EVENING STAR. CROBBT 8. NOYB9?????? ISditor. ?^? ???Mi# Largest Circulation in the District Beading Matter on Every Page. WASHINGTON CITY: FIIDAT Jm? 7, 1* preponderance, the nomination was fcoade unanimous with hearty good-will. The admirable and gracefully-worded acceptance of defeat by Mr. Colfax in his telegram, Immedi ately alter, served to remove all thought of personal heart-burnings serving to destroy zeal for the ticket in Indiana or elsewhere. 1 ht failure of Mr. Colfax, with unsurpassed qualifications for the position, to secure a reno mi nation has been attributed to causes sot altogether the real ones. Undoubtedly the efforts or what has been called the "newspaper syndicate" against him had considerable effect. It was composed of pugnacious, energetic and influential correspondents, who, for real or fancied grievances, worked against Mr. Colfax with a will; but the potential cause of Mr. Wilson's nomination was bis great strength With the workingmen. The representatives of the labor unions were in large force at Phila delphia, and their demand was Imperative for the nomination of Henry Wilson. Experienced politicians held that tie labor-vote secured for the ticket by the nomination of Wilson was equivalent to turning the scale in Penn sylvania, and, is fact, in the country, Since it is more than probable that that l?tate will decide the national contest, arhe primary cause, however, of Mr. Colfax's defeat was his letter to the New York Indcpemd ent positively withdrawing from public lire. But for that letter, Mr. Wilson would not have been ? candidate, and Mr. Colfax would have prob ?My been renominated, like President Grant, t>y acclamation. It is true, undoubtedly, that Mr. Colfax was overruled In making his with drawal final by urgent appeals from party and personal friends in all parte of the country, but the effect of his letter was all the same. Mr. Wilson was induced to enter the field in the be lief that Mr. Colfax had vacated it, and there was a feeling in the convention that under the circumstances so taithful and capable a repub lican and public man ought not to be sacrificed miter having consented to run. Nor, under the eircum-tances. can Mr. Colfax feel any soreness or chagrin over the defeat?and he evidently d?es not?since his decided declination of fur ther public service occasioned it. The ticket is, we think, the strongest that could have been made. It was not so much the Unanimity with which Gen. Grant was renomi nated that indicated his undiminished popular ity with tLe people as the positive unmistakable enthusiasm with which it was received both on the floor and galleries of the convention hall mvd on the streets. This fact was unwillingly Ct>nc? ded by warm partisans of the Cincinnati ti> ket, present. It was the universal testimony el tw>e who have witnessed all the great nom: sating conventions of the past that none ha exceeded this in the effectiveness of the "send DCot' both ticket and platform. Of ttc latter it may be said that while it is Dpen like all modern political platforms, to the charge or vagueness and to dealing somewhat with glittering generalities, it isrully committed to reform and the reduction or the public bur dens. Altogether the republicans go into the field With every reasonable prospect of success. a be narrow guage railroad convention will jneet in St. Louis on the 19th inst., and,if it can satisfactorily settle the importanto*e every invasion of the sanctity of the Sabbath l>y social visits, by drives for pleasure, by rail way trains even lor transportation or the mails, t>r steam and canal boats, by the opening of places or amusement, by secular lectures on Sunday evenings, and by the throwing opon Of lib raries and reading-rooms to the public." From the official returns thus rar received cr the late election in Virginia, it appears that the vote upon striking out the usury clause or the constitution stands:?For, ll,a;3; against, ?,379. In some counties no vote was polled, and In others only a very small one. LINCOLN HALL 8EBV1C1M. Till'* of the spar arhiiig i^TCKNATluSAL CONVENTION of nil TOl *0 MINI CMK18ri\M AS-OCUTIW rf the l'Lit?d State* and llrit.su 1 iacaa. to bs Leld at Lowell. Mass.. a atrial x>r?io- of PKA1EB AID TIIANVIN-J Will be hold in Liacola Han oo SABBATH AFTERNOON, at S.3D s'cl-?k. j7-? NOTICE-The BaFFLB for the Watches, 119 Ac , ia aid of the Orphan Boys, will taks ?lacs at the Aaslosn. H street, between Kb and loth, at < o'clock om FBID AT. lbs 7th last. ZC nr^PTEAWBBBET FKETlVAL FOE THE IJof l~nrSt of St. Andrew's Mission to bs held at *o7141* P (treat, N. W , oa the EVENING# of ths 4th aad 7th instaats, under ths auspices of the ladies of tbs Mission j*i St IY*F- kNHiHTS OP SAINT PaTBICB#:?The LkS Cnlforss (Hat) adopted by the (launching ?rtaaisatioa knows as the Keiehts of St. Pat rink, ??a'air le obtained from M CCNNINOHAM. at Ms Bat Factory, Bs. 1*17 F mast, sorter ot >??B. ||fV" STBAWSEEKT FESTIVAL in the baae went or ths Church of ths la mac a 1st* Oon crfOSS. 