Newspaper Page Text
TTIE EVENING STAR. Thf Larsrst Circulation ii tbr District. W. m. WALLACH. Editor mud Pr??ri*UK WASHINGTON CITY: MOKDAV 1*. 1 ?M?6? VREADINf? M ATT ER ON STIRY PAGB. PBB OUT8ID1 TOR INTSRISTING TSLBGRAPUIC AMD OTHIK MATTER */"PERJON:? LEAVING FOR THE COUNTRY. PI RING THK St'MMKR. CAN HAT* THE "STAR" MAILED TO THEM BY LEAVING THEIR ADDRESS AT THIS OFFICE. TERM5, FIFTY CENTS PER MONTH. < IRCI LATIOM OF THE CITY PRESS. The following is the official showing ot the nnalation of the daily papers of this city competing for tbe Government advertising a nder the recent act of Congress directing such advertising to be made in tbe two daily news papers ot Washington Having the largest circulation: Evnistt Star 7,715 copias per day. Chronicle 5.M6 " " Intelligencer 3,552 " ? THE SANITARY CONDITION OF WASHINGTON. The R'puWic&n?ior tome reason not exactly apparent on the surface but to be guessed at? has a panicky article upon the sanitary condition of the city, which is most unfounded, and is calculated to do the city serious prejudice. We belieye that too great Tigilanc** cannot be urzed upon both officials and citizens in removing every possible cause of disease, but at the ?ame time it is deing great injustice to our city officials, our Board ol Health, and our Sanitary Police, to so completely ignore their labor* and to assert so recklessly that the city "was never in a more filthy condition since it was incorporated." The very reverse of this is true, as is known to every person at all familiar with the history of this city. The Board of Health has recently been reorganized, it is well known, with earnest efficient workers as its numbers, who have been zealously engaged in ferreting out and causing the removal of all deleterious substances. The Sanitary Folic-, a feature of the new Metropolitan Police have been active in enforcing health regulation and the municipal authorities, it is also well known, have been moving so efficiently in the same direction as to call down upon them the objurgations of numerous indignant householders who have fancied tbemselvc fearfully insulted and abused by the inter* momous visits of inquisitorial health" upon tbeir premises. The introduc* tJcn c f the Potomac water has. also proved an mportant auxiliary m cleaning 'he city With th?--e agencies at work, under the spur of apprehended disease, the city?it may safely be a-?ert<-d?is now in a cleaner condition than ever befor?* in its history, although, ot course, tnnch remains to be done to make its sanitary c >ndition all that conld be desired. IMPORTANT DECISION. The Commissioner of Internal Kevenue has recently made the following decision with reference to the dedaction of real estate taxes from income ?Tliat such are deductible from income only, when they are atfested ratably: "aat is. where each person subject to the tax is *-se-ped j*i pr<r.H>rtif n to thf ralnf of hit property. Therefore, where the expense of improvements is assessed at a certain sum per front loot- cr -ipon any otbe: basis than the rabie of the tax-payer s property, the asses-ment cmnot t>e alii^rrd as a deduction from income." The Pholiea is Kiw York.?The New York Herald, of yesterday, says: Various rumors were in circulation yesternay relative to tbe increase of cholera, but, with three exceptions, there was no foundation for tb? reports. A wcman. tamed Mary CJoles. residing in West Thirty-fifth street, was taken suddenly sick and Lad to be conveyed to Bellevue Hospital. A man. named William Woods residing at 6? Wft Twenty-ninth street. was also reported, ai d Thomas C Murry. living in the rear of r?3 Greene street. All tbe abcve cases were reported not to be of a serious nature. Several complaints were made to the Board, among others agaiust the building No. '277 Fourth avenue. No. 190 Laurens street. No. l-51 West Thirty-eighth street, a skin dressing and tannery establishment, No. e Park place, and No. *2r4 Pearl street was alleged to be a perfect nuisance, as well as No. 4 Stuyesant place and the stables No. 16? Macdougal street. Several other complaints were receired, all of which were referred to the l^pectore for investigation The latest newt from the cholera ships re c^iyea yesieraav was oi u?e mwi encouraging character t>r iBissell. in a not* to br. Swintiurre said ?"It fives me pleasure to state that there have been no admissions or deaths from cholera on board of the hc-spitaljship Falcoo since last report." /"Senator Kiddle is detained at his home m Wilmington. Ltei., in consequence of a billions affection contracted in this city. ^"The Troy (N. Y.) papert report a case of cboleia in that city Mrs Elizabeth Fox. living m Ida Place, was taken sick on Wednesday night, and died on Thursday. ^~Tbe cholera ia subsiding at Elisabeth, N J. Six fatal cases have occurred. tyy I'HCLAIM *?_ TILXGKAM3. Tnieura OeKfilf. I ? OSes WtllanU' Hotel. Jans SS.UM.t f si lowing Tslsgrsns remain In tnis oflos srsd. for want sf raflcisnt addrsaa and froa KtuQviiB. W B?hT?i, Jv ftlblin, aoTl tf F. B. SMTPBB. M??g. I O. O. F ?OEAHD L0D9B -A SMclal 3 Maetin* will b? bel'l 01 TUBSDAY BVBInNO tb??th inet . ?ss o'clock, to couidtru iD'ltk(1m from the Lady Diroctors of the Soldiers arvJ Sailors Orphaoa Home Aaaocintion to ftttaod "SiSi"" f"' P. H. BWBKT.Of 8*?. rr^-ALlMKl ASsttOClATlOB OF COLUM LL3 BIAN COLLBOE.?Tha annual maatiux ofthe Aacociation will take plnce Id tha Columbian Collag* Law Hi.lMii.g, .-n tth atraet, uaar La avenua.oa TCBsDAY, tha 16th inaunt. at eight cVodMi. J. W H LOVBJOTr ytb ii" Baconling Hecratary rv^-OFFlCB OT THB MBTKOPOLITAB LL5 BAlLBOAD COM PAST, S,rrHW*tk street tr*s:. JOjia 15; h, 18(54 ?The annnnl BMtinx of tha 8toc*hoirter? or the rrrop.litan Bnllrond Comferth. fltt/io! of l>ir.ct#n for the . n.uiriK yrt. ?iUIW told ? thta oars on WB3MM9DAT. the lit! nf July IMS. Tt.e poll* will bo opened at 12 o cluck at Bud clu? .?t i u clock p m. uM ? Mnn?/wH0MFW)*'*r w lOOH. ?rt. j, rp^-bOTICE-TBM JOOBNETME1I PAPER Uof H AMOBBdof WaehiBgtoo er?" qar*t?<i to attend the mrttine of Um Association on ^IDNB8DAT BVEMIKQ, rth ? o'clock, at th*cora?r of 10th and K *t*. Banlueu of import toe* d?m tad the attendance of every one By order of tke Pte?i4eot 1 _je 2? 