Newspaper Page Text
f ^ ? / R w Sk fit . J^l fl BL yj& yi JJy I A . " ^ 1 ' 1 ~" 1 1 11 y?. XX. WASHINGTON, D. C? FRIDAY. AUGUST I. 1862 N*. 2.945 " THE EVENING ST Aft t* PUBLISHED EVERT AfT?HOO*, (SUNDAY MXCSPTSV,) AT THE ITAl BUILDINGS, anMr V mm. mmd MUmmtk xlraal, ST w. d. wallaoh: r-tr, or T <*nt* p? out*. To oull anbeerlfcen Ifce prim to SXSO t fetr, im admmes; 9* to ill bcaUu, tl Jbr three mooUf ud lot \mm thma ikrce aioatha it Um mte of U eeata a wwk. 91*gtr owe c?wt; In wrmppert, t*o cnn. O" it*iiTi>iiimi shonid be ml to ttu ce before u o'clock othenrtoe they Mf ot ippe&r until the mx! day. I * THE ULU It ELL PEAR TREE. ' grand**'" I birched for her everywhere, la the wide ' <>l kitchen, in the pantry end milk*r?om, tni up ia the kitchen chamber, where the great loom which bed woven "ifty rag carpeta." and the spinning wheel which had ?Iled the jtreat oaken ch?t? with linen, rtood side ty side, and where the old musket which had done braxc service under Qeneral Putman in the Fror. h war and at Bunker Hill, were laid like old veteran? asleep on the great browa beam, and around which elnetered a i i > . - - - ? * *9 woria 01 oi? ?> ? and legend* oi maun war whoop and teal ping knife and in latter tines in th? days of tne devolution, of ''red coat" and Tory, and of true-hearted patriot*, who left their fields and harvests, and laid down every thing that was precious and pleasant to than, far the freedom of their home#. And these old legends and storiaa were like preeious jewels strung across the hard face of the winter evenings, when wet sat atonnd the great fireplace at grandma's, listening to her w. i Pfi fl on J wa^Kin# tka Aamae laan win b /I the great -back log and "fore atiek." ''Grandma' grandma!" I (hosted the name load the aecond time, standing in the buck door that bright October morning, whose mists were like torn ribbons on the hills, and whose pulses were full of the slamber and xweetness of the dying year. '-Why, Josephine, where did yon come frem ? ' called the cheerful Toiee of the old lady, as she cane around the corner of the house, her face shaded by a Mae sun bonnet, while she held a large wooden bowl of pepperi in bo'h hands '-It's vacation, grandma. I ve come to spend the day with you; and suoh a sesreh as 1 ve h?.d for you " * v. ell. i d gone back o' the barn to lay out a few yards for bleacking, and then,1 thoaght I might as well fake to-day to pickle ray pep. yen so I k>pt on the vines.'' I wt. h 7 u could have known my grand. ;nofher Morrii. She was such a dear old lady, with a gaiile which kindled up her pale, wrinkled face into almost the glow and fresh* nesi of youth, with a heart that was full ?>f kindness and sympathy to every human taing, and a memory that was like a pleasant book #_tt * * *~ ioi! oi pictures ana sioriesor tbe put. I think that kind. lovine heart was like life fresh act) green when hernead had blossomed into tke snows of age. ' Grandma, what makes yon always so busy ' I said, as ?he eame into the kitchen, ? i. taki-- op a skein of bias woolen yarn, i?4irr??d it over a chair and commenced windJ ing it, while she made some inquiries reaped lag my parent* &n<l family " 1 exp?et it. s the bl^^d f the Mortise*, my ch?U " ?be said with her o'l mellow laugh; ' y>* oarer found one o' then wick idle hands as locg as they 'd strength to um 'em, or there was work for 'em to do." "You must be a genuine Morris, the**, granlma, ' I said, and then lifted uptheoover of a willow basket which I carried. " See what mother sent you to-day." I did not w nder that the old lady's eye brightened at the sight of the pears which lay r^ere like great gold and emerald goblets She took up ore of the largest by its slender stem and rorreyed it admiringly * ' U s the real old-fiahiened ball pear. Dear ose' There's nothing takes ne back three (MM ft' TMH (?.iUk?? ?*? " l-? -* *' " Why. grtiKimH ?** Because?bo matter?it's a long story, my child " " 1 >u11 like to hear long atorios, you know." the W?ked at mo thoughtful for a moment. '' Now, do tall me, grandma." '"Wail, I'll gat to seeding thesa pepper; first,'1 removing her sun bonnet, and hurrying into the pantry for a great yellow earthen bowl. O, I ean see that side kitchen, as we mt together in the autatna morning, with theplea?aut sunshine dimpling all over, flattering in th+eorners, and asleep on the eeiling, and still hear my irr*ndma'a voice. inH ** * glance quickly through the white coro of the peppers. "I til the first that discovered them?the f>nr peer# on the little tree that stood among the quinces at the bottom of the garden. My lather had set it eat three years before, and we'd had a good deal of trouble with it, for somehow pears didn't appear to do well on our oil. Peaches and apples had always flourished nioeiy, but ill luek seemed to wait on far pluflQ and pear trees, and I kaew father'd taken tatra pains with the one he'd set oat am?ng the quince trees; so I started up to the bonse. q?He proud ot the discovery which I had made, i ^ Father<guess what I're found !': i ?h tii yonnreet of the family, and a great pet With my Father. who always oAlla me the " ohfli uf my old age " He waa mending his seine net t>y the window, and mother was carding soma wool for spinning in one oorner. " i doB't know, Dobbin.' he aald. " Come, now, don't get into any freah mieehief," end he palled my ear playfully, for I had caught iK fingers in the net Wbat'll too give me if I tell yon?" jumping op and down before him. " I cw't tell yoa, R -sunna, till I hear what you've ftund. '' " I've found four pears on the new tree." My father laid down hi* net. aot oa the bell pear tree tmong the " Ye?. that viry one. Now. father what < will yoa give me?" I I 11 take yoa along with me thia afternr*m, for I'm going down the river fishing." I clapped my hand* for joy, bat here mother , interpoled , js^rSain'wel. how ean roa aav that? RV?". . such a haraui-scaru'-u thing she'll be ture to i fall iata tb? water '' 1 " Dua't be afraid, lUchel, I'll keep a goad \ cje on her " I oa*'t tall what aoiwer mother would have J utile to all this, but jaat at tnat moment there , wai a rap at the kitchen door, and I opened, acd a little boy wm standing there. I can Mid my grandmother, eloaing her a/H BlW speeking softly. 