Newspaper Page Text
. ] THE EVENING STAR I I* PCBUH1K1) PA1LT. (KXOBPT HIINUAT.) AT THE STAR BVIL.1UNOR, ! ^amammaama?wt?, t- ????rrrTrm??r????1? ?^?8?????rrfr? ' . j V?. XXVI. WASHINGTON. I). C.. THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 9. 1865. N2. 3,958. KnUmit ?rvr <j/ rtnn't Mnw nd lift ?tra?4, By W. t>. WALL AO H? ? Tb? STAK la by uie mmm vo th?ir uN>cr1b?ra la Ui# City and Diatriot at Taw m *m CoptM at 'h* eoant*r. wtU? or wuhemt wr*ppm, Two Onta each. Paisa vok Mailisw:?Tbre? months, Chu and riftf Cmtt, aix raootha. Vkni Itoi(W year, /Sre DuUvrt. no pap?ra ara from th# cfflc* lorpPT than paid for. Tb* WEEKLY ST AK? publUb*d on Kriday Km".m r ? **?< BeUor and a IItil f a v*ar steamboat lines. 'VHI KA8TIKN HliOKK ? HTCA*BOAT-*b? I ? A MhRlIHiE?leaf fe, !?? 140 Light Strrrt \V l.arf Ui?Ul w?nr? at * r m , on SATrKnATS"8" 1"" **?1 Tl'ESDATe for OXFORD KASTON POINT, < AMBRTT>OK and DOVER BRIDOR. aud all jn'?! B.-diate landings en Tread Avon and Choptank R; v#r? ?h?-ha? excellent pasn'nfeT' and freight arrona1 " latioaa. J- 11- WOOD. Agent, >. -m - IT/1 I Uht Qt UV,..f U?1?I | x? . , | " "-p ? ? * '?*? ? f urv, pOTOMAC" TKAAibPORTATlOfil LiMfiT" !l??.rrrWM WHILLPKN. C??t. i k fcxiRES&.Capt. F. a Ktthfii. will I-*'** Haltimore'**:,*a?**? ik?* -y TnrtHty and 4 p. m., for Atexl^f - * W and fif-irgftflwn ll?tnrninj, ' ' t? ?ti m ' \* hart. U*or**t>>?* ertrj To*?d*y id Friday at 1 p. m , an?l Wa*hin?ton OTfry v ttlii?s<)ar and Saturday at n ? m., tonrhin* at all |ne rirjl l*i..Iin*-K i>n the Potomac. Freight retri?e<t daily. ?nd ??pt tinder ro??r W R. SNOW * CO., Agenta, 107 Watar ?tr??t, C?#IIctO*l>. P f J I PARKUIBST A CO., Ag?nU, 7th ? | *-f ?t? b, I> O oeV tf ^TEAMER LEAVES 7T11 STREET WHARF W tDHISPAT A>1? SATURDAY mornings, at M) o'clock, lor MOUNT VERNON; Ketum at 5 p. m. Fare ?l SO. j vii nmwiric. ?< 16 tf General Superintendent. ATLANTIC ~e>T KA HsuTP~COKPAN Y TO NEW YOKK. TliP cottt^hin* thi* Una are the JOHS C.IBSdN ( Hpt I C. RNMiHT.C?pt M?rrU, ?RC FAIRFAX Capt Winters, "ssa"* I ??tidk Pier No. 1'i North River N*w York, and for t of Gxtrret, Washington, every WEDNESDAY ?im* SATURDAY .... ' > rHght receded every i?y. and eaxefnlli kept OP?lrr cover dnrin? bi>in*M hunra. Thf steamer* of this line now connect with Alexandria ac4 Orarr.' Kaiircad. Freight forwarded to any point aleng the line of the road. MORGAN RH1NEHARTACO., Foot G street, Washington. H. B. OKOMWILL * CO., * ? West street. New York. BOW IN , 1SK0. A CO., ec 15 tf Alexandria. puTuMAC TRANPoUTATKrjTLlNJtrThe ?tramer EXPRESS. Capt E. A. Rtthi*, will lea?e Baltimore evry TUBSI'AY EVENING, at ?P K r xandria, Waahin^tou and Ge?rgtr meamf^rnmm Ir.w T-. IRrtcrwln* wiK .* ?> 7th rtrwt wharf, Washing every SATURDAY MORNING, at ? o^ioc* A M.. and Aluai.-lrta %; 7 oVlock A . It Frir information, fretjjht ami pa^ag*. apply to A KEK1>I1AM A tMJ.NS. J42 Light ?tre?t wharf, Bal% C J*' I<K01>ER9 A CO., No. 3 Kicg ?treet, Aiexaa^MGJiUAV, ItniNKRART * CO..No.107 Water ttrw-ct. tiwcrgctown, and 441 F mret, Washing I^D A-kJJ L PARKHUB8T ACO.,7th?tr?etwharf, Wa?h1n?t4^u an C-tf IITIV ?OKJt AND WASHINQTOM STB AM SHIP COMPANY. f n\A T.friA hAtVAM HEW YORK. ALEXANDRIA, WASHINGTON AND GEORGETOWN. V'JIAS STEAMERS?B ALT I MORI, liEBEOCA CLTPE and EMPIRE, In connection with Inland Ste&inen GEORGE H STOUT. MAT FLOWER ?nd AUK ELIZA. K-ml*r KaiUn* P?y? TUE^DA Y8*nd ERI DATS ?t li 51.. from the foot of llich street. Georgetown ?&.A Pier li River, foot of Wail street, New Toil. *> _ V I -%.? ?k t_ f or r f-igni ur r pij IO C. P EOLGHTON, Agent. fo?t ?f High street 6c?r(?tc*D. jj CLl'KIDGE ? CO., Prince atrtet wharf, Alex ndrii. JAMKf HAND. 117 Wall strwt. Hew Tork. freight received cor?tantly and forwarded to all parts of the totmtry with d??p*tch, at lowest rate*, je 22 *ni P. HON'GHTON, Agent. JkllKD I T A T ? a MAIL L1KI, rKOM BALTIMORE. FOR F"KT r.lO.MiOE. JS UK FOLK. CIT1 POIXT AMD RICHMOND, DAlLY. Till BAY LI5t STRAMKR3 will leArethe Cf'.'jD P??ck. foot of C!#?ne*tr?l ?tre?t, feiiy at 6PM K)KTMUSBUE ar.J NORFOLK. VA. ConnecHEK at > rt M-i:roe with a line of flrst daefl steamers, daily, on James river, for CITY PUIHT ASP RICHMOND, TA. RFTl KSISO, ?ill leave RICHMOND at 6 A. M.? DAILY. 1?ppit<g at City Point, and connecting at Fort Moi,roe with the Bay Line !<tea:ners that leave N rfi.Ik at 3>* P M.. and arriving in Baltimore la t< r th? E?.?wn asd Wertern trains, and (trWMk!0|bia,D.(/. 'The ttteamere on thii line navigate the Jaraet S;??r geing and returning, entirely in daytiiae, viug p*?^o:iK<r* aiuple time to see the for a 3 c*ti ?? ?;'<! all uther objects ofinterest. TICKETS* for the above plates can be had oa Y- ard of the boats ? ' ti> Knifclk m* M " Tort M riroe 6.00 Through tickets from Balt'e to Richmond....... 8.00 " City Point....- 1M -t?t<> Room* an<! Mt-al? extra. WT!;? ?utf room arc?mm~iation? we nnsnr a&d Cm table ia well supplied. W PuHtigern taking the 1.18 train from PHI LAI'iLl'llIA will m?kec?iiB(v tioc with thia line. .ger? taking the S OU A. M. train from SKW V ORh. have ample time to dioe in Bald mor? _, *yPa**?n?'r? taking the S P S! train from WASHINGTON, make connectioa with thle Um. f K. FALLS, PresM-nt. HUGH O'CONNOR. Pa*?*nger Agent. jnS-tf i> bTRKNGTH TO THK WKAR I 5. YOUTH TO TilK AGED I! BIOKHEN E, OB t TFf Dnrrrv k *r/\m M-i * * ** v T liiaiuu, Thi? fT?*;mi*tioii 1* unequalled as a RejnT?oator ai->J li?-9torer of *a# ted <#r inert function. Th* a^e.l ?boold 1-e certain to make the Biokrane a ht-n?elio!d j<-d ioacniRrh ae it will render them j. utMul in feeliojf a;.-i in ?ueu?tb. and enable t'.'iri ro liTf r.rt r a?*iu the day* of their pristine >. y It n>t only exhilarate* but (trenKthena. and i? rea'!- an ir.Talu??ble bleeeinj. especially U? thuae ?hi' ba?e Um redu.-f-d to a condition of servility, M,f a^n?r nitxt^rtutw, or ordinary mrkn?M. No n.niter ?hat flu- .