Newspaper Page Text
EVENING ST Alt. LOCAL INTELLIGENCE. Four. Farther Fa< ts Anoct Mr Di VaiL. Yesterday evening's <Jlobe gite? some fac s by a neighbor of Mr E W. Davail which throws some further light on the subject The Globe 3 article understood to be from John C itives. Esq . says '? His iriendj now think be will partially recover from the wound, but that be will never get entirely t*ell, "a* there are ?till forty or fifty shoot in him w' ich cannot fee extracei They were shot into his back on the left side of his hick-bone, and near to it, about the first rib. The palm of a man's hand will cover ail the shot holes, which prove* that tee person who shot him was about ?s far oh ?s Mr Duvall in his deposition states be w s? ? not being more than tea steps ?lt expected that Mr. Duval I could not survive during the day on which he wag shot, and. therefore, his deposition wa? tasen that day by Jus'i-eC ements. of Bladensburg, Md Ti e two "Jermans stated, when brought before nstice l?..on, of mis city, for examination, a? ne learn from bim. that Mr Duvall attempted to wrest a gun from 'he elder one. twenty one year? old. and while he had hold of it, the yjun^er one fourteen years old. shot him '? Mr. Duvall is a near neighbor to us, and we have -<*en him several times since he was shot, and t .Iked to him on the subject. ati<l he denies that he touched either of them or their guns What ho said to us accords with his testimony given on the day of the occurrepc We have known him six years, and consider him an honest, industrious and truthful man and would believe h;mon his bare word, with out his swef -ing to it He is a loading m tu ber of the Methodist church in Bladen*burg and is esteemed a worthy one It seems strange to us rhy any man. and especially a German?a people considered the m>s peace able aud inoffensive of our citizens, foreign ? r native?would shoot another for telling hi: not to continue shooting on his farm; that i! ho did he would '-endeavor to use means to forco him" off: bat. instead of going towards him, was turning to go frooi him when he was sbov" We published the affidavit of Mr. Duvall yesterday. Job* Foy's Hotel ?This establishment o' o?ir old friend John Foy, after undergoing the bad effects of storms for a year or inure f ast. several of which have drove the inmates from the premises for fear of serious consequences, is now closed to boarder? and lodgers until :lie neoessa y repairs be made to render the place secure. A visit to the hous?! will show ihc devastation of the flood beneath i" where the "littleTiber,'' asitisir,significant called, hi s shown that when aroused, her swollen foice Can do more damage than whs ever dreamed ot in regard to her power Much of the injuries to Col. Foy's house, however, arises from the smallness of the Corporation oulet to the stream, which, backiDg the water, fills up the bed of the creek, and adds new force to the rushing waters of a heavy rain The work ot securing the foundation of the house is going on rapidlv. and it is expected that by the first of November all will be right again, and the Hotel fully open, and made secure from all appretensions of danger; but we may say there is no real danger to our view with the heaviest rain now, it all being apprehension. Still as there is supposed to be danger, travel lers on the cars will take note that a* a hole/, the house is not to be opened till November. Col. Foy 's loss must be considerable, his busi ness suffering mucb, in addition to the des truction of his property We observed last evening some dozen persons who arrived in the seven o'clock train from Baltimore, who ap plied for accommodations, but were necesst riiy refused. As the Corporation was bound by contract to have the property secured by last August, the responsibility of this difficulty rests with that body, we think Iro* Hall?Be.nrfit or Mr Hrrnasoe/.. While ab ut preparing a notice of Parrow's excellent troupe, the following was received. We have only to add tbat the benefioiary, Hernandez, was a prisoner with Lopes, and only escaped by an unexpected reprieve : 4iA visit to this place of amusement, a few evenings since, confirmed me in the old-fa-h loted views I entertaiu, that merit ia always allied to modes'y. The arrival here of the company now asking our pa ronage has not bfien the means of blockading the sidewalks, but there is plenty of room to pass the pos ers announcirg the performances of the Pario<v opera trwupe?no half-acre bills being em ployed to astonish the beholder with exag gerated statement? of the extraordinary at; i ties and powers of each 'star' performer. But you tnd ia their orderly conducted oon^er 6 a very agreeable entertainment Vocal and instrument *1 music that delights the ear, and fun interspersed of a decide lly higher than is usually expected at darkey doings. The wit of the venerable-looking Parrow has tbe genuine spice, and no attempts are made to clitub a steep hill after a bad pun. Very com] lini!>n*ary things might be said of the troupe individually?of the perfumers on tLe ?iolin guitar, bugle, flute, and banjo?and ?s for Bone* he is unsu-passed; but my object i? to invite you to judge for your-e!ves To-night Mr. Hernandez has a benefit ten iered bim. Do not fail to hear them, as it is the last en tertainment they offer. A. The Pp.rsbytkky .Meeting.?After devo tioml exercises the decease of the Rev. Thos. L. HiiuiDcr announced, and a committee appointed to prepare a suitable minute expro - sive of the submission oi ibe Presbytery to Divine will and of their deep sympathy with the family of the decea-ed Committees con tinued were those on missions and organiza tirn of the Western Presbyterian Church. W ashington A preamble and resolutions were adopted in reference t> the lau la'de efforts of pastors, e 'ers and members of ??ourchurcfcos ' engaged in the impraut work of church erec tion. expi -sive >i sympathy and cordial ap proval. Contributions an J acheerful co-opcr - tion in tho-e obj^c's are among (he priu - iy duties our pe pie owe themselves, the cau-e <>f Ch. ist and the church. Tiio churches am ai fectiona ely and earnestly urged ofurnish ike mean'aud heir fervea; prayers lhe Pres bytery adjourned to meet during the sea-ion of the Synod of Virginia in the First Consti tutional Church, in Baltimore, on the call of the molerator. Assot i\Tiox for Mutual Improvement.? The Idaud Social Library Association, formed of youDg icea seeking knowledge, jor which they devote their evenii.g,- to r- idi'ng and stu ly. is highly deservicg of the assistance of the j ub lie They are now increasing their library, and have me' wiih much enc uragenieot fr >in /?u/if.t a. well as gentlemen of Washington in their lau lable enterpri-e. How many :>re tnere who have books ot no use to them or moans to give, by which this you??g men's library may Le made the sou '.-e of un'od good A lady, ever dis inguished in render ing service to such praiseworthy movements, u exerting herself f.,r thi- ass< ciation. We peed not nan.e her. but all will guess who she is. and s^e in her patronage a turo guerdon of success. 