Newspaper Page Text
I pi I <? >T mlll I LrfKJAL NEWS. ? 1 ; = dtvexrid Locax* ?See outalde of to-dtyM ?*?r ior Ii.ter^tln* deferred local artlole*. Aantirmi lonim Hoot, it's Mimtiu* otax a splendid blU Io???.m and we doubt not Grower's Theater will be well patron tied on the occasion Among the nfw acta to be produced are tbe "SoTernment 9paeulatoraM and tbe "W&llemahebaatacut Brotbera," by Seymour and Lebr, In their lalmitsble atyle Tbe drinking aoag, from Lncretia Borgia, will be gl*en by Rollla Howard, and Tim Haya will appear in hia wonderful clog da ace New aonga, duetta tad ckoraaea will alao be given. CamBBBraT Hall la throagad nightly by the laugbter aod fun-loving community, who are hugely entertained by Jim Budworth, aeknowledged to be among the beat Ethiopian performer* on tbe stage. and unexcelled in hla line of acting. Budworth. Denny Gallagher and Wtllte Enter. w*n are a inuiiiTimir di ian woo cinnoi mi w please and imue In addition to the Ethiople performances the Deievante Brothers also appear in their daring and perllooa trapeze, laperche and tilt feats. Songs and dances are Included In the entertainment. Acadbxy or Mrsic Thla resort la nightly enlivened by the artistic executions of Mr. Henry Jungnlckal ob the violin and tbe line singing of Bignora tievdel Attentive waiters are In attendance to dispense refreshments. Apollo Coicist Salooj*.?Free concert* dally at 4 p m. Refresnments at hand. LiatnTT Hall, Alixaadeia, ta now occupied by a troupe of Ethiopian performers and minstrels under the auspices of Meaars. Parker and " " * ? narfnrmera a ra Hiok Pa p. rtrClVIl AI*JU"K ?? XV - ?kpr, Hneh Clark and other flrst-claaa Ethiopian Terfornsers, and Nellie Taylor, Jennie Allen and alia Price, who have woo applause la the paat for their floe ringing and dancing. Tat DisTaicT of Colvmbia VoLcwuaas have never yet received any encouragement from either private subscription or legislative enactments for their beneit. In thia respect they are nallke any otter regiment now in the United States service. The pecuniary rewad has been altogether wltoheld, while in too many Instanoes the volunteers of th? District have been traduced with a llbe-al band. Thla should not be The loyal citizens of this District should manifest an interest in the troop* aent forth from oar mldtt, and aid them by tbe cheering smile and word, and the open parse. We understand It la contemplated to hold a meeting In a f^wdaya In furtherance of this object, when no dsubt the llbetallty and patriotism of the people of this District will be fully sustained, as we are aatiafied U Is only neceeoary to bring tbe subject to the attention of the people to secure Its proper attention. Tbe First District Regiment bss only about three hundred and fifty elective men. Strenuous efforts ahould be made by tbe l*yal cltlzena of the Dlatrict to keep this regimes! mil. It can be done If. like other cities and communities, an adequate bounty la given and propec Inducements are held out to volanteera b* tbe citizens of Washington. Tbe oonntoy wants fighting men. and It 1* but proper that the District of Co- I luoabia should furnish her quota. Extxxsivi ann Mtaraaiona RobbzbvLaat Tuesday, Chan Luabv and Fred'k Kessler were { arrested by Officer McDevltt, auapeeted by Henry Becker of robbing htm of a pocket-book and between flTe and alx hundred dollar* In Treasury* notes They were taken before Justice Thompson It appeared that K easier hid traveled to thin city in the cara with Becker, from Baltimore When they arrived In the city they were joined by Lusby, and the three rode In a hack to Georgetown. The complainant had drank freely at several places on the rqpd, and h? displayed his money at those places Be missed the money In Georgetown, after recovering from Intoxication. Several witnesses swore that the parties accused were of good character for honesty and sobriety, and that th?v readily submitted to March, and no money of the description of the lost foods was found on them. The Justice dismissed the case, and the prisoners were honorably discharged. John L. Smith, Esq , appeared for the defence. Hutu Stwatht. ?At the meeting of tbe Yeunz Men's Christian Association, held last Suaday night, ia theMethidict Episcopal church In Georgetown, one of the apeakers used thd foll<ywlng language: "The devil was the first rebel, and Jeff Davis was one of his followers. The first rebelled aca'.nst tbe best government Heaven ever produced, while the other is a rebel sgalnat the best government ever s?^*n on sarth " The plain assertion of truth gave desperate offence to tbe eorgetown secesh there assembled ; two of Mnrvsnrf MIm Pcffirv Wilson?in dlgnantiy "skedaddled,'r much to the amusement vi the loyal portion of tbe audience. PoLic?y?Tbe Third Ward patrolman reported vestcrdav?Jai Williams, drunk and disorderly; insd ST Henry L9CM, drislng on a pavement;' do. Clinton Smith, her* stealing; jail for farther hearing Geo Evans, suspected of complicity with Clinton Smith, do.,?by justice Thompson. Henry Koch, assault and battery; aecurity for peace?by Justice Clayton. The Fourth Ward patrol reported?J M Long, assault and battery, be Id to security for a hearing?by Justice stratton. Marry Carroll, using abusing language; held to security for peacesby Juntlce Clayton caftck*cr a. Rxsbl Beumk-bckhkb.?Lieut. Dobson, of thU city, a member of the Ut District of Columbia regiment, captured a man rn Tuesday irtght. supposed to be one of tbe rebel prisonrn who recently escaped from Fort Delaware. He was detected In the rascally attempt to destroy tbe bridge on the railroad this s'de of Annapolis inaction. He was unscrewing the bolts at tbe bridge, and Lai be succeeded he would probably nave precipitated the next train dowa the embankment. A severe and immediate punishment shou.d be meted out to such scoundrels. m *** ?? wu HiAralnfi if Wof *el IVXA1KXT 1 KHVil lII* uiy|uii?K, mi. ? ? vmv*? a butter dealer la Outer Market, commenced arranging bis stand at an earls Uour, and placed kla casage box (containing, beside* pome small change, two ivr-dollar Treasury demand notes) on the table He turned from it a flat meat, iad, jjruto ckmmft, It was gone Some skillful thief Lad lifted it. Tbe box wan found In aaottter not tbe market, minus tbe money, of coarse, equlres all tbe attention of tbe patrolmen In that beat to keep tbe market clear of thieves; bat soaetims tbe ecampe get opportunities to operate succeenfully. flotswmht Piomity Porno?Y?terday j.