Newspaper Page Text
0 9 '* =" 0. ? ;4 ^ a a Ac ^ ^ ^ * ^B ^B^ ^B ^ ^1 - ;^B. ^B S ^B B H H ^gL? . . * "1 - - j': Y - - - ^ vs. XXVII. WASHINGTON. D. C.. TUESBAY. JUNE -26. 1866. N2. 4,152. THE EVENING STAR pCBUSHKD DAILY, iKXOBPT 8CHD?Y<) AT THE STAR BUILDINGS ' corner tff Penn'a avenue and 11A ttraet BT W. D. WALLAOH. The ST AK is *er red by the carriers to thstr rat*cnber^ in the City and Dlstrtc at Tmt CJWT8 PKK w*M. Copies at the counter, Witt, or without wrappers. Two Cents each. Pkics roR Mailih? ?Three months, Om Dollar and Fr/'y CenU; six months, ZVee DUisri; one year, f\*t Dollar* No papers ars Mnt from the office longer than paid for. The WEEKLY STAR?pnblished?n Friday coming?One Dollar and a UaJJ m Tear. CLOTHING, Ac. ^ L 0 T B I H 9 I uvuju rwp*\iiaiiy buuuuuio iu iov ci u ttuo v> Waahlngtco aod the y?hli? generally that 1 have cnhacia LARGE AXD WELL SELECTED STOCK or BP&1NO AND BCkMIR CLOTH IN01 0 Conaiating of? Light and Brown Case. Bnita, LigKand Brown Caaa. 8nit?, t i -La x n P... 4J . bikbiaua diu?u vwa. cuiu. Fine Blue riwti'l Suits, Tine Bine Flannel Suits, Floe Blue Flannel Suite. Lifht ani Fancy Cm. Pants and Vests, Light and Fan<-y Cm*. Pants and Vents, Light and Fancy Ca.-s Pants and Vests, White and Brown Linen Pnrk Salts, bite an?J Brown Linen Duck Suite, hite and Brown Linen Dnck Suits, Fine Black Cloth Frock Oeats, Fine Black Cloth Fnvk Coats, Fine Black Cloth Frock Coats. F^rtBlack Pacts and Vests, Fli? Black Punts and Vests, Fie tBlack Pant* and Vests. Youths' and Boys' Clothlne, Youths'and Boys'Clothing, Youths' and Boys' Clothing, V tit#Linen Bosom Shirts, Wkfte Linen Boaom Shirt?, ft hit* knit, un Shirt? Cnder*?b!rts and Drawers, Undershirts and Drawers, Underehirt* and Drawers, F?ch Tlesaad Searf*, ft? k Ties nnrt Sr?rfs, Jfck T!*- ? and Scarta, A5D A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF fTRNISniSO OOOD9. AM the above good* are 3>ade and trimmed In the aiee New York styles and equal to any cnstom t!3de guTEienta Thankful to the pnMic for past fe ors, I respectfully solicit a centfnuance of the Maie. A STRAUSS, FASHIOXABLE CLOTHIER, PINNA. AVKNUK, bit '.m Between 10th and IHh et*. o W H K SUUCIIDID. BY THK BA2D 07 OAK HALL. riere is ft doctor in oar town, man of rrftrtlce an i renown; Ee makes bind^ne income clear, And l?y? np mensy every year. Now, when he started ont In yoath, H' hftd but little ca.?h tn truth; nui 9IIII u?* a It J III* IWBl K? ?ju. And make a Daik? and m^oey too. Ho Attended lectures, etndied hard. Aid very (jnickl> passed the board, He opened office, hunz ont siifn. Bat many patient* coold not find. E?cn day he sat, with saddened face, for porertr same on apace: At Ia?t a friend gave him advice Which changed his fortune in a trice. No* patients flocked from far and near, Aud Kept him busy all the year; Men and women all declare. No doctor can with him compare. "The ifcr*t of his great incc?H, 1 U teil you if too cannot gaess; Tne same advice will help yon all, Se got a suit from SMITHS OAK HALL. (SMTTH BB#*TB*BS * CO., ISKBCnANT TAILOB3, AUD D?AL*RS !!f GB.C9' OU RS1SHINQ GOODS, OAK HALL, 454 8EVXHTH STBKBT. Jest received the largest and flueat stock e ! P1BCK OOOD8 eT?r offered In th? city of Washngton Harts* secured the b??t artist# in the city, me are prepared to make np in the rinest style, ana i at !? ? ?r.cee than any other establishment. ap27 a. B. A Co. 1[*DWAAD DOLAN, U MKK' HaST TAILOR, Corner i4th atrfetand Penn* aT.)nce, opposite 'Aillarls' Hotel. * -J? InTife* fc?J frlen<ia and the public to hi* "*# rich ftt4*OCl?K-Dt of 1%^ 8PBIHO GOODS, itf bonnhtfor ca^h. and will be eold at reduced *mm srlcea. P*irfcft tita warranted Aim, a fine atock 'it G*NTS Kl EMSiliNO UUODS. P. 8. Gi?e n* a call. ap U-lm 1/ J HBIMBOS.K, r . ??,? <* ( F Loudoa A Co., y CITIZENS AfiD Mtl.lTAHY **? M Etii H.iXT TAILOR, ||% i hotel, litf If 36a Pv?n^ Ivanla aTena?, pyl-tf Waehlnrtoa. P. 0. PERSONAL. (V'ADAME B*OHHBlER. the wonderful A? * 1 trologiat And PUutt Reader, having lately *iiiv?d from I*ir?|> e, will remain in Washington a?b rttime. Tb:e ?obJorCn.l lady wm bora with a riaiiral gift, Ste telle the paat, present and tnturi never known to fall Sfte can?t>- love to t?e air tnal wh?r? 4t does oot exist. She cab be cooaulfed n? marriages. Iqfata. and the recovery of tbe "mine She cares all diseases. Business svletly confidential. Hoar* cf consultation from 9till5 OeDtlenan 91. Lad its.Ml cents. PraoDt recidaoce No. 409 Mh atroet, near U street. ell lai* __ REMOVED.?Dr. MO. McGOY haa removed to 4iS Id atreet mii. aomer c* 0 south, next St. fet?r'? Church, C?pitol Hill. je 9-lai* |\f US H. T. Y> KlUUT, M?ta?Uc and Olairrori'l AUt J">yaicUn. Hs*ii Ly Layia* on Han<la, BltLd?#a??Par?l>al?, ltt eaniatWm, ChilU and Ke-, Tar, F<*bi*1* Weakne***. Kervoiaueaa, brapepi>ia. W4, ?e. Boo ma ib\l 6th at., bet Band r my 4 2m* IimliU fl. SLACK. W*KD H. LaMOH. t.V.IUCf, LAW O If TIC*. black, tTiiea * oo., Oonnaeltara art Attorn*?# U Lawln Cba Bnpreme Court of ttee CKited kt?t**Ith?Ooai-i<N'01atfma, tha Guorta of n?0 Wstrict, the Xxacati7? Dcpartmanta, ^ .i AA?... - m r% DO ' vvuxrtw. Office, 4*9 l?Cb itrtet, (directly Will*rd?' Hotel ) d> ia tf C1NOLK, >TTOBN*T AT LAW. V* 30 LoeUI??e AvtQge.tbovt 8lxt? StrM* c M-lj EXPRESS COMPANIES y^DAJIS IXPUW COMPANY. OFFICE *1* J-EHNA. AVENCC, BliAHUH VrriVK. S1V FBMISILVAIUA ATUL-1, OPPOKTB WILLABD'S. ORKAT~TABTEBS, SOUTHERN, WESTERN, AND SOCTHIBN BXPB16S FOBWABDXB&. rcbABdtM. Monty ^Tnd-TalaftblM of *11 klndj forwards ?Hb dlapstcta t? ill MWftU lectlona of the country COLLECTION OF HOTES, DRAFTS, AND BILLS. Marft id acc?MibU p*rta oitfc* United ?. O. DCNn, Agent, B.b24-tf \f Mhlngv.n, 0. U. \kr ILLUM B B A DL 1 Y, V> BTKAM HAkBLK WOBAd, Usnnfactnrer of MAftltLZ MANTLKt*. MON I'M KNT8, TABLS ad WAtHfeTAND TOPS, Ac. Monnor-nti Made to erder on r?MCB*ble term* ar?l fh<>rtdt notice. vv ill constant!? oc band E VJTEJIN HASBMC ?Ld MABBLI TILING OritfH for PltiBil'?r't BLABS ?rompfIy ?f tended U> ?Trnne, bet. 1Mb nnd l?th ?t? *Mt, Wwliitftoii.D.C. ?a>f < w o o r i n o rt08_ fahbt. curver 10th street wm! sod Canal, P1KP. ud WATKK PBOOf r*LT, cemib? al.