'He wore an old straw huf, Wf blue homeapun suit, aad be looked sad ahd worn-out, bat he natfa \ bright, intelligent fl*e; with large, elear haiel . ^ "_Can you tail me, littlf girl if there's aar- 1 -aoay sere innti to hire #hand ?" Somehow ^tft*orry for the boy. ~ " 4 on one side, a doeply interested 1 auditor, uyr father Mood ud q?estlon#4 1: bis U bis aiifar-of-Caot way, tad mother I stofia4 carding her wool, to iiotoik 'Bo to id a plain. itia%ht-forw%d *0rj. 1 1I? said that his heme waa in WoJdford, * town about ten miloa from our village, that his father waa drowned ut sea when ha was a babe, and than afterwards hit mother had m?pf orted herself and eon by plain sewing, lill t] suddenly she, too, akkenad and died. * to The boy?was jniy tweW> ? ^ l?fe S h?jMle? and friendless in thowurld, a*| the P ueifW?9ft were about to bind n1?n o?? t? the r owner of bia mother's eetiage, whofcahehlf I ofien called "a bar4 and ?rsmin? he knew ite would rather her no would be t< lying by her aid* eorered ap by the same i graaaee which were growing orer her head, ? taac be m lae power of ooo who had ae often t<ku idnBUgt uf her widowhood iad hon- | e?ty So. two daya before be had ran away, and applied for work'at the houaen aleag the j turnpike for more than sis miles, but nocsdy had waated him ** I can do the chore? ?r und the farm, air; |t only I am not itrong enough to plow and cat a h?y ' . - ' 1 P 1 *eem to h?v? hhiuU enough jnit now"? Yy ni' tber ir.t*rpoe?d acre " O. dim'wl. vou kaow its prM^y near ?. v ? ?t ? - T - - J J ! bi mar+Mp *kcn. J V - i %< tr uk.- oic t. ^ sua tr* jticu;." lor I it* imi/ U*4 wa?i>*4 (b? uiwibtr WrW? n 11 % "That'* Hk? ?oa. Hichel, for *11 the world," ?M ray feiher : bat it wu jaat like him. too ; for when I pulled his sleeve end whispered : " Do please take him. father,'7 he answered . Yes, Puffly, I'll try him, and aeo if he s a good, Denest, irriustfrious boy." "Vou look tired and hungry," said my mother to the yoang stranger. "I've walked seven mile* ma'am, and hav'nt had anything to eat bat seme apples I found on the w*y " Dear me !" and mother bustled off to the pantry. After tfcla Richard Seen was like one of our own family. He was a bright, lively, aotive boy, end we ell grew maoh attached to him 44 lie and I were the beat of friends, for he was only two years my senior; and we went off into the Woods berrying together, and over to the meadews for fresh mint. He caught and tamed a gray squirrel for me; he put up a swing in the old barn, and at last my fatlnt aid, -1 think I shall send Hiohard to school this winter with Rosanna. lie can take hor over ihe kills on his sled when it snow? ; and he's such a likely boy it's a pity he can't have a good education.' 14 That's jeet what I've been thinking, Sam* 'wet," answered my mother; and so it wru * XI i. ??* n ? * whim kna? muiiara rear* anoma remain in our family. | TO IB CONTINUED. ] Of* Nkw Ikon Clad* ?It la expectrd that on Friday next a ne<* Iron-clad ateam frl^aie wi'lbe commenced at the Delamater Iron Worka In th!a City. Tbia vesael la to differ In aeveral Important particular* ftom the other armored ve??el? uovr fortttihie She will be a frigate lnatead of a ru?boat, ami will, consequently, be larger aad more formidable Captiln Erlcaaon, who will superIn' nd the work, entertain* the hone of mxklntr her the fastest vowel of the new Iron clad fleet. The preliminary work haa already commenced. The heaae In which ane la to be built la nearly finished, and Is 900 f et long. The Iren war teaaels in course of construction at Qr-enpolnt are pushed abeid rapidly One of them has her macolaery on board, and will be i ready for aallora and marines, It is thought, before th? end of Au?ust. Thes > two ships hsve bsen soma weeks on the stocks, and as many hands as I ran be conveniently employed on them are workj \ng Incessantly. i The New ironside*, the Iron frigateJa?t bnllt at Philadelphia, la now ready for sea The Navy Departmrnt has detailed her ofltcers, and the i Gov rnment Is selecting her crew and marines She will be put formally in commission In a few dm The Roanoke. at the Brooklyn Navy Yard. Is 'Ato going on favorably, and will be ready for u*n?fer to Nrur York on the 1st of Angnat. Her , Ami preparations may be complete before September. Order* bare bcea aent from tbe N'nvy Depart m?nt to the Charl^town Navy Yard for the conI Htruetlon of an Iron-clad battery, which, from l?a peculiar m^dr!, I? probably d?*alj:ne<l for harr?>r defense It wUi be two bUBdred and f-?rty fret long, lfty-three fret beam over all, and eleven a'd a half fe~< ?Wt? ? i- ? ? - _ -wv J' i-7 ic^uucu i'J uraw twalve fleet, and to resistor thirteen hundred ton> The upp?