IU" The Star puhlishss ths Lists of Letters ]
*,*.?* ?* t!u Washington City Pott Office 1
the provisions of the law directing tkem to *
f>g printed m the newspaper having the largest circulation
wthm the delivery of the Office. Its total
t/mily emulation is more than double that of any
Dnily printed in the District of Columbia.
Though Thk Star is printed on the fastest
tuam press ?* use south of Baltimore, its edition
t? so large as to require it to be put to press at an
tnrly hour; Advertisements, therefore, should be
r>n! m before Twelve o'clock, m.; other wise they
moy not appear until the next day.
Notice?District of Columbia Advertisements
t? be inserted in th- Baltimore Sc* are received
and forwarded from Thi Star office.
Citt Councils, February 6?Foard of Alder"?'?
?A communication waa received from the
Mayor, nominating Charles Alien for apothecary
to the poor of the Seventh Ward, in place of A.
H Ktt. who has relinquished business; referred.
Also. the report of the intendant of the A?vlum
for the month of January; referred.
petition received.
. .iv of Patrick Cahil and others in relation to
lt<cirade of the alley in square 509.
conference committer.
Mr. Fisher, from the conference committee to
whom was referred the act regulating the salary
of tbe Lily Register, reported a bill fixing the
ml%ry at f 1.750. payable out of the general fundjessed.
improvements committee.
A bill providing indemnity for an error of *nrvry
made by Henry W. Ball, a former City Surveyor,
laid over.
police committee.
A bill providing temporary accommodations for
the butchers in the Centre Market, and for other
purposes; laid over.
Also, the nomination of Charles Allen for apothecary
to the poor of the Seventh Ward; confirmed
Also, a bill amendatory of the act regulating
jnarkcts; rejected.
Mr Price presented .1 letter from Messrs Murray
A Hazlehurst, of Baltimore, in relation to steam
fire engines ; also, one from Messrs Ellis A Bro ,
of this cliy, iu relation to the same subject; both I
vt which were referred.
claims committee 1
A bill for the relief of K B Clark, and a bill
for the relief of J M. May; passed
Mr Moore, on leave, introduced a bill to regu'ate
the sale of hay, straw, fodder,and oats in the; referred.
A joint resolution was taken from the secretary's 1
table. requesting Congress to amend the act regu- 1
lating the distribution of Potomac jvater throughout
the city of Washington.
Mr Miller piopo6?d two amendments, the first
providing that the pipes shall not be laid except
upon petition by the owners of more than one-half
tb?> front feet of the lots where such pipes shall be
called for; and the second providing that the provisions
ot the resolution snail not go into effect
r.ntil at least two-thirds of the vctes cast at the
next general election shall be cast in favor of it.
Cons derable discussion ensued, when the
amendments were both requested.
And the joint resolution was then passed by ayes
JO. nays 3
Mr. Pearson, on leave, introduced a joint resolution
ordering that the Water Register, in publishing
proposals for water pipes, shall not confine his
proposals altogether to irun pipes; passed.
A hill was received from tne lower board extending
the time for receiving the estimates for
building the new Centre Market-house until
March loth, l?WjO; passed.
The bill amending the water law so as to allow
the Water Register the power to advertise for
four inch pipes, was taken up, and passed.
Common Council.?Mr. Mead, from the police
committee, reported back favorably the joint resolution
from the upper board prohibiting the use
f convict labor in the construction of the new
t'entre Market house: passed.
Mr Jones, from the committee on wavs and
means, reported a bill providing for cleaning the
str els, Alleys, and gutters of the city for the year
and appropriating *3 .'200 for that purpose;
Mr. Kdmundson, from the committee on fire
department, reported a bill for the purchase of
J .OW) feet of hose for the I'nion fire company;
Also, bills for the relief, in the way of repairs,
A ..of the hranklin, Columbia. Metropolitan, and
Pers-vcrance lire companies, pawed.
Mr Boissean, from the same committee, report"d
a bill for tne relief of the Auacostia fire
compjnv; pissed.
.Mr Turton presented tbe petition of Charles J.
hlmaii and others praying the opening of a new
ailev in square 6lt>; referred.
The joint resolution to extend the time for receiving
estimates for the erection of the new
< nitre Market house was taken up and adopted.
Mr I urtou. from improvements committee, reported
back unfavorably the petition of Jas Carter
and others praying that the allev in square t?io
may b~ converted into a street, accompanied by
an adverse opinion of the Corporation Attorney:
adverse report concurred in. and the opinion of the
Corporation ordered to be printed.
A bill was passed to fill awash in centre of
Third street we?t.
Mr Turton. from the coiimittee of conference
?n the bill to increase the salary of the City Re"lster,
reported a substitute for the bill; report concurred
The bill enlarging the duties and increasing
tbe pay of the Corporation Attorney from 350J to
9LMJ0 being taken up?
Mr SLieckells moved to amend by having the
bill take efl'ejt from the 1st of July, 1860, instead
of !K5y. 7' '
The bill was ably advocated by Messrs Jones
and Morgan, (the latter, particularly paying a
high tribute to the professional ability and celebrity
of the Corporation Attorney,) ana opposed
bv Messrs. Orme. Given, and Powell.
On motion of Mr. Given, it was indefinitely post
poned?yea* II, nays y. Adjourned.
The R ulroad Connection between Baltimore
and the South and the Southwest is stated by the
Baltimore American to be sorely embarrassed by
the "rivalries and jealousies''of the parties in this
District who desire, on the one hand, that the
crossing should be at the Long Bridge, and, on
the other, at the head of tidewater at Georgetown.
to avoid the squ tbbles of the Georgetown and
Long-bridge parlies." ami the tardy action of
< ongress in the matter of providing for '*a railroad
bridge across the Potomac, so that there
might be no breaking of hulk in freight or change
of conveyance for passengers," the American suggests
the policy of giving tbe District of Columbia
a wide berth by the construction of a track, say
-rom Biadensbu-g to a point opposite Alexandria,
r<li Potomac should be crossed in boats,
. joguebann. at Havre-.te-<irace. It
pltvif ""valricand jealSSTt?Jftr.
? w } 10 8 di versio'? of tbe road
f otn the District altogether We might remark
owever, that the suggestion of the Ame-ican
r pr?,V:?e a?Hinst the "breaking
f Milk in freight and the change of cenvevauce
for pasat'ugers," which are stated to be theleadalf?Uie
co,inectio" is di si red at
Alexa>pria Items ?A large meeting of Whius
and Americans took place last evening at Sarepta
Hall, Alexandria. (Mr. W. D. Masse y in the chair
and Messrs. B. T. Plummer and F. Westwood
Ash by acting as secretaries,) the object of the
ineet-ng being the appointment of delegates to the
Virginia State Opposition Convention. Ninety
delegates wereappoiuted. and any Whig or American
voter of the county who may be in Richmond
at the time of tbe convention authorized to
act as a delegate for the" county. A committee
waa appointed to make arrangements for the c?lebration
of Henry Clay's next oirtbday by a public
dinner. Ac.; and after an able speech from the
Hon. Sam'l Chilton, of this city, the meeting adj
The Mount Vernon Guards have received their
pay for services at Charlestown. Arrangements
are making by which the other companies?the
Riflemen and Artillery?will be paid off in a few
There will be a Democratic meeting at Sarepta
Hall this evening, commencing at 7 o'clock, to
appoint delegates to the Richmond convention,
to be held on the lt>th instant.
