Newspaper Page Text
V01. XXV. " WASHINGTON. 1). C.. THURSDAY. APRIL 20. 1865. IS?. 3,786. ??*( wfr- WHr a it ?, -:-.v " ? ??9r > <A?km? ?tSP'v WA^Kl HiTO KVIBn? *TAR. PTBLJrHlD BAJLT. < MOB^T ?V.NDA*J AT TUN ST Ail ITUILD1NG8, '.tr?-*? {v?*e? Q/ "?t?- ??,i ?/**<?, Pt W D WAXJaACH. Th? S*i? f served fty Vb? jarrters 'o tfceir ?nV <wil<-r? in tke City and District for TWSLV1 AI?D A H Al? CXNTfl P KK WKK, rif.'i s^a H At!ingi* copy, thyt 'ftw; f?n# *>*nth vrenryM* c**lr. three months. <?** Aiijar Miy My (**!.<, fii noBtti, i4fu dcUUif; f?ney???r, J%2 doikrg. No mkm are Sent Eton the <rttr9 ?c??r tfcso paid for. T*? WuatL* Ptim cm4ci:ir and a ka>f it'*' TKA^M'ORTATIOS OF PrtE^iOP^T LI^HOLVS RtMAlNS. ? cr'.m.ttf* ut Arrangement* Offj?T- ?; Railroad < ?snp?ni?s. V* ? sr *}>->ton. OfTV, April if, !-?>.'>. ^ lite * . ?>iJ?>ii y Ocvrncr Hrot.*?v and John W (^arrets, Esq. ar? ?eqne'itecl to a^: s.8 a "vir.rtsiliee ol arrw^wiH of lr* of '?ft? remains of '.lit iat* Prwekt?r;-_, Abraham L<ceofa, from Washington Uj their ffcai rest ?tg pi*,?e Thev are authortaevl to arrange the :.m? taeies wrJi tne resp^cive rnitroa.l :om panies, and Ac and regelate all thing? for safs acd apprcwpr.tte transpcrta :iea. Tftey w:ii <?"' notice of this appot-*rp<=!?*- and tn?* r i - ??p'-ance, \q s?e published fer public itt.'ormi iiOE. Ed*v :s m. Stanton, Secretary of War. h'.e?srs. Brough ai d <}arr*'t, promptly a> sluing ra the rcqn<>?t of U?>? S^crntary o Wsr, * f?p'**v? tn?? RDjoiDtmec', and at ub.:c pu >e*e<3 .'fen the d.scfcar?" of tii<?irdu*.ij-. PiTTsnrRt-, Apri: !7. 0M ldn?w V. ' , AecrtCaryof War; I>9 jonwi=h any special arrang^m *n' 3 by ft.- rcn '?* thrsugh to Illinois, for the renins ti the Pre m'?m- ' i v* is ? ?v ? d jii* whatever yon may cisem *f?>d,'nl. Tbos. A. Sc?>tt. ( I.IVBLA5P, O, April 17. Lc" f <; at. ?f A'an*<>'?, -''-?.rf'ary o/" H'ar 1 am untbori. ed t-v the managers to tender a *1 irft'ii to convey th?? remains of the Vr???ir>n', and atteiidi'ir?, from Bnfiio to A. Stoke, Jr., President. JtV?Cial Ord^r K'-julatin; the Trai?ipor?: B'.icii of the K?uiains ol the lete Frrs'. i?nl, Abraham Lincoln, from \V ashing ttn ( tty to Springfield, Illinois. War: Dei'artsunt, / "W APE !N<iTV>N 1'ITV. April !-, lM>>. \ Ordered.*?First. I'Dht the followio|C r^p^irt, ai?6 tte .irrangemen:s tnerein speoiried, be tip. proved and confirmed, sud thi? tU?j txus pcr;a*ioii of *.he reic.uijs of ite iaie President, .?? braham Lincoln, frcm WasUington to Dis former home, at Sprineflf Id, th^ "spiral of 11 iEois. oe conducted in accordance with the wnd report and thearrang'-meat* thereinrpoe ?fied. Second. That for the purpose of sa:d rrr..w> f OTtation th>- ritilroads over'A hicii sai^ 'rans portMtion is made be declared Jmilitary road?, ??abject to the orders of the War Depariiaent, asd that the railroad and the locomotives, tars, a!;d engines enfnfp'd in said transporta tion bet abject to the military control of Brig ktiier <Tei.Hr;?l Mcl'ullum, ss penntendent of military raiiroad transportation: and all per sons ar required to contorm to the rules, reg. ?fattens, ordt-rs. and directions he may give vr prescribe for the fraiisportatien afore^ai-J: aud ntl perfens <li?obeyii C said ord> rs shall be deemed to have violated the military or ders of the War l>epart?neni,and shall be deal', with accordingly. Third. That ns person shall bf< allowed to be transported upon the ars constituting the f ju *ral tra'n save those who are specially au Uiorlzed by the order ot the v\ ar Department. The funeral train will not ex reed nine cars. Including tvaggage car, and the hearse car. which will pro eed over the wnole route from Washington to Spnnglield, Illinois. Fourth. At the various points on the route, Where the remains are to be taken from the fc?f.rse car by JState or municipal authorities, to receive public honors, according to the afores-aid programme, tne said authorities will make such arrangements as maybe fit ling and appropriate tu ?be occasion, under iHadirecHou of the mtli'ary commander of the division, department, or di frict, but the re maina will continue ai^ya under the special wharceofthe officers and escort assigned by this Department. By order ol the Secretary of War t. D. TowN;H\"I>. Assistant Adjataot (general. WaftHiaoTou City. i> t?., April lc, Hj* t' iicin M. Flanton, Senrttar'i of War: Sir t'nder your ccmmission of this da^e we have the honor to report: I. A committee of ih* cilizens of the State of Illinois, appointed for thepurpose o! att. tiding to the removal of th?j remains of the late Presi dent to their State, has furnished ns with the loilcwing route fur the remains and escort, ben.g, with the exceprion of two points, the route traversed by I\Ir Lincoln from Spring field to W ashington Washington to Baltimore, thence to li&meburg, Philadelphia, New York Albany, Buftalo, Cleveland, Columbus, Tn dlt Eapolis, Chicago to Springfield. u. Over this route, under the counsels o? the reir mittee, we have prepared the following time card, in all caee? for special trains: TIME CARD L^ave Washington. S a. m Friday, 2lst iiwt. Arrive a: Baltimore, 10 a. m , satn- "day. Leave Baltlmote, 3 p. m . Friday, 21st. Arrive a: Harrisburg. r 20 p. m , same day. ?? Leave Harrisburg, 12 m. Saturday, 22d Ar rive a: Phiiacelphia, fi 30 p. rn . same day. Leave Philadelphia. 1 a. m , Monday, 21th. Arrive a*. N'?-w York, lo a. m , same day. Leave New York, I p. m., Tuesday, 25th. Arrive at Aibany, 11 p. m., same day. L*ave Aibany, 1 p. m., Wednesday, 26th. Arrive a; Buffalo, ~ a. m .Thursday, 27th. Leave Buffalo. 10 If p. m., Thursday, 27th. Arr: \ e a: Cleaveland, 7 a m .jFriday, 2-th. Leave Cleaveland, 12 midnight, Friday, i^th. Arms a; Columbus,7 it a. m.. Saturday, 20th. l^eave Columbus - p. m . Saturday, 29'h. Arrive a- Indianapolis, 7. a. m., Sunday, J> ta. L?-ave Indianapolis, 1,' midnight, Sunday "Kth. Arri\e a' Chicago. iL a. m., Monday. ICp.v 1. 1.eave Chn-ago, > p. m, Tuesday, May 2. Arrive at Springfield, 4 a. in., Wednesday, Kay J. TDf route from Columbus to Indianapolis is via the Columbus and Indiauapolis Central 'a.;way, tvnd from Indianapolis to CMoa^o, i.& Lafayette and Michigan City. 3. to '-be ruiming of these special trains, vhk h, !:. o: d^r to gu ird as far as practK able imams'- accidents and deientions we have re duced to about twenty miles per hour, we tngge't the following regulations i That tinueoi departure and arrival be ob served as closely as possible. ? 2. That material detentions at way points be guarded against as much as practicable, so as not to increase the speed of trains. 3. That a pilot engine be kept ten minutes In ad v fxw' e of the train. 