-auiie i f impoteticy of any human orjran. tl:i? rup^rb preparation ??11 reiuore the efeet at once and forr*?r. UIOKRENE Cchm imfotract. GicxkKai. Bkbiljtt, Kisroc* I m AraCiTT. l't?r tv*ia. L?Emsseiox. Los* or Aryr.t r? L? w Hpiiit*. Wiiismot rmO*ai? v, OOFRIMHKCII.ITT. MIITAL JMKO _ ? Ii'm ?n ?Ttn V Vfet.I-1 1* H > < a M nmr I > ?r. i T?r: t ass trrrrT Upon Tiif Miviai9mia. *nd all whu ?r? i:i ?ny way I r-rtratcd If liervcus disabilities ?r? earnestly ad ?ir.r,l t ??' k a cnre in this moit excellent aud unfjualled preparation. ? lvr?< i.? mho. bylniBrudear*, h?re lost thrfr >. ATl'RAl. VIGOR, will Awl a speedy and pero|*L?Lt car* in the BIOKKENE. The VIEBLI. the LANGUID. the DKSPAIR IbG. the Oi l' should fire this valuable di?co*ery ? a'ri*. it wilt be found totally different from all V ctlier artlrl?-? for the name purpose*. TO FT-* \1 *s ?This preparation la lnr*luabla ir Deri'jo??"?kiiM?n of all kinds aa it will re?-^,te the waaiwl strength with wouderfui perm*nenre. It i? also a rranrt tonle.aod will (Its relief In T<)?p?V"'4 with t..e flrst dnee. A brief persistence in He u?e will renovate the stomach to a degree of perfect health, and banuh lTsaepeia forever i me dollar per battle, or six bottles for 9s. 8<,Ld IT l)?riiO!?TI GlJIHiUT. r,t,t b) nirfw ai,> ? artdremlng HCTt HIMiS k HtLLYKR. Proprietor*. 1 *. 5 V . __ V V. ' A' J Burn, iirw IUII. P, W by 8' C. l*OKl>. corner Uth ?tr??t 1J <W S-co'JT a and P?nu?yl?ania aTenne. D IllAKOS. OB(iAHS ASP MUSICAL INST KU MtNTS \\> have on band a lot of terond band PIANOS, ?li. h ?f dewire to di*?oae of at a di* - yi -t i.aM of ten per rent, if sold within on^fc3J>^i w*?k fr->m to 4?r, to ?ave expense of r?uu HI %1 I val to our new W arerooma. (?r,?- ( bickering Parlor Grand. almoet new Cc fin* carvea CUckering Piano for..__^. . 300 Po Lo L?o Do 171 Ore Bro?dKi*n A Cray. 150 ('tie Kncna A CLrk ?A l'be N ui-Bft A ?rotli?r , , AI the 'WartrooiDs of W. O. METZEROTT, Corner of 11th itre?t tod iftuu. ?t?. J H. YKATUAM HEEVKT 6H&1VKB. YEATMAN A CO., 4* Lorifiin* Atkjici, 49 UciiuaiAmn, COMMISSION MERCHANTS. r t IhP ,*!? of BACOX, LARD. 1"LflUB, BUTT*R, CPh'KSR. JCGGS. APFLK8, and Conntry '"?!? cm?rally. b*g leave ft atate that we haTe farililiae for supplying all goods in theabota libra* 1. w m tht-y ?-an be had io Baltimore. Porl ?? ?*? are r^pectfolly re?oeaU4 to arore thie by | ^"nftttacaii. m M 2m* BANKERS. JAY COOKK * CO., BANKERS, Fifitentk utrtu, trrotiu 1rtatmry. Bay ?nd tell at mrrmt rati-*, and k?ey alwa a hand, a foil supply of aFl rnr* d nnvna WV ? SfkAl U1B11 i WVAl 7-30 TUCASCKT NOTRS, CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS, Ac., A Lid pay the higheet prices for QUARTERMASTER'S CHICKS AND VOUCHERS an 1 dtf First IN utioufil Bank OF WASHINGTON. H. B. COOKS, (of Jut Cookf *0o.,) President. WM. S. HUNTINGTON, CMhier. GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORY AWB FINANCIAL AGENT OF THE UNITED STATES, IfiTH ?T., OPPOSITE THE TREASURY DEPARTURE. Government securities with Trcxuurer United States. *7"ONE MILLION DOLLARS.^jg Acting in ccan<*ctioa with the boaae of J AT COOKE A CO . M 8PEC1AL AGENTS FOR THE T SO LOAN, we will fill all onlers with promptness and despatch, allowing the regular commitsiou to Banks and Bankers. A ccuum inppiy ?t tbe noie-g on nand and ready for Immediate delivery. We box and **11 aH cVaaaea of GOVERNMENT 8 ECU RITIE8 at ?nrrent market rates. FURBISH EXCHANGE aiid make Collection* on ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES ?F THE UNITED STATES We pnrcbaa* Government Voncbera on tbe MOST FAVORARLE TERMS, and five earefnl and prompt attention to ACCOFNT8 OF BUSINESS MEN AND F1BM8 and to any other bnslnew entrusts te as. FULL INFORMATION In regard to GOYKBNMINT LOANS at all times cheerfully fnrnished. WM S. HUNTINGTON, Cashier. Wuil?Toll. March 30, 1866. m Zl-tf PERSONAL. Madam aholiab, an impressed medium, can be consulted at her residence. No. 62 Mentcowery street, Georgetown. d. C.,npon the past. pr*?ent and future eveuta, business, loet or stolen property, recovery of the same, lore, marriage, sickness, remedy for, Ac., from 8 * m. to f p.m. or, ?-lw* i A CURE Gl'A KANTEKD.? Consult old Dr. BARNES. Korty y*-ars special attention to the core of itil secret alseaees. Washington Building. Ro< in No. 12, corner Peuna.ave aad 7th st. Consulfation free. oc30-3w* C'IlAKL18-Yoa did right in leaving that 8TU^ TIP aHARl'ER and going to Da. LEON. 1 told yon he ?ae the only one who could cure you in an hor<- raid* manner and not swindle yon. oc 25-lm* WT BANGERS and ?th?-rs desiring the services of a f.rut class Physician, should consult Dr. I.EON, 240 I'tnua. avenue, between 4V? and 6th streets. He guarantees seientifie treatment, an d of^.TsV,;.: in the 'shoAJsriiW^P^^1'6^ General cases cured in frem twelve hours to two da>s. \,rune Mm who are suffering from Organic weakness, or Its terrible effects, are ofters a thoreugh and permanent care. oc 26 lm* npifAT MISERABLE IMPOSTER would Uke 1 ycur last dollar. See Dr. DARBY at once. He has plenty of money and practice, aid can afford te treat honestly. oc 16-lm* \i hj? H r. y> KiutiT. Magnetic and Clnlrvoyivi ant Phvsician "ilealaby Laying on Hands," Biindi.fn, ParalMi*. Rheumatism, Chilli and Fevers, Liver Complaint. Female Weaknesses. Nor vousae*s Ac., Ac. Buuius 372 ? street, between 10th and 11th streets. oclilm* M ADAMR MARSHA ran b? consulted on the (Mt, present and future events, love, court ship marriage, los?es, Ac., at Room No. 10. Washinettm Bnildiug, corner of Pennsylvania avenue and 7th rtreet. oc 6 lm* ? ALUS, DON T LOOk^AT fllTsT"WM. PRINCE, 3*1 F street, has reduced kls price of STAM PING to FIVE CENTS PER WIDTH for Skirts. Pantaletts. if., on Mosliu. Linen, Cambrics, and Kansook. We have newer and more elegart pattern* than Any other ylace of the kind in the city. FLUTING BIX CENTS PER YARD. ?elS t JAMES TOPHAM A UO.'B ffTT? Hav PREMIUM T TRUNK, SADDLERY, AND MILITARY ?