Newspaper Page Text
* VSi. XXVI. B I WASHINGTON. D. C.. SATURDAY. NOVEMBER 11, 1865. N2. 8.960 9 | ' I I LI..I.B ? ,? I?? TIIE EVENING STAR 18 PFVL4MIKD DArCTT, f?XO*PT BUWDAY.) A.T THE STAR Bl'IL.Dl*lfS, wnwr of Ftmm'm Mmw mmd 11 A ttrwt, B7 W- E>. WALLAOit - ? Ttt* STAR U ?*rv??i try the carrSer? to ?Bb?er1ber? la the City a?d District at T*H <Jnrr? rn *m CopiM at the connUtr, with or witbont wrappers, Two Orati each. rim vom Man-nr?:?Three months, Om Foliar mmd Fifty Cmmtt; ?lx months, !Vw DolXmri, one year, ftr? DMlvrt No papera an rnt from the ?Be# lonfv Uiao paid tor. Tfce WEEKLY ST A K?pn hlisbed on rrtdajr I mornlTSir?*>n? BoUar mmd Haifa year. STEAMBOAT LINES. 'I ,ii L KASTRUN SliUlil 8 sTRAMBOAT?if I strainer CAMLR1 lUiE-lraTf _ No 14 0 Light ?trrrt Wharf. BaltL biota at ? r m . on S*TPRI>A and TL'ESDAYB f?r OXFOED KA8TOS POINT, <'4MRKir>OR and DOVItR BRITM?!. and ail intermediate landing* na Trea?i Avon and Chop tank Rivera. ?b^ h*??TcelIent pa??en|r?r ?nd fralfht acroiBK' lation*. J U- WOOD. Aeent. Or IT" lkhi ?i ? nn, n?itimnr?. jlUlUltAU 1 KAli^fuKXATiON MNK. StfUTrrVX WH1LLMS. Cap*. RiCfiav Jtmr^r KX I KESS. Cupt. E. A Ktti.f.k. will lri*e Haitinior<,e**e"*,t*^" fxrry Iu?i!*> and >atur?l-?t. at 4p in., for Al^x i a W Intt.m, *nii Hnirgatonn K?>tiirnir.|f, n?*T? Si?u?'* Wharf G^reetiiwn otwy Tueidaf ?vd Friday at 1 p m . a>i<i Washington eitry Wi<nr? >\ an' Satr.rtlav atria U)., tnu liinf %t all tf>* timi il lai dlPim on thf Potomac. Freight reef i?e<i <iailjr ?n<l 6<rt nn<1?r <-<>T?r W B SNOW a CO., AgffnUi, 107 Water atreet, (iMrcrtown P ' J. L PAP.KHI RST A CO., Agente, 7th atr?>et ? '-a-f/Witphinefon. P. **. oc tfl tf w-1 iAtllK Lit A V kS 7 T H BT KJSJl C WUAHI P mm UfcHKESI'AY A SI) SATURDAY i C I10KNISG8, t 1# o'clock, for MOrST V1RU0N; Rctnrn at S p m. Ftre |1 50 J. VAS KISWICK, ntM tf Ofont) 8nperint*n<t??nt. ATLANTIC 6TBAM3I11P COMPANY TO >EW \ OBK. The Pt^nmrm rnmr^irfpi thf? lfn? are th? JOHN I apt I oting, E C KNIGHT.Can M rru, <9R> FA' KKAX Capt Winter*, T *& ) iifr Fior So. 1 J North Riw N?w Tork. m4 f.K.t of li Mrret, Washington, e*erjr KV IDNSsDAi anc SATLKDAY. , . . freight rorptrfxl tvery day, and ewtfullj kept r??er mrrr during bn*ineM hoar*. The *te*n?er? of iMs line bow connect with Alexandria and "Tan*'1 Kailrn?d Vr^iaht forwarded to any point al?ng ftip line of the road. MORGAN*. KH1NKHAKT & CO., I'ootG atreet, Waahington. H B. CKuMWELL k ?0., >h U ..t Nua Tnrk bowbjT, beo.'i'co'., c 11 tf Aln?n<1r1?, JMITOUAU TBA* PUKTATlOU LlJiB. th?? Steamer 1cxpbe>5, rapt B. A. Btthii, will IcHVf Baltimore e>rrjr TIBSDAT EMMSG.MJP M.,for ??*i.dria, Waahinvtoo ac4 G?*rg~ town. I>: .jruluf vtK 7th ?tre?t wharf, Waahln* tor errrj SATURDAY < o'clock A W . arid Alexandria at 7 o'clock A. M. K< r Information, freight and paa?aga, apply to A NKEHHAM * SON 8. 14-J Light atreet wharf. Bal6mor?. J. FKOMKS M CO., HO. J AIDf IITMI, Aiexasd tf*OR* AN. RHIMRAKT * CO ..So. 107 W?t?r ftreet. Georgetown, and '441 V Waning ton And J. L. PABKI1UE8T k CO.,7th str*?twh*rr, W MhtBSt"!! >TI XVtf %'IW YOBB AND WASHINGTON STB AM SHIP COMPANY, Old Lin* brtVND ,V?1T YORK. ALEXAyDRIA. WASHIXQTOH AXD GEORGETOWN. 0< IAN STIAMKRS?BALTIMORE. REBECCA CLYDE and EMP1RI. In connection with Inland Steamer* GEORGE H STOUT, MAT FLOWER aud ANN ELIZA. I Regular Sailing Paya TCF.PPA T8 and FBI DATS ' at II Mfrom the foot of fliirh ?tr??et. Georgetown and Pier 1ft Eaat River, foot of Wall atreet, New Ten. For Freight or Paraaxe apply to C. P. bOLGHTON, Agent, fu?t of High street w> ?M ELTKIDGE k CO., Princa ?tre?t w-harf, Alex kttdria J.SMFP 11 ASP. 117 Wall rtreet. New York Freight r^ceiTWt constantly atid to ait part* t>( tie coontrj with <1*? patch . at lowtM rat?? i- C 4ni C. P. IIOWUUTON. Agrut. | #1 T It l? HT&t Kb 51 All L I N * ~ FP.nM BALTUIOBl, FOR FORT MONROE. NORFOLK, CJTT POINT AND RICHMOND. DAltY. THE 1"AY LINK STEAMERS will leaf# the I ii I> ?-k. foot of Oact?r?l itrret. ^ - r "UT MOXilO* fc* f e >U liOBFOLK. TA ( nL&rctii.K at K><rt Monro* with ft line of first class ?t<?azr.?r?. daily, on jvurt lirer. for CITY POl>T A5L> BICIIMOND, YA. Bit TURNING, Wtil leais BICHM<?NI> at 4 A. M , DAILY. i^Pflng at City ri>Jnt.*c?l connecting at Fort bS..! :<?? with the Bay Line 8ream?r9 that Ware Norfolk <?t 3,'t P- M . anf! arrtTing in Baltimore r the Ea<t<-mand Western trains, and tor V> Mhiii^toa. D. C. BP Tie -tramer* on tuis 11rv* nftrlfftte the James Hirer goiDH and retiaiuf, entirely In daytime, fitiL* paeeencfrs awpf* time to ?*e the fortifiesi t: a*. ni<l ail iter et;ecta of interest. | TIK E T 8 for the above places can be had on ftl %7<1 OI tne POAM Fare from Baltimare to Norfolk ..... ... .f<8> ' Fort Monro* ft 00 Through tlrketa from Balt'a u? Richmond.1.00 City Point 7M ^"Ptafe R<Hima and Mfili a*tra myTi.? ?r*te r.M.m ccornni?lationa are aaaarpt-M-d. and the Ub)? ia well suppliad. W ra.?*e;iger? taking the 1 15 train from PHILA '. Kl I'll IA will make connection with tbli line. Mir g*r? taking the * *> A. M. train from KKW YORK, hava auiple tima to dina In BalUI Dor* Pa*?aneera taking tha 3 P. M. train from I VA- H INGTON, make connection with thl? lino. M S PALL$. President. | HTOn OVOKKOR. Pa??*nger Agent. ?> blki-KOTlI TO THE WEAK ! \ }? YOUTH TO 1UK AGED II BIO kIT E It E, LIFE BEJI VENATOR. TM< preparation U uio-.jn:%!le<i a? a Rejurenator a:?* fu-turrr vf wwttr<l vr inert fanctlnai. The aicnt ?h???Stl ! ? certain tc mnkr th? Biokroo* 1;. iiM-noM k<?1. ir?-niu? h it will render them y.i.tlifiii in feeling ?" < in Ktrenrth. and enable tt>-in t" llTr vr a??iu the rlayn of their prUtin* j,,. ]t not oblT cxliilerat'-n |(?t atrenvthena, and In r<-all) an iiivalUMl'le Memnnv. especially t<? th<*e I ? iiaVe I-re<. m >-?| to a condition of servility. ? :< -I ii" ? or >>r'linary ?ickne*?. So n utter ?l.