J "the evening star fcbu?hid paily, ilxcbpt sunday,) at the sta* buildings 9tmOmui crr*er if Pemmm avtnu* mU utt ttrui WW w* p- wallach. a ? ?- op a k ia mrv?d b* tk< carriers to t&air f ^ ? (mttng ?tar. V2. xxvn. WASHINGTON. D. C.. MONDAY. JUNE 25. 18S6. N2. 4,151. ( tecnbtro in '-& City and Distnc at Tn g^m PBK via. OopiM at the ooouter, with 0 without wrappers. Two Ocata each. Pbjcb fob Thrje months, On fif]? mU ?\fty Ctntt; six mjnUu, Tkr* Doijone r?*r, D*Umrt. No papers an fma the office longer tlu.ii paid for. TV WEEKLY STAR? puohshedon Friday poraiBg?Om Doiiar end a a ft* CLOTHING, Ao. ?*L0TH1S?| wen Id rsoectfnUy tnnoune? totfc* citliens of Washington and the ??blie generally that 1 here cttbADCj large j>d well selected stock or anisa and summkr clothing i Conristlng of? Light and Brown Cm, Suite, Limtaud Brown Cms. 9?ite, Light and Brown Cms. Suite. Ftne B1n? Flannel Suit*, FIm Blue Flannel Salt*, Flna Blue Flannel Salta, Light and Fancy Cm?. Parti and Yttti, Light and Fan?-yC*a?. PanUani V??te, Light and Fancy Caaa. Pant* and Veata, 1 f hw and Brown Lin?n Dnrk Suite, 1 bite and Brown Linen Duck Suite , Wkite and Brown Linen Duck SUta, * F!na Black Cloth Frock 0*ate. rine Black Cloth Krook Ooatsi Fine Black Clo:h Frock Coat#, Flo* Black Pants and Ve?t?, Fine Black Pants io>1 Vests. Fine Black Put* and Vests. Tontks' and Boys' Clothing, Tenths' aud Boys'Clothing, Tenths' and Boys' Civ tiling, White Linen Bosom Shirts, Whir* Lines B ?so? fhirts. White Linen Bosom Shirts, Undarshirts and Drawers, Undershirts and Drawers, Undershirts and Dra*ere, Heck Ties nod Scarfs, He* k Ties and Scarfs, heck Ties and tfcarte, AVT> A OJCNKBAL ASSORTMENT or FURNISHING GOODS. A'l the above goods are made and trimmed in the ateet Sew York styles and canal to an? custom Bade jtarroeaU. Thankful to ta? public for past ( vera, I respectfully solicit a ceoiicnacce of the A STRAUSS, FASHJOyABLE CLOTHIER, PKNNA. A V EN IB, my M ia Between 10th and nth ?t?. o W MI 8 0 0 0X IDI D BT TBI U1SOI OAK HALI.. There is a doctor in oar town, A Ui?o ofyractlce and renown; Br roakt-s a han<1 *<,mr income leer. And l?j?np metiey every year. How, when he started ont In youth, H* had but Mule cash iu truth, Bnt Htitl he'd try b's best to do. And make a nan>e and money too. Be attended lectures, studied ban!. And very qnickly passed the board. Be opened office flung out sign, Bnt n:any patients conld not find. Each day he sat. with saddened (ace, For j oTertv escie on apace; At la*t a friend *sve him viviee Which changed his fortune in a trice. How patients flocked from far and near, And kept him butr ail the year; klen tir.d wom*u all declare. No doctor can with him compare. Tb? secret of his gre..t success, IH tell you if you cannot #uess: The >?a' ad?fce will bekr you all. U? got tuit from SMITH S OAh. BALI*. HMTTH PHWTHEBB * CO., JIEKCHANT TAILORS, dkal*?* rw NTS' GPRMlSaiNO GOODS. OAK HA Lb. ?S4 StVKNTH STBKBT. ion r?cei-.ed tu? %ud baest stock * PISCE OoOLS ever uffered lath* city of WatbttfVu K?Ting secured the Deal in the city, ms atp to m OLA?, MKu HaNT TAILOR, OornerefUth street and Peim% a?ence. opjdte Wii!?ri?' Hotel. >a Invite* his frlenue And tbe public to his ilcb aeeortmest of l|^ 8PRI59 OOOD9, ftf benirht for cMh. and will be aold at redceed rv.ee. Perfect fits w-?rrs?ted. Alau. a fine stock if <> ENTS' Ft BNI8HINO GOODS. P. 8. Give ua a call. a> 14->a fr J BriBIRGKH, h'.icff*- ir to H F Lmdoa A Co . > CITIZEN S AXD MILITARY MEKrHAMT TAILOR, R% 3I*iropoi itnn Hotrl, 'Mt Brown'*, IW 36*2 Pennsylvania ???nu?,? wyl-tf WMhlatto?.P. O, Hp^onaiI VI ADAMt BROHKKIER, the wo?derfnl A? '? iroloKKt and Plant-: Header. hav.c* lately arrived from Kurepe, will remain in Waaniagton a?bi rt tm? Tbi? wonderful 1 ady wu born witti natural (rift ftbe t?li? the i>Mt. preeent and fntnre D'Tt-r known to fail She canea* love X?h? csrn all disease*. Bn'ineea strictly confidential. Honrs of conniltatinn from ? bill s Gentlemen 9l. Ladiea so cent* PneeDt rwi'li-nre So. 4u9 loth btreet, l-ar tf -tre*:. 11 lm* RKMOVKD.-Dr. GEO. MrOOT bM renovM to ?h9*iitr??tHit.?jr -r of C south, next St. iter's Church, Capitol Hill. j? 9-im* \1HS H r^KliiHT, Magnetic A&d ClAJrToy1*1 ant Pbysletan. UmIi by Laying oa Haul*, Paral) ai?. Bheamatlaiu, Chills a .id fa m, P*K.ala W|t?a.D.O. mar 4 R O ? 1 I S thdS TABIT, BoutbeMt corwrl*J otre?*t we?t and Om*I. UKt. end WATK<* PBOOF fKLT, OBMKMT MMi UKAVKL rn&Tv* pat on ia tb? wn bmt MUittrr, of tb? T*r? bMl MMrUl, u4 at Uw Www lioth * m vrt M4*nb pric?a. ? AW,all kiltie! Bt'lLBINO and OOMPOtlTIOK ftoorma-'aATBAuij) ?a h*? . *?i? As*a( for Lowia' fMntai P? r?