Newspaper Page Text
EVENING STAR. 1 * i !>*?*?? AT litcWr !?, ] LOCAL NEWS. Aanvaeils AC. !f?/. loi Tl'mter.?Bvocicsuit's drtm* "Af er )>wk.'' llrai'T Cswi^as?Comic opera, drama, com edy, sor'.isqt.e. icnp, du:??. etc. iiV*'a HaCarncross A RUij'i mlos-oU roi-lfavd LmaU. t'7 c* ? a, i.g is May Sat ill* In "AfTsr l'n'k"?r t.?r N?'im>*l F'on *h" iT^tcn wf Mve t*ie'v?*llent .T%n nsry nnrat-er ?.f the P pvter .'ti ' V -n'Vy. To day, the "first mow of the season;" bat It ?1-j *nd not s!Hg* ng. Mr. J. P. Cotae. of this city. ha* received a patent lor ? m? uld for making'glass. Kessr*. T.Ht?mer A Gleary ye?terdav s>ld * lot of ffne AMerney ca?tle at H?:ewjod, at ranging from fJ" to *1"0. Tbe na?v yard authorities hare firbid ion all easp'oyes fr<*m coming to work who have small pox in thrtr house* or mi' deor. The romn'wfi to <nper,nt?n1 the erw^'on ?f the new jail for thi* Dt?tr1et hare determ'ned wot to proce<-?l wi'h the work th*s seasoa forth ir than lar'Dir the foundation wall*. *'!?e liCla, while rehearsing with the Tjeonold Bntltr*, traper'"**- at the Theater OMriqm, o-flAy fell from the trapez to the auditiriuai, to* fortiinat ly siir'ained t?o serious irtjiries. Tie i"-'. i x r <n?Per%l (Iran*, frum Philadjl I h>?, wl#b a cirgn of eosl. 21* ton*, consigned ?e Brf-n* A Cam-ron. o' thi* cltv, wa* cat -hncfh hy the lee off Fort Washington, on Mor Jay last, and snnk. At amee'iw cf the Cb"nl So-lety held last ?v?ning, at Cher*! Hall, erranueirient* were reafV' i,.r a T^rnlat sane* ??f monthly en'ert ?in i.t.?. complin1 -ntary to the inactive members, ? he firs' of otiirh will t?kr pia-e earlt lii'Un uary. The programme will he determined upon at the on Tuesday. Hen I nke P. Pwlwl *a last night elected president of the New Kngland Association. vice Mr. S. ?! Kttrba'l who was recently e'ected to the one office, hot declined ir? ac< t?pt%nce. The sniiiversa*-v sociable of the association takts i>i?'*e at Masonic Temple on Monday evtni* g ne.xt. At the annual meeting of the Women's Christian A?soclat<on vesterdav the following officers were elected: Mr*, ffm. Sttclniev, pre? xlent; Mr. S. Pomerov, Mr*. O. H. TafTatty, Mr* J.M. Blanch*rd. Mr*. Wm. Hwraa, Mr*. W, F. Ncltrr, and Mr*. 7.. W. Denham, vice presidents; Mr*. 7. Uichard*. treasurer: Mr*. Alice Ktirch, secretary; Mi*e Lncy Craixlill. rorre*(?n?liDg secretary; Mln Nellie Tilden, rejiHtr. ? HOLIDAY (.mills Klirre to Pi?rrhM? Ihea. Our flr?t cIim bu-inee* hoa*e* all ?how eriilence of the near approach of the festive u. i be rarest products in the fine and in Oiu>tful Hrta are displayed la great pro t anion in *he shop windows, and there seems to be no lack of purchasers where tho propriet ?uUie cf the cui-imas ol Tub Sra&tulet the public know what they have for sale. lu ttr.; ccius n we shall continue from d?y to day, as new advertisements appear, to direct our rea.;? rs wtere to go tor H( liday goo?l9. No came in the lUt of successful dealers in hehtiay has been so 'ong conspicuous before the Washington public as that of SaiL Liatiro!*. ai d none, we ventn'e to say, ban ** sociated with It more pleasant reminL^encas. Mai y a loving wife and happy husband ts able t?? kH>k i'j.-k ?iru tuoiigu uf pleasure to the occasion when he or she made the purchtiM ot an apprtpriate gilt lor the object ottu* or her a?t< ugh. a' Shilinjgron'9 tMokstore, that mtte ria.iy aiurd in securing her or him a partner for life. And still gentle maidens ;tttd nobbv l>eaux bad this the convenient and certain way to a happy anion. Wbat g it artor l? m^ra lasting pleasure than a book? Here are found the piodUi ,o- * it ?Le loets, h i ?Tori a*j?, novel ?ts, scientists *Dd artht* of a'l countries dooe up in every s#yle of hin<!>ng and ?Ti|K;rt?lv illm irate-l. iJibl-s, Kpi-oopat and Catholic praver tod k*. Juvenile books, fanrv writing ?le?k.t, pertiotiw . g.-ld pens acd pencil*, knive.