Newspaper Page Text
\ EVENING STAR. 1 WEARING THE GREEN. The following ia the celebrated *onj( which created ?uch intense excitement throughout I * r**n t krittin * n <4 fnr t h? inrnmnr.itinn nf wbicb, in his piece, Mr. Ilonrcicault'a piny of Arrab na Pogne," had to be withdrawn from the London stage: Ob 1 Isddy. dear, and tfld yen hear The news that * gofer ronnd. Tb? ghsmro.-k if forbid by law to Grow on Irish ground, Ko more St Patrick's day we'll keep. Tb?> color cant I* seen. For there's a Meody law against the W?n?f of the green I met with Nappy Tander, and be took lie by th? hand. And he said "flow's poor onld Ireland, A nd how do?s she stand *" Hie"* the most distressful conntry that Irer yon have seen. They're hanging men and women there for * bearing of the green." TVsn >;4k. ^/.Iat mn?f ??ftr ii ? uvu riui r iur % vivi w " ?- ? Ene'nnil a rmel red Burr 1 rel.n l> eon* will ne'tr forget th* Blood that they haT* shed. Ton may t?k- tbe Shamrock from yoar hat And caet it on the Bod; It will take r+< t and flourish there, Thcngh under foot it's trod. Thin the law can keep the blades of graM From cro-wir * a* thry grow, Ar-<1 when the leaves in entamcr time Their vt-riiare dare not show, Then I will change the color 1 wear in in* caubeex; Bet till that da?. pleaae God, 111 stick To wearing of the green. T> a i m -a l.-A al I .L. 1 a r.UI II HI 1 A" l II.P rilUT tnoun lie torn from Ireland'? heart, K?t none with ?harae ?n>1 sorrow from The dear old soul will p*rt. I've De?rd w hinpera of a ceuntry That liee beyond tti? ift, Vhere rkh ai d poor stand equal in The light of freedom's day. Oh ' Eria, lunst we leave > ou, driven B> the tyrant's hand * Must we ask a mother's welcome from A stranpe bnt happier land, Where the cruel no** of England's Thraldom never shall be ?een. And where, ttai.k God ! we'll live and 4i* Still wearing of the green 1 Mtrdek is >redekick CorsTT, Mn.-A wanton murder was perpetrated last Saturday by a negro boy. aged about seventeen years, and named Bowens, upon the body of a while boy, nged ten years, n.tmed Daniel P. Myers, a on of tbe tenant on the fann of John l)r-rr, Fsq , three and a half miles northeast of Frederick city, Md.. adjoining Monocacy bridge on the turapike leading to Woodsboro'. According to a statement in the Examiner the two boys re sent out to a field with some cattle, and subsequently the body of young Myers wag found cohered with blood and dead, ltowens was nrrested, and at first alleged that his companion had been killed by a kick from a borse, but soon after confessed that he had killed him bv beating him witn a club. No reason for the murder is given. TnE Jamah a Iksvrrkctioji.?The insurrection of tlie negroe* in Jamai. a, which comrr.enced in the parish of St. Thomas in the Fast, appears to be a mocb more serions affair than it was at first supposed, and the insurrectionist* are carrying it on with great ferocity. It broke out on the 11th of October, and on the 16th not a single white man remained in the parish; many of them having been killed and the remainder having Ilea to save their lives. It is reported that the n.'groes are gnilty of the grossest outrages, torturing their prists ners and mutilating the bodies of the dead. A n nm Vu-e r> f intiim^AtiAnteta Koa W.? ? ???* m n uuinuri vt i?r ui? ui irv uuii ioin uop U^tii tnji* tured and executed by the Briticb authorities, and martial law bad been proclaimed by the Governor. ^"There are 16.350 children attending the eighteen public schools of Chicago. Boston had K) deaths last week. K7"The Wisconsin hop crop is Talued at ?5nw.(w,ooo. |?"The Fenians are to be tried by a special commission in Europe. %jr A company has been formed in Pittsfleld, Maw., to manufacture ladies' waterfalls ot hog's brittle* and rat tails. SPECIAL NOTICES. TWO BAP 0ABE8 OF PILES CURED BT DR. bTRICK LAND'S PILE REMEDY. at r. o iac? ,pt janrsTiile, Wisconsin. writes rtr th* benefit of all who suffer with the Piles, that he has been troobled for eight yeirs with an agsra rated ra?? of Piles, and hi* brother was discharged frem the aririy as incurable, (he being <jnite paralysed with the Piles.) Both thea*di'tressiuft r??M were ctired with one bottle of Dr STRICKLAND'9 PII.E REMEDY. The recommendation of these fertlewm l-eside th? daily testimonials receiYed r Dr. Ptrieklnnd. onght to convince those snfering that the most sggraTated chronic case? of Piles are cnre<1 by Dr. Strickland's Pile Remedy. It is aold Prnggistx everywhere._ Soil l>v .1. W. A * *? ; ? llif UilKISTlAHI, 37 1 Fa. awnue and .'>0^ Ninth otreet. oc 26 ly A SUPERIOR REMEDY. Recaii conscientiously recommend to those ?nf ferins from a distressing eou?h. I>R. STRICK1 .OB'S MELLIFLUOUS COUGH BALSAM. It (He* relief almost instantaneon*. *l<1 is wiitml netfMsajrreeabJe to the ta*te. There isnodontit bat the Mellitlucas Cough Balaam is one of tbe best preparations in nse, and is all that its proprietor claims for it. We hare trisd it dunnsthe part week, and fonnd relief from a most distrusting couph. It is prepared by Dr. Strickl-.nd, So. 139 8jcati;??re street. Cincinnati Ohio, and for sa!? by I>n:g*i?ts. gold by J. W. NAIRN A CO.. also at MA1TES Prug Store, and CHAS. CHRISTIAN1 S. 317 Pa. aTenoe and 604 Ninth street, oc J6-ly TO DTI EASY la very desirable. MATTHEWS" VENETIAN HAIR DYE is the beet in th? world. Complete in ne bottle. No wash, no stain. no trouble. A child can apply it. Persona wishing to av:-id the pnblicity of having their Hair dyed in public, can DTE AT HOME better than any barber can do it, by nsing TFIS TENETIAN DYE. It does not rnb off or make the Hair appear dusty or dead, bnt imparts new life and Instre. Given a beautiful black or brown, as preferred. Pnce76centa. Prepared by A I. MATHEWS, N. Y. DEMAS BARNES A CO., New York, Wh?le?ale Agents. mr lu-eolv THE LAPIES. in their sovereign capacity aa jid|rt of cmotiou) enjojnient, have decided that ar perfume in existence produ.-ee the nam* dalicicm aennationn a* are experienced while inhaling the exunioite fragrance of Phalon'a "NIGIIT^ BLOOMING CEREUS." Bold eTerj where, no % W*S COLGATE'S HONET SOAP. Thla celebrated Toilxt Soap, in such universal demand, is made from the ckoic?st materials. la mtH and emollient in it* natnre, fragrantly teenitd ao4 ei trt-mely hentlc\al ia its Action opon the skin. Tor m1* by all Druggists and Fancy Good* Dealers. jaMwO MAKR1AOK bND CKLIRACY, An Kssay of Warning and Instruction for Yo*ng Men. jvX pabliibed by the Howard Association, and cent in sealed letter enTel.ipes fr*?? of charg?. Addreas l?r. .1 BKILLIN HOCGHTON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. oc 9 3m 8KCBKT DISKAS1S. Bana?iTAB'a Gift ia the moat certain, aafa and effectual remedy?indeed, theoaly Pgetable remedy Atsco?erad. Care* Id two to four daya, and recent caaea In v. ' -- ? ? .va> uwui - iiu uiiirerw, no balaam. no mercury. Only ten pills to We taken. It la Ur soldier's koK. and a friend to Uim? who do Bot want to b? exposed. Mais packages, #2.feBali, $1. Sam a btta!?