<1 UKAVKL JtOOFS pat oa i? the ?erx b*H manner, of the T?ry baet material, u< A tAa h< rttrt notira At ?"? moderate prloaa. Alto, ?ll kir.d* of BL'ILPIN# and OOMP001T ION BOO PIUO MA TIBIALS on baad. at the oweet price#. t?V-9m WM W PAKB CXOCKHAKIB. No. 237 Pa iifum, Pol* A|?bI for Lewii' FtUltaaa P<rpet oal Caleuder Clort.of Tartou* Pktt?ru; WJm |W), a variety of Ragaiatore. Tlaaepiecee. an4 Esl ?pri?f Clock*. Vr?cch Eu?iiiaii, aod Am?nfflJ tu Clock* Repaired. fa U-3ar * ' GLOBT OF MAM IB 8TRBNQTH?Tkara tor*, thaaerrooa and debilitated akoold Im jBodl&taly iom H1LMI0LD1 MXTBACT BO OTP* AMUSEMENTS. GKUVER'S THEATER, JOHN T. FOBD Temporary Manager THUS A.HALL .. Act! :.g Mi .nger TbUCool and PelieW.tul Beeort wi'.l open this Evt ni;,f nith the < hhrniiDK M188 LOTTA, la the Spectacular Fan-* called the 8BVKN S1STBBS, The Popular Comedian, HB. O. B. B1RHOP M MM fLHTO Aided by a new ,nd Talented Company. uew Pc#D?rr. new Cotton)**. Grand March Mid Dril by ft Corps of Young Ladies. and the Beautiful Finale THE BIRTH OF CFPID IN THE BOWEE OF __ FEBNS ONE OF THE ORE AT EST WONDERS OF the world, TWO CHILDB&N, outrivaling the Siamese Twins, having two heads, four arms aud enly two leys?a most wonderful freak of nature? to be exhibited at 'i4."> Penna. av., south >dde, between i.rh and 13th streets, for a few days only, from 10 o'clock a. m. to7 p. m. .e 21 -6t*" ("EORGE JCENEM ANN 'S 1 LAGER BEER BKBWKBY g& AND 2* PLEASURE OABDEN, /A Corntrof 4th atid E streets. UH CAPITOL HILL. Panning every MONDAY commencine at 2 o'cl k p. m. my 3 lm" pttOfB. J. W. i U. P. KBiilS' DANCING ACADEMY, Oi>po?ife Metropolitan Potel. Or.rC!n**es ^ill be continued daring the Summer, commencing TUB DAY, MAY 29, Ztayt and Hours af Tutttcn: Tor LkIIm, Mi-itPi and Masters. Tneudny ?nd Fri'l&y ftPrnoon-.. fr-jm 4 to 1 o'cJck. ? T 'lpnien ii Classes, name evening, from 9 to 10 o 'click. K< r 'urther Information. *pp'y during the taonrs of tuition.oradhliMa anrtefo the Academy myJ-ly "insurance companies. Manhattan LIKE INSCRANCF COMPANY OF NEW Yl-KK riTY. OFFICE N > 47T. M.VENTH STREET, Wa*binet"n Ci'v ?> '* 3m* JOHN T LIGHTER Agout^ FIREMEN'S INSURANCE 00. Or WASH INGTON AND GEORGETOWN. OFFICE No. 1, over Hank of Washington. OHABTEBED BY CONGRESS, 1*37. CAPITAL 9400,000 SUB PLC 8 TL'Ml) $30,000 Property of all kinds insured for a year or less Builders' risks granted sn the acost fayorebie terms. No charge for policies. JiMta aDaMS. President. Samnel Croploy, Esaa Pickrell, Bobert White, of Georgetown. Win. Wilson. Th?m*s Parker, John D Barclay, Bichard Barry, Sam'l Bedfera, Ch*s. W. Davis, B B Fr?nrh. T Ed Clark. Andrew Roth well, of Washington. Th? Director# iu Georgetown are actborired^ty :he Foard to renew policies and t?ke risk* in Georgetown. jt 13 "ofm ABEL O. DAVT9, StiVy. STEAMBOAT LINE& VIW OUTSIDE LINE OF STEAMERS BKTWF.KN HEW YOIiK. WASHINGTON, GEOBGETOWN, AND ALEXANDRIA, VA. The Steamers of this Line are first c!;ws Vessels. Leave Snow's wharf, Georgetown. every SATCbDAV. and Pi at 13. Nerth River, New York, every WEDNESDAY. Punctuality of departure ean be relied on. Tba pa4Ptnger accovtMod ttloos are unsurpassed. Freight received daily and kept under cover at Snow's wharf Georgetown. ....... 1 x VI vaBraAr aU<i <* 1J J. W. P. MYERS. Agent, 107 Water at , Georgetown. W T. RKM3EN. Agent, 1-lm S7 Westst., New T?rk. UTKAMEKLKAVESroK HI VJEBNON ? EVEKY Tl ES!>AY, THBHSDAY and HA Tl'HDAY. at]9a in. Ketnrns at 4is p in.' E?re f?r Ronnd Trip. $l.AO. One-third of this Moonlit for use of Monut Vernon Association. Washington and Al?*sandrla Bo*'a leave each pWe every henr from 7 a m. to 6 p.m. ht ttue Steamt r W?*a?etcank? chartered for Excursions. J. VAN RISWICK, ap H 6<Jt General Snp't P K Co. llllTllMilt TKlNSPllkTtTIIIN T.IVIC r _ notice to shippers. The Steamer EXPREStTcapt. E. a. BYTHBR, leaves Washington at 6 a hi. and At- - jt*k exandria at 7 a. m. EVERY BAT ORDAY for Ulymont, Bndd s Kerry Smith* Point, Chatterton Lantfing, Nanjemoy Stores, Mutbta* Poin*, Po?e'? Greek Bluff Point, Plowden'i Wharf Lancaster's Wharf. Stone's Wharf, Cnrriom?*n Bay. Koxwell's Wharf, Pluey Point, Point Lookout, and arrive* at Baltimore at 8a. m. on Sunday. _ J.B.BRYAN ft BRO , A (rente, ap 7-tf No. 344 Pt-nna. avpnne. Richmond, fbedkbioksbcbq^and potomao ba1lboad. to tbayellb'rsgoing sooth. TWICE DAILY,(Sanday*. m. excepted.) TD< qaickeet end moat direct root* M Micnmond, Va , and the South. via the Potomao _ i'eamer? from Sixth Street Wbarf.^^4^e? Washington. to A?uia Creek and^^^*^^^ Richmond, Fredericksburg and Potomac Railroad, oow entirely completed from Aqula Creek to Richmo nd.Va. connecting th?re with tralmob the Richmond and Petersburg and Richmond and Danville Railroad*, fer Petersburg, Weldon. Wilmington, Raleigh, Greeasboro', Salisbury, Charlotte and Cheater. B. C. Steamers Keyport and 0 Vanderbttt leave Sixth Street Wharf dally (Sunday morning excepted) at < 40 a. m. apd 7 p. m, and arrive la Richmond at ? SUt _ _ i ? cwu I? . CU . BUO 9 m THBOCOH TO BIOHMOHD IN BIVM HOUBS. giftj Miles Shorter ana i>* Hears Quicker th*a ant tHber Koute. Be rare sad get Through Tickets vis AqoU Creek and Frederick?bnrg, to Bicbmond, st the Gouuj Office, corner of Penns. itcbh# sua 6th treeC, or on board of theboste. Bsggage checked t^rovffb. OMibaases and Baggage Wagoas will be in readioeet to oonver passengers and .baggage between tie not* In Richmond Paaaeoger* by thia line paaa by daylight Moont Vernon, and may bave an opportunity of Tieitinc aevaral battla-flelda Dear Frederick* burg by sto?ping at that point. Br?afcfaa;,anri inn board of Steamara. GKO. MATTIifGLY.Snpt., Washington, D. 0. MATTHKW OLABK, Agent, Washington. C. M. HANKY, ap Ht General Paaaenger Agent. tJPBISG ABBANOIMKNT. - NOTIOK.