*t lh" rau?f of ini potency of ?ojr hamu (t? n. tl i" r?. preparation will r?auf? the af kI at once and IortT?r. BIOKRENK ?lUlMKTIXCT. GkmIlRAL I'lttll.ITT, S?ERVOrt : ?r?: tv. I i ta Dfcrrfhv?.<>s. Lim or Ar( i r*. 1-..W SPIB1T*. WitiiKMorTUiUiatn rr UUillllWi IMBKCILITT. MKXTAL IsDO?vi exicuros. k>mi, it hah ? mimt i)i1>i? ?<?: * ?*om#rr.l IrricT Uroji t . N k v i ? S\<rrm and *11 ?h<i are in any way r . ii? <1 >? ?? ilitie* an- ar neetlj t? k a cure iu this moat excellent kud un uaUtd preparation. 1 rrM'u- who. I>T IcwuJtMl, have lo?t their s 1 I RA I. \ I will tini | ceedy and per ma L?ntcure intht feiUKKKN E. seVFMiL*, th* LANGUID,tU I>*8PAIH f INC, t|.? OLl> fiiouM xi*?! thi* valuable discovery will U found totally different from all t hi t.. l- . for tli>- ?Hinr purpose?. H T \ >.Mr> ? Tin* ircpaiati n is invalnable ! iirrTom VMknniti of all kind*, a* it will re?v rr \l.r ?a*te?i iu?-ngth with wouderful perm?Dfllft. It i? al?o i *r?n4 tonlc.and will plr* relief in I ) w|J? t?t* flretdoe*. a brief per?i*tenee In it? u-e *iil renovate tli?- toni^ch to a degree of I rf? ?"t b?*nltb. end Impish l>y?nepHia forever I .V dollar per little. or *i* bottle* for #?. Sold ft l>arti?i?T? 1 rwntl'T eitre?# ?n\ a<i4reimlnK JirTCHIN?? A HIIXYEE. Proprietor*. J*? D?y street. New York. 8oW i.jr S' C. FOJiI?. ri rrn-r llth ?treet |> d-c jri'j.a and Pennsylvania avenne 13 r| I1E<'A1*LT ENGINKkR, or ?team for tbe I Mn?1ent. Woodcraft ? Orijrin and Progress o fit-.u '.hil'-iWii. l.ond-n: T-inol-ton on the I t-, if v n * 1'r *n ? -tine* on th? > <- a I I * 1 ? j-iil pt<-ani Navira11. i L? i ' I u - l! f'.r 8t- ?m Kn^inr. Lon?2i n Kilj n >! am i nyit,?? auid Propeller* llw.u nr.! Cn.T nil ll' M hi.jlue, LoWon; WnUfr m rcrr* Fr?.pbMvn. War:"* Steam fur the Mil ii, <-.>nl< ii "i ' I* Mirit.e Enrlii". I.oodon; t.u.' i !'i ; < : l*r?< ' r.ta. Willian.- i?n !I> ?t ir 1 -1 - - ti.. ' alii A B'. r tls- ? ? K we K TATI,OR \|A?KNTA. IK'SI'IM rUCKSlNE, WAR i'? i>t t'l.<-t 1 . ! } m* i .tl.l . lilii--. M-tun\ ' I, T*iln? . fnlol.J.. Dliir. I'tirfJe. T*m> > A , i i < r> iu 1 ?. liottJ t, with k?t"l r * I" > I !r: P??tn I> I'll'!- in V ; - ; < r I' : I ; U-. HANIKL Jl !> i. > ^ ..\ ? . . i. _ *t i. .. i ii., , .i ?i - v? j9., i olrDia.ii i??r>-?T I. >n<l<n. Mills nikl forr?N'. B.?I'rk*-* irr?v?tlj "'Wh'. 3? II f.llw.* I'II i.iirru > > xtk ACT M7rnr^^k7.Hi ' >u ?it' r ti v ?! il ! liM>d to f.tllul I lit hi:v < ? t?r p'Mrl I.* manv * a: mi-is ) ?ii |?|, Mb,i if ? h frtatp.^nf l? <4lo?itl?ii t j.c..u ^ *??n tfivn, or U? lit* ru?u?. not BANKERS. J AT COOKX ft CO., BAII11R, Fifitmik wr??, trpwiM Buy ?nd Mil >t evrreat rates, lui kH| ilwi/a hand, ft full tnpply of an GOVERNMENT BONDS, 7-3U TKKABl'KI flUIIl, CERTIFICATES OF INDEBTEDNESS, *c.. And pay the higbecl price* for QUARTERMASTER'S CHECTKB AND VOUCHERS an I dtf First National Bank or WASHINOTOa. H. 6. COOKE, (of J *T Cooke* Co.,) Prudent. WM. S. HUNTINGTON, Cublar. GOVERNMENT DEPOSITORY A MS vuiantiaii au&ni ur ini urithi; STATICS, J5th rr , oppo*it* th* rutj^rm dkpaktmiitv. 0?Termn?nt wcBritlM wHh TrMrorwr Unite* ItatM. k/"ONK mil.LION DOLLARS.^i Acting In connection with the home of J AT COOK K A 00., m SPECIAL AGENTS FOR THE 7 30 LOAN, Wf will fill all orders with Komptneaa and (>? fatch, allowing the regular oomiaiaaion to Bank* and Bankers. A conatant mpply af the No tee on hand and ready j for Immediate delivery. We bay and sell all cJaaaee of GOVERNMENT SECT BIT IE^ at earrent market ratea. FURNISH EXCHANGE and make Oolleotlon* on ALL THE PRINCIPAL CITIES #F THE UNITED STATES. We pnrcbaee Government Vouchers on the MOST FAVORABLE TERMS, and give careful and prompt attention to ACCOUNTS OF BUSINESS MEN AND FIBM8 and to any other baulneM entrusted to as. FT-LL INFORMATION In regard to GOVERNMENT LOAN8 at alt time* cheerfully furnished. WM. B. HUNTINGTON, Gashier. WaiTit^eTos. March 20.1866. aXl-tf PERSONAL. A CURE GUARANTEED.? Consult oM Dr. BARNES. Forty rears specie! attention to the enre of sll secret diseases. Washington Buildin<r. Room No. 12, corner Tenna. ave. and 7th st. Consultation free. oc 30 3w* t U4K1.I5-10* aid ri?lit in leavinc tnal si tPID SHARPER and going toDs. LEON. I told von hp mi the only sn? who could cure you in an honorable manlier ami not dwindle yon oc 38-lm* UTKAKGER8 and ethers 4e?lrtnz the service* of a first data Physician, should consult Dr. LEON, 340 Ptnna. arena*, between i'2 and Cth streets. He (murantees scientific treatment, and a radical cure ot all Aci ti and Ohrowic diseaeee f both win, in the shortest time potaibl*. General caaea cured in frem twelfa hours to twC d(]i. Votrrc Mm who are suffering from Organic weak tie**, or Its terrible eflecta, are offers a thnr u* h and permanent cnre. oc 261m* ' HAT MISERABLE IMPORTER would take 1 yotir laet dollar. Pee Pr. PARRY at ence. He ha* plenty ot money antl practice, aud cau afford t? treat you honently. oc 16-lm* J\jf U8. II. V. WRKJHT. Maguetio and Olairroy1"! ant Physician Heal* by Laying en Han la," Blindnera, Paral* si*. Rh?-umittinrn. Chill* and Ke rs. Lirer Complaint, Famalt Weaknesses. Nervousness Ac., Ac Rooms 37 2 E street, bet ween 10th and 11th stretts. oc 11 m* ? ADIES, DOI T LOOK AT~THIS. \VM rRINCE. 3Sl "r~?tr*. t, has redaeed his price cisiaji rin v* i<? FIVE CENTS PER WIDTH for Pklrts, P*ntaletts,A<-.,on Munliu, Linen, Cambric* ?n?l >."an?o"k. We h?Te newer and more elerant patterns than any other glace of the kind in the rity. HATING FIX CENTS PER YARD, selft t ft-A JAaucs topham * oo.