Newspaper Page Text
_ , - iJWM' *** T'?W EVEWiWG HTAR. " nr-iTOV CITY: THVRMJ Y JULY 31, 1*6* * Press TL* ln''Mi$e*ter rldlc'es 'be promnl2i' d bf r. m' T jtnrrals of the Ncrt., *nd apparently so revtlly helieveJ, that a simple ptner proclamation of tfc* President, bated on the ninth section of tie confiscation act. wo^ild trad to brln? the war to speedy termination. The Hejmllttan srguee tba? to issue proclamation-* freeing the slaves of reb?ls is the only way tc pa*, an ei;d to the rebellion The Htpnblirttn refers to Fremont's Missouri proclamation, and takes Incidental occasion to ceaiure the President tbns: *? nave not one aoubt mat nil war wan'd h**f been ecited lcre agf, if tbat glorloua prr*'. mation had cot been abrogated by the President" OUK M1LITAKY BUDGET. CAPTURE OR CONFEDERATE VESSELS. In'prnr.a'lon baa reached the Navy Department of be capture of two Rebel veaaels, tip Chlpoaks rr^ek. Jsmea river, near Claremont, by an ?xpe dl'lon rent oat by Commodore Wilkes. On the 2?*b lns'ant, L'eut Commanding Gibson, of the Yankee, Ai g Master Foster, of tfce Satellite, Act-ng Ma-ter Ely and Assistant Surgeon Long?haw, of the Yankee, with a long boat from each vessel, and a beat borrowed from the brig Nau Oieog, in which a howitzer wa? mounted, were tent by Commodore Wilkes up the Chiroaks creek about five miles, to the head of navigation, where they discovered and tcok possession of the schooner J W Sturgls, owned by a person by the name of Wm Allen, of Claremcnt, and a schooner rigged lighter loaded with wocd, master ar.d owner, Geo. Myers, and brought them out of the creek without molestation, although a force cf Reb*l cavalry were stationed at Cabin Point, only three-quarters of a mile distant Lt Gibson reports hiving seen, at the place where the above-mentioned vessels were found, two other irhooners and a steamer, all scuttled. !* CK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS W? publish to day, on our l&9t page, t^lisi of sick and wounded soldiers remaining In tbe hosp'tais of Washington and vicinity This lift Is 'Le largest yet Issued, and shows the number in the hospi a!s In this city (including the rebel sick and wounded, most of wbom are at CUBburne Hospital) to be 3,238; In hospital at Georgetown, 257; at Alexandria. 1 557; at Falls Church, 24s; at St. Elizabeth Hospital, Eastern Branrh, li3; at Fairfax Seminary, 1.15?; ar.d at the Hrap'.tai for eruptive Diseases, at Kaior:ma, *t; making a total of 6.5C4. FROM THE INDIAN TERRITORY. Reliable advlcea from the I adien Territory state thtt oar force* found Fort Gibson abandoned by the rebel*. A ieconnois?ance shewed them to be po*?fd. 6 W>0 strong, under Gen. Cooper, on the cuth Lank of tne Arkansas, at the month of Grand river. Their force Is composed of SOU Arkans ars and 1,001) Ttxafss, with two batteries of aitlllery, the remainder being Indians, mostly Chrctaws and Cr eks. The route from Fort Scott ta Fort Gltacn is entirely free from rebels, they having retreated across the Arkan?sawhen our troonsad anced. RFAR ADMIRALS. The Prfiidtct, yesterday, commivlcAed tbe follow'c/ narr.ed captains as rear admirals, under tbe recent act of Congrea* establishing and equalizing th? grades of line officers of the nary, to bs on the retired lf?t: Charles Stewart, Gsorge C Re?4. Wm B Shnbrick, Jo?epb ?niitb. George W.Storer, Fran^l* H. Gregory. E A F Lavellett<>, 3;Lis H ?trin f bam, and Hirem Ptuld'.ng Aid tbe following earned captains to be rear!a on the active )'?t: David G. Farragnt, L. M Goldaborougt, Samuel F Da Pont, and A. H Kojte. GENERAL BIRN8IDE3 ON THE WAR G?-r.e al Birntides was in New York on Tupsd;ir. and wbi e Rolng io the ofll?c of tie Illinois Ctntral Kailrcad Company, was rccognlz*db, a crovd in fr? nt c-f ibe (ffioe. His f|-r.a;v was instantly suxrcaudtd, and he wai forrel tc make a speech, wb'.cb, alttougb cautlcut! y ao:dcd, gav.? assurance of a vigorous prcs^cjiion of the war, urging tie ttMng tip cf lac reg!ra?mu now In the Held, and proni Isln; aa euly term in tUn of th<? rebelMcn. ? ? 1? nTIlrll H A I? v I (v'fl Ui'l'VLKl' v? I a? *--* ?? l?4 ft l? T Mn ? a MM s T .a VV.i DepErUne&thaeia^nc-d an order,^|clch O jv Bradford bv ftanctloned,authorizing F. W Alexander, E o . oI Baltimore, to raise a battery of Maryland light artillery within tbe next iLlr'.y t days. A bounty of *fcu ia ottered to men volunteering. ARRIVED. vju'te t somber of volunteer oiftcers and men b*v.? arrived here from New York for the war. They lnc nde ODe brigadier general, two majors, one lieutenant colonel, about forty company officers and a number of privates. NEW YORK PAPERS IN RICHMOND. The Richmond papers aeem to be in regular. a ?- -? IT^.U ...... *L... J.n. ffc ij'% ui iic w iuia pa^ci w liuiu luirr ua> ui ttel pub icatlon, or about as soon si when they enjoyed Uncle Sam's me!1 facilities. GENERAL ORDFRS. War &tpart>ritAt, Adjutant General's OJfin, I \\ ai-hicgion, Ju y v?, lhfiJ J G?'>*r9l Ord? r? No. t>0 1 Tk? prlcclple bring recognlaed that Chapla' n? abccld not be held as prisoners of war, It la be'et>y ~rdered tbit nil Chaplains an held by the V .iu-d SU?h shall be Immediately and uncondl tl aa !y discharged i >ecorid Lieatenant William J McCorintck, bav ng Je??-rt.-d bis regiment In presence of the f-emy, Anri t*, iSfti 1* hereby, by direction of Ui Presideut of tus tailed Mates, dismissed the ?er?ice Dy order of the Secretary of War. . L Thomas, Adj't General. POSTAGE STAMP CURRENCY. The Potmntef Ge: ere at.d th* Commt??toner of Internal K^v^nue have approved of the apenlmena for tbe poatage atanapa currency, which will be five, ten, iwentv five uud fifty cent* The designs embrace the present five and ten cent poai'g* ?lamps, tastefully arranged In aucb a way t'uat turv cannot be septreted and u?ed for posture I hey will bear on their face the fallowing ;n?c?Iptlon?: "Postage atamps furnished by the s?sistan! treasurers and design t?-d depositories of the Ui.lted SUV ?receivable for postage tamp* at any postcffice." Upon the back will be a large figure denoting tbe denomination, with these words. ?