Newspaper Page Text
- I LOCAL WfcnS. Amimm To Ni?ht. Fo*d'* ATHmrvrA. ere^loK the fourth I appearance of the beautiful and da?blng actreaa, Mlaa Lor 1 lie Western, aa Mia ma ?d4 Madame SI Anbert, In the thrilling melodrama of ?<ireen iiusbes " Mlas Ol.'vla, In her "Tambourine Dance." The entertainment to conclude w th the "Port of Honor." Ford baa evervtalng In apple pie order now at hta establishment, and is prepared to vary the performance* nightly In a at vie to make them constantly Interesting. WilUMTOS THKATBV. 1 nil CTTniBK, ik drama entitled ?? All that Glltten U not Gold." In which Mr. Clark* and MluSuann Dealnboth appear After which the farce of ' S mashington'a Coat," and the local hit, ''Paul Pry in Washington;" Mr. U. In both piece*. * - ? ? 'WL _a ij.. tA^TIlBriT MALL ?1 Uf B1ZII1 Hl^ui ?i * nelv*r? new ccniUlUtlon of beinty, cmbrmrlng WD' orrne nneii Pin/m inn mi?i khkciui ?mueer* In the country. They have drawn crowded booses throughout the week. Odd Fillows' Hall ?Sanford's famous ^(vr* troupe continue to draw. Those who have not heard the splendid music of this troupe and witnessed the overpowering fun. ought not to lose the present opportunity." Ths Baksit Before the Orphans' Curt, Judge Purtell.?This case came up on Taeeday, when Mr Winder said, that In justice to Mr Barney he desired to make an explanation. The report In the Republican of this city of the proceedings In tbe habeas corpus case before Judge Merrick, was erroneous In stating that Judge Merrick went nut of his wsy to compllu.eot Judge Pun ell on bis selectlou of a guardian Judge Merrick .-poke of tbe Inaccuracy of tbe report, and Mr. Bari>ey called at tbe Republican offlce to bare it corrected He(B.) autetl that the local editor of that paper aa'd to him that the report of the cane wu faruiabcd by Mr lilount. He (Mr Wluder) only repeated what' Mr. Baruey bad nld, and It wu a quratlon of veracity between t > the loc?l editor and Mr. H. It. I kl. ?/i...^l u. LTW . ami ?c* i ( 1 UU, I U VUjJ U U n i UUU^I, l? IT. Blount, fliea his answer to tbe exception* to bis account for tbe collection of tbe rents and profits of tbe real estate of tbe Infant children of Mary De Krai!t Barney, deceased, filed bys*. B. Barney. He represent* Tbst tbe first exception, wbleh states that be " bas returned In said accouut, under oatli. as having collected from Robert I. Marshall S33P, wben, In point of fsct, be bas co. let-ted from blm. m per receipt, Is not true, a* tbe only account which be baa verified l>y oath ?hrwi plainly and distinctly that h? baa credited the ertate with an aggregate of H5K 20, received of the aaid Robert J. Marahall for rent of the premlaea occupied by hiic. The replicationa to theaecond, third and fourth | exception* are or trie tame nature as tbe answer to tbe flrat: showing that Dr. L- has charged himself with more, in each caae, than it 1? stated 1 In the exceptions he had given receipts far. Dr. L-then sav. Wv.a A1 a/ii. ? At _* m. ? _ m. ? ' i mi wc bud ficvpuoD wdicd an eyes inai ne 4 has returned an bav ag receivad from Mrs. * fit- ret 110, while his receipts show he received ts Dot true, 1 nasmuch as his recel pts show that , he has credited the estate with <35. received at various tiroes from Mrs Burch or her husband; and that his receipts to Mrs. Burch will show that he received 940, an 1 the reason why the whole amoant :s not credited is that be found It ' necessary to distrain for the rent, and bad to pay the offleer for his services, and he credited tbe amount he actnall> received; also, that Mrs. Burch la In arrears for rent due a portion of l^st year, but *he alleges that those arrears were caused , by tbe ofictous Interference of Samuel C. Barney, who served a written notice on her not to pay Dr. L., otherwise she Wculd be liable to pay the rent a second time > That tbe sixth exception, which states that bis accounts " show that be has onlv received *1-1 T\> from Anthony Pollok, for tbe period of one yenr, without accounting for tbe default of *ald Pollok In paying the fall amount of rent due," 1* not true, Inasmuch as the account ihowi that the said rotate la credited with an segregate of ?l$3.7i, received from the ssl?l Pollok. He say* with regard to tbe seventh exception > ? or rouecira iron) t an r.wrm idc sum or fito.SS on account of rent of tbe premises occupied by blm, of which 981 belonged to the esta'e of Mr*. DeKraft, (formerly Barney ) and is credited in bis account aa collector of her estate, and tbe residue (f 164 25) is credited to tbe estate of tbe children. That tbe ssid Everett Is still in srrers lot rent, and tbe legs! remedy for the collection of rent was resorted to, and that he has not been sble to collect more than the amount above stated on account of Everett having entered tbe military service. v\ iiii regard 10 tbe eigutn exception, Dr. L. gives a Hat of tbe property, and state* that In fvery instance tbe rent It payable monthly, and that be has set forth the name of each tenant and tbe amount paid by tbe same, in bia account, so that all persons can at once see the amount he has received and from whom. With reference to tbe ninth exception he says that the amounts paid by him to the Marshal were paid under the order and direction of tbe court, and for the amounts so paid he baa filed the receipts of the Marshal In MlftflAH thm tsnfK mnA las# av/>stv?U?i mmm - ??M IH ?HW ??* * tAV?p*|VU| UC states that disbursements made by him, under the ordera and decrees of the Coart, which, he underatood. were made upon the ezpreea written a?sent of all parties engaged In the litigation for the guardianship of the said children before the Orphans1 Court, a~d that the Inducement for the making of said orders or decrees, was the fact, which was brought to the notice of the Court, that the mother of the children had departed this lift* V ? V-.U 1 ? tuc vuy vi new lun, uu uci way iu France, where tbe children then were, and that the said children were in a deatitate ccndltlon In FsrU. subalatlng almost entirely upon tbe bounty of strangers, and especially of tbe cook of their mother, wbo waa In humble circumstances; that their father, the said Samuel C Barney, had failed to contribute ouecent towards their support, also, i that acting aahe did lu nuking said disbursements k under the positive decree of the Court, be rlaljna ii? (iivkwivu auu wn iuoi me unir may or allowed as charged in "aid account*, sustained as * they are by proper and legal vouchers. The Clerk of the Court said that the accounts 4* stated In the replications just r? a?l were *eri fled by the oftclal record of the court. Mr Joitpk Antnnny ? *? *wcrn, and hi* receipts examined, when no discrepancy was found In the nccoant, as stated by Dr. L. Mr. Stanmetz was examined with the same result. The examination dlscloned the feet that D* La. a m ?