3i* H CROMWILL, ?ec ry. ff^or Pica washIMOTOB AMD OKOBOEUJ? TOWH BAlLBOAb COMPANY, ZrnZ l.v ? \.T'" and Arv \>**k Waihixgtos, d. C June 96, I'M?The Annual He*.mc of the Stockholder* of WAsHIMGTOM AND QEOROB TOWH BAIL BO AD COM PAN f will ke held at tke Offce of the Cowpau). oa W1DHI8DAT, the Utk day of Jnly. ?t 11 oVIork H. nvn m ninanv *> C. CBEEMLBAP?iorratnry.**"'V5"td rYV* OBAND CONCEBT.?The OHOIB ef the U 3 M ST BEIT METHODIST CHORCH, mby ao?* of thr b*?t nauaicnl tnleat of Baltimore, will iiH?('oK?rt of S*cr*d Mode, tinder t>? direction o? Prof. DAM1BL, at theChareh on N itriet, tx-twMD 'Di and lOttt ?tre?-U. on W1DMSSDAY EVBMIMO Mit, Jan* X7tb, nt eight Pr f LA WEKNCE. of Georgetown, will proaide t tfc- Piano Ticket*, 11; ud to b* had at El la' Muaic Store, a* B*l.*i tj or'a, oa 7th atreet, H. P Zimmerman'*, t'.b ?tt ?t, and at the dour on tkt etaBiaf af the Coo*?rt It (fne Checkering Piuo need to fnmtohed bp Pr. Jolia P Ellta. jeC4tJ cBci'cB :"?"Rrc"2y8r^rw * . ni? i>nw. (B?tT > tJ??KTMT BlGBT buweok A tood%MMta^ar wmobT able Mttflw to he iiiMMd of it felr rttM Ice CrrMB ??d otb?r refKSlienu ^ dtr ?rlo*. Meitort ^? ,h? n>p?.r ^ of u,, city l#ST# thtrir?tt Iiirwi, je 14-lv* \3 The toi ?ayer? of Ik# co???, of t r.. D C.,tit hereby Mtlflrd that tkt T?i of mm u row <??, ob vblch tk*r^ * diaconnt ?f 10 Mr nut t iceyticf eehool tax) until the 30th of JnnL fi percent froattelit of Jal? to the Slat, udl K' cnt fr?n that d?l?totke Slat of Antoit o?Im opts l? b?IH.?||t of WMt Wise W?r Hall Tn?il..y Tbo radar ud tettrttn f om 10 a. m to J ? JL * coMtoartDc OB T???d?j. tho lttfc laatant, aad tndl00 tSo 31 *t of A oxait jautw J4?, PILLISO. CiUoctor. I nrS=*HOTTC?-Tl>? BUTCHER8 ?n1 HOCKUof DTIImi* r?*in*t #- to m?*t M Ttarw f?r?nt*BtII on Tt'K8DAT AKTERNOOJf -'5th D*tact. at 4 o'clock. B.8. ELLIOTT. n -S 't" Un F'OB SALS -i imII, cwiftcilr billt BOMC fo> ??ie. 9 7> ara uld. so tod, *nd klnd.f|\__ rricf 1.10 D L WILLS 4 CO., >3 J it career loth ?*d F &m. * C^BABD PIABO ? Anotk?r inwrb 1 ckasd piano rec.|v*d thl* " ?k JWj>l of Cbi -k?rin? ft t?..Di celebrated make. '11*11 JOHN y. SLLIS, It S06 Penn??lTaiiU unnnt. Double avd twist 0AS8IMEBB SUITS. PBieXS bvduczd TO #25. geo. o. henninq, j? 2S-2t* Cor??r 7th atrtet and Maryland ? <?. j CEog"T' obootit, CROQU1T :! In er?rv variety, for th* FIKLPor PAKLoB. ' di'ttv up in iibstautial b?xe?, t<> carrv into the c ai.try. with full instructions how to pl-.y this fascinating aid healthful game, at PHI LP ft BOLOM0HS, Metropolitan Bookstore, ielB-e<t 339 Penn trcnn*. ORPHANS' COURT, Jon* 23, H*5.?District of Colcxbia, Wahhisgtoh Oocstt, To leit: In the cm* of Bnrgeea laflinon. administrator of Azft Cladtnon. deceased, the administrator ; aforesaid has, with the approbation of the Or 1 phans' Court of Washington County aforesaid, appointed Saturday, the ink day of July next, for . the final settlement and distribution of the personal estate of said dec-eased, and of the aaeeU in far as the same have been collected and turned into 1 money; when and where all the creditors and heirs 1 of said deceased are notified te attend, (at the Or! phans' Court of Washington County aforesaid.) w>iu Iiiru tiwuii |?ru|Friiy TUHCQVU, or ffl*y may otherwise by law be excluded from all benefit In Iaaid deceased' estate : Provided a copy of thin order be published once a week for three weeks in the Evening Star, previous to the *aid day. Tert-Z. C. BOBBINS, I j# 25-lawSw* Register of Wills. QCABTEBMA8TF.R GENERALS OKFIci, FIRST DIVISION. WA?ni?r<;Tr5, D. C., June 2S, W5. M ill be sold at public Auction, under the direction of Captain George T. Browning. A. Q. M .at QIESBOkO.D C ,to the highest bidders, on FRIDAY. Jnly 6. l*v?. commencing at 10 o'clock a. ni., three separate Ml of STABLE AND STOCK YARD MANURE, containing in all abont two hundred thousand ru ! bic yards lnoct of which is in the immediate \ i: cinity of the wharves, at which hoats and barges can be conveniently laden. Purchasers will be required to remove the Ma* nur* '1 u ur ct-ioro int* iki amy oi cwpirmrier n> *t, u?Imv stherwise arran^'-d with the owner of the |wa4i> Terms: C??h, in Government fnndf. A boat for Gieaboro will Iea\e the Sixth street wharf eTt'i ) hour, up to 12 o'clock m., on the day of sale. Bj order of the ?Juarterma?t?r Q neral. J AMKS A. EKIN. Brevet Brlpadier General U. S A.. j???dtiy6 in charge Kirst Div . (J Jale ok governancnt buildings at tiLWHill HOSPITAL, ALKXAN 1 DRIA. VA. CKii/Ov*rttrmaster 's Ofic?.D*t"rtcfWn<k,m.<n~ > ' ~ Vftokimton. D. ~C.. June r>, it*v> \ V ill he eol'l ?t Public Auction, on tlie vr?*i:ii-es, nnier the direction of Brevet l.ient.n int t'olon*l J O. C Leo. A. Q. M., od SaTI'HUA Y. June SO, 186". ?t 11 e clock a.m., the following Govern merit Buildini'#, at dloagh Hospital, Alexandria. Va.? vir : net 11 ll?-.iilnn:irters. ?0\$*> feet. Foi:rT?*;i i M> II 'B|jt:il War<l?, earb 20\ '0 ft el. One (1) H<' Ward. 'Jt\ 100 fret. Ore (1 I Mm llOH?e. lnx'lo fit t. One (1! Sta) le, 20x20 feet (>ne(l> De:<tl-h<m?'- 16x20feet. One (1) Lainidry. 30xl0<? feet. Oi;e I 1 I Storehouse, J^xfS feet. (>n>- (I > Kitchen. ?>\1"0 feet. On--<1) Barrar* 24XK0 feet. One (1) Out liouee, 4x4 feet. One(lt')nt huw, 12X4.1 feet. Oi e<l)0>it hon?e. 12xlfile?t. The buiWinLi will be eoM sinclr. an I mnst be removed within hft en day* from date of saie. | -terms : *. mo. in uoTerumtHi min* D H KUCKEB, Brevet Ma.'. Gen. and Chief Qnarterma^ter. je 26 St I>e|><?t of Wasbineton. JBOPOSALS FOB Fl BNHHINf. ARTICLES I AT THB WASHINGTON NAV> YAHI). PwmnUfr'i V. S. .Xmy, t W'lfhinstou, I). C.. -lotie 16,)S3-?. S Separate Scaled Proposals will !>? ri??ive<l at this office until the 2d day of July, at 10 o'clock a. m . for the following articles, to be <ielivtred at the Washington Naw Yard.Tiz FOB BOBEAU OK NAVIGATION 6TO(aix han lred >f< ?t Walnut Timber. CM'(all bundred 1 feet 8t. Domingo Mahogany. FOB BIKEAD EQUIPMENT AND BEI'AIB. Mifisty-six si aba 8oa? 8t<>ne. FOB Bl BEAU PHOVISION8 AND CLOTIIINQ. fO 1 fifty ' barrels B?-tf; 75 (caventyflve) barrels Pork; 25(twenty-tive >1 arret* 'lour; 2,50n( twentyIre hundred) ponnls Bice: 300 1 three hundred) C*U"D8 Molasses, Sugar bons?