> Boot abb Hbbb Jcicbs?A poaltWa and permanent care for Syphilis. Scrofula. Ulcers. Boras. Spots. Tetters. As Price 01. -r six battles for $1. Bold fey S. C. Kord See advertisement, mi STOP THAT SCRATCHING, And cse WHEATON'B ITCH OINTMENT. It cnr?*s Itch scd Salt Rheum in 48 boars; also cnrea Chtllblains. Ulcer*, and all Eruption* of the Skin. Bold by all bro(gliti. J. D. OILMAN, Bar 8 ly 390 Pennsylvania avenue. DONT FRET -Yon can stop Headache. Tootha?he and N nraljria in?tautl> or ?**!> returned. Use V^*ic<tt's Isstast Phi Annihilator. Uurs? t'aiarTh permanently. Sold at <?11 D( Kl ilfht. (if U ulii lurti.n I? <' A * ?-'-? m?r 'M-wly ri HE CADET ENGINEER, or fteam for the J tlu<l?ut, W <>?*lcrajt * Origin and rrnKrwn o Ftisw Nu>i**Uoti. London; T?Dipl<-ton on the hn?iu Elaine: Main ? brou i Oue*ti..n? on the t*tfau: > I'Kiui, hunH-U'i Meant ?nd strain NaTigatiup. Lr MomlliiMrll on tli? gtnin Erxin'j, London. Kifcr ob 8t?ani Engine* m.d i'ropelUra" Mann and Gwr ob tli? Engine, Loudon; WalBrr on (ci?? pruralaivn; Ward Steam for the Million. 6oii1iB onth" Marine Engine Lor,don; Inher Kxi 'i bii^'nr'riik' Precedent*; W illiains on iii-at and Kt. itmi Mam A Brown on f>??* ft.-nm Engine. -M "" * """ _ ? 5X1" IV TATLOR ftlA^KNTA. ItOSEIKK. Kl*< HS1NK, STAR i?I l?-t !'! |>hltie. Emerald Green, Blue, Mauve \ inltt. Y?iki? , Mul> Bla?, I'uride. The above brilliant Aniline l>y? Crystal* in I <>a. bottl?e. with dirrrtiuciftr m-?*. AU > Scarlet P??te. (Soluble in Vater'Ia. t?r il>.. in I lb. Jar*. DANtKK M?S A SON, Aniline I>ye Merchant* an.I Prysil tf re. No l*i Cwletnan Mreet. l,ot??l>>n Mills nn-1 11 hiuTm tory ? Berinoadwy. S. B.?Prict ?n'stljr re<' Mi ?l. an 11 F 13w ? 'I 1U> IS TO C1YFN0TKE. That the mb-icri 1 I ?t hat ul t?iit'll from the Orphan*' C'ouri,of Vx*hin?rton c?uuiy, in ti>e District of Columbia, lritera < f Mltnitiletration on tl e ner?oual estate ?.i K. HnrtU, late of Wnsliinffioi) Cut, 1' ?1erea?rd. All t-ri aona bavit # rlniin* a^af;?t the ??M are hereby wurn^d to exhibit tl.'' ?t :i>e. v itli vimrl.?M ?i?? ' *- ?' * ? CM . ?.? tnn oau^cri I *r. i>ii < r I <HV>r# rh*3Stday of N??Y-m'^r u^xt; they t-tli.-rv, i??*. ?.y law, W- excluded frora all U-ue&t t>f fhr f-iut t.iveb nrnlt-r try h?n<I thi? Slst d;?r of Or*t Ki>r. JiiOl U*JWj ilAlililJCT ULTUT!a. | AUCTION SALES. . 11YC. W. BOTILEK, J?., A?ctlo??er. PAL* or ELEGANT FURNITURE, GILTFRAME MIRRORS, SUl'ERB OIL PAINTIKGB, BU1T8 Of WlM)OW CURTAINS. ROSEWOOD PIANO FORTE, tc., AT AOOT On MONDAY, N?TMnb?f IS, eoounenela* at W o'clock a m.. 1 hall sell, at th? residence ofFI. G. F?nt. E?q.. No. 42* LouUtaaa arenut, between tth ?r.d 6th streets, a large collection of vary superior Household Faruiture, con?Miug to part as 1 followa, <*: 1 Oae Roee wood-case Piano, seren octave, scroll iegs, tuade loonier ky Geo. F. Guild k Co., toeton ! Gilt frame Oval Mantel Mirrors Suits of Parlor. Library, Diniug-room, and Chambar Car tains A i . ii . . a a. i . 1 ?t _ * _ A.* _ m. lerge roiiecmn or yainftnie vu rainunR? arvi infiraTiLps. suljr*cts enumerated In catalogue ! Valnat Parlor Suit, upholster*! iu *re?n velvet Ri^wnod Parlor flnlt, upholstered In (ilk brocatel [ holid Boeewood Center Table. scagnola top Alabaeter V?w?, Bronte Groups. Statuettes. aul Medallions | Parian MarMe Busts, Equestrian Statue of Jack- ! son ia bronte ' Large Piar Mirror, with Gilt Table Turkey. Wet, anil Tapestry Bruss-da Carpets Gus Chandeliers and Gas Fixtures throughout the boas* Folid Oak Extension Pining Table Oak Sideboards, with marble tops Oak Arm Ctalrs, upholstered in rep and green morocco Hall Oil Cloth. Oak Hall Pet One knrerior Billiard Table, with Phalan's combination cuohion* Folid Kotewood Bed?t*>ad Hurr>An with marhla ton anrf U'trd m>uk "r * "? ?? w? VIV ?Vf| ?? "? ? * UWV vith mirror front Mahogany and Walnut Dreeing Cabinet*, Wardrol-ee. and Bestead Mahogany and Walnut lounge* S!e? py Hollow Cliaira, Walnut Commode* Superior Cur I'd Hair and other Mattreoiei Spring T.e<!?, BoUters and Pillow* Broke#**. Mahogany and Cane Beat Chair* Kitchen Furniture and Caoking Requisites, Ac. With many other article* not necessary to partienlwrite, altogether forming a large collection of r?>rr rnperior Household Furniture, worthy the att' ntion of housekeeper* and those about furnishing. Term* ofial*. cash on delivery. I>e*eripti?ecataK gne* can be had at the house oa the morning of the a!?*. no^riAda C. W. BOTKL1CR, Jit., Auct. UYJAS. C. McGUIKe"* CO.. Auctioneer. " n ? HtrSEH??LD AND KITCHEN FDRNITCR*. AT THE RESIDENCE OF A GENTLEMAN REMOVING FROM THE CITY. On MONDAY MORNING, November 13, romm*T>riuK nt 10 o'clock, we shell gell, at No. '2'io H stret-t. l*?ween 20th and 21st streets, naming in part? Walnut nalr Cloth Sofa and Chain Cane and \V?od Peat Chairs, Whatnot Carpet and Matting. Ruirs Walnut Extension Dining Table Walnut Bedsteads, Lounge Walnut Bureaus M'alnnt Washstands, Pictures W indow Shades, Hat Rack Parlor and Chamber Moves Husk Mattresses ?ather Pillows anil Bolsters Comforts and Spreads Ilall and Step Carpet Ctockeiy, China, and Glass War# Refrigerator Mah< cany Sideboard alnnt Sofa and other Fancy Tabloa < ane and Wood Seat Rork'-rs Crockery and Tin Toilet Ware Wash Tnb? and Buckets I-arg* Cooking Stovo and Fixtarea Tin Ware, Kitchen Requisites. Terms cash. no 8 J. C. McGUIR* A CO.. Anete. |JY GREEN * WILLIAMS, Auctioneers. FARM FOR SALE~OF FROM 30 TO 30 Acrea, all under cultivation. The improvement* are a House containing 12 rooms, large Barn, Stable, Corn house. Servant*' Quarter*, tc. Th<>re is a large number of Ornamental and Fruit Trees, and th?* grounds near the honse are tastefully laid off. The land is in good order and suitable for farm in? nnd gardening. City property wonld be taken In v*rt payment. Tor further particulars Inquire oil the premise#, on Bock Creek Church road. 3'4 miles from the Centre Market, about \ of a mil* beyond the Soldiers' Home. MRj?. MART WALKER. S^The tboTe will l>? sold, nnle^ sooner <ti?po?ed of, at Public Sale, on WEDNESDAY, Noreoibtr 16th. 1866, at 12o'clock m., on the Terms- One-half cAsb; balance in si* and twelve months, secured by deed of trust on the premises. All conveyancing and revenas stamps at coat of purchaser. On* hundred dolla-a will be required down when old. nol ?w? GREEK A WILLIAMS. Ancte. |JY WAKDWELL A iiAYS^Anctioneers; jut lieorgetown, D. O. EXTENSIVE BALE OF FANCY GOODS, At our auction afore. Mo. 3*? East Market Sp*c?, , G*?riretown.commencing TUESDAY EVENlKQ, I Oct 24th. ct 7o'clock, and continuing every night dnrirg the week. The ladies of Georgetown ara particularly invited to attend. For particular* sea our I andbilla ai>r) poeters. oc 21- WARDWELL 4 HAY8. Ancta. F-ABM FOB SALE IN rBINCK GEOBGE'S COUNTY. MD. On the 29th of November, 1S^5. will be offered at pr.blic sale by the subscribers, a FARM containing 17ft acres. of which 76 is in a h gli state of culti vation; the aoil well adapted to gardeuing and f.Mming purpose*, the reebine is heavily timbered, (say from three to five thousand cord* of Timber) a desirable location for a steam mill. The improve, ments eonsist <-f a large new