Arrkst for night, a young
***?!?, named R. Jones, was arrested by officer
linriuley. with a L'. S. warrant, charging him
with stealing oue horse, one carl, and one wagon.
He was taken before Justice Donn.aud sent to the
guard-hcuse to await security for a further hearing,
which waa soon given and the accused released.
The circumstances of this supposed larceny are
, unusial, and will involve some law points of
Interest, probably. The property, it Is alleged,
had been levied upon for debt by a regularly commissioned
constable; tbey had passed through the
1?**1 form sf ' pouading,*' and It was charged
that th?y were stolen from the pound Jones says
he is unconscious of wrong; claims the property
At the annual meeting of tbe Fraaalin Fire
Company, Monday evening, tbe following officers the ensuing year were elected: President, W
J. Gary; Vice President, A. 8. Dant; Secretary]
Geo. R. Cross field; Treasurer. Wm. H. Fanning:
Chief Engineer, John Hudson; First Assistant
Engineer. Thomas Martin; Second Assistant EnBneer,
Wm Hutton: First Director of Hose. W.
Payne; Serond Director of Hose, Rexln Offutt;
Third Director of Hose, Wm. Toxer; Fourth Director
of Hose. F Fridley: Engine Keeper, Thos.
Tu Moon got a tee-totally total eclipae last
night in consequence of the tog, tnd was aot particularly
open to observation.
*ble state ofVhe weather th*rWiftg ^ the unfavo^
[y *>?t few h*r* were comparatlve'a?t
eveninp^^the or^i SmJth*>nian Institute
Prof Gould on ?rh^? S 01{. e la*t lsctnre of
lent." " Cha?ce, Probability, and AccU
ari^^adiancei re{errlnK to the thewine
fact* and P^evloa* lectures, presented
i ng of the laws o??r?M relative to the l>earJpon
the h2n ~ Chance and Probabilities '
b?iQ2 BvthJth Pr.??r??. ?nd well
iuc? tk#> fiLi u* ?* Probability" they deJion
TVi? H *^1 a of * particular reared
that the^mml chann?1 !t had heen discovL
* Mm? "c* of men on an avpraire
^ to bildS^18?' which hMenabled the
lTo? "J1 ?"fnc?d T0*' bt;ot"ul
i?c,l formula fc "'fetHS'to^whlch
otherwise would have escaned * "' .whlch
tiny; and b,ve ,bus%tSTd u to dX.'X
causes and apply the remedy he
appircTtfS,Vhto0ouTSr0f thi" Ki:DC^ then>in theJ'
structure a?rf t^ ^ J*ht be deduced the
? tendencies of the human mind
lay bear the ^nS*1 0* tb^ avera?e height of man;
motives il,fUe"? that a'*d upon him. the
and asDiratinM*^'?a n*' hopes, fea - doubts
there wS i Prompted him to action. But I
and J f 1 811 the re"ulta of this trange
and wondrous science thatconflicted in thr slightest
degree with the fullest conviction of freedom
and responsibility. He would add that the proseraci?hi2
?t "c,1enc? bad indicated to us thSt the
J steadily advanced in truthfulness, in
aK 5n fortitude. But more than
thn, i f' ue *a'\h,nK? of this, combined with
M^h/! all the other sciences, would show that
Me himself who inscribed the manifestations of
" .?n lhe face of earth, the *?a, flowers,
rocks, beasts. wave,, flshes. birds, and stirs, w?i
the same Lternal Creator who had written these
laws upon the tablets of man s heart, and who
had implanted the very same harmonious relations
nihil intellect and thought?so clearly that
they might write them in formula, or trace them
i i curves.
Criminal Court.?Yesterday, Anthony Obleou.
convicted of an assault and battery, was sentenced
to one week s imprisonment in the county
jaii. *
Mr. Bradley appeared in court with a motion
verdict found a .tat? of facts witV whIchthe
Court could not interfere. Boyd was then placed
at the bar and sentenced to hard labor in the penitentiary
for seven years in each of the two cases
all*TwnVe/hfen tried, making fourteen years in
JonsnTrW wUh rtT cha#nK the prisoner with
S,T b *lav?yet remain on the docket
r^ay ?The court met at the usual hour.
1 ni n aT apPeared 'n court as counsel for
for gy' whosta,lds indicted fn two cases
lm? n ^,l,noney 011 fa,se Pretences from B
c^m^lthtr,0ti?n/or ? continuance of the
cases to the next term, and ottering as security for
' defend,,,r WaahlngtT1*0 K?? r/?
thr aPP1'caltion, the Court remarked that
"etiJrUy must be beyond question uood and
sufficient, and would only be taken bv him in
deuce a?to0}^! ^ Uf>?n the most P?8itlve evidence
as to 4ts be ng requisite. The J udire remarked
further that incalculable mischief hrtd
been done by the taking of straw bail in cases of
??mo?t* c.barattfr b>' the defendant* in such cases
almost always turning unmissing when their trial
should come oft The dourt was determined that
occ ur K Zttte* "? 8"Ch C^ 8hould
theIbaVl',1oVren1'ark^1 tbat he was satisfied with
if? Dal1 offered, and was willing to fake Mr
the SKnountC?g,,,ZanCe' bUt "ked the Co"rt to* lix
Judge Crawford replied that ?,->0(1 had been
i fVtf ag;?trate ln the cases, and he supposed
that amount would be sufficient now and
ordered the clerk to take the recognizance as
recommended by the District Attorney
be?h*i, ,br???W <"??' '.augblin o? ,
being no further business remaining for
\i: Es&fifissr w"h
?ylr"FF2?a'a" aaaasrssaSnnth
jf3 been mentioned. The General is a
6>outh American, and was one of the passengers of
the steamer Isabel, irom Havana. He Is accrcdiTh
?Vl,r hVderal Government ns an ambassador
The Mercury says that he was robbed by Some
person plundering his trunk, while he was absent
from the room but seven minutes. The plunder
consisted of #2.uuu j? Spanish JtlO-real plies
thi'nanw f ?'J; .'?^50,, ln L,,, artd t-,? notes on
nons??t?n,r ^f K i n ti honorary decorations,
vSui of lm .^OS^S' JlWel5' lVc- of an Intrinsic
value of 810,000, two heavy gold watches, jeweled,
worth f5i.O each; two diamond rings in
go d settings worth ?MJ0 eacii; and a col lectin of
i,T'/.'ul r1"rl0U8 coins, valuable to colleccors.
Total value robbed about #17,000. The
Spanish pieces are a new coin, of loo real* each
equivalent to <5, and struck only during the oast
vear at the royal mint. They are the first e^er
brought to Charleston. The bank notes had been
fh' ,eci,r5t>: in the toe of a gaiter shoe, of
which there were four pairs in the trunk. I rom
attending circumstances, it is judged that Uen
tbllf ws3 f?lloWedff|"m Havana by some Cuban
thief, who knew of the disposition of these valtheuf*'
81 "el the arst opportunity to abstract
HnMvb. T:HnLn?- G*n- Delzi, the Minister from
Bo.lvia, had a consultation with detective officer
Allen relative to the robbery of his money and
jewels at Charleston, S. C. After detailing the
1?!!' "k? ?f hts trip to Charleston before and
after the robbery, tbe General remarked that he
had been peculiarly unfortunate since he left
Bolivia During a short stay at Pari*, he deposited
about 830,000 in a bank there, which closed upon
him in a very short time.
srrremk Court.? Yesterday, J Au^ustrs
Page, Lsq., of New York, was admitted an attorney
and counsellor of this Court.
