Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING STAR. U^When the freight train from New York on the New Hiven Railroad last Sunday night was near the Iron Bridge, smoke was discovered issuing from one of the cars, and the train was immediately stopped a:id the Are extinguished After some time spent in trying to discover where the fire originated. It was finally found to have come out of a barrel of ' bottled beer,"' which after being carefully overhauled, disclosed, snugly fastened i:i the middle, what is called a "blow lamp." steadily burning, and surrounded with combustible material thoroughly saturated with liq iid t*r. The lire hud burnt through the side ef the barrel, destroying several bags of feed and a portion of a large box of clothing. The barrel 'vas shipped at .New York,consigned to a flrin in Greenwhich. and it was probably the intentiou of the scoundrel to destroy the depot at the latter place: for b:td the train been on time it would nave been left at that station, and the -lepot closed probably, without the lire being discovered. Baltimokk Stskkt Railroads.? The City Demo-rat e Convention of Baltimore have adopted resolutions protesting against the proj?osed confirmation by the Legislature of the ordinances i<ass<rd by the Municipal Council granting to c<?rtiln parties from Pennsylvania the right of way and other privileges for a st-eet p^ss^nger railroad It appears that citizens of Baltimore proposed to carry passengers at three cents each; while the comptnv preferred by the Council charge five cents The House of Delegates have appointed an Investigating committee, with full powers to report on tbe alleged frauds by which this preference was obtained. A Small Pox Iscidkxt.?An eminent physician of New York got oa l>oard one of the city railroad ears a few day? since. In a moment he said?"LadUs and gentlemen, there is a malignant case of small pox on board this car?1 smeil it *' in a n oment the car was stopped, and the passengers fled, all but one. and she was a woman e!ose!y veiled The doctor asked her to lift her v?il. Sije did, and he beheld a most dreadful ease of that foul and dangerous disorder. She Mid she was on her wav to the hospital?her att ndant was on the outside {?y About a year since a young man was arrested in West Philidelphia on the charge of attempting t > snoot a young lady he was in love with, who did not rec'procate tbe passion. Last Friday the vonng man was a^ain arr?-st?-d at the suit of the lady, who ch'irged him with attempting to kill her with a razor. It appears that the couple are now mar led. and this violent matrimonial life is only a natural consequence to the stormy courtship which it followed. Was ever woman in such humor wooed " Was ever woman in such humor won Fksb Nkoro Insolknck?it is reported that when L*. S. .Marshal Johnson, of the southern district of Ohio, vlsit-d Oberlin to subpeena a witness to attend the Senate Investigating Committee the hotel where he stayed was assailed at night by a uang of negroes who imperiously demanded to know the Marshal s business. ' T'ue landlord explained it to them. (we trust the Marshal was not privy to the explanation,) and the nejroes then left. Cacss Of BlTshes?A Lurid Dtsrrtptirm.?A writer in the American Medical Gazette thus furnishes the reason why young ladies blush wnen spoken to about their lovers: " Tbe mind communicatee with ganglion, the latter, by reflex at tion through the brain and facial nerve, to the organic n.-rves in the face, with which its branohes inosculate." !Lr A quantity of-curiowslv shaped bones have been exhumed from a marl-pit in Monmouth Co , N.J, which, from their size and appearance, are judged to belong to no species of animal existing at present. They are supposed to be the bones of an animal known to naturalists a? the Mossasaurus, or Lizard of the Meu*e?so called from a specimen having Wen found on the banks of Ihe river Mense, in Holland. !Er The latest rumor in England, on the loth nit . was that Cardinal Antonelu, tue Prime Minister at Home had resigned ail his oili. es He h-is long been a violent and virulent reactionist, and he worst adviser that Pius 1 X ever had His retirement will probably give a new phase to trie Italian question. It may indicate a modification of the Pope s policy against the Duchics L^onnrd Byington, a land operator in Iowa, lately had one hundred and nine separate notices, eomprising nine columns in the Iowa Reporter! Issued to dill'-rent parties, that he is eoing to forerlosv the mortgages which he holds upon their lands and tenements. < CT" That interesting little perfumer, the Musk Cat. which tbe 1 S steamer Mississippi, hasji^t brought home from Cochin China, is on exhibition at the Aquarial Gardens. Boston. IIT" Gov Deuniton, of Ohio, it is reported, refuses to surrender John Browu, jr., who has been demanded as a witness before the investigating committee at Washington. fLT A card fs out for "the conservative men of the State of Rhode Island who place the memory of Clay and W ebster above the living Garrison.'' IZT The W higs of North Carolina are meeting in their respective counties to s^nd delegates to a State Convention to be held on the *22d February (TTLe Mountain has commenced manufactur- I Ing four llrst-class balloons in Lansinburgh, for local ascensions. ARRIVALS AT THE HOTELS W ILLAR PS* HOTEL.?C A Frrgv th, DC!: E J fringe, Ca!; W F Potf, Pa: C D^MiVs E fa.ns, Pa; \\ Sams, Oal; J Mo,ton, Va; J Barker, La,H Brown. do:Bi-~hop Sc ?ott and iid?, F. 9,x; NV W t?'enn, Ala; J W B?d?on do; ? H Van Ki-esk, NY:Geo Boaer. Pa; J p L?n<.iead,d";S M Dodd, M; W F P. field. Pa EE Dunbar, N\: H Hildro z.S Lowaiwr, Me; V u uOULw 5" j Foiim**!, Co; E 3ri>ii?iard,di>; 1* an- Jr" Va: vv ? dark a>>d iad), G Chapman. ?: ii A Sma I-yanl &d,Y. ?; ? N V; J L f.ittlear.d iady, M<; Mrs C MMernU, dfs J Iloukhtoi^. N V, A vVvd, djnA l)ipre. Li:l, P Bnat.t. do; J L Leak, pv a P. J? h1 ^ ; w Bakeweii, Pr: J t? Beale, ?Viv W ?{r17"?nt. Md; J B-atl* do: W J Mateuntc, do; ?* V, '/ vl, do; J R Fod SY; WPih.ji.LMA; J S ChiiK'io. N ? ; tfon \y \ each, do; J \\ Paine, do; C M* do; Capt ea*i.**. L S \ . 8 K Chsp.a n, Win**;.J H Stl and iady. N Y; A B Sim h (), S H R -iibin- V i. 11 Vl.iier, Ct; W ti J'o >!e. Fis;"v K vv i|g,,n nUp \V*i^ vr ?\?al ^M|*?-^A:H Phillip^; P?\ ; Dr P \? a.^s. I S.N; Mis W i!kcr, NY; H B<f?darand ia y,1Va; Mrya Mrs Pember, N Y; W P Lee, do; J S Hedftos, l>el. BROWN'S HOTE\.-J Wa?kii?. Dr ??cotf H Mill r. W Mataews, S I) lizard, T Aai^Tok J " Coving i>n. J Shu t-?r. W Klimon, W **ha'w ii B Biooks, J S f)o.ine f, J K Fllio t S Hopkins, W Ho<?dvard J Morris Md;\ I'h !pn. MrSvtnn H Allan. G%; H S Miller. J D.wih M Lewn T Har n?, W Graham. NC; Mrs rf-nha n. Mo: S Lolzhaciien, Aia; S W Hale and lady. H C Bullock. W H A?r ^ dli\m=, i; A Low er, o F MhK n 5*' ) ,9 stjf. 1) A R^nhsin, J G'azier NY- K hK'; H":;C Tn?Sa?rtf J ,J K^n- Tenn; J ?c' rhVW'r# te.,Fi?C:rA ^oila^r Ms F H Joy. Mass; a W Sta% la- HL Sbn"1'wTfW^?1li Jri?i "T^Mo: T A Jack .. itO WT?/iic J msoQ. F w W K A Wood,R?mI h, Jj-V1 white, Aia, VV Davi?, T*x: J B hade Kr M H.Mhn*-4Wu ',u T",m; \li.n PuJIivan. vf; M-rs L>o>d, ib-, T ^ Su laok. S M Soot*, IVi* P P Per 2amO*i i B Mr"" K NlaCraV, Ala: F J!.a^, KT anoe, Va; a C Pavis, J E NAT'ONAL HOTEL.?r* A Wa^hirston. Vr J .'; W Bl.iin, Pa; I* R lew*-' ett.S \\ ard N; J Hit Vt; J A M.:.r,e, Ky; P Thomas. \\ MiUiheil, Md; '?r Grio daw, l"a: Ja* M"*I?oraid.? o! San.!e,*s, .Ni? ? j-,a .|.nr \i_. q Zht% SM1 tv''** iaa"' rft,? ^X f; l>r D?ao?hurn. \ a; Rjssam S Ber *, M;i. W Han n,< and _ad>, Pa; T JenW ? - aid a iV, M 1*3 M-M.1t, I VVorle% \H: H Griffin l\H- l>an hKW* r*. ? N.?bi/. j b .""a B3 \i f i i r C' rni^h, A Mlrpe. K MoLe laod, J DouitM ill. J Ha!!, W White C V Mom*. \% Me s -r. K MaUhew. Ala.