*Eicbangeable for United States : otes by any aasistant treasurer or d signaled U S. depository, In iiima rr.I I^i thin fivA I? ^u (r payment < f all dues to the I'nlted 8tat?*s for If ss than flve dollars. Act spprovel July 17, 1662 " Th?y will be printed on bank no'.e paper of d Jir/rut sizrs, averaging abcut one fifth tb?* site c f L'ri notes, and will be famished In sheela daring the next two weeks. Pmo?L ?Hon 8. Draper, Warns Lelwd and L P Noble, N. Y ; Hon. Won. 8chley, Md ; Brig 0?n. Piatt aod staff, I' 8 Volunteers; J. R. P? jbeco and ladjr, Mex ; E R. Bates, Mo., and Mai Lewis. U. 8 A , are at WiUarda'. Dr. R Barthoiow, U S. A . and Major Wllllama, 14 th U 8 Infantry, are at the Metropolitan J. H. Van Winkle nd W. J Rabcock, N. \ and Capt. Vsogkan, Pa , are at the National. Major General Mitchell left thle city yesterday for New York. Major General Franklin, whoee health It mack l?;*ired, k*s gone to Cap* Mar lor a few day* IHT The Nashville U?to? learns on good authority that General Nelson has orderel tn hundred nfgrces, belonging to rebel masters. t0 be kii to blm for the purpoee of patting them to work for the beneflt of the army. The Uni? is not Informed &a to ILe work they will be required to do, but supposes they will be male to eld in ' rebuilding tbe bridge* destroyed by tbe rebels aai to eons ruct tcrtlleatlons. Orneral Nelson ha* given si'let crders thai no loftl man s sieve* ?a?.t u ?kfi ffr Paiaeogtrs wbo arrived In Loulevllle *y tkt * rains frob Nashville en Friday say it was reoe-'td In Nashville that Sen Nelson, with aa rf-'-tlva force, bad caught up with Pereet'a Ca. Iry *n4 0? pletely r. ute4. tbeat. WHIT THE REBEL PAPERS SIY. DRUNKEN NESS *F CONFEDERATEGENERALS. THE CONFEDERATB* DON'T LIKB f?E OATH OF ALLEGIAftCE. I HEY DON'T LIKE MeCLF.LLAN '8 ? 8MNTIMENTf* " " LATEST FROM VICK8BURP. ATTEMPT TO CUT OUT THE ARKANSAS. ? ? ? - ?-??? t r ni v %j ttintro EXPECTED LA.ND ATTAI/& iru.i i BURG. SKIRMISH BELOW RICHMOND. Trora a l?te batch of southarn papers we gletn the following : ( '* The A'ignsta fOa.) Constitutionalist berate* tiso. Msg ruder and other Confederate generals for drunkenness during the late battle* before Richmond, whereby the Confederate soldiers were needlessly mats acred. The anniversary of the battle of Manasaaa waa celebrated on the Slat Inst, at various points In the Confederate States Gen Bell, the Federal commandant of St. Augnstlne, Pla , ia abated hi the Confederate papers for requiring the citizen* of that place to take the oath of allegiance to the United States Government or vamoae. The Richmond Dispattk saya of flen. MrClellan's sentimenia. " We learn that daring the lait week the Yankee* visited, on & marauding expedition, Eppea Island, tbe plantation of Dr. Peter Eppea, and carnea on mxiy-iwo negroes ana au vi me personal property on tbe f lace. Tfcey stated that they were aetlng under direct orders from MeClellan Tbis is by no means the first instance In which this general has given evidence that hi* sentiments fcsve undergone a marked change since he itsaed his flrst order at Grafton, V*., enjoining his soidiery, under severe penalties, to respect private property, and to show to the people of tbe country that Uey came as friends and not as enemies.'** ( Through the Richmond papers we have the following dispatch: Mobile, Julv 25 ?A special dispatch to the Advertiser and Register, dated at Jackson, '25th, says: It is reported that the lower Union fleet, with tramp rts. went bf low last night. Great commotion was observed in tbe upper fleet this morning. It is also reported ttat a lar/e Uni? n force Is embarking at Memphis, supposed to be designed for _ i *_ in .u.i.... a iana auar* upt>u vk ibuu(((. Vickubcko, July 22?About o'clock this morning two iron rains engaged the Arkansas A" attempt was mad* by the Kssex to board ber, tut the result was a miserable failure. A ahot through one of her port holea killed and wounded six or seven on the Arkansas. The second ram, supposed to be the Monarch, turned tall la a badly crippled condition. The weather is dreadfully hot. ^ Grenada, July 23.?a portion of Curtl#' army ha* left Heleaa for some poiat below, probably Vlcksburg. TROX TM LINKS BELOW RICHMOND?A SKIRHtiH. The Richmond Dispatch says : We learn that on Wednesday, between 2 and 3 o'clock p in., a considerable skirmish occurred i .Mr Ladd's Store. Id miles below Richmond, between the 4th Virginia cavslry and a large cava'ry force cf tbe etemy. The gunboats are said to have fired two shells during tne skirmish. We have been unable to obtain any particulars. Persons who came from the upper end of Charles City county last evening report that the enemy is en^a^ed obstructing the river several miles below Drury's Bluff. If the Yankees believe the accounts which their papers publish of a terrible Iron clad monster, which they <ay is soon to descend frcm Richmond upon their fleet, there mav Duasiblv be son e truth In the minor. though we think it likely tbat what was thought bv d is tan' cbaer vera to be attemptato obstruct the channel wls nothing more than efforts to get afloat some tunboat* or transports that had grounded on Harriaon'a bar. The enemy'a pickets extend to the Long Bridge ar.d to the For^e Bridge, on the Chlckahomlny, to the north ar.d eaat or their poaltlon at Beikeley und We*tover. bKNKR&L POTS. An rilicer of Bragg'a army atated to us, when be be*.rd ct Pope's transfer to Virginia to command ft. i Yankee fnrce* In the Piedmont and Potomac regions, that be was a very bold and audacious commander, and would a'upriae ua by unexpected enterprise*, uulesa we were very vigilant But h" also said that his pinna were not well conceived or judicious, and that he would expose bimaelf to heavy chaatlsement and dlsaa itr Ji our opposing weuenii uuniu up on me alert. Pope secmi to be verifying the account thai gi-eu of hiiu. ilo bu made i number of audacious demonstrations against our railroad to??ordaimTtUe. H it troor* have also displayed much activity, though, lnde< d,tr> but llt'le purpose, in t^e counties arou d Culpepper Let now our c>nitnanrter.