Newspaper Page Text
EVENING STAR w. D. WALL1CH, Editor mmi Pnprltttr. WASHINGTON CITY: FRIDAY NOTEMBBE 10, 1W. j BVRBADINO MATTER ON EVERT PAQ1. ; BEB OUTBIDS FOR INTERESTING TJSLJQRAPHIC AND OTHER MATTER. telegrams, *c. The surgeon of the Atalanta states that the majority of her passengers were emigrant* from Switzerland and the Southern part of Germany, and that they came by the way of I&Tis (wunr iuc luuiria w .u w Havre, and while there several died in boarding houses, attended by the Government physicians. Unusual facilities were afforded by the officials for their shipment, and the anxiety to place them on shipboard was so gTeat as to cause inquiries on the part of the officers of the ship, who look upon the persons at Havre as responsible for the malady on board the vessel. Since the passengers have been removed from the ship but few cases have occurred, and those of the mildest form. Hopes are entertained of the speedy disappearance of the m3lady. Colonel Kullerton has issued a circular reminding freedmen in Louisiana that the time is approaching to make contracts for labor for another year. Well known planters have adopted a plan to get freedmen for picking cotton with success, paying cach one every night for the cotton picked during the day. This is important, as many of the cotton-fields are unpicked, the freedmen refusing to work. In the Harris divorce case, in Connecticut, Jndge Phelpe has rendered a decision granting a divorce to Jonathan A. Harris against Mrs. Jane M. Harris. He gets a complete dirorce, and the ouetody ol all the children, and she gets no alimony. By the laws of Connecticut, UVIU tlUi UI.UI J, 11 I lie-J IUUU9C. Tbe overland stage was attacked by six robbers near Virginia City on Monday night, who took all tbe valuables of the express and passengers. Among the passenger* was J. L. Hatcheldor. of Koetnn,\vho was robbed of Sl,300. Wo one wa* injnred. Information from Mississippi states that Governor Humphreys has called upon the people of the ;?tate to organize companies to aid the civil authorities in maintaining order, and cautions them against oppressing tbe freedmen. Captain J. O. Remmington. quartermaster i i/uaiukuuvm, wroooea 01 Dy burglars breaking open the safe in the counungroom. Suspicion rests on four persons -who have been arrested. A large mail for the Russian Telegraph exploring party was lost in the wreck of the steamer Brother Jonathan on the Pacific coast. A State convention ot colored men met in Ponghkeepsie, New York, on Wednesday for the purpose of advancing the interests of their people in the State. The Austin, Texas, papers say a State Convention will be called about the 1st February. Trade between Mexico ;tnd Texas is increasing, and promises to be very large. Mexican dates to the 18th have been received. The general inability of the J uarists to com jH-ie wiiii u?e imperialists is becoming daily more apparent. I The Ufrt rail op the Oswego and Rome railroad, New York. wa> laid on Wednesday. IY"=r~MA SONIC.-The Regular Meeting of FED KKAI. LODGE. No. 1, will be held at the Hill, corner of !<th and D street*, on SATURDAY, 11th in?t., at 7>? o'clock. By order of the W. SI. noiO-rt THOS. RICH, Secretary. fVg2" M ASONIC.?The Annaal Conrocation of the 1L5 GRAND CHAPTRR OF ROYAL ARCH MASONS, of Maryland and District of Coluaibla, .ill k. L.I J -a U TT - 11 ' ?* iwiii tc lit:iii mi mmuuu n au.curflpr OI u ana if iii ftreets, on MONDAY IVEMSG, the 13th of November. at 7 o'clock. Punctual attendance is requested and that all Chapters iu the jurisdiction be represented W. MORKI3 SMITH, no 10 3t Grand Secretary. Q|JP>TN(.LAIMID TELEGBAMS~ Americas Telegraph Compaxy, i Office 43*2 Pa. avenue, November 10. 1855 t The following Teleeraro* remain in this office undelivered, for want of sufficient address and from other canses: Henry Hardy, colored, J G Stevenson A Co, GustavuaMills, B Nnesbauin, A Kerr, H B. Agent, B. P. SNYDER, Manager. ^_Akt;ricax Tblkgraph CoifPAirr. I <>ib< ? niiMnis tirtui, >o?ember 10. 1355.^ The ollowing Telegrams remain in this office BBdeliyered, for want of sufficient address and from other causes : Miw A en ft L Hill, W A Russell, A J White, EKThomn. no? 1 tf B. P. SNYDER. Manafer. ly^- LIBRARY OF CONGRESS. UJj Wa?hixgto?i, Not. 4,1b65. The L1BRART OF CONGRESS will be reopened to the public on MONDAY, Not. ISth, and I e opt n daily t Sunday a excepted) on and after that date. A. R. SPOFKORI). no * lot Librarian. IV^-FAIR FOR THE BENEFIT OF ASSEM l_L3 BLV8 CHFRCH. at Odd Follows' Hall, roiunif n<"i?K MONDAY EVENING. 6th Instant. A pleasant place to spend an evening. no 3-2* rv^"? ' v i |T in T t I U UllU IT M ? V W .. ....... ? ? m .1 1 113 ? Kkgistib's Offick. November 1, 18-$. Sot ire ti hfrthv lift*, that licenses iaaued to Keepera of H<-tafa. Taverna.l Ordinal iea. Kratau r?tt? Tippling Honwa. retailer* ot Ppirituouaanl Fermenteo Li<joor*. Winea and CorJiala. Grocerleu. Pry Gooda. Hardware. Medicinea Perfumery, Vr'atchea aad Jewelry, Lnmber,Wood. Commi^aion Mercbanta, alao to keepera of Harkney Carriage*. Otnnibuaaee. Billiard Tablea. Ten Pin Alleya. and Confectionery. and for Hawking and Peddling, and Dealera in Old Iron. Braaa Copper. Ac., will expire on MONDAY, the 6th day November, 14it, and that aaid licnaea mnat be renewed at thia office Vithiii ten daya alter that time. SAMUEL >. DOUGLASS, no i dt!7 Register. ty-s^LECTrBES-DR. D. J. MACGOWAN, the 1X3 distinguished explorer, will deliver two lecture# at the First Baptist Church, ISth street, between G and H, on WEDNESDAY EVENING, Nov. rttb, and MONDAY. Nov. 13th. Subject: "Recollection* of Japan," with numerou* illuatiationp, Tirkett: Admitting a gentleman and lady to both lecture*. $lj single admission 50 cents, children 1 i cent*, to he had at the book store* and at the ioor. noS-IOt HKII'AL AND riNKBAL wHIATHST B0 inet*. ard Crosse* preserved in natural form. Also, W ax Flowers mad* to order, and instruetien given, by Mr* FRIES, late of Boston. '241 Vermont avenue, between K and L. to 10 lm* OFF1CB OF THB FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO.. Ill thI Bl'ILDlMG or th1 national bt? or tub Republic, Wakhinston, Novtmber 3,18iS. A dividend of twelve and one half per cent, ha* been this day declared for the six month* ending Slat nltimo anri is n<,w tn #K? ... _______ ?