Newspaper Page Text
I -?* ?tiring Slur. VOL. XV. WASHINGTON, D. C.. FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1860. N?. 2,172. 11 HE EVENING STAR | PUBLISHED EVERT AFTERNOON, I (SUNDAY EXCEPTED,) AT THE STAR BUILDINGS, Cmmt 0/ Pnnry!'tni* Armm and 11 tk *?tmI, ? V W. D. WALLArn. p?p?ra aerred In pa<>karea by earrlara at #4 % 1 <>n . <-r 37 cent* per month. To mai. aubacnbera !); > p-ie* i? $.UJe a year, ?* advonre; $2 for six U:f. fff three nionthi; and for lets than t. r??* rnoi.tfts at tue rat* of 12 pent* a week. 8in*;e e??.ea. otr rr\r; in wrappera, two rt*T?. |"7*APV!r*TT?c*KXTJ ahoaid haaeiittothenlEoe t-e* r? 12 'c -'ck. Hi.; otherwise tne> may not ap , ?*- until th? next day. EUMIPFA1 THEATRES. f.'-.e theatres ??f \ enice had been closed. v% .z t j ?liti??sl demonstration*. ' " . iinj?ortanee attached to political hi-sing : .faring in the Kunp-an theatres *eem t-? an American reader lint it is to - n mner??d that the thn.trre is the onlv j.'-i?e wh.-re peoj le are allowed to assemble at 1'uM. rie**;iii?J are prohihit * 1 The pre1*! j? t Kven a gathering of s lii^zen men et ? >rr?e; h instantly disperse I hy the I ie c ne-j ir n.^e i? the p.> pie throng to the rri'-t'-e rer.t to their feeling hy fi^nifi ; >l&ri.01,- ration-". Hundreds attend for the ! 1 >.*? . f *pplau lull- ?.:ne revolution, iit lri?* play, ui plajing some forI i i' > c >! r ir? th< ir hut. hiding ?<>me Mage npi 1 to re?cmble their own \erFho government een->r* do their utm- <f to ; * "i *h ?*'?,!irren<-'>?. Every play an 1 .a 1- j- ti <i.-!v -crutinised and expurgated " h iudi-r-?u? can*, Hamlet is forbidden ti - iv. i here s srotten in the Plate." .1 r*-Il i- no? allowed tr? criti- is?? th?* gov? : .lent ?>f ii let Si>artaeii? must not hint M *' r? >1; i 1 i; 1 ii?* t.rche tra must not i ? - r:1 h ii e <,f-he M':r.Ji i!ai.-? IIvt ;ifi I i! a must d ire t?> wear red. ?i"c f. ! X1 '*;i '' ?b??n.<. ?: it :h'- 11I * ar?* .1- -harp as the censor?, u- } 1:1 ; > i all | tin- taken. ?hev will every i ? i". 1 t'.vM put a d >uoie ructi.-n <>n jl -t.ife--iihra.-e or in-ignifi >?nt act. and 'h?; iatii<<riti - l?v getting up an un . ? I ' n*>tistra:i< a" on ir. it !' h a (" * ??ck- at; >, tl:? opera of **La> di'lfcu* w - 11 ii utice l. with which some nnff tiuMl everts an Moriatail. That night, to *t; ? i the nuihoritie?. the Upera I* 1-1 " j-lli ui pit to doiue. and every ' ;?r :n 1 . u te'lier hij?h or li>w, youu*? y - U Ml aala va>ia Ik f>rl>idden - . llut.gary. No ?>ther dre^ - .ft. (>? ten it. liie gallery, pit ur bj^es. i. 1 * * niua donna happened t<> wear t gre -n and white Some one in the ? #1 ' >' 'r 8 i u-Jp bu ,utt mi re I r ^. .? 1 ?t '.et >re her the audicncecaught :1Jd r*e a.- one man to cheer tLe rcv j t? >i <ry ?ri *ok-r. * ' q 'i.d' it waf anuouueed that the Aupit: ? Jthcri'i?? ? . uld go in state to the thearhc b<>u>e was filled unusually early, 1 ?' 'he moment the \uatriant appeared ic .- r b?..Xe- the auiicrce ro?e and left tht ? # * in a b dy li.? ?J in wtnch trifles ure thu? turned t< W ' 'nn* i- an e\ idtnee !' the imp??> ibility ol ; 'I ,' l U'il:.: I elit-g. R?slr ii'neiJ : f. ;.^ifui,..te vent, it vri.I find or make new !!.i -c- f "'honing itself. J?;si now. all -r ViK-tria, the chief theatrical . - m s.errie? ?. fj tte -tage. jfj whirl a Ik 1 t the actors ? Albany Juitrna' r <r . .v C.i'it. u Rr-;ih >xp. ^r?iT< ' ^ 1Cvr ot the Wellshure I. --.! vrri'n.g from Kichmoiid city on fat ant, "11 ia.-: - 16 > i: h y.iur correspondent went ti ' - last named place. 1>,- liviand. president ie Jk.ti ??'. C-.dlegc, is the regular pastor, 1 , ime in about the middle of the service fie pulpit being supplied by a stranger The > iilduig 1- iu the toim ol a letter T. and there ^ ' lerv in each f the three ends, affording 'ouiiiui elati^na Lr a great multitude Th" 1.: ."uitiuoy t?f the weather had made many Uijjty deats, as it does in other cr>ngrelation ? it tn-jre was a host there still. Whenever the 1 e ?. her exaited, he communicated his eritnu-ia-ui to the audience, who gave him t.i u..ders:and, by the luolion oi thei huads. that ?. \vaj.proved of every w .r I Uut when the -'r'*-",?ue. the excitement became strong od ,"neral. They have a choir well trained. fc:. .-if hy thcmselve.- wiih rh?*ir music books, I *nd 'i < * ?>; my oLner rhoir-.-ometime-'repreeen; the wkole rnagnfatha in that depurtmmt ButjMMwtiKe* one sear the nulpit l?ea fi:?r hymn to an old-fashioned tune^ 1 to en -oh singing' It rl;rill- every nerve 111 \ sir l?..dy If you have heard it for the Ji.-t time, itlift- you out of your boots. I bc?ie\e that there is no rnusi-" in any church in 1 the \ Hired 8?ate*, or a?t?| ir. tkat will compare Wi'h that <d ti e African chur.'h The brethren r ?-k -,de ;ide. keeping time ?l. over, and their v.?i.-. - ii.-- un_i,n?|,,udet aud louder till the sound of an organ would 19 M ntinlj It la mUj gnt>4. .'.fr?r the 4 Tvi -e- 1' -,v 1- announeM that a collection * 1,1 ^ taken up; and the specie nas forth 2 " ??,, h -tyle that would h ive astoniihe i i V.n " " ll-' urg congregation In the last s ~44 |'*,n tn n' lis they have r.ii^e | nsarly d'HI 9 I r the erection of * nPH ,-hurch \\ hen the a ^ni'dietii.n was pronounced, some 1>7:e whi-A | "-e l not to h ave, that there would he a wedg ?ling in a few minute? About that time, a ? l',rrJ ' I -'* entered the church. th?* bride and a r t,v" afendants being arrayed in white [' I **< . very styli-h affair throughout, and at' the J on<Mu-ton of t:ie eereoiony they drov? off in J two ?f the finest carriages iu ;-ue ,.iT> So much j ,.?r n^gro |:f?? m R-chmond 1 ' n?. I. \ 1?v Uk^tkn v\ :tu a* 0\ G %n 1 I ~ X y>??X '??? named I 1..; . ^e German 1 ! ' I?<>ard tn an township wa^ bp.?L?hf I "v.' r' HHm*y.on Thur-dav last, chai ned U| h w?b?Ujr and brutally beating a v.,im A woiuan id some eighteen summers, without ju?f ; m.