3?h aad N streets, wssatis MONDAT, June Jd. closes FBIDAT.Jane 7th. Tickets Wets. Entitles holders to plat* of strawberriee aad creaw. Adwiiaskd 10 cents. Feetival la aidoC ladies' Be ssvoleat Awociatioa of North Washington? j?6 *? stEAWBkakf riWITU ABD SfF UJ PEE?At M.KKBDBBfl' HVPBL, Baa-a ches *tts avenn*. betwees !HhandI MRh atrssts B.W.. e ?mmtnctagTrESDAT EVENIBO June 4th con Cent*. Cease and help as. 1**-* FBOE TBK BABLUSIf A?BS US to ths present day, Scrofnla has been the Baas, aad. a* It were, th- cures o< mankind Be ter rible aad liiathinw had It been at scans period* of the world's history that a person know a to he iafsct e<* with It would aot be aitewad to la's with society. Happily la oar day the di?ea*s Is stripped of Ms tor nirliy the uss of ths EaxaaiTas't Boot aid Bit! Jr tu.aad the *ictun o4 Scrofula, Ulcers,floras, j> tuples. Blotches. Totter*. Ac., can bs restored to Seislth la a few w?eks. BOuT AND HEEB JrICES. tlJi ser bottle. Pol'', by 8.C FOEO. 1 l**_ra. avs., aad.by Dro? ptef KBBMOBDBOO , P*ofrietor,?l? Ims?., JX; :?;?kia. nayff ly DEAQ CiLUSIO*. or The thaory that knu beiaga whm strength kM been exhausted by pate and slckneaa cu b? restored by depleting medicines and water grael, If n?t abeo Intely a deed delnaion, It in the last agoaiee of dia ?< lotion. At length It ia understood that atreagth cannot b? purged Into a debilitated frame, though life nar easily be |ir(i< oat of it, and that it la about aa viae to withhold a healtbfal stimulant from the weak, in the expectation that they will rally wUhont one, aa It woald be to deprive a lamp of oil and expect it to bnrn the brighter lor It. The imnroM and uniform tiectai which haa at tended the aae of that wonderfal combination of a pare stimulant with the flneet me. lie In* I herbs, known aa Hostetter'X Stomach Bitten, haa largely assisted in disp? lling the absurd chimera. Frantic attempts are made to revive it, bnt in Tain. W hen the sick feel that 4heir strength la departing, and that unless invigorated they mast atterly 'break down, it ia In Tain to tender iheoa feculent slops in the place of genuine reetoratives. They may be im p-ee'r.Tos, April 26,1372. NOTICE. The circulating notes of " The Waverly National Bank," of Waverly. N. Y.? will be redeemr-d upon presentation at the Treasury of the United Slates in the city of Washington. JOHN JAT KNOX, apK law'^m Acting Controller of Currency. *Y tj-" DR. A. HBATT. Graduate of Ohio College n of Dental Surgery, 43T 7th street, between D and B, a few doora north of Odd Fellows' Hall. Refersta B A. Racea and Bev W |. Ivans. m!3 T'HE SUBSCRIBES WILL TAKE ON PAS turage, at Gieaboro Point, twenty head ^ of H0Bt>l8 Tai ma #5 per month. Apply to JOS. N. YOUAG, on the premises, or toi J G. MATLOCK, Mo. 631 (f st N.tfr. je7 eodt? r ABBLAGES 1 CARRIAGES ! ! V 6ABBIAGBS 1! I On hand the largest and beat assortment of CAR RIAGES ever offered in this city. Those. 1b want will pleaae call and examine.! Bepairing promptly attended to. B. H. GRAHAM, New Repository and Factory, 410-414 8th street, between P and B. je7 3t* DI WM. L. WALL A CO., Auctioneers, O New Marble Building, Boa. 900 and 90S Pennsylvania avenue. EXECUTOR'S BALE ~OF VKBY VALUABLE IMPROVED PBOPEBTT ON D STREET NORTH. BETWEEN 6th AND Tth STKRBTS. BEING NEAR THE AVENUE, AND IN ONE OP THB BEbT BUSINESS LOCATIONS, AT AUCTION. MOn THURSDAY AFTERNOON. June 13, commencing at 6 o'clock, we will sell, in front of the premises., the above valuable property,consisting of one three story brick bouse, with comfortable backbuilding. fronting on D street; also, three small brick bouses fronting on the alley in the rtar. We wonld respectfully call the attention of buy ers tii the above sale, as the property (will be per emptorily sold to close up the estate. Terms of the sale will be. One-third cash: and the balance in one and two years, for notes secured by a deed of trust on the premises, bearing interest. All conveyancing and stamp* at the expense of tha purchasers. A deposit of 9100 on each will be re quired aa soon as svld. THOMAS GALLIQAN. Executor. je7-d WM L. WALL A CO., Aucts. 1AD1ES KID GLOVES j n tellini at coat for thirty days to reduce stock. V' One Button i 01 > Glove c. i_ _ Two Button (91 -C0> Glove $1.S3 At M. W ILLIAN'S, jeS lm 907 Pennsylvania avenue. 1) 1S&OLUTION me partnership heretofore exisMng nndT the rame and style of POWELL. GINCK 5 CO. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. JAMES T. POWELL, JuHN L. GINCK. June 1,1373. LUC1SN O'BRIEN. THB BOOK AND JOB PBINTING BUSINESS heretofore carried on by the above firm will be con tinued at the old stand bv the undersigned, who re tptctfnlly ask a continuance of the patronage so generously bestowed on the late firm, as they are now prepared to execute any work in their line with the utmost neatness and dispatch. JAMBS T. POWELL, JOHN L GINOK, jeg-M 630 and 63 j K street. TIAIB BBAIDSof all lengths, made specially for 11 the present style of hair dressing. Also, hand ?me choice of fnli sets of CUBLB, etc., at H. PHILIPPI'S, 719 Market Space, between7th and 8?b streets. All HA1B GOODS sold at astonishing ly low prices. jet lw THB GBEAT CLOTHING HOUSE OF THE PEBIOD?A. STRAUS', 1011 Pennsylvania avenue. my 19 rw HATS AND CAPS. All the leading atylaa Drew Hatsnowm^ ready. Christy'a London Pearl Caasimerea, just Imported. Dunlap k Amidon'a New York Pearl Ca*eim?res. and the Philadelphia Merino Covered Dreaa Hats, new and handsome. A superior atock of Mackinaw Straws, tha beat la the market. WILLETT * BUOFF, mayll No. 904 Pennsylvania avenaa. f^ENUlNE BEEBSUCKEB SUITS at $6, at A. U STRAUS', 1011 Pa. areuoe. my? Y BOND ABD IEiL ESTATE NOIT6A6I Combined. In ita 7:90 Gold Bonds the Northern Pacific Bail road Goaapaay furnishes to the public an isvest ment security which combines tha ready negotia bility, tha convenience, and the high credit of a firat-claaa railroad bond, with the solidity and safety of a real estate mortgage on land worth at least twice the amount loaned. They are offered at par in currency, aad yield a H ABDSOMB PROFIT ta thoae exchanging S 30s. The bonds are a first and only mortgage on the road, ita eqnipmenta and earainga, and alao on a land grant which, en the completion of the road, will average 33,000 acres to each mile of track. Th*y are issued in denominatione from #100 to Sl-OUO Coupon, and ftlM to 010 000 Registered, have thirty years to ran, bear an Interest of 7JtKper cent, in gold, and are KXEMPT FB0M UNITED STATES TAX to the holder. The seml-anaaal interest on the Registered Bonds ia paid with GOLD CHKCKS, aent to the poet offlco address of the holder. All marketable Stocks and Bonds received ia ex change, without expenae to the investor, at their highest current prices. JAY COOKS a* CO., B a n k e r a , rrajtt WASHINGTON. ASaiNGTON ^1 NPIBMARY^p DISEASES of tha EYB treated gratuitously, be tween the boars of IS and 1, daily. Attending Sur Cb VB UT * ComuI0' Bs5m? GIDi ,K BBT ?K. ?1T|"""111"1"1 XT AMDbOMB LINEN CREOLE SUITO. ?7 90.at A. STRAPS'. 1011 Pa. avenoe. myE kiZVSrX 000 UAL HAIR.BRAIDB, at reduced prices, m7- f A,|. HBLLBB'S, 111 Market Saaea. nrR SUMMBB STOCK Ml MOW COMPLBTB \J In every psrtic'u. You caaaot fail to be Mited ia qaallty aad prtoe, at A. STRAUS , 10II lvaaiaavenue. ayS G" The heat that ia mined for iteaai and istttli' *VyksSe Y alley OOAL. aagaad atove si sea. Lambertor. Red Ash OOAL, ecg aad alova aixaa. Shamokin Pink A ah OOAX, egg aad atova Mxaa, Aad aU tha heat gradea of WH1TR ASH OOAL. OAK. PirtM AltO HICKORY WOOD. 1 length. or sawed aad split tor store aad kin dling purpoeaa At myt-eo W. ?. MARLOWE,7th aad canal ayivaaia aveuaa. my? j pHIUDELPHIA PS I XT BUTTER AT BEDUCED PRICKS GIOBOB M. OY8TEB. *14 J STALL* CENTRE MABKET. % _J~ * *? NOBTHEBN MABKET Th*f,th* ??acr?b?r "? obt^Bfd from the Supreme Court of tka Dl? 2?mlnl?traS^>l^.b^,n* * Torn, letters of tMRStfULfe ?*raoual estate of KITTT ?UBIBWS,J?to of *Mhmron county, D. C., da ceased. All KnoM hiTing claims tftiDit tka'Mld ^ herebjL to ?wLt the mm hefnii th? atk1"".! rYf' f* th* ?obecriber, oo or ??* day of Jane next: they may g?frw>? fcyJ*w *>? excluded from all benefit of the ?aid estate. Given tinder ?? hand thin 4th day of June. HCJ. THOMAS HARRISON, je7-f.3t Administrator 0. T- A. ^ k Xod Is At Good it 1 Wiik, &c. &c. But those ? ho will tie cannot fall to perceive the MAGNlFR'KM BARGAINS I offer to day, and will consequently 1 jse no time to take advantage of them. Ladle* Handsome Lined Paras >ls, fin?, imitation *c Mi/wch2*1' lined in pink, blue, green. Ladies' line buff large Sun Umbrellas, at SI. Fine black largo Sun Umbrellas. 81. Beaut ifnl Silk Openwork Fans.fOc. fine Ivory Stick Silk Fans, In all colors. 81. \ery Pretty Enameled Wood Fan*. $1. Magnificent Beal Lace gets of Sleeves and Collar for #2. Very Fine Lace Sets at 81. Neat and Stylish Lace Collars at 25 and 50c. Two pair Linen Reversible Cuffs and four Collars lor 91. Thre? ?air Cents' Fine Linen Reversible Caffs for 81. Three pair of Best British Hair Hose for S1 RK&WteffiJSSSiS "" *'? Very large Leather Satchel for fl.' Extra large and fine Basket for 81. Fine assortment of Ladies' Undergarments, male o!1 q , f.K'ton and felled seams, at f 1 ea:h. Splendid long Night Dresses at 82. Extraordinary Bargains in Ladies' and Gents' .. L'n?n Handkerchiefs, from auction. Handsome Oil Chromos, in large and heavy Walnut Frames, at 81 each. fJ?" ??.<** of Lisle and Kid GLOVES, ??5??JLB,^CSETS, TOWEL RACKS, BOOK ?SSfi5?' dTATUKTTBS. POCKET CUTLBBT, POCKET-BOOKS, DOLLS a ad TOTS, and atbrnnnd other articles. COMB AND SBB FOB YOURSELVES! BILVSRBSRas Metropolitan Dollar Store, 313 8BVENTH STBBET, Hear Pennsylvania awaw. PIANOS AND OBQANB For Sale and Bint,on accommodating terms, at No. 423 llth__j^B^ ?rreet, sole agent of Wa. Knabe'sand Wro.ffedBKB McCamiaon s Pianos and B Shoninger'alt! IV 1 Organs. Repairing and Tuning Pian os. J'1 gt FB. C. BEICHENBACH. 'iftViEo9OAT.8, fr!om 78 cts-t0 91, at STBACS 1011 Pennsylvania avenue. my 29 ? B 8 A L B . o r J;??? barreU Bt>SENDALK CEMENT, just ro vCiV C(l* Also, 1.000,000 LATUBS of fine Quality. Apply to EVANS A LINVILLK, JeJL__ At the Wharf. ,?P?yr ?