_ ~ ?v ?IIC U*?VkUl'IUnB, CHAS^BRADLIT, Secretary. TUB BOARD OF DIRECTORS cootiiU of tfc* following b?bH p*reoqa, to wit: W A. BRADLKT, Praaident. CIKECTOU : W J M.DONALD. DR J M. BRODHKAD, JOS II BRADLRY. THOMAS BLAGDEN, C H. W1LTBRRUER, M. O. IMKKT. DR J.C HALL, J AS. C. MrQUIRR, C B. BAKBR, B BRADLKT. M A.GU1BTA, M.J MrCLKRY. oo 10-2aw4w SAND.?Fiva thonaand <J,0U0> loada rrrj ?up?rior for a?l#. two oaU?a from th# city Poat Offlca. Apply at Locust Hill Farm, 7th street road. insida tbf flrat t?U gate no 9 6t* TftRNNIES CAN ?K nan AT uti. __ ? ? ~ M. wAaa Vf I IV Jb 1 COUNTER, In any quantity. no 8 tf IT M 8TKINGF1ELD, Wholesale and B*tail Dealer in BCTTKB. BOOS. CHEE8B. KBUIT8. FISH, KLOl'K. AND GENERAL PRODUCE. D.% 'n* tikrg the fMora No. 314"*',. th anJ 13th . he is prepared to furnish the pnbl!? *J*h the abore article*, at reasonable ' gulck *ale? and - ?roflU- no B 3m? 7'AK BIAOBS^ - CABE1AOM. CARRI A'iEp. and aer<>n hand a larr* and anpertor lot of ^a ond hand CARRIAGES, of the heet-^j^T' make and finiah, which will be aold at?RlWa > reasonable rare* All Carriacea mldJIL - "J--..-* ** r-^rrgented. Alao, firat cla-? Attended to Vjtrt"" ***?" ring promptly Wanwd-Ay,^ *HKtLWRI()Hr To a good Workman a job will be ,(,?? ?wu ROH.BTi OBAHA?!?69 Pa ? J5??* V'4 D itntct. PNFI1BLKP AND DIT * ? _ -T-i T10>'8.of both mic TBACT BCCHC. ! H*L?B^LD* *5* far li n*a. and en?>' w,i' ?\T* *>riak and energetic 111LMPc 108 ll rtaT* * FLUID BXTBACT BUCHU la ritwJh ??nt la taate and odor, fr?a fiom all lujn-? ??rop?rtiea, and iywdtat* In it* action, nog jf 1LLIARD TABLB4 FOE SAL1. Foar of Phelan'a lateit Impr TABLBU.SK by 11 fret OnfllaroBTCJTf Ad thr?* Foor pocket TABLK8 for ' sale it ADAMbUH S, JOB wnatroat. ons aoor rrom PramylTMiiikTm*. BAB and FIXTCRK8 for Hit. no7-?t* TTf ML a V O D 8 . w* bats in ft or# aUns stock of tklek 8TOWJI CHINA, of oar oti importation, and lUWgS Other kind* of CROCK JBT %m nitatie for botol and ?toamhoat ? # WIHB A BBVlRIOOrT (no 4 ?t 004 Odd Fellows' Hall. 7th strsot \1 OKI! *i Kdnnud Bark*. 1 * !.; Work* of " Upletetus WMto's Lifs of Shakspaars; Hi iT_ i ? r m III M& TELEGRAPHIC NEWST LATER ELECTION RETURNS. NEW YORK. Buffalo, Not. 9.?Mr. Well?, the Republican candidate for mayor, bu two hundred and sixty-two majority. The Republicans now claim Erie county by about one thousand majority. MARYLAM D. Baltimore, Not. 9.?Later returns from the Twelftn Judicial District indicate the defeat of I Spencer. the Union candidate, and the election I of Franklin. Report* Bay that in some of the districts tbe registration law was entirely disregarded, and tbe votes of all taken. NORTH CAROLINA. Raliigh, Not. 8.?Tbe State election took {'lace to-day. Twenty-one precincts give lolden 1,6*9 and Worth 3,015 votes. These returns are mostly tTom along the line of railway, where the secession feeling predominates. ; From present indications, all the nltra Union ' men are beaten for Congress, and none whc can take tbe oath will be elected. With the present meagre returns at hand, no ^correct conclusion can be formed as to the result of the ! Governor's election. MICHIGAN. Detroit, Mich., Nov. 8.?An election for I city officers took place yesterday. M. J. Mills, ' Democrat, lor mayor, is elected by 'JOU major I Hy. ILLINOIS. CniCAno, Nov. 8.?Peoria City and connty, heretofore Democratic, have gone Republican by a handsome majority. Galena, the home of Grant, gives s?4?p Republican majority, it has heretofore been Democratic by about the same majority. So far as neard from the Republican i tickets have been successful through the State, i by a majority of from 10,000 to 15,000. ALAbASlA. Mobii-K, Not. 8.?The majority for Bulger for Governor over Colton and Smith is 1,'246. Langdon's majority for Congress over Cleveland and Mathews is 1,041. : ?a??a ry^?THI CI NT HAL BUILDING AS80CIA(L3 TION?The next meeting ef the Association will be held on TUESllAY, the Uth November. at No. 476 7th afreet, opposite the General Poat Office, where the meetings will be regularly held in future. The booka ofthe Association will 1 bekeeto?en for additional subscription for two nicntns froir the date of its organization. Subscriptions will be received at the grocery ?tore of Barbour A Seirmes. La. avenue, at the apothecary tore of J. R. Major, at the corner of 7th and H sta.; and at th? office of the Evening Star. ASBIRY LLOYD, President. M. W. MOORE, Sec'ry. oc24eo3w. ?LOAK AND DRESS MARINO, Ac. MRS. ATRINSON, at~No. 568 H street north, fourth house pact of 5th street, north side, is prepared with patterns and styles just received from M 'me Demnrest's, New York, to cat and makn carmentsof all kinds for ladies nod children. Cutting and machine stitching < alike on both sides) don* to oider. ?P 7-St*. J^ASHIONABLK PARLORSKAVTINGSCHOOL. ThU healthy and graceful exercise, having become so BODiilar in all the Drincinnl Northern cities. Prof. Marini takes great plea-Mire in annouiitinff that he hm- mult all the necessary arrangements to introduce for the first time In this city this invigorating method of recreation, and will be ready to receive pupils on WEDNESDAY, Mot. 15th, at his Academy, E street, between 9th and 10th. Days of practice for ladies and misses, MONDAY and WEDNESDAY, from 3 t?5p. m.. For gentlemen and masters, from 7>i t? 10 p m.,' same days. Assembly* every alternative Wednesday. Skates can be procured at the Academy. For Wins anil particulars apply to Prof. MARINI, or Vy letter, through the Post Office. no 3-12t ? AUTION TO BOTTLERS, DEALERS IN BOT TLES. AND THE PUBLIC. This is to notice that in the case of RILEY A. 8H1NNJ Supreme Court of the Dig > trict of Columbia, JOHN COOK. \ In Equity No. 624. bt?ing a pre* coding for an injunction againat John Cook, Proprietor of "Green Spring Brewery," to restrain him from using and appropriating the