4 That the special train, in all cases, have the right of the road, and that ail other trains be kept Out of its way 5. That the several railroad companies pro Tide a sufficient number ol couches for the coirtortabie accommodation of the escort, and a special car for the remains; and that all thes<-, together with the engines, be appropri ately draped in mourning. fc Tbat where the running time of any train extends beyond, or commence at midnight, not less [than two sleeping cars be added, aud agreat.*r number if the road can command ihem, sufficient ;or the accommodation of the escort. 7. That two officers of the United States Military Hallway service be detailed by you, jml det'patcbed at once over the route, to con fer with the several railway officers, and make all necessary preparations for carrying ret tfie-e arrangements promptly and satis factorily. K That this programme and these regula uons, if approved, be confirmed by an order ?f the War Department. Feejje-tfully submi'ted, John BkuC(iii, John W.Uakrett, \ Committee. War i)tpa':m>n!. Adjutant Utntiafs Qtfn<,I WathinKton, April IS, 1S)5. \ The foilowin* officers bavin# been reported at is* hea'Hoarter* of the army for the offenses a<-r> ioaftrr specified, are hereby notified that they wi.l stand disaissed the service of the United Xtates, joies? within fifteen days from this date vb?y appear befere the Military Commission in in this e.'ty, t.f which Brigadier General John C. Caldwell. United States volunteers, is Pr??iCent, and make satisfactory defenc# to the cnargt ? against them : [h'O "dt-n-f of ot! -r an'! without .'tate. Assi'tAct Surgeon Theodore UrooAs, >:;h Onso veiantcera. Absence without F^rst Lieutenant John J. FiWgi&bon, 47th lieW Tcrk rolnaceers F'.rst Lieutenant W. G. Jones, load New York vejuteors. first nieotenaot Charles Traioer, 162d New Yerk VOla&teers ra>tain John W Johnsrn, lJt'i Ohio cavalry. Captain Bamuel W Uawley, 12th Oaio cavalry P-re<_d Luutenant *award KhIIi,7th Ohio bat . W A NiOhols, a??istant Adjutant General. R'ar iii/ariinra!. 4 l ntntril's Qfitt-l A _ , H'a-*m<lon, April 18,1W5. \ Liea'eaantColonel James Brady, 1st Pennsylva nia U?ht artui*ry, elarH wttk offences, and puHiiih?'io in ei^mpt from teioif difl* ? ittei the aervie* of the United States, the Mil Ma/y Cotnmiseion inatltaUd by Ppeclal Ordnru Wo 63.?eriesof 1W.1, .romthe War Department, aaviag reports that satisfactory defense Las bee a ? ui, n i j ,ase W. A. Nichols. j? ^ Ad:?u?; Osner^. THE FUNERAL. A -OI.l'.JIN ?AV. In?prcf*^ivc Features. THF. IMMEKBE PROCESSION. Tt? K0?t solemn day in tbe history ol Wash ingon wa? thai of yesterday. Thare nave Been c.b^r ur.i ressive funeral pageants, where *he d-ad was the bead or the country, and where | ihe obsequies were marked by all the rever ence and solemnity due to '.he occasion. But to this was added :be depth ol feeling frcm aimost t'Jiai love for tbe benign dead, and the e-nse of ?? ttional wrong and loss in his death ilia: came uome to every heart. Business was ennrej* suspended, giving a strange hash and brineiEg out in mournful relief the boom of minute guus and tlir> tolling ol bells. Later in the morning the mournful minor strains of the bands accompanying various delegations moving to tbeir positions ,a the line ol procession, added volume to the pre vailing dirge. Thb s?ree*'" filled with citizens, now began to rnn over from accessions by trains rind boats. Alexandria, Georgetown and Haiti more teamed iu have d-popnlated themselves fur the day, and cities further north were largely represented. The Philadelphia firemen, a superb looking body ol iiiej', who have heretofore visited us on festive occasion in their smart uniforms, now came in bla k broad lo*h to pay their ie>er-nce to the remains of hfm they helped to inaugurate. 1 he City Hall was the cen'ral poin* where various delegn'ions fr in corporations of o'her cities met under escort ol our City Councils llere, too, a leng line of horses were in wait ing for Marsha] L,a moil's aids. 3Iayor Wal laoh was present aere with the Councils and the corporate authorities to receivethe visitors ar d escort rhfm in tn*1 procession. Elsewhere on every street was to be seen the gatherings of various associations, delegation-?, order*. Ac., marshaling tor tbe procession. Every hou<e top thus early was freighted with cre - ators, and the trees bordering the avenue and tiie public grounds bore a perilously hea\ v burden of human beings. The avenue from 15th street was a jura already; and the std? streets within squares of the White House were aiive with people. The Treasury col icnade was occupied by a throng ol patient spectators Holding temiie by "squatter's rights" and ilrst occupation. Al the White tlau&e. During the forenoon various bodies had m?f a- the Treasury Department, separate rooms having been assigned them, and to the=e As sistant Secretary Harrington, who had charge of the arrangements, delivered tickets of ad mission to the Executive Mansion. They in cluded the Assistant Secretaries, the Assistant Postmasters General and the Assistant Attor ney iteneral, Senators and Representative- in Congress, Governors of the se'verai States 'tve .Tndiciary and others of prominence. None could eBter the Mansion without tickets, room having been provided fur C,t?o persons only up on the raised platform steps on the east norm and south side of the room. The corpse lav about the center, space being reserved all around the catafalque, v/ith chairs for the oc cupation of the family of the deceased. it was here in the East Room that the bodies of Presidents Harrison and Taylor lay m nve but tne arrangements on those occasions were far inferior to the present, for now artists h id t*en employed . ontributing of their skill and ta^te to produce tba best possible effect. At eleven o'clock the invited personages net'an to arrive, a body of about sixty clergy men from all parts of the country bein^ first to enter. There being an interval of n few icinufes between the arrivals, ar.d thus no confusion whatever was o casioned. The proper offi-ers were in attendance to assign all to tneir appropriate places in the room? Ht-aas o: Government Bureaus, Governors of States, members of municipal governments, prominent officers of the army and navv, the Diplomatic Corps in full costume, members o! the Christian Commission, the T'nion League Committees ot Philadelphia and New York. m?