-. po?het U >.k-. Ieti? r wallet". p?i<>togrnph album*.,;ani *s, pueslee, Ki gUfh. lri-?h and .S.otcli toy books, and a varietv oi diaries tor ls73 that surpas* anv ste<-k ever ofi. red here before. an?l at price* to .-ult all. Sbiliingtoti'* diaries are iudispeusabl*. Past generations havc had to be content with snch productione cf art as our own and the va rious toui-tnes oi Kurvpe could afford, but this progressive age dtunuas something more, and we now have a new -Upanese store in onr mi 1st, stacked with all the novelties of that ^ueer country. We refer to Flstchxr'3 Sto**, 13uj Pencsjivania a venae. There are many toilet articles Indispansible to good health and oomiort. oesidus improving the personal appearance. ?legaut holiday g.fn tor toilet us*, such as Bohemian sets, puff boxes and puffs. o<1or boxes, colognes, ltnwian leather goo<ls. lr?*s*ng cases, hnepaugents, hand plate Mirrors, stand mirrors, ivory hair and toot a brushes, Scotch hair brushes, irfant's hair brushes, nail brusliee, Lubin's and other exqui site French extracts, toilet soaps ot every known variety. Ac., can be toand at (iiLxax e i>are Nt?>bb. ?Z7 Pennsylvania avenue. A most welcome" present to mike yonr wife and at tbe same time afford comfort to the whole household is a sett of new furniture such as you can get only at Grbbs A Williams. ?ovi't-r id" I) and Tth streets. To light up our Chriatma- trees an .wort men! of colored candies must be had. K. W. l>i*ac<iKLL, 1 a&i V street, has just that kind. On Thursday next, at IS o'clock, Wm. L. Wall A. Co. will have in front of their auction rocm* two superior carriages for sale. A g >?> 1 bargain might be secured there. Consumer* of coal would do well to lojk at tne advertise ment of H. Clay Stiwakt. The cargo of coal referred to was shipped to him without orders, and has gut to be ??d. An important announcement to person* who five entertainments and parties is made bv A. GiVAVDam, a French cook, who has opened a heuse at the corner of isth and H stre-ts. where he will receive orders to furnish balls, dinners, suppers and lunches. It your ?t' mach is not in good condition, ? liriatmas will be a sorry time tor you. I>?. T*tt*s pills, It is said, will set you all right, and his bair <'.je Imparts life to the hair. Are your children well supplitd with warm clothing for this sea-on'.' It not. save their health and yourself a doctor's bill by rigging them out at Wall A Kobi?*on's. The latest styles and good fits warranted. Any repairs about your house, or jobbing work, before thei snowy season comes, will be ?eatly, faithfully .an J promptly done bv leaving vour orders w th J. E. TraTO*. carpenter and builder, lith street, below K street, northwest. >hould you deaire any awniogs or decorations aboat your |>rem!*ee for balls or partie*. .loas C H<>was,Tii Market space. 2.tea .-i-dcial at t* ution to such matters. "ar eld fnend F. J. Hbtbsrobk. su^cewor to "? '? 1-ouOon A Oo., No. 'Ml Pennsvlvauia avrnue, under the Metropolitan hotel, keeps up the reputation of the old firm for good-fitting garments, and you caa be coatMent ot polite attention and of receiving a quid pro quo for your moner. M. o. CoritijD, t:i.' Lou'siina avennc. one door west or Tih street, makes awntngv flags, tents, dancing rlothes, or decorates roonu and halts at >hort notice. Should vou want to investigate the route taken by l?r. Livingstone ami >lr. Stanley in tracing up the Nile. g?t the new map for "? e at Stock way's subscription book and sta tionery store. nth street. ? lood apple- are esse ntial for the holidays. ,1. ?* Watsm-' 1' 9 Water street, Ueor/etown. hts '* r '? e 1^? barrels of No 1 Baldwins, in lots to suit purchaser*. Many an article of dr ss?women's and men * garments?are ca?t awav, which by alittle rxtevativw would serve the pu'rpise jBst as wall as l?w geuds. and money be saval by it. Wa. H. VV h ** rLBV, office -til .leff'erson street, <s' orgitown. steam dver and scourer, has saved many a ilo.lar to families, and pu* money in his ?