Newspaper Page Text
V?. XXV. WASHINGTON. D. C;. MONDAY. JUNE 12. 1865; N2. 3,830. . . , I ' M THE EVENING STAR: PUBLISHED DAILY, (IXCEPT SUNDAY,) at the stab buildings, Southwest tamer of Penn'a avenue and lift Street, By W. D. WALLACH. 0 The STAB li served by the carrier* to their subscribers In the City and District tor TTILVl-AlfD-A-HALF C?HT8 MB WB*K. Pricb roa Mailihq Single copy, Three Ctntt; one month, Seventy-Jive Cents; three months, One Dollar and Fifty Cents; six months, Three Dollars; one year, Six Dollars. No papers are sent from the office longer than paid lor. The WEEKLY STAR?published on Fri day morning? One Dollar and a Half a year. PROPOSALS. pBOFOALB FOR FUBL. Quartermaster's Offift. V. S. Marine Corps.i Wa>*nt*re*, June !d, W?. i Sealed Proposals will be received st this office until FR1 DAT, the seventh day of July, 1+15, st 2 o'clock. P. M , for supplying Weed and Cosl to the U. S. Marines. st Washington. D. O.. during *be fiscal year ending :*rth June. ISdo. The wood to b < good merchantable oak, and to be delivered, piled, measured and inspected st snch points within the walls of the Marine Barracks a* may be designated by the Commanding Marine Offieer, free of expense to the United States. The coal to h? best wbite s?h anthracite egg coal, free from dost, sod to weigh 3.340 lbs to the ton; to be weighed. inspected and delivered st such points within the walls of the Marine Barracks as msy be designated by the Commanding Marine Officer, free of expense to the United BUtes. and both ?wood snd cosl to be furnished upen the quarterly requisitions of the Commanding Officer, showing ?ke quantities required agreably ta regulations. .Payments will be made upon the receipt of ac counts duly authenticated by said Commanding Officer. A gua*anty to be signed by two responsible per sons. whose responsibility mint be certided to by the U 8 District Judge. U S, District Attorney or U P Collector, must accompany each propo sal. otherwise it will not be considered. To be enderned' Proposals for Fuel," and ad dressed to the undersigned. _ W. B. ALACK. je 5 l*w4w Major and Quartermaster PROPOSALS VOR PURCHASE Of IOE. Sealed Proposals will be received at this office nntil noon of WIDN BSD AT. June Uth,lSi5. for the purchase of l^Otonsof Ice. more or less, in Government Ice House, at "Mason's Island," Virginia. ? J. M BROWN. Csptain. and A. Q. M. Quartermaster's Office. 1 Pennsylvania ave., Washington, Jane 5th, !Si5. jc-itit pKOPOSALS IOR 10RAO 1. Chief Quart trmosur' i Office. Depot ef Wajimgten.l Washington. D. C . Feb. 23, 136*. < BRALBD PROPOSALS are invited by the under Signed for supplying the U. 8. Quartermaster's Department, at Washington, D, 0? Baltimore, Mdv Alexandria and Fort Monroe, via., or either of these places, with Hay, Corn, Oats and Straw. Bids will be received for the delivery ef ?.<X* eus kels of Cor a or Oats .and 60 tons of Hay or 8tx*w. and upwards. Bidders must state at which ef the above named joints they propose to make deliveries, and ths ates at whisk tney will make deliveries thereat, e quantity of each article proposed to be deliver* ed, the time when said deliveries shall he com menced, and when to be oompleted. The price mast be written out In words en ths hide. Corn to be pat uP in good stout saeks of about two bushels each. Oats m like saeks of about three bushels each. The saeks to be furnished withent extra eharge to the Government. Ths Hay and Straw to be securely baled. The particular kind or description of Oats, Corn, Hay, or Straw, proposed to be delivered, roust be stated in the proposals. All the articles offered under the bids herein In vited, will be subject to a rigid Inspection by the Government inspector, before being aeoepted. Contracts will ds awarded from time to time to she lowest responsible bidders, as the interest ol the government c.ay require, and payment will be made when the whole amount contracted for shall hare been delivered and accepted. The bidder will be required to aeeompany hi* proposal with a guaranty signed by two respon sible persons, that in case his bid be accepted, he or they will, within ten days thereafter execute the contract for the same, with good and sufficient sureties. In a sum equal to the amoanl of the oontract to deliver the artieles pre, regQsed iwf in conformity with the terms of this tiseaent; and in case the said bidder should enter into the contract, they to make good the dif ference between the offer of said bidder saB the next lowest responsible bidder, or the wrsoa te irhem the contract may be awarded. The responsibility ef the guarantor* must be shown by the official certificate ef a United State* District Attorney, Collector ef Customs, or an* other officer utder the United States Government, or responsible person knewn te this offioe. All bidders will be duly notified of the aeoeptanos or rejection of their proposals. The full name and post office addres* or eash bidder molt be legibly written la the. pro posal. Prop _*,?wt be addrssssd to BrigGen. D. a, !?