Newspaper Page Text
EVF T/> -AL INTELLIOENCEl Boabd or Alobrwb*.?The Board met at tbo usual boar; President Clark in the chair. A communication was received from the Mayor announcing his baring signed various arte. Also, one inclosing a certified copy of the act of Congress in reference to election precincts: whion was referred to polioe com mittee Petitions were received and appropriately referred Mr. Pepper, from committee on improve ments, reported, without amendment, a bill making an appropriation for repairing alley in square 120; passed. Mr Busey. from police committee, reported a resolution that, the lower Board concurring, the two boards meet from day to day until the necessary legislation is completed to carry into effect the recent Congress election bill; adopted. Also, from said committee, a bill authori sing the Mayor to have seven additional ballot-boxes constructed; passed. Also, a bill to diride into election precinots the sevoral wards of the city, yii: jDividing the First Ward by Pennsylvania avenue, and making alljnorth of the avenue, Precinct No. 1 of the First Ward, and all south of the avenue Precinct No. 2 of the First Ward; dividing the Second Ward by 11 street north, and making all north of that street, Precinct No. 1 of the Second Ward, and all south Pre cinct No 2 of the Second Ward; dividing the Third Ward by H street north, and making all north of that street. Precinct No. 1 of the Third Ward, and all south, Precinct No. 2 of the Third Ward: dividing the Fourth Ward by F street north, and making all north of that street Precinct No. 1 of the Fourth Ward, and all south, Precinct No 2 of the Fourth Ward; dividing ?he Fifth Ward by the line of Pennsylvania avenue, all north of the avenue making Precinct No 1 of the Fifth Ward, and all south. Precinct No 2 of the Fifth Ward; dividing the Sixth Ward by (1 street south, and the Seventh Ward by Seventh street west; passed. Mr. Busey offered a resolution that the two Boards meet in joint meeting at half-past four P. M., to-day. (May 20th,) to elect commis sioners of eleotion, also a police magistrate for tbe Fifth Ward; adopted. Mr Busey offered a resolution authorizing tbe Mayor to employ clerical aid; passed. Mr. Pearson, from claims committee, asked to be discharged from consideration of the pe tition of James Powell; discharged. Council bill authorizing extension of alley in square 516 was referred to improvements committee. Council bill for relief of Thomas McNaney. was referred to improvements committee; also, to same committee, bill for repairing gutter across Eighth street north; also, bill for grading and gravelling ii street west, between K and M street- north. Mr Magruder called up the special order, tbe resolution in relation to the construction of a new centre market building Mr. Busey said he was not in favor of the resolution as it now read. The provision making it necessary to go to tbo people would delay tbe matter a whole year, which he thought needless Mr B then eutered upon the ouestion whether the market, if built, would pay the revenue expected, and pre sented calculations going to show that the revenue would afford an annual excess of some ten thousand dollars over tbe interest upon the sum required to build the market. There would be 92 double or 184 single butcher stalls; 278 vegetable stalls; 6 market restaurants ; 6 market stores, and a large market court for transient persons. Mr B expressed himself in favor rf going to Cengress without other delay, and moved to amend the resolution by striking out that part requiring the proposi tion to he submitted to tbe people. Mr. .Houston said, that, with the view of testing the sense of the Board, he would move to lay the motion upon the table. Mr Pepper expressed himself in favor of Mr Busey s motion to strike out. With the sectional feelings exhibited, he was not cer tain that a two-thirds vote could be obtained for the proposition, if submitted to the peeple. Why not go to Congress at once, and ask power to issue stock ? lie had no doubt of the propriety uf the motion to strike oat; and a* a friend uf the bill should vote for the mo tion. After some further debate, Mr. Houston withdrew hi" motion to lay upon the table. The question being taken, the proviso was stricken out. Mr Houston thought this a summary mode of creating a debt. He was utterly opposed to this project of erecting a market-house and creating a debt. He would inquire what was the present annual revenue of the Centre Market? |Mr Busey answered about twelve thousand dollars J Well, this revenue would certainly be lost to the city, and it was a rev enue that could not be spared. Mr Busey said that if it was necessary to go to the people it could be done upon the issuing ef stock for the erection of the market He contended that it would not cost the city a cent to build tbe market, and brought up fig ures and calculations to sustain that position At the new Eastern and Western markets every stall commanded a higher premium than had been anticipated. Mr. Pepper didn't believe that it would come up?u the property-holders of the city at all. The project nad received the approba tion of some of the best practical business men of the city. Alter further debate, the question upon the passage of the resolution was taken by ayes and noes and decided in tbe affirmative, as follows : Ayes?Messrs Magruder, Bayly, Miller, Tretler, Evans, Emery. Pepper, Busey, Pear son and Clark. Nay?Mr Houston. Tbe resolution as adopted is as follows : it rtsolvtd, Src.) That the committee representing the interests of the Corporation before Con^re*? be, and they are hereby, in strutted to ask the passage of a law author izing this Corporation to issue the stock of tbe Corporation to an amount n jt exceeding two hundred an 1 fifty thousand dollars, at a rate of interest not exceeding six per cent , for the Jmrposo of enabling it to erect a new building ?jt tbe Centre Market, upon tbe condition that the sales, leases, rents, Ac., of said building be set apart for tbe payment of the interest, and the liquidation of the principal thereof, or an eqaal amuuntof the present outstanding six per cent, stock of the Corporation. Mr. Pepper, from the