the evening stae published eyery afternoon, (?xcm SUNT)AT,J the Star Buildings, corner Pennsylvania avenue and Eleventh street, By WALViADH ft HOPE, Will t* ?erv'?l w ?al?criber* in the citiec can be a the countcr, immediately I pnp?r. Price?thru rtirrt. Post*astir* who act ?s aft nta wMI be alowf a commission of twenty wr c?-tiL ?e of the UNDERTAKERS, Ac. CABINET MAKER & UNDERTAKER. Ttlei undersigned would respectfully infbrm hli friends, acquaintances, and the public generally that he still oonUnnes to esecnte *11 ordtr* In h? llas of burinaas In ths bert minrer and it the short J Mt notion \ M,p-A^'ga?a?grr, the shortset noMce, and in the bwt wanner, aoate* prttervtd m the mott perfect mm ntr, even in ihe warmest weather. I f?, ?5 fmTors? h* respectfully J itfdt, aad will endeavor to merit a continuance o linguae. ANTHONY BUCHLY, _ .. ?T?-* !-dde' between 9th and 10theta Bs4denoe: Mr. Martin's, No. 89?, D street, t-M honse east oi 7th street mar 17 lj COFFIN WAREROOM, Ac. ,/?ff7?TV'fifwM PLA?T* W- UN . . . ^KKTAKERi^-reeidenc* 418 fev outb street, between G and H strata. Inierment? procured in any ground or eemeterj. Coffins, Car% cr their past patronage. and informs tham thit, with in crrased facilities, he is prepared to attend to all orders in bis line of business with ^ He ?i7S? bis person%l at taction to Undertaking, and those requiring his iei liiee will always find him careful and obliirini; 40 at all hours, day and night. ? ?ma*in8 lios he trusts to be able to pre satisfaction as heretofore. His establishment 188> Kw2t!& and 18th sts , first Ward, Washington. J08BPH G AWLER, oct 5?lm Cabinet Maker and Undertaker. ^ UNDERTAKER. " I WOULD respectfully return my thanks to thr citizens of Washington and its vicinity for their PTC P'frT'Md th^ owing to the frequent calls in the Undertaking branch of my business 1 hare been induced to discontinue the manu&cturc and turc my attention fully to tbe UNDERTAKING. I have spared no pain* to hare every thing that is requisite to my business, and 1 am therefore fully prepared to meet any order after a few moments notice, and I assure those who may ?k7? mLa i will #are no pains te carry oat their orders to their entire satisfaction. JAMES P. HARVEY, w a _rui. ?- ffl0? 7th Bt*? betwwn Q and 3. attended to at all hours of the night. "GLENWOOD CEMETERY." T? ^*uti1faJ burial place of the dead havirg ?PProPri*t? ceremonies wr the purpose, is now open for the receptiou of the remains of deceased persons. hrvwhiitf ?Mk !f ap4clt^ for ? hundred bodies, in whieb such friends of the dead as ma* fc/thegrares8 1118 ve for those who favor him with a call to indge. He can sell whole suits, Coat, Pants, and Vest, at tbe following low rates: Good suit for business purposes, oat of cloth or cas aimere, for the small sum of. Dress and frock Coats, from $10 to $20 Overcoats of different styles 12 to 25 Blank aad fancy Pantaloons $3 50 to 10 Bilk aad Velvet Veets .... 2 60 to 10 This stock of Clothing 13 of a superior quality, and has b?ea made up since he received the fall and winter fashions. He keeps constantly on hand a large assortment ot fancy articles?such as Gloves, Cravats, Collars. Umbrellas, ko. " rioie Agent for tbe sale of Scott's Report of Fash Iona In this city. Wp 16?tf HEAD QUARTERS, Comer qf Thirteenth, and K Ureett, near the Theatre. / N The proprietor of this /g^pnblk house, Mr. William Groason, has refitted, ten ovated, and prepared his. eetabuooinent tor the accommodation or vi .iters in such a manner that be trusts will give full satisfac tion to all who extend to him their patronage. He ha* made arrangements to have the very best of OYSTKR8, Ac., for the whole season, without regard to expense. Families and Parties promptly supplied. His Bar aad Larder is at ail times sto*k?d witn the bast in th?line. Making his acknowledgments tor past enoouragement, he respectfully invites a con tinuance of the same, with every intention and ex* artmn to please. A lew hoarders can be oomfortabls aocommo sop 2U?6m FOB POOft AITD LAB0RIH0 KJEV. SMALL BUILDING Luiti of 10 feet or more, in various parts of tfce City, and Georgetown, at low prions, aad terms to suit. LLOYD k CO. BUILDING STONE For sale, leltverabie at the Canal, or Wharves in Washington, Georgetown, or Alexandria. . , LLOYD k CO. *?z ? i^g? and handsome CA&EIAQE and RAUNE&S LLOYD * CO, jy 2??lv6 k opp Department C10AL HOOS, &>al Shovel , Ash Buck its. Cinder J dtlters and fubx, (.