* W ashington, from a point opposite Six teenth street northwest, in the city of Washington andjumiteg from thence into the countv In a direct "JiS ?,J Boundary str^t croM^ n ?? Kc'' Erie and Hoaron streets, in R M S'the ?onH,IVw?10^ 'r .Mer,''lian Hill, and extending weatorl*Columbia road, thence in a north ^ / 10 the Linnean Hill road in said docfve to"tlil ^V?i* audersigned believe it con auciveto the public interest to cause a road to be opened as above described and prayed for- and ? i^r ro,,t' said road has been byt\iedi r? ction of the undersigned dnly surveyed and a plan thereof prepared and Bled in our offlce ? P n JS&SLS,given of the application afore 11 a* ?f the opening of the proposed road, ferBOPs paving objections thereto are re quested to make thi-m known to the under-tinned at &'u?2 i? President of the Board of Pnb he Works of the Di.trict of Columbia, Bootn No ft fnrton*?n " B?'l kOW u Board of Public Works of the District of Colum jel-lw 7&!0 H.B. 7&D SEASONABLE CLOTHING. SEASONABLE CLOTHING. SEASONABLE CLOTHING. HSU- nmwtS' DOCK. IN S?* ?S5??- DUCK. LINEN. CHEAP. DUCK. ALPACA and dbap D'ETE. alpaca and DKAP D'BTE. ALPACA AND DBAP D'BTE. BAR? a inn ! bpt now ! RAkhaiSa BUY NOW! BAbUAUB ! BCT NOW I WHITE VESTS, ALL STYLES WHITE TESTS, ALL STYLES WHITE VESTS. ALL STYLES! BOY'S sriTH BOY'8 SUITS. BOY'S kpitS BOY'S SUITS. BOY 8 SUITS. BOY'S SUITS. SPJ^S ZEBRA COATS, OfcB DOLLAR ZEBRA ('(?ath ONH DOLLAR ZRBBA COATS, warranted FAST COLORS. WARRANTED FAj?T COLORS WARRANTED FAST COLORS; A n5S Hrppfv ? wn ^ISISS assobtmemt. a kSu hFESFv *?R MSI5R assortment. ACiKW SLPPLY AND VARIED ASSORTMENT. wcu8t0m DBPABTMBNT In full operation. lMMEKSS SUPPLY OF PIECE GOODS. FASHIONABLE TAILORS, - mi,t OOBNEB Ttb AND P STB. THpioVuf f?.,DDCltD TO THB CONVEN inyW |\| ON BY RETUBNED IF "A SEN RAD ELIX'H _ . . fails to cube chills. 2? BRACB A C1SSBL, corner Bridge h p. Owgetowa, and of GBO. J*? v t~? * ? BON?corner Now York avenue and wl>er? teatimonials can be seen. may 14-1 j I^OTIOB OF BBMOYAL -A M. Tiikmam ^-t town to 413 Ninth s tract, ksfaun D And I, ant la 3fefaS!6?'ft Y^BBY SUBSTANTIAL PABTS for laboring ?? *? 'TRis!' jc*i iclT ~? INDEPENDENT ICS COMPANY deals exclosireiy In A NOBTHEBN ICBT !E.W> c^rat.1 TbaCAPB ANN 1 WANTS. WilTKD-A MNir QtKL. < white.' who can cook, wnk tnw well for ? nMll kallr OcrEU Apply 483 H at. M.W. jT St WANTED?By a young man of two y?*rs si?? r?ence at tb? Printing business. a BITL ITIi y tdJrm ? F H.,8i*rt?Bce. %1/ABTED ? Immediately ? A good BLACK 7 7 cMlTH. corner 4S street aad Maryland ave b? 8. W. J' * WAKTID-A load HOOK SEBVANT, to cook , Vv w?-h ud Iroa; none without rtf?r??c? ?nd app'y. 614 Hth street, between F ftftd G. It IVABTID-A GEBMAN BUT, to attend la ft If Bestanrant MervncM repaired. Apply at corner N street and Maw Jersey avenae south. It WANTED-A WHITE BOX, 17 or 18 yeftrs old, to work in a Beetanrant. References required. Ho. 1197 7tb street N. W. j7 St* WANTED?A WOMAN orGIRL. tocook.wash andiron; highest wage# paid for ft good one. 1709 P.nnsylvania avenue. H WANTED?A goed HOBSE SHOER. He mu?t be ? good Turner and Fitter. Huh'rt wages ftnd constant employment. Apply a: No. 18 Proa pect street, Georgetown. j7-lt WANTED?A seanntr?e?. who understand" cut ting and fitting, wishes W OKK. by the day or wetk, In some respectable private familio*. Ad drees SEAMSTRESS, ?Ur office. It* W ANTED?A ?ool GIRL. to do general honse " work, at 300 1Mb street N. W. j<-3t U'AfflKD-A BREAD and CAKE B.\K.KB,to 7 7 go to Leesburg. Vft.; ?teady employ ment and good wagesglveu. A?r?7 Ml 3M at. N.W. j6 tt* WANTED - Immediately ? TWENTY - FIV E CABT8 ftnd FIFTY HEN. Apply 17S-> 7th street. ffH.O*?AlP. j4-*t* \YT ANTED-A WAITF.B at the National Eatin* vv Hous?.No. 319 13th street, tetwewn C ?r.d D streets. [je?3fl R DELArBY. \v ANTED? Experienced SALESLADIES. G jod V V references reqnlred. No others need apply. No. ^04 7th street. Between H and I streets. J? lt^ Wanted?TwoGolobed boys?t bauer s Bowling Saloon, under Metropolitan Mall. Mult c< me well recommended. je? It W/USTID?WA1TEBB. WOMAN totnkechtrgo of pan'ry and a BELL BOY at Tremont Holtse, c?i ner 2d ft and Iodh.na are. J'"> 3t* W ANTET-A CH AMBEHM VID; must a?. as 77 ?isi in Jii,)iig-room,( white or colored.! Apply ftt bead of SL'th street, larce white boost? on the hill. 7' ?? WANTED-Abont 500 FEET BAILBOAD IRON, suitftbl" to ..... Apply to PETER DILL, Box *49. Georgf town, It. C., Post Office. i* WANT1D-A MAN AND WIFE to go to the country* (near the city,) for Renerw urm work Apply to 481 7th street northwest, after 3 o'clock p. m. jeft-st W ANTED-A PABTNEB with s^me capital In one of the best cash paying businesses, near the city; sure investment. For further particulars inqnire at 434 H street northwest. jet St WANTED-House rent freewill be given to ft W IDOW LADY, with or wlthoat children, for the sake of her company. Addresa w IDOW, Tr* moot House, corner 2d itreet Md Indiana av enue. jeo 3t WANTED ? Immediately 1? Two experienced IIA IB WORKERS. Also, tw> Apprentices, No. 