improvements com mittee, reported a bill for the relief of Thoe. McNaney , passed. Mr Magruder presented tbe petition of Jno. Watts and others; referred to the improve ments ommittee Mr Magruder introduced a bill authorizing the Mayor to sign petitions in favor of paving streets upon which the Corporation owns prop erty ; pas?ei. Mr Pepper, from the improvements com mittee, reported a bill favorable to the peti tion of John Watts, authorising curb stone to be set and footway paved on the west side of Twenty-second street, from F street north-to Pennsylvania avenue ; passed. A communication was received from the Mayor, asking for an appropriation to carry into effect a contract made for the removal of slops ; referred to the finance oommittee. Mr Houston, from the finance committee, reported a bill in accordance with the request of the Mayor, which was passed Mr. Bayly introduced a bill providing for the construction of a flagged footway across Thirteen-and-a half street, in tbe Second Ward . passed. And then tbe Board adjourned. Rigtocs Co5Dcct?Yesterday, Officer Cox arrested Isabella Penny, eolored, for assault ing various persons in the Seventh Ward, and for being drunk and disorderly- She was held to ?eeurity for peace in tbe first ease, and to appear for trial in the corporation ease. Finy l'reston. for assaulting Isabella Penny while in the custody of the officer, was held to security for peace These cases were dis posed of at the guard house. Uodbt's Lanr's Book and Peterson's Mag axine, f>r Jane, at tbe Northern Liberties' Bookstore, 327 Seventh street, between K and L streets t Osly Tw?*rr Ck*ts a Hubdbbd for fine Buff Adhesive Envelops. For sale at Alex. Adamson's, Seventh street, opposite to Us f ost Ofioe ? Ho, roa thi Faib !?We have to say to all the pretty girls In Washington, Georgetown, and Alexandria who long for the right tort of a frolic, that the very sorest way of enjoying themselves daring the delightful evenings we are just now having, is to press their beaux Into their service fbr an afternoon's tide over to the fair at the new church adjoining " the Glebe'' farm, in Alexandria county, Virginia. Spend two hours there, and then enjoy a moon light jaunt baok again. Dr. Murray, of Georgetown, delivered the opening address last evening, in the presence of a large and highly gratified company. To-morrow even ing the concert society (numbering twenty five vocalists and instrumentalists) attached to the Ninth street Methodist Protestant church, will entertain those present at this fair with a delightful concert, such as they are well known to be oapable of rendering. Cabusi's Mar Festival ?The May festi vals of this year seem to have the luck of unpropitious weather; nevertheless, Carusi's large saloon, on Friday night, was graced with a large and fashionable assemblage of miss>es and masters, parents and friends, and strangers temporarily in the city attracted hither by the charming display. The little May Queen was perfectly radiant, and she was most adequately supported by her maids of honor and troupe of fairy subjects. Mr. Carusi showed his usual fine taste in the pyra midial grouping of the children upon the steps below the throne; in the artistic and pleasing arrangement of the delicate-colored draperies about the throne, and in the ar rangement generally of the details of this agreeable festival. Weber's fine band offi ciated on the occasion. Tex English Opera.?The Harrison and Pyne opera troupe must have been gratified with the cordial reception they met last night, upon their return to the National boards. Balfe's opera of " The Bohemian Girl" was given in brilliant style, as was anticipated. To-night, the ever popular " Cinderella" is to be performed, with all its exquisite music, scenic accompaniments, and magioal trans formations. We hear that among the future attractions which the management have in store for us we may anticipate the personation of " Pal staff." as given by Hackett, who has proba bly no superior in this character. Search roa a Fugitive.?Yesterday, Jus tice Offutt examined a case in which Mr A. Lee was complainant and Mrs. Tippett de fendant. A colored girl had left the com plainant, and suspecting that she was con cealed at Mrs Tippett'a. a search warrant was issued ; and, upon searching the premises, the girl was found. The complainant doclined to prosecute after hearing all the statements ; ?ind the case was accordingly dismissed. Goisg too Fab ?An old gentleman named J Brady was arrested yesterday by Officer Wollard, for assaulting Frances Birch, a little girl of eight or nine years of age. The old ;entleman was informed by Justice Smith that le had no right to whip another man's children. If the children were tresspassing on his premi scshe might use force sufficient to remove them, but to take a stick and beat or whip them would be a violation of law. The justice or dered him to give security for peace. Larceny Casks Dismissed.?Six neri^ns were arrested on Sunday by Officer Wilson who were charged with the larceny of certain clothing. They were taken before Justice Rowland for trial. Three were so very young that the magistrate, by consent of parties, dis missed them ; and they being too young to use as witnesses agaiust the other prisoners, they, too, were dismissed for want of evidence. Come, why will you suffer all the ills of bed bugs, cockroaches, moths, ants, and every other species of insects when Lyon's Magnetic Powder will surely rid your house of all such pestilence. For sale at Shillington's Book selling and Stationery Establishment, Odeon Building, corner Four-and-a-half street and Pennsylvania avenue. t.f. Coibt or Claims ?Yesterday, Andrew J. Brent, Esq . of Heathsville, Northumberland county, Virginia, was appointed commissioner to take testimony. Mr. Rockwell resumed and concluded the argument in the case of N? hum Ward. The case was submitted, and the court adjourned Stage Robbery.?Yesterday a young man named A R Kane alias W. C. Wright, was arrested by Officer Norwood for stealing prop erty from the National Theatre. Upon search ing his baggage a number of ai tides belonging to the theatre was found, also some that be longed to his landlord. Ho was