Newspaper Page Text
L LOCAL NEWS AMUSEMENTS TO-NIGHT. Wahhibotob Thsatbb.?Benefit and last tilgbtof J M Ward, who appears as "Robert Brierly " in tbe drama of "The Tlcket-of-L'ave man," and as '? W ilium" In the play of *'Black .fcyed Susan." Groybb's Thbatbr ?Miss Susan Denln and other favorites in tbe spectacular drama of ?'Tbe Sea of Ioe." Matinee this afternoon. Cawtbbbury.? Mannel Doneti, tbe one legged dancer, songs, ballet, burlesque, panto mimes. &c. Matinee this afternoon. Oxpobt>.?Ballet, burlesques, negro delinea tions, and the dramas of (>Tbe Murdered Waterman" and ' Jocko, the Brazilian Ape." This afternoon ladies matinee. Nixob's Circus, tith street, near the Claren don Hotel. The great New York company in a hope bill of ballet, songs, comicalities, eques trian and acrebatic performances. Stoke A Ropstoh'8 Circcp, 6th street, near K?w York <%venue.?An immense company, in equestrian, gymnastic and other perform ances, including ballet, songs, burlesque, ic. Sbaton Hai.l,?Last night of the sale of tickets to the New York Manufacturing Jew elers' Association concert. Prizes distributed With the tickets. Military Halt.. ?Free concert saloon, songs, ballet, refreshments, &c. Ckhter Maekit, To day.?Beef, best cuts, per pound, 30c.; next, 25c. Salt Beef, I5al~c; iirled Beef, 25c. Veal, 25a30c. Mutton, chops, owe. Lamb, per pound, 3oc. Pork, fresh, 25c. Pork, corned ,25c. Hacon, hams, uncut, 30c.; sliced, 35c.; breast*. 25c.; shoulders, 25c. But ter, 35a40c. Chickens, per pair, S2a?3. Ducks, per pair, Sl.50a*2. Eggs, per dozen, 33c. Cran berries, per quart, 50c Cucumbers, per doz , 30c. Green Corn, per can, 60c. Apples, per pk. ?1 a 1.30; dried, 75c Green Peas, plr, 25c. .Leeks,bh, 5c; Strawberries, qt, 12a25c. Goose berries, 10c. Turnips, pk, iuaSOc. Potatoes, Irish, per pk, 45c; Bermuda, ?oc ; sweet, #1; Peaches dried, per qt., 30c. Cherries, 15c. ?'urrants,25c. Beans, butter, 30c.: white, 10al2c.; string heans, PI. Radishes, per bunch, 5<j. Beets, new 15c. Onions, new *1 per pk. bunch Onions, 5c. Parsnipt, pk, 50c. Carrots, 5c. <iyster plants, 10a12c. Caobage Sprouts, pk, 10c. water cresses, per peck, 20c. Land cresses, 15c. Rhubarb,bunch, Sc. Asparagus, 12c. Kale, 30c. Lettuce, pr ha, la5c. Pineapples 3.3c. Fish ? Rock, large, each, 85c.af2; small, per bch., 50c.; halibut, lb, 25c.; sea bass, 15c.; blue fish, 15c; herrings, doz,20a25c : lobster, 15c.;sturgeon, 15c., pike, lb .20c.; percn,5!?c; Shad, pair.30a75c. Presh Mackerel. 3:3a. each. Rye, per bushel, 91.25a#l 30. Corn Meal, 81.25. Shipstuff, DOc.aSl. Brown stuff, 70c. Shorts, 60c. Corn, shelled, 1*1 25; In the ear, bbl., Pfia7?; Oats, per bu? 80a90c. Hay. per cwt., 81.75. Straw, 81.50a? 175. Clover Hay, *1.75. Spinach, per peck, 20c. Small ducks, 75aSl per pair. Small birds, per buucb, 50c. Wild pigeons, per pair. 37)<c. Blue wing ducks, per pair,?2. Widgeons, per pair, 1*2. Celery, per bunch, 10c. Krout, 15c. qt. Geese. ?l.50a92. Turkeys, $0. Fresb veni&on, pei pound, 3oc Ford's Thbatbr ?Thereare so many rumors afloat in regard to the disposition to be made of Ford's Theater, that we bave taken some pains to inqnire as to 'be facts in the case, and learn tbem to be as follows: Mr. John T. Ford, the proprietor of the theater, has received several applications to rent it for amusement purposes: and also ?various offers to purchase the building for church purposes. He is now in treaty with a congregational society, for Its sale, tbe price asked by him being' *100,000 for the entire property, which inclnd?s not only the theater proper, but also the three story brick building on l(>th -treet, adjoining the" theater to the south, and also tbe large brick building in the rear of the thea'er. It is understood that the Hey. Henry Ward Beecber is In some way Interested m securing for this society a suitable place of worship in this city, and to have ex pressed himce f in favor of acquiring this property to that end. If the theater is con verted into a church, it Is proposed to make as little change in its interior arrangements as possible, and the boxes, for instance, will Temain much as tbey were at the moment of the assassination, of course removing the cur tains; and such of the ornamentation As is purely theatrical. Should a sale sot be con cluded bv Mr. Ford by the 1st of July,* Mr. Ford will make his a'rrar.gements to Teopen ihe theater on tbe 1st of September. Should ihe sale be effected, it will afford a, curious instance of the conversion of a iburch property info a theater and its re conversion into a c bureb. Riybr Nbav|.?'There are but few vessels in port this morning, although there is quite a iiomber anchored off Alexandria. Tbe stramer City of Albany arrived up this morning from City Point, bringing np the malls from that place, Petersburg and Rich mond, the nrst that have been forwarded by this route for a week past. About 100 rebel prisoners who have taken the oath of allegi ance come up on tbia vessel from the prisoners camp at Point Lookout. Nearly all of tbe prisoners confined here ha*e asked permission to subscribe to tbe oath of allegiance. Several schooners arrived yesterday from Northern cities with full cargoes of oats for tbetQuartermaster's Departmant. Generals ingalis and Birney, with tbe mem bers of theirjstiffs, arrived here yesterday on tbe steamer Thomas Collyer Irom Clt. Point. The Collyer brought up a large number of Government wago><? and carts to be turned Into the proper depots. The Alexandria and Washington ferry boats, of which there are two lines, are doing a fine bnsines* The Kej-port on her 3 o'clock up "ward trip tbls morning brought up 6oC pas sengers. Police Cabbs ?The following cases were were brought before Justice Thompson yes terday and to day: Frederick Dnvall, arrested by Officer Tay lor for stealing clothing from the boarding houses of Mrs. Martin aud Mrs Townley: I committed for court. Jobn Lowe, arrested by Officer Crown for stealing a horse trom Marion Gatto: commit ted for a further hearing. Barney Gallagher, arrested bv Officer Fra zer tor stealing a borse from Air. Zebulon Run nidge; committed for a farther bearing. This is the tenth borse stolen from Mr. Runnldge iu tbe last month. Sbr*kat?b.?The friends of Councilman Jno. G. Dudley, George Wright and W. T. Walker and Aldermen Tb <ma? E. Lloyd and C. S. Noyes. of the Seventh Ward, paid tbem tbe compliment of a serenade la?t nigbt. Tbe band of Finlev Hospital officiated on the oocasion, and furnished some excellent music, as usual. affair concluded witb a fine collation at Potomac Hall* at which apropos speeches ?were made and spirited and humorous senti ments offered and a good time Bad generally, according to tbe wont of tbe Seventh Warders ?when they undertake anything of tbe kind. An 1*t?riotuio Festival.? Elsewhere v ill be found tbe announcement Of a series of entertainments ot great interest to be beld at Odd Fellows' Hall, 7tb street, commencing Jene l ?tb, tor the benefit of Grace Cburcb, Island. Beautiful and splendid tableaax will be presented each night, sad there will be other features of great attractiveness. Those who i remember the delightful festival (with tableaux) by the ladies of this church last win ter will not fBii to attend now. Dbfartubb or Troops.?Yesterday, tbe fol lowing troops left tbe city br the Baltimore and Ohio railroad : ?I>etacnmeot 45th and 1Jth Penna ,*? meo i3'h N. J ,390; 33d do.,63: lJ<Kh Illinois, 300: i?t Michigan Engineers, 1,(05; headquarter* 17th corps, 340, 79th Ohio, 357; ICth N. Y , ie-7; fSth Indiana. 