* W !"'ap aan. Aitu6, \\ aw fi tTj%: H rtrr/m\? M IS. 5cMV*rA?h^(ir7t '"aI0 V s ; j ir?n..inVh'm' Ca-in, G f *rt-?n. \I%; J Aum nt. Pa; J S 6.< d ad*. 31 ss Va; J Salliva" J Thotjip^on ai d :au.?. Pi: Mrs II )U3?>?vrieh* ** " i. fetchlnsop VaV KIH KWm.D HOU?U.-W\V Fnmter, M<i; J J Pow ! , i r P. J.>;.r.-o.i. A M Ji ki n, l:a; C D , Wats; J \\ Pa; H A Z <il NYv ? ' ^ T J Carlisle, ^a; F OeiPy. M i; G W S*e r. ?r, o- h W M WiliinVa; A M Km e?,SC: H C Wsri. 1SV; s J V A_jy?tk"-wn. V?; R Gunliiag, NY; M W cSfTntj. ya. OC EAN ? TEA MERS' SAILING DAYS Far* th* UsiTin 8tatb?. A?^Sr,> nLtv'- *>*v,. Edmlurs ? v'2"*"v- a.iverpool V'eh. 9 Km ve,r v-crk Liverpool Fob. 11 fe ::& % ?.o t - , Stm-.^a. ieru Brito" Liverpool pr>rt'a?d i ? r* ... LiverpiM.i. B?>sr?n i2a'S ' C-. ASKhiRKtog F.iverp.>??j N?-w YorV't- k ^'- a? ^t?,w;..w Ymi ECK : - S-'Uth'ptoii ..New V.,rk i 0!ar?.>w ... U,44%J? .New Vork Frt! 3 ^ K!:. '71. and Ch'-'.w-; on toe ?th snd I3tS. n,onth' ?T T\TKW GOODS t, . JUST OPENED. ' i^r S.'i'tin* *nd S?"-F.t nr C? ttons, *V, Ve?*Y%l ViVMrt.,rc end sh*#tln? Linew ? ' < C> ed rfUi.'*rpt, es. PiyK^.nr ? ? aamasir, ' owV? a,>d Nnpiias. ;.?,twv'l ftoe Wbfteand Col?r;d Flan A -f srni-h *.es,i:ir(roirat the lowestp,i3cs ? ' ^ J*?y(l?J L&Y KC^ ' _. .. " tb *t.. above Pa. ave r,.i ,3# Kf-r" fcr < w? ^ " * L \ \ \ \v ALPHABETICAL LIST AITD RXSIDKNOXfl of m 91KMBEAS OF THE XXXTIU CONGRESS. SENATORS. Anthony. H. B., Wlllarde' Hotel Bayard. James A., 184 P at., between 17th and ltth Benjamin. J. P., Jackson Plaoe, oor H and 16K sta Bigler. Wm., 436 11th it., between H and I Bin*ham, K. S.. vvaahington House Bragr. Thomas, Vernon Hnuie Brookinridge, J. C., *53 G at, bet 14th and 16th Bright, Jesse D., 423 15th at, bet. Paarand H at Brown, A. G., National Hotel Cameron, Simon, 2H6 Pa av, opposite Willards' Chandler, Zach., 184 1 at. near oorner 30th Chesnut, JamM. Brown a Hotel Clark, Daniel, Washington House Clay, C. C., Brown's Hotel Cinuma.ii, Thos. L., 2i5 Pa av, bet ltth and 15th sta Co lamer, Jacob, W illa'da' Hotel CTittendon, John J.. National Hotel l>avi", Jefleraon,249 I at, twt 17th and 18th Dixon, James, ?>5 Corooran's Row. 1 atreet Dooli?tle, James R., Mr Norton's, 30 4% at Douglas, Stephen A., Minnesota Row, 1 at A N J av Durkee, C., Mr Parser's, 4? >? Maaaaohiisftta ar pps?enden. \V. P., Mrs Chipman'a. 3*1 C at Fitoh. Graham N,s?7 E at, not Hth and lith st Fit7patrick, Benjamin, Brown's Hotel Foot, Solomon, Mra Ch pman'a, S6" C st Foat?r, L. F. S., Willams' lintel Green, James S.. Crutohett'a, 477, oor D and 6th sts Grimes. James Vv., 517 12tli at Gwin, Wm. M., 234 I at. corner 13th Hale. John P., National lintel Hamlin, Hannibal, Washington House Hammond, Jaa. H , 224 oor Pa av A Madison Place Harlan, Jamea, Washington Houae, H. P., Brown's Hotel Hemohill, J., Mr*. WiUiama', 17, cor C and 4H sts Hunter, R. M. T., 424 H atreet, bet 11th and 12th Iveraon, A., Miaa Queen's, 444 C at, bet K and F Johnson, K. W., ofArk.. 3R5 h a*, b-t9th and l<Uh Johnson, Andrew, of T<*nn., St Charles Hotel Kennel;, Ai.thony. 463 6th st, between D ard E King, Preston, Schriv-mer'a, 16 A at, Capitol Hill Lane, Joseph, Brown's Hotel Mailory, S. R., National Hotel M*aon, Jaa. M.,424 H st. bet llth and 12th Nicholson, A. (J. P., Kirxwood House Pearce, Jamea A , Mrs. Irving's, 28 st Polk, T. Powell, L. W.. 2ft} G at, bet 14th and 15th Pugh, h. K., 4'*> 4:h st, north of La. ar Rioe, H.tM., Min Row, I st. bet N Jar and 1st st Saul* bury, W., Mrs. Irving's, 28 4}i at Sebastian. Win. K., Dr. Dunn's, 4% H at Saward, Wm. H.,252 F at. b. 113th aud 14th snumoi'j Jaa. K. Wiilards' Hotel Slideil. John, 3!2 H st, bet '6th and 16* at Sunner, C. Mr*. Cam rack's, 112 K, bet 14th A 15th Ten Eyck, J. C., Mr. McBlair, ltf2 1 at and Pa av Thompson, John R., 45013th ft, E and F Toombs, Robt.,248 h at, bet I3th and 14th Trambnll, Lyman. 451 8th 6*, bet E and F Wade, B. F., Mrs. Hyatt's, 339 Pa av, b?t6th A 7th Wil8on, Henry, Mr. Joy a. oor 8th and Pa av Wisfall. L. T? Brown's Hotel Wiikineon. M. S . Mr. Solomon's, 46** 6th st Yulee, David L.,262 1 8t, bet 17th and 18tii REPRESENTATIVES. Adams, Chas. F., Private, 194 I atreet Adams, Green. Private, afifi F st. bet 12th and 13th Adrian. Garnett B.. Willards' Hotel AUlrich, Cyrus. Avenue House Allen, W m., oorner New Jersey av and south A at Alley, John B., Private, x w cor 3d and C sts, 408 An'erson. Thoa. ij., Brown's Hotel Anderson, Wm.C., Private, 236 Fat. bet 12th A 13th Ashley, Jas. M.. Mrs. Keilly's.i'w Ne?- Jeraev av Aahmore, John D., N vv corner and C sts Avery, Win T., Brown'a Hotel Babbitt, Elijah, National Hot^l Barksdale, Wm., Browu's Hotel Barr, Thos. J , \V?I!ar<1s' Hotel Karret, J. R., Crutchett's,corner 6th and D sts Boaie, Chaa. L., Washington Houae Bingham, John A., Washington House B air, Sam'l S.. Avenue House Blake. Harrison G . HyattV 339 Pa. av Booock, 1 h;?a. S.f Brown'8 II"tel Bonham, Miiledge L., Brown'a Hotel Bottler, Alex. K . Willards' H ;tei Bouligny. John E , Missouri av Boyoo, TV"m. W . 322 Pa av, over Wall A Stevens Brabson, Reese B., V<3 II s?, b-it 3d and 4th sts Branoh, i awrenoe O'B . Brown'a Hotel Brayton, Wrn. D., Smith's, 393 C at Bn^gg, Geo., i\lrs. Ha neon's, 377 Pa av Bristow, Francis M.t Mrs. Tayior's. 411 3d st west Brown, John Y? Smithson's, 2R3 B st Bulfiiigton, Jaa , Private, n w cor Jd and C sts, V>3 Burch, John C., Br?>wn'a H'?tel Burlineame. Anson, National H^tel Burnett. Henry C., Pri^a e. W3 G at Bnrnham, A fred A., Willards' Hotel Burroughs, Silas M.. Washington House Butterne lu, Martin, Wil!ard*?' Hotel Campbell, Jas. H-, VVahhmgton House Carey, John, Hyatt'?, S3i Pa av Carter, Luther C , National Hotel Case, Charles,4?) Missouri av Clark. Horaoe F*, Private, oor K and 13th sts Ciark, Jotin B., Browii's Hotel Clemens, Shenard, Willards' Hotel Clapton. L'avid, Brown's Hotel Coiih, Wi! lamson R. W., Mrs. I'Mng'S, 28 4^? st Cochrane, Ciark B . Wi lands' Hotel Cochrane, John, Wiltaru*' Hotel Colfax, Schuyler, Avwu?H"Uf>o Conkhn*. Roacoe, Willards' Jlote! Cooper, Geo. B., ciioate'a. il Louisiana avenue Corwin, Thomas, 6 Louisiana avenua Covod", John. Avenue Hi-uee Cox, Samue! S., Pavate. 1^3 14th street Craig. Jawies. Brown's Hutel i:raue, Burton, 358 L) nt. eet Crawford. Martin J., 25) F at, bet 13th and 14th Curry, Jab^z i, AL. Brown'a Hot*?l Curtia, ??. H ., Mrs. Joyce's, n w cor 8th at A Pa av Dwidaon, '1 iios. (j. L'nited Stares Hot?l Davi?, H. Winter, Private. Madison Place A H st Davia, John ?*., 5!4 12th street Davia. Reubei. Brown's Hotel Dawes, H??nrT L. Privat?, n w oor 3d and C ats, 4^8 De Janiette, I)ani*l C.,373 Pennsylvania avenue Delano, Charles, Willanla' Hotel Dnnmick, Wm, H., cor Pa. av.and 13th at l'ue;l, R. Holland, .Mrs. Tilley'a. 74 .Missouri av Dunn, \V in. MnKee. Willards' Hotel Krignrton, Sidney, Hyatt's, 339 Pennsylvania av Kdinumlartn. Htnry A., Gru?e's,4l5 Pa. av Edwards, Tnoa. M., National H<itol E iot, Tho?. l>. Private, Franklin Row, 352 K st Ely. Alfreo. R-iss;', 267 G "t Engiish, \V. H., Vr?rnon House, oor 3d at A Mo av Estabrook, Experience, 495 llth ?t Etheridge, Emerson, Brown's Hotel Fainsworth, John F., Washington House Fetiton. Reubei E., Washington House Furrr, Orris S , Wiliards' Hotel F.orence. Thos. B., Private, oor Pa av. and 17th st Foster, Stephen C.. St. Charles Hotel Fouke, Philip B., 4^2 E fet F an!< Augustus, Willards' Hotel Fronoh, Fzra B., Washington House Garnett, Mu^coe R. H.. Piivat'*, 42H 11 st Gartr.''