Newspaper Page Text
evening star. WAS H l ^ <J T O N c IT Y: TUTRSUAY February 19, 1<U7. SPIRITUF THa MOKNING PKhSS The Vh'ok sayi of the cut of the Cabnet which is mrw so universally regarded here aa the ooe that Mr. Buchanan has determined on: " For the last twenty-four hours public opinion in Washington (earn* to have settled down upon the following cast of Mr. Buchan an s Cabinet: Lewis Cass, Secretary of State. Cs.h-'Jfc!fr*t*ry of the Treasury. a t" B Floyd, Secretary of War. t v ?[own' Secretary of the Navy. Jacob Thompson, Secretary of Interior. J. Ulancy Jones, Postmaster General. *wC J0Bce7 Attorney General, w* ow ?? '^formation of an authen tic character which justifies the confidence w:>h which the foregoing ia received as the cabinet, or as so near the cabinet that only a finale change is suggested It may be mere conjecture ; but whatever may have created the general impression, it ia certain, ao far as our observation has extended, the cast of the cabinet above meet* with decided approval If this or a cabinet composed of such names, is formed, our anticipationa as to the wise dis crimination for which we have given Mr. Bu chanan full credit will be entirely realixed. We express no opinion aa to the correctness of the list of name*, for we have no grounds for any opinion; but we venture to say. that if the list is the true cabinet, the public mind will be entirely satisfied that Mr. Buchanan'* administration will start under most favorable ?*USplCCS." We have to say that, from all the signs in tue political hoiiion. we draw the conclusion that the gentlemen named above are to form Mr. Buchanan# Administration. Foremost among tbese dgns we place the hearty acqal" esence and approval manifested by the l>cmo" Tata of Congrats, from all seationa of the 1'nkro, with reference to this Ji->t. True, here *nd there there may be a Senator or Member, the partisan of seine distinguished gentleman not named on it, who regrets that his friend may not be included But, as a whole, we are very sure that it meets the views of nearly every democratic member of both House*. Ibur, it is already rendered certain tb3t the new Ad" minis ration is tc start cut with the confidence acd the warmest sympathy of every Demo cratic fena'.or and Represeulatm; a point never Achieved btfcre?cne cf inestimable im portance. as will be apparent in six months. In the course of our long experience in such matters we never before wituersed so universal approval of the selection of a Cabinet by an incoming Executive. a* is just now being mani fested by all those to whose sympathy and support Mi Lucnanan must look for the tri umph of the policy of his Administration The fallowing brief *x?ra:t from a private letter to the editors of th? Journal of Com <*#/?<?? contains truths, as we know well, con cerning this state cf feeling, and illustrate? to the letter the sentiment on the part of the great States-righls p?rty of the country, whirli alms only to secure a faithful adaaiuiitratioa of the Government, upon the strict letter tf the Constitution : 4* Perhaps it wcuid be gratifying to you to learn that there is agmerai disposition in the South to give Mr. Buchanan a hearty support The party is compact and united and harmo nious, notwithstanding the ataurd stories set afloat from this and other points. I belong to the State-rights wing, with liunter. Mas.n, Kusk, J: it*i atri.x, Ciay, an#otic:s. I see these gentlemen often, and you may rest satisfied that we are going to have a hearty, cordial, and popular administration. The South feels the nearness of danger, is sware of the necessity oi" moderation, and will rely upbn Mr Buchanan. The lnttliig nctr is devoted to news tc-day. WASHINGTON NEWS AND GOSSIP Lcsiiag's H:atery of the United States ? As it is proposed to 'cram" this work into thepublie schools cf the eountry, it ia worth t^? public s while to examine it cri'ically. We therefore proceed to quote and comment on a few of its remarkable passages: 486 . Ihe command of the army of the West was given to General Kearney wi;h in struction- to conquer New Mexico and Cali lovnia. He left loit Leavenworth in June, and after a jturney of nine hundred miles' over the great plains and mountain ranges he arrived at >anta Fe, the capital of New Mexico, cn the lSth of August. He met with no resistance, and having taken peaceable po***??cn of the country and constituted Ita gJ^crnor, he marched to wards California He ?oon met an express from Comm-dore Stockton and Lieut Col Fremont, '.nfcrming him that the conquest of California bad already been achieved Pag* *? , Fremont had been eeut with a party ci about sixty men to explore portions of New Mexico and Caiif. rnia Wben he sr. nved in the risitity of Alontercy, on the Pa c*c coast re was opposed by a Mexican force under General Ca,tro Fremont n-oused ail the Amer.o? settlers in the vicinity of San Francis- j Bay, captured a Mexican post and garrson. and nine cannons, and two hundred and fifty muike's at Bonora Pass. (June 15 \ . i ? en *^T?cced to Sonora and de^ featei Castro ar.d his txrops The Mexican authorities were effectually driven out of that region of the country, and on the 5th of July the American Calif .rtians declared them se^es ?-dep< n lent, and placed Fremont at the nwL?L iS^rcuienl. T wo dayg afterward Commodore Meat, then in command of the ?quadron ou ??,? Pacific, bombarded and cap tured Monterey and on the Vh Commodore ?Montgomery took possesion of San Franoisco. .^mm-dore Stockton arrived on the lbtfa, and with d i iemont took possession of the city of Los Acgeios on the 17th of August On re T'c? information Kearney :ent the main b' dy of his tr,;ops to S.mU Pe, and with ^ce 'Ucdred men he pushed forward to Los ALg.los B.