Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING STAR IS PUBLISHED BVETHY AFTERNOON, (HICBPT SUTOAT.) Jt Iks on D itrtH, tiear 12tA, Marly oppo mlt the trnnf Hrtel, Br WALLACU &HOPI. To ?nSseift>?ni* Uieeitiea of Vv'ashincon, George iow n, Alci.isdna, Baltimore and Philadelphia, a |;l per a.-imn, PfX CENTS ?we#k ly u> the Ag? ats. To maH subscribers the sub sc.ipcion price w THREE DOLLAKr- AND FIFTY i.TTiT? a year fa chance, TSVO DOLLARS for SjX MONTHS, aau one W>LLAR w?r THREE MOimiH. rwm out ri*T. in m iirawwns. from the house of wm. h. Mcdonald, 102 Nassau Street, (corner of Ann.) W II E E L E R A W I L S O N , V 4 XTFAI T>* TRI\G COVFAXTS IMPROVED SEWING MACHINES. Mann factu.rvl a/ It ilrii fh*n , Office and Warenx on at "43 Brujl*ay, X. Y. TiUKH !?- Machine* hare been in succe f'ol orcr* tion, in ?b<* hands c>f?ja-ufacturers aul fami 11.-4 for tha past two y%y, aud in every c.ue have givn universal satisfaction The proprietors are now prepared to offer then to th- public, with that iacrea.Ms.1 c >Lti.l*noo in their merits. which the uoite-j t-stitnony ot their num? rous customer* ha.* atrem5>.h?n"d and confirmed. The-w macVius? arnyeeirwy different from any 6th?r. the principles on W ch they are a:; l>* being Aja,2fT the advantages of this Machine over any ctke"S *rf> the follow'ng. 1 The simplicity of it' contraction, and the eaSe wi'h which it can Ik* kept in the mi<t perfect order. ? The perfect manner with whiah the operator 1? enaMed to stiLch and w? * the variou* kind.' of work, f-rtin the finest liners to the cnarspet el** hs. 3. It par iculariy excels in th-rapidity with which work ran he executed, aud in that respect it has no equal. 4. The little p v-r r^iu'red to ^propel thstn, ena bling even tho. e ,he ino?t delicate constitution to us- them w:t.':o-it !njurv to their hea th. We are now manufacturing a l*rg-r-?:ized snf-'hine more adapted to the .-ewing ' f leather, canvas bags, and th ? ueavi. r kinds of cloths. An exaaiinsti -n of rur Ma-hiues is respectfully solicit-d at our Office, 043 Broadway, N. Y. may 24?1m Q rTNNE'S PATEN! REACIION CENTRI FUGAL PUMP AND FIRE ENGINE. ADAPTED U any situation, unlimited in power, cert tin in ac?ioo, permanent ui tia^, and withal so low in eoxt that 'hey are rapidly sit;>eriiediug all others. It is eepaein'ly re?omaieode<t to the atten tion of all interesteii in t?tiia.uier*. .%iauufactories, Tannerre*, Breweri Dirtillerie?, Railroad Water PUtlons, Canals, Water Work*, Drrina^ <>r Trrign tion f.">r th? f illrtwin? proper h?? : Kmiiomy, Dura bility, Simp'icity. frer<h>m t'mt? lixlnli'y 1-. nut of urdsr. ami I ir<t* resets from th' yoiw applet. For Miciuic. yua ryiug, 0otfer>l?oi8, they are peon liarly adapted. Sizes are manufactured of fcooa 2b to lO'.OOO ija'.lon^ jht minute capacity Call and b ? p ati-:ied of these f?rt->, at the Oitce and Warehou^ of Union Power Company of C. S , No Broad way, New York. Ki'mftTel from Xo 1M opcosite preo'- it stand may 22?Son IRON RAILING WORKS. IRON RAlLINti, every variety, of Wrought aud Cae* I run, and the celebrated Wire Kailiotf. Wickrrsham's Patented Wire fence. Tor Prairies Railroads, Farms Lawoj, Uardens, Ao., $2 per rol. IRON BS03TI?AD3?IRON FURNITURE. The -'?e.jaJ e.d'tion of "New Ph i e ot the Iron M'in'ifai'tiire." containing d^eigna, explanatious and price* oi the ?bove ar.icles, forwarded by addressing the subscriber. JOHN B WICKER4UAM, Wareroom', No. T>12 Broadway. Woras, Nob. 53, to, 57, bit and oL Lewis street, New York. may 13?dt Au^l:t BILLIARD TABLES. THE "ubei-ribf* having devoted their personal attention tor many years to the manufacture Ot BILLIARD TABLiKS. are fully competent Ui exe cute work that wii! give entire satisfaction to the mist astidioua Ooano?ieur. Heia^ the most exten ?ive aianatactarer? in the Vri^r-a, they are enable.i to furnish a sn^erior t*hle at lo per o>-nt. les? than any oth?r <*staV:f?hm? nt in the country, to which tact th?y re p^ctfully mvire the attention of buyer*, as also, to the e**rntial improvem-uts they have made in the construction and elasticity of th?* Cu-h ions, wai*'h Lhey have brought to a Jejtree of p?r fecti .a ?ttaiu?i by uo others. Always on haud Bil liard TaMes with Marbie in 1 Wooden lied-s with a large stock of Cioth.s, Balls, Cue*. French Cue Leath ern, Cue Wax. i\*ot Hull, Boards, Bagalelle Tables, Bilk au-i W..r<t*-d i'ocltet-, Ac. Orders by mail promptly attended to. Old Tables recushioned by ?ending Cham t>y Expretv). GRIFFITH A DECKER, Billiard d'able MaTintacturers, ap 19?3m No. 9y Ann st, New York. hotics rTUE CREDTP"->H3 OF THE LATE REPUB LIC oF TEXAS.?The creditors of the late Ke pubuc ot fexa.-" ore hereby uotiiied, that hy an act el the Legi datnrc ol Lhe State of Texas, appro* ed Feb. llth, l!>54, the provisions ot tLe act entitled ''Asset l > provide for ascertaining liii debt of I be late ttepublic of Texa.*, approve?d Mariui 2 >th, 1843, has b*eit e?ienue>4 u"*t?i th? 1st day ol August 1&?6; therefore, all hi>!Anrs of any of the iirbilides of I he lats Republic, which have not been heretofore uniu dicatwi. whjtn^r the same be sfock boaas, treasury Botes, audited paper, unliquidated claims, or any other description or debt whatsoever, will present the name f?r a-ljustm-?nr to the Au iitor an 1 Comp troller, at this o5tce, in Austin, on or bef .re the date atoresaid, Angu't 1st, IboO, or the same are by statute aforesai-l, declare.d forever barred Parties forwarding claims by mail to the un 1-r ?igBed. un>ier the provisions of the act aforesaid, tie oertin^ate of *dju*tmenl issued therefor will be re turned in the Mine way, should it be so directed by the claimant, otherwise it wi<l remain in the Aadi tar'a o.i> h. salyMCt Lu his order, in all casm. the transni.Miion of aecuritiss Co and lrom the, the tame stiaii be a: the rb& ot the owner or holder When a party deputes ano.her to act for 1 im, (whi 'h is re juisite in second cla-s claims,) a sibip'e power oi *iioeavy attested by two witnesses will JNO. M SWIbUER, ) Auditor. JAMIU B. SHAW, J Comptrolln* A as tin. Tela*, February 22d, l?o4. a? 17?3m TUB POWDER COMPANY, MANUFACTURERS OF O U N P O W D K R , Continue to furnish Gunpowder of all their well known brand.-, vis: KENTUCKY RIFLE, SEA BHOOTINii, A >1KRI JAN SPORTING, INDIAN ltlFLE, KLECTlilC, DUCK SHOOTING, in kegs, half anl quarter k*gs, and Canisters of one pound Also, a full a.