* mm PRKMIUM QuJE W TKL'NK, SADDLERY, AND MILITARY EQUIPMENT MANUFACTORY, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, WlOO^i SEVENTH BTREET, On* Dot North *f Odd FttUwi' Hatt, Where tltey cntlnne to raanitfartnr* and have or sale a large and fine assortment *f trunks, yalises, traveling bags, bapdle8, harness, ^ horse covers, !hlltafl*|()nt=b equipments, mmmtokp*, belts, haversacks, whips, bits, spues, Me., *e., Ac., na at low prices. RFPAlRIVn Trvtiks, Ae , repaired promptly *wl thoroughly. TDR?I SILVER MEDALS Awarded by the Maryland Institute ef Baltimore, October Slat, IBM; also, the highest premium, brrmt" medal. by the Metropolitan Mechaalca" lustitv.te of Waahlngton, D. O., In 1857. BOLE A (J ENTS For District of CoiumUa and Alexandria, Va., for rh.isn niixiKS _ Ctl RLliiTET PKEMIbM II Alt NESS OIL. Dealer* ?upolled at the lowest M, t-ly rAOTOBT PB1CB8. ^ KDWABD CLARK, LUMBER 9I111S, Virginia a*erue. between 9th and 10 Lb streets ant, near U. 8. Karj Yard. . ^ ^ my Ccnatantiy on nano a larjrt noes or all Kioda of LDVBIU. Price* aa low a* the lowest. oc l( lm* BA B B I T T ' P ~~ RHECMATIO OINTMENT la again for ralr at O. E. KENNEDY*8,(a?tla afrant,) No. 3097th street and 4 73 9th at., Waahiiiltun City. All ordara for the tra?le ahoald be ad<1ra?M d to A B ASSETT k CO., ot IS-lm* No A9 Johnat., New York City. I* I A. J. r a u n . ArCTlON~NOTIC*. ??*Tlnf wiiftfd ttwAVCTIOJf BFSIN188, at ?> Tl wlM AnetltB Bum*. No. 503 7th atr?**t, Ml. r Odd Frllowt' Hall. I ?l.*M der.*? ap?cial mtte?tlon to th* ?al? of llnaaev LoU, Farm# Mid ?' til' aru,*?/e of p'ruoDB declining ho*e?k?*pSr1*'I * . r."nuilsr DmS of TI?-V. vyjftf*? V ",urwl *\r ' VimIi and and til kiiula of Werchnndit#, either ou the prainlt(t. or at my Auction K<>'tn* Cuh ?dT?n, mi male on all con?1|rnM goods K . r. PMiK Anet ' CC 10 Ira 402 7tb at under tUd rtdlowa' Hdl. (1st. A lliron.) Ff J. HKIBEBCKB. ~ Kurewwr ui H. F. London to* CITIZENS' AND MILITARY MERCHANT TAILOR, lflL >f?'T rflttam Hotel, lait tt V# 3t>5l P?nu>" 'Tiuii? arena#. 1 . - I ? U' ..1.1 m n V I'M ? WBIIWB. sr. u* I" JFK AND >ij'f I 1 lis or ANDKiwJOBN i SON, i f '? ? United 9tat*a, by Frank Mf>ore. Lifeof Ane^ Herman Qrimin, i>l? f?*>?<! rH4NCK TAYLOR. ! !%1 IS>K8 O HEIAf. So. 1,107 Wnlmit^R [ i?" rtrert. )'bll?(!fi|'hia. will Ofx-D PARISfUj MILL INERT, for the wiutcr, vo Till RS ~ LAY, Kbvciiitcr 2U, M63. oc 27-volui* 0 AMUSEMENTS. 6ROVEK'S NtW THEATER, PtDUjWtiilt nwr WilUrd'i Hotel. LEONARD UROVKR * C0..?. Director* LEONARD GROVER_ 0. D HESS. E. LAMB..... ?... Stage Manager THIS SATURDAY. NoTember 11. 18SS, TWO PERFORMANCES. GRAND FAMILY MATINEE .i l ? ?? v v v uw iv r -'i. Price of thirty cents to ill pirts of the lift"*#. Ni?M performance as uftnal. On hoth oc? a?loi a will be presented the great (taxational life dr*me. THE 8 T It E K T 8 OF NEW YORK, Tonirht. last time most positively of Tni MRIBTS OF NEW YORK. M ON l> A Y*1TV EKING, LOVE'S 8 A C K I F I_C E^ < AMTEKHUKY. Corner Pennsylvania avenue and Ninth street. QlORtil LEA....~ sole Proprietor. TONIGHT, The melo dramatic spectacle of THE BANDIT'S VENGEANCE! with new lifntry, properties. dresses, Ac. First we?k of th? beautiful dancers, B0B1N80N SISTERS. Feeord week of M'LLK BOK A . * Purported l>y the entire new Kallat Troup#. Twenty traotifnl To-onc Ladies in the ballot* of MAY DAY SPORTS AND THE BELLE OF BTAMUOULI LAST WEEK OF JOSH n ART. M A TINE R OtTsA TVR DAY' I>BOF8 J. W. A H. P. KRK1S' DAHOING ACADEMY. PARKER'S HALL, P?nn?ylraiiia a venue. t>etw een fith an* 7th n\a., Opposite Metropolitan Hotel. Tho?e deMrlng to enter can dw po now, m we a re continrally forming newcla"**** the quarter commrncirg with the first leeeon. Ail in- sjS formation In retard to teriu*. 4c.,can be bad fjIS by applying as above wJI l)av* and Hour* of Tmtinn: For Ladles. Ml??ei and Maiiters. Wednesday and Saturday afternoon*. from 3 to t o'clock. For Gentlemen, Tae*day and Friday evening*, 7W to 10. Practicing A??eTnMle? every Thnr*d*y evening. Private inetrm-tion given to unit . .... i . .. ?f tbt<*e desiring. Circular* can be had nt J ?. K11W'; Philp A Solomon't, and other bo*k aud inn?ic utoroa; al?o by applying nt the Academy during the honra of from 10 a. m. to 1 p m.. from 3 to 5 aud 7 to 10 p oa., or during the hour* of tuition. A note addreiwd to the Academy will meet with prompt attention. oc 4 tf EDUCATIONAL. r'KI'ERSlGNED WILL TRAGI! IN A PRITate fnniily. and give al*o accurate inatrnrtion in?ev?-ral Language* Kirat <'!? < family.who ran afterd tlic ezpenren. p|ea?e call at No. a** Louisana a?enue. If. GU6CKTTI. former Internreter. u?7-lw* Secretary of Lcjratien. MR CHARLES PKMTKUX wishes to inform th* public that he Is now ready to give instruction lu the FRENCH and SPANISH Languages. Pest of references given. Inauire at the New York Hotel, cor. 7th and B sts. no 6 tit* FUKN< I1MAN FHt>51 PAKIS. HAVING hit evening* dine!igagi'i|, (free at 5 o'clock,) wishes to g>ve some LESsONS in the French Lan eaage. The b?st refer*nee given. Terms moderate. Address Box S5 Star office. no 1 10t* ^T. TIMOTHYS IIALL.?The duties of this tn * ? stitution will betresnmed_on Sept. 13, 1366. For ??;?i?. ?<-., iw cHinio'rne ana circular at the prin cipsl bookstore* of thia citj-. or addr???? the principal. K. PARSONS, an M OatoniriHe, Mi. DENTISTK Y. DB. MEURILL. 8UBGEON I>KNTI<T, No 310 Pentin^ivaiiiii hv?., het^een 9th and ICth st? , WaBliiugton,^? D- C. nog-lm" REMOVAL. B. THABLES P. HUNT takes plea?ora in in ft rBiincr hin t l nritrnnn unH tlua hnKli#? - gftfrtHj that he has Gtted up a new aml^5?~s3 elegant office at No 4 95 7th street, oppo-^"-* ' ' p site Odd Fellows' If all. He is prepare'! to exeente with rr< niptne?s all op*raM->n? in l'ental Snrg.-ry tTi ry class of wurk belonging t? the profession. nol-lui* fP E K T H . 1 M LOOM IS. M P.. The Iurentor and Patentee of tn? MINKHXL l'L\TK TKKTH. attei.ils personally at -o-mc?^ bl* offce In this city. Maviy persons c?ng>6S3a9 *ear tlie?e teeth mho o<uuut wtar others, " r U autl no person can wear othtrs who ounuot wear these. Pei-tcns rallit.g at my office car. be accommodated with ai.y style asd price of Teeth the> m-vy desire, bat to those who are particular, and wish the pa rest, dennest, strongest and nnwt perfect d?