-Tba Bteamer CAMbrflDGK, Captain K. T Leonard, will raanma route ou 8ATUBDAT. March leaving her new niar, 170 Llgbt atreet wharf, be t*wn Lee and Barrr street*, Baltimore.eTery SATURDAY and TUESDAY *t 8 p. m ,for KMtoa Point, Doable Mill*. Oxford, Clora'a Pelnt. Wallach'e Landing. Cambridge, Hnghlett'a wharf, Cabin Cre*k. and Mm!ford Landing. Returning from the Kastern Shore nhe will letva MedfoM'a Wharf erery THFR8DAY and MONDAY at 1 9 m., ?toppfa? at all th? above mentioned landirrt for p* teenier* and freight, and r*?rhing Baltimore at S n. m. ef FRIDA YS and TP K8DAYB. febtttf ^ BAND TRIAL OF SEWING llACHIN IS BETW ?I!f THE wlT.COt A GIRR* AND FLOBEHOI I Tfc* WILCOX k OiBBS TBICMPHANT! IT IS DKGLAKBD THE ?*3T M ACHIXB AND AWARDid iiJfciilGHISr PBBMIUM. For the Wilcox ft Qlbbs Machine thirty fi*e dl?tiiiet c!airi? were i*ad*tir ?0p?riori ty, all of which were tolly iu*t?iu<-d. t%T tfie Florence bat ten wsrt* printed, only two mt which ware eu*t?ir.ed. By thi* trial, more thorough %I1, fin* of the kind e?er pre*ion?l> atWnipie-*, before aa able and impartial ior?. th* justice ot who*# verdi. t none cat .1i?n?ta, it ha* b?-u pr iT# j decided, and published *o the world, that the Wilcox ft Uibb* Ma->hi?- i? jn?t wh>t It hudiime<l t?? be, AN IMPKOY kSHKNT ON UOCBLETHKB&D MA (.'it INKS ? r?*nilrf>? no propyl, we thlok, to foretell it* t n!t)Ci?t" triumph ? ihe racoffnUfel ?Ua'J*rd *ew7o* Harhfti* of th- world Circular* conUiuing a tall TtJf> Tt of th#juUKc?, ar.d all particular at this l?irr>?UBI trial c?i? ft* o'(t?'i*?l or ,T!,r 0*0 fKAVCI.4, <907th?trw.t. n j :3 )?,* A?e?? for the l)l?trlc?._ \9OhgrifO OANOPIKB, all alzea and colon, jet ,,**jT?^jHBecK gt 4t1 7th ?tre?t. I.jpnrlt* tb? Office. |C?i. I'ilm.J SPECIAL NOTICES. SURELY, STEADILY, SUCCESSFULLY, SMOLANDBB & EXTRACT BUCKO is ctr*::ve ,wn CAM Of KiblfCT Bxitui, Bh*****1"1' ORAVKL, CK;.naet DuoBexis. Wkaiskss ud Pains in the Back, Pkmalb OoMrunn and Troi-blxs artsiDg froa Bxcbvks or asy Bud. OOMB, TB AFBLIOTBDI TBI bMUtiAMvaiii ? TAKE NO OTHER BUCKV. Bold by all Apothecaries. Price $1. d.BABSEB * 00., New York, ud BARNES, WARP* JO., New Orleans, Bout hern Agents BCRLEIQB A ROGERS, Wholesale BraggUts, Boo ton, Miss., General Agent!. feb lO ly BALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR BENE WEB Renews the Hair. Ball's eg stable Sicilian H \ir Bi<kwki Restores gray hair to the oricinul eoler. BALL'S VKGKTABLE S.CIMAN flAi* RKNKWKH Presents the hair from falling oft. Ball's Vegetable Sicilian Hair Bknkwer Makes the hair soft an<i glossf. Ball's Vegetable Sicilian H \:r Rjnkwkk Doe* not ?t;?in the *kin. Hall> Sicilian Vegetable Hair Renkwkr IIii* proved itaell the beet prepHr-itinn foe the h<tir ever presented to th?< pnblic. Priceifl. For eale by all druuriftB. ja30-Tuly TWO BAD OABK8 or PILKM UUBKD BI DB STRICKLAND'S PILE BUMSPY. Mr. (linns, o: Janesvillo, Wiscwiaju, writes Jor the benefit of all who safer witn the Piles, tn?t tit huft b?en troubled for eight yean with *n argri?: vated caae of Piles, anil his brother was lUcfca. ?td roai (he army ? > incurable, (be beicg unite parayzed with the Piles.) Both th<?edi?trea-iing r tnes were cured with obo hottleof Dr STB 10 KL AN r>*8 PILK RKMEDY. T,he recommendation of thsse gentlemen. be?ide the daily testimonial* received by Dr Strickland, onght to convince those pr^Tering that the most aggravated chronic ca?<?i of Piles are cured by Pr Strickland's Pile R'-medy. It is sold by Druggists everywhere Bo'-ii by J. W. NAIBN A CO ; CHAS 0HR1STIANI, 37 1 P?. ! venue and SOU Ninth street. os*ly a suniiiua ni.3iti;r, We osn conscientious^ recommend to those snf fertng from a distressing coti?h. Dli BTttiLKLAND'S MELLIFLUOUS COUGH BAUWM. It gives relief almost instantaneous, and notdisagreeable to the taste. There is no doubt but the Mellifluous Cough lialsam is one of tbe best preparation* in tine, andje all that Its proprietor claims tor it. We have tried it during the past week, and found relief from a most distressing ccueh. It is prepared by Pr. Strickland, No. 139 Bycnm?re street, Cincinnati. Ohio, and for lale by Druggists. Bold by J. W. NAIRN A CO . also at WAITE'S Drng Store, and CHA8. 0H8ISTIANI'B. 317 Pa. avenue and ?Oil Ninth ft reel. oe*-ly SECRET DISEASES. ox.-habitati swift in i?hjogt certain, safe *nd effectual remedy? indee.i, the only vegetable remedy ever discovered. Cure* in two to four days, and recent cases in twenty-fonr hours No mineral,no balsaiu. no mercury. Only ten pills to be taken. It is tbe soldier hop*, and a friend to those who do not want to be exposed. Male packages, %i; female, S3 Samariun's Root ahdHebb Jrtr*??A popitive and permanent cure for Spyhilis, Scrofula, Dicers, Mores. Bpots. Trtters. Ac Price !?l 2-% per bottle. Bold by 8. C. F?rd. See advertisement. my 5 MARRIAGE AND CELIBACY, an Essay of Warning and Instruction for Young Men. Alse. Diseases and Abuses which prostrate the vital powers, with sure means of relief. Bent free of Charge in sealed letter ?nveinn?? Adrtr??? TYr i SKTLLIN HOUGHTON, ifoward"~As?ocUtIoi, Philadelphia. Pa. apl6-3m PIC NICS, EXClURSIOXS, kc. q a l a day. a grand prize pio nic Will t>? ?t??n ?> iwiaatk ntroot ran. qadrr the auspices *f the METROPOLITAN PRIZE COMPANY, US MUM1A* AtTBBNOON AND KVENINO, JULY JD. Dancing will commence at 3 p iu. Committer of Ananc mtnt' A. 9 Brewer, J.Stunz. T. Lindsay, R. Rebrens. G.Grillett J. Polkinhorn. M aster of Ceremonies..- M.J. Clark Price of Ticket*. (INK DOLLAR. admitting a gentleman and ladies. Prof. Webber's celebrated Cotillion Band will be in attendance. Each ticket holder will, udou enteri in? the Park gate, show hi* ticket,&n<l draw a certificate which, upoii pre?*-ntatiou of the c;iine it the store of the C nii'xny. *!>** Penna avenue, on the folluwiug day will secure a prize Amone the prices are the following Gold Watches, hunting case. Silver Watches, hunting case; Ladies and Gertlemen's 'iohl Chains, Bilver-piatrd Ice Pitchers < ate and Fruit Baskets; Gold lined Goblets; Bets of Table Spoons Tt-a Bpootie and Forks; new <t j le of j?