/c"fcSVp3^ SM&TBSsT "Proposal Bonds ma *fm equal to the amount of the con tract , signed by the contractor and both of his guarantors, will be required of the successful bid der or bidders upon signing the contract. Blaok ferns or bids, guaranties, and bond* may be obtained npon application to this offioe. All proposals received under this advertisement will be epened and examined at this office on Wed nesday and Saturday of each week at 13 m. Bid ders are rerpectfulsy Invited to be preeent at ths opening of kids if they desire. D. H. BUCK BR, Vett-tf Brig. GenH and Quartermaster. d^HIlF QU ARTBRM ASTBR'S OPPIOB, V/ Daro* or Wssaiaeroa, WAsairoro*. D. 0., January 4. 18m. All dealers in Drugs. Hardware,Lumber,Leath er, Office Furniture. Harness,and Saddlery,are r? quested to send to tnls office, on MONDAY of each week, a sealed proposal or list, in duplicate, of la* articles they are prepared to fuiniah ti this Depot at short notice, with the price of each marked ia pla>n figures, so that, in ease the exigencies of ths service require it, the article or ar deles can be ob tained without delay, and at the lowest price. D* alers wishing to sell to this Depot will^be re quired to furnish the list punctually every Mondai morning, ? D.H. BUCKSR, Brigadier 6*n1 and Chief Q. M. }an 5 tf Depot of Washington DENTISTRY; | hBNTIST?I wish to inform my friends and the ? 'publie.generally .that I now am pre pared to extract, fill or insert Teeth on Gold, Silver or Vulcanite, in the beat mannar. on the moat reasonable terms, and Irregularity of the teeth corrected. Satisfaction guarantied in all cases, and I respect fully solicit a share of your patronage. J. T. COUMBB, jeS- lm* No. 249 9th st. bet. N and 0 north. TXBTH AOHB CURBD INSTANTLY, BYTH1 external application ol' Dr. Sigesmond'* B3 BBNCB OF PALMETTO. It acts at once upon the neives connected with the teeth aching, and relieves instantly. Br this discovery deeayed teeth can be cured and preserved by filling and building up with Dr. 8. White's MBTaL FILL* I NO. ^neoplastic Bone Teeth inserted over root*, and teeth extracted without pain, at '<?60 Penn. avenue. ap36-lm* G ^BBAT dibcoybry in dbntibtbyT TXBTH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. I weald advise all persons having teeth^^m^ to extract to call at DR. LBWIB'S office.CJB3 and have them taken out without pain. Also, call and examine the Doctor's new and txs f roved method of lose rting ARTIFICIAL TBBTH. f you once see t he great improvement in his teeth, yon will have them in no other styls than this new and valsable one. Teeth inserted on Gold, Silver and Rubber Plates at ths old price, a* w* have not advanced ths prio* on our work Since the great change in gold. No. 944 Penn'a avenue, between 13th and 13th ?trests. Ian 36 ly 8. B. LBWIB, M. D., Dentist. William bbadlby, 8TBAM MARBLE WORlLs, Manufacturer of MARBLX MANTLB8. MONUMENTS. TABLB and WASH8*AND TOPS, AO. Monuments made to order on reasonable term* and shortest ootioe. WiU keen coMtantly on hand BABTBRN MAB BLB and MARBLB TILING. Orders for Plumber's SLABS promptly attended to. Pennsylvania avenue, between 18th and loth st rest* weet, Washington. D. 0. mar 4 VICTOR B*?HSbLATOR TCN1R AND B.tablishSd in WjdJ;rw!lJ,Tnt?nnW0 Mtnn#r Ii,.rmri it . 39tt Pa avenue, between 9'.h and K"h sts., F. 0 keichenbaeh's Piano Uthstreet, near Pa. nveane my 3>"m ^ OK BALB-A TBOTTING HOMB. flvejrsar* JT old this spring, a thoroogh bred Cana &od fWT Htflfchs Wj? _ r ? * ill. ? hAPSa* in ihll d,a.7h^?e id ?ry >ty\tob. and one of the best saddls or harnsss D?r*e* in thl* eon.try. Can^err^kam^ y^'Dealer. * my Mm* 1-26 K street, aad Center Market. j^| BTBOPOLITAM MABKBT. NOTICB TO HOUSBKUPa*B H. Ralph has re opened the Metronoiitaa Mar ket and will keep eonstaotly on^lnd a general a? a< rtment of Meats. Vegetablaa Frnlts Butter. Ac Marketing delivered f"e of .7e?seto eM pat roc age from' the \,'?2x?ju' ^ SSS u '? WJU?L8 A CO., illmiia' beet In all eases for which a plaster 1* required. Fer pale by all draggtots. Janio-aoly^ LOWING PROMPTLY ATTBNDID the the Captain* on bonrd or te JNO. ?. DAY IB RON, Water street. G^irgetown saay ll rfAKB HO M??R1 UNPLBASANT AND UN CUD 1UH W Mil *aJMa AMUSEMENTSj CilTlftBUET HALL, MUSI8 j canterbury HALL I MUSIO HAL LCCANTBBBUBY HALL)H ALL as (CANTERBURY HALL) Ann THBATBR ? CANT1RBURY HALL ' THEATER LODItlAXA ATUDI.IIAI 81 XT* hlllf. of National and Metropolitan Hotel*. H10X61 l-i* -- PropiMw A lit of tkt Yarlettaa. New York, md Outubtrr JOSH HART BtaM Manager OOOLBPT PI/ACS 0? AMUSEMENT OOOLK8T PLACB OF AMU8EMBMT COOLEST PLACE OF amusement IN THB CITY, Burroundid by WINDOWS ON EVERY BID?. WINDOWS ON BVERY 8IDB. WINDOWS ON XVBBY BIDB. CHANfiB OF programme NIGHTLY. CHANGE OK PROGRAMMB NIGHTLY, CHANGS OF PROGRAMMB nightly. Among the combination OF STARS COMBINATION OF STARS combination OF STABS ?ow performing it the cant1rbury will be found the following JOHN MULLIGAN, JOHN mulligan. JOHN MULLIGAN. JOHN mulligan. BILLY BMBR80N, billy BMBRSOW, BILLY B 4BRSON, billy BMERSON josh hart. JOBS HART. JOSH gjrt. JOSH JAMBS scott. JAMBS jamb! JAM! I SB JVUI I . IBS SOOTT, IBS SOOTT. IBB SOOTT. JOHNNY REDDBM, JOHNNY rbddbn. JOHNNY rbddbn. JOHNNY rbddbn. J SYLYAS CLARKB, J. 8YLVAS CLARKB, J. 8YLVAB CLARKB. J. SYLYAS CLARKB. m0n8. 