No. 40. William Aspinwall etal., plaiutlffs a-t
The Board of Commissioners of the county"of
Dav'ess. On a certificate of division in opinion
rnVJ^f'Va* f J"d?r*of the circuit court of the
L nlted *-tates for the district of Indiana. Mr
Jnstlce Nelson delivered the opinion of the Court
fw^SiU?n the questions certified be answered
in the negative.
. William H. Shelden, claimant of a
quantity of cotton, tic., appellant, agt John Cliftan
Appeal from the circuit court of the United
States for the southern district of New York Mr
fViln ^k!1 dbllvertd the opinion of the Court,
l.^iteing this for the want of jurisdiction
liam Hennitz t, ' aPPelIant, agt. Wilnam
Hennitz The argument of this cauie w-s
Lt v ' nde,1J'y Stanton for the appellant
R<^Jt .1 -r? n,U'd Stote8' appellants, agVjohn
inenced by Mr. "sCtontoVthJ ap^llanU"and
foTJL'l'^U" cri,,e;'dt" a"d ^
Th* Musical 1'3.xtertai\ment civen at th*>
w STSnu" ??'"' "Sni ?
was in all its parte a dw ided success Mr Tir
sons, the tenor vocalist, has a voice of ere it
and 'weetness, and pc-ssesses in an eminent
r^rtmf, VeTy "fce*ftry qualification of a con^
njodera'vocall^tB'h?UlaliJ?n Unlikc tbe ,n(>?t
far better understood by the ineaT ma?? ?V ?
^r,d.nvn'as;,y "r 'f ."oix
present day, are much more appreciated '?vir
f"'." ' WiU,l? a mil.'o?E<UnW'*
f.L ?nd "The DVink Gi," "j.,
S^rbuiTdSi^rll ',t ^!S4o?8^ c'd-"i
S.rah B W.Sto5??S?S tedBSTT'jf*ISrU.c'SS
?f?h? ciUrt"^!
Z Kddy et al agt. the United States In thi.
Slivered the opinio-"oV.t
THK PKB FORM AXCE* of the K^nrl,
the Theatre last night were amusing euoujhK
single eveniug, but could hardly draw on reneti
t.on Composed of five members onlv the c^m
pany isnotouite entitled to *et itself" uD for th.
rendition o{ comic opera, though as Jfndevllle
and operette performer* they c*n take a f*iT <
Won. Tbe piece* last n gL were
slight and were thrown off with chJS^riS
I ?This establishment aeain own*
T Fo?l ind thih^,8t:neral lni?#n,e,t of Mr J.
oirnn management of *ir. s W.
Glenn The performance introduces the beauti
wSf y"B "-Ki. MftcheU^M
I L ! rre?lerlclr ln the comedy of the "Younir
. c.e' "nd 84 Katy (with songs and dances) in
? Yr 2 v U'Shiell." Under the SJement
of Messrs Ford and Glenn, the public will
expect a most enjoyable theatrical season.
Odd"Frf??:"H.?V" Dk'S15"' ??? open at
uaa reliowv Hall, every evening, is one of th#
^ 1?*trnctiv* entertainments in
tion nta'htWr 1 ?? i * thg R,eat Centre ot attracv^n.ii
n/ 7^ Its afternoon exhibitions fhr the
^*"5? o{ and children, are also deservedly
popular They occur ou Wednesday and Satur!
amy afternoon., It will be rememSJei
I h??h u na A Bawdt B oust?Last nitrht. Elitaa^wamnt7
T" arre8*?d by officer Kimball, upon
I ho^Lnn vhargJn? htT wlth keeping a bawdy
deoot er8ey aV*nue' new the railroad
I Dorm C#8e Came "P tMal before J??tlce
Mr. Edwd. Wroe testified that the accused kept
a house next to faii residence, and the behavior of
I ^t*OD5 'rrtVienti?ir the Uoiise is such tbat he canI
.not ^dure It any longer. Men jjo to and from the
twhUinrV a??f tbe nJght Ha* seen 5ndeeent
behavior in the house and outside. The accused
' "? keeper. This is her second week there.
I abe rents from Mr. Bray. Disreputable characters
are seen there. Two of them are Mary and Mag.
Lucas. The keeper ca-t?e from Sal. Austin's. She
I has girls there.
Patrick Cochran testified that he had seen men
I FT* 1 a,?d comlnK out of the house. Had seen
indecent behavior there. Instanced the case of
two negro boys exposing themselves so as to be
I seen by females in adjoining streets. Had seen
females going there day and night.
I Justice Donn held her to bail in $300 to appear
at the ensuing term of the Criminal Court.
Hop at the United States froTEL?Another
2* .?** P^a^nt reunions for which the United
states Hotel this season has become distinguished,
I that establishment last evening A
brilliant assemblage of historical, interesting and
beautiful women, with a corresponding fusion of
I Pro"l'nent public men and dashing young beaux,
I could not. under the management of Smith,
Kemer & Peters, be otherwise than a great success.
The dancing was kept up with spirit till
past two in the morning, when the affair was
I yy. _ wllfc the reel. And thus the hops at the
tution ^tatC* are becoming a very popular instiT\ventt-s*cond?We
are glad to learn
I I!13 V el^ort is being made, with complete success
thus far, to make the 2Sd a general holiday. As
this probably will be the last appearance of our
military in a body, it is to be hoped that the ranks"J^ny w111 full. This can only be
cewaplirtM^ by a general suspension of business,
to give employees an opportunity of joining their
Z^?i.-The milItar>r i8 ?? th? rise
here, and this occasion, of all others, should be
the one to exhibit to visiters that we are not de11ctent
in patriotism Several principal merchants
I and bankers have already signed an agreement to
I suspend business on the 22d.
1 ^?CX^Ik? V*?B Thing Clean into the Ground
Last night friends of Mr. Clusky, the late Postmaster
of the House of Representatives, accompanied
by music, called upon him at his residence,
and, after a few tunes. Mr. Clusky appeared
and made a speech Speeches were al/o delivered
by several Democratic politicians who had
I gathered 111 anticipation of the serenade.
y.ATCH Returns _R. Jones, arrest on a warrant,
security for a further hearing. James Dondo
'^ r xv flnr,and c5BtB' S314- F. Beers,
do, lo. Wm. Beatty. drunk; ? > 4<J. James
Brady va-rancv; workhouse 60davs Jim Darker
colored assault and battery; fine and costs, Sfci.15!
a,,d writy for peac e.
I c?l d, disorderly, fine and costs. S3 15
Kightcen lodgers were registered.