*r? Ibe Pacific coast, where he met ^V'"' " "7>. Swkton ,?4 C*, In company with these - Ecers he shared in .1.,,, ki- . r. w?*ue ci oan Uabriel ?n.| r?,s ....Vi," 'et,d ??!?"' to be governor .r.V Jl J cUuned "gLt ton and t"V"Stock officer, woul i na a^uit8c*;ry/;mLl? s'jr;rior to obey him. and Kt:.n,?v a r'inont refased Mootcrey. mj (h.r. in c _mod,r. Sh.l.,ick i. J O.T.ncr, ,ytkr" sr"'"if " TLviSi Fremoui was ordered home to be tried ffw dis< bedicme of orders. He was deprived f his comiuissioi but the President valu' I! him as on? of tne ablest ? fScers in the army ed it to him jgain. Fremont refused it and went agaii* to the wilderness and engaged in exploration ? ? u tOMin.srs. It would perhaps be difficult to comprew, in the tame apace as much perverrion of tha truth of history, as the author ha* succeeded in do ing in the above extract from his w?#rk We b*ve no disp*a;!ioc to revive the discuMioi s of U* f^'tical camjafgn just pa-!, but an at Utnpt is being made t? force Mr. Lossing s istory upon th? schools of this district as a k?0k' aSl W? "-Clt obJ*ct t0 * history wh:ch in mat ers that recent events have fa,a:!la' as all, is so careless iu its facts. Co?. Fremont wf. n? t pl^ed by the Ameri can Califcrc-jo* at the head of their govern ?*nt, ?or wa, hr atthe hattle wf San Gabriel or in any otjer fight ' j ??cial documenta ?ibliaka4 dwij^ the last i?tBU giT# w m the faets in reference to the conquest oi Cali fornia, on which to base an opinion of who waj the eonqueror of California; but we have nothing to do with opinions?we only deal in faoU ?For some cf which see Capt Schenk's letter, and Senator Thompson's speech in ihe United States Senate.) Ihe Americans were roused under a procla mation by Ide, and the independence of Cali fornia was declared by the same person. (See | San Franciico Sun, September 5, 1856, and extensively republished > Fremont was not called by the people of California to be their Governor July 5th,1846> or at any other time; but was appointed by Stockton in January, 1847. No record or evi dence of any kind is produced to the contrary, and, in truth, none exists. The history contradicts itself by saying that Kearny received notice on tho march that the conquest of California had already been achieved, and almost on the same page aver ring that six months ot more afterwards Kear ney arrived to share with Stockton and Fre mont the honort in the final battle of San Gmbriel, January 8, 1847, which oompleted the conquest and pacification of California! Ilowoculd the conquest be already achieved when tho final battle was fought nearly a year afterwards, which completed the conquest and pacification ? Now, as to the averment of this historian ; that Mr. Fremont was present to sha re in the honor of the final battle of San Gabriel (Jan uary S, 1S47.) It was averred during the campaign just passed that Col. Fremont was net in that battle, or in any other during the conquest of California. The records of the War Department, the testimony before his court martial, and the individual testimony of officers on service in California daring the war, make no mention of his having been present at that battle or any other in California. ft is not known to us where he was at the time; but evlience prodused goes to show that he was at sueh a distance that he did not re ceive the news of the battle until the 11th, three days afterward! Yet this veracious historian avers that he shared in the honor of the fioal battle of San Gabriel! Five hun dred eye witnesses cf that battle now living can be brought to attest the fact that he was net in that battle, and was not near the field. (See Letter of Capt Scheck, U S. N. ; and also Speeoh of Hon J R Thompson ) The conclusion of Mr. Lossing as to who was the real conqueror of California, to the disparagement of Stockton and Kearney may go for what they are worth, now that the facts upon which he bases them are upturned The complexion of the book may be seen fr^m the fact that Mr. Fremont is figured on e page as big as the palm of your hand, and General Scott's huge proportion? are figured in a corner in a miniature about the siie of your thumb nail. Such stuff is too transparent to catch gullv A Letter frcm Walker's Army .?A captain in Walker's army, a native of this city, well known to us, writes to a relative as f? Hows: Rivas, December 28, 185f, I received your letter by the last mail, and am glad to he&r that you are all alive if not well. I have been very ill since you hear! from me last, but atu nearly well, but still very weak It is impossible for me to write you the events that have happened, and the condition we have been in for the last three mouths You may see something of them in the papers, but the truth will not reach you : the number killed in the last battle, died of wounds, and by etarvatior, is awful Gen. Walker has moved the headquarters cf his half starved army here If the enemy attack us here and get the best of uj we are done but I don't think they can whip us here and I d<-n t think there is any danger of their at tacking us. My time i3 up in February, and I will use every effort to get home. If you can possibly raise me f 50 1 can do it 1 would not can on you, but we are paid off in scrip, and it is not worth a cent. If you can raise the money send New Orleans money by the next steamer in a letter. The writer we know to be a person of truth and probity, and wonder how a man of his !n tel'.igence and substantial character could suffer himself to be inveigled into thus sacri ficing himself by way of aiding and abetting the moonshine pecuniary speculation* which are at the bottom of all