* Syrup; 900 (three hundred 1 gallons Vinegar. All to be Navy standard. FOB BIBEAU YABD8 ABD DOCK". 4 (four) Wat< hn an'a Clocks. 1( on* I good Carryal; florae; to be e?lect?i. For dimensions, -Inscription, Ac.. nee schedule at this office. The al-ove articles to l-e delivered free of coat to the Oovernment for freight or trans portatioa. u>1 at tha riak and expense of tb* party tarnishing. Sufficient *i\%ranty for delivery will be required of successful KidiWs. CALVIN C. JACKSON. _J? ^3t Pi mm aster, D. 8. N u TAKK NOTION?I am receiving every Saturday morning Mr. H. Cashell's choice arint 1UTTKB. Send in your orders. A. H. YOUNG. 46T >th street, near B. je g ?f UIAVT BBOWN n TUCK SUITS FOB 910. ONE PRICK ONLY. ?BO. C. HKNNINO, 7SIW PI AMOS BBOBIVBD THIS W1IK, oM?fth*m ? beautiful full Imil nf ?i OHICKBB1NG * SONS. fcJBP ffi' invito yoor attention to oar im-Ml*II B(DM MHrtmpBt. JOHN r. BLL18, je SS-St 30S Pennsylvania avenue. gOM U 1 B B L L A b . X Juit received, a fln? lot of OBNT'S 8CB UMBBBLLAS, Borne of than very low priced. B. W. BUBB, je 23 3t 383 7th at., under Dorsey H< tel. g~T B A W O O O D~1T. OBNT 8 8TBAW GOODS OF BYBBT 8TYLB. PAPBB COLLABS, HAL* HOSB, DBB88 BOOTS ABD WALKING CABBS. B. W. BUBB, jt B it 883 Tt> ?t? nnder Poreey'g Hotel. /I vu*<vuau<a BB*1VV WA?\* /If AHOfMn d uavi-aavb uuuiniaw AND FGBHI8HIHQ GOODS. All the lateet Maw York atylaa, ia every grata sod quality, which we are now offering at the lowest northern prieae. WALL. 8TSPHBN8 A CO., 392 Peana. aveaae. je 23-?tif betweon Hh aa?l loth atraeta. fJ,BA VBLLINQ TBCBK8. AM 1MMKNU STOCK AT LOW S3S5I PBICX8. ^tao BIST QUALITY SOLK~LEATHKR TRUNKS, LADIS8' DSK8S TKUNK8, PACKING TKI'NKB, HAT BOX IS, VAL18K8, CABPET-BAG8, 8ATCHBL8, Ac. WBbli, !<IirilU>? (JU., 393 P*BD?. tT*DS?, ja a lwlf httwi >th and 10th ?U. JJOTKL GLA&SWABB. Ice Water, Bir.AU, Cobbler. Julip and Soda TCMBLU8; Ghamfacnea.Clarete, Hocka,?pafS Hherrye,Bhine Win*, (w Mujn, WeteeAft/ Beer, *114 all other kinda of OLASSw ABB. W WBHB * BBYBBIDGB, TM Je l?-?t* 304 Odd Tallow' Hall.ytffat. yyABHlMGTOS ASYLUM, June 13th.MM. PB0P08ALS F0B MBDI0IMB8. Provocate will be received at thle tnatltution nntil June 37th. at 3 o'clock 9. m., for furniehtiif 1 Medicine# required for the nae of the hoaee for the year ending Jane *Hh, 1817. Mrdicinee to be of the beet quality, and to be Itontabed uaon weekly requleition. . A llet of tte artlrlM required for the nae of the Insulation mat h? V?b<> OB BBnIirAtinn Aft tka A?t I am. - ? ? "~ nl.fwlnT**1 l)1id^er wl'l b? BOtlfled tO COmat*OC? in||i;iti| on July lit. W. O H HIWMAN, JeHK McDIVITT, WMhl^/ton Airlim. S^?rA if anlied wo'BT'S ~ ^B\7^Veigbt , IncbM Ion* and X Inch? *" t,fHAl ft^rSa?"'"** ratr* J* ?lw 4^J?ff^n fjlBIKO AMD LIY1BT BTABL* rOBgALI. Baving ai4* uru|tDi(nti to locate South v offer for sale tke 8to?k Qoad Wllltnd* A 1 Jet* UwofTBI WB1TI 8TABLI3| HV__ l?. TO Owou ttrMt. Mar la taw, on* ofcfflt tb* moat popular and favorably known fttabu* <the citv of Baltimar* Th? ?(iwk la all i- u ? rwonsLle #g?r??d *? * "** 1 ,rtU Mli n For v*rtlcsl&ra, ?ddr*M B. W. 1ICHABDB, 70 OcruBitrwt, )* 18-1W Md. WTKAW PATB. V . ? - WTMAW MATS, ?w OMllcaea. Tooth. u4 Chtldroa. A fallrv to ? KiSSy'flL VUteCt HI r'r'wKSwtiuSIk. j LOST AND FOUND. LOST? On Tinitr night, a BLACK 81 LB MOW. with nulman't P1H ?ttacb?4. The finder will tx> lolttblr rewnrrtea by iMriu It at CHaBLIS MADBH',corner Pa.* UT B AI CD?A naull whiTe Btf? flUiTow W k? with red apota, toft my eUble on Saturday tnorelBg. A. liberal reward will be *ald ?o a?> one who will return the same to Dr. JOHN I. SMITH, le. 96* )2th street, betweee B aad C, to l and. > ? ?* v</|| Mwanv.-A HDIIl JtpUlM 1M OVA. vu tik?n frca <h? Oflci of Fnaklli In so ranre Company a tew days ago. containing ptyeri of vain* to the owner, but to no other person. On tl? rMnrn of the papers n re wart of (M will l>? pall to the bearer. am) no ingnitles mile. j*g St* Sin REWARD.?Broke looee from my Stable, I \J June 23d, one -lim Bar H0R8B; thin male and tail, tall cropped. Also, one Black HoBsR; lone mane and tall; ene white front foot; lenf In forehead. The a bore reward will be paid for the return of said horses to Mo. 421 Penn. av. jf 26-M* L. H. PHILLIPS. Taken rp on the ?4TH in8tant, a BCD buffalo row, white face; both Jaws white; belly and flanks white; n piece oot of the right ear; half the tail white The owner can havn V-*iS# h'operty and paying charges. thofl. H AJiT W ILL corner of Jetb and M streets, Wash* ington. jett-3t* T?AKRN KSTBAT BY THK MRTROFOLI1 TAR POLICR-A BROWN MARE was token estrny i.y the Metropolitan Police oh the rth June inst. The owner is hereby netifted to prove and r< claim ?aid mare nt the office of the Property Clerk. No 4 **3 10th street ?<-st, prior to 10o'cl?ek a. m. THURSDAY. .Inly 5th, or the same will W nuiu. HI , IU (11* (iigur?i c(l*n bidder, at the Bazaar of W. L. Wall A Co., 9* Louisiana ayenue. By order. OBO. R. HKBBICK. Property Clerk, je 2# 3t I R*P) W L. WALL A CO., Ancts. & I M BBW ABD.?Lost. at Grover's Theat'-r, on the evening of the 211 instint.a white LACB 11 ANDKIBChlBK. The above reward will )?? paid upon its return to No. 499 nth tre? t. je 23-2t* LOST?Friday evening. June 22, 1*6, a~~MAHWNIO IMBLKM; X W. Deerh, from J. B. Mlinger, 186<>," on the reverse. Kewar.l and thanks * ill b? given the tinder by returning it to lU'om , Third Auditor 'g Office, or 91 Fayette street, Georgetown. je 23 St* ^TBAYKD OBHTOLIN?Jnne21st, a red and white spotted COW. horns s;twed short; rope areata h' r horns; rather poor. Any person retnrnirg her to No *6 C street, between I3tli :*nd 18', ftrecte. Island, will be suitably rewnrdM. .'e 23 It * A BKADLKV. ^TBAYKD OB BTOLEN- Jane *>th, a plod COW. with white Knot- and - m11 hnn? A n v n-tumiiR her to No. V Maine aver,ue, Island, will ba anitably rewarded. je 2?^ B^A^JOHNSON^ Cj I f| REWARD?Strayed. ?"? the ?venins of tP I "" the 20th instant, a l)CN HORSE.7 years old; very small feet and head; shod all aronnd; dark mase and tail. with few erey hairs; will not work in harness The above reward will be g i v<n it returned to Wall '? Bazaar, Louisiaua atenue, bet v. een 9th and 10th ata. jea It* & jr REWARD-WillbepaidforViBlack, S-iuare O" LACE VEIL, lost on 14th ?tr?