committed to jail by Justice Offutt. Thibtt Yeabs in the Senate?The second volume of this work of Col. Benton has been received by the agent, J. R. Hollingshead, and subscribers may obtain their copies by calling at the Third District Police Office. It will be delivered as soon as possible. Seine Hauling has ceased at nearly all the lower landings, and the hands have returned to their homes. A few small seines are in use, and we are informed that as much ia obtained as can be expected from them It will not be long, we presume, before the entire companies at all the landings will " cut out." Fugitive Slaves ?Quite a number of slaves who had left their owners have been arrested in thia Diatrict within a few weeks. Many of them have been claimed, and the re wards paid for their arrest. Militart Excursion ?We learn that the " ancient and honorablo" Light Infantry com pany design making an excuraion down the river on the 9th of June This company has hosts of friends, and their trip is bound to prosper. Mercury "sold" and His Price Ascer tained.?Mercury says that ''At auction a lot on Maryland avenue, near Tenth street west, sold at 23j cents per square (Etquiret') fool." Dear enou gh! Assault and Battery.?Richard Jones and Juhn Encis were held to security for peace, yesterday, for an assault and battery .'by Jus tice Hollingahead. Watch Return*.?No esses at the central guard house for trial this morning. The ar rivals at this station seems to4ncrea*e; six lodgers were accommodated list night. [advertisement. A Card. ? In the letter of the correspondent of the New York Times, of the 19th inst., the following extract appears : "It ia stated that Captain Darling, Door keeper fcf the House, was knocked down last night by Senator Bright for insulting lan guage." In answer, I have to 6ay, that the corres pondent (anindividual named Simonton) when he wrote that article, knew he was penuing a malicious lie. I have no acquaintance with Senator Bright, have had no difficulty what ever with him, and never spoke a word to him in my life. The cause of Simonton's malicious and sys tematic libels en me is simply this, viz : He petitioned me to appoint a page for him (which I have not done,) when I was first elected Doorkeeper of the House He has subsequently repeatedly threatened that if I did not comply with his request "he would nut rest until he had me removed." I should not have deemed his slanders wor thy of notice but for his connection of the name of Senator Bright with mine, as he has connected them. N. Darling. It Doorkeeper Ho. of Rops Change or Hour ?On and after to morrow the trains from Baltimore for Philadelphia will start at the following hours : Express train 20 minutes before 9, a m ; way-mail train at 11 o'clock, a. m ; evening train at quarter before 7, p m On Sunday the only train will leave Baltimore at quarter before 7, p m The Havre-de Grace train leaves Baltimore at 10 ininutea past 9, a. m , and *.P ? ry PreaenLationa are getting common. The captain of a canal boat out Weat has just been presented?with a service of five years in the penitentiary, in consideration of the distingu ished ability with which he plundered a pas senger and kicked him overboard. The Richmond Examiner learns that that the July interest on all the Virginia bonda : is already provided for. 07* *?' Uiummm 4c Tk?i( who are ?r??bt?4 with Ooagba, Golds, Asthms, Irritated Tbroata. Difficulty of Speaking, ke., Ac., should procure , ? Trachae. or Voice Loieogae." They are * stir?? rlor compoaad and rery Justly rsnk at the b p of prepara tion* of tola aa|tue. Anum public speakers or singers they ar-f exceedingly popniar, adding materially to the physical effort mad* by both public ipMktrud alngar.?[Boeton Lee. Sold In l*)tla?r? by Coleman A Bodgers m lw JA*. x. CAI.LAM. Agent. WaetilDgton ITT* Fresh C*B|rrn Water, received this amlk? "pp'?*. 0?lly expecting to arrive, BKOFOBD AND BLCI LICK WaTKBS. at GILM AN'S n*w Drag Store, Km Fa. avenue. m u-iw A* Bid Friend to the Safferlagis Mrs. Gardiner'*'Indian Bal'ara of Liverwort and Hoarhound, for , J"'* ?o?rta, cold*, ci-oap, Ac. Thle preparation hae atood the teat for the past twenty years, and now and aver will stand anrlva)!ed. It la for aale by all the druggUts throughout the United States and Brltlah Provincea. * Potter, 154 Washington atreet, Boeton. Wholaeale Agent. m M-lw 2. D. OILMAN, Washington, Special Agent. ^Htitcttfr'i Bitters?Hsatetters Bit T**8?Har* yoa the Dy*pepeia, take Hostetter'* Bitter*. Ha?e yon riatnleucy, take Hostetter'a Bitters Arayoa C stive, take Boatetter's Bitters. Dare yon Indigestion, take Hoatetter'e Bitters. Hae yon loat yoar Appetite, take Hoetetter's Bitters. Hare yon Ague and Ferer, Uka Hoatetter'e Bitter*. Are yoa wall and want to keep so, take Hoetetter's Bitter*. Yon can buy it by the bottle, dczen, or gross of the Agent for Washington, at the Orng Store corner of K and Tth sts. ? -*"lw JAMKS N. CAI.LAN. CTWhtt is It F?r?This Weed's Hair BKNTOR ATI VK T?Is a question asked dally by hundred* We anawer, withont hesitation or fear of contradiction, that It Is the only article knowu which will do all It promises for the homan hair. It will renew it* gr owth?It will stop Itt falling?It will restore Its natural color. It Is not a Hair Dye, bat a speedy and efflcaclons BestoratlTe. Trial bottles 91; pints quarts %?. Bead the advert<*emeut on the'ourth ap 19?tf IHT t'sats, Fasts, and Vests, Dress Suits, Business Suits. "OAH WALKKBACO , Makbi.k Hall Clothiwo Euro aun, Browns' Hotel Building, respectfully annonnca that their annual display of SPRING AND Sl'MMRR CLOTHING ta now ready for inapaction, comprising an assortment of G(!TTLK1(EI, AMD YorTHe* Ct.oTHiNA of the uewest and rlch ?at daaigas. In material, trimming, and workmanship. To those who study excelletce, with economy In fashionable ar tide* of drese, an opportunity Is now offered for selecting from one of the moat attractive stock ef goods In this city, at very reduced prices ap j_tf Fever and Ague?An Infallible Cnre. We de*y the worl l to produce any medicine which doe* not contain Quinine, Bark Arsenic, Mercury, or any noxfona or deadly compound, to cure this annoying disease so effect ually a* Carter'* Spanish