-omplete ?n one.j Shovel and TODfis, Pokers, Jlhovei and Tong Stands, Blower Ptanis, Fenders, Kire Carriers, Ac., Ac. A large ?apply oi the a ore ?ooda have just been received, direct from the factories, and are ? arranted superi* r to aay others m the market, and at as low nrioes A oaii is respeetfuily solicited. JOS. L. SAVAGE. oolfl feign of Gilt Paw, Pa. av.^*^?t. o?llOUlj MOQitfiof eTer^JuSri^Sona^ ^ lowest |>ubil<-hers' prices, at ? TAYUJK k MAURY'S . *"P *? Bookstore, near 6th st CAPTAIN CANOT, Author o* the great book just be IN3 PUBLISHED, SPEAKS of HAMPTON'S TinOTURB. GREAT CUR* OF RHEUMATISM CONTRACTED UNDER TROPICAL CLIMATBS. ? ? .. Baltmom. Md? Jane 4,1864. *"-&/>ckbridffe, of the Fountain Hold. Light street, Baltimore? Daar Sir: Being on the point of leaving tb? city, ? myself of a few idle moments to thank you Kindly for the medicine you s?nt me, ud which his restored ae to the use of my limb*. I beg yon to ?end me four bottles more, to carry on my voyage. Sinoe I had the fortune to use Dr. Hampton's Vege table Tincture my confidence is so strong that, in gratitude io the proprietors of said medicine, I beg you to present my respect* to them, and induce them to make it more publicly known aa a sure Rhxumatic cure. Having called on me on the 19th of April last, and teen me prostrated on my bed, useless in all my liaibs, you can appreciate nearly *s Well as myself the prompt relief I received from Dr. Hampton's Tincture, and I am positive had it not been lor your strong and forcible recommenda tions I should still have been in bed. It is really a pity this specific should not be ap proved b.r medical men, and like ftll patent drugs it should suffer tbe imputation the public generally giva to such preparations. I mytelf, who was al ways opposed to a patented specific, took this medi cin? with reluctance, and without ronfidenoe in it, and it was only through your disinterested, friendly recommendations, and my critical situation that in dnld by MORTIMER A MOWBRAY, 140 Balti more street, Baltimore, and 304 Rroadway, Ne v York; CHAS. 8T0TT A CO., WIHER, J. B. MOORK, D. B. CLARKE, OLAKKB A BOWLING, W. ELLI OTT, and H McPHKRSON, Washington; also, by R 8. F. CI88SL, Georgetown; and C. C. BERRY, Alexandria, and by Druggists everywhere. ang 81?tr TAKE N0T10X. HOUSEKEEPERS and others are reminded thftt tiie following list of articles are of the very beet description, and can be purchased from the sub 30riber on as low terras as any other house in tl a Tlty. A large assortment and supply always 0.4 Ml Oils of all kinds Queenswaxa Paints Brushes Campblne Clocks Varnish Lamps Turpentine Chandelien Window Glass Girandoles China Vases ?arthenware . Brittannla Ware Glass Ac., Ac., Ac. Goods sent to any part of the city free of charge, CountryMealera will do well to call. 0 8. WHITTLESEY, 7th street, opp. Selden A Withers' Bank, star IT?tf RXMITTAJTCES TO IRELAND. PERSONS desiring to send money to Ireland, eai> obtain checks for ?1 or more, on the Belfast tanking Company, payable in all the principal towns. Apply to CHUBB BROTHERS, Bankers, opposite the Treasury Building. v GAS FIXTURE*. rPHE subscribers tale pleasure in announcing to X the public that their stock of GAS FIXTURE*., comprising some of the best and latest patterns, ha - been received, and that they are now prepared to sai l at the lowest rates. Persons in want ef Gas Fixture will please call and examine -they will no doubt tin.