathed it o'er with freemen' sore. '
Maryland, fie I Maryland; - -
' Tbey freal v bled at every- pore,
To waka thee from thy fatal anore.
And raise thee to thyself once more.
Maryland, fie I Maryland.
i But thou did'st cower io tbe dnst '
-Maryland fie 1 Maryland; . . .
' Thy beaming sword thrown down to rust,
Maryland, fie I Maryland ; ' ,
. Forjrotten Howard's warlike throat
f- .t Forjrotten Geiroira sacred trust,
. And all tbv slmnberers with the just I
' Maryland, tie I Maryland.
How'al toe i golden dawn of day,
aiaryiana, poor Maryland ;
Tby saceoriog host in proad array,
NWJ i.uu( yirus um iiuu a.
In sorrow (all back from theTray,
And leave tbee, tbon frail thing of clay, .
Forever to tbe tyrant's sway,
' Maryland poor Maryland.
Base mother ! take thy tyrant's chain,
, Maryland, fie (.Maryland ;
Virginia I abe has called in vain, ' ,
Maryland fie I Maryland ;
She met her sisters in tbe plain,
8ie'mpr I 'tis a proad refrain,
That baffles millions back again,
Maryland, fie! Maryland. -' -
Thoa yieidast np to Tandal toll,
Maryiaod, fie I Maryland ;
And vilely crooked to hia control, '
Maryland, fie ! Maryland ;
Better tbe fire arouDd tbee roll,
Better tbe shnt,sjhe blade, the bowl.
Than cowards" alain upon tby soul 1
4 Maryland, lost Maryland!
? . ' '-.
" - For tbe Standard
7S Company K, 6th Iieg'L X. C. State Troopt,
by PUatant Grove District, Alamance, collect
ed and carried to Virginia, by Lieutenant Levi
. Mrs R S Barnwell, 1 quilt ; George Maynard 1
coat, 2 vests, 2 pair pants, 8 pair drawers, 3 shirts,
3 pa'.r socks, 1 pair shoes, 1 comfort; L W Simp
son, 1 quilt 1 pair pants, 1 pair drawers, 1 shht, 1 pr
aocks,l pair shoes, 1 pair gloves, 1 hat; James Mason,
1 coat 1 vest, 1 shirt, 1 pair drawers, 1 blanket 1
comfort, 1 pair gloves, 1 - bat 1 pair shoes ; Mrs J
W.Lea, 1 blanket 20 pair socks, 6 pair gloves, 5
lbs soap ; Mrs J?mes Murray, 1 coat, 1 pair socks,
1 ' blanket ; Mary Walker. I pair socks ; Rachael
Walker, 1 pair nocks; Mrs J D Corbin, 1 blanket ;
Smith Rasco, 1 shirt, 1 pair socks, 1 pair gloves, 1
quilt; Mrs E Browning, 1 pair socks; Mrs John
.Gray, 2 shirts, 1 pair drawers; Mrs A Pettigrew.'l
pair drawers ; Mrs Hughes, 1 pair socks ; Mrs W A
Walker, 1 blanket 1 quilt 2 pair socks ; Mrs Levi
Whitted, 1 blanket, 1 shirt, 1 pair drawers, 1 pair
socks, 2 coats, 4 lbs red pepper ; Levi Whitted, I
pair shoes, 1 hat ; Mrs Noah Mitchell, 2 blankets ;
Mrs Betsy Malone, 1 pair drawers, 1 shirt, 1 pair
socks; Eli Murray, Sen., 1 pair shoes; Mrs GUI
Lea, 2 .pair drawers, 2 pair socks, 3 J lbs soap, 1