^trolman Coanell, of the Fourth Ward, | got upon tuf trail of Government gooda out of p-oper euatod,', ?nd traced tbem to the boose of Wm Fagan. In tte Seventh Ward. The gooda, eonalatlng of blankPta and aoldiera' olotalng. were recovered and taken to ibe Fourth Wara \ station to be returned U tno Government oflcers. Fagan waa taken before Ji?f're Walter and the caae of Government jjooda d ?aa.ieeU, bat Fairaa waa fined $20 and cosu for aelllag liquor without llcenae. ' FoiitiWiid Station C?r?-Btjort J us tic* Woltr ?Roar Donlan and Agne< Knox, Indecent language; dlamiaaed W. F ijan, for obtaining Government property; dlatnli-ed Ala >, for aeiilag liquor without llceae*; fl..,.d **C %j. Joaeph JLeily, dlaorderlf, fined fl. Andrew Sullivan, drunk and dUorderly; flood S3 M Job* Hick msn, disorderly; dismissed. J?a? Ktse, dr?k; loed *1 Waa. wray do ; S 1 riarab A. i'hotnpwd, sleeping la thestre*t,end 9 C Beach, taken up m ? secessionist from Richmond, were dismissed cannes or Honss Stialiso.? Yesterday, CllMou Smith, a notorious colored ladividoal, only a day or two out of Jail, waa arrested by patrolman Wm M Kelly upon ? charge of steallag a bone from Mr. W Grayson. The most important witnesses were absent in search of the horse, and Justlca Thompson committed Smith for a further bearing. After he wm Imprisoned, tbe oAcer returned to tbe magistrate and charged DHUMi W 1VU Otf I UCUW..U11 ! IV?lfM W?4 VBVUTOI hMN. Romuici or Was?Two ytfla, aged rwpectIveiy eUbteea ai*?i iwentf yean, and nailing from Hifnwn, MA , were in coatody la the Frovutt Marahal'a ettce veoterday, arrayed Id Ml antiwar According to thelf own atatomoata they tad born la th- army aome month*; oae of teem aaaertlng tner bad MrUci?j?o4 In the battic of Ball Raa. ttoaotal Wad*wortta, after ad meelohlng toen on the lolly of thalr ?oarae, ?Urted them oa tbelr homeward way. Ftaa.?The alarm oftrelast nightwaacaaaad hy Uie buxnlag of a frame waraboooo and a bUck smith ikon on Water atoeet, near the aqoedeet. la Soorgaiowa. The warehouse was oceapled I by the Government, and at tha time contained *<0* bales of har, which wu consumed. The bop was ooenpted by ? B-Oer Tie Iremea *w* oat rromptly, and tbroogh their exertions the adjoining property waa eared. , a -t - * klaLD m Kiu tbs P sacs.?Margaret O, Coa> nett. 'Maf oa ? street, oetweea First aad Socor.d -lay com plained th&t her neighbor, Mar? Ana Cu"1?. had tued lodeooat, profan* aad abasiva in.igna^e to' her. aj*d ofllcer Haoaon arrested her. The case was rated before Jostle* Clayton, aad w*?ra. w^tneaaas tratllad to her IILAY^m used ton***, vw M< to ball to k/ep tu ptiM. . , ? i , > U liLitii of a miwirtt^-tlibaiitfrdmwmii U Kn W Hint, pu*u>r ? ibo Foaodrj (M. B.) Cburon will rcgrer to toara Uit be il? wmy low. He in tors 111 for ? ? two or tbrw wo?k?, ud boa bees gradually growlaaworao uatll iNilW1 ui wboo itttio bopoa won oatoruloodtf bio rocc*fry tblo motalag, bowevor, bU iwdMlMi boj Improvod _______ 1 SAi.0 ?Mams tirern * Willi!?, ywtorday aiterawoo, told m* IS, la square 2*4, oa Poorbrnlb strsM, betwora C aad D itrarti aootb, to p R >ger at 7 teats per foot I, ,, |, ?j , m, n BcisLaM Aloct?Night before I Ml the ree 1Aenoc of Dr. Oollum, No. 416 Twelfth rtreet, near I, fu entered by burglar* and xae of bla weartag apparel, 4fee., waahandled jp to betakenoff, Wot the Doctor hearing a nolae aaked " Who theret" and they made tracks. In the morning both beaement and hall doora were open, the hev of the beaemeat door having the appearance of W.I A m * _ _ m u "i^w niitnarl Th# (wing wrnm ov a pair nl opuuu - ? Dootor lnvltea the thief to give him another visit. Bckolait.? Saturday night, the dwelling of Mr. T. J. Fisher, on New "i ork avenue, between Thirteenth and Fourteenth atreeta, waa entered by aburzlar after the' family bad retired, and a gold repeating watch and a pocket book containlog about lOln monev and papera of value only to Mr. Flrher were stolea. The burglar obtained entrance by unlocking the door with nippers from the outaide. No clue to the thief has yet been obtained. j Hot awd Colo Baths?Klaewhere will be found the advertisement of Hempler'a bathingrooms, No. 310 C atreet, near the Bank of Washington Mr. Hempler auppllea what has long been needed In Waahlngton In the way of first class bathing accommodations, and hla cuatomora will find hla place a model of neatness and convenience and his terms accordingly moder ate. The guests of the large hotels In that neighborhood will find Hempler'a batbs to be just the thing. Cow Stealiko.?Tbla morning, as Mr. A. Da la, of Alexandria county, waa passing through Center Market, be discovered two eowi for sate which bad been stolen from him and a neighbor on Tuesday night, from near Alexandria; and calling Officer McDevltt, the man having them In poaaeaaion, named Edward Scanlan, was arrested and taken before Justice Walter, who committed blm to Jail for a further hearing. Scanlan says he bought them from a negro. Camp Muting.?8rlm-viaaged war seems to have interfered sadly with the uaual camp meeting arrangements at various points We hear, however, that a camp meeting will be held at P-o?pect or Melville circuit, In Anne Arundel county, Md., near Elkrldge Landing, commencing on Friday, August 22. Pica an L> A a a. in.?YesWrday Joe Williams, who has Just been released from jail, where he was sent for whipping his wife and other disorderly condact.a short time since, was arrested by ottoer McDevltt for being drunk and disorderly. He was fined *2 by Justice Thompson. I. O. W. B ?John M. Long, who resides on tb? Island, and drives a hack, belongs to the Independent Order of Wife Beaters. Offlcer Connell arrested htm yesterday for beating hla better half unmercifully, and Justice Stratton held him for a further hearing. Sbllijcg ?t Samplb.?Justus Smith was arretted by city constable C. Hurdle, who charged him with offering eoodi for sale by sample without license on Friday laat. The case was submitted to Justice Thompson, who flned him S20 and 58 cento costs War Mm so in Washiruto*.?Those Interested in getting Up the war meeting la this cltv, are to meet in the National Hotel, to-night, at ? o'clock. Pic-Nic.?Yesterday, Good Samaritan Division, Sons and Daughters of Tempsrance, proceeded In omnibuses from their Hail to Pierce's Mill, I l where they spent a pleasant day, plc-nic-ing. By thi Advmtisixikt *l?swhkrk It will be seen that Dr. White, the popular chiropodist, Is 1q town. 1 Tamo Wakd Statioh Cases?Bifor^ Justiet Walttr ?Adam Taffer, drunk and disorderly; flned 9i. Aeeived at Carter's Wharf schooner American Eagle, Capt. Aaron, with coal for George L. Sheriff lt? Li**' Limi! Lint!?On bands large quantity of my own manufacture, in quantities to suit purchasers, at W. H. Godsy's lime kilns. tf Deavness, Bisbt, Cross Etes ?Testimonials from some or the very best citizens who have been restored to their hearing and sight, under Dr. Von Mosrhzisker's treatment, can be examined at his office, 127 Pennsylvania avenue. Cross Eyes, Strabismus, operated and mad* prfeo.tly straight. Jy 3l-3t* Scitevt awd ScEorrLors eaurtio.ns will soon cover the bodies of those brave men who are ftghting tbelr country's battles. Night air, bad food, and drenching rains will make sad havoc with the strongest, therefore let every man sup ply himself with Holloway's Ointment, it I* t certain cure for every kind of akin d Ite&w. Only its cents per Pot 215. Mast ixtiskly hw and beantlful styles of Jewelry are dally arriving at th? Dollar Store, 436 Pennsylvania avenue, near 4# street. The stock Is new very Urge. Drop In and look at It. jySW-lw* Deathsss and all Mala was or THtKraand Ear snceeasfally treated by Dr Von Moechzlsker, oculist and aurlit. The very highest references given, and testimonials from well known citizens who have been deaf for omny years and re stored to their hearing bv Dr. Von Moschzlskor, win be examined at his oflce, No 227 Pennsylvanla avenue. Croat evM, strabismus, of the wor*t kind, from birth or otherwise, made perfectly straight. The operation performed In a minute, without any detention from business. Jyit-3t* To orraiM lne earn it viiite likenesses go to Whltehurat's, No. 434 Pennsylvania avenue He la selling (original) earn de wititt llksne**es of discing ui?hed men, embracing all the prominent men of tblseountry. 8ee his likenesses in oil snd water colon. Thosedesirlng camp and Held views taken call and leave your orders. Jy tt-eolna* fV?w tkt R*r Fbtkir Egan to Dr TumbUtf. This Is to oertlfythst, having Intensely sulfcred for a long time- from dyspepsia, loss of appetite, nervousness and general debility, congestion, constipation, fainting, exhaustion, chollc, pain* in the breast, Ac., my situation was painful and distressing in the extreme. My friends Induced me to try Dr. Tumblety's herb medicines, and they have cared me. C. L. Ksan, Jy 19-tf ' St Domlnlck'a church, Waahlngton. You can gain five pound* of brclthy fleth per month by Ufinx Dr. Tumblety >? Pimple Banlsher. It la Invaluable for removing plmplm. blotchea, Ac , tea, freckle*, aallowne* <iud all Impurities and rooghneaa of the skin, leaving tne Kua blooming with beauty. jy 5-tf MA&K1KD. On th# 12th of Mar, br E?t. Wm- M, D. Eyafl, WM. H. ?UIT to Mils HANNAH ti. HL L.L.IVAN, all of thia eity. OIKU. Suddenly, on tb? morninx of Jaly 31 *t. of apoplexy, WILLIAM THOMPSON, in the 60th year of bis us. an old resident of tnis oitr. 'It a raaormi will take place on Friday, Ant net 1st, at 4 o'elook, from tkt reeideaoe of the family, Maryland avenae, between 4H and Mh ata. Tne friends of the family ara invited to attend. * Ob theSlth ioetanl, THOMAS B. HOWELL, La the 38tn year of his age. leaving a wife and a large circle of frienda to moarn his lose. Deareei buebsnd, thou haat left ma. WW w wmj WW HVWI ?WW.J ?WI t Bat 'tis God tb\t hu twrift u. He o?o a>l o?r torrovi he&j! I Baltimore papsra oopy] ^ * ?A3H HOU8K?CHEAP tOODb. JOBt PH J. MAY, < l<aU of the firm of Clacett ft Mart) Whoiaaale and Retail Dealer In FORKIVN AND DOMES IIO DRY GOODS. 309 fa armiM, bttwttn 9tk and 10t4 strut/, Waanmctoa, 0. C. N. B*?Boo4t sold at loveat New York vnoaa. JOSEPH J. MAY. Jt 309 Pa. ave.. b*t 9th a?d loth ata. 486 witf&WPVJiV . 486 OVALPIOTVRK FRAMES, Ac , 4c , A ohoioe aefectjon of Paaarkaaringa, warranted Sold aad Imitation Go a B&rdWinrfow tta*ciea: 1 ?? <! aii Blaa UaI an<1 V? ?ka *a?/i orm&deibto Window Shade#; Plotar? Co d *r.d different uim and oolor*; Pi?tar? Null. Ufa, Jfcd ; al?o Um ksndaomeat auo Unect of Or*, Pioiure FrsmM ia the oity, from the bast tnaLifaator* la tfca oountj; uao, PuMfuUuU, 24 114 V MM Pram*. Ai.rioiM vmatM u repreaentad. or no pal a. Puroiiaeiag tor oaah, all fooda will m told at tba lawaM r?*an?raUT? prioaa Allowing bo o.d t ook la iMiM'ato, parson* naediagtb* abort gooda will And aew and 4mir~ A*?u soil u tad from Umm naadlng tka above ?^ Terms ouk. J. MAKER ITER. REMBMRBR VHE NuMBKI. CTAoc u* urm? Cnh for (ooda and Labor. it M MC* __ r OK AL*X4WBKU ANli WASaiNeiON Tie ?Ucaj?r PL A N T k R w\W Imti B<imor*, from her wharf, loww ocd of Fr*i jp-k. ft *%'1i5eUied >MM' eeaunentiag oa Friday, Hgmwi&sgsm SmcM nmir*d y tot * Uok o? u? tor of ??.. .wJS^jagL i WANTS; . : w^raNMaMHr w*.|? BtTeet, bet wen C and D. It ?l-lt* \AJ ANTED-By a re? pee table woman. ? ] JU; ATlOtM a* oook, washer or lroner. Call at Wo 833 <T*h ?t. between Q and H. It* WANTED?A YOUNO MAN in a drag atoreone who ?>a? a knowledge of the boalosae. Apply at tbn oMoe. Jy >!?' CAKE BAKERS WANTED-Two or three good Cake Bskera Apply immediately te THUS. HA VENN ER.34T Eat. Jy?Hi* w? t a ai n a o ifHty * ray / v % ?> kl? uu a > ir.u?jl siivaiinn. 07 ? ?' girl, a? ohambermaid or ohna'a noree. Addreie a cote to Box 93 Star Offloe jy 81 *t* WAN1KO IMMKDITELY?To rent a STORE on Penna. avenue or 7t& a*re*t not fiutbar tban H at. Addreaa "A. L.," WMkincton oity Hoat Ofloe. jy fl at* WANTED-By a young girl a SITUATION aa chambermaid or aa dining room servant or nurse. Call at No. 73 24th a'.reet, between L. and M. It* NURSE WANTED-To take oiarje of aaiok ladr onring the day only. An elderly oolored woman preferred. Apply at 443 9th at., ospcsite Patent Ofloe. jy 3l-3t* VI/ ANTED?A 8IRL OR WOMAN of good " oharactar, to 000k, wash a d iron for a small family. Apply at W. <J O'MEAH A'S. ?