-welr> Laflies'slid Gentlemen s Companion!, Albums, Fan", divt-Te huiiod*. HreaMpiua. ar TIcfcftt* fo? ??lf at the nmair gtnreaof .1 F ELLlsanl W.G. ItBT/EHOTT, m well aa at the fa?t?I new??t?uds and the stoie of the Company. ja 26 tit* J D1STBICT OF COLUMBIA VOLt'NTEKRS IN TBB KIBLO AGAIN. L GBAND BECNION AND PIC NIC P% r.m ASSOCIATION OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA VOLCNTEKBS, will be g1v?n it HKVEMTH STBIET PARK, On TTJBSDAT, JULY 10TH. Hon. Jo?. H. Bradley will ad Irene the Associa tioD on tbe occasion, gran# m historical sketch of the District Volnnteers durlux tbe lute rebellion. Other eminent speakers will Le prexeut and ad dre?? the Association. Dancing will commence at2 p. m , and continue until 5 p m , when the addreas will be deHvered. After r.ther speeches dancing wi'l he resumed, and continue nntil 11 p. ui. lleald's American Bi ai-s and Stiiu* B ind are engaged for the occasion nciets. au cents; admitting a gentleman and ladies Supper and refreshments can be obtained on the grouads. The Committee ensure all who may honor the occasion with their presence a real old fashioned iwubIoo. Mo person will be admitted without tickets, which can be obtained at tbe principal hotels and any member of the Association. Commiite$, Engineer J C Mockabee, Lieut 1) V Stiles, Col Jos Gtrhardt, Lieut Wm Hendley, Mhj Kobt Clark, Lient W B Dobsoo, Capt Alex Butherford, Asst Hare W T Craigan, Cnot A R D?nt 11/ Cfcpt John McDermott, " je It i*wtjlltdtd ' rj^o THE MASONIC V'KATERNITY. A Matonic CHART, embracing ?U of MMonry M is known In thin country, will l>e found f>v atkinc application to Mr. HENRY HUMPHREYS, at I'. J. belltw A Co.'e,JN<?. 510 7th St., between D and E. The Mwonic 9< aternity are re<ine?ted to call and examine and he the beat judge for tfe*m?+lv?-B, aa far aa the value of the picture and ita merit* are conce> ned. :? IIPUi*Tf * * jo li'iu UMiin a no rfirilKJi X AK0Dli i |/*BPCOOL! t?p OOOLU PUBS ICE CBBAM P|ft GALLON. The tnbicrlber desire* to ceil the attention of lection of Fortign end Domeetic FBUITS of ell klnde. IicnrMone, Pertlee end Weddingi furnished et short notice. A cell le solicited. JOHN W. E1GHT8TINK. my 17-lm* Mo. 400 Hui. ave.. near 10th it. pLOUBirUIDJ! SALT mY A complete assortment of ALL GBADBS OF fLOUB, M> which wa aolicit the attention of BAKCB8 ASD OBOCKBS. ILL FBID.MIAL, BALED BAT. and all klada of TIID at low rata*. aminn a i n* vma And TUBE 8 ISLAND SALT for low 1b lota to rait by my M-tf W .M. OALT A OO. HI. OOIF** . M0818 BATB3. . H. T. COrriK A OO.. CO TTOy^JPA CTOR S eIiS?j Mew Oueam. ? Btal.t * ..*(!%?( til illA ?<! mIa DMIV* ? ? C Wt'j wi? of M?rcka?4lM. Liberal advance* ma<l? on OoiitlymcfDU. my 18 tf ^ILIBBAT S_D^ BAX1 OBAF01 BBAND,<lP??7Uii?i cnml ) blFFlU D'B WIt?tPH?LlA. ( *wt?-n cur*d.) *. W. ttCRCHKLU. Corner 14th %d<1 F ?trn???, j% 18 under Kboltt ttouw. TELEGRAMS, fcc. The followingdespatch wureceived yesterday by the M*xicau minister, Sencr Romero, from the Mexican consul at New Orleans: csonfirmrag the report of the capture by the Liberal forces ol the large Imperialist merchandise train proceeding from Matamoros to Monterey;?"New Oi;i.kans, ,lune->4.?I have fticial information that on the it>th inst-ant General Escobedo captured, near the city of Camargo, a train under Imperialist escort, consisting of twohuudredand fifty wagon-, ut vfcivv inuies pacilt luaoeu wuu nlBTCDIMUKi the w Hole valued at over one million of dolixrs. Geneia) t>cobfdo alto ctpturrd eleven p?eces ol art 11. ry. with ammunition and over >0(i prisoners. This important success is considered as ternunatiuK the war on the Kio OraiKle. as the surr-uder ot Matamoros is now unavoidable." Fiiday ev?ung a skirmish [occurred with a pajty of Fenians near Pigeon litll. the Fenian 1 I'Tee, a small one. being on a recon noissance. They fired upon an outpost sentinel, when it w;t.- discovered that a lar?e detachment of the Irish army wu? in the adjoining woods, on a runt . Franklin, ic the States A company of the Ki.-neiieu n;xu. was at on -e ordered to arms and instructed to intercept She FenUn retreat, but the Fenian force successfully retreat/d through a deep stream. More tliae twenty shots were excbanred, without the l?f,s of lite, fcowever. The Fenians were w#I? urnied with "arhines and fibres thou-h wiirhly x'tired A disturbance occurred in l'harle-t?a, S. C., on Saturday, between a party of wtw:e and black boys in which men biicme involved on both s;des. The ponce appearing arrested the nngleaders and ended the rtoV Subsequently three hundred black* :u>semhll;d. led by negro soldiers, and inarched through the lower part of the city. A strong . lilitarv -Uiil police tori* attacked them and ?iBelled the afc'air, dm nig :he necroes irom the street* .iftd arresting n>any of the riou-rs. The great cricket tournament for the eharapiouship ol the South terminated in JIaltimore yesterday, resulting u> tin* complete success of the champion American,of this city, t/y the . score of two hundred and eighteen to the total ol ?e%eiity-ei|?ht in lavor of the Il>c',*a- of Baltimore. The tatting and fielding of the W.'isbiDgtoniass wi4 superb ~ LOCAL NEWS. Corporation Affairs. Hoarp ok Alderxkn, June as, i -ski ?T lie Board met at the usual hour; present: Messrs. (liven, TaH, Turton, Harr, Kdmonston, ?iulick, Cross, I,?*wis, McCathran, Owen, President T. E. Lloyd, and S. V. Nojes, Secretary. The Chair announced ttn* Committees of the Board as follows: n ii muocrc f onh v> U * lliuwv-v ? ?_ Ulll Itf v? V0C| HiiU Given. On improvements? Messrs. Lewis, Turton, ar.d Noyes. On I-iraiuage, &>c ? Messrs. Turton, Owen, and Kdmonston. On MarketsMessrs. McCatUran, Owen, and Tail. Ou P.> ice?Messrs. Barr, Lloyd, aud Given. On < laims? Messrs Lloyd, Magruder, and Cross. On Public Schools?Messrs. Noyee, McCatbran, and Barr. On I'ire Department?Messrs Owen, Lloyd. andTait. Ok Klections?Messrs. (liven, Gulick, and Noyee. On CanalsMessrs. dross, Turton, and Given. On I nttui.