*:n*i ( ?w?:,d?r Clork.of ?rton? P?Ufn?jpB Sti*'' T.'.r>V> o< Tim*****. U^H JKcCSrfcjsr* HI BlLSBOLO**TXTaAOT 18 j AMUSEMENTS. (.ROVER'S THEATER, TBMPOBABILT UNDKBTHB MANAOBMBNT I or JOHN T. rOBD. Tb* BrilliaatraQ| tnnit* Grand March *ulock a. m. to7 p. m. je21-?5t* ^H1 GREAT UNION GIFT CONCERT ! TO BE DRAWN AT GP.OVEB*S THEATER, WASHINGTON, D. 0., WEDNESDAY, JULY 2*. 1866. Ntimber of Tick< U lMued.r:s 000. Price f 1 Each. 30.U0O VALCABLE GIFTS. WORTH HtSXil, WILL UK PKESKNTKD TO TICKET HOLDERS. Tbia la rhe greatest inducement wr offered to | ire nMic, oae ticket out of evtr/four drawing a pri7,e. LIST OF GIFTS. 1 Gift in Gteenbacks ?10,oOi 1 " " 6.1W0 1 " in 7 30 C 8. Honrtn 3 <00 1 ' in G.^ubncki. 1 " " 4,000 Gift# in Greenback*. ?1 each 4,<*>0 1 Three story Brick Huasegnod street ea't, between Ma*aacbu*ett-* avenue and north C, Capitol Hill, Washington, D C ?40? ] Fin? Lot adjoining thee.bove resilience tioiih.4 fett front b? 95 each. 5 Meiodeons at > J00 each, Si Gentn' Gold W?tch-s at *^e?ih 17 L?i!ieg' Diamond Watches at Jl.'U each, iO Ladies Diamond Watcbe* at ?125 each, .0 American Hnniicg-caae Watches at "J75 eAc!i.49 fcewikg Machines irmn ?."0 to 3li*J ev;h, 10 Silverplated Tea S< ts at $75 each. 10 Silver Castor* it $15 each, t5,ouo Albnmpfrom $3 to 51" each, *30 Gold Hinge from $lto-9l0 e?ch. J.Oit i OoM Pen?, in bc*e?, at $:i each, 5.JOO Gold lin?*d Oohlet* and Cups at each.4 UW) Pair Gent*' Gold Sleeve puiiiii" irom .32 lo S8 each. 9.WW Clock*. Books, Cntlery, Ac .from t? ?? each.in all 3D,000giftJ, the total Tiilne of which is .flil S9i. The drawing will take place after the Concert on the stage cf the Theater, where 'i.000 pemoiii e*n witness it. A rommitte? will be appoint*! by the auaience to ?'ip*ri?tenr t'.l'rf, 34?> I'etiii^) >.t&ia aveiine, between f>t h ai.d 7th streets. Price.?!. Gscd and reliable aeer.t* wanted in erery city, ti'Wn anj in the 1'nited States, to win.mi rreat indnceirffifta ate offered. Reference required. SPECIAL TERMS OR CLCB RATES. Any party pro< unrig * club of five or mora names for tick"-ts ai:d forwarding ' ? the money for ttie an>e, wi!l be allowed the following cuinmis-ions. WE WILL PKND 5 Tickets to one address for . < 50 JO " K> " " ?... Hi . 0 And ICO " " Hi !? laennrcMr wtd the ni'i.t *.ad poet office drrft of ach ' pftrHte 'ub?. fiber. Money by draft. P. O. order, e*pre * atioual Orpheus' lusutatlou 5J1WO. BEFEBKNCKS: Hon. Thomas H?od, Madison, WjsronMn. (' M. Walker. Adrian, YtichikMu. J. K. , Es i., Chicago, 1 liiu >i? D. A. Weinberg, importer of Watchei, ObiCigO, Kd A Ellsworth, Esq., Washington, D (J. H C. Dewitt, ksq , Cleveland. Ohio. Hon. Vim. N Buttorlield, New York Hon. Henry Barnes, Detroit. Ul.-higan. General Charles I. Caupb -ll, itukesha, Wiscoaatn. Ma,<>r Enoch Tot*en, Wa*hin^U>n. D C N. B. Elrfredee, Keq.. Adrian. aJ^hiean. Win. Flinn. Esq.. late U. 8. Kaiy Agent. Washington. D C. N. B?Editor* of country payers are authorised to act as our scents, aad they ?ill be allowed fall crmniieafon on all ticaet* ordered, whether for themaelves or other parties, who mar order through them. Proposals for inserting this vertisement are re?jnested, say 11 StsM.W.Tjrl* ? ' EuBGE JCEHIM ANN S U LAOEB BEEB BBEWEBT AMD 91 PLEABCBEGAKDKN. /Bk Corner of ?th and T. streets, (llA CAPITOL HILL. Dancing e^rjr MON DATcommencing at f o'cllt p. m. my S lm* pftOFB. J. W. A H. P. KBEI8* DANCIXG ACADEMY, JA 0?>e?ne Metropolitan Hotel |1| OnrOlMMa will be continue* daring the 8a? ?er, coaimtncinf TCIiDAT, MAT 99, 1?6?. To r Ladies, Woki *od Mm ten. Taaadar ud Friday ?fUrno.-.n?. from 4 to o'clock. 6"utl?m^n'i CIimm, tame er?nin*?, frem 8 to 10 0 clock. Ferfarther lnformmUoa. etply daring the honrt of taitloM. er add rua > note to the Academy, mrt-l; INSURANCE COMPANIES. ASHATTAN ~ ~ UFX IS8CKABC* OOMPAHT OFFIC* No*4T6 Srt&flftH STBEET. V> MBIDKtoB Uitr. D. C. 3rn* JOBS T. LIGHTER. Affent. FIBEMEN'H IS8URANCB 00. OF WASH INGTON AMD GEOBGETOWN. OFFICE No. l,?T*r BMkof WMklactoa. CHABTKBXD BT CONGRESS, 1837. OA PITALi $ *00.000 SURPLUS FUND _ #30.000 Pro|?rt7 oftU kli4i lamnd for i ye*r qr 1?m BniMera' riaka iruM Um noitfkTortbl* Una. Nocb?rr? fcr>o!1r1?? JAMBS Al>AMS. PrMtdeut. S*b>o?1 r-ro^Iof, Emu Plckrall, Robert Vi bit?, of 0*or(?to?a. Wm. Wilaon. Tmbm Parker, UhL D. jBtrcUf, RicUvd Barrj, S?m'l Redfer*. Ck??. W. Da via, B. B French, T. K4. Clark, Andrew Rothvill. cf KahtnftoO. \ The Directors ?