<*-'n pocket, too, by his method of reconstruct ing old garments. He makes thorough work of it and h.s prices are very moderate. Intemperance most not be encouraged or tol er^te?t, bnt such good* asC.WiTMBK, grocer, l?i* Peiiosyivama avenue, offers as seasoning goods, takm in moderate quantities.well mixed with loaf sugar, properly spiced, with lem >n jntce adde J, in large gobleis, partaken of in ?? deration, won't hurt. Tbe large stores are sometimes so that it's almost impossible to got waited on at this season. e?pecially those advertised In Tub STa?. A convenient place to go. and not far outot the way. either, is at Mrs. Sxlxa Krr fbW*. 612 jth street, oppotlte the Patent office, where a most select aceortmsnt of em broidery arid fancv gt^xls suitable for tbe boti days may be foun?l. V>th for ladies and geutle men. also, children's merino cloaks. A Bao , 301 Pennsylvania avenue, have ? moet attractive display in the groeerv line. As thev deal on the correct principle, Tor cash. taeT .an al'ord to sell 5 ;>er cent, cheaper than seme who ere lit; and as an evidence of good 'aith they are >ot backward io showing up tbeir prices. Boy, go for yo-ir *kate?-now 1* the time. Jrmxrn L. Satahb has a mine of them, Just in. W hat is the use of your wife and daughter wearing newspaper palmer*, when they can gel Hustles so cheap at S. Hbllbb's, TM Market Space. The great attraction on 7?h street ju*? now is Macbbitbr's free exhibitloii of choice oil paintings, engraving# chroma*, Ac. Crowds about his windows like bees about a tamp ef sugar. He keeps the largest stock of iRagviffcent; aperhangings, win,low shades, pic Jor**' frsmee, cords and tawels, rings and pic ? ore rails, and thousand* or handsome things t?r A curat log onr houses in the Washmetou a arket, a: ir> Tth street. * Oar Georgetown aad Washirg on friends will '? to atteud the auctioa oi holiiay good*. ^7* p esenu, comprising toys for rh I<?rrw fancy gwwts, and the saore useful artl f wribag Assfcs. work boxes. ni<ic ' .'*LJT P*??sUus, Ac., en Thurwlay ? .snirg next, at" o cUrk. at the auction room* t>l Ja.w. l>owLiBH,ia Ueergetown. et " . TTob or TBB K>tID OB mtW WOltl. J. T. Powell, ?pec'el superintendent,was bo- , title)1 that bat one large water service would be ras froBOthe main to the inside of the foot pa*e- t ment 011 Cth street vmI, between L anl M streets nor?h, fronting &pr?( te ?.j"i ire. C. W. Omnia* bam, inspector, *?? directed to have tbe curb on tbe south side of Q street, between 1 th and lttb street-northwest, loin*d tempora rily, eo tb-t >b?* p*TfmfDf may laidatono^. Inspector Wallace wm directed to have the ujual sign prohibiting fast driving put up on each end of the iron drawbridge at N s"s*t souttiwwet. orer Jtmes wk nnkl. In view of i onpltiatii made by mwket denier* and pur eha?ers, Mr. Plowman, architect of the Western market, has decided to continue the mMi to ? distance ot 40 teet on the south side oi K street to tkt building ilnc on a>tb street, and to Inclose tbe western end* of both shffr, to protect deal ers from northwestern storms. Tbe chief watch man of Morrison's building has b^en ordered to t?eTent all persons baling no legitimate busl nn? train loafing around In the halts of u>e building or on the pavement in front. TO-OAT. The cottTact with 1 homes Lewis A Co., for the improvement of 9th street, was amended so a* to allow tor extra bailing of rjrplos earth deposited in toe canal. W. P. Wallace. Inspec tor, mas directed to see the contractor for paving al'ev between 17tb and 1*th and I and K streets, and'fcave the same completed at once, and with as little expense as poesible. Tbe chief engi neer, in reply to a conimunica.1on inolosing a sketch of un improved manhole, which be rec bD.nitiido the beard to adopt, as su;>erior to the one now m rise, wm Informed that his reoom ratrication has been appro.ed, and in future tbe itw one will be used. Its advantages are ifcat all deposits are retained in a trap, and it can rea?hiy be Mushed ont. Mr. O. F. Smith, in Teply to a request that he le ai'owel to open tbe roadway (wood) on M ? treet, w*?fn 12th and 13th streets, for the pmp?