-r hants ol the principal cine*, members of both Houses of Congress, and others. Then were honored representatives holding the hi-hcst official stations from all parts of our own country and from foreign lands: .and. under the cir umstances of the assassination of a President whose body lay before th-m, the -cene was solemnly grand and impres. sive. At noou the President of the United States watered in company with las Cabinet, all of whom were present except S? cre'ar\ Seward. J Mrs Lincoln did not enter the East Room, being too ill from nervous prostration and an incipient fever, brought on by the awful ex citement and sorrow to which she has been subjected. The mourners present were the two sons of -?Ir. L ncoln, Master Thadeus and Robert Lm oln,E*q,Mr J. G N'icolay, the President's Confidential Secre'ary, and his colleague, Major John Hay, Mr. R M. Edwards and C M. Smith, brothers in-law of Mrs. Lincoln Dr. L.Beecher Todd of Lexington, Kv , Gen ^ Todd, of Uacotah, cousins of Mrs. Lincoln. I pon -he left of President Johnson was Ex Seuator P. King, of New \ork. and upon hi? right Hannibal Hamlin, Ex-Vice President Behitd Mr. King was Mr. Stanton. Behind the President was Secretary Mc Culicch. Behind Mr. Hamlin were Chief Justice Chase, and Secretaries Welles, Dennison, Speed and l sher. ? The ??xpect-d delegation from Springfield did not arrive in time to take part in the cere rucides, and as with tht-m were expected many 95. >lr? Lincoln's immediate relatives, their i!?re (oarrivecaused much disappointment s*Ten 1;idlP8 present in the Room?Mrs. Sprague, Mrs ('sher Mrs Stanton, Mrs. Welle?, Miss Hattle Chase nn-t Mrs Dem-on and daugh'er uie ^aase. and The officiating clergy were Dr Hall, of tne Episcopal Church of the Epiphany who read the burial ol his Church Bishon Simpson, of the Methodist Episcopal Church Dr Gurley, who pronounced the funeral ad' dress, and Dr. Gray, Chaplain of the Senate" w to closed the services in the East Room with a short, fervent, and eloquent prayer All the representatives of foreign govern ments, ambassadors, secretaries, and attach-" h?he I?1?Seni' court costume, and their high < ollared and heavy gilt <oat?, their vests decorated with^various orders, rendered them a glittering group m an assemblage dressed in sombre bla< k. President Johnson approached the cata faiqueand tosrk a last brief look at his illus trious predecessor and then retired to a posi tion Immediately on the east, and in full view ol the coffined remains In his front. At ten minutes past twelve, amid profound silence, the Rev. Dr Gurley, approa. hing the head of the catafalque, announced the order of reh. giaus services, when the Rev Dr. Hall, from the <ame point, read the burial service of the Episcopal Church, commencing with the an tnem, "Lord, let me know my end and the number of my da>s that 1 may be certified how long I have to live," and eonclunlng with the lesson ol the fifteenth chapter of the first Lpistle ot St. Paul to the Corinthians. PRAYB8 BV RI8BOI* SIMI'SON. ?PPn'n5 Player was made by Bishop k 'jnpson, of the Methodist Episcopal Church who in the course of it said that in the hands of God were the issues ol life and death. Our sins had called for His wrath to descend upon ns as individuals and as a community Por the sake of our Blessed Redeemer forgirefiess was asked for all our transgressions, and that all our iniquities may be washed away. While we bow under this sad bereavement which has caused a wide-spread gloom not onlv in this circle but over the entire land, an Invocation was made thaf all might submit to God's holy will. Thanks were returned for the gift of such a man as our Hravenly Father had just taken from ns, and for the many virtues which distingtiished all his trarsactions; for th? integ rity, honesty and transparency of character bestowed upon him; and for having given him counsellors to guide oar nation through periods of unprecedented sorrow. He was permitted to live to behold the breaking of the clouds which overhung our national sky, and*the dis. integration of the rebellion. Going up the mount he beheld the land of promise with its beauty and happiness, and th't glorious destiny reserved for us as a nauon. Thanks were also returned that his arm was strengthened and wisdom and firmness given to his heart to pen a. declaration of Emancipa tion, ?y which were broken ij? chains at mil IIcbs of the tsman ra :e. God be thanked the u>a?Mu who siruck down the Uhief Magis !:?'? hart rot fT^e har.d to again bind tlie suf feriE.? and oppressed. The name ol the be loved dead would ever be identified with all that is urea: and glortont, in humani'.yon earth God grant that all who stand here entrusted with tne administration of public affairs may hare the power, strength and wisdom to com plete the work of his servant so gloriously be gun. and rr.av the successor of the deceased President not bear the sword in vain God grant that strength may be given to h;m and to our military to perfect victory, and te com pletethe contest now nearly closed. May the spirit of the rebellion soon pas6 away, and may the las' vestige ot slavery, %vhj*h caused t5e rebellion, be driven from onr land. God grant that .be sun may shine on a free people, from the Atlantic to the Pacific, and from the Lakes to the Gulf. Not only atVly lead us through this struggle, but give us peace with ail rations of the earth: give us hearts to d^al justly with them, and give them Hearts to deal justly with ue, so that universal peace may reign on earth We raise our hearts to Thee to plead that Tbv blessing may descend on the family of the deceased God bless tne weeping wieow, as in her broken-heartedness she bows under a gad stroke, more than she .an bear l.nclrcle her in Thine own arms God be gracious With the children left behind him | Bidow his sons wi'h wisdom from on High; , prepare them for grea* usefulness. May they appieci.;te the patriotic example and virtues ot thur lather and walk in his footsteps. W-? pray Thee, the Blvhop said, to make this | assassination of persona! profit to our hearts v.hi!e hy tUe rernuii-of th? decased, wuoro we had called a friend, do Thou grant usgraje and repentance of onr sins, ^o that lit-ttrw end of life we may b? gathere 1 where assassins are not found and where sorrow and sickness never come, but all gather in peace and love around the Father's throne in glory. We p ay Thee that our Republic may be made the stronger for this blow, while here we pledge ourselves to set our faces a*r linst eve:y form of oppression whicn may rise np for its de struction, so that we, tne children, may eujoy the blessed advantages of a Government de livered from our fathers. He concluded by repeating the Lord's Prayer. 