Newspaper Page Text
j* /' V2*. XX. WASHINGTON, D. C., WEDNESDAY, JULY 80. 1862. N?. 2,943i THE EVLMINli STAR ia ?r3LISILLD I VERY AVTX&NOOa, (S VXD AY EXCEPTED,) AY TUK UTAH BUILDIRBI, I fair ?/ : ???'? ??. Mi EU*mth ttru i, ?1 V. . L>. W ALLAOHi r*per? wtTTd 1* rackafea by earrlen ilMi fMr.orT/cfBUperaMnth. To mell ratoorlben Ike > *' 50 a year, ta tt for Hi a-nibs; S 1 for thm? months; and fbi less tkai lA'tv ac utha al tbe rate of 12 centa a week. 8Ui 4 cnpie?, um ti.iT, u rnipini, iwu cun. (7/~ Acvihtisbmb^ts should be Wl to the sffl:e before IS o'clock otherwise they my ot appear until the next day. , AMtKH'41 ? DKOENfeRACY ?? The Minder* ( the Lend** Times ft xpesed at Hsas. TUe Lo.idon T< mts of July fi spoke of America.,., "degenerate :nd nsennate people,'' ?Meol tin* them?)lvta only in order that they may lad .I;rc their own fl**rre elces uncontrolled." To t ..i the Loudon the ablest of the KngJ, b weekly Journal*, tiiakes the following reply: VA6AEIKS OT EX8LISH OPI*tOX. Of the n m :i y rau^e v\> iries of K igliah opinion ?h? atrEii^est Is that which the Time* on Wednesday e.nbclted In two atronij wo'di Tuat journal, wtlcb, aware that 1?* articles wti ji tv America more heavily than dispatch*!; wrltrs every now aad then as If it wirtl'd war, d th Americans "'tbU insensate and degenernte p-ople." To tbe flrat epithet we take no onj-ction. though tt la scarcely one which applies t? a rar?- whc?e roost dtsagr^eibl- quality, next to th ir self-concclt, Is th?-ir habitual l^saar* ne?.'? The civil war, simply es aurh, Is, of c lr^e. cd : to -;iv amount of reprobation, even fr in nurn who, were lidl* a^ain in revolt, vvaM oypoit lit *'ippr?aslon by any and every means afcort cf depopulation. Misery la rarely Ju?t. And the war createa amon^j cer'^in elaasea a degree and extent of misery which would accent for auy dia^uat and palliate ilinoat any virulence But how senaible Englishmen, familiar with the blaterv and incidenta of the war, can draw from them evidence of American degeneracy, la ?o u* unintelligible: To us they aeem on the contrary t? relieve the Americana from some of the severest reproaches which previously rested on tteir national character. TBI FACTS Let tis look at ihe f its No sooner had the ' r rftmmpn >?*ri h?n t V nnrfVom anr. ? ' V ?? ^ V M'/l . UCt li pvupic 2 oupp s-d to be the one w hich of all others preferred n sterial objects, laid aside every pursuit and ? sfced tbelr lives, th?ir 'ortune* and their future on c war tor aa "id?a," that idea being the one wtich in hnjhud we call patriotism. Taklne the lowest view of their conduct, they still had th mot ve which justifies Italy lu delariug war for Venetia?(L^y louyht for tneir national coinpie'enem Believed to be disinclined to service a d incapable of discipline, they enlisted In hundreda of ihi/ne&cds, acd the Times coneapondent b*ars witntsa from tbe Pamuukev to their won rt-rfal paticace amid ai-flVring which equals that pt our 8'-Idlers in the Crimea Suppo^d to be guided wholly by impulae, they sus 'vred the fri^Ltful disast rof Bull Run bv > rea'tng a new afmy, a ad raising loans on a seal? ? f more than European profusion "Impatient and fickle," Ihef watt-d ftv? month* for McClellan to organize the army wUhcut abating one jot of their purpose, or becoming, even in langu>!g?, ui-ire viiu;e:it a-.a^nst their ioes. Incapable of svf-restralnt,''' ttey have pardoned McDowell In '.p'.t- of .1 dtf: *t whkh risked their existence a* a nation. and upheld MrClellaa through all bia wearisome deiu>s A "mere mob," tbey suffered tbtlr Pf'-siden !o postpone the national prta- the public security, ?w tbe habeas corpus suspended without a iui?ifle, and gave up Mason ana S.ideil In the very midst of tLelr j >yoaa excI'miicm at tbeciptare. Worshlpp*rsuf the "alm'.gbtydol ar,"tUry lave deliberately mortgaged Le North ibat the war might not be aUrvei and tae nation split into halves \V Ithcut cr^unizaton, and almost without a wovrnme'it, with no adequ <te revenue, and with i.a.f tiitlr own ttreugth in i>pen Insurrection -I'nst ihem tLey have ftught on steadliv for f -. tt-n months. and in the very thick of tbe t jutrs'. have Cheated a navy an ?organized an army s i*a as ram - the Union to tbe rank wf a tirst-cl.-as power. And, belt remembered In their praise, <i y have ?o fuu^bt witbou! the excitement of -?.? bavt* sit tamed defeats Innumerable have |s> ? coxp-lltd to cast aside statesman aiter - iirsmau. to set ,;?neral after generalcouderaned s igucnut, uiikuaejt, or wanUag in fidelity to tut caJie i a<rv nave done all this, too, without revolu".uuff measures, without upset'iug the authori!> of the States, without luterfe.luj, ?ave f"r tatet month*, wi h the routine of daily life. I b-y are vindictive, and ? > they are in apeec.ii, bat, tourk-eu aioatns of a rebellion iu.uzu^nced by a treachery without a parallel, Ge i Butler w..s the first to inflict death on a man con i.-t d of treason. President Buchanan, wiiose life in Ea^land under the sjme clrcumblances would Mot have b*?n worth an hour's 1 irchase. liv.s at Wheatland still unmolested. Not one twll of proscription has been passed. The 1 ? ,.tl .. ? \.UI la 1 1 n. ? 1 . ... J I vwous -?w ii uiii la Skill ui'i law, all u the pe"pie shrink with an almost cowardly lettor rout a meunre which, as they fear, might create a revolution within their enemies' homes !\ midst tt-;r crowd of new men, one indeed Ui l?- i' d ordcs w.lca have made his name a by-word, but Ums Mly mrge against the remainu^r > th :t of oVt-f-Un; v V\ hen France, Invaded by cm-.itrst'-d Kan pe, ros. in arms, all Europe Btlm red au ouiuur.t which was not in auy one festee mMb man th*t, NMM American# orag and are persona'ly dl-agreeabie, we art to accept in America as evidence of degeneracy 1 L war, so lar from destroying ail that Is good la them, Is aaneaili.^ t..e hear.sot the nation? hardening them,we ft ax?but burning out alio the dross. the aaaxo primciplb at iser*. ' Hut fie war c^n end otily In one w.iy. Wbj not aecep tno fa-:ts, and let the S;uth begone*' Dccauic .imencaoa *re omy i->n^iiMumei ta tbeir shirt s.- ?rt, and while a hope reaialui luey cannot v. .y. Picck a: d tenacity, how ever uiireisoa ioic, a e iiul exactly a'./na of de .t-.tiacy. We for year* to keep coioniei wj. ii tLe u\-n am^n* uidec. tred ah th Umi wt a.oj.d i?c uuaute locoaquer; and thougl w?r rccc^^.ze tae foliy of cor peraistence It ha siot injured orr national character. Toe Nonl I-> pi .iujIu^ ltaeif Into debt? True, and better a thttu (uaage into a aysteru of requisition* wtilcl toe F r> n- t: tii?