-et, between Mawarhns' tts avenue and College Hill, on Tuesday afternoon. Inqnlre at Star offlre. my lt> BOARDING. ~ IV OR RENT-With Board, ? hands "me FHONT I ROOM in a delightfully MtnateJ house for tha mmnur, on O street, betwe< n v , aud 3d etreef* Ko. 3^6. je2fl>t* F|'v*0 uimlkHKN, or Kt'utlei;??!i anc wi!'?, I r?d be accr lnm.xlaii 'J with a pleasant ROOM ai.d if >?>d HoaKP on the nn>?t ?eaaonab'e t*rnis. App'vtothe aonthwegt corner >f 1 and ithst-t. je V, 'Jt* |>*>ARb AND LODGING ?The subscriber wil O furnish TABI.K BOARD at No. 330 K st b tween ]jtb ai'd 1.1th streets, from an I after the 1st July In the hon-e :ireseveral wellfuriiiahed and d"lii.'htfiil h()HMS!#i rent. je 2fl-6t * CH\KI,IS HKNRf PATTERSON i^OR KKNT-Bix KLRN 1:411 K'< ) KOO.HfcJ. with r or without board, or the whole house, containing nine room* mod kitchen and bath-mom. Location cool and ver> healthy. Term* excedinely moderate. No. 13*t, corner 22d St. and I'a. av ; entrance en 22d street. ie 22 8t* F'OH KENT ?A nnmber of mcelv-furnithed KOOSJB, with or without BOARD. Inquire at 4v9 13tb street, near O st. je 15-lw* BO AH DING-A j'leasaut-K BONITROUmT with fliat ( lass BOAKD.fand etiongh of it,) within five minntes walk of the_ W**_Department Loca uon piearant. at >i iieaithTnl * ? nny in the f tty. Apply at Mo. M Penn. avenue, between 21st and Ji'd fts. je 5-tf TABLK BOARI> at Mo. 464 lUth street,* few door* north of the avenue. Term* 321 per month. de 18 tf _ ________ 1~ NOTIO* O MY HI SBAND. SYPIO JOHNSON. COL or to *uy of hi* friend*, that any information will be thaikfilly received b> his wife, who hw not en or heard from him sine before the rebel lin, when h< left me on visit from Macon, Mies. Address !214 H stre. lw"'t. je 2.V31* MKS. fcMZABKTH JOHNSON. [V'OTICE ? All persona indebted to me, except my r'unlar nn athly customers, ur? requested to call and e< tile their accounts. All those not ?'! tl -ii by Int July, will be placed in hands of collector, with iuetrnctioi s to make the money. My accounts ?/iw?f ht sttilfl. T. A. TOLSON Denier in tncK imilf Or<>c< i-ies. jeJS6t* corner 7nil"! G*ts .Nary Ynnl, GEORGETOWN ADVER^MTS f^=?GBAND CONCERT kj By the pupil" of the PUBLIC SCHOOLS OF QEOBQETOWN, D. C., AT MABKBT HOl'SB HALL, ON MONDAY BVKNING, JUNB 4ATH, 1?6?, Commencing at 4 o'clock. Tickets 30 cenu; children 2J centa jefiSt J. U. DANIEL, Conduetor. nrS=*NOTICE-An abatement of aix percent. U3 will be allowed on the tax of lM6,if paid prior to the flrat of July next. jegi tjl? CHAS D WBLOH, Collector. C'HBAP DBT OOODB AT MILLER'S NEW / ST<>KB, 101 Bridge at., Georgetown. D. C.? We continue to receive large (applies of Bntnmer iiuoo?, aua u ittc ietaon is utucm ?r? entkwl to purchase and them mucn lower than early In the seas?n. We have a fall stock of Dresa Good*. Hon?<*k?ering Goods, Goods for M'-ns' and Buys wear. Parasols, Fans, Palm FansatSrta., <iloves and Hosiery, Skirts. Bleached Muslin* 12>i. 16, JO 26,28. 31 cents. Brown Mnslin to sell 16, 18, 20, 2.1 cents, Calicoes 10.12H, 16,18\.. ?. 32 cts.. Alpacas trom2? cents to $i, Mosquito Nets. Not wlthatanillnir domestic goods ha\?j advanced lately, we are selling them as low aa ever. Call and examine otir stock, and we will save yonr money, je 21-lm* B IS JAM I? MILLER. CREAM SODA WATXB. OF ALL FLAVORS. PI'BE AND GOLD. Also, an assorted stock of PEBFUMBBT, ! AT MOOBKIS WIST END DBUG STORK, my 16-tf 113 Penna. ave., south aide. WHIT* L1SLB THREAD 0LOYKS " Jnst received at DAVIS A CAITHEB'S. j>' 22 St !20 Market Spare ^ VANDKRWEBKBN * 80?, PEO'BIBTOBs OF THE POTOMAC BIVBB QGABBIE8. STONE for buildings, walla, foundation#, Ac., constantly on band and delivered at any a< oeaaible point on the river. Office, Waahlngten?Corner 11th at, and canal. Office, Georgetown?184 Bridge street, corner of High. fo 11 eolm* J/OB BALI AT A BABGAIH. j An eetablished WOOD AND COAL STAND, in| eludings Horses. and Harness, 2 Carta,Scales, Ac., Ac. In a good location and doing good bnal eea. Beawon far telling, deal re to change buaineaa. For further information call on EILBOCBN *LATTA, Boat Batata Broken, j* le-eost Corner 7th and F street*. ttASH, DOCKS, BL1HDS, AMD BUILDING & MATBBIALS OKNBBALLT. Tha largMt Mock la market, and new arrival* daily. For sale at reduced trice*, at th* Builder*' Dopot, 36'J 7th street, eypos 1t?0*ntre Marker jet eolw H. W. HAMILTON. pBOQCIT! ~ t CBOQOBT!! CBOQUKT!!! Cre*n*t for the Field and Parlor in great variety, with FULL IN8TBCCTION8 BOW TO PLAY | thi* fashionable, healthful and fascinating gam*, " PHILP * BOLOHON8, Metropolitan Bookstore, ielleo<t 332 Penna. avenue. HAMD AND OLOVB, a novel: by Mis* Bdwards, Me. Armadale, hjr Wilkl* Oollius, $ 1.60. Chando*, by "Onida," $1. Harper's Pictorial History of the Babel lion, aart 1st. ft* n? Bow*i Irritv, for' Jane. Me. Lactam on the Btatfy oTHistory, by Ooldwia Smith, #1.75. )?? FBABCK TATLOB. yyabhihutoh asylum, jink 90, um. _ , PB0P08AL8 FOB MBAT. Provoraja will tw received it tkli Institution intll WlONIfDAT. Jom 27. at 3 o'clock y, m for furnishing MB ATS for tha houaa for the yoar endiM jumsi, 18s7. Freeh Meat to ba ?f tood quality-clear of bono. Bacon to be of beat qualltr. few je Sl-aotd Coralaaioaera Waahlsgtoe Aaylnm. trsfr- rrfMyBBaffig* Siilm1 STfiwn; L? PnAn ?n rftuiok tjltlok. Ml MM ? o'clock r. m. COVERilMEXT SECURITIES. "Washiwotoh. J one 35. 1*?5 Jay Cooke &. Co. tnraish the following quotations of Government securities : Buying. Selling. U.S. 6'* Coupon, 1SC1 llti 11?> \ U. S. Five Twenties, 105X U. S. Five Twenties, lSfil litf * 1?| U. S. Five Twenties, leOj lltt * lul V. S. Ten Forties ?7 IT. S. Seven Thirties.... 102\ 1W One-year Certificate* ?!( 100,', HEW YORK FIItBT HOARD SALK*. Conpons, 11I>X; Flvs Twenties, 100^; Five Twenties. 19*4, 10*2 V; Five Twenties, 1*65, lift\; Ten Forties, ?6>f: Seven Thirties, Certificate*, 100 Gold. 15'J*. THE TARIFF BILL. Mr. Morrill to-day repoited tbe Tariff bill in the House from the Committee on Ways and Means, and it was ordered to be printed and made the order for Thursday next. It is understood that it ia not offered as a complete Tariff bill, bat as a temporary measure. The bill imposes duties on all kinds of iron; on anthracite coal $1.