(|UIPMENT MANUFACTORY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, VittO BKVENTH STKKET, Oim Do?r A'orUk */ Od4 FtHows' H?M, Where they ceatluae to manufacture and hare jii fui- % large aDd fine assortment ef TRUNKS. VALISES, TRAVELING BAGS. SADDLES, HARNESS, HOR8E COVERS. YLli'ITAJlI HdKtK EQUIPHSMTS, SWORDS, BELTS, HAVERSACKS, WHIPS, BITS, SPUES, A* . *? . Ao , AT LOW PRICES. REPAIRING. Trunk*. Ac., repaired proiupviy aoil thoroughly. TUBES SILVKR MEPALS Awarded hy the Maryland Institute ?f Baltimore, October Sift. 1864; also, the highest premium, a brr lit* medal. by the Metropolitan Mechanics' In UitoUt of Washington, D. C., in HSf BOLE AGENT." for rWrlet of Colnmbia and Alexandria, Va.,for IBANK JIILLF.R'S CELEBRATED PREMIUM HARNESS OIL Dealen aupplied at the loweet feb?ly FACTORY PRICES. JEROME'S HAIR COLOR RESTORES FOB retaining and gradually bringing back the Hair t* ft* original color, without the inconvenience attending the n?* of a dye. Sold by all draggiats at eent? per bottle. REX FORD'S MEDICATED UlNOKR BREAD Nl'TS, for worma, nnrivaled in efficacy, and peculiarly adopted for children, beiug eaten aa an or<iin*ry ea*?. . F>?r al* by drngglata. Pnc? llc?DtiK' !** j?D IMoly IDWAKD CLABK, LUMBER B KALES, > iifini* avenue, between 9th and 10th atrceta ?Mt, ???r 0. B. Navy Yard. I/" Ci/DsUutly on hand a large atock of all kind* of LUMBER. TrlcM aa low aa th? lowest. oc 16 ln?* F>A88ETT'8 I> RHEUMATIC OINTMENT li ifiln for iilr ?t O. K. KENNEDY'S,(??le ?F? nt.) No. 40$7th #tr?ft and 473 9th at., W?uhiTig'i n City. All ord?i? for the trade hoold be vldre*H< d to A I1A8SITT A CO., cc 121iu* No. i'2 JnJ ait., New York City. FJ. BEIBEBUtK, ~ ~~ fn^f^or to H. T. London 4 Co., *_ CITIZENS' AND MJLITAKY <*fft MERCHANT TAILOR. 1M"ror*lHan uut nro%cn t, 3b8 P?uMylT*al? ? ???? . ~ T l tf WMklagtM. B.C. amusements. GROVERTMEW TH EATER P?nn?jl**nU ftTean*. n*?r WOltrd'i Hot?l. LIOHARP GHOVKK * CO IHrector* t tnv a crt nonvrn n t\ tiwee * i? ? ' V* lk> t V nt l? ...I' * r n Rn{1 K. LA MB Stage Manager immfkjT success Of Btirrlrinlt'i Greet 8?neatioual Lrffe Drama, ccaiprining a Proline and Fire Arts, entitled THE STREETS OF SEW YORK, Produced upon the mont liberal scale. with r11 the g'ar.ri erect* <T ?rm?ry. nm?ir. tahleaix, A?. which hate coiitribHted to its immense guece?? in Kew York, ami n cast of ct?aracteks Which oar not be e<itia)e<l there or elsewhere. Grand lHatinee Safari!** Hfternwon, at 3rt c?-nts. CANTERBIRV. Cerner Fenmylvanln avrnue anil Ninth (traet. 6K0RUK LISA Proprietor. TO WIGHT. The melo drarrmti*- upeetaele of T IT K B A N I> I T ' fl VENGEANCE! with new scenery, properties. dre?s*B te. First week of the benntiful dancers, T> ATJ t \TC/V*T ctaTVtia AVDipovf no i E*n^. Second week of M'LLE ROSA. Forrorted l>y the entire new I'allat Troupe. Twenty beautiful Voting Ladies in the ballet* of MAY DAY 8PORT8 AM? THE liELLE OF STAMBOUL! LAST WEEK OK JOSH HART. MATIKEE OA* SATURDAY' I>R(>rS. J. W. A H P KRE1S' DANCING 1 ACADEMY. PAIlKKii!* HALL Pennnylraala avenue, between (5th and 7th gta., Opposite Metropolitan Hotel. Thna* /fp>airint7 tn Antur run <<?? ?- -?? ? ? - ? ?*/ * ilk* % i *' uh? ** ? i%n WD n( v continually forming new classes the nm*rter commencing with thn first lesson. All in jffl formation in regard to term*. Ac., can be had /TR by applying a* * \ I a eft Days and Hour.? of Tuition: Fer Ladies. Misses and Masters. Wednesday and Saturday afternoons, from 3 to 2 o clock. For Gentlemen, Tuesday and Friday evenings. 7>ito 10. Practicing Assemblies ev?-ry Thursday evening Private instruction given to suit convenience ?f those desiring. Circulars can be had at J. F. Ellis'; Philp A ..,,4 V. * 1- -? > - wvivuk'u r 4 mm l'""" n mi*i hi j airlli by appDing at the Academy during the hours of from 10 am to l p.m.. fmm 3 to 5 and 7 to 10 p m., or during the hours of tuition. A note addressed to the Academy will meat wltb prompt atteatlon. oc-l-tf EDUCATIONAL. I]MDERS1GNED U1LL TEACH IN A PRI' vate family. and give also accurate instruction in ?everal Languages First class family, who can afford the eipenses. please call at N" a** Louisana ave?iue. F. GUSCETTI, formar Interpreter, no 7 lw* Secretary of Legation. \1 K CHARLES PESllEL'X wishes to inform 1"! tli? public tliat he is now ready to give instruction in tne FRICNCn and SPANISH Lan;m;Mto*. Pest <-f reference* given Inquire at the Sew York Hotel, cor 7th and B sts. no 6 fit* A FRENCH MAN FROM PARIS. HAVING hii evening* diser.gag'-d, (free at 6 o'clock,) wiM.m in B've norne I.KSsOMS in the French Lan grage Th<> b??t refer*nc* given. Term* moderate. Addrem R?x 35 Star office. no 1 lOt* TIMOTHY'S IIALL.?The duties of thlsln?' Btitutiob will be resumed on Sept. 13,1366. For t< rnm, *c , ?. e catalogue and circular at thn principal bookatorea of tula city, or addreaa the priacipal. E. PARSONS, an 31 Oatonsville. Md. DENTISTRY. i \ hkmoval. foALVe^ pleasure IrHrv generally that he ha* fitted npniipw *ndW^^ elt-gant oftice at No. 49.> 7th street, oppo ^ ' ' 1 * * Mte Odd Fellow Hail. Lie ie prepa'?<1 to execute vuth promptness all operation* in l)eutal Surgery and evrry elites of work belonging t? the profea sion. no 1 lm* TI 1 I H . M LOOMI8, M D., The Inventor and Patentee of tha HINIRMj PLATE TEETll. att.-i -Is personally at^-^g^ his c,fl rein this city. Many persons can wear the?e teeth who cannot wear others,^1' ' ' p and no person can wear others who oannot wear these. Persons calling at my office can be accommodated with any style and price ol' Teeth they mi; desiro, j tint to those w ho are particular, aii?l winh the pare*t, cleaucst, strongest and uiost perfect d'-ntare that art can procure, the MINERAL TEETH will be more fully warranted. Pooins in this citv?No. 33* Pennsylvania are.. urmtrajiu ?uu luiuBis. aiju, au / Arciiatreet, Philadelphia. oc 20-ly yKIAl U1SCOV ?