bottles of Riley A. Shinn. aad marked with bit name, nd that of the late firm of Amy A Shinn, a decree was, by the Court, on the 12th day of October, A. D., 1866. granted, enjoining John Cook "/row tak inf. collecting, rtttirint, and using the bottles of Riley A. Shinn bearing his letters and names blown therein, and from rending and delivering, or tontrading to deliver any articles in said bullies, without the et-ntent of the said Kilty A. Shinn." I call the attention of Bottlers, and dealers in Bottle* particularly, to the above decision of the Supreme Court of the District of (Tolnmhl* and Iiim. by warm them and all other interested persons, that I will proceed in like manner against any person so-offending. RILEY A. 8HINH, "Union Bottling Depot," oc 26-tw #7 Or^ene st., Georgetown, D. O. |^' A O L 1 k CO., WINE MERCHANTS, 867 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, Southeast corner 11th street, Have on hand and are constantly receiving superior brands of Wines, Lienors. Ac , (in bond er duty naid.) which the* n(f?r fnr ?u ? #h? market rate*, Tit: Old Otard and Henneaay BRANDT. Old Jamaica and St. Croix KUJ? Scotch and Irish WHISKY. Old Holland GIN, Phwnix and other brands. Harmony aad Crown SHKRRY. Old Oporto and Bnrrntxly PORT. CLARET, the folfcxriog brands, (in wood or glass ) St. Jalien, Caotenac, Marqaax, Leoyllle, Ac., Ac. BAl'TEREA. (in wood or glaai.) RHINE WINK. (Id wood or glass.) the following brands: UngsteiDer, I>eidesheimer, Niersteiner, Giesenheimer, Hochheimer, Fenerberger, Johannisberger, Llebfraumilch. Ac., Ac. Bargnndy and Moselle WINES. Champagne and Sparkling Hock, of the ehoicoat brands, D'Abslnthe. Curacas, Maraehinal, 4o , Ac. BROWN STOUT and SCOTCH ALE. rrencn wi.m vimuak. SWEET OIL, SARDINES, Ac , Ac. CronM A Blackwell'a PICKLES and SATCES, 4c., kc , Ac. or 20-lm yf> ? sao-aao. un IRON HALL. rEj| Alter much delay In getting our nalesroom ready, opening goods, Ac., we are bow prepared to exhibit anew and complete stock of HOUSEKEEPING ARTICLES of every description. We particularly invito attention to oar stock *f Decorated China and Tin Chamber Set*. China Vases. Puff Sets, Decorated, Band and WbiU Dinner Seta, Spittoons, Smoking Sets, Plated Ooods, ? * w UIMB " W?l Crockery Ware, Lain pa. Willow, Wood, and Tin Ware, Tea Trays, Kitchen Utensils, Ac., Ac., Ac Our prit'?*) will b? found as low M the sama quality of goodn can !> purchased anywhere. Goods delivered to any part of the city free of charge. C. W ROTKLKR * SON. Housefurnisliing Store, 330 (Iron Hall) Penn. avenue, no 7 eo3t between 9th and 10th sts. TYLER'S COMPOUND 8YRUP OF OUM ARABIC will be found a most pleasant, aafe and speedy remedy for Coughs, Colds, Hoarsrrkjw, Croup, Whoopimo Cough, and all ArrKCTioss of thr Throat and Lpnos. Its superior eMcacy in arresting stubborn coughs, and the first stages of consumption, has Ions been known *n.t 5^cent?aper Wttl?"1 ^Moi''eB an<* Price 'Hm been in constant us* in our family for oror u"V,cXntar?dm^tyh.'a'arUb,e,ucc<>M- 1 thittk American Office, Bait. JOS. J. DOBBIN. "As attach* of this office, long troubled with a trwborn cough, and who supposed his longs to be affected, has received the greatest benefit from a sickle bottla."? Bait. Clipper. "Since 1 Introduced it here. several of our phy siel. us are prescribing it with the bast success." BO *-eo3m* H. BUFF. Chemist, Portsmouth. IT MU?T Bt DO?7* T MUST BK DONI. FOB THI HBXT SIXTY DATS FOB THK HBXT SIXTY DATS We shall sail all our immenae stock of MMi' ud Boy*' ?.;ioti)ing. u*ntieme?? rnrmaniDg uooo? ?n ??r; dMcrlpi'OD, Hat* and Gafi, Trmnka ud Um| brellaa, Ac., Ac., REGARDLESS Of COST. EEGAEDLE88 OF COST. THB LAST OHANCB. THE LAST CBANCB. QUICK, OB OONB. QUICK, OB OOVB. 7TH BTBBBT, 460 1TB 8TRKKT, Oprfi8JII IJ?5 P0?T OFFICE. OPPOSITE THE POST OrflOB. | ?** i: ?: SSBg: Take no mobs unpleasant and unMf? rfUK-dlr* for ODtliivut tail dufimi j <!> <- ?*. I'?e HILMBOLP'8 EXTRACT BO I CHO AMD IMFBOVKD ?081 WASH. Hi BALLS, PARTIES, A?. TBI QBA1D BALL AND M INDIAN WAB DANC1 08AGS TRIRK, N* 6,1.0. B. MflL Will Uke piece at I<la?d Hall on TUESDAY NIXT 11 irca Tickets can be had of members of the Tribe or at the door. Bj order of ot-td TH1 COMMITTEE. rpHK INDEPENDENT SOOALS X in toad riving their FIFTH GBAND BALL ft| BEATON HALL, oorner 9th and D its., UA WEDNESDAY EVENING, Nov. 15,1865. On which occasion their Lad7 Friends will preeent them with a HANDSOME SILK FLAG. Several eminent and prominent Speakers are ex> pected to be present. The Committee of Arrangements pledge themselves to spare no pains or expense to sake this the Grandest Ball of tne Season. 1M nm * -?1_ TVI A?.VI- ?? * yvaiuTvi/ 11 u i/iBrvpumuie vutricipii ?uBitted. Ticket* #1; admitting a Gentleman and Ladies. Ladies eatrance on 9tn street. Committee sf Arrangement*. M. W. Lee?e, J. W. ward, C.W.Tenly, L. V. Valentine, J. K. Hodgson, J. H. Frfsby, C.I. King, J. W. Meyers, G.W.Qladmon, J. W. Withers, S.H.Stewart, K. Hubbard. no g-7t* PERSONAL. INFORMATION WANTED OF WH. DOYLE, apposed to be in Washington. If h* should see thii, tie >ill please call at Mr. L. AHEHN 'S, cor.o 8th street east and Pennsylvania avenue, no 9 3t* C^OOD GRACIOUS, AUNT, HOW DELICIOUS * those Oysters are; do tell where you get them * Why I bought them from J. R. \TRIGHT'S Oyster Depot, No. 538 M street, between 9th and 10th streets; he receives Fresh Oysters every day, and fri?-a and stews them in superior style, and always delivers them promptly when orders are left. Try th. m, and do not forget the place, No. 53? M st., between 9th and 10th streets no T-6t* IVOTICE.?I here notify any person or persons I* for trusting or harboring EMMA CROWLEY on ray account, as she left me without any just cause or proper occasion. no 4 lw? JOSEPH CROWLEY. ASTROLOGY-MADAME KROUSE will giva information on all the affairs of life, and in respect to all other subjects. She can be consulted at all hours of the day and evening. Gentlemen *1. Ladies M)cents. She can also showa likeness as large as life. Residence No. 198 4H street, ba?