Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING STAB, rt'RLiSHKU RVBRT AFTEK^UUR, (EXCEPT SUNDAY,) 41 tls M> * eormtr ?/ Mltlttl %*d AtlVIIIlt itrilt, 3 j W. D. WALLACE, 4iU ^ *cnre4 to subscriber* toy carrier* at SIX AND A QUARTER CENTS, payable weekly I * Ute Ageats; paper* nerved la packages at 37% rn'j per mouth. To mall subscribers the sab option price 1* THREE DOLLARS AND FIP *Y CENTS 3yeart?e4???e?,TWU DOLLARS (or alx months, and ONE DOLLAR for three months; for lew thaa three months at the rate ef cents a week. 1CT SINGLE COPIES ONE CBN*. VOL. VII. WASHINGTON, D. ?., TUESDAY, MAY 20, 1856. NO. 1,024. THE WEEKLY STAR. [thai ?u be found la any ?1 ?? ti nvse. Five espies 96 N ? an Tweaty copies. M ICT Caei, iiuiuni m a.av*?ea. CZT" Slnglecoplas (la wrappers) eaa feeproca ed at the eoanter. lmmMately after the Issue of us paper Price? Tbbbb Cants. Postkastbbs who act asageaii wm ae a commissioa of twenty per eeat. Ill i CHACUCT WARRINER, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, AMD ?SALSH in Pine Watches, Jewelry, and Silver Ware. (^ULU SEALS. FOB AND VEST CHAIN?, * FINK JKWKI.R Y,9I1,. VKR SPOONS. FORK*, GOBLETS, Cl'PS. Ac., for hale at New York prices I H E HAl H1NU ? The Chronometer. Duplex, l?ever. Cylinder, Repeating. Musloal. and other \V \TCHES repaired Also, JEWELRY, 4a. NO. TO l'K*SITL?A1IA AVKNC*. lrf"tW'nS1*tll an(l Seventh streets. Browns' Hotel taii'ding, sign of the GOLDEN WATCHES. ap29 tf Washington. kiw RDnnsa arrangemknts. IN ADDITION TO OUR PREMIUM MIN eral Waters, Mead, Ale, and Porter, we ? have mads sneh arrangements as will enab'e us to keep constantly on hand a large supply of the following articles, most of which hare I bean carsfully prepared by scientific man, as ton ics for weak and delicate persons: Ginger Wine, Native Port WVoa prepared from native fount, Blackberry Brandy. Kaspoerry do., Cherry, Rose Cordial Cinamna, Anise, Curacoa, Stomach Bit ters, Wtae, sitoutons ; Raspberry, Blackberry, Strawberry. Pine Apple, Vanilla, Lemon and oth er Syrups; Extracts of Sarsaparilla for cleansing the blood, and a host of other articles too nume rous to mention. All orders left at eur Depot, or with the drivers of our Wagons promptly attended to. m 1-tf ARNY A SHINN, Georgetown. BAJOU'S KID AND OTHER GLOVES. J NO H. SMOOT, No. 119 BRIDGE STREET, Georgetown, has received, from Newn r?i York, ladles Bajou'a KID GLOVES,(yf white, black and colored; gents do do ;jM la<lle<* and gents Jaff'ta Silk and Lisle 'X - Thread Gloves. Also, a first rate assortment of bleached and brown Cotton Hose, all qualities; bleaehel. brown and fancy Half Hoee; mtseea and boys' Hose and Half Hose. Particular attention being paid to keeping a good assortment of the very beat makes of the above goods, purchaaers may depend upon get ting a good article as cheap as the same quality can be nought elsewhere, m 1-tf JOHN H. SMOOT. SHAD AND HERRING *' ALIVE." Dealers and families desirous of procuring the best SHAD or HERRING for salting can have them delivered at market prices, immedi ately upon being caught, by leaving their orders at the Union Land Office, 7th street above Odd FeUows' Hall, or at the fishing shore adjoining the Navy Yard bridge, Washington, where tley can be obtained alive. ap 22-lm* WATCHES. W. GALT A BKO. OFFERS CON ?L? stantlv a complete assortment of superior Watches, l'hey call particular attention to those made by T F Cooper. F B. Adams A Sons, David Tavlor. Dixm, Oralg, and others. London St. T. Tobias A Co , R A J. Beeslry. Joseph Johnson, BlundeU A to , Liverpool. Jules Jnrzenson, Copenhagen. Also. Va^lieron A Constantlne's celebrated Ge neva Watehes, which, from their sire and style, are peculiarly suited fir ladies. Tee above, with those by every other maker, are offered at the lowest ra'es. M W GALT A BRO , Jewelers, ap 12-dtX 324 Pa av bet. 9th and Kith ate. WOOD AND COAL. THE SUBSCRIBERS HAVING NOW MADE extensive arrangements, are prepared to sup ply customers with the very best article of Lehigh and Schuylkill White and Red Ash COAL, and also Cumberland Coal, either by the cargo or single ton; 2.440 lbs invariably given. Also, the very beet qualities of Hickory, Oak, and Pine WOOD, at wholesale or retail. We will sell at a very small advance when taken Im mediately from the vessel Persons desiron* of laying in their wlntar sap plies of Wood and Coal would do well to leave their orders eariy. and thereby secure the ad vantages of low prioee. BOGUE A ONEILL. Office No. 1U5 Water street, Georgetown, m 2-1 m (iiranl Pirc and Marine Insurance Co . OF PHI LADELPHI A, INSURES AGAINST Loss or Damage, by FIRE, Buildings. Mer chandise, Furniture, Ac , In Washington city, or the country. POLLARD \VEBB, Agent, No 512 Seventh St., opp ap *4-1 m National Intel Office. M. WATCHES AND JEWELR* per ct. cheaper than It can be bought elsewhere in VV ashlng ton. at J ROBINSON'S, apM-lm 349 Pa av opp. Brown's Hotel. CHUICE fKlll TREES FOR SALE. Ill fWWl AP1>LB TKKIW. OF EXTRA 1 v^lA/U growth and well atsorted. fl^A 5,(Ml PEACH TREES, forming a com-^JP plete assortment and well grown. A few very choice Dwarf PEAR TREES, of extra ->lie The above comprising a very choice assortment of Trees were raised by the late John H. King, they will be guaranteed to be what they are rep reaenU*d Apply to W. Albert King, No. 33 south High street, "Georgetown, D. C . or at Valley View Farm, one mile northwatt of Georgetown. Catalogues furnished on application E J KING. Also, for sale, a few thousand very choice ROSES. Apply as above. E. J K. mar 11? tf "THE MARRIAGE GUIDE." \| ARR1 AGE GUIDE, OR NATURAL HIS irl. tory of Generation, for the use of married parson* and those about to marry, of both seies; price. t>. "THE MALE GENERATIVE ORGANS," In health and ulsease, from infancy to old a^e, with the treatment of all their derangements; for everv