&? IN DENT 1ST B?. TEETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIH. I vr or.lrt adrld* ?HMr*oni hiring teeth extract to call at i>K. LEWIE'8 olfcce,udMhkl have thein taken out withont pain. *<ullld Alto, call and examine th* iWtor'a new auditnproved method of inserting A RTIF1CIAL TEETH. If jcu once ?e* the great improvement in his twth, yon Will have them in no other style than thia new aad valnable one. Teeth Inserted on Gold, Silver and Rubber Plate* at the old priee, aa we hare not advanced thn prlo* on oar work since the great ohaafe in gold. No. 44U Penn'a avenue, between 12th and 13th trwte. janX-ly 8 It. LEWIE, M D., Dentist. ^ ACTION TO BOTTLERS, DEALERS IN BOT TLE8. AND THE PUBLIC. Tbid Is to glre notice that in the cu? of RILEY A. SHINN.) Supreme Court of the Dis*j. > trirt of Columbia, JOHN COOK. \ In E.juity No. 624. being a proceeding for an Injunction against John Cook, Proprietor of "Green Spring Brewery," to restrain him from using and appropriating the bottles of Riley A. Shinn, and marked with his name, and that of the late firm of Amy & Shinn. a decree wm, by the Court, on the 12th day of October, A. P., Itf', granted, enjoining John Cook "/ram taking, rolUefitiK, rereiring. and using the bottles Riley A. Hhinn bearing his letters and names blown thfrecn. and from rending and delivering, or tontrading to deliver any nrtieles in said bottles, trtlAout 'the ei-n^ent qf the said Hi lev A. SAtnn." I call the attention of Bottlera. and dealers in Bot ties parliouiarly, to the above decision of the Supreme C?urt of the IMntrict of Columbia, and hereby warm them and all other interested persona, tbat I will jroceed in like manner against any per AAV. UA AfTat.Atn. U T f WV A UTIT V\I WU trv VUCI1UIU| . m li Cl 1 A. Otlinn t "Union Dottllng Depot," ?c V ?w A7 Greene st.. Georgetown, D. 0. |y AULK & CO., WINE MKHCHANTS, 987 PENNSYLVANIA AVKNU*, Southeast corner 11th street, Have on baud and are constantly receiving superior grands of Wines, Liquors. 4c., (In bond or duty paid,) which they offer for sale at the lowest market rates, vis: Old nturd ind IlrnnPMv RR VHTY7 Old Jamaica and St. Croix BUM.. Scotch and Irl?h WHISKY. Old Hollnnd GIN. Phirnix anl other brands. Harmony aari Krown HHKRKY, Old Oporto and Bargnndy PORT. CLARET, the follow iug brands, (in wo?<1 or flasK) bt. J alien, Cauteuac, Marqaux, Leoville, c.,pe. SAl'TEREA, (In wood or gtaa* ) RHINE WINK, (In wool or gU<w.} the following brands: Ungfteiner. D^idetihciiiier, KianNner, Cie-erih^initr. Huchliciiuer, Fenerberger, Johau B)?l *rg< r. Liebfi anmilch. Ac.. Ac. Burgundy and Mobile WISES. CbampaKue and Sparkling Uo< k, of the choicest brand*, P'Abeinthe, Cnracae. Mavachiaal, Ac., Ac. BROWN STOUT and SCOTCH ALK French WINE V1NKP.AU. 6WEET OIL, SARDINES, Ae., Ac. <rw? A Black well'a PICKLES awl 84UOKS, Ac., Ac . Ac _ oc 2ft lm AREaDT AND rONCLIJMVK TEST of the p?or?>rtie? of IIK1,M HOLD'S FLUID EXBIJOHD *ill a rnmpmi?un with ttt"?e ?et forth in tlie United States Dispensatory. no 8 HELM HOLD SEXTRACT BUCH IJ i?i vea beaUh 'lid v|?it to th?* frame an,i blood to the pnlWtl rh..fc 1'ol.ilitT la a. foil Biniert lirmanv % arming I*> ni| lcn>?. .ii.l if u* tre?tirimit in alunittfJ to.coutwn piion, inwiuity or epileptic fit* eaaue. bo 8 Sl'KClAXi NOTICES. two rad ? asts or tiles cured by dr. STRICKLAND'S PIIE REMEDY Mr Gl?*? of JanesTtlle. WiKoniin. writes for the benefit of ?fl who sutler aitb the Pile*, that lie ha* been tr on hied for ri^ht yeirswlthan aggra vated c?-? of Tiles, and his brother was discharged from tlie army n* inrnriihlp, (be being qnfte paraIjT'd with the l'i|*? ) Roth tbeee di?tre*sing eases ni-ti'futKl * ith one bottle of Dr 8T R10K.L AN D'S P1T.E REMEDY. The recommendation of thase f l?ll:fll _ !.?. A^llm tuati>?/>niala _ _ _ _ . . ?.?w , 41? ,iU1, j vrBuuii'uinn irvn?wu r> Dr Mrii klnml. miKlit tri rniiTinrc tint#** miflerin? that the nioH KKgravated chronic ca??? of Pil*8 trr rurtil 1') l>r Ktrirklaui!'* Pile Remedy. It ia *<il4 i?y Druggist* ev^rjwhere Sold by J. W. NAlRfc A CO , CH AS. CHRISTIAN I, 371 T*. avenue and 30'1 Ninth *tr?Tt. oc *> Ij A KUPSRlOR REMEDY. We ran con?ci??ntioii*lj recommend to tho??snf ferine trom a dintreMiDK cuugh. 1>R. BTKK'KLAND'S MELLIFLUOUS OOl'OH BALSAM. It fri-ve# relief almost instantaneous. and is withal Dotdisaereeahle to the taste. There i?nud'>uht hut the Mellifluous Cosjrh Balsam i* one of the beet p?pa rations in use. and it all that its proprl?,?._1_CZi I... It ? - 1 - J ? J ' ? nil % im 11.r? !?> It.. ?* n Hi??n u itr?l ll 'Hiring mi' r??t we?-k and found lelitf from a mut di?tre-*inz rmiifli. It in prepnred by I)r Strickland, No. 1 .V.? Sycamore ?tr?et. Cincinnati. Ohio. and lor tale by Prii??istc. Sold by J. W. NAIRN A CO . ?l*o at WAITS 8 T>rng 8tor?. and OH AS. CHRI8TIANI'S.317 Pa avetue and ^02 Ninth itre?t. oc *> ly COLGATE'S HONEY SOAP. ThU celebrated Toii.*t Rm? In n/-h nniT? ?i demand, is mod* from the tkotctsI materials, is mild, and emollient in its nature, frarrantly irmttd and extremely htneficial in it* action upon the skin. I"or sale l>y all Drn/zgi sts and Eancy Goods Dealers, jan SJ-eoly MARRIAGE AND CELIRACT, An Essay of Warning: and Instruction for Yoiing Men, just published t>y the Howard Assoriatiou, and sent in sealed letter enreh.pes fre? of charge. Address Dr. J. HK1LLIN HOUUUT0N, U-ward Association, Philadelphia, Pa. oc9 3tn SECRET DISEAPKB. huwtu* uift i? (he moat certain, tare and ffectual remedy?indeed. the only Tegetable remedy ever discovered Care* in two to fonr days, and recent ca?<-h in twenty-four hours. No mineral, no balsam. no mercury. Only ten pills to be taken. It le the soldier's hope, and a friend to these who do aot want to be exposed. Male packagee, ft; female. 