* a _ ?i - - ? aw ipr me reui* coutrisa i?r idc month or September, 1860, (Mr*. Barney died on the 23th day of that month,; credited twenty-eight diyi rent to the mother'* estate and two days to the children; except In the case of Joseph Anthony, who did, on the 27th day of that month, pay hts month'* rent to Dr Webster Lindslev, Mr* Barney's agent, she being then living. Mr. Winder said that the rent being due and payable on the first of October, the collector ought to have credited the children with It. The Court overruled thia exception, and Mid that D* Hsrvey Llndsley never having received that month's rent, waa not chargeable with It. To Ihii ruling Mr. Winder excepted Mr- Winder raised the point In reference to Mr. Stelnmetz's account, that the rent being payable monthly, nut two days, but the whole month wm due to the children. Overruled by the Court, and axcep lon taken by M r W Mr Winder said that neither Mr. Jhnridge nor L himself bad examined the accounts. It waa done by Mr. Barney He had time to look no further Into them to-day ft ______ ?* i* A *? A a*. n a ik wu lUK^raktt aj v^oun, imi me negater of Wilis (Mr. Kelly) being an auditor, the further examination of the accounts be entrusted to bin. Mr. Winder assented. Mr. Fendall, Jr., counsel for Dr. L>., opposed It. Two witnesses (tad been examined and failed to Core any discrepancies: there was none in Dr. ,'s accounts, and be (Mr. F ) desired to have examination proceeded with at once, and clear l>r L. of the charges brought against him. The papers were finally entrusted to Mr. Kelly, who will probably be ready to report on Salur a ly next. Policb Casts?B?/sr? Juttice Clayt.n ?John Walker, (col.,) drunk and disorderly; fine and rotu *2.91. Ca*per Lelxer. do.; workhouse Mooes Brown, (col., leaving his horses; floe and coots, John Long, Patrick Foley, Owen Haaey,Maarlce$uUlvan,DsnnlsConner, Maorlce McCarthy, keeping nuisances In Fletcher's alley: all paid fine and costs excepting Long and McCarthy, who save ball for a further hesrlng. Kdward CtiuDbeU. abusin* officer; fine &ad cost* f l-SH. Peter McNtmua, running wagon without a number; flne and costs $5.58. W. Flether, running cart without a license; floe and costs ti ?i. Harrey Lootnls, do.; do. JiJK. Jobo Wells, do.; do. &L5t>. Walter Linking, running \ two carts without number*; flned tU lit In each * esse. Patrick Haney, do.; do. 92M. Mrs. Mary Hottan, drunk and disorderly; fine and costs SA M Tbomas Dstcher, do.; workhouse 80 dsys. Mary Polk, do.; flue sod costs ?5.j?. William Conner, sssaulL Use sad costs 83.50. John Mssaey, driving through a funeral; fine and costs 91.M. Eliza Lownds, (eoL.) stealing; committed to iall. W. Lintman, Jos. Welsh, sldu-y Buner, ridiag or driving on pavement; flned each. Stbauho?Ellxa Sownds, col'd, was arrested yesterday morn lag by OAcers Crown snd Eckloff cUr|?i with stealing two dremni, two breastpiaa, u>4 other artlcie?L valued at about tfleen dollars, from one Eliza Smith. The officers after a ioojj March were forced to give up the aearch for the larger portion of the articles* out on her way to jail a he confessed that the good* were pat away la a pillow, where they were afterwarda found. Justice Claytou committed her to jail for I' Bold Roiiht -Tbe shop of Mrs Heenao, on tte corner of H and Twenty-lrst streets, Fir* Ward, was entered yesterday, and flee dollar* }fcstrac'.*4 from drawer, U broad toyUffck ? -1 . ATTwrr to Bilil Jail?On thursday lMt the guards at the jail discovered that a daipnilr prisoner, known as Win. L Fleming *li*s Norton, had made preparations for an escape. The prisoner, who is a vary unruly character, had boen . placed in irons some time since for making | threats to hill different person* la the prison, sad ' while thus can lined he had made from the majnsprtn t of a watch, a piece of hoop from a slopbacket in his cell, snd s stick, s saw, with which he sawrd off his irons; but before be had aa ?p- | portualty to use his Instrument on thsbar ha was i again secured by tbe guard*, who bad been laformed of what wss going on The saw Is one of tbe most Ingenious tools of tbe kind we have ever seen, and it Is bard to comprehend bow be managed to make It, be having no file with which to cut the teeth. It Is probable, however, that thla part of the work vu done with an old knife which had been found secreted In a boot-lag In me ceil tome days since. Fleming was sentenced bj the Criminal Court, In January laat, to alx months In jail and one year In the penitentiary?the II rat .'"ran assault and battery on J ustlce Donn at the time of hla examination for robbing a teamxter, named Charles Ersklne, of a knife and revolver, at Dubant's restaurant In December last; for which latter offense he wi? sentenced to the penitentiary. He ww srrested some four year* Mince, on snsp'.cioa of having murdered a man In Tennessee; but no proof of the fact being attainable, he waa released While in the prlaon, Mr. Calhoun, Surveyor General of Kanaaa. and a Mr. Robinson of the *ame place, informed the magistrate that he (F ) bad been hired in Kansas to come to Washington to murder them. Since then he haa been occasionally about the city, hanging round the taverns, and when the States-Ho<e party waa in existence he was one of tneir leaders. The Jail guards, however, will keep a sharp eye on him now until his sit months are up,when be will be transferred to the Custody of Warden King, at the penitentiary. He la the aame person, It will be remembered, who, <is be waa leaving the Criminal-court room after sentence had been nassed upon him. turned toward* IHstrlct Attorney Car ring ton and fiercely denounctd Lino, creating tome commotion in tbe court room. Ue is, evidently, a troublesome castomcr. Polici ?The Third Ward patrolmen reported on Thursday tbe following cas?s : Hvgler Begler1, drunk and