3uu; 179th N, Y., 1-4; 123d do., SbO; 1st division 14th army corps, 3,730 men. SjfDGQLTwg Whisky ?The polIce are arrest ing a great tumty f females engaged In ped dling cakes, Ac., .?? conveying whisky to sol diers. in bottles concealed about their persons beneath their clothing. Twelve of this class were arrested in one camp, and confined in tbe station hfcuse. _ Thb NuieANCB?Tbs smell from the dead hort-e boiling concern across the river was most sickeoiug last cigfct, and was appreciated, not only in tbe Seventh Ward. nearest it, bat also in the city generally. Attkstios is oalled to tbe notice of the pic ric and display of fireworks to he given at Beckett's Garden on Wednesday afternoen and evening, lith Inst. LOOK oi'T lor tbe moonlight excursion of ths I'. S. Grant CiUd to Glymont, on BLondaf eight. A capital urns is expected. TBI Stbawbsrh Fkhtival at the OhuroB of Ascenslfn will cio* on Monday Bight. We are pleased to hear mat the persevering ladles of that cburcb have met with good sacoess In their enterprise How could it be otherwise, for every?hlug there is pteas ng. The refresh ments are delicious, 'he Vautiful display of choKS flowers, arrar.geu m exqimiu* re flect great credit upon >he accomplished aud fttsciiiatii.g ladies, Mrs H k and Miss B The f upo^r table is well atten led by tte polite and energetic Mis I), Mrs. T. and Mrs. p. The inseparable 'WO ladies Mrs. H and S are untiring In the?r efforts The active and pWassnt Miss G S and Mies A Y devote their whole attention to the worthy cau<e Tbe morfest at d intelligent Miss M , tbe beautlinl bioe eyed Mies B , the black-eyed Miss L and tb? reserved Mrs W attraet th? attention of tbe quiet oT>server. F.^-en ?he f wo little Misses J D. and M W , at Jacob's Well, exert them selves to the orraoet of their ability to aid ths cause, aad all are united in lovs for their good pastor. CITY ITEMS. Ttr? Moonlight E*< prpiok to Glymont, or. Monday, by the U. S Grant Club, prom i;ps to be a very enjoyable affair. Get your tickets. California Stonk Rivos, Set's, Jet Setts, Cross Setts, Rnckles, Enameled and Jet Brace lets, Seal Cbains, Lone Gnar l Chains, Oil! Bella, Teaspoons, Cups, Naptfin Rincs, ice., for only or.e dollar, at tbe Dollar Jewelry Store, No. 13? Pa. ay., near 4% st. 4t* HARRIED, On the -th instant, at St. Joseph's Church, Phil adelphia, by th# Rev. Father l?i Maria. Mr. DIN MS ToOMlY to A! Us KATI S RirLIft, both of Philadelphia. * aiiDi Baturday mcrning. at 5 o'clock, of cholera in fantutr, L Al'&A HI SAN AH BONN, aged b moat hi and 7 tia>s, only daughter of Laura S and John H Mills Tier funeral will take place from the residence of her grandfather, Oaot. John Mills, No. 504 Pa. *ve .to morrow < Sunday) after noon. at 1 o'elock. Relative* and friends of the family respectfully invited to attend. * On the 10th instant, 8 A RATI ILI7 A, only child of 1 hr>mas B. and Emma J Young. The relatives and fri?nds of tbe family are in vited to attend the funeral to morrow (Sunday) afternoon at 4 o'clock, from the residence of it# grandmother, Parah Otterback, on *th street east, near Nary Yard. * On June ICtb.after a protracted illness OE'?EGE COLUMBUS MOBUAN.hcn of Dr. James 1. and Nora Morgan, aged 22 months * On the 8th instant, MARIAN AGVK8. infact daughter of Clement and Marian Young * PIO NICS, EXCURS10NS,_&c. AS TO A rpHB BALL AND RAFFLK WHICH WAS TO I take place at Mechanics' Ball, on May the 23th and J une fth was _ POSTPONED. and will ta*e j>!a?? on MONOAY, JUNE I'.'Tff. I*B.? Tickets sold for 29th and 6th are good for 'he 12th. je 10 2t? H * RAND PIC NIC " 1 T? * GEORGETOWN CIROLlT FENIAN BR0THKR HOOD, <ta AT SEVENTH B1KXIT PARK, flff Washiugton, Mfjk On TUESDAY, June 1?*?5. C<W Presentation of a splendid Irish Hag Address and poem bev?ral em inent men will be present. Music by Withers' celebrated band Admission?Gentlemen, 5"ct* : Ladies, 25 cts. JAS. J. KANE. 0, BI. F. MOR \N, Treasurer 1. Ml'LGRBW, Secretary je f< .it* TH* PIC NIC tor the benefit of the Prospect Hill Cemetery, which has been post p<neC,will jplace on MONDAY, June JK 12th, at WASHINGTON CITY GARDSM./HB Ne? \ ork ?venue. between 1st and 21 sts. ufll Tickets which has been given out are good for this Pic Nic. je 8 3t THE COMMITTEE. HO! FOR GLYMONT . si ns. A FIRST GRARp MOONLIGHT EXCURSION of the r. 8 GRANT CLUB _ TO G L Y M O A" T, On MONDAY. June the 12th, 13 5. 1 he Committee will --pare no pains nor expense to make this one of the best of the tea.-<on. The Boat will leave the foot of Tth street wharf at 7 p. m. and Alexandria at 8 p. m A celebrated Brass and String Hand has been engaged for tae occasion. Tickets 91. admitting a gentleman and ladies. By order of the Committee:? Thomas Abbott, Thomas Higgles, Wm. Priestly. Geo. Ellen, Jos. E Thomas. Kichard Riggles, Cornelius Edwards, S._R Edwards, President. je 5 Iw Remember thiThbboes of pleasure. A BRAND PIO NIC will be given by the Lnited Circle of Friends at the Oity Park. 7th street north, on MONDAY, June, 12th. i<r.5. l Girimiti?? of Arrannnients:?Wm Mink, J H. Fnwier. Wm. B. Moore. Tickets 60 cents, admitting a gentleman and la dies No disrespectful persons wi'.l be admitted, Bjr order of the President. Je 2 FA SATh.F.SAM WM. MINK. PROF. J. W. KREIS' DANCING ACADEMY, PAKKERS HALL, Penn. ave . between 6th and fth. Opposite Metropolitan Hotel. Pref KREIS begs leave to announce to his for mer patrons and the publio in genera! that at tbe request of a great many of his pupils as well as other* he will continue bis. classes during the summer season. 1 __ Days and Honrs of Tuition for Ladies, Misers, and Masters, Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 3 to 5 o 'clock. Gentlemen's Claaa. Monday. W FiW?T*'?nltiri. ... Private instructions given to su:t the conve niences of the pupil. For further information applj at or address a note to the Academy, or Room No 19 Washing ton Building, corner Pa. avenne and 7th street The Ball can be rented for Private Partie? sod Soirees. m> 19-tf us ror 4 ROTHSCHILDS SUMMER GARDEN. Pa ar.,bet. 31 and 1th sts..