>e cf ra;>pii g the water-main, was in iorn<?d that he wonld bo allowed so tap thep'pe ?npplytng tl e tire-plug at tha corner of 1-th and N sireetsnorthwest, ai.dtbeu run a pi|?e a dis tance of abont fee;. but by no m-;ans tct Uis tnrbtbe wooden pavement. W. K.Smith, of tte parking commission, wac informed th->t the contract made w'.th G. I.arcomb for furnishing ?VM> wooden tree boxes has been revo kcd. ? Jk Card TO TUB WASBtBOTOB rOLICT-BOLnFRS OP THfc UTTHaL lipb ibbibabcb compahto* BBW TPBK My attention has been called to a publication in tbe city paper* signed by a number ot" New Voi k i>olic)?holdersof yonr compauy, protesting ?gainst tte proposed action of the trustees In reducing the rates lor new Insurers after the tir*t of January next, as prejudicial to the interests of the present members. As the agent of this great corooration In this city, I fee! called njion to publish a few words of explanation in regard to this matter, which, I trust, will prove satisfactory. The Uea that the Interests of the present policy-holders would be at all Injuriously af fected by the proposed change, is simply absurd. The Mutnal Life Insurance Company, by an experience of 3ft years, and a business large enough to command tlie laws of average, has established beyond any question, that the "loading" or margin allowed for expenses in tbe present rates, Ts larger than Is necessary in their mode of conducting business. This excess bas teen heretofore peri<Hlically returned to the {?olicy holders (together with tbe surplus arising I it'm other sources) In their so-called " divi dends.-' These dividends, in the case of an ordinary life poli^v, do not fall short, even for the tir.-t jear.ot 25 per cent, of the whole an nual premium, cud it is the opinion of their eminent actuary, Professor Bartlett, late of West Point, that this percentage of present rates can maintained in the future, alter making the most liberai allowance for the legal reserve, and tor every possible un la vorable contingency. Tbe proiosed charge simply contemplate* raying new insurers this dividend in adrance. There seems to be little use to receive one hun dred dollars from a policy-holder st the begin ning of the year, with a distinct understanding tLs?t or 30 per cent, of it is to be returned to him at tbe close. If the reduction iuftinged in any wav on that portion of the premium re served tor losses, or legal premi'im reserve, It would be obviously unwise; but it does not so infringe?ii comes solely froiu the "loaling," or margin for expenses; "and the company, by watchfulness. prudence and economy, aiid by its enormous bulk of business, has so diminished the ratio of expense that tb* reduction can be made with peifcct safety, and will be an obvious convenience to those seeking insurance. Now, a? to its eflect on existing policies: A very brief examination will show that it only attr'ctsthem favorably. Each new policy-holder will be charged in his accruing dividends with the lull amount of the redaction In original premium, and of course his dividends will be proimrtiona'ely smaller than those ot" the old rate policy holders. Not only so, bnt the divi dends of the old policy-holders will be larger; lor, as there is no proposed In the com missions of sgenls. an enormous reduction ot expense will be secured, which, of course, will be a direct gaiu to the sum available for diatri-1 bution among all the insured. The agei.ts of the company are certainly hard-hit by the proposed change, and have the right, if anybody bas, to enfar complaint and protest, (.s their commissions are from first year's premi-irus only; but the Mutnal Life In surarce Company, ot New York, has always t>e? n in the habit of conducting its business solely in the interest of the policy ?holder*, and dots not consider itself as a mere source oi pa tronsfe and | refit lor its