(Ld?-ck will be lush, Ilk" that rf the .Monitor, neltner bulwark cr rail rlslnu ibuv It The deck will consist of six inch oak plank, with oii" mid s half Inches of Iron plating outside of :nat. The Iron mail on the outside of the hull %?U1 be Ave Inches thick Workman n?e aettlu? the block* fbr this formidable craft, which will b-built at ?aee In the upper ship-Louse.-A'tw York Post. Arrested for Treason.?The Sum ny* thst a number o/ arrets, on the abo^e charge, were ma do In Baltimore Thursday. On U><* arr.val it the steamer Planter from the Potomac, l)r Uam-' mitt aid Wm Woodward were arrested on the charge of bringing letters tent from Richmond for partlea In tbl? city. They were taken to the oiflce of Matha! Vannostrand, who, after an exaaaioatloB, released Dr. klammltt and paroled Mr Woodward. At UK boor tfa? steamer George We ma, from the Patuxent. was signalled from (be marine observatory, and tbe deputy marshal, arrested August AnU.n, James Meg be* and William Acton, all formerly of Baltimore, and took them, wltk their baggage, to the marshal's cfflce A colored woman on the boat was apprcaced bv one of tbe police and asked if she bad not something secreted In her boaora. 8he replied that she bid not, and then turned Into a private room rihe wm followed, and a search disclosed that sbe bsd ?large number of letters In her bosom,which sbe said had been given to bjr by Anton I'pwards of one hundred letters, and Richmond papers of ttp 58th lnatsnt w?r? ? u _ __ _ ?UV fai IJ 1 IT* < . Me^tiee bad been living In the south for several ytwra, and Anton Ltd been there for nearly two year*. Anton was released on his parole, and the others were held. Olfcar. parsons were arrested during the day; Rufui Belt, on the charge of disloyalty and cheering for Jeff Davis, aud 0 A Sattertteld. at Fart Marshall, on the charge of being a Confederate spy. ^ums.-On Tuesday last oar usually quiet villagers were startled, at a very early hour, by the appearance of 16 Federal soldiers, aud were ailll nwe surprised to fl ad that they were to arrest two of our moat respectsble citizens, Thomas F. fiAaia mmdI U7 m I) uni r? ?n? ?f ut. o. mU) lkki i\fogtnuemm who have all through tbe dlmcultles of tbe time* acted with the utmost prudence and discretion, seldom partaking in the dircussion of the war, and never expressing nltra or violent opinions I upon the ntoject. No two men In tbe community have borne themselves with msre philosophy and prudence, and every one Is estonlahed and pained at their summary arrest and detention The Government could have at any momer.t summoned III em to sppear at Washington with a certainty of their being ready to answer any charge that may have been made Who was Instrumental la their arrest?or for wbat they were asrested?11 la impossible to say, but we are ura aa examination will so sure their speedy release and restoration to ttoelr anxious families and deeply svmMtblslar friends?Marlbo*0 [Md ) ?30l*. Arr?k?kifi)kd Raid on Pakkkkbbcbo we learu from the ohm reliable authority that ?erioua ippreheqptooa ire Celt that the guerilla* of W trt, Jalhoun and adjoining countie* deal go lnakirtg k raid ?n Parkenrtmrg Laat Friday a party of uoaated rrbela atole a dozen or more 8tue muakelf flora the home of a Mr. Carver, who rcaides :n Tygart'i* ereek, only alxteea ml lea from Par mww;. vjii lac ?me aay a party of rebHa I red upon Alex. Beatty, an active Union man, ind a m?f1?trate of Wirt county. Beatty baa ihtee d\td.?Wk**Ung ~SPECIAL NOTICES. J BitcnT.?i1 Haut JDti Tk* but m? tkt World. William A. Batebelor'a calibrate* Hair Dye i vodaooa a color not to be dlatlngulabed from aauro-warranted no?to !n|nre the Hair intheJlOMtj 1 amadlea tkt 111 efltato of but dyea, and lnrlgor m im nor aor uu. tftwf, M ?r JUily Hair Htcatly ems a apteadld Black or Brown, loa*n* the Hair toft u4 boautifal. 8*14 bf ail i )mi|l?ii >n (j7*Tfcaeeauinela signed WilluukA.*Xo&, m tiuftmr *U?$ qf??k JMMrfr, #f*. 91 AarsJoy ??., Tor*, m *7-ly (Late W0 Broadway sad 19 Bond ft.) Mnui. A. H. liat Co - h*wm bet* stock of India Robber Goods from their ranch store, 308 Peaaaylvaala aveaae, bock to Isstss, during the niMMr, wbara they will be ' iesaed to reeelre ordei* by telegraph or mall for c ay Md all of the various articles nude froia " idia Knbber or 6utta Percha. Orders will be * >rwaried by any express ooaapeay's lightning \ rala, Md arrive la la twenty-four hours, cAsepsr 1 > oar cltisens tbaa tbey eould be sold bare. ' ?ad on year orders nd bate them filled at mas- ) tectum's prieea at Mssars. 11. A. Hail k. Go's r rswbsass, (where tbey base tbe imrgut assertMt of India Robber Ooeds la tbe world,) 88 (Uk sues*, Bestoe, Mm. may ^ fiiatitioa Rirrxas. 11 I.T.1MX. v It laTigemtoa, atreuttMos aad pvrltes tbe sya- J" i, na gertoct appAitcr, and the moat agree- 1 osed oftLo coUbrat?d r?Hiy itark, Roots, 1 trrba and pure Ht Croix Earn: portlculailf Anted to deMctte female*: euro DjnpepoU ul feakftem, and 1? juti the tUng for u?? r.aangoa ^ STS Croeen. Drufrrtta, HnteU and B?- to IMU?