(Capitol Hill.) A Tbe largest Garden in the District. Open' _ evt ry evening, with a FREE CONCERT, SHOOTING GALLERIES, SWINGS, Ac. Refreshments of all kinds in nice arbor j. Liberal terms to pic nic parties. rny IVjm* GEORGETOWN ADYEB'MTS iy^?GRAND CONCERT U 3 BT TilK MALE AND FEMALE SCHOOLS Of Montgomery and Bigh sts,,Georgetown D. C., FORREST BALL High 8treet, - MONDAY EVENING, June 1Kb. Tickets io cents: Children ?> cents. Concert to commetic* at 3 o'clock. The tine Obieftering & Bona Piano used on the occasion, is from thees tab'i?i ment of Mr. J. F. E'lis. 300 Pennsylvania avenue. ie1'- 3t IfUtA BACKS SALT ?The subacribera will ?"MMF receive in all nest week l.noo escks G. A. and Fine SALT which we will sell from the vessel at tbe reduced price off 1.90 for the Ground Alum and is for tbe Fine per sack. This is our third vessel this ?eason, and &* we have made arrangements to keep on hand and receive a regular su vp't of Bait, we wou'd invite our friends and the public, to call before pur chasing elsewhere, as they will {Jcompetition is the life of trade A.J RaDCLIFFE A CO., Southeast corner Bigh and Bridge street* 1 * ' ? V ; j. IYERY. BALI, HIRING an 1 HACK ST ABLE8 Horses kept by the d ay. week or month; also, horses bought aadsoid. Tbe undersigned having reopened the old stand formerly occupied by Peter Von Essen, Esq., No. 4 0 Congrats st., is now prepared to receive and at tend to all business in his Tine A splendid as sortment of Carriages and Buggies on hand, also, one horse fami'y Carriages, A continuation of your past favore ia eolieited ???,? J. P. Y ON ESSEN, jef1 eo3t* 38 Congreis st , Georgetown. D 0. ALB OF STANDS AND STALLS IN TUB NEW O MARKET HOUSE, GEORGETOWN,D O. Notice ia hereby given that the whale of the Stands and Stalls in the new Market Houee. in tbis tow n, which feredi* "? the 12i _ _ . All those which may not be then sold will be immediately r?n*edt< the bi?best bidders for one year More fall iafonnatlen aa to terms wlU be giTen at the time of sale. ? HENRY ADDISON, Mayor. Niioa's Offck, Georgetown, D. 0.. June 7, lS?o. ie #-dif uus asu oiiiis iu urn new 2narxei-nomi, in s town, which now remain unsold, will be of ed at poblic auction, for cash, on MONDAY, 1-th fast . at 3 o'cio ikp.n. > W B 0 0 K B. A BON OF TBE B0IL.aNoTeI. THE CI.&YER WOMAN OF TBX FAMILY, paper f 1 - C; doth $2. HOUBSHOU) POEMS, by H. W.Longfellow, il lustrate* M) eente. WAYSfDE BARPEB'S EDITION OF RAPOLEO^'B C F BAB: 9re , witb maps. |2 80 HARPER'S CHEAP EDITION or NAPOLlON'B O.K'aH U.B. SERVICE MAGAZINE, for Jan*. COets. THE MORRISONS by Mis* Botmer, ^1 76. OCB GPEAT CAPTAINS: with steel plate por traits. $175. ? PEBSOBAL AND POLITICAL BALLADE, *1. REBEL RHYME* SI., EARL OF BEBBY 8 TRANSLATION OTTHE iLiaD.Vvuls FINE IMPERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS OF GEN. FHERMAN AND BU GENERALS. Do. GENERAL SHERIDAN AND BIS GEN ERALS W v* ; t , Aii the above Booka mailed free on receipt of price*. ' Catalogue* mailed^^TAYLOR. Bookseller and Stationer, 6t 'J' 334 Penn'naeecue. 7^ D. 6 M I 7 H'S WILD CHERRY TONIO BITTERS. This PROPHYLAT1C is aoM bp all Drnag^te and Grocers. This great PANACEA kaabeen established 90 yeara. Its medieal properties are TONIC, A8TBINGSflf AND AROMATIC. It will eradicate all derangement of the STOM ACH and BOWELS, Jtgiyee STRENGTH AND BEAUTY TO THE YOUNG. RUUVBNATK8 TBE OLD, ** ? Cares ' *- ? DYSPEPSIA. LOSS 0* APPBTITE, j INDIGESTION, LASSITUDE OF SYSTEM, CHRONIC DfARRflCEA. DYSENTERY, JAUNDICE, AGUB AND EBVBR. OBTAIN A 01RCULA R, U> wWcAwLUI>e fpnnA te^twociale of PEOPLE WELL KNOWN"}* toaebii (gton ^ j:;! X ? . - , JaJlJra. W A B Z l D?SEOONB HAND FCRNITORE. >Y Alio, MIRR0R8 CARFeTS, BEDS. BED WANTS: A W'ASHD-A SITUATION by a re???et?*'? vv vobid to do plaiB ookiag. Apply a"> No. 5. corner of 21st and F sts. it* WANIKD?A WOMAN t< do g?ua*tl aome wort,' must come well recommended. Apply 4M i< th et . bet. V aad 1. H WANTBD?ThreeCOLORED WAITBBS. Mast urderstaod their duties. Apply at Mark barn's Hotel, oear Willards'. J* GIRL WISHBSTlPLACB 48 NUB** No objecti?n to traveling. Can give <*oed refer ence. Address A. N . at the Star office. it* WAN TEB-A WIITK 6IBL to lo general " tr>u?ew>>rk and assist in the store. Apply at 24 4 7th st^bet. M and N north. je 10 3}*_ WANTED-^ A WOMAN to Cook, wash aud iron; also a young GIKl. to do chac.ber?ork aud curse. Call at No. 112 Green street, George town, D. O. It* A COOK WANTED AT THE UNITED STATES Hotel. White mto preferred. Inquire at the office of the United States Hotel by the 15th of June. it WiNTID-A GIRL to co<?k, wash and iroa, and do general hourework <n a small family. Best of wages Kiven. Inquire of 347 I street, be tween 13th and 14th. je 10-2t~ ANTED?A WOM AN to go into *he country, four miles from the city, to cook, wash sod iron. Mast corae well recommended. Apply at Ho 326 O street, bttween tsth and 7th. isM-ft* A~N"AMERICAN WOMAN WI8HB3 A 8IT~ nation a* cook, and to assist in washing Ad d ess Bon 12 SiarOffioe. Reference given if re quired. It* ^ WAaTID-A BOOM,with >>oard or without, in a private family, by a single yo'ing gent'e roan, in s pleasant loestinn of thiicity. Address " Harr>Evening Star, stating terms, location, Ac je 10 31* WANTED?A 8ervant GIRL capable of doing the w hole house wurk of a small family alone. The highest *a^es paid. Apply to L. FREN/,BL, Photographer, corner Bridge and Washington sirtetf, Georgetown je 10 3t* . W A NTS I)?Every family wanting any Dice ar ?? ticlf s of KURNU CRS.CARPAT8 CROCK ERY, Ac , is informed that th>-y can buy the same at auction prices of a family declining hotise^eeo ing. No .'<11 E street, between 2d and 3d stieets. Call at once, it* WANTED ? A sober. Irtelligent and stead> man wsnte EMPLOYMENT it anv capacity w^ero the above itualitioatM ns will be of service to his employer. Address E 8 , No 4**4 Mass. avenui-, bctwten ith aud 5ih sts , Washington, je 1" ?t* C?C AAA -ins ~T HO D SAND DOLL ARB 'iiJtlnFU. wanted for one year or more, for a note seen; <"1 on No 1 property, assessed at J 2.0 "0. Title clear and unquestionable. Liberal dtucoant allowed. Call at the seutheast corner of Pennsyl \ a tin avenue and 15th street Je 1 ? -3t MITCH ELL & 80X. ANTED? A NURSE, white or colored. Apply at 530 H_ street, between 6th and 7th. jej-3V ABARRKR WANtED^t NoTsljy New Jersey svenre. Je 9-3t* WANTID-AiKo. 214 14t& street, between P and ^ streets, a GIRL to do the housework of a family, je a-2t* WANTED?At the P-nnsyl vania House, 357 C street, one first class LINING ROOM GIRL. None other need apply. Also, oue SCRCJ J GIRL. ie 3t* u AxTAD to emnloy a YOUNG MAN or BOY ** as Salesman in the market. Also,a MAN to drive and sell in carup. Kefereuce required. Ap ply at No. 427 7th street, between G and II sts. je 9 3t* U/ ANTED ? A good COOK. WA8HBK AMD IHONER. An Irish girl preferred, and none but a good hand need upofy. Apply Immediately at Mrs A RKAM8, No. 47 1 II street, between Uh aud 6th sts. je 9-2t* WANTED?To rent or purchase, a U0L>E for a small fMnilv, without children. It mint be in a good eeigh^orhood and desirtb'e other wise. Addre??, stating terms, Lock Box 39, P. 0 je ? 