-d after extiuati-.i^ asat^uata, am w: .ui crrtalnly m'ltti apparent dtg^ieracy '1 Ley 'are eating up the'.r future." We hav i :ir r:tve::belc*?. wuu have bitten juat Ave time i> ilerp y Into the Cite. America fata atiil not incurred a large debt bai we contra' led to coaqaer toe atatea, though w Lad then but La.I me American population ;?ne is deatroylng the source of the population.1 It \* true, ttie wantf of ltf*? la moat fearful, but 1 Imoii Iu any cue be lets than the deaUucUo! cau* d by the Irish famine?a catastrophe w Lave survived, aod which t< o many of uainoa %- ret hearts do not to thia hour regret "Th IJuion hat turrerdertd iu principle, the right c mankind to choae their iwn form of govern iiicut. That grand principle laouraalao, but w are not goiug to poll India, nor If Ireland r? t>elied to morrow ahould we dream of the peace fat ballot-box. A nation mutt exl?t before i cm proclaim any principle* w^t?ver, and toong we can coocelve of a people So .of.ily conamter that they would carry out a principle which vial My involved their own dcaructiou, that la uot to wuich we tave attained, nor doea It 11 hi our moutn* to charge the nortnem people wit failure to reach a standard of Tirtae from wuic w?- cunolye? recoil. Thertt are enough cau>e? of itadneaa In th American war. witnout chargea of degenerac iddre*v-ti to tL.e onlv rarj* wtin. i?? __ J ? ? ? } ? - W Ui*W?*V< I* dud u{> for IL- right of political freedom. It I m-Uncholf that tue progress of the world shoul t.- stopped oy tLo wretched tear of deiuocrac produ- ed by tie < oufllet; melancholy elgl millions of t ^man beings staoald be encounters death to reta.n the slaves whoiu th? twenty mil i.out who ngux for teem will not enfranchls* moit melancholy cf all tbat la tha pro vidence < God we. w'to lii'.rodaced slavery, mast, thoug i?w free of the stain, bear ?or share In the soi *<q tenets of that great crime. There 1? miser , >;.>re for the S jath a.i d for the North; for tt u ai sleaitrs aud those wtu have legalized tt theft; for he tolling of millions of l,ancMhln . 1 for tbose who supply the object of their La bo li . among those miseries the*gieatast of all, tt >e >erscy of a branch of the Anglo-Saxoa racei f ih? Aalti rM?nftl? who - -?r -i ? "* ciioi* ao mmy crtm^s, are *tlll consciously tolling on to Dgiitr future?wt 11 a*>uredlv not be lound. j IlTT^G^u Boyle has adopted a 11m of polti wbichwllibe sure to brlag rebel sympatni*? tot^nm Wbeii Morgan was at Georgetown I captured Samuel W. Thompson aad earned hi away. A* soon as Gen. tforle obtained mteU ^-nceof tbis outrage, be directed the prove iiarsual at Lexington to arrest f-. K Hunt of th l>H' e, wbolsaa urrle of Morgan, and to ho L.u; Md ho-tWge for tbe safety ox Mr Thompso I be subsequent return of the latter gent.cin; upended tre mrutiua of the order against M II jnt. but Gen. iioyie hi? resolved to haven f iim man ? ? ? * - ? . .. ? ? JU tfr wr IO?K *0*1 I UKJtll ! UwU. Louts ft Ut /( ??. July tiJ J?T A U .w ruccd H-nry (Jailtli, wfco W eu. ^luytX la Uii Kuiiaac-prxU nti .t, V?? :iit u to ii . out, wi.itperlug to b Jjt'tiny - xa/t-4 in mill ajf pUett, to 4i*?-rt a ? t i autl w b?rn o- r Lend w?? ?u A pi u i'? of ?i- tv.fciity dollar pieces upon yril V ?i ** ( wiffk ' r?t > M? pocket. Ccl I'kiW . ri.i u'i|bt aim ^7* i o ul tn lh?r lil* iotfijeil i>tea la pr^us# k>mk- Hum Disloyalty in ntuachiieUi. At a meeting lately held by some abolition!*'* In Boaton, asveral of tbe speak era boldly avowed tbelr hostility to the I'uion. resolved that It ought to be deatroyed, pronounced It follv for young inea to enlist, and abused tbe President In unmeaaured terma. Among them, a Mr. Pillabury spoke es folicws t " H ilf a luhilou of the aona of the North have gone to that wore* than Oangea crocodile that Inabtta the rivers of the South, and now 300,000 more are demanded. Why did not a voice go up from tbe united North that not another aoldler n.iu.a go untu uue war wm turned against mavery1 (Great applause ) Abraham Llrcoln,formerly called the slave bound of Illinois, h ^ Increased and enlarged his former tendency " Mr Stephen H Foster held the following language : "He would light una Br the banner of the South if Jefferson Davis should proclaim emancipation, from bis love of fretdom everywhere, a.d his desire to co-operate with all who sincerely aimed at frt.'dom There is no need to compare Davis and Lincoln any more than any otber two slaveholders. If there w're, the uniform past record of the abolitionisms would place Davis above Lincoln; for If slave-catching Is wore? (a* we hav declared it) than slaveholdlng, the lat' r !s a Icrrai r iiafr-caiciiei luui me lormer n? ji?tr Foster) would rather take hi* chances with Jef ferson Davla, at the last judgment, than with the President." II mult be quite unnecessary to dilate on the disloyalty coached in such utterances,while th<-ir tendency to " disturb and binder the progress of enlistments'7 must be clear to every mind From the following proclamation of Gov. Andrew, we infer he hss his eye on rime such "conspirators"' In the town of Russell: "Commonwealth of Massachusetts. "Execctivb Dkpahtmrnt, ) "Boston, July 17, 1H5'2 i "In case the Select me., of KusscjI, Massacuu et *, shall be disturbed or hindered In the progress of their enlistment! for the new levy of volant sis, by any of tbeir citizens who may be treasonably Inclined, they may report such ca?es to the Adjutant General at Boston, to be 'urther disposed of by the Government. Conspiracy to prevent enlistments mast be promply met ?*johtf A Andrew." Moioati, the Gubrhilla?Col. Morgan's force embrace men from Texas, Mississippi, Georgia and Kentucky, of desDerate character, but obedient to bis will, as the lion ia to its master. A ftw of them are gentlemanly, but the majority would r soon cat a man's throat as take a chew of tobacco. Col Morgan himself Is courteous and polite* He stands about six feet in height. Is slightly round-shouldered, and hla dress la distinguished by nothing except a silver crescent, which holds up one side of h'.s wide-brimmed, iow-crowntd, black felt hat. His f: e la rather dark compl-xloned, with features sharp He wears a moustache. with whiskers on his chin, and never allows himself to be overcome by anger. He is idolized by bia men, who think he la Kentucky's Messiah. He married an estimable lady, some years since, but she died e'ght. :n months ago, of grief, over the crimes of her husband For two or three years she was an utterly brokenhear*?d woman, and fln?lly srnk into the grave, about six wseks before Morgan took the lost step In the direction of Infamy, oyJoining the S?outhDm 1'nnfp^pmrv Thp criifrrllln / hipf fnnnprltr W,M VV...V-V.-VJ. - ?