^oi .uinat of Powder for blasting and Miaiug purpoatM-, aud fur .Export. lue reputation nf th>-ir Uunp->wier is too well linown to roquirs (OBtir t. For snle by the pru?i|al dealers in this place, and at the :Ucv of the Comoany. OV Wall street, X. Y. City. A. G. ilA/.AKD, lre'aient. A. E. DOUGLASS, Secretary. ap 4?3in PROPOSALS FOR FUEL. IlaAiKiUiRTcas M\Ri\e CoRP3, ) V^uartermaster c Odice, > Waahingion, May 12th, 135-1 J ^K VI.KD PIUjMSALS will be received at this of ^ until the SKh d .y of June, proxltso, for sup plying- su"h quandties of Wood and Coal, as may be require J Lr the u-m ot th ? L'ui tad States Maiineh ?tau yed in this city during the fiscal year ending 3tttt? Jun-, laii. The wood aud coal to be delivered at such points a* may Oe dedguato-d by the Couioiauding Marine OOt-, within the walls of the Marine liarrack, in the Navy Vanl in this city, free of expense to the loite-j sut-j. Tb- w..?i t> t>; the best >|uality oak wood, and the <**l best Autnracit-, broken and screened, aud free trom iu?, an I to weirh 2,240 pouu ts to the ton. To be endorsed "Proposals for Fuel." AUG. A. NIJHOL80N, Quartermaster Marine Corp". Th* Unnn an 1 National Intelligencer will pub Hsk th? at^>ve twicr a w?ek untd the 9tti June, and ?koU Ulis, ace impaiiie-i by a cjpy of the advertise ?tot to thi-? office for payment. may 13?2awt9th>nne Jl K. SALOMON'S IMPROVEMENT-IN ? BRlCKMAKI.Vl, Pateutei April 2i, 18?4 - Hy t^h me*hod ofma'aicj brkk the varioui well known ?acihues and alvautages of the orliuary manual process are combin-d with those of th? ma chine or preso system, while many disadvantages pe- j cuuax to the a;tion generally < f the latter are avoid j ed; the brie*a are male rapilly aud dried an! pre p*r?d ?sr the iuhl Upjn Liu; tied on which they are I moulded with t>ut little delay and witfcjut the labor *4 removal or exposure to defaceni'fnt to which tliey are subjected in the orliuary way. In the foregoing description ot my improvement reference only ha, been uiade<? the plain or ordina. ry DuUd n^ briek.. but it la obvious that by a suits ^ ? Lie eon?trj-tion and arrangement ol the platen and ! ^ Mould l.<x il is equally capable ot uiauufactur n/ Cite, h <11',a cirnW, or auy of the <<ther well known fjrta- of >.rick. Patent rights for sale. A4dres? J. C. F. 8ALOMON, Bladensburg. Prince (jeorge o , Md. N. B ?Two hundred well pres-ed brieks can be | ma>ie in ene minute, mitknut the labor of removal. may 12- 1m LIME! LIME!! LIME!!! 'THE HAMBURGH LIME KILNS being now in X complete order, the proprietor wii be enabled to furnish his approved customers at all times dur iug the season with lame of the best quality tor plastering and other purpose*. The lime manufac lurwd ?t these kilns is warranted to be equal in ^uaUty to any other manufactured in the United Mates. The priOM wiu be, delivered at the kiln, U4c. ?? any other part of the c.ty $1. Cement and C*U.'in->d Piaster can also be had at all W?- A W. DENUAM, SP 5~?.* for the prvprietcr. r - -R>. VOL. III. WASHINGTON, D. C., WEDNESDAY, MAY 31, 1854. NO. 444. BOOKS! COOKS. J. CATHER1 4c BBO.. 1C2 BALTIHORB STKKKP. Gorwth cr ITcludat, Baltivcue. Md Offer to the public at rMsmabte price.*, a valuable aad wl! selected collection of the mo?t curious and rarw W >rks, on Artrology, Marie, Witchcraft, An tiquities, Ma* wry, Wit, fancy, uro Tract', B.>.k< at curious U?tt<?rr?. The Fine Art.', Classical Litera ture, Hera!dry. Zoology, Natural ni?tory, Ac Together with Books on erervthins wonderful. jue?r, strange, odd, laughab'e. whimsical, dreadful, mt ot-the-way, aDd unareountible. And 8 very" fin* asiornn,'nt of the best editions nf the works Of the most popu ar and standard, Karo peaa and American, Historians, lt?aaywtfl, Travel era, Dramstif-t*. Astronomers, Critics. Statesmen, Or ators, Men cf Science, Biographical and Geographi cal writers, Ac. Together \rith abon* 10,000 vo umes works on TtfROLOOY AND RBLIOK.N. And 500 volumes MEDICAL AND LAW BOOKS, Manv of which are now very rare, b'iing nearly out ot print Also, always on htnl aa exter^ire a^rtment of mt and secondhand acnOOT, BOOKS, And second-hand NOVELS At halt the regular prices. Our counters nr? n'w.vys stocked with the Litest Books, i-.ttnohletd Novel?, and IIagaz:nej as soon as published. Confident in our ability to s<dl cheap, we cordially Lnvi'e *he Voi!: buying public to call and examine nvir st'ck before purchasing elsewhere. ap2u-tf J. CATIIERS A KRO. TO COUNTRY KEttCllASTS. WATCIIES. IKWBLRY AND FANCY GOODS. CANFIELD, BBO., & CO, ?IM Butimoie Strkt, Have on ban I an extensive stock of the a'-ore jcoda, of their own Importation and Manufacturt. Country Merr+mn s may reiy upon getting bar gains at our establishment Order* from all parts of the Uuiied States prompt y executed. ap 28?tf ), Ki CUAIirtERI.AiiS'S Commer cial i;olie^e< No. 1*27, Britimrrrt street, HdHh^ter-. Md. rHS ostensible object of this irt-H-r.-ion U tup'as in the reach of individuals proper far.ilities for bt-ioiug a thorough and practical mercantile edu ation. A young man can here obtain a more cor net knowledge of general busine -s matters in a few re?ks than an be acquired in at msmy j>*rgiu any me ocuntinsr bouse. The course of H*udy embraces double-entry book ?eeping. and its a<ibi tation to va;icu i department* f commerce asl trade. MercantHfl calculations xcurht according i<J ih? most approved methods.? 'ractical l'euiaiiUohi^, coEioining rapidity of ex^fu ion with beauty of construction. Lectures ur<?n lercantile la-*, upoii various important niar-antile ubjects. beside ins-.ay oth-ir points ne-e:<sary for a ook-keeper or bsniftu man to understand Time (?Hvtwary for a student fa complete the course varies rom five to eight weeks. There being no vacation ppii'-jints can enter at any time e.nd attend loth ar and evening. Examinations are h>dd at stuted eriodft, and diplomas awarded to those who gradu te. For terms, Ac., write and a circular for warded by mail. feb I?1y j$jT l>:TVLKR'S COHPOUMi-W SYRUP OF GUM ARABIC. ?UK CELEBRATED BALTIMORE REMEDY FOR CHRONIC COUGHS, COLDS, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, CROUP, DISEASED LUNGS, AND CONSUMPTION. I^HIS palatable, safe, and speedy cure wa3 patent ed ia 1b37, and by its astonishing efficacy and tie recommendation of thousands annually cured, : has gradually spre:;! it? reputation over nearly t?e whole Union. The bottle:* haT- i^ieiy rv-en en ir^ed without additional cost, ar.1 fuch improve jents ma?le in its manufacture as ths pi ogre*fl ot ledieal science has found to be beneficiaL ?<,ld in Baltimore by J. BALM KU, corner of Calti lore and Hi.?h stroet*, and Bkoxs Laos., Liberty ;reet: W'aslu9t;ton by Pattziur>s k Nair^?: Alex ndria by U. P?xi; Georgetown by Mr. CmatL; Ha orstown by Mr Auouisbaoou; Frederick, K. Johk roN; I'etersbnre, Mr Robiw ; ; l-ut*b?rg. i-lemino ;aob.; Cincinnati, B. U. Muaiiss iouiiiillo, Bxu ; Reaissoti, ana by respectaLle Drugj^fcts every bere. Thesaiae composition can V had in CANDY form, .uk for Tyler's Qum Arabic Ceugh Drops; they a<* fce a charm on a troublesome cough, and ci^ar the tiroat and weiee. Prioe of the above, 12XA> *n'J j cents. jan 21?tf IMPROVED HOISTING WHEELS, For Warehomcii The greatest WhocL-1 ever invented for hoisting fast and ea^y with little labor, having put many hundred in .the largest warehouses in Baltimore, ?Waj<hington, Alefandria, and Wich Imond. and have given general ratir _ [faction. Persons will save the ex ense in a abort time, to say nothing of the safety ,ts good? are subiec to in being hoisted three or four taries above his head. Write to me JAMES BATES. Corner of Stiles an J President streets. Bait. Iron Foundry and Manufactory of Hois' ing jan W?to ? heels. Lloyd's Hotel, Baltimore, Md. MOTiCJJ TO THB [\ TRAVELING OO MM UNITY. a At this Hotel, opponiuj the Philadel phia Depot, oa PRKalDBNT STREET,??? Baltimore, Md , passengers can get their*? 