3t* \AJ ANTED?As B<iual Partner, an honect. *ner vv jittic BUSINESS MANt having *l.uu) to invest in a lucrative, well-paring business. One ronversaat with the country of Maryland ard Virginia preferred. Addr>-si 8 MONROE LU KENS A CO . Washington city D O, f !> If WANTED. -Atthe Avenue House, a good Ger man COOK, and one GIRL to wash d.shea. je *-3t? WANTED.-A good OOOK, WAPHER and vv IRON SR. for a small family, Apply 297 7th street, btt. L and M. _je_8-3t*_ ANTED?AYounir MAN. 16 to .0 yearsof age. quick at li?aree and writes a good hand. Al dree?OLJSKK, Btar office. JeS St WANTED-A careful, tidy, white &IRL to at '* tend children, Apply at 301? f'th st .between L and M. 3* 8 3t* IV ANTED.-A-WHITE GIRL to assist Tngen vv eral house work Apply at ournt r of B it north and Delaware n given. JS ?-a? ("H?<'K WANTED at the Brennan H .use, No. J 342 E street, bet 12th and 13th streets On* that understands '.hatcan come well recommended will get good paF i'8 6^ iTNTSO?Two TIN and SHEST-IRO^I WORKER8. first class. Best wages, steady work for one vear Inquire at the Georgetown Btnve House, No 90 Bridge street. Georgetown, D. C. [je31wi PALMER A BRO \\i ANTED-A gooi Woman OOOK . a good Veg T? elabl* COOK, a 8SAM8THB88. also, a good Colored WAITER; must understand restaurant business. Good references required, at N?w York HoteK je 8 3t WANTSD? By a lady having some experience in teaching, a SITUATION as governess. Is capable of iu?*truction in th<? Eoglish branches, drawing and painting. Apply at No. tt39 H street, between 2d and 3d. jp v w Wj 'ANTED?OQgtomers for good pure country milk at 10 cents per quart Directions ad dressed to T. 9 MULLEN, through City P.O., Washington city, D 0.. will receive prompt at tention . je ft-3t* VVANTED-A 8TBAM BNGINB and BOILER ii cf one or two hor-e power SAMUEL LLOVD'8 Orange Oo. Ice Cream Depot, le 3-3t* 390 11th st.. bet K ?t. and Ma's, av WANTED?By a respectable woman, a SITUA TION m chambermaid or to wait on the table, or to travel with a lady. No objection to go to the country. Best references given. Address a note to Box 12, Star office, je8 3t* WANTED IMMEDIATELY-A res pes table ? v WHITE GIRL to da the general housework of a small family. A good home and liberal wages t>7 !i 3d street east, near Navy Yard. Inquire for B H. THOMPSON. 'eS-.1t* A SITUATION WANTED In a v holstaU and retail store as BOOKKEEPER or 8ALB3 MAN, by a teiitUmau of long experience and a larze acqua.ntan'e with the eity and country trade, would be willio* to invest four or five Lundred dollars. Satisfactory references will be given. Address M. P.. Star office. je 3-3t* yy ANTED! DISABLED 80LDIBB8 And others out of employment, to canvass for OUR BB1AT NATIONAL WORK. Just Published, "THB LIFE AMD PUBLIC 8BBYICB8 OP ABBAHAM LINCOLN," liy Frank Crosby, of the Philadelphia Bar. com prising on* large octavo volume of nearly 5 0 is the only work of tha kind published; it is entirely new aud orlgiaai, containing his early hirtoty political career, speeches, messages proe lamationsand other official docaments iliaxtratlve of his eventful administration, together with the scene* and events oooneetei with |?1h tragic end. It will be sold OLly by our authorized traveling ag? nts, to whom exclasiveterritory is given, and liberal comBrtssioas paid. Bead for a circular and t^-rms to "American Publiahiag Agency, Box. 317 , No OOP Chestnot street, Philadelphia. je_8_jt WANTEDOne'first cUsa HOR3E 8HOER Ap vy ply at the office of Metropolitan Bail road Co , Corner Mew York ave and 17th street between 7 and 9, A M., and6and 7 P.M. je7 tf /^OOK WANTED?A WHITE WOMAN who nn v> derstands all kiads of meat cookiag. Also, a WOMAN to do washing Ameriean House. 7th et? cofagrja. ay_, oppposite Center Market je tw?t* WANTBD-Firty MEN wanted to Hell the ShrrKian Corps Meeals ; al.-'o the 2d Corps Medal tyf General Humphrtes. Agents can make from t? fW a day. Apaly I 7 BARN BTT * OO . i#5-5t* 863 Peaa. Avenoe, pignest raoB v"?" -- goeds at Singer 'a Sewing Machine A >th street, i dooss north of Peaa. av. rpo Axristant Qvartfiynifitr^ Otfct. I Corn** fr and ttd. s met*, > ? Washington D.C May 31.1S6S.\ Wanted immediately. Five Hundred (SuO)Six n ole Teaovsterg. . . M Mene need appb who are not preyared and wil ling to go where they may ae ordered The wages wjTl ba thirty-five dollars per month aad one ration per dav. ApaHcatlon mn?t be mad* to the 8u?> ilntendeits ot Kendall Green and Bast ,'t. Br.,.h Oorr^s o. B. TOMPKINS. je? lft Bvt. Col, and A. Q M.,_U. B. A. WANTBB?Any number of ladies to get their Plating by our new proceea We are are pa' ed to do any hind of* goods that we warrant eqaal to Hew York work. PB1NOBD Stamping and fluting Depot :-.*l F street, opposite my ? tf Patent Office. WANTBB-800.000 LADIES to get their vv Huting dene at PRINOE'H/Wl ?weM 8th and 9th. Stamped Qooda, Braid, Work ing Cotton. Ac .fo* pale. my It tf WANTBB IIUIBOIATBLY.-Say eral good COAT BANDS. Aiao, ?averal good PA NT A* LOON MAKERS. ^ . S. W. UWIN, Military and Naval^fcerchant Tailor, my 18-tf aia Pe?ijjpaaiaaveaue. WAN TED-A SITUATION h/ a respecUble *" Girf to do Chamberwork, of would nave no objection to take eharge of a Laundry, or to go in the ceuntry. Apply at 18th itrtal, oetweeaH and X streets. r my 9 fob rent and sale. BOOMS FOB RBNT?Forrent, <50mk?Wv *na well fnmiahedjix>*8. at ho. G "? H it*, ftelooatlon la onaofthamost desirable ia the city. ap 13 tf P-JKK Av^U FURNITUBB fob sals-a contliJfn* tl^*U two Btonr. *tti0 HOUSE. Fooahfr.Vlrt^?? rooma, la oaa of the best !\t? ln w? Jle *!**? T2?* rant ia tha moit mode Int)lr ?t tv.^f ? *or furthar information apjpiraMha 8tiFoffcaconnUr. apUtf FURNISHED ROOMS. suit* ?t b?t ' Wn^i?k,ePi*? 0?11 ?* 3#< ?i._t dm. Mi aud M, jf, jp n* K?iL?,N,T -A partofaFURNISHEBHOUTiT T, on ?It1* ,B**i?ht rooms and kitchen; six of the ??,w *ccupi*d by gooa tenant*; In a ko 4Tn ?" lon 0n 121,1 street, bet. E ?oa G su., _ ?V Apply on the premise*. je V 2'.* H?*nd*n?Kl>n?2?/0B 8Afc*.-Do?irabl- LOt CaDi ol n% ne*r new School Houee, h .hca.Mnl c?lt'"u'D? three lar*re room* witl Addre?s I0'??1? oD?TerI favorable tsrmi. "in "w* ful1 n*?ne. Box 37 . Btar offica. FFRASSJ.7?A-T*r'.uecPT*nle"t tT0 ttor'r ,,??>OSB, with six r?i)ini on Q street, Th^hooJ . ? *J?d w ?tT#et!'