>iittira that art can rrocnre. tha MINKUAl. TtrtfTii ? ;n I be more fully warranted. Rooms in this citv?No. 31** Pennnylvanla ave bf twtn 9th and 10th st*. AI?o,"Mt7 A rch utrest' Philadelphia. ?cs01j- ' jjJREAT tolttCOVERY IN DENTISTRY. TIETH EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. I wonld adrli* all persona having teeth extract to call at I)R. LEWI K'S office, and$MBa3 have tbtm t?k-n out without pain. '' [ n Also, call and examine tb?? Doctor's new an<l improved method ofinaertinE ARTIKICIAL TEETH. If yoo once see the great Improvement in hi* t?-eth yen will bare them in no other stvle than thin n<>* and valuableone. Teeth lnsort?<d on Gold,8ilvei and Rubber Plates at the eld priee, as we have not advanced the prlc? on oar work since the great ehftsge in gold. No. 124U Peun'a avenue, between 12th and Utb streets. )%n*lT B R HWII,II.D.,DffltHI. F^LOCB, FEED, WIIISKY. A large and complete assortment ot ALL GRADES OF FLOl'R, for Bakera. Grocers, and others, WARRANTED AS REPRESENTED. FEED OF ALL K.IKDS, Eltiier weight or manure. WHISKY. ALL GRADES. We mention the Eooriitc Wliirkey in particular, I as beipic pure, and four years old, sold subject, if necessary, to aualvsis. WM. M. OAIiT * 00., no2tf Indiana aTeane and l?t st. |yj|W OPSN1N GREEN'S RESTAURANT, Corner of E an<l bib street*, oppeaite Fo?t Office. The undersigned 'have taken the above well kn^wn ar.d popniar house. an* fitted it ap in the li? nt ?f Ft) le throughout ail new. There are ele (rant suites of dining-robins for parties or individuate alio, a number of iiue chambers to let, all newly fui uiehf<l. Onr Bar and Restaurant will at all time* be furoithed with wines and all kinda of lienors, ? par* Ac., the best to be got in any m.irkat. and ?>'(ters. fi?h. same and other luxuries in season, n?u*lly found i?i k first--I ?hs Heittanmt .1..11 Til I rail i v ?u.. in>. t ?* when we aimfl 1* happy to have our friend* and tb? puMIc to call. KLEIN & Eft EH, ,-t 10-la* Proprietors. | nan 4 vk t.iw * nnn jUrV> SCIENTIFIC /LaH3 an u PRACTICAL OPTICIANS. 344 Pa. av., between 12th and lJthata. BKAZ1LIAN PEDDLE AM b PKR1SC0PIC BPJtCTACLJkS. titrtncthrn ns and in.prownp the weak and tin paired eye?i#Tit, and accurately suited to thence atid couditiun of the Tiaual organ*. Alw, a fin? {assortment of field Olaeeea, Opera Gl*tsv*. Microscopes. Magnifier*. Thermometers Psti Dirti r?. Ilectrir&l llarhinna aud Mutlieuiutl cal luetroiiitnU *lu?>a on hand, and at the lowoat prices. ?T*POT FOR CAKTKS DR VI8ITR OF Celebrities, [ lain and colored, and a finii collection of Photograph Albnm?, In varloui flue binding hoklint from 30 to J00 plctnrea. ? 5 JIROMl'S HAIR COLOR RK8TORIR FOR retaining and gradually bringing back tb? Uair t?> ita original color, without the inconvenience attending tiie n?e of a dye. Bold by all drnggiats at cents per bottle. RFXFOBD'B MEDICATED GINGER BREAD NUTS, for wormi, uarixaled in efficacy, and peculiarly adapted for children, being oaten u an ordinary cake. tor *a)e by drnfgiaU. Price ttcenta per box. n 19-eoly W. BAVAG*, . . rOREION AND DOMESTIC HABDW ABI, H0U8EKKFPFB?' OOOPS, ) TACKiNO. BKLTTNO, ?? , PrnniylTftnl* aveuae, Aril door wot of ;ioih at Wuliingteu. D. 0. ?BM la SPKCIAL NOTICES. two tap oasf.s of rn.r* cnr.en p.y t>r. MKiCKI.AKD'S ril.F lifcMKDY Mr.GNcc uf Jmit-Bvltle. Wiecotiain. write* f?r the N-uefit of all who mfftr with the Pilea. that lie h?* been tionMeil for right ;?ir< with ?a a^^ra T*ted <-?.' of and lila brother was diecharted from the army an inrnrnMe, (hr liiinjj ipiite psiraI) ted with the Pile* > Hnth theeadist reining ? ??? were rated wIth one Mil* of 1H HTRIiiR LSXT>'8 PILE KtMtliT. The recontmrii'tatjon of these fentlenen t>e?ide the d?ily teftinmnial* rocein.d y I>r Mr irk land. oitjch? to eon?lnre thnee 'nTuriDff that the meat itggiavaled chrt>ui>' of Pil-a are rur?><1 by I>r. 8ti lcV'?n<]' Pile Uemwiy. It i? ?old Vy I>iuk?i?ts everywhere SoM l>y .J. W. K A IKK * f II I'HlU I'lIIMCTIiUI 1TI D. avenue and 50'i Ninth street*"'""" ocK ly A SUPERIOR REMEDY. We can Cont<-ientioii*l) recommend to thme?n' fering Irotn a riixtreaatnit cough. PR. HTKICKMM)f MEL,!.I H.I UliS COUGH KAUsAM It gi ?M rehet almost iiistaiitaneuim. ?l<1 in wiltml r or<1i?flFreenMf to the taste. There ianod..ul>t 1'nt tlir Mellifluous Co**h Ralnsm in on* of tbe beet prr|-aratii.iia in u*e. Mini is all that if? propri efor claims lor It. We liavw trivd it durincthe past wetk.and found relief fr<>m a most dii<tre*?iis ronpli. It is prepared hjr I?r Strickland, No 1^59 S>cim?r* ttreet. Cincinnati Ohio. and lor sale t>jr T>rfi?Bi?ta. Sold by J. W. N A1HN k CO . also nt WA1TK6 i^ug Store, and CHAR CHRIST1 AKI'S. 31; ?a avenue and 002 Ninth strost. ocJ6 1y TO PTE EASY Is Tcry desirable. MATTHEWS' VENETIAN 1IAIK DYE is the best in the worSd. Complete in onefcottle. Nn wash, nostain no trouble. Achild ten apply it. Person* wMwiik to avoid the publicity of baring their Hair dyed in pnblie.can DTE AT nOME better than aay barher ran do it, by n?ing THE VENETIAN DYE. It does not rub off or tnake the Hair appear dusty or dea<l. hut imparts new If fr and lnstre. Give* a beautirul black or brown, as preferred. I'rtce 75 cents. Prepared by A I. MATHEWS. N Y. DEMAS BARNES A CO , New York, Wholesale Agents. my IS eoly THE LADIES in their sovereign caMcity as j?(?(fe? of emotional enjoyment, hare decided thit no perfnme in existence produce* the sam? deliri otiR wiiMilirtis ft* are pxperienced while inhaling Ihe e*nui?ite frurranre <if Pltalnn'ii ''NlGilTBL00I1IM6 CEKKGS." 