Newspaper Page Text
THE etmitfff StfAJl ? - WASHINGTON CITY: OCTOBER 16, 1BU. mr jLMADim matter oh itui page. Ill OUTSIDE 90S INTERMTIHO TEL8 QSAFHIO AND OTHER MATTIX. , Wnehingtsn H*iiy Market. Quotations lor stocks, ooln and unourrent money, funu&hed by Lit wis Johnson * Co., Bankers: Buying. Selling. V. S. Coupon Bona*, 1881 l?8\ 109^ Do., lsei, f jo QaartermastrChecks..?ae....99# ? New Certificates '?.?)<? ? American Silver..,.,..... W5 -7 American Gold .?101 UW N*w You Kat*8?First Board Coupon ? ?, 1981, HH>v; 7-30's, 1C3\; Certifi cates of Indebtedness, 99 ,H; Gold. 16S OUE military budget. the timnoa. The impression prevailed yesterday evening in tbe front that A. P. Hill's rebel corps was then movie? towards tbe Potomac in tbe di- j rection of Leesburg. It is to be presumed tbat whatever rebels tbat may be en route in tbat quarter were duly ?'felt'' with cavalry and supporting infantry in the course of tbe night. There seems to be little reason to suppose that , Uill is about to operate 00 far to the right with any considerable force; more especially as the j change in the weather Immensely increases Lee's difficulties in supplying his troops j in the ivsg since exhausted territory j be now occupies. Upon the information at ' baud we are inclined to believe that Lee will ! nor, under present circumstances, leave the protection of the Bull Bun mountains, west of London county; any advance hitherward from them being an apparent utter impossibility in the current storm. FROM THM FRONT. MOVEMENT OF THE ENEMY TOWARDS LEESBURG. FRl/STRATION OP THEIR PLANS. SKIRMISHING FOR POSITIONS BETWEEN MEADE AND LEE. I MEADE GETS THE BETTER OF HIM IN EVERY INSTANCE. Last night about eight o'clock information came to Meade's headquarters that a corps of the rebel army (supposed to be A. P. Hill's) had moved from our front in the direction of Leesburg. A heavy reconnotssance was immediately started in the direction of Aldie, the reconnoi tering party moving light, without knapsacks, and tbe enemy will make little by their motion, should they be undertaking any surprise game in tbat direction. There was more or less skirmishing amopg tbe pickets on either side, and several casualties are reported. On Wednesday, at one o'clock, an attack was made upon our baggage and transportation train a bom a mile and a half to the left of Brent ville. Th? third and part of the sixth corps were in tbe rear, and they succeeded, after a few well directed shots, in compelling tbe rebels to abandon their attempted demonstration upon the train. Yestarday there was skirmishing all along tbe line of our army, and some firing also upon the old Bull Bun battle-field, but there was no general engagement. Our army last might was in line of battle. Tbe whole bag gage and transportation train was sent to the rear, and the sutlers were ordered to Alexan dria. The Kk(*-uXMa?'S n ?? . |ulia<.I|>aujr lor position, and tbe report is, that in every instance Meade has succeeded in* getting the advantage. SICK AND WOUNDED SOLDIERS. The Medical Director was advised this morn ing by telegram from Headquarters Army of the Potomac, that about 4u0 sick including a small number of wounded would he sent from Fairfax Station at 11 a. m. to-day. PRJSONERS OF WAR. Three handled and ninety-two prisoners of war, chptured on Wednesday last, near Bristoe Station, reached the city last night, and were Committed to the Old Capitol by order of Capt. Todd. The Or bra ?Washington Thbatxr.? Krentier's ?? Night in Granada" was well ren dered last night by the German Opera, though materially cut down in the representation. Theuew primadonna, M'lle Lang, has a sweet, voice, particularly good in the upper register, lint not powerful enough for the part of Ga fi>ch?ele has a baritone voice of exceed ing volume and richness, is a capital actor, and was great as Count Ott*. The part of Gomez was mainly cut out, owing probably to the uuiisposition of Herr Hablemann,who only ap peared in the closing scene. He is a pleasing tenor, and makes a fine impression. Chorus and orchestra were admirable throughout, and in these particulars especially the German company deserve the thanks of the mftsical community for coming square up to the prom ise* of their bills. This afternoon the German company appear at Grover's Theater, in "The Daughter of the Regiment;" and to-night at the Washington Theater, in Mozart's great opera of " Don .1 uan," which tbe capabilities of the company will enable them tc execute with great effec tiveness. Tickets can be obtained at Metze rotts. >:l, ^ ? ? , Fec it C'habl?stos.?The steamer Arago, Irorn Charleston Bar on Sunday, arrived at New York on Wednesday afternoon. Firing between our batteries and those of the rebels still continued, they endeavoring to retard and harrass our operations, but with litte sncoess. The rebel Fort Johnston is again silenced, tor a time, at Yeast. A skillfully aimed shot en tered an embrasure on Friday, and diunounted tbe guns behind it. Tbe rebels have had bad luck with the work. It is completely under the range of our guns. Probably, U will be abandoned. No other incident of consequence fcf/i transpired. The Baltimore American says' By an arrival at Fortress Monroe from Charleston Bar, we are in posses ion or our correspondence Iron tbe fleet to tiw 10th. The attempt to blow up the frigate New Ironsides was still the most exciting incident of the day. It is gratifying to know that, beyond the de struction of a bulkhead, no serious damage waa done to the sturdy craft, and she can be repaired without Having her post. The torpedo was fcrouciit