8ZOLLOSY. mows. BiuLLOfY, mons. BZOLLOSY. monb. BlOLLOiY. And hU Beaut if *1 Ballet Troupe of Tount. Ladies. The following Ladies, concentrated in one BOUQUBT OP R08BS, BOCQDBT OF ROSES, Will also Avpe?r: GARDNER BIST BBS, f AN ANHIB blmobb, katb HARBISON, JULIA w1lliam8. LOUISA P ARK IB. , . <v katb ullman. And ethers. MISS jbnnib JOHNSON. MItB JBNNIB JOHNSON. MldS JBNNIB JOHNSON, MISS JBNNIB JOHNSON. MISS JBNNIB JOHNSON. M188 JBNNIB JOHNSON, In a 1 anghable Faree. THIRTY NBW ACTS nightly. THIRTY NBW AOTS NIGHTLY. THIRTY NBW ACTS nightly. THIRTY NBW ACTS NIGHTLY. THIRTY NBW AOTS nightly. THIRTY NBW AOTS NIGHTLY. LADIES' MATINBB ON BATUBDAY, ladies' MATINBB ON SATURDAY, LADIES' MATINBB ON SATURDAY. ladies' MATINBB ON SATURDAY; ladies' MATINBB ON saturday, allfiiiiilffiSSpSSi; LADIBS' MATINBB ON SATURDAY, siray: LADU MATIHH Ufl ? _ tubday LADIES' MATINBB OH SATURDAY'. AT I? When a Fine Bill will be preeeated fctife AMUSEMENTS. eaoTER'i new theater. Pennsylvania Avenue, near Willard't, MONDAY BVBNING. June 1J, GRAND REPRODUCTION, with important ad dition* and Increased splendor, of tlm Gorgeous Oriental Spectacle, ALADDIN; Ob. THE WONDERFUL LAMP. The former brilliant and overwhelming success of which at this Theater has never been eqaa led by any similar attempt in this city, and which, when withdrawn from itn late production, was bein? played to the largest and most select audi ences ever fathered within the walls of a Wash ington Theater. All the New anl Magnificent Scenery by D. A. 8trong; Wr>Lderlnl Mechanical .Effects by Messrs. Kelly A Grots; New and Ble S' ant Properties by O. P. Clark and Assistants; nperb Costumes, entirely new, by Mm. S. Richer ana Astistants. WASHINGTON THEATER. Corner 11th and 0 streets, near Penna. are. Engagement, for 8'* Nishts only, of MR. FRANK DREW, eoirlBencinff on MONDAY EVENING. Jane 12. 18->.'>. on which occasion lie will appear in hi* celabratel cbaraeter of WIDOW TWANRKY. in the original and larehahle burlesque of ALADDIN: Ob, THE WONDERFUL SCAMP. Previous to which the admirable Protean Com edyof THE WIDOW'E VICTIM. NIXON'S NEW YORK CIRCUS. Bilth street, near Pennsylvania avenge. AFTERNOON "AND EVENING, MONDAY, Ju?e 12,18i5, First appearance of MR. G. BATCHELOR, Tbe World-renowned Leaper, MR. JOHN FOSTER. ? . oi The Popular Clown. MR. F. CARPENTER, The Wonderful Bridge Rider. MR. MESSENGER, Tbe Daring Gymnast. Two Star Clowns in the Ring, EDWIN CROUESTE and JOHN FOSTER. ALL THE COMPANY appears Afternoon and Evening, in conjunction with ELLINGER k FOOTE'S GREAT MORAL EXHIBITION. COM. FOOTS, MISS ELIZA NE8TELL AND COL. KMALL. TBE SMALLEST MATURED PEOPLE IN THE WORLD! The smallest of whom is 11 inches shorter than TOM THUMB. 1 Afternoon at 8,?Evening at T o'clock ] NO ADVANCE IN FRIGES. The LILLIPUTIAN CHARIOT AND AVANT COURIER of the Little People, can he seen on Penn'a avenue from 10 to 12 o'clock daily. HORSE OF TEN THOU8AND. GEN. SCOTT, Ac., Ac., will appear Every Performance. PRICES. I Admission ?..80 cents Reserved Seals 75 eents Children under ten years of age ? .25 cents Doors open at 7; to commence at 8 o'clock pre cisely. GREAT ATTRACTION NEXT WEEK. KTA strong police force will be in attendance. jo ttjt MILITARY HALL. No. 397 Penn. avenue, between 4!j and 8th sts. 9. NACHMAN Manager. IMMENSE SUCCESS ! NEW FACES THIS WJMK r nsw BONGS, NEW >SKFOBMANCE. NEW DANCES. LOOK AT THE NSW TALENT I MC8B AND LIZB TO-NIGHT ! GLANOS AT NEW YORK. THE BE8T~OOMPANY III ANY FB** MI88_ANHJ J. .fJilSS&u.. ana nauadist. MISS FANNY CHAPMAN, The Fair Daughter of Terpaicbory. MI88 LIDA WHITE, The Greatest Jig Dancer in the Country. MISS MAGGIE WARREN, . . From the Baltimore Canterbury. J. Q. ADAMS^^^ Oomie Singer. "Of. e<( PB0F. OBAD^IOHtlR^^, ^ ^ mww PACES ARE ENGAGED AND WILL AP NEW ji in QUICK SOCCESdION. ADMISSION FREE Concert commences at 8 o'clock precisely. je&-6t - pLIFTCN HELLEN, Late Paymaster U. 8. Navy, ATTORNEY FOR THE PROSECUTION OF ! CLAIMS BEFORE THE DEPARTMENTS OF THE GOVERNMENT. Claims for Priie Money. Lost Clothing. Bounty, j Back Pay. Pensions, Lost Horses and other prop- , erty attended to promptly. Office 29 t)i street. Post Office Box 42& Wash ington city. D C. tje7-8m rp K All 1H*5?