disorderly; fined $1 l?t. Robert Harris aud Robert Langton. fighting; fined SI !M each. I Jas. Bett- do.; turned over to tbe military?by Justice Thompson. Thomas Datcher, drunk; workhouse 60 days Mary A. Hogan, drunk ana profane; fined *0 St. David Keprle; running a cart without a number; dismissed ' John Landerman, breaking a market shed; do. Kdward Campbell, disorderly: fined *1 .r<8. The Fourth Ward patrolmen reported: Mom Brown, leaving bis team; fined |t>. John Shehan, creating a nuisance; dismissed John, do:} paid 56 cents cost. Bat Foley, do : lined *I.VS. Owen Hausy, do ; coot* 5* cents. Morris Sullivan, do ; dismissed. M . Sullivan, keeping hogs contrary to law; for farther bearing. Dennis * * *r _ ___ i\ <? uvuuvi, uuimiKTi uwh >~ ceow. v. unnnur, keeping host; for further bearing M.McCharty, do.; uo. Robert Garcia, stealing a horse; for further hearing. John flanna and Seymour Hanna, running wagon* without license; costs 5* cents each reter M cNemsra, two carts without license; Hoed *11.71. W. Fletcher, do,; do. Sd 52. John Grant, do ; dismissed James Webb, James Walsh, W. l.inklns, and John Gibiton, do , do. *t.o8 each. Patrick Barkley, do.; dismissed. P. Hanna, do ; lined $2 56. 8 Peterson, selling liquor on Sunday; dismlSM*d?by Justice Claytnn VVm n rrvnao 1 /ka^Vman \ #??11 I' .VH. ww mmm. 4/1 v>l?ui, y ua< > | laillUg VW pi V care the bad >e provided for by law; fined ?1?by Justice Walter. Bryan Sbeebay, do.; dlamlaaed by Justice Kerguson. Eliza Lounge, larceny; do. by Juatlce Clayton. Chi?apiakx and Ohio Caxal ?A correspondent of the iHteilig-nrer, Id view of tbeopenf-g af tbe Baltimore and Oblo railroad, tblnka tbat with tfc? Importance of a railroad communication, 1k connected tbe ne^eaalty of a canal trade, at this particular moment of vital Importance to every riraneb of bnslneaa and trade, and adda, "the canal la now In good navlrable order along tbe line from tbe Dlatrlct to Cumberland, excepting a break a mile above Georgetown and now being flnlabed, and when complete a bqplneaa from one end to tbe otber may be anticipated of coal, flour, grain, wood, and produce of eyery kind. Thla will, however, depend upon tbe releaae by tbe Government of tbe boata on tbe canal If tbe ne-< ceaalty for their u*e no longer ?xiata. their dlate discharge would be balled by an aoiloua community, reach from the Alleghany mountain! to Maine, and at the tame time relieve the pressing necessity for coal for manufacturing purpose*. Government demands, and private consumption." A Riot ?Last night, as Justice Donn and bis on were going to their home In the Northern Liberties, toey hoard, on the way, near Fourth street, a cry for police. Seeing a crowd gathered about, they ran over and fouud three men beating a colored man named David Blaze. The Messrs. Donn ru*atd In to save the fellow from being killed, when a d??p*rate struggle ensued. The magistrate was knocked down, but bung fa*t to hi* man; when, fortunatelv, City Conntable Hurdle and Metropolitan Policemen Glbtion and Lynch came to bit aid, and they secured Barney Gallagher, Patrick McDonald, and Dennl* Sullivan. Justice Donn committed them to Jail for court, to answer for riot and assault and battery Blaze, the colored man, was at ruck on the bead with a heavy Iron wrench, such as la used by machinists In their work. Ho?3ESrxAUi<? ?County officer Hoiav yesterday arrested a young man named John Rate on tbe charge of stealing a horse and buggy in Baltimore on Wednesday last. The horse had been lef. by hi* owner, Mr. H. Donner atandlng on the strut In Baltimore, and during his temporary absence It was driven off. Me, however, noon fell upon tbe trail and started in purs lit, finding on bis way that tbe buggy bad been *<>lrl at Klkrldjje Landing, and the thief with the horse had proceeded to this city. On bis arrival here Mr. poaiier -cured the fcervlcea of olflcer Holoy. who after a abort aeareb found blm In tbe poaseaalon of a a'able keeper on Seventh atrcet, who had purc baaed him from Root on Wednesday aft? mom R<*-was taken before J uatl? c Barnaclo, who held b I in for a further Police M attek*?Ninth District (Sizlk Ward) Before Justice Cull.?Margaret Bailey, disorderly: Sl.W. M)<-hael Lanerd. dead drunk: work. bouse. J??ie- Hogan. vagrant; workhouse Clevin Andervon. using Insulting remarks; ?I.W. T"ith D\*tri't (St~ntk ir?ir?/)?Before Justice Btratton ? Ufcailes and Oustavus Abel, fighting; security to keep the peace. John Underwood, driving on the pavement; *>. J.'}u1n, choking hi* wife; security to keep the peace John Broaden, profkne; *1 tM John Carmlchael, leading horse on footway; SI. Jerry McCarthy, drunk and disorderly; *3 Obe Lee, coloird, assault mi s nnm ni?n( t a i 11 VII 1ft ffViuall| ?VH? ?W Fouktii Wa*i> Statios CA?t*?B*for/ Justice Wnltet?Tbo* Hanlan, aaaanlt and battery; aecurlty for a bearing. Eliz? Du^aii and Mary A. Ltooney, lighting; fined S). John W. Smith, drunk; do. M Jerry Connor, d?.; do. ?ia<M. Francis Lathrop, do.-, workhouse !K) days. IgnaUua Bell, colored, harboring white women; fined *5 50. Barney Ferrin, T. W. Seerer, W. McKew, G. W. F.ddy and John Kelly, drnnk and disorderly; turned over to tbe military J. Little, assault and battery; lined 83 Wm. Heuder?ou, attempting to rescue a prisoner; lined 168. Sscoxd Waid Station Car!*? Btfort Justut Clark ?Kllza Crittenden, assault; fined fl 94. J. Thompson, drunk; dismissed. C. Harris, sleeping la the street,?do. John Swallow, John Wood, Dennis Nore, flghtiug; turned over to the military. LydlaSampson,disorderly;dismissed. Cbas Meld rum, drunk; fined tl W. A. W. I>ls tfry, do.; turned over to the military. mt 4 1 ? A - -? ? - a lut patrolmen mso rcpvrira jonn Issuer, sewing liquor oa Sunday; lined fio fl by Justice Thompson. A Fuidox's Aid Association wu organized in this city last evening, to furnish assistance mad protection to the large number of "contraband*" who are flying to Washington as a city of refuge. It will seek to cooperate with almllar societies at the North in furtherance of lta objects. The officers ate : President, Hannibal Hamlin; Secretary, W. H. Van Santvoord; Committee, Mesnrs. I Croflut, gtorrs, and several ladies ? Wajh. Cor. Phil*. Prist. TsKflnm>i<iT)tiTi Th#urnmin >hM? Hulh we noticed, aa having been found dead In ber bed, on Maaaacbuaetta avenue, near Third atreet, waa named