< show themselves skillf i In availing of the chance* which ll.eir brother clllcer savs Pope will abuikdantly afford. He haa come into I Virginia with the furious denunciations and im; p*iuo?ity of a msdmm. Let our cool and astute nd energet'e l^ade's, 8;id their brave troops, catch hln: and put him in a straight jacket.? THK CANAL AT VIC*SBTT*S. We learn by a tentleman f om Vlckaburg that the e' of Lincoln's arniv ol dtggert to draw 1 off iht* i>iisslasli>Dl frtrn Vicfcs'ojrtr. bv cutting lor It a uew channel, e*citea very little solicited*' there. Tbi. task in one of gre-.t d ffl'-nHy. and will require a Ion? time to make It surceufal In al: the t-uterpriaia tor atr? ngtbeniug tl.e t. ver me J. by tie eltlzena of tbe lower Miaalaa'.ppt, It It la found that, after cutting through a few feet of aand, a blus ciay la entend upon, which la ao exceedingly tongh aa to reqnlre blaatlng to remove It, and unleia the utc channel la cut very deep, It la apeedlly choked and tailed up with dirt, wood, aand. Ac. Prrhapa Lincoln'a dlggera will be aa Innocently occupied In digging in front of Vlck-burg a* if tbey wsre at home with their ourniuaa.?Rtckmemd Emqmrtr, 'Jtitk Tbe Richmond papers give grandlloqnent ae* countaofthe Railway Merrlmac. an Iron-clad iJSltrry, UiUUli tcu vu ?r?cu iri? UI wuvcuonu pi ir peiled by an ordinary locomotive, and which, l' we miy credit the rebel joarnata, did conalderable execution In the recent battlea Sevtr&l releaned prisoners have reported the (Mi of auch a ba fery being s? en near Hlcbmond, but this la the flret account of ber movementa we have yet seen recorded Our belief In her efflriency, however, la by do rut-ana Increased by the statement that one of its shells killed and wounded one hundred men and thirty horres. FRAiici amu Maxico ?The laat ndvlcee from Europ* ik w that the Emperor Napoleon la oba'lmttly bent upon hla Mexican expedition) and that he la preparing to expend many mllliena> in aldltlcn to the fifteen millions of dollar* already expended, In pursuance of bla Mexican n/.lirtf itfl,aJpvop it mau ha ii ( AnljlA>?? t/>a r"vn ** *Vi " ?/ "v ' * r that he will not be thwarted in hit project by the Drlti?b Government He will have a strong fleet In tbe Gulf by the 1st of September. [>* ~r Tbe private subscriptions at Philadelphia to tbe bounty fund amount to ?343,COO. The city has, In addition, appropriated ?300.000, and the Railroad companies given 9100,000 IC7- The Hew York Pott abuse* the English papers fti putting tUe worst face possible upon tbe condition of Federal military affairs. Well, sir, what better are you doing ? Tib Latest Kihuint ?A grocer In BpMng< neia aon ap aagar in ten cent package*, ind oaei It for change. U7* General Totten, Chief of the Corp* ol Engine r*, 1* about to make an Inspection ol the military work* on the Atlantic awboard. Fisarciai?New Vork paper* of y*vterda] evening uy stock* opened qo>ec and better, especially on Governmeate ami N?w York Central. The new* from Europe relative to the effect ol tbe check before Richmond l? regarded a* favorable, and give* buyer* fta*h confidence There 1* an Improvement in Governments'*, and atMjf we aemaad it ko<m, ciurny Mr Tin 7 30 note* ud the 3's of 1974 are without material change, hut are stead? at the quohtioM. The 0 per cent certificate* sold at 90#,and that bid for mora. The market for gold opened weak, and al the clone there la no recovery. Speculator* are getting tired of holding an article which yields no Income, and good new* fiom the seat of war would entirely upset their calculation* The subsidence of the demand for Europe i* also disappointing to speculators for the rise. The openlog price was 115#, finally closing it 111 WalMJt After the hoard, gold was again lower, selling at 114X?1 MX?making a decline*rf 1* p-r cent Ifi iu ice Jjricfl 01 iui rTemiig. Biivtt i? quoted dull at 100*110#. Dutiable lnui4 no tea 103#. Eva* ttatioh ta Mastuuio ?Tho Baltlaora 4ouri(*n mjii , . *t, " Tha latter of Hon. Fob'.J. Walkar oa Emuc pattoo, whirh we publlah to-day, marlta tba most thorough reading and coaalderatlon. It ta rxhiuatlee, atd tor comparing what Maryland might have beta la popatatton aad wvalth aad what ahe la, praa^nta the matter In a practical m wall aa aaaaaweratie light." . $_ *_ ' ^ f LATE TELEGRAPHIC) NEWS. COMBINED ATTEMPT TO CAPTURE THE "ARK&MSA^.t? Chicago, July 30.?A ipeclal dtaptfcb from Viekabarg, dat'd the 2nd, uyt:_Bf ?n agrte rat Wwkh Commodores Davto iniFarrigft, ma attempt ?u tnaa^, yesterday, to capture the Arktnsaa. The fleet from b?low was to eagage the lower batteries, and the fleet from shore to engage tfce upper ones, tbe gunboat Essex and the ram Queen of the West, In the meantime to attack the Arkansas and tow her out. In consequence cf some misunderstanding, only a few sheila were tired from the mortars below, which are known to have had no elfcct to divert the fire from the Essex. This vessel tried to run Into the Arkansas and jam her against the levee, but the latter rwung around and the Essex only grazed her side. A* he pasted she gave the Rebel rraft ber three lt? inch bow guns. Finding herself unsupported, she dropped down the river. The Queen coming to her aid, ran Into the Arkansas, making her tremble from stem to stem. Recovering herself the Queen ran on again so forcibly as to strain ber own works badly. Both boat* then returned up the river. During the engagement the Essex wived sev eral shots, aad bad one man killed and two wounded. The Queen wan also (hot through several times IMPORTANT REBEL NKW4. Nashvillc, July 30 ?