barn. This F<tnn in I within ten miles of W'??bington, on one of the best roads leadline to that Liace. and joinn the land* ef C'Mpt B S . Gwvnn and others. Persons wishing to purchase can apply to the subscriber* living adjacent to the land, who will I lane pleasure in scowing the premises The sale t? take place at Bobey's Tavern, Snrrattaville, at 11 o'clock a.m. P. H. IIEI8KILL. oc!7film* A. P. 1I1LL, Agent, A CCTIOM SALE OF HOSPITAL PROPSRTT V. W. BOTELEB,~JR., AUCTIONEER. Washiwgtoii, D. C.. Not. ?, 19S8. K ill be aoH at public auction ia this city, at the DOUGLAS HOSPITAL, corner of I street north and 3d street, all the Bedding. Clothing, Medl! cines, Fnrnitnre and Appliances belonrfingto that establishment. ?alo to cemmtnce on Tl ESDAY MOBN1NO. November 14,186S, at 10o'clock a. hi., and to ba continued daily at the same hour until all articles are disposed of. Property will be required to be paid for and removed within fortyeight bonrs from termination of aale. CaU1< cues obtained at this office. C. SUTHERLAND, no < 8t SnrgeonU S. A . Mi*<l Par. 4JALE OF GOVERNMENT KABGE AT AL.BXJ> ANURIA, VA. Ckttf Quartermaster't Office, Depot of WasMnrtonA Workington. D. C., November 6.18fi6. { Will be told at public unction, at Alexandria, Virfinia. under the direction of Brevet l.i*ut?>n*nt olonel J. O.C.Leo, A. Q M, on TUCB*DAY, November 16.1866, at 1 o'clock p. m., the Governxneut BABGE "LOKACONNINO, HO. 8." Term*: Caab, in Government fund*. By order of Brevet M*jor General D H. Backer, Chief QuarUrmaater, Depot of Wa?hin*ton. CIIAS. U. ToMi'KIN8, no6-9t Brev. Col and Qnarterma?t?r. :? "v l^' IAS U ii U 1 11 1 fl U , F. HBNKLBMAN, 189 Balttmobk 8trbkt. Baltimokb, Mo., Calvert and South street, South Hide. Iu addition to his CLbTuM TKAD1 has now on hand and la making up a luperior article of KKADY MAD* CLOTHING, of Foreign and Domestic materials, cnt in the latest styles and ef superior workmanship. Gentlemen in want of fine or medium quality clothing wili * nd it greatly to their advantage to examine his stock before purchasing. Boys'Clotbing Ready Made and Made to Order,in tli- moat satisfactory manner. yTerms Cash. tUT (ftu Prica Only Having onsurpaesed facilities for baying goods, fun kafters may rely upon advantage* seldom offered them In this market. <'all and examine Stock and Prices. VOrders by mail receive prompt attention, sep 6-Sm |> BOYSR * BUUB8TINB, LICBNSBD PAWNBROKERS. V A CilSTH 8TB11T, Second doer from Pennsylvania av?nne, Bontk*ld LIBBRAL ADVANCES made WATOHBS, jiwilkv.GLOTHINn > WILLIAM BBADLIT, STEAM MAKBLE WOHKS, Manufacturer of MA&BLK MANTLKH, MONUMENTS, TABLE ud WASHSTAND TOPS, Ac. Moan menu made to order on reasonable terma and Kherteat notice. Will keep cooHantlr on hand EA8TEBH MABBI.E and MABBLE TILING Orders for Pluniber'a SLABS promptly attended to. PennnylTanla avenue, between 13th and 19th treeto weet, Washington, D. 0. mar4_ FV'*W DBEBS ANP CLOAK MAKING ESTABIX LISHMENT. Branch of Madam* Dean, of New York city, now open at Hadaiue F. Borde's French Millinery, No 306 Penns> 1 vauia avenue,between 6th and 7th at*, over Mr. Jame? Y. Davis'Hat Store. tkJT Latest style of p turns always on hand, and r sale cheap. * 161m' CAB?! . H. MILLER. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, Office No All siiti street weet, near Poati'a avenue, i w?.uld resaectfolly inform hi* friend* and the public Ken*-rally that h? in nuw attending to all leg*' boaiMaa,*ucb as administering the Amnesty, as Mt*'l other Oatlis, drawing Lease*. Deeds, Wills, Power of Attorney, Landlord and Tenant Notices, Ac., Ac. Legal advice given in all ita fcmnrhee. Particular attention paid to the collection of debts and claims In general. n* ? tm I' MtSHT TEAKS IN COHC.KES8 by Hon. 8. 8. > Cox; Hournti i I!a:?t ilo^lc of tha SU*?m Entue; of Nature. 1-y wUlUin CaTUa Bryaut; | T> adall on LUdiatiou, ritor.?'? 'joiuiiM on cc* rUAM K"TAYLOR. BRlCnTLI'S I?lWEST or lvwuof tiir TNITED STATE*, i&'7 and Kira; Natural Eng a .-a: Ttful ni;uk* awd Ctilpn. 2 voM. 1 no s rasacK TAYLUU. , - >* *; AUCTION SALES. 1/lKAL SALES OK UOVRRNMKMT HOUSES 4 AND MVUBS. Qr Aimamii Gmm1! Orfin, 1 Wakhihbto* D. 0., Oct. ?, 1MB \ Will he tol<t *t public auction, during the tnoa*h of KovfB>t*r. to the highest bidder, at (be dww Mi place* naiued below, vis: KIW TOHK. New York Pity?TI ESI) A Y of each w??k, M BORSF8 e?ch flay. New \oik (Ity-THUBSDAT of aach waek, M MULEi each day. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia, P?-THURSDAY, November 1, 9 1? and A. 100 HORSES each day. Philadelphia. Pa ?SATURDAY of *a?h weak, IftiMrLES each day. llarriebtirf, Pa.?TUESDAY of oaeh wwk, MO Ml' LES each day. ilarritburg, Pa ?THURSDAY, ember f, 9, 16 and ?. 10? HORSES each day. MechanhaVnrg, Pa.?TUESDA f, November 7, 100 HORDES. Allentown. Pa.?WEDNESDAY, November 10, 1M> HORPES. PottiTtlle, Pa?FRIDAY, Novemb?r 12, NO HORSES. < henter. Delaware county, Pa.?WEDNESDAY, Norem her 32, 100 HORSES Tifiieville, Pa.?THURSDAY, November 15, 100 HORSES. Titn?ville, Pa.?THURSDAY, November ?. 100 horses. Pn -Tiirnen * r on.i m rn? v ember 23 and 'H. liio MILES each day. DELAWARE. Wilmington. Pel.?'TUESDAY of each week. 100 HORSES each day. Wilmington, Del ?FRIDAY, of each weak, 100 MILES each ?ay. MARYLAND Baltimore Md?WEDNESDAY, NoTember M, 100 FH?k?K8 Baltimore. Md.?WEDNESDAY, November ?, 100 iiOKSES. GIESBORO, D. O. TTESPAYP and THURSDAYS of aacb week, 100 P<'R>Es earh d*v NO SALES OF MULES WILL TAKE PLACE AT WASHINGTON, D O. At this series of sale# all the GoYernment animals will be di?p??ed of. Bnyerashanld therefor* avail themselves ef this last opportunity to purchuse. for sales of public animal* in the West see official Western newspapers. Ariimals will be sold si ugly. Sales to commense at W A. M. Terms riuh In l"nit?ri Statu* rnrrmnrw Br ?rder of the Qiftrtermat<ter General: J AM ICS A. SKIN. Brevet Brigadier General, In charge c 24 First Division. Q MO.*) ^KAMK BUILDINGS AT AUCTION. Office Depot Commissary of Subsistence,t Washington, D. C.y N?>t 8. 18?9. J Will be sold at public unction, on THURSDAY, November IB. 1S?A. at 11 o'clock a.m., at the old Coveinment Bakery, in this city, corner of 24th eud G streets, th* following : One Frame Building, t>2 by 20 feet. " " " fi0by20feet. Term: Cub In Government funds at the time of tale. G. BELL, no P 4t Major and C. S., U. 3. A. SALE OK ~??OVKHN~MLNT"" BUILDINGS AT 9T1I STRKET WHARF. Chief Quartermaster''i C(fee. Depot tj Washington, I Washington. D. C., November 9.1866. \ Will be sold at public auction, on the premise*, under the direction of Captain J. H. Crowell, A. O. M.. on TUESDAY, November 14, 13-S*. at 1 o clock p. m..,_ the follewfmgdeecrlbed Government Mmi<iiup* and property situated at 9th street wharf, WnphiaptoR, D. C., as follows: Two (S) Hay Sbeds, earh SO by 268 feet. One (1) Stable. 13 by 31 feet. One (1) Platform on wharf. 