1015 12th street, bet K ftnd L, N. W. j5 3t W ANTED-A WOMAN to go to New England for four months, to do general hensework. CaM at lilt H street, from 9 to U ft. m. j* St 1*7 ANTED?A competent P ERSON to do r?neral 77 housework. and a NCBSE to take care of ft child 8 months old, at 307 L street. Jft tf WANTED?Immediately?A respectable colored VV WOMAN to do chamberw >rk and fine wash Irg and ironing. Apply corner 2d and Pstreet, N W., 189 D street. St WANTED?A good WAITEB. who can brine reference#. Al^>? a cennpatent Chambermaid and Seamstress. Anply at (general D\ EK 0i Arse nal. j>3t ANTED?A MTUATION fts Housekeeper, or wonld travel with a lady or family. Refer ence given if rfgnired. Apply at 910 L street, be tween 9th atd loth. jS-.tt WANTED ?8 000 (two thousand dollars!for It two yoi?rs, ftt eight per cent interest, paya ble semi annually secured bv bond and mortgage Address M, Bo? 154. Post Office. jS St W ANTED?A WHITE WOMAN as nurse. Re c<'mm?-ndations required. Apply to JUHS H. BABBKB. High street, Georgetown, one mjle from street cars. i!L_L_ W ANTED?A COOK, one who is thoroughly competent to take charge of and do the cook ing for ? Urge boarding house None but a compo tent sober cook need apply MABSTUrf HUUHS) corner 15th street and N^w Y^rk avenne. j.l 3t* AN TED?lmniediately?Twenty-five to forty five goo.1 reliable honest white and colored WOlltK fo, bom^l.tb^cgj 19 3t* >07 11th street, near E. WANTED-A white OIBL to d<> general honse work. Apply, No. 8. OrftHt Place. jel-7t* \E7aBTED?Second Hand Furniture iqlots from v\ QStoSStlO- Address B. P. GITT1NGE. jel lm* N. E. Corner of il and F sts.^N. W. WANTED?A uumb^rof Bl'ILDINO LOTS, for Customers. PIUL. H. WELCH * CO. Anitleut-ers ftnd Real Estate Broker*. jel-6t Office Masonic Temple. ANTED?A respectable G1BL, whiu or col ored, for general housew >rk, family of two rrsons. Reference required. Call before.# or after 1412 E street between 14th and 15thsts. J"I WANTED?Immediately?The public to examine our matchless ass^ronent of Mens', You'lis aud B?iys' CLOTHING, ftt A. 8TRABB', 1011 Pennsylvania avenue^ mjZJ W^ANTED-SMALL HOUSES for sale and for 77 rent, and small FABMS near the city. Apply at 478 0 street, between tX and Gth streets north west. may!6 lm WANTED?SERVANTS,both male andfemale. can Ond good HOMES, and families get sup plied with first class SEBVANTS, at the EUBEK. A EMPLOYMENT OFFICE, No 507 11th street, near E. Imaylt-lm] MRS. LOUISE C. BUTLEB. ANTBD-A Lot of GROUND, measuring about 40, or SO by 100 feet, situated north of Pennsylvania avenue, on the east side of the street, between Sd aud lith sts. northwest. Address, stat ing terms, Bos 690. tf WANTED?Everyone to know thftt the Finekle * Lyon Manufacturing Oo.'s new SEWING MACHINE,"YICTOB,7' has ft self setting Needle ftnd the moat perfect Shuttle In use. Agency at HOOD'S Jewelry Store, 469 Pennsylvania avenue, bet.4Hftnd?thstreets. T.W.SPIOBR. jan8 ly WANTED?All those who v4?e their sight '0 know that the beat " ONE DOLLAR SPEC TACLE" in the country la accurately su:4ed to the eyesight by H. H. HEM PLER, the Optician,corner IS street ftnd Pennsylvania ftvenne. Depot for Thermometers of all kinds. jell \\7ANTED? Everybody in faTor of thoroughly vv cleaned Carpets, ftlinoat as bright fts new, to aend orders to L. BICE, ftt the Steftm Cftrpet Beating Works, Maine avenue, bet. 4K and 4th sta. aprilS-ly WANTED?From April 1st. by gentleman and wife, second story FBONT BOOM, with BOABD, in private family. Location convenient to street cam. Terms not to exceed or |U per month. Address immediately, B. O. D., Star Office. m*rl> \\i ANTED?LADIES te sail on MBS. O. H. " MAUEEB to have all klnda of STAMPING done. Alao. PINKING.FRENCH FLUTING, ftnd ?III klnda of EMBBOIDEBY, at short notice. 617 7th street, opposite Patent Office. mart 11/ AITfD-<#80,000)twenty thousand dollars vv worth of new and caat-off CLOTHING, GUNS, REVOLVERS, etc , eta. BOBKBT FULTON A CO.. Loan Offiee, II4X 9th street. jeT BOARDING. C'APITOL HILL?FURNISHED ROOMS, with 'BOARD,|834 New Jersey ftvenne, opposite (\>ast Burvev;short square from Capitol. Cool par lo rs, cheap for summer. je7-Sf G'OOD BOARD AND COMMODIOUS BOOMS; ? location central; terms moderate; 86 Grant Place. je6-3t" G8 shoa store, 41? 7th street, between D ftnd B northweat. la the same building two large ftod fin* PABLOBB, wttfc all the modern lmprovsments, for a lady and i ISSS ?treat. Good locfttloo. and acesaaible. mhflB-ly ^MEBICAN AND FBJUCH WALL PAP EES. I have jnst received ftnd ready for taaaection. ? fttll line oTGoods for BPB1NQ TRADB^U new and comprialngthe cLoiceat Httaru la the market, pSS^/SSSH Oaks,Sftttns,Drawn StrlMand Damaaks. Yinta and mlg-eolm No. 1831 Pear arenM.. J mT-tC .A SSSSft. t FOR RENT ANT) SALE. FQ*A* MT?Partag th? itawr ra >n*o?, a ?^*l; JTL.*?? V*4'**** *b~i Hnr.il wi-.h kit the in"1Apply no th. pr ??w4 t'n^it. j?r.jt* PS*. 1st aud M FLOOB*. furnish d. . >????. en U ?tr?e-. b?tw?n Itn isiPn *HT"t' *- *? *or particulars. inquire at ._a 'treet_ je7-lw |?6R REMT-A aew three story B SICK HOlsl A- on thf north aid4 of R street. b?iwwn N?w J ersey avenue and Morth Capitol street. c xitataing riVr^vo^Kj.ey^""?" "r ?;? F?? ""-Three .tor, BRICK HOUSE. No. * *** * ???!'