* *CQ., * M1 MftM- 90S Broadway, 4\?w Tori. ? ! TEbEQRAPEIO NEWS. FROM TNK ARJlV THE FOTOMAC. H^r Aiiito* thi Potomat, Har. ilit-u a La Mltng, July 31.?Steamers bavr none to City Point to-day to r?cel*e the balance of tbe sick and wounded from Richmond. The bfalth of the army 1? gfadU-.Jty Improving. It bn? be^n stated by Fortrwa Monroe cor*>* pondan** tbat a party of rrbela on Friday evening croaaed tbe river abova Uarrison a Larding and drove off live hundred ke*d of betf catrtfc belong)n?r ?o t?t aruiy of tae Potomac, and ibat -ild cattle were a mile within our picket ilnej Tfcii Is altogether untrue, as no rebel troop* cro-s- d tbe river. neither waa there a single hetd of bed cattle taken at any tin*e> H timers ia New Tsrk. Naw York, July 31.?Tbe streets are fllUd with rumor* of lighting 011 the peninaula, but tbev are improbable. The government ha* taken four ve??eis to-day t?* u? to James river for the conveyance of nkk and wonnded soldiers, of whom there are known to be six tbouaand la that neighborhood Other vessels would Lave been sent If found suitable. The New York enlistment committee have returned from Washington They h'd interviews with tbe President. Becrettrv of War and Ge i Halleck on the subject of facilitating enlistments in the old regiments, and their suggestions were received favorably The matter we* left in the bands ofGeu Halleck. It it stated that the commute** propocd to the President to pay no bounties after the Ib.h of August, and if the State quota Is not then tiled up, to lca'intlv draft. The President e?9en??d to the proposition and gr.Tr me cnmmin e a letter to tbe War Depart meat rcrwninsndtag tbe lsaulng of orders to tbti effect. With the cousent of Governor Morgan, all the recruiting office* In this cttv are to be broken up and one rendtxvous fi rmed. Recruits are to be lven the choice of regiments. Vacant Buildings in Memphis to be Occopled. MturBia, July ?Gen Grant baa ordered General Sherman to take poeaeablon of all unoccupied dwellings, stores and manufactories for the Government, and also where the owners are absent rebel* to collect the rents tor tbe Government. Tbe military commission OAs c?.arnenced taking a list of such property. \ Tbe gui-rlllns captured several p^m'nent cltlxens of Haywood county on Saturdaft, for selling cotton. One w?i sL't dead while MUmptlbg io escape Tbe remaiuder vrete taken to Mlaelulp?1. 1'rlce has tent t'venty-five caaaon across the Llislstlppl, near Napoleon, and Is endeavoring to eross hln whole army. Tbe rebels say that I'rice Is to command tn Ml?sourl, Hlndmau In Arkansas, sud Magruder to be ever both, Inaugurating a vigorous campaign. The Union forces arc aiupu* 10 caeck lUein. Later from New Orleans* N*w Yokk, July 31.?The steimer Matanzss, from New Orleans July 25, hfci arrived. General Butler had ordered that all negroe* sent by their masttro to the rebel army, and who leave to join the Federal*, be regarded as emancipated The masters had endeavored In many caaea to reclaim tb-m. G#n. Butler, lna note to Reverdy John*on,says that no merchandise, whether cotton or sugar, will, In any event, be k !i d or confiscated by the United States authorttlea there. T H. Farrlab, agent of the Rothschilds In New Orleans, had committed lulclde. A number of persona had been arretted for attempting to assassins'a Thomas F. Burbank k Brother, among whom was Andre Delende, brolaer-lu law of John Slldell and Gen Beaure?srd Th* price of flour Has fallen to f lf? per barrel. Rebel (>uub**t? up Yiizn Hirer. Orr Viruicit, July i5. -A gent'evan recently from the Yazoo-rlvef country report* that tuefMir of the West la up that river, arm^d with 'M gun?, and i* tron-pla'jd to a considerable extent. The W. H Webb, a ocean tow-boat, Is also up the Yazoo, and has bef?n Iron-Plated something In the style of the Sumter, and construct d as a rim. They also have the Mobile, mounting one gan. Tn* Star cf the West and Webb carried up eight gnns at the time NewOrleanawascaptured. At Liverpool, M miles np the Yazoo river, the rebels have ingeniously constructed a raft,which is a perfect lock against ascending boats, also, a battery on the shore. There are alio 30 river sUamcrs up the Yazoo river. I liftmanF? llr CahwamAIa** ?# ?-JI Lidiamafolih, July 31.?At the State Democratic Convention, held here yesterday, Governor WyckUi' said he was for the Union, frov%d?d the rights of the South and slavery were not Interfered with Before doing anything more he would pause to se-. what we are Ughing for If to free negroes, let not another drop of blood be shed lie would hang the lending rebels, and balance the rope with abolitionist*. Me said that the abolittou'atts cvuUal ev-ry department of the G?v /nment, and werj worae than the rebels Klcbardaon, of Illinois; Oarllle, of Vlrglula; Vorhe*s, of Indiana, and other members of Congress were present. * Fria St L*?li St Louts, July30.?The Iron Mountain Railroad Company has donated 8SUU to each new re gliuent now or.^anlz-rd la the 8ta??t and ordered me d!sin!s>al of any employe J who has In vokt d the protection of any foreign government to avoid military duty. John 8 i'helps, the newly appointed military governor of Arkansas, arrived to night. It is understood that lien Curtis wlli not leave at present, but will remain to frustrate the operations of the rebels under Price and iiluduiau, whose policy in their new campaign in Arkansas mid Mtseourl is r*id to be the extermination of I'alon men and seizure of their property wher e?cr found " Mutiny and Mardar at Sea Bo?to!?, July 31 ? A letter from the ship Minstrel, at Malaga, dated July 13tk,itatea thai when thirty m'.It* aoutheatt of that port they fell In with the bark Reindeer, from Cette for New York, In dlatreci; boarded her and found that Capt. Heall, necond mate and three men had uon v 5 1 '.'1 " " " * vm.1 ?wcu aim luur wojDQca, aud that the bark was on Are. the work of two of