-e or reason From the te-timony elicited *^1 r M 0MS" We ler,rn tJ,<* cir.-um-rance- J... m r't \x *t> . " v,ri i?''th(- '"'h ult., the voun * ly, *>me tune during sc hool hour*', desired of z ch-or ,J,ve of ?bsence for a short time * " 7r,l,?,t ne? nrv that sh" b ,,"d g.. hone at that t,u?. The tether deman ' an excuse, wliieh the yo,,,,., |af|r ' r , V *:v., MfI th,n ?* l?lV t tc J?'"'r refused, and the youn" f -*J; ku ?*mg her own bu,ilie? probably bet^ L"w,,r h>?"? During the course of the dav she returned an 1 upvu cu ring the s, hoid-rwm. was immediately accosted by the teacher for an ex'*u*c of absence, which she, as belore. refused; IwU'*r?upon t .e tea^'her drew forth a heavv gad. (we say gad. because it so resembled aii x gad in di'ueusions. and from that we cannol properly apply to it any other name.) and ai ?u*e fel! to work and beat her ^ntil the gad ^a- br?kon to pieces; and not being satisfied T'l [bis siru.-k her once or twice in the facc . iSu*{i,r ' "I'01j hand The young ladv h,!,ubrut?litJ ft?r a time, but gave ur f n" ?U vml ?,aiQ Several of her t ^cn, ^'ore the day ?f trial mark. ,^1- ,i rr 1" ^2 the biack anJ bi"? rers.n f ?',1? S whif> ,)uite 11 ol teuin'r-^ ,f v. :*^DlPathiiers and conST ani h r'arJ,es- were at t!? time HLm thtUi- T*Z "U teatinony put TJ* {Urt,cj>- after h?ar'?g tht ?K? tor hi^ ?nr defeod?nt under bonds ol f ljr _ *P|'earauce at the next term ol '"/no) Smmtimtf. aij'^av? Vh7f iTuT/,tL* ^^buryport Her H rvard Colle-. ort?,nat?l uT j- >1 . ^'v of Prof Bantia^tM wbtik ?L?*-55,fce i:fr*W in vari??i? Wavi i-tK t . "J t Ix- a .uvi-ed I a au .* :nt petitioi.e?] the benche- 4efjc d *he^I ? Tben thev oU^ w -b .h, , ? ,ht " MT i*Ik 'iSltt**>T AGAIN*I thiMahkhi -a 'ned iu U e P B ,tnham was ar ? < Ji >aper:or Crim'nal Court of Uoatoi ? .- Jturday. 011 a new indictment for adulteratnu l.quor? A hearing w.a had before Judge Put n.m In re?ard to a?inK the amount of bail Th< Anally flxed at S6.(Mi. ^ I D**o5 T<ario'*.?Th?r?!holfeM;ti i rT '.wlrtk!" hav> Mff?red an addr-? of sv m p3 I V to the Pope u-M.~h waa to be pr. smted la* t^rC |lh'',K<,ntucky, Tenneaaeeaud Ohio Leiria IsMjiJIS Invitation to vltlt the Operation? of the Patkvt Officf ?The following is a list of patents issued from US Patent Otfice for th* week ending January 31, 1*60? each bearing that date: Henry B Adr?ms, of New York. N V ?For Improvement in fan blowers. John A Bassett.of Salem, .Maw?For Improvement in apparatus for decomposing Rieam w. W BntrhHder of New Vork, N. V ?For improved method of lighting ?as by frictional e!e' trintv C F feaxter cf Boston, Mass?For improvement in filters V\ 1> Bunting, r.f Cleveland. O ?For lmprovfment in compositions for tanning skins and hides. G??orge Colhoun of Philadelphia, Pa ?For improvement in ventilators. Vosco M Clnfee. of Xenla, 111 , assignor to himself and C l?pwltt Smith, of Washington. D l- ?For improved clamp f<?r making rlevis Jacob B Cnrrler ana Andrew J. Simpson, of Lowell. Mass ?For improved arrangement of air Mid mercurial thermometers I-ester Day, of Buffalo, X V ?For improved churn. B. F. Delano, of Boston, Mass?For imnroved attachment of r<ulders. * Tbomr.s II Dodge, of Washington. D. C ? For improvement in combined reaping and mowing machines. l.eorge Doyle. of Ottawa, 111 ?For improvement i i:i electric telegraphs. Lugeiie Durhamp, of St. Martinsville, La.?For improvement in furnaces for evaporating sugar juices. Daniel \\ Diinzaek. of Salem, Mass.?For improved method cf ojierating stop-cocks. Joseph i. Diittou, jr.. of Cherry Luke, Fla.? For improvement in ploughs. J.T*oh L.lson, of Boston, Mass ?For improvement in machines for cutting and splitting leather. Matthew Edwards, of Cambridge, Ma?s.?For process far coloring the surface of metals. Andrew Ferber. of Elizabeth, N. J.?For Improvement in shutter fasteners. Chandler Flslier, of Milton, Mas?.?For improved curtain fixture. John M Forres, of Norfolk. Ya.?For improvement in carriage springs. Dennis (J. tiately, of Newtown. Conn.?For Improvement in manufacturing rubber belting. A (teller, of Dayton, Ohio?For improvement in burners for vapor lamps. Kdgar ilaigbt. of Buffalo. N. Y.?For improved paddle-wheel. Lewis Harper, of Ricevllle, X J.?For improvement la fertilizers. Forrest H. liar wood, of Rushville, N Y.?For imnroved mortising machine. VV ait N. Hawiey. of Hartford. Conn.?For improvement in machines for pegging boots and ( shoes. ( Wm. II Ilenderick and Jos Jacobs, of Mount Vernon, O ?For improved back rest for lathes. Luther K Higby, of Shelburne Falls, Mass.? For improved pastry board. Jo 1 Hood. of Miiwaukie. W is.?For improve[ me?it lii car couplings. r \Y m. II Hope, of Washington, D. C.?For lmI provement in revolving cutters. Ice shavers. &.c. Thomas 1' How. of New York, N.Y.?For inkstand. Samuel Hoyt, of Wilmington, Del ?For improvement in mill swindles. N ikolaus Hotz. of Trenton. N. J .?For improvement in nozzles for hose pipes. i JoLu Keane, of .New \ ork, N- Y-, assignor to . himself and W H. Bartholomew.?For improved | water closet. James M Kern, of Morgautown, Ya ?For improved washing machine Lewis Kirk, of Reading. Pa.?For improvement 1 in brick machines , A Lafever and lieo. C. Barnes, of Battle Creek, Mich ?For improved back centre for lathe*, i John W. Latcher, of Northville, N. Y.?For ! printing press. Rodiilphus r.ownsbury, of Fulton. N. Y., and Francis (> Wilson, of Ontario, N. Y ? For improvement in horse rakes. Thomas J Mayail, of Roxbury, Mass ?For Improvement in machines for making rubber belting. Malcom McDowell, of New York, and Norman \Y \\ heeler, of Brooklyn, N. Y ?For improvement in combining locomotive engines and cars. Ives W McGaffey, of Buffalo, N. Y.?For improvement in struvvcutters. John Meese, Sr., of Milton, O.?For improvement in bee-hives. A. <r. Mit' hell, of Lansi ngburg, N. Y.?For improved machine for shaping hair-brush blocks. Thomas Mollett, of