* Georgetown *r? MthortrMtv RABrd tn r am aw tiaIIjbm m **? Georgetown. j? 15 eo6in A BBL O. DATW, SeeYy. ^BAND TBIAL. OF &EW1NG MACHINES BFTW*I!? TW* W1LTOX A GIBBS AND T*LCftEN01! TUB WILCOX A GIBfeS TBICMPHANT t i IT IB DEt LABED THE BEST MACHINB AND AWABDED THE HIGHEST PBEMIO*. 'or the Wile?* ft Glbbe Machine thirty-tire Attempt Ml, bwfor? mi able aad Impartial mr. th? j n it tic* ?if whoee verdict noneean ifi?p?te. It hM be*n woeed and decided. SiWHS* to ?*? world, thf^ the Wilcox ft Otfefee MmIiIm i? mt what It Iroclained to be, AN IMPfiOVBMMMT ON DCOBLB-THBEAD machines. It re-inlr^e no mpb?t. we think, to foretell Its clrtmle viaaph u the reeecrieed standard Mw' ?f Macht?e of the world. Orreuiara containing t tell retort ?the ju4m#, gft+*U particular. at thlg irnxmant trial can be ofctaiuad nf 0*0 riAiqc, 490 7th itrMt. ' niy^lm' Agent for the Dlltrict. '^ILIBftATIJ H'TTr 1 (tR^KOI TB AHT>. i y *v7l*?d cnred ) nFF1*LD ? ettrtd.f . > ? . HUn( BILL, Cvr ~er )Uh and F itn*?i, _ * 19 no4?r Bbbltt Hog A. sSSHSS?^ 4 1 SPECIAL NOTICES. KTDCTCHIB 8 LIGHTNING FLY KILLKB nakn quick work with rtle*. and If comraen md arly, ke??c tb? houM clear all no turner Look out for Imitation*. ??l DutcherHi only. jeU-enlm COLGATE'S AROMATIC TIOCTA11.I SOAP A an peri*r Toilkt So**. prepared from refined T?c. itabi.a Oils in combination with O^tckeisk tad especially designed for the dm of L vdi v.*, and for th* Hcmu. Its perfume Is exquisite, aad Ita washing properties unrivalled. For sal* by all druggist*. fe 9 eoly MOTH AND FRECKLES. Ladies afflicted with Discoloration* on the Face, called moth patches or freckle*, ahould ua? PKKRY'S celebrated MOTH and FRECKLE LOTION. It is infallible Prepared by Dr. B. C. P?rry, Dermatologist, 49 Boud et.,N.Y. Sold by all druggiataln Washington and elxewhere. my 18-eo3in TWO BAD CASES OF PILES CUBED BT DB ST BICE LAND'8 PILE BEMSDY. Mr. Glass,jof JauesTiUe, Wiaci'UHli^ writes for rite tchodi oi an wno enner wuu ioe rno?, mat ne baa been troubled for eight year# with >?n aggravated raae of Pile*, and hia brother w?ui disch-trged rorn the army a* incurable, < be twins i nto purayaed with tfce Pile*, i Both tbeeedi?trft*aiuf oh??< were cured with onv teottleof Dr. SI&lUliLAND'V PILE REMEDY. Tbe recommendation of those gentle men, beside the daily reatitnotial* r??o?i\?i by Dr. Mrlcklar.d, onght to onrint-e tnoso sitTerlog that the ni< at aggravated chronic cm0* of ?i|"a are cured by l>r Strickland's Pile Remedy. 1> la old bv Druggtsta everywhere. Sold by J. W. NArRN & CO.: CIIA3 CHRISTIAN!, 3** Pa venue ard AO J Ninth afreet. octtly A KTJPEKIOk REMEDY. W< oau cotucientfuuil) recommend to tiiosoeof ferUu Iroiu a aiat.-etning cough. i>R ts'IiiU KLAND'S MKLLiriiC'US COUGH BALSA..') It fives relief almost instan'aueou*, nnrt i? wttfial notdiaagreeable to tbe taste. There lanodjx'.: but toe Melliflncn" t'ough lialxam ia one of lb* beet preparations in u?e. and.is all that it* proprietor rlanna tor at. We h-?Vf tried it durmgth). past week,ar>o found relief fTwu a moat diatriviiii a* ccugh. It is prepnred by Pr. Strickland, No I Sycanwre atreet. CiD'Jn:>ati. Ohio, nnd for sa!* by Prngg??ts. Hold by J. W. NAIRN A OO , nl~, at WAITK'S Dmg Store, and CH AS. OHR?ST'ANI 8. 317 Pa, avenne And SOU Ninth atrcet. oc W-lv _ SVMEL Y. STEADILY. SUCCESSFULLY, 8M0LANDBB H EXTR&OT BOOED is craiNe ?Ter? CftM Of KiCNKT Dl?*ap*, Rhewmathm, Gravel, Cki^aii Disordke*. Wkaknb?.* and | Pains In the Back, Female Complaint* and taorblk* arising from Bxces*k? of ant Kino. COBI, II iV r L1CTEDI TBi bAlULiAMvatii a. TAKE NO OTHER BUCKU. Bold by all Apothecarlea. Price 91. D BARNES ? 00., New York, and BABM KB, WARD4 0U., New Orleans, Bout hern Agenta. BURLEIGH A BOOKBS, Wholesale Druggists, Boston, M ih., General Agents. feb 10 ly SECRET DISEASES. SamakitasV Gift i?\ 1 most certain, isc.fe %nd effectual remedy? Indeed, the only vegetable remedy ever discovered. Onres in two to four days, aud rerent ranes In twenty four honr< N'> mineral,no balsam,iio mercury. Only ten pill* to he taken. It in '.he soldier's hope, and a friend to those who do not want to be exposed. Male packages, 92; female, ?3. SAVAB!TA!t'? Root ANDllKmB Jrrr**? Apo*ltive th? pert' aixntrure for Spyhili*. 8< roftrlv Clcer*, Pores. Bt?ots. Tetters. Ac Price 91 ?'> per bottle. Bold by 8. C. f?H. See advertisement. my 6 MABKIAGE AMI CELIBACY, an Essay of WaintL-gand Instruction for Yonnj? Men. Also. Diseases and Abuse* ubich prostrate the vital lo wers, with sure means of relief 8<>nt free of ch.irte In pealed letter envelopes. Address Dt. J. FKTLLIN IloUGHTOii, Howard As-^cUtion, Philadelphia. Pa. ap 16-Sa PIC N1CS, EXCURSIONS, &cT Li'lKsT OKANO ArTKKNOON AND EVEr NINtt PIO NIC OF Til K f>% CF.BANITJ AtortCIATION, JW WILL i:t oivm at A V A I O S T .1 V / N 1. A V /),U& OK MONDAY, JL'NE 84. 