Newspaper Page Text
EVENING STAR. BRILLIANTS. THE GROUND SWELL. How afttht ihidft of twnlug creep O'er yonder dewy sea, F balDay bu lulled to sleep The tenant* of the tree ! No wandering breeze Is here to awe*?p '?i?k?<lowv ripple o'er the deep, ? *t swells the heaving sea. How calm the sky! K est. Ocean, rest ? F rom storms and raffle ftee; Calm as the Image on thy breast, Of her that governs thee f And yet, beneath the moon's mild reign, Thy broad breast heaves as one in pain Thou dark and silent sea ! There are whom fortune vainly wooa With all her pageantry. Whom every flittering hltsa pursues, Tet still they faie like thee; The spell Is laid within their mind Least wretched then when most resigned, Their hearts throb alleotly ?Hebtr. SENTIMENT. Oh, that so holy thoughts would of ener stoop Where music middens?thousand tapers gleam 1 saw her 'mid a lovely, dancing group? I saw her lightly leap and gently droop She semed a lily, walking in a dream By ripples hushed, upon a moonlit stream? A truant lily, wandering in a trance: ?ad as she glid where full thatapers blazed Upon bar pale, transparent countenance: And as her meek blue eyes she half way raised, And then mov d on, slow swimming in the dance ' di?y h">w, and gazed and gaz?l, As If half waked at dawning," bad found l ce d ly sta; singing, dancing on the ground ! JUSTE MILIEU. Truth's in all creeds, our smooth eclectics cry: Nay, truth is one, not many, 1 reply; Grind you all paints you have a dfrtv white ; Unwixed the sun sends fortli the pure white light. ARRIVALS AT PRINCIPAL HOTELS. Pfatisnal Hatst-wiiLiix sir W R West, Pa CT Little, NY W M McPharson, Md J P Hasbro :ck, do F Hunter, do J H Norwood A ly, SC P Greeley. NY J A Whipple, Fla D G Hall, R1 W P Qulsenbjrry, Va K Read, do C L Dade, do G A Bell. NY Stein. Md G Dumonk, Mass W Ayrault, do Dr C M Hitchcock, Cal O Hutchinson. NY T B Laurenson, Md J M Emerson A fam, la F P Chiles. Mo J A Clifton, Md K Lawton, Mass T t* Wagner, Pa W H Kin* Pa F T Laliey, Me S H Gray & ly, N Y Mlaa L Pyne s May, Pa Harrison N E beelong, Ct J D Murray, Md W L Kenly, Md W P Dabney, Va G W R Beard, do G W Munford, sr, do EC Lucas, do C R Wood sen, do Hon A G Brown A fam, G A Harman. do Mi A R Kenntdy, Ct Krswfii' Ui:|l_f p mwi Dr R Craln, Md W Day, Cal CAP Man, do .Mast Day, do Y ?a?rber 5? K D Ledyard, son, Ala A J Peck, do M Nekton, fam, La F H Hllyard, Mo J 8 Wil son, fam, Md EHappock. NY A D Hall, lr, NY J A Hawkes, O L L Stevens, do S Caruthers, Mo W Taliaferro, Va G Bassoruge Paris R T Merrick, Md W L Salisbury, Mo J Pouder, Pa f Z U j R A Schuabie, ly, N Y J W Garf^son. do E Jewett, ly, Vt W Spencer, Va F Stoke*. O Mrs Thornton, do M C Ryan, do Mlse Thornton, do P Vallente, NY Miss Watkins, do T C Walsh ly Va Mr Thornton, do J A Sherburn, Md ? i?Tlett' ** Alexanker, ly, Pa ?^V..Lea8ut>; do Miss Phillips, do J G Harris, USN Miss Handlv. do J Bennett, N Y Mrs Berry, Va Wllludi' Hetel?i. e. A ?. a. wituu HEMlan, Pa C Handr A ly, Pa A Lag una, do B Oterman ? ? V Y 9 G Bowdlear A ly, Mass o ? Tenn Capt L Jones. USA iiA j??,,borK' Md 8 ? Stevens, N HI y?PJl1!1#rton' 6* E 8 Sanborne, do T P W hluteel C Miller A ly. N Y F Brown, Ala G B Preston, Mass C?hen? Cal O R Pruth A ly, NY* J M Barb our, NY H Burden do * ly' F Ohern, Md A ^ F USN _ H H Wyimas, NH LdelaCova.Pa W J Hooley, NY W F Brooks, do v H J Rogers, Md ? JniSL1hlteomb, Me B F Jones i ly. Mass a p Gen J Hamilton, SC R Coadv. NJ Airaweed Hsase?i. t i, naxweea. Maat De Shellds, La J Farran, NJ T LlofB, Md " Com Jones, USN H H Stewart. USN D McCann, Md B F Garvin, do W M Williams, do M Kellogg, do J S Holt man, Tex W H Rutcerford, Pa C E Willis, Mass d? D Murphy A ly, do J W Babcock, Mln C K Ide, Pa E Rice, do MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMERS. f HO M TH1 ajflTED STATU Nmmi L?a*<? For Dmp. A merlca Boaton Liverpool.... May 21 Atlantic New Vork....Liverpool...May 2i A?? Naw York....Liverpool...Mav rioMHiori, Bavre New York...May 7 Liverpool.... Bot Ion May 10 Baltic Liverpool....New York ...May 14 Africa Liverpool....New York May 17 Tha California steamers leave New York on the 5th and H'.th of each month WTRAW AND FRESCH SOFT HATS b^ntlemen In want of something new and beautiful In the way of Summer Hatscanbegrati fled at the cheap cash Bazaar, corner of 0tn street and Penn avenue. m 16-eo2w HOPKINS. HE STEADIER UEUROE WASH I TON wiU depart at the follow- _ jrTr-^M lng hours: Alexandria 7*. 9, 11, U,3^,5u Leave Washington...a, 10. 12, 2k, 4M, 8 ' *-4 JOB CORSON, Captain T ap THE STEAMER UEORUE PAGE IS i now running regularly between -n ? - Washington and Alexandria at the following hours: Leave Alexandria 4*, b, 10,12, iitf, 4*, and ? o'clock. Leave Washington Gjf. ?, 3v,5v,and 7 o'clock. ILLIS l! I'klCE, Captain mar 34 r LIKLT. MAtJRT S PHYSICAL GEOG raphv of the Sea, new edition Alison s Hlsiory of Europe, second series, 2 voto. Vagabond Life in Mexico, by Gabriel Ferry Professor Loomls' Arithmetic Cicero's Orations, literally translated Cruden s Complete Concordance to the Bible, 1 VOl. OTO ' Eloquencs, by the Rev. Henry C. Fish, 2 vols, Svo FRANCH TAYLO R. O- LI) COGNAC BRANDT. J uat received out of the Custom House at New York? Fin? Old Martell Brandy of l*-40 Fine Old Marrett Brandy of Igil Choice Old Whisky, none better In the country Brown Stout, Scotch Ale Bottled Cider Old Cheeee f?T?leby JONAS P. LEVY, Clvarm in Wln*? Liquor aud Havana Ht"1! and Fine Orocerlfs m 6 tf COtUHS. COLDS, hOAItSENEM, Ac. lo Pulmo"nr A flee to the^Sf.ciiilT',1 tryln^ owing ii..ia ' in temperature: yet bv a 157*,ctfSKu!ln"SKi c"?P?"on T LER S COMPOUND GUM ARABIC SYRl.'P has been so long known and highly aDnVi?t*Ii as one of oar most Innocent, yet ?