8?ld ererywbera. no 8 W A S COLGATE'S HONEY BOAP. Thti celebrated Toilet Soap, in ?uch anivaraal demand, t* made from tbe ehoictu material*. i* mild and emollient in its nature, /raerantly scented ?d4 extremely beneknal is it* action upon tbe skin. For sale by all Druggist* and Fancy Good* Dealen jan J8eoly MARRIAGE &ND CELIBACY, An Eegay of Warning mi l Instruction for Yonng Meu, jnut published l>y the Howard A??r?clHtli>u, ?D^ sent in sealed letter envelope* free ??f charge Address Dr. J RKILI.IN HOiriJIITON, Howard Association, Philadelphia, Pa. oc 9 3m SECRET DISEASES. Pamakitan's Givt It the moat certain, safe and effectual remedy?indeed. the only vegetable remedy eynr discovered. Cure# Id two to four daya. and re cent caa?M tu twenty fonr hours. No mineral, no balsam. no mercury. Only ten pill* to be taken. It (e the ao'.dier1* hope, and a friend to th**ewhodo not want to be expeaed. Male package*, $i; female, $3. Samaritan's Root axd Hzkb Jriru-A positive and nermanent rum fi r Mvn>,iw? ?i. t-i?? PorM. Spot*. Tetters. ie. ?rice 91. ?r six bettlea for $6. Bold Vy S. 0. Kord. S?e advertisement. na* 8TOP THAT SCRATCHING, Anfl tie WIIEATON ? ITCH 01NTM1HT. It cnres Itch and Bait Rhecm in 48 hours, also cure* ChillMamo. T leers and all Brapttona of the Skin. Sold by all Druggists. J. D. OILMAN, mar a ly 350 Pennsylvania avenue. I>OX'T FRF.T ?Yon can stop Headache. Toothache and Keurulffia iuMautlv nr cash returned. J'sc V'alcott's Instant Pain Ans-h ilat'R. Cures Catarrh permanently. Sold at ail *t.?r<*s. 1> C. Kuiitht. uf NVaMiiugtou. D. C., Agent. Ti ar 14 v 1 > NEW DRUG STORE, ' CAV1THL HILL, fW II X. Corner of C hi. north aad 1 bird at. east. In JOFEI'II WAL8ll.J*..A?nTnifi?* KeapvrtfuUy nnnonnrcs to tVe Public that ho h.-M jiut < Mt hi* new store, as aboTC, a FULL awl FRFSH SUPPLY of DRLOS, CHEMICALS, PERFUMERIES, Ac., Cowrrinine pTcry article usually fonnd In a wfdl appoin'fd I>rr.p Store. and is pr? pared, at all hours of the day au<l ight, to respond promptly to the calif! of his r?tr..u?. Non? but the puMttnd best Medicines will be dispensed. and t-epecial rare and attention will he given to the i'rescript ion l>?-part?rent A choice and cntnpleie *t ck of GICARS and T0BACCO conatantly on hand. or 14-eolin* |^KW PAINT, OIL, AND LAMP STORE. The nnderaipned, bavin* opened a new Paint, Oil ami Lrfinf Store at 504 9th Btreetjbeg leave to chij ilit* ?ii*>i>in n 01 our ineiin? una me pnnucio our l?rge Stork of PAINTS, OILS, GLASS. | BRUSH Et*. Bfcd extensive a*portiiieu4 of COAL OIL LAMPSard BAKGIKG FIXTURES Huvinr seated wlfli great cure, and purchased our Mot k at the LOWEST CASH PRICES In th# New York n<Mi kM . we are aWi to offer inducement* nneuaalleJ in thia city. The Trade and Hoa??>k*ej*r? ar? InTlted to nal ar a (xnmme our Stock, hoping I y Btrf?t att^ntio to LimineM ami fair dealing to merit and ol>iatu th arrrdxitioii of our customer* A literal disco an will be given to p*int?r? aurf dealer*. TBANC'lb Mll.LKR ft CO , .104 Ninth atr**?t, or lJ-lm Betwef-n Penn. avwnnw ?*d 1> ?treet. K M O V A L . The nnrternlrned taken p!eo?tire !n announcing therrmr.Tal of hia CLOAK and DJtKSS M AXUPAC TOBY and MACHINF* IWISO BOOMS from the coniniodioM* room o*er Hoo? Bro'g. Dry Good* Store, No. 10 Market 8pac?, between 8tb and 9tb utreets. , With exrrl?Tic*d and obllelr g Ladlea always in attendance and greatly Increased facilitfe*. be hope# to Bierit a cm.tlnnnnte of that patronage heretofore so Blerally beatowed. CLOAK ANI) DKSSt MAKING, MACHINE STICKING, STAMPING AM) FLUTING. DORSET BEtK, No. 10 Market Sf*c?, 2d flo?r, o? 7-ltn* Between Hth and 9th sta. / irUBNITUKK, A ST FUBNITUBE. rCB5I*URl. fW The oulmcriber ! happy to Inform hia nncneroiK friends and rnntoir.era that hi* Btock of CA BIN KT FUBN1TUBE it roll bim) complete, and at price* that raauat fail to Rive entire mttinfaction, coii*iatins of? Kirh Parlor Hnlt*, upholstered in French BroeaValvetB, Kepa and llair-t-loth, Gilt ITratua Pier and Mnntel Mirrnta; Gilt 15racl.ets and MarLie tOal?i<; Handsome Ohaan)>?r Furniture, in Wal nnt, Mahogany. Oak and Imitation, fitiinlied it) oil tnd varoUn; Walnut. Oak and Mah<j;auy Marldetop Bidebnrdi, with Etegere Topa; Blarl>le-top Ta blcl iu great tariety: Bedsteads, Uurcaas, W u?hstande. Extension Ttlilw; and. in fact. e*ery article ukt7:?lly to l>e found in a first-class Honsefuruifbing Entablinhment. A call is earnestly requested before purchasing. JOHN Q. WILLSON, an 25-eo.1ra Bontheant coruer 9th and D sts. 'fVJfLEB'S COMPOUND 8YRUP OTGDJI 1 AHABIC will l>? found a most pleasant, aafs aud speedy r>jnedy for Corona, Colds, Uoarskm sr. Cholp, wiifloping Cough* asd all itrrc * %'W I U ? IIHWJI 1 A 1M) AJ I Au 1. *M? ?UJ/C1IUI efficacy in arresting atuM.orn conctis, and th# first etng?e of consumption. hw Ion* txwa knovrn and appreciated by muit fami lie* and fhyaiciani. Price 90 oente per bottle. "ITm been in ccnatant use In our family for orer tweDly y^an, and with invariable auccaaa. I think it an ?-xcel.< nt f*tuwty." American Office, Bait. JOS. J. DOBBIN. "An attache of thie office, long troubled with a Mnl born rangh, and who supposed hi# Innn to be ?rwtrt, na? r?-c*tve<l tha greatest benefit from a tingle bottla.'"?halt. Chrptr. "Fince I introduced it h?re. nevei-nl of onr physician* are pfaecribin* ?t with the i?eat encca-je." pot <o3ni* ^ H. PUFF. Chemist, Pommoutk JEROMES 11AIR C O LOB RESTUI t ERKOB letnitririK and cradnnUy bringing back the Ilnir ion* nriKiuni coior wnnout Uie lncenrenieuce ??tending the nae of the dye. Sold by all druggiaU 71 ?< lita per bottle. REXFORI) p MKUirAT?ir(TlNOEU BREAD M'TS. for wt.