[Special to New York Herald.J?A rebel mall from Chattanooga has been captured. The letter* contain valuable Information Beauregard has resigned and gone to the springs In Alabama. Bragg is at Vleksbarg with 20.000 men, but la scarce of horses. An artillery company from Georgia couli not be supplied with guns or horses, and parties are out ateallng horses wherever they could be found. The rebel letters seized were from Tubelio, Miss., 50 miles south of Corinth. The writers anticipated an early occupation of Tennessee by the rebel troops and every warlike indication favors the supposition. The rebels are reported to have evacuated Lebanon with the Intention to cross the'r troops at a given point, for a audden dasb on Nashville. All the clergy prisoner* not aent h^nce to Louisville, are on the way Sov.h. NEW YOHK ?1UCK MARKET. Nkw Yoax, July 31?11# a. m ? Long bonds, 90#; gold 114 if. Market i.ot to firm. The War is Arktaui. Mimphts, Jill* 30 ?Passergerafrom Helena report that Jeff. Thompson was at Austin vesterday, with a body of men, an ammunition train, ana two or three field piece*, endeavoring to And transportation aero** the Arkaniaa It waa believed that be intended to stop and seize one of Gen. Curtla' transport! A cavalry force was sent up frcm Helena, but failed to find the rebels, who had fled In different directions In the interior. There ha? been no arrival from Vicksborg. The rebel batteries erected at Gaines' Larding are still obstructing the passage of boata The obstructions will be removed in a few days, and the communication re tstabllshed. St. Louis, July 20?Information has been received that a large force of guerilla* have entered A iknnUu --- -8 t>iiDnuui i iiuui ni?an?o3j ouu arc iiuw ciirafnpfU near the State line, In Howell and Texascountles. Tbey are represented to be commanded by McBrldc, and Include the band* headed by Coleman and Hawthorne. Many refugees from these counties, and alto Wright county, have reached Springfield We are assured that our troops at Houston, Texas county, have been reinforced, and are sufficiently numerous to repress any demonstrations from McBride's forces From a gentleman just arrived from Moaroe city, in th!i State, we learn that at least three hundred men joined Porter on Saturday, irom Monroe county. Fifty persons left Hannibal on Friday night, fearlnjr rebel depredations The most intense excitement prevails all ever thtse counties. Hannibal was almost entirely deserted. Many of itj citizens have arrived here. FROM OKU. POFfc't ARMY. Camp nba* Ma'disoji Cocrt Horsx, July 29 ? We are now as far aonth ai Buy of our troops have b en. We are about ten milt* ea*t of Fort Republic, and have an eye on tte Shenandoah Valley. We have complete possession of the country north of the Rapidan river Here It ia easily lorded In a larae number of placet. The countrv it fertile, and nearly the whole section, fron. I"ront Royal down, has been planted with grain ai.d potatoes.In profusion. The wheat and hav has been mostly harvested, and the oits are being gathered. There le a great scarcity of laborers, to many have to the Rebel army; but white* enough are left to art as overfers ov^r the alavet, win are worked d?y and night In moat instances all the wnm'n are set to work In the field Further ba-k, we inquired and found that nearly ail 'he best of the slaves who were not sent Sojth Lave run off towards our artnv. One plantation, an old laly told us, had a hundred and seventy women and children, and ?>m eleven men 11c to work la the fieli; moat of then bud run away In another c at*, waa eighty five women and children and aeven men aere, however, the proper Ion ia not ao gVeat, and atveral thouaand aole-b died men can yet be gathered up In Madloon, I'ulpeper, Rappahannock, F-uquler. Uocklngham ana Page counilea. O ie of our train*, which baa Juat come !n from Warrenton, haa nearly all the dri vera contrabin Is fri/fla Prlqce William c -unty One ol them aaya he, la company with otners, had come Into \V?rrentoa ? to ae? the aojers," and the provost gathered them up and put ttem Into the aervlce; all aeemed pleased at the change To-day we have a Urge force ont making hay. Tae taea are In the beat of aplrlta, and the la nlng of the recent order* by General Pope have ? ^ ? - *- - ? * * turcicu u jt me aroupinj; ct an oi many a wtiry ani footsore patriot, who baa been tr<mplug around tue coan'rv for month*, and when worn out, bean comptlltd to mount jjucrd over rebel commlesary aio ea, while Jackson'* crew were refreshing themaelve* by sleep, ready to spring upon them at same unexpected moment. Among the luxuriea for the sick and faint now taken from rebel garner* and a Id* are flour, Ice, potatoes, sheep, poultry, *c Along Heageman's rreek, Carter's run, and other atreama, the lee* housea were found well filled. The country 1* flooded with bogus Secesh money; It la lmpon.ble, In manyc%<<ea, to tell the good from toe bad We wnt into a small store at "OrlMr's" one day, where Uey were selling 'flp calico" at 35 cent* per yard, and the whole couteut* of the store you oould carry in a bushel iMuket, and found the proprietor was taking all the paper ottered. On looking over his "pile," we found four dlflerent kind* of n . - i -a -a ? ? ** nicuuiuua onn, itaa two 01 nves. Hiny were the most worth'ess imitations He wu very in4tgnaat at " Banks' men," whom bp alleges passed tt upon him * Meeting an aged contraband, thla morning, who bad been into camp selling egg", butter. kc , we found be bad "pay for massa," in stcesh paper nearly all bogus He said be did not care what kind it was, be look whatever wis offered. We have occasional arrivals from Richmond. The rebels, it appears, are moving ? large force acro?s the James river to operate against Suffolk and Norfolk, and prevent McClellan from crossing tbe James river. HBP* TRIBUTE <>p R Farter.?At a called ig meeuug of Hiram uedge, No. 10, P and a. MTTheld at the Hal. ou ldta street, the following reeelattona werea&aii.iu.d?Iy adopted : > i.esolred, That we, the members of Hiram i Lodge. i>o. lu, regard the decease of oar la e Drotner, P. R. W. s*. G W. 1boma< Smith as on* of the severest ara oUgls whioh oooid have befallen us _ t BKesolvtd. That Hiram Lodge reoorniaea