- Wastatnrtoa. D 0 .tor* r#* m L8 ^a.c^?r-m th* "trfet. A loo. a two and M ktrl^t **Ol8K ?n 21st street, between L Vf *'er str ? n J? at prober Yard. Wo 27 l.f v,.e?1' Georgetown, D 0 _'e I(Ldt ? JOSBPH LIBBMY. K0tnr!^lbr4 flrBt eI*M BAB BOOM, with Fix a J. house faroiture Apply at corner ofJls^Btreet w^t aM B^treet north. je9-at 8AL1-A light NO TOP BUGGY. n?ariv stuWi A .1! *?jd order. Ii^nireat FLEMING'S >,reet. between 13, and i>th je 9-3t* I ^ s n 1P,?V 8*Fo rb b nt^it ^ at r. J. 'B?* 1ibui Brick House, luquire on the JMMt* ?" Gay street, Georgetown. K?\\lar*e and~airy~UNPnR~ w*i?v OMS. Location central. Good * ill be rented to a small family at a moi iizLr, , ?l. 1J1QU1 re at No. 10 Ohio avenue. be tween 1*1 h and i5th sts ie 9 .it* A hI??KnWlTH>LVFIXTUB*8. FJR Mdryland avecue. Likewi-e a 8o :H ?aler Geaera^r with twn ?!r?rt tubf-s. for sale. ?*?* f,1 Maryland avenue, between 9th ?nn loth I Bland. Je ^ 6t' 8ALB - Five b -w FKAM* t-rf - .V.U ^,e?ch P'JStainicu five rooms, situa V b/-^A b<? M'i aT. and B street. Ialan-l. ^rPhVftfn GJ!?o 7 HADPTMAN.Mo. .?47 isth st., bet B atd 0. Island. 1e9 6t* l/OK RKNT?For three mocths from l^th in?t children, a complet?ly Fl RN18HR1) HODS*, containing gix rooms, in neaf^aut location, wiih t,eat yard and hydrant water. In.mire at 333 10th street, ?>etw?pn ?I je9-2t* 8ALK-An excellent 7RAMB HOUflB anTl r ; J"e. h0""? has eUht rooir*; one door '*om _ st ktreet, on L street, sonth side, 1st ward. The property will be sold at a bargain. F*r fur ther particulars inquire on the ground. to ^9r,t' W M. BARRBTT. /^OLMTING ROOM OFFICB FOR SALB.-A . nandBoin*. moulded, portable private Oount log Room, gothic windows; suitable for an At'or cey s i.ffice. hotel, or cash ror^m in store, pric only $l2f>. c^t ?3-0. Applj at -2, S4 and tiouisiata avenue, under Brady's Gymnasium, le 9 2t* I^OR RJBHT-One n>-atl* furnished ROOM, on 1st floor, with or without BOARD, for Geo "?man only Apply at No. 257 1) street, bet. I3>i and mh streets Je8 3t* l^OR RF.NT-A~BRIOK nOHBB, coutainingT^ 1 roons; very plt-asaut and healthy location, moderate rent; good references reijuired. loqufre 8. E. corner of 12tb street and Maryland a*enu?, Is1an:. ? _ is s 3t |'N>'DRNIPHED ROOMS FOR RBNT~At ?',i , ? V.av, ' be? 24 and 3,1 8t*-> Oapi'oi UiU Very ilt sir*Me lovation. Also, a few persons ancummo sated with Bjara and Loiigiug. Apply at once. J6 o*ot I/OR RBVT-2 Furnished HOU8B9; 2 Hnrur Also, for rale, a Trame OAR PENTKR SHOP a chest of Tools aud Mortice Machine, with Two Blind Ohi^els in compete or der Apply to MITOHBI.L k SON.S. ? corner of Pa av. and I6tb st. Je3-3t* J,,r'R SALBJOR RBNT?A well bui'.t two-story wooden DWELLING HOU8B, situated near tie corner of 2d street west. <in Virginia aveuue, nojth ude, (Island ) being No. 43-1. The man building contains eight rooms, with a rear build >njr "f ronr ro?ma, all in good or'er. It will be sold cheap, the owner ha*irg left the city. I! net sola soon, the property will be for rent. For torms inquire or J F. HALIDAT. Real Estate Broker, nth street west. No S15 aouthofPeun syl*an:a aTenue. The key can be had ti *iew tbe property on inquiry at the back building on the rear of the Iot1_ j?8 1w I^ORBALE?A PLATFORM SCALE, suitable for J a Coal Yard Apply at No. f)8 Peon tylrania avei ue, between Suit and aad ?trt?ta. je 7-jm* I^ntflTCRB FOR SALE of'large B^arJitTif House, situated in th? central part ?f the ci,y' For reference call on GREEN A; WILI.IAMM.' Merchants, corner 7th and D .streets. No H'26. le7-lw 1^'OR RENT?To a carefal tenant, a pleasant 7 . roomed. BRICK IJuL'SE. with frame room adjoimog; in good repair; gas threugbout ai.d pump of water in front, elegant deep lot opening into a large, well allev; situated on Iflth J reet, a few dopri from L. Rent ISO per month In idyacce. and best of reference required In quire at GIBBg' Hair 8to?e. 242 reansy'*ania avecue,nearJVn street, u ^Ulu. i?7-0L V'ALUABLB BUILDiNO LOTS IN WA8HIN3 ? TON CITY FOR SAL1, Lot No. 7, infi.iuare No. 161; can ba sabdiyiled into C lets of about 2u feet by 7n. Lot 1. in "iu?re No. SIG. corner of K and llth sta. 3; i\"h?ib;2V'?''' "? l< do 29. do 568 Parts Lot* 13 and 14. i* B juare 419, on 7th St., between L an! M. ' ?Termsea?y. Apply to lo?? CLIFTON HBLLEN, W-7t* No. 20 iyx a'reet. I^NUT-r.?pJer?1 handsome FURNISHED Rn/or r?Dt." also, two handsome FRONT PARLORS on the first floor, suitable for officer. Apply to J. P. CRUTCHBT, No. 47 7 6th street, corrier of D at. je*>-eo3t* IT OR RBNT.?A beautiful country residence a furnished, near the city. For air, water, and scenery, unsurpassed by any place in the District. Also for sale, at a bargain, a 9ne young HORSE and two BUGGIES, Address "Highland Hone " Star office. je 6 eo3t' POR 8AL1-A FRAME H0U81 two stoTies ? high. with restaurant; good lease and good stand on North Oapitol street, oppaaite Boldierg Beat- Je 5-?t* _ A FIRST RATE CHANCE T? MAK1 MONEY f\ FOR BALK?An EATING HOUSE, doiu* a first * ate business; cause for selling sickness Iniuir" at 4t>3 Centre Market, on 9th 6treet jes-lw* H00M8 FOB RBNT. FURNI8HBD?One large Pa.lor a^d two adjoining Rooms, with large Hasemeut ?or cooking purpo*ea. situated oa north B street, Oapitol Hill, No. .IIS, within one square of the Oapitol. Rent very reasonable. j?3 9t* I^OR RBNT?Wsnld rent for a period of three months a neatly furnished 3 story brick dwell ing HOUSE; raid house being desirably >oca el in yieinity of puMic buildings; aitnate on 8th street, ><c>t. G and H. No. 404 , Water and gas upon the premises N.B. Would not rent to persons haying small children. References required, Applv as ?bove. mr3l tf A N OPPORTUUITY TO PUROHaBB k PAY A INQ RESTAURANT BU8INJMS -We otf*r at private sale the GOOB WILL. BAH, FIX TWRBiJ. FUBN1TURB ahd KITCHEN RBQUI SITES of the Ladies' and Gentlemen's Restaurant known aRthe"Go*iina,'' being Nos 247 aad 449 south side o! Pennsylvania avenue, between I2?h and Kith ata. The eating rooms are ample, and bar asd kitchen have good appointments; and it ia new doing a good business. The proprietor wi?hln?tocfiange his employment ia theobiect of wjisfiinft* sell. The lease has a early four years aad a half of un expired tim*. Apply un the premises, or to J AS. 0. McGUlRB A CO., Auction and Com mission Merchants. my SO tf F f-tABDBN FARM, ABOUT THIRTY ACRES v? friur nnles from Washington, one and a half miles from Rock Crfek Church, eyery acre^in a high_stkte of cultiraUon. The Improvements are a TWff PTORY FRAME HOUSE, Barn?and ail out-houset> neaeasary to a comfortable country residence, and fronts on tfe matn< Dtgi;a') Toad ; is well fenced with new pjet and rail, with water in abundance, aud, altogether, the above .property will be found a desirable ;n'. vestment, ana worthy the attontion of pexBons desirous s p'easant country residence. T*'nty acres of meadow, the balance in vegeta ble* with a splendid crap of fruit?comprising. Peaches. Peaxi. Apples, Oherriea. Ac Possession will be given immadiatelr.should the purchaser bny the growing crops, together with farming utensils, and the stock neoesraty and now ns?