the efforts to supply American victims to the climate of Nicaragua and the Minnie rifles of the natives of the country he has invaded. The Court of Inquuy.? The following General Order'' explains all the point* of interest with reference to the manner in which the recent supplemental naval reform law is to bo executed: nE5ER.lL ORDER. Navr D*partw**t, Feb. II, 1857. A naval curt of inquiry, to consist of Cap tain h A. J. Lavallette as president Captain S. H Stringham and William J. McCluney members, and J. M. Carlisle, Eiq , jud^e ad vocate. is hereby ordered to convene in the city of Washington on Friday, the 20th day of x ebrunry, 1857, for the purpose of making such investigations as may be directed under the fir*t_section of the act approved January lo. lh->7, entitled ' An act to promote the efficiency of the navy " The cases of those who have applied for au investigate under the said law ahall betaken up in the following order: first, these of the efnoers who h*ve been dropped fr>m the rolis of the navy ; secondly, those of officers placed cn "furlough," and lastly, those of officers en leave of absence pay." Priority of in ves -iffation m cases of the same class will be regulated by the order in which written re quest* have been filed. J. C. Dobbin, Secretary of the Navy. The Indiana Senatorial Question?The New York Tribune has spasms over this ques tion Its characteristic tendency to hydro phobia never was more forcibly iilu.-tratcd than in its late disquisitions upon this partic ular ju>j*ct. Its aim is, of course, to secure success for the scheme concocted by the Re publican party managers in this city and duly carried out by their partisans in the Legisla ture at Indianapolis All who see behind the curtain here are aware that the tricks essayed there to throw doubt on the validity of the election in question, were cunningly and care * iLutured here, and had for their aim the siL^lj purp<d? of defeating the action of a maj ri.y < f the Legislature (of Indiana) for the benefit of the Republican party. It re mainis to be seen how far that purpose can tri umph now that all the world know the history and cmracter of iu attendant plots The House Investigating Committee e ported this morning in the caso of Mr. Gilbert a member from New York, charged by them with corruption. The proceeding* showed great excitement on the part of nearly all the members, and more feeling than we have oft.n scon displayed in the Hall Award?Tho Secretary of the Treasuiy has awarded the contract f -r constructing the new Custom House at Galveston, Texas, to C. B. Clui'iy A Co., they being the lowest bidders, at ?M,725 63. (Jourt of Claim* ??16n fueiday, ifon. N. A. Baker, of Clinton, Iowa, was appointed a com missioner to take testimony J. D B De Bow, E.-q , of Louisiana, was swore an attorney of the court. Chief Justice Gilchrist delivered the opinion of the oourt in the following cafes against the United State*, in which favorable bills were ordered to be reported Tempy Connelly, Mary Bobbins, Anna Parrot, Nancy Madison, Mary Bart, Meroy Armstrong, Rosamond Robinson, Lucretia Wilcox, Lavena Tipton. Easther Ste ven?, Margaret Taylor, Hannah Weaver, Ann Clark. Mr. Averill concluded his argument in the ease of Picard, and the cane wag submitted. Mr. Ely opened the argument on the part of the claimants in the case of Spence A Reid, on the factr, and continued until the court ad journed. Yesterday?Samuel C. Perkins, Efq., of Philadelphie, was sworn an attorney of the court. Mr. Ely concluded the argument in the case of Spence A Reid Mr Blair replied, and the case was submitted. Adjourned. The Current Operation! of the Treasury Department.?On yesterday, 18th February, there were of Treasury warrants entered on the books of the Department? ?or the redemption of Stocks.... 09 For the Treasury Department... 50,484 60 For the Interior Department.???? 4,099 33 For Customs 27,889 91 War warrants reoeived and en* tered i'y.26o Zb On account of the Navy 2 467 81 From miscellaneous sources 1,477 82 CONOR ESS TON A L P ROC BHD IN(tS I* ma Senatk, yesterday, after we went to pre?s, the balance of the day's session was de voted to the consideration of Executive bus:, ness, with closed doors Is the Ilorsr., various propositions to amend the Tariff bill of Mr Campbell of Ohio, were debated in Committee of the Whole on the state of the Union, all of which were rejected except one offered by Mr. Morrill, as follows : That "on and after the lO'-h of July nothing in this art shall l-e so construed as to admit any wool free unless its co*t shall be at the place of importation ten cents per pound or less; and ;ilfo that no wasto or sheddy or sheeped pelts, or skins with the wool on. shall he imported at a less rate of duty than is now imposed upon tho said article " When the Committee rose the L.nate's amendment to the House bill relating in for eign silver coin, making it lawful for two years after the passage of the act, to pay out at the mint cents for the fractional parts of a dollar at their nominal value of twenty 1toe, twelve and a half, and six and a quarter cents respectively, wai agreed to. After the transaction of terns other business they adjourned. Proceedings of To-Day. Ii TBe Sb5Atb, to-d?y, the bill passed by the House on the day before yesterday, re pealing all existing law in Kansas, leing take n up, wa?, ?n motion, laid on the table The Submarine Telegraph bill then came up on the House amendments thereto, and whs debated by Messrs Thompson of Ky . UuDter, and Butler against it, and Rusk and Bell of j Tenn in its favor, ere we went to press In thr Hocsg, Mr Lctcbor reported from the Ways and Means Committee a bill for the relief