in Bio. rmuA ttia fatnrr and founder at the Loire, a Ma aon whose liie was a bught example or the principles of the uutuuuon.h* having ful.r illustrated iha nar/iiftel .k- ^* * U* ? ***?? * it ?uva Ul tuv ba'KDU na ui? Milan, via: Falih uom, anu Ciiart.y, and In w* caiiy practice pro??a that ha retarded, ol theee tnree, Caautr a* he (rta'aaC hutl' td, 7hat the memberaof thla Lodie tender r the widawaadfam.iy of oar aeoeaeed brother their i"i*1 kesolrtd, That the Lodro room b* drapad in onruii f for tfle ramata-lar of th* Maaonio year* Ktsolvrd, That instead of any eatward badge of mouruibt we vi.l o&etiau a l.voly remc mbranoe of the many v rtaea of oar brother in oar bearta for the remainder ef oar Uvea. iMsolvtd That these reeola too be enjroMed appropria; ely at J eif nad, and handed to toe Cam' ly i of the d?eeas?d. i tiesoh td. That the above recolatlona be pub i liahed in the oity patera. CBAB CtLVKRT, jy Si ttec.etaiy pro tem. (Y^? T HKJBE WIL.LB K AH PKCI AL~M E KTUJ5 >nc oi the ttoud of Truatcei of_?? nnT/l 1" U Ul.l?"*v- " , .. m W ?- ? " l 1IUI ?U?J ) AT * Ml" 5 o'aioik. II u Important to%? wrj D-fMB^r Uiall b? pr?Mnt ij rt tt wm. B. dayton. ?? , IMPORTANT NOTICK^TO 8U7LKES OAMf BIVNKS* MSN. WAVTFD-A PARTNER for nwrntotariM i 4* Wr.m Owir in tiiooMB^i mk lrv aieitM. By i UM wuntaf&i prooM* p.tulf Bonn oaa Uc ??*: in abort um?. About* ponaaa vote tit ir?MS?M*t to uu.n&etara >00 cal ? mitt. 1,000 caiMM far -j ; *ia?e-i mrr <Ui UjB*a?'?yr. 1 Appl? A Co ,4S8 IS it.-ect r^ar Poet I 0*??, WMJUttfton II. U. Jj . . Lmmmmmmrnern - ? FROM THC AR*1Y OP THE POTOMAC. lit Cam?, HaitTaos'a Lakbixc, Va , inly** ? But a few day* tlnr-e appearance* Indicated that nme alight mfretnen: was on the " alata." But ft* nroeHitT for that moveoaaat aeenaa now to k*? v&atobed. P _ Oar Impr-Mion to. ui It tntrm to be ftnetiWT j M concetel that beyond the fact that r?e< nrtol?0fcit may be nniered mt anv roam^nt. the latter art of *agu?t mt will And aa here lo-ated. onleaa Itmavao ha ihd that Bf?p?h" ah?nld get saucy and ?ffk for another thrashing. or tbat yau tn the '.oval State* Lurry up those reinforcem?nu promised us. Since Wednesday la*J and until Saturday morning following, not a gray uniform ?a seen on or near the bank of tbe river opposite us I'pon the last-mentioned day, however, tfcey bi: lln made their appearance, and are occasional! y aeen peeptug out from behind aorae rock or tree. At time* can be aeen upon the top of tba bone* owned and oempled b? the celebrated Dr. Ruffln, i whose father bad the dlst ru>ul?b>-d bonor of tiring the flrat gun at Port Samter, whirl houae la dlatnnt perhaps a m'le and a half back from the river.) persons who appes. to be signalling parties atlll further inland, which fact goee to prove that they have either force* in considerable nnmbers stationed thereabouts, or tbat they are making felnti and endeavoring to make us believe that ??eh Is tbe actual fact. Were we differently situated, tbe trnth or falsity of either of these suppositions might be easily ascertained. Btit, In order to send out a recennotterlng party to ascertain facts. It would *>* . *V.? W?I lid t k.l J _ un rwiioir iuc uuimiu^ uj a puuvuuii uiiu^c ur ?mploytpg a large number of tranapo'U PLould tbta be done, H wou'd take much time and preparation. The?e preparations could be easily discerned with the naked eye by the enemy from their poaition at City Point, and th<-!r ready meant of tranaportatlon, by rail, would enable them to bring r?p a large force to oppose jb, even If they had not already a large force at the point toward*) which our reonnolasance wou d be sent The nature, extent and character of the smoke arising from th?>lr ramp Area, and which, at timet, are plainly seen, assures us that they have force* on the other side ef the river, back from its bank from four to 11 ye miles, *nd that they extend from a point nearly opposite us to a point about sixteen miles west of the Petersburg Railroad, and nbouttbe same distance from tbe river. We have it from good authority (and from whence It oomet we are not at liberty to atate); and at the aame time the extent of the smoke arising from the ramp flres, make us positive that their forces directly opposite here aad up to the railroad are scattered, hid in the woods, and that In round cambers they would not amount to more than three thousand men; while just bevond the rallrcad they appear to be In great numbers, and from the ronvenlenoe of access It is stfe to sn/, that within four or five hours they could con?entrate a force ;bere of thirty or forty thousand, ai d yet not materially Impede or Impair their other operations, or in apy degree weaken their surrounding positions, it la, however, known to a positive certainty that, commencing abont ten mres above City Hotat, and reaching all the wnv up to Fort Darling, that both side* of the river la one grand map of masked batteries These our gunboats will, at some future time, pay their reapecta to, aid no doubt will eau*e tbem to be evacuated. j 2.000 BALKS of Old Tuaothy Hay. jnrood ?,r :er. for tais f y PfcTKK BKRRY. Jt 3' tt* 33 Water ti, G?ofc#town, li C Ten or twenty horses will, be FASTUReP l?y the d?y, *Mk or rroath it a larce pasture . f 60 acres, on the place of A. WH'TK, at Bruhtwi o?l, on ferenth street road. J hs above horses will be icep: fcr IS o*nt* a day e?oh. ly 31 6t* f|* I N PLATE! 14 3ulC LEADED HOOFINO TIN, in '4 IC BRloflT TIN, 13 14 IX BKI8HT TIN. J?st received and for tale by OMN R FT.V^NS, jy 31 ec3t t Repnb | 309 Pa aveii?o LADIES' LEATHER 3?1CBE ?*. TRAVELLINS BASKET*. lirilBV u*cfft?raa -r viva DA^nbfDi FANCY BASKF.T8. Hampers, for aoilod olothM, UA8K KT8. of All kmdt. At OGDKN'i*, Hou'ofarji a", inf 8tor*, jt 31-3t* 319 8>ventii atr^e . near Pa a?? (^cmFG&X AND K*t*K IN ON? MINUTE:i I Coma, Bunnrs, Cs'!oaitiea, Ci?6 ard Inverted Nv.le, t?n'arfod &ad LMosi^i Jointj. Warta. Mc>?. a ad a 1 i-xor*?ceocw of th? ' eet, Haao-. anil Faoe. iceianta eourl; removed vitbou* the lent mih or itic-vTW we to the j/itieir. br OK . I W H iTK. !