<! to work tha farm. my3'^2m* EMANUBL LAOPY. FOR SA LK-The GOOD WILL 'of a fine Store, near Pa ave.. with FIXTURES and a small stock ?f GOODS for sale. Inquire at *82 Pa ay my-ll-tf PIB RENT-UN FU RNIBH1D ROOM^. suitable for housekeeping, can be had at 17 3 M street west, between B and O sta. north. my S FOR BALE-Desirable BUILDING LOTS in dif" ferent parts of the oity. Inquiea of WALL 8TBPHBNB A CO.. S22 Pa. aw Janl7 aotf J^BW STYLES SPRIWG clothing. WALL, STEPHENS & 00., 322 Pennsylvania avenne. Between 9th aad lftthjta., Washington, D. 0. The Great Decline ia Goods has induced as to offer oar entire stock of fashionable clothing. GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, of every description, at greatly reduced prices?a larger ?ortlon cf wlieh w* are detatfmined to eel> regard less of eiai. Also, * HOYS' AND 0BILDRBNS' clothing, i snitahle for all slzea. adapted to the pCoaent and ; roming season, which must ha sold to ihahe roam for new additions dally arriving. my 19 Imtf j CHBFFIBLD'S STBAM 10B ORBAM HAN U 1 FACTORY, 3*6 #th st . bet. G hud H. But lei*. Confectioners, Hotels and Families furnished 1 with I<*e Cream, made of tho beat of are am. by steam power-wholesale aad retail, warranted to be tho beat no* made. Delivered to any part at tha city <? nylo,tsi?- ; Officers AOecants with all the Departments ad aa with flO-tf 8 OWesrfldiM nnta with all the Departmente ad - auction sales. B Y JAMES 6. McGUIRJt A OO.Aucts. CHANCERY SAL* oTk VALDABL* OOUV THY RESIDRNCR ANB FARM MAR WASH INGTON Lnder and by virtue of the ?w?l deereea H*sa?d by tlie late Circuit Court and the present Su?r?me Court of the District of ColamOla. ina cause pt-niioK in the eaid Co'ifts. wherein Agnea M. Early i* complainant end H. N. and 8. W. Kkrly and other* are defendant*. the unJersl teed trustees. appointed by the ?aid decree t? m**} mUi of tie property in the-?yoC?ediacs in Said canse n eutiontd will proceed fo pell, to the hUu est bidd?r. at the Aaction Booms of J. O. Mo Co., 03 MONDAY, the M dar of Jaly next, a part of that tract of land known a* " Had dock's Hills," of which the follawi ig ii a descrip tion, to wii: The property lie* nerth of the turnpike mad from tt.e city of Washington to Bladenaharg. about three tti'ee from Pennsylvania avenue, and ie bounded as follow* Beginning at the en 1 of sixty two perches from the northwest intera-c'.ion of the whole tract with said turnpike road; it runs thence north twenty ^cen decrees i27 deg.) east, ore hundred and fift? three (lis) perches; thence south twenty-si* degrees thirty-seven minutes east <2t! deg. 37 min K. > one hundred and eighty 'wo(18j perches to the norh aide of said road; thence with said road to beginn'ng fifty-one (.*>1) perches, containing forty six acres, one rood and reven and one-half perches. The property is improved with a substantial Frame duelling, and ie a pleasant country reei dence. The terms of rale, a* proscribed by the decree, are as 'ellows : One-fourth part of the purchase money must be paid in cash at the time of sale, an* th* balance in equal pay ments in six, twelve, eighteen and twenty-four months, the purcha ser." *0 givefor*!" faid deferred payment? their bonds, satis'actonly secured, bearing interest, patahle quarter yearly fro? their date Al! conveyancing acd stamps at cost of the pur chaser. _ W B.WEBB. iTrnqteoS JOf H BRADLEY,Jr ,\ rustees. jelO StawSw J. C. McGC I RE A 0 )., Aucts. |^Y GREEN A WILLIAMS, Auctioneers. BAILIFF S BALE OfTtRNITURE, Ac . AT THE HOWARD DINING hOOMB AT AUC TION. , , ^ On THURSDAY, the Inst., at 10 o'clock a. m., we shall se'.l. at the Howard Dinine Rooms, on corth H, between l'.'th a^id 13th streets west. Fur niture, Tablo Cloths, Knives and Fork^, China, Glass and Crockery Ware, with other article" which are generally use! in a first-claSs dining Terms cash. (ill. F. HUGWELY, Bailiff. ,ep.d ORE IN A WILLIAMS. Ancta. |^Y WM. L. WALL & CO., Auctioneers. EXCELLENT THREE STORY BRICK H^USR AND LOT IN FIRST WARD AT AUCTION. On WEDNESDAY. June 14, at 6 o'clock p in , we will sell, in front of the premises, the south part of Lot No. 11. in square 77, situated on ^'d street, between H and I streets, south of Pennsylvania avenue. The improvements consist of a well built three story Brick House, containing seven rejins and cellar, with gas and water throughout Im mediate possession will be given. . Terms: One third cash; balance in si* anu twelve months, with interest, secured by a deed of trust on the property. ^ Conveyancing and stampB at the cost of pur chs-ser. J2S perfect' WM. L. WALL A CO., Auctg ? ?Y J. C. McGCIRR * CO., Auctioneers. rHANCERY SALE OF VALUABLR BUILDING LOT Al THE CORNER Of FIFTH AND II 8TREATS NORTH. AND OTH BR PKOPERT Y. On MONDAY AFTERNOON. June l?h. at sis o'clock on toe premises, by virtue of a decree ,?r the 8upreme Court of the District of Columbia, passed in CbaLCery Cause No. 2:8. wherein > in rent M. ISurch is complainant, and Klir* herral , Thomas H . Butch, et al.. are defendants. I shall sell Lot No. iO. in Square No. 517. said lot 'jont intc 32 teet 6 inches on H street norMi, with a deoth ot l'.O feet on 5th street we-t; and at the auetion rooms of James C. McGuire & Co.._ o clock, same day. I shall sell Lot No. W. in Square No. m. and Lots Nos. 1 and 6 in ^.are No l .'<4*. Terms; One haifcash; balance at 6 months *tln interest, eeeurtd by approved notes or bonds of ' AI?conye'yaricing and stamps at expense of pur chaser. y MATTINGLY. Trustee. JAB. C. MoGUIR* A OO . my 10-ntaw3wAds Auctioneer*. i^PRClAL SALE qqrR10EABLB DRAFT Ounrttrmaftrr fttnt^iVs Ofitt, I k tl'fjihittclon. If ? C., June 3, lid >5 \ Bv order of the Quartermaster General, there will be sold, at public auetion, under ?he airec tien of Captain L. Lowry Moure. A U M., t j the highest bidder, at the time and place named be CITY. FRIDAY. June I*. M>6. N?W YORK CITY, TCKrtDAY. June 20. 