Mixture. While It contain* none of the above named dangerous article*, yet tt possesses a Cower in relieving and curing Fever aud Ague whl-h cannot e approached by any of them eeparat?ly or in lomblnatlon. It acts specifically on the Liver, purities the Blood, opens the pore* of the akin, and aaaiete natnre to expel from the sys torn the seed* of disease, or what Is a* bad, the remain* of the Mineral Druga, which clog and finally destroy the con stitution. See the cura of Mr. Longdon. of Virginia. He had Chill* twice a day far three year* ; nothing would relieve him until he tried Carter** Spanish Mixture, only three bottle* of which re*tored him to health ; nor hae he had a return of the die ease since. nijl-lm. inr Dalley's Genuine Pain Extracter, will eubdue the pafn and inflammation from the eeverest barn* or acaldi. In from ona to twenty mlnntea?and that It will heal the wonnd* without (car; and effectually rnre Fever Sores?Pllea?Salt Rheum?Inflammatory rheumatism?Sore and Inflamed Byre?Cuta? Wound*? Bruise*?Old and lu vetcrste Sore* -Scald Hea l? Corns ami Bunions?Krysipela* ?Spiaiiis -Swelling*- -Felons - Chilblains -Bite of Insects Swelled and Broken Rrea?t-~?ore Nipples Eruption*?and all other Inflammatory au i cutaneous diseases, where the parts a fleeted can be reached. Don't be Incredulous aoout the mauy diseases nsmed to be cnre<l by only one thing?buf reflert, that the few, hut posi tive properties which the Dalley Salve alone contain*, aud as heretofore enumerated?one to four?can reach not alone the afore-mentioned diseases, h<it many more not ?-nnm< rated Each box of Gcwi'inr Dali t's Paix Kxtkactor ha* nnnti It a Steel Plate Kitgrared Label with the signature* of C. V. CLICKKNF.R A CO., proprietors, and HENRY DALLBY, manufacturer. All othere are counterfeit. Price 36 cents | per box. All orders should he addressed to C. V. Cll<-kener i Co.. *1 Barclay street, New York. ?#*Forsale by CHA9. bTOTT, NAIRN A PALMER, and Druggists generally. ?p ?_eo?m icr f'rof. Oe Qrath on tbe Weather.? Prof. De Gr*th warts all snfferers from the effects of the m | cleir.eni weather lately, to rail and procure a bottle of his pl'aaaut KLBCTBIC OIL. It cure* like magic. Price* M and |I per bottle. Trofes'or De Orath feel* it to be hit datv t?> himself and to t' e pnbllc state explicitly, that the article offered fnrsale by Mr*. Ann* K. Kmith, called lu her advertlaemeni* Doctor Smith. A. K. Smith, Chemist. Ac., Ac., 1* not " De Grath's K.ectrlc OH." Mi*. Smith'* pretension* to a knowledge of the prepare tlons of thla celebrated remedy, arises from her connection with Mr. Oalutia B. Smith, formerly engaged with Prof De Grath iu keeping the books and correspoudenre of De Grath A Co , but never Instructed in the manufacture or the uiedi due The parties have neither the right or the ability to make "De Grath's Rlectrtc Oil," and no Imitation of it c?n produce the wonderfnl effects of the original, as prepared by Professor D? Grath himself at hi* old and well kuown estab lishment, No. 39 South Kighth street, below Chestunt, Phila delphia. Druggists will addreas tl.elr orders to him alone. Sold by ail Druggists, and by CHA.S. STOTr A CO., Atents, Waahington. _ m 10-tf P" The Ureal Russian Remedy. ?Pre BONO PI BLICO.?" Every mother should have a box in the bouse handy In c*?e of accidents to tbe children " BIDDING'S BL89IA 8ALVB. It 1* a Boston remedy of thirty year*' standing, and Is re commended by physlciana. It I* a *ure and speedy cure for Burn*, Piles, Boils, Corn*, Felon*, rhllbalna, and Old Sores of every kind ; for Fever 8ores, Clears, Itch, Scald Head, Nettle Rash, Bunion*, Sore Nipple*, jrecommended by nurses,) Whitlows, Sties, Fester*, Flea Bltee, Spider Stings, Frozen Limb*, Salt Bheum, Scurvy, Bore and Cracked Llpe! Sore Nose, Wart* and Flesh Wounds, It Is a mo?t valuable remedy and cure, which can be testified to by thou<aeds who have used It In the city or Boston and vicinity for the laat thirty years. Id no Instance will thl* Salve do an Injury, or interfere with a physician'* prescriptions. It is tr.?de from the purest material*, from a recipe brought from Rna*l? cf article* growing In that country?and the proprietor* have letter* from all classes, clergymen, physician*, *e* captains unraea, and other* who have nsed It themselves, and recom mend It to otbera. Beddlng'a Russia Salve la pot in large tin boxes, stamped on the cover with a picture of a lioi seaud a disabled *oldler, which picture I* alao engraved on the wrapper. Price, as Cents a Box. Sold at all the stores Iu , town or country, and may be ordered of auy wholesale drag*Ut. For aale at SHILLINGTON'S, Agent for Wash ?gtou. U?M DLKD, On the20tb Instant, GEORGE BEDK, in the 59th year of his age. ' The friends of the family are respectfully invi ted to attend his funeral to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon, from his late residence, corner of Fifth and F stree s, at 3 o'clock * On the 19th instant, NIMROD CROMWELL, in the 79th year of his age. His remain* will leave for Baltimore at fe* o'clock to-morrow morning. # WANTS. WANTED-QN THE STEAMBOAT GEO PAGE, two more good Dinln? Room Ser vants. steady and capable. Enqnlre on board m s 0-e?3t? WANTED.?A WHITE GIRL TO NCJRSE n chl d about eight months old, and to travel during the summer months. To one that can corns well recomtrended liberal wage* will be given ; none other* reed applv. American girl prefrrred Apply to J H. T , Star Office to mor row evening, the aist inat., between 5 and 6 o'clock. m 20 2t# WA N?T E D?TWO AGENTS FOR^THE publishing firm of M?rten, Johnsoo A Co . of New York. Suitable men will apply to JAS CARTER 6.K street, between 1) and E, Island, before 9 o'clock a. m , or a/ier 4 o'clock p m m20-fo3t Rooms w a n t e d ?wanted, two pleasant Bedrooms and Parlor, in the nflgh borbood of Pa avenue, betwet-n l?th and4^ sts , by two single gentlemen. Address No. 60 Dex t?r's Hotel. m W-3t? inj FARMERS !?A MAN WELL AC quainted with the business of farming is wanted to manage a small Farm close by George town He must b? entirely trustworthy and strictly sober in his habits Such a nnn, with a 1 small family may hear of a go.