Centre Market.?The prices this morniii"
varied but little from those of the past weelT
I r ie gangways, as usual after a damp spell of
weather, were muddy and slippery, the re sult of
the unclean condition of the streets a*d avenues
bounding the market space There were few
country producers present, but the supply by the
licensed d'-alers was ample for the demand. '
i u ^ELL,NG by morning, Beni.
Harrlion was arrested by offlcer King for Bellini
of*5? bV sainP1? The goods are from the house
I o? Haimlton f. aster & Co., Baltimore, Md. Upon
a hearing before Justice Donn, he admitted the
fact, and was fined $20 and costs. Me has since
obtained a regular license from the Corporation.
I /^R,RS*T FOR J'ARckny.?This morning, officer
Chip.ey arrested George Rawlings for robbing
?iom'. ' Baile>'< ,he captain of a craft, of about
#1.M in money. Between sixty and seventy dol
lars of the money was recovered. Rawlings was
J hear in Justice Cooper to await a further Directory.?From the compiler, Mr. W
H Boyd, we have a cony of his Washington and
I (.eorgetown Directory for JS60, a valuable publication,
containing many new features of popularI
liy. It is issued In neat and convenient style.
! . T",E Foundry Church Sabbath School, assisted
bv the Choir, will give an exhibition and
Concert to-morrow evening. ;,t the Church. corner
I o'clock' ^th aild ? streets, commencing at 7
I The Ladies of the 1' street Baptist Church commenred
holding a fair last evenng, in Thorn's
building, Seventh str. et. to raise funds to repair
their church. We have an idea that this must be
a very pleasant place to drop in at.
Ball of the Union Fire company, at Stott's
last niyht. was a very pleasant affair, pretty
women being abundant and very amiable. So
a VouuiJ WW of ours who was "thar."
Arth s band did up the music iu ?ood style.
A grand Citizens' Ball will come oil" at tlif AssemblyHooms,
011 Thursday night n*?xt. tb?> entire
proceeds to be devoted to the benefit of the Orphan
Boys' Asylum r
I The Salary of the Register of the Corporation
I has been fixed by a conference between the two
I Beards of Council at SM,?oU per annum.
J forget the exhibition of the Gorsiich
I C^P^ Sunday School, this evening, at the
Chapel, Four-and-a-half street, Island.
I Dt rtr.MA Cured bv using i he Ox ygenated Biti
t ef s
n. o_ Portsmouth. N. m., April 15,18:2
I 1 u Preston ?Dear Sir : For the last four years
l have been, a* you are well aware, a great sufferer
KHL >P'8pep8,a during that time. I
lia\e been compelle d to quitmv business, and th-j
disease had become so seated tnat I had given up
21'''VfrVf Pver pbtaininfi any relief. Tha most
a mole food caused great distress.
1 had ciyet, up in despair, until you etronilv rccoinmendHd
the OryKenated Bitters, and it is with a
lTI. J gratitude, that I now pronounce my self
whollyfrtejroni all symptoms of l)ysP,r in. lean
I eat any thing at anv time, sleep well, Mid can now
h.f u,r??A,.r uf *P"ng. and look upon nature
with a delight that hat been a Strang* r to me lor
jears. 1 o all who may be suffering from Dyspepsia,
I would say, use the L' xyxenate/f Bitters."
! t- 1 jL Wm PL*istead.
iTrHtf ni'n? I add my hearty concurrence with the
e^tc.murnt' knowing it t<? contain nothing bat
i the truth. I nave never sold any medicine for Dy sh*t
ven so un veraal sati fact on as
I tlie (Jxygi.nuit'l Bi'ttrs, \Vm. R. Preston,
I i> ? ., ., Druggist and Apothecary.
Portrmonth, April 15,'P.52. '
NV- 1''ow,'g 4 Co., Boston, and for
r Di i uan' ^ C* Ford, jr , S. B. Waite,
r, Stott, John r^cJiwarze, Nairn ft Palmer, WashlagtoL;
and bv dealers everywhere. fe 7 lw r
Dr. Hostetter's B;tteri have roceiv.vl the
warmest enooaiVT* from the pre^s and people
nSr?Urn ' L ,As a at le *?nio for the
c.i:e of Dyspepsia Harulence Cmstipationani gen
eral nervous d?bil;?y, it cannot be approached.
MLr,>Kday ?&sea of fte ^r?a^ e^ot a-e chroni
cled through cur principal public journal. There
i"1 notlu-g equal fo thJ^njojineut to that ivhioh the
afflicted expoii-nee when uuuc this valuable ?peciac.
mi u tone, its (ure and vigorous action
upon a "iisordere J stomaoh aud the cleansing of t> e
e t,r j human body should recommend it to ai, olasf
ei 01 our cormunity. Al that ^ill he nnoetsxry to
onvinoe the skeptical of its h althj .-flecus is to
purchase a f>olteai;cl be oon\inced.
For sale by liruggists and dealers genera'ly ev
ery where. ,fe7-eo3t
Wat ?7 t*a^"oRKssor? is Hard "-Follow
the counsel and heed the advice contained in
, ?r t'hysiolcrtml R,.
searc hts It treats of theeyii effects of early abu?e
and indulgence, is emhollished with elaborate io'
n?rtraving every feature and
phase of diaea?e, expo?ea the fallaoy of the ordina
ry modes adopted f*or the cure of local >1m w?}' m
fa[l'!b'iearifm^d.0<f,ev an *,V0B tho OIllT safe and inf^iliolp
remedy for expun^inc ever? tra^e of th?
n8oili b' Kw.194
, street. N. V . Prioe25onnts frft0
D?c Ca,""t SrwMhiJgtoo,
??? t?6-lm.r
Hnvru.t7< Ith' mn> PATRICK KMERV McMA
S2?hSBSAISP a?, h.Tw',:, Pi* Joh? ? "
W. aid M.X k. of G?o'<?
lost and fouxtt
ard will be given for tuf
w. 1 b? ???? f?r h,r^^rtlrfs?
? 16 6-it*
p' ,rm-r
jal0 4w*
BufZ pjssjr* wltl.rsta
1 /?? a,5{.ngr%5'ik?(?y^.
: " for SALE and rent.
C*QR RENT?One Frame Cottage HOUSE, on
~tm "wohosett* avenue, between Hth and 15th
(h"" mremtl* P?r month- For 'art,cu,ar? VPJ ??n
10 7- 3%
wi'' k- ."JF a pleasant and desirable locainirsaitiE&nUAi?r
,lx month, or a yea-. ju.
the star Office. fa 7-1 w*
TbSoiu^ ofpleasant furnished
Mir i?..'MSior rent, first anrt ^eo-md floor >Q
m??^ fr7m'/ilri i??r fJ?ff 12th ??<*.?,* two
equate 'rom the Kirkwood House fe7-S?
1^V?? o^.kE?A nice thr^e story Brick HOUSE,
boy'sih"i.reet,b6twfl!?.n D?r'd ^ streets, in Kib nld
nnM. . above property will be
nit of H \v u'7 known by inquir!"*
?J " u HAMILTON A CO., No. 562 7th
fo 7 tf P?8,t9 u?utr? Market, Title perfect.
F(wf?thR?f;N'I'~A comfortable BRICK HOUSE.
InqnTreo? tTVri vvvet,^tW^en 6tP and L7th3tore
omiil .t \ r N, at his hous-furnishing
fe7 ei>3r * b?tw?*n 1 &nd K. No. 360.