-i It to their interest. Dwellings and .public batidlngs fitted with gaa-tc> bing at the usual rates J. W. THOMPSON A BROTHER, dee It?tf Pa. av., bet. 10th and 11th, s. side. WASHINGTON IRON WORKS, Maine avenue, between 1% and 6th sts. MANUFACrCitER of steam Engines, Boiler*, Water Tanks, Shafting, Pulleys, Hangers and Mill Werk generally. Will furnish Saw Mills, all kinds of Castings, Wrought and Cast Iron Pipes, and every thing in thr Iron line generally. Two small ENGINES on hand and for sale. Foi information address G. E. NOYES, Washington Iron Works, Washington, P.O. Iv 1 * ? TO INVENTORS. r*HE office of "The Inventor** Protection National JL Union" is on 7th street, opposite the East Por tico of the Patent Office, and is now ready to attend to tho business of its members, namely: in making examination' and soliciting patents, Ac. Inventors are invited to call and get a oopy of the Constitution and By-laws, and where any informs Son will be given respecting the Union. All letters on business must be directed to this of Ice, where attention will be given immediately. A model shop is in connection with the office, rhere models can be made to order at the shortest cotioe. T. G. CLAYTON, ap 10?ly President I. P. N. U. PLUMBING, GAS-FITTING, ANL TINNING. THI undersigned, having added Gas-Fitting to their former business, are now prepared to ex ecute all orders in that line, in the cheapest, moe' expeditions and approved manner. plumbing and TINNING done as heretofore. A file assortment of STOVES, Tin and Sheet Iron WARE constantly on hand. Kole agents for the District for MaeGregor's Patent DOT AIR FURNACES, for heating Public Buildingc. Churches, Halls, Private Residences, Ac. ?iso, tier Barker's Double Acting FORGE PUMPS. Persons in want of any of the above articles wiL find it to their advantage to call on us ere purcha sing elsew Oere. Pledging themselves to a prompt execution of all ord' rs entrusted to them, they most respectfully mlictt a continuance of the favors so liberally be stowed upon them by their former patrons and th< public in genera1. FUR8E A COLLINS, Nos- 360 and 871,Pa.av., opposite Willards* Hotel sepft?3m ? j SILVER AND BRASS PLATING. No. 442 Eighth Street, between D st. and Pa. avenue. rilHE und-rsigned is'prepared to do SILVER and J_ BRASS PL &T1NG in all their varieties. Numbers for Storse and Dwellings, Door Plates, Bell Pulls, Railing Knobs, Letters and Ornament for military and other Associations furnished at Bal'imore prices, and of his own workmanship. All kinds 0< Conch Work in the line dona in tbe best, and cheapest manner. Those who want silver, brass plating, Aa., done, Will please oall aa above, on J. A. 8HEEHAN, OFTICIAL Tmastot DiPASTxm, August 3d, 1864. Notloe is hereby given to the holders of the fol lowing-described stocks of the United States, that this department ia prepared to purchase, at y time between the date hereof and the 20th day of November next, portions of thoee stocks, amounting in the aggregate to $3,840,000, hi the manner and on the terms hereinafter mentioned, to wit: f In oaae of any contingent competition, wittyin the amount stated, preference will be given In the or der of time in which aaid stocks may be ofiezei. The certificates, duly assigned to the United States, by the parties who are to receive the amount thereof, must be transmitted to this department; npon the receipt whereof, a price will be pai>!, compounded of the following particulars: 1. The par value, or amount specified in each cer tificate. 2. A premium on tiie-stock of the loan authorised by the act of July, 1846, redeemable November 12, 1868, of 3 per cen*^ on the stock of the loan au thorized by the act of 1842, redeemable 31st Decem ber. 1862, of 11 per oent; on thejtodk of*he loanR authorised by the acts of 1847 and 1848, and redeem able, the farmer on the 31st December, 1807, and the latter on the 80th June, 1868, of 16 per cent-; and on the stock of the loan authorisei by the act of I860, and redeemable on the 31st Deoesnber, 1864 (commonly called the Texan indemnity,) six per cent. 3. Interest on the par of eaoh certificate from the 1st ot July, 1864, to the date ef receipt and settle ment at the Treasury, with the allowance (tor the money to reach the owner) of one day's interest in addition. -L. Payment tor