~ween C and D, Island. ne 4-lw* OH N P. SLOUGH. *r L.AW urrin, No. 258 F street, between 13th and 14th, oc 28 3m* Washington. D. C. Ci ingle. /. ATTORNEY AT LAW, Na 36 Louisiana Avenue, above Sixth Stree' QC 24 ly WA^HIIfGTOW, D. 0 D~ R. ANTI8ELL, SURGEON AND PHYSICIAN. (Late Staff Surgeon of Volunteer*), Offers hi* Medlral Services to the inhabitants of Washington and Georgetown Particular attention devoted to disease* of the kidney and skin. Office 208 Pennsylvania avenue, foar doors west ofWillard's. ocitlm* BOARDING. A FEW TABLE BOARDERS will find good acccmmodation at 317 7th street. Price nrr week. Also, wanted a good White COOK. Inquire at 317 7th street, up stairs. no# 3t" n>(l HlHRlDu or nnunnuuu tSS ivannna _ v ... ..0 1*^ vr wnuncioo i\a u i/ i ? r. ivi I -TO RENT-Several I'ARLORS and SLEEPING ROOMS, without board: central location Apply at No. 542 11 St., bet 6th ami 7th. no 7-tit* 171R>TCLASS ROOMS AND BOARD can b? obtained at 411 13tb street, between G and 11. A few Tablo Boarders can alse bo accommodated no 4 1m* TATTLITUOARD CAN 1BE"OBTAINED T with or without rooms, No. 24 Missouri are., between and 6th streets, or at 44 h j>? avenue, between l?t and 2d kts. no3-lm* I;?1RST CLASS BOARD can be obtained at No. 4.">b 12th street, between G and H; table board at $6 a week. References exchanged. bo 2 lrn* A PENNSYLVANIA LADYT RESIDING AT No. 476 Maryland avenue, has excellent Rooms, Beds, and Boarding, suitable to accemmodate 6 or 8 respectable Boarders. Table Board 96 per week oc 6 lm* JOS. J. MAY A CO., 308 PENNSYLVANIA AVENDH, Between Nintii and Tenth Street*, Wholesale and Retail Dealer* in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS. On band an immense stock of DOMESTIC DRY GOODS for winter, Til: Blankets, Quilt*, Sheeting*, Shaker Flannel*, fine Flannel*, Hamilton Canton Flannel*. White, Bine and Gray Twilled Flannel*, Fancy Colored Opera Flannel*, Casaimerea, Cloaking Clotha, Brown and Bleached Shirting*, Merrimack, 8pr ague and Pacific Print*, American DeLaina, Llnaey*, uno ana urnma Blankets, We offer the above gooda at POPULAR PKIOK8. na?* J. c. whit will k co.-, U< WnoI.ESALI A5D Betail OkociUi vl # No. 67 Louisiana avenne, near 7th meet, WuiM respectfully announca to the citizen* of Washington and tae pnblic generally that they hare taken the atore formerly occupied by Massrt. Smith k Morrison, where they will conduct the Grocery business in all its departments. They will pay particular attention to tha supply of faaniliaa with the choicest articles in their lfna, from a veil selected stock,just received,and to arrive weekly by ateamer from the north, which will be aold at the lewest market rates. Goods delivered in all parta of the city free of charge and without delay. A share of the public patronage ia respectfully solicited. no6 2wif ACQ PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, OQO fcCT.7 BETWEEN 9TH AMD 10TH STS-AOU HARTbTk CO.'8 HEW CENTRAL OYSTER BAT AND STE A M K I? nVHTSB ?Ai.nn* The undersigned respectfully inform their frb-nds sad the put.lie that they /" N fitted up the above mentioned eitab-M vV f a J linhnwnt as a first-class Oyster Bay,^^JklMF and S tranced Oyster Saloon, and they pledge themselves to keep constantly on hand the very best qualities of the beat flavored salt-water Oysters that tbe briny deep can afford. Oar facilities cannot be surpassed by any house in the country far procuring the bivalve to suit the public. We have mad* engagements with a host of best running boats that come to this and the Baltimore markets, for our constant supply, and having had a uumwi UI /rsra oiperiPDCf ID IIW UHIIIIMI, Wt feel ourselves confident of sur ability to meet the public demand. families, clubs, and entertainment parties, can be supplied with beet qualities, served in every style, by leaving orders at the Saloon, or with Mr. Charles Brecht, Wine Merchant, In the adjoining establishment Pleafe remember the address. 339 Pennsylvania avenue, between9th and 10th sts., south side. G W. HARVKT. _no6 1m THOMAS HOLDBN. VKAMCIS H.SMITH. 1 [liMIl O. CLIPHi.Nl SMITH & ULEPHAN1, LAW BEPOBTEB8 AKD ] SHORTHAND WRITERS, 99 Indiana avenue, betw. 3d and ik eta., or oc l<-tf Clerk's Office, City Hall. C1LASSWARE. CJO * OLABSWABB.bMI We take pleasure in reminding our rusto Bfl mersand pnrchaaers generally, that they can 1MB alway find at onr store a large and varied assortment of Glassware, both American and foreign, from the finest cat and engraved to the ordinary plain and moulded. WEBB * BRYEBIDQK, no4 ffRt* sni i u-ii mu.illl ii, fcjHAFFIELD'S OON TIGT10N1BT AMD J? STEAM ICE CBEAH MANWFACTORY 3*6 6th street. b?t*MO O and H street*. \rr Having refitted my store and saloon, and h?v- T ing inst returned from Europe, where I hare -=? mane large purchase* of line Confectionery, I aa now prepared to receive my friends and customers, to attend to their order*, and to furnish parties, weddings, balls, fain, Ac., like before, in No. 1 tyle. P 8.?My business la not for tale, haTing concluded to continue it. _ os 30-Ins* JOSEPH H. SHEFFIELD. T BUSINESS NOTICE. HI8 IB TO GIVE NOTICE, That *n the 1ST OAT OF NOYEMBEB, IftU-1 (hall close my Bookfl and deal hereafter EXCLUSIVBLT FOB CASH. I bate adopted this mode of doing business as mack lor the benefit of my customers as for myself, believing that 1 can do better by them and transact more business, savs the expense of a boek keeper, eollnrlnr. At.- Aft t&"To those who are bow Indebted to me I pre pose to make a deduction of five per cent, from their arconnta if they will tall and settle the same on or j Dealer In Bash, Doors, and Blinds, c M-eotillMorlO Mo. 86-3 Tth street. T~ HUBSTON'8 ITOBY FBABL TOOTH POWDIB. for sleanin*. beautifying and preeerrIns the Teeth and Onms. This elegant ?r*para( tion Is entiraly ??* 9> Q W1LLB M co^ Mew Tork, Proprietors. Wot sale by nil ???