Douohoo, aged about 30 yeara. Her huaband, when be went to work, left ber In bed; and a abort time afterwards, when aome of ber frlenda went In, abe waa dead. She bad bean aubject loapaama, and It la aupposed In one of tbeae abe died. No Inquest waa held. Attempt to Paaa Oucmthtiit Morkt ? Last i n - A ? cveiling, vnf vvMfwvw v nuiun irrewra 1 w)ldier n a turd Francis Clark, for attempting to paas a live-dollar counterfeit note of the Bank of Allegan, Michigan. He was taken before Justice i>onn, and committed to jail for further hearing. He will be delivered to h? regimental commander, probably to-day. ClXTtlL OOAKDBOUSI CASIS?Btfort Juttut TWtp.i???T W. Thurston, drank; Ined Si.01. Peter Kelly, J. 8. Dempeey, VV . ante, soldiers; turned over to the military. Alex'r McDermot, drank; do John tiorman and James Jamison, do H. E. Lober, overdriving a team heavily laden; do. T. J. Bobbins, drank; fined tl W. A Bkxak Dow*.?About noon to-day. an artillery caisson loaded with amuuition broke down od the avenue near Tenth street. One of the wheels dropped off, broke the connecting pole leaving the two ehesta on that portion of tM caisson on the ilrwt Bis* foe tbi Army ?An Immense drove of cattle came here by railroad last sight for the use of the army Ther were ef better ?U? and quality Idas tvm lately recited. J lj 'U-lM C?f*Aiifc!C A<h? inut WHI^H, 8S7 Pennaylvanla iTeoaf (opposite WHlard'nJ, In chaqp of Dr. Van fttaaotzlakar. oatUlat and an rial, from Clinton Place, New York Devoted specially to the treatment of deafneaa and all maladies of the eye and ear, medically aid aurtlenlly. Hun ircJi nf nam? nf nmans who have fern featured to ?lght and hearing, and many who are now under treatment, can be examined aa registered In the book of record kept of each individual ctse. ________ I'* Biinititn't Pitta.?The occasional use sf th'a safe medicine insures health and prevonta those sudden attacks of sickness to which all Are more Or less subject, *uch aa dysentery, dlarrhrr, headaches, d zztnesa, billion*affections,kc., Ac. Hold at No S*X Canal atrpet. N Y., and it the Branch Office, corner 9th and C street, Washington, D C P. 8. Butler#'aupplled bf the dozen. nh 22 Iw What an amount of suffering ind disease among the Volunteers would be prevented by the free use of Holfowav'? PHls and Ointment. For Wounds, Sores, and Scurvy the Ointment la a certain cure, and for Bowel Complaint*, Fevers, Small Pox, &c., the Pills are the beat medicines In the world. Only 25 centa per box or pot. >231 a raw of thi many tistimonials from the citizens of Washington to dr. tchblity, the indian hub doctor. Ftmalt Complaint Cvrid. Mra. C.W. Blakeman, Lang'I Hotel, Georgetown. Cure if Jttrvou* DtbiUty. Frederick Robleder, F street, corner 'id, Island. Scrofula Cured. J. MalMfy, corner 4th and H streets. Enlargement of tut Heart Cured. P. Down*, 313 f>th street, Washington, D. C. Scrofula Cured. J P. LakernaB, <?th street, No. 430. Consumption Cured. John Clark, Camp Duncan, D. C. Jobn C. Diy, corner 'Jd and D streets. Bad ease of J nun due Curtd. John Uurd, No. 300 New York avenue. Fits Cured. David Dllon, 47* F itreet. Nervous Debility Cured. John Donobn, No. 9D8, corner C and 3d streets. Cured pf Chronic Disease William Sullivan, corner 4^ and (i streets, Iron Foundry, Navy Yard. D. C. Cured oj Debility. Charles Wilson, U. S. Regular. Dyspepsia Curtd. Benj. Dorsey, '20th at. and Pennsylvania avenue. Crnad of Ptmplrs on tkt Fact. James Reed, 26th and L streets. Chronic Rheumatism Cured. M. G. Howard, 10th street, near I'enn. avenue. Nervous Debility. .Chwle* A. CourveUer, Navy Yard. A**ktna after all tkt Doctors failed. a v &f A ??-i r? a v j _ _? nanc, nw. wj o mrcci, souta siae ui Ciptttl. Cancat Curtd. J. B'ackburn, Georgetown. Bad Dreams icitk Ni#kt Stotats Curtd. R Haunscb, 417 7th street. Ftts Cured. J.J. Kaue, C street, between 6th and 7th. I desire your prostrate hearts to lift, Tour bleeding wounds to cure. And with th? treasure of Nature's gift, Relieve the rich and poor. The Indian Herb Doctor will describe disease and tell bis patients the nature of their comfilalnts or Mines*, without receiving any informaion front them. No charge for consultation. Offlct, No. II Washington Huiiding, Pennsylvania avenue, corner 7th street. mar 21-lw Th* Lbngb. A Card ?Dr Hunter will definitely close bit office In Washington on Saturday evening, the 2i>th Instant, after which date all peroons afflicted with Tulmonary disease can consult him personally or by letter at bis office, No. 5? east Twelfth street, near Broadway, New York. His office here will remain open for tbe recaption of patients afflicted with Catarrb, Bronchitis, Consumption, and Asthma, iid to tbe evening of Saturday. '-iltth instant. 203 Pennsylvania avenue, W ashlngton. mh 20 ISDIA ROBBl* bOODS. India robber Sheets for protecting children's beds, that no family should b? without; 73 cents each. Rubber JMankets, for jioldiers, ?1.25 each. Rubber roneuot ana uianfcets combined, ft.30 each. India Rubb? Coats, white or black, 92-50 each. India Knbbar Legglns tl per pair. And all kinds af Rubbtr Goods, Including Rubber Boots and Sheen, Rubber Stoppers for bottles, Door Mata, Under Sheetings for beds In sickness, Ac.. Ac., at manufacturer's prices, at H. A. Hall's India Rubber Warehouse, 3(*) fa. av., between Ninth and Tenth streets. feb 1-tf Cork*, Bdmon*. Bad Nails, ExlarckdJoikts and all diseases of the feet cured without pain or Inconvenience to the patient, by Dr. White, Surgeon Chiropodist, i'JH Pennsylvania avenue. OBce hours from 9 a. m.. to 6 p. m. * A a ....AM. ... A _ .1 tk. 1 A ?A %_ _? m .