!, Lucius J.. Private, 42" F st, bet 6th A 7th Oiirn^r. John A.. Brown's Hotel Gooch, Dauisl W., Privat", n w oor 3<l A C sts, too Graham, Jain?s H., Wiliards' Hotel Grow, Galusha A., w siile >-th st, 3~!4, t?et D A Pa av Gurley, John A .JPrivate, 404 E st Hale, Jaine* T.. Avenue House Hail.Chapin, AVashiugton House Hamilton. Andrew J., Levy's. 42 Missouri av Hardeman, ir., Thos. Brown s Botel Harris. J. Morrison. Mrs. Harris?Ki's, S77 Pa av Darns. John T., B'own'a Hotel Ha?kin, John B..!Prtvate, cor N. J. av and 1 st Hattm. Robt.. Brown's Hotel Hawkir.s. S , 2.7 Pennsylvania av Helmick, Wi. i in. Avenue House Bickrra t. Job",219 PeinsjIvama av Hill, Joshua, Private, E at, bet 6th and 7th Hin-Jman Thos. C.. 512 12th st Hoar i, Ch*rle* r*., W' Hotel llolman, \V. S , Vernon House, eor 3i st A Mo av Hooper, \V. H.,4Ri6th st Houston, <ieor,(e S., Brown's Hotel Howird, William- Washington House Hushes. George W., Private, 151 F st Humphrey, Jaines, 2vJ ? st, bet 11th and 15th Hutcnins, John, Smith's. 3^3 C at Irvine. W ii!:am. Wizards' Hotol Jaokson, Jani'^a, Brown's Hotel Jenkins, Alb?*t G? Brown's Hotel Jones, John J. 25" *' st J.inkin, Beni. F.. Washington House* Keitt, Lawrunoe M., Lafayette Houae, P near 14 st K?Ho^g, Francis W Washington House Kellogg, Wiliiam, National Hotel Kenyon, Wm. S., Washington Houae Kilgore, David. 41 Missouri av Kiitinger, John W.. Prvate, 468 14th j>t Kunkol, Jacob M.,376 H at Lam^r, Lucius (.> C. Brown's Hotel Landrein, John M..56 Vlissouri av Larrab^e, Cha?. H., climate's. 41 Louisiana av Leach. PeWitt C., Mrs. Keiliy's. 555 N. J. av Lf,aeh. Jame? M.. Brown's Hotel Leak--. She.t??n F.- s w cor 3th and I sta Loe, M. i.indl-y Washington House Logan. John A. 4!i2 E st Longn-.-cber, Henry C., 'i 5 Pa av, opp Willards' '.oomi?. Dwight, Wiliards' Hotel Lovr, Pe'er A..273 E ?t Lovejoy, Ower, 36>i C at Mac'ay, Wm B., 212 F st Mailory, Kobert. Mrs. Taylor's, 411 3d st Marston, nihnan, 439 Pa. av., opp U. S. Hotel Mart ti, Charles D., Avenue IL use Martin, Elhert S., l'n:t**d States Hot^l Maynard, Horac, Mrs. Williams', 43 Pa. av McClernand, J'>hn A .Private. 4S3 ilth st MoKean, .la". ?., cor D and 15th sfa, 5>fl McKn'glit, Robe t. Priva'e. 422 12th st Ma"h".*son, Edward, 4!>l l?ih at, bet E and F MeUunon, John, Itrora's Hott-1 M .haj, iohn J., Wiliards' Hotel Ali'es, W. Poroh-r, Private, 424 H st Millson, John S., Privat", 464 9th at. Let D and E Mil!ward, W., Private, 23?; F ?t, bet 12th and 13th Montgomery, Wn?., aahinirton Hous^ Moore, LabanT., Private,28^ F at,betl2tii and 13th Moore, S?d?*nha:n, B-own's ll"tel Mc>ori'Pa<l. Jas. K , Willards' Hotel Morrili, Justin S.. 360 at Morris, Edward Joy, Private. 468 14th it Morris, Isaao N., Private, 48S llth at Morse, Freeman H , H u<by Houae. oor 14th A K ats Nelson. Thos. R., Mrs. WiUiama', 423 Pa. av Niblack, Wiliiam E.,274 B st Nix or;, John T.. Willards', office XS Pa. av Noeil. John W. Brown's Hotel Oliu. Abraham B , S15 F at Otero, M. A.. National Hotel P.Vmer, Qjerg" \V., Wii.arda' Hotel Pendiet/n, G. H., Private. Carrol Row, 433 1st fit Pennington. Win.. Wiliards' Hotal Pe-ry. lohn J.. Mrs. Juyoe's, n w cor 8 at A Pa av Pv tt t, J^ha U-. Avenue Houae Pmoa,samu*l O . Smithson'a, B st Phelps. J.?hn S.. S8I 3d st Porter, AlbertG., Avenue Houae p4-t er. John F. Avenue Hhqm Potti", K'm-oy B., Wiilards' tlotel >ryor, Roger A.- Private. 329 New York ar Pugh, James L.,5'0 '2th bt '^oarles. Jamea M., S? H st bet 3d and Ith R^aran. Jrhn H..341 Pennsylvania a/ oeynoid*. 'ohu H-, iVil arda'Hot-1 ^'oa, A exander H , Wiliards' Hotel Riicgs, JetU'- R.. Wi iarda' Hotel "ohinson, Chnstooher, 225 Pennsylvania av ?? bmson JamM C., 43*' E st d ?L'V*' Homer E., 36i O at r\ Mi?n. r lomes, Brown'a Hotel A ara e b-t 9tn and 10th S .TVu* ?* Washington Honae So^tt.Charla, l.. National Hotel Sc a top, Geor^o W 39S C at ^-.Pr yate F anklin Row, VC K st j ?T? A Wi;i*r.W Hotel Sioki*a Darnel K.. 475 13th at Sjinin-, H tr P. ,42 VfisaooM ar Si ijuet ??tho R.. Brown's Hot^l Sm.'h William, 437 3th st Smit.i, Wm. N. H., ^rown'a Hetel pomes, Daniel E..?7 Pennsylvania a? Spau diug, Elbndie 6., ffaUonal % I Spinner, Pranois B.? Willarde' Hotel StalTworth, Jamos A.. Absent Stanton, Benin.Hyatrt, 830 Penn?rlv*nia av Stevens, Thaddejs, 325 II st a, Capitol Hill Stevens, lose I^ Private, 50812th it Stevenson, John W., Private, 283 G at Stewart. J antes A.. National Hotel atewart. Wro.,46 Louisiana av Stok*s, Wm. B . Brown's Hotel Stout, Lansing, United States Hotel Stratton, John L. N., Wiliards', i ffice213 Pa. av Tappan, Mason W., National Hotel Taylor, M., Private, wost side 21st st, bet G and H Thayer, Ell, Wiliards' Hotel Theaker, ThomasC., Hiatt's, 339 Pa. av Thomas, James H.,3U7 I ct Tompkins, Cydnor B , Washington House Train, Charles R., Wiliards' Hotel Trimble, Carey A., Wiliards' Hotel Underwood, John W. H.f 4-13 9th st Vallandignam, Clem. L., 329 F ..t Vanoe, Zebulon B.,.Mrs Hnrrison's, 377 Pa. av Vandever, Wm., Private, 10 Massachusetts av Van Wyck, Charles II., .National Hotel Verree, John P , Wi.'lards' Hotel Wade, Edward, 393 C st Waldron, Henry, Washington House Walton, E. P., 36 > C st Washburn, C. C., Clarendon House, 6th st A Pa av Washbnrne, Ellinu B.,48.5 6 h st Washburn, jr., Israel, Private, Franklin Row, 332 Wcb&ter, Edwin II . Mrs. Harmon's, 377 Pa. av Walls. Alfred, Mrs. Tiliey's,74 Missouri av Whit?l6y, Wrn. ??., 5!2 1.1th st Wilson, James, Washington House Windom, Wm..*Avenue Winslovr, Warren, 2 6 G st Wood, John, 500 11th st Woodruff', John, Wiliards* Hotel Woodson, Samuel II., Brown's Hotel Wright, John V., Brown's Hotel TOBIAS, OPTICIAN, 426 PB.NN. AvencE. BET. 4K akd 6TH STS. 1 most respectfully inform iny friends and the public generally, that I have removed to ?? above place, where I may always be found, to38^ suit all that require my aid. with SPECTA-^ ^ CLES, or having GLASSES fixed tu/uitail Sights. As to my capabilities, and the satisfaction I have generouj given, 1 will ontirely leave to the public to discriminate from the many testimonials in tlsis city and elsewhere^ that 1 have of the most eminent gentlemen in the United State*; and I particularly desire my advertisement in the National Inteiligenoer to be rejui as a tuido to those who wish to be well suited. I do not suit at Arat sight as come pretend to do, neither do I warrant mine or any other Glasses to suit you for a space of six years, as you will read in an advertisement of another person, which is all stuff. This is certainly anew plias? to endeavor to improve a Dootor s bad business. I will not impose uoon or insult an enlightened public, to endeavor to* make them l>elieye anon nonsense. I oan only add, that if your eyes do not undergo a change, then I will warra*r you T* Glasses to last tou forever. i ou will at all times find in my Ketablishmant a a large and well assorted stock of SPECTACLES and EYE GLASSES. with real Brazilian Pebbles and fine Glasses,(no wouderfu! Venezulean Crystal Rock nonsense,) TELESCOPES. MICROSCOPES, OPERA, READING, WATCHMAKERS and ENGRAVERS GLASSES,and a large variety of other useful OpticB. I annex a few of the many testimonials. from his Excellency, the Governor of Virginia, . , Richmond, Oct. 3,1554. I have tried a pair of Spectacles obtained from Mr. Tobias, and find them of great assistance to my *?sht, and corresponding with his description of their focus, 1 recommend him as a skillful Optician. HENRY A. WISE. Frcm the late Hon. Judge Butler W abkington. July 1!, 185?, I was recommended to Mr. J no. Tobias as a skillful OouliBt, and as I have eres of remarkable peculiarity, I was gratified to find that Mr. Tobias seemed to oomprehond tliom by inspection, and some sh?ht measurement, and he has made me a pair of Spectacles that suit me admirably. A. P. BUTLER, From the Hon. Secretary of State af Virgmta. Executive Department, I Richmond. Dec. 31.1858. t Dtar Sir: Gov. Wise having shown me trie S*peo taoles you gent him. and disoMV9ring that the foous was precisely suitable to my vision, kindly offered to enolose them to you, to have new Glasses substituted. I have sinoe received them, and am gratified that the Glasses fully meet my expectation, and give my eyes &reat relief. The pebbles you hav? used are really superb. I enolose herein the amount ol your biii. Very respectfully, GEO. W. MUNFORD, John Tobias, Esq., Washington, D. C. From Prof. Bache. Washington, Feb. 14, ir?sa. I have used a pair of Glasben of Brazilian Peobiea furnished by Air. Tobias with great satisfaction. They are clear, of excellent fie arc, end well mounted A. D. BACHE, ICr Please observe that my Establishment is on Petn. avenue, between 4>i and 6th streets. TOBIAS' AMBROTYPE ROOMS, Where you will obtain a good Likeness, equal to any other Establishment, and at moderate charges. II CARRIAGES. HE Subscriber havi ig made additions to hi factory, mak i ."g it now one of the largest.