*0 per ten; on bituminous cca) 50 cents per ton; on coke, Ci per cent ad \ alorem. On \* ines of all kinds \ alued at not over 25 cents per gallon, cost of cask included, 40 cents per gallon: valued at over 25 cents and not over SI, SI per gallon and 25 per cent, ad valorem; ale. porter, beer, 50 cents per gallon: on cigars, cigarettes, and cheroots, of all kinds, per pound, and in addition ther.-to 50 per cent, ad valorem; on salt, in sacks, barrels, and keg?, 42 cents per loo pounds: on salt in bulk, 30 cents per 100 pounds; on mackerel, per barrel; herrings. SI per barrel; salmon, shad, 9K on all other fish, pnkled. 82: on all other fish per hundred weight, SI; on shoes and boots of ah kinds and ail manufactures of leather, 20 I percent, ad valorem: on India rubber boots and shoes, 50 per cent, advalorem; on watches aud movement aud cases, gold plated or other 1 metfll. :K? n#?r ront jtdvnlnrom nn nnt??in cents a bushel; tallow. 3 cents a pound: Hour, ft ed, middlings, &c?'20 per cent, advalorem: on lumber, from -> to 4 per thousand feet: flsb caught for daily consumption is on the free list: on ready-made clothing or wearing apparel of silk, or of which silk is :\ part, tin per cent, ad valorem; on ready-made clothing and wearing apparel of every description, and balmoral skirts and skirting and goods of similar description, or used for like purposes, composed wholly or in part of wool, worsted, ih* hair of the alpacca iroat or otlier like animals, made up or manufactured wholly or in part by the tailor, seamstress or manufacturer, except knit goods 50 cents per pound, and in addition thereto 4(> per cent, advalorem: on brown and bleached ll&cn. &c., valued at 30 cnts or less per square yard, 6 cents per square vnrd, and in addition thereto 30 per centum advalorem: over :fo cent* and nnrier60 ft 111 .t - ??c, ??' v Hie-, uuu -M j't-i crm. a^THioreni; over ?Ki certs and umlcr ?i, 15 ceuts, aud :t? per cent, ad valorem: over ?1, *20 cents, and :J5 advalorem; on clothing wools valued at 3-2 cents or less, in rents per pound, and in addition of of Ki per cent, advalorem: on wools of tliesams class exceeding 32 cents, 12 cents per lb., and in cents aa valorem; on combing wools of second c!a^?, valued at 32 cents or unde?\ 10 cents, and 10 pt r cent, ad valorem: upon wuoU of that class exceeding 32 cents, 1*2 cents, and 10 per cent, ad valorem: upon carpet wools, third class, of 1'2 cents valne or less,-a duty of cent- p?-r pound: upon wool of the same cl*ss. exceeding P2 cents, 5 cents. The above are among the items of more *p< cial interest in thiB locality. The bill provides lor the establishment in the Treasury Department of a Pureau of Statisucs. No time is named for the bill to go into effect That is to be lixed hereafter. TKEASUKY CJBCDLAB. M. M?>I:K TIIUEK"' AM? "FIVB" ( EST \OTK< To liK UHCED. ThKasi rt Df.partmebt, Tretuurrr't O't.c', We>*iiirifi!on. June SBd, 1-06.?In pursuance of two several acts of Congress, this Department has discontinued the is?ne of paper currency ot the denomination ol live and three cent*. All orders for currency below the denomina:ion of ten cents should, th?'r?*iore, be addr? <<eu to the Dir? ctor of th?* Mint at fhilad?lplua. accompanied by a remittance for the amount in the manner'indicated by the folI lowiug circular, Usued bv the Director of the Mint. CIBCtLAK. Vi'wf if the United State*-, J'utlnd'!j,h a?The following are th^ regulations for the distribution of the cents, and th? sew nickel three and Ave five cent pieces of the United States: The bronze one and two, and the nickel three and five cent coins can new be had at the Mint in exchange for the gold and silver com* or legal tender notes of the United States. The new three cent pieces are put up in bags of *3u, and the five cent pieces in sums of S50 each, and either of these sums, or any larger amount, of which fifty or thirty is the multiple, will be sent in the order of the entry of application. The reasonable expenses of the transportation of the cent and three pieces in sums ol fju, and the five cent coin in >nmi nf gqi ?r upwards, to any point accessible by railroad or steamboat, -will oe paid by the Mint. The Adams Express Company will act as agents lor parties ordering cents. Ac., to which money or drafts on National Banks, payable to their order, may be sent, or drafts on or certificates ot deposit in National Banks, payable to the order of the Director or the Treasurer of the Mini, may be sent, and the coins ordered will be forwarded when the money is received or the drafts collected. James Pollock, Director. No remittance for currency below the denomination of ten cent* should, therefore, here* after be made to this office. k. E. Spixmek, Treasurer United Sinus*. COLORED SCHOOL AT BOCK.YILLK CL081D The Superintendent of Freedmen's Affair; in Montgomery County, Md., informs the As. 31SUUU voramissioner mat ne wu notified by the teacher of a colored school at Rock vi lie, shat the would be obliged to close the school on the ?id instam, owinc to th# inability of the people to support it. The Assistant Commissioner has directed a school to be established at RockvUle,at the commencement of the Sep. tember term, under the auspices of some one of the benevolent freedmen's aid societies act. in* in connection with the Freedmen's Bureau. POPLAR GROVE CEMETERY The National Cemetery recently began on the Vaughn road, four miles from Petersburg, Va., and in the rear of Fort McKeene, which is to be called the Poplar OTove Cemetery, will, it is stated, contain the remains of about fifteen thousand men. and will possess some highly interesting feature*. A got&ic church, built by the 5?th Pennsylvania Volunteers, has been included in tne grounds, together with the rustic houses near it. These buildings are bnilt of pine and cedar poles, in a style peculiarly adapted to the present location. Manv nflinAr* nf hi?rh nlr kavn interred Id the cemetery, which contains an area ot six acres, and is established on the estate of Mr. Jobn Flowers. A PARK AND BITS FOB PBRSIDINTiAL MANSION. Mr. Poland introduced a resolution in the Senate to-day directing the Committee on Public Buildings and Oronnds to inquire