Chicago, 111 ?For improved railroad-time indicator. Isaac K. l-alrner, of Montville, Conn ?For im | proved bed caaopv. Herman Saloshinskv. of Boston, Mass ?For improved machine for attaching and finishing boot heels. I S Sanson, of Philadelphia, Pa?For improvement in railro;nl switches .1 Scoville, of Buffalo. \ Y ?For improvement in harvesters. John Sloan, of Pittsburg, Pa ?For Improvement in balanced s!;?Je valve. C A! ^pen^er. ?f .Manchester. Conn.?For improvt ment in ma. hiii<-ry for s|<ooling thread oe. rge a Sione of Roxbury. Ma-? ?For improvement In the apparatus for superheating steam. h raniois \auillou and Ferdinand Favernler, of i'aris, France ?For Improved manufacture of i yarn l.oren J W ick*, of New York, N Y ?For improvement in skates W ni. W WUcnx. of Middletown. Conn ?Tor improved sail groiniiiet John H Wilson, of Frankfo.t, .V Y?For Improvement in animal traps Alva Worden. of Ypsilautl. Mich.?For Improved holder f ir tinman's shears MeCHntoek Yonng, jr .of Frederlf k. Md ?For improved heel spur. j'-o I'.dwards. of Worcester, Mass . assignor to h.iuieif and Ceo M. Rice, of same place?For improved variable exhaust-pipe for steam enrs ines. Joseph H. Jenkins, of Smithvillo. Mo .assignor to ir.mselfand Kujah W. Jenkins, of same place For improved saw-mill Richard Lamb, of New York. \ Y .assignor t< himself and Joseph Lamb, of same pl.tce Tp0r improvement in the manufacture t.f artificial n> iible. F.ugeneM Mix and Jas K. Mix, of Ithaca, N. ^ . assignors to \\ I Huntington an?l Harvey Piatt, of same place.?For improvement In calendar clocks. Kin^H.ny II (ilmstead, of Chicago. 111 .assignor t-Hiiies F. I'illcy,of St Louis, Mo.?Fcr improved sawing machine. Benedict 1 rentier, of Dale, Pa., assignor to himself and Samuel W. Weiss, of same pUce.? I < r improvement In the process of mam:fa -turing ste:-l ?r>i,va,n,s xv*lk? r. of Boston. M??v. assionor to .V, . is,f>enrp and J F Adams ?For improved table leaf support. Henry B Barber, of Scott. N. Y? For improvement in devices for raising water. _ Ahx'r Beckers.of New ^ oik, N. Y ? or apparatus tor exhibiting stereoscopic pictures Ihugn < ?James Bogle, of West Newton, Mass ' assignor to himself and Daniel Bogle, pf Dover 1 ' H ?l or designs for floor oil. loth. Sellixg |jlQroR to Slaves.?The act parsed bv 1 the legislature of l=.x--V for preventing and pun' [ ifaing the sal" of ii.juor to slaves has l>een pro, nonnred constitutional by the Supreme Court of Hfludb its basis in the constitution ( itaell. which provides for the summary disposal . ?f a eiass of Inferior offences. Such proceedings are recognized in all countries where common law prevails, though there are exceptions to the s general law. On ev*ry point raiB>?d against the " law the Court has sustained the constitutionality . of the sutute. except it be that which regards the , possibility of a jury which ahall consist of less than twelve Impartial men of the vicinage A' | O. Picayune, Jan 25. ? 11^* Last week while the youth and beauty of Centreville. Ill . were gathered at a social party at the Centreville Kxchange, an old gentleman who was subject to spells of walking in his sleep after " going to bed fell into a slumber (la tomnambvla ) | He arose from his bed attired in nothing but a ' shirt, and walked directly among those who were participating in the scenes of festivity. The sur' Tr WaS *? k* more a**?n istxi ng^than agreeA Skip C.15AL Acmoss Cape Cod ?This measurt which wuld save one hundred and fifty mile* of dangerous navigation around the Cape lessen" Ins the rate of freights, the cost of insurance, and dolug an almost Incalculable good to the commerce of the State, will soon be considered bv the I Legislature. The expense of building snch a " canal has been estimated, from surveys taken bv the I n'ted States, at about #5U?.00ft. ? Boston Tranteript, Jan. .30 ' ? ^ "r,oinK lP ^e. Mary'" "Yea, mnm: I find I am very discontented "If there Is auytLJng I can do to make vou more comfortable, let "je know." No, mum?it's Impossible. You can't alter your llgger to my Agger, no mor n I can \ our dreMes won't fit me, and I can't appear on ' V1 " ?y ^ Pl*ce, where mlsaus's Clothes fit me 'wcUy."' ???? MISCELLANEOUS. A MRS. W1NSLOW, **N Experience.! Nurse and Female Physioian. presents to the attention of mothers, her SOOTHING SYRUP. t?r Children Teething, Which greatly facilitatee the Lrocttt of, by tof'to DC the ruiTii, reducing all inftamni&tion?will alia* ALL PAI* ana tpatniodic action, and is SURE TO 11 EMULATE THE BOWELSDipt'. i upor. it, mothers, it will give real to yonrttlvee, aud RELIEF AXD HEALTH TO YOUR INFAXTS M r have pns op and told this article for over ten yeare, and CAN SAlf, IN CONFIDENCE axd 1 hl'TH of It, VI h'i?t nt*er teen able to,- . .tJy cf lny cthek Medicine?neveri >IKS. Hat it failed, iff t ? I S O L I IN , ! STANCE TO IFf, T A CI RE, Y^INSLOW S when timely tited. Ne?erdid we know SOOTHINfi *n wetance of d.eeatitraction by ?ny one who need M. On tb. contrary,all are SYRUP, delisted with itt operation*, "nd: ? .? in terme of hiyhett commend.<ioi. of it> m ificil etfecrt and nedicnl virtuet V> e apeak in .hit matter WHAT WE OO KNOW " *ft?rttr< rears* eipenence, and PLEDC.Eora RFPfTATIONFORTHE FULFILMENT OF WHAT WE HERE PECLARF In iln.otr tverv where the infant it tufer!?* Iron, p-un an.i exlnuttion. relief will be f.>und mfifteen or twenty miuuret after the Bjrri.p it suinn.u'ered. v.-,|u-.M. prepTrinr.n is tb? prescription of one of the most EXPERIENCED and tKILFl'L Xl'R.fs ir N'ew land, aodhat bten need with never-failing succ*-* In THOUSAXOS OF CASES It sot only relieve! the child from pni-,, but innroraut tht et-.mach and bowels, correct! acidify, and ejTet tore and energy to (he whole ?yttem. It ?ill *lmott inttanuv relieve Griping in thk Bowels and Wind ,AaXanM'HK"VKM .. FOR F-DV iothc Wtfin'o) I M?. ,!!V'' CHILDREN ENTFR Valid OIAR- I B'rfKt cautt VI e would tay to ertry mother who hat a cftild tufwXV,'* rom ?