of the Norfolk and Petersburg railroad oomrany IThia bill grants an extension of time to this company for the payment of duties on railroad iron. J Mr I.atoher moved to put it on its passnge, and it was debated by Messrs Letcher and Millson in its favor, and Mr. Campbell of Pa., against it On motion of Mr. C. it was laid on the table?yeas 93, nays 89. Mr. Davis, of Md , rising to a privileged question, made a report from the existing (House) Investigating Committee on the ca*e of William Gilbert, a member from New York, charged with having made a corrupt bargain with F. F C. Triplett for services to be ren dered to him in getting a resolution pawed *y Congress, appropriating money for tho pur chase of a work of the said Triplett's Mr Bennett, rising to a point of order, con tended that the character of the report'was not in accordance with the resolution under which the committee were appointed. Mr. B. and Mr. Grow advocated this point of order, and tne propriety of recommitting the report, with instructions to tbeoummitteo to confine it to the strict letter of the resolu tion. Here followed excited conversational de bate, in which many members participated. The Speaker having overruled the joint order, Mr Davis then commenced to rea 1 his report from the rostrum when Mr Watson protested against proceeding with the reading, on the ground that the re port was wholly foreign to the duty devolved on the committee by the resolution Mr. Davis then continued the reading of the report amid profound silence and deep ex.iic ment It cncluded with a resolution for th?? ex pulsion of Wm A Gilbert The question being on its adoption? Mr Grow addressed the House with goat eaii.ed'ness (.gainst it, contending that the re port showed that the Committee not only went beyond the line of their duty, but conducted their proceeding* on a star chamber plan, fummoniug profligates from the streets ot Washington to blacken tLe character "f mem bers, from whom their testimony was kept se cret until long after it had been given in si* cret, A 3. Tho Peabody Gift to Baltimore The gift of George Peabody, Esq , to the city of Baltimore, of $34)0,004) for the establish' ment of an Institute for the promotion of ed ucation and the fine arts, is one of unexam pled munificence His letter to the gentlemen whom he La* selected as trustees is admirable, and the general plan of tho institution which he submits to them shows that he ha.) given to the subject the most careful consideration. The plan includes an extensive library, the delivery of lectures, rewards to the merito rious graduates of the public high cchooli, an academy of music, a gallery of paintings and sculpture, icz. Rooms are to be provided in the building for the Maryland Historical So ciety. The Institute is never to bo uecd for " the dL'-eminalion or discussion of sectarian theology or party politics," or to minister t? dis?eu?ion, infidelity, visionary theories of philosophy or sectional jealousies, lie con templates contributing further to the Institute as it may need his assistance, until fully es tablished. The Beki.en Riots.?The New York Her ald of yesterday says : " The excitement consequent uj?.n the riot at Bergen tunnel ha* not yet abated The Hoboken Artillery were on duty on Monday night, and were relieved yesterday by the Montgomery Guard The Greenville Guard were stationed at the Court House last night, where they will remain until this morning. An investigation of the affair was commenced yesterday, and from the testimony elicited the riot seems to hare been premeditated A quantity of firearms and other weapons were seized on Monday mjght?the muskets fowling pieces and pistols beitig loaded and capped On Friday last, V 8 Ludwigh, editor of ihe " Die Far/let," a German p iper, in Maryland, who, during the Presidential cam paign, went to the North and wrote some rath er doubtful letters from there about the pecu liar institution, arrived in Savannah. The Journal says bis proclivities being noised about, he wai immediately put into jail A meeting was held by some citiienfl who de termined to treat him to tar and feathers, another " peculiar institution," if he did n>t leave the city. There are 140 vessels in the port of Nor folk, Virginia. fi PiaSOHAt .... Miss Louis* Pyne and Mr. W Harrison, of the English Opera, are at Browns' Hotel. .... Max Maretiek ? troupe gave the Opera of Lucia di Lammerm>or in Charleston Mon day Bight. ? C. M- Denie, of the New Orleans Pica yune, and * poet of considerable promise, died cn the 31st sit. ....Capt Geo. A Rawlings, known to the world as the model condaetor of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, is at Browns' Hotel. ? Mrs. A Drake, the onoe celebrated actress, is playing at the Indianapolis Thea tre. She has not been on the stago for some years. .... Charles W. Iforriger, a young book* binder in Columbus, Ohio, having been cav ilierly treated by a young lady, swallowed a dose of strychnine and died two hours after. *? ? J?im ? WASHINGTON LIGHT INFANTRY. YouwJll meet for inspection and drill, In full uniform and pompons, TO MORROW EVENING. By order: feb 19?Vt H RICHEV, O. S. ? , i, AiEETINC OP YQK WASHING ten city Young Men's Christian A;so~ elation will he held at the Rooms of the Asporta tion, on SATURDAY EVENING, February 21s?. at 7% o'clock By order : ftp 10 3t CHAS. G TALCOTT, Rec Sec. TAIK OF SIXTH PRESBYTERIAN CH1JKCM?Tbf Lady Managers an nounce to their friends that they will close tb?>lr Fair and Festival on Satujduy night, the 21st In stant Tiu-se who, approving of th-ir effort#, have not yet visited them, are requested tn call before theyclcse. feb lft-."it .TICKETS FOR THE NATIONAL INAUGURATION BALL, FOURTH MARCH. 