Fl:LSA?Vt-Thi?^d Will and Fixtures of a
lith Vt? jn ^a- avenue, between 11th and
and r 'eifst ,ld?? formerly occupied aa a tobacco
over Hrtdrimn'** tAPP'>. at the Ambrotype Rooms
and l 8ts ' 6 e'7th street. between H
F,LMBNTKniT~1iivo Three STORY IND Bask
north.-asT ?CK HorsKs-One situated on the
finest & >r"er ?X6th and F "treeta, one of the
n!r buaineV.. i,n the 0,ty' e,ther as a residence or
OfficoandP.'Jn,>. /i? 8<"'are fr,ow the Citr Post
the Cit? H.^i i Office. and a short distance from
la?V r.m. !l- a"dJPa- avenue. It contains eight
w'Liwdfnr inoludinc dining-room and kitchen: is
attached ??,? Bt?M? and dwe,Jln?; has a bake-even
PoMaim.'.n ? w,,, ""'J a confectioner or baker,
given immediately.
afreets Is?!,1? 81'uated on 7th. between D and E
kitchen ti* Lortaina large dining-room and
chamber Parlors, four largo and one small
tS'l M ?wLde pMW; haa a large garden atji-c
Itmiir.L pe8 fruit trees, wood-house,
at any tf-ne oocuP,ed? but poaaeasion can be given
J*".or terms, Ac., apply to GEO. J. SEUFFER r K
at Jackson, Brother A Co.'s, 333 Pa ave fe 6-ff'
R K N T, Furnished or U oAmiahed.
At. at 450 12th atreet, between G and H. Washing,on.
fe 4 1W
FWnMP*-* l!vres *ton \nd atti? brick
ti.. HOLS>E,pn south B street, No. 173, opposite
the Smithsonian grounda. Rent ?25 per month.
Inquire of Q. R. ADAMS, No. 460 11th at. ft-tf
F^krhAt 1Hnr?A?8lr\,lleutwo"ut(?rl and att'c
? BKltK HOLSK with back building, stable,
Ac., with between ll.onn and 12,imo square feet of
ground attached, which ia laid off for a vegetable
and /lower garden. The garden oontaica a variety
of choice rosea and other flowers. Th- property ia
situated in the eastern section of the city, ind ia a
very healthy neighborhood and onh afiout 15 minutes
walk from the Capitol. For terms apply to Dr.
R VhAi? t Harrison street. Navy Ya-d, or of
K. bKA.Mh, Tr- asury Building. fe4 6t*
I^OR RENT?Two splendid suites of ROOMS.
.. elegantly furnished, suitable for membera of
Congress or Jothers wishing to secure first rate
apartments during the session. Inquire'af No. 353
Penns-lvania avenue, opposite Brown's Hote . or
at List's taloon. corner of6th and C st?. fe 2-1 w*
FOR SALE?A new and oomplete furnished
thres stor? BRICK HOUSE with 7 rooms; gas
and water fixtures. Lot 138 feet in inches, i t
^Kr^?h??jl,devjurr5ajdtd hT 6 t0i,t fence, on
JOth atreet, between M and N,having a 10footalle?
on the soil th and a si foot a'iey in the r?*ai; both
E*!* c P#>r*ect* Terms: .<|i,tNiocaah; th?
t' pui'i v months Inquire of Mr. JuHN
r. LALLAN, oomer 7th and E, or No 4o0 1-" st
K^V^lhftnd7t5- 11 nnt ?o!d in a fti/ort time, will
be rented to a good tenant. fe2-1w*
k . con,ainin? 6 rooms, situated on F street north,
between 2d and 3d streets west. For further r>artieu
ars inquire of J. ROVER, 1st, betweenV?nd K
streets north. fal-llt*
* pnvately from one thousand to three thousand
acres of Land, situated withm five miles of Front
Roya, at the County Seeit of Warret, c.iunty, Va.
I he land is heavily timbered, principal.y with
chestnut, oak, of large size, and will yi^ld in lm
mense amount of fan bark. On the property is a
nne stream <>f water sufficient for the erection of
a mill to grind bark, or for any otiier application
desirable, and we I suited for a tannery on the most
scale. The property is within S.nules of
the Manassas f^ap Railroad, acd i* of easy access
Persons wishing to purchase will cnl! at my rfsirlence,
in arren county, two miles east of Strasburg,
on the Manassas Gap Railroad, and I will
take pleasure m showing them the pronertr. Further
informat'on can be had of \V. D Wallaoh
Editor of the Washington (D. C ) Star. '
F^OK R LNT?A handsome and convenient r arranged
BRILK HOUSE, with 11 rooms/No.
o03 6th street, between K street and New York
avenue. Rent $ wo per annum. jaUMm*
|P0R RKNT?The FIRST FLOOR ofth^huiTd"1
i?g immediately opposite the west wing of the
Lity Hah, reoantly occupied by Chaa. S. Wallaoh
as an otnee. Aiso the front room in the second
story and the third floor of the same building. For
terms apply to RICHARD WALLACH, No 2
Louisiana avenue. ja jg
FQR SALE?A MODEL FARM, situated in
Montgomery county, Md., about 4 miles from
Georgetown, on tue turnpike leading to Rockvilie.
It is in a high state of cu tivafion. with all the improvements
nec-ssary. Wi 11 be aold a bargain, or
exchanged for city property.
Also, t wo small Houses For Rent in WashingA??n?'
V afE'Z.k0.0, W- URAY. Real Estate
Af0nt, No# 516 7th st. 13-1 rn*
j A?r?kd?8lraWe n?w'y furnished Rooma for rent
a- D atreet north, between 6th and 7th streeta
^e,t* no S" eotf
FOR RENT?The aouth HOUSE of the row of
new four story houses lately erected on 3d
atreet, between I) and E atreets north. Also, the
three n?w four-story dwellings on 4th street, front{"8
City Ha'l square. These houses oootain
all the modern improvements, and are deBirably !ouaooe
F'o t,?,rms' &0 \a?P'y to BALDWIN A
Attorney at Law, No. 40 La. avenue, near 6th at.
no 25 eotf
8mall FARM ofS'aoros. situated
at the Little rails, having a comfortabledwellIng-house,
corn house, stablea, Ac; weil-fenced
and watered ; within four miles of Washington ; 15
acres in cultivation, the balance in handsome woodland.
it is peculiarly desirable as a country resi
denoe, being perfectly health) and most roma'nticalIy
situated ; excellent fishii c and huntinc. Inquire
?ir"5 tVRRlOTT, bridge keeper, Chain Bridge,
Little falls. de 7-2awtf
A For saie one good t*o si. ry FR AME HOUSE
and lot next to the corner of 7th a.-H E street- south.
Appjy to JOHN H. TUCKER, corner o' M.iryland^avenueand
l!th street. ls<and. i>*. ?fi-eo. i*
House for rent or sale, wtimm
13 rooms, gas. Potomac water, barh-rooin. Ac.
loqui-eon the premises, No. *2t Missouri avenue,
between ar dfith streets. The furniture will be
sold or rented with the house, if desired.
ja 12-lm
FrLE?On accomiuodat!lis terms. One
half Square of Ground,on 7th street ; Triii he
divided to suit purchasers, if immediate spplioa
tion be made to the undersigned, nt their Jewelry
a> d Fan< v Store. 516 7th st , opposite the lntelliOmce.