>rma,nnriTt?led in etttcary and pecu'iurly adapted for children, being eaten m an ordinary rake. For rale by druggists. Price 28 cent* per box. juu 19-eoly TELEGRAMS. *c. The New York Oommi?nonfr* of Health, presided over by Major Gnntlrr, held a mectii<C yesterday alteruoon. MayorGuuiher ?ubtbrrsnhmittpd a r?'solnfion that t&o City In fpectcr If directed to nsMpn a suitable niim1st of officers in hi* department to examine tit to i be condition in a Military point of vi?'w of places within the city, and to report daily to the Mayor and Commissioners ot Health th* condition wbivb, in their opinion, may be prejndicisl to the public health, also nil nuiiaiicei that inay??n<l to enpetsrtrror RQtraviu anv jivstileniinl diseases The resolution was adopit-d, Slid it was also resolved to send a cir< o"nr to the citizen* informing them of the b? st inode?of j reserving health. TVe Indejiendanct Beige aaya th? Intention of the French Government to ahaudon the occupation of Mexico, Iwyond what to absolutely urct?f?ry, is more apparent than ever now. The inttuiiou is strengthened by different *ct* on tLe part of ihe Mexican Cabinet, and more ttpicially by ibe reception of Mr. Lanier's fluat mission. It U even said that at the next mcetsnpof the French Cabinet itn annonnceiiient would Ih* matte of the immediate and entire evacuation of Mexico by the French troops. Intellipence has been receiTed to the effect that the commander of the British warship Bulldog blew her up on the'25111 ultimo at Cape llnylieii. The rebel JSulnave had taken by lore# some Haytiens under the protection of the h'ritirh consul, and the commander of the I'llildt e ?*Weri ?atikl.irti(in hnr >? uv leply, b?? opened fir** on t on I'ucklett. The fort replied, and the *hip getting aground, was set on lire. abandoned. and blown up. It is r< porird the commander sailed lor Jamaica in one ot President GefTrard's boats. Officers report ihe affairs of tne country unsettled. The Colorrd Convention in Ponghlreepsie, New York, previous to adjournment, adopted a resolution declaring that there should be a r? presentation of colored men in the city of WasliiLgtc-n from different eeclions, to be there during the session of l^ongress, supported by the people, whese duty it shall be to urge upon the nu mbers of <?ongr?-ss the importance of having the statue of the colored American so flxid in the land that his color shall not be a hnr to hik nrrnrvinr flnv rv^cifinn r\r tn tVio ?? jnjnunt of all the right/t&at appertain to ciuwnship. Governor Uradford, ofMaryland, basoflered a reward of five hundred dollars for the arr? st of the incendiaries who destroyed the Colored Methods-t Church at Millington, Kent county. The motive wan that the building w as u.-ed as a day school for colored cbildren. TI.e Governor lias also issued a proclamation npro ntine the day named by the President as a day ol thanksgiving. A special to the N. Y. Herald from Toronto pays that Fenian bonds are selling in Montreal and Queboc, where the detectives are watching tlie lrieh. The T.radrr announces the discovery of a plot to rob Canadian backs. Two men ar<- now in jail there who have confessed that fevrn American Fenians sre th?>r?? nmn<-?i a Ton e of one hundred men to make a raid on the hank? Mueb uneasiness is fell in business circles in consequence. The Sanders kidanpper* were brought before ih?* court on a writ of habtnt cm-put, bnt the judgt s refund to bail them, and they were returned to prison. THE ELECTIONS. NEW YOKK. Aihakt, Nov. 9.?'The Journal make* Barlow's majority in the State 27.UJO, and the Argui> concedes that it is about that figure. NEW JERSEY. The Newark Advertiser saw "Mr. Ward'* ma jority will not probably vary much from 3.(?ulibouirh feme report*, it correct, would tiiuku it greater." MARYLAND. I>Ai.Tt*oEE, Nov. lu.?The latest returns ! from the tw< Ifth judicial district indicate the election of .Mr. Spence, the Union candidate, | pro\ idfd certain iHrgnl votes taken in disrep:ird of the registry law shall be thrown out. Tfce Vnion men claim iht* law was openly dis! regarded in -ome district*. NORTH CAROLINA. Kalfigh, Nov. 10.?Nine counties heard (nm officially gives Holden, for Governor, ; *>, ai'd Worth 5.4-i?. Worth's friends claim UK animi <uvu):u iiuiuru I inniUS au not ri\e it up, claimiiip that his majority in the \\> s-1 vrifl overcome the majority oo far for Vol th. KANSAS. St. LnriF. Nov. The election of county < ffu< if- in' m hers of tLe lower house of the Ltjnslature of Kansas jtoU-rday pas&e?l oil CjllieHj-. The" Republican tickets were elected in Dou^lah, Atchison, and Leavenworth coun1 i**it NOl'Tll CAROLINA. The rrnidml ?u hrr Lrgiilotirr Action? Despatch to Govrruor Perry. The following Je a copy of a despatch just se nt to Governor Perry: To his Excellency H. F Perry, Provisional Govemor of South Carolina ?Your letter ol the 4th instant it- ju>t now received. While much hits t*en done in South Carolina thit is conduct re to peace and restoration, the President still thinks that it is Impossible to anticipate events. He expects, therefore, that von |will continue to exercise the duties heretotore devolved upon you iu> Provisional Governor of South Carolina, until you shall be relieved by his order, lie observe* with regret that neither the Con\<iinoii nor the Mate Legislature has pro pcnnn'o o?-dtb una. oDiigauons contracted in the name of the State lor unconstitutional and en r< bellions purposes to be roid. He equally regrets tliat the State seems to decline the Congressigual amendment ot tae Constitution ol the Vnit?<l States abolishing: slavery. 1 telegraphed to you yesterday as follows : '"-The President directs me to wn.e u> yon that an tnrly adoption of the Congressional amendment of the Oenstitntlon of the T'nlted States abolishing slavery by the South Carolina I>?gitlattire is deemed peculiarly important, and especially desirable with reference to the general situation of the Union."' i nu\r nuw wui; ?u fay uiai ibp rrfSKlcni f opinions, before expressed. remain unchanged. William 11. Skward. Tiik Jamaica lwairherttoh (mm.?'The Panama Star and Herald, of October 3?, pives the following particulars of the insurrection among the blacks of Jamaica, pl?