1*?6. The Committee pUdge themselves to mak? thl? oi??- < f the xnofct agiceuble hl(1 pleasant Pic-nic? of the Boat* will leave th<- foot of Hi*h itraet. Georgetov ii, at 2 o'cJf-ck i> iu., aifl every ten miaate* thereafter MASSAC,* FBKE Tl( EKT8 ."??? CENTS, admitting a gentleman and Uaiea. By otd*r of the Committee. je 2! 4t* pLEASU&S IS OUB MOTTO. THE FOURTH ?HAND AFTERNOON/*? AND EVENING PIO NIC Life of the LAFAYETTE CLCR OF CKOROIYOWN, AT ANALOSTAN ISLAND. ' TUESDAY, JUNE 26TH, 1H?C. We invite our former friend*, and tbe public In eeaeral. lo attend Boat* will leave the foot of hiiih street every ten micntea for the I (land, and will run free of charge A ,flre procured at Ballantrne'ti and Pliilp A Solomr.na Bookatorea. Stinemetz'a Hat Store, ai.rt at the ronma r,f the Aiaeriatiou, where number* ?an procnre tUlceta fnr ?*|e Tbe Boat will leave 7Ui itreet wharf ai 4!? p. m. precitelv. je 6t SJlVKNTH ST&KKT. tu 1UI cil- nr Tit K DlbTKlUT AND VICINITI. 1 have recently euUrved hit afore, giving me greater busines* facilities, and have correspond ingly enlarged my stock of the following Goods, to whiclt 1 respectfully request your attention when makiug your purcbaa+a: i FAPIB HAYINGS, of foreign and damestic manufacture. DECORATIONS for ITalia. ialooDi, 4c., B0BD1BS, CINTIB8 MEDALLIONS AMD FIBS BOABD PB1NTB. STATUE8 and PAPEB CURTAINS, GOLD WINDOW SH ADES, ok Buff, Pearl. Stone, Lavender, Btown, Chocolate, Tan, and Green grounda, WINDOW *frAt>l HOLLANDS, of different widths, in Green. Bine, Bui, auJ White, and warianted genuine Stotck. *w?r?* riTTHRiu RUSTIC BLINDS, CORt>8, TASSELS, Ac., TABLE siid STAIR OIL CLOTH, And a very large and complete atack of SQUARE and OVAL PICTURE FRAMK9, in Gold, Walnut, R-Teefood, and Ebony. FRAM 18 of every description made to order. B.B ?I have also aided to my ?tora a small PICTURE DEPARTMENT, where amatenra atl the public are invited to call and inspect the 1&m OWD PICTURES which I hrre onAa&d. AcAnowledgivg many obligation! to my friends and the public daring the lsat niue year*. I yet earaettry~BclVit their continued favor* and support. L. J. ROTHROCK, 4oO aad 4ii, Seventh itreat, oapa?ite l'stent Office. ja 1<>o*,? [Con. Union ] 'po TXK MASONIC FRATERNITY. A Maaonlc CHART, cmbraciaff all of Masonry M ii known iu thiscoufltrjr, will Ut fannd l>y m* Mfc* ??plic*tion to Mr I1KNRY HPMCUKE\ 8, at P. J. b?ll*w A Co.'a, R?, 310 7th it., t>atwe?a D iadl. Tb? Ma'onic ? ??frnlty tr? rr? tb? bast jadea tor ffc^notlves, aa lar aa tb? valaa of tha picture nod Tts mailt* ara conre ned. ja 1Mb* HKNRY HBMPHRXY8. Agent. FT" BBP COOL I KKRP POOLI I PUBC ICS CR1A11 f it PXft QALLOM. Tb? avbaerlkar daalra* to eall tha attention of hPre*ident Hai1*. wi!h snrnp mFmhiTg of nis ?.? ?? fioilier l'resbyteryl which adjourned alter denonnring the Old Presbytery, anil warning the peoplt^Jifaiust thejn. I t.e \Ve-t l'oiut cadets went Into ca>np Friday at neon, win re they will reuaaiu until the 26th of Angu?t. Attorney GeneraI Spee l and all the puotsar Rue's* Ilo'.-l were present. A' the tirut tap of the ?!rtunthe cad"i< ..vk the.r piece- beside the pro-trat"-tt nts. At tli? - 'con.i tap they took hold of the ropes and piles. Colonel Hlack waved his hand, the third tap oi the drum was jriven. and 111 a second a town xxj- < nrv?n fho L?rann -- ? " * -r '" ' *? x * ** X Tl:e names of the ships comprising 'he practice lieet ot the Naval Academy, which sailed from Annapolis on :Le -J"Th, are i'i>* il 'sr-ii ; Macedonian. Captain L.ne Knsti-li yachts 011 the TUam-s. WjJIi.-im IStwrnau, (white,) an ex-Federal soldier, v.as convicted and sentenced to twenty-ore je'iro' imprisonment in the Tennessee i<>-iiiteiiii:ii v for fU-altnc a bvr-e from rc" Frill!* (coior>d.) Jiriili* v.m- examined -i- . wi'm sK lor the state, under our recent statute, w i* hont objection. The evidence in tbe case of the Fenians now under examination ;it I'luli) sbur?r, Canada, t-how? that at leafct four ot :hem were t iken in the act ot firing up 11 her Majesty's tr jp*, and they will doubtless sutler the extreme penalty ot tbe law. During a heavy rain storm. Frldav after noon, a man entered the American ilxnres* ofliie at Cincinnati, walked heimid the money cleik'.- d*-*k, and atetracted a parka::** ro.i taming 94.7) 0 with whichliem idi' lit.