blanket ; Mrs D McAdams, 1 pair socks ; J T Bur
ton, 1 coat 1 pair pants, 2 pair socks, I pairooU ;
Egbert Corn, (free negro,) 1 quilt ; Ned Corn, (free
negro) 2 quilts ; Dixon Corn, (free negro) 2 blank
eta ; J G Tate, 2 blankets ; Airs Williams, 3 pnir
socks; Mrs Wm Barnwell, 1 blanket; Mrs T W
King, 1 pair socks ; Mrs K Tate, 1 quilt ; Garrison
Walker, 1 overcoat 1 coat, .1 pair pants, 1 drill
Shirt, 1 vest, 2 shirts, 2 pair drawers, 8 pair socks;
1 pair glove,'! pair suspenders, 1 quill ; J Walker,
4 blankets ; Mrs Marion Hesse, 1 shirt 1 pair gloves,
1 blanket; Wm Hughes, 1 blanket 4 lbs tobacco ;
Mrs A Harvey, 1 quilt 1 shirt 1 vest 2 pair draw
ers, 1 pair socks, 1 pair boots ; Mrs Fred Wyatt, 1
blanket 2 pair socks, 2 shirts, 1 pair drawers, 1
comfort, 1 pair gloves ; Thos Moore, 1 overcoat 1
coat 1 blanket 2 flannel shirts, 2 pair drawers, 2
ahirts, 1 comfort, 2 pair pants, 1 pair gloves, 1 hat
5 pair socks, 1 pair boots ; - Mrs Polly Bynl, 1 pair
drawers, 1 shirt 1 comfort, 2 pair sock", 1 pair
gloves; J W Lea, small box of hardware; James
Uailey, 2 shirts, 2 vests, 2 pair shoes, 1 bundle pep
per, 1 bundle sage; Mrs Thos Hughes, 2 shirts, 1
comfort, 2 lbs soap, 1 pair boots; Mrs.M Desbong,
1 shirt l'pair drawers, 2 pair socks,' 1 pair gloves,
1 comfort; Mrs Wm B Vincent, 5 pair socks; Mrs '
E Murray, Sen., 2 pair socks ; Mrs L Mitchell,. 1
pair socks; J W Vincent 2 vests; G B Lea, 4
blankets ; unknown, 3 quilts, 2 shirts, 1 pair pants,
1 pair socks ; Levi A Vincent 1 pair shoes ; Sam
Martin, (free negro) 1 pair shoes ; Mrs Thos Lynch,
lbs red pepper ; Mrs Cook, 2 shirts, 1 pair socks ;
Mrs M Aldridge, 2 pair socks, 1 pair gloves; Mrs
Nancy Murray,. 2 shirts, 2 pair drawers,' 8 pair
socks, 1 quilt; Mrs A Tarpley, 2 shirts, 1 flannel
ahjrt, 2 pair drawers,' 1 pair pants, 3 pair socks, 1
overcoat, 1 comfort ; Samuel Allen, 2 shirts, 2 pair
drawers, 4 pair socks ; Mrs J W Byrd 1 pair socks,
1 vest, 1 pair drawers, 1 comfort ; Jonathan Brooks
1 pair socks '; Mrs Heartt 8 vests, 8 shirts, 8 pair
drawers, 3 comforts; 3 pair socks, 3 pair gloves, 1
bottle vinegar : Mrs F Barton, 1 pair shoes, 1 pair
socks; Mrs Win Hurdle, 1 bundle, 1 pair shoes;
Mrs Mi McAdams, I bottle vinegar, 1 overcoat 1.
blanket, 2 drill shirts, 2 pair drawers; Mrs Nancy '
Murray,' 2 pair socks ; Wm B McAdams, 1 pair
shoes; Mrs J Anderson, 1 shirt; Mrs J E Vincent,
1 blanket '
- For tbe Standard
Within Uie bound of Corhpany E, CapL S. P.
SAerrill, Lineolnton, for our toldier in Vir
ginia, collected by O. R. Harding, Agtnt.