G. vv. BRAY A CO.
P. r> Negroes,for farm Iiaudi,wi!l be tak?n in ex
change. ja9-lin*
F^iL ^ n?>w and desirable four story
BRICK DWELLING, situated on 12th street
north, near H street?No. 443. Rent moderate.
Apply to J. T. LENMAN. No. 471 12th st. d<- A
handsomely furnished, with hot and cold water
and bath-room (Fotoinao water.) The apartments
are !ar*e and airy; four rooms on a floor, from the
fe ',? ll^u,r? of WALL, STEPHENS A
LO., 322 Pa. avenue, between 9th and leth ?ts.
de .S
Fi^OR RENT?Several fine ROOMS, furnished or
unturnished. at 276 Pa. avenue, two doors east
ol the KirKwood House. no2?-tf
splendid suites of ROOMS, elegantly furnished,
will b# rented during the session of'Con
gre*?, in the most desirable locality in this city,
bein? w.thin one or two squaros of Brown's and
National Hotels. Tnose in pursuit of such Rooms
wio do web to make early application at No. 37 9
?th street between P street anil Pa *v. de ?i-tf
in Alexandria county, about 2* milee from
Georgetown, at the intersection of the Georretowt
ana Little Falis roads, consisting of 102 aoros. Invht.prePl8?r'
14th and K streets. Washington, D. C. ja 1<V tf
Have you w itnessed
POR ~ ?
1 corner 7th and f) stre ja 31
Pm^?.R k 11 ?f ^ose justly celebrated
Lrackera have been received. W e are prepaid to
supp y dealers w:th a fresh article, on Ww \ o'k
, 336 Pennsylvania Avenue.
; Money Must Mow be Plenty!
sU e\ of?h^ r'T0 ^uar, ,6 l'" ' w'" ?^,'r entire
f lh<^ fo,lowin? articles at cost, and in many
oases even less, to make room for Spi !ng eteck :
'j'.ai'i ?nd Faoey H EAD DR b S^E",
l>AtbS, Re&l and ImPation; K\T BROIDKR I K?j
I Bonnet and Trimming KIBANDS? fcSl
Zf'!idy made?,<Jrtd S^RAW BONNETS,
- I P$r5HDR?^^^^^^^ v , s
" tio^?- -K arVe:#"'t >0 numerous to men
? ; j ' which 1 moat resseetfoHv ca l toui
I monVh on^-SttCatl?n a* the sban ? wii] b? on
r.iXi,-'5trPme'ow Pri?es Will satisfy you that trui
; }*atloTn ' "ot one of common humbug< o
,eM "*" uiu*rVe
i r?vr,^.?? S. a fTJiVEN^
By WALL & BARNARD, Auctioneers.
Gold and silver watches, CHAIN*
Rich Jewklrt. ac., at Acctios ? oi
thursday MORNING,9th inrt.. at 10 o'clock
we will sell, at the auction room*, a fine aasortmen
of Gold and Silver Watches, Chains, and rich aet
Jewelry, consigned to us by one of the most re
speotab'e Northern house*.
Terms cash.
f^-d WALL A BARNARD. Aucts.
B> WALLA BARNARD,Auctioneers.
TRUSTEE'S SALE.-By n.tue of a deed o
trust to the subscriber, ne wi'l sell, at auotiou
on Tl'hSDAY next, the 14th inst., at 10 o'oloek a
m , at the auction room of Wall A Barnard, on<
large M irror.
Terms cash.
A. lloyd, Trastee.
fe 7 3t wall A BARNARD. A uota.
By BARNARD A BUCKEY; Geor?etown.
Household and kitchen furni
ti rs at Auction.?On MONDAY MORN
l.NG, 13th mat-. at Wo'clock, we will sell, at the lat'
residence of Henrv BreWer, deoeased, on Wesl
street, between Green and Montgomery streets
Georgetown, a general assortment of Household
ai d Kitchen Furniture, comp ising?
Mahogany Sofa, Chairs, Tatties and Rockers.
Do Sideboard and Dining Table,
Bedsteads, Feather Beds, Hair and Shuck Mat
Wardrobes, Waahstand* and Lounge,
Carpets, Oil Cloth, Bedding, Ac.
Chamlwrand Parlor Stoves.
China. Gists and Crookery Ware.
Kitchen Utensils, a general assortmentTerms
: ca?h; over that amount 30 and 60
days, for approved endorsed notes, bearing interest.
By WALL & BARNARD, Auctioneers.
Valuable and desirable located
Property and Land at Acctioh ?On monday
afternoon, i3th instant, at vl? o'clock,
we will sell, in front of the premises. Lot 25, in
Square 250, 75 by f?"et on the oorner of 13th an?1 I
street*, opposite Franklin Square, and impioved by
oii9 two story and basement briok Dwelling House,
oontaming 13 rooms, tai. Ac., and a smaller house,
which rents separately, and both of w Inch are now
under good rent.
Also, at the same time and p'ace, 25 acres of Land
between Washington and Alexandria, a short distance
west of the turnpike, on the Oid Georgetown
road, suitable for meadow and gardening purposes.
Terms: One-fourth cash, the balance in 12. IS,
and 24 months, bearing interest, and secured by a
dro.i of trust wn the premises.
fj7-d WALL A BARNARD, Aucts
By J. C. MoGUIRE A CO., Auctioneers.
Ben. f. fr en ch's tenth annualsale
of Books and Stationery at auction, at store ol
W. F. Bayly, i?* Pa. avenue, sales every evening
until after Christmas, The stock is now complete
in every department of Literature, Soienoe. and
Art, Holiday Books fr?.m the smallest Juvenile up
to fine Gift Books worth ?50, fine Bibles and Prayer
Books, Butler's fine Gift Books, for I860, Stationery
of every variety; all of which will be sold very low
I to close the entire stock out in 30 days. Books at
private sale at half price. Call and see.
del4 d BEN. F. FRENCH Salesman.
By A. GREEN, Auctioneer.
i mt tiirek-story and basement bf'ilk Hoises
and the lot* on which they stand. fronting
1 thk Patent Ofpice. at Auction ?On FKIDAN,
I the 17th inst.. i shall sell, in liont of the premises,
at ha.f past 3 o'clock P m., six fine Brick Houses
I kn -wn as Waiker s How, fronting on 9:n sireel
west, between F and G stree's n"rth. immediately
I opposite the Patent Office, situated on let* 19 and ?
I and half lot 2t in square No. 3^6
No. I, being th-- south house, itar a frost of 2(> feet
I running back bt) feet to a 31 f"ct 5 inch a ley ; ih<
house contains 10 good conveniently arranged
I roo i,8 and wide passages.
No. 2 fronts 16 fe?t, running back l?o feet to th<
allev ; the house contains 9 room- and parages.
I Nob 3. 4 and 5 front each 20 feet, running back 71
P?et to a 4 feet alley; the housts contain 10 roomi
I e?ch, with a ide passages.
4\o 6, being the corner house,33 feet front, run
nmg back ?he same depth.