said stocks will be made in drafts of ibe Treasurer of the United States, on the assistant treasurer at Boston, New York, or Philadelphia, as the parties may direct. But no certificate will be entitled to the benefit of this notice which shall not be actually received at the Treasury on or before the said 20th day of No I vember next. JAMBS GUTHBIB, ang 28?dt20Vov Secretary of Treasury. ! r,?rl?B^ILD1NG' GALVANIZING, and ELECTRO SILVER-PLATING, For all kinds or vital. LABARRB would respectfully inf rm the pub ? that he has opened a Shop at the corner O ana lots streets, in the above business, and ia now ready to reoeive orders in any branch, namely: FIRE GILDING on all kinds of ornaments tor churches, chalices, jewels, and regalia for Free Masons, Odd Fellows, and other societies, military ornaments, Ac. Also, SILVER AND BBA8S WATCHES, Chains, Goblets, Lockets, Tea and Table Spoons, Dessert and Butter Knives. " ^ ELECTRO SILVER-PLATING On Military Ornaments, Fruit Baskets, Walters, candlesticks, and Cassets. Also Silver plating for Plumbers, Gas Fitters, Ac. All ornaments for military, Free Masons, Odd Fel lows. and other Societies and Olubs made to order cn the shortest notiee. FBAN0I8 LABARBB, Corner 0 and 10th ela west, near Pa. ave. tm 0?321 DARTID'S SPANISH MIXTURE. Pk* ?r?at Purifier or th? Blood! Mit a Particle of Xereurj in it. J ?IsT4unu SxuDTfor Strofula, King's *vll, Rheu matism, Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Pustules on the Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronic Sore Byes,RingWormor Tetter, Scald Head, Xnlarge ment end Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbago, Spinal Com plaints, and all Disease* arising from an injudicious UN.cIMercury, Imprudenoe in Life, or Impurity of the Blood. TIKIS valuable Medicine, which has beoome cele 1 bratel for the number of extraordinary cures iffeoted through its agency, has induoed the proprie tors. at the urgent request of their Meads, to otfer it tc the public, which they do with the utmost oonfi 1Vj . _ fi|r?SgT fob 90^ JOHN WACltt, COUGHS, COLDS, HOARSENESS, Relief in F1t? niautti. TYLESfS COMPOUND GUM ARABIC STRUR rpHK increasing demand for this aott pleasant, X oafs, nd efficacious remedy tor all pulmonary disease#, has enabled' the proprietor to reduce the price so as to plaae It within the Teach of all ol*?ees? Its superiority over moot similar preparations is at tested by many eminent physicians who eye wttnesees of its efficacy when the t I? *hen the JSTiW ^ b* thousand of onr most? bothaa 0^^h0>- lwed ** in tbeir ^miliee SSBTEtJl-e* CUre ^ n? *^0^ eu" ^ WutX yemr#' dorin* whleh Period r^W.nV Jr,~L^d lrom advertising, Ac , it has KTaSee ofmSJiSS?^ ?Ter th? whole Unicn. irJiS^edSS JLS?1 2"**' ^oaruneu, f>. t i&. **r ?aU ?ntr 10?m ? LUMBER!?LUMBER! THE undersigned have established themselves in the Lumber Business at 14th street Bridge, on tfie Canal, where they offer for sale a large and j general assortment of Seasoned Lumber at tair pri : ces and on reasonable terms. Persons desiring to put upi frame buildings can have estimates furnished 1 by calling at the yard. On hand, a fine lot ol Cedar Posts. sep 23?2aw4w CHTPPS A WALLER. NOTICE. LAND WARRANT No 85,597 for fcrty acres, un der the act of September, I860, L?ued in fa^or i OI J- Miller, a private in Captain Ander son's Company of Georgia Militia, 183d, was mailed I J^New Albany, Mississippi, on or about the 5tb of Oetobei, 1863, addressed to John M. Clarke, Wash lag ton C exhibit tbe same, with the ?euchers thereof, to the eubecriber. j on or before the 14th day of October next; th^ ujay otherwise by law be excluded from all benefits of the said estate. Given under my hand this ICth ray of October. 18*4. SOLOMON 8T0YBR, oct 16?-W3w Adminifitrator. C^ADTlEifc'H ?At the BOlicitatifn of many teai I" lies, I have made an angement* t* furnisb MK&1L8 at private houses regularly, and at all hours. Great care will be given o the preparation and cooking of the various dishes, and it will be found the moat agreeable and cheapest way to live ? 