( 'he foregoing complaints?DO not lft I TOt'R PRKJl'DICEd, NOR THK fREJi DICKS OF OTHER* ttar^d between yontfsufferinir child and the reli-f that will 1? LHK?y,k, ABSOLUTELY SI RE?to follow the use of th;t medicine, :f timely used. Full directioi.t fur umnjr will ac- I rTif-rVJ I"' p'b-d'w'.I-o ^rne Ce"u"'e ,he f.c-timile o L . ? ,' PERKINS,New Vork, it on the outside wrapper ?* . . y I'rnjtifn throughout the world. Principal Oifire. No. 13 Oedur Street, N. V. rite only i5 Centt per Bottle. ?c ll-dftwly soTa btI damt-'s r thm s?li> bt B a"LK A KO M AT IC Bottle only. VALLEY WHISKY. , okLv. We have just received Twenty fire Cases of this \"y su,P?;,or ^ 'H'SKY. Heing manufactured exchK.!v ely from th^j finest q utility of H vp, coo rumors I can rely upon its being entirely free from all deleterious in*redi*nts. 9ATelthjr cert'ficates from eminent chemists ox the Nortu as to its nurity. BARBOUR &. SEMMES. ; W H.Dal-, : Your Aromatic Valley Whiskr is received,ami after oaroful examination I find it to lie a pure articltMirrly free fr:m th* ndulitratixK ingrtilicnts so |rpq i^ntly used. Yours, respectful!), J AS. J. MAPE8, ! Analytical Chemist. of "Daly's Aromatic in i J, . '1'skv, ai:d hud it t?> bea ;>ur^ nrtit!'. of I nix* liavor, and Without a?iy deleterious a lir.ixture. I JAS. R. CHILI'ON, M. D., New York Chemist. I State A<saver's Okpice. J2 Ecmerstit ,st..( \v?, u r? .Boston,April 17.1?3? \ I i??i ? / York: I have mfie a choin- I ica analysis of your Aromatic Valler Whivky, and find it a purr, Jine flavored Rye Whisky, contaiDin< I no injurious matters ol an> kind,and I woul l ree- i ommend it as suitable for rn*<1ica! and public Dur- I P\r? - i CHARLES T. JACkSON. ja26-eolm ^ State Assayer. 1 0 RovJaW ANDCIGARS IV BOXES Pressed TOBACCO, f j Rou*h and Ready do. 5 do. Twist do. J do. Cavendish do. 6rt do. lo'a Plug rio 30.0HII Havana and German CIGARS! Just received and for sa'e bv ja27-eo6t MURRAY A SEMMES. f* H E E S E Vcok. ^ BUTTFR. zsi Ixjxes prime EASTERN CHEKSK in store ; and on consignment 3 barrels ROLL BL'TTER. Ju*t reoeived and for sale by I ja?i-e>6t MURRAY' & SEMMES. A i i ? SELLING AT COST I Carpetinps. Oiloloths. ?uifs, Mats, 1 able and Piano Covers. Table and Towel lag Diapers. Rod Blankets, Bed Comforts. White .Marseilles Qunts, 4o H. EGAN, ^ .. 3'i.l Pa. avenue, south wide, - |azT~* Between 6th and 7t.h sts I (^OLEMAN'S EUTAW HOUSE, | P5?BERTJ?- COLEMAN, lafe of7h? fifm of Coleman A; Stetson of the Astor House* . , A and more reoently of the St. Niohola*fA4i Hotel, New \ ork, has, in connection with ll''K3 1 his son, FREDERICK W. COlKMAN , takenthe ohirpo of the above well known house K.r a term ol rears Many important alterations and improvements have been made, renderiiiE it first class ir I every respect. I The location of this house is convenient to trav- I ? oi? citizens, the oity cars psa&me constancy I xv. Ji , p?,lnt"^ aml !he Baltirno'e an!l Ohio and \\ ashirgton depots brimc in close proximity I Libera arrangements will be made with fami'ios tiaf1"6 ?1CmeD Board.(either full or par They will contin ie the International Hotel, at Niagara Falls. Nt-w Y ork, in the same suimtuoue ^r,Bn,fMioai !t 8>,P"Pular with the travel. ing public during the past seanon. de?8-3ui j 1 , bargains] I x H \ \ K Just received ar. invuio* i 1 .New Goods Si-'\i v('L/ 'I ys-t 9^ KSh 1N CAs l.' ??n i'. ? VfeSlINOS, to w/n.m I >li oall the attention of my cuBtom?rs and tn? public generaby. | W1j^ make them up at lfsr i th'' fo.iowine piices: JJL I FINK DRESS AND FROCK COAT* ?or worth .?28, t,',r ?? w.,rth 2.S t',r *' - Worth 2 J, I FINE DHF?? p\v i \Luoxs'W,,rth 2I" JT?r 3^' worth 912, l,,or 8 w.-rfh lft, I JSPI?' r;vRN,s;H% goods or SfSOLm!: tions. Don t forget to oal i at I E. LINNEY'S, No 1T0 Pa. av., Betwe?Mi 17tli and IStn sts., north side, j BUY YOUR STOVES i AT REDUCED PRICES. her. Philharmonic Hall, south side of JiiSr'\ tSilI.li6iWeBiti"f ' *tr<>,'t fl,ul ''srr d,'?r ^ the Mar Olhce. is sellinE hisentne sto^k of Stoves. Tin I \ ar?, ftnd Ga? Fixtures at reduoed prioeg. Tliose I !"wVi of t,arKa?n8 win call soon. Plu,nbin< ard Gas fittine executed at the shortest notice, and w %rrHn' m j _ -v> I no 2^ I f|^HO?iE OF OUR CUSTOMERS NOT WISH* 'iiK t.? 1^ annoyed by having bills presente?t to them are requestod to ca.l ami settle their aecounts I J^hiTli w.'l^i 2??th in tant. after which tune a.1 hil.?a,l1 1^ presented wUnoiit distinction of per .P; - Ii A LL. STE.?H I- NS A CO.; 1 *v.. bet. Qth and HHh stM. J GENTLEMEN'S DRESSING GOWNS-A larie *n<l ?ne*B8??rtnientof all styles and uua. I ities, varying in prioes from S3 to *25 I STEPflENS A CO.. PKOKL. (?. MA RIM Will ootnniAnce liia <eo I ond Quarter on WEDN E>DA Y. F b ruary 1st, at his Academv, coriier of Pa a^e- 5w st., wl,on he will,"t the ' u?,e a fashionable ^uailri!l? naUy'r-i-lfe r.r.d au K.kvsr!?isws; iA i Mr jftiiv p k"t i DECEMBER 13. 1S59 i JUHiV Fe EIiLI8^D?AE Sir i pru?t I IW, r?3r?hi?a - J&26 | F?V?A|SW'oTT0KN.^Mri ENr.INK jaups fji'it t\ "o*'1, for particu ars apo v to ington^D c oorB*r 2d and F .trwts"vL5? ? 27 I xr? AI f ar- i 8e^LING AT COST Gents' and I.'ots' Shawls^ l im- p? ? Glove* Handkerchiefs Ri- A ?',l/ln"n Cambric ?"d >i.k L.nenandM?r;e?l!^hfrtWonuX 6t i'i?."^N.:6th ^rdVhv.;. ALL nig ?2 : deiMni /vomer Pratt uL. Baltimnr". Md aoos^SKsg?^ " /?forlow b? Itll-Mt MUKSAV A SEMMES 1 WOOD AND COAL. IT N 1 ON ,J FIRE WOOD MILL, _ ... Coenkr Ttii St. Canal. We are Selling?viz : 1 Cord OAK WOOD, Sawed and Split, ?6Jn >? ; do. do. 3.25 >* do. do. 162 . _ , PINE WOOD. 1 Cord, Pawed and Split $.S.oo X* " do. 2.50 \ " do 1 25 ILQ^OAIj of all kinds on hand and for sale. L/ All orders promptly attended to, and delivered with dispatch. . ^ McKNEW A: MAR LOW, ja ^a-bt Proprietor?. \V R & 11 ' C* O A L ! " O o D ! V. O A L ! 