1 IiR i IMKUAL PKBMON. The Rev. I?r. Gurley, of the New York ave nue Presbyterian church, la whi h the de ceased President had worshipped, delivered the funeral ^ermon -landing on the step and tear the head of t&e coffin, lie commenced by saying We recogfii/e am) adore th? sover eignty of God. Hie throne is in the heavens and his kingdom ruleth over all. It was a cruel hand?the dark hand of the a-sa^-un ? thaf smote our Jionored, wise and noble Presi dent, and tilled the land with sorro*'. .But above thie there is another which we mast s:'e and acknowledge. It Is the chastening hand ot a wise and faithful God. lie gives us the bitter cup. W?- yield o the behests and drink the draught. His chastisement comes in a way heavy and itysteriousl v de^p at a time when the rebel lion was passing away. The assassin has stricken down a man upon whom the people had learned to trusr. and upon wnom more than upon any other had centred their hopes for a restoration of the T'niou and a return of harmony. In the midst of our reioicings we nteded this stroke, this discipline, and tnere fore God naa sent it. Our affliction has not come forth from tne dust, nor from ?ne ground. Beyond this act of assassination let us look to God, whose prerogative it is to bring light ont of darkness and good out of evil He who has led us and prospered us so wonderfully du ring the laet four years of anxiety and conflict will not forsake us now. He may chasten, but not destroy; He may purify U6 in the fur na e, but will not consume us. Let our prin cipal anxiety now be that thi6 new sorrow may be a sanctllied sorrow, and induce us to give all we have to the cause of truth, (ustice, law, order, liberty and good government, and pure and sanctified religion. Though weep iEg may endnre for a night, joy comes in tne morning. Thank God that in spite of this temporary darkness, the morning has begun to dawn, the morning of a brighter day than our country has ever before seen. Tha' day will come, and the death of a hundred Pre?i. dents and Cabinets cannot prevent it. The people coniided in the late lamented President with a firm and loving confidence wbich no other man en joyed since the days of Washington. He deserved it v/ell and de served it all. He merited it by his character, by his acts, and by the whole tenor and tone ai.d spirit ot his life. He was wise, simple, sincere, plain and honest, truthful and just, benevolent and kind. His perceptions were quick and clear, his judgment wa- calm and accurate, and hi6 purposes were good and pure beyond a question. Always, anil everywhere, he aimed and endeavored to be right and to do right. His integrity was all pervadfng, all controlling and incorruptible. He gave his personal consideration to ail matters, whether great or small. How firmly and well he occu pied his post, and met r.ll its grave demands in seasons ol trial and difficulty is known to yo i all, to the country and to the world. He com ? prehended all the enormity of treason and rose io the lull dignity of tha eccasion Ho sav? his duty as (Jhlet Magistrate of a great and im perilled people arid leant on the arm of Him who gives the power to the faint, and who in creaseth strength Dr. Gurley remarked he had often heard President Lincoln say that Divine Providence and mercy was the propnon which he humbly ai d habitually leaned, the best hope he had for himself and the country. When about leaving his home in Illinois to come to Wash ington, he said to old and tried friends ?"1 leave yon with the request that you pray for me." They did pray tor him, and millions of others prayed for him. Nor did they pray in vain, and the answer to the prayer shone forth in clearness and brightness of his Administra tion from the commencement to its closer i speak what I know and testify what 1 have often beard him say when I affirm that that guidance and ljaercy were the prop on which he humbly and habitually leaned: that they were the best hope he had for himself and his country. Hence when he was leaving his home in Illinois, and coming to this city to take his seat in the Executive chair of a dis turbed and troubled nation, he said to the old and tried friends who gathered teariully around him and hade him tarewell:??' I leave you with this request?pray for me." They did pray for him, and mlllionsof others prayed for bim; nor did they pray )n vain. Their prayer was heard, and the answer appears In all his subsequent history. It shines forth with heavenly radiance in the whole course and tenor of his Administration, from its com mencement to its close. God raised him up for a great and glorious mission-furnished him tor his work and aided him In its accomplish ment. Nor was It merely strength of mind and honesty ot heart, and purity and pertinacity of purpose that he famished him. In addition to those things he gave him a calm and abiding confidence in the overruling providence of God. and in the ultimate triumph ot truth and righteousness through the power and blessing of God. This confidence strengthened him in all his hours of anxie'y and toil, and inspired him with calm and cheering hope when others were inclined to despondency and gloom Never shall I tor gei the emphasis and the deep emotion with which he said in this very room ta a aoinpany of clergymen and others, who called to pay him their respects in the darkest days of onr civil conflict "Gentlenren. my nope of success in this great and terrible struggle rests on that immutable foundation?Ihe justice and good ness of God ; and when events are very threat ening and prospects very dark, 1 still hope that in some way, which man cannot see, all will be well in the end, because our can?e is just and God is on onr side." Such was his sublime and holy faith?it was an anchor to his soul, both sure and steadfast. It made him firm and strong. It emboldened him in the pathway of duty, however rugged and perilous it might be. It made htm valiant for 'he right?for the cause ot God and humanity and it held him in steady patience and unswerving adherence to a policy of administration which he thought, and which we all now think, both God and humanity reqnired him to adop? We admired and loved him on many accounts? for strong and various reasons. We admired hi* c hild-like simplicity.hisfreedom from gnile and deceit, his staunch and sterling integrity his kind and forgiving temper, his industry and oa tience, his persistent, self-sacrificing devotion to all the duties of his eminent station, from the least to the greatest. His readiness to bear and contider the poor and humble, the suffering and the oppressed. His charity towards those who questioned the correctness of his opinions and the wisdom of his policy. His wonder I*1" in /conciliating differences among the friends of the