Mrs Dr Richardson, 12 yds carpeting : Mrs L E
Thompson, 2 blankets, 1 pair socks ; MrsS P Sher
rill,'! coverlet; Mrs B S Sumner, 2 pair socks;
Mrs G R Harding, 1 blanket. 2 pair socks ; Mrs M
A Ramsour, 40 yds carpeting. 2 blankets. 1 nair
socks, 6 pecks dried apples ; Mrs C C Henderson, 2'
blankets; Mrs A W Alexander, 1 blanket; Mrs J
T Alexaoder, 1 blanket, 1 pair pants, 1 pair socks;
Mrs J O Jenkins, socks and carpet; Mrs Farqua, 3
bottles medicine, 1 jar pickles ; Mrs Barbery Plonk,
2 pair socks; Mrs Mary Rudasill,. 2 pair socks;
Miss Elizabeth Debtcr. 1 pair socks : Mrs Elisabeth
Delinger, 5 yds linsev: bv Win J Hoke, from Co.
, 1st Reg't N CToluJiters 2, comforts,. 2 blank-
eta, 7 straw ticks, 7 haversacks, 3 knapsacks, 6 pil
low cases, 2 pair drawers, 2 towels, 7 shirts ; ' Wm
Ramsour & Co., 7 pair shoes ; Mrs J O Cobb, 2
-pair socks; Win R Clark, 1 pair socks; Ladies'
Soldier's Aid Society, 46 shirts, 44 pair socks, 10
pair drawers; Mrs Rhody Stewart, 1 patr socks;
Mrs David Crooks. 1 pair socks : L Motx. 20 Yards
carpeting, 1 pair socks ; Miss Ann Goodson," 1 pair
socks ; Miss Jane Goodson, 1 pair socks r- Mrs Dr
Fox, 1 coverlet plJavid Schenck. 1 pair socks;.
W xi jaicuaei, i pair EOCKS. - ' . .-.'.-
List of Donation, in cah, for the benefit of our
Army couectea ny K.. Harding, AgenU "
Wm Lander. 420: Y A McBee. 35 : W H Mots.
$50 ; SPSherill, $10? Sam'l Lander, $10; Davtf
Schenck, $4 ; W M Bernhardt; i ; Mrs A Q.Wts
wilt, S ; Miss M TurbyfiU, $1 ; Mrs Rhody Shu
ford 1; J C Jenkins, $3 ; Dr ML Brown, 3 ; J
O Cobb, $3'; John 8 brum, 1 ; John E Roger; $11
L H Kestle4, 2f T,W Robinson, ; Wll Clark,
5: RH Abernetby, 10;.Wm Ramsour Oo.,
$16; John J Anthony, $3.
' " 'NOTICE TO T.ANTs nrrvnL
very valuable Unas io the Coaatv of n-?. Mff
acres, about 150 of which are ensured andinVhi"8 1
enttivatioa; tbe balance in woods, thfeklr !.
bickorv and nine timber. Th
tbe land is well watered and heaihVS HZ00.
best kind.. This tand. U wnsceptiSe'" t
thebeat ppUnd fiirm. in tbeTddi.
ftV wuu- inQ ore of ik.
otwh,ck . wan Rot &
e-"n uwivK . wvii
t Alan thai Irsu! arrwrvi aa T;MAli.
. . . . .HV uig. Wtt I mnaw". V n
a I JrJ ll "ng, a convenient stohT i,
and shoo sbeds. and shanties snffi.;... r. 8Ulre aa
cpcuuue uiwan lor or so hands. ' s
L . . . . ;T. ur carrr n .
i1CL 7 . vr v . T JT. . waiter latdi
acres. , Tneia is on the two UT. i .n
irptine boxes, and upon which is aomeexseiliT 8O,O0()
aieafwBsarenartndlvdntin. rents'r'trn..
a.ri J: J ne sold on
js. bw rts anw ovr lha t Kava -it a
. . Addrecs " JAUrQ r r-n
.'. . . Sntnmerville, Harnett ri v
i . . "'pq.