-i-sc ip . Saturday afternoon an explosion of iirev.ork-< occurred at Ktwribaetc's f.incy st >re on Baltimore Mreet, Baltimore. A considerable portion of the sto>k v/a? destroyed. I'Ue affair created much excitement and alarm. The Be v. Joseph II. Kenuarrt, the ol<1e*t Baptist clergyman of Philadelphia. died yes. lerclay evening. He has bren pastor ot the Tenth Baptist Church lor nealy forty years. Gem ral ltolce and ^uit arrived m .Montreal Friday, and are occupyinx the apartments of Governor General ol Canada at St. l*vrr?itc? Hall. A >rain on the Cincinnati and ZanMville r:tilroa?i'rau into a broken c.nl vert Fricl.- *, ne.ir Morristown. The engineer and lireman were both killed. M There was a fraud review of all the troops <"n the Champ de Mars, Montreal, Sa'.nrci&j, in honor of their return Iruu the tront. New Or|p:tne is remarkably healthy, and I tbnr ho tn.rtmcy to lever. The yellcw at \ tra Cruz Rivea no al:tr-n. The M;icouic fraternity comnfmorared St. John's anniversary in Kiclimund, Ya? ye-?rday. t ONtiR KSSI U.>* AL. Skxatk.?On Saturday afternoon, the ta:: bill being under consideration ? Mr. Lrfmunds offend an aiutjuilm.nt, whir 1 w:u- adopted, providing that tbe tax upou IcitiW circulation shall not be assessed upon any bank whose total circulation does nor?;x(ved i the amount Allowed by tlie ac t to provide (or ' * r-itumal currency. Ac. Mr. Davis offered an amendment to reduce the tax on whiskey to St .50 per gallon on and alter the first ol November next, and to 81 per ration on and after the first of April, l>-67. The amendment was disagreed to. Mr. Heiidrick offered an amfndmfnt that wbi u a railro.vd, canal, or other company owing accrued iutereut on Its indebtedness is unable to pay the same, the tax of five per cent. 011 its coupons shall not be exacted until it is able to pay tbe interest on iU indebtedness. Adopted. Tbe Clerk of the House here appeared and announced the death of tbe Hon. James Humphrey. of New York, a member of the House, and communicated the resolutions passed by tbe House. Mr. Morgan paid a tribute to the virtues of the deceased, and offered a resolution aniiuuncinir the sincere regret of the Senate and their s-ympatby with the fam'lyof the deceased, and that ibe Senate do now adjourn; which was adopted. Adjourned. Th? Sbwatk.? Foster of Connecticut. Trumbull of Illinois, McDoukhI of California. I.ane nt Indiana, Harris of New York, Putneroy of Kansas, Kirkwood of Iowa, Davis of Kentucky, Creswell of Maryland, Brown of Missouri, Clark of New Hampshire, Snerman ot Ohio. Nye of Nevada, Cowiin of PenneyI r:inia, Howe of Wisrouain. aiwl Nearoith ot "< >repun, finish their terms on the 1th of March, IViT. Gen. O. S. Ferry baa been elected to succeed fclr Foster. Mr. Trumbull v.*ill have for comivetitors lor the Republican nomination Gen. .oprui and Gov. Oiclesby. Hon. Cornelina Cole will take the place of Mr. McDoueal. I-ane of Indiana, decline? a re-election, and JSjxNiker Oolfax and Mr. Julian, Republicans, and 1?. W. Voorbees, Democrat, :ire candidates. Secretary Harlan will take the place ?f Mr. Kirkwood. GOT. Carney is :t candidate lor nomination in the plate of Mr. Pom?roy. (tvY. JlmmU'tte, ex-Gov. Powell, and It ohm Mallory are *pokeu cf in the place ot Gnrrett Davie, altbpugh the choice may fall njicn Roussean, notwithstanding h<> resides in the same district with Guthrie. For the place of Mr. Ore^well, Gov. Swann. Hon. J. \V. Crisfield and Hon. Montrwr candidates. Maf. Gen. Frank Blair will be the opponent of Gratz Drown in Missouri. Prof. S. W. Patterson has tieen elected to sneered Mr. Olarlc. A legion ?f hungry bopers are can vaseiusr for the place of Senator Cowan, including Hickman, K??lly, Ketcham, Wilmot, Ciamou, Forney and Stevona. It is expected ihat Hon. A. H. Ilandnll, ptewnt Assistant Postmaster General, will fee elected in the ji!ac?* of Mr. Howe: a movement is on foot in Wisconsin to put np Gen. (J. C. Washburn* as a candidate for the nomiaauoD, with the hope of defeating Gov. Hnndall. Ixd*mi?itt.?Mr. Gait successfully moved in the Canadian Assembly that the United States be calted upon to idemnify them lor ?xpen^es incurred during tbe recent Fenian troubles. Mr. Chambers, of Brockvilie, op posea the motion, as?erung in me coarse 01 ni? remarks that the United States conld at any moment "absorb the Canada*." and it was worse than lolly on their part to do anything to irritate ns. "Mr. Gait loce* sieht of the fact that Ameriuan and not Canadian soidiers brought the Fenian invasion to a speedy end. Had it not been for our intervention, the Mileetan warriors would have overrun the province*, and doubtless been quartering in the