man's own private use, with colored plates; 'a POPULAR TREATISE ON VENEREA!, J Diseases; their cure and prevention; for private use, with colored plates; price, SI. THE MATRONS MANUAL OF M1D w'fery and the Diseases of Pregnancy and Child birth, for every female's own private use; price Si THE DISEASES OF WOMEN?THEIR Causes and Treatment. Any of the Books can be had of the agent, ALEX ADAMSON. mari*-3m 7th street, opposite Poet Offioe. BARGAINS FROM AUCTION. OHN H SMOOT, No 119 BRIDGE ST., Georgetown, ha* recently received from the Nww York Auctions: Pure Linen Damank Ta'de Cloths, ti-4 and 10 4; pure linen Napkin* and Doylle* ; pure Irish Linen and Birds eye Linen; white Cambrics. Jaconets and Nainsook Muslin*, checked and striped Muslins; plain, dotted and figured Swiss Muslins; gents colored, bordered, aud white Llaen Cambric Handkerchiefs; ladles plain and hem-stitched Handkerchiefs: Laoe and Muslin Curtains: worked Collars and Sets; with other desirable gosds, which will be found to be very cheap. Persons In want of goods of the above descrip tion, or any description of Dry Goods, ara In vited to call and take a look. m2 tr J. H. SMOOT 4 'LOCkS ! CLOCKS !1? JUST RECEIVED " ' another lot of No. 1 Clocks some entirely n?w patterns. They will be sold at astonishingly low price* Remember, every Clock Is warranted ap 12 G. FRANCIS, 49U Seventh street riiHE RISING STAR GA>1*.?THIS IS A a beautiful and Instructive Game for Children It iaaras th?m to commit to memory all the Inci dents and celebrated battles that were fought du ring the American Revolution For sale by the ageut, A LEX. ADAMSON, utas ?2-4m 7th street, opposite Post Plat. 322 PENN. AVENUE. OYS CLOTHING?WE HAVE THIS DAY 1 opened a large assortment of Youths. Hoys, and Cklldrnas spring and Summer clothlqg to which we W3uld invite the attention of purchasers generally. WALL A STEPHENS. m 'J- 8f2 Penn avenue, next to Iron Hail. PARODY ON HIAWATHA: Pla-rl-bus tah A Song that's by no author. "A Deed without a name '? Perpetrated by J. K. Phi an der Dowdlcks, P B., Ulustxatedwith an liuuiease number of cattlnes in wood. Si. for sale at TAYLOR A MAURY'S m9 Bookstore, near 9th at. (CORPORATION STOCK.?S*,000 Carpo > ration of W ashingt<>n Stoc k for sale at CHUBB BKOIHKJU}. IJ HARDWARE-CHEAP FOR CASH. CUTLERY, HOUSE FURNISH GOODS, Tools Scales, Dnuhee, Shovels, Spades, P orks Hoes, Trace*, Plough Casting, Locks Hinges, Screws, Glne, Flies, As. Ac. In fact everything to be found In a well regula ted Hardware Store always to be found on Band and cheep for cash at HARVKY A ADAMS, _ap28-eolm 385 Pa. av . near 7th st. LIME!?LIMB!!?LIMB!! ! WILL BE OPENED TO MORROW, AT the Lime Kilns of W. H. ttodey A Co., situated on Kock Creek, between the upper and lower bridges, a kiln of very superior VV OOl) BURNT LIME. The subscribers have also 011 hand a large supply of PLASTERERS' HAIH, OEM EN T, CALCINED PLASTER, and every description of the very best quality of lime, which will be disposed of on the most reasonable terms, ap 14?eotf W. H. GODEY A CO. FOK UEKITLEAIEN. New spring hoods, embracing a general variety of the newest and prettiest styles and fashions. Orders promptly filled. Constantly on hand a good supply of Garments, ready made, of superior quality. Also. Ane Dress Shirts, with Gauze, Silk, and Cotton underdress, Furnishing and Toilet Goods In variety. A. H. YOUNG, Merchant Tailor and Clothier, Brawns' Hotel, mar 26?wtf Pa avenue. [No. 560 1 1YT?TICE OF THE DISCONTINUANCE OF 1" THE LAND OFFICE AT DANVILLE, IN THE STATE OF ILLINOIS. Notice is hereby given that in pursuance of law, and In view of the fact that the unsold land in tne Danville district is reduced below one hundred thousand acres, the Secretary of the Inte rlor has directed the discontinuance of said dis trict, and that the unsold lands therein be made subject to sale and entry at Springfield, In said State. Lands remaining unsold and unappropriated by law, and subject to entry at thlsoffioe, now dis continued, will oe-?se to be subject to entry as here tofore from the date of the receipt of notice to that effect by the proper officers thereat: and the land officers at Springfield will give public notice of the day on which they will oe prepared to re ceive applications for entiiea of any such lands at their office. Given under mv hand at the city of Washing ton this 5th day of May, A. D. 1S55. THOS A. HENDRIOKS, Commissioner of the General Land Office, infi law6w BUILDING HARDWARE. PERSONS IN WANT OF BUILDING HARDWARE, such as Mortice, Rim, Dead ami Closet Locks, Porcelain and .VIln fnl Door Knobs; Shutter Knobs; Parliament! Blind Hlaves; Loose and Fast Joint Door! Hinges, all sizes; Ulrnbl-t Screws; Round, Square. Shutter and Flush Bolts; Sash and Shut ter Faitenlngs; Nails; Sash Weights and Cord1; Brads; Ac , would do well to give us a call as we f*el confident we can, from our great variety, suit them Having bought our goods for cash we are enabled to sell them as cheap as c*n l>e had this side of manufactories, for the ready money. HARVEY A ADAMS, ViS Pa avenue, south side, four doors ap "Jd?eoliu from corner 7th st. PROPOSALS FOR FUEL. (^uartsrmastkr's Office Mar ink Co bps. ) Washington, May 12 1656 $ SEPARATE SEALED PROPOSALS WILL be received at this office until Thursday, the 12th June, ldSfl, at 10 o'clock a m , for supplying such quantities of Wood and Coal as mayW re quired from 1st July, 16?6, to the 30th June, 1857, tor the Marines stationed at Washington city, The Wood to be the best oak upling, and the Coal best anthracite and bituminous, atihe option of the commanding offlcrr, and to 1m supplied In such quantities as may be required by him; to be delivered, piled and measured at such points as may be directed by said commanding officer, free of expense to the United States tt F LINDSAY, m 13-lawtJeia Major and