^acfouT^fut? ?ant, andjslnce(th? redaction in price,) econon5" cal remedies, that It may be recommended aad nsed with the utmost couidt-noe Itissoldatiu cants, or three bottle* in one, 30 cents. Wholesale by PATTBRSON A NAIRN and STOTT A CO ; aid retail by most Druggists In Alexan dria bv PEEL A STEVENS; Georgetown by Mr CISBKLL Jy( ly JONAS P. LEVY, ? IS WINES, LIQUORS, CIOASS, AND JINN groceries, No 474 Pa av , twe doors below U 8 HoUl, WilH'SSTOS ClTT. D. C. N. B ?Country Merchaatsara reqaedad is ?lvi Me a oall before porehaslag elsewherT aas-ur ftATEN ICE tRIAM FREEZERS, A LI. Pllces always low. ?P * G. FRANCIS, 4W) Seventh at. SINGER'S Improved Sewing Machines. Te which was araated the hl|heilAwtrd ef the Paris KxnibitUi, thereby receiving the WwU'i Verdict e( Saperierity. The improvements in this ma ehlne has simplified them In many respect* and thev arec?ipr?bf"of executing twice the amoani of work they did formerly In any given time They are without question the only Machines ca JUiJl' J!L8^W,ng !Very T*rletT of Poods perfect; a shirt bosom or heavy trace for harneis ran be ?ewnby any of these machines by a simple change of needle aad thread In snch a manner that the closest scrutiny cannot detect a fhult. .-;1planters and families will find v S? ?.nIy Machines to purchase, as they are built strong and durable, and not likely to gat out of order. 7 W? haw? machines with guages attached, for ??P-fronte, gaiters, Ac. ^ Cotton, Needles, Ac., constantly on hand, at the lowest rates. Persons desirous of information regarding Sew ing Machines will please address I. M. SINGER A CO., 103 Baltimore street, Baltimore. N. B.?We are prepared to exchange these ma chines for old machines of any kind Terms lib eral Persons who have been Induced to purchase Inferior machine* under the pretext of being oheap, will find this a benefit Indeed. mar 10?tf mil MUTMS. Blfitir * BUY AND SELL FOBEIGN AND DOMESTIC EXCHANGE; FURNISH DRAFTS On all Parti of United States and Europr, COLLECT DRAFTS On all part* of United State* and Europe; DRAW BILLS ON IRELAND FOR XI UK UPWARDS; ? _ BUY AND SELL BONDS, STOCKS, A OTHER SECURITIES; NEGOTIATE TIME PAl'Ell. lavsstmeut paying 10 V and ever, for sale. LAND WARBANTS. We are at all times Purchasing, and have for Sale, LAND \V ARK ANTS of all denominations. Land Warrants located In Iowa. Wisconsin, or Minnesota. CHUBB BROTHERS, Jan <3-tf Bankers, t pposlte the Treasury. SO VEIN WARUKOOM, *e. ' | WILLIAM 1'LANT * CO., BNDE5.7A *? KEU.S-resldenc.e418 Seventh itreet, between ti H streets. CZ 7J ? a [ntermenU procured ia any ground ?r cemetery. Coffins, Caps, Shrouds, Carriages, Hearse, tnd every irttdfl for liter meats of ihe best quality furnished at short nctloe, on Vet tiost reasonable terras, and at ail hours of the ^ght. Having the exclusive light of Crump's patent Corpse Praserver, we guarantee to keep the <ead for any length of time. jy 11?ly ANTHONY BUCHLT, UNDERTAKE R Shop and Residence Ne. 303 Penn. arena*, ??ath side, between 9th and 10th sts., Having provided himself with an ELEGANT HEARSK, * " and all necessary conveniences for properly conducting hi* business, would respectfully inform the public that he Is fully prepared to All all orders entrusted to him it the shortes- notice, and in the best manner A large supply of READY-MADE COFFINS of all sizes, alwavs on hand, which will be fur nished on the most reasonable terms. As heretofore, no pains will be spared to give entire satisfaction on all occasions. N. B.?Resld ng on the premises, orders will be promptly attended to at all hours feb 7-ly J. CONNELLY, Undertaker, No. 423 Seventh street, west side, let. O and H WOULD RESPECTFULLY INFORM the citizens of Washington and . Ihe adjoining counties that he prepared to attend to all orders at ihe shortest notice and on the mo?t liberal terms, Ue will spore no pains to give entire satisfaction jn ail occasions He guarantees to preserve the ime warmest weather for any length of A large supply of ready made COFFINS of ill sf-es and qualities, always on hand. Shrouds, Carriages, Hearses, and every other irtlcle furnished of the best quality. A *bare of the public patronage is respeetfully >ollcited- mar 94-tf PROPOSALS FOR GUNPOWDER. ORDNANCE OFFICE, ) P Washington. Aprll-23, lsofi ( ROPOSALS are invited from the Powder Manufacturers of the country for fur nishing Five Thousand Harreis of Gunpowder ?r any portion of that quantity not lets than one thousand barrels. Four-fifths of the Powder to ^furnished must b? Cannon Powder, and one tlfth Mutfket Powder; and the whole amount that niay be ordered roust be delivered at the harbor of New York by the 1st of August, 1?56, and not ?ooner than the *>th July, IS56. Contracts will be entered Into only with those who can give sat isfactory assurance of their ability to manufacture Powder of the quailty required for Government use. The proportions of the Ingredients of Powder tor the mllltarv service are 75 parts of nitre, 15 parts of charcoal, and 10 parts of sulphui The Ingredients to be used In the manufacture must be of the highest degree of purity; the nitre must not contain mare than l-3000th part of chloride* the charcoal must be obtained from sound ioillow or pophr wood, of not more than three or four years' growth; and the sulphur of such purity that In burning loo grains In a glnss vessel the residuum shall not exceed a small fraction of a ?raln Jhe Powder must be packed In barrels of ?ne hundred pounds earh ; the barrels to be made [)f well-seasoned white oak, and hooped with uicxory or cedar hoops (the latter preferable) de Pkfi'V^ # .v i!r ' hoops to cover two .birds of the barrel, and to t>e secured by copper nails; jn'tead of a bung on the side, a screw hole Jne and a half Inch diameter must be made In tbe lead of the barrel, and closed by a wood screw with an octagonal head, not projecting beyond the ?nds of the staves, with a washer under it of thin leathT steeped in a solution of beee wax insphits ' a"d a.P,ece of d^h gl ied over the head of the fcrew plug. .Jh:Jn*r?Lent""and a,9? the P^wdw, during ? *b/lTatton> w,1l be subject toinspec aby office? of the Ordnance DepJrt ? the Ordnance Manual, (to whlCQ bidders are referred ) and none will bi re ceived unless approved by the Inspector. The In spection will be made at the powder works, and certllcates will be given by the Inspector to the contractors, on the presentation of which with receipts, by the ordnance officer stationed'in tbe