1857 ?Subscribers to the National In auguration B. 11 are r* quested to call at the store of the und? r?lcned and get their tickets Tickets will be for sale at Wlllards*. Kirk wooods', Browns', and tb? National Hotels, also at the stores cf Shlillngton, 14. H Stevens A Co . and Taylor A Maury's. ' WM F BAYLY, Treasurer , Penn avenue, between Ilth and 12th sts. feb 19-dtMar4th (UnlonAIntel) ?-Tga^LECTURE -DR. WM B MA6RU DER will deliver a Lecture at Columbia Hall, Capitol Hill, on THURSDAY EVENING, the 19th Inst , at 7# o'clock SubJ-ct?" A Spool of Cotton." Free admittance feb ie ?t? i HON S S COX, MEMBER OF Congress elect, from Ohio, will deliver a Lecture to the Y<ung Men s Christian Associa tion. In the Ha;! <t the Smithsonian Institute, on THURSDAY NIGHT, the l?th inst Subject " The Peculiarities of American Humor " _Lecturefree^ feb 1S?at NOTI CE . ?THE JUDGES OF Election respectfully announce to the Voters of the 'I'own that underauthorlty o' a reso lution of the Coporatlon approved February llth, 'J7, they will m^et In th'ir respective precincts on FRIDAY and SATURDAY, the 550th and-fllst1 lnstaut, namely in t e Firs* Precinct at No. 52 Br d^e stref t, In the Secord Prfinct at No 116 Congress street, the Third at No 1H> Bridge street, and the Fourth at No ft* Market street for the purpose of oramlnlng the list of voters re trrned by the Assessors and making such cor rection* as m*y be brought to thHr notice thai and there. ROBT. A GRIFFIN, JNO H.WILSON, JOHN MARBURY, J * , RICHARD PETTET, Georgetown, Feb. 18,1857. CommlMee feb 18 3t TOWN HOUSE, QEORGETgTwN, _ D. C . February 17th. 1837 ?NOTICE. Those whose School Tax Is not paid, must nay ?he >?mc prlorto the?ld instant. C. P. S-HEKELL, feb '7 3t Tax Collector. ??^^COTILLON PARTY -THE HRM bers of the Active Association of the Northern Liberties' Fire Company, take pleasure In announcing to their friends that they will give ?e.'.r.?F,nh Cot,ilt^ Party, at their Hall, en 1HL RSl)A\ , February IS'.'a, 1P57. feb |7_3i* BY 1 HE CuMMITTEE f-^S^KXHIHITION?THE YOUTH Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Protestant Church, 9:h stref-t, between E and F. will give *n EXHIBITION In the Church on THURSDAY EVENING, the 19th lnst .com ramcirgat 7'^o'clock The exercises will be of a very entertaining character, consisting of Recitations, Dialogues Sotos, Duetts and Choruses by the children ' Admlssl. n.V5 re?jts for edults?12,if cents for children under 12 years of age feb 16?4t ?"CfS^NATlO^AL ~ WESTERN TELEGRAPH. office 350 Pennsylvania Avenue, Over hil/nan's Drug Store near7tl ttrett. IlHiS LINE HAVING BEEN REBUILT during the past season, Is now working with out interruption, and offers the cheapest and most direct telegraphic communication to the West, Northwest, and Southws?.t. feb S-eolm* ?-^SaOKPHAN'3 FAIR ?THE PAIR for ^t Joseph's and SW Vincent's Male aDd Female Orphan Asylums, will be opened TO MORROW EVENING, ll'th Instant, at A o'clk, at Iron Hall, Pennsylvania avenue, between P:h ar.d 10th streets. feb V-tf Jf-S5?^ATlU3IAL INAUGURATION U ALL. COMMITTEE OP INVITATION. Hon J K Thompson, Mejor Wm W Russell, Hon George E "ngh, K J Nevln, Hon J, D W Mahon, Hon C J Faulkner, A Jl Stoughton, Hon J no S Phelps. Chas W Welsh. The s'ib*orlber3 to the National Inauguration Ball are requested to leavs. at the Stationary store of \\ m I' . Biyly, No 27'J Pennsylvania avenue, the nar.w and places of residence of the ladles of their families for whom cards of invitation are de sired, or transmit them through the post o?ce to Ms J or Wm. W. Rcmkli,, Chairman of the Com mittee A subscription book mav he found at the store of Mr Bayly. WM W. RUSSELL, jan 30-dtf Chairman. SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION^ Course of Lectures 'o beplven by Dr. D. 11 K r:o, ( R. Ji. E. Ac., on the lt Progress cf Architecture In ralation to Ventilation, Warming, Lighting. Flre-prooflne, Acoustics, ar.d the gen eral preservation of Health." These lectures will b- git en on Wednesday, February llth. Friday i:j'h, Monday Ibtb, Wednesday Idt'b, Friday 20th, Monday ttfJd, Wednesday 25tb, Friday 27th,com mencing at a quarter before 8 o'clock. feb 11 ,WHAT WE WANT THE PEOPLE _ TO KNOW'?HO USES FURN ISHED ?We want Housekeepers and thoee tboirt to commence Housekeeping to bear In mind that the first, second, third aid fourth rooms of our large and spacious warehouse are filled to their utmost capacity with every description of CABINET FURNITURE and House-furnish Ing Goods generally, to which we respectfully invite 'he attention of those in want of bargains Ho'iscn furnished throughout wi h every article In the housekeeping line very chkaf tok cash, or to punctual dealers at the nsual crcdit Call at the 41 HorsKKEKPKR's EstrosiiK" and examine our stock before purchasing. Our motto is? " Q*\ck $altt and small jirojltt BONTZ A COOMBS, dec l-3m 7th street, between 1 and K. N fc\V lUhK LLDUEH, THE PEOPLE'S Heir , for 2p>tL F. bru&ry. Buy I. at f.b 19 FERGUSON'S, 18? Seventh st. M AUAZINES FOR MARCH, Peterson's, IJallou's, Ac. FERGUSON'S, feb )?> 4^6 Seventh ?t. tlltEaP KKAOinO. AY THE L'1K.< ULA ' ting Library. Call and get Books at febJO FER 'USON'S, ?86 Seventh st. E^7I?(1:ETTE AT WA8HIROTON, and i complete through the Metropolis and its en v.r.Mis, with line illustrations. Pap-r Covers, 25 cents Cloth, 50 cents Just published by TAYLOR A MAURY, feb 19 Bookstore, nfar Oth st JUST RECEIVED. A LOT OF PRUNES, RAISINS, FIGS AND tfoit Shell Almonds, all of the be*t quality. ICE CRE^M at fei per gallon, and made of aU cream, which has been attested by hundreds of persons, at the Orphans' Fair. (Iron Hall,) Presbyterian Fair, Sc&neldet's building, and at Lutheran Fair, Metropolitan Hall. Also, a very fine lot of choice CONFECTION ERY , Just rtcelved this morning, too numerous to mention. We Invite our friends to call and se? them at No 301 Pa avenue. feb l? 3t U H R1DENOUR A CO. WATCHES. 