whether a tract of land of not less than 350 acres, adjoining or very near this city, can be obtained for a reasonable price, for a park and site tor a Presidential Mansion, which shall combine convenience of access, heal thfnines*, good water, and capacity of adornment. The resolution was agreed to. PARDONS ORANTRD. A few special cases of applications for pardon were granted by the President to-dar. among the many petitions on lie. Ten persons were pardoned nnder the 13th exception of the Amnesty proclamation, known as the **20,000 clanse. BKOBKTABY STAN TOW'S HEALTH. We are glad to state that the illness ol Secretary Stanton is not so aerlona aa waa at first supposed to be from the indications. Since (Saturday laat he has continued to improve. and to-dav was infflpivntiT rwnr?i*H a tew hours at his official duties. Internal Rsvxaca?The receipts (torn this source to-day were Sfc6&09J3. UX1XTH CO If GR KM?FIRST IHI1M. Moxday, June 25. Saw ATa.?Mr. Pomerojr presented a i?otitioa of citisens of ths District of Colombia for aa ineresseof the a amber of notaries sablft "i the District. Referred to the Oomraitw? on the District of (Jolnakia. Mr. Poland offered a resolution. iartroetine the Committee aa Public Buildup aad ' w ' " Ground* to laqatr* wb^thfr a tract of l\ad I ol about J6t> acre- adjourn* or near tb?* citv of I Washington cnn b?- obtained at a reasonable I price for a public park, aud a ??:e for a Presl- | nruiHM munen Aoopw-a Mr Chandler pret-eiited a petition trom the men of the 1st Miobipnr. cavalry, who tut* that they wer* muitr:H out of the wr\ ice in l/tah. and had to return home at their own expetise. They a*k to be reimbursed for the cost of ibis transportation. Referred to the Committee on Military Affairs Mr Poland called tip the bill pending tor some time to allow claims for fc5(io and lest for stores furnished to the army to be settled by the quartenr.a*tt-r ?ithont being taken to :he Court of Claims. The pending qn??etion wiu uv>on the amend* merit of Mr. Hendricks to provide for pn> ment for stores taken by other* than officer* harm* written authority to tak? t&em Mr. Hendricks. after discn>su>n, withdrew hie amendment, remarking that he would offer something of like purport at the next session of Congress. Mr. ^Spragtie moved to so amend the bill as w maw iur ow reiary oi war and not the quartermaster or ro'mmit.>arj general the accounting officer in the claims referred to Mr Howard said the bill was very sweepinf and would inrolve great outlay. He asked it the Committee on the JndiciarT bad inquired how much money would would be taken out of the Treasury under this bill. Mr. Poland said the committee had not made the inquiry. No matter what the amount was. he thought the Oovernmeot ought to pay it. It only contemplated the payment of loval men. Mr Howard hoped the bill would not past. The veizuie of property in the South was one of the necessities of the war. and the laws of war and the laws of na'ions compelled rebel communi les as well as rebel? to pock?t tbeir losses. It was vain to expett that tb- loyal people ot thelnited States would bear aii> part of such losses. Mr. Trumbull said he would oppose as strongly as Mr Howard the payment oi rebels, but he would not oppose the payment ot loyal men, and only such were proposed to be paid by this bill. mi. Jiowaiu MV1U iif wm opposed 10 paying anybody in the rebel States. Icval or disloyal. Mr. Trumbull thought a loyal man in the South ought to be paid even more promptly than a loyal man in the North. Mr. Howard said that by solemn acs of Congress the eleven fV.*>t?>s of the S"uth had been declared enemies at the I nited S:rites. There was no case in history in which a successful invading party had paid lor stores taken from an enemy. Mr Trumbull said he had never heard before of a statute of the United States declaring the people of the Sonth public ei:emie- ll?* had never voted for such a bill. He had voted for h bill declaring certain States to be m insurrection. but not declaring the inhabitant* ol those States, one and all, to be publn enemies. Mr. Wilson said that under the pending bill every man in the South would prove hi? loyalty. and the effect would be to take a great many million dollars out of the Treasury. Pending discussion on the above the morning hour expired, and the Tax bill was takeu up Leave of absence for Mr Dixon, for the remainder of the session, wa^ granted on motion of Mr. Anthony. Horse.?Mr. Morrill of Yt, from the t\>:umittee on Way* and Means, reported the Tariff hill. Ordered to be nriuted and the special order foi Thursday next. Mr. Woodbridgf ol Vt., introduced a resolution increasing the compensation ol rill employees of the House whose salary does not exceed twenty-ll ve per cent dnring the :};uh Congress; which, alter some discus.-ion, was agreed to. Several other resolution* making a slight increase ot the pay ol v arious employees ol the House, were introduced and agreed to. Mr. Hogt?n of Mo . asked ttnanimou- con-ei.t to introduce a resolution calling on the President to inform the House wnV. >teps. if any. bad been taken to interpose the good offices of tb^ T'nited States Government with <ire:tt Britain in behalf ol the h'enians recently captured in Canada. Mr. Hanks ol Mas-., objected So the reso'ution was not entertained TELEGRAPHIC NEWS. l>IPORTA!\T FROM MEVHO. Imperial Reverses?Desertion* from the Imperials to the Liberals?BagdadEvac...... .* New Orleans, .luno 2*.?Brownsville correspondence says in the late attack and capture nt-ar Matamora* an Imperial regiment of lai!cer< and ? large regiment of infantry turned to the Liberal side. The Austrian regiments had all their officers and men killed The Contia guerrillas los?t only loo men. The value of the train captured i? es:imat?*d at ? 1,500,000. Bagdad has been evacuated and the troaps aent to reinforce Mat* moras. which is in danger of an attack by Gen. Etrobula Philadelphia t attle Market. Philadelphia, June 25.?Beef cattle unsettled receipt*, 1,600 head: sold at Hal" cent*. Sheop, 5^a6^ cents: receipt*, 6,?