barhor of New York, for the powder delivered there, payment will I* made to the full amount The propotais must state the price per 100 iionnds, (barrel included,) and must be endorsed Proposals for Gunpowder," and directed to the undersigned, at the Ordnance Office, Washing ton, D. C., where they will be opened on the240i at May In the presence of the bidders, or of such of them as may choose to appear if. K. CRAIG, Colonel of Ordnance. Philadelphia Argus; Day Book and Military Argus, New V ork; Boston Post; and Hartford rimes. Each of the above papers win send one . paF?f? Cjnt?ln>n? advertisement, and ilso thejr bills, to the Ordnance Offlce ap 24-dbMMay ORDNANCE OFFICK ) WasaiNeTOM, May 1, lfiM. \ HE WHOLE QUANTITY OF POWDER required under the above advertisement is re luced to three thousand barrels, four-fifths cf it C^.1on P?wder an<* one-fifth musket powder, th all the other conditions of the above adver tlsement unchanged H K CRAIG, Colonel of Ordnonce. u?"c* aod^jh.t NOTICE To the holders of Bonds, Certificate,, or other Evidences of the Debt of the S ate of Texas Fel^udri' MM*"0 ther,o/> undtr aet ?f of the late tepubllc of Texas as are comprehended In the act of Congress of September 9, l-<56 "re qui res the Secretary of the Treasury to give notice ,he 01 ninety ^der laid Jt W wlJlbe made And whereas notice was Issued on the 27th by 'his department, and duly pub ;orlh ?a,d 4rl ot Congree,, Sf?le fr legislature of the State of Texas assent prortdM for .o be ?led .1 affidavits, th^^in rll^?2 Jrnine.nU' 'e'ea'M*, and the 1st of J udp nei^ ?Ut' th,rtyd*y? P^or to vld^h^^Tj^v^^^ Jlb^^on further pro certlicate, or etidenc- of L any bond, thirty days before SttLF}? ^h!ch *ha11 not? cee, be presented at the T^as.^r? by *a,d notl" Notlce is hereby jrtTen ^17 ^Partment : bonds, certificates, or other of "V debt, that unlese ths same shin of M,d this department within siity-davi mt thereof, they will be excluded ft.lra vT.? th* date ..Id tot, ag'rwbl, to tb.t.h iT,,?'1; jgy7' JAMES GUTHrTk^ ? .?PJ? Secretary of the Treisu^y, GO AND EXAMINE THE MOST?N Pi. ANOS at ELLIS'S Music Store, *?, hetw ?m and lock streets '3pv TO P H AM * NOKFLKT'I NEW AND CHEAP SADDLE, HARNESS AND TBTJHX STORE, 4M Seventh at , opposite Odd Fellows' Hall MESSRS. TOPHAM. MRVV\ late of Philadelphia, and MEI*!{| Hi^NORFLET of Ihls clty.^^BVBa ? respectfully announce their friends and the public, that they hare com menced the Saddling Business at the above stand, where they will make and keep constantly on hand a large and superior assortment of?Mens', Ladles' and Boys' SADDLES, BRIDLFS, MARTINGALES.and WHIPS. HARNESS of every description, Doth for city and country use. All kinds oi TRUNKS, VALISES, and CAR PET BAGS Ladles'SATCHELS, TRAVEL ING BASKETS.and FANCY WORK BOXES. HORSE BLANKETS. COVERS, COLLARS, and HAMES. Horse,Spoke, and Dust BRUSH ES. CARDS, CURRY-COMBS. SPONGES, All material used will be the best that can be obtained; and both of us having been practical workmen for several years, we feel conldent that our work cannot be surpassed, either for style or durability. By unremitting efforts to give satis faction we hope to merit, and respectfully solicit, a share <of public patronags. Pastfcular attention pnld to coverlag Trunks and repairing all kinds of work. Saddlers' tools constant!v on hand, aev 7?tf AVER'S PILLS A NEW AND SINGULARLY SUCCESS fill remedy for the cure of all lilllous dis eases?Costiveness, Indigestion, Jaundice, Drop sy, Rheumatism, Fevers, Gout, Nervousness, Humours, Irritability, Inflammations, Headache, Pains in the Breast, Side, Back, and Limbs * emale Complaints, Ac.. Ac. Indeed,ve;y few are the diseases which a purgative medicine is not more or less required, and much sickness and suffering might he prevented If a harmless but ettectual Cathartic were more freely used No person can feel well while a costive habit of body prevail*; besides It soon generates serious ana often fatal diseases which might have been avoided by the timely and judicoHs use of a food purgative. This is alike true of Colds, Feverish symptoms, and Bilious derangements. They an tend to become or produce the deep seated and formidable distempers which load the hearses an ?J" - an.d Hence a reliable family physic is importance to tbe PuWlc health, and this Pin has been perfected with consummate skill to meet that demand. An extensive trial of its vlrtuet by Physicians. Professors, and Pa i.r.v 2 8"owa results surpassing any thing hitherto known of any medicine. Cures hrve been effected beyond belief, were they not sub stantiated by persons of *uch exalted positions trut^ raCter a8 ^ lbe 8UI,plclon of un Among the eminent gentlemen who have testl fled in favor of the-e Pills, we mav mention: Doct. A.A.HAYES, Analytical Chemist of Hoston, and State Assayer of Massachusetts, wuose high Professional character is endorsed by the ' AR" EVtRKT r' of,he KUIiKRT C W1NTHROP, El gn,,ker of the House of Representatives ABBOTT LAWRENCE, Minister Plen , to England nffR?\HN B, "TZPARICK. Catholic Bishop of Boston; also Dr J. R CHILTON, Practical Chemist o New York City, endorsed by MARCY, Secretary of State h iV? the r,chest man ,n America 7.'. .. . ftCot Proprietors of the Metro politan Hotel, and others. ?he*e Pills, the re8ult of long investigation and study, are offered to the public as the best ,comP,ete which the present state of medial w-ience can afford Tc ey are compound'd th?? drugs themselves, *?ut of the medicinal ri 7 Vpgetable remedies extracted by Chemical process Tn a state of purity, and torn bined together in such a manner as to Insure the This system of composition for p.? 'ound in Cherry Pectoral and ;' l,,b"th' ?L produce a more efficient remedy than had hitherto been obtained by any proce.-s The reason is perfectly obvious While by the 0 d m?de of composition, every medicine is bur dened with more or less acrimonious and iojurl ous quHinies hy this each individual virtue only A ii l'.l6* ', ?Vhe .curaM,e is presenf. All the Inert and obnoxious qualities of each sub stance employed are left behind, the curative virtues only being retained. Hence It is self evi dent the effects should prove as they ha>eDr ved p,!