6 W J'>st of the readers ofjtho Mar will remember the report of the arrest of this pen?' n for an assault and battery s-iinc weeks since. The officers making the arrest had to struggle hard in arresting him. and haid blows were struck on both sides Mr. Larglit was released on bail afew days since; but we are informed that for some time prior to his release he had been complaining This morning we learned that Langtit departed this life yester day afternoon, aud that an examination into the cause of his death would be made by the proper < (Beers The Bali, on Mhjihi Night?The boa id of rnanag rj of the l?!and Friendship Club, compose \ of Me-srs tieorge B Clark, K. 11. i '?raham. J. ii. Dudley. J E. Johnson, Levi Jones Alex fait, W 1 Walker A M Cald well. C K Uishop ai.dJ. K Holt, are uiakiug extraordinary pieparations for their grand ball to take place at Island Hall on Monday n'ght. The ladies are on the <{M ft if. so something fine may be surely expected A Theft in the Strekt ?Yesterday, be tween the hours of three and four, p. m , a bam was st-ilen ry some thief from the door of the store of f homas Cogan, on the corwer of Iwettieth and 11 streets, where it was haDg ing a gro-ery store sign. The thief has not been discovered. The Avieru us Cli b?This Club, as will be seen by a ivertisemm: in another column, have a cotillon party at Temperance llnll on Tuesday evening, tho 17tb instant A knowl edge ot the member* ot this Club justify us in saying that all who attend will enjiy a pleas ant Cine. Rascality ?A very old woman went into* store this morning, and asked change for a quarter of a dollar lhe obliging proprietor g ?ve her t?o d kh and a three cent pieco A . muli-pt tat<> way < f making m >ney out "f lhe little earnings ot the aged poor. _ .. iiAOBMAR Sold ?The Balti m >r? Patriot, of yesterday. tells a story of a verdant haekman from Washington, which presents him as tbe greenest of J?hus yet turred up ; but it .Is rather too tough to fully believe of any of oar shiewd and cautious ?? knight* of the whip " The Patrl?f ?? We leirn from the captain of the Middle Watch Station, that one of '.t^ P^.on' arrived in this city lut evening from Wash ingt?n, in the late train of cars, and, be>Dgin s?*rch of sport, coon found himself at a ball iD the neighborhood of North and Bath stree'f. \f er ' tripping it on the light fantastic toe ? for a few hours, an acquaintance of tfujy an hour informed him that his hat wad missing and oould nowhere be found, and threw him self upon the kindness of the stranger for the loan of his until he could run to his hotel and procure another. The Washingtonian haying bec^ae kind and liberal by Bsveral potations of champagne, was no'hing loth, and at once handed over a new tile to his unfortuna'e friend. After waiting until tbe ball was about to ' break in,' and his quondam acquaintance not having returned, he became uneasy, nnrt informed one of the gentlemen, woo stiil re mained, of his awkward position His second new friend immediately offered his services to extricate him from his dilemma. He said he knew a gentleman, an intimate acquaintance of his, a batter, who lived over his place of bu'iness, and he would go the.e and purchase a new covering for his caput, and be back in ? the twinkling of a gate post.' Out came the Granger's pocket book, containing a twenty dollar note and a three cent piece. The bill was | romptly put into the hands of his kind friend, who immediately departed to purchase the hat; but alas for our verdant haekman. the second friend failed to return, and ;he last seen of the dupe he was sitting, about six o'clock this morning, upon the steps of the Middle district Watch bout-e. hatless and pen niless He had made applicati. -i to Captain Howell for advice and redres?. but. the worthy . ffieer had no redress for him. and the only advice lie could give him was, when he came 1.1 Baltimore again to beware of the white elephant." ? ? ? Thr First Mo!*Ivmmt i* (HenwooD Ceme tery.? Mttsrs Editors : Having Seen a short paragraph in several papers with reference to the first monumeut erected in GlenwoodCeme tery, no one of whieh is entirely free from mistake, I ask of you the favof of a {dace in your paper for this article, in which I propose to correct the mistakes referred to It is certainly a great satisfaction to the citixens of Washington to know that a consid erable portion of the grounds of this new ceme te-y is now so far prepared as to be ready for occupatiou. The proprietors of this new burial ground have been very fortunate in its location. A more beautiful place for such a purpose I have never seen, than that occupied by Glenwood Cemetery. It is destined to bo regarded a? the La<irel Hill of Washington The first monument placed in this cemetery is one erected by Mrs Tastet to the memory of her husband, the iate Dr. Joseph M. Tastet The monumont is from the steam marble works of A. Gaddess, of Baltimore. It is a plain obelisk, between eight and nine feet high, and suffi -iently mas-ive to be in fine pro portion?of rich Italian marble, beautifully clouded, and highly polished. The design on the monument is by Mrs. T. herself. It is unique and expressive It represents an oak tree in full foliage, in a shattered and falling condition, as if sudienlj- broken by a storm a vino ascending the tree entwines itself among the branches for support, but with the broken tree is falling to the ground. Underneath this design is the motto. " Cling not to earth " This monument does credit to the artist; and I doubt net will be admired for its simplicity and unostentatious beauty, by the numerous friends of the late Dr. Tastet. T. J. Bread.?The bakers decided yesterday, to bake their loaves as near the weight requl-ed by law as possible, and to sell ihem to the stores for four and a half cents, and to fami lies for five. One of the officers of the meet ing informed us th:?t they were about to organ ize a society for the promotion of their inter ests. and that they had resolved to tost the 1 >w h> an appeal to the Supreme Court Tbe first installment of the amount nccessary for this purpose was raised at the meeting. Inquest.?Yesterday, an inquest was held by the eoroner over ihe b^dy of a colored man, named Richard Bowie, who died sudden ly in the 7ih Ward After hearing the evi dence. the jury decided that be came to bis death from some cause to them unknown iconic person| started a rumor that Bowie died of cholera, which is all fudge. The Highlanders.?This new corps, com manded by Capt Hee^c. is going ahead fine'y. and it is expected will be enabled to parade on the anniversary of the battle of Yorkto?ru If it is possible, they will. The energy of the officers and spirit of the men gives good prom ise for them. Butter.?The clerk of the Centre Market, attending to his duty, this morning, in weigh ing the butter offered in lumps geired a few lumps, cach le.-s than a pound in weight It was of excellent quaihy, and sold readily at good pii;es at the clerk s offer. Watch Retires ?James J. Conway, drunk and disorderly, fine and costs; Martin Bran nan, drunk, dismissed. Muss among the '? Hards" in the Sixth Con gressional Distiict of New York. The Herald of yesterday gives the following : SIXTH DISTRICT. In this district there was much feeling man ifested for and against tbe incumbent, Hon. John Wheeier, and two tickets are in the field, both claimicg to be regular. It appe ;rs that a portion of tbe delegat on. friends to Mr. Whoe'er, assembled by them elves. and unanimously renominated him, while those opposed called another meeting, and nona nated Charles 1). Mead. We give the repot ts of both. WHEELER MliETI' ,j. ThU party assembled at the corner of Hous tou and Allen s reets, the place advertis-d 1?T the meeting in the daily papers, and organ ised by calling Mr. Keilly to tiie chair, and appointing ihos. P. St. John Secretary Upon motion it was decided to go into an election for a nominee for Congress, and upon the first bal.ottbeHon Jno. Wheeler was unanimously declared t?