>'J0 head. Hog* firm, at SI3aS14.?5 per 1<? pounds net; receipts, 2,000 head. Mew Yark Markets. New York, Jone 25 ?Cotton dnll at 3Ta.1t>. Flour 10 cents lower: Southern Slo.9oa$l?. Wheat dull. Beef steady. Pork heavy. Lard dull LOCAL NEWsT ? Criminal cormt, Judy r*rtt*r.?This morning, James "Warren, alias Madison Tyler, indicted for an assaalt and battery was found guilty. Thomas Ellwood and James E. Ridgway, noiu tvuuiKu ui au aesaun ana cattery. were sentenced to pay a line of *10 each. James B. Jones, indicted for an assault and battery, plead gnllty, and wns renu u> pay a fine of S5. John M. Jones, indicted for fklse pretences. v".i> found not guilty. Day and Henly for defence. Pi**r}ck McDonald. Indicted for the robbery of froL' Thomas Love, was found not guilty. Norr> for defen;*. In the case of John Martin, indic**^ lot an assault and battery, a nniU proj. was entered. Jobu Murphy, indicted for an assault and masting emcer Britt, was found guilty, and sentenced to pay a fine of S10. Fvrthcr Pobtpohkmbkt.?This morning. Leonard Hnyck, President of the Merchant*' National Ba'nk, arrested about two weeks since by officer Coomes, on tbe charge preferred by Mr. Joseph Thornton, of having, through false representation, obtained from him a draft for 2,500 pounds sterling, was. by HuvincDi 01 ine counsel, messrs. rnillips for | prosecution and l>avidge for defendant, and the consent of J ustice diberson, furtli?r postponed. Ibruitiwo A Lady?Un Saturday afternoon, a man named Thomas Haller was arrested by Officer Ooomtf for insulting a Mrs. Miller in one of the street cars, by asking bcr for ber card. He was taken before Justice Handy and fined 810. obphaks'OorET, J wig* I'urrfU.?On Saturday, Charles H. Lloyd obtained letters of administration on tbe estate of Y irginia Milstead: bond >1,000. He was also appointed guardian to tbe orphans of Thomas and Virginia Milstead; hond ?1,000. _ Hot.?Thermometer u5 deg. above zerojtn the shade, in Franklin's, (the optician,) store, Pa. avenue, at l o'clock to-day. ortlawbt iir Missouri.?a western paper says that on the 13th instant fire or six armed outlaws rode ?p to the jail in Independence, Mo., and callmr far the niior. Mr gler. a worthy man and jailer for several Jean, demanded the keys to release one Joab 'erry, of Cass county, incarcerated for horse stealing. Mr. Busier refused to deliver them, and on attempting to cloee the door was shot dead. A little boy of his was, by the same or a subsequent shot, hit in the arm, lacerating the flesh considerably. The villians then impressed a young man to go in and ret the jail keys. He went in, but escaped back and bid himself in a hollow, and they foiled to release Perry. A meeting of citizens was then called and an armed posse raised, who voted to disarm every returned rebel in the confy. At Atlanta. Qa., recently, a lady pats, oned three sick children, giving them iMdanum, supposing it paregoric. Before the mistake was discovered they were too far gon* to save their lives. The lady is rich, ana these children would have been her hers. Foul ^is beHsved to have occurred, and sospic est* on a yeung man, a distant illative of the lady, to whom her property will new descend. He is thought to have changed the bot lie ox panfw uwumu, Knowing if would pe tdoiBis^rwl to them. A H*W OouH-nuiFMT^-N.w -ounterfpit fifty dollar pwnbacks kin appwrd at Nub. Tilfr, Teaa. The bin* an e&cellently engraved, except that tha aijniatnre of Treasurer Spinner u not ai coarse and bravr as ia tbe original. The paper oa wbich tbey are printed is a little tainner tb&n tbe genuine. Mo clew bas been discovered at to wbo passed tbem.... W AUV p^UlftllOD 1U fUia UZU Illiriy DrOkPD 1 down, tod wivy towe? ht\t bera int?iB?d I by thow who w?r? corrflrtont that the Euro- I pew demand would carry ?p the price atoll I further. la iftU.fc0wcm.the7 w?r?ai*t?lr??. I Affair* la 0**r|M?iri. ATTmiirT at ?>cu in*--Katurdtv fir-ru ?v 1 I a )oub| gentleman well-known to oar r. ? WM xena. \?-ry nearlj committed uicide ir am9iM meet of drrarnem^Kt He bud jest returoe* *IU> tat* neter trow a iM to Baltimore. aa<7 ! WfDi into bie rooa and rut hi* tbn?: wiib J dull razor, from tbe irfi to tfc* right, forts nately not striking deep ntouth to a*\er ttaraH| CKtil&r Ye?n Hi* mental balance restored instantly aft?<r tbe act. and b rt? to ma amler. eiclwmin*. "See vbai I t ?? J done' lam wry for iubm coul? sot b lp I J it." Dr Vtrdi tu iji the \ icinity, and ran into IV the bon*f, and barnc do mttrumenu to tafcr k I tip tbe inrrift, picked np the principal o??? ii iritb blf flnp rr, nnd retained hi* bold ui'i| H other j'bjMi tan* came with the proper intra. H meu'i and material to cfte?.~ the vouud. Tti, SB raorniiiC. ?r bear that there u do fear ot * f?. ii tal re#ult. I Tn* Canal -Amwd- Peter Hm#*, wub If hay; Col A Spate#, corn and bark, to m* ?* > til Sonera, vritb dour, corn, and offal, to Hen 11 I baby. O. T. SooutTer. corn ana wbMi. to J ' U Watfih and tbiny-thw boat* with coal . , To Caaatx>rland Co., 3*1.6 ton? OntrU Co. I toa? American Co . 390.19 n>??, Hampshire and Baltimore Co.. 666 u>n* Borden Co . H 111.6 toot. Phillip* Jl Boo?e. KNkJtton- Con- V Bolidation Co., 44.*>.9 torn. Imparted?P H-me r. j wiib lumber, to SeLeva: and thirteea beau I lifbt L TESirKr.AKCE r>if tub Canal ? The rcoa- , pleataBt matter that ha< rom< loour knowi-il edge upon tbe li*eoJ the Cbe?*pe:tke and OU?o Canal is a very general lurnitir of tu<> bo\ti?ea toe temperance caui?e Alibotigb th? <- >>a; fleet ban been verj large thi? month, and frequent- 1 It large number* ol boats arrive together at I the dock*, the trouble of flame men tor ti?- I lating tbe iegulation> hv hwn very little, and tbe energetic harbor master. who i? cotistanUy ] brought in contact witn the boatmen. H has had no trouble. t?r. \>ncon. m:t.?Tbe crand conc> rt m pupils of tbe public n li,> N . ' :!i.- > i*v, .... i D J H I?aniel, conductor, at new nar.e- : .i tbia exenliig. will be a plensam a;!.i.: citizens should attend F .' i k am< < traik Market.?The m > opened this morning with a liTel* d.?r *. KM "Supply light and transaction* uuiinpor'* u? 'M I'lics uui tiang?*d We notue the arri\al of the Sallie Hillmever. from Shephernatuw n. I with corn to (ieo. Water- :h?