^ly. and the Pills a more pow Sltewofid"***"r"<h" Theyoperate by their powerful Influence on the nternai viscera to purify the blood and stimulate it into healthy action?remove the obstructions of ' bowels, liver, and other organs 0f restorln? their irregular action to health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such de rangements as are the first origin of disease Prepared by Dr JAMES (f AVER, Pcactical and Analytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. I'IIik P?/ b.?* i ttve boxes for 91 i. y, .') r, LMAN, Washington, and by all respectable Druggists. . ap8-4m ALWAYS SUnCTHINQ NEW! HEAD THIS, OLD AND YOUNG! Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative TIfILL RESTORE t* R A Y HAIR TO ORI v? ginal color permanently; made to growap on ba d heads; remove all dandruff or itching; ?r dl8e^8 ot the scalp; and if used once T** regularly, will prevent the hair aEs ?lfalW,to ?n Imaginable VZL J?'the ton,owing testimonials, and we dpfy you to doubt, (says tie Waverly Magazine.) Success to the genius whose tonic we say. Turns back to its color the Hair that was groy. SOMETHING WORTHKNOWlffU.'?Uv using Professor Wood's Hair Restorative, gray rftl?rCa0Jfc I*v!!Iia,ne,itly r?8tort'?i to its original ,J "abjolned certificate wa? received ZTJS0? ?tone' Gardner, Me . and is but E?nnr irl^Y '"J*0"* that are dally coming to our knowledge of its wonderful effects It is ^h?,nnMr^J?r0lilei,iatica1' but a *elf-evident truth, *<m Htrald ?Ur community can testify.?Bot I u rw GARDitaa, Me, June22, 1858. ,, : Dtk8?Dear Sir: I have used two bot tles of 1 rof. Wood's Hair Restorative, and can reafnr?ay 'h tbK t?rt^'est discovery of tile age for restoring and changing the Hair. Before using Tf of, *?Vent3r- hair has now at tained its original color. Yon can recommend it to the world without the least fear, as my case was one of the worst kind Yours respectfully, DAN'L N. MURPHY .. Carltlb, 111., June 27, 1S53 t,? hBV^"8e<1 P^of , ? J Wood's Hair ftestora live, and have admired its wonderful effect My hair was becoming, as 1 thought, prematurely mi*.# y \ t U? the ' Restorative" it has re* aned its origlaal color and. I have no doubt permanently so. SIDNEY BREE3E, . Ex-Senator United States. HAIR A A STO A ATI V E .?In our columns tn day will be found Prof. Wood's advertlJemSSt wlL arbuV,e a!?lcle' to W^ich we call SSo? W hat it has done, we have witnessed upon sev eral of our acquaintances in St Louis, Hair once gray met our view, black or brown as the c? might be, being the color of early manhood; and as ine and glossy as .ilk, and (hat wlthou anv other application than the Restorative. If it has done this upon others, will it not do the same for any of our readers whose "frosty prows" were " mVen 1.0cl?,M of thiol's warlike ? Xlf b<?y wl11 lrr ,L W? (hink so ?Jackson villi Constitutional, Oct. 5, 1853. ?E vkbatbstdiscoveryofthe , 1 80ldonr? occurs that we notloe, under ft.L m,!?,nC**' patent ,n*d'clnes, restora idTr- ? ai?yt*lnK of f>e for we have a pre ?f them Bnl ra"dor com w2Sff?V?5 t0 th* Rdv"tisementcf 1 rofessor Wood's Hair Restorative. We are too Juvenile to require anything of the kind but some instances of its use have come to ""'nowtedge which almost assures us that it is a sovereign remedy against the hair becoming prema'wel! gray. 11 is not a " Hair Dye," upoTlt, ai^ Dilution, as directed, the effect is prsduced uooti the skin, which brings out the original coiomd hair, wlthont stiffness, and gives It a iSoSvaS natural appearance. We have seen per^wSi have uaeo it, and are much pleased with it i. , amine theadyertlsement -Missouri K.pubUeal. u. j. wool) A CO., Proprietors, No 3i? Vork- 1,4 ? wJESS?.-152 Parker, mdor National Aotei, and alt Druggi?tr l? P^r9p/..R 3 T-ci""''? AKUL Phlud'flpbU. f"N8' ae"e,*frb f-C* s TABLE CUTLERY. SILVER-PLATED TABLE AND DESSERT 3 Knives ; Ivory Handle Knives ; Knives and Forks : Carvers, Forks, and Steels ; Game Car vers; Beef Sllcers; Bread Knives, Ac. Remem\>?r, prices are low on 7th St., especially at 480. apU- G FRANCIS. TUK LARGEST AND MOST VARIED a*4ort iivent of PI ANOS In thu city *t JOHN F. ELLIS'S, near loth street, TO ALL THAT TALUS THSI& 8IOHT. WISH ES to call the attention to all that sufto will defective sight, caused bv age, sick ness and particularly from sriassee lntudtalously selected, to his superior SPECTACLES and 8 LASSES carefully ground by himself to a true spherloal accuracy, and brilliant transparency, suited precisely and benaficially to the wearer ac cording to the concavity or convexity of the eye. Very numerous are the lb effects caused to tee precious organ of sight from the commencement of using glasses In not being precisely suited, hy the use of an Oftomnttr; ana the practice of many Sars, enables him tt> measure the focal disease of e eyes, and such glasses that are absolutely re quired will be furnished with precision and satis J. T. acknowledges the very liberal encourage ment already obtained, and further solicits the pa tronage of those that have not yet availed them selves of his aid. Persons that cannot conveniently call, by tend ing the glasses in use, and stating how many inches they can reed this print with their specta cles, can be supplied with such that will improve their sight. Innumerable testimonials to be seen; and lefer ences given to many who have derived the greatest ease and comfort from his glasses. Circulars to be had gratis, at his office, No. #12 Seventh street, three doors fiom Odd Fellonrs' Hail, up stairs. Noavoti, September 7,19M. Sir?The Spectacles you made for me suit very well, and s?em to Lave Improved my sight more than any ether 1 have lately tried L1TT. W. TA7EWELL. I bavs tried a j-alr cf Spectacles obtained frcni Mr. Tobias, and Sad them of great assistance H my sight, a&d corresponding with his description of the focus I recommend nim as a skillful op'.l? ?Ian. HENRY A. WISE. Mr. J. Tfoxixa : Sir?The pairol Spectacles yea fttrxltksd tne yestezCay are particularly satisfac tory to tee. Tney are very decidedly th^ beat I possess, and 1 am the owner of eight or nine pa!