*ST P?R F0U5D 1DVAMC* STSTIM.I^S Having made arrangements with an exiln nive house in New York to supply me with TEAS, I now offer to the trade a hne assortment of Black, Green and Jru Te*s of all grades on the above system, wbicn has proved so attractive in all AH Teas')oM*at Ave (5? cents per pound advance over New Yerk P?ces.w 00BWm BURGY, So'e Agent for Thnrston. Hall At Co 'b celebrated WateV Boston. Milk,Graham and Butter Crack ers, 14 North bharles at,. Baltimore, Md. myX Cwir ^0TICS.gALJ of ABijy mULBS. MANY THOUSANDS OF MULES are being dis posed of at public sale at nf *{iS?Si K?5.ife Voo* T5t!if?VthT.mVS?boL?tl>t 111 tb. ooghly broken, hardened by exercise. jentle and familiar, from being so long surrounded by the tSus In the ioutS, will nef At 4fi*IOS, Quartermaster General. m, 29 ot Brevet Major Go?tal. nLUMBING. GAB AND STEAM FITTING. jsussrs^u^t: Asnssu ?s jaw rasteiat. ?ll be'?5f|SxfVf (SaeMWT to J. W Tbom^o.A Co..) pt- aexasttisrmzi. 'mL*. Lara* lot of Walnut and Cherry, thicknesse _ id, together with a large ^SSBSEmmxr f IGHTN1NG BOBS I kIGHTEING BODS 1! ?nai? 'SuHws'cing'done In the mort improved i_9TlFa.>T.,Wt.1<Khand^^ SPECIAL NOTICES. * Poor Tom's a cold." ?ow **rm see's r the genial ma * frl?da#ss on the earth-, ia Tom Jones' rein* bo chsering warmth i>Mpele the gloomy sorrow of his soul. Dysptpsia, like a goblin, hunts him down. *rim chamberlain, lights him to bed, while Dullness, Vertigo. aad Headache dire. With fiercer aches combine to make him groan. , .. Be wise, poor Tom Ana hearken. Thomas, to instruction: i or all thy Qli a Remedy it found, A Panacea, certain, pleasant, sure. Pla*tatiox Btttbrs. .8. T.?18S0..X., ro?? Tonic, made by Dr. Drake, the demons that thy stomach vex,? Will slay them, Thomas, for thy stomach's sane. New life, new strength to thee shall come By using thi? Blixir wonderful, Plakta*ioh Bittibs will restore thy health, ^Tlro^es cure, and leave thy mind at peace. MULTITUDES OF PEOPLE require an Alter ative, to restore the healthy action of their sis terns and eorrect the derangement* that creep into it. Barsaparillas were used and valued, until feveral impositions were palmed off upon the pub ic under this nam*. AYER'8 8AR8APARILLA is no imposition. . Je 7-lw THE DBAD THAT"MIGHT BE LIVING. It is sad to think that thousands die annually wit tbe means of life ?ad health almost within arm's length. Many a weakling goes down to the irrsv. every day whom the timely use of H03TBT* TEB'S CBLKBRATBD STOMACH BITTEBS woul have raved. It fs a consolation, however, to know that this glorious Tonic?a vitalizing Blixir without a single drawback?is preserving the lives of multitudes. In cases of general de bility acd prostration, it is producing effects that are pertaps more astonishing than anything heretofore observed or recorded in the history of medical treatment. Feeble, emaciated and de fpairing patients, whose powers of digtstion seem to be actually extinguished, recover their appe tite, strength and spirits, under a course of the Bitters, with a rapidity that is positively amaxing. All that the proprietors originally expected from the preparation was long ago thrown into the snade by its actual results. New virtues, which they had never thought of attributing to it, are continually being developed in its application to new eases. As a preventative of diseases af every class aad a constitutional stands alone and unapproachable. my 29-2w MABK TIMB ! TO SOLDIH8 I?WALTHAM WATCHES! Let every soldier, before he returns home, pro Tide himself with an Ameriean Watch; no better use can be mada of money thaa to iaTest it in ona of theae durable and accurate time-pieces. It is a kind of property that constantly returns good in terest, and ita money value is so well known tha a pocket full of silver dollars wouldn't be as uee ful. Bold by all respectable Watch dealers la Wash ington. THE AMERICAN WATCH CO., my 36-la Office. 188 Broadway. N. Y. wo are aowj?r??kr?d.*? a?hi>.it our rtooh of Men's ??n?B?adV-made Clothing, which, for ele Bt MooUoaceoffabrloand MU.iuln?as of manufacture kas sot been sur o? ?ny stock karetofore offered la this TnoseIta searek of Clothing for Gentlemen's aad Yonths'wear are iavited to call and examine our We can say with assurance they will and the right article on tha most reasonable terms. Also, aa extensive assortment of Gentlemen's furnishing Goods, comprising avarrtkina neces sary for a aomplete outfl v NOAH WALKBB ft 00., 389 Pa. ay., oc 10-8m* Metropolitan Hotel Building, To Poript, Eirich thr Blood, Biabtipt the complexion, nse Hblmbold's Hiohlt Co?obh tbatbd Fluid Extract Barsaparilla. One bottle eanals in strength ona galloa of the Syrup or Deooeticn. m20-6m A Clbar, Bmooth 8ki> abo Bradtipul Com plxios follows the use of Hklmbold's Cobobv tratkd Fluid Extract op Barsaparilla. It re moves black spots, pimples aad ail eruptions of the skin. m3S om STOP THAT 8CBATCHING, j And uaa WHBATON'S ITCH OINTMENT. It cures Itck aad Salt Bheum in 48 hours, also enrea Chillblains, Uloers and all Bruutions of the Skin Bold by all Druggists. Z. D. GILMAN, mar 23-1 j 3dOPennsyl vani* avenue. THE BRIDAL CHAMBER, an Bssay of Warning and Instruction for Young Men. Also, new and reliable treatment for Diseases of the Urinary and Sexual By items-Bent free, ia sealed envelope*. Address Dr. >. Bkillm HoooafoE. Howard Aseo ciatien, Philadelphia, Pa. mhtl-Sm . SEOBBT DI8EABBB. Samaritan's is the most certain. Rata aad effectual remedy?indeed, the enly vegetable rem edy ever discovered. Cures In two to four days, and recent eases in twenty-four hours No mineral, no mercury. Only ten pills to be taken. It is the soldier's hope, and a friend to those who do not want to be expeaed, Male patkages. 