- h " ?v.., bad an Interest in a faro bank In Cincinnati He waa engaged in picking up 44 seeds," as verdant people who accompanied blm to ibe gambling Louses were familiarly called. Thr Manufacture or Govhkmsnt Arms.? The armory in Springfield, Massachusetts, make* 14,00?i stands of arms a month In a short time that establishment, with the five private shops In opem'ion there, will be able to manufacture 3 > off) guns per month The armories a? Providence. Hartford, Trenton, Bridesbnrgb, Vermont, Ilion, and one or two otber places, will ea a be able to furnish the Government witb tfio gnna per diy In a few months we shall b?making first rate arms, better than the be^t Europe can aflTfKd, at the rat* of 600,00.1 per annum. It Is universally conceded by those who are competent to form a correct judgment, tbat there is nothing on the other side of the Atlantic that can compare with the American arms. Thr Irish Hrart.?The Dundalk (Ireland) Democrat says : 44 Th? American Union is the be*t friend of Ireland In tbe world We bea to tell the Irish In America that the people of Ireland are nearly to a msn with the cause of the Union and against the wicked rebellion of the nigger-whlppers Tbey do not forget the good d?eds of the Republic In their day of distress, and they heartily wish success to the J*tars and 1 Stripea, and a speedy defeat to that audacious 1 faction who have revolted against the freest <iovernment mankind has ever witnessed." A Hist.?A soldier belonging to the Wadsworth guard (the 101th regiment N. Y. volunteers) | met a secessionist woman the other day In Warrenton, Virginia !*he instantly hoisted her dress to na unusual height, and swung around to clear him. The soldier, who was attentively regard? log the spectacle, cried out in blank ast mistime at: "What dirty stockings'" Down went the skirts, hiding tha frightful apparition from 1 view, and the woman disappeared. s 117" M. Herr Formes,says the Atheratum, hai e chosen to abuse, to waste and to destroy one of a the mo*t magnificent voice ever beitowed one ba<ts singer, and the cont^unicn are now dta< a aitrously evident, not merely In hie own per 0 forrnances, but In every concerted p'.ace, whlct b ia transformed into dlsoord by the admission o] 1 to no toy an organ. e A T**t Flats ?The Nashua Iron Compan] a has just fiolkhed for thr Government a teat plan fifteen feet long, forty lnchea wide, four and i d half Inches thick, and weighing ten thousand e round# Thla plate is considered ball-proof, and i will put to the test some of tbe new projectllei " which have recently been invented. it ? n The Dublin papera announce the death o e a person named Sterne, who bad bejn iinprlaonec I for debt In the Four Courta Marttbalsea for thirty e seven years. .Mr. Sterne was a gentleman of largi )f fortune, who fell a victim to wine, women ant money-lenders, e " 1 - ? o n m tat Krr\n*m b o ornuiiviio. n Batch sloe's Ha ie Dt? it Tht but i? Ik? World. 1- William A. Batobelor's celebrated Hair Dyi * produce# a color not to be dieting uisbed from na * tore?warranted not to Injure the Hair !u tUeileast h remedies tbe 111 effects of bad dyes, and lnvlgor ate* tbe Hair for life. Grtf, Htd or Rutty Hai ' lastaatly tarns a splendid Black or Brown, lea* v lag tbe Hair soft and beautiful. Bold by al j Druggists, Ac. d inr The Oenulae ls signed William A. IUtcb y ?LOm tlufour ttd*i 4* *meh bo*. It kmmiumm Na HI Bu<lu < V.u T..L r mS7-lj (Late233 Broadway and 19 Bond at.) f. >t Mum. A. H. Ball ft Co., Lave remove* h thcU stock of India Rubber Goods from tbel i- branch store, 308 Pennsylvania avenue, back t y Boston, daring tbe summer, where they will b ie pleased to receive orders by telegraph or mall fo ? say and all of tbe various articles made fron e, India Rubber or Guttapercha. Orders will b r. forwarded by any express company's llphtnlnj ie train, and arrive in In twenty-four hours, cktaj>? ? to our citizens lhan they could be sold here <1 Bend oa vour orders and have them filled at man ufactarer's prices at Me*n. H. A. Hall A Co' warchoose, (where they have the Jar fit wort mentor India Rsbber Goods in the world,) 8 ;y Milk street, Boston, Mass. mat l?-*,w,s,tf r? ' tie Diui'i Plantation Bittkks. m ST.lsMX. U- It lavlgoratee, strengthens and purlles the syi mt tern, 1? a perfect appetiser, sad the most agree at able and effectual tonic In the world. It is com Id posed of the celebrated Callasva Bark, Rooti n Herbs aad pare St. Crolz Ram; pertlcularl in adapted to delieate females: cares Dyspepsia an< ;r Weakness, aad U Jnst tke thing for the change r a Bold bT ?U Oracera, DrartMi, Hotel* ud 81 loozw. _ _ f BUuiitCo., ip I * BiMdwiT, New Yolk. al ' at ?oo? niwi ros all. rl WitiniioToji. Jane ?, 1B?C. r rt? la to eerUfy that 1 have been atone blta i,' for ?jwirds of two yewa. Tbo boat dortora 1 H l V% a?cla*to# 1*1 led to 9 4>r. Tumble Mr ii*? performed the nliacle. P? r -j anaa wtahlng luriner p?fiu.'..lara ?an r?li and m n M 9b v a [Jrti-U A?.tr? Barbaur'8,37#34 at., bet. J) and E TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. FROn THE AR>1V OF THE POTOMAC. Hbad^caktiss Abmt o? thi Potomac, July 29?Dr Williams. who h?i been a prltoner at Salisbury, N. C , for ??veral month*, and who arrived here on Saturday, havlnq been uneonditlonally relersed. ta,?? that during ten d"V* after the battle* In front of Richmond 18,t !H> rebel troops paved through that to^Vn on their Wav to D J * *U_. ? 1 I . hicluiuuu, ana turn luure wrrtr un m*-ii way. The Doctor's window overiooktd the railroad depot, firing him a good opportunity of a nert lining what was going on. Tbe?e troopa came from James Island. S C , and Eastern Georgia Among oth?r faci the doctor ascertained th . there were U.ftlO troops at Charlottesville, waiting transportation to Richmond. That 30.WO conscripts had bven raised In each of the States of Tenneaaee and Georgia alnce the 9th of July, and a p.oTortloiiate number In other extreme Southern States He heard the adjutant of Colonel Goodwin, whn commands tiie post at Ssltsb'lry, and who had just come from Klcbimnd, state that the adjutant of General Hill told him that the rebels had 170 t H) troops engaged in the battles of the seven dava He was accompanied t>V Dr. t*tone, who was taken prisoner at Bull Run, and who corroborates tne statement so far as rela'.? to the movement of troop*. Ou heir wry up to Richmond they passed long trains of empty cars on their way South. If these statements are true?and there is every reason to believe they are?it shows that the rebels are staking their all on this S'lte, by concentrating within its borders an overwhelming force General McCiellan spent the entire day yesterday in visiting the different hospi*'.ls, speaking words of encouragement to the sick end wounded and seeing that their wan* 1 were properly administered to. The boTiM to-day brought down 495 wounded im Richmond, leaving about TOO yet to come. TIIK WAR IN THE HKST. Rebel Occupation ( the .Memphis uud Ohio H ailrocd. Cairo, July 2S.?A skirmiih at Bolivar, Tenn , between our fa ;es * tioned there and a body of rebels took pla jyt * .rday. No particular! have been received yet. It is reported that o jr forccj have evacua* d Grand Ji ictiun, and tnrt the place 1* now ocupled by the rebela I'hey have pops ion of 1 41 ?. # ?U<> . ?