?*! modern improvement* and in a ffoo<| net*bhorbond; ii^nr market %nd ttreM cam. tS ? ? ^^^tCocttr 7th and Louisiana ?vriiue. j7-Si* F*i?k?f:J!,7~AJ,ew,w') ?*"K \ ME HOUSE. |*J?J rooms and a hall, closets. front , ? wd ea?t front; rent $?> per manth. lnjuire of BOBEBTS A bn&R. 630 F on ,h??**"tsee, Mo. 19351 imh ??"??* northwest, Dfar T strset. ie7 5 * . F? V st reet? BOi/rVr h! .l i?T*.bl? "T1*" .*PP'T *? M. M S??B"ioffic*,ute Broker- il*nb (,r~,w;? F?,R BKNT-OFri' t BOOM-, TJ3 14; h ?tr~eet, E bet.MewTork are. ac<] H it. e4 *t* F0f".,?ESt-rnri,,^?J ""^I tcn rooms, f -r 1121 loth It - Termi ">>dere'e N? i wt mta at . h?t. L and M ata. j,.? j, F?ff B'tNT-linfurni.hed K'tOMS, ?aitab!? f.>r 1 h-n?-k^pu e. or th? wholo h>i?? excVntini ro. cn. Apply No. T33 llthat. II W j7? " F' n\ 4^Tm?W.? or tllte,, nnf5">i?bed B jo *S. c.. * rth Bt n^rthweat,b#twaon Pa. arc an^ l>*th-room in hwnt; well Fi^.SiL?~A ?'?? three ?tory RBICK HOl'dB ni>?r n '?^f ?nd *ater, on 11 ?tr<*>t' * atrr.^0r,CDe' a Hreat b >r?ain. HERRING - JON*8, Real Estate Agenta. 14 23 Fit. i?6 tf FOR RENT?IIOl'SE No7~i6fl K ^trwt and *?ter; 9 larce ro.ms, R<-nt f.O p^r m^nth *. /^r T# inU??re next door, or at lO* OMen ?t .Georgetown. iHJ ii? F??.?K1 Ul ras1 'as! F0,???'iiH7?rr?Kra;ra0civ,i,!5; yjmhri v?- 4--?! l^OR RENT?HOUSE, partly Parni*bed.?t Monit ne*r .r*t1r*ilr,>*<1, l4th donb'e RRcfn ^,a'Jn,? ,,?ble- PMture. Inquire of D. BKKKD, ?|8 r atreH, or on premi?e?. ?t* P(IB RKNT?Fonr TnfurnUhed BOOMS on one 40 a sm4,if*ml'r without children only. 2 ?er month atrirtly in advanre. Inquire *l ? , * ^ ?treet, near 18th street northwett. after 4 o ciocK p. tn. j?4-9t* F?t?J5E?T\PB L*\s*-HOUS? No. 1902 7th iiD-Jtf ^ ?' ooBaialln* of a Storeraoia and Pwelling of h..n?e ii snLUantiallr bailt an.) neatly finished, with ' 1? 'n?,,Ac- Terms easy. App'y at 719 M st northwest f.- ' I? OB REM TT ? 1?- .. .t8ALT WATIRBATHINO. w HI rent for the inmm?r imnths a COTTAOR In good order,containing seren rooms, with n >od ear d^ti now frowipc on the premise*; situated on the ? ?tf * 8'-.0?orge n Island, near Piney Point Hotel.good bathing and angling, with abaudanre of fine oyster*, crab*. 4c; will fnraish a good sail biat fr 9M p<>r month Ad Hress R. J.M ABsHALL, Piney Point Post OfBce, *''' je6 tw? *ENrTTw^v?.r> ^? '?'ible UOL'SEj.eujIT rooms; modern built. ^25 p.-r month ?iot.uTHOS- * WAOGAMAN. 6t g 19 7th street, opposite Post Office. T?ry desirable three-story BRICK J?5'.?.n l1 ,,re -t nor,h- between V .rjh 1 8,reetB west. Cars oa?s the d->or. 1 ? rtns i ary . ? r w I Ijifia ?> 1 7thstreat,oppo?ita Port Offi '^e. Fl??, ^?^*J"UnfurBi?hed, three or four Ko< >MS J~ ? *?r ???sekeeBin?, on first or second floir; in ?L h('U?e. Mo. 19ii0 12th street, near th" State Department. To a desirable an I p9rm*n?nt tenant sskk?*"*- Ajd"'" F'^o-v -^""r u'Lhinm'"r'7 brw,z.M; healthiest location in \\ aAhiDgton; all accomm Hiationa for hoiiHekeepinf PoStnuffice U,>11- 3 *8tr^'twos.iUare, H F?.8A^K-The "WORTHINGTON PLACE~ . acrowi Anac*>?itia Bridi?" fr^ntius oti 11 ir fn^SvlTrV at t,,e f:tA of ?P * H IB? con tain Jvlf/!r f 'l??rter acres. The improvements consist of a two-atory Frame House, villa strls ca^rii^lfnn8 ?iz' d roJn". wiih large stable and u/!Ti^5 _ 5 ' ?nd J,h'r ?eomhTvt7- n?r '?r? niclf furnished onir?J 'M"- 1 Qrant P1?c?- References re Q"'reo: itii* F??oSi!iI?^Handsomely Famished ROOMS, a 1 1012 8th street, between K aad L Irer? convenience for housekeeping If required. j? ;tt F? w(iimjV.T?A ,ver' , desirable Tarnished HOUSE to a private family, 1320 Q street StaMJOce" ^barc? of Epiph*uy. Addreas E. B.,' FOR RENT?Two fine HALLS oa 7th street be" twten B and I. Rent and >25 1 iifit anoT.J1!^ *? VAOOAMAM, -j' st *09 7th street,oppaaite Post Office. pURNIbHED HOUSE TO RENT, with ni^di^ raid f?r w HlR1 dT 'IrlrViC'I F^sn^rtr-ss-Ea.'' ?10th wsat; halls aad roans laafe; c. M rooms; elsasat bath isn?; nwf^iTi'iTrtul DWMLLIMO weD at Itil Ih*OR R* , C HKAP?Oaa of thjse baaatlfal s?SA,s,,airs-52i!^& -? ?asus * ^o^oi. aayTtf FOR RENT AND SALS. "W" A L * three story Brick BOCSB. an Capitol nui. OB b ??4 An^?Xn!Sr.5m!S^'*L55,w *?!> ^ * ?f An exc*lleM two h4 ? b*!f story Rftli'K . ? th* hfrr^** ?nd u,fc ?? ?_k*u ?***? BBtOE.oa IXh KrM. ?? ? ?reet. Mww? ?th and ft* lhSl"il'^ u ?reet,bet.se.Q.t aud Two flue LOTS, n 13th at., between 9 sal T In ruihwi,?ii p. h om V. rvisan a- .' i. JE2r"2 ?r***rT nnd oraam-m^d ?, SjLSyg.VMF*H frntt*?a cteteru of ^ kttchfl? door. The pr. p?rty will Thflfm('?i>l*,i IfH?1 w wiitM to ? car?