*4 Pa. avenue. between ?d and 3d eta j? 31 ?t* 11/ANTED?A gentleman In one of the Depart menta desires to obtain BOARD and ROOM either in Waahisgton or Seorgetowr Addreaa, seating looa'ton and terma," W.t Box 49, Wirt in?toi;." H*i ?f JEFFERSON DRAMATIC ASSOCIATION? Two irore f.adiea wanted Inquire cf MRS. MtZ/.V, ii7 6 Pa avenue. Tkoae lad i?t who hare Bent in their ntmea wi 1 call on Mn. M. at their earnest convanienoe. jrSl^w* W A NTED-ln a private family ft SI ? UATION " by a jouct girl as seamstress; oin ont and fit ladies' acil obi.dren'a dresses. and also do plain aewiif. Apply at K FRENCH'S. 21th atreat. he tween I and IC ate., for a day a it* WANTED?A young MAN to attend an oyeter svoon. None teed apply exoept they oaa oome well reoomoiended. Appiy at the oyater aa loon on New York avenue, one door from lftth atr at Jy II at* WANTED TO KENT-A media* aimed unfur Diahed HOUSE ; mnat bo looated weat of Tenth and Bfcrth of F street, and oonta i q water ar.d (sb. nojfc iu >uo.?'C i |vi<u uibj uo vu Uit?d by addressing immediately 'J>nai<t," Post Offioe Box No. 190. j f ?1-eolw* WANTED ra HIRK. with the privilege of baying, a FURNISHED UUU^G containing 10 rooms, s.tcated one block noithof Pennaylvatra avosie. tetwesn the Capitol and 14th ?t Addreaa WM. DO*ALDSON, 099 E street, ata in* looacviori an* rent. jy at 2t* A waiter wanted at the ?r?iiai Restau'ant, -4 7 Pa. arenae?oua ?ho iindar and a thn business and eau oome well recommended. To snoh> good wages wnl bs gi-*n, also a r^od heme. Jnauira at 'J47 Pa. arenne. be tween i?th ana lith. j? 81 at* INFORMATION W ANTED ? !i./onr.a:>on wa nt A.I ftf a n v nf mw f r ianH nr valatiwaa a t a J W ?M*?VU w< OUT VI (U? 11 VI toiail VQ? *7. WIUI in th* armj or out of the army- I am lying v*iy sick in *t Joseph's Hospital. Philadelphia I be lone to Light Company fc, 3d Artillery, f' rmerly oommanJeri b? T. W Sherman, at present eom manned Ly Captain J. Hamilton, stationed at Hilton Head, 8. G. jy 31-8t* ISAAC MKLANE WAN I'K.D?Two or three ROOMS funtar cashed* or a small House. Rent not to exoeed 98 per month. Address liox IT, Star Offioe. jy? _ U/AN1GD-A imart aid indistpons YOUTH " to learn the drug and P'0?cnsU0n basinet* One having'a little knowledge ol the business pre ferred. Apply to B.C. MAJOR, corner ^eve-th and E tU. jy30 it* WANTED?'Two MEN te work ia a livery stable. Call immediately JOSEPH NATHAN, Jy a 3f Corner Twelfth and C sts. WANTED TO HIRE-A BOY totakeoare of a horse and to drive a carriage. Rooommend at lor s required. Asp y at Room No. 41, ?econd Btorv Wi Jet's MuiHict. jy y> 8t* NOTJCK-Wanted. 1? good BAKERS /or working in the Government Bake Homes at Fort Monroe. None but srofeasional takers waited Appiy to JAMES CAVE, tea., at the Captto! B*tery. jyM 1 w W*P.TED-A MAN and WU'E-roa to Jo * " lam work, ami wife to eoolt, waah and iron, in a famit? of two ue?r Georgetown Fair wagca will ba paid to ttoie who will suit. *lao. pitoea on h?bdfora.i kind* of tool women help Apply No. All Ninth reet, ne%r Pa avenue, in the uew Employment Agenoy (J (hoe. Jy?f lw N. H. MtLMtRWANTED TO RtNT?From Sept mt?r 1st.a well furnuhai HOIJBK, in a oentr*: location; net !e?a than U room*; referred near the Capitol Addraag Boa ltf. St4rJ)16 oa. jy 3 tf T NOTICE. HOSE In want of Employment of any kind weald oetter oa i on the uom INTELLIGENCE OFFICE. No. 311 9th atreet, (whera the beat of pay will be liven to 6rat claw Servanta.) 1 have a wiia application* on hand lor good Cooia. Lacn dreaaea,Caa?nber!naida. Waiters and Seamatretaea., for Touur Men to_ wait on tab:aa in private ttcuiie* or bote?. rAS? HA> us wanted. Emtloyar* iu watt o! tooa he.* will find it to tfceir a4T&QtAze to 0*11. N. B. HOl'SES waated. The bait of tenant* an M oiuitod without ohaue br i?ljli(U above. _mJWT N. H. MlhLEtt. WANTKD.-We are row bayme BLCONKHAND FUliNITlRK,STOVESm-.l {JK1> Di.Nu, for whifh we are ?ayirt tie biena?t aaa fTicv. l-annhe* d?oli*im eone?*ee?lai, ar kt'ini a fsrftaa ?f faraitare, wlii ftud It to tueir M'.a'jU. to iXt* ii a oaii. BQNT3 fr SR1FFITM. 1s ll-tf *4?. Sf'.S ?tr iL. h?tw. I end K rta. \E7 A>'TKJJ?livery p&non to koow tbat I am ia ?" the niarkat. rosuij to Mr oaah ror allai uolea mine uuaaniurutGaicf uurn. fnoi* ibatipc tne eity, or toeing ft turjuma, will co well to oa;!. B. BVCHEY, 49!T9*TS-tii at, between tt and H ?t*., (Mut aid*,) Dealer in New and Second-hand F?rutire. no 11 tf MADAME BOVJN'H FEMALE ALTERATi VE PILLS, for theexcluaive use oi frinalee laboring under any of the following conip ainte:? Obatrietiona, tvappreealona. Green riic*ue?a, H?adaone, ft>n in tue Side, Palpitation, Loattuug of Food, Disturbed S ie*p. and all lnterru? tioca or Irregalftritiea of tne Menstrual Panada. N. H.? Theae f ilia ahouiu never be t*ken by fcmft'es during pregntnoy. *? the? would be aure to oauae muoarriftge Prepared bt Madaine Ootid, ftt IS Hue Veiigerarel, ^ane. Franoe. For e&le at tiie ndinn i.r tin R I? i IT U k1 D -l M fcl U A V IfO {fat. tbe oniy Amenta in Washiufton* ' jy'* eolt" j^osiery! hosiery!! hosiery !!! Steele full and oomylete in ail kinds Cotton and Tbre&d Hose for ItaiM, gentlemen. and children, all of whioh wo offer *t lowest jnces, by the doses or in smaller *n*rtities. HOCKS FOR HOLIMER8. W? have Jnat received SO d?aen talendid extra heavy Kniiuti Cotton Book*, for Boldiera, ana will sell them oheap. JOSEPH J. MAY, Jy ? Itlf 309 Pa. ay., bet ?th and 10th ata. Dr. henry veterinary surgeon, DOR? EVA IIOTEL. Seventh st. Offers to euro the following Di.eases In Horaea. Diatemper. Hmtm, Qitinor. Lnnj Fever, Ir.flu enaa, Cluctri, in the oommenoemeut. Ringbone, bpann. Splint. Carb, Gall* of all kind, Strana, Founder*, Ooll?r, Head Siacgera. Parti il Blind eat, Wind-broken, Kidney D.eeajea, 9ravel, Worma, Cholio of all dcaonationa, Botta, Ponpua, Fiatula k,o. ur. Henry Clok haa hi*diploma from King of Prnaaia. Emnre Royal Hiib Sahool for Veterinary Mu^eara. at Berlin, several yeara veterinary aurgeoa In the aroiee Sr. Wafeatat Truppa, Brat ar>ree department, State of lltandenbu. f, in rruaaia. Curea warranted or.tae money refunded. jy38 1w* Domestic cotton goods at "old prices." flavlnr oarohated many of onr raoda bifare the fill in prices, we thall continue to Mil at the followiug rates until further notice. iWt Aineri?aa atd f-uglisn Prints, (in Light. Dark, and '2S ceuts fcxce lent Shining Cottons,and 4-4) at 1JK, 15. aiC 16 oents, yi and 4-4 Brown Cottons, at 12*, U, and 16 oents. Best io 4 Cotton Sheatiaga.