'IMIE LARGEST ASSORTMENT EVER A OFFERED TO OUR CUSTOMERS ? Those in search of very superior Time keepers will find cur stock to embrace all the more tele bratcd makers, suitable both tor ladles and gen tlemen. Confident that our assortment Is as complete as any In this country, sad possessing every advar - tage In getting lt up on the b*?t terms, we are prepared to offer unusual Inducements to pur chasers Members of Congress and strangers who de sign purchasing Watches would do well to make an earlv selection, that their qtulity may ke Iho.ciK'Uly tested btfore leavlngthe city M. W. GALT A BRO , feb 19-it 3*4 Pa. ?*., bet. 9th and 10th itv. tfriifift Mite* Utii. LOUISIANA. Post Or fic al^PAVra rbt. \ February 17,185:. I Proposals for conveying th?mails of tke Untied States from 1st Jul\, 1857. to J th June, lSE?r, in the State of L^UISIAK will b ? re ceived at the Contract C'flV.-e of this departm at an til 3 p. m of 3t?t of March *e*t, to be decided by 85th of April following, on the ronte,ar?d in the time hereinafter stated: No. 7829 Prom Mcrsanville. by Mans-rd. Mark* v.lie. and Point Magree, to Alexandria, La , 50 milea and biek. three time* a week Le^ve Mor??nvi le Monday. Wednesday and Friday at ti ? ni Arrive at AleKaodr'a next day- by 12 in L?a*e Alt xan ria Tuesday, Ttiurseay aad 8 iturday at 2 p ni Arr.v at Morrantille nevt day* by P p m P- r forms of propoeal, guarantee, and eeritieate, a'ao instruction-" and requiremeais to !??? unbraced in the contract*. see ad*. rtisement of Ihe 9d instant, in pamphlet f?m, at the principal pout o(fi*ea, and alio the adv rt *tiii?ni of January 9, 1#M. of routes in l.onlnai a. *e JAMES (iAMi'Kfcl.L, feb 19-lawlw Postmaster G neial. (iNITIl) STATES MAIL. ARKANSAS. Po*r Orrtoi liipaktmkmr, February 17, is.', r s I PK<'P. sm.p forconvbVTnqtbe maii.s of the United States from IstJuy, lP."i7, tn 3 'th June, 18.V, in ih<* Slate ? f ARK ANSAS, will be re ceived at the rnntia-t Office of thi? department nn til J p ni < f Hist ? i March sett, to be decided by 23th of Apul following, oath* route, and in the time hereinafter slated: No. 7502 Fn m Liit e Rock, by Fourch*. College, v.lie Midway, Berlin, lair Pay, R^kpon, Mi Iway, Arkatelphia, Clear spring, An U'ine, H uddiesten, G ave?. and Vari brook, t > Washington, llf) milea and hack, thre* times a wc k Leave I.lttle Rock Tuesday, TLursday, tod ? attire ay at'iim Arrive at \Yadiingw>n nut <"ay< by 7 p m Leav>* Washington Tirrday, fhursday, a-id Saturcay at 2 a m Arrive at Little Koek neit day* by 7 p m Propo-ali to convty the ma in in f ur-horse coaches are invited. For forms of p oposal, guarantee and certificate, also inst?uc.ions and requirement* to be rmbraced in the contract:!, see aj verii*? ment of the 2d matant in p?m; hlet f rm. at the ptinci|al post offi'-ee, and also the advert a inent of January 9, 1854, cf routes in Arkaiua*, fcc. JAMKS CAMPBELL, feb 19-la'v4w Pojimani r General. (No. 575.J By the President of the United StAtea N PURSUANCE OF LAW, I, FRANKLIN PIEFCP, President cf the Uni'ed State* of America, do hereby declare and make known that public a ilr* will be h> 14 atMhe undetmentioned land offices in the 'J ssritory or 0 re^on, at the pe riols hereinafter deeigia'ed to wit: At the land office at Or?o is City, c< mm-ncing on Monday the truth Jay of ?fii?u*t neit, for the dis poral of the public lands w ithu< ike following ntni d townships viz: 1e?th of the b(ut tine ond ra*t of the Willamette me ridian Township one and fractional townahip two, of range one. So'rf* of lh' hate line nnA rait of Ike Willamette mo ridian. Tnwnrhipsone, two, and three, of lange one. Townships one, two and th ee, of range tiro. borth ot the hote Itnrand wcU of thr ll'tfltmette me riWian Township one, of ranges one, tiro and three. South of fhf hcic line and ceil of the H'lUamrttt me ridian. T iwnship one. of ranges onc,tax) and thrro. Township th ee, of ranges one and two. Township four, of ranges one tiro and three Township seven, of ranges tuv, three, four and Hre. Townchip elev n, cf rangea three,four and/fre. ToAHrbi|u?tv nteen and eighteen, of raag^tAree. Tc? n hips seventeen anl eighteen, of range four. At th?- land office at WtacBESTiR, er mm^ndng on Monday, the tenth day of Jl*[u*t next, to( the dippota' of the public land* situated within the fol lowing rain?d town<hip^, viz : South of the bate line and tctU oj the Willamette ??*e ridian Sections one to fifteen, in'lurive, the notUieast qimru ro: section t,event?ea, tn??^t quar er of ,-e tlon twejty two, sectioc* twenty three, tw?u ty-four, twenty five, twenty-sis, and tliixi>-five, of township twenty iwj, of range ?i*. The i?iuthwe?t quarter of section seven, the southwest quarter of section fifteen, the norttiwest quarter an I the souih half of section seventeen, sec uotis fi){at< i D, biiiete n, tweuiy, and twenty one, the no-ihweat quarter of secti<'>ii twenty tw??, the north west quarter of se> tlon tirenty wght, sections twenty-nine, thiry, Uiiry one and tinny two, of tcwiijifiip twenty t*o, of range seren. L .its one to rix, inclusive-, of s ction f jnr; lots one to four, inclusive, of section five; lot* eae to fivs, and the s uihia.t quarter of the soathia-t <i a ter < 1 section seven ; lota one to s?.v en, inclusive, and tte south we t quarter eftlienorth eaotof section eight, the cast haif oi section, the east half of the northwest quarter, the northwest qua: t> r >1 the i.orthwest quarter, and the ? &~t 1 a j of the