<< iiui< si an vuai pui uuu ui iur mruipun anu Charleston Railroad bttwt *n Memphis and Corinth. The steamer City of Alton, on her way from Memphis, was fired into twice yesterday just before reaching Columbus. Chicago, July 5>S.?A special dispatch the Time*, dated Cairo, s^ys the rebels have taken ponsession of Humbolt, and now hold the Mobile and Ohio Kaliroad to that place. They had turn up the track for some f *n or twelve miles Tha Eog jsinent with the Rebel Uanh??t Arkansas* Chicago, July 26 ?A special disp3*:h to the Times, from Mtmphis, says that Cnpt Gwin, of the gunboat Tyler, reports ei^ht killed and sixteen wounded on his boat durini' the lateenga^ement with the ram Arkansas k.e accuses Lieut. Hunter cotnuandirn; tLe Queen of the West, with behaving in a most r.owardlv manner, hav Ing mide no effort whatever to brln<; hi? ve. ~el Into action. The officers of the Lancas' *r say the (Jaeenof the West was the first boat that discovered the Arkansas, and ran for protection to the fi?et without firing a gun, and In disobedience to signals to come to the aid of the Carondelet while the latter wa.i engaged at close quarters with the Arkansas. Review of Gen Hank*' Army Carps. Little Washikgton, Va., July 2* ?There taiua a if ran/) run i?ur of (ianbs) r >n tr onri.a w am a j^ianu ir ? ir ** ui vjch . u'tn a* auiif '^ui | to-day two mile* Irom town Tbe weattier was flue, and several liouis were occupied In IWd evolution* and maneuvers bv division* The whole review was crtdl*'ble to the various commanders, but showed tbe nece ilty of more frequent drills en mafse. The magnificent artillery arm elicited warm applause from all observer*. The recent removal to more favorable ground ha* benefit'_-d the health of the troop*, l'here hi* been considerable mortality and sickness In the 60th ISew York and otter regiment*, but they are now Improving In *anltiry condition. There i* nothing Important from the front to-day. Tlie War In New Mexlc*. L*avk!?wo*th, July 27.?More reliable ad vice* from the South stnte that our force* found Fort Gibson abandoned by the rebel*. A reconnol??ance showed them posted. 5 000 strong, under (ien. Cooper, on the si/uth bank of the Arkan aa. at the mouth of the Grand river. Theii force waa composed of 500 Arkanaas troop* and 1.000 Texaos, with two batt-rlfi? of artillery 1 he remainder or the army were Indian*, mostij Cbnctnws ai d Creeks. The route from Fort Scoti to Fort Gibson Is entirely free from the rebels they having retreated across the Aikansas a-t oui troop* advanced. Stctuita Sympathizers at St. Stephths 1%. U Calais, Me., July'29?The office of the St 1 Croix Herald, published at St Stephens, N. U was again visited by a mob last night, and tbei work of destruction was this time nearly com i, plete. Most of the type was pi'd and the presi [1 injured, and much material scattered outside th< i I building and thrown into the river. LI .... l tu.. ..... a. tuc nciaiu i? ouuui tuc vmv urwnpopci 11 New Brunswick that has supported the L'nloi t cause; hence the wrath of the Provincials 8 gains \ it. The publication will be delayed some wecki Heviread Rebels. [ Lovistillb. July 2? ?Thereverend rebels El . llott, Ford, and Baldwin, cf Nashville, sent b ?ov. Andy Johnson to Gen. Boyle, have arrived here and will be sent to the Indiana penltenti&r; . to-morrow. The rebel Colonel Bullitt, with 200 recruits to Morgau'a guerillas, from Chew county, is report f ed as having parsed through Flat Rock4 Bourbo; I county, en route for the ?outh. s Frsm Mlsssuri? Rlet of Guerillas. 1 Patton, Mo., July 27?Lieut. Cbaveaux, c Company F, 12th Missouri State militia, wit! bis company, came upon a band of guvillas, 20 strong, of whom be bad received inform all or five miles south of this place. He attacked arq completely routed them, killing and woundln] a number, and taking Capt. Patterson, tbei leader, prisoner. Our loss wcs three wounded I Ne Mere . Id te be Paid far rattan j Lovirvilli, July 28 ?General W. T. Sherma . ban Issued ordera at Memphis (hat no more gol hall be paid for cotton, and venders refuslu r current funds shall forfeit half tbelr cotton. 1 FROM FOKTEKM MO.IROE. [Correspondence of tbe Associated Press J Foitbkss Morkoi. July iia.?Some days ag< as was reported In this correspondence. Informs tlon wis' obtained that there was a large rrtx force being concentrated In the nelghboiaood c Petersburg and along the banks of the Jamt river, between the junction of the Appomatto * and James rivers and Richmond. r On Friday, the 23th lnit., when the Unlo 3 prisoners were being conveyed from Kicbman e to City Point, at every side track andtarnout the r passed trains of cars loaded with rebel troop< 1 headed towards Richmond, and some rebel oh e cers offered as an opology for bringing down ?t I prisoners In freight cars that they were nslng a! f tbeir passenger* ars In moving troops to reiu ' force Jackson. It is more than possible that thl was all merely a movement to dlsguka the fat the rebel* are now In strong force between Rich * mond and the Appomattox river, that they ai 3 still collecting forces in that direction. What strengthens this view Isibeevident pain t aken to Inform our prisoners and officers In cnary that the movement of troops was to relnforc Stonewall Jackson. rr m.ll - - m mm - 9 _ a. ? i ur uhu cwucr iron nanison* i4BOii bring* do news Ad amualng Incident i* told In connection wit i, Gen. McCleUan'a Interview with the returne y Union prtaoner* on board the State of Malue i i tlarriaon'* Landing laat Saturday. Pasalng b an Irlahman, the General aald : "How did yo like being In Richmond*" "Walt a bit, Glnei i- ?l, and I 'll tell ye. If 1 had ma way wld ? I'd put til thlmaeaeah la a houae, and!' 111 the houan up wld atraw and I'd set the ctoai on tre and burn 'cm all to , d?n 'era." TL General amlled and walked on. A tTT" The proweea of John Morgan, the guerill n leader In Kentucky, aeema to be appreciated fa the widow* of that state W hen he entered Ve r- faille*, having put to flight a Federal force, 1 e w?