Hm<# of Assembly. As far as indemnity is concerned, they sbonld remunerate us f ?r the heavy expenditure* incurred on this side of the line, instead of our paying any bonus to ttoem.?X. f. Commercial A&tertiser. Nsw Ststkm or Embalmimo ?The F-m il>e system* hitherto in um< in the manner of introducing the preservative liquid. Heretofore, it ban been necessary to make incisions in the body for This pnrp?e?N bnt M. And ritr introduces it by lb' mouth, iind alw rnH* tb? *kiu witb a vegetable powder, im^ rebutted with the came liquid The |att<*r part of the prore** ia not ab*ol*te)y pece*F*ry, and the ?mhnhninir n>av be performed after tbe body bar been placed in the coffin. Tbe official re. Eort rtate*tbat siler tbe lap*eof twelve naoatba odirs which had been ti.bimtted to tb? pr*? mm were in a perfect sta*e of pre*er#aMgM> tbe flesh haviag become aa hard as waa*. ' * M ^ : 0 LATER FROM EIROPB. Th?* steamship Germania, from Southampton on the 12th instant, has arrived at New York. Tt? Tiirifs says an opinion ?f?mi to have arisen, tbat after lust week's experience, no serious attempt will be mailt* to oppose tbe seren pounds franchise. La France believes tbat tbf rnmors of an expected imperial message, and ;be issue of a new loan it unfounded, ana should Ronber be questioned on the policy of tbe Government, be will only repeat his 3d of May declaration Marshall 0"lH>r.n> 11 has expressed apprehensions that will not pass without Spain having to defend her territory. The passport system has been introduced in Anstria. The ^mn^rrti* headquarters ol the north. Tb* Minister of 'he Interior has been deputed by the Kin* to r?-ply to the \ arion? addresses in lavor of i>eace Tue convocation of the Holsiein estate* by Austria has not been aunn'led. The Austrian &mbaa> sac1 or has cot left Berlin. The popular indignation in Bavaria arain?t Pru>*ia continue*. Efforts are being ma*l? to induce the Kinc to chance the !*1 inistrv, who maintain the policv of declarine against the Power that shall commence war. Au?tri* protested against the entry of the Prussians into Hols's n, declaring t r?ny act which Prussia 11 lrr?. l oa the part uf tbt fonwr QomuMi or the about to m?-or. TIh* opfiuncot he f*rat<<8 is expected with much anxiety. Frut-tia will nett permit th* m-etii:* in any pan of HolPCil. Monteuft'el has i??u*?(t a l>rorl3mition stating tha" the Kitijr oi Prussia mtend?, in conformity, with t . > principle of the unity of both jMu-bi-*, to ronvolce the pf-t:?t?\? oi Srb'rwic-UoUtfin. in orrter to prepare thi? nnitythe nece-^ary preparation !jr cot* vortt'toti htis ht-ei; ma.Ie. t'oufol?, m!\.; tiv-twen\. CV?(;rk^! 'bairman of tlie ?"ommi'v* ?>n Pnlilii- frronndc; lion. nnfvlv:?niH: Hon. Samuel Sbellabarg'T and Hen. M. Walker, of Obio: H >n. Addirrif>. of Ne<*on?iit, accumpinicd by Mayor Wallnch. ol Wa!-hin*ton: li H.French, Esq , Commi^-ioner ol PuMic limldinjrs, and other centlemen, visited Fal'imore <>n Saturday for this pnrpow. (In arriving at Camden Station h? roon. tin-neiegntion met at the depot hv the ?t!avor, Iron. John Chapman. and Hon. John I>. Thomss Jr., and Hon. C. 11 PL?-lps. 'I'lt- Mayor welcomed them to Haiti, note, awd expressed h'srejrret? n' ihe absence oltbc Si-ns'.- Committee on Public (irouurt-t, who were also e\pected to have been present. Aftfr be i.r it. it m uarri.i^-s provided : the occasion. the vui'ora were driven to the residence of iion. >lr. Phe p?. on Ku .aw Sqnare, where a "iimptnous collation of the food thin?# <>1 I if'.- bad beep T>r iVifler! hv fh .t gentleman. Um ait hrur"was pleasantly I pent. i The company then drove to Urnid Hill P trie, ' ami at the Mil iv Messrs. Cbupmiii) a?>d Hooper, of the Parir Commissioners. l"ut<;omicry ? Some four or five weeks ft|r9, >Ir. Wra. Hardesty, wlij hv?*rabout six miles v.estwardiy iroin Ro uj iMHca, nun. a air or two at'erward . i 8tronc .-i.ull vi (v:il oil vis perceived. By lFtfit'? duvru a v'al, a muddy witter was proI'uml, i'ii '!? tt'p oi vviurb a "mall qnaatity or v?:y pnrK coil 'it. vca :ts i> billed lubn-atncoil, wtsioon fouail floating. So strange did the rirc??mM--?nc?- -jppear. th-.t Mr. 111 1esiv, and others to whom ?ht> oil wa ?hown. thought it likely tti.v a praxtir- 1 joke Uad bj?*n played by ponring oil into the auger hole: hut its the s: me tiling has happened everv place a wrek ago, and pronounced the indications very good. He biniru Lu.u u wouia laice about two thousand dollar?, in the hands of an experienced operator, to tent the question; but whether any arrangement* lor this purpose have tx-.