*%. all rimu.ia l au nnu tun ikii nioci 01 nomine , Furnishing Good*, Trunks, Hats and Caps, at Smith'*, No. 170 Seventh street, near F. fe U7-3in Take no moke unpleasant and unsafe Medicine* ?For unpleaaant and dangerous diseases, use Helmbold's Extract Bucbu, which ha?, received the endorsement of the most prominent physician* In the United States is now offered to afflicted humanity as a certain cure for tbe following diseases and abuse of tbe urinary or sexual organs: General debility, mental and physical depression, Imbecility, determination of bWod to the bead, confused ideas, hysteria, general Irritability, restlessness and sleep leaner at night, Ium of appetite, abcen^e of muscular efficiency, dyspepsia,emaciation, low |:i rlta, disorganization or paralysis of the organs of generation, palpitation of tbe heart, and. in fact, all tbe concomitants of a nervous ana debilitated state of th?? system. To insure tbe genuine cat this oat. Ask for Helmbold's. Take no other. Cures guaranteed. See advertisement In another column. febl-tf In Baltimore, on tha 10 U m?t.,at Uia Madieon avenue Church, by Be*. W?u II Pitcher, Win F. HICB8ThlN, <>r thiaoity. to JKMl MA K ,eidmt flamter of J?a. >1. Leater. Km., of B<uuo.e o ty. Of KIT. On the 10th ?f M&roh. after a abort Mr. KI MS STEM) SMITH, in :he 40th iear of hi* Me, formerly of Albany, New Yo. k.but for the laat 9 yeara % resident ol ?e >rceto wn, 1). C. * (New York City and Albany paperaoopy.] In thia o tT.Slat ioat.. CHAKLKS EDWAKO, only aou of Will lain ?. and ??arah L Paikhurat, in the llth year <>7 hta Me. Funeral una afternoon at 3 o'olook, at the reaidenoeofhia parents. No 4^4 11th at. It* On th? ereiiinf of the 2at.of oonceation of the brain, JOHN TAYLOK, in the llth yearofhia Relative and friends are respeotln'ly invited to attend hi* li'neral on Sunday, the ?3d initant 3 o otook p. m.t from the raaidenee of nu father, Mr Robert Taylor, oorner New York avenne, and 82d Ireet. It" On Friday, March 2t?t, after a thoit acd painful illneaa, JOHN VKfe&EY ,iu the 36th jear of fci? ate. H" On the morning of the iaat, WILLIAM 8, J r , jouDgeat too of Win. 8. and the lato Sarah E. Davia. u>d S venrc. fi mnntln. unit A ria.*a Snff? r iittl* children to come onto me, and forbid them not Tor of auch la the Kiadom of Heaven. The fritnda ot the family are invited to attend the funeral from the reaiuenoe of hu father. Maryland avenue, near 7th atreet, Ialand, on Sunday, Maroh 23, at 3 o'oiook. it* On Fhday mormnf. the 21at inet., ofoonaamption, richard JaMRS DKALL. eldeet eon of the late Richard M.aud Klua Beall, agedX year a . ttia funeral will take (laoe on to monov,(gnnday) afternoon, at half-Mat 2 o'clock, the renaenacof hia ltmur, No. 44b D street. The friends and ao?naintanoen are rw>wtfally invited to attend. It* On the 18th last, at hia residenoe in this oitr, afUra t rief iltnras, WILLIAM PKNN.laU of CuarlM oouotf, Md. It T~~ NOTICE. RL Copartnership heretofore existing between Louis F. Fury and Tiiox&s 1). DaaiiaaL has been dissolved. All persons indebted to the Mid firm will ilitu to settle their aooouats with Loni> F. Perry, who will alto settle with the creditors of the firm mh 17 2aw8w LOUIS F. PEEKV. Union livTkV?" hVrkng*' and sale STABLE, Corrnr Sixth and C ill., ? WasKimton, Ji. C? Person* oan at ail 1^. times be aooomicodat*l with Horses, VM Carriages, or Baggier for hire, aale, or *XLrrerr*by the day or month. 1 handsome brown Ladv'a saddle Pony for aale. She u perfectly gentle; she raoks, troU, lopes or paoes, and is a perfect beauty. Low for oash. mh 13 eolin ALBERT BELL, Agent genuine ?aedffln JOHN SAUL oalU tlia MtenUon of niArket (*rd?Nii farmer*, and othera to hia larra and oarefutly elected atook of Bfcrdea Seed. wlnoh have been aeleeted from the beet rrowera in EDrlaad, F ranee and Germany, with auoh artlclee of doiuaatio growth m are m mil demand, via: Kxlra fcarly and Chameion Feea; Premium Flat Dvtou Cabbage; Blood Tarwf Beet, Beana, ParauiM. CaiTota. Celery. Jfco. Flowef extenaiTO ilia experieuoe of over *> years aaaeraetioal mm grower u tbe Mat (UniM litfkt all arc pare, accurate, and of the most genuine desoritUon. mh 1? 6tao* tt'ooriic fa. 462 No!*4MK*J?,4i?8?yBWTM>3t^ 464 Opyh'h tb$ Pott ffiTfj. Jffer Uieira|ookofWlNKS, BRXNDIK8,6IN8. a?igs.a{ i7.i7.irrT u,u 4 A m- I TH B yi-1 1 ^ - ?Last Nifbt of'ffi^'S^CLARKB. Who will ESTGlitters la not Gold." Mtee So?aw Dbnin m NilTit SiBBt. Beeta ?eoored three day IB a*tbbo? It* FORD'S ATHENECM. Johs T. Kobd Proprietor and Manager Joan B. Weight 9U|( M?u(? Unexampled Pneoera of the aev TEMPLE OF THE DRAMA! Foarth A ppmratoe of the Beautiful and Daahing Aotreaa. MISS LUCILLE WESTERN. W!llw THIS ~BVKtfING. Will be er?ee?i?>H GREEN BUSHES. \li Ami i Madam St. AaberM L*0111* Western Tambockiki Dahce...^ Mi?? Olivia To eooelnde with POST OF HONOR. Admission. Dress Circle and Par* setts Hearts Baloony S?u f i Orchestra Seats ^.#1 Fan ilj Cirols ~ 25 oenta No extrtobarse for reeerred seats. Jt CHARLKfr K. FORD. Treasurer. , The Royal Wizard, PROF* NICHOLS, CENTRAL HALL, <P? avenue, oppoiite Euhth street. > Ol'KNING MARCH For ?Jt Evenings Only PEAT?! . \t eaoh entei t&iamftnt will )*.> b* introduced The wonderful LIFE MOV IN? FIGURE?. and amount M ITALIAN FANTOC1NI Doora op?n it T p. m Admit*ion Twenty fir* Centa. It* CiNTK"URV bc^?BURY HALL : TO NI0I1T XO-NI6HT The Brilliant N?w Conatellation of Beauty ! J?ERCIVAL'8 IMMENSE COMBINATION! MISS MILLIE FOWLER, By far the moat perfect and beautiful Daneeuse presented to the Amenoan public. MISS JULIA MORTIMER, -r M- .J 1 r* ? A UD lUOMiMUUU UI TOO UUf ?II<I DfBVlf, MISS LIZZIE FRANCIS. MI8S MARY BLAKE, MISS LILLY BRANDON, MISS FRANK SKCOR. MISS JULIA RICHMOND THE DELEVANTE BROTHERS, CHARLEY NEIL, BILLY QU1NN. MAM I RIGHT.'" M. JEAN CLOSKI, JOHN HEANY. AND NUMEROUS OTHERS. irTNo ohante in the Admission frioi-Til AdmiHion 16 mdU ; OrohMUr Cltiri *> o?nU, + Afternoon Bmtm tmmmml For Ladies and FaauliM, on WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS, ?t S o'olook. Whan a lavish distribution of Klerant Presents is m*de: Riob and Costly Jewslry, Books, lojii rsuoj nrugm, anu ma{nifioeat Si'k Oreaaea. The Silk Dreaa wu ?r*aente<l, Wedneedar. 19th iaat&ot, to Miaa Mary Gibbona, corner 22d atreet and Pennsylvania avenue Admiaaion 3" oanta; Chiidraa 10 oapta. mh 13 OUD FELLOWS' HALL! Sbvknth Strbbt. 8amord * Opera Troupe. ONE Wh&K MORE! Tbia Evfninr. nkw songs, dances, Ac. Miaoeilaneoua /"< * ^ * _ />_ n ? __ ? ai irems oj ine upcra, urama, una uomeay : | Concluding with the moat laughable Afterpieoe of the day. entit.ed OPEN HOUSK! | In \Trm And Mr. RnrH*? I. fnv.i S3ni M * iHWli ?>* ? ?* - " ? ? *???? 