1 Thorough Stork of all Size* of Coal and nil Kinds of Wood ' ITT*COAL well preparnd before delivery. r-F-wf*r?rk . 2'5i4n p?und9 t? the tor. IL/^ WOOD ready prepared to tsuit the wants of each customer or delivered crd length. . UI7~156 faet in a cord of Spiit Wood, it/" The Wood yawed, hut not Split, is measured before bting S?w?-d. lL/ Fo* sale at the I.oictit Possif/lr. Prirrs at the CITY STE \M FlRF. WOOD MILLS AND COAL DEPOT, 1 oot of 1 7th street. eklow War DKr\rtm%t. .. l- J A w- M. GALT, Office?V \\ . corner 12th and C street*. No. 34 7. II/" Orders left at either p'ace will receive jin 2?-tr prompt personal attention. WOOD, WOOD. WOOD!?Th? attention of tht pubhr to their and eronomv.?Ths bast qua it) ?>f Seasoned Oak W<><?1 at four dollars and fifty cents per cord. Orders left at J no. H. McChesn??'8 Grooery. corner 7th and >1 sts , will be met with promptitude. I can be found at the Northern Liberties .Market with the Wood every day m the week ja 13-Sw* E. LACEV F* U E L! FUEL!! F U E L!! I hare now one of the most txtensive stocks of Fuel in Washington, consisting of? White Asii Broken Coal, Red Ash Eeg Coal, White Ash Egg Coal, Red Ash Stove Coal, White Ash Stovo Coil, Cumberland Lump Coal, Treverton Free Burnmg, Do. Runot Mine, Ege and Stovo Sizes. Do. Smiths' Coal, Hickory, Oak and Pine 5240 pounds to the ton Wood, sawed and split. in all cases. All of whioh I will sell at tho lowest prtoes lor the oaf h. for 3P or 60 days paper, well secured. jrj" All accounts now standirg wnl be presented before tho 1st of January, I860, and it is earnestly hoped will be promptly settled. r. WT. BATES, Wood and Coal Dealer, 14th and C 6t?., de20 near Canal. EDUCATIONAL. Dr. H. PERABEAU. PROFESSOR OF Music, vocal and instrumental, organist of )Bf^ St. Aiovsms. Mad. p.. teacher of the ltaiianifWS style of slicing. Residence?397 New Yorker* avenue, corner of 13th street. no 28-Sm* \% MRS. MrCORMICK'S SCHOOL. tTlRS. McCORMICK desires to inform her friends anurTie public generally that she will resume the duties of her School on the 1st Monday in Sep tember next. The eourseof sVidy pursued will comprise all the branches requisite to a thorough English education. lr. addition to her daj; scholars she is desirous of receiving into her family a few pupils as boarders, aged from 'n> to 14 years, who will do under her immediate oareand oversight. Her arrangements for the accommodation and due care of pupils have been considerallj increased and otherwise improved. I hose in Washington desiring particular information wi'h reference to her school may apply to W. D. Wallaoh, Editor o the Star. For terms and furtner particulars apply at her residence?No. 33 Cameron street, Alexandria, Va. jy 27 tf DENTISTRY. M TEETH. LOOM IS, M. D.. the inventor and patentee of the MINERAL PLATE TEETH, at ^ tends personally at his office in this city. Many p?rs<?ns can wear these teeth who^*IT 1 ** cannot wear others, and 110 person oan wear others who cannot wear these. Persons calling at my office oan be aooommodated with any style and prioe of Teeth they ma? desire ; but to those who are particular and wish the purest, cleanest, strongest, and most perfect denture thai art can pr.Klace, the MINERAL PLATE will be more fuily warranted. Rooms in this citr?No. 336 Pa. avenue, between 9th and 10th sts. Also, 907 Arch ctreet, Philadelphia. OO l-lv D DENTISTRY7! R. HILLS, after a practical test of two years, feeis that he oan with confidence reooin-^^ai mend tho Cheopla?tie Process for insert in gfcSBBB# artificial teetn It has the advantages 01** ' ' " strength, beauty, cleaniinees.ani5 ohesnness. Full upper setd inserted for $35. Partial in "proportion. Office 306 Pa. avenue. se 7 HOI BBS'S AIR DRESSING AND GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING ESTABLISHMENT, Willards' Hothl. The undersigned respectfully informs the publio that he ha* on hand a large ana fashionable assort ment of Gentlemen's FURNISHING GOODS, embracing Gloves. Shirts. Neck Ties. As , of the best materia!, manufactured especia1!? for his *al>E; also, the t.uost stosk of PERFUMERY in the District ol Columbia; and every flung in hi* line as a manufacturer in HAIR WORK, 6uch as Wigs, Toupees, Scalps, Ac., which he also makes and fits to order. de S3m? JOHN H. GIBBS HOW E'S1M PRO VED W EIG HING SCALES These Scales are offered to the public as the most simple,durable, and reliable scales ever put in use. Fiistclass premiums have !x?en awarded them b> the United States Fair and Virginia Ag iouitural Society; Virginia State Agrieu'tural Fair; Franklin Institute Fair, Pennsylvania; New York State Fair; Vermont State Fair. Ac., Ac. In ev:?ry case where exhibited they have reoeived first class premiums. Fo ? e ?t 05 Louisiana avenue, Depot of Siller's Chilled Iron Safes. do l.i-1y K. O PATTISON, Arenl ^2 S'2O,O0O WORT II of FANCY GOOI S. Celling off; selling off: AT COST FOH CASH We have U>o much stook for the advanced stage of trie season, anc, to meet the dull tunes and great Frareity of money,'aiso, to be prepared for Spring purchases.) we have determined to oiler our entire stock of ?oods at exact oost, for cash, until 1st of March. We have many desirable goods, viz : Ladies'and Misses' Cloak* and R.islans, at cost, Hroehe ard Stella Shawls, at cost. Bonnet. Sa?h and Velvet Ribbons, at cost, Every kind of Hoop Skirts, atcost. Best French Kid Gauntlets, at coat. Nets. Illusions and Tarleton*. at cost. Nubias. Clouds and Head dresses, at cost, Lane Sets of Co'lars and Sleeves, at cost. In fact, we will s?li every description of goods in our line at prime oost, for oaih, until March 1st Now is t e time for bargains. Ca'l soon, b?f.ire the assortment is broken At MAXWELLS', ja 2* fit 3-2S Pa. avenue. IMPERIAL PRUNES, 1 CAPRES. We received a few days since a suj>p!y of fresh Imperial primes and Capres Non pnreilles, selected for us 111 Bordeaux. The Prunes a re very largo and juicy. KING A BURCHELL, i? ItS oor. 1-Hli st. and Vermont ave. 7. 