> be the choice of the meeting, 'ihe convention then adjourned. MEAD MEETING This party claim to have met at the same place a* tbe above meeting, ai d to be the only party who acted openly and honorably They represent that the above meeting Wits uufair, inasmuch as it was held with closed door-, and organized before the hour appointed for holding tbe convention, ibis meeting, io opposition to the aoove. it is contended, was composed of a majority of all the delegates The meeting waa called to order by the elec tion of George T- Thompson, ot tho Fifteenth waid, chairman. It being moved and carried to go into an election for a Congressional nomi nee. Charles D Mead was unanimously de clarel to bo iheir choice. Mr. Moad is in lavor of Frouson and the platiorm of the Ka tional Democratic Conven.ion of July 12. Horrible Death?Two Brothers Buried Alive.?Two brothers, named Patchen, re spectable citizens of Constantia, 0<wego county, New York, met a horrible death on the 25th ultimo. The Oswego Palla dium says they were digging a well, and when they reached a depth of 25 feet, the quicksand in which they were working, caused the earth to fall in, burying them at the bot tom. Every exertion was made to remove the earth, but eight hours elapsed before they were reached?the earth being eleven feet deep above them. When found, they were stand ing in an upright position, with their arms around each other, cold and lifeless. The Girard Estatb.?The Philadephia Ledger says the annual rental of the Girard property belonging to the city, and comprising lots, dwellings, stores, warehouses, wharves, bridges. Ac., amounts to $93,542. There are also in the hands of the treasurer of the Giraro fund, held by the Mayor, Ac , in trust, under the will of Stephen Girard, stocks and loans to the a nount of $1,033 116 22, divided as fol lows : Trust fund for the improvement of Del awn re avenue $514,480 Hti True fund to purchase fuel 9 2t>2 05 Trust lund for the residuary.... 509.273 31 Total $ I..033,116 22 VW " Tommy, my son. what is longitude 4 A clothes line daddy " " How do you make that out? ' ?? Becuuse it stretchej from pole to pole.'3 Zlr Piteous are very abundant thin fall in the forests of Indiana and Ohio. ?nd !n West I n New Yofk. A PIlk o*- BB*Ati?trFFs.?The receip s of grain at Butfalo. York, from Saiaftiiy to Tuesday inclusive, reached half a nUtluin o? bu*he! s. idB^Wild pigeons are so numerous in aoipe portions of Indiana that the farmers consider them a nuisance. "The Princeton Kentu?hian Teporti a pale of 500 barrels of corn in Crittenden county at 28 cents. Potatoes are plenty in the interior of New Hampshire a" two shillings a bushel. HIARRIRD. Pn t'>f 4tb instant, bv the Rev. Mr. Gurloy. Mr. JOHN (4. CLARKE, lo HER I HA, youngest (laugh Iftrof Win Mechlin, H*q, all of" th s city. U1KU; On tiio 7th instant, of coiisuiaption, FRANKLIN THOM A3, in the 37th year of his age. (Sjh Hi? friends and acquaintances are invited to attend his funeral without further notice*. . . Wants. ' JVa till" n nd " Wanted'' advertisements, four tin* ? ? >r less, for each insertion, 25 cents; each a.idhiona ine 5 cents. WANTED?To hire a colored BO * or girl, in a private family, from 12 to 14 years of age. Liberal wa^es givtn. Apply to "R D P." o**t 6 \?r ANTED-By a good *nl punctual tenant, n ? f smnll FIGURE, either bri*k of frame, wiih i1 ?? Dho't distance of the C# tre Ma>k?t Pl?ase cil! op o aldrww JNO. RKR4B, E*g> Plumbing and flsi fitting Establishment, c-rner of Sixth street ahd Ptl. avenue. ortl ?eo3t WANTfcD? A MAN, who is competent i? take cbargc of the feeding, milking and c*re of th rows of a lar(?9 dairy near the city. Al-o, a nan to 3*ire a milk wagon.and di tribute milk in the citv. Amerifcans rtnd Germans would be preftr'fd, and none nefd apply who carflot giv * - tisfoctory references for capaejtv, sobri?tv. j-no honesty. Applvto J W. THOMPSON A B*0 Pa. avenue, -?uth ei'l^, between 10th and 11th stree's ret 6?3t WA>7Tf!Ti ?A r ,,P,,ct*W* qniet Gentleman pnd ?T his wife wouid like to Join a family of th? s<me (tefcriplion in taking a comfortable house 5n ?h- centra! part, of fh city sone other need si p!y. Aiidress "S'>uth,n City Post office. cct 6 \KTANTED?An experienced GARDENER. t , tf,ke a targe Oard^n a mile and a quarter ir.>m tli# ci'r, on eh^ns ^a-e indu ements offered. Aiirens intm?Ji.telv, by Utter or person. WiHiaiu V ^?* T* Fowler's Building, oorner feyt-uth ??d K Mre'ts. oct 3 -1-r \1RANTED ?Two Plumb -r< wanM! idimfllia'ely, v? Compe'ent and steady handi will find cod ?tant employment and b?st waives by applying to FUR8K AOLLINS. sep 19?tf Opposite \A illards' Hotel YV^rfTS M KGROKS.?The subscribers art i Vw in tb? market buying 8LAVES. pa^ lug v.he highest cash prices. Person* having Hlave# for sale wiil please call at 242 PRATT STREET. ls?l timore, Mi., (Slattsr's old stand.) Slaves taken on 'njard st 25 cents per day. feb 2-?ly B. M A W. L. CAMPBELL Boarding. TV^Rf1. N. WILSON hiu t^fcen t'ie house at t^( corner'of Kleventh sr.-et and P-nnsj lvarin av-nue. south ?d->, and i^ prepared to aojmmrdatf tioarders or lo Igvrs. Ta- room^ are large, ele?aut, and nir/. Kntiance on Eleventh 8tr?ef. oc* 3?tf BOAL DlffQ.?Mrs. DUVAbL, Pentia. av-nu?, nearly opposite Bro-sms' Hotel, b%s fine ROl?M:; au-J offers cver> drdrabl?. comfort ami accommodfr tion for farai!:;*? cr single pentlemen?iiermp.-. i.t or transient. No more ible boarding h wilt be found ly Waabin^^n. jt? 15 \\ THE LONG EXP EC TED WORK nearly keady1 Will be ready for delivery to subscribers e*'?y ir October? P. A M K L E S TN TTIR* Path of tlie St?am Ilorg?; OB, THK 1'ftO.SR AXI) POETRY Of TTTE BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD. Oor/Monsiy Emhedisb'd with nb-MU 170 SPLENDID FINISHED EK0KAVIFG3. With b. autiftfl coli.r d ?ronti; r.i-c? On" volnme, Pra of oLout eOj ;aueK, and bound in Turkey moro-co, full g?it This fnpr^rb Toiume. wh c"! h?s l-.'m nnd'-r w.iv for sometime will be r-adv r> r d-bverv to s'Hs-ri tH-rr. as above announce.], and will pie?nt oijtol H e most splendid fp^cjmt-ns t f book publishimr ever ispned in this cou^ try. The liiu^tra ioii> ?j the volume a e witboat doubt some of the k.*' m ?gnifl ;ently ex- cuted p!fCi s cf Art rer pro tuw 1 Kvery one of :h?m were tak?n from Nature by tb Art'st in person, an ' tb? consUnt supervifion of Artist, Author and Publisher ha*, b- en giv^n to rro duce gem* of Art?eve^y one of which will r? H. ct T'-di en all concerned. Th^ lype is large end cletr, while the paper is of a snowy wfeite ti-xtur and very he?.vy. The Bicding will he in ihe finest' of niCiocc<> bindery. Al otct'jer, the B ok ?ill be a Q-.M far exc eedin? in beauty and v?'u?, hnv voluiae o? a local character ev?-r PROOrCED iy THIS COUNTRY OR ENGLAND. -*11 persons who have n< t subr-crib^l wuld -!o we l to d? so at once, in oider to be Cfriain of nn early copy Mr. SlM'L B. HICKOOX, Pe-ond street. Bilti more, 5 our sole Agent for Baitim^n, Rn j thence to Wheeling. From any other point, please adirtfi.i tne liub isjiers. AfiKNTd WANIKD in every Town on th? Ohio Rirer. B^OMWKLL A SMITH, Pub Ifh>rs, No 195 Chestnut streer, Philadelphia. oct 4?ft FALL DRY GOODS THOUSANDS OF PURCIf tSERS. \\Ttk tiav" nr>w ?d srore ana shall receive weekly 11 supplies during the ne%ton? A Utrg' t'ock of Silk* at.d f ancy G .kIs. Plain French M?xiiv>s Biccaie bnd p'a n Biic^ Plni i Merlnf.s, Cacl.mers Miks I lam and Plaid Moufse- SuK;i(,r B.)mhs*!|ies . 'i'"' Alpa as, Csntoa ClMbs *11 shadec CobergCloti s English Crapes. as?