* in the District, where his f&ciiiti^ forR2PCj?fS& manufacturing CAR KiAGE A LiCrHT-H^- WAGONSol all kinds cannot be surpassed, and from his long experience in the business, he hopes to give general satisfaction. All kinds oi Cr.rn&scs and Light Wa;one kept on lar.-J. All R E PAIRS neatly done,and all orderG prompt y attendea to. Seoond hand Carnigss taker in exchange for ns* i&efc. _ ANDREW J.JOYCE, + tf nnrnftr nf lith ani F. ?! Notice for 4h'e ^restoration of CERTAIN LANDS TO MARKET IN THE STATE OF LOUISIANA. The grant of lands made by act of Coneres* ap proved June 3. 185b, to tue State of Louisiana, to aid in the oonstrucUoH of certain railroads therein mentioned having Keen so far adjusted as to authorize the release fro"' withdrawal of the lands here described, notice i* hereby given that all the vaoant ojT rtd lands which lie outside of eix nuicB on each side of the railroad ' from New Orkans, by Opt?lousas,to the State line of Texas."situateo in the under mentioned townahips, which have not b^en selected in virtue of satd grant, or r served for any purpose whatever, and which were subject to tnin'ate entry at th<* date of withdrawal at the ordinal y minimum of .<1.25 per acre, or at the graduated prices under the aot of August 4th, 1834, will bo restored to private entry ou the days and at the plioea hereinafter spooified. at the ordinary minimum of ?1.25 per acre, or at the prices to which they may have <raduated at the date of withdrawal. At the l.and Officeat Nkw Orleans.on Monday, the frfth day of March next?: Sou.h of the has* lin*. east o/ the prinripal meridian and west cii the Mississippi river. Townships 13 and 14, of ranjt^ 2, ' own?hipB 13, M, aud 15, ol ranges 13 and 14, Townships 13. 14,1*>, and 17. of range 15. Townships 13, 14, ltf, and 17, of ran^o 16. ' ^ownships 12, 13.14, (6, 17, and 18, of range 17, Town^hij>s 12,13, 17. and 18, of ra::ge 18, Towrspips 12,16, 17, md 18, t?f range 19. Townships 12,11. and !7, of range 2<!, Townships 14 and 17, of 'ange 21. Towns'-.ips 1.7, 16, and 17. of range 22. Townships !4, 15.1'?, and 17, of rango 23. Townships '6 ar.a 17, of range 24. T< w-'ship 17, of rango 25. A? the Land Office at OrrxorsAH, on Monday, the 12?A r/.'f of March next?viz: A'or'A of the hasf line and east of th* pi inc'pal m.? ridtan. Township 1, of ranges 1 and 2. North of the. base, line and rrest of the principal meridian. Townships 1, 3, and 4. of range 1. Townships 1, 2. 4, ar.rl 5, of range 2. Townships 1,2, and 3, of range3. South of the. base line and eist of the principal meridian. Tow.nhips 1, 2, 4, 7, and in, of range 1. Tovn3hlpe 1,2,5,6,9, in. and 11. of range 2. Townships 2, 3, 4, 6. and 12, ^f range 3 Townshipp 2, 3, 4, 5, and U, of 'ance 4. Township3 4, 5, 6. 7. 11,12. and 13. of range 5. Townships 4 5,6. 7, ana 13 ol range 6. Townships 6,7, 6,?, 1<\ II, 13, and 14, of ra*ge7. Townships 8, 9,10, i1,1.'. and 14. of range 8, Townships 9,10,11, and 12. of range 9. Townships 12 and 13, of range 10. , Townships 10, 11. 12. !3, ami 14. of range 11. Townships 11.12.13, and 14, of range 12 South of the base line and rcett of the principal meridian. Townships 1,2, and 6. of range 1. Townships 1 and 2, of range 2. Townships 1, 2. 4, and 5, of range 3 Townships 1,3, 4. 5, and 6. of ranges 4.5, rndfi. Townships 3, 4, ano 5, of ranjres 7 and 8. Townships I 3. and 4 of range D Townships 2, 3, and 4. of ranges 10 and II. Giver, under my hand, at the city of Washington, this twenty-eighth day of December, 1**9. . , J03. ?. WILSON, Act g Commissioner General Land Office. Note.?Und^r th* rexu'ations of the d*?nart.ment, as h.-jr?tofore and now existing, no payment can be made for advertising proclamations except to such publishers as are specially authorized t-^publish th* CoT.misai'jiier of toe General Land Office. j% 3-1aw8w NEW PHOTOGRAPH AND AMBROTYPE GALLERY, 450 Penkstlvants. ATWVSj Ne*r Tkiri Slrnt, AMBROTYPESAMBROTYPE?, crdy % oente, PHQTOGRAPqS. PHOTC?GRArHS, only One Dol ar for the first eoey, and as cent* tor eaon sobseqnort n< OOD PICTURES ^ taksn in an? weather, Rememoor the Number? 4^0 Pennsylvania avenue, near Sd street. ? the tkaAnt* utkile you have t?4 . */>*<??im. % Blr CHAS. S. WM.LACH, A :TORNEY AniD COUNSELLOR, Has removed his office to his residence, No. 7 In diana avenue, between 4*$ and 3d streets, nearly of p isit? the east wins of the City Hall. ia 4 ?v>2m DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP-Tfce Partnership heretofore existing beetween the nndersigned, under the firm of La psi,ey A Thomas, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. All the business of the late fir?i will be settled ana the oontraets thereof will be ftilfilled by the undesigned, Hen v P- Thomas, who will carry on the same busmew at the oid stand. No. *26 Light ?treet, Baltimore, and who is aiouo auth^riz^d to collect the debts and use the uamo of the firm in liquidation, THOMAS J. LAPSLEY, ? , M L HENRY F. THOMAS. Baltimore, March 14,185D. CONTINUATION OF BUSINESS. It will be sr>en by the prooeeding notice that I have turchased the errt:re interest of my l<>nn'?r partner, 'honips J. l^apsFcj. I respectfully solicit a con'inuatioa of the patronage of our former friends and the public in renera:. Mr. Josbeh H. Tabsle. ?or seven years Foreman aud principal Engineer in the house of MosBrs. Nofis A Gregg, of New York olty. and for the last three years of this house, will oonUnue to manage the Mechanical Department, as form?dy. The business will be oundaoted under the firm and style of ?p MENUY F. TEOMAS 4 CO, MEDICINES. I J?OTHB AFFLICTED! I.ND1AN VE8ETA.BLE DKOCTIOS. This valuable prap&ration has proved to be om of the greatest remedies for Soroiula. Rheumatism, Sourvy, Eruptions and Blotohes on the Skin, Piles, Bilious. Ague and Fever, O.dSoree Nervous Debility, Dyspepsia, Liver, Sait Rheum, and ali disease* arising froin tho effects of Mcrouxj, ever presented to the public. Testimonials and certificates from hundreds of respectable citizens of Baltimore and other parts of the oouutry are in possession of the proprietor, testifying to its ourative powers. Cr It is sold by mo?t of the Druggists of Balttmore, and at the xesidenoe of tta?ruj&n CO X 1SS East Baltimore street, between Eden street and Central avenue. None genuine unless her name is blown oa the bottle and her seal on the oo*k. fTT* Price 51 per bottle, six bottles for $5. Wholesale AKtHt. R S. T. Cisskl, Druggist, Georgetown, J). C.. has been appoint: W holesale Agent for the District, and will supply the trade at mr pnoos. de22-tr A A NEW DISCOVERS ! ^ N INCOMPARABLE TONIC. A Delioioai and Invigorating Beverage? SULTANA PANACEA, The Elixir Vit,b, For the Radical oure of Dyspepsia, Lobs of Appetite. Indigestion, Intermit tent and Remittent Fever, Nervoucness, Nervous Tremors, . . Ard the whole train of distressing evils originating from the impurity and sluggishness of the nlood. Weak