-d situation by ap plying at ROBERT WHITE'S Grocery Store, near the Market House, Georgetown, D. C. m WANTI.D.-A YOUTH FROM 74 Tr0 16 ytars of age to learn the drug business None need apply unless well recommended for industry and nigh moral standing. Address "Druggist" Star Office, in hand writing of the I applicant ^ m l#-3t WANTED ?A WOMAN TO COOK, WASH a d iron for a small family. Reference re quired. Inquire at hrst house on E street, east of 2d, near City Hall in 10-3t 1X7ANTED IMMEDIATELY?TWO OR " three energetic business men to canvass for the NATIONAL SPECTATOR. A good cora nii?s!on will be allowed. Money can be made Apply at the office overSuter, Lea & Co's . Bank, 7th stieet. m 19_3t#_ onn WANTED.?to be secured V w by deed of trust on real estate worth more thai double the amout. Apply to LANSDALE A KIRK WOOD, R?al Pstate Agents, No. 514 7th street. m 17-3t? SERVANTS WANTED.?TWO AMERICAN ^ or German or Colt red woman, one as cook, washer t nd Ironer, the other as nurse and cham bermaid in a small family. Good reference re quired Apply to JONAS P LEVY, No 478 Penn avenue, Wine, Liquor and Grocery Store. m 14-lw WANTED IMMEDIATELY ?A GERMAN woman to cook, wash, and iron for a small family Also a nurse, who m st come well rec ommended Apply to JOHN SCHWARTZ, Drugglat, No. 4?8 Ptnn avenue. m 17-eo2t YYANTED?COUNTRY BOARD CAN BE v v obtained at a pleasant location near Bla densburg df pot, on reasonable terms after the 15th Inatant. 'Ihe groucds are well supplied with ?hade, making it a desirable retreat for families through the summer. An omnibus runs twice a day, btslde the con' enience of the cars, thus af fording ample faciitles for persons having busi ness in the city. MRS. D. JONES m 6 eolin* TVANIKL CAMPBELL, IN CLOSING HIS would thank his customers for their kind patronage, and i? doing ? sUtes that their respective accounts are mrde out and that prompt paytaei* will be expected All to whom he is ledebted will please present their AUCTION BAixEb. By WALL, BARNARD A CO , Auctioneers! QAA TONS OF riRST RATE ICE AT Anctlo n. ?On WEDNESDAY AF TK* NOON, the Hist instant, st 4# o'clock, vwe w.LI Mil at the Ice house west of the Obseivatorv, about 300 tons of verv thick and clear ice, equal In quality to the Beaton ankle The ice may be kept where it now la or removed at the option of the purchaser. The sale la positive. Terms: A credit of 30, 60, and 90 davs will be given for notes satisfactorily secured, bearing Interest WALL, BARNARD A CO., m iiO-lt Auctioneers. By WALL, BARNARD A CO , Auctioneers. Peremptory sale or carriages to cover advances, at Auctien.?On SAT URDAY AFTERNOON, the ?2d instant, at S o'clock, we will sell, in front if cur Auction Rooms to close consignments? * excellent four seat square Carriages, well fin ished 1 top Buggy Wagon, lined with enamelled leath er. well trimmed. The attention of persons In want of Carriages is invited to the above sale, as they will be posi tively said without reserve. Terms: One third cash; the balance on a credit of 60 and 90 days, for satisfactorily endorsed notes, bearing Interest WALL, BARNARD A CO., m 20-d Auctioneers. By JAS. C.McGUIRE. Auctioneer SUPERIOR ROSEWOOD CHH KfcRING Pianoforte, Furniture, and Housekeep ing Effects at Auction.-On THURSDAY MORNING, May 2tfd. at 10 o'clock, at the resi dence of the late Pe er Brady, on New York ave nue, between llth and 12th streets. I shall sell all the excellent Furniture and Housekeeping eflscts, vi: Superior Rrsewood case Pianoforte, Chickcring, nearly new Excellent mahogany and wa'nut Sofas Marble-top Centre Table, Workstands Flush covered Rocker, Parlor Chairs Nine excellent Venetian Blinds, Shades Candelibras, Mantel Ornaments Brussels and three ply Carpets, Rugs Mahogany Dining Tables, Sideboard Cane seat Chairs, Easv Chairs Refrigerator Butler's Tray, Table Cut ery China, Glass, and Crockery Ware Silver-plated Castors, Britannia Tea Set Mahcgany high-post Bedsteads. Bureaus Marble ton and plain Washstands, Toilet Sets Fejther Beds. Bolsters, and Pillows Hair and Husk Mattresses, Looking Glasses Set of " Harper," bound, excellent Spy-glass Stoves, Fire-irons, Lamps, A. Together with a general assortment of kitchen utensils. Terms: S30 and under, cash; over that sum a credit of sixty and ninety days, for satisfactorily tndorsed notes, bearing interest, m 19-d JAS C. McGUIRE, Auct'r. By A. green, Auctioneer. Household and kitchen fcrni tnre at Aactlen.?On MONDAY, thc26:h instaut. I shall sell, at the large brlrk house op posite Wlllard's Hotel, No. 231 Pennsylvania avenue, tetween 14th and 15th streets, at 10 o'cl'k a. m., an excellent assortment of Furniture, viz : Mahogany spring-seat Sofas, Parlor and Reeking Chairs Do Centre, Card, Dining and Breakfast Tables Do floe Bookc ise and Secretary Do Dressing aad other Bureaus, Wash closets Do Sideboard ard Dressing Glasses China, Glass ai d Crockeryware Girandoles, Candelebras rolar and other Lamps f hree ply, ingrain, Passage and Stair Carpets Fa*sage Oilcloth, Hearthrugs and Matting Windcw Curtains and Painted Shades Feather Beds, Bedding Hair and Shuck Mattresses Cooking, Radiator and other Stoves And a la-ge assortment of Kitchen Requisites Terms: ?30 and under cash; over that sum a credit of 30 and 60 days, for satisfactorily endorsed notes bearing interest. m 19 d A GREEN, Auct'r. MAR9HAI/& SALE ?IN VIRTUE OF A writ of Fieri Faclss issued from the Clerk's once cf the District of Co.umbla, for the County of WasLlugton, and to me directed, 1 will expose to public sale, for cash, on THURSDAY, the 29th day of May, 1856, in front of the Bank of Washington, In said District, at 10 o'clock a. m., the following Goods and Chattels, to wit: One pair of bay Horses ; one close Carriage and one set of double Harness, seized and levied upon as the property cf Samuel Chase Barnev and Mary E , his wife, and will be sold to satisfy Judicial No.25, to October term, If 56, in favor of Darius Clagett ?nd James B. Dodson, sur of Richard Naliy. J. D. HOOVER, Marshal m 19 tds for District of Columbia t ost BALK AKD RENT. first page for other Rent and Sale uoliees.] House to rent?no, 275 pknnsyl vania avenue, south side, between l?