Quartermaster. This is to give notice, That the subscriber hath obtained from the Orphan's Court of Washington county, la the District of Columbia, letters of administration on the Per sonal Estate of Edward W i l b c r x, late of Wash ington county, deceased. All persons having claims against the seld deceased, are hereby warned to exhibit the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber, on or before the lith day of May next: they may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit of said estate. <i!ven under my hind this loth day of May, 1856 JANE J. W1LBURN, m 10 law3w* Administratrix. J. F. CALDWELL, Dentist, IS LOCATED ON ELEVENTH STREET, the second bouse from Pennsvlva nia avenue, next to Famham's book/ store, where hel*T9*djto OPE A^TE ON THE TEETH He would respectfully In timate that teeth, though much diseased, however they may ache, can be sived without destroying the nerve; the destruction of the nerve Is the cause of more deep-stated pains about the face and head. His mode of extracting teeth is greatly more ?*afe, and is atten'ed with much less force aud the Infliction of less pain, than by methods dependent on keyed instruments, pulllcans or for cep* Those who are suffering pain in the fore he id. face and jiw*, would do well to tubmlt to his remedial treatment. The most satisfactory certificates and references can be Men as testimo nials of his skill in his operation. mlO-Stf [No. 554 1 Notice of the discontinuance OFTHE LAND OFFICE AT IOWA CITY IN THE STATE OP IOWA Notice is hereby given that In pursuance of law, and in view of the report of the register and re ceiver at Iowa city, Iowa, that the vacant land In that district Is reduced below one hundred thou sand acres, the Secretary of the Interior has direc t-Mi that the land office at Iowa city be discontin ued, and the lands remaining unsold at the time of the discontinuance be made sub|ect to sale aud entry at Fort Des Moines, In said State. Lands remaining unsold aud unappropriated bylaw, and subject to private entry at the land office now discontinued, will cease to be subject to eutry at said office from the date of the receipt of notice to that effect by the register and receiver thereof, and the land officers at Fait Des Moines will give public notice of the day on which they will be prepared to receive applications for entries of any such lands at their once. Given under my hand, at the city of Washing ton, this 15th day of April. A D 1856. THOS. A HENDRICKS, Commissioner of the General Land Office. ap 17-Iaw6w FRUIT AND ORNAMENTAL TREES. FOR SALE. AT THE NURSERIES OF the subscriber, at Llnnan Hill, acd on too, 14th street, in Waahlngton.a largeand vrllW selected assortment of FRUIT and OK.NA ?* MENTAL TREE* AmoBK.t them 12 to 15 the sand APPLE TREES, well-assorted aadof fine growth, at $20 per hundred. 15 to 2I> thcusaud PEACH TR EES, forming a couplet* assortment, at *12 50 per hundred, or flOU par thousand ' ?,odo to 7,000 PEAR TEEES, dwarfs and stan dards A few hundred DWARFS of eztra size With a general assortment of PLUM CHFR TREES NECTARINE, and W'CE Also, CURRANTS. GOOSEUERRIK** HASPBERR1ES, STRAWBERRIES, Ao the most approved kinds. The stock of ORNAMENTAL TREES It ei tensive and fipe. Amongst those of large size for streets and lawns are many thousands of such as American and European Rims and Lindens, Tu lip Trees, Aspen, Abele, and other Poplars; American and European Horse Chestnuts: Sugar, Sliver, scarlet, and Norway Maples; Mountain Ash, Green and White Ash; several varieties of Oaks and Magnolias; Weeping Willows, Golden Willows, ana many others. Ornamental Evergreens and Shrubbery. Greet exertions have been made to make this department complete; It now contains from thirty to forty thousand Firs and Pines of choice varle tie*, a portion of which are c>f extra size. Persons wishing to embellish thelrgrounds and proprietors of public cemeteries will find it to their advan'sgeto call and select such as may an swer their purposes Persons residing near, when it is desired, can have Trees delivered, with balls sf earth to the roots, which they will find to give them a decided preference over trees traasportel from a distance. Job gardeners will be supplied at a reasonable discount. JOSHUA PIERCE mar 1^?W!f Houses, Ac , for Rent and Sale CM)R RENT?TWO NEATLY FURNISHED * Rooms on reasonable term* at Mr. DA VISON'S, over M?wr*. Gait A Bro., Jewelrv Store. Penn. avenue, between 9th and loth streets, m 152?tr POR sale?'iflE ADVERTISER WILL M **'> at private sale between now and the first of August, a very desirable Lot neatly enclosed, with a small two-story frame house on It, situ a ted on the comer of Virginia avenue and 23d street, and fronting 64 fe?t on Virginia avenue It Is hi the immediate neighborhood of the Ob servatory. Persons wishing to purchase can examine the property at any time, when the terms of sale can be ascertained. m 1-lm* I^OR sale.?A small FRAME IIOUSE and Lot on 6th street, between K and L, Lot fronting 25 feet, with a depth of ffl feet 8 inches Terms reasonable Location unsurpassed. Applv to ROBERT. A PA YN E, Druggist, corner 4th street and Mass. avenue. m 1-tf VA L U A B L E FARM FOR sale, CON J talninp 90 acres,^tuated % mile east of the Rockvllle Turnpike Road, and 2)< from Wpsh Ington city. It Is well watered, and on It a good | supply of Are wood and voung orchard The Im Erovements are a small frame dwelling and sta le. It possesses all the advantages lequlsite to make a garden of great value, or a dairy farm, and a pleasant residence The terms will be made easy. Apply to POLLARD WEBB, No. 512 Seventh street, opposite National I ntellf gen - cer Office. ap ?