(heavy and &ne,) at 4* oents. Best t 4 Pillow Case Cottons, at 16 oan*s. tto^d tC'in^itio Sins hams, at 1SX cents. i!% FINK WhlfK eoODs, aaohaa Cambria Mus'iss, J&oocets, Shirting Cambrics, Plaid Nansooks, Plain Nansooks, Mulls, Swiss, Fraooh Muslins, Stripod and Plaid Swiss. Dotted and Figured Swiss, Tarletons. India Dimity, *o., 4o. We have a large assortment, and will give oaatomers the advantage ol <he "old writes," although these goods have advasoad 2ft ft oeut. within tne last few da;a. 1IJT" Postage Sumps taken, aad a premium aZItwed for Oold and Silver. JOSEPH J. HAY, -New stora " jy tt-fltit 308 Pa.ava.. betgm and lQtkata. TYHE tfKRKELKY SP1N?S. BIS Favorite Watering Plaee ia bow open for the rro?ptlon of Vmtora.i (by ntua of A . . to* Baltimore and uhio Railroid > eer-VnLO Sare euabiea to eaoape Irom thehe&tJ&SU ant of oar eeaborfrd ciulea, and a ter ft .e of mtereetinc travel, and tbrmtel vea ia the acjorment of the pu-eat mountain atmoatehere and me meat deiighifal laiand rmhin* the eoantrr afforua rf.e fl?me will be kept in auoh manner aud ?i tach terma aa wiU eait the tinwa. Vieitora vill ft'-d otnveyaucei at fct. John'e Station, on the liaiiroad IS) ixulee weet of Battinore, and 2K from ihehennia. ^ fytSlm* TBK PBOPEJKTOin. A. TO"W4?"W?8f5^#W i turn *athonx?J by Uie yroyrwtor or uieio dou iIohW em rather than mior th? rltf ud ?* mom of transhipment, tj Off* tht biluMoa hind M t?n ??r oenTTeee than M?? Yore wholesale ri??. for thajMwa of Llurtr anteee oojwr (im?u?ed tf There *r? about MO ouh of th* lot.owing ohotoe Mite: _ . Whit*. JIM. Tokayi Mu\u, Tok?ji, TttrM ouki, SO nlloM (Mk, of 8sUt&U (PriM istxv ^^ iiflsssvr&r* 8*? P*nB?jlTwa* av?n??, jjJM-HM B*tw?MllU?QdMfc*to, f \u v. ; kjt* ** ? i hi i m ii i... I liOBT AiCD fOPgg. ttTRAVFO Ot tSTOLKN-Froa MUtara, &MT 0 Chain Bride*, on Bitot of 19th in/tant. wv a black BOR?K. lose out and tail: mail U Whi??iafcr?head. A !lb?mi^ " raward will b? ?a:3 on dallrtrr at VAN NB8**KN'8 Lirary Stable. Coagraaa itrtft. ?#or?? town It CTR AYKD?Frem my ?tehle, o% Toe?rlay night, O July S9. IBM, a Ytrj hu<*MiM briiht flv__ ba* MARK, bobtail; about 1?H han'a high; TijP whit? faoe, and bott biad Itn white; bat: * n onwhuiMltfti fo^d black leather halter. A liberal reward will be paid for her neortrr. JOHN B1NSLEY, Washington Stable*. jy >1 8t* 8th treat, between D acd K. UOBfiKRY-flO REWARD.?The reaiaeaoa li of the anbtonber wai robbed on thenythtol 36th, of a tfold Keteatint Watch and Chain; Pcoket Book, oontainicg a man mm of money, and some valuable payers. The above reward will beeaid&ndno qaeatioae aaked, upon Ue retira of the Watch atd Cta:n, and Pawn. i*S1St THOS. J. FISHER. 08T?From Uie 8th to the l*th inetant, nina j MU LES, from a drove on Bladensbare Pike, be'.ween Washniton Bat more. A liberal reward w..l be paid 1 for their delivery to O.J, Robb, at leaao^^aH* 8c&ic'?, twelve miles from Wachioctor, on the Bladembarg Pike, or to Mr, Jaokeon, at 6ovemmeLt stables. jy 81 2w? B8QWK A CO. THK REWARD OF THRK* DOLLARS will be (IV' n for a strayed COW, loat^gtwM on tbe 26th initant, wsite face; horns; VMr brtrdle oolor; two pieces ost out of herJfaaMM letter. M. BOY LEND, 1* 3f> st* Corner ?th and Md. ave , Is asd. REWARD?Last, on the way from the foot ofyth etr*et to Northern Liberty Market, a CARPET BAff. containing two Colt's Revolvers. 1 te ftof*e: will please deliver the tame at W ZAdN'? Tailor t*hop. No 443 Seventh street, and receive the above rewsrd. jr ?-2t* ?OC REWARD?Stolen, this morning, about tSp&'J 9 o'clock, oat of my ittb e. oae?v_ orrel HORHE, with fonr white f*et. * V7f negro by the use of Clinton Smith, tm? r* imu to ride htm off. The above reward will be paid for hie delivery to me. WW. eREABOtt, ij 30 3t* Corner 13th acd E etreete U1RAVBD FROM TUB SUBSCRIBER, ON C5 the ?th instant, a large bar HOR8S,fC wt?h lone black mua a.nd tail: both hind " feet white ay to the footioqk; white haira^^*-* crinkled on the Jeftahroider and aide of neck; a soar on eaoh breast, with hair robbed ofl, the one on the left, largeat; oamea hia head down when wtlkinc 9>o levard wiil be paid to any one who may re urn the above named horse to me at tha Nav? Vard Bate. jySQ2t? BKNJAMIN WOODFIKLD. (k[TKAVMJ AWAY, o* the 27th, a a mall aorrel ^ MARK.about 3 are old. A lib-ratarv reward will be five*1 if brought *o N?. 1 IT TJTR P'nn?ji?anla avenue, betw?n,19thaEdaotn^' ^ ta _ . ly 19 ft* aaA.Xiij| 13<io rmnaTLTiNu atinci. EMILE DLPRE Would rea?eotfnlly inform hla friendaand ouatomera that, having juat returned to thia olty from New York, ha offers a renewed aaaortmentof vinesi f amily vrocerici, CouuiUiif of SVG AI18, VEAS, COFFEE, SPICES. Etc. FLOVR, BUTTER. * LARD. Alao* * a fine Mortmain of HAVANA GI9AR9, Which, bain j puroha*?d from a prime re mm , enable* u? to ell at T*rr !ov iatM. SHKYRR'S LION LAQKR BHKR la Ha!' Barrel*. AU kinds of # FANCY GROCERIES at low ?rl?aa. 4 t ' ' * E. DLTRB it 14 Piinirrvmil i vtim DIARRHCEA REMEDY! MAGUIEB'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF BEUXE PLANT! Tliltdfor Pxfittn Ytari vtitk Immtntt Smmii IK* Wtst and Stuik, and n<m unci in fAt Wt:i*m ArwiUt ! THE ONLY RELIABLE CURATIVE FOE ALL RELAXED CONDITIONS or THE BOWELS CftUMu br Ci &nge of Water ud Diet Entirely Vegetable, and Suited to All Ages. Prepared and Sold by J. * 0. MAQUIKI, DRUGGISTS, ST. LOUIS. MISSOURI. Bold a Waahintton City by CHARLES STOTT, Drufiut, No. 3Tf Fa. avenue, nearly oppoalte National Hotel; ana uy MARSHALL * PA8B, Army Sillers, _jylVlm^ No. *08 Seres th atrset WMt, New and simplified method for PIANO FOit'fE AND HINGIN#. Profesaor ALEXANDER WOloWSKI, Pisout and Comfoaer, ui returned fromw^SM the London Exhibition, and opena iHT^ ouurse for the P.ano and Simlng br hit1 ? ? 1 New and Simplified Method. By Prof. Wolowaki's ayBtemfaeeraon havini only a a!ift<t knowledge of muuo will be enabled u a very abort time to read idaaiotritbtreat facility, and exernte onratio aa veil M caasioai maaio with rare per fee tlon. Aa to tne vocal part, by hie vay of vooalisauon La arrives at moat extraordinary reaolts. rendera the voioe powerful, and enables tie ainssr to vocalise with facility,tocaraoy and fins soauty nf Prof. W Of O Wife I T tM\ A l V A wiaitAM from VtilU o'o ook p. m.,Vt his reetdeitoetno* *41 X?bui treat, between K fcaJ F. jy? lm " NUT ICS. EOP08AL8 From Dul?? and Millers, art invited till the 12th dor of Autust. 