\o. 4 26 Pa a*en?e. between 4>? and bto at* On? auilatiun noara from 8 a. m to 7 p. m Jy81 lm* IVEW YOJ?KA_~n PHILADELPHIA A -? BUUVKK RTVl.KS MANTILLAS. r?ee Fa*h?on piata and rercirka on Fa?lii.>n, in Ancnat. umber offiodeti Lay'* B'ok Thoae pretty mi JsuinnK" strive in W r.ife Bareyo MAM'flLI A**, and Black Bareje MANTILLAS J uat reoeived at MAXWELL'f S8* Pffnniyl^anit avence N. B.?A tail aasort.nent of i amies' H ut >ik and I ace Mant^aa, sao?ue?, Dnatera.&o., fto. jy 81 6nf TO PRK8KBVE TRH llrlALTH OF THE 1 riTY, RFMOVK DKAli A SIM ALU ! No'ice u hereby fivnth' ta.l dc>ad ai ituait.auch aa Horses, Cow? 'H-, * i , 4o ,'wll: le imn?dia'.aly taken *wa> fro.n ?'abiev * nc'^anrea, op?n !o*s, r>T from aay of lit* atr*?t? or eho-ooehla'M of the oiuea or War ai mton and tfeoreair wn or th?ir vioinity. if irf.. i .alion ia ( per<-*a If or b? note, at the S periotendett'c Office >1 tro*o itan Police, No nl? Ki^*entft at r.orh of Pa aveLue; or set of th- M*t; oaoht^n Hu.iPa S'aM^na in either of th? fitiet of Wwi in*aad 8eo ?etowr: M?Tor'? Offin."*. f!i?? naii w.-i . - w*/ - | ?? or u | a ICE ^ ity; M*y ">t Cfto?, JeorfetownjOffipe tn? 6ov* ?nert <'or-? .crrner 8?.b asd P ?t? i #r bj low tLrooth th> Pott Pffloe jy 31-lw* J 08 I OP F." N K D ! STwKhVf " TVmt- Bank of Washington. HOT A.N J COLO HAT Hi* BHOWIlR IN EACH ROOM ! | EACH ROOM A*D BATH Always Krpt in Perfect Ordtr. TURKISH TOWELS of the ftcsit tuaiitTtin4 toes bat oleic ?ae? used, Jy8 tt* HKNRYH HEMPLER. Propr etor. jy|ED!CAL OFF1CER8 WANTED &T7B0BON GBIBKAX'S OfTlCB / Wanhi-Btor. ju'y H '862 \ M*dlQll Bnfc'd* for th? ? " WW ?i? VII *'l vj*%i UI" da'e* for th*appoi*tm?rt o' s*u goona and Ae?i?tant 8aneona of Vo uriteere. a- authorial tra-< act ot One ?*? entitled ' In *ct to hot de for a^ditiona mcd'cal ofho**> of the to'u nice aervioe," a?o*cd Inl? S, U32 are lot in (einca in St Miaa^ttri. and !n huctir Ap^lioaM^n* for th* a wil' be irade the Adiutan* ?Jenera of the Arm? in the I a a' writirg of tie app.ioawt. ace-mpaci d ty oue < r id re t?a lmmiala from re?pectaMe peraona in ra garl to moral oharaater. No allowance la nrade foj the MftcaM of fwaooa undercoiLg theae examinations. Candidate* reported up or !* ratly br the Board win be appointed hy th# *??o-e'iiry of War in dao wfl' rroeire the appointment ->f Snrreone or A aahtaatSargeoftaM determined by the Ex*minmc Board The e are at-prewnt forty vacancies in the trad* of f urieot*,?nd one hundred and tweet is tn. ?r*a? oi Atsutaut ir 31 ?oSt A TTENTION. SUTLERS, A SOLDlEKss MKRi'HANTS. AND EVERYBODY! NOW 18 THE Tim-: TO MAKE YOUR PURCHASES Th? ubsor.bor woud aV! tto a'toation of *11 'BOOKS* W *" # End WBil #,e?te<I >u>ok of STATIONERY AND Rinn nv vraixv m, m* * ?wi &. u i no ii'oaArntJ OT All tha yronrrnent men and woman at the worid, embracing Military Men. i.aa>era. i?ootor?, Poata, i<ivinea, Literary and Drama'.io Par ,0C%6a cf STATUaRY and WOBKS OF AP HOTOHR APHIC and A8TO PHOTO6K APfalO ALBUM4, koldmc from 12 to *<>>iotmaa, vanoui atrial aoJ bind ar.rifirc from 51 orr.ta to ft3J Tke i arc eat aai neat atook iu tha ?*All the NEW BOOKS? of tha day on hand as a "on a* iraied from 'he areaa. Larceat atork of PAPER-COVERED NOVELS in ?he oitr,'o whioh we oall tha attan Hon of wfroieaair" bay ere SfATlONfcBV PACKAGES, the oheapeat and heat in tha olty. POCKET BOOKS, PENKNIVES, SOLD PENS, BACKS A MM 0N, CHESS ANLl CHECKER BOARDS, PORTPOf. i?? R RE BOOKS AND OOOUMRNT*. |ET From M to 80 ?jr cent diMOMtoff of All bound books purohMwrfor ouh, call ud aumiu o?r at?>ck. WILLIAM K. RTOHSTEIN'3 Natior,*! Uookator* *TS Pa avonae, jy >l-?t betw. lUh atid lath ata. Wajhitgton. F * ^V*R~Bff-*ATK Wr-fLRH'S^K^*. "??? trat rata WORK HO?8t?S WaSON, H A R N EW-frer* tki u* ocaariato, T#ry ow AP'jyto SkfivEL. V H vlSK? ^er^of Blxth and C itrfeti, roar of Mou-^ntau fWILL BELL ai ay Provision Store, lu tha oornar of 1 aud ttixM??th rtroeu, tie baa; oala of BEEF, LaMB. Mlttwtawr finn^c/iKiii ?*? ?f 411 ! w&isifists"*1 "" " "d ' ii?if ? < nuw??<WfiI;I?l?5j!( 4 a- ~ 11 Jr\ OFFICIAL XOTIC* Promt MmrthaU't Ojfie. > WtkiHgicm, DC, JulyM, isfe.f Daniel 8 Clark, of Wllllameport, Pa , pitfin* III eeaftxy r, i'h Pe>n?yUanl? roluateera. and Wn B. Knepp,of 8?l hfrtoWD, Hw , a private la eompeny B, tu b Mi?achuaetu volunteer, bivlrg deaertti from !<t Elisabeth Hoapltal m tbe SM of in)f, lrW4, notlre la hntbjr given that a Nwud of Irr dollar* will be paid for the apprehension and .delivery of either to the moot convenient mili ary po?t or recruiting aUHon. By order. Major W K Dostkk. Provoet Mantel A. S. Bun, Lleui. nod Acting Adjutant. AMUbEMKNiU G&OVBX'* THHATKM THE COOLK9T ANU HK*T VENTILATED HOUSE IN THE CIVk. Continued and Unparalleled 8u**t*s HOOLEY'8 MINSTRELS, From Niblt'u, Hew York. WEDNESDAY "!THURSDAY EVENIN?*. J CLT JWTH U() HIT, TL? biU for thee* eveninga rmbraoM, tmoacat otb?'?, the foitowisc new iota : the government speculators! SEYMOUR VND LEBR. Tha very angbtMe iswrluJe oti.ed scenea at brady's! SRlFflN, LKat A.NP 8KYMOOR. wallemshkhastacut brothers' LKBR ANDSEYMOUR. 1h? Oi*b-*t?d URINKIN6 BON 9 from L U C & B T 1 A B 0 R ? J A f ROLUN HOWARD. HAVKf ii hfc Wo darftl CLOG DANCE. NEW BONGS, D\JfcTS. CHORUSES. ID" Friday, Am??t 1, bopoftl of VIM HAYES. _ . Bcali of il;cnPram Clrele too Ckmiij Circle SS onto O-cfawra Cfctira TloetU Pnnie Haifi #4 To ra open at 7?; to coaaaaoa at it* c'eioek JBL F??r union art mm wgwgg J* W I PAMKtiiURY HA'^ V/ Lanrai Arm www, kui fliiri at. Tks C?t he treat ! TO NlttHT. FRESH ARRAY OF TALENT! THE CRY IS. STILL THKY COMB ! The Ex eel nor Combination Company f WLW STARS- NEW STARS! Firat Wniuf Miaa PALI IK DUVAL, The fctiarnung Voce iat. Mua ELLKN COLLRKN, Miaa KLub* COLLEEN. Tbo BeautiM Dana mi?e ftom the Continental Theater. Phi'adfly: :a-Uie charming Daughter of Terpaiehore. Miaa LUCY CLIFTON. The fkront* iMnteuse.' M.?? LIZZIE FRANCI*. maggie vernon. And a full Corpa de Bal e.. of 1i? moat BEAUTIFUL LADIE4 on tha Mate. IB tocte^ueLO? of the *raa: notorial? ?f tk* DKLKVaN fm b???thers, At thau prwloaa *r|i(fir?.t hor?, they have oobBatted to appear for & ehort time in taa r pail oia TRAPEZc.. DAK I Nb la i'ERCHB AND MILT FtAT8. OutriTa.l&i Bl other ArU*le? of l&a proiaaaion. Firat Waek of JIM BO["W'lKfH, budworth, Tkt btst Ethiopian frr/nmr on Ui Btmga. Tbit ?BLt emir. iuu .? at the uaad of all (Utr parloraart ia hit peciUar lua. Firwt W?