-lf FOR RENT?SEVERAL HANDSOME Par lors and Chambers, with board. Also, table and transient board. Inquire at Mrs SMITH'S. 333 F street. nov27--tf FOR RENT.?LENOX'S WHARF, NEAR the Long Bridge, the best and most reliable one In the territory for lauding stone and other heavy articles. It has ai.out 1?) feet ftont, wltli depth of water sufficient for landing purposes on either side Attached thereto is a square or ground for the purpose of depositing coal or wood. On said square Is a comfortable .swelling, which may be adapted to store purposes There is about 14 feet water alongside said Wharf at low tide To those desiring to make a profitable business a rare opportunity is offered. For terms apply at No. 490 H street north, between 6th and 9th streets wM. JAMES TOWLES, Property Agent, ap 25-co If FOR 8ALE OR RENT ?LOT NO. 1, IN Square No. 953, corner of E street south and 10th street west, near the Sfesamboat Wharf, con taining about 10.000 squarefeet, recently occupied by Jno. W.Martin's blacksmith and wheelwright | shops. Also, for rent, Square No 362, I*'.ween 2d and 3d streets west, and H and I streets north, con talalng Sjf acres; now occupied by Mr. H.N I.anrdale. On the square, which will be enclosed with a good fence, is a stable and car/lage house, and the land In excellent order and well situated for cultivation. Possession given on the first of April. An abundance of excellent gravel and sand, on the premises, for sale Inquire of mar8?eolw&Stf JOSEPH INGLK AN OPPORTUNITY FOR A GOOD IN VESTMENT ?For sale, 17 or IB acres of Land, on the Heights ?>f Georgetown, adjoining the property formerly occupied by Colon-lCoxi (called the Cedars,) poastsslng rare advantages as a building site, and market garden. It has a fine growth of youug cedars and oak uuesson the great er part <^f It?the elevation la such as to command the most extensive view of Georgetown, Wash ington and Alexandria. The fact of this property being Just outside of the Corporation limits ren ders it more desirable, being free from the Corpo ration taxes. For terms, Ac., apply to J. L. KIDWELL, 9eorgetown. Jan22-wtf ATPRIVATESALE ? EIGHTEEN SMALL building lots for sale, corner of L street and New Hampshire Avenue, near the circle, First Ward, ranging in price from 80 to 160 dollars each Terms from 5 to 15 dollars per month Par ties purchasing with the view of building thereon, lumber or bricks (at market prices) to the amount of 150 dollars will be advanced thereon, secured by deed of trust on the property. Title indispu table. For any other information apply to H. PARRY, Marble Yard, Pa. av., bet. 18th A 10th apio?3m FOR PRIVATE BALE?A VERY NEAT, convenient, three story frame House, with a deep lot laid off as a flower garden The above house contains ten rooms, all private: a side alley, and the prlvlledge of a back alley The above house is situated on the north side of Mas sachusetts avenue, between 4th and 5th streets. No 5i>?. Fortnrther information please call as above. Possession given in a few days. If the above is aot sold In a few days it will be for rent ap 30-tf Rare chance?the undersigned offers for sale those beautiful Lots situated on 3d street, a few feet south of Pa. avenue. Their situation cannot be excelled for either business or residence sites, and will be sold at a great s.icil ?<?? H O. HARKOVER. Terms: A small cash payment, and the bal ance in 1, 2, 3, and 4 years. Residence, No. 6, north A street, Capitol Hill. feb23-tf MR WILLIAM PALMER, Profeaior of 8infcing and the Flute, OEGS TO INFORM THE INHABITANTS a-* of Washington that be proposes establishing SINGING CLASSES for two, three or four lu plls, whereby each voice will be properly ex amined, and separately cultivated, according to its quality, which could not be done, consistent ly, with simultaneous teaching?a* Sopranos, Mezzo Sopranos, and Contralto Voices require a widely different training. The same care is ne cessary with male voices, viz: Tenor, Baritone, and Bass When the pupils are sufficiently ad vanced to sing bv themselves they will then be taught to take their respective parts in Duets. Trios, or IJuartetts. ' Terms per quarter : *10 for each pupil, if only two pnpifs one hour will be devoted, and an extra half hour for every additional pupil: suo per quarter for separate pupils. 1 aP S-1* '-*7 Pennsylvania avenue WOOD AilO COAL. WE HAVE NOW ON HAND AT OUR yard, comer of 6 and 22d streets, First Ward, a superior article of White and Red Ash COAL. Also, Cumberland lump COAL, with a gocd stock of Hickory, Oak and Pine WOOD, all of which we will ee'l at the lowest market prices. All orders left at P. J Steers Store, 4s8 Seventh street, between D and E. will be promptly filled <>??,. ^ . JOHI* W MVERrf A CO. 2,240 pounds given to the ton. m 14-3m ALNWICK FRENChTnuENGLISH FE MALK lEniNAKY, , FOR BOARDING PUPILS SITUATED SIXTEEN MILES ON THE Baltimore and Washington Railroad and Turnpike, and two miles south of the village of Laurel, stopping place at Contee's Switch ? M A. TV SON A SISTERS respectfully in form their natrons and others that it Is their in tention to close permanently their day school In the city on the 21st April, and that the summer uTJVm* ve,maln?*2ck vrlll open on AlOIMDAi . May 5th. Applications may be ma le by letter addressed to the Laurel Post Office, Md N B ?Every facility is afforded for the acqul Mtlon of the French Language and Muaic ap 14-dtJunel NOW RECEIVING, New and fashionable styles of Gentlemen's Furnishing Articles adapted to Spring and Summer wear, at LAN E's Gents' Furnishing Store, ap 14- 4*1 Pa av., near corner 4# street. MEDICAL CARD |\OCTOR STAN 1ST AS HERNISZ, REG ular Practitioner of Homaopathy. Office, ?til corner F and Fourteenth streets. Consulta lltn!"?0,n 10 a. in., to3 p. m. Uocior Stanislas Hernlsz, having returned from Europe with Improved health, will attend to the practice of his profession. LeDocteur parle Francals. Si i???UVPrlcht Deutsch El Doctor habla Espanol. 11 Dottore parla Italfano. mar 7?3m* WE .KS ?