southwest quarter of nine; the southeast qturter of the si uthe^st quatter ? f section ten; the s uthwfai q.a ter of the southwest quariar of sec lion eleven; the toutlHan quarter of auction twelve, sect oi a thirteen, fourteen and fifteen ; the ncrth west qua .er of the north a?t, and tte ncrjiwest quarter of section eighteen ; lota one to nine, Inclu nve, and the northeast qiurUr of the scutheaKt quarter of section twen y, sections twenty<ore to twen* y seven, inclUMV*; the ea*t half and the n rth weat quateroi aectim twenty eight; lots one and two, aod the soulht a?t quarter of the uorthtaai quarter of sncti tn twenty niue ; the no:ili(a''t qta - ter of aeetioTi thirty-three, and sections thirty f^ur an l thirty 6vs, of township twenty two, of lange eight. i.. ts one anl two, of seciion seven: lot* one to Art, la nave, and the ea<thalf<f the son tl: east quarter of sect ou eight, the w est half of the sjut ? w?*st q arter of section nine, the north baif cf ihe nrrihca<t qutrter, the north i a'f of the northwest qu ir e , and lots one to four, ineluaire, of aectioa thirteen ; th** north haif, and lots one to f?'Ur, irrlu sive, of section fourteen; the sou h half of the north tat qua'ter, the ^ouili halfof the northwest quarter and lots one to four, inclusive, of scotion fifteen; Hie northeast quarter rt' the northeast, and I u one and twoof *ecti >n sev- nt^en,and lots one to six, ii clu-ive, of nation rigljtteii of iown.>htp twenty two, of iang? nine Twnships twenty-six and twenty-nTen, of i an |{e _^re. Town-hips twenty-?ii and twenty-ssven of range *17. Towiishiii- th?'rty-.-ir, thirty-even, and thirty eighi, of range ons. I hat part ot township thirty-<Lr, south andean', of Him Indian reservation, township thirty-seven, sections one to six inclusive, section* e gnt to fif teen i-idusive, a.nd secuon iweaiy-'ourof uiwnskip thiriy-eight, of .ange two. Tiatpartof township tlmty-aix south of the In dian r?atrvanoD, ot langetAne. '1 hat part of township th;ry- ix south and west of the Ind:an re. eivauon, of range fuxn Secti ns Hur to nine mclu-ive, sections fifteen and seventeen to twenty-four indu?ive,a .d sections twenty- :i ht to thirty-tLree mt lusive, of township thirty-six. of range /tie Township thirty- tx, of taage sf* Sections one, two, an 1 ten, to nfieen, inclusive, anJ sections twenty-two to tweniy-*ix, inclusive, ot township tL<iny-six ; factions one to eleven, in clu-.v , sevino en, eighteen, nineteen, aid thirty, to thirty-four, inclusive, of townships thirt)-seven; section* two in mnetei n, 11 elusive, and twenty one, twenty-'wo,and twenty- even, tliesouthwe iquar ter ot section twenty-nine, sections thirty and ti L y-ue, tiie west ha fof secuon thirty-two and set - uoii thirty-four of township thirty-eight; se tione nineteen fo twenty-two inoluaivr, and roMion twenty-sevrn to thirty-four, of t wnahip thrty-nne; ats-Uon* lour to eig it inclusive, and eighteen cf township ftrty, o' range trren S Kith of th t ta*e tine and east of the Willamette uir rid um Town hitliiity igtit aad sections one to six ib clsa ve, nni' to fi;ie> n inclua.v*, and twenty-three, iweniy-fbur, and twenty-five of township thirty nine, of range one. Laadsaptrcpriated by law f>i ibe use of sohooia, nt li ary, anl oth r purposta, will b: excluded frem ih? rale*. The offering of the ab ve lands will be c inmenc ed on the day* appointed, and will proesed la the order in which ther are advertised, until th' whole ha'llaveb en offered and the sales thus c oeed ; but no sale shall be ke;>t open linger t' nn two weeka, and no priva:e enuyoi any of iba ?nnd? <*ill bs admitted until after the expirnuon of the two w -eka. Given under my lia"d, ai the c tyol Waahiogton, this tbirteeutb day of February, Anno Domini <>ae tboui and eight hundred and fif y-aeven. FRAnKLIN PIERCE. By the President: Tuos A-Hrkdricss, Commiaeior er of tkeOenerai Land OUcs. NOTICE TO PRE EMPTION CLAIMANTS. Eve y per*' n eu itled to the right V prr-smf - tiou t > any of the lands wi'hin the township* and l a-t* of townships above enumerated is reqnired to es ah ish the mnn to the ratisfae'ion of ibe register and rceiv*r of the p-oper land oA e. and moke payment therefor at .ion at fradicahU aftet teeing this nott s and btfoic the da? appoint* d lot the c< m m*ncem*nl of the public tale of the aids rmbia - mg the uact c a wed; otherwise su?h e'a m will be forfeited. THUS A HENDRICKS. Commit l iner of the Uensial Land Office. f b 19-lawl3w| TO KXHIBITi R5 OF TMK >1. ?1. P? "I 1 A quantity of GL>ASS CASES and SASHES I for into cbonp at 304 Penn. avenue, over Mr. EL 1 denour'a OonlecUonary. feb ILK | T. L JcUIT, Manager J II u, THIS EVENING, Entire Change of Programme FOURTH BRAND CONCERT BY THE fTNl AND HARRISON ENGLISH OPERA COMPANY PlOORtimt or CO>CttT-P??r | I. M*-Piiao-l'rlt( Mtrmrkt a?tk Br A ' OmrU\m?~" ?>r all U , Lacu Sali: . _ ? ? _ mi?? u??i* p??# ?. Ok, wb!-p?r ?l?l IScm CVr?? pi "?L<5* ? w _ _ _ , _ lr W Rarrlaua ? l?0o C?tr?rUu-n il Coirrrhi l?r Ikt tlviii Dt B?ri *r A S?-1r?|. k. * ***?-"?*." ? u"*?? *?.? . . V*?"* r'B# ?""? "r W " >' rises 4 ha*? ?"??- KlaeB?*r4 i r?r Mr,Hors.a?U? Ftf-tm fkt putt, on imirrrul of fifUen *???, r??r 11 1. Ko<1r'i CVl.brstsd Atr. rl b tarutioc* * ? PfM I Htll*4 "Mr PrMir J'H. Mr. W H?rrl?nr I. r?a ?:? Corr,rtlB??On t>? fav?, jM L *!]*<! - ?, \ Ir. Or? \ Mr. A. *elC?lch 4. Irlrt BtIM -*Th? l.a t Riw ?f ?>i? II lu l.oelM ryr.? I- Baffo for(- VhMiI ? IkTrretN j Mr H ? Trio?"Tli* <?<lcWff? 9c*rf," M<-nnt?io Nylnl, Kara# ? ?? Lost** P?na, Mr W. H?rrt?oa, wM Mi. Horar.