* *?. LLB'CBLBBBATbd MACHINB BPBBAD JS b" nil dmiisk. NL/I ADAMB MOUNT IB HAPPT TO INPOBM IV1 ik* Jai'ir ih* i> bow in Washington. She will I ill at the shortest notice orders for her Invaluable Salve for th* Piles. Sold br wholesale and retail No. S39 O street, and at W. B. Intwisle. no7-lm* / UAiV VfXlJLT JU1/111V1I1 4 O'CLOCK P. M. GOVERN WENT SECURITIES. Wabhikotow, November 10, 1816. Jay Oonlre tt Co. famish th* following quotations ol Government securities: Baying. Selling. O. S. #'s Coupon, 1061 i*\ 10. \ VT C liM.a nlH 1 ft I 1A-) o u. x i tc A wru uro?viu. ? U. S. Fire Twenties?new 9!>X 101 % U. S. Ten Forties 90* 01 \ One Year Certificates?new 97* WRW TOKK FIRST BOARD BALBS. Coupons, 105Fire Twenties, old, 101 excoupon; do. new, par. ex-coupon; Ten Forties, 91 New Certificates. 197*; Gold, 146^. DBATH Or PBK3IDKNT JOHNSONS BBOTHBB. The Secretary of the Treasury last evening received the following telegraphic dispatch, announcing the death of President Johnson's brother: Galveston, Texas, Not. 4th, via New Orleans, Nov. 6th.?Hon. H. McCuUougk. William Johnson, E&q., brother of his Excellency the Prtsidentof the United States, and late Collector of Valasla, has died lrom the eSecta of an accidental gunshot wound. Yours respectfully, E. W. Sheldon. Special agent. The deceased was an only brother of the President, and at the time of his death was about 6ixty-flte years of age. He leaves behind him an interesting family, the eldest sons being at school at Nashville. Tenn. TREASURY CIRCULAR. The Secretary of the Treasurj has issued a circular to custom officers instructing them to receive in payment of duties on imports gold certificates of deposit issued by the Treasurer of Assistant Treasurers of the United Suites, under authority of an act of Congress entitled "An act to provide ways and means for the support of the Government, approved March 3, 1NXV' which provides that the certificates for coin or bullion in the Treasury shall be received at par in payment of duties on imports. Should any one or more certificates presented for payment be Insufficient in amount, the residue must be paid in coin by the person making the payment. TUX WHITE HOI'S* The Cabinet meeting to-day was attended by nil the Secretaries, and was quite brief. Horace Greeley called at the White House this morning, and had an interview with the President. Mr. Scbade, counsel for Wirz, was also granted an interview, and for the last time importuned the President In behalf of the condemned man. PAROLED. Extra Billy Smith, ex-Governor of Virginia, who arrived here yesterday, has received from the President a parole which allows him to visit Philadelphia, New York and other northern cities. The conditions of his former parole were that he remain at bis home in Virginia, unless permitted to leave by the proper authorities. FARRAGUT COURT MARTIAL. The prosecution in the case of Commodore Craven before this court closed yesterday. Today the court was engaged in hearing the testimony lor the defence of several officers who were under Com. Craven's command at the time of the escape of the Stonewall. TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. ? IMPORTANT FROM SOl'TH AMERICA. War Declared Between Spain and Chili? The Chilian Ports Blockaded by the Spanish Squadron?Great Panic in Peru. New Yokk, Nov. 10.?The steamer Ocean Queen, with Panama advices to the 31st of October, baa arrived. War ha* been declared between Spain and Chili, and all the ports of the latter have been declared by Admiral Paezja, commander of the Spanish squadron, blockaded since the 21th ult., ten days being allowed for the vessels then in port to clear. The Chilian Congress authorizes a loan of ?2(?,000,000, and the Executive is invested with unlimited power to raise troops, procure ship?, &.C. The diplomatic corps in Chili protests emphatically apainst the mod?* of blockade, the Admiral proposing to maintain it by cruisers. The panic occasioned by the sudden rupture is unprecedented in Chili. FATAL AFFRAY IN ALEXANDRIA. Major Dixon Shot by Dr. Maddox. Alexandria, Nov. 10.?A recontre took place on the street to-day near the City Hotel, between Dr. Maddox, formerly of Fauquier county, and Major Dixon, a Paymaster in the United States army. Major Dixon received a Dan in me Blue, peneiraunR lae Dowels. His speedy death is pronounced certain. Maddox surrendered himself to the civil authorities. Fire in Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Nov. 10.?A destructive fire last evening at 9 o'clock, at Bancrott's Mills, between Media and Chester, destroyed one of the largest factories with its contents. Cause, accidental. Loss ?50,000. California ?leetion. Saw Krancibco, Nov. 9.?An election in Nevada for local officers. Legislature, and Con grestman, took piace on tne 7in instant. D. R. Ashley, Representative for Congress, has abont a thousand majority. Dead. Mojitpki.ikr, Vt., Not. 9.?Hon. Jacob Collamer, U. S. Senator, died in Woodstock last evening at ten o'clock. Alabama Election. Mobit.k, Nov. 9.?Langdon is undoubtedly elected to Congress. New York Markets. New York, Nov. 10.?Cotton buoyant at 51a 52 cents. Flour declined 5al0 cents. Wheat Arm. Corn steady. Pork quiet. Lard quiet. Whisky Arm. LOCAL NEWS. The Claims Against Daxikl Millkr, alias allkk, alias harris, the CoNKIi>*hce Man.?Yesterday, Mr. W. F. Mattingly, attorney for the Ohio Valley Bank, served attachments upon Superintendent Uichards and George R. Herrick, Property Clerk of the Metropolitan Police, requiring them to retain possession of money, jewelry, and other effects ot Daniel Miller, alias Allen, alias Harris, who was arrested by detectives Kelly and Bigley, and is now in jail for trial on charges of fraud upon the Bank of Commerce, of Georgetown, and Stewarts Co., bankers, of this city. The prisoner ii charged with stealing #7,902 ?8 from the Ohio Valley Bank, on June 8th, 1864, and the money and effects attached in the hands of the officers is claimed as part of the proceeds of that theft. It is presumed that ucivic luid viaim tau uc sauoucu, LUC Claims Ol tbe Bank ol Commerce for *1,000; and of Stewart & Co. for over fCOU, must be met. As to tbe jewelry, it is strongly suspected that the splen> did diamond pin and ring are not his, but belong to one of his wives, the last one, and tbat she