the crew, who bad mutinied the previous night. They took off the dead and wounded survivor* and brought them to Malaga No mention is made of what oecame of the mutineers. Hebal Accanut tf the Vickabnrg Engage* meat. Memphis, July SW, (via Cairo, July 3D )?The Grenada Appeal of the 29th haa a special dispatch of the same date, staling that Commodore Davis And th? oiinhnali K?j1 - * " . , . ? > <v>cu me uiuenei and the ram Arkansas, atd bad o en repulsed, with tbe loss of Ave boats sunk mad disabled. Tbe dispatch Is replete with tbe usual rebel bombast Tbe Appeal of tbe 2Mb bas a dispatch announcing tbe occupation of Coldwa:er by the Union troops JdT Thompson had destroyed the bridge at Hanson to prevent a further advance. ttebel Prlseaers Taking-the Oath ef Allegiance. ? PiH>*MLFBii) July 31.?During yesterday ifternoon between four and Ave hundred rebel irlsouets coufluea at Fort Delaware took the wth of allegiance. The Louisiana Tigers seemed wpeclallv anxleus to take the oath. Lastevenlnr i imposition wis maaireetel among Bom* of the rlolent rebel prisoner* to attack their comradea 'or thla conduct, hut they were aoon checked Frttt Arkaaaaa. Manpiii*, July 30?Passengers from Helena eport chat Jeff fhompsoa waa at Auatin yeaterlay with a body of men, an ammunition train nd two or three &eld plecea, endeavoring to fl.d raaaportatlon a< roaa the Arkansas- It waa belevta that he intended to atop and aelze one of Jen. Curtis' tranaporta. A cavalry force waa aent ip from Helena, bat failed to ind the rebels, rho bad fled la dlfleseat dlreetlcae in the Intolor. Hebe! Guerillas Defeated la Mlaaeari. GaaanviLLK, Mo , Jaly 90 ?Yesterday Major joiear, wltk l? men of the ltth Missouri r?tMat, attacked Major Penly and Cant. Rob;on. rlth Ito rebel*, ue.u Bollinger's Mills, kiUIng en and wounding many of the enemy, aad oapuring a lot of horses, guns, 4c. The rebels rera wail mounted and equipped. We did not oee a man. Newspaper Mppraaaed. J Uodisvills, July 31?The Kxpreee newspaper ,u beta auppretied and the pnblUher arrested, >y order of General Boyle, on a-co ant the gen- fi r*( nr 01 u? papsr being calculate* to iUib< I tbeillou. I Proclamation af tkeflfrnntr ( Keatncky. LoprsTJtf.K. Jnly ? Jot. Magpflln, in ht? proclamation convening tbe Legislature, after reir^rktnp that the military board atlll claims tbe paramount of military authority of tbe commonwealth, and la unwilling to rvslgn tbe powers heretofore exercised by that body, or to permit their exercise by tbe Governor, continue* ' A civil coutlict la Impending over ua, yet I am without a aoldU r or a dollar to protect tbe :.ves, property and liberties of tbe people, or te enforce the la we. Daily appeals arc being made tome, a* Governor of ;be i*t>?.te, to prate t our clui^nefroin marauding bands and in ttie peaceful t VJoVW^ai Of 'telr property and rights uud?-r thC l OllitltutlOil. ' 1 sin wl!h??t the means and power to afford relief, and t arfl left no alternative but to appeal iou, the repreaent?tlye? ?f tbe people, ! the opc that It will not bo In vain Any attempt on u.y |xnto orgauife a force lor ttrat purpose will certainly but precipitate the evil. 1 there. f?rr, not unwillingly convene the General Assembly. tnat itey rosy themselves determine the extent of the authority granted by them, and looking to the pwjicv adopted lu tbe r-tite and and the late action of Congress and the President tr.ii- h!o^; q lestlon of slavery, provide for the safety of our Institutions and t&e peace and tranquility of the Commonwealth " Ths Qasta sf the Stnte sf .Maine. Bangor, Ale., July 31 ? Volunteers have been p">urintj in for the fast two days at an mprecedrnted rate. Tbe 1Kb regiment, located here, will he full this week, probably; the companies (ri m Penobscot county being full to overflowing, ind several extra companl< s offering. The State has raised its full quota, and many countlr* fca?e furnished a surplus. Rebel Prissaers t* be Seat Ssuth. Boston, July 31?I be military prisoners at Fort Warren wiil be taken to the James river today In the steamer Orean Queen, to be exchanged. Among tbe prisoners are Generals Bu<*kn?*r, Tilghman and Mackail. and some 00 or 70 other officers above the rank of capUln. The whole number of rank and file is about ^00. An Alleged Kebsl Officer. Boston, July 30 ? John Johnson, an alleged rebel officer from New Orleans, was arrested last night at the residence of his ancle, A) r. D. A. Sigourncy, in Roxbury. He was committed to jail, pending an examination Frsn Fortress Msnrse. [Correspondence of the Associated Press ] Koktkvm Momkpb, Jniy 30 ?Between fifty and sixty rebel prisoners arrived at Fortress Monroe this morning from Baltimore, under guard of a detachment of the New York 7th Regiment. Th?s* prl?onerswere raleased fri>m fort McHenry t < go South. Some were taken prisoners of war and some were political prisoners All are to be ! nt to Richmond by flag or truce except fifteen? luree arc omcers who bate deserted the rebel s-rvic tad prrfer to serve la the Federal ranks, and the remainder citizens of Winchester and vicinity who Wf-re arrested on suspicion of being secessionist*. These fifteen are to be retained to Baltimore to night. pROPOSALS FOR REVENUE bTAMPi TKB4SVST DiriKTVIMT. I Qfitt of Inttrnal htnnwi, July Mi { Fkopomsli Will ue received until Wednesday, lbs 6th of auk as next, ior furnishing Kevenue Jumps atder me reoent act of Controls lniposiEj stamp duties. bidders will state the price pst tl.ousand sUmss, letiTorsb e in p*ckares of 'on thousand e?oh at the Treasury l>ep#,rtmect la Washington. Al>o, th-> price per u.onisni in ilmi'w p&rkages, deliverable to thrstent ol the Depvtaeut at the plaoeof manufacture. A>M? the pn?e p?r thotMtnd) delivered in Ifcrger pack sees, aa required, either at the department, or placsof in&nuUotare. AilO. IhA DftfM Bflr thnnunH ? r r -. 