-hed Business?Messrs. Ldmonston, Tait, and McCattiran. On Gas Lights?Messrs. Magruder. Harr, Lewis, Lloyd, Tait. McCath ran, una Joint ''tuiiwWtt'.-On the Asylum?Messrs. M:tgrudrr. (Julick, :md Lloyd. On Health? M< ><-rs. Tait, Magrnder, and Edmonstou. On 'hf Eligibility of Assessors?Messrs. McCathran, L?*wls, and Owen. On Wharves?Messrs. Owen, Lewis, and Cross. On the Washington Canal?Messrs. Erimonston. B:trr, and Noye?. To Count and be-^roy Due-Hills?Mr. Tatt. On hnrolled Hills?Mr. Harr. On the Accounts oi ute itegister?jur \jro*s. *jn Money Transactions ol the Corporation?Mr Gulick To ttitnd to ibr Interests of the Oorporat ion before Congress?Messrs. Magruder, Gulick, and Owen. The Chair laid before the Board a commnniratian from the Mayor, approving certain acts. Also, a communication, returning without his approval an art entitled an act granting permission to the Hon. Mr. Sprague to place an iron railing around square 4*>2. The Mayor returns the bill, he says, in order that it may hp amended. The correction needed is that the permission granted should be during the pleasure of the Corporation, as has been always provided in like cases. Al><), communications making the following nominations:?For Corporation Attorney, Jos. II. Bradley Tax Clerk, Wm. Morgan: Bookkeeper, L. J. Klopfer: Clerk to the Mayor, Samuel Ottrand; Messenger to the Mayor and llegisttr, 11. C. Kleiber Water Registrar. Randolph Coy le; Topographer to the Water Board, Geo H. Paine; Tapper ol Water Mains. C. C. Chew; Clerk to Centre Market, H. C. Lyles: Assistant Clerk to Centre Market, Jackson Pumplirey; Clerk to Western Market, James Miller: Clerk to Northern Market, Jas. Uowen; Clerk to Eastern Market, Jas. C. Cross: Commissioners of Centre Market, Edward Hall, P. C. Kney and Win. R Wall; Commissioners of Northern Market, J. S. Williams. George W. Kobin'on and Jeremiah M.-.tlock, Commissioners of Eastern Market, L. E. Tuell and .lames Marceron; Commissioner? of Western Market, IJ II /Hz ? ? ' ? 1 * ' " *' * ?. II. v/iruiruin aim oailiu?! UUVUll; X'UllCl' Magistrates?First Ward. Samuel Drury: Second Ward, E. H. Third Ward. William Thompson: Fonrth "Ward, G. L.. Giberson; Fifth Wara, B. W. Feteason; Sixth Ward, Jas. Cull; Seventh Ward. F. A Borwell; Commissioners of Improvement?First Ward. John W. Dyer; Second Ward, James W Spalding; Third Ward. John T Garner: Fourth Ward, Jas. J. Campbell: Fifth Ward, Elias E Barnes; Sixth Ward. W. A. Fletcher: Seventh Ward, James II Birch: Superintendent of Fire Alarm Telegraph. A B. Talcott: Operators, G. H. Noyes and 1?. P. Leibold: Chief hnfiineer of Fire Department, John H Sectlord; Secretary to Fire Commissioners, E. C. Eckloff Canal Commissioner. David Hepburn; Commissioner? of the West Burial Ground, Jos. Borrows and Wm. Wilson; Sexton of same, Wm. Graham: Harbor Master, Kobert 1'. Magee; Assistant Harbor Master. W. F.Grimes; Inspector ol Flour and Salted Provisions, Jos. Hedrick; all ot which were appropriately relerred. Tbe Chair read a communication from tile Oldest Inhabitants, inviting the Board to join them in celebrating the 4th of July. Accepted. Mr. Owen presented petitions of C.Cammack, Sr., and others, asking the construction ot a sewer; of Sidney McFarland, for the remission of a tine; and of S. A. Bailey and others, asking to have a side-walk laid; referred. Mr. Barr presented the petition of George Sykes, praying permission to erect a bathhouse adjoining a brick house, referred. Also, hitrn/4 nno/1 A In 11 4r\ cdkt fhn J 1U i/u u VI u M w>*? ?v ov V IU' vutUOWttCS BUU pa>ethe footways on the west side of 10th street west, between L) and Boundary streets north: relerred. Mr. Owen introduced a bill to grade aH(j pave the carriage-w ays on 14th west, from H to M streets north: referred. Mr. Given presented petitions of Ed ward P. Walsh and others, a*lcingfor a street improveinput, and of Josiah Simpson, to refund license money paid by him; referred. Air. Edmonston presented petitions of B. F. Wi*et and others; also, of R. Williams and others, for a street improvsment; referred. Mr. A. Lloyd Introduced a bill to extend the sewer now being constructed in 3d street west, ' to the north side of ** street; passed. Also, introduced * bill regulating the erectien of stove-pipes In lrame buildings; referred. Mr. Oolick presented the petition of Foster Henshaw to have the grade of Virginia avenue fixed by the City Surveyor; referred. Mr. McCathran presented the statement of Wm. H. Warren in reference to action of Justioe Thompson in fining him: referred. The Cliair presented the petition of Patrick Collins for remission of a fine: referred. Mr. Barr introduced a bill lor improvement of alley in square 'JWr referred." Mr. Tnrton iutrodnced a T?*yolutJon for purchase of window shades for the Aldermen's Chamber- niLs?ed. Mr. Given introduced a resolution inquiring of the Finance Committee as to what further legislation may be necessary for a prompter a.isfssroent of t'sx^e; adftpied Mr. Cross introduced a btll for setting the curbstone and pavtag the lootways on The south Bide of Kstreet south, from 11th to l^tli Btr? eta east: referred. Mr. IJarr called up the bill to change tbe manner of coileoting special taxes; referred to a special committee, Messrs. Cross, Bar* and Qnluk. Mr. Ttirton introduced a bill for grading and nflvinv thl ftllftv m ?/t? ro !<!? Mr. McCathrnn in trod uced* bill appropriation 83<0 irom the tundsof the 6tb Ward to ar.*te a nuisance iu 7th street ea?t- referred. The bill granting permission to Hen. William Spragoe to pla?e an iron railing around square 4-2 vra? takea up and the Mayor sustained in hie objection to tbe bill. Mr. Lewis, irora improvement* committee, reported a bill for tbf same purpose, amended as suggested by th?