1-<S. N?W YOHK CITY, FRIDAY June23 18x NEW YORK CITY. TUBSi-AY. Jun-27.HG5. NEW YORK CITY. FRIDAY. June 3ft, 1355. Two hundred and fifty SERS1CEA13LR DRAFT HORSEB eacn day. , . . ... An opportunity to purchase a superior class of draft horses, at far leas than th*ir true value, is BOW otlered to the public. The animals, though sound and serviceable are no longer required in the atmy. and must be eo'd. The attention ot managers of city railroads and manufaitortes is csp<rciallv c<?"d to then** aalee. Horsts sold sirg!y. Sales to commence at 10 a. m., and will be hold at the Government Stables, corner Tenth avenue and Toirtv-third street. Terms cash, in United Brevet Brig. General in charge je 9-t29 1st Div. ?J. M G. 0 l> y THUS. DOWLING, Auctioneer;Georgetown. TRUSTEE^ SALE ? ^ , By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, sitting as a Court of Lqnitv, made i? a cause of Girtty vs Garxty and others. No. 273 upon the docket of said court, the undersigned, as trustee, 'will offer at public sale. 011 prtiniBes, on THURSDAY ? the Ifitli day of Jure, iiistant. at 5^* o'clock 'ntbe afternosn. a part of a tract of land called " White Haven," ly ids en the Ridge road, west of Georgetown. Be ginning at & bounded hickory tree, stanlingat the beginning of the 21st line of the reaurvey of Alliance, thence corth 19' j degrees west, 12 perch es with the-t?thline of said Alliance reversed. Thence south ftfi decrees west, 32 perches, to a bonnded stone etandinc on the east liue of the Ridge road, said stone boing at the end of the lSth line of said Alliance. Thence down said road on the east Ure tfereof the two following curves ana diftanceB?souta 15 degrees and three quarter* of a degree east 31 p*rcbea; south 3 degrees west 19 perches. Thence leaving said road eiuth 87 de grees east 4fl perches and 0 19 of a perch to an intersection with toe Jlst line of said Alliance; and thence with 21st line reversed to the beginning Containing 11 acres, 3 rooda, 21 perchea. more or 'eTkls land is handsomely situated, having a com mandin? view of Washington and Georgetown tbe Potomac river, AoaloatMJ Island , the sw?>\l ing hills of Virginia, and the course of the riv ulets from the unbroken plana. . , Terms of sale: One third cash; the balance of the purchase money t? be paid in six and twelve months from the day of sale, with interest, the purchaser giving bia netea, with security to be approved bythetruste-; or the cash may &?; P*'d on the day of s?le. On th? p*ym-nt of the *hole i>nrcbase money, the trustee will convey the purchaser, at hifc^et, the property to him aold, {we cioar, and diaebarged < f all claim of the par ties to Vhecaw! R. P JACKSON Trustee. te 8-dta THOMAS DOWLING, Auct. |iY J. O. McGUIRR A CO., Auctioneer#. FIGHT BUILDING LOTS NH*R THR MARINE 1 BARRACKS. NAVY YAKD. On TURSDAY AFTERNOON. June ISth, at,6.4 o'clock, on the premtwea. we ahall Mil, 8 ?zoell?nt Bui Id in a Lota, fronting respecUye;y on south u atreet and 11th attfet aasi at the eorner of these StThese Lots ar? flnelt located for huiFIng purpo ses, on the second square east of the Mariue Bar ?I e r ins * On^'hird cash the rem^ndefifi Band 12 mon'fts, with intereat, secureda aeed of trust Conveyances and stamps at the cott of the pur chiJVe-d' J. O. McOCIRR A; 00 . Ancta. ^PECIAL BALRS OF^ERVIORABLR DRAFT ^tesirr i By direction of the UnarWrnaaeter General, there willb?sold at puhhe auotion, to the highest bidder, at the times and places named b?dow. Tit: ftlBSBOfcO D. 0-, MONDAY, June 6.1(S>6. < GIRSBORo, D 0., BATt RDAY\ June 10,1568. GIEHBORO D O.. MONDAY, June 12. W*. s BALTIMORE, MD , WRDSBSDAY, June 14. 18m. W ILL1AMBPORT, PAgj^MATURDAY, Jnne 17, WR8TCHR8TRR, PA.^SATURDAY, June 17, G1R8RORO, D. 0., 8ATURDAY, Jone 17, 1865. GIEBBORO.D. O , MONDAY. J one 19, J8?. GIE8BOBO, D 0., 8ATURDAY. June 24 '8W. PHILADELPHIA, PA., BATURDA*. Jun? U, GIE8BORO. D. C , MONDAY..June?# ??. s'.siss Two handred 8erviee?t)le Draft Horoea at eacn plAcei??ortnnity to purchase a superior ?1 ?i of Draft Herses at far less than their true value, is afforded U the public. *hp a0.mai?,t?.ugh sound andserviceab.e, are no l0^rat"eS'Lin of feffikaiwwsjm ffyssbm. i tew* ?. rs_ ?}???'? tersst'i m hte&ffiD"av tor w"* ; Q Wft6hiDrt0 JAMM A EKIN, mBrtret Brigadier General in charge, alon, Q. M. G. O %JAIJOF GO VERB MRNT HORSES. Will be sold at pubile au ction, to the highest TLRSDAY. Jene 0,1868. -1 THUHBDAY.Jnne8.l858, ? FRIDAY, June ?, 1*5. TUliDAY, THU RBD aY, and ot of 4ach week thecealter 4anng the m TWO BUNDRRR OATALRT HoMW For road and farming par'poees, nimiiiwr 1 nsabi&mmo .wa AUCTION hALHB. V. 1. LIW1B * 00.. InntooMn. No. SOT 1'nn'i kVHi*. . or Hit* 0. BT PAWNBROBBR'3 8 A LB OF ?1j300 L0T8 OBNT'8 BUPBBTOR CLOfBfKO. LAW yjASOHABL* CLOTHING, BIDDING. *0. i1' next.June 11. at 9H o'eloek. ntotir G?ti'Vlo,Yll/eM,y lTMU mVenU*~ black and light Castimere Pants, Yeats! new Clothing, Linen Coats, Puti and at " oVloek. comprising 8111c 5 !!? j ??' . 'i Lawn. Delaine and Chlntn tnEToSSJ^shawiH1"'Und,r Clot*lc? Bedding, Sheets, Quilts, A c. Watches Ateo, a lot of flie Gold ant Silver Watches, Chaina. Trinketa, Ae _ Br order of S. L. Linse, Pawnbroker, Phlia delnbia )e8 5t (Chron.l W. B. LBWI8 A 09 . Amota. J^Y gKXEN A WILLIAMS. Auctioneers. AUCTION 8ALB oT~ HOUSEHOLD AJJI> KITcHBN FURNITURB. On MONI'AV. the i2th instant, at 1? o'clock a. m..we shail sell, at the residence of a lady de clining housekeeping, at No. 44** 12tk at.. bet. S and H streets north, a if>od assortment of Furni ture. consisting in part of? Mat oiftn; and Bide Chair* Bedsteads. Bureaus. We?hntands, Warar >bes. Louiiues. tspring Hair top and Hu*k Mattres^e- Feather Bela, Bjlsteri anl Pit* lows Carpets and Matting and Oilcloths Kefi igerators, OooVing and other Stores China, Glass md Crockery ware With man> other articles too numerous to enu merate. j. 7 d PREEN ft WILLI AM8. Aucts. B Y WM. L. WALL A CO., Auctioneers, TRUSTER'S SALB OF V ALU ARM RIAL B8 TAT* IN THE COUNTS OK WASHINGTON. a) a V? By virtue of a deed of trust on th# 96t2a da* of August. lsf7, ho I recorded on the loth day of November I.W. io Liber J A.S.No lit. folios 234, J35, SU6 and 237. one of the land records of VYa?t<in?ton county, in the District of Columbia, I will sell on MON DAY, Jane 5. is?i5, at 5 n'olock p m , at the Auction House or Wm L, Wall A Go , corner ofOth street and Penn'a avenue In the city of Wa*>hlij|(ton. the following described tract of iand. situated in the county uf Washington, la the District of Columbia. The sai 1 tract of land begining at the end of the fourth liDe of a tract of land called New Seat, an* runcitig thence south IS p rches, thence south *1 degrees, we?t 2'. perche?, tbsnce north 35 degrees, east 146 perches. t>eDee south 69 decrees, east 51*% perches t J its intersection with the 15th Hoe of the largeriract of land conveyed by the heira anil deviates of David C. Pa.tier to Bdward ttwann. thencesouth 49 degrees, west -it perches. thenoa south 25degrees, west .'il perches and 63-100 of n perch, thence sonth R1 decrees, w*st 45 perches t* the beginning, containing 31 acres, 1 rood and 17 perches. The terms of this sale will be one third casli; balance, bearing interest and p?yaMe in e?ual in stalments, at 6 and 12 months, the deferred pay ments to be secured by a lien on the land. One hondred dollars of the ea?h payment to ba k 'd d<>?n at the place ofsal?:and in case tha l cbiise" or purchasers refusing io to do tt? p. ->ert> will at once be resold at the risk and Cost of the defaulting purcbaaer <>r purchaser* K C MORGAN, Trustee. myll-eoAds W. L. W ALL A CO.. Aucts, HfTH E AROV* PALE 18 P08TP0N1D TO HO.M'A v, the 12th of Jane,at the same kour and same place. I G. MORGAN. Trastee. j?5 d WM. L H ALL A OO , Auct?. B Y JA8. 