32 by 93 feet. The I?uild1ngs will be sold Kingly, and muat be removed within ten dajs front date of aale. Terms : Cash, in Government funds. By order of Brevet Major General D. H. Rocker, Chief Quartermaster, Depot of Washington. CIIAS. II. TOMPKINS, no 9 4t Brevet Colonel and Quartermaster. L~ AUG* BALK OF LOCOMOTIVE *NG1N?S CABS BAILBOAD SUPPLIES, MA TIBIALS, AHD TOOLS. I Will be solil at vnblic auction, at Newbem, North Carolina, on THURSDAY, November 30, 1866, the following property. vi?: 14 Locomotive Kneiues. 4 feet S'.'inrh ?n*m 24 box Freight Car*. 4 feet 8'. inch guage. 16 Kack Care, 4 feet 8f? inch guage. 196 Flat Cars, 4 feet 8>* inch guage. Hand Cera, 4 feet 8)b loch guage. Alao, the Machinery. Tools, and Materials In the l!. 8. M. Kail road Repair Shopa at Mewhern, V c There will alao be offered about MO tons Railroad Ir?n, a large quantity of Bridge and Railroad Koikes, Chairs, Carpenters', blacksmiths', and Marhiniata' Tools, Iron. Steel, and Coppar, and Kailroad Hup plies and Material generally. Tlie attention of Railroad Managers and Dealers is iqvited to the large quantity of thia class of fir?>r?erty offered, embracing everything required n the construction. repair and operation of a rail- i road. Frill irfnrmntiftn H?+a a _ ___ n.?u i>DK> % K> 1/ OIIU | description of the engine*. will be given ou application tn the onderiigned at Raleigh, N. C., by let- | ter or telearaph. Term* : Ca*h od day of tale. bale to commence at 10 o'clock a. m., November 3D. nii4 to continue from day to day until the property is cold. B) ord?-r of Brigadier General D. C. McCallum, General Manager Military Kailroada United States. J. F. BOYD, Col. C. Q. M. and General Superintendent C B. M. K. R. s. Department N.C. ricH. N.C., October 31.1855^ nofi-17t f A RGE SALE OF CONDEMNED QUARTRBLi MASTER STORES. SCRAP IRON, AM BILANGE BERING WAGONS. l"h\tf (/urrrtermnsttr's (free. Depot of Washington,) Washington. D. C November 4,1^16. S Will be no Id at public auction, nnder the direction of Brevet Colonel 0. H. Tbompkina, A. Q. M., a' ibe Government Mill, on E street, l>etween Clut and 22d atreeta. Waahington. D. 0.. on MONDAY. Nov* mVer 20. 1V?, at 10 o'clock a. m , a large lot of voiuM-rufiru yunrier matter store*. vie : Letter Pre?seH. Be<latead*. Backets, Iron Safe, T?|.)e* I)r?k*. B'ls, Blauk' ts. < bain*, Hammers, llHnn-M. Halters, Saddles, Whips. W reaches, 1'ortable Forjres, Bellows, Chests, Kettle*, Lanterns, Wnwuree, Pnnlin*, Pick*. Saws. ShoTtls, Spades, Wheelbarrows, Brooms, Ac. Will be sold at the late site of Government Be?sir Shop*. en Slit *treet. between E and K streets, en THt'B3DAY , November Z3. Ud6, at Id o'ciotk a m.: 4.34? pounds of Wa*on Axles, Iron, 7 Hrt) pound* of Wagon Spring*, 26,11*) pound* of Scrap Chain. 2,40? pounds of Scrap Iron , Ac. ALSO. Win be sold at Kendall Oreen Park, about one mile northen?t of tne Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Pepot. on FH1DAY, November 24, 1856, at 10 u riw R. ui.: 34 Cart*. 104 Two-horM Amimlanee*, 22 Two-hort# Spring Wagon*, 1 Two-horM Fnrgy. TO? *ale? will b? continued from day to day until the whole is told. Tim Korea moat be removed by the purchaaera withtn five day* from date of sale. Term* : Cash, In Government fund*. By order of Brevet Major General D. II. Rocker, Chief Quartermaster, Depot of Washington. CUAB. H TOMPKINS, no 4-17t Brevet Colonel and Qnarteimaster. ORPHANS' COURT, District or Columbia, Wash ! ngtck Cochty, To wit: In the matter of the petition of Josiah Simpson, gnardiun to tha minor children of Uaniou Barnes, The snld guardian having reported that he had old all the right and title of hi* ward*, (together with the interest and title of Jame* 11. Barn**, hv his concent.) of, in. and to lot No. 30. in "Todd and U"i:neW's" subdivision of square No. 4r>5, of the plan of the city of Washington, to jWm. G. Foster, for tb? pumof 91 192 80. and that the said Foster jiiid complied with the terms of sa'e, it is this 17th dav of October, A. D. 185S. ordered that the said wile he, and the same is. hereby ratified and sonfirmed . unlets caui>e to the contrary be shown, on or before the lgth day of November next: provided acoiyof this order be published in the Evening Star three times a week for three week* before said day. WM F. PUKC'ILL, Judge of the Orphans' Court. Teot :-Z. C. BOBBINS, oe ?' e<?3w Register of Wills. ri^KlIblMAIl-Protected by lloyal Letters Pat1 tent of England, and secared by the seals of the Eeole de Pharmarle de Paris, and the Imperial College of Medicine, Vienna. Triesmar No. 1,1s the eflectual remedy for Relaxtion, tspermathorrhoe*, and Exhaustion of the System. Trieemar No. 1 haa entirely supersede* the na-eous use of Co pari a, Oubebs, Ac. Triesmar No. 8 is the infallialde remedy for all Impurities and Secondary Symptoms, thus obvi?ting AU. ? ? * - " ** " * * ?iic un ui uiicuti ?JUU m oiner aeietertooa ingredlKach preparation la In the foim of a moat ktnal>le I-oienge. loured from the #ffecta of climate and changes of atmosphere, in S3 each, or four #3 caaea in one for $9, and in ?27 caaea, thua Having ?9. Divided in aeparat* doeea aa ad, n-iniatered by Yalpeaa, Sallamanda, Eoux, Ac.* Wtyoleaale an^ W Dr. BABBOW, Mo. 194 BTTieehIdraUi; off*. C?FOBD, Ko. 290 Pa. aT?., oorner lith at. nnr|-4ia_ WV1?1CAL HOOKS? Neill A Sruitli'a Compendium; Gray * Auatcniy; Weod s Practice, two >, |* ; Wood' ? "I h?-rap?-utics, two void.; Wood and liHcii'e'a U. fc?. l>i*B*iii,atory; Dunsrlis jn'aiMedical rictioiiary ; Groi^ Hungry, two voU.iE cha?n'e fluieery; W.itaon'a Practice; Griffith'* Formulary; Fllla' Formulary ; and many others for sale at the U.weat prlcea FBANOK TAYLO J EYK AND KAR ~ All corable KYK and tAIi AFPlCr.?S^ * TIONS treat it! at T? ave , !24t> Kill and 13tli st*., at the Office <,( Dr SCUONCT between 9 and 4 o'cJ *k; Sunday, lo to 1 UONKT' < onoaltatiou Hoorn, first floor. r-AKT.riOIAI. KYIS Inserted am! made _o 1.1 like the natural on* ((C j, ,f 0\VF.H O'IJAR*.] IT V K,V^-Y^ oHABB * HOONAN1 a00"**PRACTICAL PLVMREHS, STEAM AND OAS So. 409 D rtre?t, between ?th and 7th. n vmuglOD, If. U., Are prepared to exccnte all orders appertaining to tb* at?ove branches. ot? the meat reasonable tonus, and in a thorough, practical and workmanlike man* ?er. ?!hanw mod?rate. j, fVM8H-WAMQ, T1JK UIIKAT CM1NKSB KKM1 If*Y KOB GONOKTinCFA, GLEKT, Etc.Osk Box WILL Pekform A Co**. Iugredients ar<-purely Tfgetable. It is pleasaut to iaste, baa no bad odor, and iimy be carried iu the rest pockwithout f?-Hr of delectiou. Circulars free. Price $1 a bo* Sold by JOHN J. KROWKR, successor U 8. (V Uphnm. 400 Chewtnnt street. Pliiladelrbla. Hiid in Washington by 8. 9. FOBP. 390 Pa. *Ttnnei. m iu (>y man j?6-woly IFTTFUS ANlTbfMlCR WRlTINGSTofjAA * MADISON ml7<?tol8*:4Tolii..?To ? V T&AjHUK TAYLOB. i 0 % AUCT10NSAL ES. ~~ ~ Labgs balk or govbenmknt BUILDINGS at THI r>I8M_A NTLKD foets A KUl * 1> *4sniflwrufl. Hcadiiuar'.erf Dtvartwitnt tf Wa*kimtton. 1 Ufrct <J Chief Uunrttrmmter, I Wmtltngum D. C.. Ih tober 18, W18.1 Will be told ?t Public Auction to the highest bidder, at the tine* and places named below, all of the Barrack*. Officers' Onarters. Hospitals, Mesahnuses, Stables, and other ?trnct?re? belonging t? the United States, in and aboat the dismaaiiml fort* and batteriaa around Washington, as fallows, TtBI FORTH OF POTOMAC. On MONDAY, OCTOBER mtb. at 10 o'clock ft. m.,at Battery Parrott. fonrframebnildiua. 