9 -i la SUV11 tuantitie* or in*y be daily ordered for the nee of collectors ml others, lb *e: less ihau i?u uund.~*<l tauiFs.a.'.d secureiy racked in tin cases, suitable binde-s' b jard boxes, witu rnusltn.or ct-er equally strong oovera. or lined envelopes aooording <o the quantity aud distance to he conveyed, as may be required bv the Department, stat ug tLe difference, if buj, b:twoea tiie cost o( ae i very to an agent at Uie piaoe of maaufaeture and a: " aahicgton. Aliaaeh packages l?fore mailing to be re examined, ar.u the stamps reoounted by an agent of this Department, HidOrs will g re the add.tional ooat for direotinc pseksces for tue iraiis an prepariar b ank I receipts. under tiie d.reoLon of an agent ?>? l>e partment, ettter at the Department or maaufaotory. Proposals mast be made for the stamps in she?u, perfrot y gummee.asd perforated in aaoh maimer iriat each separate stamp eau be readily detached and used. Ou and after Wednesday, the 3 'ts of July icst., designs for the proposed s'ainps may be kaac at tie office of the Commiieivcer of internal Rever ue. fcaoh bid is to be socompamed with a> sesomien of ttifr style Qt OLj'&ving &ad ;he ?ualitjof paper to he furnished, *hioh will be submitted toaooard of diiiLtere??ed experts cr artis.s f >r ex&mir.ntioii; ami ?ue acos?ie<i b.uaer, bel-re ti.e fiualconsnramatioo'jfa contrac .will be rfsutrm to furnish roof imprrseions ol U:e eoiiavmis ok tLe severs: deiicia nations of stamps. Spociu.'ns ol board and tin boxes aad hned en yelopes mi?t a!?o be submitted vita eaoh bid. It is i.t>jeAS*rj to protect th? boxes by inns in^ or other overs, in ine moat effectual trancer, atiinst wet ai.d a^ranon Tee contract wi 1 res aire ail oie* a..d p ates to be preparo*! and kept in repair, m.j tnat u*w dies and plates shall Le made, e.iaer iur ti.c present cenomiL&uon of stamps or otKer?, witti ut oh%'se. at the pleasure of the Department. A<.<i suoh dies aud *;*teu are lo be the property oft United Mates for tlto cerfioe of tiie Treasury Department. \o bids Will be considered except from parties w o have Uen aotusilj enjaiea in the buai>.ecs of co?per plate or siee! eiigiaTicK ana prmtin, anil w ><> ?.re tun (,'ng.MKj at the time of bidding, and provu'eu w< h a'.i too neoeasarj fao lities to exe ou:e toe w. rk promptly, and (ire the requisite protect:or. t i th? stamps, die* and plates in taeir OMftraiOU. Partie* not known to tboDepartment will furnish proof as to ths?e point*. In awarding the oonuaot, the Coramiiaioser of inte- .>*. Kevenuo reserves ta* r:gtit o! deciding wMoh bid, in tta practical ;e.u.i?, ui*y be mnl to the in'<rett of tue Department. fearing reference to t: e style 01 tlie worg.aeouaty, tatde ol packing, AtO. i ropoa&'e ehonld b$ carefully tea ed. and icarkrd "frofoial* fur Revenue !*'am#i,' and a.dretued to tnsCommiaaionor at Inters Revenue etSOftSaH. BOUTWKLL, jy3ft-tAug6 C mmi? r of Inltrn*! Revenue. XHOM JLI A XjLI, 3i0 rllllllTLfllllA ivmui. SMILE DL PRE Woeid r?apoot'aUT inform his fttsndi and aaitomere tk?t, b?TlBc J??t returned to thia oity from New York, ke oflen ? renewed assortment of Finest Family Groceries, Conaiitinf of SVeARS, VMS, nAn n * ? ? uvrraci SHOES, Etc. flovr. BUTTER. LARD. Alaot a fine Miertirent of HAVANA CIt ARB wkiah, teini puroh&te 1 a prtM mMJ, enablM ua to Mil at t?t low ratM. BHfiTEK.'S LION LA6BB BEEE la Half Barrala. Ail Uada of fANUV GROCERIES It lew I i E. IH7PE& 1 Iftt S90 Pl^KSTLT^ma ATBMV*. I , a y 000 ??A&S. ?# FlRIMTI ?IIWI, ? Dnlmu ifilMUM Ve?A[. Treasury Notti W*i CtrtiAmCvnntv, ?tU Auk**ft. j If 19-lS 11 ? 1 r|FF,CB ** ? FKMITKNTIARV. v ' WaaaiwoM, 1>. O., J a t 23, U6S. Hsalbd Pxoro?Ai viU ba r?oe;T?<i at ir.?a< rtc? wnt*I Aufast?rV ??.?. *t "<? oVuock *.. for fijrn iFfimt Mid deiv ut '^8 fotir.viuf *rtvv*? tt wra ni jear, *i -m Lait*: ?<a:-v, V. ??'.iu{iwD U C.,tru: 9,000 Iba of *ho boal au?lit* ?fo?* ?i?ur?, wr fcjie Lew be r. veigbt from MlvM > *. f?r de. <,<*? feet of oal?-'a^D*d W?i r*ai?i?-, frrna anfhter kio-a. well fcntahe<l. Fivea>d*a of !lu* ?uftl if wj:, be ifqaireU 'or a can., ?. ?,0"? !bt. ?f Ifroom f'orr>. r? odium ?>*?. a a *&tn? n will work itae f, *ad Rika a ?oo4 ?u*< Xj oi bfo. me. i,<*v No. 1 rasa Broom H-Jf'JtJ. VO lbs fin wr a. b^aniia'Ltr. >" Ihr. Broom "I ame, teat auaMty, aaaortmt atari. Tlie a ?ore ?ua;.tily to ! <> delivered nontKv. AiM !.5u0j&rda of atrip'ii Cloth, Htriae* lol-eof t'-t drat an* biuo black oalur. about s tuc.t wi }e. oottoo *\ p and vootes fitting. Aim ?nn jarfa of iicbtr-r Clotfc. aarra at- ?> far ahirta. 1,<M/ )&ida of ooltoa iv io4 L-h':UMt, X t?. U w'fie. Th9 bore olnth to be a hairy ??r?!r?eb,e ??f t t A!ao 41 bbla. Kioar 4-1 -u?.iel P .Utoc* f> bathe: ?.na i wnite Ueana fr ittf <3od Kiaji 81* iba.ShoaUera 1 Si Pcjar l?" its. flwe 21V Lbs. bijXf <5 ca!!oni V nerar so 'aliona M)iaa*??a ?ui :hg Kica 15 lbs PppK-" _ The ?t>ove groeenea to be fBima!i*4 Sk?latef MbOii uik^IL. UO Iba. of fra?h B??t, without ton*. H7 ^ar, for | fogr <!ij* ;b gu3 wvek. 140 Iba. of co iiel w ilnont ? 