1.WUIVI M f U U^ilUB ? Edmonda, and the Entire Truopo will appear, ihixnc the piece, a GRAND SKATING SCENE will be introduced. Doora open at 7 ; comtnenoinc quarter to S. Admission 25 Cbnt? ObchbstbrSbats _.30 Cbnts ma 17 PATENT OFFICE CURIOBITIES-Gaide to JL Patents, Catalogue of Curiosities and Government Gardens, at tna stand iu Patent Offioe; Karo Antiquarian Book*; Government Boo^s; Doou nienfs furnlshad: Railroad Reports; Military Re forts; Burnt Patent Offioe Reports; Cheap Hooka furnished to Pedlars; Military Trials: Military Laws; Army Regulations; Panorama of the Coaat showing over 2,0un miles; many thousand Cheap Books. Reooheot obeap rent. Large salea, low prioaa. Up ataira, over Bank of Washington, ja 39 2m* ALFRED HLJNTER. DROF. C. F. BARNES*' FASHIONABLE a. DANCING ACADEMY, at Temperance H Hall, E street, between 9th and luUi- Claaiea W ev?ry Tuesday and Friday?afternoon class JIB at 3. evening olasa at 7. Soiree e very Fridar UOMk avemnj at 8 o'oiook. Muaio ?>r Prof. ?eo. Artu. Temperance Hall will be let (or Balls, Parties, fco. Apply aa above. fe 14 am* DEAD WITH DECISION AND ACT WITH II PRECAUTION! DR. M. VELLN Y'S PRIVATE HOSPITAL, In thi Fzokial Block, Orvositt tk* Otntral Pott and Patau OJLctt, Room 94 ur sraias. Corner of 7th and F ata., Waahmjton, D. C., ESTABLISHED FOR THE SUPPRESSION OF QUACKERY. THE ONLY BKGULAR^PHYSICIAN ADDr. M. Vellny'a lone experienoa in hoapltal praotioe wtrranti him in aaylng that haoan oireall diseases of a private nature, or ha will forfait the aum of ive hundred dollars. Call and aee bun. No charce for aonsultation. A perfect and radio al oura perfaotad from ona to four oaya or no o> aria. mh 17->m* QOLD AND SILVER COIN UNCURRE NT BANK NOTES WiflllJ BY JAY COOKE * CO.. Bahiui. mh 8-tw Fifl?nth rtroat. rj^HE MERCHANTS EXPRESS COMPANY BALTIMORE *AND*WASHINGTON. *""" diae of every deecription, to amount ttuppera may reenire, at^*??? the loyjMt tatee. Agent Tor B&.timore, JOHN ?. WILSON, Offioe, N. W. corner Howard and u*R II *t*" nMkr>7 ?'P?ait4 Camdea Station B. A Otto# and fctorag . *64 South SerenUi atreet. o?ro?U Center Market, Waatungton, D. C. mkt-lm* A. P. FITCH, Agent. rj^HB AMBKICAfi^jTKLEeftAPH COMHanng immmI and re fitted a _ BtAMCH OFFICE in Wiixaase' Horaa. thia oomyanr it prepared ???? * * n?UBe' *BU ui 1 1*9?S583?*?^ I C?^??R|UD?LW>i|y TOBV.. U ^ftToFPIN]K QUALITV. *o?K> V E^BCOAi^j| iluMs'eoaV^^^Ki U8T KKCKIVKD AT U A- BKAI.L * CO.TS, l?'.?i ,?^S3jr?.1 WJ.'BfflW GOODS, TRUNKS, HAT8 *mi CAPBT S&SS * A AWAtti Of 81QR8KTOWW. CfTMfndmf / Tkt Star. Gsoboktown, March 23,1968. At a meeting of tbe City Councils last evening, both board* passed tbe following bills. Ac., Tlx: Resolutions to pay tbe claims of tb? ssmvsnrs. of waters ana unr or job LJbbey ft Son; of Jo*. Libbey; of 0. B. Barnard k Co ; oi T A Lazeaby; of the Levy Co- rt, and of the Jud*?s of election; a resolution to clean,-light and whitewaafa the market-bouae; and one providing that no license aball be required of parties renting ataila la the market-house; alto a resolution in relation t* enforcement o! the pavment of school taiea. In the Board ?f Common Ceoncll. a petition from Chaa. W. Spranglln. praying frr rerr Iss on of the aecond and third llaes mpoatd upon blm by Justice Reaver for aelling on Sunday, was referred. A reaolution raising the aaiary of the marketroaaterto%>00 peranmim ?r>- referred back to the committee, ana a r?solution reqaeatiag the Mayor ta ifi/imlva mm ? ?v -* -? " * - i>i?fuu? a ? w? 'ur vccupiacy ?(1U UBT Ul VDf wharf at the foot of High atreet wu pwd lqstFand found. r OST?A hlaok CLOTH CAPE, or '4th itwt. i_j or between lJth and 15th at.e^t*. The htd. r wi!l_ber*warJedJ>y Ieav;nji^atS91 H at It* POUND-On the31 at ioatftnt, near the boundar* " U e acd ? th at eet a email dark briedie COW, withcru-npled hcrca. an-1 white pot in forehead Theo->wwil; be returned Jb^Lv to the owner, by oalljnt at the oorner oiNfctd 2.1th aU. mhg 3t? JAMK3 CHARLTON. RK WAR D? Loat, Mvm K?nO?ll Gr??o vw and the Te enraph Offioe, a roll of PA PKRs*, containing ?t*verH !ett?ni addreeeed to Hon. Amoi Kendall The above reward wul be patti to any one who thall deliver the roil entire, at the j Teletrsph Ogee mi> 21 lw BTRAVE1>-Od Thuredav morning. at half i C? pact live o'olook. Iron ?th etreet, he- ? tween N and O, a gray HORAti imlvu T-Tp on, with a No 191. The ftuder will be'**-" mtably rewarded by retumuif the lame to the abtve addreas. mbai R. W. MUt.l INSC< in KF.W'AKD? bc?t, in one of the oou<J?1U beeeee, On Penn. avenue or 7th atr*?t.a PURpK. oonraining tome ptwn ana about forty in cold and ?ilw. The finder will be rewarded by tea vine the aame at the ato^e of Meters, OKtK?t 1. FaRKER k. CO.. Fa. avenne. n.*K ? JNO. MOKSKM,. CTRiVfclJ OR STOLEN-Near the bndfe hetweei. ?\ aahmgton and Georgetown, wv on trie J7th inatant, a dark brown HORSK,* wei#nt about !,??< tbe.; about 15* h*nd?<flC2\ mm; a ?so a laaam aua Driuie, wiui red trimming a ou the hnletera; with the mail of the 3d Maaeaohnaetta Battery strapped oa the aaddle. The finder will be rewarded by leavinc the horae,equipments, and m?il with H. O. NO V ES, 404 Ninth atrtet, Dear Pa ave. A. P. MARTIN, wh 2 3* Capt. Battery C. Maaa. Artillery. ttinn REWAKD-Ran away from the eubV 11 HI aorib-r, living near Piaoataway, Prince George's oooiity, Md., ou Taeidaj, CM the 6 h day of January laat. my two NE- > UROES.v.z: PAUL BRISCOE, 33 years old, 5 feet 10or-U11 inohea hich; of copper oo <>r; wears a muetaol.e; but has probably out them iff He had on whea he lelta drab fulled oloth aoit of oloth'e. coat and pants; he has a free grand mother living in Washington aitv, named Mercery Smith. EDWIN .MCHOLLS< a bright mulatto l>oy, 18 yearatold; very likely and pleasant; black eyea and full suit of biaek hair; haaa mother belonging to Mre. Buroh, on 6th atreet. Washington oity, U. C. He had witn him the same km4 of clothiiit * the other, but he has other o.othinc not reoolleoted I will (i vd the above reward for the a?pr henaion of tiein, or ftftu for either, if delivered to me or eeoured in jail ao that 1 get them again mh 8 lawSw GEO H HUNTER. ! I" OST-From the oorner of H and 15th alreeta, 1j on Tu*sday evening, a black and ENGLISH TERRIER,with narrow red oollar. A very handeome reward will be " said for the dog delivered at the bouee of General MflCLELLAN. FOB SALE AND RENT. Furnished house to let-no. 40.1 isth atre?t, between 6 and H; gaa in the hosae and water m the yard. Rent $sn monthly m advance to a permanent tenant. Satisfactory city refe>enoe required. Inquire on the premises. mh 2J 3t^_ FOR RENT?A new two story and haaement brick DWELLING MOUSE, No. 30 Proapeot atreet, containing ( rooms: (u ana fixtures in the house, and hydrant at the kitchen