8*m day atl o'clock ft. tn . Fort Martia Scott, four frame boildiaim. name day at 3 o'clack p. m.. at Batterr Vermont. Are frame baildtnjr*. On TUESDAY. OCTOBERSUt, at lOo'clock a.m., at Fort Simmonds. foarteen (U) Fram* and Lo* bnildlnfta. Same flay at 1 o'clock p.m., ftt Fort MMiifcfirld, t?futy oDe Frame and Loj building*. On * KPN EbDAY, NOVEMBER Int. at WoYlTt a. m , at Fort Bayard, twenty Frame and Lee building*. 8*me day at S o'clock p. m., at Fort Gain**. nine Frame and F.og Buildings. On THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 3d, at 18 o'clock a m., at F?rt Kearney, twenty <S0? Frame BuildInge. Same day at 2o clock p m , at Fort De Rns y. twelve Frame Building*; and at 4 o'clock p. m., mf p?lt<irv Qniftftil t NramA Pn? namm On FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 3d. at lu o'clock a. m , ht Fort 8teninier, (ix (6) Frame Buildinn. Same day. at 12 o'c'ock in , at Fort Banker Uill, thirty-two Frame Bnildin?*. On BATUBDAY. NOVEMBER4th. at 10o'clock a.m.. at Fort Thayer, ieren <7) Frame and Log BniMiiigr. 12 o' Fort Saratoga. fourteen (14) Frame and Lt Building*. KAS1 OF EASTERN BRANCH. >u MON PAY, NOVEMBER 6th. at 10 o'clock a. m . at Fort Meig*, neven (7) Frame Buildings. S.-tlee ?anje day, at 12 o'clock a. m., at Fort D?t1?; j at 2 o'clock p m., at Fort Watrner. and at 4 o'clock p.m.. mi* on mcieiH, lour (4) * rune ?uiiaiBK? ; ato^ctBespat, noyember 7th, at w o'clock j a m.,at Fort t?ny?ier. nine (9) Frame Building*; ; uTtil wm>' d?y, at 1 o'clock p. m , at Tort Grebla, Ate (?) Frame BniiJini*. SOUTH OF POTOMAC. On WEDN*8l>AY, NOVEMBER 8th, at 11 'c.ock a. m.. at Fort Willard, ten (1U> Frame Bnil^irtK*. and Mine day, at 2 o'clock p. m., at Tort William*, nine (9) Frame Buildings On THlBftOAY, NOVEMBER 9th, at 10 o'clock a.m.. at Battery Garegehe, nine (9> Buildings. Same dH>, at 12 o'clock a. m., at Fort Reynolds. oiotit / fi 1 F.ntlHItifffl aVI/^W ? ? Fort Scott, six (6) Buildings. All frame structures On FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10th. at 10 o'clock a. m , at Fort Berry, nine (9) Frame Buildings. Sam* d?y, at 12 o'clock a m.. at Fort Barnard, twentyone (21) Frame Buildings. On 6ATCBPAY, NOVEMBER lOo'clock a m., at Fort Runyon. eleven (11' Frame Buildin**. Hsme i*y. ?t 13 o'clock m.. at Fort Albany, six (6) Frame Buildings, and at S o'clock p m., at Fort Haggerty. six "ii Frame Buildings. On MONDAY, NOVEMBER 13th, at 10 o'clock a. m. at Fort Corcoran, forty-nine (49) Frame aad Stockade Buildings. On TUESDAY. NOVEMBER 14th, at 10 o'clock a. m.. at Fort Woodbury, twenty (18) Building*. Same day. at 1 o'clock p. m , at Fort (Strong, nineteen (19) Building*. and at 3 o'clock p. m., at Fort Bennett. eight <8) Building*. All frame and ateckad? structurea. These sale* embrace a very large quantity of lumber, and an excellent opportunity it thus offered to laa<i owner* and other* fn the vicinity of Washington to secure building and fencing material convenient to their property. The military guard will remain upon the premise* sev*n days after date of sale for protection of property; and fiur<"haaer* mot owner* of the land) will be required to lemovethe buildings, Ac., within fifteen daya from the time of purchaae. Buildings will be *o!d singly. lerm emn, id vovernmeni rnna?. M I. LUDINGTON, Colonel and Chief Quartermaster oc l8 JOt Department of Waehington. I ARC* BALE OF CONDEMNED CLOTHING. J CAMP AND GARRISON EQUIPAGE. / ! J. / /"l ? a *1 . m mmm ? . in?u vnaTicrmwtier 1Mptc?. uef-ozaj n>as*intton,t Washington, D. C., October 31. 1866. S Will be sold, at Public Auction, tinder the direction of Captain D. O. Thomas, M 8. K., U. 8. A., at Warehouse No. 6, on Seventeenth, between H ano I streets north, and at Warehouse No. 9, on K street, between Sixteenth and Seventeenth streets, Washington, D. C.,on WEDNESDAY, November IS, at 10 o'clock a.m., a quantity of Condemned Clothing, Ac., consisting of about 1.000 Great Coats, 1.300 Sack CoaU, 900 Uniform Coats. 000 Jackets, 2,000 Trowtsrs, 6,000 Blankets, 6,;00 Bed Backs. 11 600 axes, 3 800 Pickaxes. 3 400 Shovels. 2,300 Spades, 1.100 Hatchets, 8,400 Camp Kettles, 10.300 Mess Pans. 6A00 French Block-tin Bowls, new; 8,700 Metallic Scales. 12,400 Knapsacks,7,000 Haversacks, It,800 Shelter Tents. 800 Gammon Tents. 2.700 Wall Tents 1-V*1 Wall T.nt FHm 1 ?*m Klv.l? Tents, 1.300 Hospital Tents, WO Hoapitftl Tent Flies, 400 Tent Stoves, together with a large lot of Caps, Hats. Stocking*. Booteea, Boota, Canteens, lloae, Drums, Sashea, Buglea, Trumpets, Tsnt Polea, Tent Cutting*. Canvas Cuttings, Jkc. The ?ale will be contluned from day to day until the whole lot in a?l<l. Successful biddera will b? raquirM ta remove the tores within fire days from date tf sale. Terms?Cash in Government fuodn D n. RUCKER, Rr*vet Maj. Gen. and Chief Quartermaster, oc 31 -131 Depot of Washington. A~UCTION SAL* OF RAILROAD MACHINERY. Offitf of Assistant QuartrrmtuttT,) W<t.?htntiom, October 31, 1!W6. S Will be sold at public auctios,on WEDNESDAY, November 22. 1866, st lp.m., at the Machine Depot of G. and C. PLACE, No. 22ii Pearl street, New York eity? One (1) Thirty-foot Planer. One (1) Hydrotlatic Wheel Press. unv (1> Large neuron* J'rlll Obe(l) Punching and Shearing Machine, turnbined. Four (4) Fifteen ton Jacks. One hundred < HO) Claw Bars. * Forty-four (441 doten Assorted Files. Pi* (6) Kerosene Head Lights. The above machinery is all new, and was constructed for the United States Military Railroad servlee. Terms cash, 1b Government funds. II . L B0BIN80H, ec 31 17t Brevet Colonel and A. Q. M. ^PPLIB, ONIONS AND POTATOES. 300 Barrels prim* New York APPLES. 3ft0 Barrels prime Bhode Is la ad Bed and Tellew Skin ONIONS. 500 Barrels prime Bnckeye, Carter and Mercer POTATOES. On hand, in Rtnre and arrlvln*. Tor sale Inw In iota to ssit purchasers. Appiy^fo ^ n^gy ?T>2-2m 9T Smith's Wharf. Baltimore. BY BJUXSMADV * CLARK, Regular Licensed Auctioneers, 373 P*. ay., adioinisg Metropolitan Hotel. A CARD TO~THE PUBLIC. We have this day entered into arrangements for the parpose of doing an out door knsinees, and offer oar services to the public for the selling of Boas*bold Farnitare at private dwellings. Houses and Lots. Terms and Btoeks, Horses and Carriages, Orphans' Court Bales, Vessels, and asy kind or Merchandise, either ea the premises or at onr Store, on as favorable terms as any Aactioneers in 11 -ii LO? til} . We respectfully solicit the patronage of oar friends and person* wishing the services of an auctioneer, believing that, from our experience of 2A rears in the business, we shall be able to give full satisfaction. Pales at Store Every Evening. Referkmcu:?Hon. John W. Foruey. Riehard Morgan sep 2ft-lm 513 JonN D- *DMoND * 5J3 613 rtb street, between D and B, HATIONAL INTELLIGENCER BUILDING, DXAXns IH BUILDER'S, BLACKSMITH'S, HOUSEHOLD GENERAL HARDWARE and CUTLERY, Out and Wrought Kails, Spikes, Horse-shoes and Horse-shoe Mails, Rasps, Files, Springs, Axis?, Axle trees. Nuts and Washers, Anvils, Viosa, Shovels, Picks, Axes, Rope, Olus. BpHt Cane for chair bottoma, all of which we offer at THK L0WESTCA8H PB1C1. THX oldest hotel condcgtxd OS TH? xukopkam plan, la enlarged to double tta former capacity. icbopian hotkl, Comsr Pa. aft. and 11(4 ?