93; fe male $3. Samaritan's Root and Herb Juices?A positive and Krmanent cure for Syphilis, Scroftla. Ulcers, res. Spots TetWs. Ac. Price f l, or six bottles for $?. Sold by 8. 0. Ford. 8ee advertisement, mi Hblmbold'b Extract op Sarsaparrtlla cleanses and renovates the blotd, instils the vigor of healtH into the system, and purges out the hu mors that make disease. m25-6m Not a Fkw op op ?h Worst Disordkrs that aft! ict mankind arise from corruptions of the blood Hblmbold's Bxtbaot op Barsaparilla is a rem ady of the utmost value. m25-6m p. boybr a bcbnstike, /Jpfc W ? LICENSED PAWNBROKERS, 4 A 47 5 13TH STREET, Second doer from Pennsylvania avenue, south side. LIBXBAL ADVANCES made on WAT0HE8. JEWELRY. CLOTHING, Ac. Je7 6m? JJ0U8BK EE PBB'S GOAL COMPANY. 06AL AT COST TO STOCKHOLDERS. Office?No. 483 THIBTEBNTH STR1BT. above G THOMAS R. WILSON. Asb*t To Heusekeepers: Cost of Miaiag and Transvortiag a to a of Coal.9A40 lbs., to Philadelphia. ? .*5 68 Yard Expanses aad Delivery ? 1 2# Freight from Philadelphia, pre seat rates a to Wharfage . ss Oar Priaa for a toa of Oval, delivered in Washington. ,f9 53 Be tail Price per toa t,000 lbs., in Washing ton, present rate ....... ?...,14 00 Baving ^?"?4B Are yon willing to aoatinue to pay fraa 60 to 75 ?or centum advance on your Coal t Do you wish to save flrom fs to $5 par ton, aad gat a goad arti cle, wall prepared t cgtfci every shara of stock k? holds. Baoh coupon eati tar At tkt rrutni rttaii rriu a/" C*aL, a tt*kkold*r will savt tJit emtirt cost of ktt stock i* two ytmrs, tz Uusivt if ut cask dtvtdtnds k? may ttuive. from the sale of Surplus Deal ever that aaed by Ike Btockholders, the Company expects to realise enffiel*11* prolt to pay a good semi-anaoai cash mu SUBSCRIPTION BOOKS OPEN AT TH1 OF FICB OF THE COMPANY, 483 Thirtaeath street,' mt 11-1? kiagtan, p.p. TWINES BHD NBTTiNQ ^Wh^bn. fcMiwr of Pratt and Sontk itrajte.^BaHi TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. FROM SAVANNAH. Steamer Gov. Troup bnr ned?Les? of Forty Lire*-Movements of Troops. ^ Yobk, J one 11.?The Savannah Herald a rf??^hD8ta?t?OIltain" the 'ollowtn* A detachment of the 3oth Connecticut re?i ment left for borne on the 5th instant. g Savannah?n ?' ^ C?rp8 hM arrlTe<1 &t fr Jm8afel8an,f/ Qovernor Troup. while en route to Savannah with a cargo of two below Au?n??:C0.t,0Hn't00k miles wafer's fd?nrt- .was burned 10 tbe water s edge. The vessel, cargo,and bateau at were lost. Some for^onf o were lost by burning Sune^f; Tho?eI<?t were for tSe create? I 1 he post offlo- baa been opened at Augusta General WaaVburnes brigade baa b?*en ordered from Ancnsta to Savannah. General Mollneaax has ordered all the " AagQ#ta to *** the oath of Orders have been sent by the authorities of Augusta for a supply of school books. for alf classes? ** immedlately opened ' restrictions on trade have been removed 8pec%need^Str?ctoTerand QUmorein re FROM NEW ORLEANS. Recent Order of Gen. Sheridan. N*w Yobk, June 11?a New Orleans cor Th^S ,nt ?/tbe Hera,d 8tate" ltis estimated that the total amount of cotton of all kinds sit uated east of the Mississippi river Is one mil lion bales, seve. iy thousand bales in Arkan sas, and three hundred thousand in Texas Pierre Soule is in Mexico. vernor Moore has been arrested at MoMle and sent to Washington. General Sheridan has issued orders forbid ding military interference with the shipment of cotton. * Arrests in Mobile. Mobil*, June 10?Ex-Governor Moore, Colonel Gale and Pettus, and two printers, have been arrested and brought to this citv They are to be taken to Washington. Ex Governor Moore seized Mount Vernon arse nal,Fort Morgan, and Fort Gaines at the time Alabama seceded. Death of Mrs. Sigenrney. Habtfobd, Comb., June 11.?Mrs. L H Sigourney, poetess, died here this morninr. aged seventy.six years. IWSFBOBmWATIOB AT OHBSTBBTOWN, MD ? Monday last being Whitsunday holiday, there was the largest gathering of negroes in our town that has been seen for many years, some ol whom seemed to think they were "free" to do pretty much as they pleased. Several col lisions took place between them and the whites, the moot serious of which occurred in front of the omceof Justice Earnest. Wbilst an in vestigation was being bad in the case of a negro for striking the son of one of our citi zens with a whip, the negroes flocked in large crowds to the front of the office and on baing told by Constable Adkinaon to fall back, one of tbem grabbed that officer by the throat and used threatening language No other demon atrationa was made upon the officer, which "fh prevented by the prompt inter position of the white persons present, who dispersed the crowd and administered to the "je assault a sound drubbing. in some instances ladies were Insulted on the streets, and one or two arrests were made on charge of threats toward the officers.?Kent Nrmi. r?i* feared Uiat the steamer Admiral Dopont baa boon loot at sea. Captain stacoof a ^ York pilot boat reports finding a wreck ?n.ThJ?