down to the Ironiidn attacked to tfce prow of a small and partially submerged steamer, manned by four rebels, who deter mined to risk a very narrow chance of lire In order to accomplish the destruction of the huge floating battery which has become the terror of Charleston. The torpedo waa chwrgsd with 69 pounds of powder, sod it exploded dices Uy amidships of tbe Ironsides, probably sinking the rebel steamer at the moment It waa fired. At any rats nothing more waa beard of her, and two of her crew were taken trom the water, where they bad been thrown by the explosion. These prisoners stats that the rigor of the blockade has bronghtdestituUoa aadstarvation to ths people of Charleston, and eoaseqnentty no elort will be spared to break it by destroy, ui* the iron-clad fleet. The fortifications on Island are said to have been rends?A ?51formidable under Qea. Oilmen's nmod ?nd we may reasonably expect to bear, a azwM while, of A combined naval and sjmr ?atockaga^*^ the rebellions city. gIt -tated thai tbe Income of ths Gov ernment from all sources to now equal to the aggregate expenditure. THE riGHTIIVO OH WIDHIIDAT. It seems that early Wednesday morning General Hill, with his entire corps and a por tion of Stuart's cavalry, atuurked General Meade, evidently with a deMlh to attraot lu? attention and permit Evrell to Bake dtBon s'rations upon his right flank, and, if podafcle, to play the same game with Mead* that Jack son did with Pope little more than a year ago near the same ground, and finalljpto get la be tween Centre-rill* and Washington. But all of his attempts were handsomely checkmated, and he was compelled to fl?ht his way out of a position which might have proved inconve j nlent. For several hours the cannonading was kept up without cessation, both armies ma* neuvering with their cavalry. The% 2d corps for a while were all aogaged ; against superior torces, but owing to the sagacity and excellent generalship of General Warren they handsomely repulsed the enemy and captured two sections of guns and a Blake ly piece, and sent to the rear nearly four hun dred prisoners. Lively skirmishing waa kept up until dark, when the enemy retired to the gaps, and remained there yesterday, manifest ing no notion of a renewal of the fight. Oar army now occupy a strong position near Cen tre vllle, while Liee holds all the gaps. During the battle of Wednesday several of fleers were killed, among them the Colonel of the 40d (Tammany) New York regiment. The rebels left their killed and wounded on the field In all over seven hundred prisoners fell into our bands, a portion of which have arrived in the city. Our killed, wounded, and missing during the skirmishes the entire week tails short of 1,000 The movements of the army ot late have been strictly of a military character and every step of a retrograde nature was but a bait tor the over-anxious Lee, who has been completely outgeneraled by the Union commander. USADgUABTBBS ABMY OW THR POTOMAC Oct. 15.?The following general orler was pub lished to-day :> lleadquarttrs Army Potomac, Oct. 15, 1-63.?Th Major General commanding announces to the army that the rear guard consisting of the *2d corps, was attacked yesterday, while march ing by the flank. The enemy after a spirited contest, was repulsed, losing a battery ot five guns, two colors, and four liundred and flftj prisoners. The skill and promptitude of Ma jor General Warren, and the gallantry and hearing of the officers and soldiers of the td corps, are entitled to high commendation. By command of Major General Meade. S. Wrt,LiAMS, A. A. G. Of the guns captured, four are United States regulation, thr' .*-incb, and one Blakely gun. The prisoners are mostly North Carolinians, about 5U of whom have expressed a desire to take the oath of allegiance. Our casualties yesterday were small. A con siderable number of lebel dead and wounded lell into our hands: the latter not being inclu ded in the foregoing aggregate of prisoners. The march from our late to the present posi tion was accomplished in the most perfect or der, and without loss of wagons or other prop erty. The enemy were held in check at every poini where they attempted a surprise or attack. The force? which attacked General Warren were a portion of Hill's corps. Some of the prisoners state that they had marched Irom Hanover Junction, near Richmond, since Sat urday last. THE LATE FIGHTING. Six Hundred Rebels, Five Cannon and Two Colors Captured?Great Bravery, of oar Conscripts?They Fight Splendidly. [Dispatch to Philadelphia Inquirer.] On Monday General Meadfe crossed his whole force to this side of the Rappahannock, but finding no enemy in force in his front, he ordered three or more corps to recross the Rap pahannock on a reconnoissance in force, and marched as far as Brandy Station. A few Rebels were met, and some skirmish ing took place, with little or no loss on either side, the Rebels retiring as our troops advanced. Believing Lee contemplated a movement on his right flank and line of communication, Gen. Meade then ordered a retrogade movement, and his troops recrossed the Rappahannock, mov ing on both sides of the railroad towards War renton Junction. This occupied Tuesday, uio army moving up to Cedar Run and Cat lett's Station. On Wednesday the march was resumed, and the Second Corps, which brought up the rear, came suddenly on a force of rebels in front, at Auburn, near Catlett's Station. The rebels had posted a battery on a hill, and opened on the First Division of the Second Corps, Gen. Caldwell, the last of the rear guard. Rick?us' 1st Pennsylvania Battery, attached