    t. between P and O no?th <4Ulr* **? 43 y*h ?treet. near D street ? * niiyXT *w FhV?ele7o.^" rm ? .?[ r two-story Fr*m? h ns for h>rs?. cow ?uid g*tn Ill*ir* oa the premise <. afterai3nt (Ttuoc. between T and U and 9tb and Iwh streets. tntylH tf HOB RENT?HOUSE in "Corcoran Bow." Aa rly No. H30 1 street. arts BENT?Desirable BOOM!* for summer tn ? r sit next door, 13S4 Q street, betwee* 10 and < o'clock. may) In |??B BBBT-tJ.it. of rUBHISHED BOOMsTfor ti?? ?Bf""??*hed with er wftboot board. M door Croat U strew, ?ootp from. decif F??mf nf?)JaL,BA8*jrTh*tkM* 'HP* ?*10* LOST AND FOCTNP. IA ( ImTX-'tJ I w1 ^ flail "1' on? brown etmm 1 i i ? '^5. ?A sultaWe reward will b^ r?ld by le?Tin?it at rLKMM IMG'S 8t?ble#., Btreett letM t en 4)i and 6th. Si* F t.h" ?'l^ttoon of the 4th Inst .l>n U iPiWrfTWMM? i jereey avenut and M at . ?,.i j BOOK, containing about JfSD. A iib XuJ'n.w1' "? K,Ten for,urelora CVRtVa.** PBIMI\KS' May ITih. a OOW. , _ " nlrh the owner can bave by callinr at a* 1809 loth street. l?etweeu K and L. arjvinjg? prp!Mi^t., " MI lu? ehnrgw and take her away.3oL c. lemWam. LOST?Kear Lincoln Hall, on th-* nieht of th<> Mh l,Ktfl2l%lMtar Pl? Tile Snd r r.fJL^w wr,uly re*?rdfsl If caUinif at 841 3d sireei n. I? , ^ f .??!? ?? May, at or on the road t > RkTT(i'i5 V i"i * M.?s Arateoral ?pplying 1i3 7th -tr -t. niirauare Dtoie. 3t* PERSONAL. WHAT OLD 1>B. DARBY DOBS SOT KNOW know*MU' Mvttrs is-nct worth EDOwinf. He in the om.'t/ r^rotniztd phvsician practicing a specialty in Waehington. Bep%r*te '* ,treet' three doors s.nthof r^ULgyivaaia avenue. maySti lm* {i|BS B SAWTBB, nstrrraist. Mtunnit Tu i . ^ censnlted at \ier ho nee. Mo b. rt.Mk 1 between O and D, Island, upon all im p?>rtant business, past, present and fotnre. ml4 lm* f^ y female oomplaints In the citr Ms ?specWly UiTjtes a call from^ thoi? wh?^h^Ve bei! ?lecaWed by swindler*. Hs '??u. rfTT^uJSl^Z core or no c 3th ()Nf MABB1AOB.?Hvry Kttuf for Y'omHTMm lit- aT"1 ^ *rr"r? ??>< Abases in earlr i^e'. J^Mifcood reatored. KerTona debilitr cored tI^*S^ntV? ro-ored. N ewmet hodof Ph UdAefpSi*gpa0lAT1?N' M<>' 8 BANKERa J H. fcyClER. OEM ADRIAN R ROOT * Lm* Coi- I*t- Rt?. kiufalo, M. T. Buklif of staler k K??t, No. >416 Pennsylvania Are.nne, oppesite Wll lnrd ? Hotel, Washington, v. C. ?)lifr?ir'>ar^,.to,e" DBA PT8 on the Banking Honse of lleary Clews A Co., New York ciH t hiS '*? country, ai par '' nav 6 ,of l>n*?n?*s firms, on which we 5 . on daily htlmnrci rcn ierimg arromntt monthly. n?mri?i ?*f 8 per cent, interett on ttmt demo fits ef one Uors credU^'re,t P*'<1 montt1' or carried to depoe All deposits parable on demand. Collections made everywhere. 1 ue pay of officers of the amy and navy cashed In advance at reasonable rate*. Officers in the army wishing. founts cashed can make them ont in n. .r th^i ^ 5??5VD* ?5f ??1r th" outside, . by,?n*H. snd the draft will be forwarded by return mail. marM lr JAI CMU * BTT AND SELL FOR EIG.y KXCHA Vf? fc" aal IBS JB CIBCOLA B LETT BBS or C BED IT to? Travelers, mvatimbi* tn any part *f ik* wor.d. Cur Drafts on JAY COOKE. McCCLLOCH A CO . LONDON, ' sTtV.*! V*? lf %ny, of Uilaxd and PCOILAND, fret Of chart*. taayff T" 'vssfswas.? "? Bunking Houas^Jo,:l?OJ_Pennsylvania kTSBM, ?rs .vn'?.,&srdftk?.?. ? bad bbakVh'o B"^aomtbwim ? s-n.MO.si. 'edaeedny aad Satirday nights f Owen ?.m.ftr.m. to receive deposit* o?ly "JaU JttS* Bank or send for a copy efns Charter as< By-lass. JB-li BANKERS, 1487 * "treet^ two doors froa U.B. WA8HIB0TOB, D. O fte?i l> raiatt?. *" riifniil mis MPDMtOI > QD. wti iatiibi PATEt PEE CENT Interest PIANOS, Ac. ht.arl ? for p I>|OBT AW|B(? TOT OPTl' ST ** bSo..*? ?Tmh|B|lk ? ?wlsrsCire2k*llieS^2lJS22ffS1,ee' ^^>uiMi7h*SsS of WII JTI BUSINESS CHA5CB8. An IBVUTMBBT WABTBD bob or '??? on ia? to rail. irHL ?" "itll, CA?rM. tllrix-i ?l Lav. IN t*rtwur U? BalMlag. jet ?< MOBKY-LOaBB KHi'TUTID a? ??. B?a Imm OBce AUOofr HtK>KKIirtBO\YO B TAlV tt b~ porary employment at ncht. b? making appii t?tki a* ihf Bat king Hp?m af Vmi. * Mklui>ui, 1 an a*- >nt t? ? tbe city Ii|ht*n Bniwa and I* BlIKtnt L.-??. it of tbe bona** nretbrse st.iry press Brick fioii* ai 4 tw> small pn-?a brick tw.i-atory L.>n?e? and oat? frame bona* Alt Hare alt modern lai*rn*M are all new a-4 iocati a un*ar r"?M f> a i* ibe tiiue insecure tk.?l ) ?.??? * ill exchange tn part for city 1.4a or a smat< ca h pa> meat dwa, balance en tlwe aait Ml haaet For all particulars apply to 111# OoiumVa air ?? t, fornvr'j Turner street. an4aa>e annul ' ? Bi kt p. m <"?* Im' ) J H I'Ut i? F 0 B 8 A L B . S3 HOCbES UN LOSQ Till Bent* are so high that any person who can par rent can purchase a h >aie * Bof>E?oa Cap:-. 1 Bill. 3 on Ike I-land ? U iSf Karj I ?rl. 1 tD ?h* Virvt Ward * HOI JIS In the n .rthern part of tbe city Also, several Hol'sk* for cash Ji e can pleaee ton. Ocsne ati.1 *"? bo tr< utde to eh ? pr te-rty ta p?r? n* m?*nibg bit. a carriage employed that putp--sa M"K F V ?oT nd from -ne to t*>i? i ? ? C'ffict. S05 r ?!r ?', |K?nr,ie t PHlL. H * KL> H ? CO . rKtttt* Rro??rs and Km 4?*? ' j LVil * 914.000, IS Bl'BB FEU* 91 CP Apply at onoe to JVAll BOTLB A CO., tnarTl tf 111 1Mb stroc* If W I AK<;K >51 MS or MoBEY TO LkBliuk r?w A a claa* Baal Estate, by / B Bt'BNKTT. J a.. fctiff tf l3l3 Pennsylvania avenue FOR SALE. FOBBALE-8TOCK and FIXTI KCb f an .44 established Grocery Bt >re, 4 -lug a lucrative bnBineas Ooo4 rnaaon for wantiUK t<> ???II. For parti' nlar* in ,nir<> at 11'^ XI *t ??7 Si* FOB BALB OB 8XOBAB0B-A tiar anbrGken BAY MABB COLT, not rat thref war. r\ _ old. will exchaiige for a raiall or medium , - ?leafamllj borne Hit l>e aren at an) bour^GLX. ot tbe 4a; at ISHKX* Stable*, Orace *tre?i. n ?ar Hii*u, l> C. je: Jt* FOB MALB-A BBBTAI BAST iu cuiral part of tbe cltj', 4<r*e?, oae pair of ?ule*.