1862, for ftir-uh mt Flour to t\o Subsistence Do jartinoni, of the am* kind which has been received by lk? United tioveiuiBent, and known as No 1 Extrabam?i?s oi tbia Flour tta be imc at the Capitol H&kerr in Uusoity. It is desired to make a contract forto.noo barrels, should however, any person desire to furnisn a lets , nattily he will state the preoise tumbir of barr#The contractor will bo reeuired to furnish,at the rate ol about K>u barrels daily, until tne oootraot la h led.?, ?xti v ? 1 i ?li ^ j? _ * run i- ;our win w i wi ou wmon ooei qoi cone ii to the itanuard at the ?o?frun>ont lntpootion, naJe init before the purer,mo. irheVlour to bo delivered at the Railroad Depot in Waibington^or any of tha Warehouse* ia ^^IV^oaito ba pat ap in now barrola. OoTornment r??*rvee the right to reject any bid beV?5>eived from oontraotors who ha*e previously la.led to oompiy with thrtr ooauifi Jderf aut be present in poraoa la roaaond to A.V tH-Th?"o4t'h ofallegiance m?lM?omHtT each bid. Firma makini hi^a tuouid at&te the umsi ofall ^ffSSSS^l.TrJu.r, No tee, and the I ? !? ?? "Propooaia wr F.oer" jr U ntrPOiSAhB will be rooeiro* at the Mayor'a P oftoeTutill \to'clock, on tee lih day of Aefn.i for Travelling twenty feet in wiaU of L"vWh ?tr?et w?wV from Mary land avenue to Ue n?i. TM gravelling to be nime laeJtee ie Ue ointre, tapering dowa to n* inchea oc the aide*; the irftvei mnet be fiem Carrol'a baA. or mut good, and raked of ilatoneofim .r0 Ar aise, and well rolVea with a heavy roller.. * r Jop??a!t will atate lite prioe for aaave yard for (r*v?IUofl- ? . ~ J AS. H." BIRCH, it U) dtd OcmmlMiODtr Kaatf nl7i?utot. FLOUR: PLOIKU FLOV R!!! FMOM TUB AMYLE MILLS, ...... TZS&xyjLA fjiHK MI?HE8Jd^EICK8 HOLD AND SILVER COM. OLD DEMANDS 2 Ymr 6 pw emu. Tr*m*ury Not?, .. ,.K "T 0??" *>?3Kgy^ A AV., w* wrtatof ?,T 1 M0UB8I0N8, PIO ICI08, Jtc. | MTS1N ROVB IN TAB FIELD A8AIN TBI*.!) ilANU PIC NIC m. of tb* WE8TBBN BOdK COMPANY A will rir?r ?t UBk A If A L 0 S T A H. MONDAY. Aagast 11th. W Bt ?pd?r of the <y y 3f PIC NIC at th? H I PBN1AN BBOTHKBHOOD. M wl l oom?? off at IB AXAL08TAX ISLAND, fcflk On IHUHSDaY.theTth Autuit. "LM Bntac t ra* her motley ra*. We'll lift the 6reen, more frond and airy! Ror farther per tie- era eee Ster of next week. _ 9-4f FPlil NIC O* VHK BENbFI?OP PT MATTHEW'S BGHOOIA ? A' m-81 Boata will oonver TiaUora to the la lend free of oherKe, ftoia Western Wharf. ^r-"" ^ >V aa hi niton, and foot of Hi|h ?t Seorcetown, daritc the day. com < me&cicc att o'clock: a m. Ticktta to the r-oama 4" oentc; children half prioe. Mntie and refreahments in abnndenne The objeot of thia aic mo b*inc to raiae fanda to aid in aiaeisg the achoolaof th.a one per iulc' i iognD[, 11 ia uupou iam.? memoeraor trr F?n?n and toe tubuo in general will concur to reader it sncceeefu . Tickers may be had or the following ooinraittetGeo Harvey, Daciei Myers, Wan. P. Drary. Geo. Kidw-11, a. Tama' ty, Ja?. Chapman, JohnCrapman. Joe Keete', Daniel Lmkina, Wa. M Ha-rey. P. Jordan, Mioh&ol t-itagarald, Wm l.Friiaell, John Green, Wa ter Prnry, C I Queen, Wm. A. Kennedy, Thos Wiliiami, Thomaa ^aMeil, Jceph H*atinca, John^tafc*. Jihn Mt Qui.Ian. iy83-tA*g4 [Republican] ~~FOlT SALET AN D BLENT! |/?OR RENT?At No. 4M ltth a tree t. eaat eida, I r between G and B iU , comf .rtai ? APAKI MKNT3, eaambere ainrieand with sitting rocrr.s attached: reo^ntiy farnieted. No children in tnt houe. The loeation ia one of the moat deairab r tn Washington. j?si *1 A FURNISHED HOU9K FOR RKNT-1T4 I i A tree', b twe?n Sfttti and Slat. Po<aeaeion ! . given on the y .h of Autuat Jy 31-8'.* A FURNISHED HOUSE FOR RKNT. with iu and wa'er. on H atre t oetween 20*.h an J 21*t,in the Firat Ward. No. App y t& Tfl't;, C38AN. Grocery next door. jt 31 it* ROOMS FOR RENT?Par or, Dicing Ro >m. ana Kilebea for rent tri h or without p&rlcr. Nob* need apply bat oaa o^me well r?c jmmauced. Apply 394 C at., between 4K and 6th ita jji\t i?' L^OR RKNT-Nioelr Kvrsiahed CHAMttKRr* r aad PARlORS in a private family, oooupy it g a h&adeome. modern dwe.lini, with l art, water, AO. Board included, if desired. Apply imm?l ate it Addteaa Box Poat Oftco jy si ?t* A mm HOUSE AND STORE TO LET. at 94A Penn. avenue, an exoeilaot atacd for m >at an* hflaiteaa Inquire at the OoatinK Rea'auract. 947 Pa a*- P. iiwkid given in a (ew day. Jyar>-;t* L^uIURKNT?An elegaat and veil fnrniahtd r HOtsK. with ej tensive p easnre grouu a. garden. ptstare iot, aco aiaote, eitnated on Road a Tret, Georgetown Height*, between h gh and Vuley eta. Ap?i? to J. DENT, No. 4 5?? Fi'WWiio ?t M>. Washington. jt ? 1 w ROOMS FOR RENT-A1445, 1 street, etuth side, between 9th and inch streets. 'Fhe rooms are la-ge and airr, weil furnished. scpp.ied w.?h water and rM. and in a very plessact and an thy looation. Tney opeu into eaon other, thus render mi lb em auitaMe for bed rooms, or btd roo.u *< d parlor, terms moderate jt 3V*t* L^UK R* N T?The foar-atory Briok DMKLir " 1N6 HOUBK, oorner of 4th M.d I> streets, rear the City Hall. Apply to JodEPH 'ISITf, No 90 Louisiana arenee jy g>-8:* Fm UKNISHtD ROOMS FOR RKM. in the neighborhood of the Patent ana Poet f?ffiie% w th or without Board. In a Northern family ApB ? 4SS H street. h?t*tnn .Vn and 4tv.. i.WSt* CEVERAL FURNISHED VoONB FOR ^ RENT, with Board Aiao, Tab.e Foard?-e oommodated.a: 391 E (tree:, between wti atd lctu. j? ? St* C"OR REN1-* two -story BRICK ROUSE, a with bacs budding, containing 11 roomr; to! brick atabie atd cut honatf; water ar.d fete fru t in the ya'd. Furniture will be rent.*J -with tf ? house, if required Imui'eon the ereiaiaa. fci : Mariianri ayenne. between 1>th and >3th it ;9 at* l/OR SALE CHEAP, on aooo<rm?datinc tar me. r that new three story BK.1CK FloUSt., *o. 419 N street north, eaat of Fourteenth st The house has all tha modern lirproTen.enla, and is large and convenient. Brick ataole on the lot. The property most te told immediate t. as me owner removes Weal. Ca.l at tne a jove number. Jy ?