Union, leading them awav from abstractions and inducing them to work together and harmouleusly for the common weal. His true and enlarged philanthropy that knew no distinction of color or ra?, but recofniled all men as brethren, and endowed b* their Oreator "with certain inalienable rffbu, aaosg wh>c* are lift, Ubert, | pursuit of Happiness." Hie inflexible purpose that what lreedom had gamed in onr terrtble civic strife should never be lost, and thai the end of the war tbould be the end of slavery, and as a consequence of rebellion. His readi ness to spend and be spent in the attainment of such a triumph?a triumph, the blessed fruits ol which should be as widespread as the earth, and as enduring as the sun. All these things commended and fixed our admiration and the admiration of the world, and stamped upon his character ai.d life the unmistakable im press of greatness But more snblime than any or all of these, more holy and more influential, more beautiful and strong and susTaiting was hia abiding con fidence in God, and in the final triumph of truth and righteousness through Him and for His sake. I bis was his noblest, his grandest princple, the seciet alike of his strength, his patience end iiis success: and this. It seems to me. alter being near him 9'eadily. and with him often for mere than lour years, is the principle by which more than by any other, he being dead yet speaks. Yes, by his steady, endnring confidence in God, which is the cause of hu manity, more than in any other way daes he now speak to us and to the nation he loved and served so well, by this he speaks to hits suc cessor in office, and charges him to have faith In God By this he speaks to the members of his cabinet, the men with whom he conferred so olten, and ^vas associated with so long, and he charges them to have faith in God. By this hp speaks to all who occupy positions of mtlu and authority in thece sad and troublous times, and he charges them all to have faith in Ood Bv this be they sit in sackcloth to day, and weep for him with a bitter wailing and refuse to be comforted, and he charges them to have taith in God: and by this he will speak through aliases and to all rulers and people in everyJand, and hi* message to them v.Ill be. "cling to liberty and right: battle for them, b!?ed for them, die lor them if need be, and havrt confidence in God." O, that the voice ol "his testimony may sink down into our hearts to day, and every day, and into the heart ol the nation, and exert its appropriate influence upon our feelings, onr faith, onr pa tipcce and our devo'ion to the cause now dearer to us than ever before, because consecrated by the blot d of its most conspicuous defender, its wisest and most fondly trusted friend. He is dead, but the God in whom he trusted lives, and He can guide and strengthen his successor as He guided and strengthened him He is dead, but the memory of his virtues, of his wise ar i patriotic counsels and labors, of his calm and steady laith in God, lives, is precious, and ?will be a power of good in the country down to the end of time. He is dead, bat the cause he so ardently loved, so ably, patiently, faith lully represented and defended, not tor him self onlv, but for all people, m all ,ieir coming generations, until time shall be no more?that caute survives his fall, and will survive it. The light of its brightening prospe rs flashes cheeringly (o-dav athwart the glocm occa sioned by bis death, and the language of God's unite0 providence tell u< that though the friends or liberty die, liberty itself is immortal. There is no n-saesin strong enough, and no weapon deadly erongh to quench its inextin guishable life, or arrest its onward march to the conquest and empire ol the world. This is our confidence and this is our oonso latioc as we weep and mourn to-day. Though our beloved President is slain, onr beloved country is saved; and so we sing of mercy as well as of judgment. Tears of gratitude mingle with those of sorrow, while there is also the dawning of a brighter, happier day upon onr stricken and weary land. God be praised that onr fallen chief lived long enough to see the day dawn, and the day-star of joy and peace arise upon the natian. He saw it, and he was glad. Alas, alas, he only saw the dawn. When the sun has risen, lull-orbed and glorious, and a happy, reunited people are rejoicing in its light, it will shine upon his grave: but that grave will fee a precious and a consecrate* spot. The friends of liberty and of the Union will repair to it, in years and ages to come, to pronounce the memory of its occupant blessed, and gathering from bis very ashes, and from the rehearsal ol h!s deeds and virtues, fresh incentives to patriotism, they will there renew their vows ol fidelity to their country and their God. And now I know not that 1 can more ap propriately conclude this discourse, which is but a sincere and simple utterance of the neart, than by addressing to our departed President, with some slight modification, the language which Tacitus, in bi3 life of Agricola, addres see to hir? venerable and departed father-in law "With yon we may now congratulate: yon are blessed, not only because your life was a career of glory, but because you weje released, when, your country safe, It was happiness to die. We have lost a parent, and, in our distress, it is now an addition to our heartfelt sorrow, that we had it not in ottr power to commune with you on the bed of languishing, and receive your last embrace. Your dying words wouldhave been ever dear te us: yonr commaatfs we shoald have treasured np, and graven them on our heart6. This sad comfort we have lost, and the wound, for that reason, pierces deeper. From the world of spirits behold your discon solate family and people, exhal' our minds from fond regret and unavailing grief to the contemplation of ycur virtues, Those we must tot lament; it were impiety to sully them with a tear. To cherish their memory, to embalm them with our Draises, and, so far as we cart, to emulate your bright example, will be the truest mark of vour respect, the best tribute we can offer. Your wife will thus preserve the memory of the best of husbands, and thus your -bildren will prove their filial piety By dwelling constantly on yonr words and actions, they will have an illustrious char acter before their eyes, and, not content with the bai-e image of your mortal frame, they will have what is more valuable, the form and fea tures of your mmd. Busts and statues, like the originals, are frail |and perishable The soul is formed of finer elements, and its inward form is not to be expressed by the hand of an artist