3H.KAK.KA.ST, D1NAIKR, and 8UP [>KK, on the arrival of the Cars. If wishing to eiuain over night, they can be accommodated with ingle aud double R--<>ma. Terms, OiLM DOLLAR AND TWENTY-FIVE eta ier 4ay. jau 31?6m ^ / N MURPlIY'S-liEW DEPOT r\|AJilUl'Si?| opposite the Cam len street station, Baltimore, Md.?Cili/ens of WeSbiagcon and me District will find onv? uient accuinmudations when they visit the City f Monomnuts. LADiEd REi'RBjllilENTS AND CB CRKAM SALOON. ap7-~3m* JESSE 31ARDEB, I SCALE MAKER, Southeast corner of ^^"CHARLES A BALDBROTiJN 8TREKT8, feb2 ?ly Baltimore. Md. CASH FOR NEGROES. IXTM wish to purchase immediately a large nnm VY ber of likely YOUNG NBQROK3, for the New irleans marltet, for which we will pay the highest a-ih prices. AH persons having Slaves for salv, will nd it to their advantage by calling on us, at our Sice, No. 1U Camden street, Baltimore, Md., former f occupied by J. 8. Donovan. Liberal oommissions aid f< r iufoemation. All communications prompt 7 4k*.LHOlKxl tO. jan *J-lj J. M. WILSON A 0. H. DUKB PLAH0S AND MUSIC. The nndersigned desires to jtfM rdf^9WM 'all the attention of purcha-JER Wl^^^l^Tlsers to his stock of PI ANOtt,4MWff '?IB?consisting of 0, aad -octaves, with or without me talk- frames. These lanos are remarkable for great pewer of tone, from he lowest to th* highest notes, with an elastic and eady toaeh, being suited to any performers. MU iIC for pianos, and all other Musical 1 ostrument# mstiutiy on hand aud received tm soon as publieb ?1 The trade supplied on liberal terms. ^ VV JAS. B. B08WKLL, No. W3, Baltimore street, Baltimore, Md o* 1??It ?fm. Krabs. H- ?uu Kd. Birrs. f\rmt Prsmlam Grand and Square Piano*. . - jjUi K.VKBK, OAKflLE A CO., manufactur itfTT?-rs, Nos. 4, 5, 8, 9, and 11, Kutaw street, laltimore. K. A G. would re^lfullr .all pubhc ttention to the great variety of their *1AN03, constantly finishing, whi-hfor durabHity, eUcaey of touch, brilliancy of tone, they believe*? lot ?.urpas:*d by any now mauutactured. In aduj i ?u to the first Premium awarded th*m by the .Lt ylanu Institute in 1*48 and 1S49, they have received he highest encomium* of the inost eminent arusw, rho used these Instruments tor their Concert#. Al io, of our first class Pr.-fescors aud Ameteura in the ity, wha have highly recommended them, a^ HANOfl KlitKD. oe 14?lv. I N DIA N DOCTOR. R. Q SPESCEK JSershis Professional service* to the citizens of Bal timore. Can cure all kinds of Canoers?take them jut without pain, or the u=e of any knife. He can sure all kinds of Fits and bpasms, Rheumatic Pains, Consumption, Drcpsy, DyspvpsU, Piles, Palsy, or tny other ailment the human family a*u ?uhi*ot to. lie can stop Bleed in* trom the Lungs or Nose, any distance from the pausttt, by kaowing thai patient's name. He was born blind, and has studied several years under an Indian Doctor who was among the wild Indians thirteen years. lie can l<e found at Mr. Buckley's Boarding Uuu*. comet Pratt aad Charles street, Baltimore K4 BUT 7?tf XTEW BOOK, PERIODICAL 1> AND NEWSPAPER ESTABLISHMENT. VVM. TAYLOR 4 CO., Corner of LdUimore and C*ar'ts tirtcl. BALTIMORE, Md. WM. TAYLOR <? CO. beg teave to call the atten tion cf the reauiog people ami nil dealing In Bv>ks, to their pet BOOK. PER IODIC A L, and NEWSr 1'AVER EtiTAULlSllMEST, where can be found *i large aa-1 general ass.<r:meiit cf all the late poou Ur publications of thfl day. They aiso keep oa hand a splendid assortment of iilain and fancy STATIONERY of every description. All order;1 thankfully receive 1 ard filled with de patch, sind stnt bv return of the mail, express, or ?h?*, <>r in any other way the parson ordering may () rect. Booksellers, News Asents, Pellars. p.nd ail others s ippled with any Books, Maguiiucs, etc., ut the lowest rates Any Book pullished in this ccuntry can be had *iy sending voUr orifr to ^-g. WM. TAYLOR & CO, Cor. Baltimore and Charles sti., Baltimore, Md. may 23?tf !U CHARD H. SMITH. Q?OHGK D. SMITH. i D. SMITH Jfc CO , Manufacturers and t X. Dealers in ALCOHOL, CAMPHENE, ETHE ULAL OIL, Ac. No. 34 S. CALVERT STLKST, op .iOsite Water rtreet, BALTIMORE, Md. mar 21?ly CLOCKS, WATCHES, & JEWELRY. 1HAYEjo?t received a fery large assortment cf Clo-ks, Watches, and Jewelry, which will be jold cheap for ca?h, or ?ood paper at short dates. Also, Clock Material'' of every kind, such as Cords, Iprings, Hands, Keys, Ac. Also, Clocks, Watches, and Jewelry, at wholesale ..?I retail Call and examine for yourselves before purchasing lacwhere. J- ROBINSON, Fenja. avenue, opposite Browns' Hotel, ap 7?J3in CARTER'S SPANISH MIXTURE. Che Qrcat Purlflcr of th# Blood! Not a Particle of Mercury in it. lalirr? RanXDYfor Serofula, King's Evil, Rheu matism, Ob. tlnate Cutaneous Eruptions,Pimples or Pustuleson the Face, Blotches, Itoils, Chronic 3cre Eye*, Ring Worm or T?itter, Scald Head, Ei-iarge meiit and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Bypbili* ie Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Com plaint", and all Diseases arising from ;.n injudicious on of Mercury, Imprudence iu Life, or Imparity of the Blood. rmj valuable Me lic'.ne, which has become cele brated for the a urn bar cf extraordinary cures ? 1ect?i through its agency. has induced the proprie ty?, at the urgent request of their friends, to offer it ?o the public, wblch they do with the utmost confi tjnee in its virtues and wonderful curative proper ?' -a. The following certificates, selected from a lar*e i imber, are, however, stronger testimony than the aero void of the proprietors; and are all from geu .lemen well known >u their localities, ani of the hi^h ..strespectability,many oi'tnem residing in the city of "fchmand, Va. f. BOYDBN, Esq., of the Exchange H-tel, Rich jocd, known evarywhere, says he has seen the Medi " \t called Oap.tik'S Sfax'SH Mixtom, administered over a bandre<l eases, iu nearly ail ifce diseases for vhich It is recommended, with the rnr st Brtcnishinsly ?d results. He says it is the mo it extraordinary nwdicine be has ever teen. AGUE AND FEVER?GREAT CD RE.?I hereby sertlfy that for thre:* years 1 had Ago and fever of -e moet violent dejulption. I had sevoral Pbytu i las, took lar^e quantities of Quinine, Mercury, and f relieve all the Tonir* advertised, oat all without >? imanent relief. At laet I tried Carter's Span) h ?iStur?, two bottle*of which effectually cui*J n.e, ud I am happy to eay 1 have had neither Chilis >r VvefS since. I consider it the best Tonic in 'orld.andthe only medicine that ever reach-d n\y ' JOHN LONQDK*. Beaver Dam, near hichmoni, Va. 0. B. LUCK, E?<i., now in the city of lUahmoxa, ,:.d for many years in the PostOfilce, has such coqG irnce in the astonishing efficacy of Carter'.'' apuniiii U5ture, that he has bought upwards of 58 bottlis, 'itch ha ha.-: ?iveu eway to the afflicted. Mr. Lui.k Hvj he has *cver known it to fail when taken acco* J 04 to directions. L)r. MINGE, a practising Physician, acl .'