93. PamakitaN's Root and H*kb Jcicu?A positive and permanent cure for SyphiHe, Screfnla, Ulcers, Sores. Spots. Tetters. Ae. Price HI. er six bettlee for #8. Bold by S. C. Ford. See advertisement, mi STOP THAT SCRATCHING, and use WHEATON'S ITCH OINTMENT. It cures It?h and Salt Rhenm in 48 hours: also cure# Chillblains. Ulcere, and all Eruptions of the Skin. Sold by all DrQgjriste. J. D. OILMAN, mar B-1t 3ftO Pennsylvania a*enue i.n.nrR r ~~ ' FEED, WIII8KT. A Urge and complete assortment ot ALL GRADES OF FLOUB. for Baker*. Groceri, and others, WARRANTED AS REPRKSENT1D. FEED OF ALL KINDS, Either weight or meaaure. WHISKY, ALL GRADES. We mention the Bonniti Whiskey in particular, as being pnre, and four year? old, sold iubjecl, if necessary, to analysis. WM. M. GALT * CO., no 2 tf Indiana avenue and 1st at. Tylers compound syrcp of gum ARABIC will be found a most pleasant, safe and speedy remedy for CoroHS, Colds, IIoarskxkss. Cnovr. Wuooriitu Comm. aitn au. Aumrr. TioNsorrnE Throat and Lungs, iu superior efficacy in arresting "tnl.born coughs, and tbs ftr>t stages of consumption, has long bean known and appreciated t.y most families and pLjiiciatis. Price 30 cents per bottle. "Has been in constant line in onr family for oyer f?reiit> years, and with invariable success. I think it ?n excellent remedy ." American Ojfict, BaitI. JOS. J. DOBBIN. "An attache of thi* >?.. ua^ trouble Wi?h . ktnbborn cough, and who suppo-wd hi* lung* WV? affected, ha?" received the greatest benefit from a single Lottie.' ?Bait. Clivvtr. "Pince I intrrxlnred it here. several of our phy?icians are presenting it w ith the best success. '' nol eo3ni" H BUFF. Ch'mist, Por:smou'h. I W OPENING. GREEN'S RESTArRANT, Corner of E and 8th streets, opposite Poit Office. The undersigned have taken the above well ftnewn and popular house, and fitted it up in the best ef style throughout all new. There are elegant suitea of dining rooms for parties or individuals; also, a number of fine chambers to let, all newly furnished. Our Bar and Restaurant will at all times be furnished with wine* ami all kinds of liquors. Bf> Sfiir?. Ac., the bent to be sot in any market, and ejatrri, fish, K*me and other luxurio* In season, usually found in afirst-cl*** Restaurant. We shall open on THURSDAY, the 12th instant, when w e shall be happy to have onr friends and the public to call. KLEIN t EBKR. oc 10 im* Proprietors. E M O V A L . The undersigned takes pleasure in announcing the removal of his CLOAK and PRESS M AN UF AOn, . ,n ?* a as a n tt T r? o?i iv TV /l r*/\rv m m n m . i uui ana jiaiji in r, f?. n ii>u kuujis iron me former stand No. 496 9th St., to the large and com modi oh* room over Hooe Bro's. Dry Goods Store, Ko. 10 Market Space, between8th and 9th streets. With experienced and obliging Ladies always In attendance and greatly increased facilities, he hopes to merit a continuance of that patronage heretofore so liberally bestowed. CLOAK AND DRESS MAKING, MACHINE STICKING, 8TAMPING AND FLFTINO. DORSET BECK, Mo. 10 Market Space, 2d floer, oc 7-lm* Between 8th and 9th sta. l.'KriT Tnvia iv-n nrri'ii nni nnrs 4,v 4 4 A A.uu>-> *'v avu uuuuvv u r BOOTS, Ac.. FBI'IT TBKE8of finest qnality, lasd moderate In price, can besnpplied by the underpinned rfgv consisti mr of standard and dwarf rears. Ap easj pits. Teaches. Apricots. Nectarines, Cherries, Ac.. Ac. Gripe Vinos?'Delaware. Concord, Rebecca, Ac. Lawton Blaikberrivs, Strawberries, Gooseberries. Currants, Ac Evergreens. Shad* Trees. Roses. Ae. DUTCH BULBOUS BOOTS, Jus crv-.ted from Ilolland, consisting of donble and single Hyacintba, Tulip*. Bannncnlns, Anenii>nie?, Narcissus, Crocuses. Snowdrops, Iris, Ac. Kir?>t quality Bulbs selected specially for my ?ru.i? iflllv bi rr " pc 20-eotit 3947th itrwt, ???r fa. r^terw' paint, oil, and lamp btok'e. The nnderaipned. having opened a new Paint, Oil an<l Litinp Store at 504 9th street, bet; leave to call the attention of ourfrienda and the public to our large Stock of PAINTS, OILS, GLASS, brushes. and extensive assortment of COAL OIL LAMPS and HANGING FIXTURES Having selected with great care, and purchased our Stocfc at the LOWEST CASH PRICES in the New York market, we art* able to offer inducement* unequal led in this city. The Trade and Housekeepers are invited to cat and examine onr Stork, hoping by strict attentio to kuaintsa and fair dealing to merit and obtain th approbation of our cnetomera. A liberal discouu will be given to painters and dealers. francib miller & co , AA4 XII *? +V. oe 12-lm Between Penn. avenue and D street. r- B H. STINEMETZ lj. iiatteb ani> fubkieb, w? 234 PENS, avkxde, ~~ Second door fi?m 13th street. LATESTSTYLES gentlemen's silk and cassimebe h \t8 vocnq gents, boys,' and childben'8 11a1s and (japs in great variety. LADIES^ KUBS: ? *i l.u n t * ? * *** in aim pituit. enwrinn s<iniriti| water hiiqk, Ait . In CAPES and COLLARS, with MUFFS to nmtrh. All sonde sold at the Icwut market pricea. or Sf-Sw (liiltl.] I70R KOJi KKTKNTION OR INOONTINSNCK I of nrii e, irritH-ion, inflammation or ulceration of tl>?' bUddrr ?r kifine^ *, riUaa^en of the pr?etr?t?? itonn in llm I UiIiIit ?mt*' rtr b'iik duct rtcpooit, nud nil of the b'iwM?r, ki'HKj?. nBit <r?mic*l ?wellitiirft HH?3 HBLMnoi.i> sri.rin kxtkaot bcohu. u-h CUABLBB BEBCUT. ?ucrei??.>r to Aug. JohnaoaAGo., WINK. MKItl HAKT. WHOLESALE ANT> KBr A 11. GKOL'ER. aii'i denier In urTLEUS' SUP PLIES, !'9 Pannn. ?.b?tw??n 9th and lUb lrct? T>.r. jr FIFE AM) SPEECHES OF AHDKEW JOHN j H>N, l'rffidvtit of tbe United Stat**, by Frank Moore. I.ife of V Icliiol Ane?lo. by Herman dr. rum, , els [m 19) F&AMCK TAYLOi. mnuM. kc. Governor Pareoms of Alabama, Major General Swayne, of the Kwdmen'i Bureau, and the Kev. Henry Ward Beecher are in iioeton. Governor Andrew introduced them to th?' members of the I'nion Club Tuesday ereninp, of whom there was a large attendance Tin following cordial introduction from Se relaxy Stanton ?it read: ?