*, carefully selected in different placies and from op tlcl:-jns recommended to ir.e on account of their Giofeeslonal standing in England, France and the nltod States. 1 have been also pleased with your remarks and directions on the treatment ?f the eyes, for thepurposeof preserving and imp:sv lag the sight. Respectfully,yours, CHAS. CALDWELL, trsfesner of M. C., LoultvlUe, Xy. Ltnckswxs, Nov. 1U, IBM. Mr. Jshn Tobias having furnished me wltk C'.asses, by which I have been greatly aided (my vision having suffered greatly from reading at ai^htln my earlier life) It affords me the highest Rleasure to say that I consider him a skillful prac cal optician, and well prepared to aid those wha ?ay aeed hit professional services. WM. li. ROBZIE, Elder of Methodist Conferemat. Wilmikstoh. N. C., Jaa. 27, 1854. Mr. J . Toaias: Dear sir?1 am happy to say that the Spectacles which I obtained from you last week are entirely satisfactory. From an inequal ity in the visual range of my eyes, I have hereto fore found great difficulty in getting glasses of the proper focal distance. It affords me pleasure ta ?tate that, by the aid of yonr optometer, this d< fi nally has been happily obviated so that theglasras Sou furnished me are decidedly the best adapted i ay eyes of any 1 have ever yet used ?tryrespectfully, yours, R B.DRANE, Rector of St. James' Parish Department of Interior, May 7,1855. Frtsa natural defects and the unequal ranged ?y eyes, I have been compelled to use glasses for several years. I have tried different opticians without obtaining glasses perfectly fitted to my ?y5*. Four months since Mr. Tobias made twe pair* especially for me, which I have found to serve me perfectly. By the use of his optomete: he Is enabled to adapt Glasses minutely to the c-ye. 1 most cheerfutly recommend Mr. Tobias to all having occasion to use glasses, and bear ay testl msny at to his skill as an optician. HENRY E BALDWIN, A wist. Sea'v ?a sirn Land Warrant* If li-w PRIVATE MEDICAL THE AT l$B on THI PHILOSOPHICAL VIEW OF MAEBIAGB, BT M . B. L A C KO I X, 91. it ., ALBANY, N. Y., 250 Pagtt and 130 Pint, Plain.and, Ctlani Lith ographs and Plata. Paica only Twbhtt-Fivi Csnti. Sent Free of Postage to all parts of the Union tCHEAPEST BOOK EVER PUBLISHED? J and containing nearly double the quantity of read ing matter In that of the FIFTY CENT OR DOL LAR PUBLICATIONS. It treats on the PHYSIOL OGY OF MARRIAGE, and the Secret Infirmities and Disorder of Youth and Maturity, resulting from ex cesses, which d?*stroy the physical and mental pow ers, with ObservaMon* on Marriage, lt? duties and disqualifications, and their remedies: with I Jthographs, illustrating the Anatomy and Physiology, and Hl?ea?es of the Re productive Organs of both sexes, their structure, U'es, and functions. A popular and comprehen sive Treatise on the Duties and Causaltles of sin gle and married life?happy and fruitful alliances, mode of securing them?Infelicitous and Infertile ones?their obv'ation and removal ?Important hints to those contemplating matrimony, that will overcome objections to it; none, however, should take tnls importaut step without first consulting Its Kies?commentaries on the diseases and medical ltment of females from Infancy to old age, each case graphically Illustrated by b*mutlful lithogri Chlc plates?nervoiu debility, its causes and sure, y a process at once so simple, safe, and effectual that failure Is Impossible?rules for dally manage ment?an essay on Spormatcrrhcea. with practical obsefvation3 on the safer and more sucmmeuI mode of treatment?precautionary hints on the evils re sulting from empirical practice?an essay on all diseases arising from indiscretion, with plain and simple rules by which all persons can cure them selves wlttont mercury?remedies for those self Inflicted miseries and disappointed hopes so un fortunately prevalent In the young. It Is a truth ful adviser to the married and those contemplating marriage: Its perusal Is particularly recommends ed to persons entertaining secret doubts of their physical condition, and who are conscious of hav ing hazarded the health, happiness, and privileges to which every human being is entitled. Price TWENTY-F1VI CENTS per copy, or Five Ct>ples for One Dollar. Mailed, free of post age, to all parts of the United States N . if.?Those who prefer may consult Dr. LA CROIX upon any of tne diseases upon whlca tbls book treats,either personally or by mail. Medi cine sent tafcany part af the Union according to di rections, safely packed and carefully secured from all observation. Address Dr. M. B LA CROIX, No. 31 Maldea Lane, or Post Office Box 570 Albany, N. Y. Li** Office open dally.from 9 a in to 9 p in. and on Sunday from 3 until 5 p.m. Office REMOVED from No W Beaver it. to Jl Maidt* Lam, Albany, N*m York. dec 211?If TTLEft1! COMPOUND SYRUP OF UCM ARABIC AS A REMEDY FOR COHCHS. COLDS. HOARSENESS) ASTHMA, WHOOPING COUGH, CROUP. An., possesses the greatest ad vantages, with the least objections of any other in use, having been extensively used the last twenty years with unparalleled success, not trumpeted to the world as a specific or cure all, but recom mended a; a valuable and scientific auxiliary in rxL.itoNA.iiT caiu, ready at hand, and one that has been generally found to afford relief where most others have been tried without material Ben efit. As such It is recognized by numbers of oui leading physicians, who know its composltloa, and have been eye witnesses of its superior efl oacy, as well as by thousands of our most respec table citizens, who all endorse Its claim to being safe, palatable, economical and efficacious. Prlot 25 cents, or three bottles in one 50 cents. Wholesale Agents, PATTERSON A NAIRN, and STOTT A CO., Penna. avenue: PEEL ft STEVENS, Alexandria; CISSEL, Georgetown RetaHed by Druggists generally. Also, TYLER'S GUM ARABIC COUGH CAN l)Y DROPS, the same composition Is lozenge form, 12# cents a box Jy 0?ly ULEN WOOD CEMKTKKTt Office No. 292 