Terms ; One-third cash; balance in 6, 12, '? ant
I 21 months, the purchaser to give iiot*?s for the de
I ferred pay ments, Itearing interest from day of sale
I A deed given aud a deed of trust taken Title in
I disputable.
| f*4 eo2w A. GREEN. Auct.
I Yy*NOTICE.?The MmI Tax for i? no*
I J 3 due. Prompt pay ment. is earnestly desired,
fe fi 1 w CHAS. I> W EL.CH collector.
Lists are sti'.i at the store of Daniel Brown
I and the drug tore of J. l. Kidwell, Georgetown
I where shares m tt is Association can be sub?crib'<d
I At ihe meeting last night, it was resolved that citiz
ns of Washington be allowed to tak* scares tf
th?* number of two hundred, and a. list for this pur
I pose can b^ found at Geo. F. Kidwelt's wood and
I coal yard. Hth street, iuat a?uth of th* Axenue
I Th- next meeting will be at the Council Chamber
THURSDAY . "U h mat. fe 3 eott
rpHE COPARTNERSHIP Heretob-e exiting
1. between Martin \ Dowliv. has been ti ia daj
I dissolved t>y in?tual consent. All parties havitii
any claims against the firm wili piea?e pretentthen
I to T. Dowling for settlement, and all debts due th<
firm are to l?e settled with him. who will continue
the Auolion aud Commission Business at their ol<
Gerrgetown. January 2^, 186 '. fe 7 3t*
,UUU BUSHELS Of p<ime New Jener Whih
Mercers, eu tab'e for seed or tab'o uae. For salt
from store in lots to suit purchasers.
peter berry.
fe4eo Water street. Georgetown.
barrels ''rushed and Refined *UG A K S,
5 do. Pat mt Safety Fii*e,
By JOHN J. BOGUE, Nos. 36 and 3S,
fe 4 5tawt.r East Market Space, Georgetown.
JT'OR RENT-The b*aimfnl STORE No. 7 7
F Bride street, Georgetown, near the Union Ho
te! and Bank, and now occupied by Lewie Payne,
will be for rent on and alter the lat of Ma oh i?ext
I Also, for rent a brick carriage heuse and stable
1 8nppi:ed with a hydrant. Apply to Dr C H
I CRAGIN. 1'24 Dumbarton street. fe l-1m
I l,"oo lbs. prime Ro'l BUTTER,
2??boxes ORANGES and LEMONS,
50 bushe s CLOV ER SEED.
10 jars HON EY, in the comb, very fine,
1 cask pure French BRANDY.
Baker'a No. 1 CHOCOLATE, COCOA and BRO
For rale by
fe 1 6t W. h. tenn'EY.
IT'OR NEW YORK ?The packettchoouer Ham
I r l'ton, Captain ?'tden, has amv*d. and >.-j>
I will sail as above fiiepatch. For freiglit^^y^
I or passage apply to
ja 31 63 Wnter street, Georgetown.
We have this day received, per schooner E. H
I At wood, from Boston, 51' barre'a Prime CRA1
J APPLE CiDER and 51 barrels of Oruinan Cidei
I all of which we warrant to be pure juice of the ap
I pie. As we have to make room for more that is o
I the wav, we will close this lot out cheap for caah.
arny A shinn,
de 29 ITfion Bottling Depot. Georgetown.
0,UUU BUSHELS Prime New Jersey Whit
Mercers just received, per schooner C. A. Elliot
I aud for tain from the vessel in lots to suit purctu
lie 77 Water street. Georgetown.
i v/ No. 12s ffrirfre ft., Gtorttiovn^,
Has ocns'antlv on hand a large assortment <
I French Near aightxl, Periacopic, P.ol- ^
I ored, and all <?ther SPECTACLES,
I the best quaiitv. m gold, silver, steel, and Germs
silver frames. N. B.?Old F'amea Repaired ar
I new glasses set in them to ordor. no 19-ty
s iACOC reed,
I j Mancfactcbkr or
i Soctheast Corner Second and Sprcc* Sts ,
XyUUU POUNDS of pure Buckwheat Flou
I ground and forwarded to ua from Lnzerne oounX
I U, Pennsylvania. We have never seen a finerj
a-ticie. JIT* We sell it at the price of the ordinal
Buckwheat Floar.
Best FAMILY' FLOUR of "Jamea S. Welsh,
I "Caledonia,"' "Raj's," and other choioe brands.
Extra and Superliue F>our of varies brands.
de 2< tf Corner of 15th at. and Vermont ar.
I 1*1 for the rurf of-Dtarrhva and Dystntrry. jln tt
I very last stage si the disease. And niy SY Kl
I Oi" RUE, a never failing cure f.?r the Whoopir
I Cough. Also. I have a cure for Bone F?llon?. at
ail kind of Risinga and Sores of eve'y descriptioi
and man* disease too numerous to mention,
could lay before the public many certifioates if
' I was neeOfu!. 1 hare been in this practioe for .
I years. 1 deaire thoae that w?afH:cted to oall on m<
a? 1 will do all in my power to relieve their sunei
I ing. I desire to thank my friends and acq ua;ntanc?
I and the public for the kind patronage th^j have tx
. stowed on me and 1 still aolicit the ?ame favors.
MRS. ANN F. SISSON, No. 629 7th at.,
fal-lw* between I) and *<.. Ia.and.
l'kaches. MUSHROOMS,
; peas. ASPARAGUS, Ac.
I For ea.e by
' _ . ^,?3 Pennsylvania avenue.
( j fe 3 <t Sole agent for Cheanat Qrore Whiiky
> I CT Bitters. Aver'i Pectoral and Puis, Brown's^
i | Bronchia! Troches,Winslow'sSoothinirSvrup.V
1 Benzine. Ac.; with a freeh supply ?f Medi
cines, Spon?e?. and Chamola. At MOOR E'S
. , , Weat End Drug Store.
113 Pa-areeue, south aid?
j Important tail DfrMH.
^ Feb'The Court of Appeal.*,.
m?nd ^SuI*T lon* F*Bd,n* "oltoftbe RichromnI?.rj
mre> and Potomac Railroad
- -tbe Virginia Central Company
on fut.!~ t?l ? fofrner; Instituting an injunction
f ?hVr "7r?, r eL?rr tL' combing road, formlnc
' ind d^r^nu'nm ^?*?*taa to Rlcbmon/.
through ticket, to the
fsre received on ?uch during the disability ? tLe
Frrderlckabarx rout, by ice In ibe K,ton^c Iff
. ao. a decree a^ain.t each of the combine* con
panic, for it. share of the pror^d*; and ea<h of
the combined road, are bound for the other If tbdecree
Hjjain.t either prove, ineffectual It It r?
' ported that the Central Rt?ad will loae half a it i
1 Hon of dollar, by this decree.
ImprlMnme.t ef a Slave C aptain.
Nkw \ ork. Feb 7.?The .laver bark Orion, of
New ^ ork. had been aeized on the coaat of Afrlea
by a British steamer and taken to St Helena,
where .he was delivered orer to the United Stites
steamer Mystic The Captain of the Orion ba.
been imprisoned there bv order of the American
Consul. The Orion bad wben captured 1.U23 ne
K roc. on board, of whom lAf died before reaching
1 St Helena.
Movements of Mialeter >lcLaae.