*"d?3r.\aM Q?ut twelve o'clock in the latitude of (Jape May, fell in with a lam quantity of wrecked material, and picked^p ?rncakea ?rS.d onelong wooden life-boat, a trunk, a valise, and a writing-desk, which contained a gold watob (stopped at 8.12), some small articles of clothing, and tbe ship's papers of the steamer Admiral Dupont. 11 was supposed from the appearance of the wrecked stuff that tbe vessel had blown up There were no signs of people, but a large num ber of life preservers afloat. The water was covered with small pieces of joiner-work and other stuff for the space of two miles The Admiral Dupont was an iron vessel, formerly a blockade-runner,and sinoe her condemnation and sale baa been in tbe Government trans port service. She sailed last from New York on tbe 7th instant, at 4 p. m. ?/?The Government requires every oath subscribed to under tne amnesty proclama tions to be forwarded to the state Department. T,hl? requirement not being strictly com plied with by many department officers, a fresh circular reminding them of their duty has been issued. The number of oaths filled at the department taken under Mr Lincoln's proclamation of Decembers, 1*^63, is but little short of 10,000 The number is now rapidly Increasing. When the oaths are re ceived at the department, the names, dates, residences, and numbers are all duly registered in alphabetical order. The oath is then neatly filed In numerical order, and can be referred to in a moment, even though the number filed should amount to hundreds of thousands Those who have broken the oath will remera ber this. A Mystkbiocb Letter?On tbe 4th instant two men, named French and McAleer, of South Branch, Va., were arrested by Major Meyers and brought to this city and lodged in the guard-house, on the charge of writing a mysterious letter addressed to J. Wilkes Booth, and which was submitted In evidence before tbe assassination court at Washington It turns out now that the letter was a fraud, perpetrated by a person named Purdy, who is said to be a Government detective, and who, entertaining a bitter hatred toward the parties arrested, availed himself of this mode to wreak revenge. French and McAleer have bees released, and Purdy has sine9 been ar rested and placed in close confinement, on the charge of committting the alleged fraud ? Cumberland (Md.) Union. Ashla?d Ibon Wobks.?We regret to learn that tbe Ashland Iron Works have decided to stop operations by the 1st of July. Tbe Com pany baa been compelled to come to this con clusion on account of the decline in the price of iron, and the heavy freight and high price of labor and coal. A large number of work men will thus be thrown out of employment. Tbe product of tbese works has been from ten to fifteen thousand tons per annum of tbe finest quality Of pig iron.?Baltimore American. C7" Johnson's Island has been selected as the prison where all the rebel officers who re fuse to accept tbe amnesty on tbe terms pre scribed by President Johnson's new proclama tion will be kept until a final disposition can be made of tbem Johnson's Island is one oi tbe best situated prisons in tbe United States, it being easy of access, bard to escape from, and in a most healthy and pleasant location. VTAn English paper says a wonderful im provement is takiog place all at once'in the long-stagnated cotton trade of Preston Twelve mills,which have been stopped during periods varying from eighteen months to four years, have just been opened for work, and several which have been running short time for many months are commencing to run longer hours. IT*Garroting Is still in vogue In New York. A night or so since, Dennis Connor of Port land, Me., while walking along Wooster street, was knocked down and robbed of S11S in Treasury notes, by a fellow named George Pe terson, aided by a confederate, who, while Pe terson was rifling bis pockets, tied a handker chief over bis moutb. The former has been arrested; tbe latter is still at large. a9"Itis tbe opinion of three of our navy officers, who bave examined her,that tbe Stone wall is not so formidable a craft as was re ported. flVThe bronze spur of the iron-plated ram Tanreau, now building at Tonlon, has boon cast in tbat port with