9. c. Lama-.. c. h. mott. 7. l. avt1t. Lamar, mott a autry, ATTORNS TS-AT-LAW Hollt sprine, Missm Wi'i practice m the Hirh Court of Errert and Ap Ka'sat Jackson,tho Federal Court at Pontotoc, e Courts of the Seventh Judicial Distnot of Mis nppi.and will attend to the Collection of Claim* tK# \Yi1f-t^ I'J.KNTLEM EN I can only repeat that whioh \ been said by other*. a? weil as mtself: That I consider the CHICKERING A SONS PIANOS f*r beyond comparison, tho best I have ever seen in America. Yours, respectfully, S. Thalserg. The?e Pianos can be had only of JOHN F. ELL1S, 3"6 Pa. avenue, between 9th and 10th st". j21 PHILADELPHIA CARRIAGE AND TIRE BOLTS, all size's ; HOLLOW AUGERS. 4-8, 5 6-8,7 8, 8 8. Receivrd and for sale by ail-eo6t (Spates.) JNO. R. ELVANS A CO. 44 QENZON" NAIL RODS (WARRANTED.) U 5 tons dailr expected, and for sale ia quantities at manufacturers' pricer. ja2? eo6t (Stat-g) JNO. R. ELVANSCO. HO. HOOD has iust finished a largo lot o standard SILVER-WARE?many articles well adapted for ho idar presents, and at remarable low trirM \'n. sis p. HIT ha 99 '1 HE BEST PI \ NO FORTES-The Raven. Baeon A C?* Pi*no, which I have used at the concerts m VVillards' Hall, is the best square piano 1 have ever played upon. S. B. MILLS. A new assortment has just arrived at the Music St re of <ja23> W. Q. METZEROTT. AL E! XX ALE AND XXX ALE!! l he pnrest and most wholesome Ale in this citv is the WASHINGTON BREWER*. This Ale is made from malt and hops on y, and cannot fail to rive entire satisfaction to oon sumers. C COLlNEAU, Proprietor of the ja4-ly W ash'n Brewery oomer K and?7th sts. O.N THE B, R. WORL? Just reoeived at SHEPHERD'S. J* 17 Corner 7th and D sts. LOTTERIES. T ROYAL HAVANA I OTTKRY. HE Next Drawing or the Roya! Havana LotJff Jt oouducted by the Spanish Government, under the supervision of the Captain General of Cul>a? will take pi&oe at Havana on _^^AJl'RDAY, Fkbrtart II, 188". SORTEOyUMtiiin 63! ORDINA RIO. CAPITAL PR Zr. $100,000. 1 prize of $ ion ,?io y prizes oC 91>A 1 do 59,01*. 60 do **) do IAS do 4"0 J do 20 (mo 20 appro*. 8.SW 1 do 10,n?o , _. . IN ALL 2*S PRIZES. \\ho.e Tickets $20-Hal ve?, $ lO-Ouarters, 9-i. Vf,zea oa8',ed at sight at S p<>r oent. disoount. Bills on all solvent Banks taken at par, A drawing wiii be forwarded as soon as the result becomes known. Ail orders for schemes or tickets to he addressed to- ? ,^D?N ROURIGUKZ, ja?>-tr Care of City Post, Charleston. S. C. pORSOLlDATED LOTTEK'ES OF 1IK1? ^ AWARE. FRANCE, BROADBENTS A CO., Milliini, WlLMlNOTO.f. DELAWARE. FRANCE, BROAD?ENTS A CO. having obtained from tne Legislature of Delaware, at :rslate session, a Lottery Contraot, to continue in operation for a period of twenty years, and naving given bonds to the State for on* million of dollars, to secure the prompt payment of a!! prises sold, are now Hei.. the CONSOLIDATED LOTTERIES OF DELAWARK for the benefit of international improvements and other X COUNTY LOTTERY OF DELAWARE for the same objects. The Consolidated Lotteries of Delaware are drawn daily at 15 minutes before 5 p. m., and the Sussex County Lottery daily at 15 minutes before 1 III Aii drawings under tl.e superintendence of Lottery Commissioners appointed by the Stale of De?aware PRIZES PAID AS SOON AS DRAWN. MONDAY, January an. C ass V?78 numbers, 12 drawn baiots. Capitals. i prise of____. 92S.3ll5 4 prize of #1.730 4 do. 5,n?r? 4 do. l.Soft 4 do. S,ooo 10 do, 1,200 4 do. 2.000 10 do. 1/M _ &c, Ac., Ao. Tickets $R,halves 94, quarters 92, eighth* #1. TUESDAY. January si. Class W?75 numbers. 12 drawn ballots. Capitals. 1 prize of 924,0ft' 2 prizes of___ . 9LW0 do, ____ 6.<?i 2 do M60 do. 3,000 11 do. I.,. Ao., A c.. Ac, Tickets 95, halves 92.50, quaiters 91-2*. _ WEDNESDAY. February 1. Class 1?78 numbers, 12 drawn ballots. Capitals. 1 prise of 9s\ ion i 50 prize of Hi.oor 1 do. l",7S9150 do tw<> jJJ do 3. ?) 1 Ac.. Ae. Tiokets 910. halves 95, suarters 9zjo, eightha 1.25, THURSDAY. February 2. Class 2?78 number*, it drawn ballot*. Capitals. 1 prize of 920,000 | 1 prize of 94.83S do. . ?^?1? ,000 ! 1?? do. 1 do ?fw | Ac., Ao. Tiokets 9'. halves 92^o,quartcrs 91.2.5. FRIDAY Febrnarv 3. Class 3?75 numbers, 12 drawn ballots. Capitals. 1 prize of? 921.ISA V prize of. 9!,5en 2 do. ?_ 6.000 2 do. _ 1,2%? 2 do 3.500 10 do 1.CO0 2 do. 2.000 Ac., Ao. Tiokets 95, halves 92.50. quarters 91 25. SATURDAY, February 4. GRAND CONSOLIDATED LOTTERY OK DELAWARE?Class 6. 78 numbers 14 drawn ballots. Capitals. 1 prise o!___? 94'Vim 5 prise of __#2,oen 1 do. 10,432 5 do. 1.20.1 2 do. ?? fi.nco :o do. 1,0U 4 do 3,000 Ac., Ac. Tiokets 910, halves 96, quarters *2.v, eistite 9l,tS Address-FRANCE, BROADBENTS A CO., wiutiwm. Delaware. SUSSEX COUNTY LOTTERIES. To be drawn daily at Wilmington, Delaware, at li minutes before 12 rr. TICKETS ONE DOLLAR. MONDAY, January 30. Class 25?78 numbers, 13 drawn ballots. Capitals. 1 prise of 95,00012 prizes of...9L,ooo I do. 1,023 1 2 do. Ao.f Stc,f &o. Tickets 91. TUESDAY, January 31. Class 26?78 numbers, 12 drawn billots Capitals. I prise of ~?9S,ono| 1 prizes of__ 91,'75 1 do. .... l^io j 2 do. ? 600 Ao., Ac., Ao. Tiokets 91. WEDNESDAY, Kebruary 1, C ass 27?78 numbers, 14 drawn ballots. Capitals. * 1 prise of. 94 417 | 1 prise of. 91,or* Ac, Ao, Ao. Tickets 91. THURSDAY, February 2. Class IE?'?s numbers, 12drawn ballots. Capitals. ! prise of. 96.<o? ; 2 prizes of fl.Ooo 1 do. 2.(.2*i | 2 do. 800 Ao., Ao., Ao. Tiokets 91. FRIDAY, February 3. Class29?78 numbers, 13 drawn ballots. Capitals. 1 prise of .95.S.V' j 2 pri?e? nf 08X1 2 do. ?.. . 1,1(0 | 2 do 2?*i A?,, Ac., Ao. Tiokets 91. SATURDAY, February 4. Class 3-t?75 number*, 12drawn ballots. Capitals. 