>th and llth streets, inquire on the premises. m 19-2t FHJR RENT?a RARE CHANCE?AN elegant situa lon for a dsguerlsn room. Also several flr,e rooms for various business purposes Over W1ESENFELDS A CO. m 2t) lw FOR RENT?A TWO STORY BRICK house on High street, Georgetown, a few doors above West, with ten good rooms, and a fine lot attached Apply to C MYERS A SON, at their Wood and Coal yard, No 27 Water street, or at their residence ltt street. To ? good tenant the rent will be moderate. m 19-tf A DESIRABLE LOT FOR SALE?NO. 54 in square 465, fronting 24 feet 9 Inches on Congress s reet, (Island) and running back S6 feet Price S250; S100 cash, Apply to JOHN McLEOD, Union Oflibe. m 19-3t? FOR SALE?A SMALL FRAME HOUSE containing seven rooms, and fronting on the President's grounds. Apply to JOHN P HIL TON. m 16-lw# FOR RENT ?FOUR N EW SMALL BRICK Houses just finished. Immediately northwest of the Capitol, between B street and the Railroad Depot. Apply at the Capitol extension to FRAN CIS J. BROOKS. _mJ5-eotf FOR RENT?a THREE STORY BRICK Dweliing, with extensive Back Building, a large lot of ground attached, with a pumpof good water in the yard, situated on K street, nearly op posite the Brewery. To a good tenant the rent will he made moderate. Appiy to COM S CAScIN, or at GODEY A CO'S , Litre Kiln, Beall street, between Congress and Washington ?treets, Georgetown. m2-eotf Farm for sale, or exchanged for CITY PHOl'ERTY ?A fin* Farm, within an hour's drive of the city, over the plank road It has an excellent dwelling-house and other nec essary buildings upon It. The place is well wa tered by several springs and streams, and has upon it apple and peach orchards, and other fruits. Also, crops of wheat, rye, oats, corn, and grass. The neighborhood is gi td, and the place very healthy. Apply to LANSDALE A KIRKVVOOD. ReaiE.tate Agents, No.514 7thstreet. ml7-eo2t* For sale, on accommodating TERMS ?That valuable Square cf ground, No 186,contalnli:g?J,'n V andW sts., north of Lafayette square. Also, Building Lota, and several small dwellings, either brick or frame, situated in various parts of the city. Apply to POLLARD WEBB, Real Es ate Agent, No 512, (2d story) 7th street. rn 15-lw* BOARDING. ONE LARGE ROOM handsomely FUK nlshed. and one large sized single room for rent, with board if desired There is a large yard attached to the house, making it desirable for a family with children. Location pleasant, and terms moderate Two table boaulers can be ac commodated. Apply to No. 466 10th street, be tween D and E, east side m 17-3t? Board,Ac.?m its. bates,on the s. w corncr of Pennsylvania avenue and 9th street iBpreparedtoaccommodategentlcracnwlthroonic, wither without beard. Every effort willl-e made to render those comfortable who may favor her with their patrcnage. &p ??tf <OAL! COAL!! COAL!!! TTTE ARK THIS DAY discharging A vv cargo of very superior Red Ash COAL, intended expressly for cocking purposes. Those wanting such an article will ao well to give us a call. Also, other kinds of COAL, both Red Ash and white, Anthracite and Cumberland. A constant supply of Oak and Pine WOOD on hand. CABTLEMAN A BRO , corner 8th and B streets, fronting m 17 (Intelligencer) National Hotel. PA PER? HANGINGS, Ac. Lately received a desirable se lectionofnew patterns of PAPER-HANG INGS, of Foreign and Domestic manufacture, In cluding a handsome assortment of French Gold Papers, Statues, Centre Pieces, Screens, Ac. Acknowledging past favors, my aim shall be to make the advantage mutual to those who favor me with their patronage JOHN MARKRITER, No. 5t-0 Seventh street, next door to m 17-3t? O F. Hall. ONLY 1SI? CENTS. BUCKLEY'S CELEBRATED SONG BOOK for the parlor, containing a collection of new and popular Songs, as sung by Buckley's New Orleans Serenades at their opera houae, B:0*4 way, New York. For sale by the agent, ALEX ADAMSON, mar 22-3m 7th street, opposite Poet Ofllr?. AUCTION SALES. T*i By J AS. C. MrSUIXE, Auctioneer liMTEE'S I ALB OF SMALL KHAM E Htair aad Let ?n tb? I aland.?(Mi TUESDAY AFTERNOON, May *Wh. at 6fc o'clock, 011 the premises, by vlrtoe of a dw4 of truat, dated October 1st. 1815, and duly recorded in Liber J . A 8., No 101, folios 396, $99.410, and 401, one of the land records for Washington oounty, the subscriber will sell at public auctlot, the west half of Lot No 23, In Square No 496, ranting 45 feet on south F between 4j( and 6?h running back 79 feet 9 incbes to a 30 feet alley, with the Improvements, consisting of a nearly new two-atory Fran e Dwelling-Houae, containing four good room*, with an excellest kitchen detached from the main building. A pump of excellent water la near by Term* cash. B JOST. Trustee mlJd J AS C McGUIRE. Auct'r. ICTtki above aale la naavaldabiy mi|. Soned until TUESDAY AFTKRNOON. June *th,<ame hour and place B JOST. Trustee m 19-d J A" C McGUIRR, Aact'r. MARSHAL'S SALE?IN VIRTUE OF if J. two writs of Fieri Facias issued from the Clerk's Oflce of the Dlat let of Columbia, for tbe county of Washington, and to we directed, 1 shall expose to public aale, for cash. In front of the Court-house door of said county, on TUESDAY, tbe 10th day of June,IS56, the foil owing described property, to wit: All the right, title, and Interest of Robert S. Clark and Wm Gutridge. In and to lot No. 12 In Square No 88, together with all and singular the improvements thereon. a? laid down on the plat of the city of Wa?hlngton, aeized and levied upon as the property of Robert 8. Clark and William Gutridge. and will be sold to satisfy Judicial* No. 189 ana 130, to Mtrch term, ls5s. In favor of Thomas S Beal 1. J. D HOOVER, Marshal in 14-dts f r District of Columbia. By A. GREEN, Auctioneer. Handsome hoiski.old and eucR* ea Furnitare and very saperier Rose* wood Flan* Forte at Anctlan.?On THL'RS DAY, the 93d lnatant, 1 shall sell, at 10 o'clock a m . at the residence of Col. W. F Wilson, No. 441, north I, b?