0. GAUTIER, oct 23 ? otaw8w f62, Pennsylvania avenue. WE HAVE NOW AT OUR YARL ON NINTH Street, between D and E? 1 cargo Philadelphia Red Aab Coal 'or Gratee, Ae 1 do do white Egg Coal for Radiators i do Broken do Ath do for fnrnacee 1 do Dauphin Red Ash do for cook. Price $7 75 Daily expected one cargo Grey Ash Also about 60 tons mixed coal, laying en an open lot, which will be gold at a vesy low price. Terms cash. 2240 pounds to the too. ret 20?eo3t* YOUNG ? MOORE. SKLL1NG NEW PIANOS AT MANUFACTORY ? holesale prices for cash ?We have on hand a few very superior instruments, which we will sell as above lo close out our present stock previous t? removing. Every instrument warranted. Call and judge for yourselves at Hilbus A Hits' Music Depot oct li?tf Bancroft?vol ? o* Bancroft's history of the United States Old Redstone, by Joseph Smith, D D The Inebriate's Hut, by Mrs Southworth Kansas and Nebraska, by E C Isabel Oarrollton, a Personal Retrospect, by Kneller Glen Meigs on Childbed Fevers KolUker's Microeeepieal Anatomy Drake on the principal diseases (secret series) TAYLOR A MAURY'S o*t IP Bookstore, near 9th st PblNTIHG PRESSES FOR SALE. The Proprietors of the Evening Star offer for sale, on reasonable terms, three Printing Presees One of these presses is capable of printing bvth tides of a double.medium sheet at once, at the rate of one thousand sleets per hour, making excellent regie ter. The others are a medium Smith prees and n don and Pails by FRANCK TAYLQK, FINE WATCH REPAIRING. TTAVINQ engaged one of the best workmen in il. America, I am now prepared to put(~ in order the most difficult and complicated. Watches equal to any other shop in thial country ar Liverpool. ' Watch movement*' _ jewelled throughout. Particular attention fciv^i to ship and pocket Chronometers. Watchmakers' Tools and Materials for sain. BU 0. HOOD, 418 Pa. avtnue, Ww. 4U and Oth eta. Wtl?-tf ) T??- i > X " ? . Jy? - .*4, EVENING STAR. How to Judge a Horse The foIl9wing_rules for judging thecharac ter of ahoree are geing the rounds of the agricultural journals. It may be useful, therefore, to give them in comiection with a tew commenta. foeJS?00iSSf6llghi80rwl or chestnut, his Itolnew.' (if ?'tbM? are marks of If he is broad and full between the eyes he may be depended on as a horse of good sen?e ?hingipa beiDg trained 10 almost any As respects such horses, the more kindiv fnUretS?ntbeT?Jth?i^ettfry0U WiU lreat^ in return. Nor will a horse of this descrin tion stand a whip if well fed. (2? P ,. V ^?U B 8afo horse, avoid one that is iajj*0$ i, he Tl be 80 far Kea"? ? Dot to Kim ? K f Wr 6 100 much go-ahead in him to be safe for everybody. ^ ?1? W?Dt a but a hor8? of great hor. fcUf* Si!? a* u"?6 ?/ u?ep bay' with not a white ^ ajKmt hlm. ?*-his face is a little dished, ?o much the worse. Let no man ride such a horee who is not an adept in riding?they" a re always tricky and unsafe. (3 ) y If you want one who will never give out. never buy a large, overgrown one. a black horse cannot stand heat, nor a white one cold If you want a gentle horse get one with or Ia" while about him-the more the hl2ll"w 8uppo8e tbat the Parti-oolored horses belonging to circuses, shews, Ac are thi25ti^rf0r th6ir ?dit7, But th< elections thds made are on account of their greatdooil lty and gentleness. Comments.?(1 ) One of the mott tricky ani mals we ever knew was a sorrel mare, with a SftSff a?d Among other stratagems k i801 'amenesa on the road and toL'eWeTr dri? With?Ut 10 r?8embie that of a rhinoceros than any thing eJse. R required a strong and swift arm to wield a whip, so as to produce an wef/fS?n' th? horse was fat and (3 ) We have now a fine deep bay horse, the safest horse to drive we ever possessed, with out a single white hair on his face or feet ? a woman or child may {rive him, and he cares not a straw for a locomotive whistle within three yards of him. (4.) Nothing is more true than tbat a whi-e horse will endure the sun's rays best, and a black one becomes quickly hot under their TMafag Vufi,uenc?'