* met by a gay voung -widow, who hugge ai d k l**ed the bandit chief In pretence of tf i. cluien*. Proposals for bu;ldino side , WiiLhL ?UN?uATS. TH Nitt Dbfartm >5t will, until tbeS'Mb dar of Jn.r, receive propoaitiona fr< in ih.p f a dera , Mtnaiiy ?ofk(0j in the oocatrnction of Traae'e. | for tti? conati notion or ?he hall of* donNe howd , aide-wheel in b-.-at.witU rodier at mob end. ?iotectjd by the atemr, t:?? mastp, rmn j, rv!a for fore a"d eft ?ob ??ner ng, and tvaicc*; four boat*, with a!. thei - <itt;n send equipment* coin p et*-; tai.k* far 2,C'o gallons of wat?., with tue necfrarr ca?k J, breakers, bnoketa A*. 'She Tea ael aornp'eted ir every re?peftt with All the cttinxe for ao4 service, aice*; o-d-'ancn. anohors and o?nl?a, fnrnitrre, oonuini nrenni'n, inatrunientr, an a'orea, which will Be foraiahed by the ttavernment. 1 be lentth of the veaarl. inniadinc both rabhefa on a it,e 7 feet 6 inohea abote the lower f<Jee of rab et of the knee!, to be 233 feet: the extreme hrMfltK 9K f A# ?-H nf k.?M frnm tKrnftt nf >-> VUtll f I flliU UVf I - KFl HV'tU 11 VIII ?? ? "W? " ? floor timber to lower aide < f ?ieck p'ank 13 feet. ?he disp aoencent to ft line of 7 foot e <nehea ?b^Te th? lower a Ice of rabbet of bottom plank io be I flcubio feet The cise of the prinoipftl materia a are 11 he %t fo'lowa. other pata tidint in due proportion aa m cava ve:ao!?oita^ otft^a: Keel of writ-* oak, 14 by f)i inotea, aearph fa?tes?d with X moh coppor bol a; ct'm of *h te oa*. aided 10 i ch'B. fttd p-t p-r y aecured hi openings for rudder atd to keel with composition knee; rarne of wmte oak, white o ea'nat. and hackmetaok;timber er.d 14, 23, aud 28, floor timber mded 7to<si chea; fnUooka 6 to 5 inohea; top tjm be'? 5inohra; i>io*i'd^<} in throat 13 Icqhei.t?. bilge 9 li.chea, a' hea; 5H ifcohea Tnnbe' of f'ame olo?e together t^-ae xtween fran o? ie?el with t iroat of floor, filled in with white pit? Main keelaon of whi e oak, 13 bj IB inoLe?, fae ened with two copper bo!?a ic t acn frame of U i' oh. Bilge keelson of white oak or jrrl ow pine, fa tened with copper bo!?8 \ inch in ^i-.meter uncta. entire frame a-4 boiicra; the remainder with iron, breaat h^ -ka of w!nto oak, aioad 7 1 2 in^hea i?ia?onai hraoea in two tie's 3 1 2 by 1 2 inch amidships and 3 b? 7 16 t->wa-da t' e ?>nja: tli? upper strap 3 1 2 bt 1 7 ino?, Bilge Rtralea of oak or yiicw pine, 412 i^oh th'oir 6 str**ea of nuio iuohea wide os e*ch aide. Ceiling 3 inches t,!anr>pe of whito oak 4 thioif, three atrakei 12 inchea. boltod 'crewise, Bsrth deck bean.a of wLtte sine. aided 6 1 9 moi ded 6 inches, th* f?" nr ion mat be a in a to have ^>diekneua lierth deck pi** k whito pine, upper Veaa.B of je,l >*r pin* o wmie oak ?id<*J II to Id incti?*a, moulded 9 inchea in the middle and 8 irchaa at'he end. "ne harging knee a^ach end o! each beam, and !<?**?< and lap kneee beween the beams batting kn*ea aided 7 inches, the re naiuine kneea 6 inches. Wa'erwua and thick atrakea of yellow piae or oak, jogc d over t e?m? an! fastened with S 4 moh iron. Dcck plank cf yenow pine, ? mcnea. n o*i a i i inonea mica, fpir-ketimr of whit? oa?,in thickncts 3 ire ea (iarl*>*rJ itr*k aofv^hi'e <~ak, 4 1-2 lrcrra thick. Hottoin pUnlr of white cak 3 1-2 ir.ohea thick W a es ol whiteo**. 4 mchea taiok; in width,7 1-2 inches.<l.the bottom with fi roe treelm1? atu nog composition spike: the gar board a?ra?ea w th two oopper ! o!t? and twc tre*naii?; the wa eg abore the copper fartentnr, with 3 4 icch iron bclta and i>on spi-ea;bitt Ik Its r_ tiisTre'er, 3 4 iiioh. Copper lattemLc to extend cp ts 8 feet 4 inoh?a above if-? lower edie o! rabbet of tneel. TI.e bottom ehsathod with 24 ource c pper to 7 feet 9 inches abo*e the rabt?etof the keel. The whee's wi I te o?e fcrng. thetuarda ma'de a< short fore aid aft r.s practicab'e, and the whee! house tni^t in the usual way. The b" wa ks to M of 5 16 p ate iron The tuildera of th? vessel wi l make the wood frame fo - the ins ined enginea, peouiing it with wood knees ai.d to the keslaoua.ftnd wnl do a.I the wood wu'k LfC9' earj in p a 11.5 tho maohiner*. The cabin, *a'd room, ateeiaje, and between deoka. the ho ds, hoi c, tteenr.g wheel, pumps, acuppera. oapatara, hammcck rail, cauuii g, joineiB, p uirii iiiK, pain ing. and the other detail, at fer n.i thf> torn rant stiD-tla'ea tocuvur. i<tn Im crncp'ied iu a.c uu'.r.ce witu the usages of lie navy. Tl.e t.i<tdrrs need orly tend a drawing showing th- afcape ot one half the versel haYin* tha retjui site disa acirent, as both enda are a lire, und, if tti'j tuiuk proper, a p am model of th? same. Tfe proposals niuttsiatethe p'ioe for whioh they will agr'e to h??e the res_?l ready to receive the nno uuery and launch her fcr the aerious of fourteen, sixteen, eishteen, ar.d twenty weeks, reapeot.*"iy, tne v?-"r( to be la!]y comp eted :n fort? oats thereafter, or in iTe've itaya af;er the couip'ote erection of tho irrolunery. The usual cor,dit!oi:a of Sove-nrrent oor.traeta will be obcerred. and rarrn'Ma will be made a* ' ne work progre ej, and ;wea y per cent, retained till the ?ati?'a-to! y completion of ttie oontrac'. The bide meet be r cor-pa ied br the grarai.t? required by law, that a lit" contract n awardeo it w>I( rie tin it exeouied. Tfie Departmtnt reserves the right to rrje -t at;y or all t' e proposal* received under uiie at: ver:iaenieut, il in its ojiliol the pabho internal r;quiro. it. The propoia.a nsusi be er.doraed "Proposals far Paddle 'A hee! Ptean.ers," to diaticguish tliem from otner business letter*, and will be adareaatd to the "tejretar* of the P?a*y." Prcpojitiens viil be received for similar vessels of iron or iron and wood ombm?i. jy 16 2aw Urnut, u. a. rtii r&.vi'iA tt> , WASHIKOTo:!, 1>. C.? JU T 22, 1F62. S*al?d Profo?ai.s will 1>0 received at th:a otfioe until A ukuc* itli, 12-i, at 12 o'clock m.. lor faro ifttunc au1 deliver.r.g the following artioi??, the coming *ear, at ths United Stat sa Penitentiary, I Washington. I) C.,vfz: J,"**) Itin of th<* beat *m '.t* ofo*k tanned, a'amh tor S^< e Leather, wc.ght from IB toJ4 iba, e: tie. r 4,000 feet of oak-'ann*d Wax Leather, from ? aughtrr hid-a, well fiuiwhtd. Fiveaitiea ol 1 thie ?ual'ty will be required 'or a aarcy;e, 2,0001ba.of Brooir t orn, v edium e'ie. a * lalitf r that will work itaeif, and make a good t quality ofbrooma. No. 1 basa L!ro>ni Handle*. J 6 0 !ba. Tin Wire, Ire at quality. Soo lb*. Brcowi Twine, test tuaity, aaaorte<i oalori. The above *uantity to be delivered monthly. . Alao 1600 yard a of atripfd Cloth, atripe? tobeofligh! drab and b ue black oo'or, about 3 inohei wide, cotton warp and woolen filling, t Al*o r too yarrfa of lighter Cloth, aatne stripe, for ahirta - 1,000 ya-d? of cottoa twilled shirting, K yarai i wide. The al>o re cloth to be a heavy MnrioatbW ?r*:r? Also , 40 bbla. Klonr * 40 r>aanel Potatoes '[ i bushel ainah wnite Beana t 600 Ibo. Cod Fiah i fioii iba.Shonldera gmi ba Sutar ICO lb*. Coffee 200 lb* Soap 46 gal.oi.a V neg&r ' SO r&l!ona Mulu-oi y 400 lba R'.ce i 15 lba Pepper y The above grooenee to b? fnrmahedthelat Mob mouth. . Alao ISO lba. of (rMb B?