' : -r BTKAYED. .
both eyes and baa a black streak on hisbsck fitn!
to tait Any information abont tlu. Voni.lnM
folded by rMSF"
pm ; .""loraviutll KEFPB
. enoes, can eet constant employment bv th .i. 7
act as Foreman lor fiveTTair h.nrf DJr lbe Jr o
Address. .... S. W. TERRELL,
Dee. S, 1863.
; , . aoiesviue, w ake Co, $. q
at the fall Term, 1862, of Wayne Court of Eanitrl
will sell st public auction on tbe premises, on the -ntv
ofDecember,18Sa,at 12 M, a tract of land IvinVmlS
sonth eastern part of -Wayne County, on the &enh C
River, adjoining; the lands of the heirs of Wm. WhitfieS
(deceased.) Hesekiah Grimes. L..W.. l-i. "P""'
known asihe John T. Bryan place, snd containiD S
seven hundred and fifteen acres. '
Tmuis or Sals : Five per cent, cash ; bond wilh in.
proved security for the payment of the balance six months
, ui w ku iusjc.e aawaas vub IAHJ UI Kile.
W. Q. UORISEF. cat
Goldsboro', N. C, Ded 2, 1862. 49-wi
' 7. NOTICE.
B C. Belvin, deceased, at November Term 1862 of
Wake County Court, 1 hereby give notice to the debtors
of the estate to make payment, and to the creditors to
present their claims within tbe time specified bylaw
- R. K. FEKRELL, Adm'r.
. wat.
December, 1862, a HOUSE and LOT, at Ysdkio In.
stitate, in Davidson County, N. C. The lot has on it a
(rood new dwelling bouse, with several good boardine of
fices for stndeuta, and other onthoases. It is located id a
healthy section of country, and is nine miles from Lexing
ton.' Tbe properly belonging to B. F. Smith, deceased.
Terms made known on tbe day of sale.
Dec 2, 1862." . 49-w3tpd!
the will annexed of William Estes, deceased, will
ell on tbe premises of the said deceased, on tbe 26th dsy
of December next, on a credit of six months, in the south
ern rait of Granville Coitnty, oo the waters of Smith's
Creek, adjoining tbe lands f Abraham Lawrence, Dr. N.
M. Lawrence and others, tbe tract containing (wo hundred
and forty-eif-ht (213) acres, and lire likely negroes, three
men and two women, for tbe purpose of distribution of the
Perst n Indebted to tbe estate will make immediate pay
ment, and those having claims against said estate will pre
sent them daly authenticated within tbe time prescribed
by law, otherwise this notice will be plead in bar of their
recovery. ; 3EREMIAH KSTE8. Adm'r,
h ith the will annexed.
Dec 2, 1862. 49 w6t.
miles north of Hillsborough.- Tbe land is very pro
ductive snd well adapted to corn, wheat and tobacco, with
a large quantity of meadow grounds. The land is well
supplied with water, and tbe improvements -consist of s
large barn" and stables, with two good, framed bouses snd
a loir bouse. If not sold soon it will be for rent. Terms
to jwt tbe purchaser.
Hillsboro', N. O, Nov. 11, 1862. , 46 wtf.
550 acres of. valuable land for
nph e undersigned "offers for sale his
a valuable tract of LAND, situated in tbe Eastern part
of Franklin County, lying between Red Bud and Sandy
Creek, containing hbO acres. A portion of the land is rich
low grounds, ana for the growth of corn and cotton, there
is noneuperior to it in tbe County. Tbe upland is well
adapted to the growth of tobacco, corn, and small grain.
On .the premises there is a number of tobacco barns, grana
ries, stables, negro cabins, aud an overseer's bouse.
' For-further information, spply io person or by letter to
Casta! ia, N. C.