?iher thin?8 being equal. This is a fact not sufficiently known or heeded by those who are compelled to drive horses ini hot weather But we question whether a tT?n k.86.suffer8 a,nJ more from the cold than a black one. If animal heat is like solar heat, the white animal would suffer leapt, for whatever absorbs heat most rapidly, parts with it most readily. Probably animal heat has less to do with color than solar heat has * yet there is a reason why arctic animals, ai Lk-?P ?bear &vd Bnow owl8' ar? dothed with <* . now? wh?te wool, and swan's down, are efficient non-conductors of heat. White mittens are probably rather better than blak 0De9; w rnd if White horses are tenderest. it must be from some other cause. CODHTIIT Gektlkmah. An Egyptian Lady She wore, first, a chemise of some thin white material, with loo?e sleeves, embroider-! ed round the edge, hanging over her hande; then a large pair of crimson silk trowsers, ao long and wide, that they entirely concealed her bare feet; then came a garment like the ?Turkish an eree, descending to the feet before hanging in a train behind, and opeuing at the sides, with long sleeves open from the wrist to the elbow, and failing back so as to display those of the chemise beneath. This (Tree's was made of crimson damask, and embroider ed all round the edge with block braidiog, and was confincd?not at the wrist, but over the hips?with an ? Indian shawl, wound two or three times round, and knotted before. The last was a jicket, reaching only to the waipt with half sleeves, made of exceedingly rich stuff or dark blue silk, embroidered all over a running pattern, with gold, and edged with' gold braiding and buttons Three large silver amulet-cases, containing charms, were huce over the shawl-girdle. The head-dress is the prettiest part of the Egyptian costume?and Sofia's was exceeding, ly rich. Her hair was divided into twenty or thirty small braids, hanging over her shoul ders, to the end of whicb are affixed three silk cords strung with gold coins of various kites wo rows of gold coins, as large as half-crown pieces laid close together, encircled her fore bead, and at each temple were suspended smaller ones, with an agate ornament in the middle. The back of her head was covered with a small tgyptian Fee, ornamented with a large Cfioors of solid gold, and bound on by a handkerchief of embroidered crape She wore two necklaces of large gold coins, thick ly strung together, and each individual piece of money suspended from a massive ornament in the form of a fish; one of these necklaces was long, and the other just encircled her throat; and between them was a string of btads of Egyptian agates, as large as birds' eegs, and strung together with golden links Her ear rings were of gold filigree, in the bhape of flowers; and her bracelets?of which she wore several?of massive gold and silver We oomputed that she carried about three hundred and fifty pounds on her person, in coins alone, without including her other or naments.?Mrs. Homer's Pilgrimage. Converting Indians. The following anecdotes illustrate the pro priety of giving barbarous nations the exam ples as well as the precepts of religion, mo wlity, and industry. A chief of one of the Worth American tribes was solicited to admit a -trench missionary to convert more of his subjects. "No," said the chief, "there are tn0 many converted there already; my praying subjects have aU of them forgot to pay me their taxes." J A British American priest attempting to convert an Indian, the inhabitant of the forest turned "hortupon him, and replied sharply: "When I find that the English are good bj xceans of the religion they profess, I will thet adopt the same When Igo to Quebec to sell myturs," continued the Indian, "the town people do not ask me to their houses, and en tertain me as we do them. When they visii our country, we kindle a fire to warm th< stranger, we spread a mat upon which viand; are heaped for his food, and when the hour o rest draws near, furs for his bed and his re pose. What is our return from the christians t J !DteL^ir b0U8e3 and eal1 for victual