^-^*r k, well broke to work. jet Jt* L^AHH FOBtsALk-Jf 410 aorr*. in Marrlanl, a l't inllo* from li.a?l<-n*bnrc. Are tmlea tt >m Waabiocton,-well wat?^e4: B<-w honat- of II r-> 'ina and Koo<1 oatl>nil4in(ra. well fenc<^l ?.vi choice frnit troea of Tari' in kiDt| excellont near reai 4eiice< of BM A BL'BbBV. At torner*. 4 "AS L' u?*iana *venu? j-4 * FrOB~t?ATLI-:-A tirat Cla-. r >sr* 'T I >v"Fk\ fTt?BK. on "th ??. Price, f t>" ca-li Ad 4re?a **B. 8.," Star office. j-t Jr* l/t'R 8ALI-A nearlr ti w Lad lea PMABTOB. r 11ABNK-8. aii'l PdkV v^rr ?<> ii'lt App!j at 304 Sew Turk avonU'1, aftor f TiTfk 0 clock p. m. j eft .tt* /-?z\ HokSB FOB f.ALK. aud HAkM.>S? All for S 19t> < aeli. m?diuiu a i.e. pr-tt %?. r-rlectl> kind tor ia4y or cLiiuron. **03 a?t '""apitol *t )"+ St* FM?B S ALB- Tlirtaet aallim la lit E AbT WIND. In completeerd? r. on r> a?'>nabte itbi'.-^a i? jt-ata "Id I*hi aprinc. ha* a lin?-. p. -ta' cat in. Atir one wantiac a i<>?aanr> Va- i.t?A*? will find her to be one of the ia.?t conal->rtable ?? tbia river, bbe cat. t>? ae<-n at tbe fool.of the N'arp Vaed Bridg*. For farther Inforniatli>n iu.jnire af the owner, at rrilontuwu. anj time after ? o clock p.m. S ATI! ANIKL BKHKY. RFMDEBCK FOB bA LB.?W e offer a Sue new R'?;il. nr ? !. 1 a-ro<-t. t t u !T-h atid 1Mb street*, containing nine rma. with ewrjr tn 4>-rw cotiTenienc . for 91<>n the f.>llowlnc unnaqallp acc<*.iu>o4atitiit t?-rn.a, v!r fl>?'ca*li. and %i s>m per annum: ? por rent interest. The lum*a i* a -w rented to a flrat claa* t r auuuiu Immediate application should be m-Mte to ua. . , riT?*H a rox. jS St tla 7th at . "ppoaile Pot ?*ftice. 1 kKSIEABLE BE<*IDF.B< E I OB SALE -A I " iiandsotne real. I once on O street, between an 1 10tb, near Judg<> Caej ? ami Hon. A M. Clapp'a, baa been placed in ->ar hauda for aale t.jr the ow ner, who ia at>.>nt leaving the cr. jr Tbe resi dence i* of pressed brick, three storr an' l>%aem?nt; rn-a l> new. with bar wiudow. and contain* twWe rooms, with eTery modern convenience. On- of th* lM-st location* in tbe city for a phy?tcian. The pro perty cau be boncht on favorable tor***, and will be sbewn on application to ns. FITCH A FOX. Beal Estate Brokers. je5-St 415 7lh street, opp. Poat Office. f^OB SALE?STEAM BOH.KB ani~B NUI B B. 8 horae pewer, has ^ man s pat .at p nap all now in runmne order, will eichanc* f<>r larg.-r one. J W. MAK4HALL ACO..( 4tr Poat Offioa. >4 ?t* FOB BALE-A TOOMO aoui; tyUab. faat trotter Inquire of FBANk LIBBEV./ of Aim of MILLET A LIBBKT, Lumt.?r ' Merchant*. a city and the Potomac riser. WiU exehance 1 ->irabln city property. , I. K. WILSOK. je3 '?pit all 7th street, opp. Poet Office. FOB BALE, VEBV CUB AP?One An* EXTBN SIOB TOP CABB1AOB. coat ?4So One fine TOP Bl'OOT; ca*. g aae windows! front, back, and side*. Can be seen at McI?ermott A Bro.%, Cowcbmaker* and'Carriaca I'ealers. B v 310 Pennsy Ivaaia aseawa. wB-eott* AT PBIYATB BALE?Tbe beautiful Country beat called MOCBT VIEW. s1tuat<-4 on AaA Bid re Koa4. about one naile from Oeorgetowa. Pi near Drovers' Beat I This place Is one of th-JaB finest views In tbe District.a?4 will be sold for leas tii an cost. It coo rams twenty five acrps of law4, all K'o4 soil, an4 under Aue cnltiration. with a Baa ore bar 4 of apples, pewc bee and fears. This place ia improved with a Oottage, fine Stable and Carriage House, Barn, Corn H<>aee, Hen House and Bas House, Ice Hons*, aad Blaugbter House, w hi-* could be converted Into a Ware H use This plaoa is perfectly healthy, and sold for no other --rr*n than to leave tbe eoaatry. For terms apply ? B M. LIOHTFOOT, may 4 Im* oa the periled. T PBIYATB BALB. The beautiful coantry resideane called " rCB BABTOB HALia," situated oa tbe road from Pi- rc-'s Mill to Teaaaliytowi., about It mile* (rum * aehington, D 0. The place ceils I as aboat twsaty-three acres at land, unproved by a mansion beuae com', mi a lag eighteen rooms.ml two small cottages, one c jatate tog six tbe otbsr three rooa*s, toe bouse. bs?, Be. There are aevsa acres of grapes to bearing, paan, peaches and other fruits The v lew frsm the howae Is om of the An* tt to tha District. Am oat 4eairtng a Ana coantxy i jaidawaa rould do well to call and examine thia prof arty. If tbe plaoa Is sot sold by tbe 1st of J une toe Mm ?Ion bense will be for rant Anting the i F<>r Wrms apply ta _ PIEBOB BBOEMAI marl tf near Pierja's THE TRADES. PBBD. W. EBOELEB, P r ??trtss(fr. formerly with Oeotge Will Via'rtr' V -at Mr. Bam. Barboar^ book st Fvmrtxcmi O^mlsurtr em 4 r With ? Bar /th street, between I aa4 E WIKIBf. b/VJ Si B_. Oovera. Awn tag Orders by mail attatoM to. TI taws: for sale O LiCHAKtCAL OPTICIAB, r^gaiSSi?&. BALTIMORE LOC* HU9PITAJ>, OFFICE. Y BOCTB FBEPEBIOE 8TBEET. B?jr ^El'cV.WfFK*.^.'."4 -'Sf