1 ft v? Also loO ttrg ra ft*u en Coftl. to be delivered n tho month of $epteroi er. Hftinftten or Moifleeea mnet not f-e le** than Si fftiicu, m a |iui iftr. Rloe. Soap, Coffee, ftnd ?u?ir le I I.e. nmplee. AUtiieftbowe ftriio'.ea vill very in quantity. the consumption of th<j Tenitentiary iufty require All eiiaerill be ?*id 8" ti'90 <*+*? fror* '* time oA U e delivery of Ins toora, it lurtiened eo cordins <o ?jieerr?mt! if not, ftil laoueja willow id*? be doe wiU be forfeUH. l'r.j?o?? a viil be edaremed te " H. 1. Kir*, Warden, wn?hington, 1>. C.," ftntl enJoreo.: Pivpc -Ala" H. 1 lilt*. _jj_20_tADK 4 A nrlen. ORDNANCE OFFICE. Wm Oiriitxri, Wa:mmrton. .'uit 19, IW3. Plop sali WiU b> reoeived by ttaia Depart matt nntl 5 r m on ti e " h of Ancuat, 1867, for ti>e tie nv<*ry a. me lo iowirt Areenfta n* infantry Aeooutre oeuta, fta i.ereinftlier apeoibed: At the WatiTlown Arsenal, Wntrrtovn, Mau. 26.MV* seta lr.f*r.tTy sccc l'.-ementt, oalibie. C. 14,i/o ' * _ ' " w. At thi ]Vattrvii*t Arstnai, West Ttuu. ,'Y Y. 13,^ aet? Infftrtry accoutrements.(ft':' e ?;>. 7 ,U*i " ** ** "* ft*. At the Neuf York Arrenaf, Governor's Island. TV Y 3ft,'Kti lnlmtry ao~out eaienti. oa.ibre .89. 15.0CO " " ** - .J*. At tie Allegheny Arsenal, Pittsburgh, Fa. S3,<*X> eeta il/ilu j accoutrement*, caltue. ?}. 17JBM " " - *?. At the Franl'ford Atsena', Bridnburg, I*a. sot* im&ctif EcocntreiiifLtf, ci : ,e>. 11,000 " ** At the St. Louis Arsenal, St. Louis, Mo.* a; o sen lnf&slr j a^oc-ulremetU, ca.if>re t3 .. .. .. .. Tiieae Accoutrement* Are to be mile in ttnct coi.foriTiltT With tke rrfi. ati?n patterns f wtriob csn be exiuu&ej at Any of the al?->ve n*??d nifBA'i &c ate to be a'Je.tfw lujpeotuu; at luf araeni were delivered, Before beiac ' o*ived f-?r t > Government?none to he aociptcd or Mid tor D?t aucii aa era approved on itepec'ior The belta to do of graimtd 'Htf/r, &n>1 Ai! u.e utoci to he the heat oak tinned. V&e auooider Le i ari l l>e included in the aet. Dehvenea muat be mrnds ?n lot* of not to-a th*r. 1 ,o#*> s-is >er weet, tor all o>aira*ta < f lonne or under; M? not iom than 2, W seta Mr venk on a1, contract! for ova: 10 ??, oouuUCf In m tn* data of the en tract, failure to aeii?er at a apf o feed unia -wilt ?ub est the c-jBtractor to a forfeiture of tue amount t<< Ladeiir?re?iMthattirra, Are accoutre raarta rrnat to boxed in tfce oiatomarr maucai, the Ixixos to ba charged at coat, to be determined t j , the triapsotcr Hidden wi", itate exf.iolLj, the t ine, amouo; , &n i piaee of each oeliTery liac:: paur obtv.rn| a oortra"t w I h* re^utrrwj to enter into boida, proper anrcuea, f >r ita faithiul fui&.mebt. The Department reajryea to itae'f the ri?tit to re jeatacybid. Prcpoaale wiii be addretaed to "tien. J. W. Rip le?,Ctiefof Ordranoe, VVaaMUfton, i>. C.. a-d \ w?xl be endorsed "iTopoaaia, fjr Iniaatrv Aoc?u- i tremeuta." iAt?. W. Klfi.i.V JjiMotAui9 Bri(. 9ti? Ck)?( oTurdiuw. NOTICE. ROPOSALS From Ltotftie end Wil'em, are lnritoi Uii uie U u d?i ol Aucuai. l?bi, ior.'j' is. < mi Fio?rto th^ f>ab?iatence f><??artn.eiii, of ue unie kind wkiah haa i?en rewivrtf br tke Lniieu ) ?uvernniei.i. ani auOwn as No 1 *-xir?. Samples ol ihii f- lour can be aeon at tbe Chp.I bakery m tbiaal ty. it la ilea red to inete a ooutr^ot harre a, ahouM now- ver, ar.j peraaadeaire to lurnia- a. lea* . tnantity i.e will elite tue precise snmbrr of bar tela iniuabid. ' 'Sne ooatiaoto will be required to famish,at the ' rata ol about to parrel* Uauy, unui u.e ooutrect u I ft.led. - ( Nc Flour will be received wnich coea cot eome up to the Btanoard at tke 6o?frcmert lctpeotioii, 1 made j lat before the pnrcbaae. lb* Ktopr 10 be ae.irered At tut Rr.lrotd Depot In W&sAicgtui , or any ox tte Winhouei is ' I fccv-rietown, D. C- . I ho K osr to beput ip in new barrel*. ttoreramert rti-rfw the right to rejset any biJ j for any proper a?e. ... . _ 0 No bias w I im r<*>eiYed from e?Btraotors who Ua*e previously IM?J to eaapiy with their c je Irtot. i Biddera mitt present la psraon te respond to J their bi<li. *The oeth ofal aglacoe must \ccom;any etdiUa., Pinna making enou'd eiati tteua.s<.fi> , the par 10a interest* d. e> ineiit* to ii? made it Ireasary Notes, *ni tk " ? bid* to be dirt etoii to OOL a. BKCtMrli'i, J a. i). cm and c. s., u. 8. a , v^'aeoiugtoa. it. c.,' : end endorsed **Pru?oa* a fer r:our." i* M ? ?jp no net;. X HE Copartnership heretoiore existing undsr thenar.) and 6ty.e of M?ri. t* Jt laaaat>(a a tnis day cifso.yf j by isntua. ooasent. Ah oia'-M 1 ?? -awe aim Will I b CU.fJ DT ??Tiuei M rtor nrt. ikMt itdeh?<l to The Stir, areretueetcd " to mz-ke *aymei.t to him. t J. tf. MATLOOW, o XAMUhL, M. HKRBEKf. WmLlo^Ios, Jkif 2&, liti. ? The undersuaed viU oontmae tha Tailoncc 0 bomiceu at tie old (Una, No. Sftb Fa a?eaup, where he will be f'eased to have the patr of " tne mat.* triecde of the late firm. It ? ?' BAKU EL. M, HERBERT. ' BWm URKA.H OF CONSTRUCTION. " 1**A8r*v Dirutiubt. Jbib wfc- ?*? 8?al?d Proposals vill be ,r#cmre<l it tL.i b ifSZuS? fa*y^tt>* I'* -sy ?