to Cald well's division, took a position, forcing it to retire on the main body, which was following on our left and rear. The rebel force was Heath's division of A P. Hill's corps. This fight lasted from eight to eleven o'clock Wednesday morning. The bat tle ended, the march was resumed, sad when the Second Corps, in the afternoons had reached a point between KeUlar and Broad Run, on the same ground Gen. Hooker fought on Pope's retreat, they encountered a large force of Heath's and another rebel division formed in line of battle parallel with the railroad. The rebels again opened the ball with cav. airy, artillery and infantry. Gen. Warren, commanding the Second Corps, soon placed his divisions In position, vigorously charged the rebels and put them to flight, capturing 600 prisoners, a battery of six flne rifled guns, and two stands of colors. One of the guns was disabled and could not be got away. The others were taken away by hand The capture ot the battery was made by vol unteers from all three divisions of the corps, and was a most gallant achievement. Our men fought splendidly, particularly the con scripts, who received the warmest praise from the officers for their bravery. Two stands of colors were captured by Corporal Thos. Cal len, company I, 9*2d New York regiment, who took them from the color-bearer of the 28th North Carolina regiment. At the' close of the fighting in the morning General Caldwell had the dead and wounded all brought off. The same thing was done in the afternoon by General Warren, all our dead being buried and the wounded brought away. All our trains were sately withdrawn. The loss In the Second Corps, in these two battles, amounts to between five hundred and six hun dred killed, wounded and missing. 1 he loss of the Rebels is believed to be much heavier in killed and wounded, exclusive of the six hundred prisoners captured, who were marched past General Meade's headquarters this morning, on their way to Washington. When the battle commenced near Broad Run the Pennsylvania Reserves, attached to the Fifth Corps, were resting on a field, the corps having gone forward, when a concealed rebel batisry suddenly opened on them from s hill, half a mile distant, killing and wound ing a number. s A battery attached to the Reserves returned the fire, and a brisk engagement ensued, but the vigorous assault of the Second Corps, Gen eral Warren, upon the rebel line, put them to flight before the Reserves could get a fair chance at them. The army is in flne spirits, and is now In a position to punish the rebel army severely should Lee determine to risk a general engage ment. To-day all was quiet up to noon, when your special left the front. mom miw b?d ^-5 pr*S*k *? the Unitarian Church, (corner BUth and D streets.) oa SUNDAY, lath ??orn\P.f WV#,I?V1- Gosper service* at i\. The public are invited. oc |$.jt rT5=?tl0 A DAY TO AQINT8.?#10 MAP* IL3 ffOR 60 01NT8.-Tho UulteTflutes and *> 1?W, mounted and var nished, with rollers, five feet W?e. colored ,1,0* counties, showing3 ,ow'towne,ylHsyee,postofceas, and railroad stations; the whole engraved oa steel, at a cost of ?loo.uob, end two years time, all for AO ornts.or la sheets at aeeats. a day to ana er woman. Prlatea instructions hew to oaavese will be sent te our agents. Send for sample copies be fore ordering largely. Money returned if aot satis factory. Lloyd's Ms* of the Mississippi ftiver, giving every man's plaatatlea aad aaae,sameslss end priee. Also. Lloyd's Telegraph, Sxpreu, and Railroad May Is now ready; ive feet large. Priee. mounted, t l.V; in sheets, costs. Any one ealliag atten tion of either mal* or female to this, *he will set as sg?at, will receive a fall set of ear maps alalia. * "? ?. im A canvasser wanted for Washington. B. O .and Amy of the Potamee. Ayp'y, to-morrow only, at Boom Me. 14. Delsvea tfease, eerar ~ pis aveaae and Ninth street. After New York. f F. W ? C ?^^^PPJmasom,1 OeaSral Traveling Ageat t ??^ R Is VI al N< Pi se I ov 81 th F L 88 p; of tc m w cl ai si B 0 ] a ? i TELEGBAPHIC NEWS. ThaElissawi**? Preaideat'a ~ Reply f UM WAfeHiHQTOV, Oct l*-{Dispateh to the N T. E*cnin#>P.a?#.?Yfcg President this taonunf ?*nt to St Loot* two copiee of hie reply to the Misaouri datamation, in reference to the Scho fle 14 difficulty. TBa publication of the reply helfU not permitted Removal af Rebel Wounded. HAitaiPBrBo, Oct. 15.?Gen. Jonah has or dered all the Rebel wounded in the hospital* at Gettysburg* who will beat removal, to be sent farther north. . Thia Is supposed to be in consequence of the rumor of another Rebel advance. ? ? ??* - ?*' OFFICIAL. Asa aha* Lihcoli, President of the United States of America: To AV Whom t'r May Concern. Satisfactory evideaca having been exhibited to me that lamiaa Boons haa beea appointed Gon ial ad interim of the Republic of Chile, for the port of New York andftodependencies, I do hereby recognize him aa inch, aad declare him free to exercise and enjoy sueh functions, powers and privileges as are allowed to the Consuls of the most favored nations in the United States. In testimony whereof, I hare caused these letters 10 be made patent, and the seal of the United States to be hereunto affixed. Given under my hand at the city of Washing too, the 14th day of Oct., A. D. 1863, and of [L. B.] ihe Independence of the Unitea states of America the 88tb ABRAHAM LINCOLN. By the President; . William 11. BawAao. Secretary of State. H1BAM LODGB, HO. 10. F. AND A.U ? A Stated Communication of this Lodes will re~helaon FRIDAY EVENING. 