door, all in oomplet* order, lo a good tenant ?n? rent reasonable. Apply to D. ENGLISH, 13? Proapeot at. _mh 22 1 w FOR RENT?To a private family, a well larniahed, roomy and comfortable HOUSE, in one of t>e most desirable looationa in the oitj. Rent #125 per month, for the prompt pay meat of which satisfactory seonrity will ba required; will no* be rented fnr a boarding house. Addr*#a "X Y Z," Star cffioe. mh 22 8t* pi.FASANT FURNISHED ROOMS to rent. a. wim Drara. in a cood looanon n*ar the C&*itot Tboie withinf to pay % fair pnrelor gool a<roomTro<?aMon?; inqBKe at Star oflioa. mhil-t) FOR RKNT-A fD-ntihed th'*? atory HOUSE to a private farnii*. for a period of not le?? t><an ?ix inonti . Keferenoea exohani?d. Appy alter 12 m , at 170 K atreet, near 18th, north aid*. mh 21 6t? I li'l'K SALh-Two STORKS on one of the beat I 1 buaiceps atreeta in the oity. Will beaoldat a great btrgaio, if application la fade food. For termi. Ao. applr to M. H. W. RE^'DjjfS. Fe*l E?t&'e a:.d Stock Broker. 3'JO ? atreet. Waal ingtoa, D C. wh 81-St* TO J..ET?Two front ROOMS, (up oneataira,) with erery cooveniecce for noucekeeping for a email family. Tfce bed iooui ia large and well fu.L'ahe'J, aud has a p auo. The other room la well lu-iii?hed with dinicg room at.d kiteheii r*qaiailea. Apply up atairi, 353 C atreet, between<>? aud 6th. inh 2? 3t* A^B RARE CHANCE '.?FOR SALE-A large ^double VRtCK^HOUSE, ooiiL&ininj^ll iujUj ? ?? <u vvuvwi, -?uu |UO bill VU|UU?I1 tUe bui'.diui; alaj auaoiied a Uue larje brick ata b.e with iwo atall*. w;th aervatita' rootna and carriage hoate attached thereto. lAe above miction ?i aropert* ia fituateJ on Eleventh a treat, between L ani M atreeta north. For tetina inanire of ftKOHGh T. LANGLEY, Woofl and Uoal Dealer, oor&er Nttth and K ata. mh 18 lw* OR SAI.K^A~two atory FRAMEDWELL1NG HOl'SE. '250 Firhth atreet, between M and N, in good order. containing aix rix-ma. Priee 913^. Apply to LEVI LOOM IS, *3 K at. nih 17 lw* tpOR MALE-Two 6ra -c ase BILLIARD TA I HLEtf, marble a aba. aad every arrangement complete. Thoee deeinug the above will atudy k ?.it. ; -* ?* - ? micii nuclei! tij u?iiiQi iiiiiiioaikveir bi mo r.nro pean Hotel, oorner Uth sireet %fi(t Fenusyiva&ia ivoiut. mht-tf QKOHQKTOWfl ADVEjjT'Miy 0^ GEORGETOWN TAX KS FOR 1M2.I Notioe ia hereby fiven that a discount of par cent, vill be allowed on the taxes of t e ourrent year, it paid oj or before the first of April next ChAS. V. WELCH, mh 21-2 w Colleotor. g VCK8K1N 8 LP V E 8! Domahn** a CKav* b ?? uwvi 10ft High 8TUIT1 eKOROETowy, d, a, wovii militarvof gas^es^ss oLUVtS, ftllLillAKl bAUNTLbrB, IM mittens in the Dtatnct. < Ofiorra' Gaunueta mad* to order. Bnokakin Drawera and Shirta. ja It JVfASSKY. COLLINS * COJS ! I PHILADELPHIA BRAVOHT ALM. We havejuat received a auaply ol the above ata, Which we reoommenii to be or a very aupenor ?uaJIty. Pereona wishing to purehaae, by ua mediate application, can i^nad^ t n w e V Georgetown. pROPOSALS FOR WOOD. DxroT Qcaeti*ma?tik'i? Orrici, ) Corner of 18.k and O struts, S WatkiKgttm, Mar eh is, 1162. \ Sialic Proposals will be reoeived at thia oftoe nntil monday, the Slat day of March. at 1? o'elook m , to farniah the troopa ia thia city and ita vicinity, north of the Potomae river, witnintt) five milee of the city of Waahlngtoc, with Wood tor (?)aix montha,oommenoing on the let day of agli, 1862, and ending the 30th day ef September, The Wood to be of the beat ??ahty of oak er hickory, and to be delivered at th?oampa or quartan of the troop*. In auoh taantitiea and at eaok timee aa the Depot Qoartermaater may direct. Paymenu to be made at Ue end of eaoh month. upon in* return oy me ooLtraotor ol tte orders drawn dku him. The delivery of the Wood ordered must tje shown by the reoeipt of the olftcer reoemnt it (specifying the amount delivered* endoreed ur.on the orders. Wood ordered for regiments, brigades, or dlnaioae nut be reoeistedfor by the tuerteraaaster*. The proposals muat specify the pnoe per eo.d ofiia) one hundred and twenty ei?lit oubic feet, wd Jf?** ** v^B>r lurkM 'Tropoeals lor "fS? ability of the bidder to fill the oontraet. ahould it be awarded to him, mast be guarantied by two responsible persons.whoee si* natures must be upended to the guarautee. The responsibility of the guarantors ant be shown t>y ue oAoial csrti fioate of the elerk of the aatreK distrlot oourt or of the United 6tales district attorney, Hidden mast be present in per eon when the bids re opened or their proposals will sot be <y >n?idered. Bonds, In the an in of tea thoaaasd d ullars, slgaei by the contractor and boiii of ins suaiaotors, will ha required of the auooeeafai bidder apoa aicnlnx til* WOtlML TU* -ittii to r<?eoi uj or All bide that Mr be deemed too high ia recerred by the l>e^ot UurwInformal rrofooli will be rejected. Am if SaarntM, We , al tha ooanty of , and State sgr^v1 AtfUsa "asr^-t able tofaifiI a contract in aooo-daaoe with the Ear! SEiF;^Jrr 0<8hoaid tbeoontraet be awarded him we are preSaF?SlraEsr / SECOND EDITION. TKHKI O'CLOCK F. M. OtTK MILITARY BUPOBT ISLaNO No. 10 The Government bad roerlred nothing by Wlograph from Island Nr. 10 to-day, op to t?ro p m. At per the morning's telegrams uf the Aasociattd Pr?w. It la ovideat that Com Binder* Foot* and General Pop* are gradually and ?ureiy carrying ont their programme for the redaction of tbo place. We doubt not that mu-h of tbe delay baa been occaatooed by their groat anxiety to make as heavy a haul of priaoarra there as may t>e po??lbl* under anv circumatanrea stibkiw* cowl*? it is highly probable that ere tbla there has been a bttilr b?t?*fi tbr I'altn forroa at Skmnnib, Tenn., under General* Grant and C. F. Smith at.d tboae?numbering lo.