* o T s -r with corn and wheat tin J li vers, a ;U Co! A. Spate-, w ith coru and bark to market. I Port ov (t kor' etow j. Lntered Btes-ner i Potomac. M?*Cne master, from PUiladnipuia s? hr J,x>n. Harper ma?:er. :run Phil.irii-iphia 1 Cleared?Scbr lndej>endenc?-. hv:tu- tnt-tor I for \ crktotrn. < I ' 'HIS IS TO G1VK NOTICE. Th%t th? iut'^-l I I l-er ln?* obtained from th? Orphan*'_Court tt I r n<! lUKU'U OOUUl) . in IhelMotH.t of Comahia, letter* of administration on the o?r?r.i,?< * - tate of V I lil; Mil**' . late of \*a-hir;'* a, I I) de< eased All |x-r?. i.? haviiic clium* I the aid de< *-ar??l. ar* be: rl>y warned to ** uMt IB the BMine. * itli the voucher* thereof. t<< tb? ??jt>a' ri her. en or I-fore tne i.*i day of .lu:?nex:. tii?f I m*v otherwise. by law , be excluded fro? all baneflt I of the ?ai 1 entate I Given under in? bund thi*2". 1 d*y of )u e lWi. I e y.-lh-.?3W m VKI K' H LI/MP I /VKI'HANS' COOBT FOK UA^HTNUTON I * t COINTY IN THE I'IsTKlCT Ok I COLUMBIA J h 1 ? ,*V P ..// t,.- /' if *t il 'i'-l't <% ftof Jo\n A. <Y?>- '!, d" Br Jkbi<'? K Williams. guardian t? or?mr> 'ore j B?i 1, ?ho wa? author; t > execute the uaekeca- I t?-l j :trr ef a de< ree theretofore pastel a 'hnri ins Aifrtd C. Cw??ll. ttoe former guardian to ell ! certnin real e?tat? ot 'aid waris. kari?| un the M day of Jttne. \ P . !-<*, reportul th- sale. oa I the 1'lat d y of May . A P Iof all th? right, title I a lid eat ate of M'ashtiigt >i K J aitd * ill, <m M Cw?L M hell. Orphan* a* afor*- id. it. and to the aneil?w I portieii ot Lot nnmtx-red two til in Suture south ' M >f Fqnare i on t.erwt f?,nr hundred and st xtt - threw K i I J -n the city ot Wasi'itig' ri.t M, II 1? Ri*- _M| ards fi r the earn ef $- ' i two t,; ii- of t ,.e ?? sum' that I'eing th- p p<>i: on of eaid ward* n the ?*i<t estate. and that 11.<- pure baser has tea I plied with the termsef aale It i* this <1 dto ,t W Ji Ije. A. P 1/i .. aai" ilarorder her?tof"re pa?-ed M O' th 1 . th ifintai t l>einr noa a.-t ?-i ie ord."H tli't aid-ale stand rati fie aud c< ntirni?-i on the W 17th day "f July. 1- . it no oh iect?on he nil I thereto <^n or before that d?y : < i a r>|?? o tht-order he in m ted in the Matlr-iial Inie i<.r. H rer Mnd Pail K veiling Mar once a week for tire* ??cki hfrfftrA ?J?? . ' WH. F. I i K > ' 1 Jndtre of th? Orphan*' Court. T??t: Z ( . BOBBINS. je?iaw3w* KffiiUr ?f Will* I BY M. K. WALSH A CO., Auctioneer* Mo. PiDM. are,corner UKb itreet. % STOCK AND FIXTBBBS. LEASB. *< , OF GROCERY AMD PROVISION STOKE. AT AUCTION. On WEDNESDAY HORNING. Jan* T. at W or look we will II, a? No ? G street. beta *-u JUth and 2)at atre*-ta weet tl: Stock and Plxtur . Lmt")), a Grocery and Provision Store, In doling large lc?L)t><ot A' Ac JOMst . E. WALSH A CO . Ancta |^Y GREEN A W1LLIAKS, Auctioneers. BRICK HOC8B AND~LOT. FRONTING ON 1'iTH STREET WEST. Between T and U it* north, at Public Auction. On WEDNESDAY, the 4 , o'clock p a., we aball aell, on the premises. Lot U in W H. Gunaell's subdlvision ot Square No. . ha?ing 31 feet I inches front by 1M feat deep, to a ).' foot alley, with the improvements, couiietinx of a doc Brick Honae. Term': One-half cash, t alan e insix and twelve , month*. Mrnr^i h? b <1*^ ^ j i?- - All conveyancing tad mi?r - - ? H the coat of thf pnreh?aer. #>0 dowa ?b?i th? ft property ii sold. I je?-d OSIIH k WILLIAMS. Aucta I |^T W. L WALL * OO. AatMaawra. ~ L feAl.I OF GROCERIES 81 GARS. GOLDEN 8YBI P, >LOCE BROOMS. Bl'CHETS, , AT ACCTIOM On THURSDAY MORNING, June nth. c encinf at If o clo< k. we will II, a; our Aurtto looBt, without r?-?erTe, for cMi<, to cloaa tcaacera? 2Sberrela White and Tallow Sugars KreU O lden Syrup rela Kloor ICO do. an sood Broom* Bncket*. Neata Tnba. Wra?ptn* I'aper 3M dozen Borden a Cooden?rd Milk, in good order BkrrrU eci octa*ee Whiaky and Brand) 60 dor.en bottlee Whiakr. With a % arirty of other Good* in the fracert line, all of which will t.e peremptorily eold ye U W. L WALL A OG . Ancta I^OTS' 8PK1HG AMD SUMMER CLOTHING SELLING OFF TO BBOEOK STOCK. We offer our entire stock ?f Bon',Toathi'uil Childrens' RBADY-KADB CLOTHIKG AND Fl'KNISHING GOODS at frcstly red need prices, and wenld uk so emrl/ call to secure cbeice le'tloiu at lov price*. WALL. 8TEPBEN8 * CO . 321 P?nu iTton?. je Q-6tif t>etwee? Kb and ltfth streots. ^NOTHKK BE1>C?TI0N OF l'BICEti. TO CLOSE BU8IHB8S IN A FBW DATS. . Best Puis Kid Glavsa redured to fl SO pec pair; I Ladies Lac Mentillne end Points, iosm m law m I 2 It: Misses Black Bilk 8M<ines only fi. Black I and Colored Ti?tiiif Telb o nto Ladies Bilk f mi o, a- muu i" v ui cuar : uuvua viu; ? cent*. TrtiDBiif Ltcn from 6 c?nt? p?r jird up. 1 Sewing Bilks 1* ekein* for li end, nil other foolt < ~y !!y ?eiow.tock>a?biiai?ee?tn a few d*>a. 0*11 aad *ecure bargala* at MAX WILL'S, I 39t* FtSMilTuii tTnaa*. ' ? _ between Mb tad 10th etreea N. B -8ton bif ban rwttd aad Fiitiria laid. I Ja OaaSt ) ? ' UK AT BARGAINS > U IV THIN DBSS8 GOODS. 1 have thia day narked do*a my eatira etock of tbin Drea? Fabrics, with a view t? flow than all ent this eeaaon Main juat !x>urht at the larva anction aal?a in Hew York. 1 name a few ta the lot: 1,009 jar^t Mlk Plaid OBBNAD1NE8 at 17* 1,100 Tarda neat Check Kngliafe OKKKAD1KKB at 2fte?*te. IjN* yarda Preach Organdie 1UBL1NH and French LAWN8, With maBT other a?-aaonable Dreae Oeoda. which will he aald nt a great redactloa in p. ioea J. W. COLLET. je 18-gtlf *83 7th atnat. near Penna ar MILL1HKBY OOODS AT COST! MBS. T B V ' S , *13 aorth 7th atroot, I _jo 21 St M??ti Bull, C"""" ?"??" On ktBi, i ninlK'r of mv uM Mcoal kMd 0?r I riagaa, of my ova and other which will b? aoM at radncod yrtM MBB; Also. mmnI Ant-clia Orocacy W m? 4 jftsssfirussw 4H P(U. iTtnit Mar i% ittwl. ja? tt* aad 3T4 MMlOU LOB ISO OUT BVMMKB 0OOM CHI AT. We are eew oSrlhg the froater parCfoa of oar 8UMMR OtHJDS ertrateob cheap ta order to raallsatha mono? far thorn prcrloaa ta mahfg oar MI purchaaaa. and telle* who wiah tahaa? ?oala4 la rocard to ?ri -oa h?d bottoroali laaodaaw Wb:^?ru5SssriB#bsm 1 ^ttftarsg&rgg^r'sr-g; of thaw uot Bach or*r half tha tnriv Bcmtha aco, bat ?t ara detarafoM to *mi ?* J*'CObOBIPSlUtS* aanortttea* of MOUSBIBG 00W of.the I All foo4- utktd at tk? l*?wt tMh trie*., Wtw? rth m>< m ?tr?1? I ^rur? mb^airrss'h^flmali1xhv'km