.rLie: y i the City Hotel, in the city of Richmond, says lie ' J WllUPWffUg* number of instancee the effects of ^roer'aSpaiiieh Alixture, whioh were laoet truly si r n ising- ile days in a case of Consumption, > i the Liver, the good eBecto were wonderful iud&ed. SAMUEL M. DRINKER, of the firm of Drinker A I orris, Richmond, was curod of Liver Complaint of S r*ar3 standing, by the use of two bottles of Cartel's i janish Mixture. (3REAT CURB C? SCROFULA.-The Editor* tf Richmond Republican had a servant employed ia ?lair press room, cured of violent Scrofula, combin-1 rith Rheumatism, which entirely disabled him frou ork. Two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture madj . perfect cure afbim, and the Editors, in a public n< - dee, say they " chterfully recommend it to all who ai j i licted with any disease of the blood." 9TILL ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA.?I ha 1 ? very valunble boy cured of Scrofula by Carter s -(.anish Mixturo. I oousiier it truly a valuable -edicine. JAMES M. TAYLOR, Conductor on the a. 9. A P. R. R- Co,, Richmond, Va. SALT BHEUM OF TWENTY YEARS STANDING CURED. Mr. JOIIN THOMPSON, residing in the city <1 Klcbmond, was cured by three bettles of Carter's Spanish Mixture, ef Salt Rheum, which he had o-arlj twenty years, and which all the physicians ,> the city could not cure. Mr. Thompson is a well mown merchant in the city of Richmond, Va, and hu cure ia most remarkable. WM. A. MATTHEWS, ?f Riihmond, hal a e? rant cured of Syphilis, in the worst form, by Car (jut's Spanish Mixture. K? says he cheerfully re sommenda it, and considers it an invaluable medi ?:im. ID WIN BURTON, commissioner of the revenue, <Hys he has seen the good effects of barter's Spanish Mixture in a number of Syphilitic cases, and says it !c a perfect cure for that horrible disease. WM. G. HARWOOD, of Richmond, cured of old siores and Ulcers, which disabled him from walking. Took a few bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture, and mis enabled to walk without a crutch, in a short ^jae permanently cured. Principal Depots at M. WARD, CLOSE 4 00, No. 13 Maiden Lane, New York. T. W. DYGTT A SONS, No. 132 North Second street, t hiladelphia. UKNNXTi.' A BjiJSRS, No. 1*5 Main street, itx -n lor sale by CHARLES STOfT, Washington, D. C.; HENRY PEEL, Alexandria, and by Druggist# ?verywh<nw. Price $1 per kottle, or six botues for $&. 9?P 14-y VAH DEUSEITS IMPROVED WAHPENE. J WE proprietors of the above valuable specific fbr the hair, feel warranted ia presenting it to the public as one of the most efficient remedies for par tial baldness, diseased hair, and as a sale and suo jesaful Renovator of wasted and decayed locks, for ?hanging grey hair to Its first and natural color, promoting the growth and beautifying its texture, md imparting increased vigor and a healthy action to the buibe. It has been found eminently suocess TuL It has acquired a reputation in the populous &nd wealthy city of New York, which will doubtless be widely extended over the whole Union. A few bottles of "Van Deusen'a Improved Wahpene" faith fully used, ascording to the directions given, will, oeyond all doubt, change the unsightly silver hair af the aged as well as the young to its first color, ^ive it alee a rioh and glossy appearance, and alto gether impart a new and beautiful appearance to the whale bead. ^ . _ For sale by W. II. Oilman, Chas. Stott k Oo., and Kidwell A Laurenoe, Waohingtoi.; and J. L. Kid well. Georgetown. DAY * TAN DEU8EN, Proprietors, deo I# 0jd 1*28 Chambers street, N. Y. OAS FIXTURES. 'PHE subscribers take pleasure lp announcing to the public that their stock of GAS FIXTDRES, comprising some of the best and latest patterns, has be*n received, and that they are now prepared to sell it the lowest rutes. Persons in wuat ?f Gas Fintuivs (vill please call and examine -they will no doubt hnd it to their interest. Dwellings aid public buildings fitted with gas-tu bin* at ill id ?ipiiq1 rfrtftft 35, 16 tf J W THOMPSON k BROTHER. MONEY?MONEY?MONEY. IMPORTANT NOTICE?All persons in want of Money e?n be supplied wit h all sums. Cash advances on Jewelry, Watches, Furniture, Groceries, aud Clothing AU business negotiated HKKZBERG, Pawn Broker, south side Pa. avenue, between ind 3d sts, ?.pp- U.S. Hotel. gtore closed on Saturday until candle light ap 26?***** a e D P U a a i t I E t J t a 6 0 t 0 a 1 t I l t ( JUST ARRIVED DIRECT FROM HAVANA. OA Arui SUPERIOR HAVANA CIGARS, OU.UUUwlikh for fragrance ami can not it equally 1. Th?y combine all the different brands, to suit th- palate of every "^nHEW I hsve alwavson band thu chaicos|kicd ol CHfcw ISO TOBAC JO,Of .very variety which invariably oil lHal ha" given universal satisfaction. ASo, eleamt smoking TOBACCO, in ita purest "^respectfully a-licit a oall trom M^bers "' Con ln ?" "A KSaSu. Sign of the Small Indian may 12?lm under the National Uolrl. Husband? . . Is your wife feeble and dispirited ? WIFE? Is your Husband all weakness and debility? MOTIIKR? . . In yr,nr Daxietater feeble, declining f PARENTS? . Are j-our Children ddlicite i?an 1 you have tried various remedies?we say despair jarAJfrTOJ<nS VEGETABLE TINCTURE. we OIVS TOW FACTS ! W-> Appeal ta your men Citti^n* f THOUSANDS SPEAK ITS PRAISE 1 This article, which has mude so many wonderful^ cures wherever tried, was discovered by Dr. JESSE HAMPTON, now in fine health, in the 79th year of his age. He was born in Virginia in the year 1775. and '.'migrated to Kentucky, then a wilderness, with his father in 1779. In early manhood he was so re duc??i by disease as to be almost wrecked in consti tution. lie spent much of hi? living tor medical ad vi^* and attention; and grew nothing better, but worse. Finding no relief from bis physician, he re solved te try the restorative powers of the root?, barks, leaven, plants, Ac., of the forest, lie then dwelt in the midst of the lied Men of the Western Wilds. Having heard much ol their skill in the use Of the vegetable remedies ol the forest, and k: ow im; their mode of medicinal practice mutt be one ot practical experience, and not of theoretical specula tion, he made hiiiueif acquainted with their reme dies, and also with the practical medicinal knowl edcj the early settlers of Kentucky hid obtained from the "medi.ine men" cf tlin Indians He care tul!\ studied tne nature of the medicines used by them, combined them accordiug to the light he re reived, used them as he had been taught, and had the clieering satisfaction of findiDg disease driven from his emaciated body, and vigorous health given in its ste..xd. lJ is ca*e was of no ordinary kind, but astonishing to his friends and neighbors. The fame of it spread ; tbe people far and near sent to the Dcctor for his successful and wonderful cotnbina t on of Indian Hemedies, wldch was freely given to them, until the cafes became so numerous, and the demand so gruit, that th# Doctor wrs advised by friends and induced through justice to himself to put up bis Vegetable Tincture in bt-ttles, and charge a price for it. which was ireely given ?finding its way into the frrat and most intelligent lamilie=, and astonishing all by its wonderful cure#, commanding certificates and testimony in its favor from the lead ing and seme of the most talented men of our country. ITS MODE OF PR EPA HA TION is not by boiling or steaming?no heat is used.? Hence the medicinal vir ues of the root*, 4c., of which it is composed, are not evaporated, but aie preserved in their primitive state. I 'NPA HALL EL ED SUCCESS! The many cures made by it. and the great demand have induced the proprietors to offer it to the atili t ?d in this city, with the honest conviction that the ?mr happy results will follow its use huru as in nil merous other places. Capt. Canot, biother of lhe celebrated physician to the EMPEROR OF FRANCE, ivas cured by it of Chronic Inllauimatory Itheuma :ism of seven years duration, aft-r the sftill of I'hv <icians of Paris, London, and of this country had ailed ltev. Vernon Eskridge, chsplaiu U. ?. Navy .vas cured by it. Also, Judge Da\ies, Hon. T. It. 