-n made, we have not heard. Whether this oil ari??*g alwavs from bituminous coal, or whether nature has provided other modes ol producing it, is still a que-'ion in the minds of many intelligent and well informed men. If it arise* from coal alone, we would mention one fact bearinr on the question, which might make it po**iMe to b* toiind iu this neighborhood. We believe that bituminous coal was mined n?ir Ni.-hmrmri v? | earlier tliau m any o?her part of :he United State*. Now, Richmond is about eighfv mil??> from the nearest point of th?? lllue" Ridce mountains, nrd Mr. Hardesty's place is no: halfas far. so that coal may easily b?* believed to underlie t bat neighborhood. Wehaveheard that several moneyed men in Wflstoingtnn and (Jeorpetown have expressed a willingness to engage in the business.?Rockk"lle Journal. The Kidot awothkr LikklCasb ?An exciting libel cote has b**en on trial at Hrooklvn. N. Y., for several day*. It appears that a State Senator, named Sirong, was charged by a publication in a Brooklyn newspaper with 'legislative corruption." For this Mr. Strung brought a suit for libel against the editor, claiming- heavy damage. Judge Barnard, in charging the jury, remarked: 'Th?? defendant is a representative of tbe newspaper press. Our nation and onr ancestors liave til ways resisted to th* d?*a*h ail limitation ot the public press; and if the trial ha* proved that the plainua nas b**en guilty of o,or. n:pUon, it will anpwcr the purpose. But when I tell you the press ha* liberty to pot anything in it* columns without censure, 1 do not mean to sanction it* abuse. It is admitted to defendant to plead facts iu mitigation, which von mav take Into account to prove no malice in the libel. If tbe detendant is in possession of fact* which, though they may fall short of actual proof of corruption, of court? may be taken into consideration as a mistaken part of the libel on supposed facts. You may also take these facts;in mitication'as b*?injt be'lieved the time of pnblication, &a that disprove* a wicked libel." The jury retired and after some time reI nrned a verdict of six cents for plaintiff. fr.a>'p*ri*g a Koyal Bart.?A cnrious 1 trial has just taken place in Berlin. On the occa-iou of the baptism of Prmc? Frederics Charles' eon, then Hve we.-ks old, the Krenz ' Zeitnng published an article relating the part 1 which each personage took in the solemnity. In reply the Bourse Gazette spoke morees jifcially of "the condoct of baby,'" demanding if it bad been equal to the occasion ?o ably described by the other journal. The O-aaette was in consequence seized, the tribunal admitted the plea of the Public Miniatar arainst the lib. era I newspaper "for an Insult committed arainst a member of the roval family." The defendant demanded tbat doctors should be fr.ir.raoiied to attend and decide if aa intant of five weeks old, although * Prince, could be considered as a person are, and as havinc pursn?'d any "conduct." The tribunal finally pronotincea an acquittal, ttaourh blaming the de. lerdant for hia disregard of propriety. Libksalism Kklioiow.?In a recent letter to "The Friend." a newspaper published by ihe Societr of Krieno? in this city, the poet, John t?. Wbit'ier, ?*aies hi* reli*i>os belief. He saye he rerarde Cftr?s'iimi'v as a life rather than a creed, and in judgiuc of hi? fellow-men, rab use mo othei s'aiirtard tban that which the Pihle rives ne?"Bv tbeir ft-aite ye afcall know th< m." The only orthodoxy he* is specially J I mi*-reefed in, h* ?*?. w that of "lift u4 practice:" and of the theme of hora&a deetiay he cinMnuea, ?1 dare not dorm*fi?e. bat wait the onfoldiar of the rrwat in? -*Tv la the irm faith that, whaterer may toe my own particular " allotment, God will do tfc? beat for all." LOCAL NEWS. C**it.iL Ball?Vf?'.frd?r afirrnoor rb# inr^vTmi: c?>inonjr of tajiag b? cora*r Ton* of Carroll Hall, on O ? !* :, b>-:?rrn ai.tt 1Mb, ;n :b<" r?xr of Si Patrick Oburcfc, '< ok plac* ib ib* pr*wnc#of a Ivcr oa.xiur^. Thi? Lull t? itit?nd?d for tb* acboola of :b*? Christian Hrotbw?who b*T? chart* of tb.* educational lnirrr"'? ol ik' Otkolic Cbarcbatirt will be 119 ft-*: deep by 44 feet front on . The lower story will contain six larr* clrss or reboot room*, and & Isrjre rooir,?5J by 51 let?to be u*ed by the S? tety of Cbtistian i Hn tber* sutd for otb^rpurpoees On the npp^r story will be the ball propel. the dimensions bun* the full extent of tfte building, whrb will be used for exhibitions, lectures, concur?