and sickly constitutions are suddenly restored to health aud vigor by this Aromatio Elixir. Put up r.eaUy in pint botties. Sol. Proprietors- ^ pupjNAVANT. fiy Sold by all the pru?oipal Druggists. no 12 3m ROUGHS, COLD3, HuAR8ENE8S< &0> The prevalence of the above complaints at thii season generally has the effect of bringing out a host of profess'dlr new specifics, and wt'ile w?me are gi??d. many aro useless, and others even dangerous. The wisest oourbe to pursue is to consult your family physician, or otherwise use only snoh rem die* as long public experience has proved to be safe and efficacious. Of this character is TYl.KK S COMPOUND SYRUP OF GUM ARABIC. OriginalIt the favorite prescription of an einiu^ut physician iisoon b;#eamea popular remedy, and has continued to enjoy a showing, reputation for the last twenty years. IncaseBoi common Colds, Coughs, Ac,, it act* like ai hann,ar<l iuChronio Cases, Bronchitis, Whooping Cough, Croup, Asthma, Influenza, 4o., its suocess la unparalleled, and most will testify who hav:* used it. Price 25 cents and SO oents per bottle. Sold by Nairn A Paimer.Chas. Stott. An., Wash ington : Cissel, Georgetown; Peel A Stevens, Alexandra; whore it msy be had a'.so.for convenience, in Lozenger form. Price 12& and 25 cents a boxknown as "T-ler's Gum Arabic C?ugh Candy Drops," as an elogaut. p!ea?ant an J efficacious Pul monio Lozenge they are un%urpassed. de 7-3m DUNNAVANT'S? mr . STRINGENT AND AROMATIC DENTRIFRICE, For Cleansing, Beautifying, and Preserving the Teeth and Gums! Dl'NNAVANT'S MOUTH Wr A S H , For Inflamed And Ulcerated Gums' DUNNAVANT'S ODONTAGIC ELIXIR, For the Cure of Toothache and Neural*'*' Sold by ail the principal Druggists. no l?-3m THF GRKEN~BOOK. UST PUBLISHED, 15^ pa?<es, price 25 cents, ON 8INGLF. AND M A R R1 ED LIFK; or THE INSTITUTES OF AWlMBk MARRIAGE; its Intent. Oblica JmgggmJmff tions and Physical and Le^al Dis qualifications; the rational treatment of ail private diseases i n both sexes. Ao. To whioh is added a poetical essay, entitled "CaMpaediar : or the art ef having and rearing beautiful and healthy children, hy the late Kofkrt J. Culverwell, Esq.. M. D Sent free of postage, by the Publisher*. Chas. Klise A Co., Box 43S6. New S ork. or Def ter 4 Co., Wnoiesaie Agents, 113 Nassau street, Ne* York- Axent* wanted everywhere. Also, gratis, an extract and sample of the above entitled : DR. CULVER WELL'S LECTURE or the rational treatment of Sperm*tnrrh?r*? and pr?. vate diseases gonerailT, detailing the means l<j which invalids may ?ffectuaily cu'? themselves without the use of dangerous medicines, and at but httle expense to themselves. Sent free by maii in a secure envelope, on the receipt of one stamp, to prepay postage, by addressing CHAS. KLINE A CO., de 6-tFeb 11 Box 45S6, New York ciry. C SWINDLING QUACKS. AUTION !?Quacks;?their Books, Cordials. Bncliu. Hospitals, Instrument.! or Rings?shun them all, and, if disposed to profit br my experience, writofor my private Circular on SPKR MA TOR KHifciA ;-ITS CURE. Writh 8? enclosed, a-!dres?. in perfect oonfi i^snee. your jVieud, a former sufferer, merely euper scribia? Box 176, Charlostowu, Mass. je 14-DtWlf I^URS, FURS!?1'i consequence of 'he season " being so far ad.a ced. 1 will oio6C out the remaining ??~ts of T& P U R H, Krt KNCH SA B! E, WATER MINK. FiTCH, Ac.. at gr-at!* re 'u?o<l prices. IC/3" Tie highest mark?t price xSji wi- * rai'l lor raw r*kin?. B. H. STINKMKTZ. ja 2S tFeh b 3'26 Pa. av., b-1 i2th and l*t'' ?t?. 4 QU COX A McKENNEY 1QL too dealers in 40* FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. We have on hand a varied and oh->ioo stook o' TOBACCO and CIG A RS^-wholesale JfN jjr. and retail. Those wishing a first ra artiole will do well to call. All ordc^sJSiL promptly fiiiod. f! r" S?v?nili ntrAet. rw R mm 9 COMPLETE SIOCK OF PIANOS FROM Chickering A Sons', Hallet. Davis A Co 's, and Nunns A Clarke's ; all prices, sizsb, andtcrnrs for sale or rent. JOHN F. ELLIS, ja 17 SOfi Pa. s.v.. betweor. <?th ard H th Has come i-ha^ comeTi-h as come a: THE GOOD TIME HAS COME! SINOKR'S Ao. SEWING MACHlNi Cam ncrw he for One Hvndrtd Dollars! No. 1 for Ninety Dollar*! For manufacturing purposes rhe only reliable an?". uuexoelietl Sewing Maohina in the world .?I. M Sinrrr Co.'5 fiaz'tte. Family Sewir.j .Machines from Fifty to Seventy fiy? Dollars. V, e have tried them in our own fa*n ilies and find them superior to any in use.?/. M Sinter 4- Co.'s iiaxctte. Wo invite all to call at our Washington Office No. 3SS Penna avenue, under National Hotel,anc examiao them ?.r.d th ?ir wort. The great cconcmj in using such a machine will at once become ap parent. Explanations given to all. Circulars,illustrating all or Singer's Sewing Machiras, with spool mens of the'r wcrk, furnis.'ied to ai , or sent to any a<idroBs. A good assortment of Thrs.pd, Needle3, Twi?v and other maoiiine findingc kapL on hr.ud. a:.d loIc it Now York prices. I. M. SINGER A CO., 43S Broadway, N.Y WM.H GLOVER. Agent. sole tr JUST RECEIVED AT HARVFY'S OYSTER Depot, a la^ge soppl* of the largest ar.d finer* York River OYSTERS. T. M. HARVEY, Agent, "" It Vrt !>l?1 ??.. I.?t Iftlh *rH 11*), HO. HOOD lsdailv receiving ali of the newest and most elegant styles of fine GOLD JKWELR Y, oa.oulatM for holiday presents. No. 33f* "a ? /^ENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING ?We are manal ufacturing to order, Gentlemea's Clothing of th? best grades, at exooedingly low prioes, and we would invite citizens and strangers to examine our assortment of Cloths, Doe Skin C^ssimers and VestB. feeling assured that every garment will givf entire satitfaotion. WALL. STEPHENS A CO.. He S l a. av . r,?t. swl loth >u 17ANCY SILKS AND SILK ROBES T. AT COST. W* will from this da? forward re'l our '?*itiro stock of FANCY DRfci*S SILKS. '2 or 3 FLOUNCE S!f,K ROBES, MOURNING and FOULARD SILKS at co?t. All of the above roods weie iHiui-ht this Fall, and are of the latest and most <tasirab'e sf.vles, and many of thein are much below the oost ( f importation. We have also on hand a large and well seieoted stock of first-class FANCY and STAPLE DRY GOO 1*2, most of which have been greatly reduced in price. TAYLOR A HUTCHISON, No. 42 Louisiana avenue, opposite de IP Centre Market Span*. i)00 SEVENTH STREET.?250 l?arre!s north' em Apples, in prime order; Goshen and & vie Butter.extra prime, lor family use; .bs premium New Jerrey Buckwheat Eastern Cheeea extra fine quaiit* ; riiao. a arge stock of Family Grooeries. -d every k:n", who'csale and retail, at prices to *wt 'be tiiuee, at tr.e >'< * Sto?-e? 2S3 7th it. (de 13) 0. B- JEWKliL. t^OETHE'H r.oit RESPONDENCE WITH A f Child, prioe gl.25 The Life and Cot respond ence of Thomas Arnold, D D , atohead m&etar of Ru?hr School,and Regus Professor of Modern History in the Universityol Oxford, by Arthur Pcr.-liyu Stanley, M. A., in two trrimnes; price Speeches of Thomas C-orwin, with steel plate portrait a^d sketch cf lua life. Edited by Isaac Strohn; price $2. For sale at TAYLOR A MAURY'S, de 9 334 Pa. aye., bet. 9th and Kth sts 'OA MoEE N NI:YTLANS DALE, CQ.'l f LdVJ Asfxts for t:ib 0&\J PARK FIRE INS. CO. N. Y.?Cash oapital ani spp'.ie**!, uuarly; and correspondents oi thor Compauies hsvjot cash capital of over j3.rtoti,tiM(.>. Lit^mes H?D!t?i> y a?L:ustea and ?romptl? NEW BOOKS n THE WORLD OP IC?, U Or, Adventure? ir th* Polar Regiona, Illustrated. Prioe ftlHumboldt's Life, Travels, and Researches, Ilia?trete<'. ?L2S. 0 Just received, at SHEPHERD'S, ^ . ja 4 Cor 7th and D ?ts. ? JOUVINS BEST QUAL1TY KID GLOVES AND GAUNTLETS. Twenty-five dozen of the above justly oelebrated Kid Gloves in a'l tho desirable colors, to which we invite the special attention of the adies. in. ?i j. w rm.i.Kv ? co.. gga nh COUPON BON i?S OF THE WASHINGTl'N GAS LIGHT COMPANY a<-? a safe -.ud desirjtb.eiRVfstmeLt, .n sums of five hun Ired dr-lia'-s each, redeemable January 2.1WS2. and earing interest at 7tv? of six p?r oent. per annum. inn *r? Cnr atV hr R i da* Jk Of I *? Q(\ KEGS CHOICE GOSHEN BUTTER." Ox/ In store and for sale by JaM eott MURRAY * SEMME?. MEDICINES. IB NOT TOO MUCH TO SAT, SINCE ALL, OLD AND YOUNG, affirm its truth, V?;_THAT ?