18th instant, at -o'clock, on which occasion the M. W. Grand Lodge will make its annual Grand Visitation. Members are requestec to be punctual in their at tendance; and brethren in Mod standing art in vited. Bj order of the W. M. , oc 18-St JOHN M. JEWELL. Sec. (Ytr^JOS. SHAFFIBLD'S BALTIMOBB CON LL3 feetionery and Steass lee O.eam Mtnufac to? y, No. 386 Sixth street, between G and a nts. Parties, Balls, Suppers, Waddings, and other en tertainments furnisbed at the shortest notice, on the most reasonable terms. lea Cream and Water Ices $2 per gallon. oe 7-lm* rry? ?DLPBDI, T4P0B, ^ , MEDICA TBI) BATHS. Mrs. M. N. ABBY, formerly of No. 486 12th street, having taken the house No. 333 U- street, corner of 12th. is now prepared to administer Jtotns for the ours of Diseases, such as Bheumatism. Lum bago, Gout. Bore Throat, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, Bcrofi da, Dyspepsia, Fever and Ague. Jaundice, Anthma, Paisey, Neuralgio Affections, Bilious Fe ver, Liver Complaint, Ac. Mrs. A. having herself tested the Bath is able to ?peak with confidence, and trusting the afflicted of Washington and Georgetown will avail themselves of so easy, pleasant and speedy a remedy, she most earnestly solicits a share of public patronage. Mrs. A. also removes Birtn Marks without pain leaving no trace of tneir former appearance. Circulars at the house. oc 6 2w* Y"Sp?N0TI0E.?We caution the publie against _L3 several parties wno are purporting to be our scents in putting on Cement and Graval Roofs. We bare no agents, and warn all persons fer trusting them on nur account THE WILSON MANUFACTURING COMPANY, Successors to J. F. Walker A Bon, seao-lm* feot of lid street west. rr< DR. DELNEO'S WORLD BENOWNED OK G UENT is warranted to bring out & full erowth of whiskers, or a fine moustache, in forty Jays. and is pronounced by chemists to be invalu able as a hair restorative. One trial will prove its efficacy. Bent by mail ou receipt of SI .in, for price ind postage. Address DR. M. DELNEO, Box 300, Poughkeepsie Post Office, Poughkeepsie, N. Y sefl-lm* IVOR SALB?A large DIORAMA SHOW. Also, a T Urte SHOW CASE, complete, at HARBISON'S Sift Store, Penn. avenue, near 3d st. oo 16 2t* A . FOR BALI, rl. MARBL1 BILLIARD TABLB. Inquire at No. *46 Penn, avenue, Capitol House, between lit md 2d streets. oc 16-St* A FOB SALB. t\. BBAUTIFUL SODA WATER and SYRUP 300LBR. Alao, a MARBLE TOP OOUNTBR, 3 eet wide by 8 feet long, at 449 New York avenue, oc 16 St* A p p L m a g U T T X B AND 400 package* freah BUTTER* ? 200 barrels prifie APPLBB. In store aad arriving. For sale by oo 18 6t* D. JC. DUTROW, 450 8th street. ? H O W OASIS SHOW CA81BI At 369 Seventh street. j uat received per steamer Three Fall Silver Counter Cases, Four Walnut Counter Cases, Two Walaat Begar Cases, Which we oiler cheap for cash. _ BONTZ A GRIFFITH, 369 Seventh street, bet I aad S ?*?. net lS-ftt a ? I ^ LARGB ASSORTMENT OF PIANOS. GREA T BARB A iiYS IN PIANO FO R TBS! We have now in stoi* several Pianos?*^ hat bave been used a short time, andKaBBI 'hich we will sell at the following prices ;?ll II1 One 7 OcUve at ftaao, One 7 Octave at sdft, One Octave at BS0, One 8 Octave at 950. Also, a large assortment of Bteinway A Sons' aatrumenta. wnieh are anperior to all others lannfaetured. At the Music Store of W. G. MBTZBBOTT. oc 18 Cor, nth aad Pa. ave. rHBRB WILL BB SOLD AT THD CITY Pound, corner of N and Half street, to-mor iw, Friday. the isth instant, at 5 p m., one Billy oat and one Nannie Goat and three Pigs. oc 15-It* JOHN TOOMBS, Pounaaaster. j r7a p a t z e No. 6 FOUR-AND-A-HALF BTRBBT. oe 15 n* WAsniaoToa, D. C. lIAP OF THB BATTLE-FIELD OB GBTTY8 'I burg, of July 1st 3d, and 3,1?53, by W. H.Wil >*, captain and aid de camp. Price fifty cents, eplee seat by mail free of postage. tor sale by PHILP ft SOLOMONS, oc 15 3t 339 Penn. avenue. iy HOLES ALB AND JTAIL. NOTIONS. TOYS, AMD FANCY GCODB. GOTTHELF A BEHBEND, 389 Seventh at., bet, H and I, pspeetfully invite the attention of the publie at rge.asweUof city and couatry buyers, to their try lrrge and well sgleetel 8took, comprising most every article usually found in first-elass otion and Fancy Goods Houses. TO DEALBBS ESPECIALLY, articular attention is invited to a large and well lected Stock of TOYS for the Holydays. Also to LADIES BUYING FOR FAIRS. general inducement will be given. oc 15-lm* R. B. LQOMLS A 383 PENN. AVENUE. BOOTS AND SHOES AT WHOLESALE. The attention of Sutleta and others is invited to ir large and well selected (took of BOOTS aad ]OE8, suitable for the army trade, and fresh from e manufacturer. ocU lm* By W. L. WALL A CO., Auctioneer*. URN1TURE. FURNITURE. We have just received a v?ryf7\ ?SPW large and complete assortment ofU^^ OARPBTSy?>COA l&TTING, ^ OIL CLOTH. MIBRORB, and HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES generally, bieh have t*en sent ns on commission at private ile. all of which we offer at the lowest possible rices, ae the entire stock is to be elossd out, aad Ters inducements to persons in want of Furni ire. Ac., among which may be found : Parlor Suits m Brocatel and Bepa Tete-a-Tetes, Sofas, Marble-top Bureaus ktel and Bepi Divans and Lounges naroie-Hip curesus, Tables, Mirrors Cottsge Chamber Beta. Btegeres Cane and Wood-seat Chairs in great variety Office Furnitere in great Tnriety Iron Bedsteads, Hair and Shuck Mattresses Feather Beds. Bolsters and Pillows, Oomforts Carpets, Cocoa Matting, Oilcloth,large stock Extension Tables, Walnut Wardrobes Walaat, Jenny Lind,Cottage and other Bed steads. Together forming one of the largest assort* eats of FUBNlTUBE.ftc .in thia eity, Aid it ill be to the intereet of dealers and other ?ur ttasers to examine onr stook before purchasing i the whole stock la to be eloeed out at eur larce od spacious Salesroom in the rear af our Auetian ooms, under the Yarietiee. W. L. WALL A 00 8outhwaat corner at Penn. avenue oo 14-8t aad tth treat ?