-aned lrom Jamaica papers. Georire W. Gordon, of Kington, the principal mover In the insurrection, and Paul B>>;;le, have been tried, together with most of the leading men in tho movement. The maroons of the island have beeeu found to be true and loyal men ai:d ha%e done all in their power to save life and quell the insurrection. The outrages are without parallel. The evidence fcund upon feme of the prisoners shows the iut<ntiou of the insurrectionists was to spare no white peolllp_ hilt tn elnftcrhtornll inHiK/?rimina?nlw T*?%? iap'tur* ol the leaders bae ditpiritrd the otber*. ard tbey ar* surrendM-inK thunselve*. STTbearmy train, consisting of fifteen bundr?d nuri seventy live mule*, two hundred and flfiy-eipbt wagons, *ixty travelling lories and iwoainbnl*rcif. which left Washington.!). C., ?<n the 7th of lat?t Ansrust under the charge of M'lior W M MsnHnvillo nrri roH a t Wnri r? er field, 111., on the 31st of October. It was the intention of the War Department, when this train was placed en route for Fort L^avenworih, Kan^ac, to send it across the plains, hut the project bus been atuuadoned: uid aa order issned directing the sale of themniea at Sprinefield, and the shipment of vehicles to Fort L?aven worth for transportation service or sale at that point. yWhfn the earthquake occurrea at s?in Fraucifco, a lady wbo was encased iu w.isUiiig nn inlant of very teuderajre. ran scraamiuc into tfce street. She stood on the sidewalk for ?cmf> time s*-inplnc Bom^tliinr ?n her hand which nt first was taken lor a dressed chicVc-n by tbe bystanders, which bejaa to kpeatc for itViliin languritre whicb placed it at once in the catepory of a different class ot animated uamrp. JMIP WHP nuiaiDi; iv u? hit* uiyi, ur wi downward, and had forgotten all about what the had in her band. ?"The municipal authorities of Richmond nn* in an curat in jr energetic m<*a?ures for the prevention or pmall-pox and cholera. fcT'Newly formed *and barn ia the James river, near Richmond, threaten to objtrnct navigation, and are rapidly increasing in aiw. 0y*An establishment troes into operation thu w?ek in Troy, with u flve-etory building and a capital ofttfty thonsand dollar*, lor the purpose of dedicating potatoes. Ilea ring the Htvi ( Liktr. [From the Ho*ion Poet] Tfc' fc* Will* before tbf commiwioim 01 hour* ct later was rrmmH at the State )io?M Imi nmmr. U Win* the fourth belt en iLrtuhfCl. Mcurr. 1'iidrti, Wright and SmIU?(, of IM cm m ecccn. *?-re pien-nt. 11:* JT?e?dent atr-ounerd tbat the worker* in leatbt-r Mid other text!!* labrici * on id bar* the 1 H I. K r.<? of a bearing, although Wfc? Ml 1 ulc t;ot bt' < xclud* d. ?ii J IS litin, ot ban ? bow Mack. iir.rl . *Lo b:td adopted the ejrbt hour ijifm, (bat a Icr? experience had ronTinord bin tint the ten hoar fyetetn vu of more adran. ! ;? U tb t n;ploveri> aid employee# than a longer r.imUroi bourt of labor. Under kin ptactice there * a* more punctuality observed til ler 'be ?en hour rule ibnn the eleven hour rule, and tbat a* a general rulv the band* warn not ? i rotitable a* Uto?e who worked ink bourn. Hi* experience in itoeton unce 1H>0 v ah i ui:ati d. Pr? t'oui to this t me. how. fvir, tf bad labored lor several yearn by th? (!ay, working thirteen hour* a day, and dnring that time be keenly frit the disad vantage of Leiug ilrpihtd of leisure time in which to cultivate bis mental larnltiee: bnt since he ba<| wtrktdotiljr hour* a day, t>* bad imprwrd bw tpsrr time, and vat ncv, ccdv. quently, stronger ir both mind and body. H? r(r>M<mljr asserted tbatibemm who labored only < lfbt i:ucr* a day could in the long run ten i*t much chpital lo hi* employer'* cvfft ra, . * 4.c h who Iftwrrd ten hour*, and in hieopia? ii ii *i c :d be better for Mr.?cncbnwtt* IT tho jfhi br.ur systiret was tinxirwlly adopted, i ui ft ij in point of wealth, but intelligence. I., n tour* tetter adapted a man tor hi* work Irti Urphonit. He 'bought a generation of t :n ?rs could work fiftrrn hour* to more ndiLan a ccfieration of mechanic* could i t. he in, In answer to a question of om of Me < < n mission* rs, Mr. Ham was of the opinion that the reason why a larre number of vork:m n:rn tndilped in the Dabit of using tobacco and ardent spirit* wa* occasioned by physical exhaustion and overwork; that they tr 1T\f t:n ti.nnrl it rv fn Ha tliia 4m crdtr to stimulate them to other Dfcp??irjr dati? *. Mr. Joseph Hosmer, of Ifooton, a Bhoemaker, ??i(1 srarliiMKif mrn the vhiM'inakrni did not driirran eight hour l*w. They all worked by ibrpirco orlioitrand had reduced the bueineoa to a science Men in Kynn. he said, worked from eight to thirteen hour*. The number of hours worked by them depended upon their pecuniary circumstance* and the state of tb? business. He thought a carpenter wonld do as much work in ten boors a? in twelve. A. man be raid, should be paid according to kia ability. Dictation among shoemakers would he odious tverv man ought to be left to do he pleased. He thought ibe eipht-bour sj sten? v us applicable to ceriain specific trade* which, vcrk'd at r? gularly, had a tendency to exhaust tie physical system. If workmen were encoumped to save a portion of their earning*, it'Sti ;id of spending them for narcotic* and other stimulants he thought the remedy for short hour* wonld be arrived at If the eighifcotirlaw wonld elevate a man, he was in favor di\ (duality and manhood?wurnn nifn ae well btHff. Tlie eight hour ryrtrn, o? said, bad iin ndvocntre nmorp those who were in its secrets and who wished to control matters or what they call a moral force. M'-mber* of socitties, he said, refus-ed to work with those not tfeo*. ia'f d witn them and struck for higher wa^es, and employers chose ts employ such mm. Mr. C. T Crane, Presid?