*'? Will preserve ixfallibly th* rrovtk and color of the hair. if used two or three time# aweek, to any imaginable u? Perfeotiy, restore the gray, o*>rer the bald with nature's ow? ornament, the hair; make it more soft and beautiful than any oil, and preserve the scalp free from all disease to tnegreat estate. Statesmen, Judges, Attorneys, Doctors, Clergymen. Professional n en, and Gentlemen ana .Ladies of all classe*, all over the world, bear testimony that we do not say too much in iU favor. Read the following, and judge: Hickory Giovi, St. Chart** co.. Mo., Not. h, *57. PRO?'. O. J. Wood?dear Sir: Sometime I'M summer we were induced to use ?oine of your h?ir RenorAU'f, and its effects were so w>uderfni, we leel it our duty to you *nd the Hlfiicted, to report it. Our little son's head lor *?metini* hid been perfectly covered with sore*, and ?m' called it ?c?ld ht>d. The h iir alnton entirely came oil ui consequente, ? hen friend, seeing bis mffsiiiift, ?J*isfil ui to u?e your Restorative; we did ? > with little hope ol success; lint !? "Br surprise, \nd th it of all our friend*, a very few applications removed the disease entirely, and a new and Inmuriant crop of hair soon started ort. and we can now **y th?t our boy Has ** healthy -t. scalp, *i?d ?s a crop of h^ir as any other child. * We can, therefore, aud do hereby, iecommend yonr Restorative, as i p?rfect remedy f->r all diseases of tlie *cal|> aud hair. We are, yours respectfully, uci ror. w Hk.uimiotium, stkah a. IIIKOINBOTHam. prof. Wood?Dear Sir: My hair had, for several yeira, been becommy preiuiturely gray, ac com ponied by a hirstiness winch rendered the ccusmnt appacauoat sfsil necesmry in drresing it. When I commenced Bkiug your fl.?ir Resi?rative about two months ago it was in th >t erudition; and huenig coeitinued its u?e till within the last three w eeks, it bus turned to its n tural color, and assumed * ?ofine?e and lustre grestiy to be preferred to those produced liy the appli'turn of oils or my other prepirauni I hive used. 1 reg~rd it as m in-'ispen* ible article for every lady's toilet, whether to b? use ! as a Hur Restorative, or for the simple purpose of dressing or he.vutifyiug the h tir. ^ uu have permission t>i refer to me all who entertain any doubt of iu performing all that is cl timed for it. Mr*. C. RvmokD!", 114 Third street. cl*ci!*natt, o., Feb. 10,1857. Wellington, Mo., Dec. S. iyT. ProK. Wood?Dear Sir: By the advice of a friend of mine, whohis been unn? your H?ir Restorative, I was induced to try it. 1 had the fever, some Mine Uet M <y, and nearly every hair In my beid Came out. Now my hair has come in a gr' deal thicker than ever it was. Nothing but a dutr .mrt sympathy that 1 feel to communicate to ethers who are inflicted a? 1 have been, would induce me to give this public Kckiiow ledg'inent of the beteflt 1 have received from Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative. Yours reifcdtullji a. r. Jacob?. The Restorative is put up in bottlesof thmmm. viz: lar<e, ni<Miijim. and smail; the small hold* half a pint, and retails for one dollar per bottle ; the medium hold* at h'ast twenty per cent. ni"re in proportion than the small, retails for two dollars per tattle; the large holds a quart, 40 per oent. more in proportion, and retails for SSa bottle. O. J. \VOQD St CO., Proprietor*. 312 Broadway, New V"ork,(vn the great N.V. Wire Railme Eptablishnient,) and 114 Market street, St. Louts, Mo.; and sold by all good Druggists and Fane* Goods Dealers. ja 5-eo3m WCHOl'ULA, O OR KJNG'S EVIL, It a t*f?tit*tional di**u*, a corruption of th* fclood, hy which lfai? Ccid tt:nmei vriattd, w*<tk, and poor. berne in the cirr.ul.-.tion, it pervades the whole body, and may beret ut in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attacks, nor is there on* which it may not destroy The crofaloc* tsint is variously caused by disease, low living, disordered or uuhealthy food, import air, flth and 3ithy habits, the depressing vices, ar.d, above all, by tht eceral infection. Whoever bs ;;s onn".- it ie hereditary in the constitution, descends * "frem p.ireitsto children cmo i.iie third and fourth generation;" tudsed, it seeras to be the rra if h:m w iio tayt, "1 will visit the iniqurae* of the fathers spou their Children." li* ejects sommene* by depc*ition from the blood of corrupt or ulcerous matter, which, in the iang*, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles; in the glands, twellicgs ; and on the surface, erupuont cr tore*. This foul corruption, which genders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous conatiuiuons not only suffer from scrofulous complaints, but uicy have far less power to w i&eiand th* attacks of other dist^set; consequently vast numbers pen*h by disorders, which, althuugn not scrofulous 19 thair nature, art all rendered fatal bv thi* taint ir. th* (yetem Mutt of tl<? consumption which uecimi.iates the human family bas its or:gin direc'Jj iu this s^rofuious contamination ; and man* d*. s'.ructive diseases of th* tlver, Sidney*, brain, and, 10deed, cf all th* orga.u*t tris* from or ar* aggravated by th* auiii Cnnt*. One quarter of all onr pecpie ar* *creful*n* ; their peraont are invaded by this jerking t&fccticn, and their healtii i* ci, dernnned by it. To cleaus* u from the system we must renovate the blood by an alterative medicine, sod innporateit by bcalthj fond aud *x*rci**. Such a tnadiciii* w* supply ia aver's COM PO U.VD EX TRACT OF SARSAPARILLA th* mo*' eff^tttai remedy which the medical *ki!l of ocr umn San devise for this everywhere prevailing and fatai malady It :t csr.ii>iu*d frcm the trost active reicedi.'il* that b*v* b??c d'scovered for the eipurr .uoii of this f./ui disorder from th* Hood, and the rescue cf the.systeui from its destructive cense quencrs Hence it thosid be employed for the care <ri not ouly il'Ofnl?, but those ether .Section* which aria* ft.?in It, such c-- ilrl'j'tivb aud fial.t DlslASKS, st. aftno^ v'b Fire, Rust or EKysirtLA.'. PiMflcs, Pl?tll??, clotchbs, blains ami Boil;, Ti*mors, Titter and Salt rhum, Scalo Head. Ringworm, Rhkimatisw ,s? philitic and MERCIHIAL DlS eases, DRop8v, Dvspepsia. Debility, and, indeed, all c*thplain r? abi?isii rxu.m Vitiated <jk Impcre Blood The popular belief in "impurity of the blood"' i* founded in truth, for scrofula is < degeneration of the blood. The particular pcrp ise and virtue o Uhls Sarsapanlla IS to purify afld regenerate this vital ?cid, withont which soiuid hcelth is lmP3**ibl?iri comamiiiuted coustituuou*. AVER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, For all itif purposf: a family Fkyfie, ar* *o csn:po*ed that dieeac wuhhi the r?n?e of their acuoo Can rarely withstand or evade them Their penetrating prop rties search, and cle nse, and invirurate every portion of the human orgiiiiim, correcting its aiseaaed action, and r* toring it* he.wthy *it.lniet. As a C0ti*equ*iiCe of the** properties the otv nid, w ho is bowed down witi< pain cr (>hysical debrlity. is ::etoi?isti#d to fitid his hy.ilth or *n*rgy restored by a remedy it once so simple and inviting Not only do they cure the every d.iy complaints of ***yybo'iy. but also iriuy fornndable md dangerous disease*. Tn* agent below n.tnied is pieHsed to furnish gratis my American Annan ?c, conta'.uinr certificates of their cures and direction* for their uee in the fTdlrwirg c.">mpl^rlu * : Coetivenes*. Hsartbcru, Hendache arising from d>s--rd*ied stomach. Nausea, Indicrastioii, Pain in and Morbid Inaction of th* Bowel*, Piatuleucy, Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, and oth*r kiudr*d complaints arising fr-iji a lew i'.m* th* beiy nr eb*mcueu nf it* fmucUou*. run?D n dr. j. c. ayer * co. t LOWELL, ?.IASS.. Puc*. 