<?overuor Parsons,yf Alabama, goes North for the purpose of conferring with loyal and patrioiic gentlemen in relation to matters affecting tlie general welf.tre, partictilHrly in the South, lie Is earnestly iKborirg lor the Union, and is entitled toconfidence and respect." A meeting of prominent citizens and physiciant of Boston, tu held Tuesday evening to consider the tteet means of avoiding the cholera and promotive: the sanitary condition of the cny. l)r. UeflowB occupied the chair. The plan proposed is a visitation of the poor wards of the city by ijhyetcians employed for the purpose, -who will precrihetor persons afflicted with cholera. It wa& thought be*t to raise l (Ml fnr thifi *>ii r*%..a- ! ?? * " * ... i' ... . it vtru H-5UIVH1IO Call a large meeting to further measures to carry the plans into exec ution. The jury in the Sanders conspiracy case, which was recently on trial id Montreal were discharged on Monday, the Judge specially remanding the prisoner to jail till the March term. Judge Mondelet addressed the juror* in very strong language. He told them in substance either that they were too ignorant to understand the evidence or they have perjured themselves, as the case was not one admitting ol doubt. From the subsequent conversation between the Judge and Mr. Knmsay, the papers say they suspect some tampering with jurors. The schooner Milton Badger arrived in San Francisco on Tuesday, twenty-two days from Anadyr bay, brinjrinp a month"? later news frt m 1 lie Kairiia Telegraph Expedition. She landed her party of telegraph builders on the chores of the bay, and left them with a winter outfit aud prepared to explore Anadyr river, and proceed thence across the Ochotsk sea. They will use reindeers for that purpose. A letter from Colonel Hulk ley, of October 9, says all is favorable, and the land parties for boih continents are on shore with supplies. Advices from Havannatothe 4th inst. state that Commodore Murray took possession of the rebel ram Stonewall on the id instant, by simply raising: the American Hag at the masthead." He is empowered to return the 810, n/lvan^A/l KT? ? 4 * __,.uv uuvrrufflfDl CO pMT tbi' crew of th? rnm The Stonewall probably will go into the dock there to bare her bottom cleaned before leaving for the States. Advices from Jamaica give additional details of the horrors of the negro insurrection. The authorities luive already hnng forty of the leader*. Surray is in a state of siege, and martial law h:t* been declared in St. Thomas. The steamer Ardent left immediately for Barbadoe* to obtain troops and the British steamer Cordelia, which arrived at New York a few days s-ince, has also left for Jamaica. Ams:s of supposed Fenians on board American bfcips by the English, are continue ti? latest capture effected by the British government was a supposed correspondent of the New York Trxlunt, in whose possession were fonnd a note-book and a revolver. All three were detained by the police. The Fenians had a great gathering at the Maryland Institute Hall. Baltimore, last nightThe place was densely crowded. Speeches I were delivered bv William J. Hines, Ksq., of I i>i,,i,i^? * *" . u.?i>i i|>uiu, majiii lwucy, ui wasnington: J. J. Stewart and Frank Gallagher, fcsqs., of Baltimore. Hon. A. H. Stevens is eipeeted to visit Milledgeville and address the Georgia State Convention before its adjournment. The move, ment to nominate Mr. Stephens for Governor seems to be gaining strength, and the Atlanta A>u Era intimate* thai he has consented to the use of his name. The Tunisian Embassy visited the Philadelphia navy-yard, yesterday, aud inspected the lion-cladi-Aml monitors. Thev will in two weeks. J"~ "*"* for fcuro[>e A man named Donoboe, was accidently killed by being run over by a passenger railway car on Kutaw street, Baltimore, yester day. The schooner Sarah Minge, Capt. Moore, from Georgetown, D. C., with coal for Hyde Park, New York, struck asnnken wreck about seven mile? north of Cape Iienry, sinking iu two minutes. All hands-were saved. l?r. Elson Osburn, an extensive treasury note counterfeiter, was arrested in Lancaster county, Penn., yesterday. Travel between Baltimore and the West. The Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Company put its new schedule inio vtfeet on Mon.iay last, and we learn that it i? successfully working in it* much improved facilities for the travel between the East and West by our city. For the first time since the road has been opened to Wheeling, we believe, it has now three through tirst-class trains in each direction between Baltimore and Washington and Wheeling and Parkersburg. with prompt and close connections at the two latter points, and at Hen wood to and from all portions of the West, throngh the agency of the Central Ohio, the Marietta, aud the Cleveland and Wheeling Road?, with their affiliating lines. Tb's puts the Baltimore and Ohio line, therefore. at a high mark, with the large increase of lacilittes and the decidedly superior advantages which it thus presents lor passenger traAel. By its rapid improvement in double track, the rebuilding, in j?ermanent iron work, the many bridges of a temporary nature that had been destroyed during the war, the addition of more than fllty new and superior passenger care, and some thirty locomotives, adapted to high speed for passenger service, the line has fitted iUelf for assuming at once a first-class position as a great through route for passengers, as fully as it had already proven itself for many years as a successful and prompt carrier of freights. Our advertising columns will show the hours of departure of th# trains, which seem to be well adapted to the public wants, starting for the West at ^-'.15 a. m., and at 2 and 8.40 p. m , daily. The 2 p. m. train is an entirely new addition to the usual advantages of the road, and. running at increased t-peed, is called the ' Cincinnati Express Train"?its passengers being due at that, point at 0 o'clock on the day alter leaving Baltimore, or in twenty-eight hoiin- only from our city to the Cfcueen City of the West. From Cincinnati the corresponding train departs at 6 p. m , daily, and is due at Baltimore about 10 a. m on the following day? being only twenty-eight hours in the easterly uirrcnuu. One of the other trains is called the Kaltirnore and St. Louis Express,but the third, or morning train, also makes