-'d Fine Printed Mousselins Crape an 1 Love Veil". Jtmbroxderi t aiid Kut Glnvts. Mls?es Kid A Hlk Oloves L?dte> Silk and Co'ton Merino in I Octton Ho- Hosiery In great van si*'* eties Cbild'n Merino Shirt* H,k aud Merino VesM Superior Cloths, Cassimeres and Veilings. Casslnets and Kentucky 2 j?a 10-4 Flannels, for Jeans hkirtix.g ?u'erior Flannels, of all fuperfine Tab'e Piapers sh.-.des Napkins and Towelling Pitro und Table Cov rs AlhO. a full assortuiert of Oentlnmen's Merino and Ootton Shirtfl a^d D.-awers. Wcolleu and Cotr ton Hosiery, Kid, Siik, Merino Qloves, Suspenier?, Cri.vs.'s, .?'ilk snd I in--n l o-ftet ilendkerchiefs, silk and fine gingham Umbrellas. Bif All of which will i n fold at fiir low prices, for cisb, or to punofual customers MAXWELL, SEAKS A COLLEY, No. 523, fceven h St., three doors ataivc Ps. avenue, oct 4?dVw PHILADELPHIA AUCTIOH BARGAINS. 1,AKfcACH Merinos, all * hides, at 76 cent', very cseap F'en< h Merino Pldds, all styles 600 pifces black silk velw BibfcOns; of a'.l widths, very chexp Plaid Silks, plai l Ribbons Bb^k Silks of every width and qualify 200 Fien h Shawl', various Uybs, very low Cu"tom"rs will do well to call and look at my Stock, all of which will be sold st a small advanc-, for cath. WM. R. RILEY, Corner 8:h s'.. oppofite Centre Market, oct 3?lm GREAT ATTRACTION. 100 d's,,D ,'I""n oumtrie Haiulktrchiat) frcm C 1 v7 v cents upwards 80 do*. gr?s> lin?n llaniktrcbiefs frcm 25 cents up ward ,v?ry ch? ap Franeh worked C; liars .n treat variety, very low Worked lawn and muslin Sleeves Worked c?mbric S? irts 240 pairs French kid Gloves, at 50 centa, worfh 75 cents Call und t ny cbeap for cash at WM. P. RILEY'S, ecr. Eighth street. opp:site Centre Maiket. oet 3?lm PIANO FORTES TJ RKNT.?iev CEGjiZnHeral first rate 6octave Piano Fortes rent it $o p?r mon a to careful w * U "persons. Emjui'eat HILBUd A HITZ'S oct 3 Music Depot. OUR iiONKYUCO, and ether ComicaJities from Punch, with numerous illustrations Life's L-sson a Tale 1 utnam for October Further supplies of Pai-hion aod Fsmine, a' TAYLOR * MaIIRY'X *P I'ookstore, near Ninth st. THK SlOttT OF THE BIB I E, fom the find dawn C Revela ion to the completion cf ihf SacreJ Cunon, with the interesting details of itj translition *nd circulation, lrom the earliest eff-rti until the present time. 1 vol The Australian Wg^der.t* fcy Mrs I,,! Piu.reb* mdJ I'rrJuUl<e, m ut/Tnl, bv Mis G?r? Eddy on tea Cuiiute and the Bee 'Uive. ??P a?? FHANOK. TaYLuJI For Baie and FUot. FOR RFNT?A eonveniemt and comtort?ble frame nO^Br, (No. 6S7.) two ftorle* and garret, with a i rick b***n*nt. situated in a pleas* Dt and healthy n?i*hborhxd on the Island. To a punctual and Ctref; I tyrant the tent will be flfteMU dollar* per | month Enquire of DAN'L 8. CLARSK, Druggist, Potomac Sa'I, Island. -Alio, a mal! Btcr? Haaik for rent under Potomac HiU oct 7 81* FOR 8M,K OR KENT?Coo venient to Oeorjt< ? town, ?rtt*We frr a market Gar lener or a prt rate residence, a House Sn5 out budding*, com hoH'P and woke hon?e. toother %:ih 1? < of Liod There is an elegant Peaeb Orchard on I he premiws. with good spri"* and m<lk hou<? attached to It Tfc'r property is ?itaated miles from Geo' town, on lb* Canal Road;. Application e?n be ra?d? at ?)?? Nat onal Re^ftt^Maf., la aven?e, tr to the ewner on tne pfemls^i. oct 7?3i* SORT E ROBERT?. I?OR RENT?Three new three sto * ItOKSF.S. of, Pierce street. between North Capitol a-d 1st St., a?^d Ii ?nd M They contain >ix rooms each Ap ply to OHAWLBs TilOM S, immedi itely oprosite. oct 6?2** F)R RF.NT?The lUeidence cf the l?te O n. Tow aon. corner 17th and F streets. Both bouse an?l ground* hav.e been put In con. p'ete order. Ga-< and furnace hrst ar? carried throughout the boupe, !?? gethe- wi'h hot anl ?oW wa er in bath, in w?t-r closets, kitmen, anl butler;s panfrv. EniOnre on the premises, between l< and 2 o'clock. Oct 5?eoSt? 1."^0R HEST ?1 h" subscriber has for r nt a go?<l Dwelling II0U3K, o i Bridge stre-t, Oeorge '<fn a frw doors east of ths market hruso It is larg-* in good order, convenient. and quite a dwrrahle re* iience Apply it TfMOTJiY O'DONOIHUB oct 6?tf FOB RENT?Ths latnesni desirable D A KLL V'? next door to Mr. Causten's, on F. near Fif teenth street west, now occupied by J. A. Rockwell, Eeq. Also, a Dwelling IIou=e in Ger^etnwn, with r. larre garden, pump in tho vard, smol e hotise, av.d other conveniences, at idEO per r.itham. Fec< ntly occupied by Mr. Tyler. Apnly personal y. or by post paid letter, tf) A IIYD8, Georgetown. oct 3?ecSt* \RARE CIIANOR T) GKT A L T T? THE Ci?y of vYaihingtori ?Having sufc 'i\icb:d Sijs 91 V 933, and f^nare * uth of FquaieSli in l/Ots. averaging 20 feet Iron* by 00 feet deep, I r.m r.ow prepared to feli the >tni> at prices rsmr*"g from s!>.ty to oue hundred d<'llars, and tip-'ii ry no orp moda'lng Wits say J" or $i p t month until raid for Th? above fqu?re? front oil V ,ty!aud K^eone. be *w *ew 8:h aod9'h str. ets ?a_-t 5ituat?'d Oii the uj<?t thriT'uT part of C?{it 1 Mili. T.ho nbo e arran^cmetit. \ ffers indr>cem-v*? r?re 1? to ba met with. g;v?n' tbe oppor unity tft o few p-?or men of owni -g a Lo*. in tbe C!:y of WKFhing "on. 610- P. Di KR, 11th street, one bouse from Pa. avenue. o't 4?lw FOR RENT.?The mos desirable STORS now to be had ou Pk. HTenne i? B'-xt d<*or to the nev !>tar it is si'uatetl ^et^en ih? re? Stsr OfH"e and the new store rn th? eomcr oT Ta. f.r'trtie and Fleyen'h street, b?:ng fi'ied tip bv Hilbn?.i Hrz, tor'beir contemplated magnificent 1 imo en 1 Music establishment. Arply etirly at the Ha* of fic . fet 'i tf CtTO?>Af}K.-Wnllacli ?% Mope will pfore Furni tnre, Dry Goo<J?t firocerlei. Ar., in 'he e>t? nsive ba'eraent ulldernettlh tbe n?'W " Stnr rnfMinirs" at the c rner of Peon?ylf: uia aT?=niue and .Meye.nth street. T!-ese basements a e p,Ve^ with Wigs, wvFl ventilit?d, and perf-ctly dry at all lines ?iid to cure. Apply at the fj!?r office counter. oet Q- tf A COAL OR MARRLE YABP FOR RKNT.?The rec?nt LOT on Pennsylvan'a svenue nert to the new St-ir ?.?(fiee is for ren , for ore or fir* yearn. It is the Tery b>st location in Washing on for1 a C- al or MarM* Tar J. Apply soon at the e? tintfi? of the 8 ar Office. act 2?tf Ij^OR RENT.?For on? or four j ear??the pr?tr!?es frcm w1 ich tha Ftar < flii* has jirt bertu r- ^ niored, on D stre?t. near i'f juneri n w'tli Peunsyl Tania a^enun ant Twe.fth s'lei t". It co: si ts of two buildings?iront ?n i rear and simp!* ^aFd noln wit>> n *?ll of wate. for mecV.aricBl parnoei p on the premises. Thi<- i? a first rate orp rtwnitv for a river. Painter, enrp'nt'er, manuf-icturinK h-.t ter, blnckemith wheelrijrbr, ic.. to .'?bt'j'n working ro- m withit: a slcni's tb; >w ot tli-? cc-?tr'- of sjlTKniA avenue, ?fhiie th<< front Ka idin^ -sril aniW.T fur one, t?-*o i-r thr-? ahops or ?/p p'y hot n at ths jcv ofT.C" of tb<- h';.r. corner of Pcun-iylvsaia end iuevejith stroet. r.-ct 2?'f FOi; UKNT?A new and comfortable T> ^/kLLTKO nOLEE, coa sir:n>i *dubt jcs>iu?, rit'.'a*? t < o r-o*th 15 hl.r'^t, b -iwo-'ri D ilawer-* ??.- *iu ? rii?i Fir*t street east, one trom the Oe;-i oi. F. r tennu inquire at. Mr KcrfTne.-'i Orocry, or .1 .1 PvabO'iVj nsrth wing of the Capitol Extension oct 'I?1 w* QWHT TO ITT A NT* KIX1UH8S FOR SALK l HRTirg lepwd the lurf ; ?u_' ^''tj-ti ?i n* we.r rxsr:'K^tifr of llthr-n l lVnn-ylvania avriiie, we will rent ir.e eli.^ably situated ?t we n-'w occupy Th- central and w?-li hno -'n locality of our i r :'- - :t e^tabllahment ofler* * mo>-r ran* oppor'aciiy f.^r one d-^eirtos! an exc-ell?nt bu-iness stsn l HfLtJUS ?