*f, without bone, per day, to\ fourd&ya in each week. n ISO lba. ofoorned Hoof, without bone, one day ii a week. Alao loOtora white a?h en Coal, to be delivered u . the month of September. 'r Samplrs of Molaeaea must not ba leaa than * h rall?n, waglaaaiar. U Rloe, Soap. Coffee, and Sugar mnat ba t lba i. aample*. i AJ' the shore articlea w#l yary in tnantlty, a ? the oon?umption of the Penitentiary may rnuirt " All oill* will be paid m 30 tJ90 day* from tn r time of the delivery of the cooda, U furniehod &o ' oordirt to agreement; if not, all moneya whiol may be due nil I be forfeited. 1'roposa win do aaaresaea to "H. I. Kir*. War den, Washington, i>. U ," and endoraed -rropo n M|a " H, 1, KING, d jy 23 tAug 4 Warden. K rpUE UMBRELLA MU8UU1TO BAR. I have ju?t reoeived from the manufaotnrers i large ?upp 1 or La<o ai.d Nett Muasuito Ban auitableior Camp, Bed Room, and Kitting Room JOHN ALKXANOF.R, >. Pa. avecne, between 12th ana 13th ata. i- j y 18-sawsw < Intel.) '} IT* HARVARD OOLLE9K .? 1 HK Regular Kxamnauon for the Freihma and the Sopnomore Claaa will take place on t* I Monday a: d Tuesday 'f the Commencement week July l<th a-d 15th, 1862, beginning prec'ae y at n o'c o :k a. m. on Monday, 'ike oaadmaiea will aa d aeffiDte in No 16 I'n.veraity tia 1; aUe^aacoa o v both da?en ietmred. The oonunuat on of the examination of tho# i* who oiler tlie natives for the J nnior and fcenio Glaat will be deferred to the end ol tar vac*'ion. ,r Kor the convenience of thoae who are prevent* II from being preaent at the rrgii ar examination l&ere wi'l t>e another ex?m nation for the l-reahma a and Sophomore ulaaa, at --be beginung of the Firt t ffe-m on ? huraciay and Fridky, Aeguat J8:h an 3<th, atterdauoe ou both data being required. O '* the next Monday, Seatember lat. the ex miratioi :e ofoauOidatea efferta lor the Jnmor aiul Sento Claaa, inoluding Utoaa offered on Commrnoemet a Week, will be continued acd oooeluded. The can e didatee ?ill assemble on t hart day. Avguat 2?t: :? in No. 16 University Hail, at 8 o'elook a m. Candidates are required to produoe certificate of food moral oharac er; and <boa* who oaaoe froi 6 oiner COliOfe* iuubi oe prc\id*l with certificate of mcltr tod honorable diamiaeion. Tk*v tc?i h b, *?g wttk thrm mo books vkattvtr. d Candidate tor tne degree of Master of Attt ar it ??P?C^ *2, ?n*JT warn iu that capjc.ty a ? the 8te aard ? Uffiae, on or be ore the uth of Jalj n . iAl *V Aotina PreeiJent. U r*Amhrl(1f A. lfiW : ? nr tiri.Mc? WHO" ??? ? ??? '"?> JO *3* vt SCO! r- ? ? ? ^BK6AHAY INSTlTjU'IJC. i L ie Th? rei ulftr courts ot inatraotion embrftoeith Bvgliak ?nd tiaaek 1 Aiimw kid L,ttertu?ri LSUin II required, yd *ii Ut? braaonM wnicftcoc ?Ot?te ft thoronjfc hutiuhftad French ednafttioi * Prwioh U the Uuauft** of Ui? tolly, and laooa >7 aUotly ifoku in tho InstitnU It u the otjeot t r- pftrtionlftr fttUntion, ud is tftacht from U* ruai te menu U> thft tughwt coarM of iiterfttnro ftud oom a ?o*ition. The aehoiftatio year ooamianoee Septan b?r Uth ftnd oloae? J my lit. Ciroilftu. Ao , oft be obtftinftd from Mftdftme i> UKA ViLLY, Prii ti^ftJ otCkH ww iaititito. a 94a ordnance OFFICE, " Wig I ? r tRTMIT, VnMiafloil. July 19. t?SJ. Will b* rrcetved h* tbi* nati 5 r *. ont'e9.1iol Aaimi,la*i, fi r t e Js Livery *<. the following AT??n?:? o< iL.antry AcsQUtr?'*1?u'f. *j bemia!ist pocili*!: At tin Wa'.rtown Arsenal, W^t>'to"-.t, , Ma ?.< *.W> aets InfactrT aootutreirenti, calibre,.tn. H.OUO " ' * . At tin Wat$rvli(t Arsenal, West Troy, n y. 13,om ir'.i Icfaatry accoutrements, v& ifue. ?a. 7.?to " ? " St. At tJce ??ew Yorl Arsenal, Governor's Island, J\f. Y. so/oo sets lo'tbtrj aooout, events, caibre 69. 15.0C0 M " .-63. At the Alleghrnv Arsenal, Pittsh'rph, Fa. rVD sets Ti festi j arooutremf sts, cal tu 17/?) ** " * " . a. At tli* Frank ford, Arsenal, Bridesburg, Pa. 34/ u sets iiiivitij acoouueiuenW, oa I'-ie e?. ll/lCl " " " ?58 At t)u St. Lovis Arsenal, St. Louis, Mo. U; n seta Icf&str? acesrt/emenU. ca'ibre ? ' H Thes* accoutrements are to be r*ia<J? 11 itrjo* coi formuT with the itcu'.atioo patterns '.air-.p ?s if wtiiob cai. be examined at tat e* l'!* air ire named *rs?>na s. an are to be si je t to ii.??e*j?:? t at tteersmv* ?ere de.ivered, oefure l*iag o*i*ed for t e Govern cient?cone to be ao_ep:e<i ur paid tor l>at SJcb as a-e as?rovea on it spec ior The f>elta to bo cf tn*nedleafier. an^ a:, i: e *: c * to tie the best oak t*no'_.?. rue shoulder betjiri 1 Se ltoiuceJ in ih* s?;. must be msde la lots of not ! ?? tut 1 OOs'ts ?Cf we?*, lor a i out aits ot lutKM u tinier; and not :es* than 2, CO sfts ?er we 9* oa a' cout-aets for ove' to or ?, count i.? ir> m th" Caie of the o'rtrac'- Fetln'e to ueiiser at a ?p c fiec' time will sub eat the o >ntraotor to a forfeiture ot t. e amount tt e delivered at tuat time, 't'te accoutre ments rcest be boxed in ihecus'otnarr manue:;ti e boxes to be darted a: cost, to t>e determined bj the icepecfor Bidder* win s'tte exp loitty, tne, imsiai and p ace of each deliver? Emu party obtaining * contract wt'l be required to enter luto bocda, with proper anreuea, for it* faithtul fulfLmeat. The Department rearrrea to itaelf the right to re ject any bid. Proposals will be addroaaed to "Gen. J. W. Kiple?.Giiefof Ordnance, fV^r'Tinrlnn, I). C . and will h* endorsed "prop >aa a. l >r iniantr* /.coaatiemeiita." JA?. W. KlPf.EY, )j .3-eotAu%9 Brig Chief of Urdcaroe To be Good tooklDf. OLI) FACES MADE TO ? LOOK VOJLJN? AND BEAUTIFUL. Ffo-" Yon may obtain a hand- ?p? * Ajl nine cc;r.p>*icn, w," 9fl| from Pimp ra, Blotcues, H> ?--*ar>v ^BP*?v? Ao., by using rtf:r?>^2k DR. TUMBLETY'S - f TF PIMPLE *} , J IL if BANISHER. it- - tH il * U Price. CI per bolt'?. r % Bent by mail or expreaa \ ;l**. ' J to any nidrcsi. ?*W " W Office?NoT~ 11 Wuhtnator. Bulletins. Pei.nayl- ?' "*v J va\ia arena's, corner of j Seventh atreet, Waahing- _ ton, i). C. Befere Taking DR. TUMBLBTY 8 PIMPLE BANISilER la warrantM to oare Scrofula, Frysipe'ae. Kins worm. Sca d Head, Salt Khetin, Ulcere. Fevr' Sorea, Pm.?loj, aad every diaeaae of tuegktn.or whatever nature. JOY TO THE AFFLICTED. It curea enroot and Debilltatexl fciifw*. ard removea the Symptoma, amors f?an4 Indiafontioa to Exertion, l^osa of Power, Lo?? of Memo'j, Difficulty of Br?