- Mayor,and it war passed. Adjourned. Common CorxriL.?President M<x>re in the chair, and all the members present except Mr. Wright. A communication was received from the Mayor, announcing his approval of a large number of acts passed by the last Councils. Also, returuirir Uie bill amending the act in relation to ward apothecaries without bis eifuaiuiT, i.'.iu un luc l?Die. The Chair announced the following cornmiltees : On Ways and Means? Mw- p.'ugh. Drnry, Ander-oii, Simins, Mulloy. Talbert, and Walker, (in Improvements?Me-srs.stewari, ltndley. Ulead, >'?lley. Baker. Morsel 1, and Marche?fin Drainage?M>-ssr?. Simms, Joyce, ( arroll, W right, Anderson, Peake, and Bryan. On Police?Messrs Joyce, I?rury, Wright, Mnlloy,Morsell, Kalley, and Peake. On Public Schools?Messrs. Dudley, Mor^ll, Baker, Peugh, Anderson, M?:id, and .March". On Canal*?Messrs. Drury. Nalley, Stewart, DudDepartment? Messrs. \^riiliV,l'rl;. the t ire Simms. ?'n Claims? Messrs. Baker. l?fl-..a,>d and Talbert. On Mar Wets?Messrs. Mulloy, Carroll, and Calvert On Election*?Messrs. Talbert, l?rnry, anil I'eujrh On l*ntini?hed Busings? M?">rs fin/l l*nri!?v (in Contingent Ei| > i ^?Me>.-r;. Calvert, Wa ker, Bryan and Stewart. J< >.t CcMwitt"- On the Asylum? M>->sr?. Mead, Joyce, Marche, and Mor?ell. On Wharves?Messrs. W nlker. Haker. a^d Feukf. On Health?Messrs. Ander-on, Walker, Tftlbert and Carroll. On Kli^ihility of Ap^essor??M?-s?r.-. Marcbe, Mulloy, (Calvert, ami Baker. On the Canal ?Me-srV 1'eake and Joyce. On ihe Money Transactions of th-1 Corporation?Mr. Pencil. On tin Accounts of ihe Keg liter?Mr. Carroll. To Count and !?< stroy line Hills?M:~. Bryan. On Enrolled Hills M r Siiuirw Tn n?nri'h?>nf tho I ..toroet of tbe Corporation be'.ore Coucres?Mej-sr.3Ior?ell, 1'eugb. MaPhc, and Wnctit. The following were introduced ?By Mr Iirnry?Ke?ol?uion reqi* <uug the committee b< fori- (\>i u obtain the repeal of the iNs-t section of the act umending tn?* .--tt? r? :ttmc the Metropolitan Police. which provides that ;iny I * non res^tin;: an otUcer subjects hini-elf to imprisonment m th<? penitentiary: referred. Also, bill ior the reliel of James Ik>rm:in: retfrr<-d. Also, resolution 11? 11 a committee be . intuiintPH t? tha nf ! ??- *?* . r , - - ? - ? .UV ....... vyi Ba Tflli; 1UUI' Aay.? on the north, east, antl west side* of rquare l"JT; amended by making the Pint Ward delegation the committee, and adopted. J5y Mr Joyce?Bill <?>r the protection of sidewalks and streets lrom telegraph poles. [It impoHa. line on telegraph companies lor neglecting to replace the pavement within 4hours afur setting th< pol?*s; pas-ted. Also, resolution inquiring of the ('ollector of Taxe* what legislation is necessary to secure I the payment of taxes lrom non residents: I passed. Aho, resolution inquiring of th?* | Mayor why the building chosen in I the" becond Ward for a statiou-house has not been fitted up in accordance with the act of I tlie councils; adopted. Also, resolution for the appointment <?f a reading clerk: referred. By Mr. J'eugh?Petition of S. K. Wvvill: referred. Kesolntion in relation to the bill iu relation lo ward apothecaries: laid on tin* table. Invitatisn lor the boards U) at'end the celebration ot me 4:n ot Julv by the Oldest Inhabitants; accepted. 15_v Mr Calvert?pe. tition ol residents of 5th street west, b?*t\\neii M and N streets; also, petition for the rcmi?sion of a fine:relerred. By Mr. Mochv?Clatm of W. H. Harrover: petition of H?n. VV. Spnigue and others lor sewrr in square V16; referred. By Mr. Mead?Resolution instructin? the improvements committee to report a bill abolishing the contract system as far as it relates to grading and graveling streets. Mr. Stewart moved to lay the resolution on the table; lost?jeas 7. nays 1*2. Mr. Moore doubted >erv muih whether th?* councils had the authority to pass suAabill tw ven* propositi. nnrt h?* thutirht that i^'onlrt operate unjustly towards the citizens in increasing the expenses of the corporation Mr. Muiloy said that lie was in favor cffeuch a bill, and argued that the b!>! wonld be beuI elicial to the workingmau as well as the citv Mr. penrh iir^ed th? nrAnAcail w;n I ? ? ? ?? j>? vju'cru U1II would b?- unjust, and thought mat it wi- intrndeo to be the entering wedge lor the eightLour system which would arive away work from our city. Mr Mead moditied the resolution so as to direct the committee to inquire inquire into the expediency. Jcc. Mr. Mead tilted contractor* made lrom seven to fifteen thousand dollars ]>er year. lie thought that if a bill of this kind was passed, the corporation. as well at the lfihnrnic mpn- will ? *r*~> UriiriltMTU' The resolution was adapted. By Mr. Baker: Resolution to fumieb the members with the journal of the sixty.third CouncilTbe bill authorizing the sewer iu course of construction on 3d street to T stree:, wa-s received from the Aldermen and referred. Adjourned. < OISGRESSIONAL. Senate.? On yesterday afternoon, the Tax bill being under consideration? The Senate refused to strike oat the section taxing raw cotton by a vote of yeas 10, nays 24. Mr.Cresswell moved to make the compensation ol the a^n-utut assessor *o per day, instead of 4, when enpseed in collecting: lists and making valuations: which was disagreed to?yeas 5. nays 89. Mr. Harris ottered an amendment excepting from the tax on circulation such banks whose charters had expired prior to the act of June 3(, Ifett*: which was agreed to Mr. Anthony offered an amendment that the income list shall be opened to public Inspection. but shall not be furnished for publica tion. Mr. Anthony said the publication of the lists v as extremely odious. The amendment was disagreed to. Mr. Sderinan offered an amendment that the tax on bai:k circulation snail commence on ttie 1st of August next, instead of July 1, 1567. Apreed to. Mr Kdmunds moved to make the tax on raw cotton three cents ]>er pound. Disagreed to. The bill was then read the third time, and passed. Adjourned. Viv * vri ?t U ?ll i.ii..? ? uii cucri? r.