complete sucoeos. This bnge weapon weighs 11,132 kilogramme*- Tne Tanreau Is not to carry gnus, as sheif expect ed to sink any v??sel that she can strike with ber spar. ? ID" Since the Federal occupation of Nash ville tbe government nndaxtaker 1363 Federal soldiers and 80<? r?bel soldiers and 10,000 The bodies of 5000 effl??rs J"?d soldiers have been embalmed and oenl home. ?y The First and Second Divisions Qf Wil son's cavalry have Jeit Ghattanoofo far Nash ville. ? Vkt iBgllftfc *ad rrtiek Prats *a thf Ca^wl ef Jeff Dtni. The English and French journals, by the Africa at Boston. In anaoanctflf the captor* of Jeff. Darts, indulge in different sty fee of comment. We mak* a few extracts: 1^?? ^ Manoh**ter Examiner, May *7.J Should air. Davis .* hang*d at all, It will ,?f' Tttniar* *> predict, not for murder, bnt Uiat '*? went be handed ?ri.?3w?b.? w Timaa *&y? that to deliver Mr. Davis to the gallows will halp to consignthe rebellion* Infamy. We believe that It anything ean save it from infamy, It will be the exec tat ion of Mr Da via Thescaffold will assuredly make htm a martyr. Death .will give hla name a power with posterity that nothing else conld give it The enemies of the United States will be glad to see Mr. Davis hanged. If the Government and a few of the leading men of every Stat* could be hanged along with him, it would please them all the better We trust the counsels of such men as Mr Sumner, Mr. Greeley. Mr. H. W. Beecber, and Mr. Wendell Phillips, and the oaltn wis dom of Preaident Johnson and Mr. Reward will refuse them this gratification. IKrom the Manchester Guardian, May 2?.] 'resident Davis is in the hands of his ene mies. For the sake of a cause worthy of sup port, and snpported witn rare devotion, it will be fortunate that the man who has acted as its head lrom the beginning to lis mourn ful end la freed from the reproach of com plicity in a detestable crime. But his life 5s in great danger, and with it tbe still graver is eues which depend open his being fairly and honorably treated. It is undoubtedly in the power ol the Federal Government to punish him to the last extremity for the political of :enie of levying war against them; and we fear it is but too consistent with the threats of ?eiigtance uttered by President Johnson that ?his course should be taken. Now, then, is the titre lor warning. That the influence ot a strong party in me North will be earnestly ex ertea to prevent so snameful a crime from staining tbe success ot the Hepubhc there is every reason to believe. But how far counsels of dignity and justice may accord with :he will of the Federal Government, and how far it may even be possible for the Executive to carry them out against the pressure of pop ular demands for vengeance, are matters of uncertainty. It is sincerely to be hoped, how ever, that tbey may prevail to prevent the horrors of the gibbet being added to those which have been wrought by the sword; and no efforts which it may be thought the civil ized powers of the world can usefully employ towards the accomplishment of this end ought to be withheld. f From the London Timet;.] The intelligence of the capture ol Mr. Jeffer son Davis will produce a feeling of uneasiness and anxiety in every country ia Europe. We had hoped, and we seemed to have good reason to hope, that, either througn the skill of bis own dispositions or by tne wise connivance of hie enemies, Mr Davis would have effected his escape from the land where he has played his stake so boldly and lost it so completely. The hopee of the teouth are evidently crushed be yond all chance of redemption, and it would have been a wise as well as a magnanimous policy to suffer Its leaders to escape. We bad a rebellion in 1M? in Ireland, but we disdained to dip our hands in the blood of the rebels. We pardoned Smith O'Brien and Mitcbel, and Meagher. In their case there v,aa no difficulty in ascertaining the law: tbe crime was perfectly well known, and the pun ishment equally notorious. The capital pun ishment ot Charles I., whatever people may think of It now, was undoubtedly a great mis take, and probably one of the principal causes of the long and dreary period during which we had to wait before the accomplishment of our liberties was finally attained. Equally impol itic was tbe execution of Louis XVI. Had we seized Washington in tbe early part of tbe Be volutionary war, Wb might have considered ourselves justified In executing him as a de serter, forks bad once borne the King's com mission. But long before the end of the war we bad learned to know him and respect him, and had he fallen into our hands he would have been considered entitled to all the cour tesies dae to a generous rnd noble-minded adversary. All this is,of course, written on the suppo sition, the truth of which we do not tor a mo ment doubt, that it will be found impossible to connect Mr. Davis In any way with the atro