* Jin z. Mwsic Depot, Eou'Ja sids Penarylv*n;a avenue, Ifctwc-M f'-i'lh and hlrventti stree*:!: ser."? \ l'..\Kv) OP AlW'Jt?Fir sale, fouri>-<so ?cit3 < I fjANi) ?ce nil." from th? ci?y line, near 'ii ? tell ?r^t?> i>n Srye^ith stre-t four ?rre-iu b-'avy tin L-.t. e 3ns site F?r r. --.H urb-in resident?soli we 1 adiiptt^. for s?a?l';t gardening Er.q ire of > . C HtlBHAUD, >'?a* the Toll Oat#, on Feventh street, sep 27?lm* IjlOK SALE?DKH! it MJt.K PROPERTY ON i Ii K 1 I3LAND?Co- -dHtine of two HOWL* tf/ OJA the lirst being anew fri.u,e House fil'e-n by thir y f^et, with four laruc airy ro >ios itnd >U!iiin?*r kit"h tu a'tached, and other improvemen s. w.ns stii g ot stabling, Ac , on a full lot ot 60 by 122fee*, running ba'.k to a 30 teet a ley. The otn-r is a fi-ame ho >8<; of f< ur rof^ms situtie'l on a Lot 21 by ?o feet 10 in All inforiuat;on will be ri*en by applyisy in pers.iLi or by letter to "pYi'H AX." at the rtar c.fftce N. R?The first named house and lot woull suit any one engaged in huckstering, Aj. aep 25?im Ij^Ult KKNT?TO COAL ??.. V lO^K ? DESIRING TO r.O INTO THAT KUSINE'f.? V> a'lach A Hope !i?ve for r?nt the v?ry be t location 'or a coal yard in Wmbingt.'n city?"the vacant lo' ou Pennsyl-ania aveuiie, att>to the build>n^ at the corner ot ll'h street, h?ret fore occupied by E<lwin Gr-en's Cabinet-ware Manufactory. A coi. yenient b'ic'i office is *ttach-d. and the lot is amply lar|?e. The location is t e mo.i' ?.*utral, c?>ispic?l ous and convenient ol ace-as i:i Washington tor th c^ai business. For an ent-rpi i?i; man, tiie rh r > la a rare on^, For tevma ;ipp y eany tt tl? S '>r office. sep 8 1)UILI)ING LOT8.? For sale several te,irabi? ) Buiidiog ijotsin the vicinity of rUe City Hal'; aiso in the 1st Ward, r-nd also a v?riety in all ocber parts of the city. Also, two small train;' dwellings. Situated in hii improving neighborhood; all of whic . will be sold on terms ai-comuiode.tiug. Apjdy U David M.jvrle. at Mrs. Adiiins', opposice t.o BrowaV Hotel, or tbr<, the poU offi.w, post paid, jy 10?eo3m HAR^KK'ri MAGAZINE for Octobs-r i'utnam's Ma'. a>i::e do The Gieat lllustraud Magazine of Art fordo Gc-dey'g Lady's Book and Uraliaa.'d Mitgasine for Octolter F'or.k Leslie's Ladies' Gazette of Fafliion for Octo b*r's the to-t number yet iss ? d. and con t?m 1 the oo;y relish's F i.l F8^hi -ns Word's It?-collections of ihe tta^* Alone, one of the most intere-t-ng Boo! a ever i? suel Man-ot Har's Man. by Eugene Sue All the new Boohs received lor sale as roon on published at SHILLINGTON'P Bookstore, cor. Pa av. and 4# st., Odeou building. Oct 3?ti JU8T ilECElVED, irom tha New Y-rk auctions, a larjie lot of fine (lOOUS, consisting in pRrt of, vi*: 1' 1 aid and strife Silks in large quantities Plaid and fl'.ripe Black Silks do Black and colored Brocade do do PUin black and colored Silks, every quantity Variety of ?a'ins for ladies' cloaks Tiimmlngs to match A large lot of Bonnet Ribs nds A large lot of Paris Mousselme d< Laises and Cashmeres, the newest ^tyl-s A large a>?ortment of Bombaslns and Alpacas, very cheap A large lot of French Merinos A lar^n quantity of ffhawls and S.-arfs of vari ous kii ds Embrr ideries of every description Ready made Satin Mi hula cloaks apd Manlb-e the laUst I'arisian styles A l*ig- lot o? Cloths, Cas im-*req, and Yestine , whirh we wi 1 have ma e up to orJrr in the be t it-,!?, cheat: fits suaranti^d A larjeq mntity of staple Goods ol every kind. Velvet Carpets, Tape*try. i!ru"?els Carpets, Tli'ee p'y Carpet--, Ingrains Carpels, Raif trd Hemp Cat pet*, Hogs ot every kind, tjh?et Oilcloths, whi -h we will cut to guit pat-sages and hbl:h ot all) size I< punhaseit. will consider their own interest, tbe> will certa'nlv give us a call. oct 2 ?lOtif HALL A BROTUKli FOR SALK.?A pair of Vermont SSORUAN MARKS, six years old well broken. sound, st)lish and capitsl drivers They! are the property of a gentleman who ??, J centiy obtained them at the North for his <?? n us*, but now finds that a change in his a raneeraeuts m<kes it degireable lor him to dispose of them. They are just the hor rs to he driven by a gen'.lv man r-r lady They can be swn at Southron'* (lute Bitch's) s-ables, on 13th ttrtet. sep 30 WHATMAN DRAWING PIPkR.-, vrrraj.w genuiue, bought iu person front the inauui'ao toieT. by KRANOK TA'i U>tt. fep 87 SELLING OKF AT UNl'RiiClLl>ENTtU LOW RVI'E*?Eeing deairoua of reducing our pres ent stoca in order to make ro <m for oar r>. w Or.cdfc for tbe Fall and Winter trade, we aid ct mrn-nc^ th s diy and continue until furtb*r coti'X- to rdT-r cur^t> koi Fancy Oo>3ds, Per!om,-ry, ^tsti/c-ry, Mi>6kai Ibstruuer.ts, l ianos, ic , atexceaiin^ly l.. w pines. JN0. F. HJiI.-', Pa. avenue, belwee Utb and 10th ats. ?ep 18?tf V Auction Balds. Bjr J. C MrOriRK. Antllonttr. \taluirlb building Lora suiarle for business Mandi ?!*H Ptivat* V M'deDces ? W 11 be Fold by auction 'n the br J. C. Ms Quire, on MONDAY af eroooa, 0--tove> tb? l<>tb, at four eVIoc't. th-? following ch >'c?lot* rf ?roubd ? Thrf ? lot# of wiouol north of Poy'i Octet, on N?? Jitmj *rpn*?, 1h?1o? ?*cb a front of twenty-two t, ?cd running bs?k about 130 f??t The title to tbesa lo'U Dm b*-n made Mfflplet? by the purchase of the i aim of forelgo tHw. Also, on* lot of g-ound on D etr**t n^rtb. a'fjoit' ipg Foye Hot?J, 28 f-et frcnt, ICO ^_ei*. Title *.1?? <WEj>l?te A:ao, a ^n* lot *>f ftroucd, b>iu tie no'thea?t com-r of ?q>iare S74. a^<l fronting 131 feet on In1i una aver.up, C street ncrtb *??! ?ir;* ?tryet wrsi, he fog one ot the most desirable hi sines* ft**-* lutfc* c.ty, ccn a'ming 4 3?> i :?et. lerms: O e fourth ca-h ; residn* in f?. 12, and 18 months. f'>P note* h-aring interest, wcared Ly e deed ot trust oa tie prfflnbeA. JAMSaC. MeOCTRR. ect ??<i ___ AoCCoH'-^r By ROTH A XVt, A BKOWX, Ancir. I^HKmPticnwl# of i'lry Good*, ^ancy Ar'i-les ?tc , will N> con inn <1 this ?-vr>ni _g ai oV' , and also o Saturday afternoon and eteniai* at . and 7 % o'clock A c;n idftable amount of Goo's r?ra<?in to ho fo!d. fany of ?bens ofex-e'lent quality, and selling much bjlow the usual pries. ROTH WELL A BROWN. Atr~tioneers oorcer 7lh atd I street* oct 6?54t By URICE,K fc^CO'fT. Aoctlouaen. ROSES, EVBRGRBENS, Flowering riao<? <t every de*cr:ption.?,ln TOBSD AY. th? .0*h 'ft g'aat, w-- shall sell, at 10 o'clock a. m., sc ? l*r.e fto-er <r*rd?n in ?qnare 3^7, between 0th am! K t~ streets w< st, atd l> and K sts. south, Isiand, nn ? x C8 lent e*?ortca"ot of? ?? er bloomine i 6s? s and other ftos-^lT?" pi tnfs Ev?rftt?ens, with Ga d->n ftcAki- pcr? tsl T-r"n caeh. GliEKN & ?C >TT. OS' B d A'actionne'-c BY G F DYEE. K. WRIUHT, Auctioneer. TRUj-TKK*?! SAT.E nF VAT.TTABLB ?>BOL'Vr<TV By virtue of a de?J of Imtt 1 f?nj Patii k \ Ryrnt1, ffo I Miry .'ane tt*rrie hi" w :e ?o Ed" in f j *!? rjrar a'id R|]':ie?n E. TiiTrari. the pjt' Kl ? . recorded Jn J. A. No. 15, ire rf il'P )n''d recrrdd f^r'iti ct.Kr.fy. In the D/ftii"' ? f Columbia, we. thi- tsi-! vot?^n * lift.* ??, wi| s?ll, in front rf the. treTrip?>?, rti ^ *"1^ R5I?A V. ?h w^h iiay rf \::iT-,niber. A D 1?.54. at 4^ o'ciac"' p. ?oj, the f?llf winz niece or parcel ot ground, ano tS1 i^^F?ro1'el^e^i,' th>??e?>*i. thf >?nio b* ir?K fituattd ;:i tl'.O city - f T*Mhin?t<?n, ?n the L-?i^tri?r- of Coluw i . iud i tjn^ri as p<nn Jots B? ?en (?) and ei/ht ^t in Fqanro No. t> Ut hiindrei ffndfiffy fs >i . ' t.ii for tlie fsrnn at the nor hwpgt cornet fif ?*ot ei: i''. j aod ru'-uirg ?ou(h cu Pe^eiitb Hre t, t:* t?*i, tbew'c* e?