employes. In conclus on, I would say that It is not 4ifli cnlt to understand the virtuous indignatiou of other companies, nor their lively svnipathy for the imaginary wrongs of policy-holders: nor's it rtniurkfebfe that among the seventy-seven thousand |o.icy-holders ot the Mutual Life, a few dozen could be found to sign the publication alluded to above, esjeclally when the expense is kindly borne by disinterested friends. i ailj personally well-known to a!mo*t every individual of tho class to whom this card is ad dressed, and I beg that it will be accepted by them as a simple an i tolerably concise state ment of the reasons which counseled the pro loosed reduction of rates, and of the results rhich will probably en?ne upon their adoption "II. Lbwis Blackford, of Hanson & Blackford. 519 ?Ji atreot. S iall Pox?The following cases of small jiox have been retorted to the health officer sinoeonrlsstreport: Elizabeth Wale.(colored/ 1133 21st street, northwest, (removed to lios nttal); Joseph Parker, Unlontow n. (removed to hospital); Mary Day, (colored,) 510 0th street, (rtinoved to hospital); Oeorge W. Murdoch, (crlored,) between 4^ and 6th and H and I streets, southwest, (removed to hospital"; Marv E. York, between 0th and ltub and I) and E streets, northwest, (remoyed to hospital); Harry York, same locality, (removed to hospital), case not fully developed; Sophia Wright, <coi oredl, C ?tre< t. between 13th and 13j( streets northwest. With tbe exception of the last case no new cases were reported to-dav up to noon. No deaths have been reported since yesterdiv g. This sac-noon three cases comer o 11th and Cstieet southeast, wtre repotted. ? . . At a **btibo ob thbTbacbbrs insTiTtrrs yesterday afternocn at the .Jefferson school building. Superintendent ?). U. Wilson irtro dnctd Mrs. Fuller, a Washlnzronlan by birt!>, but a graduate of the School of Design of New York, at present engaged in teaching drawing in this city, who gave an interesting lecture on tbe art of drawing. Professor Nixon followed on bis method of mnltiplication. The teachers of tbe several grades then rep ured to separve toons where they compared notes, each one giving their experience in the progress of th'd pvpiLs in the various branches since Sep'embcr ki TniTniATtRS Boucicautt's dramas are all txc'.tiLg; but In none is themt-rest of the pfo more absorbing irom the opening to the closing scene than in "After Dark," now being per formed nightly at the National The iter, with a good company, and startling scenic efte -ts. "Neck and Neck"' is filling the Theater CoB>i<ine| nightly, aid the thrilling situation snd hair-bread'h 'scapes keep the necks of the rudience stretched, but not to the same extent as Stetson's when the drop falls and he is left suspended by that imiwtaut part of tbe ani mal economy. ? Cahbcboss abi>Dix*t> Mii??tbbl??The Baltimore Jmrrican of this morning says of this troupe (wbo give their first entertainment in this city at Lineoin Hall this evening) that thev were the recipients last night of a compliment never before extended to a minstrel organize tion by a Baltimore audience. Every seat in the hall was filled, and the audience was a re markably fashionable one. The company are far sot enor to moet of those which visit us, and should attract large aodicncee here. ? Masobic Flbctiob.?At the stated commu nication of St. John's I/odge, No. 11, P. and A. M , held on the 13th instant, the following named officers were elected for the Masonic year George Wright, W. M.; George K. liar wood, 8. W.; Philip O. Hyam, J. W.; Henry Polkinhora, Treas.; B. M. Reed. Sec. Tbi Nob-ExrLoeivB Kibd.?About So'cl'k yesterday atterdav afternoon a fire ecetrred in the cil store of P. W. Downey. 