cious plot for the assassination of Mr. Lincoln: Our object Is not to palliate that enormous crime, and If it be possible to show that Mr. Davis was cognizant of It, we have nothing to say in bis defense. We desire only to take the first opportunity of representing how enor mous woald be the guilt of commencing a proscription whicta wou.'d give the tone M all political contests In America for the neat een tury. The Paris Temps is disinclined to believe that Da-vis was an accomplice in the assassi nation; La France takes a simitar view, and booes that be will be leniently dealt with; the Opinion Natlouale is of tbe opinion that his capture will produce? moral embarrassments," and the Pays scouts the idea that he Is an as sassin. The Patre, bewever, takes somewhat different ground, remarking that, "Although this last triumph of tbe North must be de plored in view ot the principle of Dopular lib erty, still it should be regarded as a providen tial event for tbe future of tbe Southern States. In fact, the demagogic party has got itself Into a position antagonists to every sentiment ot humanity, justice and generesity, and the death of Mr. Davis by violence would cover the victors with shame and ruin them mor ally." TFrom the London Daily News ] Mr. Davis has now fallen into the bands of tbe Law, and we sincerely wish that he may find more consideration than he showed his fellow-countrymen. Now that he is taken we can only repeat what we said ten days ago? that we c annot see what the Government or peopleof the Union gain by his capture. His history is & severer penalty than any that an earthly tribunal can pronounce. Tbe latter can do nothing to make the rebellion more in famous. Tbe Government of the United States is warranted in doing everything to ex tirpate tbe deep-seated social causes of the recent war, but its truest friends must hope that it will lay aside all thought of political vengeance, and be content with the splendid vindication of tbe national dignity by its citi zen soldiers. Tbe charge which has been brought against Mr. Davis of complicity with the conspirators against Mr. Lincoln Is an other matter, and a government that might be content to let a traitor escape with a slight punisbment would be bound to visit partici pation In murders with the heaviest penal ties . JET" Gen. Grant has nearly completed his an nual report sis General-in-Chief, which bis duties in the field prevented him from finish ing in time for transmission to Congress at its last session. The report will be published immediately on its completion. Syr ash Btros, &c.? Walter Butler writes tbe Genesee Farmer that he has tried many different articles to keep bugs from vines, but never found anything equal to sulphur put on with a dredging box after every shower. ?7*Amoog the curious facts about gunnery, a ream of foolscap has been known to resist a sixty eight shot at only seventy six yards dis tance ^"Ihe contractors for the public buildings at Ottawa are directed to, have them ready for the accommodation of tbe Canadian gov ernment by tbe 1st of October, it is nearly five years since the corner stone was laid by the Prince of Wales. ?7*One hundred and sixty rebel soldiers passed through Baltimore yesterday for Rich mond, having been discharged from Fort Del aware upon taking tbe oath of allegiance. O"Admiral Goldsborough will sail next week, in bis flagship, the Colorado, for the European squadron. The Colorado will prob ably remain principally on the coasts of Fiance and England. KTPierre Soule, It Is currently reported, has opened a law office in Mexico. ?7~Tbe Secretary of tbe Treasary ha* divid ed Mississippi, South and North Carolina into districts for the collection of internal tuces. ID" About fifty new buildings are in process of erection in Atlanta from the ruins of t>uraed houses. The authorities ef the city*ave? j?ad tbe streets cleared of the debris left by Sher man's army. WThe expedition under fjeneral Sully, or - ganized far Indian waifxu t, nJM to start tor Sioux City on the 6th Inst. irrlt is estimated that the associated! ce companies of New York and Brooklyn^*"1 this summer with <KM,UU0 ?C7-A few only of the SobSrtt in commission. probably be ??MI> T" mM"*'" " ????? 01 0d^tm Macon (Ga.) Herald say* that Maj. nZZMcCook has been assigned to aa impor position in New-Mexico. a pari* correspondent states that at Brest tbTsaillng frigate Nereid* is being fitted up with the greatest hast* to make a second voy age round th* world. Th* Nereid* Is fotoucti py fry island of Reunion and at New Caledo nia. K7~ Elght thousaad bales of sea island cot ton were sold at auction forth* Government la New Y?rk on Tu??4ay-4b* total amount realised be lag over ,a million and a quarter dollar*. in" It Is dated by a Montreal paper that ten aouthern rebels have tea million of dollar* de posited In bank in that eity. gcjritU said that Trenholm, th* iaisr*b*l