{aeived, three very fine fall silver ? ' ? ?BC)f?fz A GRIFFITH'S aalt-t Hoaaefamlshlu^j, K1 OR YOUNG CLO? aad VELT HAT oel-lw mm aaraar mke&'eM. ^P AT?ltCTilt4M HimXk 1 .joyt Hill 4 O'CLOOX F. V. LATEST fROn tHl FROJIT. tTp to 2% P- W- to-day no Information has been received from the front indicating any collision to-day vrith the enemy anywhere along our lines; and whatever fighting there was yesterday seems to hare been nothing more than outskirt skirm^bing. RETURN OF BAKER'S RANGERS. THEY CAPTURE A NUMBER OF PRI80NER5. The detachment of Colonel Baker's Rangers which has been scooting the country in the neighborhood of Leesburg for some days pastt returned to the city about eleven o'clock to-day. They brought with them a number of pris oners. A FALSE RUMOR. The New York Timet ot yesterday contains the following Washmgton despatch: "The command of the Army of the Potomac, of course, is fatal. Gen. Meade in his torn has been compelled to giTe place to some other man. His removal from command seems to have been determined on. His successor is said t# be Major General Daniel E. Sickles.'* There is no foundation whatever for any part of this story. On the contrary, we hear from those on whose sources ot in formation we have every reason to rely, that the President ex presses great gratification with the manner in which Gen. Meade has conducted the recent movements of his army. JOHN MINOR BOTTS UNDER ARREST. John Minor Botts was arrested on Monday last at his home at Brandy Station by the (Jon. iederate cavalry. It is presumed it is a set off to the arrest of several prominent Culpeper men, now at the Old Capitol, sent in by Gen. Meade as dangerous men. It may have proceeded, however, from the gossip of the correspondents of the New York papers, respecting his entertaining Union offl ccis at his house, having reached Richmond. COMMITTED TO THE OLD CAPITOL. Thomas Johnson, private, Company G, 4th N. Y. Artillery, sent from Fort Ethan Allen under sentence of court-martial, was commit ted to the Old Capitol to-day by order of Capt. Todd, as also Francis Ossier, 155th N. Y. Vol., Company A. CONTEMPLATED REMOVAL OF TIIE QUAR TERMASTER GENERAL'S OFFICE. The building ju3t vacated by Major General Hallecki on G street, between 17th and 13th, is, we understand, to be occupied by Quarter master General Rucker, the one he now occu pies being found too small and inconvenient. COLORED TROOrS RAISED IN MARYLAND TO BE CKEDITED TO THE DRAFT IN THAT STATE. The colored troops raised in Maryland prior to the draft in that State will be duly credited on the present draft. SEIZED BT THE CON FEDK RATES. Enoch Haeslup, delegate elect te the Virginia Legislature, and Marshall Itavis, both of Oc :oquan, were arrested about three weeks since t>y Kin:heloe's gang, and carried to Gordons ville. THE SMITHSON COURT-MARTIAL. This court resumed its session to-day at 1 3'clock, and began with the evidence of Com mander Williams oft, to aw< whose arrival ;he recess of the court was taken. Thi Mibbouri Embkoomo.?Though the President has declined to make public his let er to the Missiouri radical committee, em bracing his decision upon the points on which hey recently prayed action from him, it is mown here that he has declined to remove Jen. Schofleld; or, in other words, to throw he weight of his influence against the Gamble Blair wing of tbe Union party in that State [t iS ko loo roa tke '-o h?rcu?r' and '?clay >anks" each to light out their own battle at the >allot box. Dowr'tWaktam Obwa.n.?Tbe Washington orrespondent of the New York Hfrald says: "Numerous publications have been made as f coming from the President, and they have ?en called ? official.' Tonr correspondent has uthority for saying that the President never Las had, has not now, and never will have, my organ of his opinions. He believes that he organs of an Administration do more harm ban good, and whoever aspires to be his organ loes it without his sanction or even perfus ion " We take it that the Herald correspondent bout bits the facts in the case. Personal.?Gen. Hunter is in town. A Sensation Report.?The Baltimore mrrican says: "We learned yesterday from military gentle* len from Harper's Ferry that the rumors of ?bel advances in the Valley have turned out ) be entirely unfounded. Captain Cole on Wednesday returned from a scout as far as 'ront Royal, having fonnd no enemy, and eard of none, except a few small guerrilla arties. He picked up and brought in as pris ners fifteen rebel stragglers, including twe dicers. Neither Imboden, Jackson nor Jones rere or had been at Win cheater or in the neigh, orhood. In fact, the whole excitement has jroed out to be one of thoee occasional base ?68 panics which are so common in that vicin y. The running of passenger and freight -ains on the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad has een resumed again." rashingten Meney Market?latest Qm. tat leas. Furnished by Lewis Johnson A Co., Bank. rs: Buying. Sell In r. r. s. Coupon Bonds, 1881 luev ieo? r. s. 5*ao's par L* r.s.7.30 Notes *?e ?? 166^ 107 >uartennaaters' Checks _ lew Certificate* ......,99V merlcan Gold 153al54 1551/ jnerican Silver I3ual35 _ MUW YORK KA.TB6?3 O OLOCK T. M. Coupon 6'S, 1681, m#-, 7-30's, 106 k : Certlfl. lies of Indebtedness, 99*; Gold, 153W Erie R, lOb*; Michigan Southern, 86*; Milwa? ie and Prairie du Chlen, 69; Fort Wayne, S3; Hon and Terrahaute 65*; Quicksilver, 63 hicago and Northwestern, 46. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. ? erRETARYCHASE CONGRATULATES THE PEOPLE OF OHIO over the GREAT UNION VICTORY THERE. Columbus Ohio, Oct. 16.?Secretary Chase ioke to a large crowd in this city last night e congratulated the people upon their victory* id spoke of the good effect it would have >t only in this country, but in Europe. It would, he said, strengthen the hands of the resident and the Cabinet, and send joy to the ?arts of our army. If you had given 10,000 ajority only it would not have suffered, but >nr grand old 100,000 has done the business. He rehearsed the history of -his leaving Ohio ree years since to attend the Peace Congress, e policy he advocated, and tbe result; and s transfer frojn the Senate, by President Lin tin, to tbe Cabinet. He Also referred to the a financial scheme, and to his three years jsence; and feelingly thanked his audience r their kind welcome of him te Ohio. He complimented Governors Dennison and od for their fidelity and seal in managing the Fairs of State. Secretary Chase left Columbus this moralog r Washington. PENNSYLVANIA ELECTION. Pbiladbltbia, Oct-16?The official rota of its city gives Ourtia 7,081 majority. 17* The Cincinnati Common Council have 1)pointed a committee to purchase $20,000 orth of coal to bo sold to eittaMs at eoat. 9W An enraged Cleveland coal oU worker ireW his wife into a vat filled with oool tar. ? is ?ow a widower. LOCAL NEWS. Homicidk a?jl RArvLe ?Last night, about 18 o'clock, a haaicid* took place at the hon .a of Patrick Levins, on New Hampehire ave use, near the O street wharf, while a dance was going on. The decfa.?ed Is a man named Michael I>ar)da, aged abont '26 years, who leaves a wife and four children, and recently he has been employed about the stables iu that section of the city. Coroner Woodward was summoned this morning, and held an inquest, when the follow ing facts were elicited: Some time since a man who boarded at the house of Lavln's left the city suddenly, taking with him the clothes of Thos. C&ton. who was boarding at the house, and left behind a fiddle. The fiddle was last night rallied for the benefit of Caton, and quite a company were present, among whom was a vonng man who went by the following names: "Fit*," ??Smith," "Jones." "Sample," "Bant," w* ??Robert Carr." After the rattle was over, the dance was commenced, during which a diffi culty occurred, which was quieted, but it was renewed again, and those who appeared tq Be the ringleaders?Caton, Fitz and Oarf?were P^'bed out of the door, when a pietol was fired, and the ball took effect in the left breast of the deceased, about an inch and a half above the nipple, killing him almost instantly. It is thought the shot was firrd at a man named Wm. Gilbraith, who, it is said, struck Ir'itz be fore the party were pushed out of the house, w lien Fitz was struck he drew a pistol, and Caton grabbed a chair, the -larger portion of the company retreating out the back way. As soon as the shot was fired the deceased was taken into the back room, but died in a few moments without speaking a word. Fitz, Oa ton, Carr and another man, McAllister, ran oil', the latter by way of O street, and the others through F street. Caton and Carr, however, returned some time afterwards to the house, and Caton had the pistol with which the shoot ing was done, and Lavins, the owner of the house, detained them until the arrival of the police. The jury returned a verdict that the deceased came to his death from a wound by a pistol ball, fired by Fitz, alias Smith, alias Jones, alias W. Sample, alias "Bunt," while in com pany with Thomas Caton and Kobert Carr, who they believe to have been accessories to the act. Tue parties, on the rendition of the verdict, were taken in custody by Sergeant Hurley and the officers present. Daath of John Dean, Esq.?John Dean, Esq., familiarly known as Judge Dean, a gen tleman well known to the citizens of Wash ington in connection with the defence of fugi tive slaves, died this morning at his rooms on Sixth street, between E and F streets, of pneu monia. Mr. Dean has been sick for several days, and has not been at his office since Mon day last. He was employed in the Treasury Department, and his business was to examine the accounts of U. S. District Attorneys. Mr. Dean came to this city from Brooklyn, N. Y., about the time of the issuance of the emancipation proclama'ion, and he entered at once energetically into the business of defend ing it, and of securing to negroes their rights under it. D Mr. Dean, at one time, lived in Oneida coun ty, N. Y., and was the founder of the town of Deansville, in that county. He was a gentleman of fine social qualities, and had a wide circle of friends. Mr. Dean was ou years of age. Police Reports.?First Precinct.?Anthony Selby, last driving on Anacostia bridge: $3.,>->. Second Precinct.?Edward Johnson, larceny; dismissed. Third Precinct.?Jas. Goddard, disorderly: J. Litchfield, do.; dismissed. Jas. Shelton, do; .