** P>R RKNT?The Residenoe cf Can. HAR WOOD, U.S. N. aitn&Ud on the Mar.corcnsh road, aear Biaienabnrg, and easy of aocess u> Washington, aitter *y turnpike or railroad. The P'osertj coa?ists of S3 acres. principally meadow land. TLehouteia large ard commodious, moderniiii|>roreti:^cts.?caxwen acd groumu weii tooted With frail aad atree* Mab r, Ca riag*.M4 oiDrr oiii-Qocue*. fcupp.y 01 wai?r abundant, ami ocatiou p*ri?)t'y ht-i'tn*. Part of t!i? lurutare * ll, be rectec 1/ re* are I or ierj.? fcc , app.r to Meurt JACKSON & BitO, l'a i.e., oppo?iU Brown' tiottl. )t m if FVOU BALfc?A three-atory li&IOiw JiOcSt , ooctei&inc C rooms ; tem^a will l?e ttM a.t ^ 1 ated on a ftreetnorta, between W auJ it., M'mt1 rut, opposite Wauah Ctapci, Capital u; tor Iwmi mni't Ut\?t floor ( n?usa > j?28 1 w* FOR 8ALK?Two new hrtt cin throe ?lory BUCK HOtftKS.ou lk? keifbts ol George. own tn?aue of W. H.BOHEV. jell-tf DOOMS AND BOARL), witb a Northern fan.i X\ Iy,;n?p.?*aant loc*.Uy n?ar tne uep* ticcLU, Mmm hnn ? fntr itnrA nrl KaH ti \ r * A Bo*rtT?r?"asooram^ditadT 44**Two;iUi tr^?t."h?Ur?n 8 and H. jo *4-tm JNV EST ME NTTST SEVEN AND THREE TENTHS UNITED STATE8 NOTES, UNITED STATES BONDS-DUE IBM, ONE YEAR CERV1F1CATES OF INDEBTEDNESS. QUARTERMASTER'S VOUCHERS, DEMAND NOTES. (OLD ISSUE,) Aot of Ancmit 10, INI. AMERICAN AND FOREIGN GOLD. UNCURBENT BANK NOTES. STOQR8 AND BONDS ON COMMISSION, BOUUHT AND SOLD. E1TTENHOUIK, FANT * CO., I? 1&_1?i O drt D jy ?g-*m u?oi?n rruu, >Trfaaw. pROPOSALS FUR RKVKNUK STAMPS liiuiKT DirttTHin. < 0#f? 4/ J?Ur?<U Jm/v A 1M8 | PioroaAL? will be reoelYea until v?e?inea<iart the 6th of Aagua' next, for furn.aiiiLg Revenue Stamp* acder iM recent Ut of Conireaa lmpoaing temp duties. Biadera will atate th# pnoe pertnoaaacd etairpa, del?T?r?b:e in paokagee of t#n ueb at t:.e Treaaarr Department In Waahington. AJeo, the priee per thousand in aunilar paokatea, deliverable to the agent of the Department at the piaoe ofmanufacture. Al?o, the prtoe per thouaand, delivered in la'ger (sokafw, m required, either at the Department, or pi&o? of manutaeture. Alto, the prioe per thouaand, aeparatsd In aaoh tuantitiei m maj be daily ordered for the n*e of ooueotoraand othera, never ieaa than two hacdr?d atampa. aad eeoureiy tanked in bi eaeea,amtabla binders* board boxee, witn mualin.or otaer equally trout oovera. or lined enveloeea aoonding .o the aaanutr and diatanoe to be ooLveyed, aa mar be required by the Department, atating tne differenoa. if any, between the ooat of de iTery 10 an agent ?: the alaoe of manufacture and a 1 ^aahington. A fl lliflh MAkftVAC KaIava mtiHa* ?/v K? .A amined, and the at?u,pi roo?ULt?~\ j an agent of tiila Department. BiaCera will aiso g re the additional ooat for directing p&ckagea for tbo mails an i preparing b ai k receipts. under UMdireotton of aa agent of the pe p*:tmeiit, either at the ueparuneni or maou/actOry Proposals nut be made for the aUmpa in sheets, perfectly gemmed, and perforated In such manner tsatsaoa separate stamp oan be readily detaoLod OiTand after Wednesday, the sotb of J?!y icst., dffijns for itie proposed stamps may beeeen at the ofiee of taa ComsalasioLor of lutaintl Jtetenge. taoh bid is to be sooompanied with a) (peatmen of the sty leef engraving and the aaality of paper to be farms tied, whioo will be sabnuttedloaueerd of disinterested exports or artiste for examination; ?nd the aooepted bidder, before the ftnal consam maCAonofa eoutraot, Mil be required to furman proof impresaiona of the engraviuga of the several hia, ?bo.? ?. .= walnaaa mnat aIba K? aBK)rittA?1 witk aaaK KiJ It u necessity to eroteot the boxee by or other oorerm. in ue moot tffsotueJ aaauer, hubiI weta&d einuion The contract wi-1 reeeire ?lt diM fccd pales to be prepared n.d kept in repair, ud tfcei nev die* and pfatee tiail bo owi, aitaer for the present aenomtaation of ittmH or otbere, without charts, at the pleaeure of the I* pertinent. And ail such diee aad p>etea are to be tne property of tM 6niud ?ta> t? lor the mthm of the Treat ^ obt<f? will be ooeaidwad except from *ertit? who have been aotevly engaged id the beet j??? of eopHr Pf*" er ateel entrance ana ifiatiug, ana whu are Uiue eecac?d ettke time of bidding, aad provided wi h ail the aeeeeaary fvr.liue* to axe oaie th? work promptly, and jive C? re*aliite protretior- tj at etaa#a, diaa ana plates in taeir IRjfaes out known to the Umihimiii witi < ? tab fro of u to shea* points. . JLm wardinc tfca cot -r?ct, th? Comaiaaiocor of Ufrsftl JtfWMM raaanM tn? riftit o! deoi<Ua< wkica bid, tn iia r'touul rantta, ? * bo nj?t to tM Intersit of too I>oaart?aat, harag rofororc* toti.n it? ie ot tha work.Moantr, mtdo of prnckmg. fyte-tAa>6 Oi'MiM t of loMrnol Kotobuo SkVERAL V?TPL mobA hud FIANOB One tor |H|OM(br mo torlUig^^ wv?!?l*Tz|(21f, n H yjvruw Si uu ??., ?b? r?, it. SECOND emTtOM THAKE 0 CLOCK P M g IMPORTANT ORDF.R RESPECTING A? SEN TLB OFFICER* AND PRiVAlT.4. W?? If*f irt?n??r, Clip, D. C ,( 3l?t JulT, S Tta* absence of rfl'fti and pr'??to? from U ?lr dntv, tinder Tvricut pretext*. while le^elYing pay, at great expen*. and burden to the Gowbinf-nt tcakt-o It neccaeary that ttfectlve raeaearw toe tak-u to enforce their return to du y, or ttoat their place* toe ?uppl!e4 by tlioae who arlU not take pay while render n*, ao aervtee. This evil* moreover, trnda greatly tod hcournge the patrl. otic lmpult?* of tboee wt>o would contribute to *np;?rrt tb? famlll** cf fa thin I scldtera It ii therefore ordered by the President: -? ??* ? * ?a? - A " i nai on .uonui>, in- i he any 01 ah^uh, ?ll iMVd of absence and furloughs by vhomiofw given, nnlesa by the Wir Department, are n>voked and a?>?olutely annulled; ?ad all ctn^era capable of service are required forthwith to jolt their respective commands, and all private capable of aervlce to Join the'r regiments, under penalty of dUnt'asni Iron the service, or such penalty a* a court rautial may award, nnleaa th? absence be occasioned by lawful cause II Tbc only exru-e al'.owd for tbe absence of offlrcrs or privates from duty af??r the ltth day oC August, are 1st The order or leaveof the War Department. ad D.ttbllity from wounds received In service. 