Pa. avt., earner 10th street, fovnn thi savine'B lam.) THIS CEMETERY Is laidonton the plan at the celebrated Greenwood, of New York, and situated on the high ground distant one and a quarter miles north of tne Capitol?North Capitol ?treet leading dlreetly to the gateway. This Company have secured ache.rterfrom Con gress, appropriating their ground forever to burial purposes, making a fee title to the purchaser, and prohibiting all encroachments from legislation oi otherwise, which Is of vast importance to those who wish their dead to repose where they have placed the.n, for it has become a custom in all other cities when the burial ground becomes valu able for other purposes, to sell It, and throw the dead promlscously Into one large pit, and legal measures cannot prevent It. as no titles ate gives to the ground. N. a ? Office open from 10 to 12 o'clock a. aa., Where Pamphlets, containing the Charter, By Laws, and a map of the ground, aad all other in formation, can be obtained. AH orders left with Mr James F. Harvey. No. 110 Seventh street, or any ether undertaker, will be ptemptly atleaded ta. lett?lT MR* W. HENRY PALMER'S PIANO FORTE CLASSES, Fivt Dollars Ptr Quarter. Apply at GEORGE HILBUS'S Music Depot, Pennsylvania avenue. mar 14-tf Carter's Spanish Mlxtors THE ORBIT PURIFIER OF THE BLOOD Bast AltMrttlTt ImviU NOV A FABTICJ.B OT MBSCVBY IN W !? .. Ab infhlllbls remedy foi Scrofula. King's Evil Rheumatism. Obstinate Cutaneous Eruptions, Pimples or Postules on the Face, Blotches, Holla, Ague and Fever, Chronic Sore Eyes, Ringworm or Tetter, Scald Heald, Enlwge ment and pain of the Bone* snd Joints, fcl Rbeum. Stubborn Ulcwi,! and ail diseases arising from an of Mercury, Imprudence La Lift, of Impurity of T^hKgreat remedy, which ? idly and ao Justly celebrated for Its Mj**?" niry efficacy In relieving and coring maayoftfce most obstinate and terrible forms of disease wit which mankind Is affiteted. Is now oftrtd to tM public, with the confident assurancethat ao N bd ical DiicoTiir ever made has been so eminently Kuooeesful In curing Scaor cla, and *"? ov tbi Blood,as CARTER'S SPAND?H MIX TURE. _ The proprietors are receiving by e?erf mall most flattering and astonishing details of curea jmaA* in all parts of the country, and in most ease* where the skill of the best Physicians had bees rledlnvain. Itspowtr over the la truly remarkable and all disease* arising from Impurity of the areat Sbat of Lira have been relieved andcured wi?b ont a single failure, out of thati ousandn whohnvr used It Carter's Spanish Mixture contain* nr Mercury, Opium, Arsenic, or any dang?ro-w drugs, out Is c?mpo***d of KooU and Hsrbs, com 01 ned with other [nnrsdlentsof known virtue, and may b- ylvon to the youngest Infant or most de bilitated invalid, without tbe least possible hesl **We hawe only room for short eitracta from tbe volume* of testimony In our possession, and all from gentlemen of the highest respectability, wH; known inthf-lr various localities Please read fe yourselves. We take great pleasure In calling the attention of our readers to the merits of Carter's Spaais Mixture as a rsmedv for diseases of the blood. I' enjoys a reputation in this city unequalled by am other preparatloa.?DatJf Dispatch, Ktckmtui FThe Hon J ob a M Hotts,of Va.,says heconsld ct* it a matter of duty to add his testimony to th* virtues of Carter's Spanish Mixture. bbom actbai riKtotn ob?bbvation of its remarkable cure tive powers fbr the diseases In which It is used We have btrn cured of a violent and protract* Liver disease by Carter's Spanish Mixture Wc know It to be all It professes.?Editor Soutkstdt Dtmoermt, Psttrsburg, Vm. We have found from personal trial, that Car ter's Spahlsh Mixture is a truly valuable medi cine.?Ed. Ysrgmms Indtptndtut, Yt. GREAT CakK OF SCROFULA ?A or^? man In our employ was enrod of Scrofula of a vir ulent character by a few bottles of Carter's Span ish Mixture, afteT everything else had failed Oth er cures which have come under our own ebawva tiod, proves to us coaciusively, that is really a val uable medicinal agent. We take great pleasure In calling the attention of the affilcted to Its met its ?Richmond litvublxceui. SYPHILIS ?I have seen a aumber of cures a, Syphilis performed by Carter's Spanish Mixture I believe it to be a perfect antidote for that borri biedisease. E BURTON, Com. ef Revenue for citv of Rlchmcad LITER DISEASE?Samuel M. Drinker, o: the irm of Drinker A Morris, Booksellers, Rich mond, Va., was cured of Liver disease of severe1 year* standing by oaiy three bottles of Carter'! Spanish M Lit ere. OLD SORES, 9L0EAS AND OBSTINATf ERUPTIONS ON THE 8KIN?*te the curr of Mr. Harwood, aud others, detailed In our Al manac The number of aucn cases curfd by Car ter's Spanish Mixture, precludes the possibility of Inserting them in an advertisement. EFFECTS 0F MERCURY.?See the cure oi Mr. Elmore He was eaten up with Mercury and could obtain no relief, until he took si* bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture, which perfectly restored him to health and vigor. NEURALGIA ? Mr. F. Boyden, formerly I the Astor House, N. Y.,but more recently propri etor of the Exchange Hotel, Richmond, was cured of Neuralgia by Carter's Spanish Mixture. Since that time, he says he has seen it cure more than t hundred cases of the disease in which it is used He never falls to recommend It to the afllcted RHEUMATISM?Mr. John F. Harrlsoa Druggist, of Martlnsburg, Va.. writes of the sin gular cure of a violent case of Rheumatism. Tfce patient could not walk. A few bottles eatlrelv cured hire SCROFULA.?Mr. Harrison also writes of a great cure of Scrofula, in the person of a younf lady, (of three years standing,) which all the doc tors conld not reach. Six bottles made a cure of her. SYPHILIS ? Dr K. T. Hendle, of Washing ton, D. C , who curcd an obstinate case of Syphl lis by Carter's Spsuish Mixture, says "it act* spe cially on the Blood, Liver and Skin and le prompt and efficient in Its results." Dr. John Mlnge, formerly of the Cltv Hotel, Richmond, now of Alabama, says he nas see? Carter's