1 prise of? 91,00(11 1 prizes of 1 do. 1,406 1 2 do. 500 Ao., Ao.. Ao. Tiokets 91. All orders for tickets or oertifioates of paokages in any of the above splendid lotteries will meet with the most prompt and confidential attention, aid the printed official drawings sent as soon as over. Address FRANCE, BROADBKNTS A CO., ja 28 l? Wilminrton, D? aware. TRUNKS, BOOTS AND SII0IX KOL'THKRN TRUNK MANUFACTORY, 4*>y 7TH Stekkt, Oppotit' OdJ Ff Hoies' Hall, WasMnttop, D. C. Travelers will studv their interests by examining my TK UN KS. VALICES, Ao., before pur-innn ohasing elsr where. An I use none but theBHfwjP best material therxin rket stiords ano emp <?v^?allU the best workmen. I can confidently reemmend my work to be superior in Surnftk an<i l>uraKiltty to Trunks that sre made in other cities and sold here. I ko?p constantly on hand, and make to order (on one w?-?k'? noticei every description of SOl F LEATHER, IRON FRAMS, FRENCH DRFSS a*4 H'Of>L> BOX TRU\KS, ASHLAND n*,f olh-r V ALICES, TRAVELING B A(j S ; HAR NESS: SADDLES, WHIPS. 4"'.. c. Trunks, Ac., Repaired and Covered, in a workmanlike manner, at short notice. Trunks delivered in apy part of the city, Gecrre town, or Alexandria. aIho?Agent for Howe's celebrated FAMILY SEWING MACHINES, de 15 !y JAMES S. TOPHAM. A LARGE STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES, TO BE SOLD CHEAP! The Boot and Shoe Establishment that was burnt out on Snnday morning, the2oth of Novem-?jn. ber, have removed the balance of theirKHI stock to No. JSO 7tn street, between Landw^Bs M. Persons in want of Shoes will now find" VfcL an opportunity, for a few days^to jet good articles atnnprecedented low prioes. They must be sold. r^REAT EXCITEMENT AT No. A20 7tb St. H. MELA A SON Sslljns Chkapzk than Evss! All who want bargains must oome s uicklv. Ev erybody says that H. MELA A SON are selling the best and cheapest goods in the oity, and their store is orowded wits customers age.- to buy 91<V>no worth of FALL and WINTER OOOT? and SHOES, at retail for New York who|esa.<> prioes, at H MELA A SON'S, 00 11 320 7th st. 3 doors above States Offioe. ^ CABINET WARE. 850 ?"?**. 350 PAPERHAN0INQS-New stook, sseap f0l sash. Paper hang by experienced workmen, and rati a LQUNGES, 98, ,a ?o- s^^aar^., 49 JOHN F. ELLIS. JOS p?. av. THE WEEKLY STAR. This exoelient Family and New? JoernaJ-ooa taming a greater variety of interesting rending tha*i eat be found in any other?is pnblishod on Salurda morning. a, tnvtmbl9, M astreiv*Single copy, per umun _#l P * " 1 en oopiea . n or Twent, oopica HI 15 on tiki1. ?n< ln J*11**! imnu neighbors With oat the intervention of % mail sg?i \ as will ??e perceived ? per oent. of Tk. W.^ s',V? be ?ave4. It invariably contains the & Washl iwtn News'* that has mad* Th? Krenmt Star oircn\ate so genera !y throughout the oountry. (I/"Single oopies (in wrappers) oan bm prooerM JUS. pT^T.'EeS1C'B1tS. u" tL/~P?*tmasters who act as agents will be allowed a commission of in cents. TRAVELERS' DIRECTORY. Daily line between Alexandria AM) WlNcH KSTE*. VIA L E tSB ChO, BERKYtlLLE, tr. 9EHE8IBIB b y k AlLXOAD a>p PtUT-CLAH coac ull A DAILY LINE (Sundays evoepted) rommenoH running a* above, oa Monday, the 16th inst.. ht w*f of the Alexandria, Loudoun and Hampshire Railroad, and Mean*e& Fawaett's mail line of aoher. L*ave the Kwl'oad Depot at A exandna, corner of Wat^r and Oronooo street*, at 10 a- ra., arriving at Winchester at 7 p. m. Leav- Winchester at a. m.. arriving at Aiexdnaat 2S p. m. Fare trom Alexandria to I.eesbnrg..... Do. do. Haniiitoa........ ... IJ Do. do.^. ..... >3 Do. do. Sntcke'svilie <* P'1- <lo. Cattleman's Peiry... Do. do. Berry '.He S.? Do. do. Witfeherter.......... 4,fti WM. R CARLIN.Conduetnr. ja282w MEANS A PAWSKTT Baltimore and ??hio railroad. WASHIV+roX BiiAXCH. Craxci of Horn. C^mrrjmetntt on momtnit, October IT, 18c# Tra'ne run aa follows : Leave* ASHINGTON a' ?.*> and 7.46 a. m. Leav? ?V ASHINGTON at 3^n aud 5.20 p. m. On^iQday at 3 2" p. m., only. iMVe tiALTIMOR F at 4 so and 8 a m. v-rave BA L.TIMORE at 3.15 and 4J0 p. m. Y"n Sunday at 4.20 a. nu.oniv. Vasaengera for the FAST will take trains att.n , ainl 7.45 a. m., and 3.20 p. m. For the WEST at(^2" a. m., and SJr> e. ro. For ANNAPOLIS at 7.15a. m., and (Tjn p. flft. For NORFOLK at 7.4S a m. oo IS T H_ FARfiONE.Af?t. PFOR NEW VOkK. A4SAGE. INCITING MEALS AND _ ^ STATEROOM. fT.AO. Tw New \ t*k iud Virginia Scr?w Steamship i/Jlfi1)! *r$T ,wn<1 elegant steamship 40r\TVfcHNON.C?Ft.T.C.t?miili.^? will ler??-? the Cor ^anv'a Depot, Wm *??*' tern VVharvea, at 11 o'clock a in every WKDN'tS 1 an\i * Company'a Dep*>t, at Alexandria, at So clock p. m. same da*. Passengers from WashlRflM and Georgetown can take the coachea connecting with Alexandria steamboats or railroad, which leave the oorner of 7th street and Fa. avenue bonrlv, or they can leave on the steamer from the W'eetert Wharves at 11 o'clock a. m. State rooms oan be enraged on appjioatior *o Messrs. Morran A Rhinehart, Woatern Wkvrv Freight will be teoeired up to the hours of depa* tu re _ Insurance will be effected on a'! rooda Hy this meat the offioe of tne Company at X per cent premium. The aoocmmoda'iona for passengers by this lint are in every respect Cret e ass, and every effort w' oe made to render thi* communication with New \ oik an agreeable and hoaithfu! one. For freight or paeea?e apply to FOWLh At CO., Agents, Alexandria. H. U.CROMWELL A CO., eej-ly ^6 Woat at..corner Albany, New York. JVTOTICE.?The Steamer JAMES GlIY having II resumed herrouts on the Poto- ii ^ mac river, will i?*avo Washington on tL " '? TUESDAYS for CI RKIOMA.N,***1. ? aad or f R IDA YS (commeccina on the 8thof April! for riNE? POINT and K1NSA LK.S.t ? a. m. retnrnir.R, wii! leave Kmaaeon SATURDAYS a* 4 a, m., stopping at ali oftbe reju!