91 ran Bottlk; six bottlb* vox II je^oold by % d. l ll.v an. Washington; r. . t. CilIRCI., ticergstewn, and hy *i> Dr?ggi*t* * v?rywh*?*. no 19-*?lnir HELMDOL5*S ?EN71NE PREPARATION. HKLW BO' JVS DUCHU for the Bladder. HELM HOLD'S BUCHU for the Kidneys. HELM COLD'S BUCHU for the Gravel. HF.LMbOLD'S Bl'CHU for Drops*. HELMBOLD'S buchu for Nervousness. HELM HOLD'S BUCHU for Loss of Memory. HF.IaMtOiaP'B BFCHU for Dimness of Vision. HELM HOLD'S BFCHU f--r Diffioult Breathing. HEl.fiBO! L>'S BUCHU for Wrn Nerve^. HELMBOfjD'S BFCHU for General Debility. HELM HOLD'S BUCHU f ?r Universal lapkitude H SLMBOj.D'S BUGH U for Horror of Disease. HELM BOl fi'S FiTCHU frr Night Sweats. HELMiK>I.D'S BUCHU tor V%rakofuii>ess. H EI A! HO LDS B! 'C H !T for Drv ne-B of the Skin. HELM FOLD'S bl'CHU for Erupti.-ns. HKLMHOI.D);UCI1U for Pain in the BackHELMBOLD'S BUCHU fv-r heaviness of the Eye liu. with Teriparary Suffusation and Loss of Sigh HEJjftfHOLD'S uUCHf lor Mobility and Ke*t iec?E?flr, with Want of Attention, Horror of So ciety. HELMB' ?LJ)'8 BUCHU for Obstructions. HELMBOLD'S BUCHU /or Exoepsnsarising froa Irdi^eietioa.ani! ail Bieoa'^s of the SEXUAL ORGAN, ETistirg ineither box, from whatever causa origl oated, and no matter of HOW LONG STANDING. The*? rjirrt??ir.?, in part, are experienced oftei by Enffftrors with di-easec <>f the B.adder. Kidneys Gravel and Dropsy, and invariably by the injudi oious or nervous and dei>ii:rat?1. It if a foot, loni since established, that any of these orgatu a^foots thi mind more tfean any r.ud all others, anifalluwrj to go on?which this'inirit invariabh remo'. ee?soon follows Loss of Tower. Fatuity anc liyi.uptio Fits?in one of which the patient may ex pire. Who oan say thst theee excesses are not fre 400D*ly followeo by these direful disoasrs, !n*amti Kid Consumption i The record of the Insane As* ms, and ?he melancholy deaths by Concumptior. bear ample witnecs to th? truth of these assertions In Lnnatio Asylums the ir.oet melancholy exhibi tio? appears. The countenance is aotnaily soddei and ?uite destitute?neither mirth nor grief evei visits it. Should a so and of the voice oooar, it it rarely articulate. 'With woefal meaenres. araa Despair, Low sullen soends, his grief beguUed.^ Debility is most terrible, and lias Drought those anas upon thousanas to untimely graves; thus blaet ing tha ambition of many noble youths. It b* oared by the use of Uu* infallible remedy. The mass of voluntary testimony in poseewion o] tho Proprietor, vouohing its virtues and curativt sowers, is immense, embracing names well kmrwt to soience and fame. Certificates of cures from ou? month to twenty years' standing and of tns mosi reliable and resixincible character, are open f?r in spriotion, frtim Governt^rs of States. J udges, eminenl Physicians, and distinguished Clergymen HELMBOLD'S EXTRACT BUCHU is prepared directly according to the rules of Pharmacy and Chemistry, with the greatest acouracy and Cbemi oai know,edge and care devoted in its combination See Prof. Dewees' valuable Works on the Practid of Pnycie, and most of the late Standard Works o Medicine helmbold's buchu is safe and pleaaaot n taste and odor, bnt immodiate in its action. Personally s ppeared before ire. an Alderman oftki city of Philadeipia. h. t. helm bold, Chemist who, bemrv dsly sworn, does say, that his prepare tion contains no ns^rcotio, Mercury, or injuhoni Drag, but are purely Vegetable. h. t. helm hold, Sole Manufacturer. Sworn and subscribed before me, this 23d day o November, 1851. wi. p. Hibbaxd. Alderman. Price per bottie. or six for 95, delivered to mat address. A TRIAL C^KW^-TRY IT And be eonvinoed of iu sfioacv. And it is accora paniod by reliable and re?onsib4s Certificates from rrofetsor* of Medio*! College*. Cierrymes. am O.W i lot South Tenth St., below Chestnut. Philad^a. To be had of all Druggists and dealers threughon the United States, Canadas.acd Briush ProvTu*? Beware of Counterfeits. Ask for HELMBOLD'S?take no other. Cure guarantied. sk?ld by c. BTOTT, Drugr ist, oorner Pa. aver a and 7th street, Washington oity, and all otker druc f1** van ?-eoly" ccourino and repairing ?a new PtVb of Scouring GentteM'a Clothing, without th. u.r7, ol<ilh or 1" orthe garment by b. magruder, a Practical Tailor No. 47 : loth street, between d arid e, west side. GetUemei ?^!rlpk having their olothing sooured or rppairw will please call on the alujve, and tiieir orders wil be promptly attended to, j* 1j eolra 0 MEDICINES. IA*. JOHftlTO*, " U BALTIMOKE LO< K HOSPITAL, Heu Diteoveed the mot Crrteun. Syr.,/*, ?*,/ Kjt'ftvni Remedy in fA? FOR ALL DISEASES OF IMI'RI DFA'Cfc. LET NO FALSE DELICACY PREVENT APPLY IMMED ATKLY. A CUKE WARRANTED, OR AO CHARUF IN FROM ONE TO TWO DA\S. * WttknM of ths Back, Bincturaa. Ate' <ioae of th? Kid*,,. r_nd Bladder, ineol*nt*ry bargee,, Gei,*,Ii Ratlin?, N?r'nMn?i, Dyapepay, Le .gour,!.?? 5l"ua,C^. fuioii of Id* ?, Palpitation of tii# Heart. Tin.idity, Treint Dicineea of f fht or ?idtliii*aa, l>i?*?ae . f l>? H?,d, " t r * ' No*a or Skin, Afl*ClMxia of th* L?t n, ?r B"U*?_! thoa* Tirnblf rHaordere anatng (row M?iit?ry L Youth?thoae Dre?dful a?4 D*atructi*e Prirucai ? hich r^. dar Marriage mij *nd deatroy b..ta ii.wly %i.d Muid VOl'NU MM Eapaciall* who ha?a bseoana the eictiias of a..itnry thai dreadful <uid d*atrucu?* habit alrftli \:u.uaila lttt^ ^ kii aiitiintir gr .?f i!is#h<?4i of \ or* g IWi?i. n,.m. ailed talent* aud brilKt.t ih<?Uect, who iiufh' otheruia* ?> ,,, ntr Mil iia'.r ii >..f kUMI a r. ^ 1 S1 M<(l ' r t , waked i* acetaey J>* living 'ya, inay with fkil co-.g. diaci. M AKR! A<' E MARRIED FIMORfi. or Vnuif Man M>taaykuf| rwrt, ban.j iaareof phyaical vaatMaa, MfMic d?' iiu? defrrmitiee, Ac., apeetlilr cure J. Ha who plncea hir-eeif unda* '.ha care of T>r J may rea? . tiuij r.imiul* in hia hoti.->r aa g*!.Li*i\au aii< conCiai. y , poii hia akill .ia a pfiyaic?. OFFICE No. 7 RULTH FREDk.RU R STREET, left baud ai l* roii.jj frotii E U'in. ira etreet, r f*? <io<.ra fr*? tha com*r. I ail not to oba?r*a i.ihi r.ip Uar La..ara uaai i<? pxiJ and Coni*in aalairp DR JOHN?Ti?ll, Man bara cfths Royil CoHeg* of St r jaona. Letiden. fr?4?at? from oue of tha roost tnnntui Co: fjrwk in the C'i i'*3 and tli* ( part cf at ?* .if* t .ia a* ap*i t V*. p r:tala of London, Piraa, Pfeilxdalptiia i d ? |.?? ,f. f?Ct?d i?f 'h* r'i,.?t ii' n,f Lf?a ?*r* * ?* kno?u; many troublad a ith ri ifii f m tt.a n#.d *,l(j ,,,, ?h?n .ial**p; frmt n*r?^ u?n?aa. b*-iif urmrd ?t aid J#fc aounda, b<iahfuin*aa ?ath fraijuant blua! n v, .tMiiOrd aon alima* vilh daranfainant of tun<d, a ara currd inioadiataty TAKE TARTK LLAR NOTICE. Tunf Mm aad oth?ra a4tki? i' )|ir*o tbairaai?aa ba a earuir practica iudnlrcd in whan aion??. h^t i; fr* jb? </? learned from ??il con.p.iuioi a, or a' echool. <lia *(*tia y which ara mjrhtiy f?lt aaan ah* faalrrf,!^ ifK, cn?*u raudcra MrWft impoeeibl*, ?nd d*a:x"*a hoik mud ami bo<1?, ahoald apply nnuicdiatcla. Thoae ar* acme "ftv.r a\d -nd n.*'?i,r?? #-., ptr>d?-t^ by aarly habtta of vomh ?it : ki **a .f F-r* Itmba, Puna an th* Hr?d, DiimMa ..f L .*? ?f MuKlt? Poa ar, Palpitauoi. of thr H*?rt,I>yiprpa>. N*t<oia In ?>,n ty.Oern f-*i-.rnt cf th* r>ip*a:i?? Fo'ict.oi.a. ? * ar?l DtMiti, aynirto'ot of Coi.aampeiOfi, Ar MENTALLY.?Tn* fanrfoi air*ctar?. th? ?hilJ ara laeh ta b? drndfd?Ln?a of Mrinory.Confuaioti ofldrta, |(?rr>n of Sptrra, E? il Forbodinga. A ?