Spanish Mixture administered in a num ber of cases with astonishingly good effect. He recommends it as '-the most e Sclent alterative is use." SALT RHEUM AND SCROFULA? Mr Jos Robinson, of Wooster, Ohio, was cured cl 8crofula and Salt Rheum of three years standing by only three bottle* of Carter's Spanish Mixture WM. S. BEFRS A CO., Proprietors, No 304 Broadway, Xew York. rrr Price Si per bottle, or si* bottles for *5 For sale by CIIAS STOTT, Washington. L> G., and Druggists irenerallv. ont 1?lv THE GREATEST MEDICAL DISCOVERY OF THE AGE. Dr. KENNEDY, ef Rsxbary, ?as discovered in one of our common pastbbb wuds a remedy that cures E/ERY KIND OF HUMOR; f BOM TBB WOBST SCROFULA SOWN TO A COM MON riMPLB. HE HAS TRIED IT IN OVER ELEVEN hundred cases, and never failed except in twe oases, (both thunder humor ) He has now in hi* possewion over two hundred certificates of its vir tue. all within twenty miles of Boston. Two bottles are warranted to cure a uursiog sore mouth. One to three bottles will cure the worst kind of pimples on the face. Two to three bottles will elear the system of biles. Two bottle:; are warranted to a are tbe won canker lu the mouth and stomach. Three to five bottles are warranted te cure (he worst case of Erysipelas. One to two bottles are warranted te eure all humor In the eves. Two bottles are warranted to cure running ol the ears and blotches among the hair. Pour to six bottles are warranted to care sorrnpt and running ulcer? One bottle will cure soaly eruption of the skin. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure th? Worst case of ringworm. Two to three bottles are warranted to cure the most desperate case of rheumatism. Three to four bottles are warranted te eve ths Bait rheum. Five to eight bottles will aare the worst caaes ol Berofjla. A benefit Is always experienced from the first bottle, and a perfect cure is warranted when tht above auantlty is taken. Reader, 1 peddled over a thousand bottles of this In the vicinity of Boston. I know the effect of it In every case So sure as water will extin gulsh fire, so sure will this cure humor. 1 never sold a bottle of It but that sold another; after a trial It always speaks for Itself. There are twe things about this herb that appears to me surpris ing ; first that It grows in our pastures. In some Cces quite plentiful, and ytt its value has never n knewn until 1 discovered it In 1^46?eecond that It should cure all kinds of humor. la ordcx to give some idea of the suddea rlu and great popularity of the discovery, I will state that In April, lbS3, 1 peddled It, and sold aboutC bottles per day?la April, IBM, 1 sold over 1,00( bottles per day of it. Some of the wholesale Druggists who have beet 1b business twenty and thirty years, say that no thing in the annals of patent medicines was evei like it. There Is a universal praise of it from al' quarters In my own practice I always kept It strictly for humors?but since its introduction as n genera] family medicine, great and wonderful virtue* have been found In It that 1 never suspected Several cases of epileptic fits?a disease whlok was always considered incurable,have been cured by a few bottles. O, what a mercy If It will prove effectual in all cases of that awful malady?there are but few who have seen more of it than 1 have 1 know of several cases of Dropsy, all of them aged people cured by It For the various disease* or the Liver, Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Asthma, Fever and Ague, Pain in the Side, Diseases of the Spine, and particularly in diseases of the Kid neys, Ac., the discovery has done more good than any medicine ever known No change of diet ever neeeasary?eat the bast you can get and enough of it. Dirtctxons for Us*.?Adults one table spoonful per day?Children over ten years dessert spoon ful?Children from five to eight years, tea spoon ful. As no directions can be applicable to all ooa stitutlons, take sufficient to operate on tbe bowels twice a day. manvvactvbbs bt DONALD KENNEDY, No. 12U Warrtn atTft, Rezburp, JfaM. Paick, Una Dollab. Wholesale Agents? Ntw York City, C J. CLICKNER, 81 Barclay streett C. n. RIN?, 182 Broadway; A B. AD SANDS, 100 Fultea street. Philadelphia, T. W. DYOTT A SONB Baltimore, BROWn'a BROTHER CANBY * HATCH. Alexandria, PEEL A STEVENS. At Retail by all respectable Druggists la tb? United States and Uridsh Provlaoes, and also by tfea Dragglsta of this City. ***-19 Information for Travelers. IXCl'MION BOATS FOR THE WHITE HOUSE PAVILION THF ITRAMFRS THIW COLLFKR OK GEORGE W ASBINGTON -JT-fc can bee bartered for public or M-JHtSiflktW leet parties to the Whit* House Psilllou, FV Washington, Mount Vernon or any place oa tbe Potomac River. For further particular* apple to the Captains of tbe Boats or to tbe President of the Company apl7-tf THE 1TKW YORK AND LIVERPOOL ^tSftL UNITED STATES SeHSHkMAlL ITKAMRRI.; THE SHIPS COMPRISING THIS LINK are the ATLANTIC Capt. Kldrldge BALTIC..... Capt Comstotk. ADRIATIC Oapt J as West Theae shlpa having bran built by contract ei preeely for Government service. every car* has bean taken In their construction, as also In their engines, to Insure strength and speed ; and fbelr accommodations for f asaeugen- are anequaled for elegance and comfort Price of passage from Ntw York 'o l.lverpo. t In first cabin. |IV; In second dn . I'i From Liverpool to New York. St and M guineas A a experienced surgeon attached toeaAi tbip No berths ?au baser ured until paid for Tbe sbiim < f tills line Lj?f improved water tight bulk bead*, ard to avoid danger from lea will not cross tbe Banks north of 4* degrees, until after tbe 1st of August. FVe?? JVsw York. From Ltmrpool. I?58 1BS?: ' Saturday Apr *1 Wednesday... Mar H ??twrday May 10 Wednesday....May y Saturday May *4 WednewSay....Jow II Saturday June 7 Wrdnesday....June *s Saturday June *1 Wednesdsy ....Jr ly s Saturday Jaly 5 Wednesday ....July -?i Saturday July 1* W ednerriay.... A ug t? r^atnrday Aug 5f W edneadav....Aug *ti Saturday Aug 1C Wednesday.. ..Sepi :? Saturday Aug 30 Wedae?dav....Scpt 17 Saturday Sept. 13 Wednesday... Oct. 1 Saturday Sept 17 Wednesday ... .Oct 15 Saturday Oct II Wedn?