& ?Iw, |J1 kinds of Flow.S hair; and would respectfully request thos?wno will be in need ol such, to jjWe iw ? iUfi Fancy and Millinery store, $o tio Pennsylvania Avenue between ? h and 10th ,'??SVld. ?P?^r HUTCHINSON A munrd. ICE CRIAM. ~ I Sold at TWO DOLLARS pet j/Hion at W NORBECK'S Confectionery V ?P ?e-l<n 310 tftaaa. av<n?#. J^ i Auction Sales. By J AS. C. McGUIRE, Auctioneer. DESIRABLE DWELLING HOl'St ON 13th street, at Auction ?On TUESDAY AFTKRNOON, May 20th. at 5 o'clock, on the premises, I shall sell a very desirable two-storv and attic brick Dwelling Hcnse and Lot, situated oa the ea*t side of 13th street, three doors north of New York avenue, and containing 9 rooms. This property is delightfully situated, and Is verv desirable for a small family as a residence. Terms: SL200 tn cash; residue in 6 and 12 months, with Interest, secured by a deed of tru?t on the premises. JAS. C. McGUIRE, m 10-d Auctioneer. By JAS. C. McGU I HE, Auctioneer. SUPERIOR FURNITURE ANU House keeping Effects at Public Sale.?On WEDNESDAY MORNING, May 21st, at 10 o'clock, at No. 445 C street, between 1st and 2d streets, I shall sell the Furniture and Effects of a gentleman declining housekeeping, consisting of? Handsome rosewood crimson velvet carved French Sofa, arm and parlor Chairs Elegant French plate Pier Glass, with table and bracket Superior roeewood marble-top Centre Table, rose wood Piano Stool Mahogany parlor Chairs, Rockers Handsome velvet and Brussels Carpets Oil Cloth, Matting. Rugs Rich man'.el Clock, Ornaments Suite of four hardsome damask parlor Curtains and Fixtures Superior Oak Hall Set Extension dining and other Tables Fine albata Tea Service, lined with gold China, Glassware, Table Cutlery, Ac. Suite of cottage chamber Furniture Bedsteads, Biftreaus, Wa'bstands Lounge, Window Shades, Chairs llalr and husk Mattresses, Bedding. Ac. Stoves, assortment of Rltchen Utensils, Ac. The above artlclts are all nearly new, and cf excellent quality. Terms: $30 and under, cash; over that sum a credit of sixty and ninety days, for satisfactorily endorsed notes, bearing lnt- rest, m 15 d J. C. McGUIRE, Auctioneer. Bv JAS. C. McGUIRE. Auctioneer. TWO THOUSAND VOLUMES of RARE and Valuable (tasks at Pablic Anctlsn. On TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY EVEN INGS, May 90th and 21st, commencing at six o'clock, at the auction rooius, we shall sell a por tion of the Library cf Thomas Ewba^k. foimerly Commissioner of Patents, consisting of rare and choice Scientific, Historical, Literary and .Miscel laneous Works, a full description of which will be furnished In a comple catalogue, row ready for delivery. Terms cash. P. w ?Persons at a distance will be furnished with catalogues upon application to the Auction m 12-d JAS C. McGUIRE, Auct'r. Bv JAS. C. McGUIRE. Auctioneer. VERY DESIRABLE DWELLING Home at Public Sale?On FRIDAY AFTER NOON, June6th, at 6 o'clock,on the premises, 1 shall sell part of Lots No. Sand 10, in Davidson's subdivision of square No. 340, fronting 15 feet R inches ou lltii street west between M and N streets north, runniug back 92 feet to a public al ley, with the improvements, con?lstlni: of a sub stantial. well-finished three-story and basement brick Dwelling-House, containing eight room?, all conveniently arranged, with closets, A.r. There Is also a well of pure water and a good cellar on the premises, ana the whole property Is very desi rable to any person desiring a comfortable dwel ling la that healthy and pleasant part rf the city. Terms : One-third cash; the residue In 8 and 12 mo ths, with interest, secured by a deed of trust on the premises If the terms of sale are not complies with within live days the property will be resold at the risk and expense of ttedefaulting purchasers. Title Indisputable m 13-4 JAS C. McGUIRE, Auct'r By A. GREEN, Auctioneer Verv handsome and valuable Square of Ground, beiag Square No 739, with the Improvements, at Auction.?On THURSDAY, the ?th instant. I shall sell In front of the promises, to the higne?t bidder, at 5 o'clock a. m., the above-mentioned property, be lug the former residence of Mr. Thomas Blagden, ana recently vacated by Theodore Mosher, Era , situated on New Jorsey avenue, south of the Capitol. The improvements are of the first order. The Housecontains twenty good and conveniently arranged rooms, with wide passages, and Is sup pied with water fixtures ana otherjconvenlences. The gardeu and grounds are large and In the highest state of cultivation, and stable and car ridge-house sufficient for the accommodation of six horses anl four carriages. In the garden there is a large vinery, which vle'ds large quantities of the most delirious grapes This square has a front of 244 feet on New Jersey avenue. As 1 am directed to sell to the higheet bidder, penwns wish ng to make a good Investment or to sucure a beautiful residence would do well to ex amine the property and at end the sale. Mr. White, who has charge of the premises, will show the property to parties desirirg to examine It, and for particulars apply to Theoaore Mosher, at his lumber-yard, Biagaen's Whsrf, or to the subscriber. Terms: One-fifth cash ; the residue In four equal instalments of 1,2, 3, and 4 years, the pur enaser to give notes for the deferred payments, bearing interest from the day of sale, (Interest to be paid semi-annually,) and a lien on the property to eecure tho payment of the notes m 10-d A. GREEN, Auct'r. MAhSHAL'S SALE IN VIRTUE OF A writ of Fieri Facias "under the Lien Law" issued from the Clerk's Office of the District of Columbia, f<>r the County of Washington, and to me directed. I shall expose to public sale, for cash, on SATURDAY, the 31st day of May Inst., in front of the Court house door, at 12 o'clock m., the following property, to wit : All defendant right, title, claim, and interest into a frame dwel ling