(., WasAttuum, D. 0. ThU Hotel, the oldeat conducted on the European lan in thia city, haa been enlarged and A . . A improved in every way neceaeary for UwfcMV accommodation of the increasing goe?t? Thankful for the patronage already received, the proprietor bopea that by attention to boaineaa to oonunue to reaeive patronage aa heretofore. Gneata will only be charged With what they roootTO. Uhargee are moderate. ? oc?-tf P. KMBICH, Proprietor. Jua&ra AAI^vuuo S VU.* PLCMBlb. J AS AND STEAM FITTERS, HO. 600 NINTH ST., NEAR AVENUB, Bate jMHt receded, and will constantly kMf en band, the largest and bent assortment in Jjio citvj Chandeliers, Brackets. Drop Lights, Portable# 01n>? Globes. Mica and other Shades, and all ar ticlesinthis line, from the best establishments*q New York, Philadelphia, Ac., which will b? sold on th<- most reasonable terms. Also. RANGES, FUBNACES and FIRE BOARD ""w^are prepared to furnish the best RANGE I m ase anywhere, on Terr reaA>nable terms. Hotels, Restaurants, Ac., are invited to call. We do all kinds of GAS and 8 TIC AM FITTINGS promptly and cheap, as also everything in the PT.TTMHING line in the most sati?fa?ty?r* ~ Call and see our Bathing Tubs, Fountains, Water Closets, Waah-standa, Basins, Ac., Ac., at No. 600 fth street, near Pennsylvania avenue,the largest aatabllahment m the city. fob >-eotf Adams express company, C&ct ?1? Pa, Avenut, Washington, D. C great eastebn, nobthebn, and westibn expbis8 f0bwabdkb3. merchandise, monet, jewelbt, valff. %LES. NOTES, STOCKS, BONDS, Ac., Forwarded with SAFETY AND DISPATCH te all ftrceeaible sections of the country. This Company has a*encie?l? the Principal Hallway Towns inJha NORTH, EAST, WEStAND NOBTUWEST Its principal offices are. WASHINGTON.^. C., NEW YORK, BOSTON. Fdll.AHKIiPniA, BALT1MOBE. 01Nm , , I V t m ? ? - . vwnnil, BT. liUlllf, I.UtlBVILLK,LEXINGTON. Connection* are made at New York and Bocton with lines forwarding to the CANAPAS and the BFIT1SH PBOVlKcks ami other ateanuiiip lii,^ to LIVKBPOOL, SOUTHAMPTON an.l HAVKJt, and thence by European expri ?ae? to all prominent commercial town* in Great Britain and tha Gonti nent. Collections of NOTES, DRAFTS and BILLS Bade at aM acceatible parta of the United State*. j(U C. C. DUNN.Agant, Washington,!). 0* PROPOBALK. j pBUPOSALfi FOft IKDIAII 0<H)1>8. ??fi?TmiTor Til IHTllIOB, J I'FricK or Ikpiak affaim.; J:*'"'"?!0*. DC., October* 1?*. \ r. ?i'lTr* *i"t<ii?it"Propo?l? for Iniiaa Afr.iT; ..til ,t at the oilIce of J-?4i?n ARaira until is r> r-l^k _ ..tiTi nnfv t>,? llttb day of KoT?ml*r next. tor ft.rntahinc. i? tj?? : quantities therein giveu, Uie article* ?*n?evl u>* follow inn list. F1MT ?'LASi-MACEIKAC BLAHKKTS. 3p<-int^hlt? Rlukfti, HiTt In., to ??iik 8 IM., 2,0(*l tmlro. jx int White B'Mktti. MiflBin . to weigh I lbs., ! 1 000 pair* J point Whit* Blankets, 47xy> in., to weigt it* , ljMrtin. 3 point Kcarlet Blanket*. Wx<*5 In ., to weirhAlha, ' ) .fOU puir?. tit point Jvhi l*t lilankete, Mx6u in .to weigh 9 lb*., ' l.f?0 ini . 3 reint Grteu Blanket*. ?Tx72 in., to weigh Mb*., , Ml) pair a 3 point ludico Bine Blanket*. IfiiM in., to weigh 10 lbs.. MW p?ir*. Jit point Indigo Bine Blanket*, MiSo in , to weigh 6 Iba . WO pairs. taint Gentin* II* Bine B'.aakets, ?i?4 in., to I weigh 1011* , 100 paira. JS point Gentiualia Blue Blaiikata. HiW 1b.( U * aigh 6 If*., 100 pair*. SECOND CLASS?'"LOTUS. Fancy Li?t Blue Cloth, .'00 yarda. Cray List Blae Cloth. 3.000 yarda. Cray List Scarlet Cloth, f 00 yarda. Saved Lift Bine Cloth. I-'OO yard*. Saved Lut Fcarlet Cloth, 3.MU yarda. TH1KD CLASS-DBY GOODS. 8 4 Cotton bhawla. 20 dosen. B-4 Woolen bhawla. SO dosen. Linen Tliread. ".00 lt>a. Cftton Thread, LOO lb*. Calico. Tfl ?0 yards Tnrk?y Bed Oil Calico, 1.000 yarda. Blue Drilling. tJMO > arda. Bine De*in>a. I,0r0 yard*. Indigo Bine Piaida. ! OuO yarda. Kl.lrtin?Un^ I mn tin i ub ) a .ww / ??? ua. Krntncky Jean*. !<C > ard*. Brt>wn Prilling. 20 1 00 vtnil. Bed-Ticking. 15.000 yard*. Super SatinM*. AW >ard*. 8*tinet?, 6 (?W yard*. HfpfK 1.W0 yarrt*. Plaid Lfn?ey. H".l?iyard* Hickory Shirting, 8.000 yard*. Urown HLeetina, 4-4. 6.WU yard#. Check*. Stripe*, and Plaid*. 6.000 yard*. Lia*ey*. f 000 yard*. Aborted Flannel*. J 0U0 yard*. Flannel Sbirt*. 1.000. Calico Shirt*. 1 000. FOURTH CLASS?nABDWA KB. Ti.kk^a. - a I rnft J r iruuwuftB, HVUHJI iru, Ul'lVIJ, Fish I-ine*. assorted. 3 0doxen. H tnd Saw File* M) dozen. Csmp Kettle*. .'Oil Short Handled Frjing Pans, WO. Aim. to weigh from 4 to 6 ponnd*. 2# Inner.. Half A xes. to weigh SS paunds, 25 doten. Iron Tablespoons, 80 doren. The article* to t>e furnished mnst in all respect* conform to and be equal with the Government samBles in this office, or with sample* accompanying to 1Mb. Bidders, particularly in the department of blankets ai.<l cloths, ars invited t<> furuiitli sa-npl?* with their proposals. They are repaired so to do iu connection with hide for the following nam< <! articles Krown Drilling*, gbirticz Strip<-?. jutinet?. Plaid Linseys, Hickory 8hirtiug. Checks, Stiipes and Plaids, Lintey. Flannels. a? -it-d. Flannel Shirts. Calico Shirts, Hickory Shirts. 8 4 Cotton Shawls,8 4 Woollen Shawls, Linen Thread Cotton Thread. Axes and Half Axes. No b'ds f> r It-than an entire class of the articles spesifisd will be considered. i 11 .. .1 . / : . l i i < * in ah miirivp inrniMK^i uuner contract will t>e rigidly insp?-cted and c< mpftred with the (ten by an nkft.t or agents appointed for that purpose. Bach goods or articles as may in.any respert fail to conform to the samples. will bo rejected, an-i in that case the contractor will be bound to furnish others of th? reqmred kind or quality within three days; or. if that be not done, they will be purchased at his expense. Payir?nt will be *>ade for (roods rectivsd on invoices thereof, certified by the agent or agents appointed to inspect them. The right will be reserved to require a greater quantity of any of the article* named th*n that specified in the above schedule, not exceeding three times the amount thereof, or to take any leaa uuantitv of the same at the prices preposed. Any of the bids, or any rarts thereof may be rejected at the option ol the Department. Ko bids will be c<>M*ldere<l from persona who have failed to comply with the requirements of a former contract with th? Uilted Ptates. *r who are not manufacturers of, or wholesale dealers la, the required articles. Proposal* muat embrace the article* with the quantities thereof, a* aet forth in the above schad ule, with the price* anoexeu to each, and the amount* must be carried out aud footed np. Raid price* and amounts aoit be *o (riren without anj modification or proposed modification whatever Proposals ahoald (>e submitted in the following fbim "I (or we] hereby prop^se to furnish the Indian Department, according to the tenn* of the advertisement of the ComRilPtiontr of Indian Affairs, dated October 26th, 1&-5. the follawin* article* at the pi ices thereto affixed [lu re inaert the list.] Said articles are to be dsliverMe in the city of New i or* on or t-etore Uie jet aav or March next, ud if this pioposal ba accepted. 