* An<D?t, 18U. &t lSooiotfc Mffor m4 tmtrnr oeon piete, ?1 or bio Mm to and* ?r iwo In Ui wnt *U( of Uw TreHm bilaniian Wilrt^ViBr*1' Umm :ut u: iu tee _ li^winc. Mid o*b?r f*rtooa'?r? e&n be obtained ?"M?liwiee to Ulmoffice,-Md ir any cflar in?w3 nodei this ad vvuMomt, Mould bo aooe rtedTthe i ??rd i?sf. i^Ess' y ssua ^naur* ~ s. , i.? *.?. , THIS IS TO SIVk NOT;nr thutk..,.k.... M. b*r hath obtaittad fr Mi IB? Orphan** Court of J, WnuiiEjUn County, m tae i/iattiotof Coiwd *; bia, letters of sdnnnat r&Uou on Uia*: " oitata of tfaorca ataM or, ta'e ot Wumeg- '? Van o<>huij aiore>atd. oinm?1. All joraoaa hav- n mi claim* a*aln?i lb* mi ! dim?rt, ara TV1M to ?ukt Uia IMI Vila tha voacbrra W th?re?f, to tfia aabaoriber, oo ?f tojore-tbe na.taanth dot Jufy nasi; tlie* majr otiitrciaabj taw ba axoiaa* i from all b-cki of the aiid ajtata. WtOO ander m fcntf M l#h rtiofj ?hr, 1M|. JOHN W. mntNouii, v Jj 17-la WW A<ai?i<r?tor. R ca??AV " | 1*97 and UtMBfraoeat.. Pii!ad?Sphia. oc JB*? i at alf i o??rM?t ma traction embraoaatha ?"f <aa and Franca Lanjnucaa aad L,!twatar? m J itacWy.iyok?nlnthalaapuu Lftm Ova ot?wtof R ~*igZ3SeSSl?*mlBS?$&'J?r % mmUmo. TIm aBkoiurtM r?tr vmmmdom seftm- *-: ^i>4?r hwi coityABnr. ~ BOTWm 09 AMMOTAA ?h? *h?i 4?limy *iH ctfttfa fMT 1i ?>! * WmI* S THE WKEKLV STAB Kfc?ni.?*aa W??i ?t Ml w (MMf kUjMf ? llluwIM ?^fc( Uu mm fet (M?4 la Uf >1 peMjata* ? FtlAay if if. UrW lApv per aaea?-? . .91 m F1*a cnftM . .# ? a a ? ? ? ? ? ? II l?n:!?kli; cMUlu U? Mukl?|lN WlW Ikit kM bm4" Um <>ui| a??m| Star ilnattM i ao (t?wa:if tarou*. hc?t the run try L7~ bla*ia ecpVm (la vitppen) caa aa pre eared ai ia? o?uui?*, lanaedirtrtv ??* tae mm of tkr paper. Mc*?THNKK CKNT?. f 0 JOIHSOS Jk HAULE, ?S? fBRRITLTAHIA iVBIUI, aide.) Bnwttm Stntk mn1 Trntk SMH?, rwUlUH-i.d for Ute comlug vua hmoi thru "him* ?U? \ cf i?rfU, StSll and ^nrkUui llockn anil Mo* Ml* VflBM, front the weU-kaow* bcuHi: M??ri CuiiCk.iiorat Ktttii, Brrtru, Mom h Rtrrxit, h ruk(< rt?oa4M U Hiei**'* *r??ei Oc*H*T, ii>.kh^a-ca tte R*im &1*'? i - RhiiikrnM r ? a ? OF At.L IHK VVHf.L KNOWN BflftNDff. We jtuaraaU* ty r ritaly evr->i><<lv at tae 10Wa* market prices, and # <>! ut early ealL JO&KHQX ft. NA6LK. JOHNoON A JSAbl.t, have on hand, and offer for sa>, In cask or by Vke single dctra: HiBKFKT * COH BROWN 8TMUY, BAKKLAY.FFM.KiNS A CO.?f. BRO.feTO?T, Do. dr. XX PORTSR. &M>1 A SON'* ALLOA ALK, YOUN6KR3 INDIA PALE Af.E, *LNNENT'* *C<>?CH ALK, XX. JOHNPON A NAGL.R inT'.te the Blleat'on of Restaurs u &a?1 FuftiLtf to Uic:r wcj i-ifiecied Stock cf Croccrtes vr EVERY DLectirTlUN, ??14?0? WIZ4LB, liKANDilW, blNS, W WiekiLi POR'l 3, MADEIRAS, SHERRIES, BITTERs*, Ac , Ac., ilroctiy out of bond?by tb* ??Uoc or A?m roiJACCO ui SlittA*?, tl rU JLjAb t'ARAl riNB lad AiJAMAN fiNL CA.NDLk?. JOHNSON * N1QLK, My 10-U* *-? PB&MTLTAMI* A ?!*?? fJREAl ATTRACTIONS! NEWBTOFF! iaetof?'?.'1 .m ?' ? earaw of ??tth sirMt and l?a. ?7o; !*, i .>rt. vJe, a .Vi? fUo< of CL?<>?HiN?, Rat**, \v?M. i DOurs and rfHOtU. akiok n n.* ao!<l at wn f low fnoes. J. U. * CO.r oUnri, or. Mil tt. acd Pa.av.,acd No 460 ii , n* a, > t A M/tat fl#.Aa pVftST WARD, ATFKNTION! Now fcl?1 (or fit the lOVMt r?:M, ft r< - o-i ft::. . ii:-.?;, ir fnuEJ*. ou t .u eeri er o: ;-?h street ftsd P? k??iue. p vuat BOUV'tf tfbSIN* *8. 1'or t^i* ociiT'ti^rics cf my First Wftrd and v; I ts<ro o??e?' ft trftlir* i(or*M ?604 . . ruei ant Pft-ftveeue u. ?re tiier >*il 5i ! a .. ? ! 64^1 i>f uL"THIls#, !t.*TS. ? AP3 ISO'/1 Ht)K^at>?l?n? >rio? U. town J. H "Ml'I H ft CO., OifUuers. cuuieriUii at. am Pa. a*., ?uu No. 4<>0 7tL h^OK CLolMlNtJ. iiA'iS. CifS, BOUTS hc\-HO*: . Attlia I'.wmI trie?, ooruar ?i* itreet t ifl at. MLOI IIIr , A'is. OA *' "<. U ?OW Aid L/ <? :tt? ou'aer loth ?tre*l and Pa. atmb*. kortfc ?:de. VOW IS Y-:-* TlJkir. TO 110V OU)THl^? in0. HA: "A"-. BOOTS auJ BHOAS orter ?* B Tr-t ?. ; Pa Ar. NFW t*T< > R K STOCSIil) WITH CLOTfl1 NO. tutors, SUIIK9, HATS ae<2 CAPM. oruer if t<< btrmt Atd t ? at. ivi-i:r j fa. *virrT ? ro^ ruithiTA. pilO: t'. Ai/? i on Ou.L A\iJ WOOD. 0? 1U? U.MrVL S:iIH J Lfi'l cf tkf (trgta^t-ftt Arms. > W A MN?r >r?, Jaiy 25. IMS > St* Lib P^civ <*.*.? viii ! ? receimil Uu*oAm is i . a. <3u :Et uuiu o; Ataat mxi. or fen .??irj for t?ie ' ? < t t'i9 "piiate ot ti e J bite l t <>ur Hunartd Ion* (of 3,MM tout -i i>r t/.e tec Wi.ite Ari lumaoe Cofci. thovoih * fd.> A m>, p-rttty liveCor-ic of the tett^n Hiokrj \\ ?io . ami I'm* l*or?le of ?he t*e?t drj ?p:uoe 'ti e A v\>i. incvliole to U? de'ivered oz. or tofer* lae lit f OtiU>h?r wit ?r<1 pselr-fl hwit in the tan't* of n- ??ai*ts> wait >t *4e > aj.toi uu?i&- ute di-ecwon I the h i^ine r o> the M.. &u? Hide fo-ard W<>nI \r ! le E?aarf te!y oaa~ . Miereu. mm! ?o&dj fur mc uil.'uit exelVt on of tbe jLlr&otc r<^ Arr\ >j*rr>.'GT? no :e ii vk fo* correct iea*arc eutf. I t KOWN. jy 26 dtU st P.rtrt, r. S. J'easia. NOTiGLi HE SntBcri'jor hu jU.t oje*.?Kl a 8ALOON* i?tetu! y fui f >r tae ocotuucJUi .>t ot ntiemen tio4 LASiM. LalllM Wiu kliU UllMt bfeooc *?'T ooz.r?ci?Dt, rh*?re their r&c always La re.ect ru] a?e iii? hOiOc?i Fi**, C?kM ftKid Ore??r. for !?n?>h. It i* ivu:r.i?u4 fry th*t our Cro*m i? ^ei.or ? *UT itT.Ulf n?d I* ?>! o t?. in* a f.vsu n om jot i Uim ac4 Chi.cret. I>A\TO*V. 4 A6 tieventt #t. jy > M?-?u ?* ?iil HA iiAXB iSXr* L>- G'JIWPA NY, A uniw *14 Pa. Aruii, luihuUtii. .T! . -- ? ? 11 ' ? bicdtt am., nrniMvith M'l TY ANf> WSPATCB ! 1 aoomeim* wren rt *n? cmutrr. tluo ogtcy*r bM l?) Vfc? ffinoifW Rw!*?fl??M ortb , east, wix?,andncftihwe*l. -gysg. ?ssr?s?sr!sra j^^^^srks?,,sas.,?ii bsu????,opr(oii.s, deafts u< bill* ^ ^ ? i * a* fc ?kan 0 c botm?n? dkfo* f co Ml ud Ilk itrna, ? bow cl? r?M t ar??.i uu go (ohij tboir o?ttu of aim?1 nMinf. ?M ? ?- ? 1 *ESS8SS?QES8H& i1?"*1 oeewl tw wr^t*-tsiTT* It JRr* * fHBWM.IWf I ?* ?. .o the rmya^tretkTi *** Vf" W<2^' AAa ' *'* mrm 7 r"*^*** Wtw?SoTko- ?Jf it*1 ifc^* ^ ,JM 5 solioit oifTi*?c* ?r?t''? a?d ?l<l#e.? to coin* to Bah A i Ku'tf :*.'i"Ytfaftoot*-'" ?f ?U| Mtd t, M*.. ?? b?* ?*? t)0ii 0[ C.oUubi Ul? J BMC