*t.ant, 6?n *ral \V>akceaa. H ->rror of Dmeaa#. Weak Nerve?, Trembucs. Dreadful Horror of Death. IMisht *wna'f, Cold Feet. Wacefaineas. Dimt-eaaof Via:on, LanS'oor, Puivflraat Uaaitudeof the M u?- uiar .-reiem. O ten Lr.ormoua Apatite, with Dy?/eptto Symptom*. Hot Cauda. F iuahins of the Boot, Dryness of the SkiL, Pallid Countsuar. e.and Eropt;on on the rtoe. 1'am in the ttaok, heavicesa of tte Eyelid*, Freanentlr B uk Spcta i F I t i n c before i -the Eye*, with Temeo-ary fnffn'ion ant! Loaa Bisht, Want oi Attention. Great Mobility, >??. 4J ? f ? t\VBV,CBOUC?B| Wiw nvilUi Xfi OO OiO'J# TL*se aymatoma, if allowed to jo on?which, this Medicine ir.vartabij removea?*?>oti fo io#a LOBS OF POWER, FATUITY AN1> EPILEPTIC KITS. So don't be oast flown, t* ye er?r so ill, 1 Uutgo and partake cfb? superior ?i iThat never tias failed, there s;e hundreds can te;l Who are brought from death's door cow L>^) and well. TO KET FAT. USE THL PIMPLE BANISUER You oan cam five g* a t ?onuo* of hea thy flesh per mon h *33 ITw I by utinc Dr. T^tmbUtv's Ptmrl* Wf " W Banutur. it la mva;ua>le for rs .. J movini b oldies. Ao S'M -5- / . Tan. Freoklef. Sallowneas and *li */ J i in, purities a&d rcuciineta of th? -1? j kin, !ea?ir.t the same i.ooinu.t with w?utj. Aftar TaLinj unoo?wo. ii wMt. iRton Buildinc, P*rna?i' vaaia avenue, oorner of SevonU atree:, Yv astute ton, D. C. ji? a / 1 RtAT ATTRACTIONS! \jt NEW 8TOREI Juetopered on the oorner of SOth root ard avenue, north aide, a tri? a toe a of CL.O f Hi N6 HaTS, caps and boots and SHOtS. wiuot vill be told at very lowerioes. J H. HMiTH A CO., Clothiers, cor. toth it. and Pa. av., and No 460 7th at, . oa?o?itw Post Office. piRST WARD, AT T&NTION ! r Now oyened and for ra> at the lowest rates, i fieetoo* of CLOTHING, HATS. CAPS. BOO*, J and SnOfcS, dn the oorner of 20th street and Pa avenue. a j?VERYBODY'S BUSINESS. i For the convenience of my Firat Ward an Georjetowx customers, i have openM a branc! i. atore on the corner of 30th atreat apl Pa. avenue where they wil. find aaood atock ofCLOTHINS a Hats, caps, boors and shoe* at the iowee i price in tow j. J. m smith a CO., s Cloth tera, aorner 2otn at ?nd Pa. ? ., and No. 460 7th atreet. & I?OR CLOTB1N8. HATS, CAPS, BOOTS . F ard SHOE ', at tLa loweat price, oorter Sot. - atreet and Pa. av. CLOTHl!M?, HATS, CAPS, BOOTS at Pilots corner loth atreet and Pa. avenn? north aide, NOW is YOUR TIME TO BUY CLOTH 1N6, BATS, CAPS. BOOTS and SHOES >. oorter 8tth atreet and Pa. it New stork stocked with cloth IN?, BOOTS, SHOES, HATS and CAPS AArftAr Ulih afrftAt an/< Pa aar - irT-'lm J* liTBM ITH A CO.. Cloth ier?. A DAMS EXPRESS COMPANY. PL Owe* ?14 Pa.. Aram, Wmtktmton City, A C. REAT EASTERN, NORTHERN * WEST EKN EXPRESS Pt-'RW ARDERtf 1 H?r?ku41i*i Msney, Jewelry, Ttlubln Nitti, Stecki, BobcJb, ke., Forwarded with SAFfcTY AN1) DISPATCH t all aoco*?ible eeotioaa of the coautrv. 'f tue ootn?* By nea ajenoiM in U-e priooipal Railway low. NORTH, EAST, WEST, AND NORTHWEST Ita prmoiMl oftcea are WASHINGTON.P.CVNBW YORE.BOSTO! PHILADELPHIA, BALTIMORE, CINCINNATI, ST. LOUIS. LOUISH V1LLE. LEXINGTON, i- Cesneotiona are made at New York anil Uoeto l, witk tioee lorwardict to the CAN ADAS and t BRITISH PROVINCES, and with eteameh m ?T? M a? | I w l." D Diiikl _ Mni "VB a ki n I / _ UbO* tv UI f D?l VVU| OWW I a>AJIir 1UH ft! BAVRK.ud ttHMbrKutywnrrMHitoi. jrorament oomraeroial toWM m ttrM ttritua au U on the Continent _ Collection or NOTES, DRAFTS and BILL Blade at*11 aooaaaible M'ti of the I'niiH Stataa. . O. C. DUNN, Agent, leX Washington. D. O |>AK A BRO.t* BRAND CLOTR1NV DfcPO'J D oo-ner R and 7th etreeta, la new the e!ac where aU men 10 to bay their eatftta of Bmna* Clothing, and Utre are good wmtma wav ever oae ahOaldto there to bay. Flratly, we ead cheat . or than any other ainular aatabluhaaat ia tcia oit< . Secondly, oar garmenta eat not be aarfaaaed, 1 * atyle making or feriamiac. tt*ey are e?aal to tl. beat oTmaraLaaltarors work. Aad thirdly.w?ar * alway a oaif/ulin reooiumendicg oar goods at w h? ectatiuaTiment.oorner of Wfc and t? eU.. tobry ever l~ artipro of Clothing they need te U tm' "I w^iff^^sasSiriA^o.. TUB \l KEKLY STAR. fk . u?d?l F*m..f u4 Bnn i?utt. <4*t u 1 'K (rftin m.?T ! !II??M.I| rm^lm? *? ? HI b? (oud Is UT ?tk?< ?1? P?< *t L.tA.^ ? ?w-7 tlUI-Cui. * ?<?? ? Stable 0?pv. per m ^ COJ>l6? ^ ^ ? ? ? ?? Vwca4y*Mvp ?opios .? ??* ,??? ?, ii It la*anablirc?atalai> ite " Wa?felar?oa Nf?i" ?hal r.fts madr T*A? /> ?.? h+r*tnt Sff clreala* o genera'v tkrouRLP ii the cocaUy. Sln^l* c T. e? (tn wrmppewi u ?* pra eured at tbe count*.' 1mmr<r,afcly nfior tar Mi of tb?* peper Prior?TM K KK CKNTt*. intuit DfcfAEWMK^T Ol P/AIL, WilBIMT?ll,JllWf U. 1MV The Secretary of SteV- will trrcsflrr recetr* Meaibert ct Corpress ?b b-<slata* en SatarAay*. ^ meaalac vita _ai_ relay, i?e first of oath. >aa .. tf WILLIAM HAPPPNKSS or That is tb? Uc*?ti * ?Trw iTo|>neUiri of ttia "PaRl*?i\N ? A?:iV' T *jf '?% ? slU.H'. ANATt>MV.i J Ml Di?-ir?E, 'l.ivoUa crnitnr<T-r?|irdler* 'fex**1"'1 ?u> i**a#. f>*? ifi-T ho t*nent el s. tf- r;u< hatuauity > Fock o' i. ?ir t^ast mot-uctire \ <i "i ?<-i ititif ( eoti eiiu > Mnate ai.J iu l?ia% 5 w. . ? ' arvoaa 1?- iln*. i w:? ur? l??c'i WesknrK*, D fiMti la Guiti.c* ".li?iut:og &a?. 'i ca Ifc ur^ . av* bi?n t!,? m*aa i lit nitif a ?. a?*isg t a 4 w'l! t? forwvtl*ct fie* nr r ?o? of t nr ft%r> ?*. Of a<1'Inl i-i ;'(;rrar| /'tntina (Vi'mel if mmti V jh-in- Jli 1 ! ?> . *? \?? \ ink J/ll It Boh. jKinsTusT ALT1NOHE LOCI HOSPITAL, Ha* dttt?~*Tft tkt moft Cr?ra?*, Sr-'** o*lp Kjftdvl J.-Ti' iy t? t*> W<wl4. FOR ALL. Ui**tiAr?K? OF IMPKL'i>ENCfc. LET NO FALSh DELICACY P HMVEST A PPLV IMMEDIATELY. i CUKE WAhHANTElt, ON SO CHAHVM, IS FKOM ONE TO TWO DAYS! WA&k&&s* iii toe l'u<k. *&: ietvr*m, Ar?>M:on? ? thcku u-iiAud ??ivi'ioi .*?- Di?c lBJtotPicy.Gci.or*! ;?e rrrctatewi, Hya Lar cu?>r, Ci-r-fvaio -?f <?!? %?. Paiy.'ation 1 tf?Ha-'.l tr pfinta, "Iimicitf, I r-rnbliLia, ' i.?era ot SSg'it c; Unfiles?;:, l) a*s?s tf tne He*;, I nroat. rT i.? 01 inw t.ntK*, t'^ruaoh or terribie *>! r(iir? ariaiKt I'Pisfj. Uri ill \ D-niLlnd IWt active r *c?.oe? which . ji. irr \T'ri?ta :jnfca?:t;a, *i;<l uratioy bo Ik De i? i?u-rov.s* sie :t Kaaec'a'lT wbc h?T? n*cc?>i? th? ???';tob of Soltt>rf Vioe, ttifct Jrcr.u'a: destructive habit which .? ????>>* U> en a at I del y jr*il thoe I Mit J" of \ouc( Vienof Ui? Uiort era teti v? tu.ta ic<: l?r: lent *ha it '('.loth.heaa : * latjciii vnlw with theUiiiitn t| sio^.fT " o? ?.i? e--? tu? lyre, raaj :! i "w.ti fc . ?o*:? ' Nice. kamriage. Tnio.' Ycau Mn e?tteinfl*'r p.w*-*"' (-?*..*' wHkSMl, - ' ' V' . r v f OO'M. Re viH) fii^n kus?e.