admirable connections, both for St. Louis and Cincinnati, as w ell a* Chicago and th# Northwest, and Lonisville, Nashville, and Memphis, en the Southwest. It is a matter of no small importance to our community, and to the largely increased travel hetwien "W ashington and the Great West, that such enlarged advantages should he presented by our leading railway line, and the improvement thus presented is hailed by us with much satis-faction and with every wish for its abundant success.?Baltimore American. Fix akcial.?The New York Commercial of the f-th says that the stock speculation is for the moment checked, and prices have tafcen a downward turn. Lenders are indi?po?ed to encourage the reckless tendency developed within the last few days, and hence it is found diQicult to borrow upon the inflated stocks, except at price# very much below the present marketquotations. The London advices of the ool. 1 ..Ul? n.. kn M?AVlina> Wlf I'V IU*" PiraiHMlip t.UUUi ici/vi n?*k w wa> tir.urd depression in American securities. has a depressing effect npon the market, especially on Governments. Five-twentiea are reported finnt'rl at the cloee of business on the #~-th, which baf the effect of adding to the depression here arising trom an absence of demand. At the board Fire-twenties of I8d3 were % lower, the issue of lf-!M was also down Seven-thirtie* l - nno.vfsr (Vrtiflmtes are rathrr mnr? in demand, and pHI at \ advance. Gold is weaker, at 147?fa.H?X, with a moderate demand for custom?, and nothing doing for export. The Hocrs ok Clerical Labor i* thb Dr.rartmentg.?Secretary Harlan haa riven notice that the additional hours of labor lately rxmm Ui i?n iiu|jiu;n will uoi o>' rvqniiru on Saturday afternoons, when clerical labor will er ase at hree o'clock, a? formerly. Secretary McCulloch hn? extended the privilege to the clerks of the Treasury Department.? Cor. T. JJcrald. LOCAL NEWS. ? Tn? Hark Swiudle? AnoOur /?a?u in: fy k* Svtmtlrr?ltanifl Millsr, cltat AlUn, a uw Harris t ommittrd/or Court ia f/oU Cases?A K*q?tn'ftin from (*< ^ 04w> tzj*rud?Ym. terilay tlirrnoot. the Suir innuunn d ;bo armsl ot ltaiuel Miliar by dt-WcUvr? Kelly and Bij. I'J upon t cliUfr of ?*iudlinc lit* Hutk of (Vm merer, in G??or|r?*town. out of ti,aQu by in?-an? of a fal** draft. Thf prt?oi?er wu 1<V< *. .4 . ? *L- - .. * J ? u m iur it*ne ii ibf poller urauq uariere, and at 3 o'clock yeeU-rday w.v br.>u;lit out for a hearing b. fore Superintendent KiJuird< The prisoner* personal appearance ia well ca ciliated to dec?-l\e any ob?? who nifkt fall " into Lis company. He i* ot >!?-nd- r rather over medium height, black hajr, * umtod back after the My le of th?- clergy. a quick, dark eje and narrow face (tentiarnen who antoci' ated with him at In* UBirditif.hiuiM' Mty he lt/ ' mN aiquaiiiU'd witb the sci iptun s, playa a tin*- pnuif ol billiard*. i? fond of b;uk^aiuinoa, bate? to be eucbted at carda, and ia puuwM'd of varif-d accomplishment*. Tbe flr>t caw taken up was that of the K ink of Commerce. b k. tkuman, teller of the hank, waa eworn. nna wiiifa that tne pneota r came to trie bruin on Tne*day. during witne**' temporary ab?ence from tun de*k. and pr.>pose?i to buy om? 7.J?' L'. S. bond#. Mr Kittenliuse ronv<>r??l with him. and when witn< ** returned to hi* deik Mr. Kittenhoute turu<d the prisoner ottr 10 v ttnrw, nmaTkinp that he wauted to pur. cbmei- mime bond*. He entered into oonver**in it vi itli wittier* on the *ubject- ami witnetw t?,:d luiu he would sell buu g^'.UUi iu W cents am iinrr? -t. t'r soner ti.? n proposed U> take tbem pro\ided wtness would t.ntc tl.iOJ In iath. and a certified draft on llaitlmore for (I.MO. To thin w?tn? *? conwnWi tf tbe prisoner wne satisfactorily Identified a* the peraon I'rif oner proposed Ui" pet Mr. Keywr or Mr. K< hr to identify hiir. and wltnena Mid Mr, Koiir ?ould do. Prisoner went out. and soon afu r returned with a not# from Mr Kohr reccrrimendirtc lite prisoner, and the bond* were ruld on the term* described. witness rerei v i n? in currency, the draft for ft.tmi for the bonds. and fO currency for the interest. Witness afterward twprrUd the draft, and telepraplied to the bank in Halumore, and received tor reply that something was wrone. as they bad no arcmini U' k' ( v.l? i. <v* ? - t? ller nnrrifd Griffin. the *|>par?*nt drawer of tbe draft and the nam* signed as teller Wittiers went to Mr Kohr and told him what had occurred, and they went in search of the prisoner, and the prisoner was subsequently arrested. Mr. J H Kohr sworn.?Testified that the prisoner had hern stopping at Mr. floiifhly's boarding honse, No. sj renn?ylvania avenue, between and ?Nd streets, where witness hiinrrl^ TK? . - ? ?' 1 ?' - wvm?w<?a? m mt- |ii irtrnri WllP lUfP" WllVU WH? nm went there to hoard. He was represented to witness to be a man of wealth and a very intellipeat gentleman. and wiuirw regarded him as such Tueedny morning, sometime belore 12 o'clock, the pnnoitrr went to wilttm and told him he had a money transaction with the Hank of Commerce. Witness believed he said he wanted to sell pome United State* bonds, and a>kt-<1 witness lor a note of recommendation. saving that with it he could make something. Witness gave him a note of recommendation and he went away. Subsequently Mr Shuman called upon witness and ?aid tnat he (Sbuman) had received a i< l<-gnim and something wan wrong about that business. After explaining what had b>*< n done witness went in search of the prisoner at all places where be thought he would be likely to see him. but | failed. Witness then came' to the detective office, fonnd detective Kellv, and went with him to the railroad depot. Mr. Kelly directed wnnru 10 po tDrot)(& tbe train and ? if be was there. Witness did so. hot did not see him, and returned and told Mr. Kelly. Mr. Kelly told him to ro again. and witness went tbft iiph to the other fide. Saw btm and told Kelly, who went and arretted bim. Witnes* remarked to tbe prisoner after he vru arrested "that check is not good." Wunees understood him to tay "1 know it.'' The prisoner waa placed in a back and brought to this dice. He was searched and two tl,WW bills, seven ftiuo bills and other money, a diamond cluster pin, a diamond ring, sleeve buttons, studs and other jewelry were found upon him. Witness went 10 li's hoardingbouse and found Infective lK>naldson examining the prisoner's baggage. H?