1 (or we] will, within three aa>s thereafter, execute a contract aocordiigly. and five security satisfactory to the Commissioner of Indian Affairs, for the taitLful performance of the came. Each proposal must be accompaaied by a guaranty in the folloa inn form. te be signed by two responsible person* whose eufli. iencv nn?t be cortified by a United State* Judge or l>i?trict Attornej " We heiehr jointly an<! severally guarantee that the above bidder. (or bidders.] if a contract shall be awarded to tim (or them') according t*? his (or tbeir) bids or propoaal. will exwutf a c. utrart accordingly, and ?t*e the requisite seenrity for the faithful performance of the sum* as pr??ecrH>ed tn the advertisement for proposals for Indian goods. aatea ucr?Der ?. i??. ana in tue event ot hi?|or their 1 failure so to do. ws hereby affren and bind ourselves. our heirs. executors, and a*vjrn?, to forfeit and pay t)ie IMted States as dam**"*, a mm not less than fifteen per ceut. on the amount of said bid or proposal." Bond* a ill be required tn the amount of the bid for the faithful performance of th? contract, with two or more sureties. whnw sufficiency must b? certified to by a United States Judge or District Attorney. No proposal will be considered that does not strictly conform to the Urmi and direction* of this advertisement. D N. COOLIT, o? 27-Sawtnov 18 Commissioner. S T MATAG*, 7 Successor tn J. .L Ssvape, FOBK1GN AND DOMESTIC HARDWABI, BOCSEKEEPBBS' GOODS. PACKING. BELTING, Me., Pennsylvania aTenue, Aral door west of ;iMh ? Was Illusion. D. C. an M Km 486 BPBIHQ ASSORTMENT 4gg MAKKttlTEK'8, SO. 4t?6 SEVENTH STRUT, I-IALIK IH CHOICB STOCK 01 INTERIOR ADORNMENTS, IHBUCI1IS PAFXR HANGINGS. A ael?ct and varied stock of Gilt, Medinm and low priced Paper Hanging*. Border*, Statae. Centre Pieces. Ac., embracing the Largest and Hand > 4?t ?Ka niatri lUiorea an ?uv i/>cu>b?. WINDOW SHADES. Ch<?colst*, Brown and Gilt Window Shades, a variety of D&tterna Shade fixture*, TutoU. Ac. 7 p"Wrn? PICTURE CORD AND TASSELS Silk and Worsted Picture Cord and Tawels, different sties and colors, a beautiful assortment Pielure Kings, Nails, Ac. OYAL PICTURE FRAMES The largest assortment of Oval Frames In tfca District, warranted to be gilded with told le*f Also, a t&ricty of Dark WoSd Frame, wit* h t?.' nM stock of small-sized Oral and Carte da Visit* Frmme,i:NG*AVINGS AND PAINTINGS. A few choice Engrrrinf* and P*iutiu*? always "orders for Paper Rarelng and Window Shades punctually attended to. and executed in the beet ioanner, In city or eoantry. gj* Terms cash for Good* or Labor. J MA UK RITE B, ? oCt 4t?6 Sivkhth Street, 4 Q(? 4oOeight doars aboTS Odd Fellow.' Hall/*O0 j?. Star Washington, P. O. n , n mtKKlilH * GO.,AAAi jO^Ol BCIENTiriO pt jrTir i filptifli? * 844 Pa. av.. between 12th and 13th ?t?. BRAZILIAN PEBBLE ANB PERiSCOPIO . . SPECTACLES, Btrenathealn* and improving the weak and Inpaired eyesight, and accurately tailed to tli* un and condition of the rivnal or cans Alao, a fine lasacrtment of Field Glass es, Opera Glapiea, Microscopes. Magnifiers, Thermometers Barometers. Electrical M?cKW-f and Mathematical Instruments always oa hazn, and at the lowest prices. _ ByPEPOT FOB CARTES D* VISIT! OF Celebrities, plain and colored, and a fine collection of Photograph Albtimt, in T&rioai fin* binding holding Irom 20 to 200 nictnrea ae fi V * CONFIDENTIAL. , _ JL OUHO M1N who b?v? tninred tb?n??lT?i bf , certain aecret bablti which nunt lb?m frr bnsineea, pUuart. or the dutiee of married life; al?o middleaged or old men, who, from the folllee of youth <w ouier canaea, feel a debility In advanceof their year*, before placing themaeWea vent of any on??liould fl rat read THE SECRET TRIEKD." Married Ladiea will learn aon*. thing of lmportanoe by perusing "The Been ; 'senfto any addrrea, in a sealed envelope on r eclat of Twenty fire centa. Addreea P D*! CHA8. A. STEWART A CO., dec U ly Boaton. Maaa. raTHOMPSON'S POMADE OPTIEM - For 1m 1 purtir" a rich glo?a and exquisite perfume te the llair, it far *nperior to any other Pomade ex taut. lrepnrnt t*y r. C. WELLS A CO., New York, and sold by all Druggists, J>ric? X*. aad76o per bottle. BUTLER'S BALSAMIC MIXTURE?This old well known and entirely reliable remedy for ? - | oret Maladies, U for sale by all Druggi't*. Prica #1 per battle. jsa_19-?oly,a " ANYONE CAN USE TUEM."-A basin of A is all tlmt is r??uireU to produce tU* ixkont brilliant and fashionable colors on Silks, Woolena. Cottons, Ribbons Ac_,1nt?n minntes, by the nseof JUDRONTl SIMPLE DYES. Oeries, Cat ary. Mhccdi*. MnuTe. Violet. Scarlet. Onm? Grten, Blue. Brown, Crimson and Pink. PrTeo M .. 9<J., and It. per Bottle. Theee I>)m will ali-o te found iiM-ful for imparting Color to Feathers, Vib?>rs, OrWMv. weed, Ivory, Bone, Wood, Willow-el.avion. Paper; and also for tiDtine Photographs. mid for illuminatim May lx> ltad of (lirn>ieta throiifhont the United Kingdom. the Ftnti g. and Briiub Colonies. Depot? 19a, Coleman Bt London. Liberal Allowance to Dealer j. adtlB F ,Uw ,a I RAILROAD LINHK W > A 1. "1 iMvi.l AM* UHltf EAlLK <)aV D HuTvl, Oct. ?, IMi. IIHPNSM Tr??ti? Ut.wB W\MIINOT<>\ AND RAkTf MOKK ftnd ?^U1ST(?N AND THE ?tHT.ftrft now run f?li? we. ?j|r: . .. FOR BALTIMORE. Leave duly, except hun-luy. at t 30 8 ?. to4 UK ?. nr. m?1 ? a>. ?u<5 4 <?. mnd T J? p. m FOR ALL MAI STATIO?t?. duly, except huu4?j.?t U. *M. fto4 PBI*CirAL WAT STATIONS, !?: l?l*den*t>?ir*. H*lt*vWI?, La-Sri. AmitHIl Joitctiob. ?? > E? ?y Hcu?, Im** ?t C ? tn4 H Mi *m., aud 5? and ??u p. bi d?ui.nt?(.u?? FOR ANNAPOLIS. Lrav at f ? and i? "Ai ? m a?<1 4 4rt p m dailr nnpt Snnday. Notralna to or fron A;map!i* OB biiudir, __ _ OK PINPAT. FOB BALTIMORE. L'it? at 8 30 a. m and 1 15 ami S V %o<17 30 p.m. FOB WAY STATIONS Lf?w*t8lPi m audJSCp m FOE ALL PABTS OF THE WE?T. L??tp dall) , ?ir*pt Minilu. at 7 * a m aoA I II arxl17 30 p m , ?ir?r' *l*w ??tniJ?7, turu lat?*t train !< ?? at 1:16 p. ni On Sunday *t I u and 7 J'ji m. only. c?nn?*<?nir u J,*T Station ?nh trt m from llalllmora k> VSWHlne, Ptu kt-rol.nri. A. THBOl till TICK 1lT?- i . ik. u >.-j -? the V a*biDgt< d ii Ticket OUV* ftt all b?ur* tn the d?y,?? well m at the r-w <.|h<e In the American Telegrnffc Balidituc. l'> uo?) ivani* trrau*, between 4H ar' fttfc *tr?> U For New York, Phil?1*lptri?, at>4 Roaton. i?? drerti^emett of "Thn?n*H L?oe " Vf. P.hMlTH Maate, ot Tr%n?fH>rt?Uok L. M.IX'LK. G< *t-ral Ticket Kt-ut. OC90 tr GEO. B. KOOJiTZ, Agrat, aali.rifta*. rrBKOrGH LINE RETYKKM WAHHIKGTOM, 1 nil la MiLrn i a and kew hhik. JlaSKai&SaPaa W?%H!SGTO?. October *9. IMS. Trail.