will claim them. The requisition from Ohio has not b^pn received, and the prisoner is in the county jail. Yesterday, Mr. Starbuck, the police photographer, took a copy of his mug to adorn the Rogues' Gallery, and it is numbered 288, where those who have been bitten by him may have a chance to recognize bis features. A negative has also been taken for the Police Gazette. Metropolitan Police Commissioners.? VpatorHaxr tha Rnnrrf nf PaHoa mat in * v' w* M W*IW iUVV SM tuvit I rooms at Police Headquarters, loth, near D street. Benjamin K. Morsell, Esq., was appointed Poliee Magistrate for the 2d Magisterial District, (First and Second Wards,) vice Samuel Drury, Esq., resigned. [The appointment of Justice Morsell gives general satisfaction. He was for many years a magistrate under the old system: but has for several years been residing upon his farm in Maryland, and recently returned to reside in Washington.] The resignation of Isaac Cline, Patrolman, of the First Precinct, was accepted. Thomas H. Robinson was appointed a patrolman of the 5th precinct, vice J. E. W. Bennett, ineligible; and William 8. Higgins, patrolman of the 7th precinct, vice John Qailter also ineligible. The following additional patrolmen were appointed:?W. P. Smith, for Ororer's Theatre: Walter De Vaughn, for Water at., between loth street and the Long Bridge; Fred'k Kupp, for 7th, between 11 and K streets Additional patrolmen are appointed by the boerd to give them authority to act, bat their compensation is paid by the parties applying for them. ? Th?Sakitaky Reports.?The manltary police reported to O. F. Crump, chief of the detail, this morning. 100 ntiisanoes as the result of yesterday's examinations. A vast nnmber of the cases are for accumulations of filth In private alleys and areas, mostly through the nejrlect of *errants, laying their employer* liable to fine for violating tbe Corporation or. dlnances under ordinary circumstances, bat especially at tbe present time. PrafcosAl^?Ex-Governor Win. Smith, of \ ire in is, is at tbe Metropolitan. Gen. J. Kilp&trick, U. S. A : Gen. John 6vift IT C A _ w . .. .? - v. ^>. a.? ana Hon. trsncu 1 aumu. Md , are at the National. ^"The ironmasters and workmen of Staffordshire, England, brommt tired, at last, of quarreling, have pl<?dged themselves to give their best consideration to some plan for the avoidance of strikes and look-outs. ^"The "Persimmon County Debating Club," out in Indiana, are debating the question, Which is the proudest, a girl wuh W first bean, or a woman with her first baby!" 7*Apples are dearer m Boston than ever before in October. At retail they are about three times the average price of oranges. A Chicago young lady ha* just married & Kusf-ian nobleman in London yThe Collector for the Third District of South Carolina reports to the Agricultural I>e. partment fourteen cotton manufacturing firms within his district. ITThe number of Irish residents in England and Scotland is a million and a halt. One-fourth of the population of Liverpool, and one-flfth of that of Glasgow is composed of natives of Ireland. yThree ladies of Sninter, S. C., were called to account by the Proyost Marshal recently for wearing ".Confederate flags at a party. mava kKa I .. .?W..UA J A.J 1 .U . i ur ? wrir suar)ii}i [rouini. uu iriucu uir matter by a written apology. ^"Tbe (loveroment ha* f2(XMK? worth of ordnance stores at Fort Donelson. They will be shipped to the North as soon u the' stag** ol water in the river will permit. I^The tobacco sales for the year have closed, footing np 43,068 hogsheads which is 20,(*Ki short of last season. ^*Tbe Memphis Bulletin says, in reference to the cotton crop in that vicinity, the season has been roost auspicions for gathering, and the products from the quantity planted will be almost unprecedented. 7*Out in Indiana, when the eclipse was at its height last week, the telezranh wire# ind. denly ceased to work, and for forty-live minutes, not a sound conld be got over them, the continuity having entirely ceased. i^"By an order passed at the last session of the Ohio legislature, the soldier* of that State are to have medals as soon the design is decided on by the next Legislature. t&~A well known coal firm in Boston has suspended payment. The liabilities are about ^"Divers in Submarine armor are employed in raising cablcs, anchors, kcthrown overboard at the destruction of the Norfolk navy varr! r ? yRolfe Eldndge of I-yncbburjr, Vs., accinentally killed himself while out gunning lui week. ^"Bernett G Bnrley, the T.,nke Erie pirate, has arriTed in Glasgow, Scotland. /*M.iny people in Paris have killed themselves by using alcohol as a preventive of cholera. 57"Tom Thnmb has been sued for an income tax in England. 9WTwo negro women appeared in a Memphis court recently, claiming the same child, fri \rhi/*h onnh rla< loraH cHa hoi4 wi-?w . ? ? ? ??V? V?vv *tM * vt ouc I*wu f.1 < ru UII IU. S7"lce lormed in Norfolk on Tuesday. STEAM IK GEORuE WASHINGTON, rnnning ou C'L< !<ap? hK" and Ohl* Canal, JI^* ^ will c inui* ncf her regulrr trips on^^4?E? MONDAY, 13tb inst. no 10-2t* JOHN MOORE. VVIDL BE 8(>1-D witheut reserve, the DWEL? * LING HOUSE 441 Maryland avenue, at au< tion, on MONDAY, Nov. 13, at 4)4 p. ni , in front of the premises, and a leas*' of the lot for two years. Tb<* house rents for 816 per month. Will sell it for $260 before the sale. no 10 2t* E C E 1 Y ID T II I S DAY AT THE GREAT BARGAIN STORE, 443 SEVENTH STREET 443 260 pieces Calico, 20a2.'> cents, in/i Aa T\ > T *k? r ? ? ? uw pirvcn i/ciiaiu?a< >w?N rruw, 1.1100 pietes Dress Goods. 40*45 cents, lOu pieces Poplin. 40, worth 75 cents, r<,0 pieces all wool Flannel, 40, worth K5 cento, BrunerV best Balmoral at 93.25, worth $t Coreats at $1.25 Tii- bast and rhaapest Blankets in the city at $8 a r>air, worth $12, and a great many other good* at like prlcts. REMEMBER. 443... THE GREAT BARGAIN STORE 443 no 10-3t BLOUT * DEMELMAN. ^?7 SEVENTH STREET. 427 ZEPHYR WORSTED, White and Black, ?eents par ounce. AH ttolors. 