{ the oere ot Or. i tTJLf r? S< H ' M ? ( *atieiiiM ti.:cc>V-l.j r?.j -f... f* tynriiuita. OfFim > 7 i*risrn FKEVhtilCK ST. ; e utifH,*!"* .if rs 10 t:,o cr-r.,rr. it . iot>*<>rv * ?*m? u. coiroer. Lc'.ifrj r?sat oc >t-u tcu cozaat -tear. i; K jOHfSTO A', M?Mnber of the Rrya! Collet* cf ^?rf?or?. Louie-i, |ret*xt?> :* ore of ...oat eminent Gel ;(M ui the 1/mlM :*t*te*, *ni lh? greater pu t of " rue ..*? r, * . < . :pi'* ? of .. .1 Ir i i: 1 i f - . ere. '"Ha ?{Ter:e<' row; ?. 1 u.:uu"-*?t ..i.,-sctvai UU ?r?-e trv buuj treet-lea w?tn ribgtug is the hfi1*. f ^*rs t -fz ?! c;f; t #?t neraouecen?. leinr aterrr^ <-?> < ?r. r< ! *?!,fal EMC Wll. [TPlliQLi ?OTV>0timtf iiii dertncmMl of sa*zi', wsre cured uuniediklf T' T4JC* fAZTICFLAZ WOT1CK. VcniiC ?r.?'- i .-o-vi wv> iiare uctu them le.rea bt a. c*:'ar p.ic'.ta iclait&l ir whea ?' /D-"?a haMt l tw k ' c^d lj<-Oi * !' ??ir.~ pa:.>ir?. < r at *-; <> ?', too ete ? c. wiiioa ara ai;?u It fe!t err*; *-i *? ?p. a'J if cotoarai. t*i Jcr* ur?uaa b>. w ovtli t. . T. r ' J. j in iici !* ? # he^a a>* r : v ? <j n:f ' ejr'.r ef>ota pr 4u 9* oT i-._ J . ti.ivt <<l * s : v^'iak<te*a acl I.n&bs, l*a ;t ti.e Ifta Sje!*?of-":r*>t,Lo**?>I Mi :?cu ir I'cwr, f; p.iatioa of lue lK*'t. I*??rr ' r. N^'t i>? Irr.t* . t*, 1>? rar.caiEMitoftha j; *?i. va ! c uati?K?ft,9eaeriuIto bil ' 7? Syn etoct uf t Jic. 'I :r*' <x ~f*?. *'a the Bui;d %r? maoutj ''"iu.'tt ?d?i?v?? mn?~t. cohmm of !< ? *? e o: - si. ?te, K*J. Foreboduiae. Ann ?c ot Pocielr, Mf .. l.o?e of Smi U'.-9. 1..?..<*:>;, tii., a:e i^ro? t?f tie e?. ?r?OaiiL Nnvoii J>m:litt ?Thon**T><> aaa now j?d(? w> \tuth?cuH<if Uiet- Oioi'l of lb lui'tf th'.r Yiior, hec ii it *rU. n 8. ?nd eiaauated, I.iti r & ?> *??ratoe aioat lit eyea, OfUfti oreyrjUma of oor.ean fi.oc. DISEASES OF IMP RVD EUCM. Wi>en the ir:?f'.n^-*d azd imprudent votary of jle?nir*fcnrti! jiehaatmbibeg t*:s ce?y> of ihi? pairZWl d'.a^aaa, it t*o ofteu h\fi">r? tr< ii'.-umtf *enaaof th*aio or .'road o, <V?.ccre'y aetera bun froa. ->p:? "it tothaae wko. l om eoacai:on atid rdp^Uu: ity, ot: acne t/sfnetd tito. He talia id'o the jai^e of unr-raul mil (ieaif t lDg pal-bC ers. who, .riaiV > ofcuiir.?, u Ma jecuuary , acl>atai)<;e. frer* imt.fim; nul l.': *fl*r -north. or as :orf a* tt>o ?n.% *si fee rai r>e ohta'aed, ana > 4?tpatr ray? h n > ?nued to ?Jfh over hf tk.i :.{ <" .iapfointen.fni; or t>y the *>i tfcat donaiy poiaou?>l?rosr? ? i.Mi*a4he cnnatilat oiiM armyt^rnaot U.;? terrible dia?A*% cacti aa A tteot.'*>a oi tie Kurt, Throat. Head, :*kin. lea., arccraaeir.j ? .. u.*:n fata a panel t'> t.ia mK : ;a by vending bin W Ui?l ut.iiaooyere<l oouuiry iron: vhoae boitrce o? tr&veer rmrii*. * Dli JGHVSTOX-S REMEDY FORORGAK' 1C WFAK>FS8 AND IMPOTEXCY By tfcia rraat ana urpx.rta&t remedy waaineaa ! Uie 0 [u< are eaaeaj.y curat) ami fail vigor raatorec. i V>bb*uub of the most nervosa and <2?biUtated, w'ur '.%d ioctaii hope, have been iibbi*L d:*W?n io..?*t-.. ' A I f?. A U ..i*a'Aa Marlai I XV II IUU I n?r? I H71IIW VI MVMW D:??ua:!fioatiuu?, L*>?e of rrocreative rower. , Netwons irntaWuty. Trembling. Weakr e?* or Extiauctioa of the roust fearfUi kisd ejeedi!? carat ENDORSEMENT OF THE PRESS. Tki Mirt Tvo*f*NM cored at tint inetitntloa Within the .nat aerecie?!3 y ara.&ud Uie UMmi tisyortftiit .-urtidtti Oftert' tOut aerfoiuied by Dr. Joacaton, wiHi*e?e?i i?t the reporter! of p?rn irikLT other yertons. ?iotioe* ol which tare .appeared acaic an* act'n before tne tnb'ic, baeidea a.t *? & i?r i emu oi r. araotrr aiid 1 a?oreibiiitr> u * **?oienl gaaramee ?o the aflloted. m '" to* ^ CAK1> TO THE LADIl.i. DR. DUPONCO*8 GOLDEN PILLS FOR FEMALES. * lttfm'.lit-U in rmruimt rtrulnttnt rtwHMH - Oil obftructxont Jr, tn tfMl<err ra?.'?, and a.way* tvtunful at a prtvtnuti The & o?e Fu.? Lave uvw been il use for or* thmy Tt-ara and in wcran, where the directions hiT* eeu oc'rewi.r followed. h%*e theee eilla 4 failed to tive n?i?t decided ?ati -laction. Kead ike ?, foi'owiBC certificate from oue of the lac .ea of , Uttca. .V V , who oai;ed l?<>d ruj ajer.ta is that oitr.irar w m. una;oi ? Co. a^a tOiU tjirm m?i he of cour>e did net With ner &ama lo be made public, hat if ear o. a.ioald fionSt the wmdtr/ul of Ur Duponoo's Golden Pula, they might re>er an* 'any to ner.aa she considered it a duty ?.? 1wrti as to relate 4?r knowing* of their 3 efficacy, aaadinimsterea to her daugiiier, a young ti lady IT yew# o.d. Mi a vaa laat guir g luto Conanmption?bad taken co'.u? i a.are became obstructed, Tmo boxu of tktu Ho dm Filii mirth J evrvi Kit, and ane i? uov iu roburt h??ita Mo * >, ?rn atronger proof might be given. * .oae pi..a an alao a certain cure for Lutor**l, (or whiiee.) rnoe #1 per b *. iSold vV ho:0?a!e a:.d Retai in Waahingtoa by I Z. D.6!LMaN, i?i ugt iai, 35?i Penn avenue. Retail dt k. BOCiY K .L-corner 3d atreet and Pa. avenue; S. it. W MTK, corner 7ih atieetand Itoaiuana avenue, arc! at M LlilH N?rt. weal 15'h, near Pa. arenae. l^ariea. hy a*c<; ng #1 to either no?tn.IB HM..1 u> ill* WMJUii|M>n r#?iubw, can h?T? u.e filia Mat to acr fart of the oonatre " <y Lde ,iy Or ni*i Som? aiao br K. Cl?8LL1 Georgetown PF.EL * sltVl.NI, Aleiud'it; BROWN * BRoTHEH, :>a.t:more, ?. a. fa A NCK,dr..; mx! bj druginta iei.era!ir. HALL, A KtCKKL, HP Green at, New Yorfc, " Genc-ai Wtiol'i*? tiwiii ... b. Lojfc outicr (x.?uterfe.*B. Hot no Seidell Pi !l? olact ki'ud us e*? o*<tt buz is S. U* ? How*. Allot!: rra area baee iuu uiiwe; therefore a? you TaljeYourhvoeecd uea.UMto ear 0 nothing of bene hemr>ugr?<l oat of foariponei J bur OH: 7 thvee wuo al:ow the aignater* of aft a Htte us etfr; boi whnn baa r?oent!j been aadea on *o<-oBr t of the i'li a btiug eoniiteriettod ?? r. mgred snt* ooin^ .;g t>i< aoore |*i,ie are *?*? kLown to every Asset, isl t?e? will te.i yo? tnej u are eale and V! jon>'to a'! olaimea for them. B. U. _ I H. U. HOUU , , * MS Coiurta^tr reee Tinx.aiid a*aa.wa?e 011 kaad. S a fill t*fp j of a!i tie rcwrt oeieL-ratea ? WArCHKS thai a;e Manufactured in ,1 land, Bwitienaiw and t*Hb m 6o.cM?: li aoafeilT?coaa*..?e aleo kMfta larje etoeFo! 4 fime JEWIih*Yofthe,*o?t deetmM* aty;ee art a with Dia.nonda, Kcsertjae, HaUen and ail ether 3 Seraa. He ia roauuiacumng a; fcmda of ftoLM Standard t*i'rer Ware, rn J kee?a gourde, Ke?ol ere. ? ?? Bolta aud Haa.iea, Uowie iaifia . ftasora. Uciaaora, oid, b.irer aae Stoei ?aw eiea. ajul a great Tar etr of ether tninca a.ailr \ kee?ia?J?5*,/I.?t?r*.aiida.latthererr rweet JJ areuas. iwtwer. tth a. O*h L ? ? - - n . lo*L?l OBtiOid Hid BllTOT WtUKiM, 4 awl Pi'ioia, A?r?i tad W#?riA< ^HiNl-4t tl*oM iturf. No ??lO 4 cireM, b%Ot ori'.? X&UOii&i Botr . 44 ?M a Mh iu. a i* *o> 1 UO*:4fcS Kl?f - ?* of miyHNrtfM. jr\_