with unconscious matter; our manners and onr morals may in some degree trac* the resemblance; All of you that trained onr love and raised our admiration still subsist, and will ever subsist, preserved in 'he minds of men, the register of ages and the records of fame. Others who figured on the stage of life, and were the worthies of a forme;- day, will sink tor want of a faithful histori&n. into the common lot of oblivion, inglorious and un remembered; but you, our lamented friend and head, delineated with truth, and fairly con signed to posterity, will survive yourself and triumph over the injuries of time " PRAYER. The Rev. E. H Gray, I). D , pas'or of the E street Baptist Church, closed the solemn ser vices by delivering a lervent End feeling prayer. REMOVAL OV TUB BODY. The prayer being ended, a detailed detach ment of the Veteran Reserve Corps entered the room, and, the coffin having been closed, con veyed it from the catafalco to the fnneral car aw ait'ng it at the mam entrance to the man sion. As soon as it was placed npon the car, the gentlemen in the East Room passed out in their appointed order, fell into their assigned places, and the luneral cortege passed on to Pennsylvania avenue. The Procession. The procession moved in the following order: The 1 Oth regiment Veteran Reserve Corp^, Major George Bowman commanding, accom panied by the drum corps of the r*gim ntwith inullled drums, and the 10th regiment of the Reserve Corps, with the band of the regiment, all under the immediate command of Col. Geo. W. Gile, commanding officer of the 1st brigade. A detachment ol the TJ. S. marines, number ing one hundred and forty men, and officered byEients. A. B. YouEg, M. T. Youiig, Reed, Miller and Bigelow. Marine Band, numbering thirty-five pieces and a drum corps (With muffled drums) of twenty-two pieces, under the leadership of Prof. s>cala. The funeral dirge, composed by Major General Barnard, and dedicated to the occasion, was performed by this band while on the march. Eight pieces of artillery from Camp Barry, the first section being of companies A and F, Ist-U. S. Artillery, under command of Capt. Norris, and the second section from companies A, 4th U. S. arthlery, and E and F, ad artillery, Lieut. King in command, the whole being uBder the immediate supervision of Gen. Hall, who has charge of Camp Barry. Two battalions of the 16th New York cav alry, (Col. N. P. Switzer in command,) fol lowed by the band of the regiment mounted. Gen. Augur and staff, commander of the military escort. Gen. Harden and staff, and Col. Gamble and staff. Dismounted Navy offiserp, numbering nearly one hundred, headed by Com. Montgomery. Army officers, dismounted, in large num. Medical Stafl of the army, oonslating of offi cers eenneeted with the Medical Department and Surgeons on duty in heeplUiis, &<>., in and afeoul WasfciEftot. Faj masters of the United States army, under 'he ccmmand c 1 Brevet Brigadier General B. W Brae. Pay master General. Ward H. Lamon, .Marsha! ol the Districf of Columbia, with aids. The clergy in attendan-e?Rev. P. D. Gnr Ify. D. D.. (Presbyterian.) Rev. H. Hall. D. D, (Episcopal,) Rev. Bishop Simpson, I>. I> , (Methodist,) and Rev. E. H. Gray, D. D., iBaptist)?in carriages Surgeon General Barnes, of the T 'nited States Army, and Dr. Stone and others, physicians cl the deceased. r ALI. TtBA KEK3. (>n fart r>f lh' Stnaii. 'M pari of iht House. Mr Foster, of Conn , Mr. Dawes, ol Mas#., Mr Morgan, of N. Y , Mr. Coffroth, o; Fa., Mr. Johnson, of Md , Mr. Smith, of Ky., Mr. Yates, of III, Mr. Colfax, of Ind.. Mr Wade, of Ohio, Mr. Worthington.ol Na, Mr. Confess, of Cal , Mr. Washburne, of 111. Army. _Va vy. Lt. Gen. U. S. Grant, Vice Adm'l Farragut, Mj.Gn H W". Halieek, Rear Adm'l Shubrick, Bt. Brig.Gen. Nichols, Col. Jacob Zeilen, M.C. Civilians. 0 H. Browning, Thomas Corwin, George Asbmun, Simon Cameron. Funeral car, drawn by six fine gray horses, each led by a young man wearing a while sash, being driven by Mr. A Cowling, guarded by a detachment of the 1st Virginia artillery on loot. President's gray horse, saddled, with boot3 01 the deceased in the stirrup, led bv a groom. Union Light Guard, Lieut. Jamison com manding, as mourners. This company his been doiue dntt as the President's body guard for over a year past. The lamily of the deceased, relatives, pru<.?? secretaries aud friends. Delegations of the states of I llinois and Ken tucky as mourners. The l'resideat of the United States, accom paniea by Hon. Preston King. Members ol the Cabinet. Tbe Diplomatic Coipsin lull Conrt Dress. Ex-Vice President Hamlin. Chief Justice s. P. Chase and the Associate Justicesof the Supreme Court ol the United States. The Senate ol the United States, with their officers?John W. Forney, Esq., Secretary Wm. Hickey, Esq. Chief Clerk; George T. Brown, Esq., and Isaac Basseti, Esq., Sergeant-at-Arms. Members ol the late and next H./use of Rep resentatives, with tbe members of the last House?Hon. Ed ward McPiierson, Clerk. Hon. N. G. Ordway, Sergeant-at-Arms- and Ira Goodenow, Doorkeeper. Governors ol the several States an* Terri tories; a very ln!l attendance Members ol the several State ana Territorial Legislatures. Chief Justice Casey aiad Associate Judges of the Court of Claims. The Federal Judiciary and the Judiciary of the several States. Assistant Secretaries ol the several Depart ments. Frofesscr Henry aud the other officers of the Smithsonian Institution. Members and officers of the Sanitary and Christian Commissions. 1 he Judges of the several CourtB and Mem bers of the Bar of the District ?f Columbia, in blrding the Grand Jury. Band of Campt>ell Hospital. Washington Conrtnandery of Knights Tem plar, S. F. Bell, Marshal.preceded by the band of the Campbell Hospital, and carried the ban kers of their order. The Councils and other members of the Cor poration of the city of Baltimore. Members of the Corporation of Alexandria Members of the Councils of the city of New Ycrk. The Select and Common Councils ol the city of Philadelphia. Also, delegations from the civi, authorities ol Boston and Brooklyn, New Ycrk Committee of the Union League of Philadel phia headed by Horace Binney. Jr. Esq., and Morton McMichael, Esq. * Members ol '-he Christian Commission oi the city ol Philadelphia. Satterlee's Band ol Philadelphia. The Perseverance Hose Company ol the city ot Philadelphia, of which President Lincoln was an honorary member, In black snits, with badges on their hats designating their organi zation. They were headed by their President, Jno. G. Butler, Esq. chief coinerof the UHited States Mint, and Chiel Dickson of the U. S. Steam Fire Brigade. Ministers