#' latidtugs coins ao'i retwrnin*. LVCIKN S PAGE, Prop'r Nath'l. Boc"H. Aeent, Alexandria, mar g8-tf BfNo. fiSI.l V THE PRESIDENT <iF THE UNITED STATES. In puranance of Is* , I, J am n Bcc has *x. Preai dent of the United Stat*'* of America, do her>-br dc elare and make known that public sa.ea will he'he^d at the under mentioned Land Office* in the Siate of Florida at the pcrioda hcreiuaflcr desi^uatcd, t?* Wit: At the Land Office st Tali.ah a^te, oommencing on Moodav. the twentieth -la* ol February* the disposal of the \-n<*ant fsnda in the rf?n-???e titrnl seAftonf and pari of Kdiaat, wilhni the on der-me?tionod toW!iahip?, winch remain to the I nit?-d States, within fix milemin enrh aide of ths railroads, "froin St. John's river, at Jacksonvilte. to the waters of E"caii:bia l<*v, at or near Pen"*aco !a; 1 and "from pcnxacola tu the State I me of Aia'?a ma, in tii" direction o l M ontcomery;" subject, as required b> law . to a minimum two dol*ars a+<* \ft\ rentj per arre. Ml: .Yorfa tkt bait hue and we?t q/ tk' meridian. Townahipx 1 and 2, of range I. Townships 1, 2, and 3.of tangea 2 and S. Townships 2 and 3, of 4. To*rn??hip8 1, 2, S, and 4, of range 5. Townships 2, 3. and 4. of ranges s. 7, ami I. Townships i.', 3, 4, and 5, of range 9. Townships 5, 4, and 5, of range Townships 2,3, 4. and 5. of rargea 11 and 12. Townships 2, 3. and 4, of ranges 13.14. and 15. Townships 2, 3, 4, a-id 5, ?f ranges 1? and 17. Towimhips 2,3. and 4, of ranges IB, I?, 2", Jl, ?, ?. and 24. Townships 1, 2, 3. and 4, of range 2.V Townships 1,2, and 3. 0 ranees 36 and 27. Townships I, 2, 3, ?. and 6. of ranges 28and 25>. Townships 1,2. 3. 4. 5, and 6, of ranges ?). SI. andSJ South of the base l*nr and weft %f tkt rrtnetpi' meridian. T?>wnship 1. of ranges I and 2. Townships 1 an?i 2, of range 29. Townships 1,2, and 3. of range 30. Townships I and 2, of range 31. North oj the base lint and east of the principal meridian.. Township 2, of range I. Townships I and 2, of ranges 2, S, 4. 5,6,7, 8,9, and If. Township I, of rang."** 11 and 12. South oj the bate line and tart of the prm(>r*t meridian. Towr.ahip 1, of ranges 1, 2. 3. 4, 5, , 7, 8, and 9. Townsiiips in and 11. At the Land Offieeat Nkwxa>'?vix 1..commencing on MomiaT, the tilth ilaj el March n? xt, for the dis posal of the \ acai.t lauds in th< rvm numbered sec tionsand p?" < ( frtions, within th?-mid tion?-d townships, which remain to the United State# vithin -ix mile? on <*ach "i?l?of vh>- rail 1 oads."from St. J.>hn'? river, at Jacksonville, to the waters of Escambia or i<nr Penaaco a:*' an l "from Anieita inland, on the Atlantie. to the waters ?i( Tanipa Dav, * i?na branch to Cedar Key, on the Gulf of aiesico:** aubjoct. aa reqmr?d by a minimum of two dollars andjifty 'rnts per arrf, v\t South of the base lint and east of the prtnupa' meridian. Townships 1 and 2. of range u. Township* 1. 2, and 3, of range 12. , Townships 1,2, S. 13. 14. and IS. of range 1*. Townships 1.2, 3. 4. 13. 14. and 15. range 14. Townships 2. 3, 4, 12, 13. 14. and 15, of ranee l?. Townships 2.3. 4. |i, 12, 13. and 14. of range l?v i Townships 2. 3. 4. le, 11, 12, asd 13.of range 17. Townships 2. 3, 4, 1", II. and 12. of range 18. Townships 2, 3, 4. h. and 9, of rang.-* 19 and 2??. Townships 1,5.3, 4, 5,S,7, 8. and 'J, ol rang-s2< Slid K. Townships 1. 2. S. 4. *. ?. and 7. of range c. Townships I. 2, J. and 4. of mn.:e 24. At the I .and Office at St. Ar<jr?r eominen cing ? n .\ionda- . the twenty.?"Vrnth da* i f February next, lor the disposal of the \aca;it lands in the fee* nutrlerrd sections ind parts <tf sec'torn, within til" uiider-mei,tion??d townships. wi.irh re main to the United Stat"v within six rruies <>n ,??ch side <d railroads, "fr..:!! St. John's river at Jai ks -n ttie^ wat?rs ? ! Escambia or ne#r P-usac??la;" and "from Am iia island/on the Atlan tic, to the watere o| Tamoa Hay, with a bran -h to Cedar Kev, mthe Guif of M'-xioo;" sublet, aa m quired b\ law.t<.a imiuinum of tiro dollar: and *>< y rents p* t arre. viz : North of the ba\e tin' end east of the p ?nrt/-i' meriiian Township* I and 2. of ra-ige 23. Townships I, 2. and 3. of r?n?es 24, 25. 2", 27. ac' South of the base line and east of thr rnn^'pal meridian. Townships 1,2, and 3. of range* zs and 2r.. Lands appropriated by law for the Uf,* ,,f aohoola. military and of A" purpo.?*?. together wit}. "?*?% j. and overflowed" lands. wi:| be excludnc from thsales. The tracts along th* line* ??f *he railroads wil! sold, subje?>t tt> th'- ncht of wa>. srat>t?il ae? ?.f 4th August, 1852. for said railr??adf,and the lar tracts cut \>y the routes will l?e so d as tain"1^ the quantities" respectively sl> >wu wn the effi is"1 plats, without dAuctions. The offering of the above lands will be c.f,fri?r',n".e?| on the day a appoint?d. and wii: proceed |Q ,? in which they are advertised, cnti! the wh . shall hare been off-red. and the sales thu? v'u* ii but m sale sha'l t?e kept open longer than t a 1 weeks, and no private entry of an* of th- si-., e lands will be admitted until after tne exr s 1 1 th- two weeks r Given under my hand, at the cit* of this nlt^ntzi day of Nuv.iti^r. anno fK>1121111 uih1 thousand ftlftkt huudred ami rmip. By the President: J AMES BUC il A NAN. S. A. Smith, Commisaiouei oftbe Genera' La < u*?\ NOTICE TO PRE-EMPTION CLAIM A VI Every person entitled to the rigutof pr?- <-r,<k>t ... to any of the ands within the tu?n?hip? enumerated is reqtti'cd t'< e^tal'.isli the . satisfaction of the register and rec?M\e- < t < , proper land office, and mate paym?nt . .?oew a* p*arti(a!/l' a.t'-r ftng f*t? nrxit,. ai:<! ' the da* appointed for the ciaiiiii?noam>'i? >-i public sale of the landt einWra in* the trart n.a r>. - t otherwise such claim will be forf*'iUs< ^ S. A. SMITH Commissioner of the Gem-ra! Ian-! . Nor*.?Under the regulations of the d?paftir.? t, as heretofore and now *xisUng. no payment? ah for adverti* nr aroclamafions exempt sum publishers as are ipntat:* v ' , the Omswtsfioaer e%f the Gene-a' 1 And t pe l> lawMw ^ h. " rartef pKfl ?t? *s*? ainvi |. o ^