* between V a-kinttou aiid Mew York ar* now run ** follow*. vi? FOK KKW Vnkk. ?lt?uutchaneeofcara. Lpmvc d?i!y (fx> epi hnutia> ) at 7 30 a ui., and t and " 3P r tr. FOE MW IOBK, changing cnra at Ptiilndel phi*. Leave daily (except fun lav? at 11 16 a m and 4 40 p. m. for>Ri.rni \. Leave dally (ex'-ept fnrula) I at 7 36 and 11 U a. m., ai.d 4 mi aid 7 .*) p.m. ON KrXPAY. Leave for Kmt York at 6 p . m only. Leave f< r Philadelphia at 7 SO p m only. Helping ram for S??- York on 7 Sn p n? train dail) . tacepl kunday. On hun-lay, traiu autl a!e?pin^ rmr riift r*r? 1 v tv* HVi fliruu?h ticket* to t'hil?<!?!pliia. New York, or B<*tnn. < an be h?d at the Statioo Offic* at all hrmr? In the day. ?' well aa at the n?w offir* in the American TeWgraph Hnil-ting, 1>bkj l??iiia ?",nu?, b? t?e*n 4S and 6th atr*-, '*. See Baltimore and Ohio Railroad advertisement forachadule l>etaeen Washington. baltiuiora, Anliapolls, and the Wert. W. P SMITH, Master of Transportation. L. M roi.I. ?? *. rai Ticket Agent ?c?tf GEO. S KtfCXT/, Ag>-nt. W%?hiogtoa. ORANGE ASD ALt\A>URlA R. R. THROUGH BY RAIL FROM WASH1ATGT0B ALJXfiNLl.E,?nTY .ICHMOSU On and after Tridaj. S? pt. i, litt, tha Train* oc this road will run a* f> How* : TRAINS SWCTH I.rare Vuhinrtun ?t 7 A> m m >iul a 1* m mm Leave AlexauSrla at 7.X> a m. and t ?0 o m. Leave C< "-ci?nsTille at 12 SO p m. ud 1 ?t. , Arrive at Richjnend at 6 .{*) . m aj?i (a.m. Arrive at Ljnchhur^at ?kad 6 ? Ltan Lptrbhurg at 6 4* a m anAT Uy b. Leave Richmond at 7.00 a u. and 7.60 p m. Leave tiordoMvllle at 12.SO p m and 12 *' a a Arrive at Alexandria at 4 M p m. and *.vo a. m. Arrive at Waehinxtrm at t.SO p. a. and R tb a n?. On fund$y? leave vVaahinctvn at 8 30 p. it, only. Lecal freight train leaves Alexandria at 4 on a. bj. and arrive# at Gordonevllleat 11 4.' a m L**re? t?ordon*vitte at 12.4S p m. and arnvee at Alexandria at 8 ? p. m. TbrcNtb freight leave* Alexandria at S 00 a ?. and arrive* at Lynebbv* 7.1? b. is Leave Lynchburg at I JO a. a. and arrl?e at Alexandria ate 10 p m Paeeettgeni for arrenten will take the 7 00 am I train aonth from Waxhinftoa and the I i. n. train north from Lynchburg _ j MMH by the 6.45 a m and 7 15 pm trains from Lynrhbnrg. and the 7 00 a. ni. aud 7.1#jp m. trains from Richmond .connect with traiua at Wuh1 net on for all part* of the N orth and W?*t Thia route ha? the advantage aver all other*. by having ao ntmutoi rail from New York to Lvnob bnrjr?106 mile* It alao paeeea throarh Fairfai. Fnll Ran MumBri*t<*. Cailrtt V Ktrpahannock. <'ulpeper. Orai e* and <*?rd?>n*Tlile, wbtrt many off the late fire*' battles were f. ught Tickets can be procured in Adam*1 Ei press building. 0(poaite the B. A O R K J?>ptta Washington, alao at the Depot on Maryland tren*. Train* lesre the corner of l?t and C ?t rests, WlaU&f^o W. B McVAFKERTY. G'm ral iia??-ribaendeBt. J. M BROADCS. General Passenger Agent. Alexandria, Bept. 1,1865. aa Itl GBEAT PK>5bYLVA51A BuLT* to thb MOBTHWEHT AMD BOUTBWE8T. fiHHHH Ob and after P?f?mb?r tb. traiaa will !-<.* Baltt* more fr?ni JOrth Calvert btatioa, aa follow*; Fut Mail It. J?.? A. M HariUbur* Acconunedatioa. S tn P. M. Sri# and Pittabur* Exvreaa A On P. M. PI ttalur* and Klmlra Kxpreaa 10 0U P.M. THB ?:18 A. M TRAI~N~FROM WASUIXUTOH onnecta with the ? A. M. train fr>>n lU:tirn*ra tor Pittsburgand tiie Weet, aa<1 for Klruira, Buffalo, &oc)i?atpr, Dunkirk. Can an 4ai?ua. and Niagara Fall*, and for Kew York Citf. TH* 4:90 P. M TRAIJTVBOM WASHINGTOM connect* with the 8 P M. train from U?1U fl mare for PiMaburg and Kne * TB* ('46 P M TRAIiTfBOM W AHH ISOTt?l r oonu??ct? withthe 10P. M. Ixpre* I'.mltJ , Bur*, ruu run mnnixa Ml rnwinrs mam Slinira. withoat change of car*, connoting ?t Pittobarf fi* CiwinMW, Cbicui'. and Ft L"ui?. and ?l pImIrm for Buffalo, KuchMHf and ByracoM. ?N* THROUGH TRAIN 05 SUNDAY. Leaving Washington at > o tluek r. M. BLHPINQ CARSON NIGHT TRAINS Soldier*' Tinin at Govkk*mk?t Rath. LOW FAR* AND QUICK TIME y For tickets and any lnfonnatioa apply at tbe Office of the Great Pennsylvania Route, earns* Pennsylvania avenae and Stith atreet, nnder National Hotel, and Depot Houee. No. 463 C street, near Haw Jersey avenue, Wanhiprt"" J N^DUBARBT, Superintendent N.C. R R E-J.WILKIN8, Passenger and Ticket Agent. JNO QILLHTT. ?Paseenger Ageat, o^rner ?l street and Pa. arnii* dwStf (^XC&KT D1SXASX8I 8KCBKT VlbKAbB* I BilABITAR'B OIVTI SAMARITAN'S OJFT! TBI MOST CXBTAIK BIMIDT KVXB CSXD "T?. A Poeitire Core"for GOXOXH(EA. GLEET. STRICTURES, ft Contain* mo Mineral, no Balsam. so Mercury Only Ten PtUt to bt Taken to Eject a C*rt am They are entirely repetal le. having no amell any uupleaeant taate, and will not in act way inure the stomach ar bowels of the Boat delicate Cure# in from two to four day*, and ret rut c?M 1b "tweuty-foar hour*." Prepared by a graduate of the University ot Penney Ivania. one of the m.?t eminent Doctors and Chemists of the prevent day ; HO tXP?irit'ROTIOFILI.?UC8ARkI Jt'Hiriril. Let tboee ?ho bare doe pal red of ffpttiug cured, e? have been gorged with Belssn Ocpaprla, or ll^panr* trv t)l? ?SJLMARITAV-S GIFT. Bent by mail In ? plain envelop*. y rice?Male ?>cki<H, fa. Female. ft BLOOD! BLOOD!! BLOOD"! RCBOrCLA, tJLCEE*. SOKES, rPOTB, tittee:?, BtALES, feoILft, t>VllilLl? 111 ftRilKIIIAL DISEASES. Ac SAMAKITAX'S HOOT AXD HKkB JUICES lioill?4 ttMMblK a? ? ooeiti?? car? tphilrtob /inbrkalwiseams. um ?mabitaki boot and herb jvicd u ^ -ot^nt. certain and effectual reniody war " r,u*i; It reacbea and eradicates every parti rl? f yenereal poUon, eo that the cure I* th<>r??c* and permanent. Take then of tbi* purtfyin* remedy and te heeled, and de not transmit it to jenr poeterity that for which 700 may repent in after ye*ra W BUI I'fcSfAIKI Although yo? tnmy he nromxinred Incurable. th? SAMARITAN'S BOOT AN1? HERR JCICt* will remoye every *e?ti?re of imimrtriee fmw tfc# > itfic m> well m All the bad eff?-cts of M^r^ury hAMABITAN'S CHANCRE WASH Price 25 rente: Full directions WHAT THE SCBGEOKSbAY OT THE KASA "U" 1TAN b BEME01KS "O* Boat m ^Tii*'iiir Can* B:c* rx IS lifit ?t (1l., H40 Rm.i-?tr*et. PUiladelnhia?l>ear Sir* PI raw- aei>d m<- .>?? fri^ of Tonr {Samaritan* Gift by Adan:? * Co.V ao a? to r*Kb ?? b> the 13th, a* veaail on that day. Findiagit to be whit tt f? represented, 1 do w4 Ilk* to make * Toyaite without a aupply "J. 6. hoK?*T. BurgroP, ** Atlantic Mail Hteam?h?pCo., IS T , " Between N?*w York ?n<1 A?pin?aJl " PESMOKD * CO., Box 1*1 Philadelphia T<** Bit* Bald by ?. CALVERT FOBD,corner 11th ?tr*? a? d P?niMylTMiia a??uue. HEM itY COOK. Alexandria. raj ? , ilirrilEftti UJ4 MiMCEY THAI is THE I fl Q L'EsTJOhTk* pr..| rlrtor* of tb?- "PAKl- 1 BIANCABIXETOr M OXTERS, AN AToMT aui I MEDICINE," drttruiMil '#I" | JKDM-U) ima. fra?, (for tlic kwfii of off'""? hu??DUy. t lour af tt?ir*u*t loatrwctiT* I trrecttuc Lacturo M nrrl *** and l? q I tlcM. Karroo* disability. Prraunvrr D?*! ?? ? *?: ( difrrgtloa. ? vakneM. I)?|.r<-??ion. or ?Iu"r*fc*V,T 1 rhjr?iolo<rr *n<l Kator*"? Law. Thrw I lectures Save b??a Ui<- mon* ?f ?.uli(rl?tfn,*? string tbonssads. and will tx> forward^ f"* * rw?+pt of fo?r stamps hj addrMriM r?rx*u~ Oc^mt of Amalomt mi f*' i Broadway, Sew York. f a I