*!. Mmlcal Conductor Mr A Sarr.wic Cards cf Admlaslon, 40 cent*; Seen red tee's ? cent*. To be bad at all the Hoteir and prlnrln Book ard Music More?, aid at th? hall from i a. m to 5 p m Doors open at 7#; to commence at ? n'elorfc The Piano need la from the (tore of J F Eltli Waikiagttn CirciiR and Arnj ithraire. Corner ?( StTfith Street aid the Avenni Triumphant Success of the N*v Sstuom. Second night? f the world renowned Wit Jestei ard Humorist, DAW RICE, W ho will Introduce hi* wonderfully educated COMIC MULBS MR JAMES ROBINSON. Th- marvellous Equestrian and mmtdarfr.? bar back rider of the age will appear. MAD'LLE MARGUERETTE. MASTER ROBERT, AND THE WHITBY FAMILY Will have the honor ef making their flrat appear ance In the Federal City ' Mr. FRANK ROSSTON Will perform such ac's tn the circle u are ca!ti? lated to demorMrate ttee rare power* of DAN RICK Fertlcnler Notice ?Seat* can be secure! dv ring Mr Rice's Engagr m?nt each dir. from 10 a m. until 3 p. m. Boxes 50 cents. Plt?Sc;nt*. ftb It Lost and Found. L? ? T-TFIS MORNING, BETWEE^ Trinity Church and the oorner of ?th stree and Pennsylvania avenue, a drab CLOAK CAPE trimmed wl h dark plush The finder will b< bv returning It to E1T Z H U G h CW-'S Warehouse, Seventh ?treet. feb 19-lt* I WIT-ON TUESDAY, THE I7TH IN y ttart, five NOTES OF BAND, drawn by Jeannah Hassan, and rayable to the order el v* m 8 Venable for S&5 each, nanr ent of *am> hiving been rrohlblted. The find r will pl<??? 1,?Whfm wl,h Mr- Geo. Venable, at the Bank el w a^hlngton, or Measrs Engl eh A Sens, Georg> town, and receive a suitable reward If reqa<red !t* W 8 VENABLE CTMATRU OR R TOLKN-PRC" ? U subrcrlber, residing near the first toll? gate on 8f?euth street P'ank Road, on] Sntu'day evening, Feb M,aimallKedV^|L Fm .,ac* *nd wh,t* on tip Of bei tall Had, when she left, a black strap arcucd her horns Any one bringing her to me, or glv leg lnfurmatlon of ber where&bouts so that I can get her Jgaln, will be liberally rew.rded J K LEWIS Btreet Pl*nk TO,d- ne*r *ol* gate, or 402 Seventh street, between D and E. feb 18-St* F OS*?IN THE GALLERY OF THE House of Representatlves, or on the way rST? . . 2F? l? the eaBt Portico, a BLAl K LACK CsOLLsA K Tie finder will receive thank*, and % reZLrC_ Li'sirM- *>y leaving It a( the Sia ORee feb 17 %? Want?. WANTED -A NEATr TIDY <GIRL OR V V v\ Oman to V\ ash and Iron, aid do Chamber rork ?"q"Ire at 39? C street 1 te W^ANTED ?A GIRL TO ASSIST IN GEN. 'J ral Housework. Washing and Ironing In qUe k wi1 "treet' llth and l?th streeta. I?D W-Itw VET ANTED.?A HALF-GROWN GIRL TO in House Work and Nursing Aprly at.w. c street, between andfith streets, lte WANTFD-BY a RE?PECTABLB Idly. ?. .. Worn*a, with no encumbrances, a mov.-2? Child's Norse ApplyatMrs WHIT ^ ??erdlng House, on C street, between l'2th and 13t.'? streets It* SITUATION WANTED-flV A BOY 14 years of age, of good disposition, and wishes to lsarn a trade Good references given Apolv at Mi. LEPREUX'S Gri-cery, corner Pena ave nue and llth itieet fft> TTTANTED ?A BOY TO ATTEND TO The ?, rall2 of tb* ?*U Al"?. ? Chambermsid Slaves or Protestants preferred Apply at No 3**l C street, bet wen 3d and streets ' feb IV IX^ANTED TO HIRE ?A COLORED WO ii ?*f U,he K?'ral wirk of ? small fsm lly. And a Girl also Colored, abont la yeaisof age, to Nurse a Baby Both must have good rec ommendations for honentv. neatness, Ae. Arply at >73 K street, between 0th and 10th. feb 10 3 ? WANTED TO GO WEST-A GIRL WHO In e good Cook and House-maid A priva tion must be made Immediately at 4?1 11th street, between G and H. frb \*--2 ? WANTED?*N EXPERIENCED MIDDLE aged.Wcma* to uxe cha ge of a youn^ lr fhnt.ora Wet fSurs? Colored or vhlte ArplF at the Star Office between 1 ard t to ir.orrovc feb ie 3t WANTED IMMEDIATELY?A WHITE Woman to Cook, Wash, ard Ircn for a family rf three. Best referenres nquired Apply at No. 53 l>t street, Georgetown. feb 17-St* WANTED?TWO MALE WHITE SER rants Tney ma?t be well recommended None other nerd spplvst the SIMPSON HOUSE southwest corner of 10th street end Penn avenue feb 17.3t Spanish and Mexican coin wanted AT HOOD-8 SILVERWARE MANUFAC TORY.?They will be taken (In e*rbange f?r all kinds of fine gold Jewelry, fine gold and sM eer watches, plated ware, Ac ) at the following rate*, vlr : Halves at 60 o*i , quarters at *'i cts , shillings at ll^cts.,and fips st ? rts each, at No 3^ Pa. av [feb 2] II O HOOD WANTED. ?THE HIGHEST PRICKS paid In cash for Old Silver, at HOOD'S Sil ver Ware Manufactory, 338 Penn. avenue, n*ar 0th street dec 3u Boarding. Board,*e.?mrs. bates, on thes w corner of Pennsylvania avenue and 0?h street Is preps red to accommodate gentlemen with rooms with or without board Every effort will be made to render those comfortable who may fhvor bet with their petionage. Transient or table board can be obtained. ap 0-tf KID AND BUCKSKIN GLOVES* leaned lu the be>t manner. Orders left at . . Mr. F. PILLLNG'S ?:o?e ar.d H >>leiy f||r t\\lf Establishment, No *3? Penn avenue, be-, v l , twe?n 1 .th and 1'ith streets, will receive.? _> prompt attention. feb 18 3te JUST ARRIVED?ANOTHER ASSORT ment of the patent RtbULATING FLUID LAMPS These lamps cannot be excebedftr tafety, brilliancy, and oleanliness. Iff Keioseue and Kerosene Lamp* of an entirely aew pattern. Miperoly finished Lard Oil ard I.ard Oil Lamps, several new kinds. Stand ard Hand Lampa Pine Oil and Pine oil L:mps, every va le y Hanging, tttand and Side Lamps Ethereal OH or ?plrlt Uas, manufactured of the >est matt rlils, auperlor to any made north of thU lty, giving a clear light ai.d burning longer P or sale by J. K.klcGREGoR, ftb 18- dlw 531 Serenth it ALEXANDRIA AND WAlHlNttTON rRUAT. HE STEAMER GEORGE WASHINGTON w 11 depart at the following ? _ ^lk ""' fc. toura: JmSEhBS Leave Alexandria7k, 0, 11 1* J^.?\,. Lrave Waahlngton?*, 10, if, feb 18-4 JOB OORSoN, Geplain