35 cents per ounce. Germantown ZEPH YR, 30 cent*, all color*. Cashmere YARN, all color*. White and Gray KNITTING TARN, very-cbeap. HOOP SKIRTS, from $1.25 up, largest aaaortment in Washington. HAND KNIT HOODB aid CAPES, LKGGINS and BOOTS, SEAFOAMS and TWILIGHTS WORSTED SHAWLS. CLOAK*, Ac., in large variet) , and very cheap, at the Fancy Good* and Toy Store of B. SILVER!'ERG, no 10 2w^ 4sl7 SeTenth atreet. LHFsT OF CONSIGNEES of Atlantic Steamship Company'* 8TBAMER FAIRFAX. Arcbite< tn l Iron Work* Lumaden, J W Bryan, Wm Mitchell, WS Heall A Bro, G W Mead, Capt R W Be all A Baker Moraell, ft F Benton Maj J G Myers A McGhan Barbour. SrmmM A Co Momi, W B Borne A Donnelly Murray. K W Bacon, 8 H Mann, J B Barns, M*j Gon Nairn * Bre, J W Bowen, 8 J Orm, Wm Benton. F O Ordnance Department Bartholow, J P Philp A Solomon Ball DM PotU,AB Blant hard A Mohnn Pitkin A Co Chamberlain, A 8 f#}"'?'- . . Carter, B W Badcliffe A Co, A J Clements, B H 0??,jr Campbell A Son Kjan. BJ Cissell. B ST Sheppard, A B Crandell, O * Chapin A Co. H S ??i*el, 8 Coleman, D C SlcutM A Ennn Congressional Library 8tockol.De Baron Clote A Co. Jaa F Samuel. H Denneeon, N P Rt itt, Chaa TV- ? n a -r* OLJ 1 urn a r duiud. n m. Delaneld, Brig Gen Bweetman. J f Kntwieel, W B Smoot, D C Kvhus. 8 Smith. W K Fuller. Perry Southron, GM Purse, f Taylor, H Francis, Geo Thompson, J II Fabers.BA Tbomu. Oea G?o G Farrell.Jno Waters.JG Farrell. Ex Got Whit? a Ce, P Foley, J B Willis A Bnnham Gulirk.JF Wheeler & Son, ? Goldin A Ce , J Wythe,F Gregory, E H A H I Webb A BeveridgGilman.ZD Walker A Go Hill. Geo Wilson, J O Harris, Hon Ira Whitewell A Co, J C Hoover. J T White. K E Hall A Dealing M illard. C C Harvey, T M Wyckoff A Dennison Key worth, J Wilson, J B King A Burchell Yeatmas A Co Kaufman, 8 H Yeung, A H Kid well A Co Zachry A Spauldlng Kellog. P 0 morgan, bhimehabt a co., ag-t?, It G Street Wh?rf. BT W. L. WALL A CO., Auctioneers. VEBT EXTENBIVE AND PEREM PTORT AUCTION BALE OF HORSES, CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, OMNIBUSES. Ac., COMPRISING THE STOCK AND FIXTURES OF THE NATIONAL AND WILLARDS' HOTEL MTABLES WASHINGTON CITT. On WEDNESDAY. November 15th, at 10 o'clock a. ni , at thr-National Hotel Stables on 6th street, rear of tbe Hotel, consisting of FIFTY HEAD OF HORSES, Adapted to all hinds of work, among which are some pairs of rery d??irable Carriac* Horses. FOHTY BUGGY WAGON8, The greater number of which are in first rate order, and some new TEN CLOSE AND OPEN CARRIAGES. Some or which ma Yery fine, desirable r?wi; CurugN. EIGHT PHEATON CARRIAGES. , Beaidea ? Limber of other vehieU* of differaat kind* Also?A large lot of H ARNESSaotnpnain* Hack, Carriage and Rungy Harare . . Also?A large lot of Extra Fine WBK4|C?nditin( of Gray Wolf, Fox. Coon aid BaffalS Bobea, aonae of wbirhare aa good as new. Alao-THE NATIONAL HOTEL OMNIBUS LINE, now running to and fro* the Hotel ud D.pota; alao. no* twenty fonr paaaenger Omnibua, and ona Baad Wa#nn or Omnthoa, to Mat tweaty persona, with harnaaa com plate, for four or six b?AuS-THE LEASE OF THE NATIONAL H0' ??- h*vln<7 ihomt three Tnn t<. rnn theb*?t ki?*ttou for a Ciraey and Hark St\bl? in the city. Teraacaab. Particulars in catalogue. t'HAS. A. MURPHY. do M WM. L. WALL * CO., Ancta UHNITURK OF ON* BOOH FOR 9 ALB CB E A F?laqntra at 409 12th atraet, at omom. do &-M* n B H. STINEMET7. UL BATTER AND FURRIER, IP 9S4 FKNH. atixci. ~" ~~ Sacoad 4aor fram 13th itmt. LATEBT8TTLE8 GENTLEMEN'S BILK AND CA8SIMER1 H AT8 YOUNG GENTS, BOY#, aad CHILDREN"6 HATS and CAPS in graat Yariaty. LAPIF8' FCBS: In Mink 8*bl?, Siberian Squirrel, Water Mink, *?..! CAPB8 *b4 COLLARS, with MUFFS to match All foodt soldat tb? lowMt market priow ocatw l Intel] t Affair* la 6r?rffttwi. J Thi Ca* ai?Arrived?Hoat* O. Arding*r, I witil wood and ktovM to market. E Uuutini! 1 1 i?hf MnrriaA? wi?k ? ?1 ? .?> mvi ? iPvHl ?? ? * VO H* I>arby E- D. Hartly. with wheat to market, and twelve boats with coal, consigned to Barton Co , 103 tons: American Co., Mt.l? torn; J. C- Hies ton k Co- 907.11 tons; Cumberland Co.. 113.16 tons; Hampshire and Baltimore Co., *18 J tons. Borden Co., W7.9 tons lieparted _Boau t Hntchins, with passenger* to Ed. ward's Ferry; Eonaconnlng No. 3. freight to Senara: and twenty-two boats light. Tbb Wbakvbs ?Tha number of vessels at the wharves is not so large as during the fall of 1?64. This is easily accounted for by the cessation of the necessity for Ooverament transports. Those now in port are engaged in the regular trade of me port, most or tnem in the coal trade. The coal agents were for torn" weeks unable to obtain suitable vessels to transport coal to distant depots. Recently the supply of transport* has improved, and the shipments have increased, still they have need "for more, and with the orders on their books can load all that will offer. *'Lora Axp Grain Markkt ?Several lots of wheat arrived from the western counties of Maryland by canal, but the sains have not transpired. Oram is in fair dmand. L?a*t sal en SI-??4J**1 92S*, No white offering Cora? w bite B5c., yellow ^)c. Klour.?Demand imp?rUcu,ar,3r *>r hirh (Trades, an.l holdais firm at tollowinr annliunni SuntTii. PWO.W; Litru, #io.75 to f 14.25, Family, *13 to f 15 50. P. 8.?Just arrived, boat* I> Knode from Merceravtlle, with wheat, vr?jo bn?hH*. and Ellen, from Sbarpsbnrg, with about ?m bbls. a^ of flotir, and a email lot of baled hay to (J. W?tfr?. ^ Port or Oeoroetow*. ? Entered and 7 cleared?Steamer Express, Kyther, lrom and | to Baltimore. Entered?Steamer Tboa E Ca- | bill. Morris, do. Cleared?Schooners Mage.- | M Weaver, Weaver, for Provid'-nce O. M I Petit, Smith. New Bedford: G. T. Hubbard, ) Soper. New York. |JY GBEEN * WILLIAMS.AucUooeera. AlCTION PAIR OF THREE TVtO JTORT FRAMI HorpF* AND LOTH. OK S*C<?N1> HTKEET. NEAR TIIE COKNEK OF VIRGINIA ATENUE. ISLAND. On WEDNEsDAT, the 15tb Inat . at 4 o'clock r m.. part Lota A and B. in Tod?l> auMiriaon of &juar?