*. Ac. Tbis enterprise was commence'l bT the pastor of St. Patrick's. ,Rer. J. A. Walter,* and h* ba? been supporiwl by the clerry and the members of the church generally. and there i? no donbt but that in a little uov we may bare in our midst a sufficient number of'.he -Brothers of the Christian Schools" (Which society was originated at SL You, in t rance, in l??*,i to tnbe charge of the educational iuterests of | the Catholic youth cf the iMstrlet. An invitation was extended to the tiathni ' fonfivf ations and Snnday schools to be present, bat owlnf to the extreme heat wvfral si hools wi* abMni About 6 o'c-ock. however, tb* proceeslon formed on 10th streot, aud ir arc h?d up F to 15?h street, where St. Meibex 's Sunday school >oined in. ami by way ot ibe avenue, marched tack to the grounds, in tb* following order ?Calvort Cornet Baud, Kn poffd of 19performers, baiweea liland K ! v?ai? of a*e, in charge of their instructor. Prof. I^ms. from ?'al\*rt Mail sohool. BMt.iror?: St. Patrick's Sunday school; St. Matthew's Sunday school, accompanied by a portion of tbeMariue Hand. l?*?i hy John Bap ?*n; St Duminic's, headed by Weald's Wa?bii)etun Band, and the school of* 'be Immaculate c onception, headed by John E?pnta'? Band. There wer?* al?o present on ?& ground* *ne orphans ol St. Vinr?nt dc Paul and the orphans of S*. Joseph's Asylum As toon as the schools had 'akeu he.r pU~e* in the grounds. Ht Rev Martin John Spau'dit>g. Arcbbuhop of Baltimore, act. imparled by fie vs. J. A. Walter and M i'artbjr. of V?. 1' ?? ? " . .....or, ?r>. I>. r. V> 1'rtHtfHl! c* (}onzi;'ii foMerf, K<-v. .J. A Hokel, of S . IiomiDick*: B?-v. H T ?'urmfrcisl College of Hal'ira??r# H? v. li Dimtdrian, of St. JVifr'i College. ant Kfv. Prat* ?>or Noah, of Iialtiu.ore, ?*n,?'reil the ptonnd* nrd proc?r'4 in 'fce eoru< -r-ftone, * hl< h hl?*f-wd by tbe Ki'ho|<, and tli* pr in of hnvinp here a aoi>l?> institution ol learning, in 'A-biob tn'nre feneration* v. ill lie educa'.-d. Ke came here with th?*r? from 1'al'imoie for the purpose of iilejm njc 'hp unf'? fl'ibinar in ? " " *" *' ^ . .. 'unjonciiVQ -*l'U 1UC WOTO?V p:*ftor (KeT. Mr. Wal'er.) The uurpoee* to which the hntlrfirjs vmuld he dtvotM Wff? the education of youth, snd their Hinons tiamiiig t-bocld not be nepi?c:ert, for reli^on j< iIk1 oorrrr *;ont>of MlHcattot, iid w.thou-. ? it l-aour^. In coacln*ion, he ?xpre??ebould oe no uumanageable deb: re?:mc upon it. The a^s'iublv wraa di?mive<. w.tfc '.Be benediction ol tbe llisbop. t rtALiGtAxmiK sScD'KKk Ni.i I l~nc ) n ciiaige of ^ttrs. M. A. Arairtja was^x&miueu lart Saturday afernoou. the warm weather and the unfavorable day for the con ...... v>> i.riiuiF u<* lar^e ? uooi room .van crowded to vxc*rr. raauy tvmg unable to tlnd ifiiu. Mfwrf. Woodward. Wilson, Jobnsou. Cat-ell and Holmead. the examining Trorim, werf present. Mr. Mr.rta^b being Ucta.ord by fcick?e?s m bis family. Besides a large number of parents and teachers, Mr. Z Richar Kev Mr. Hamilton and ex-Trusves Pearson, Wight and Ellis were bigbiy interested in, ami assisted the raiber long courae ol exercise to w hlch tbe girls were subjected, and wbicb tbey withstood until tlie examin<*ra des.sterc nMural in style, Round in ide?~. a d e-? incumbered by that useless J.-.play o? ii.?er^cUun? and sentimental ejaculations vlilt h too often form tbes'yleof our school ctp* *? ct-mposui ?ii.** Clearly rxpnui-u tt^ifbtP, rehi:?-<1 ir.iafina'inn and a, vur:i k? o? ledge, though p. rhaps drawing with ! ?? severity upon the -briny tears" of an au>!ieti<-e and the ecstasies of romantic yonnr gentlemen, must forever be the aim of the young studen*. and as Pope tells v.rth so much elegance and truth? -1'gerring nature, still divinely bright. Oo?clear, uucbauged, and universal light, I.ile, force, and beau'y, mutt to all impart, At once the source, aud end, and t*?: of art." The reading in Mrs. Amidon'e school this year was discriminating and expressive, ana the penmanship was an. >* *"paper* of this city, besides twe ** * retypes of lergvmeu and several pieces of United Slate* coin. The lid ot the store was liss adjoated with eminent, and the stone was set. The wall jf the academy was built up to the height of ibont eight leet, and the brie* work waf removed at tha northeast corner to admit the tone. Two SrictDcs a D*t m Vamrxa?Las; Ann I there .utr-fl ve attempts at saicuie B VMnitfc. Fortvw??re by men. fifteen *7 vcmoi. and ihr++ by cbudree from nine to lonrWn rear* of ??e. TweotT-two persons kM'fffl tiiwlTM, fifteen drowsed tbeat. ?lv?e, eleree took pot?on, lire cut ttawlr Lbr>-??? two ?bot ?hem>?-lTe*. Ud seven died >f ?? 11-iiiftioted stab*.