\uiui(9 miner more activiiy. The foreign news was looked for with nnuh interest bv tbe speculators m gold, as likely to bring lower quotations for Five-twenties. But tbe failure of this expectation bat somewhat checked the upward tendency of the premium. Tt?e New York Commercial Adverser fays?Money contiaues very abnndaut, Some of the banks- are reinsing to lend at current low rates, but without checking the declining tendency. The. rate to prime borrowers on call is Jour per cent, on any pood securities, though a large proportion of the business Is still done at s per tent. Discounts are quiet at 5a7 per cent., with more transactions at the lower rates. Governments an* qniet. There are no indications ot Five-twenties having been returned b* the steamers last arrived. Ay AMEitrcA> Ei'iTOK in Mkmoo.-KxGovernor Allen's p*per,at the city of Mexico, has, by bis will, passed into the bands of John IN'. Edwards, one of Joe febelbv's soldiers. He is also the recipient ot 912.H00 money in bank, and a third interest in Conklin Brothers' <rre*t American circus. Mr. Kdwards u a rood wrner, ana nas nna considerable newspaper experience. He will support tbe empire, bnt discard political questions. Mr. Edwards went from Virginia when quite a you up man, and was ni one time enpaped a printing office in Leeetourg. WThe National game?Reconstruction.? ? iton Pott. 9" A ' bntinesa man" in Albany, N. Y., is one- who i* active in producing legislative results. . W A bear ^w a Iked into^ a lady's parlor in JliiW"nr' II ?? n?vr, Italians In New York are moving to nidtbeir countrymen in the coming struggle In Europegyji critic who isn't humorous himself styles Jo*b Billings's book ?Billinr??*i*" g/'An unrallant correspondent accuses Queen Victoria of uikiug too macb port attor dinner. gyThey baT? skating levees with parlor ikates in New Britain, Conn. m~f rirt?wui*r, wiiu iqv vjurpuun ut luuia crackers, are said to be twenty-five oenu lower Than last y?ar. 7*A well made, artificial palpitating bosom is said to be equal to twenty gentle heaves a minute. i tO* A fashionable bonnet in Paris is styled the cbapeau Chinois and is shaped like a large mushroom. later from eirope. PraiiU-BrrliraliM ! 1tf?HU??lUvirw ef tkr UtMttW' The ?*aaer Mora? fan. with two days later idricf?, W* Farther Point L?*D?*. a>ne 15._Cob?oU cloeed at Kfca ?Sfc; * iv'-t^nuea M\a6S Ttte weefcly returns ol the m%. 0f Fnrland show an iBcre?ee of bullion of No formal declaration 0f war (,*.? y#; been made out. The Emperor of Austria, in a spe-ch to the \ W.w Corporation yesterday, said that bavinf done everything else be wa? compelled to resort tc the sword The 0?r man Ih?t bjr a vote ot nm?to *11 have nntlT?d to mobflixe the Federal army A Ptumiui member protested a#ainat the decision of the indueolubilit j of tbe Cosi federation. ta< the Diet voted iu adhesion to tbe Autrtu l>Mt declaration La Km nee denies tbe ramors of aa taunted abdication of tbe Mexican throne by Mtn| milian Humor* were current at Liverpool when the :eamer tailed that Austria that morninf bad declared war against Prussia Several private telegrams are alleged to bav? Ho received, but ti>err is notbinr public or authentic kiovr Nothing of moment bar transpired *i?c? tbe last 'nterru pUon of diplomatic relations between Prossiaard Anstna. Thf Aufman OuTfrnmrat, in sending tbe Prussian Ambassador bi*pa*?port, informed bim It took the step because it IcokOd as it Um> withdrawal cl tbe Austrian* from Holatein and taking the place was under compulsion {roan Prussia. 1 be Prussian (roveroRi?-iit, m fivinn Count Knbolvi bis passport, which be demanded. a. 11p>l>t iihhi ii witb a letter acki>o?rle<irine trie i cautious maimer in v bicb be fulfilled lti? iij l< niatic functions a* Austrian Amha>?ador at Ii?rlin. Austria ia t-aid to have confided ber | interests at Iieriin and Florence to the l>ntch Minister at those courts The Minister? of I t ranee and Havana are said to have d?. lined I to look alter Prussia1* interest* at Vienna An Austrian fourwr. iiroceMlmr v General Gobiffuz. wm flopped in i'rusMiin 'ernu?ry. and tbe fKpiicbM taken from him. I it tlaied that a body of Austrian troop* M a toot to concentrate near Kranktort-on-theMfUn. General ( ruble* n/. and tbe Imic- of AufiiMenbnrc proceeded thither. Tbe Prn?) iHW.v. V^.bich is In position on the Sii?*th?* road- which debowfcr*. ?H. Qxlmcm on all J Menienlfel ha* ordered every pnbli functionary and oflicial in Holitein to solemnly entrapto submit unconditionally to all order* of the kmpof Prueeiaand those acting on hi* brhaif. The Daily News cofTe*pondent at Klor*n,-?* i tars:???The tirst hostile 'movement of Italy will be to throw M 1,080mn in a body aerobe the l*o. following thi" up by throwing 3uU,(HMi into YenetUi" The \ lenna norreepondent of :he Time? described the position of th<? Austrian nrmy oi tin* norm af follows:?M5e?tre b?>'wrro I ImutKand Prague, to the northwe? ern frontier of Bohemia. anil the rqrht wine | from Olmuty. to ( meow, where (Aere i? a strongly entrenched camp." The Paris correspondent of the Times say* it is believed I thai the fonr queens or empresses, who are (??!man. usinc r*eir best efforts to re.e?tabii*h ktwft-n 'be K>*?rni:t^ ilia' pfif'1 wbi?b their l>? ?ple so earnestly <te?iiv. ii&ve done more than ip freneraliy nipptwd. Kus-'ia. wt< employiSK *" h? r diplomatic power with th* ecoMlUf German prin.-es. The writer ?.??? ilit-rr ar? Mill people in parts who trlmr* war may yet be avoided. Tin* qoei-'ion of mobilization of the Federal army, proposed by Austria, is ftill pending in "the Frankfort Diet. Prussia if opjKjw-d to it, a? entirely opposed j to the Federal law*, and called on Lbe (frrman I States favorable to Prussia to vote &<rain*t it, and would regard every_snpj>orter ol the mo. ion as ner aciversary. The cholera ha? broken out in the neighborhood of Berlin. The Swish P ederal Council bar i?