'helby, Mt rotors of Congress, with meinbtxi ot' the :tate Department, Washington, and hunrire ts.of itliers, who give thtir testimony to this I i<i iffui liscovery. PHYSICIANS lava cured themselves and the member* i4 ifceir '.unities by its use, after their own re alalia bad ailed; and some of thein a*eso generous a- t> r? onimend it to their patients. Being altogeifcer froa he Vegetable Kingdom, it may be used by *11, raly teing THE GREAT RESTORATIVE. By a wise choice aud combination of some of the iest of each class of simple remedies.-, d if covered as ibove, it fully reaches all the csseLtial organs of the yt-tem. and thus it has proved so powerfully eura iv<j of the whole round of NER VOUS DISEASES, n theia various forms, giving new live and vigor, estoring the ahatteied constitution, and thus in using hope in place of despondency. By its .mild, feasant, and safe action on the Stomach, Liver, Cidnevs, Lunsrs, and the nervnus system, it cures DYSPEPSIA, LIVER COMPLAINT. DISEASES )F THE URINARY ORGANS, COUGHS, ASTH MA, BRONCHIAL AFFECTIONS. CONSUMP TION. SCROFULA, KINGS EVIL. WORMS. HIEUMATISM. GOUT. NEURALGIA, ST VI "US' DANCE, EITS, FISTULA, PILES. with a!' >isea.-es aaisinz from impure blood THE FEMALE SYSTEM. ias in DR. HAMPTONS VEGETABLE TINC TURE, a cure for its numerous an I complicated de angements. Hundreds who were debdiiated and ?si irited, and on the verge of a premature gaave, iave been re stored by its use to health, which we re abundantly able to prove *>y such a host of LIVING WITNESSES ,s we think no other medicine can produce. We ask the afflicted to call and get pamphlet* rat is, and read the history of this new discovery, Mth certificates of tbe cures of the best men in our ountry. Call and get Pamphlets. See cares. Mg- Sold by MORTIMER ft MOWBRAY, 140 Bal Imura street, ' altimore, and 304 Broadway, New fork; CII *S. STOTT & CO , WIMBR, J. B. MOORE, ). B. CLARKE, CLARKE t BOWl-INO, W. ELLI (TT, and II. Mcl'HKUSON, Washington ; also, by I. 8. F. CISSEL, Georgetown ; and C. C. BURRY, Llexandria, and by Druggists everywhere. may 18?tf PUBLIC NOTICE. GiiiiRAi Land 0rnc?, 1 April 5th, 1854. J tTTHEREAP, by an act of Congress approved 27th W ?f March, 1804, entitled *'An act for the relief f settlers on lands reserved for raiiroad pu; poaes,'' very settler on public lands "which have b en, or aay be, withdrawn from market in consequence ot iropo-ed railroads, and who had settled therecn prior a ?u<Ji vuitharoxual shall be entitled to pre eruption j lhe ordinary minimum, to the lauds settled on ind cultivated by tbem: Provided they shall prove ip their righu according to such rules and tegula-1 ious as may be j.ruscribdl by the Secretary of tt ; : nterior, and pay for the same before the day that aay be fixed by the Prenident's proclamation for he restaration of said lands to market"? Public notice is hereby given, by direction of tbe lecretary ofthe Interior, that alt such settlers will >e entitled to the right of pre emption given by tbe aid act, upon furnishing I'KOof (satisfactory to the listrict office) that the settlement on which the lukn is predicated is of a character to entitle the set ler to a right of pre-emptioa, under the provisions if the act of 4th September. 1841, and was made by uch settler *trri'i- to the ' withdrawal" of the land br the purpose stato-i?no ''declaratjcn," of course, >eing necessary usder the uircumstances; provided :ayment be mad-; for the tame "before the day that nay be fixed by the President's proclamation tor he res oration of said lands to market." JOHN WILSON, ap 11?2aw6w Commissioner [No. 508.] NOTICE )f the establishment of an additional Land, UJfice in the State of Michigan. IN pursuance ot the act of Congress, approved April A), 1K54, entitled "An act e?tablbhiug a and office in tbe lower peuinsula ot Michigan,'' the listrict for which is to be called "CHEBOVUAN land 'iitrict," it is hereby declared and made known, hat the land office for said district has been located or the present, by the President of the United States it the town of 1>U >CAN, in tbe northern part of the outhern peuin-ula of said State. Oiven under my hand, at the City of Washington, his 10th day of May, A. D. 1<S54 JOHN WILSON, Commissioner of General Land Office, may 17?UawOw PIANOS FOB SALE AND REFT. iaC!p5iag New and second hand PIANOS, of my T I f | lown and several other factories, are al vays to be had at my Piano Wareroom, on 11th st mjIW- Pa, avenue and E it. Old Pianos taken in exchange. Tuning also attended to, ap 20?eo3m* V. C. RBICUENBACU._ SPRING CLOTHING. GENTLEMEN preferring to have their Clothing made to order are invited to examine tbe su perior advantages we are now offering, in price and lUality to purchasers of single garments or FULL SUITS mn/ipi to order in the most superior manner, and of Lhe bts?i (.ualiLUts of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, AND VBSTTNGS. Haviog tha assistance of able and experienced cut ters, we can faithfully promise entire satistketion in dl cases. WALL A STEPHENS, Pa. avenue, between 9th and 10th sts^ ap 'il?U Meat to Iron Uall. PLOUGHS?PLOUGHS. The subscriber is now man (uiacturing at the corner ot 13th and C streets, in this city, ? an Iron Plough, which was patented in October last, called " ITurlburt's Patent Don.vex Mould B^ard Phiufh,"?where he is pre pared to supply dealers and farmers cn reasonable terms. I|e will als i dispose of the patent right to mannttoetutra f*i i pioughs h?r wounti^? or 8tt.iea. During the short period since the patent was is sued, it has superceded all other aescriptirns of ploughs, where they hare been brought into compe Utloa. Orders respectfully solicited ap 21?tf W. A. CAMERON. VIOLINS.?Just received at the Music Depot a large iu voice of fine French, Italian, and Im itations of old Master*, together with a large assort meut of low priced uermau Instruments. ap Itf?tf IULBUS A HIT?. PUMP MAKING and \FELl DIG CIS a My pnrap making establishment remaining at the ?Id stand, 1 am as heretofore pit-pared tfi execute all work of the port at the tborleet notice, best manner, anil at the cheapest rat??. WM. TUCKER, Corner 10th street southland Maryland aTe. ap 21?2m T iTTMTFV VICTORIOUS. YOU will find at the same OLD STAND, Pennsyl vania avenue near 12th street opposite the Irving llotel, LOOKING GLAaSES with or without Frame*; Portrait, IMrtore and Mhiitnre Frames of the latest styles: Brackets, Tables. Kooir Mouliinp, Cornises, Ac., Ac^ or by leaving youi order you can have any thins done in my line. N. B.?Old Frames, <*c., rt*ilt at the shortest no tice on reasonable terms. Donl forget the plaoe. feb 20?ly JOHN' WAGNER. dyspepsia! dyspepsia: dyspepsia:: SMITH S Dl'SPI^SlA CORDIAL, for the cure cf Dyspep.