Niw(??lian.. Feb f>.?Minister McLane.wbo
recently arrived here from Vera Crui, left tb .
morni'i'^ for Washington, according to li.etru*.tlons
frcm the State department.
Alexandria Markets.
Alrxakdrta, Feb. 7.?Wheat-am? 11 *alet of
white at Sl-SSiftl S3.
Baltiasore Markets
Baltimore. Feb ?.?Flour market unaettled.
Howard .treet *. > 3Taf5 50 Wheat firm: white
i $1.3oa150. Corn dull; while and yellow 7t?a73c
Provision, steady; mea SIS; prime *13 5Aa?11.
i bacon .idea llij. Whisky .teadv; tales of 4<*i bbts
' Ohio at 23c.
Flew Yark Market!.
Nkw Yoti, Feb 7 ?Flour h:s advanced 5c
State $5aS5 ?15; Ohio S3 <tta*r> 75; Southern #6 45
aS5 70. Wheat Is buoyant?Canada white Sl.&?
Corn 1. quiet and unchanged. Pork i. dull, salea
i unimportant-old me*. $17.3la#l7 37; new dr.
old prime SI2a?lv'25; new *14 2.V-SI4 37
( l^rd cloaed firm at Italic. Whisky dull at 23c
NI* York, Feb. 7 ?Stock, aredi ll and heavy
Cbtcagoand Rock Island ftl\; lliliioi. Cen .bans
5?^'; do. bond. SO; New VorkCeutral 70 H ea<?
ln?3"V Mil and Miu Mo. fagUJi. Nonev
easy and unchanged.
> . AT THE
, _JJ onn FF, 1,1 QWS' HAH, r
: j\ O T I C E TO K_l' 1 L D E K S.
OJtcc Board Commtttionm Nnr Ccntr* /
1 n , , Washington. January II.1m*?. (
The Board of Commissioners. uuder the act of sd
Septeml>er, lifA. entitled Au act providing f.?r the
, erection of a New Market-houweon tiie mte <>f tie
[ present Centre Market," in pursuance of the provi
sion.ol said act, hereby invite sealed proposal* fo*
, building satd market house. a/>corrtine t?> the plans
and specifications of the same, to be seen'and a
I copy of the latter obtained ) at the office of the Board,
p in the basement story of the City Hall, to lie endorsed
"Proposals for the New Market-house,"
addressed t.? John C. Fitzpatrick, Esq . President
ol the Board of Commissioners, and delivered at
I this office, on or before the 22d dav of February
next, between the hours of 9 arid 12 a. rr.
The Architect, Charles Mask ins. Esq , wiil be in
attendance, daily until that time, to give neoessary
explanations in rogard to the work.
Bidder, for the work are required to proporef??r it
, as follow* :
1. For the building complete.
2. As. in view of the uncertain nature of the
ground upon which the building i. to be erected,
the whole number of piles under the foundation.
r and some portion of the grillage, as indicated on
the plan, ma> not be reo aired, ladders must state
what deduction they will make m #mch event per
piie. and for grillage per superficial foot, lor such
not required.and in oaae that more piles ac.d gnlla*e
may be found necessary than tho pian ca 1. for,
or more stonework and eioavation for the founda
tions, the price for each additional pile, for each
" superficial foot of priMage, lor each peroh of stoneworit
and for cach cubic yaid of excavation.
. 3. The time required for the oompletiou of the
1 work.
All proposal, must be made in conformity with
the foregoing, and accompanied by a written guarantee,
of the followinr form :
r Form of tkr rvamntre.
r The unaer.ienea ol , in the State (or dis
Mpt i of ?-. hereby guaranty that in caee the fore
i f?lng bid of for the erection of a market house
, til the city of Washington, 1).C.. being accepted,
? will, within ten days after the Receipt of the
1 oontract, execute the .ame, with good ana sufficient
sureties, to the amount of twenty five thousand
dollar., and in case said .hall fail to enter into
contract as aforesaid, we guaranty to make good
the difference between the offer of the Mid ?? and
that which may be aooepted?
_ (Signature, of the two guarantors.)
t Date.
W it ne.s.
I hereby o*rtify that the above named and
are known te me as men of property, and able to
make good their guaractee.
To he signed by th#? United State. Dietriot Jadge,
the I nited State, bi.trict Attorney, Corporation
Attorney of Wachington, Collector ?r Navy Agent.
No propoeal. whion do not oonform to the [oreao
ing will be considered.
And whereas the fourth emotion of th* aforeeai<<
act declarea, "that from and after the passage of
thi.aot the entire nett revenues ftf the preMnt Cen
tre Market-house, and also thoee of tne proposed
new structure, are hereby appropriated, and invio
ial?!y aet apart, a. a special fbnd, subiect to the <-r
der of the Commiasioner. authorised by this act. to
' enable them to pay for the ereotion and completion
of said structure.'' pa? ments for the work will be
made upon monthly estimates of the architect of
the work done, reserving ten per cent, thereof as
oollateral ecurity. so far a. the funds aooruing on
der said section of the act will suffice, or as may
hereinafter be provided by law. By order
is K-eotd Secretary of the Board.
5 do. Rouch and Ready do.
5 do. Twiat do.
4*1 do. Cavendish do.
60 do. lu'a Plug do.
Sn/mo Havana and German CIGARS.
Ju.t received and for sa'e i?y
- ja?-eo6t MURRAY A BEMM KS
Ha. removed hi. PLUMBING AND GAP FIT
i where lie keep, all kind, of
i* H^ DRaNTS and PUMPS of every description
j) on hand Al.o.ali kind.o; Bras, and Plated Bapins,
Ba h and Shower Cock.. Copper Boilers, Hath
Tub.. Sink., Marhle top Wash Basin., Hose and
Coupling., Hose Pipes. Ac.
He gives his personal attention to introdueins
Water and Gas into St-res and Dwelling*. Pnl
:e lie Bui.dint, and Private Residenoes heated by
t, Steam or Hot Water on the most improved plans.
i <e i Im
STATES? Advising the President and Head. of
Department, relative to their Oftoial Duties; and
ol Expounding the Constitution, Treaties with Tor.
eitn Government, and Indian Tribe, and the Put to
Law. In 8 volume, tvo bound in sheep, with c<?
>c pious indices and a digest. The laats volumes eon
id taming the opinions of 6en. Cashing. These S
volumes are sold separate from the seta, to allow
person, nave the first volumes to oompiete
their sKs. Prioe <>f th? whole ? volumes, f 24. A
liberal disoount allowed to the trade. Orders are
now sohoited Al.o, a Digest to the Opinions,
bound unifo-m with the above. Pnoe #3.
For sale by
Su^ceseors to R. Farnham.
2 ly cor. 11 that an 1 Pa. ave.
1. 9V. McCAMLY & CO.'S
? and 390
it All Geeds ef amr Maamfartara? Made la tha
Meat Fa.hleaable Style?af the Beat
Material a ad Workmaaahlp.
^ The FlMit Stock of Shirts
Trend, Valices, and Carpet Bags.
tview music raoM BOSTON ON API rcT.
iith^,.en'.I!27i2f*,for 1M*#otJon JOHN F.
f, EE Lit P, IM Pk a venae. fp 4