*t ?t right an^io" with Sereuth ?tr ? t sisiy fire ibence cu.i nor'h for?y-one f>-?. ihence west tsrei ty fev(-n fe^t n* inches 'h^- ce south tw?? tv feel, thence west thirty C-et. fiv inch-'S to pis ?? < f be?inuin4 T?rir8: Onehilfca h; th*> b?lance in 6 ari'l ' rarnihf, s?lth int. Tf-'t-. th" de Vrr< ! psymeot" t lo ft urea fcy ^ deed rf trn??. rn th" prern fea. ret 6 p:>win c morgan, ? Vi.. B. k'.WARO, ^Truste-' G' By J. ROBK^OS, Auctioneer. OLD AND 811,VER WATCH!?. JEWK' I" &p. at Anetior ?I shall Fell nrxf 8ATUP0AV eret in/, the 7tf, instnn^. at 7% o'clock, Grid a'>1 : ^'dref-Leier and Lej ine Watditf, cf the most . p ' p or 2 ^"a?:er?. Also. co!d Gi"ard, Te^t. atd Fjb Chains, Iressv pi?Sj bar and Finger Kings, nn?l a ?-e#t rarie ty of Not OU3 Sal^ aofitive. Terms cash. J BORINSON. ot-t 5?2t rpt>osite Rrowns' 'Trtel By K. S. WRIGHT; Georgetow >?. r| iRtlST!A!/K of u Large xto'k ci Orocvri ?< I Fine Wir.e., F,iqu?>r?, ?On MONDAY "?-Tt. the Qlh Instant, at 10 o'clock, I shall rail, w;Mi u? r.i'i-rv?, bv o"Jer of the T? Jt-te", at the store ot ?' W. roletna", rear tor n>erk?it, th? e*fcen>ire s'o<'; of tt. o's consi-tlnar of >^af, pulverired <)nd l>rtwn Sugars Imperial, gunpowder, end V. II. Teat }t:ce, f*"ap, Cendle* Cordu^e. epic-p. To. aero, ferrirs 'S?oi?ra j, Basket'. l;U keta. Tubs Chnraj, "fTni;Oti->s, ! jpee Du?t!nhn-fr acd pain* Brngbat i"o??',ftr find -hot, Salt WfJ: and ? fappin? Paper rar.ii - ofHuifker, imd % pites of Rr-.ndy ' s <<* l^t of St- a*rirf, PrifiRoia ware Very superior t ot'h-d liraudy \V' ' *t* i'"r ., t-bercy. aod 1 harpiiait^" Winer, ^touphton'n i> 'tj'rs, rnps. H<~S1?--. &c . ,V.-. F<-rEji".T n cotiplete st "-k if a fl??4-c!a'P Fa* ly tt'OMIT. Teres liberal, ardnt o* 3-'d l-DW. s WB1GRT, Auctiorfr. | H? t.). S. WltlOHT, Gcor^ttS ^ ira&ISAl K Off i:RK;P ANi) I^H IN OEORQWTOWV, N'K'aR THE Tfce.Nl> ItlTILDTNfifJ.? a TUTHtfift \ V l^tb of < t bsr, at 5 o'clock, p. ~ in 'W rf the *>r?-'rr pes, I p'jnll fl! ,.r ru'dic Rn.-.t.oo, l?y riti-j- i Died > f Tiu?t frrm llenrv Go'^siuitb ai.d Ill'aa1":^ hi-- wif?, ti, the frbscribw. bfarlrg dst? f.f 'i 'i Obtober. IS'?, it i dely rtverded in the i-- d Wrdj! fcr'W "r-b'o^trn county r ? f''oi-.-.-i hia, r-urt nf ! t No. 179. s!n r.t^i pt ibe s->ntr.. * f-.iro'! of Market :*.ru Frarfh ?treets. in Rent y i < H~T*!iins'addition to o?org^toTrn o?g>minir< -r > ?a'd pi'-te r.t the enn'h ,? t c:rr'?*r uf said ?* . Ihehce a<;Ctberly ~ith i':e ir:e r,f Market 3> <r*i "hirtk two ic.c* ? iyc ?rr-h,,-i to Ilenry 'Ce?:Dt"s' I >: thence with hw groa d east-Tiy f-t n*y feat e '? or less, thence northtrl/ p-?rt.llet Me. V? street thirty t-wo fe^t fHx Inrhes to Fourth 6tre.>' ?t;h ^iO; it >,r?>^-:erl.v seventy teot m' re nr i ?? t" 'i> l> uinnin^, witti t he i>cpro*emcnti< which oensi t ??* a f.K d t-vo eti.ry Wrick bous?? ?)ua>t' lrd cajh, the balance ia >.n ! twelve ninths; the iiet"?re ?? pa;m nt to be s. cured by dee-1 of trust on the property. All oenreyano* at the cost of tLe purchaser UEORGE LAURT. s?p 11?wt ct'2 ? Triist^e ||AR?BA^8 8ALiDf~lD virueofa * i itI ot fi*Ti r:icias, isni.e-1 f'oru tli?* C erk'j t)f^i ?- < t L? ? ircuit 0<? :ri of the District ot Colutnbin t,> rh ouu'v of Washi* (?ton, and to di>- dir ct- d, I to pi;- lie t-a'e for caf. , oj MONDAY, the !W da> (f October. 1864. at the front of the cvtirt HouFe door, ?t 12 o cl >ek tr., the f liowing prep -r ty. vie: All that lot. piera or parcel of Gionud. y tng and beiu^ in the city of >V ashing ton. and iJe-i. iit-ted on th^, lat <>f saitj ci'y ?s 1 t N<> K. of Kr d ? ioa Vay's sot<-division of square No nfnehurid---. and th:ee, (0"3.) froctin-; twenty fe?: oa Eight >lr*ei ea^t t.? twro^i E pu i (} streets ao-.ith. b n 'u rdred and fourteen (11*) ;?'et or;., inch 're; t" (Tether w;th all and r ini'i s'- the ia;pr>v>" > .! tii?-r-OM -^-iit d and 1 Tied up ,n ns Lhi proz>e~" Wilis'-,in D Aik?-n, ? d-'.i t io i-arisfv J.o. 76, U> >?ct' ber Term, 18ti4 in favor of Kaniei > Mitchell. JONAH D tiO"?VKH. M-rr,ha' f.>r the I>i-trict (,f OoJtn.bia sep 9?dt?dOct 4i'r Tlte ?hr.vf pr<>] r.rly Is po:t P' ned to MONDAY, the i'.Ij evtobtr, saru>- h ?.r at u piace. J. J? ixOOVKK. Ms.rrh->1 f. r thr L'i<tri->t <"f Coluu Tia sep SO?d tC. B HALL, M. I). HOMOEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN, IA i'E ? f finla t-*lpiiia. , g.sduitein Ailoia'l. j and Hrmcrop thy, having h:ul ?st ns.v-? ? \ perfence !n the v-sTjous dep.rtm.nts ot the p of. fion. ofer< hi- servlcaa to tMe c.tiz ns rf Wa. hii gi s. ana v ciuitv. Office No. 429 Thir'eenth ftrest between G s r ! TI streets ' ili'ir h',::r^ until i? a. m.: TitrLi d to 1 p. in.; and 7 to 8 :> m. lUfon nacs: V m. A. Oardn< T, M P.. Doan of the Homoe^patbic College, I'a., atd the provs-'oi. - er;dl^. ??p so?Sin SHIRTS-SHIRTS. VI^E desire t .? Crtll the attention cl' cif-'r.^ns an If str^neerii to our , ar:;? assor> n.ent of iin<-, !u> din:n ?nd lov pri'?-d qualities, < f white -nd colored 8lii?t", which we are offering at a . mal! a <v?n above Cv,xl, iua*>iu^ it greatly to ih" aiv?nta^e o' pure.baft-rt t j call and examine our ?iJto<-k WAI.L t fTliiM?n8. Pa. nrenue, next door to Iron Ilall sfp 0?tf CHOICE HAVANA CIGARS. JIWi G8., ?d)cin'fg the Na^cral IIo , t?l, wou'd invite the publ'c in c u?ral to <e'I and.xamiDe hisst< ck of snneiicr HAVANA CW 4 R of his own importation. They comprise al' the t* vorife brands to suit the various tacte? of ail c >n sumers Always on band, every vari ty of Chewing tnd Smoking Tobac o of su perior qua'ity. An eleeaot slock of bt??u-iful mouutel Caics, Urohrellis I'orte Monnales, Cigar Case . Tip-s Ac at mo>t rensonith'e price>:, rep 3d -eolm OYSTERS-FRESH DAILY. I^PICUREd of these i elicious hivalv-.-e. <an have jj th-ir various palates gratrfl d by hnrin^ tli ci se ved up in every style L> 'he urdersi>ided. The siibscri'^er hes eagaged a proteased c-^ok, Ktfpfria ty lor hi^ department wnctr quahf.c^tioos lu ve be-1. attested to by n??ny. - ea.s served u, at sll Lorrs. con^ifticcr <-f . vfry de^.ca^y o'tha se*6on. FLINT'S UOIVL, oo.t 3?1112 Pa- uver.u* I^OR HIRE?A NEGRO EOT, 14 yfa?s rf a,-e, a slave for lite Enquire or J AS. H BIRJH. ret 3?U* ClAKPK.TS CbEAP FROM AUCTION. / 17 pitces Ca peting for si!-e low, bv the pie<e, fur casb. ?M. R RIl^Y, Comer 8th st., opposite lentre Market. oct 3 - *2w VAKKKE SUAV1KO SdAP-.\ aZ~7. X iijr article at LAD'S, 7th st cct?3t B 'Rl> CAiuiliS for tale low at LAM MOSTLY, 7th :t. o t 6-St Mr. YEKN0N TRIPS DitCoNriNUKU *A""" fc. t'KTIL Further Notice. Tr e ."teaiiift "fle r? W;-l io,;toi " ha> l,-. ?? withdraw., to u,mS- s r^.ttirs I u uo'i e v.ill le gtVca '.-f tbi lime o! e tuut lun g tL* route again. tAil'^i GEuNEi , Capuuu. oot 4?6teo pp*p Edncatlonal. THE UNION ACADEMY, Comer of 1VA atrarf mmi ?w Fork art*wm THIS Institution will be omb?1 tor tBe next jmt on the flitt Monday in September, 18M. i be number of puptli ia ?f. 1b? school will 9x1 fi-t of tbr? e ciawes, Junior, Middk and Aw ?* >.t try 4esinb!e facility U offend. Apylirattor ?ho^ 1 be mHI immediately Preference {Im to tboa who tnter for the tongwt time. Circular* at the Bookstoree. THE UNION >?M ALS 4CADKMT will open .t the 8am* time. Circulars u abotd. Z RICHARDS, JySl?d*m MR:* M A. RIO" A RTV OEOBGXtOWlV FFKALE HBMHiABY GEORGETOWN, D.C. IU*. Win. J. C?nl-k, l Pmi_c.p.l ft**. A. n. C,R. k, / 'pHB dotW if tlii* Jenrtnary will be irram -J m 1 tH1DAT, UiTjr !??'. The etirse of stuiies actual'* f *f?ur<} i? tW? Ii rtituuoa rmbr?*p * higher and m-"> tbrt.?' r-c<-' th?n that fnr*ii*d in any other Kem*i* Sem inary in the Union. The If caSc* of the Semluarv in remarkable f?r iv -ilubrity. The bttiidin** are larre, the room? ca'^e cious, and the ground* for recreation are Very em pit. Term? fr l?