and drink, they inquire whether or not I hay got money to pay for them; and show me ai account of the expense, instead of taking i friendly farewell, when I am going to depart The fur merchant, of whose house I ealle< upon the babbath, told me he would transac no commercial business upon that holy day; a the same time, he hinted that he would no give me above a certain prioefor the furs. H went to ehuroh, at which I muoh rejoiced seeing the good things he was to hear migfa soften his heart, and induce him to give me more conscientious prioe. Having nothing t do, I went to church likewise; but the congre gation stared at me so tbat I went out agaii and waited at the church-door for my mei chant. I oould hear the priest speaking wit great *Vfebemence; no doubt, said I to myselj be is desiring them to be honest and fair i their dealings, both to their God and to th Indians Well, my merchant at last can out; I asked him if he would give me i higher prioe: to my astonishment be offered lees than before. .Now it was evident from tbia what 'be priest had been raying, and that rou christians g > to ohurch only to learn how to cheat the Indians in the pnce of beaver Principle?. Man, unlets he be guided and governed by principles which are deep rooted in the soul and unyielding, is a most forlorn creature. Without these he is contemptible, more de graded, more abject, than the beasts that per ish. Endowed with intelleotual capacity pofHBing a soul that ie destined " to outlive th*Wrs' ?set forward on the race-course of life by a spark of etherial fire, reinitiated by D;ety itself?he is capable of attaining his natural right, a rank but " little lower than the angels " Peculiarly exposed to fascin ating temptation ; beset around with difficul ties and dangers; prone as is human nature to err and oommit evil; there is no way by whieb be can maintain the dignity of hit nature un spotted exoept by drinking deep and imbibing thoroughly some tangible principles; and to these he must adhere with unswerving tena city ! These principles must be sought with out the preoinotsof his own bosom?they should be the deductions of the past experience of mankind, and the result is. they have their foundation in truth. With such principled tor a foundation, the toad of folly and corrup tion will not be his. Mankind have political as well as moral ob ligations resting on them, and they are not so disconnected as may seem at the first blush they are intimately entwined with each other', and a dereliction of the one involves the other to a certain extent. It is in vain to attempt to throw off either. Action, in referenoe to both, has its reward* and its punishments. We admit that moral obligations claim the first, and consequently the highest consideration ? " Be just and fear not; to all tfce ends thou aimest at be thy Country's, thy God's, and the truth " Next to the moral we rank bis poli tical obligation in importance, and in refer ence to them we would say, we should be as enduring as the heavens An Original Anecdote.?The Portland Ar gus relates that Capt. K.. a shrewd steamboat eaptfin from the State of Maine, eanght a ?' Jeremy Diddler on board his boat one day, as he was making from Boston to "downcast/* and pinned him up in go?d style. It seems the tellow laid a traverse to get clear of pay ing his fare, but insisted to the clerk that he had paid, but lost his ticket. " Whom did you pay?" asked the clerk, tie rather guessed it was the captain, so K. was summoned to the oonferenoe. ''Oh. yes, yes, ' said Captain K., "it ap pears to me I do recollect. Let me see; you gave me a five dollar bill!" U-V'es,'' says the Diddler, "I did." " And I gave you your change in half dol lar*, didn't I?" (The fare was only half a dollar?competition very high ) 44 Yes,"' says Jeremy,44 that's it?I recollect it perfectly.'' " Very well," says Capt. K., " I won't dis pute your word for anything?but if you please, I should tiic? to tee the luUv**V The fellow was tripped when he least ex pected it. He oould not produce the halves, and had te fork out