ol the various religions denomi nations, among them the pasters of ail the ra h-dic Churches in the District as well as the several Colored Churches. T: e Massachusetts delegation, numbering about. T5 men, among whom was Major Gene, ral Butler; Col. Gardner Tufts marshal, as sisted by Messrs. Forbushand Johnson: headed by the band of the Jth Massachusetts heavy artillery. The flag borne by the Massachusetts 6th. when coming through Baltimore in 1-C!, was earned by this delegation. New Hampshire, numbering about -20 men Marshal Matthew G. Emery. Ohio had -0 men in line, under the marshal ship of M M Slade, Esq. New York numbered 3(H). New Jersey wss represented by 100 of her sous, and led by Mr. Prevost, acting maishal California, Oregon, Nevada, Washington, Montanoand Idaho, united, and had I0t) rep resentatives of the Far West, under the mar shalsbip of Major R. D. Stevens. Maine was led by Mr. S. P. Brown, and turned ont a very large and respectable crowd. Connecticut delegation, numbering about loo meu, with State banner. Delegation frem New Jersey, with a large one from Jersey City. The Heads and Clerks of the State Depart ment. The heads and chiefs of Bureaus of the Treasury Department, under the marshalship of Messrs. A. E. Edwards, nssisted by Capt. Jones and Col. Willett, preceded by the baud of the Treasury regiment. They carried with them the flag toru by Booth, as lie leaped to the stage of Ford's Theater on the night of the assassination Clerks of the Treasury Department. The War Department employees turned ont in large Icrca, making a fine appearance, and were marshalled by Mr Potts. Clerks ot the Ordnance Department. Clerk? of the Interior Department. The clerks of the Agricultural Bureau. The Pension Office had one hundred em ployees in line, marshalled by Commissioner Barrett and Mr Pearson, chief-clerk. The clerks and employees of the PostOffics Department, marshalled by Dr. McDonald and ilajor Scott. The clerks of the Ordnance Office. Band of Col. Tompknrs Q. M. D. regiment, led by Lieut. Blish. Major Gen'l M. C. lleigs, Quartermaster General, and Colonels G. V. Rutherford, B. C Card, S. L. Brown, A. J. Perry, John D. Wise, J. D. Bingham, and L. B. Parsons, chiefs of divisions. Battalion of Uuartermaster General's Office, Major W agner commanding, composed of Co. A., B. and C., CaptainB Slsson, Curtis, and Bunting. 1st regiment Quartermaster's Volunteers, Col. C. H. Tompkins, i^ieut. Col. Johnson. Majors Huestis and Allen. :>d regiment da., Col. James M Moore and Maior F. A. Conrad. This brigade was commanded by Brig. Gen. D. H. Rucker, assisted by Brig. Gen. Ekin and Col. J. J. Dana. Clerks of the Quartermaster's Department in citizen's dress.' Survivors of the War of 1812, viz: Edward Birkead, Chapman Lee, Charles Keenan, Jos. Follansbee, F. R. Dorsett, Smith Minor, Thomas Foster, Robert M. Harrison, Isaac Burch, Joseph P. Wolf, Capt. John Moore, B. W. Polkinhorn, P. Bergman, T. Foster, Col. C. K. Gardner, and Ishmal Day, the old pat riot, who shot the rebel at the time of the in vasion of Maryland, when be attempted to pnll down the flag from his premises. Army Surgeons, mounted. The clerks and employees of the Baltimore Custom House and Post Office, marshaled by Dr. E. C. Gaskill, ISO in number, accompanied by the fine band of the Sth regiment U S infantry, which is stationed at Baltimore. 8th Illinois cavalry band. Employees of U. S. Military Railroad, num. tering about 2,000, in charge of Messrs. Price, Reverts, Griffin and Conner. Citizens of Alexandria with band, with the Friendship and Sun Fire Companies, dressed in red shirts and black pants; Messrs. Powell and Brand, marshal*. Mount Vernon Association of Alexandria Carriage bearing a large transparency in scribed, ??Alexandria mourns the nation's loss." Potomac Hose Company of Georgetown, wWh martial music. Andrew Jackson Lodge Ancient York Ma sons. of Alexandria. Delegation of th* Christian Commission tl Alexandria. Two German glee els*. National Republican Association t4 the Sev f ntii Warr), marshaled by Capt. NcCuufifii and F. A. Boawell. Workmen from Mt Clare, Baltimore, fol io-wed by a r nmb~r or. employees of the BaI'j more and Obio Railroad, numbering about ?UP. Employees of tne Washington Arsenai, W H. Oo?iron, marshal. Employees of the Navy Yard; J. H. Dal ton, mar? hal Fin ley Hospital bsnd. with soldiers from ih* hospital; Steward Hill. Emory Hoepiial band, with a number ol soldiers from the hospital, in charge of Seward. Brambill. Pupi'8 of Goniaga College, la charge of Rev B. F. W ige? and other clerical prejeptors* numbering about 250. Parochial Schools of St. Aloysms, John P. Bropby. Mernt's Band, East Baltimore Union League, Washington I'nion League, Georgetown Union League, New Yoik Union League, marshalled by Capt J. I) McKean. Capitol Circle Brotherhood of the I'mon T. H. Robinson, marshal, headed by 1 A. Ueaid's brass band. Fenian Brotherhood, numbering about )oo, wearing green badges, in mourning, with their flag of green draped in mourning. A detachment ol the guard at Seminary H os pital, (Georgetown) Sergt Conway. The German division was in charge of Col. .ios Gerbardt, and was composed <'f members of the Belief Association, moun. '1 and loot, Washington Turners, Washington S-in g^&rbund, Germania Lodge, No.?, of Good Fellows. Franklin Lodge, Independent Broth ers ano Wambago Tribe ot Bed Men. Leb i ar;/' band tnm Baltimore, headed this L)i v slon The Italian Benevolent Society, with the ua icnul (lag of Italy, m mourning, nnmber ii)g nearly ;JC0. marshalled by .?x-Lieutenant M agri Mttr?: polis I.odge. No. 1? ol Odd Fellows, fiotn Am apolis. Md , nnml>ering about 3d. >ons of Temperance, numbering aboa- l,r?0?, lieatied by Carver Hospital band, composed the Grat:d Division, and the following subor dinate divisions Oood Samaritan, Federal City. Equal, Armory Square, Columoian, E* cel-icr. Aurora, Meridian, Lincoln, Central, Emory, Potomac, Harewood, IionglHs, Fm pire, Clliffburne, Mt. Vernon., ETerett, Stanton, Sherburne. Columbia Typographical Society; Journey man Bookbinder's Societ\. Then followed the colored divi-ion, wh 'ft numbered several thousand, hfaded by Bo* yer's Baltimore baud, irrthe following order Annual Conference of the African Methodis' Church, led oft' by Kev'd Bishops Payne and Way man; ft*- Grand I'm ted Order ol Na/a rner-, ?iBrshalei by Noah Butler; Ilebgat.on of the First tuiui a <tbristian Cnmrui-siou of Balumoif Payne Lodge ot oro?a samintans Grand United Order of < ?dd FsIIowb; niur Lodge ol Ancirnt York Masons; Union Grand I.odge ol Masons; Masonic Grand I?odg>* ol Tinted States and Canada; Colored Mti.ens of Baltimore. George A. Hackett marshal. Tbes<* were {<11 irom Baltimore Then followed the Washington Benevolent Association. Colored men of Washington: Sou- of Levi. Eastern Star I.odge, No. 1,< ~v, 1. O. O. F. John F.Cook Lodge, No. l.l-.V Union Friend-hip Lodge, No -91. Potomac Union Lodge, ol Georgetown, No c<r>. ('ilve Lodge, No. tfGT. A.Y M. The Catholic Benevolent Association, carry ing a banner bearing the raotto ?