house situated on Lot No 1 In Square 477, In the City of Washington, D. C., seized and levied upon as the property of William Coxen, and will be sold to satisfy Judicial No. 35. to October term 1(366. >ooeph Llbbey A Son vs. \\ llllam Coxen. J. D. HOOVER. Marshal m 7-dts for District of Columbia. orriciAi.. faiAssaT DirAtTHiNT, Dec. 1,1S56 Notice Is hereby glveu to holders of stocks of the United States that this Department will pur chase to the amount of SI,500 000 of said stocks at any time when the same may be offered prior to the 1st day of Jane next, and will pay therefor the following prices, to wit: For stock of the loan of 1B42, a premium of ten percent.; for stock of the loans of 1S47 and lfe48, a premium of sixteen per cent.; for stock Issued ander the act of 1850, commonly called Texas-In demnity stock, a premium of six per cent.; and for stock of the loan of 1?46, redeemable on the 12th November, ?84?, If received at the Treasury prior to the 1st day of January next, a premium of 2# percent.; if received between the 1st Jan uary and the 31st of March next, a premium of 4 per cent; and If received after the 31st of March and prior to said 1st of June next, a premium of I% per cent. Interest will also be allowed on said stocks at the rates specified In the certificates, from the 1st July last, If aulgned with the principal of the certificates received prior to the 1st of January next. After that date the Interest will be allowed In addition to the premium from 1st of January to the date of their receipt I n both oases one day's Interest will be allowed In addition for the money to reach the seller. Certificates transmitted to this Department un der the present notice should be duly assigned to the United States (with the current half year's in terest, if sent prior to the lat of January next) by the party entitled to receive the purchase money. Payment for these stocks will be made by drafts upon theaaslstant treasurers at Boston, New York, or Philadelphia, as the parties entitled to receive the money may dlreot. JAMES GUTHRIE, dec 3?dtJunel Secretary of the Treasury. Economic cottage builder, by c. P. Dwyer, 1 vol, 8vo, with Illustrations. Tangletown Letters, 1 vol, with Illustrations Head ley's Sacred Pal ns, 1 vol, Illustrated. De Bow's Review for May National Democratic Review for April. m9 FRANCK TAYLOR, EVENING STAR. ETHAN ALLEN IN CAPTIVITY. Among the episodes of the Revolutionary War, none is more strange than that of the queer genius, Ethan Allen; in England, the event and the man being equally uncommon Allen seemed to hare been a curious combi nation of a Hercules, a Joe Miller, a Bayard, and a Tom Hyer. lie had a person like the Belgian giant, mountain musio like a Swiss, and a heart plump m Cotur de Lion's. Though born in New England, he exhibited bo traces of her character, except that hi* heart beat wildly for his country a freedom. He was frank, bluff, companionable as a pagan, con vivial as a Roman, hearty as a hardest. For the moRt part, Allen's manner while in England was scornful and ferocious in the last degree, although qualified at times by a he roic sort of levity. Aside from that inevitable egotism relatively pertaining to pine trees, spires and giants, there were, perhaps, two speoial incidental reasons for the Titanio Ver monter's singular demeanor abroad Taken c iptive while heading a forlorn hope before Montreal, he was treated with inexcusable cruelty and indignity. Immediately upon his capture, he would have been deliberately suf fered to have been butchered by the ludian allies in cold blood upon the spot, had he not with desperate intrepidity, availed himself of his enormous physical strength by twitching a British officer and using him for a target, whirling him round and round against the murderous tomahawks of the savages. Short ly afterwards, led into the town fenced about with bayonets of the guard, the commander of the enemy, one Gol. MeCloud, flourished his cane over his captive's head with brutal in suits, promising him a rebel's halter at Ty burn. During his passage to England in the same ship wherein went passenger Col. Quy Johnson, the implacable Tury, he was kept heavily ironed in the hold, and in all respects was treated liko n mutineer ; or it may be rather as a lion of Asia, which, though caged, was too dreadful to behold without fear and trembling, and consequent cruelty And, no wonder, at least, for on one occasion, when chained hand and foot, he was insulted by an officer, with hia teeth he twisted off the nail that wont through the mortiso of bis hand cuffs, and ao having his arms at liberty, chal lenged the insulter to mortal combat. Often when at Pendennis Castle, when no other re. vengement was at hand, he would hurl on his foes such a howling tempest of anathemas as fairly shook them into retreat. Prompted by jjomewhxt similar motives, both on shipbiard and in England, he would often maku the most vociferous allusions to Ticonderoga, and the part he played in its capture, well know ing that of all the American names Ticonde roga W2S. at that period, by far the most fa mous and galling to Englishmen Israel Potter, an exile American, while strolling around Pendennis Castle, where Al len w?a confined, chanced to bear him in one of hi* outbursts "f indignation and madness, of which the following is a specimen. 44 Brag no more, old England ; consider that you are only an island! Older back your broken battalions home ! and repent in ashes ! Long enough have you hired torie-< across the sea, forgotten the Lord their God, and bowed down to Howe and Kniphauscn?the Hessian ' Hands off, red-skinned jackall! Wearing the King's plate, as I do, (meaning probably cer tain manacles,) I have treasures of wrath against you British " Then camc a clanking, as of chains ; many vengeful sounds, all confusedly together. Then again the voice. 