-'a, Nervous DebPity, Flatulence, Torpid Liver, and all diseases eri?iug from d*iang*-iuent ct tfce digestive organs, is presented to tho public a.- a certain cure ior the aV>ve diseases. It 5s t-ntir?ly irtrti from any ?ibiotorious sul^tuncta, and is of an exceedingly agreeable flavor. The highest te>tim<> viials a "company each bottlvi. For sale by Z. D. CilLM^N, Pennsylvania avenue, and at BKoWS'e HOTEL. Wholesale and retail, 18 and "20 South 12th street. Philadelphia, by the proprietor, Dr. WM. H. SMITH. apr 1?3mo. remedies which can be belied on, I1EING EACH 6CITED TO A "SPECIFIC IHJSRASE." MY extensive practice in Philadt lphia the past thirty years has mad* me acquainted with all forms of disease, and being a graduate from the Uni versity of Pennsylvania in 1820, under the guidance of Doctors Physic, Chapman, Cox, Gibson and liare, I am enabled, from all these edvanfage?, to offerthe public the remits of that practice in the form of my FAMILY MEDICINES. As I attend to the compounding of these Medi cinee myself, thi-y are found, as thousands am testi fy, far euperior to the many nostrums callal patent medicines. J. S. HOSE, M. D. Dr. J. S. Rose's Expectorant, or Cough Syrup, Is a never failing remedy for Coughs, Colds, and all Lung Diseases. Price o?ic. and $1. I)r. J. S. Kooe's Whooping Cou.h tf irlt gives im mediate relief, and frequently cures in one week.? Price 60c. Dr. J. S. Ross's Csc.c? Strcp never fails in curing the Croup, that das^rcas complaint among chil di-ai?. Price 2?c. Dr. J. S. Bosr.'s Extract ot Bochc is on? of the best remedies ever used for diseases of the Kidneys, Bladder, Ac. Price 50c. Dr. j..i. K?.s*'d Nravoc* aki? IrmauRATnca Cor dial, for llvnrl ^uanse, ail Nervous Affections, Flat j ence, Ile^rt liurn, Restlessness, Numbness, Neu ral ria, rai iii-g the spirits, and giving power to the whole syst?-ui, it is almost miraculous in iu effect. 50 cen*a a bottle. Dr J. S. Rose's Dyspeptic Ccj:ror?n>. a sure enre for Dyspepsia, Liver Compiaiuis, and indigestion, wheu taken in conjunction with his Alterative or Kainily Pills. Price of both 76c. Dr. J. H. Rose's Gulden Piua for Falling of the itfnmb, Female Weakness, Debility, and Relaxation. Price 60 t ents. Dr. J. S. ROoi'9 FkMaL* Specific.?A remedy for Painfia1 Mennruatiou, Leucorrboea cr Whites. Price >a*? dollar. I>r. J. S. Rose's Female '.'ills are the only reliable ?emulating pills; they have be? n found to be a moi-t raluable remedy for Kemaleeemplaiuts, to open those >bstructiong to which they are liable, and bring na ,ure iuto its prcp?r channel, l'riee 25c. Dr J. S. Rose s Sarsabakilia Compound. for all ?'kiu DLeaios and for purifying the Blood, it is su >crior to all others. Price 6','c. and f I. Dr J. ?. Roue's Tonic Mixture, for Chill6, Fevers, ind General Debility. A never failing remedy. A ew d'>.ses is always luflicient to convince the most keptical. Price 60c. Dr J. 8. Rose s Elixir op Opium, five from all the >a I eff.'Cta of Opium or Laudanum, such as llead ,che. Constipation, or Sick Stoma'.'h. Price 26c. All whose Coiife-tilutiens arn impaired try disease or feak by nature, should read Dr. J S. Rose's "Medl p.l Ativiaer, (which contains a duecriptic-ii of tike Du ases of our climate and the mode of treatment. It an be had without charge of Z. D. Oilman, Charles Stoit A Oo., W. H. \iLman, ohn W. Nairn, Patterson k Naira, D. IS. Clark, I Li McPLaraun, William T. Evans, Kidwell A Law enc-1, J. B. Moore, Washington; J. L. Kidwell, leorgstowa; and by all dealers in Alexandria, Vlr ini?. mar 28 LIVER COMPLAINT, JA UK DICK, JURONIC UU NERVOUS DEBILITY, DISEASES OF TLLE KIDNEYS, AND ALL DISEASES ARISING FROM A DISORDERED LIVER OR STOMACH. Ia?li ftu Constipation, inwar 1 Piles, Fulinesa of Blood tc tb<? Ilead, Acidity of the Stomach, Nau.*ea, Heartbura, Digest for Feed, Fullness or Weight in ths Stomach,Sour Eructations, Sinking or Flutter ing at the Pit of the Stomp.''h, imming of the Head, Kurriei 4ad Diihcult breathing, Fluttering ac the Iiaart, ChoXing or Suffocating Stnaaticns when in a lying posture, Dim.. ?.ts of Vision, L'uts Or Webs before the sight, Fever and Duli Twin in the head, Deficiency ef Perspiration, Yellcwr?-?s o! the S&in and Eyes, Pain in the Siut>, Back, Chest, Limbs, 4c., Suuden Fiiiihee of Heat, Burning in ths Flesh, CousUai magiuii^a of evil, and Giri* Bepre?dion of Spirits, oax d? irrictuku. v ccrjd ct DR. HOOFLAND'S CELEBRATED GERMAN BITTERS PK?PAReiD BY DR. O. M. J AOKSON, JSo. 1I4U Arch sti<sct|Fi>i:adelphia - -eii power over th>* f,bo?e -iiaeaaes is notex^-eile-J fe j i ailed, by any other preparation in the United !tat as the cure* a' >rt. in rsacy cassu alter skil ul phyeicianB hud &'>?>&. The3e bitters are worthy tu.- attention of invalids. V-BfiesEing great virtuas in the rectification of dis ases Ol the Liver and lesser itlands, ejtexcising tht aost searching powers i.i wt o-nesti and affectiens ni he digestive organc, they ir*, withal, stfe, ceitaint nd pie&raut. R5A?> AN:) BE CONVINCE). Philai>el?iii.a, March, 1, ibc3. I't.C. M. Jack-ion: Dear fcir?For the past two reais I have be*-h s< T. r iy afflicted with Liver Com >'aint, Dyspapjia, Bilious ltiarrboea, and Wles, sul eriu^ in a great di'^rea c? nstanUy, ti e pains and in xjiivuniences atl.-nd::..t upon l uch <iis-e!Wie.'>, without sutrgy, being scarccly aiile to attend to any bu.d iesa. I lost a grtat deal ? f vay Eesfc, and used many rinds ef imrdicice, with no app?rent change, until I iommenoud with yooi- ?'IlcojUitui's German Bitters," .hey have entirely cured me. I have gained iD weight over forty pounds since I commenced theii ise, and I am now entirely free irom pain and acht >f any kind, and feet liii# a new man. I unhesitot ngly recomx??na ^our Bittors to all invalids. Yours, respectfully, JOHN K. OORY, No. 12 Lagran^n Place W. H. Adams, pub. of the Argus, Weston. Mo., July 17,1861, said: "I ww> last summer so very ow and weak as not to be able to stand at the cast onger than one hour at a time. 1 tried one bottle >f your German Bitters, which entirely curcd me. 1 jave used two bott'.cs. I sent two tn ales 160 lnilet "rom here to a friend -.vho hnd been sick for a long Jme; he bas also been cored by them. I believe iiem to bo superior to any mi-dicine now in use." J?. IS. Perlttaa* Marietta, Ohio, Feb ?2,1S6I, aid: "Your Bitters are highly prized by there whe lave used them. In a case of Liver Complaint, o) ong standing, vtfiich had resitted the tkQi of ttt> tral physiciant, was entirely cured by the use Of * Bottles.'* F. Keiielmclr, Jeweller, Wooeter, 0., Dec. id, 1861, said: "I embrace thifl opportunity of in 'orminj you of the i^reat benelit I have derive.' tron. Lbe u-eof Dr. llwtland'8 Gerinan Bitters. 