> In Gud we ti us'. '' Harmony Lodge of Odd Fellows. The ti-'d colored Pennsylvania regimen', whi h arrived auout noon, took a position near the Capitol, and as the procession ne.ired wheeled In line on the right, marching through the grounds, the band playing a solemn dirge. Arrival at the. ( apitol. Long before the procession moved every part ol the Capitol Grounds was. rowded, but none but those authorized could enter the building. At about three o'clock the first troops in the line marched through the north gate and along the railroad tracK down New Jersey avenue, while the artillery and cavalry parsed around the square resting on A street north, 1st street east ar.a A street south, the officers of the Army and Navy also marched through the same gate and took their position near the pojl on the east front ol the building. The entire space in Irontol the building had r>een cleared by the police under Superinten dent Bichards, and the military, cavalry aud miantry. keeping the crowd iriim encroaching on the ground. and the steps of the portico were kept clear by the Capitol Police, under Captain Newman. As that part ol the procession bearing the corpse approached a dirge was struck op by the band6 along the military liue and the car riages containing the pall-bearers, followed by the funeral car,approached the eastern portico where they alighted, and after a few moments the coffin was removed and borne by twelve soldiers of the Veteran Beserve Corps to the rotunda. 1 he lice was headed by Col. French, Com missioner ol Public Buildings, and Mr. James O. Clephane, one of the civic marshals, fol lowed by the clergy, then the physiciane, the pall-bearers. In the midst of which the corpse was borne, and it was laid on the catafalque at precisely balf-past three o'clock In a tew moments all who were entitled to admission had entered, the clergy taking a pesitiou at the head of the corpse, the head ol which is turned to the west, and immediately behind them were the physicians. President Johnson and Cabinet, with Lieut. General Grant, Major Gei.eial Halleck, Brig. General Nichols, Ad mnals Farragut, Goidsborough and String ham took their stand at the foot of the coffin, about twelve feet from it, while Messrs. Nic olav and Hay, the two private secretaries, stood on the north side, and around the pall rearers, who ranged themselves in a circle, with the delegations of Illinois and Kentucky. Maior General Hunter, Hon. Simon Cameron, ana Major General Meigs were also present. Alter this circle had been formed, the Union Light Guard entered, taking a position cn the north, with a company ol Veteran Reserves. THE KCRIAL SERVICE. The burial 6er\ice commencing with, "It is appointed unto man once to die," was read by Rev. P. D. Gurley in a very impressive man ner, and many of the auditors being moved to tears. The service having been concluded, the assemblage quietly left the buiidin/, the body remaining in charge of the Capitol police, Capt Newman, and a detail from the 24ih V. R. C., with a numb r of officers. THE CATAFALqCE. The corps was laid on a catafalque, which was designed by B. B. French, jr., erected in the center ot the rotunda by Mr. Job W. Angus and others. The base is one foot high, eight and a half feet long, and four feet wide, and is covered with fine black cloth The dais is two feet high, seven feet long, and two and a halt feet wide. At each corner of the dais is a sloping union column, representing bundles of fasces tied with silver lute. This dais is also covered with black cloth and heavy festoons of the same material, which is edged with silver lringe hung on either side, being gathered in the center with a black rosette of satin ribbon, with a silver star, and from this falls a fold of cloth, the end of which containing three stars. On either side of 'he dais are two muskets with baj onets, two oai bines and two sword bays nets crossed. TLOUAL TRir.rTES. Just as these present in the rotnnda were lea\ ing a number ot basket flowers, arranged in admirable taste by Mr. James Nokes, the public gardener, were brought in and arrang ed around tie coffin. THE ROTUNDA. The large panel pictures in the rotnnda had been covered completely, and a railing cov ered completely with black around the statue of the ?'l)yirg Tecnmseh" obscured it from view, while all the statues were covered ex cept thai of Washington, over the body of which a black sash was tied. A heavy dra pery of mourning also hangs from the ccrri der at the base of the dome. This work was done by Messrs. G. W. Nokes, G. W. Harrie, and other employees at the Capitol. / The Avenue. The general sorro ?v was exhibited by various mourning devices displayed throughout the city, and the avenue showed many such. At the stcre of Philp Jc Solomon, the right window contained a colored portrait of the President, which was heavily draped in crape. In the left band window was a photograph of the President and his son Tad. This was the last sitting of Mr Lincoln for a picture. Both the windows were heavily draped with white and black cambric. Over the windows was a large fiag festooned with crape. Tne balcony was heavily draped, and in white letters on black background appeared the words: "Treaboh hab Dome His Worst." This motto was surrounded with sprigs of evergreen. The entire upper portion of the building was hung with festoons of black dec orated with white rosettes and a large flag at half mast,, draped in black, told the sad tale of our lose. The store of Hudson Taylor, 331 Penn'a ave , was appropriately draped, and had on its front a fine portrait of the late President which at tracted much attention. The excellent full-length portrait of the late President, taken tor Mr. John Holylaod, was draped in mourning and displayed from the window of Lt. F. Clark's store, on Pennsylva nia avenue, west of 12th street. Mr. Lincoln is represented with a roll of papers in hia hand inscribed "Emancipation Proclamation." The following mottoes were displayed over the store of Messrs Sweetser & Co., draped In mourning: A Great Man has Fallen. A Noble Man is bead. The Nation Monrna. Fiends may bill hia body, but cannot kill au sonl, that is immortal, and hia revered memory wUl lire forever.