(X*>?which Beauregard baa haatily collected witbin ten no ilea of that point, moat of which were formerly, parte of A. Pidaey Johnson's panic stricken Bowling Green rareea. No apprehenaion concerning the result of a collision between those forcea ia entertained here. If, aa we anticipate. Beauregard ia uaed up, tbe way to the rear of Mempbia will be entirely claar for the further progreaa of Grant and Pmlth, together with the command of tbe last railroad connection between tba rebel* In Virginia and tboae on the M : *? nnl In HEW OKLUK*. We have it In our power to My that the opinion generally prevail* In uaval and military circle* brr* that the Stan and Stripe* by thla tine float over New Orleaaa' It ! believed that our mortar fleet attacked the rebel fort at the Rlgoleta within two daya aftar the departure from Ship I aland of the itaanMt bringing north the laat advices received here from Ship ialand. If thia !mpre*alon proven correct, the rebel* at Richmond and Memphla are juat now having a dl?tnal. jolly time on't indeed. riKOMii Mtciaieu. The followlng-nauted person*, conlned la the ? Old Capitol prison, have been d lac barged upon taking tbe oatb of allegiance George Dent, ar , Geo. l>ent, jr., Gee. 9. Watklna. Tboa. A. J one* and \Vm F Getty. Franela A. Dlckena waa dlacbarged on giving bia written parole to render no aid or comfort to tbe enemiea in boetlllty to tbe Government of tbe United Statea THA3KS TKSOlRtD TO A ItiVK OFFICER AND DKiVI ME>. Secretary Wellea baa written tbe following warm acknowledgment of tbe aervlcee rendered by the trailant Lieut. Morris and men of the Camberlnt d: Navt DirABTMi^T, March il, l*8i. Sir : In the calamitous assault of the armored steadier Merrlmac upon tLr sloop Cumberiaod and frigate Congreaa, on the 9th inst , which wore comparatively belpluas, the Department has bed occasion to admire the courage and deteraalnation of yourself and the officers snd men aasociated with vou, who undar the most disastrous and appalling circumstances boldly fought your formidable aasHilant. Exposed, aa yon were, to an opponent sec-jre In hU armor while attacking the Cumberland, to vour honor and that of those associated with vou. the gum were coolly manned, loaded ud discharged while the ve**el was In a sinking condition, and vour good ship went down with the Bag at the gaff, and 1U brave defender* proved th?maelvea worthy of the renown which naa Immortallzed the American Navv. The gallant service of yourself and the brave men of the Cumberland on the occasion ! tnativ appreciated br a grateful country, and tbe Department, In behalf of the Government, deatraa to tbank you and tbem for tbe berolam displayed and tbe fidelity with wblcb tbe fltfe wu defended. 1 am, respectfully, Ac., Gidkon VVillh . Lieut. Gbo U. Momt, U. 8. Navy, Waahlng* ton, D. C. * LATE LOCAL NEWB. Tbi Bab**y ik* Orpkamt* Court, Judgg Puretll ?Mr. Kelly, Clerk of tbe v/i|'uan> uiuin, woo, Si IDf IUI IWtOIl OI IDt Court, was appotfit?-d to audit the ejceptlona to the account* of Dr. H. Lindaley, filed by Aanual C. Barney, through hts counsel, (Meaara Winder and Darldee,) made a lengthy report In writing, reviewing tbe exception* in detail, mi MttTb? forth that Mr. Barney la in error Id hia statements, and tbat tbe exception* are not auaUlnod. It wsa atated In court tbat Mr Winder wa* alck and Mr. Pavldge out of town, and that they wiabed the Court to tak? no action on tbe report nnttl Tuesday. *?.. u. cviimri nisur do pnjrcuOD, UM UN caae vru postponed until Tuesday. Accidental Shootik? ?A painful, though U la thought not a serious accident occurred yesterday forvnoon, at the detached post of company C, Capt. Powell, 1st D. C volunteers, near Annapolis J unction, by the accidental aborting of private Win, Crocker by private John B?cker, of same tuuip?ny. dd' irr uia nox know llif gQQ WO load d. and snapped It at Crooker. Though It wan unmapped, tbe piece wa? discharged, and the contents, hall and three backshot, entered the fleshy part of the leg, Just she ve the knee, In close proximity to the femoral artery, which, had the artery been severed, would have caused speedy death Dr. Cornmlller, of Laurel, was soon la attendance and rendered efficient aid, so that tbe patieuUisnow doing well. 1>BATH OF A TtLIGUrBIC OrniMt?The friends of Mr R. J. Brail will bear with rerret of bib death, at tbe residence of hi* family, In I ktreet, vesV-rdav morning, of Hovering oaaioaption. Mr. B wax one of tbe oloest nud most expert telegnpbic operator* in this city, or in tbe country, and In that capacity enjoyed tbe fullest tvtrem and confidence of bia employer* tod friends He leave* aa cblef mourner* of his death a vouug and interesting wife and an infaat child. He was recently employed aa a clerk la the city post office, where he wu universally Mcse in Ma&blk Allbt?This nonlif, Mary Taylor appeared at tbe Fourth Ward Station to aniiwer to two warrant*, charging her with keeping a bawdy houae and with selling cigar* without a license 11 appeared tbat a young soldier went there last night Intoxicated. HI* conduct there wa* such a* to cause hi* ejectment from tbe houae. In tbe struggledo get blna out, - MM. .. -t. I? * J* * * ' * uc wai* prcuy iuu|(Oiv UAOUlfa OV IDf IDlSAltl OC the bouse. The evidence wu not sufficiently positive to sustain either of the charges preferred, and Justice Walter dismissed the see used, with a suggestion that fature goad conduct would be her Best policy. ? Ckimikal Cockt ?The indisposition of lodge Crawford still continuing, Judge Dunlop, of the Circuit Court, In accordance with the law, to-day took his seat as Judge of the Criminal Court. Wrn Smith, colored, lndictad for the larceny of five doxen sheep tongues fro a Mrs. Sophia Werner, was found guilty JimM (limuiioh ln^lotxl ?v* 1 1 fenae, wti being fried when our report closed. Fill ik tii CeWT ? We learn that on Son day night last tbe barn of Mr. Alfied Ray, MU Rock Creek Church, waa accidentally act on Are bv a aoldler who waa aleeplng la It, and entirely conaumed, together with hli grain, carriage*, farming lmplementa and toola. The loaa la above three thouKnd dollars, on which there hulk* uranee. Fortunately the boraea were aeved. A Fcoitivi nom JctTiciOn Tburadav night the Baltimore police vmtcd a man nimod George Rau, on the charge of being a fugitive from this city, where he la charged with the theft of a horse belonging to the United States. He gave ball here ana went to Baltimore. He waa handed over to the authorities of the District and was brought hock hare yesterday. vtaeh they are solum ? per ?est. lovor than ur other hones in the eity. 11 WMkiactN Bud U*. ___ WATCh MAKKR0 WUi?v?tlfMMifrmM* JeveUara' JobblM Material*. It w2ut|lM ttalidULC. furmSc tM trade Ui?t ther ar* km bo vu mmMm. ..cHA.iftt'ssjh^j'rjrt. ret?e<l from t5e*BBeee wluefc ke ku ktwrns wr.vP.Xu'r : mi n5???- '"a OhLML LLE? t SONS, pos riiSSONaJN MujlJt?AT? OULCUM Th* [NU nui oi omr au>M ! >!! w ltd ^I&usslu# * *" mmM *?* "tsAtmsg* /