44 Ye brought me out here, from my dun geon to this green, affronting yon Sabbath sun?to seo how a rebel looks But I'll ?how you how a true gentleman and christian can conduct in adversity. Back, dogs! respect a gentleman and a christian, though he be in rags, and smell of bilge-water, i"es, shine on, glorious sun ! 'Tis the same that warms the hearts of my Green Mountain boys, and lights up with its rays the golden hills of Ver mont !" Filled with astonishment at these words, which came from over a massive wall, i;.elud ing what seemed an open parade space, Israel pressed forward, and soon came to a black archway leading far within, underneath, to a grassy tract, through a tower. L be two boars1 tusks two sentries stood on guard at either side of the open jaws of the arch scrutinizing our advonturer a moment, they signed him to enter. Arriving at the end of the arched way. where the pun shone, Israel stjod tr.ntfix d at the scene. Liko some baited bull in tho ring crouched the gigantic captive, handcuffed as before ; the grass of the greon trampled and gored u;j all about him, both by his own movements and those of the people around. Except some soldiers and sailors, these seemed mostly town's people, collected hero out of curiosity. The stranger was outlandishly arrayed in tho sorry remains of a half Indian half Canadian sort of dress consisting of a fawn skin jacket? the fur outside and hanging in rugged tufts?a half rotten bark like a belt of wampum; aged breeches of sagathy; the darned worsted stockings reaching to the knee ; old mocca.-ins, riddled with holes, their metal tags yellow with salt water rust; faded red woollen bon net, not unlike a Russian nightcap, or a por tentous ensanguined full moon, all soiled and struck about with half rotten straw; unshaven beard, matted and profuso as a cornfield beaten dowa by hailstones His whole marred aspect was that of a wild beast, but a royal sort, and unsubdued by the cage. 4,Aye, stare! stare! thou but last night dragged me out of a ship's hold like a smutty tierce, and this morning out of your littered barracks there like a murderer?for all that, you may well staro at Ethan Ticonderoga Al len, the conquered soldier, by ! You TurkB never saw a christian before IStaro on ! I am he who, when your Lord Howe wanted to bribe a patriot to fall down and worship him by an offer of a major general ship, and fivo thou-and acres of choice land in old Yerinoat? h* ! three times three in for florious Vermont and tho Greeti Mountain oys! hurrah! hurrah! hurrah!?I am he, I say, who answered your Lord Howe: 4 You. yon offer our land ? You are like the devil in Scripture, offering all the kingdoms in the world, when the d?d soul had not a corner lot on the earth !' Stare on, I say !" 14 Look, you rebel you, you had best heed how you talk against General Lord Howe, here! ' said a thin, wasp-waistod, epaulettrd offioer of the castle, coming near and flea ish ing his sword about him like a schoolmaster's ferrule. 44 General Lord Howo ? Heed bow I talk of that toad-hearted king's liek-spittle of a pol troon! the vilest wriggler in God's worm-hole below. I tell you that the hordes of red haired devils are impatiently shouting to la dle Lord Howe with his gang?you included? into the secthingest syrups of Topbet's hottest flames " At this blast the wasp-waisted officer was blown backwards as from the saddenly burst head of a tt jam boiler. Staggering away with a snapped spine, he muttered something about its being beneath his dignity to bandy forth words with a low-lived rebel. > 44 Come, come, Col. Allen,1' her* said a mild looking man, in a sort of clerioal undress, 44 respect the day better than to talk thus of what lies beyond. Were you to die this hour, or what is most probable, be hung naxt week at Tower wharf, you know not what might beoome of yourself." 44 Reverend sir," said Allen, with a mock ing bow, 44 when no better employed than braiding my beard, I have a little dabbled in your theologies. And let me tell you, rev erend sir," lowering and intensifying his voioe, 44ihat as to the world of spirits of which you hint, though I know nothing of the mode 01 mappay (feat SO IU0f* thftO JQtl ( do, yet I expect, when I arrive there, to b? treated as any other gentleman of my merit. This ia to say, far better than job Brithh know how to treat an honest man and a neck hearted Christian, captured in honorable war, hJJ ? t?very one tella me, ae yourself jus told me. as crossing the sea, every billow diuncd m my ear?tbat I, Ethan Allen, am ?e be hung like a thief If I am. the great Je bj\^h and the Continental Congress shall avcnge me, while I, for my part, will show yon, even on the tree, how a Christian gen Ueman can die. Meantime, air, If yon are the clergyman you look, act out your consolatory tunctit u getting an unfortunate Christian gentleman, about to die, a glas* of punch ' The good natured stranger, not t? have his religious courtesy appealed to in vain, imme diately dn-pntohed hi* aervant, wbo stood by to procure the beverage. At this juncture a taint rustling sound, as if the advancing of an army with banner* was heard.' bilks, scarfs, and ribbon* flut tered in the background. Presently a bright squadron of fair ladies drew nigh, esoorted t?y certain outriding gallants of Falmouth. "Ah," said a strange voice, "what a strange sash, and furred vest, and what leopard-like teeth, and what flaxened hair, but all mil dewed ; is that he ?" " \es, it is, lovely charmer," said Allen, like an uttoman, bowing over his broad bo vine and breathing the words out like a lute ; ?'it is he?Ethan Allen, the soldier; now, since ladie:)' eyes visit him, made trebly a captive." V ^7*7' he talks like a beau in the parlor? this wild-m<>*sed American from the wood,'* sighed another fair lady to her mate ; "but c?n this be be we came to see? 1 must have a lo:k of hit hair " 44 It is he, adorable Delilah ; and fear not. though excited by the foe, by clipping my luck to dwioilc dqj strength. Git? n?n your sword, man." turning to an officer?'4 ah I'm fettered. Clip it yourself, lady " 44 No, no?I am?" " Afraid, would you say ? Afraid of the .