0. MeQUIBB * CO., Anctloneera. GOOD BUILDING LOT ON NORTH O STB KIT. BITWKIN 1->TH AND MTU STRBlTd. AT PCBL1C bALK Oo MONDAY AKTIRNOON. June 12th, at alz o'clock on the premises we shall aell Lot ''P," in Mrs. Morrison s saOdiri-ion of Square No. (84, Ironting Ct'feet en north O street, between !?tli and 13th streets west, a-.d running back 103 feat 9 inches to a 30 foot allef. aud containing 2,U7# square feet. . .... Terms : One third c-aah; the remainder in 6 ana 13nionths, with interest, secured b) dted of trust Coi> veyancing and stamps at the oo*t of the pur chaser JA8. 0. McGUIRE A CO., d Auction tars. BY GKX4N A WILLIAMS, Auctioneers. No. 526, corner of 7th and D street* nertk, TRUSTEES SALE 0K~~VALUABLB THRU STORf liRlCK UOi SE. WITH BACK BI/ILD 1NGS. ON K PTRBBT NORTH. RBTWBKH SK( OND AND THIRD STRBBT8 WBST, AT AUCTION On MONDAY,the 12th instant, at 6 o'cloaV p, m., I shall sell, in front of tne premises, by rirtun cf a deed of trust to th?' subscriber, dated the 7th day of Marck. lvo3, and duly recorded in Liber N. C T.. No. 1, lolios 60,61 62. and 6S, one ofthe land records i>>r tne county of Washington, in the Dia t?ict ofColutnbia. and being part of Lot No. 9. ia Sqcare No. 5A">, being 2'i feet f?ont on north B at., betwfen Secor.d and Third streets west, running back 100 feet to a 25 foot alley, with the improve ments Terms: One-half cash; balance in sii ind twelrt months, secured by a deed of arust ou the prem ises. All coareyances, and rerenae stamps at tHe cast of the purchaser. One hundred dollars will be required down trhaa the property ia knooked off. If fhe termt- or sale are not complied with In 6v? daye after sale tke Trastee reserresftha right io resell the property at the risk and coat of the defaulting purchaser, after giving three daya notice in some paper published in the city of Washington. HBNBY F. ZIMMERMAN. Traetee. Je6 eoAda GBBEN A WILLIAMS, Auctj. Y JAS. 0. McGDIRB ic 00,, Auctioneer!. B B WaVK, 0LtTaS5 1TB hTBKBTB UB8T. On TUBBDAV AKTBBNOON, Jane 13th, at 8 0 clock, on the pr?<niae*, we shall offer at aubllg sale. Lots Nos Si?,31 aud 31, in subdivision of Square N > 462, fronting eaca 25 feet on snath B ftreet between ?th and 7th streets west and run ning back about 90 feet to a 25 feet wide publi* alley Iheselots are finely located for private real* deaces o?erlooalng the Smithsonian and Armory Square grounds, easy of acc-ss by the 7th street passenger cars and at a convenient distance frost the Center Market Terms: One fourth cash; the remainder in6, 19 and ];< months, with interest, secured by a deed of trutton the premises. Conveyances and stamps at tbe cost of the pur chaser. J. C. MoGUlRB ft 00 T J<? 3-d Auctionaers. Y GRBBN ft WILLIAMS, Auctioneers No. ??6, corner 7th and D streets north. PIANO FORTB AND MBLODBON, HOUSB ADOTION KIT0H1N FCBNI^URB AT On TL*At?DAY,the 13th inst.,at 10 o'clock A. M , we shall sell at the residence af Joseph H Wheat. Esq.. No. 391 4*2 street, between N and O streets, Island. One Fii.e Ro ewood Case Piano, mad bv Raven. Bancom A Co., New York, * One Fine Rosewood Case Melodeoa, Mahogany and Walnut Sofas. Mahogony and Walnut 8id> Chairs and Rnakere, Mahogany and Walnnt Marble top Bareaus. Mahoganv and Walnut Ma'ble tog Waahstande. Blaboicany and Walnut and Painted Bedsteads, Mahogany and Walnut Book Oases aniSecretaries, Matogany and Walnut Wardrobes, Cane aod Wood SeatOhalra, feather Beds. Pillows and Bolsters, Busk,Hair top and other Mattrastes, Three-p'y, Ingrain and other Carpets. Cooking, Parlor and other Sttvee, China. Gla^a aod Orockerywara, Window Cartai -s Ac . with many other articleg which we deem unnecessary to enumerate. Terms cash. je7-d GRBBN ft WILLIAMS, Aaets. |JY J. C. MeGUIRB ft 00., Auctioneer*. grbat SALB OF BBAUTIFUL OOTTAGB &ITBS ON TBB HIGH GltOUNB NBAS OO 0 a * P D A A^? i. RN 0O N. Kay SO. at ? o'clock, en the premises, we shaJ sell thirty (lots of ground of one half to one acre each, situated on the Piney Branch road, between Pleroe's Mitt and the Uth 6treet road, being part of thg estate of T. P Brown, Bsq. ? , ?. These (f.ttage 8itei gre on the high groojU known ae Piney Branch road, which foT beautiful and romantic scenery is unsurpassed in this vicia i'y. This road, leading to Plerca'a Mill aad Rook Creek has long keen Vie favorite drive'of Jeverg of the picturesque Back p'ot la improved,"jtA some fifty or sixty varieties of fruit traes ef tan finest quality. . ?., The opportunity to pnrehaee ground la this favored locality is aelaom offered. It is aafr of acce*e. Wip# only a short walk from the terminus 01 the I4th street passenger railroad. Terms at sal?. . . , .. . . .. All conveyancing and stamps at the eo?t or tha ^mrifrtdi J. 0. MoGUIRB ft CO., A acta. ?ST TBB SALE OF TUB AROVK LOTS WILL be continued TUB8DAY AFTBRNOON, Jnoe IS, ^my^Sl'd0'1' _ J. 0 MeGUIRB ft CO.. Aaets. OY GREEN A WILLIAMS. Auctioneers. VBmv HANDSOME AND BB8IRABLB BUILD ING LOTH. MIAB fHB GOVBRNSJlNr PRINTING OFFIOE AT AUCTION. On MONDAY, the 12th day ef Jnee, 13?. instant. I will *et op slid expom at public ?*1*? ?a til premises, at 6 oVloe* p. m , kv TirU? of a decree of the Hop eme 0 urt of the, DjaiM of Oolnmbia. the f. llowi ng-i'1 escr I bed valu B alldi * ho w. vizAll of the lots of grmnd ? Sqgere No tfo, lyirg and NJ< in the c?y o\ Washington in the Di stri ct ofO^lo *oeP1 th ee which may be except** *t the oi saie Tkis square is bunded^ ea?t, aad hand JJ'mJfy sa'dWidSd ia wilding lots, with alleys tbrouxfa tbe *quar?,# third cash on the ratiloa ..T?m? !*???? the reeidue in 6 and 12 montha* lion of tke sa'^j, pnrChasere to give n ?tea, satis the ??rc^!do?sed^ bearing interest from day of faoto'tl* e?n the pitym#nt 0f ?ll the purchase [ saie. aod j b maoa with aalear title. n>rBer,?4*w lj H THOMPSON Tnistaa. j.aji ?BBBN ft WILLIAMS, Aaets, |?Y GBBEN ft WIJULIAM8, Auctioneers. AE" On WBDN BSDAY. June 14th, a fto'oloeB a. *u waahaUeaU, at No ?8?7th s?raa?. ketweeuMaa* N slraeta, a g^nrral assortment of Dry Gooda. Fancy Ariiclea and 8boea, persons In want of Mo?de should attend thieand thowwHWngto buy tos?ll again will find this sals to thalr ad !T iSJa^.o'u.^loom will he for rent after the da? Cf^e1l GRBBN ft WILLIAM*. Anets. SKEssffi* at