Oct. 21. IBM. . 43 wiswHt
. Januarys. D 1863. tbe LANDS and NEGROES,
HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. CORN, number of valuable
Milch Cows, Ac., of tbe la'e Mrs. Rachel Stokes, snd slso
a number of line beef Cattle, a valuable Jack, sevtral bead
of horses, with other articles too numerous to mention, tbe
property of 'he late Mrs. Htokeaand Col. It. 8. Stokes, de
ceased, will be sold on a credit of twelve months.
- This-is to take place at the former residence of Gen.
Stokes called the Bend on the Yadkin River, about foar
miles abort Wilkesbom'. '
Attention is especially invited to tbe valuable and desi
rable tract of land offered for sale. -
Oo Monday evening, the fith of January, will be "M as
the property of tbe late Mrs. Intakes, a valuable itockFann,
in Ashe County, containing about $00 acres. -
Alxo. on a credit of 12 months, there will be sold a quant
ill of Hayf and a parcel of ' Household Furniture.
; With tbe Will annexed of Mrs. R. Stokes snd
-v Adm'r. 61 Col. M. S Stokes. .
Dec. 5, 1862. . 98 wiswlm.
thepublic, that be baa, in successful' operation, a
BRASS FOUNDRY, in tbe City of Raleigh. All tbos
wishing fine BRASS CASTINGS, w.ill please givs him a -call
before bargaining elsewhere. .
. Tbe highest price will be paid ibr old copper, brass snd
. line. . .
Office opposite tbe market honse.
. . - - H. MAHLER.
Raleigh, Aug. 22,1862. - 5-wasw6in.
important Sale of Real and Personal Property
. -e la vYarren Conatv.
shall sell at Areola, in the County of Warren, situat
ed 15 miles southeast of Warrenlon, and four miles sonth
of Grove Hill, the following property, belonging to the es
.tate of tbe late Samuel T. Alston, deceased, to-wit : l,?5
acres of land, known as tbe Areola lrac.t, with good im
provements; one other tract, containing 585 acres, known
as. the Helton's Creek tract. Tho land is adjoining the
hinds of Gen. Samuel A. Williams, John Burgess, Dr.
Mark Perry and others. .This is. valuable land, and we 1
adapted, to tbe cultivation of tobacco, wheat, corn and all
'tbe products-of the conn try, and for health aod good socie
ty is unsurpassed. . -
Persons wishing to view tbe land will call on Gen. Ss
od A. Williams, Dr. Mark Perry, or Dr. Robert E. Wil
liams. Also, at tbe same time and place, 60 bales of cotton,
hogsheads tobacco and 20 likely negroes, of both iei
' TsRirs or !.: Nine month ctedit, with ""."j"
from date. Bond and undoubted security will be requirea
before tbe delivery of tbe proprty.
.'Agent Tor tbe esUte of Samuel T. Alston, dee d.
Warren Co , N. C. Nov. 23. 182. , 8wAsw7lpd.
t5f- Richmond Enqnirtr and' Petersburg Express wiu
please eopy for two weeks. . .
O J9 whieh I will par twelve dollars per rord, de
livered at my Tan Yard in Raleigh. Any person who M
any on band and wishes tn sell, will please wnte snd K
ma know bow much, as all quantities will b received mi
to 100 cords J will pay half lha expenses of lb W
Road charges of any that mar be more than iO miles In
Raleigh, in addition to -the above price. The cash ww
paid promptly on delivery. "
'; : - ' .:. - H. PETTITT Tanner.
1 Raleigh, IT. C, Ntfv. T,-18M'. - 90 wAswtf
LfUir tbe Piedmont Radroad, now being bait be
tween Greenaborougbend Danville. Ws are paying liber
al wages, and. the. negroes sre well cared fur.
. ... ... , . Atw
- Apply immediately to K- WILKES C0
-j- Contractors Piedmont R.
'Greensboroufh, N.
Dec. 8,1862.' Si-wAswlT'l"41'

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