*k of DENNY AALL.A6HKR, OKNNV ?A . LAtvh KB, T*ec9l?br*? d K h.opian Uel.neator in hia glo rtons or.i.n*; Nejro AoU?his First Amhtum W1M IF EMMERSON. In his jacnltar Hones &ad Daooos. W 0. HARBISON, The wor J-farasd Ki(?mioru?oni Singer. He?i.l siBt bis r?w C>ai e Hat" t o Wong entitled njl tiosal slices Aba * number of o tiers. Mak.nx on* of ILs best Con<Hc:M mrkfHUUi on the Canterbury sunt, NEW NEGRO ACTiT NEW FACES, NEW ? ?N6^, NEW DANCES. AND A NEW PR OWIt A MICE. Adm.ssiou 21 cents, Orafeestra Cburs ? oolU. Peers o>ii H'V perfor bujjO* at l)(o'iiit. f IBEftilY HALL. lt alexandria, ta. Pjvczval 4 Pake ib- _ ProprteUri IBM ENS* SVC0K98 of tho MAMMOTH COMPANY ! PKOI'LE TURNI.D AWAY Nearly Lrery Night! Third W'mi of VHK POPULAR COMPANY' "tret Woefc of _ MI8S.1KLUK -TAYLOR. The LiO ??!j u<l Mod?it Socuirem. MI"8 JK\NIK ALLS}, Tke Bwniifil IHr ieu?c _ .MI 8 3 J U L 1 A P ft I O ? 1 he Pretty SongatitM and Will ?fM?r itI J*mt W ith the Ola DICK PARK EH . HLUH CUAjRL J- -ifisrtcsgi.halSma,. Atd uiTtLk ELLA. NEW DANCE8. W?W SON SB, NEW NEQKO ACTS, NEW PIECES. Ad muiioB Si eeoti; oroheetra. S3 ceo is r?nti??aci K> orohe?tr?. 50 mbu .J2!5? I7REE PROMENADE CONCKRT, At tk$ F Gar dm adiomiKt Aftcfcaji cj Ha,I, Maryland imM.Mtrui VaritolUardm ?Trie undemmei reapeotfuily ii.for-' tne pub 10 that he baa m*ut (rrUitaitati ttot OB ?(ry WED .K3UAY' at 8Vru&jUAY EVENING, after Ike c< toe re < Capitol Garden are oioeeu. a part of the Marin* Bmd wi;! tive a Grand Promenade Concert at the ?bu\* uatcied tape Choiee Refreshments oonBtAnt.T or. tana. C^Tce ttareen wiU be beaetiNd y ill ami Bated JOH> BKCE, IraB-lm* [Repefrhoan.l Proprietor. tfREE cunott ? at tati WaBRINW #Of*l r ACADEMV UP ML'*:C. *99 Pa tfaue, between tth and 10th it?.- Vn? irfMimeu ??fc? nceraignea ia Umj to aunouuce mat h* hu offen"?r K .with Mr Ht-?RY JUNO NRKSL. tEf rraateet \ io oaoeuo PltTtr taw in ooactrr. w&o will perform every a rm it the fcjor# aaL ia oomaaay with other Rtara ?av*r*i "?*eo**?e?l< routo riidarth<M eocoerta the moat attractive m it# oity ofWnah incton. Sianora SKYbUL, the Deasuful aad aa ooraBiiaheav oaaJTat. win ap?<*r ororr tight witn her beautifnl Sk>n??, Diet*. rw. Chafoa R ef-o?h K&mt8 ooQitiotiy on hiudt Oao^'b ) iiimjiqo# U> imarve order. Concert cciu.ueuo## it lo'olotl A POLUJ CONCERT OALL-J^, J"mm, h. I ? ?i ? ; vr'irc , i:.? ( ?|t Mfr? d?:ine*tor ?t*ce irwmr; Acti? \\?n, tie freateal liYorite ox any aoncatrOM r-rrr in Wuk i lit tor. Contlx.neU iu?>w? "f Mi** Jail* Prioa, tbe pleating singer fro? It* Phil*o*i*'1* Uijmuo; Mm Vio * O'lfrec, from tus Baltimore Melodeon; U.aa kra BrMioh, from the Coobnest*!: Prof, w inioraiein, the imn*nu pianist: and Prof Seo. Naonman.tha sreii known Yiohcist un oonsootor Admissun free Luneh *&? fteJMtr** every morning. 10?12o'oioog. ly ** D KKKY, Prpprrtor. WABttw^iOMurft Jig Tori Swr1 WsHfcEK t &??. ?r*S<8V)ttS SyStSBI ^ ?<> l?llOM e?u hire Ul? IM g.1ife?to'sa crtal,srkirBs? PKS? S??lSS.?!,SsaiLESgBJI!JW! ???,.-?fl#JuAat *i*d ? P?**al OAM, tin wvTvixmeci UMUDMmenfi rBruahod: Roiiroec H sjorta, MiiiUry Koforta; Burnt PueU 0%w Bajorta; OlMM Books famiahod to >edlara: MuiUrj TruUa: Military Lawa; Aray Recalabau; Pancraaio of tba Co*at ahowiaj over ifiso miiea; aaonr theaaoad Obtai Hooka. loeohaot eheoi rw?L JL*rco aol?. low ,rSJtJ' ?W&7?WWi?. BOARDING. D0iKD-N6 ?Bor*r*l Boordor ?a bo uoaaD mcdatrd with alaotamt Hooaa %od " ooa^at^aot, boiweon 6th aid 7th b;taattr?TWT ? m r J">' \|R? P , BAVIN# RKMOVED PIOM 80S IT I to 100 P tr?et, opposite Winltr Bwtldiog, will I'" r??4y to reociTe ttOAILDfeJU)mtvm tk? Ui Aumt, o? r?o?W tenM. if 'T BULL.ON BANK 1 HIS Bisk U bow douig t?ain*?i ftttM torMr t3& ?t oarrtnt r*t?, Tr?Mvj^gpl?l?Ljtiler-*H?e* I ***? ' Dnm, QmIuw. I* ? U?* Cottn 9tttT ? mo. cabinol Mtfcera and 0nam?&!??' ^ra^sr0 .iiii im* " " a&ysrfta. ? ? ' 1 ' J X u AUCTION HAi*Bb. TMI& A F 7ft it A* Oo A 4 T\J~Ht/K HOW BT 9IKKN A WILLIAMS, Aaotict??ra WALK IV OftbKR OF THK OIPLN-' nr-or*T or m ftaaoRAi bt.n r, jo" Sihow. l)Ki*?ic-Ot Km PAY n#*i.tb? i.t eir iLgaal. IUf? w. mi Ji "fc1 ^ ??*i?ia. ?: * 'o.oo* ? Ppnuf flMt Cb*?a. 1 waitat Wardrobe, "J B ?' " fcSK "* 0antra T?bia a^d Waat Flat B-naM'a And other uut a. . .... KiMbtr B*d?, PiUowa. uuf Mettnwee^Lonrr*, Eiuaaioc Bad cU*r Ta: m. CO"klBf tod other PUtf*. Cyui ud Crockery W *re, With ft food to* at Kttsfcan ft?fti?iMft,ftft4 nut uUtor ftrtioiM Vfciok we deea HB?oimn tu ftftaerftte. _ Alao, fto eice rat Cftrr.ftfB Bad HirtNi '1 erroa Ofteh Br order ot tne Admimatrftin*. jT?tt OHKbN A WILLIAM*. A a QUIT J. C. Mo?f IKE A CO.. Aaol.Mieer? LIB AB6F. STOCK OF FINE CON> EC HON aBT bh? ConraoTtonea'a Movlim, C? i rim. Tom. FBBWCH HLATft M:BB0B?. tLIM V fll, JiUi ?r , at Arrtiow ?Ob Tl'E*DA\ M - KN INtt, Jb ? SP'ti, eomnwci&i ftt i? ?v?ock. wa abftl' aeiT.ftt tke v*>i i uowo aitftb ianm?M of G. e?atier, reanaiivfttaB fttttki, betweee ink ftid tttk etreeta. hta ent:re atook o'Cotfectiqre-f, mn hi vim voi' wrwrn, ei:f?r rwfl Com Mr ttoaee Biaee ke,?oainuii| it part of? Fib* French Ct^ie* Md Boo hone, Lk> Fanar Bonea, t Ltmlapm. Ac . Fine ?*on?erre Fr?>u end Flan Caadlae, I-re no h Preeervea, Piok.ea, Braudv Fraite, Ac , w great variety. Together vril?? 3 tine Frenoh Plate Mirrore, 3 Fine Piated Com.ter Caeea. 3 CaHacter^Boal?. Fiated Sum, Dutee. aa? Lane tiimber of hat.deoa??iaeo Jen, Diafcet.Ao Arc many other arnclea too aameroaa u> ad vertit*. Aieo, immediately arrer the eoia in the >t?r. wtU bea?