>*-rtjirg pupils. f<00 per "easier of 1< mouths. paya'pie rm the fist o September an ! let ct rebrHnry This" charge iclnrtrs bouuing, tuitkc i 1 Engl'sh and Mathematics, room r?nt. In ft. lipht. and w*ev tng. Music. frencfc, Kpattish, Ac. brewing atd Painting extra. IHy scholars from $& to flO per quarter, acoonliuk to tfce i Ui^r<Hw which they enter Reference la made to l>r. Grafton Ty'er. Cap'ai' !!???. F. lie ia Roch-, W. O. Ridgely, Esq., W iiun'e* Kwj. w 8. H. Taylor, Kaq, Francis Doig*. jw?q Hohert r. Ew).. ard Dr. O. M. l.inthiciir Georgetown, it t'.i <nd t? Jos. U. Pradley, K*q Aaron C I my ton. R-fl.. aid JBr. Fitihugh Go) I-. W a*b ngton, D. C. jy 14?tf glutei k Union} OBHL8CHI1ACBR A BRO . ENGINEER A ORNAMENTAL DRAlWTS MEN AND I NGRAYERS, f )F*VNiSYlV' aN IA *venfc-? iwtwwn 12".h at..' i 13tt> *<ti?eta, ncrth Rid<\ over V a' a Je*-*!** S'orc?Me Ri# T H. 4 G. A- OihUehlage- woolo fsj?ctfu)ly ai'itonci* to f>eir friend" and th r 'tilic th?t tl ?y hate op-ne.i (?f> t h? i al?o?.* p'.a<v, eh-r?' all ^rder1 iu !*?? *ariou bran ?' ?? ct 1'rawing an 1 FiigraTirir will l>~ pr- wpt ly i?nd'ly a't<*n<lel to We p>r'icuiKri- ral. tLo attention of j?r.?*>r6 wiahirt JiefWn'n? or ' orra*!iii on Weed, ha thia ia 'he ouly oilioe *t ja Waahington where a< ch work c*n be ecutra. ae? 26?In* OX !<RV Ai;i?.?Lf?8t/*-A 1 mail UcldChain.?hh a GV1 ?>rt-"vt in, rep-ea?'ntini{ ih< trunk < * rcf. ( r a loc o^' stik-J,) wi h blu- enans" le.i lr*n? ! ^ *-r? sni'll g-Id L? ck-t ? M?ht hni [ :n if, ? >t1 - ?iaa 1 e ui brart. ? he locK-t an-* hta i > ?r?- attached t - tb>- c!ia;n. which vaac^rfiuei t* I the neck by the t>/eactpio. The ?Kove rewa rt w !? he paid to the fiadt-i on leaTiiiii lli?rw art'e'ee?>>T ; three dolltre ?or tl??' chain, iookef, and h>att, i !eft i ai tie cter ofHcw 8-p 26 ? ATTENTION, LADIES. MR8. R A. I'rACO woaM respectful'* uvr? to li r 1*U> pa'rona and frhnida t; at a:?e just r*"eiTi g rem the New York acci Fii*K'iei phia ?s k'ta a Tery lar^e ?tock of rich and bt'iati'ul ^a"! y<*odf oompriMni; in part? r? b a:nj Bonnet l:ihbona, narrow Trimm'n r rii hatidp New ahape 8tr??" Ronuett ?.ud Framea Rich Velvet, Pluih, and Rihatid Trunin in era, for cloaks and dr^saea > mbroidered and lace Collara, Sleeves and Chem 'zette fanbriesni JtnffiiDfra ani Edgiuga Onii nrr worked lianda, Collars aid el^eri's lieni Di:"F**: and of ie.te?t I'ari-iac ind New York. Style* A :ao, a iren-ral supply of Jaftaf At'Vlea, at tli? !o*'(t p? ?c s. I wuid particularly call the a't nt'ou of T>iir*ha (erf to tae )rr-at. inducements offered iu t.oilara I Lice >)eeve . snd Ribands juat from a cti^n. | All are reqne trsd t-> e*il and csamin* f r them {?!????, at MK8. R A FBaOj'S, I'a ?T??nBe, between 8th and 9:h stp ' sep 2$?tf opp. tent'e Market ' WOOD AND COAL YARD. '1^11 K -ubajr he?* *owM reapectfuiiy ii.f tu ih^T t. nutterons tri-nrta and wahi eppen^ral'v !liaf ia addition t "> ovr Wo->d acd Coa: > a?-l i.e ?r the | I'hoenix i'laninar Mi l, Ge rge own. w? ha??; fir ihe | t:?r ?? commodatlou of that jortion of t ur f^s t c.of, ?"h" r-l4? in W'iabin^toc. opened a jard ai 1 'he cor: cf 01 Tw- nty firat a- d I atr??? ta. j >? ithcr of tlie abn*e place* tho-e in wnt of fn?-! ' *?K ?r*|' ticDes find a good eupply of * ? I kind* o| ?nd C -AU *t the lowost inark*t pri--a. .<lif-rd?rf eft ;?t either of the above pl,:e> a ill be a;ten i>d to with prooiptaeea and d -epa'ch ??p 27?dim Ti\AV'Uh8 A SIOVKR PLVMHIN(i, GAS-FITTING, AM TINNING. 'I'HF ucd? raitT5e(l, ha*in(? Oaa-Fittinc tc 1 il '?:r fcrioer busin?-a?, ace now pfeuired 10 eg t e?ut- n't o.derr in that, line, iu tije cheapeC, vv 9 ! -spf an'*! aiiDrored meraer. ' CL'i1'.'!\U ?lid CINNIVG d??i? ra f ere'oore | A ^;:ie ;-a>or n!^r:t t f ffOVIB Tin a*J tliect Iter Vi'AuK "?tna'aot'jriWt Lsild. .? ole .g-i l* o <-'is Di,?ti.vt {(??Ma^Greeor'a Pat-r HOT AIrt FintN'AGka, f. 'heatirg i'C'ii Buildiu/ Cililrch?'a, lia'ia, I'r'va'e R. fi.l?nce?, ie> a Mi, t r Kar'-ei'. L' 'U'-le Actio* FO/tCF PBMPS f - r^ona in w?at < f any of tiie *ho?e art'.cl.'a w-. fin 1 it ro their dTsntag-1 to cal' on u-< era purcb? >'r>u ?> h w ?-re. I'e'frini :hejr?telve,5 to a i-rorrpt ex*cu ionofal. | ?'il r-enfru tf 1 to them tb?y mtvt rtfpcu'j I r-f^it a con'ir.u.ti c* of the f, vora ao ,iber?ll? t? 1 u;011 ihrtii by th-ir f rine.r pa'ron. ard nai k in ?ucr.-. FURSE A?>)!.C1N<. .\ HM and c?!,Pa aT^opj*-ite Willarda'flo?< j =?-p r, ?Stii I ' SILVtR AND BRASS PLATING j No 44i Ltghth S';ert, Of 1 wen 1) ?t and i a <? r? ur 1 'pilK undficigned i.? pr?rpa-ed to do I'lLVill mid X Hi: A--R PI. ?TING in *11 tfcrir varieties Nuir'-ora h-r Mir-a a"d Dw-liings. Loor (late'. Hel! i'u Is, it--il n^ RniKa, Lei'eis aijd Grnam nt for ici.itiry a'id o- .er Ass ciati na fu niabe-l ?> i:a! i" or.- pri o% > rd of h'8 own aorkmwnabiv A!J kinds ct Conch Work iu the line done 5o ih> bvs' a*;d chenp*?t maur er 1 hi?i who w.iii'. aitver, braan p'ati'ig, Ac.: done will please call ?a above, oC J A. SHBKHAN. aep 23?1 m Practical Silver P'ntrr. OAKH WMGilTS, Ac.?The fub-rriVr 1^ wc.ilf} e^ l th?- attention of c?rpentera vnl build er- to Lis la-?** ?t fk or iisish V*. eip'its. which '*oai iiii-esail rariatiej of vighta necsSfary for bu ld 11 g. A''o ?a-h r.-rd, a- d a r <?t cn'p'a'" a?s- r m-nt or' Htiildin r lia'ds-Hr'. u>i cf'^h'-.Ji i< ? tfervd a^ 1 v. a- can t>e 1 nr-ha ei tliiaatde <?! >ew Vo-k A I V if n -pi cf?i!iy flolici:ed, fi: ly oonfl ei t Ih- juio wi.i suit .K>^? I. A V AGk, Sign r.f .'?? Lh Gilt Saw, p?;p'J5? Ta avenue nea 10th at. (UTIZiCNS OF WASHINGTON wi-h ngto lay in j a attv k of W?k)P ior wivt't will iio w II to giv nic a as i ru. aonstnntlv receiving wocxl cf th best quality on ccnugr.nient. at d caii give the l*?i bsrjiaicR in th.- city, wholesale ;-nd retail, at m;% yurd ? n ''Rr>l?ud av? nse,at the inus! Frid-je, t'-?t the Capitol. Alar>, for sale i?w three flret rate C'rts, two Wn ter Tanks. vV!-eela, and peeking for a bug"j*. A lot of ready mixed t am e. ? rdi rs taken for White Oak Lumber, Ac. aep 15 ?tm P. W. ilKATII. HIH ff A L Ifi?'1 !?e Sloop OLO WA. it IKGTUX. lyinjt at IT'.h it VVI arf. She is !:? g.? 1 sailing order, ^et?en tons freight. For te n esi'inir. at the corner 19th and K streets. an i *2? rt I NTBK.v T ALMiWr.U :?N DhP ? l l>> ?luUr i est <.* laincd f r 1 epo-t~ hi d r.ttiev-< M,on tr?" cJa*s a?""iri:i'- C.'UUIJ BltoTliFUS, Rankers K?P 2'?? i> J "pianos .'?PIANOS 7 h*T?- jo ft cp* ned three mere auierli Pi n"'S friri the ju-ily c hbratfd eatab'n-hiaeDt t.i ilai'et I a\it A Co. Boston, and I'bcor a Rave- . New York. These, with the Pianos in 'tor*, mn&w o-'r nss*ri.ii.ent cue of the large, t and fin* st in tt i city. i*e acc-f.t monthly parinents, c ake liberal ilia counts f r ca.-li, aud" take old P anes in [.art pay inent. 011 Pianos for sr.le low. N?w Music revived rcjru'a'W. JOII ? F. K1.LI8, Pa. avenue, between 9.h and 10th ?'?. sep -J9?t NEW BOOKS. I'll R La't He-res^, l?y Mrs. K. D. N. ?outhworth, iu 2 v;ils, 50c each Harp-TV -Vsparine t< r <>? ? J >. Putnam's Magizine do do Goiev'a Lady's Hook do do L t'el.'s ! ivit g Aire, No. 511? c. t-'eimors by Rt-v Thos Ii fto kton?tl For sale by K K LI OY, Oct 2 J-'ri'lre "-treet, 0?rjfft'-wrn HO. 11 (>!"?> hai just ru'urned fr?m the ? North with a aood asaoitnent of tine gold WATCHfc\S, ri b go)i jewelry, pnre8ILVKK-W A h.E, Ac., Ac . Thich he now rffeni for sal* a grcatiy re duced prices, and e-?-ry article warranted a?re( re s-ut'u at t-me of sale, ?0 that every one can buy equally srfe atd cheap Give hia a call, Peon?yl vania Avenue, between ?riur-atil r.