his fare. ty In consequence of the great scarcity of mackerel this year, the prices of No. I's and 2 s have reached in Bos'on, the highest point for years, via : from $17 to $18 per bbl , and the prospects are that in the spring they will advance to $20. The English fishermen have done comparatively nothing this year, and the catch by the Massachusetts fishermen must fall off more than 60 per eent. from that of 1863. The business at many plaoee, such as Newburyport, Cohas^et, llingham. Ac., has been sa disastrous that another year it will probably be given up. and the whole business will finally ceotre at Gloucester. 15digestibility of Sour ? It isasserted by a late medical writer, that soup, with the ex ception of the vegetable matters and shreds of meat that float in it, is entirely indigestible in the stomachs of children. The stomach d gefts only solid food, even milk being coagu lated into a curd to undergo this process, and yet there are many farmers who have long sice given up the idea of raising fine calves on buy tea. who give their children soup for din ner, under the idea that it is very nourishing. nr The 44 John II Done'' is the name of a fine new stern wheel s earner, now loading at Wheeling, and about to make her ftrst trip to Cineinnmi. She is owned principally by busi ness men of Wheeling, and is named in honor of the general superintendent of the Balti more and Ohio Railroad. FRUIT, J HALE & ORNAMENTAL TREES. I'HK underpinned ka*< 131 lf-r to ih; pub ic m very choioe ?oil*-ction of Fruit, Shade mod Evergreen Trees, the v?ry fiaaat quality?being thrifty r*t w. u giowu. consisting r.f drawf and standard ears. A i ;>.?*(?, Pearh* 8 Apricots, llums, Cherrfc*. Qr. ;? Vin~. Qaince* Lauash.reGooacbrmes, Our ran ir IU. ; i>srri?*s, fcc. d'ni- t ? a) ih- most approved kind* for street* lud tvv n.s Khub*rbr- oto ot all the celebrated fcagita.i r.rts, it\ lut.:h U.ill'B, direct rrm Holland, among which are Double and Single Hyacinths. Double and Hn t;l?? Tulips iVaieiaFU*. Ptc-w ,ropa, Crocuses fce. Tae bulbs are large and well matured. JOHN BAUL, Seed Btore, corner Seventh and H sir. o?t fctit* WM. HAUNSCHILD, e . PAPER HANGER & UPHOLSTERER AMERICAN una trench Paper Hangings and Upholster Goods. Pennsylvania avenue, betw. Zseventetu'h and Eighteenth atreeta, Washington, L> C. Wn Haunechild begs leave to inform bis friends md the pu> !ic that he has en band a large Uook ol French <=i i. and American Transparerts Al?>, ff.vr. Mow, Cotton and Shuck Mattresses vhich he ?ill dispose of at the lowest prices. oct 10?3n? ~ CLOCKS, WATCHES & JEYT^LrY. I have jubi received and op?o?d alB kgreat assortment of Clocks. Watab?,El Jewelry, all ?f whioh will be hOlaHU "cheaper tfcan similar goods can be^SB bought in the District. I have on band- a lew co?tly Watches, win oh will be sold a great bsrgafcl, it called for a on, at J ROBINSON'S Jewelry Htere, oppesite Browns' Hotel. 5?lm NOTICE. rpHOSE persons that have changed their residence X since our canvassers cal ed o i tbem, and ail v ho are not housekeepers, that desire their nameo in the New Directory, oau have uh?m inserted by leavirg their names Ac at our office within one week J. TEN EYCK, Contractor fbc numbering the city, oct 20?Iw No. Si2 D strict NEW STORE!?NEW STORE! GEORGE W1L.LNE&, paper Iiang ad, 1 respectfully ifcvite public attention to nay large a^d superior 6tock of Paper Hangings tor fall sales, embracing an elegant assortaeat rf real Ft*dcL Gold and other Parlor styles, all qualities, Land scape Views, panel--pauses, for halls, he., wi' h a small variety of low prioed papers of desirable oolors and patterns. Purchasers will find if to tbetr advantage to give Ue a call. Paper put oc In the beet manner and at sbott nottse. Lpliolstery Goods, SLeh ?a Union and worsted Damaskc, Blmlin and Lae6 CurtainsTGilt Cornicee, Bands aad Ornaments 'Gi t and Flowered 8had? s just received from 'h^ Mew *ork maaufaclurtr, some nine ftet long are beautiful, Feather Beds an-. Uilcloths laid and Carpets cut and fiftsd in the m>st ec* numteai and i " o?t 14?lm