*ued calling out the first reserves of the Swig* array for the . | defence of the Alp* by the side ol Italy The 1 Jesuits have issued an address to the Hungarians. dated at Tnrm. demanding them to wait , for the cour-e of everts, and mdhu as they are: to enroll themselves in the Hungarian lel'ioii. and. il maiters nriwrnsi in - -- - tier as to offer a Held fur action, dne notice will be given. lu tin* extraordinary trial, in wbicb Mr# Kyves sonptit u> establish ti?r??W a princess of tbe Koyal family, tbe mry Iwitod a verdict acamtt the claimant Tbe I tuMh trra> Um ca^e as an imposture. 1 Tbe crisis in Germany has increased in intensity. Austria bas entirely evacuated Hoi -inn. ioiouui oriurr (nprrwr numwrs xtr * Frisians occupy the I>ucbtM. dj#.mi*M?a tb?Government. arreted the HoUtein commesioner*. and prevented tbe assembly of the estates, and entered AHona on the I'Jtb. On that day Austria determined to break off relations, and ordered Oount Kabolyi :o retire from Berlin. No sbot has b^en fired yet, bat 'war is generally regarded a* baying virtually commenced. Ml!AT XArOLEO* TlOrLD HAVE &ESIRED OP THE COW FERE'S CE. In the Corps I> gislatif of June li, M. Roub.-r read a letter lrom tbe Empt rcr N?poleon to M Prowyw ?? LkvT*. ra wbfeb Ui? Majesty, after I detailing tbe efforts made in common witb England and Kuuia to prevent an armed 0011 1IIV1) CUJ c. Had tQe Confertne<? assembled, my Government would have declared that France repudiated all idea of territoiial aggrandizem* nt so loop as the European equilibrium remained France could only think of an extension of ber frontiers in the event of the map of Europe being altered to the profit ot a sreat pover. and of the tordering provinces expressing by a formal and free vote tbeir desire for annexation. In the absence of ihe.-e circumstances. the French trovernment. prefers to any territorial acquisition a good under-'ar.dirg with its neighbors, resulting from it.*- respect for their independence and their nat!Oi>aiitv. [Cheers.] We should have de. s;redfortbe Germanic Conledfration a position more worthy of its importance: for Prussia, tarter ceorrapUical boundaries; Tor Austria, the maintenance of h?r great poMtton in Europe aft?*r the cession of Venice to Italy iu exchange for territorial compensation The Conference has failed. Will Franc# be led to draw th?* sword! The French'Oo\eminent thinks not. Whatever may be the result of the war wthcb may br*ak out no question afTectmr u* will be resolved without the absent of t rance. France, therefore, will continue to obser>e an attentive neutrality, confident in her right and calm in brr tren^th fChwr* ] M Bouther *atd: I 'bin* that alt?r this d?clarmon th* Corp< LtKiilatifwMI trodribtaad UwiBadvmbitlty of a d*b*t* upon upon tb* affair? ofOernumj-aiid Italy, rstiouuot yes. 'j * MM. Thiers. Fanre, Alfred, tad Ijeraox en deavored to prevent tbe den up of the debate, but the subject was declared to be cio?*d by HSi against 34 votes, and tbe < bnmbT passed ' to tbe Toteou tbe nm?-flcl<nl Hud^ t. whuh was | adopted by a^auist 1# votes. Tbe sitting then terminated KKY1KW or IHK SITUATION". [From 'he London Tim***, June 11.| One day's more reunite, thank Heaven! There is no war yet. The Conference broke up belore meeting. the neutral* made their bow, the field was cleared, and the would-be belligerents werp left face to face to consider which of them would vesture to strike the flret blow. It must have occurred to most of us to step in between anffiy men in a gathering brawl, and to strive in vain to put down ! the outcry and blotter which incr*-a?*d in proportion 10 our weu-nnnt conciliatory endeavors : but v. bra at tut in despair and vexation w e bade tU? uiireuonihk fellow* tall to," and seTtl# tbe dirpute in their own way, all their ?nry collapsed, and the combatant* slunk away, rifbt and left, jrrowltng and s wearing, yet lorh to come to the scratch Tbe Conference failed, bnt war dirt not therefore break out. There may be ra*hnee? in the mere utterance ot a hope that bos-ihtie* may be altogether averted or indefinitely put v#. but it is no lee? difficult to foretell by what means the outbreak may be brought about. He mu?t be a very during man Indeed who will take upon himself the odium of the first onset. Neither Prussia nor Austria to hear them. entered the (lata ?(rh ?h? ?# bcttiif intention*. Wot tJwr. Pronti Mlt?d whether Austria bit b#r thntub at her. Austria answered she did ?? "? her 'hum1*, bat not at Prvma Both expected an attack, and pre. pared fortr both are on their guard, but both are rqnnllT pledged to keep- the peace Uil aggression tnstifie? defense. There could never, of course, be any flchun* in the Elbe ltachtea, for both the great ttermau Powers, and especially Austria would rather choose their battle-fields elsewhere Sail, matters hare been for the prevent settled in Schle<wtg-Holsteln in a far more satisfactory and, we almost said, exemplary manner t ban the moat sanguine could bare anticipated. The Prussins: marched upon Rednsburg. the Austrtans fell-back. The generals had a tend word for bm/<K a|KB?*? **? 1 * v?\u ? ? u? * B rviuirj , mr im'W ruwi Q&Udf, played eacb otber * national tow, almost embraced like food old Tentoale fcwfcw The unwilling***? to flrbt, kmjr* and mpwun must be iwwt, is not only in th* psojik, it It In tbe Terr mnsket-bearers who* kiiiaw h to to kill and be killed. Of tbe i*paiuow of Prussian men of war a* well as of peace to com? to blow*, Kin* William I must be fully eattsfled by most unequivocal demovatmiea: and a people whom sheer famine scare* m tbe fare, and wbo?e taxes for tbe next half year bh vf, it i? *aid. wholly or partly to be mnittaft, might easily damp Kranci* Joeepb'? ardor tor * a can. pat fB. whatever advantage or honor h? may hop* to reap Vy it. j VRobinaos, the circa* rtdor, receives a ary of #34,(00 per annum. Nearly aa r * a Presidency. ** & There are, on the average, fo* thousand prosperous American* BT* or permanently reading in Engl pow - S9"Tb* country wu Mwr iLan at thia tim*. It la a H* * tte crops ar* coining r~