-half and tilth i're't Siiqi of the large spr^td oagle. oet 2 j FKOCH WRIT!' G INK, by ferine Guyot Bank of *n^l t d Writing Ink, by Junes, ma ker by appointvien Ic.po til direc* frf m the mmufacturers in Ixt dm and Paris by FRANCA TAYLOR. 23? AX IX YOICB of liarrieon's oeiebrated lutnbian Perfumery jnst opened at JN0. r. KI.l.IS'R, P?. ivmni. Mw??n Ott and 10th atre?*? jv 9*?tf \CH4NCK FOH PRINTER8.?An Imperia rtlitth iTe-K, ?n KOod order, eeT-ral Type ei.ii'O- ti. 1 Gailey*. a Ct < aaes, U n or tifieei ^ha.~e?, Cutn, * e , tor sale oa remark ably low t^^u. Apply at the Mar offloa. aug Zi?tf I'KI KtiltAI i<I* . Eijirealy for tkc Uailj Strain Star. Sailing of thi Hirntna-Vo Tiding* of the Arctic?Dr Grahaai TrUl-Bank Bills Refused New York. Oct 7?12 *._The Hermacn sailed tbi* morning with nirefy pm?n>|?r? and a half a aillioo of *pecie. The trial of I>r. Oraham for the murder > f Col Loring *till oontinuea to-day The Sta ? being through wi h their y. which bear? very hard on the acu.-.l the d?feno? haa commenced I regret to burs to atate thai up t.? tbu dio tiicnf wt ar? without tidii:?s i f ,? .uisHi Arctic. Tae cote* ..f the Bank rf FPyn.r'h Maii.a -re refused by cur F>roler? The Favrr at N?*r Orleai? Nkm Ori bans. Oct f>, I >*4?The fever la Jco.dodly on the decr?u?o here The Cotlou market to-day is quiet Philadelphia Markets PhiLtDBLrHiA, Oct. 7 ?Our marks'a are h. *hade firmer to-dny No other charge ia them worthy of note Tho J tale of the Ohio Hirer. W hkklixu, October 7. a m?1dm -war to vonr deaparcb. we hare to say tLa t ere .* now 18 inches of water in the channel of ,l ? < 'hie at this point. Baltimore Markets Bai tiworf.. October . ?lioKaid ttr .?? fiour Held at $7 76; City Mi 1* *7 25 ! .x mhela Wheat sold 8t $1 )$1 70 K~ t. j 1 4Jt #1 ..i^a*l ,yj 1.000 bu3he'f wlite <v.-n told at #Sa7.i<t Cat* tSa.>0c OtLer ar.ides un changed New Tork Market* Xf.w \nttK I'l totxr 7, 11 j lu ?Flour? S,000 bbla. changed band* thtr. morning; Ma'e brand*. .'I7.i,f7 1 2 : Southern, $7 37a $S 12 (O'D-SO.fiOd bu.-bela ?.f c<>-n told, mixed 7S. Wheiit firaar Cotton du'l Stocks qtief. Loti of the t loop Fjdendid BmnR-OK. T. - The British schooner Spleu uid from Nora Scotia arrivt d at th:- port u? <i?y. reports that she '-auie In <*?.|linion with t^c sloop Spier IV, hei e t..r I: klaud. aci funk her. No liv<* were lo?t Brutal Mcrl?r Briucbto*. J . Oct ii.-Wm C trey. < f Millville. win shot Inot ni-ht. a mile t torn that, place and robbed by two men. Fopito'ed to b?? Frenchmen The wounds are supp *ed to Us mortal k,*^naivp Robbery ^ N k w \ or k , Oct. *? ? I he etorc of J amea A Clarke. No 2, Astor P.?.'*:??. was robbed oa Tuesday night of a large aoouut of Cloths, vesting* Ac Whig nomination# Bos To*. Oct 6?ihc Whigs of the first dt* trict have re nominated Mr. L Miot for Congres* Democratic CongrectionaJ Nomination. 5>*waRk. N. J. <k-i 4 ?Snuj'icl Lilly wm renominated iu the lln I < 0. ;r?--i' dia trict ol Xew JeriKy to-day. a tl c j't-.a<.?crati? candidate for Congro-.* The Kichigm Whig State Conversion j _ Mich . Oct i ?T'le Wlii^ 'onven ti in met to-day *ud. after o gai:ir.iok'. .tJopte^ a atrorg jddtrF,? to the Whi^a ??! the State, virtually recogijiEing the fi ?l oeiulent State ticket, fetting futh their view* uj ..n the *la very quo-tfoti ple-igiii^- t heiL?r*lve> to unito J with the friends of ficedoui in an effort to ra deem the S ate. Fach me.-nbertfigncd the ad dress. and the con vet it ion adjourned, t very thing passed < ff niiaiiiii.nusly. Laying Up of Western S'eamet , &c i.r.^ ki.anp, ( ct ?-Tfao steauje:s t'reacent ri'.y A.m ijueen of the \\e,t, belun^i ^ to the Clevelard. !.< lut<ibui) ai1 i Cm* ;i.c<i*t .iailroa-i line, and running between hf>rc j. J Buffdlo. ?'ill to-morrow be laid tip at J>.?i 1! . for thu winter. C*i't 1) il. M 'Bride <f ti . uiien, lait evening v>..f h(rKifeU j r.sly.-:j in the right ei'ie He corn i . trie in the cars I.css or r"r?. I!cr6. Dktroit. Cet ft - Ci 1 ain i;, ur..! , <.| the propellor Nile, artivru r.leaving nt Bre<>quo I?!e theprn, cltor^ i r.u.,s 1. Louia viile, un ? Mount Wm n jl:r , ; named taine oat shortly of er the N.le und -uddenly disappeared Captain ]< sup|M>t?d the had ba-k. but the L< >i ,-vill. ti.,?arrived heie. aiid did not fee ncr th.- .vfoui.t Vernon or I'lymouth It if> thcre^rt fttred they are lo?t. Whig Congr-'it:o;ial Komination IIi..BTaTOu.f, X. J n3t _T!,o ^l.igcon v.-iitiou ot the Seooiiii ? ? :.gT> diatriet of New Jersey a?s?niMcd a' liij,-i ?-town to dav and was organised t y a| r 1 tiag l>r J r. Wiiedbuli. of M'lniiii'tiin. 1 re.1 ?_:tt Ileso luti ma wero |>n*-eil in I ivor o ih?? priticii .?* of protection and in'e' rial in pro- en ents. C"m phinenting the whiz ir-inh. r- ti.o in^t '"..n gre*> tor heir fiieli*? to fieedotu, : nd un qualitK.dly cond?-u!t r H t 1 ? i ,f ie Mis ?'iiin eoinpromiae Jir * I ?* ? ??? K Kt.bin^.ol >i? r ? r <? ui<ty. w?* t?"r:.ip ?? cd ' r > :reiaon "lie i:' I Itiillct, Ly a w<t? ol t^ tree ti; f< re live. E.?p':o.ion aril J?r;s c' L f . Dawii.i i; Pa . <>coi'?T ?"? ?'? j|. ;jef 0f tie M"nr.>ur Boiling Vili - exi ????]? 1 i!. ajorn ing. ani was ?.'.,rri?d tit.e,.: ?. rtfrotn it* li'Undution It ;.r.< h e dwel lipg :mil .-tallc. .ir i 1 -e ar ..y ; r v icet of ti e Mill berviagnwnl |m#B<is ruin* Two lamilie.i live! in t ?> <1 IJing A child lot J .hn Parley was killed m I *1. . .r wat> dyinft. Barney Maguire a^d lire t ? ii !dreti wer** hu:t. -tlso * 1 ?-r a-i i '?aw rcni-e McBr;de hn Pries J br !>i. ger A!es -nder * an<i? I-bn 'd Viol '-.evy j Isaac llinc- V\ ui Butler aid Jof ?, Sujr garts ruine dangc ?u-h . Cli?j -- . oh. a I boy. died i'? ur o.he ? wore >li ;; t!v i urt j Others are ujs-iiig. end th-y a e 1". w re xovit g the rul.i i L. The b i'ior -.v. . d t ! be empty, f -soer. wl.v-h cauf.l t;. 'xpl u'on i* f - OCIIOOI HOOK* .1 ?v-ri a.H. ifu: t 1 - ' loVrKt f tl' i' !rh' (.lir . fi* TA\ a'l A MAC >, " P * I! r-*'T- . !.?? . ?t. l??IUlKirl Vn'f- v-'*T--?i. r.!?! ? rt. g-- Zgr4 r,l' ali-1 e,?T?l ol'l-l K !?? ? Snnjs tn U. \ ? ..f ? i. ?.? j ^ liILIiC> A J!! T. P. 8.?.lust r>>??!Vr-J r f, w MpiM r?r b<- r. v hi t popular 1 f.psy Polta, . iaimii>l *t wi'h ? vi_-n?U*? Olf fof, . f ? lii I L^hATt-hK DIS t g. IlRC^tlK?. J?r._T;i I STiber ke?; a <*oi >*?nrlj' 1 o b oJh ! r. ^ap ?ly c-t feather i>? t*-t* Al-o. eee-iimr. Uust'n r, *c jV i.-.i. V.! v,<yi, w.'lj, whitn wa*h, piaster r . ?-!tr utr: , 1. horae, furci* ure, h^ath. .-i>->urir? ly- rj * ateoril, |i?e l uhii, rtuslt,-having. Kn t< J-. 1 ?*?, ail of * I I a nr~ ? ftVrei at * su > iv?u ?? ??tl .:.t ffianufartuters iT;e?f; Ihe furm 1.-J at l?t~-ra! J'tt. U * \ M}?', i*ii?K rf the in-- . ; . Oct 4 I'a. jr.11,.^, r' . it it ? IT N U1 R ?i AK*lK.vrs ? -) V. r |U< . . J mere Bj-rn.'.. ft k 'iiv Be w. , r no, 'is!^. thr>S't, m'k tnl i ?? ? i"; |. ?\j _ MKNTS. .*i.irU?, C"il?rs, Lin?i i'Mi.-Ih u. it i ,t ' rep 10? U'il ?r. TO ALL LOVERS OF GOOD El'17 I'HK ?ubfpbfr will. ?n f.-r'<--r >w *-? 1 ?y.) th?* W:h ioi-t-nt (.|>ria;bitfai.i . - ? t ?<. Cent." VerVet, s? rf.oi*- ur: in >> .r line a* can he irocui...i ir tb<'gr-at , \ ,r. ile l.^po thbt his unequa:i*d Ia nnl ftriet ?Ttewtif a to bcaiu'( will p." ur?- ,w -?f pablir r?a'ror?ee. ?A-. K. I>t*v . Mir.. Sep S?<n:? L' ?T-On t||? |n;?i in*tavt ? . .n Dia*>sJ J. R K Xt'* siil^-tt . . 1 -i ^ th? iOMjr oy LeaTi.g it a' :ti.s. R .-.-, ane ^1 ? P. J. STEER S NEW cm M.>S. IIlA> K u t t J?i.e' tf ,-i~c nt *to..-K ot an I Wi nt?-r 0".U >cr g.:i tl. cer.. J,r?- t frriin -he lie-t ;m- r 'm liO'f w 'J t * or:b ? b It* i.#ef rru- b i *v i.l< <Jj n t".?t tof snoapWti >(HKa(it* !???????* . i ? ? I -a 1