-tw<en 9th and 10th streets west, an excellent assortment of nearly new Fur niture, vlx: Very superior Rosewood case Plato Forte made by Knate A Gaehle, of Baltimore, 7# oc taves, ft fine tone and touch, of modern style and beautiful finish, stool and cover. Mahogany and Walnut Sofia Parlor and Rocking Chair* Mahogany and Walnut Marble-top Centre and Sofa Tables Fine Walnut Gothic Bedsteads, Bureaus, and Side Tables Gothic Gilt-frame Mirror Parlor and other Window Cur'alns China. Glass, Crockery, and Stone ware Ivory-nandled Knives. Plated Forks, Castors, Ac. Fine Feather Beds and Bedding Hair and Shuck Mattresses Cottage and other Bedstead* Wash stand and Toilet sets Parlor. Passage, Stair, and Chamber Carpets Radiator and other f toves With a good assortment of Kitchen requisites With inany other articles which we deem un necessary to enumerate. Terms: Under ?*& cash; over 25, a credit of sixty and ninety days, for notes satisfactorily en dorsed, bearing inUrost. A GREEN, tn 16-d Auctioneer Bv WALL. BARNARD A CO ; Auctioneers ON TUESDAY AFTERNOON THE 20th Instant, at 5 o'clock, we will sell, in front of the premises, parts of Lota 21, 56, 57, and 56, j* qua re 387, island, fronting 24 feet 7 Inches on loth street west, near D. and running back 97 feet 11 Inches to a 12 feet alley. Thi* loti< in a fast improving vicinity, and la a beautiful building lot. Title good. Terms : One third cash; the residue in six and twelvemonths, :or notes satisfactorily secured, and bearing interest. WALL, BARNARD A CO., in 15-d Auctioneer*. By JAS. C. McGUIRE, Auctioneer C^OVFKNWENT 9 ALE OF VACANT Lota T lathe tityrf Wasninstoa ? On TUES DAY At-TER!\OON, May ?7th, at 3 o'clock, at the Auction Room*, I shal' sell, bv order of the Commissioner of the Public Bu; dings, the fol lowing ^described City Lots belonging to the Square. No. of Lois. 33 4 36 8 and 9 51 3 69 part of 23 116 4, 5, IS, 17, 18, 19, and 20 551 1,2,3,4,5,8,9,13,14,11, 10, 17, 18, 24 ? 13 3 636 south half of 15 052 14, 15, Iff, 17, and 1? 653 4 656 1 65S 1,2,3, and 4 660 5 667 4 So. Of 667 4 E. Of so of 657 4, 5,8,9,10 E. of so.of a 667 1 835 13 959 11, 12,13, 14 E. of 1025 8 So. of 1167 1 S. E. of 1068 1 8 oflUH) 1 1111 15.16,17,18.19 1119 1,2.10,11,12,13,14 1125 1,2,11,12,13.14,15,16 1126 1, 2, 10 11, 12, 13, 14 1127 3,4,5,6,7,3 1128 1,2,9,10,11,1* 1129 3,4,5,6,7,8,9 11 <2 1,2,11,12,13,14,15 1133 1, 2, 10, 11 12, 13, 14 1134 -1,2,9,10,11,12 1135 3,4,5,6,7,8 1136 IV, 11, IV, 13 1137 1,2,11,12,13,14,15,16 1118 1,2,10,11,12,13,14 1139 1,2.9,10,11,12 1140 1,2,9,10,11,12 1141 1,2,11.12,13,14,15,16 1142 3,4.5,6,7,8,9 1143 1,2,9,10,11.12 1144 1,2,3.4,5.6,15,16 Terms of sale . One-third cash; the residue la two equal payments, at 6 and 12 months, with in terest. The terms of the sale must be complied with In five davs thereafter, or the property will be resold at the risk and expense of tne delinquent purcha ser. J B BLAKE, Commissioner of Public Buildings, ap 26 2aw J C. McGUIRE, Auct By JAS C. McGUIRE, Auctioneer First-class residence, cokner of 15th aud H streets, at Public Aactisa. On FRIDAY AFTERNOON, May i3, at 6 o'clock, on the premises, 1 shall sell parts of Lot* 17, 18, 19, and 20, in squars No 221, fronting 57 feet on N orth II street*, at tbe corner of 15th meet west, rum ing hack 136 feet on 15th street,contain* ing 8,712 sq u.ire feet of ground, with the improve ments, consisting of a handsome and well-built three-story and basement brick dwelling with large back building, containlcg in all sixteen rooms. This properly was built by Capt Page for his own use, and no expense was spared in making it in every respect a desirable residence. The house is supplied throughout with gas, hes a pump of excellent water In the yard. Ac. Possession given immediately. Terms: One-fourth cash; residue in 6, 12, and 18 months, for notes bearing interest, secured on the premises. m 19 d J. U. McGUIRE, Auct By A. 6REEN, Auctioueer TRUSTEE'S SALE?On THURSDAY, the 29th day of May, Ip56, at 6 o'clock p. m , In front of the premise's, bv virtue of a deed of truwt to me, datea May 12>.h, 1**S4, and recorded in Li ber J A. 8., No. 77, folios 485, Ac., one of the land records of Washington county. District of Columbia. Let No 1, Square No 539, having a front on Tnlrd stre* t west of 45 feet 9 inches, and 75 feet on G street south Terms: Ore-third cash ; th? balance in equal payments of six and twelve months, with Inter est A deed given and a deed of trust taken to se cure deferred payments. J. H. GODDARD, Trustee m 17-eoAds A. GREEN, Auct. By A. GREEN, Auctioneer. ALE BY ORDER OF T1IE ORPHANS' Court of the Ferssaal Effects of Thomas W. Perkins, deceased.? On WEDNESDAY, the 21st instant, I shall sell, by order of the Or phans' Court, commencing at 10 o'clock a. m., at the late residence of Thomas W. Perkins, de ceased, about 1J{ miles from the Anaccstia or Na vy Yard bridge. on the Marlborough road, ad joining Good Hope, all the Stock. Farming Uten sils, Wagons, Carts, and Furniture of the de ceased, viz: 4 Horses, yoke of Oxen, 1 milch Cow 3 Wagons, 1 Carriage 1 Ox Cart and two Bodies 1 Horte Cart and two Bodies Large lot of Harness Lot of Ralls and Lumber Hogsheads and Barrels, Hot bed 8ash Feather Beds, Bedding Mattresses and Bedsteads Tables, Chairs, Carpeting Oilcloth. Matting Clocks, Looking Glasses Bureaus and Sideboard China, Glass and Crockery Ware Stoves, Kitchen Utensils, Chest of Tools Fsrmlng and Gardealng Implements With many other articles which we deeui unne cessary to enumerate. Terms cash. MARY A. PERKINS, Administratrix, m 14-eoAds A. GREEN. Auct. S rKLtWRAPHIC ITBWtt, 7R0M THK A8SOCIATXD PRESS BY HOt'tC PRINTING TELEGRAPH. Hew Orleans Markets New Orliahi, May 19 ?Ootton is an changed ; hIn to-dsv of i,Mt bales Fur Sugar 7}c ; molassea ?T#e ; choice to reboiled 40c. Corn it a trifle higher ; sales at &0a6Sc Meat pork $16 Mlatlfl ?Ti Freghla on ootton to Liverpool 13-32d Sterling exchange v? premium Baltimore Marketa Baltimorb, May 20 ?Flonr baa advanced ; sales at fft lliatd 25 for Howard etroet W heat ia a trifle higher good to prime reda SI 4la$l 46: good to priae white SI OlaSl 71. Corn it steady ; 44a48c for white, and 49a51o~ for yellow Provisions are in better demand, and the market ia firm. Bacon?Shoulder* TJaabfc . sides hamt, plain, 111? Meet pork $ 19. Hew York Markett. New York May 20 ? Flour ig%rocping, tales of S09 bbl?.; rommnn to good State a4 56a $6: common to low of extra Ohio $6.90a$6.S7; good to standard Southern $6 25aS7; fancy to extra do S7a$8 25. Wheat Is firm; sale* of 4,000 busbela, South ern red #150; white *1.80 Corn ia steady; sale* of 20,0uu buahela. Southern mixed 57o Pork ia eaaier; tales of 250 bbls ; me.