31. Usability from dtaease that rfudcti lb* party unlit for military duty. Hut any o?cer or private w uiHf health pertrlt* trm to trialt watering ptatfi, or plseea of amuaemrnt. or to tnake ?o~ial \i? ta, or walkabout the town, city, or neighborhood la wtlch be may be, will bt eonfcIJer?d for military duty, ani aa evading duty bv from h:i command or rank III On tbc eighteenth day of Au;raat, at 10 o'clock a m., each raiment and corpa aball be muvtered The ab*euteea will be makad, thrve li?t? of the a?m? msd"tu% and, witbio f >rtye ght b^ura after the i< u*:er, c- e copy abali bw aebt to the Adjutant Gi serai of the ermy, one to tae commander of tbe crrp?, the third to be retained - and ell cfficcra and prlvaiaa At f.?r duty, abaent at the time, will be regarded a? abaert wtthcot cauke, their p.y ped, and they dia miM*a I on ibe eer?:re. or t eatcd as ddMMi, ur.less restored ; ?rd &ordl??r shall be restored ?.? bis rank unliss by the judgment ?f s court of it. qnlry to be approved by tfce President, Le scs I establish that bis ?bs? n'e wei with pofd cause. IV. Commander* of Corps, Divisions, ?Brlpidt *. RegimmU and drta&hed poet* are stAri.y enjoined to enforce tb- truster and return aforesa'.d. Any i itcer failing In bis daty herein wl J be deemed guilty of gTos3 neglect of duty, and be dismissed from tbe service V. A Commlss'oner shall ?>e appointed by tb* Secretary of War to superintend the execution cj this ord*r in the respective States. The Unltea Mates Mtrshals, In tbe respective dlstrlris. tba Mayor and CLVf of Police of a?y town or elt>, tbe Sberitls of the respective counties In emeu b'.ate, all Postal^sters and Justices of the Peace, are authorized to act as special Provost Mirthait, to arrest any oth er or private soldier, dtfjr dut\ m who mtv be found absent from bis commanl wlthcu. jast cause, and convry him tj the nea * est military p. ?t or depot Tl?e transportation, reasonatil. ex penae* of tfcl-i duty, and Fl?e do'lar*, will be paid for eerfa offr er or private ao arrested at;d delivered. By order of toe President Ebvis m Staktox, secretary of W'u. A 8ENMBLK GOVERNOR. Gov. Tod, of Ohio, Las decided tbat after IM I jib of A -j^-uat h?- will p-y uo mor? bouutte* if tLrre shall be a d?>t?r mv of ?o uct-era -^eu, It will be nuad<> np by uraft. without bou .ty. Other Govern ora prop tUe aam? thing, a ad the Serwtf.ry of War wul probably adopt It On Sa'-nrday, at tbe urgent u quest of the Got. eroor of Iowa, la or<W to reach evtl-dnp?a?^ traitors v ht> are curbing ?, b*wi* authorized by tLe i??.rrete-y of War to n?;.ke * draft whenever and wherever he *bonld think proper. S.mltar application! have been hi&Ac t> tb?r Governort. and will probably b- ;:auV<d FOREIGN UtLATIONtf. ' Sece^o-iUt at Baltimore wrot jy : >ae it?-!?gi r of lue S4 f J uly that McCle.lau'i my wv> *urend^ri:;,. t > Jtff Davit Tbe caua'd vrj t- iyripin-d trora l{ueeu*town t? London ju*: ; t for t_e event an London 7'iwuiofthe l8th,*nd t wai assumed to true In the debate on L nc say's motion on the 16th. Tbe cana*d exploded, and then I.'rduv withdraw ku n.r.t.nn i wat la the Ho ?f of Coui.r.'tia a!.. Jin* tk? mcm slon H* aaid be believed th? canard to be true, TUS LATEST itr TKLU'JKAPti IlIPORTAXT FR01I THE SOITH. TEN IKON-Cl.ADGt \ BOATS OFF MOBILE THEY OFENLY 11RF.AK THF BLOCKAAJE. Cuicaoo, July 31'Theaperi^ correapondeae* of the T.rnts, dated M^mpbta, July 8s, u^i late advices from the S^uth, through rt-bei aoarcea, are Important. Tea lroa-cUd gur.boaU. b ill! In Enplind, tave arrived off Mobile, an* tLrr? tnort are on their way. Theae constitute the fleet ordered by the Southern Confederacy In Ho rope. They mount from ten to thirty guna each, and are mid to be mailed with tlx Inch Iron. The blockade was ma openly by dint of aap?< riot strength wul weight of roetel. Mobile la now rooaldered open to the world w' to tbe support of her newly acquired pewt LATH LOCAL IVMVS. Thi Cosdcc* or W iimMTOx hrcMaiox_1? A rll IMI M >3 iA.m. -- .... ... - w nr J 6 Ad&mi, of this city, w?nt to Alexandria to visit tome relative*, a ad while ther?? was laduced to join tbe Confederate service, ar*d enlisted In Ibe l?'b Virginia regiment, and baa tince been in -vpr. 1 engagements Mr Adam* baa bad ae??-mi letters from bis son, in which be expressed himself anxious to pet borne, and etviag an aecoant of bis uoTfmenU, from wbich it appears that tonr months klnc he was discharged from service on account of disability, aud baa since been etisaved by tbe rebels as felt-graph operator, la the quartermaster's department *nd in adry^ooda store in Richmond. Ma last letter waa dated Richmond, Ja May last,ju?d ex pressed a hope VJU IV BTC UJ ? JHil CHIB, BUU Uftra II BPWfUifl Of punished In any manner t( be ventured to return. o which Mr. Adams replied by letter by way of F? itr -aa Monroe, and expresaed a wish to see htm Several weeks ago the aon arrived In the city aa the father say*, tor tbe purpose of seeing the family, but before be reached the house wmr relaiives got him in their possession, took him to tbeir house, on H street, and after inviting In several of tbeir sec^sh neighbors, had a grand time over Mm?giving a musical entertainment and s party la honor of his preeenoe Among lbs Invited guests on tbe occasion waa s mere tan who some time since waa in Fort Warren, also a wuii KK.IKI U1 auuac uwr At mi? oooae IM ten WU kept several days, and was taken to Baltimore and Alexandria to see friends, bat being accompanied by tbe nine branch of relatives, of course was botte<l out la seeeah rlrcla* only. After remain lag about one week, be left again, as la believed, for tha Sooth, on tbo advice of tha rebel*, an 1 went to Aqnla Creek it la supposed that ue took tbe oath ot aUef lanoe at FruerickibDrr, and procured a pass Tbe father and hia family a few days aloe*, by aocldent, beard of the soa having bean here, aad aa may be supposed, are htgbly lndlgnsat that tba son has been persuaied to return ftoatk Mr Adsnia's Unionism U uadou Wed, and be has now a soo serving In tbe Union army. Tha matter is belag Investigated bjr General Wad*worth, aM it i> t? h* hnn. d bat if thew rttriiM mm.u t?> the md to return Soatb, they wlli Mrrln tht hen tilt of accommodations 1b the Old Capita* or Fort Warren. Cbimuux Corar.?' tatorday, tb? evldaaon la tb* eau of \V m Cb iinbeen was eondudad, tad lit case waa glvan to the Jury, wbn uad aat ? tar>e<i a Ytrdict at oae aVtaek to-day This morning Thomas Kvaas waa found a^t gul:t]r of an assault and battery. \V rn H B?klM?K mrmm t.(mA .. ' ' battery and acquitted. Charlea Bine, colored, ?u {Mid guilty t malicious mtachlef la dUombowliag a Som aid a cow. Oddly enough, the ortoc'.pel witneaa to thU r?ar waa Mom Bl-cfc, a dncmdut of Monb Black, the weil-kaowa white and y allow wut er making rather a mixture of color* u the cane,