^. at toe Factory, on A etreat, m rear , 4 Stare, all hie atock Coppera. Frees pre, Machinery. Kmbraeiog a variety oi oew patume to Coeeer. Tin, Lead, and P.eater, in arge aeaortmeet Altaf whieh ?i l be ?oid witboat raeerre, Mr. eaatter intending to o*-atte hia bneice?a. jytftdta J O. McBXlKK A CO. Aeota. fTTTHE ABOVE SAI E WILL BE CON timed KKIImV Mo* NIN?. Augaet lat, when the con'ent* of the h a?u?ry wil. be eeid Kotraaca on E *trcet. tiair.c Lour { ? f O o * - II ? < v. nsvviKt ? W , AIOU. B- 1. C. MottVlkE * CO.. AntMtiri. 1m ftilil CHlNL-t AMD JAPANRPK FANP, L A5TBE5*. Ac , AT PUBLIC 8ALB.- On mii'AY AClKkNOUN. A ujual lot. on th? ft.atfl or of oar Aaetion Room, ?uiiiiimo.ui kt t o'oivet. wa tell eel I? A ivi* -ot of Chtaeae JipuiM, FwUwr. uJ PaUnl Kaaa, ia great nnrty of atylaa, t ie* A ><">. A Lantaraa aril Ornan.CLta, to b? te d wtuoctreaerT*. JyWdta J C McSCIRK A CO - AacU. Bj W u WALL A CO., AnoUoneara. 1 9aeoaaooreto Will A Bab Baal. tPKAMK OWELI.INS6 ON C AT A?CTiOW?OB FRII?AY AKILRTRION, y of Aagaat, at ( o'clock, we wil. eeil ia >ftbe eremieea. Lota # and 10, atoare Mr, g eaoli M feet oa eoath C street, botvwn, lat l art , at<i imyrore. t? eix email V-Taae itge. ander rood rect Tenna : Oaa third eaas: baiat.oa ia A ?. aad , IS moaUa,bearing inter eat, aac eeearec by deed ofUaaL JyS W. L. WALL A OO.. Aaota. FUTUF.R DATS. By * KKN ft WILLIAMS. AooJionMre. JVe. *#?>?'ltk strut, rgrm I7XCFLLKNT HUbBKHULD A>D KITCU Cj mm Fwm.m*ts.? At An no*?Ob J'aTI I DAY.the *d of Aifi't, we >tt MT icfroctol trBtur?, *' o o'c oo? fc. (L., U UMnUllllci peat of F urn tur? t;i MahoiMy ?&d \\? lci Mfc/ue io> l>'Mtinc mo Rcrttit, Sidebaarfl, \V?rc-oh?* ? .: Wu. Clowiii Mfth-CM.T Mftrl e top Centre, ud Wtlait fcx tetmon T?W?e, Mill iu t Jenny Lied tad oliter BeaateodetsWilli. Bur ted Hnak Mattreetee, Feather Bolsters end Pll owe. Beddbf. i*ri? J)t of Car pete,Chita, GlAft* ird Crwker?w?r?, Large lot ol Stvrei, ? Barren fine Mrs* Beef, I Wagon, with mur other, whiofc ve deem nneeeeearr to Niaerwe. Verme out. JySl St GRKI N A WILLIAM S, Aaote. by W. L. WALL A 0?? . A ? ocru.Hk torn* fa. *r?M and fiinli i:r*?L IAiee coLLKcTioj# of wagonu. j A.IJI1 Houb at a vrnoii-Ou 8AT UKDa\ M??kNlN*?, 2d Avut, will be ?Oid at the A?otif?c Rco.uit good Ohio UortM, A tatltrt' Wifon, tn r croar, A Sjrmi Wl|?l, Afid ? good floraa* m Alio A B?h|T W?o'j, Uo'itand Hire***. TH HoTMj'.Hftoft y mud U>? owner only ^ffaia hint i*o*uae Le tiu bo oaa fof kin B?ie? Hir. ?<*? out. 1T?1 W.L. WALL ACa.ABQt.. Qv \MJ I wr M. W m - * ? Viu.,4ct'.oc*r?. BDOCMBOrc lo WaXX A b?k!?AK&. TTIVl^I?Ki^ 8ALB OF HCU8KHOLO FVI AL^72?V**m~3!2 MONDAY MOKNINC. 18 ,? oloot. by Tirtne of ? dno ?| \ v ilk ilrtL/T?lr?!fd .tte ;*nd roco;?l? of AjaigSS&r"&????W*1FJSrtSaS; FrariJuR'.rss.Tg&r ayssf?< k?& ?&&.'? bmw _ Do KU<?re tad Tate a-taui Wis? D,,:.r; v:,'^r* *" ? ? < <=w. CotUiPM..! Oder He^etwde jjwr l?l Snack MattrMiei, Boittorc u.d Ftilovs, lr?? bodrtMd, htool and Care seal Ohi,r. ii uiwin Til oil#' WiamnBdi u4 Tu.<?t b*4t. 6 jus, Crockery. and T?t>.e Wan, Oi. 0.0th Lounie, at J Dicin* Ctiaira, Cooking 9tov? iLd fcroaan Panutar*, Bar room Concur, Water Cooler. G aee??, Decastera and Mztaiee. % Tents c&sh JOHN JONKS, Tnutee. lyfltde W L. WALL a CO . Aa^ia. By TBOMA8 DUWuM. Auctioneer. Veer#e?ew*. Baled hav at auction .-Notioe to a whom it may aoooera ?A larrn lot of Baled Hav being et.-rrd on n?y wbarf. No. in* w?ier etre?t. 6 -org^tnwD, and neie a??e?ring bo owner for (be eaiae.-taia it to to.ify a.. oo>oe nea, that tbe above Baied ?ay wt'l be eo.d at Pab ie Aao tlon, on AAVUIIiAY next, A tigntt M, at 1 o'tTk. tr% thik ki#hA*? KuU*- ? ' - ..s ?? ? iwr CMOf U> COT6: OXK^tMi jimkis a ih>niskulyt Jy ? St THOMAS DOWLIM, A acta W NOTICE. ILL B? old at Pah .0 Aaotio- ? tk? Mouu mm.t ttrouad*. In thia oity. i d tfca 10tb da ofAncut, 1M&, At It o'oiMfc ?. m , a line ? entity ot If o*a and Pica- a taant.'y of stock c?tte. Cowj ALd CaJvoa. ALao. a ?aanuty o! Tory ia? Varna eaah, Payments ouade in Tr?aaar7 Notaa. A. ULi KV\ ITH? )y ?-dU Col A. n a Br W. L. WALL A CO , AioUoarm UieoNiori to Wall k BtiRiio. P?OUR7 8ALK OP CONVENIENT HLILJ>V iho Lot ?By Tirta* of ad order ud d*cee of the ' TV"' Coart of the Dim ot crCo ubiA, bwr.iii we on the ISih d?y of Koteiiih*r, A. 1>., I liSK and duly oocbrmed by the Ou.l Oourt of i aaKi Dietnot, in CLakc^'y Pitting, 1 vtii e?i M *at>ue Motion, to th* bitheet bidder, ea monVA V. the ?u> o?y Of Aaraet, A D , 18?. w front 1 ot tae premuee, at i o'oteek ?. m., el! the ri|hu Utle. liueree .aad eetat* of ??fmh, Kliaaeeth, Aaa. Amelia, and Jehu William Fargnreoa ofia andto taeeoath ?art ot Lot nambered eerea (Uilhuv* camber*: kity-one, (M>et the raaoftlietiq of Waehiagtoa, oonuaenaioc for the eaid part at the oethweat oo'ner nf Lot, nod riaeiat ttenee north with the line of Twectr-third etiaet TieL fourth feet, tUn thtnoe eaet oae tu-cre- era twenty two feei, twq and a-half taekae iHlTT i?imi.r to imm rmm* of IM LM; kW)aoatt ftu u*c 14 Imi. and Umbo* nit mom baadfd mid twmmty tvomt, two Md-i :.a.f immbmrn, <???* uiki.lte taayiaof of bofiaajM. *hi? fM H^tf fTOLU CI. Tveaty tWd Mrwi W?1, b iWMaortb L andH iN?i, I TkrUii: U?hall Ma?; the rvmdi.e in two hu, tcstaitreeta of I ud U wrti, ??o?n>d b? the bote* of tUe ecrcuaear. aatie'aotor.7 MtorNd. MM hMnai latere, t trow. the Uj of ?M TitiedMd to be reMrved atUl the wkole m( Ute raroute coammj ta paid. All aoorasaaaiag at IM I Qg? ?*! Jr V*- " I o*Wook. m~ 'JiLit.Juoiom tfa* Mst fclrd?r tfc?ist#meHe?e*e<w*d Wdl mklS t>mU >?rtHl in; MNrtMlM UiSbc *bo?J 898 Aor??- Tm la mom miigxilj wNiN, adiouan* U* ?mi of Nmri. ThonM Wwt?r lafJum B- Biitt. ilMiil n-ou t "O* Mi * k?U mji?a frw ttOHi i h vita*. UlMBt V*?^? V>rO?4. OO* MUH(o ahara* u< miii. iftdMapifcaliy haaJUi. JW Imi n M??t1? Nw troths*. Iinofmalr,!^ *U HHIM>tt Ml 1-iw.Mt Mt tMuMlaca, THM u ihMk Mi am* ut iMilikcMlHm im the rr-?iri.M-t i*? ai i* vaU MMtM to ?m (rtwri mMmumi m saw-iftrsrtastt seftm ; MM^aWi of ummflL AM to % ? > y BilBoy ???toy iwflfw ?? IMMMi ft rV^wJ?5t#Ks^ Mrekuri viU MMntt, to b* M?ro>?d b? tkp *?MTi.lf., b?trii| iskrM from lit* ter of Mk i j U IftvU MTV1VU4 TrooUO,