* found a check book ol the First National Kank of Baltimore, another of the Third National Bank of Baltimore, and another of Sbwart &, Co.'s Bank. The bank book wa* found on the prisoner at this office. Tbe check books were shown and identified by witness. In the bank books notes amounting to S2.U5U were found. (Mr. Sburoan having remarked that be knew wnere the bonds were, Mr Bradley demanded that he should say where they are or produce them. Mr. iShuman sent a messenger for another witness to testify as to the bonds, which could be identified by their number and letter of which be bad kept a record.] Mr. ?. MuiJlelun, Clerk lor Kittenhonwe k Co.Vbauk in this city, sworn.?Testified that Mr. Miller, tbe prisoner, bad *old the bonds at Rittenbouse's bank, in this city, for 9; cento and the interest. Mr. A'oAr recalled.?Testified that he rode in a back from the depot to headquarters with lh>. tective Kelly and the prisoner, but they had no M .x>?i?yS'V'JU?c?jvbv?rr of arrest, on Tuesday he was sitting in the back r?K>ni ot tbe office "when Messrs. Shuman and Robr cnnie in and said a fraud had been perpetrated on the Hank of Commerce and stated the clre niMaucM. Witness asked if either would know the man. Mr. Kohr said he would, aud witness tuok him with hiin to the railroad depot. There wituese bent Mr. Kohr through the train to see if he could see the man. He went and returned so quick that witness thought he had Lot looked well and sent him ajrain, and this time he pointed to the prisoner standing outside the cars leaning on bis cane and looking at some laborers. Witness arrested him. Mr. Kohr remarked to the prisoner "Mr. Miller. that check was not cood." The nrieoner replied -How do you know it !" and afu-rwards said?"The money was good, would be good," that was all be Mid. Deteetivt Donald ton testified tbat at the boarding-house the man of the bouse gave lnra a book, and thinking it might be important to identify it, pot the man of tb?* honve, also Mr. Kobr, to mark it. It bad Daniel Miller written in it. The check-books were lound in a bureau drawer. Witney saw no clothing there. J. H. Lntham. teller for Stewart & Co., sworn, identified the bank-book as a book ol their bank and the entries as bis. The evidence in the case of the Hank of Commerce was closed, and the Superintendent, at the request of Mr. Brady, called the caw of Qloirnrt A- Pn ? />hirtros that t has defrauded them, but to what amount has not been ascertained. Tbe bearing now proposed was only to be preliminary. J. II. Latham sworn ?letuded that on the 16th of October the prisoner catne to the hank and made a deposit of *1,<*Kt check on the Third National Bank of Baltimore and S-faio ia Treasury notes, and several deposits since. He was at "tbe bank Tuesday. Some days be lore he was at the bank aiid&tked what witne*i would sell three Sl.tmi bonds for. He bought tbe bonds and paid for th< m. giving two checks of $t,fcl7 in payment. Miller bad paid four or live checks since be made bis first deposit. A de? paten ua<l been received at tbe bank since Uie sale of the bonds showing that the checks are . not good. In reply to a question by Mr. Brad, ley, witness said checks of Miller have been seat to Baltimore and paid. At this stage of the case, Mr. Bradley said h# thought that it wuuld be best to dupos* of lb* cases together, a* Mr. Latham had sworn thai two of the checks cashed by Stewart A Uo. were worthies*. The waiting* for otter testirr Anv u-amM nnlw >-? iifi<?L?? ? "~J " v-*- VM.J wv UCCI' .-O 'irittT. ?IIU ur would waive any further examination in thia cape. The Sup?rmtendent consented, an<1 committed the prisoner to jail tor court in delauli of bail in each cat-e. At the suggestion of Superintendent Richards Mr. Bradley notified bin client that a requisition for him from the Governor of Ohio is now on tbe way to Washington. Tbe Superintendent is not sure of the charge against him there, bet the supposition is that the charge is bigamy, probably the same caae alluded to by Mr. S. S. Cox, a* referred to in the Star yesterday. CutMd THi! Seat.?N. JLIavtdson gives no ?ce to is. A. i>avie, n. e.. w imer*, j ji. rstovail, Tbos. Ornsty. J. M Botts and C. L.. Mmbv that he will claim the seat of Representative in Congress from tb?- Lynchburg district of Virginia, on the ground that he is the only eligible candidate, and that he will contest the right of any other person to said seat. Xipel SriT.?The libel suit of Po^tnaaster Cook, of Chicago, against Horace Greefcev, of the Tribune, (for calling him '-a ?|*>culau>r of government funds," etc.,) is up for argument in the New York Circuit Court. Pi*inti<r i?i-? Lie damages at *50,000 %rKitfbt locomotive* are roraplebHt err month at the work* of the Atlantic and Ur*at Western Railway, in Jersey City, beside* the iron work for orer one hundred and fifty can. i/"A new theatre Is to be built in London, over'wbat was onee a ptt o*e<l for throwing in the dead during the plague of l?W. ?/ It coete fifteen dollar* and a half to transport a barrel of Hour, worth only twelve, from bavaunah to MilledgeviUe. ^M^jor Gen. Schofleld will tail from New York lor Fnrope by the next steamer, on a year's leave of absence. t/Tbe ill-fated steamphlp Republic had on r>o:iru in tpecie, a *eiy and valuable cargo. W A gentlrman in Newport. Kentucky, wbo bus bad bii> barn burned by mtscbieroua boye, offers fss to ctart a fund for the erection of cb? ap barns expreMly for juvenile incendiaries to ?et on lire. fcTCIold haa been discovered in Gim county, Pa. ?