-a S19 121. Beef ia heavy, talet of 250 bblt ; Chicago repacked $12 Lard it firm at 10ic Whiaky ia unchangod ; aalet of 150 bbla at 2d?, for Ohio. ALEXANDRIA CORRESPONDENCE AtxxaxnmiA, May 20, 1856. The circuit court, Judge J. W. Tyler, opened ita May term here yesterday, and throughout the day'a session the court houre was thronged. The grand jury ignored the indictment again* Francis Hanraty&r the murder of his wife and several criminal triala were tetfor various periods of the term Among the attorneya present was our former fellow-eitisen, Hon. II W. Davit, of Maryland A fire proof brick ttabie in the rear of the Methodist Protestant church, belonging to Jas McOraw, waa fired yesterday morning, and it waa not without considerable effort, and after some damage to the interior framing, that the firemen were enabled to subdue the flame*. Two runaway r.egroea, one the alave of Joshua Pierce of Montgomery, and the other lelonging to Henry Douglaas of Washington 1> C , were arrested on Sunday by 0%<?er Chipley, and are now in jail awaiting the claim of their owners. A large lot of real estate is offered for sale in front of the Mayor s office at noon to dav- an<l v e presume, the moat of it will change hands The approach of our county election hat de veloped some atrange things. The culvert it fell has been undermined; and Know Noth lngisrn c.iught in it* own trap, falls in the camp ot itf friends. It ia amusing to see with *bfct*J7 <>nrgood frienda Qf the Firet \\.:rd Council, Second Ward Council, Ac , swallow the dose compounded for them after the rery newest Hindoo receipt, by the United Americans, in what the Sentinel calls the ? miner tub. By a skillful arrangement ot party machinery the American party here haa been made into a vast bellows to blow the fire that one small smithy may keep its irons hot. Sam is but a gyp.-ey at best, and finding his enemies too cute hie needs must cheat hia friends to keep hit hand in. The fish wharf ia almost deserted, few vet sels coming up. Shad however continue good but the herring are very inferior. F'ourisquoted at$5 75a$6 Wheat white SI 50; red 51 30. Corn 50c. Oats 33c Ami. THK ARTIC REFRIGERATOR. 11UE FIRST EVER introduced INTO thla market, la for aale at the Houae furnisbtn? Ware-rooms of t be subscriber Thla matchless article need* bnt to be seen to be admired and approved; and the pulillc are lasted to call at the a ore where a mcdel with glass doom la kept in constant operation showing the circulation of air In the refrigerator' which continues as long as there Is Ice in It No ventilation from the external air is permitted oi need d. on account tf the constant purification of the air by its passage through the ice The air leaves the ice a temperature of ? la a dense and dry state, and falls directly upon articles below the ice box, thus producing the results of refrige ration never obtained b? fore by any other refrige rator For sale by the subscriber, agent of the manu facturer N. M McGREGOR, m 17-eolw No 530 Seventh street IRON HALL ? Baot, Shee, and Trunk fcstabllisbaaeut. Fa artnue b*iwtt?9tk and \0tk ?tt. JUST Rl CE1VKD A LAKOt AS8UKMKNT of Gentlemen's Imported *?' rench Gai tets, Molia-VIl.'e Shoes, manufactured by SHI Mel us Paus, for my own sales [U Call early a: d examine mv stock. 1 have alto, ladies' whole and half Gaiters, at 50 c*^ ard $1, made by McCurdy, "o?lgtnaT' Children's Shoos at 37kc., old style. My stock of Traveling Trunks, Vallaes. Caroet Bass . Ac., la the larger In the city ' Ca'l on 8 P. HOOVER. m * Iron Hall MEDICAL. CARD. DK H. PERABEAU. GERMAN HO.MEO pat hie pbvslc an, has the honor to otter hla services to the inhabitants of Washington and vicinity. UAce on D stretl, two doors west of Oth, where he will be found from U to 12 a . m , and from 4 to ?p m Re-ldence on 1 atraet, No. 188, between 20th and 21st streets N. B?Homeoptathlc medicines for sale which the Doctor prepares himself wita the greatest care, for Fever ana Ague, for Bllous and Bowel complaints, Ac , Ac. m i6-:im (UOtKS-CLOtkS-tLOtAI-A^REAI J variety of CLOCKS, ail warranted iom keep good time one year, at Aj J. ROBINSON'S, &p| 349 P- nosylvanla avenue, E5I ap2t-lm opposite Browns' Hotel. OAIZK MERINO AND SILK UNDER. SHIRT* AND DRtW EKl, Another and very large supply of Gentlemen's Underdrew this day opened of every variety of size and quality, such as GaczeJMl* SHIRTS and DRAWERS Do Merino Do Do Do Cotton Do Do Do Thread Do Do Do Shaker Do Do A!ao, a full supply of Linen and Jean DRAW ERS, of gold quality and styles. It will be recollected that'we buy exclusively for cash, and that we ofiVr the best goods at tb? loweat and uniform prloes, at STEVENS'S m le-tf Salesroom, Browns' Hotel. JUST ARRIVED? 5* cases Timer Brother*' Ginger Wine. Rasp, berry ai d Biackberry Brandv, and dally expected a choice lot of Syrup* of all flavors, for Soda Wa ters ARNYASHINN, No. 57 Green street. Georgetown _m IS- (Intel A Organ) ,4 LARGE LOT OF F ANCT GOODS, x*. Combs, Fans, Perfumery, Ac , very low at JOHN F ELLIS'S. 3U6 Pa avenue m 14-tr DK. J. THORNE, HOMEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN 4 8URGE0H. OFFICE A X T> KKS1DKVC*. Corner 13th st. wad New York avenue. WASHINGTON, D.C. Office hours?8 to 10, 2 ta 4, 8 to 10 m7-3a,a STRAW BEKIi IKS? S1LRA WBERRIEb ABK SERVED AT C GAU'l 1 ER'S #A LOON at 25 cents per saucer. Families who d sire them by the quart can apply ^ C. GAUTIER'S. m 16?Ct 252 Pennsylvania nvenue PEJITLEMKN'B DRESS SHIRTS.-Our -* assortment In (his department Is very com plete, and we effer the beat quality and the largest variety at uniform and moderate prices, at STEVEN8'8 m 16-tf , Salesroom, Browns' Hotel Fresh milk from R NICOLS SNOW DEN'S Farm of FA I R L A N D , for sale by O. V. DURFEK, in 16-lmO No 485 Tenth street, f OR MOUNT VERNON. ON TUESDAYS AND FRIDAYS.?FARE, ROUND TR4P, fl; FROM _ J ALE X A N D R1A 7ft C BN TS?The^^S^HL steamer THOMAS COLLYER leavS^YaTiHg tonatt aad Alexandria ato'clock. Coaches leave the Oapitol for the l>oat at Hk o'clock. Coach far* 10 conta. Persoaa wishing the coaches will leave th-'r residence with George A Thomas Parker. Refreshments on tne boat ap2-tf BAM'L GEDNEY, CapUU.