<S4.5<i S. W. Wetzell, huckster unlicensed; dis missed. David Straiglitzman pedlar, do: Sixth Precinct,?Thaddcus Minor, throwing stones; dismissed. J. A. Bailey, grand larceny; for" bearing. John Maurice, keeping open a place of business on Sunday; ?10. Tenth Precinct.?Benjamin Moltimore, disor derly; $3. Chas. Thomas, Thos. Daley, Wm. Busey, do.; dismissed. Anne Maria Barnes, do.; ?1. Obadiah Lee, drunk; ?1. Mrs. Mc Guire, forcible entry: dismissed. ? ? Released.?The young men, Mathews and Cooper, who were arrested on Sunday last and confined in the Central Guardhouse, for deal ing in counterfeit Confederate sCTipt, were this morning released through the exertions of Mr. G. H. Day. It was ascertained that they had sold the scrip within the Confederate lines, not within our own, and that was not considered a crime to warrant their further incarceration. Super intendent Webb issued the order for their re lease. Scdden Death.?This morning a watchman at the Corrall, near the Observatory, who has been suffering with the dysente-y for a few days past, named Hanesman, died very sud denly, while he was on-duty. Coroner Wood ward was notified, but did not deem it neces sary to hold an inquest. His remains will be interred by the Quartermaster's Department. Fon oAt.a?me gunnirUBB of four rooms, having been in use only a few months; every thing necessary for housekeeping for a small fami ly. and will be sold ok??? "lumens." as the owner la about leaving the city. Inquire for one week at Wo. *9 BasfOapitol St.. cor 4th. oe 14-lw* By W. 1?. WALL ft 00., Auctioneers. A DMINIBTRATOB'3 8AL1 0* TH1 GOOD A Will a?d Ibtsrsst ih a liBSTAuaAjrrOn MONDAY, 19th mutant at 11 o'clock, order of the Orphans' Court, sell, on the premisee, the Good Will and Interest of the late George fuss in the Restaurant known as the Rialto House, on the corner of D and 9th streets. Terms: ?100 cash at sale; balance in 6 months, ""'?Shrihtophk hub. GBOKOB JACOB, Administrators. oc 18 W. L. WALL ft 00., Ancts. By WM. L. WALL ft 00., Auctioneers. plBXMPTOBY 8ALB OF VALUABLI IM KT no. an Pbombty ea 24th stbii* ansa Paws .TLVAM1A AVXKUI AID THB OlKCLI AT AUOTIOB.? >a,THURSDAY AFTERNOON, ltth inst , at 5 ? clock, we will sell, in front of thepremises, Lot 0, Square 38, assabdivided by Isaac Pollack, front ng 25 feet on 94tb street and improved by a large hree-story and basement Briek House, containing 0 rooms and a basement just fitted up for a restau ant, and newly painted thronghout. Terns: One-half cash; balance in three and tlx nonths, with interest, seeared by a deed of trust ?n the premisee. Conveyancing at the expense of the purchaser; nd if the terms of sale are not complied with in five lays from the day of sale, the Property will be re old upon 5 days' notice, at the risk and cost of the lefaalting purchaser. oc8 WM. L. WALL A 00., Auflta. ?~THB ABOVBSALB 18 POSTPON1D ON AO oontoA the weather to MONDAY, the 19th inst,, 14 ?'clock. 00 J6 W. L. WALL ft CO.. Auetri. il/HAT TO BAT, AND HOW TO COOK IT. vv Oracle of Cookery for the Million. London, Soups, Pish, G rav ies, and Sauces. London. Vegetables, Omelettes, and Coufeetionery. Lon on. Carving and Kitchen Arrangement!. London. Miss Leslie's200 Receipts for French Cookery. Domestic Cookery. The French Gook. Miss Leslie's New Cookery Bcok. Fancatelli's Modern Cook. Cookery, Carving, and Btiquetts of the Table, london. - Boyer's Modern Housewife. Mrs. Randolph's Virginia Cookery, Kitchener's Cook's Oracle, Widdifi eld's New Cook Book. Beculet?Le Cuisimer Praticien. Paris. Bernardi?Le Ouisinier Imperial. Paris. oc 16 m FRANCR TAYLOR. rBIB IS TO GIVB N0*flGB that the subscriber has obtained from the Orphans' Court of Caching ton county, in the District of Columbia, ttters or administration on the personal estate of otlev Moreland. late of Washington county afore - kid, decetsed. All persons having claims against said dacaasad ant hereby warned to exhibit the tme, with the vouobers thereof, to the snbseriber, d or before the 3d day of October next: they tay otherwise Vf law be excluded from all benefit r the said estate. Given under my hand this 3d day of October, 1883. CHRISTIANA X M0B1LAND, mark oe5 1aw3w* Administratrix. ORPHANS' COURT, Distbiot op Columbia. J Washington County, TQ-witIn the case of Irs. Catherine V. King.administratrix de bonis non f John Bennett, deceased, the administratrix 'oresaid has. with the approbation of the Orphans' onrtef Washington county aftresai4, appointed USdDAY. the nth day of Oetober Inst., for the oal settlement and distribution of the personal itate of saM deceased, and of the assets in hand. 1 far as the same have been collected asd turned ito money; when and where all the creditors an t sin of said deceased are notified to attend, (at is Orphans' Court of Washiagtoa county afore bid,) with their oiaims properly vouched, or they ay otherwfte by taw be exclude! from all beae t in said dfeceamPa estate: provided a copy of lis order be pabHshed once a week for three eeks in t?e Bvening Star previous to the said th day of October. Test: , Z.JO. BOBBINS, ?agister of Will*. oe 6 lawsw* ^JILITABY GOOB8. WALL^ITIP Oflhr tuTrf JNRRH outfits ?gu-tflf HUm pro fg wmnm? | C. w, lomw.. >, LLii,: ?"? *? V. W. lOIJtJt t ?*"? WHOLESAli^ND lit china, Mui) ai4 Irwkiry Wir#? ABLB OUTLBRY, SILVMM PLAWD WARS. BRITANNIA WARJ, BLOCK TIM GOODS, TIM OHAMBMM IIH, GOAL OIL LAMPS, JAPAMM1D WAITMMS, DOOM **Tf. VMATHMS DG8TMMS, BMU8MMS, WOO? WAMM. UD HOUSBKMMPING AMTIOLM8 G AN MB ALLY. (ST Ho uses, Hotels, and Steamboats faratiho4 it short notice. ? 318 IMOM HALL, bet. Kk ?4 IMA OA m >v?oSm C'^'^OlOAIISl"01"" ?WIMRIM. M? ? ?i?g* IS Muktt S?ace,Penn. avanus oc 15 between sth and 9th streets f 1> K Of STONBWALL JACKSON- fl M. Lj Southern Hiitory of tbe Pirst IH: of the Wftr* S'2 Moore * Rebellion Record, part SSiBOo. Classic Quotation!; PH). Lear 's Book of Noihdm; 91.24. .. _ . Q?n. Gillmore on Limes, Hydraulic Cemeats and Mortars; A3..4). Clark's Elements of tbe Mngliah Language; 81. The Shadow of Ashlydy at. By Mn, Wood; 81 oc 14 FRANOK TAYLOR. "l^UTTKK AND FLOUB. I am receivimg daily, soma of the nry beat Phila delphia Print Butter, prioe tf cents par lb. Welch 1 best Family Floor. 