1 havt used tnem for Chille and Fever, and Disordered Stomach, and found relief in every case. They aw the best remedy for Disordered Stomach jl think it s\ istenoe." D. K. Byke?, Esq., Editor of the Cburier Norwich, Conn., said: "I have been utiug your Ger man Bitters for dome rime, ft r Dyspepsia, and hav. feund so much relief from them, that I h*ve mad* up my mind to give thoin a Jlrstrate editorial en iorseaient Holden, K?mp, * Co., Janesville, Wis, ?ept. 1861, said: *'Your German Bitters are d^servsd ly popular here, and anions all the prepared me?i dnes on our ehelv^s, non? have we sold which hav* jiven the satialaction of llooflaud .s German Litters.' June 'Al, 185'i, they said : "W* recommend them a; ui invaluable spring end summer medkine." W- 01. Orr, Wooster, 0., Octobtr 2d, 1862, said "You ask me my opinion of the German Bitters, have used them for Dysprprin and Indigetstion, anc take pleasure in stating that 1 thiuk they are tht very best remedy extant for the above wmplaints they are decidedly in the advance of all tht projn rtery medicines qf ths day." %?IYlr. Orr \6 r d^iUngowhed lawyer of Woostsr These Buteis a;e WURUX yukacu. Tluy nsm yrosHraii the syitrm, but invigorate it. For sale in Washington by %. T>. OILMAN In. Geergetown by J. L. R1DWELL In Alexandria by J. ft. pIEBPONT In Richmond by PL'RCeLL,XADD k CO* In Baltimore by CAN BY k UATCIl In 4o DAVIS * MILLER In do SETtI HANCK In do MACPHSRSON k MARBHALU In Norfolk by H. A. 8ANT08 k BON. And by resectable dealers is nediclns every 4*?-X| DAILY EVENING STAR. [From the Yicks! urg Uiig. j OUB UNION The biood that flawed at Lexington, anil u*>i bright Champlain, SUeatns sull fcliifl tins southern Gulf, a d b> fh ? Lakes of .Maiiic ; It fl.jw* in vem.-that swell above t^icifie4 xihtl, And ibrobs in le-srts tliat lt,ve and grieve l.y ?:?r . Atlantic's strand. ft f ind.' in one vast brotherhood the ii injwi o th ? Wert Willi men whose cities gla*s themselves in Lr?."; classic hrea-t ; And those to whom September hrirv* tin- flr? social hours, With those who see December's lirow ci?urcat:n-d with gorgeous Hower*. From where Columbia laughs to sfcet ttie nrtilii.* Western wave, To whore Potomac sigh- beside the patriot nerw' grsre; And Irom the -4reniuiiigeveri^ades to l|itroit;^ lordl; flood, Th:* glory of the Nation"-1 ps?=t thrill* Throneli a kin ui -.d hinoil I Wherever Arnold's talc is told it dves cl?cek with shame, And glows with pride o'er Bunker Hill or Moultrie'* wilder tame: And wherctoe'r above the ira\* ->iar. of c?ipi;e gleam, Upnu tiie dcck or o'er the dust it ponrv a common sUi am ! It t? a saeied Icjjaey yo never can uin do, Nor take from village urchin, itur the son 01 city pride; Nor the hunter's whu<* h.uied cluldrcu WiM? Hud a fruitful home Wlfero iiameK~islakej are sparkling and where hmc ly livers roam! Creen drew Lis sword at Lutaw; mid bleeding Soutl: ern feet Trod tin-march across the Delaware amid the aiiow and Meet; And, I"! upon the paichinont, where'the natal r< <*nrd thines, The burning page of Jefferson cars i'ranKlin's calmer lines! Could ye divide that record bright, and tear tho names apart riialCM Wert written t*Ml<ly ^Mern with piight ?>1 hand and heart? Could \v t-rsw a Hnncock'i ronr!< e'en with the sa bre's edge, Or wa.-h out with fraternal trio *1 a Canoll's iloul le plert?e ? Pay cm the Smith sell h ir share in DiiakrrN Inmry heicht ? Ur can the North give up her bout-l in Yori.wwh'* closinc fight .* I L'an ye divide with equal hands a lifmrtar ? of graves, V rend in twain the starry flag that o'er them proudly waves? "an ye cast lots for Vernon V soil, or chaffer mid the gloom i hat hangs its sob mn fold* about your common Father's tomb? ?r could ye meet around his grave a* fratricidal foes, Ind wake your hunting eur-es o'er his j>urc and calni repo>c ' 0 t'e dare not! is tUe Allcfhanigu thundert> de cree ; Tis echoed where Nevada guanfes the biue and tran quil sea ; \ nere^ tropic wave* delighted clasp our flowery Southern nh?ire, Li:d Where through frowning mountain-gates N'e braska waters roar! For tlii Evening Star. VTiOUGHT IKON BRIDGES v?. CAST IRON, WOODEN. OB STONE BRIDGES Messrs. Editors:?As the subject of ?ridges now occupies much of the at ten-1 0 ion of Congress, and of this community, J v n<l as my profession of a civil engineer, I (l nd my present occupation have rendered' I a ic somewhat acquainted with the hub-) ;ct, I offer you the following suggestions, I rhicli you are at liberty lo use as you j nay think fit. I The properties of wrought iron, which | hietly contribute to its strength and tility, are its elasticity and tenacity, ly the first is meant that property, by irtue of which it returns to its former igure. state, and relative arrangement I its parts ; after it has been exposed to ension, or the act of straining. Bv the atter is meant that property, by virtue f wliicli the particles 01 metal resist eparatiou ; or, in other words, it is the ousequence of direct cohesion between he particles of metal. It requires a uuch smaller strain t3 overcome the tinier property than that which is neces ary to destroy th? latter. For instance: J , weight of H to 11 tons suspended 10 1 he end of a bar of wrought iron, of a 1 quare inch section, will overcome its I v lasticity : while 24 to 26? tons similarly I * ;uspended, are necessarj* to overcome its I cnacity, or to produce disruption of the I v tar. llence we se? that the elasti<nty of * he wrought iron may be destroyed. Ion,; >efore disruption would ensue, and long 1 K'fore the ordinary observer would dis-1' ?over that any change had taken place ' n the bar, or in any structure of wrought I 0 ron. (See Barlow on the Strength of 1 dateiial .) | But, if the dastictty of the iron is once r >vercome, every additional stiain will ? .ause the iron to become weaker: and it I : nay finally part, with a much less strain, I " hau it had previously resisted, with im- I aunity, before its elasticity had been im- '? jairtd. From this, it would appear, that ? n order to sccure safety in structures ol : :liis material, they should not be ex [>oscd to any strain, which was sufficient 1 to overcome the former pro pert}*, the ' elasticity, of the metal. But experience tias shown that neither the elasticity; nor c the tenacity of wrought iron, will remain ^ the same, if the metal is exposed to tin 1 ?tiects of percussion, heat and magnetism. Jc For instance, if you break a wrought iron furnace bar, after it has been ex- j t>osed to the alternate heating and cooling | if a furnace for some time, it will be ' bund to be converted into brittle crystal zed iron, although it may have been a L .ough, fibrous iron when first put imo v the furnace. * Again, by rapidly heating and cooling. a by quenching with water a few times, 1 tny piece of wrought iron, the same eifect I ^ will be produced. 