-day ... .??ct *? Saturday Oct 25 Wednerdar....Nov 1? Saturday Nov. 8 Wedn^sda) ....Nov vt. Saturday Nov.StS W?due?day....Dec In Saturday Dee 6 Wtdnesday ....Dec *Jl Saturday Dec *> For freight or passage apply to edwaRd H. COLLIN9 A CO., 9A Wail street. New \ ork BROWN. SHIPLEY A CO.. Liverpool STEPHEN KENNARD * CO., *7 Austin Frlara, London B G WAIN WRIGHT A CO., Paris Tbe owners of these shlpa will not be account able for gold, silver, bullion. *pecle.Jewelry, pre cious atones, or metals, unless Bills of lading arc signed therefor, and the value thereof expressed therein. m 1-tr BY RAILROAD DIRECT TO THE WEST Time between Washington and W heeling but IT# banra! Eunning Time between Washington and Cincinnati 27 hours " ? AD IN W1SBISGTOH. THE BALTIMORE AND OHIO KAIL ROAD having greaty im; roved Its Western connections, now oflers tl?e fui est inducement* to Traveler* between WASHINGTON, BALTI MORE, and an jortlons of the WEST. NORTH WEST. and the SOUTH WEST The i-onne tion between the Trains from Wash ington and the Trains bound West from Ba II more Is a'ways | romi t v made at tl>e Waal iagtcn Junction rate y ia' ed tbe Relay House) 9 n?i ?* from Baltimore Tliis is the on y cl ange of car* required )>etw*en Washington and the Ohio river. Baggage Is cbet-led through to Wlieellag at ti e Washington Station and rechecVad and trat^ ferred tiiere, (with the i assengers) without? har^e, fort!:ose holding Through Ti kets for iolntsl>e yond Ti e tonne ting trains leave Washington dai y at 8 a m and 4)( p. m. On Sundays at the later hour on y. At BEN WOOD. 4 miles from Wheeling, rftrr t ronnr. ixon it made with t -e trains of CENTRAL OHIO RAILROAD, running from Be lair. or. the Ohio, through Cambridge. 'Xaaesville, and Newark, h COLUMBUS. Time trains coane< t at Newark wltli the ? are of the Newark, Man*tie d and 1-andusky Rai road for ffandiuky. Toledc, Detroit, CM ago. ht Louis, etc At COLUMBU* the C O Rallro d trains corr ne> t with the fast trains of the LtiiU Miami R irl roati to Xenia, Cincinnati. Loulsvlle, etc. At XENIA on Lltte Miami Rai road)tonne tior. i formed with tha trains tiirough Dayton, to lndiau a o<ls,Terre Haute. Lafayette, Ci l ago, Rot k Is and. >t. Louis, Carlo, etc Passengers ho ding Through Tlekets for UrmpKu, FiofcsSMVg, Smtehrt, .V?, Orleunt. ?l?., whi< h are also sold at Was! ington?are trans ferred at Cin innatl. to the Mai Steamers on t*e Ohio. Tl? kets for Evansviie. Carlo, and H Louis are sold by tha river route. ITT ForCLEVPLAND, aid via C eve :md ?? To e<lo. Detroit, Cbb ago, ate , tickets .ire ?? d, when the Ohio Is navigab'e between Wlwe ini and Wei I s vile (forty mi es) where a i ana? tlor with tbe C eve and and Pittsburg Rai raad it made. Travel rs are r q uested to coll a that wi I e tbis is the on y route affording Through T1 kets and Ct.e Vs In Wasl lngton, it is a'so the shorte*t, most sneedy, and dire t to near y a I the leading points In the great Wast Ti e distan?-e from Washington to Cincinnati ia but 653 mi as. l*ing about 100 mi w shorter than by any other route ' FAKL, BV TIIHOIttH TltKll'. 1 K<-V W aSIIIWGTi IN To Wbea ing, 50; Co urn bus, fl3 65; Davton. f 15 50; Cln inna'i, ?16 <" ; Loulsvl' e, by ra'1 road, Sla 85, by steaiuar front Cin Innatl. f 18 00; Indiana ols.fl? 50; Clew and. Sit 50, Toedo. ?15 -*i( Detroit. SI* A* Chicago, S*i0 Ai > hd Slf 5?t; St Locis. Ifi? 5tt and fiii. Mem. his. S*J6; New Oresn?. S^l ? IE7-POR FRkDERICK AND HARPER S KERRY, MAR 11NSBUKG CUMBERLAND. BERKLEY SPRINGS. BEDFl)P DSPH IN <iS. PIEDMONT. OAKLAND, and FAIRMONT. rassengers may leave Washington at 6 a. m or J p m For the minor way stations batwn . Baltimore and Whe ilrg, take 8 a. in. train from Washington. 117" 1 or traius to and frotu Baltimore, Anna, oils, etc , see st e la ndvertisemt nts For further information. Through Tl ketK, et , apply to THOMAS H. PARSON*, Agent, at Washington Station. WM 8. WOODS1DK, Master of Transi orta'ion. marrli 1?tf B AO Railroad, Bali more. FOR HARPER'S FE Via Ckttaptakt J Ohio Cmmnl. J & T THROUGH IN TWELVE HOURS' HE NEW AND SPLENDID PACKET BOAT ARGO, Capt Chas. H Merrill, will commerce mah'ng H-gular Trtpt between GEORGETOWN and the above Point, on Mou day, March 27th. 1<*56 The Boat wSi leave the wharf oTW.H AH ti Kltter, Georgetown, D. C ,e?ery Mondav, Wtd nesJay, and Friday morning, at 8 o'clock Returning, she will leava Harper's Ferry every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morning, at ti o'clock. Through Tickets, ?2.Hi. To Letsburg (1 in <?.<?** ikt Stag* /rem Edveati*' Firry Families intending to visit the Virginia Spring* the coming season will find this bv far tbe most safe, pleasant, and cheapest route to Berkele\ Capon. Sbanandale. White Sulphur and Wamn Meals served on board at moderate rates. A coach will always be In readiness in Georvf - town to convey passengers to and from the Host Far further particulars Inquire at the store ?>f W. II & H. G RITTER, Georgetown, and o W. CUTSHAW. Harper's Ferry, Va mar lb?tf ' GRANGE k ALEXANDRIA RAILROAD fill ZA1M Gr eat Southern Mail Lino! H-TWItK DAILY ~%a (SUNDAY NIGHTS EXCEPTED 1 Between Washinglun City and tbe South! VIA: ALEXANDRIA. ?ORDONSV1LLE, AND RICHMOND Lanve Wnahlngtan nt 6 n m nnd 7 f ta Fare from Waahingtonto Kichmond.......S^ '?* OMNIBUSES and BAGGAGE WAGONS will be at the Washington Railroad Depot to et?a vey PASSENGERS and BAGGA6E, hrtt cf CAorgs, to STEAMER GEORGE ?f* PAGE.for ALEXANDRIA.a dls AfpfiflPM^* tance of six miles, allowing ample time for Mrft Tlckeu procured on the boat. fixpodltlon and Comfort are secured by this Route.asltlsaroNTixvovs linbov vtasv cl**? aanaosD vaon ALEXANDRIA TO RICH MOND THROUGH PASSENGERS and BAGGAGE oarrted without coat to the Depot of the Petersburg Railroad. Information of Route and Lost Baggage ob tained of JAMES A. EVANS, feh 11 Agent, Alexandria. Va WASHINGTON BRANCH RAILROAV* fNHANGE or MOURS.? On and after Mm day, the 23d Instant, the Trains will Leave Washington at ? and B# a. ? , and J aad ?? _ Sunday at a.m. ap??? fTh. FARSONSj Agent