-word?lriend and champion of all the ladies ill around the world? Nay, nay, come hither. The lady advanced ; and soon overcoming her timidity, her white hand shone like whipped ft am auiong the waves of flaxen hair. " Ah, this is like clipping tangled tags of gold lace, she cried ; "but see, it is half straw " But tho wearer is no man of straw, lady ; were I free, and you had ten thousand foes, horse, loot and dragoons?how like a friend I could fight for you ' Come?you have robbed me of my hair; let me rob the dainty hand of its pnoc. What! afraid again *" No, not that, but?'' I see, lady; I may do it by your leave, but not by your word?the wonted way et all ladies. Iheie, it is done. Sweeter that kits th in the bitter heart of the eherry ." >\ hen at length this lady left, no small talk was had by her with her companion* about soino way of relieving the lot of so knightly an unfortunate, whereupon a worthy, judi cious gentleman, of middle age, in attend anoe. suggested a bottle of wine every day. ~nd clean linen every week. And the?e, the KBgllsh women?too polite, and too good to be fastidious?did actually send to Ethan Allen, so long as he tarried a captive in their land. The withdrawal of this company was fol lowed by a different scene. A perspiring mm in top boots, a riding whip in hand, and hav ing the air of a proepereus farmer, brushed in like a stray bullock, among the rest, for a peep at the giant?ha ring just entered through the arch aa the ladies passed out 44 Hearing that the man who took Tioonder ga was here in Peudennis Castle, I've ridden twenty-five to see him. and to-morrow my brother will ride forty for the same pur pose. So let me have the same look, bir " ne continued, addressing the captive, 44 will y <u let mo ask you a few questions, and be free with you ?" 41 Be free with me? With all my heart 1 love freedom above all things ; I m ready to die for freedom ; I expect to. So be aa free as ynu pleaae. What Is it?" 4* Then, sir, permit me to ask whut is your occupation in life * in time of peace, I mean " '?You talk like a tax gatherer, ' replied Allen, squinting diabolically at him ? Wh*t is my occupation In life? Why, in my younger days, I studied divinity, but at present 1 am a conjurer by profession " Hereupon every body laughed, as well at the niat ner as the words, aud the uettled farmer retorted. 44 Conjuror, eh ? Well, you eonjured wr>ne that time you were taken." 44 Not so wrocg. th- ugh. as you British did. that time I look Ticonderoga, my friend.'" At this juueture the servant came in with a bcwl of punch, which his master bade him give to the captive 4' No! give it to me, sir, with yoar owe hands, and pledge me as gentleman to a gen tleman " 4" I cannot pledge a state prisoner, Colonel Allen, but I will band you th? punch with mj own hand, since you insist upon it." 44 Spoken and done like a true gentleman ; I am bound to you." Then receiving the punch into his manacled hands, the iron ringing against the chain, he ut tho bowl to his lips, and saying, 441 kere y give tho British nation credit for half a minute's good usage," atone draught emptied I it to tho bottom I 44 The rebel gulps it down like a swilling hog at tho trough, ' here scoffed a lusty pri vate of the guard, off duty. 44 Shame on you," cried the giver of the I bowl 44 Nay, sir, his red coat is a blush to him. as it is to the whole scarlet British army. ' ; Then turning derisively upon the private, -you i objeet to my way of taking things, do you ' i tear 1 shall never be able to please you lou objocted to the way, too, in which I took Ticonderoga, and the way I meant to take Montreal. Selah! but pray, now I look at you, are you not the hero 1 caught dodging around in his shirt, in the oattle pen inside the fort ? It was the break of day, remem ber." I 44 C ine, Yankee." here swore the incensed private, '? cease this, or I'll tan your old fawn skin for yc with the flat of this sword for ? specimen laying it Iashwise, but not heav ily, across the captive's back Turning like a tiger, the giant, catching the steel between his teeth, wrenched it from the private s grasp, and striking it with bis man aclef, sent it spinning, like a juggler's dagger into the air, saying, 44 Lay your dirtyT>?I ard s iron on a tied gentleman again, and these, lifting his handcuffed fista, 44 shall bo tie beetle of mortality to you !"' The now furious soldier would have struck nun with a.l his force, but several men of the town interpo>ed, and reminded him that it was outrageous to attack a chained captive " Ah, ' raid Allen, 411 am accustomed to that, and therefore I am beforehand with you, and the extremity of that I say against Bntaiu is not meant for you, kind fitends, but for my ingulteri, present and to come. " Then recognizing among the interposers the giver of the bowl, he turned, with a oourteous bow, saying: 44 Thank you a#ain and ag<iin, my good air; you may not be the Woree for it; ours is an unstable world, so that one gentle man never knows when it mat be bis turn to be belpod of another." But the soldier still making a riot, and the commotion growing general, a superior officer stepped up, who terminated the aeene by re. monug the prisoner to the cell, dismissing the towns-people, with all strangers, Israel among the rest, and closing the castle after them iy Socrates did not urge his frietxls to enter early upon public employment*, but first to take paim for the attainment of the knowl? edge neqcMarj for their suoceu in them