> No. 5*1. with tM Improvement* t" b#aold to tbe lnfh^t bidder for cash a* tb?owu?ria go, . ? , . . . I.. r- I A - . I I iiik ?u mc viu wuuirj . no 10 d GKEEN 4 WILLIAMS, A? ta. |?Y CftOWN, WALK Eft * CO, Aacttoawr*. VALUABLE PROPERTY FwR 8AL1 A large Brick Hon**. No. 311 F atr?et. ("'tween lim and 12th, containing twenty roonn, b*?l? >m?ly fnrni?he<l throughout, with ill the modern iiuproTMuenta. If not Bold at private aale before the 15th day of Nnt? tiilkAr uiilf ka ?aM a* Mi t, It/' ti/ui *.? A P m. 1 Th<' Furniture will b? sold with th* houae if d* ) li red. ! bo 10 5t? CROWN. WALKER A CO . Anct*^ JJT W. L. WALL A CO. Aoct)?n??r?. GOODWILL STOCK,"LEASE AND FIXTIRE9 I OF A CIGAR KTORE AT AUCTION I On THURSDAY AFTEROON. Not 1-th at S o'clock p. m., we will ?ell at store No. 257 P?nn j lvania avenue, between 12th and 13th street*, n<xt to the Oyatar Bay, the Good Will, Stock. Lease. Ac., which has si? year* to rnn, and low rest, and offer* an opportunity to anr one desiring to engage in tha business. Terms cash. nolO W L WALL A''O , Anrta. j*Y GREEN A WILLI AMS~ Auctioaeen. ~ AUCTIOH 8 AI.E OT VALUABLE BCILDING LOT <>N 15TII STREET, BETWEEN L AND M STREETS NORTH On THURSDAY, the l(?th in?t%nt. at ( o'rlork y. m., ?f shall Bell, mfront of the pr*miae?, Lot 7. in subdivision of Square 214. having 2* fe.t eincbee front, running l>a<-k to a thirty foot alley. Terms: One-third cash; balance In si*. twelva and eighteen months, secured by a deed of trust >? the premises. All conveyanclng and revenue (tamp* at the pur chui-r > coal. 950 will be require,! down when sold. no 10 d GREEN A WILLIAMS. Ancte_ |^Y GREEN A WILLIAMS, Auctioneer*. ATCTION SALE OF CNIMl'EOYED BEOPER. TY OH 9TH ST . BETWEEN D AND E 8TS. HOrTH. ON THF. ISLAND k On WEDNESDAY. the 15th Instant, fct 4 o'clock. I In., in front of the premises, part I.ot 1". in I mare No 41. rnnninsliack 90 fret to ft good alloy, I making It a handsome Building Lot. I Ternia : One-third ra?li, balance in six and twelva | months, secured by a deed of trnat on the promiaoa. I All conveyancing and revenue atampa at tka pur- I chaser's coat. $40 doa u when sold f nolO-d GRKEN k WILLIAMS. A nets. |^Y J. C. klctit IRK A CO., Auctioneer*. TRUSTEES SALE 0*F~VALUABLE BUIL1>1KG LOT ADJOINING THE NATIONAL PRINTING OFriCE On SATURDAY AFTERNOON. December**, at 4 o'clock, on the premise*, by virtue of a deed of trust from Patrick Wilson anl wife, dated May 7th,l?5T. and duly recorded in Liber J. A S.. 13>, folio* 217, et aeq.. one of the land recoHs of Washington cennty, I shall sell, L"t "B. in J.O. IWU1IV r DUfKH^ivii VI r>4 u Bi ' > ' Qi1( il'lHilQJ 22 feet on North Capitol street. between G and IT street* north, and running back IS' fret to 14 foot alley, and containing 2.860 nuiif feet. Terms . One half cuh; the remainder in six and twelve month*, with interest, secure.1 by a deed of trust on the premise* Conveyancing and ctaBp* at the cost of the purchaser. _ _ _ THOg. J. FISHER. Tmetee. nolOeoAd* J C M.GC1RE * CO .Anru DT J . tT. McGL'lKE A CO.. Auctioneers. THREE DESTR K BLE BUILDING LOTS on H HTREET. VEST OK THE GOVERNMENT PRINTING OKF1CE. AND TWO FRAME houses and lots in the reae, at public sale un ar iiKnuun, nnTwnwr in, i at 4 o'clock, on th? premises. we shall sell thro* ' det<trable Building Lot*, fronting each 16 f?< t on north H street, immediately west of th* OnT?>niraent Priming Office. and ranmng back 101 f??>t to ft anall?y. Also, f Two Lot* in th? roar. fronting X fe*t e?ch on Jackson street, running back 6.' f*#t 3 inches to an alley, each improved by a email Frame Dwelling Hona*. Terms : 0?e third in ruh; the remainder in si* and twelve months, with Int >re?t, wcnrsd by deed ?f trust ub the ^remis**#. Conveyancing and stamps at tb? r??t of th? parcbaser. no 10-d J. C. McGl IRB M CO.,iteli. FOR SALE?A flnV 8ADPL K H0H8K.rv_ a!<4 an.) . rl. 1 "i ' W For"aale cheap Inquire 20" T at. 'It" ^^^ CARLYLE S Frederick the Great, vol. 6. Prison Life in the South, by Lieut. A. O. Abhott. no 9 FEAM'K TAILi>BL 6 mm 131 -liti s OATS FOB BALE ,UUU To arriva, by JOHN J. BE ALL, no9St* H 7 Water it., Georgetown. 1~MPOBTAKT TO LAMES AND- GENTLE MEN?A? the wood for fashionable parties 1* now at Land. w<-drem it due to the ladle* of thia Capitol to Mate. that the only place to prrcha?? fine PEBFIMERY. HA1B WORK. *c., Ac, 1. of N. PBMONGEOT, corner of D and luth street*, near the arenue. It ii&lao BrAB?r tn i(Af? thai *Ka II A 1 o - DRE8SIS(?. in th? l?tf?t ?tyle,i?done at tk>- tKott establishment. Madame Pemongeot willrive per anal attention, at her Hair dre*aine E>>om. m above mentioned. All order* for out-door will b? attended promptly. no f Sm SHATTF.KF-D CONSTITUTIONS BE>T< ?RED BY HELMBOLIO IXTBACT BUCHU. no8 AN HOOD AND YOUTHFUL VIGO* ARB regained Iy HELMBoLD* EXTRACT BU CBU. no 8 T~H1 GLOBY or MAN IS STRENGTH?Thera fore, the nervon* and debilitated ?bould immediately um UELMBOLD'8 EXTRACT B? CHU. no I |^OB BALE LOW. 100 WHEELBABBOWS. 1??> LUBU UAM'Lkif MJ VT L 5 100 PICKS. 140 SPADES. ISO SBoRT HANDLED 8HOTBLS. The ftl>OT? article* htTiif been perofasewi tl * Government a*le. will be ?o4d in lou to nit. J. J. 9DLLITAI, Vnt K*d Centre Mirkti, bo 8-4t* Corner of 9th ?tr?t ?n<l IJBOWMt PATENT ^ METALLIC WEATHZft 8T&IPS AID A VINIMIV RAWI>H For exelading Cold, Rein, Bnow, Koiae, Doit fta4 Wind, and to pr>Tf?t the rattlic# of M?bN ud dnor?, Hd do not Interfere with the worklaf ( cither. For Ml* sad applied by JOBS A. PALBB, Sole Agent ter Baltimore and Waahiaftoa. OBre?Kid well ft Header***'*, 367 Dat., corner yth ?t Dot to' HKLMROI.D* EXTRACT BCCHU ABD IMPROVED BOt?B WASH enreeaeerataaAdaU rat* dlaordera, in all their little axpeaa*. little or a* cfcanpe In diet, no iaeonTenience. aad aoexpoanra It i? rleaeaat in taate aad odor, i? mediate ia Ma action. ai.<i free from all tauwrtea* proper tie*. ? UILMBOLDI) COWCBBTBATBB BXTBACT fl BUCHP w ? a _ l rv. . . II imw I|T*IM HILMBOLD 8 CONCENTRATE? lXTEACT BAMAPA&ILLA If III O'rtmt Blood r*ry*?r. Both are prepared according to the nlM ?f Mff: marr and ChenUttry, and are the moet actir* ina* can be made. wl RY* AND BOURBON M HIHKY.M yaartaU. Verr interior OLD BRANDY. Choice Sberr* Maderia. anl BortWINBS Jntt received and for aale br _ J 0. WITW1LL * 0o_, , ? ( Mt? lo. 17 La. ?., near 7U 1 4