*ntof the Stat* Oar. p?nt?T*" Association of Massachusetts, denied that this course w*s pnrsned lu conclusion. Mr. Hosmer said to th? commune, that so far as the shoemakers ware con. cern?"d th*y desired to he at liberty to do as tbey plcnfed. to adjust the pay to the amount and character of the work performed. He did not know but what this rule mipht he applied to other trades. Capitalists and legislation often combined to eflect the prices of the labor inc classes. Mr. Ira Steward, of Worcester, aaid the shoemakers were the poorest paid class of mechanic* ib iui" cimir, uiiu iuuu^ui uie rruon 01 wis wsm because they did not combine iu the form of trade orient to protect their own interest# As an instance of this in contnurt be referred to tbe caulkers, who receiTe $4 and ft5 per day, and who bad their trade union*, thus preventing capitalist* from combining against , labor. D. F. Drake, of Boston, harness malrer, wild tb&t tbe body of men be represented preferred the eight-bJur system. Day workers labored ten hours, but tbote who worked by tbe piec* worked more than ei?ht hours. Tbe bent workmen received 93 a day. Thoee who worked tbe least number of hours were the most intelligent men: thin was a characteristic which Us could not fail to notice. The Cattle I'laoie.?w'? are informed that several case# of disease among cattle, resembling in all their stages the cattle diM-aM now so destructive in Europe, have occurred in Delaware county, and the epidemic ba? made its appcaram-e, it to said, in Schuylkill township, Chester county; a larpe number of valuable cow* have b?*eii lots' there from it, or tome other similar diseup. The plague 16 cobtngioue, nnd in mmti/ confined to liorasd iattle. I?r. Tw add ell, trout the Twentyfourth Ward of this city, who was recently sent to the Channel Island by several wealthy fet<U mm nt Cheater county, to select h?ads of cboiie< attic Las retimed empty-banded, on i rcci nt of the general and destructive prevalrn e cf ;be plajrue. If the disease should become very j rexaient, we shall be compelle<| : tu n to par war price* for oar roasts and sirloins.?J'hilcdtl] hta Tcl'prcpk. I riJAMiii..? me ? w ion v ommiTriu [ of tbe Hub says theatook market is VMiminf a more settled tone. Government securities continue very dull. It is difficult to account for tbe lorpe amount now commit upon the mar. ket, except from tbe supposition tbat parties who Lav** Invested their unemployed means la these during tbe war, now want money for attire employment. Kfci twenties of nil the is. sues are weak. Tbe "conversion" bond* ar? quoted 9P*,n1W. J^even-thirties are generally lower; tbe (bird trrita are selling at &G)|. it would appear probable tbat tbie low quotAI tion will bring forward buyers, as they are certatnly a good investment at that price-, bat | tbe truth is that, at present tbe tendency la lo ploy it actively. Gold was steady at 14?^. The Cholera if Evrofb ?The Russian papers announce that the cholera, which appeared two months since ia the southern provinces of the empire, is advancing north, and, notwithstanding the cold weather, it has arrived nt lierdytcben, in Russian Poland, town of forty thousand souls, mostly Jews. It appears that*those who have suffered most from the cholera in Paris are the ck\ff<mnwrt, or rag men, and the street sweepers. On the former class it has fallen so heavily that there is som? intention of suppressing the trade altogether. It is said that one hundred and fifteen thousand persons fled Ircm Paris within ten days, to a\oid the epidemic; but the example of the Emnt'Pnr nrwl Vrr\t * in vikifintr th* hA?iniila v, lien- tbe patients are under treatment ha.? artded mccb 10 their personal popularity, and will have a hcaliby mor:ii effect. ?^"One of the buoys ol the Atlantic cable v as M?en by tbe officers ol the schooner Osprey which vt'FH'l arrived at Gal way, Ireland, October J-Ub. from L?lanel?y." lier captain reports bavin? passed one "of tbe bnoya off" Iinndon. on Friday, October 'i(*h li was painted red,with the"word "Telegraph" painted on the fide. He hare to, to try and take it oa board, but was unsuccessful, ni^ht seiun* to, with the wiud southwest at the time, and the buoy drifting itreatly. ?y Norfolk navy yard employs 1061 me a A seiious riot took nlace at Peterson N. J., on Wednetday night bri*>*n a gang of rowdies, soldier* and the hands of a train on whictk the rowdies bad refuted U> pay fare. Pistol*, knivts, and baronets were freely used and m number badly injured. c/"A do* supposed to be rabid created (treat excitement in Alexandria yesterday. and *h finally l:\wwd and killed after baying biuea two children. Albert Foi and Thomas Mnrry tried to sbooteach other in a quarrel at Fairfax, C. H a day or two since, but unfortunately were nut sober enough to shoot where they looked. CGot. Buckingham, of (VnoWicat, has isnu d a proclamation, the substance of whiclk is that the Constitutional Amendment extendinir suffrage to tbe negroes was defeated by the tallowing rote: Yeas, '27,217; nays, ?y The offcf of our uuuukc, the Portland, (Me..) Kv?niii(t Star toulc lire Tuesday morn, ine from the Utimpof a cigar whi~b ignited the taw dut-t in a spittoon. The conflagration was extinguished by the water power of the establithmi'iit, a fa Gullirtr. Mr. Mercer, who ie eonToylng a colony ?f women to Washington territory, ha? por. ha?ed frcm the Government the *hip Coastlutirna), on which they will take passage, yrapt Hall, the Arctic explorer, beard of Fieskititt Lincoln'* a* nation 78 day* after itH fctnrnce. Awbale*hip carried him the news. ?y-Ofthe one bnndred and twenty-one iniraiea of the Lunatic Asylum of Tenn???ee, Hi's axe reported a* baying become deranged by i .. .?r,ii>rint inr.riftit lo the war i^Arrlittatcrt pertone in New Orleau? are rjoy :nsr pood health, but others newly arrl*e<t ar?- often n iwd by a very ?miojiot, if no: danp*-rot;e aliment, known by physician* m dou(ur, cr "break-bone lever." yAim nr cargo brrKijrtat to San Prancitco by a vet- al lately from Japan an 3iJ . ra<kctr?? of wilt-worm f-js for shipment to New York and th*Tre to France. They ?? Milii'rt at 9W,0M. Thrv are ehitipM b* tUia circuitous route to avoid the tropica.