1 In these experiments at least two of 1 0 the above mentioned causes are in ope- 11 ration, viz: heut and magnetism! lor, I1' sve have the authority ot Sir Humphrey I ^ Davy for stating, that all cases of vapori- * nation produce negative electricity in the s bodies in contact with the vapor. We now come to the third cause, which is, practically, cf far greater importance ?' in its effects than the other two, they be- J Ing more various and extensive. In the I manufacture of some descriptions of ham- J 0 tnered iron, the bar is first rolled into I ^ 3hape, and then one-half the Umgth of tl t c bar is heated in a furnace, and immedi- j Aieiy taken to the tilt hammer, and ham- \ ruered, and the other end of the bai' is i then heated and hammeipl in the same manner. Aud in order t# avoid any ma lerial ditiereuce, in form or color, where I \ the two distinct operations have teruii-1 c uated, the workmen frequently give the t bar a few blows with the liammer on that c point which he first operated upon, whie' t part by that time, may have become con. 1 paratively cold, in which case the etfeet i of the additional hammering is to render i TJULU VfiEKLT STAR. Wiiii'twUfji **?? 'mmnl iw?ii? "* * ?>*?er variety of lnt?rrjrti?? r*-*<HRf thai, ma h* roun* ?? **y (Htttr?10 jtublirterf na Saturm. ramm*. *in*,r TJM^t ?nru?N 01 ft****:.,- T?.ct7#- im rT?.? Tr**" '"Citfio.. - .. w Q&- m? *KiA?LT in A DVa Mr B. 07- topfp# fin wrap^r.) ru be prtvnnC at the <"onr^r mmMiatrtr hn? thr ume oi u-c rwp- r. PrH? >- I hui < ?WT*. fo?-r*4r-, r*? wtio iri v nffnti will Im> fclk>w*i a '"nimimioa at iwnrt fWroenf. - that particukir pArtof the f?ar crvstaliced JL,,twStni.'t,,r?- ^ "trrmel v brittle that will aatnetmw* to piocea by bc:n^ merely thrown on the ground. UiOijgh a<i the rest , f JK. Ur will exhibit die best and toughed m*liiy imaginable. Ti e fcnange', therefore, has Vtn produced H? perru^ion, us tin* primary agent, while the l?r is at a lower temperature than a welding heatrund the evil may all ?' e produced \ty four ?*r five blows of the taftMBer.if the bar is of a small siae. In this cas? we wjiuess the Combined effect ^ i*rcuthiou, heat, and magnetism.? "cn ^'e ' ar is at its proper tempera *ntr for liHTntnorinjr. no such crT^talizs tion UiVok pUcc, ??erause the bar in then uwensihic t<> magnetism. But as soon as the bar becomes cool enough to be etfoct *1 by magnetism, the efT.ct of the blows is to produce magnetic inductions, which Msisied Ky further vibrations from addi Li >:ial j ercussion, produces a crvstalized U-xture: the irou looses its tenacity an 1 elasticity, and at once becomes very brittle. Instances are on rccord where piston rods, having a jar in their motion, and railroad car axles, and even oommoti carnage axles, have kcome brittle, aid have broken from like causes. So. with iron bridges, on the Eric Kail road; the *ruught iron gun, the peace-maker, on the Princeton, in 1M4: and in cases of ^pension iron bridges, both in England Mrd in this countiy. The late "Wheeling bridge accident, and the Kyder bridge aise, are probaoly attributable to the one rod the same cause, combined with others irising fu?m imperfections in the ma Luial when first used in the constrm Lion. From these facts and inferences, we have come to the conclusion that great ;are, both in the manufacture of the iron and in the mode of construction of wrought iron bridges, is essentially ne cessary to safety in such constructions. An experiment was made in England with a smZll bar of good tough iron, it being susj>enut.J and struck con jiuously with small hammers ;u keep up a continuous vibration. ^ iflect was that the bar, after the ex >erimtut had been continued for son c onsiderable time, became so extremely Kittle finally fell to pieces under lie light blows of the haud-hmmuerv, >resentiug throughout its structure a lighly cr)*stalized appearance. That rith proj>cr care in the manufacture ci he iron, and in the combination cf nought iron with cast iron in the sau e onstruction, using the former for ties nd the latter tor struts and voussoirs in n arched bridge, good iron bridges have ?Jen made and can be made again, is not euied. But, in the absence of the ne essary skid, both in the manufacture oi ho proper iron, and in the scientific ar uigcmeut of the parts of the different inds of iron, so as to give to each the iilce best suited to its properties, it oiild seem most prudent to build either f stone altogether, or with stone piers nd wooden superstructure. A Cmt Envjikeesl i'liN'ToxisM.?In 1840, Colonel Benton lid: " Clin?,t and lus ApoMies appeared in provmocot the Koman Empire, when lat Empire was called the Roman world id the world was filled with slaves.? orty millions was the estimated number. 2iu^ one-tuurth of tlie whole population. ingle individuals hnd twenty thousand ayes. A freed man, one who lad him -lt been h slave, died the possessor of 'Ur thousand?such were the numbers, ho right of the owners over this inulti ido of human beings was that of life nd death, without protection from law, r mitigation from public sentiment. " Christ saw all this?the number of ie slaves, their helpless condition, aud leir white color, which was the 6anu iui his own, yet he ^aid nothing agaiiitot avery ; lie preached no doctrine which <1 to insurrection and massacre; none hieh in its application to the state of lings in our country, would authorize an iforior race of blacks to exterminate bat superior race of whites in whose anks he himself appeared upon earth.? Ie preached no such doctrines, but those f a contrary tenor, which inculcated ie duty of fidelity and obedience on the a: t of the slave?humanity and kind ess on the part of the master. His d?'-sties did the tame. St. Paul sent ack a runaway slave, Omesimus, to his wner. with a letter of apology and sup iication. He was not the man to har >o? a run; May, much less to entice him ro:a h;s master. ?nd least of all to excite u insurrection." In 1850, Col. Benton expressed the itmost detestation of compromises. He eo'ared: "I believe in the compromises of the oistilution, and swore allegiance to them, nd keep the oath. I do not lalieve in he compromises made by i>oliticians? andidates for the Presidency. I have Den too much of such work. Iu^ 1850, he vehemently opposed Mr. lay's compromise bill, and expressed imsc-If thus: "It (the 1*5U compromise) was con ived upon the avowed ground that it as to make its champions Presidents, nd is now stuck to upon that principle: nd if it tails to do the job, it will take ie tiack of two defunct predecessors, ud soon be with them 4 ix the tomh of nh Capi lets.' This is my experience 1 Congress compromises, and nobody eed set up these little clay-gods for me ) worship, especially when those who it them up do it for a purpose, and nock them down when thev don't an tver it." Ma*e a Notk of it?We clip the fol ding paragraph from the Philadelphia rgus; 44 The Ex-llon. Lewis C. Levin was in ur city yesterday, engaged in street arangues against Mr. Vaux, the Demo ratic candidate for the Mayoralty. The ix-llon. has had some experience of Mr. aux s efficiency as a Magistrate, and encc lus Of>pos4tion." ^5 Fifteen gallons and three quarts ( f rnisky found their way into the thrmi f William Jones, of Perrysville, within hree weeks, and instigated him to uiut ler his mother. He slabbed her three imes, and -drenched her with three mckets of water. The noise by this irae attracted the neighborhood, and .^hv vas saved. ?-1 -