81? par barrel. MiTtHd tree Other brands of Flour aa cheap aa can ha bought in Washington. I will re-open my Market Department on tha 15th of October. 0*0 T. STB WART, oc9-lw* oocna r 12th and H at*. B L A N K M T 8! BLAN K M T II! loo pairs very superior Blanketa, Just received and far sale cheap for ca'h at BONTZ A GRIFFITHS, 369 7th street, between oc 12>2w [Bap.T I and M atreef. Atlantic stbambhip agbncy.-w. b. LB WIS A CO., having been anointed. Ageata ror4Lineaof Steamers will furnish OertiBeates or Passage to or from any Port of Great Britain or Ireland. Persons desiring Paaaage or to bring th?*r friends out, oaa avail themselves af tha opportunity with out trouble or extra expense, by applying to W. B. LA WIS A CO., Agents, 447 7th at., bet. G aad H sta. oc 10-lw (UPLMNDID GAAP MS ? FROM KENDALL GMMMM. Samples of theaa delicious Grapts may b? seon at Gilman's Drug Store, Pennsylvania avenue, near Metropolitan Hotel, where all orders left will re ceive prompt attention, lhay may also be had at Pearson's Fruit Store, Moa. 491 and 493 Mlrhth street, and at stall No. ? in tha Centre Market, on market days, Thay inelude all tha choice varieties, and will be sold at a vary low price. Familiea supplied daily or otherwise in small or large quan tities. aell-lm* NBW DRB8S GOODS, Aa. French Merinoes, Coburga, Poil Pa Chivirs, Reps,French Mouslins. Poplins, Alpacas, Sacking Flannel, Cloaking Cloths, Blankets, Balmorals, Cassimeres. Bleacbad and Brewn Cottons, Hosiery, Gloves, Ac. Also, tan piecea Black Silks, oci M. TAYLOR A CO BW1BB A BIVlBl?Gt,OB SOOOIBSOaa TO ?? OHAMLM8 8. FOWL MB * 00. ?If IMPORTERS, Wm WIOIJBAIJ ABB BBVAiL B1M.1M IB CHINA, GLASS AMD MAMTHMM WAMM, nj?a Cntlary. Plated War*. BoU Metal Goods. Ie Pitchers, Block xla Goods, Tin Chamber Sets, Japanned Waitera/Wata* Coolers. Mtherial and Solar Lamps, Coal Oil Limps, Lan terns, Stone Ware, Ae., Ae., Ae, Goods Packed and Delivered la this City and Georgetown frste of charge. f 94 (Odd Fellows' Hal! > Seventh at,, BrHoly Washington IJNITMD 8TATM8 8-89 BONDS, CMITMD STAT MS T-S9 TMBABURY N0TM8, UNITMD ST ATMS COUPONS OP M*81, UMITMD 8TATM8 0MMTIPI0ATM8 OP IM DMBTMDNMS8. Gold. Silver, Uasurrent Money, Mxchange on ail parts of Marope aad the Northern Cities, BOUGHT AMD BOLD. We are anthorlaed to furnish HD Beads at par an til the 1st of August next, whea the prlfOedge of conversion ceases. Orders for Stocks and Gol executed la Mew York exclusively on commission. MITT1MH0USM, PAMT A 00., 7 f Bankers, 8I< Penn. avenae. T MUSICAL IM8TMUMMNTS. i ELK Cheapest place ia tbe City to get Musica Instruments, suoh as Gnitars, Violins, Flutes. Ae* cor de ens, Banjos. Tambonriens, Drums, Fifes. As. Ae., together with Instruction Books for all In straments, fine Gnitar and Yioloa Strings ia at *aaey and^ttHitary atore, 309 M street, near 14th. [Ban. Ohron] aeX-lxa NMW GOODS! MMW GOODS! Just received, a large stock of Point and Thread Lace Collars, aetts, aad Handkerchiefs, Thread and Pusher Lace Veils, Embroidered Bands and Mdging, Ae. A large stock of Head dresses and Netta, latest style. Great variety of Fancy Combs, J et and Stee, IMardrops, Pins, Bolt IS Market Spaoe. Penn. avenue, ae g between gth and 9th streets. WINTER gammMnts. *7 NEW STYLUS. BOYS' CLOTHING. We are now in receipt ef a large assortment of BOYS',and GHILDRMN'S CLOTHING ef the mww est Styles, suitable fer the present season for dr?? andachtwrt wear, te which we invite the attention **f#?WALL, 8TBPHBN8 A CO., 393 Pa. ar., t Int.ABep.l bet. 9th and 10th ate. if ^Hoollimb a OOJH DBAVeHT UKAND POR 1 am now reeelving large guantiHes of DRAUGHT ALMaad POMTMM from this celebrated Brewery, which X am prepared to faralsh on ihortsotSH aU pcrsaas who wtD flavor me with thetr orders. | Orders given to Ky drivers will ho ptonptty at tended to. ? . . , ... Goods delivered la all parts of Washington ssrt Georgetown, free of eharge MILMT A. SllXMM, ||is|, SMea MstfNag Apsf, 87 Gresa St., ?98-M Georgetown, 0. O. FROM LONDON. SWIFT'S Works. 2 Vols. 8vo. Huron's Historical Researches. 6-Vols. Burks ^ General Armory. _ Russsll's History of Modern Bur ope. 4 vols. BUlnsy's History of tbe Philosophy of the Miad. 4 Vols. Adventurer, and Gonneisseur. Tatler and Guardian. 1 Vol. Kemp's Phasea of Matter, if Vols. , Speculative Philoaophy of Cbalvbius. Micbaud's History of fte Crusades J Vols. Complete Works of Hobhessof MsUnsesbnry. 18 yols. Smollett's Works, Illustrated hy Crulkshaak Life af Piggjo Braoetoliai. _ oc3 FMANOK TAYLOR. |Vf OO&M'S WMST MND D8UG STORM LV1 113 Pjirs AyBpaa. bobtb sidb. MOORB'S AGUB CURB, BtCRBT SPBCIFIO knd TONIC OOMDXAL are articles that oom nsscd themselves. A large stock of DRUGS, MMDICIU8, Ae. for sale as above. obl l Wm HAVM THIS ^AY^N^TB^WITH JOHN A. hamilton. Onr business will here after be conducted under the name of BABBOOM, 3BMMM8 A CO. Thankful for the liberal patron Lge bestowed upon the old firm, we solicit a oon tinuance cf tbe same, assaring our Frlknda and pust?mera that nothing shall be left aadona 70 Mease. BABSOPB, 8MMMM3 A 00. [TAVIPG THIS DAY MAMM A OHAMGM IM II onr Business, we argantly reguest aU parties ndgbted to us by notes, dae bills, and opsn aceeuat, o cbme forward immediately and pay the eame, aa ve desire to close aad settle ay our past business. III persons bavins accounts agaiast as wiUpro isnt them for payment. QCl-eolSB BAMBQPM A SBMMBS kjYAOlMTHB AND FRUIT T&MM8. oedition. Via^ Doesto aad Siagla Hyacinths, SAUL, oe 8-eo?t* 396 Seventh st., corner H st, DfOn AM9 8HOM8 TO SUM sfr 1,000? lag AllevsH ooiMt* ral