*raiot, of Sonata. Self Ptanaa , Lr.n of 8' titi.da, Tiindiiy, etc., ara ioiiii *( the a?i.e rra dct?d. NV.RVOC8 PEBIL'TY.? Thoneanda ran n*? )ai<1fe *i*ii ia the caDee of their decniMiif bealtb, loaing th??* niror, * Cominp ve ik, pala, aertoua and ?nnci<'*d. Uonr ? an ft , appearance at om the (yea, c^up i or aymptoiua of c<" aaiu[>'>?> DISEASE* OP IMPRi DENCE Whaii th* imairuiCed and uuprudeHt ?ot*ry of pleaaure *> 4* he hxa nn t.ib*d t^e aeedc of ->i ia p i fol <! >? <a? . bappri.a that in ill-UB.ed aeuae ol >kmu? or dread of ditto,*,, deiara hio. from applying to tho?e who, from etiur >tiot> ?i,(j reap*ttibility, e-iu h.mi* befriend h?m He falla ??< ?) handa of !?nr,r uit 'iid d^ :ri.ii>? pr*,*uii*ra. wtio. n.c fabla of rurmr. fiich lua pecori<ry aubat.^c*, k*^ him trifl;. in an th after mo:>#i,er?t lo?;r na the aaiiliea. 1 tamed, ?nd in <* le .*e liur with ruined health ;o tlg*. ever hia j:i.ln-s diaiffinau?*uti or by ,i>e a?* of t'lit < aa?* petacn, Tilercnry. h-<a ru the canr.tTCi.ii: a> n p- jr- a if ?>!? ternMe d;a?ia?, ant rt *a Aff*r iiji ? ' H Men Skiii. Ac.. pro?reaan.f a ith fr' jr^'fvl rapidi'y nil ge^tb p?ta period to hia dr? idfai aaflem-ra b r aendi t Kim Tc di?cr*ered coanitry frcit wkaaaVtane u" :r^*e * r*:er-a DR JJHNt>ON*REMKnV FOR ORGANIC H J AhNLPAND IMPOTENCY. By thia great and irasnrtant remedy weakr*aa ?f >* crgafare apeedny cvred .uid full ai^or raa'orci! T' J? "ft>r raoai nariotl aud debiliuted, who ba?i lea; a:i bepe, j*ar bean imneai.ttcy relieved Ait inipedimeDta to Mirriafe. Pbeaieal or Mrnta D-?-oal i fcaunni, Loaa of Pntrmfivi Power, Neracua Imt'kitf i Trembling ud Waakneaaor Eahasauoo of the ttcat feirK kir.d apeeedilx cured END0RSEMEN1 OP HE PKE88 YHE MAN1 THOLSANL>S curt J a;th?a ire.iia'ioe vtthlf i the iaat aev*ute*u yaara, aa4 tl?? urceroua np-.nart Sere Cai opera'iona performed by Dr Jchnaou. a ;tt *aa*d by t>a rep*~rtera of the p ipera and toauy other pera .i,a, noticaa i wh*cb h?ee .ppeared ijfsin and a(f -.o before the public, be i ai4?a hia ataiiding *e a rentlemat. of c! .iraciar and reapona> bin'y, ia a auScitnt fusraitaa to th* -dictyd jar A .? : LIniveksal'couon remedt, FOK ALI. KIM)>OK L WO AND THROAT DIFFICULTIES. CHKOKIC A\D COM MO V ('0 I'd HS. WHOOPI^O COUGH. F.ROSrHlTJS. , LOSS OF YOICj;. STOMACH J>E BILITY CA USED BY COCUHS, , AXD HEART COMPLAINT. Larf- Bottler SC. rents. Small Bo'.tits +Z> ctn" ANT) TH* ,'CJn.T CXLBBRATSr : TO-tiTJ AltfODYNJE. FOR *El RALGlA. NERVOUS HEADACHE. EARACHE. lO'JTHACHE UOLT. RHhV MATI&M, ST. ViTCS' DANCE. LOSS OF SLFEF, AND MINOR NEK VOLS COMPLAINTS. Friz* 5*) Cents fee Be tit. Th*??? preparation* h^iri* maJe ?trio* pharma oeutjoai .awr?, (iy teariKKiniaJs perfect f r*>i]At>'f? j?ii<1 wirhiti trie r?ach ol ail. ar*> now, a/i?r ?wcht veara' une in private ciro.en. and hav||)/ p?r formed remarkable cures, tidm-d tuthl put>.ic wiU. that confidence i> th)ir curative pnweru Uiatahou)^ w- raiit all in iriAking tna. ofttiein. Cirou am, t?at:nMMi:ale, and ever* ewidenoe In trenntlion <K>iihdeuoe. can ! * !?>un<l with ail dea ers, to which we ack particu &r aiteutiun, cod o? whioti wc rely for tpproiiaf-cti. J. W. HrNNKW'KLL A f-O.. 9. 6, 7 aoti 9 Commercial Whaj-f, t^ole Aaeota fhr B?.*' >&. GfcORGE HUNNEWELL, 1? i ater street. Sol? Ager.t for New York. For eaie by the nt;na agents in every ?*y. and lit the drucgiBta iu NN aahicgton, GoorcetuWD. and Alexandria. n?> 8-eoly The celebrated i?r. j. a. ruu i MSTDIOX^ES. OF PHILADELPHIA. These roms<!iM arc the reaolt of thirtySve tai of ext^naive and aucoenafol practioe, and are the only reliable preraratione to cure the vanoua ilia that flesh ie heir to. DR. J. S. ROSE'S COUGH SYRUP OR EXgECTORANT, will raJioMly r-tre ConrhF, Coioa, oaraef.eaii. HroiiCiutie, ai.4 eil Lo;<| dieeaee*. Price 5*"?enta an<l lii. DR. J. S. ROViTS ALTERNATIVE SYRUP, or Blood Purifier,fur the ?'.ire of Moroni,a, Ol?l F.ritption?, Chronic Difteares. Uloerf, ?we!!e * Neck and all diseases anairig lrom a:i impure etate of the bloosl. Price a?l. DR. J. S. JHjSE*S DYSPEPTIC COM POUND. The oulr snre r?re f?r DrFpepna aid Liiver Ccm plaint. Price ceritc. DR. J. S. ROSE'S PAIN Cl'FFR. It ia ro?s oare ai': but ila one ?i.?? i*tx <.f Vjrev*' cunar Rheuraatiani, Tooth au<1 Jar A IfS.Cn - 10, Pains in the Stomac1'tn?i Botti*. Sprains, Pmiw*, Pains in the Lioibr. Jr.;r.ta, Ba<-> and Pni-ic, or ai f pain infernally or exieinaily. Pnoe aud ?< oeru a belt ?. Those r?TTi'^iee, Ri d mar.y ot^?^r referred to in Dr. Ro?j*? M^dioa! A?lviaer, (" iich l?ook may ha-l *rif?? ?t any of the drut atoree rrhere tlie n.e>lt ieir.e; are kept! n*ve ficen ubed with i-ucoe?s b? ove' persons with promft r*:?efit. To eneure Kuccra? you have to iset fits' they are genuine by havini! the Doctor s trrttua nfxatvrt ortt $otk cork find or. eirk Intel. , {?/ Kept by ai! Drufriete. ae ? ?r ME A L. L SUFFI C 1 E N T THkhK TRIFAKMAR, 1, 4, A 3. Protetted b* Rcytl I.'Iters t'a of England, ami frewred ly tk' S"ik fifth' Err'' rtt Fktrmw <* Pa'in, and the Imteruil Colitfc of Mfltttn*. Vt'nm*. . No. I lr invaluable for exhaustion, ^permatur \ rh*pa, and all pt:> sinai diaabniuer. No. 2 compHH) ertal catea all traoee of th'-ee dliKMisee that have t<e?an hitherto treated tv trie \ Ets'tiar.nvl pa-rniOKiLe uce ?>f copavia an?i "nfie' a. No. 3 hat er tireiy j;:pp.acted the use of mt-rcuri, thereby ir.rurimr to the ruft??r*?r epoode | relief, dispe.rsir.c ail impurities, and r >ofjng oat tr^ ' venom of dis^aee. TRIEfeEM AR.Noa. 1 .viand 3.are prepared in the * form of a lozeuj;*', deveid of ta-<te an^ aniell. and ' can We carried in the waistcoat pocket. S?ild m t.r. cares, and divided into aeparate dokes. as admi: s j tored br Vaipe^u. I-a lemand. Roux. Hio-rd, Ac. Pnoe ^3?aoh. or four oases for $9 whieh eavea 5*. and in tt~, whereby there is a savin* of 9Q To be had. wiiolt?aaJe and retail, of l?r. BAR ROW, 194 Bleeoker street, four doors I re low M r Donga etreet. New York. Immediately ou reviving a r? . mittance. Dr. Barrow will forward the Tneser *' to any part of the world. aoour*!r racked, and ai > drcssea acoordiiig t?Mi;e4rstruof:?':.s of thewrr?* Bold also lj 8. CALVERT FORD, Jr., Wash infton. D. C. de 6 ! fJARTSIJORNE'3 Cl'RK AL .. i fl THh GREAT PAIN AKNtHtLATOR ? AND REMEDY FOR DVSPK^iA. WKAl f STOMACH AND WEAK BOWELft. PRFPAREP BT A CHEMIST. Bottlbs 11, S5 and V' cents and one dollar. . WHEGREATEST DISCOVERY IN MF.DIC4*. i S<,tENCK . HARTSRORNE'S Cl'R E-A LI. ^ ty* in all rami'lea in ease of aocider'e or md4en ai'? ! Bess,as itfresnently enrss ia lass 'i^t tha- II re i fax res to get a shy sioian. It oarss pain In acy part of the ey steo and it srs4 sxternal.y and interna,'.?. 1 , CT'As the freenert eVangea of *te weather pea duoe a bad Coid. Rhecmalisrn, Pain in theL-iiBN ' And Body; Stiff Neck?erery :>eraoB ?os? ' set a bottle. It acU upon the Nerves. Mssclea Sinewy Blood and Boneu; and by its warming eiee 1 tror.ia*netic power, expe a a.: pair from tiiesyetem Get a Wtt-e and try it. 1 BORNfc'i* ^CT^?AL 'sY^P*^OFH^lIJ CHERRY?it is the best Cengs Syisp IB th* ' World. . b!W/itW- % ach and Bowels, carry; as off ?3: Bi'ie and Poa. &e i ^ i'r^T7 eer getewn; H. PEEL A Co., A.exaaJ^a. t ^HE 3EST COUGB PY R U P IN THE . This ameie ia prepared by a chemist, and is prs connoed by medio*, men. ar.d th 'S? who rave oS* it, to b* the best preparation for Ceutk*. ftlf*MrrA, Beamcnun. Sort Thrp+t fe?m? Cold, and a preventive of tha? tirn of dissases e isa^ra . . e Persons who sin* -toonli. use it. It is pisasant " : the taste. toAens. oi'*'a and strengthens the ?oie^ r al!a?a a' u.itatiou / tr str.ioat a..i .unga, anu prs! ?epts tsainc oold. _ _ ^ ,, irrB 'tt'esgand |f< cents and fl. Sold h? jnifiits IB Was?nrtoc, Georgetown and Alj^f