421 4^ street, cansed by Bou-expiosire oil. Loss estimated at ?200. ^ VlBDICTOP GriLTT IB Til BlOAVT CASB.? Yesterday in the Criminal Court, Judge Mac Arthur. William Semmes, charged with bigamy, was found guilty with a recommendation to the mercy of the court. ^ No mobs rexvcL and acceptable Christmas present cuuid bo given than a SmgerSewing Machine. Office, 4<K tfth street, Y. M. C. A. Building. ?7A sign on a barn in Preston, Conn., reads cheerfclly: ?'The pi ace to buy your coffins is at " V'Mrs. Thomas Smith,of Virginia," was detained on board tbe steamship California, at New York, oa Saturday, until directed by the ru*mm-bi?u?e offierr* of a skirt Used with silks, satias, jewelry and silverware. THE COIBTN. CtBTIT <W*T, hilft "h-" -???*? ?w? tat tte.niT 1" *l?? cmp of Ml-" *K. ^ *'* ?"?' I b?u<>s f-tn t?e?*y C -?r >f.*i*?l a ?-rdte> ff,r pl?'B tfl f< r ?357 r?XO? act Pet>?h ft H?-irick; ?-*?**? 1'r il<ii:wtl. }w W>lcbBCo a*t B it. I# h' rk?c (,)? Ltffft w-re em pi- f4?>? dsf-rdawt ?h_rer ri-??*ed fce*eeWae barter fr-?f-e ty *ete? ?'? '** in ? i?iseippi to a l?an ? f #?*>??? a ? pr. lerty, wb'ftUtb?? 4il ant ?b? to) i* w, ? b.r utrit?tnt? It tmm*d <"it p-npny ?l>r.i>t(iM?t encninbrence-, and lUry brought ? < lur 'li-lr ermm|.-t,na.Tirr.rifvr t'aUtiff flJCIar 4 U tw at; W llliaSll ?i'. Kd'ora r; pialmiit. 96K7. Boner apt Oc'kf oatr si, 1 kit ( ?ae gr we ot ?t 'li? sa e of th" o?d estate. in Virsloia, 4or)i4 tht *k. Th>" nht ? ?w iul i f >r t?x?t, a d anta* c, vUir.t.ff *<1*4 la I'.ft Airtandrte c?ari? :?r p< sa< *a on aid L' * .. d A a rtt of error vu takenauJ ?V>a1 ifin.'aannlty w? g rt V-daot g< in* on the bond, aad tie mt?ai finally der)4?d!n ef plaintiff by th > ? neretre tv.nrt . f th? United States. Slit fa now brovvtat cm the %ond for the loam* suataiued by ce fntit n dnrii g the pendancy of ihf in i. POI If a, CoP3T. Judtf, StuU.~To da*. F. Ten B* * Co , chart"! ?I b k?-piag ttetr b?i ? ? -o . a uiitiaj- wt>re la?d (.0. Oc-ar Fareiaater, chained with selling '.iqaor without a lif nw, fin-d fllu. an appeal was taken by Mr Pa tera, cnnnarl ?r d? fence. and bond a siren. Win Mauh'wa. a little boy charged with tne larceny of ifis fr^tn a lady wt.. h?d wlktii his ii f' civ* bin a hi.m* lie weatSerer-Eedey aid ahalfwhen the iiviy die <>*? ? i<d the ioea of #15, and charpinff Mm with I', he owaed up to stea'in* it; refor* achool. Michael Ur?wn a stor.t bcilt and hearty looklnc failov, *?? in the dock chaigel with stealing a ro<tt au l rams frem Michael ? mIb? Bmwa, it -"etna, ruoe (<ri; thia morning in the boardta* houa? ol John < < DD'ta. where he ?af staying. and attar dressing Ims.-H >lipped oa the pai,ta and c >at ol t'a^it.e - and atured on a hoe line fcr the B-iltiniire depot. It < wn after irettii K hi" itio >ze ont awok* and a on t< nnd I" w matter* atord. ard vu n t lonf in tra ci^ * the iniprit to th* rallrned dep^t, where he ioniul him witk the atolea clotbiaa on hi* peravi, ji>?t In the act <.f parcha?in? a'irset fo- Hal'im r-. The facia being aiade known t<> ctA^er I>ub is Fr wu aaarreated, aatl JaJge a*ct nim to ail form* a G EUKG KTOWN. * bcmniiHY Fiua?XUti> morning, at t.V> o'clock, Officer Fibber tluicorereil a tire in the trained otable Of John Cornell, o>>rnerof Bnall and <>?ngr**.4 rrro?ta, and turned in an Alarm from box 1*2, to ?hich reyj>otise was promptly made bt the Henry Addi?on firs company, of tbiaplac?, and eubMqufently by the Union com panv. So. 1. of Waebingtou; but the Incendiary who tired tho otat le had done bin work m> thor oughly, and there was n> much ha* and com bnatible material stored in the bnildtag, that the (Ire gained rapid headway, and not much could be done except to aave the surrounding property which wan In great danger at time?, particularly tLe re<r.dence of Mrs. Uodey, on llie opposite corner. Mr. Cornell'* stable was entirely destroyed, together with eight trainable horses. His lo*s i? at>out s-2.000 fur the hor&e?. $1,000 for stabling ami fencing, and f ?oo in bur neee and horse feed. No insurance. Thestable adjoining,the property of Major Bogrs.watt aleo destroyed; low W<H), but covered by Insurance. From indications when the tire was first dis covered it it thought that the hay in the mon gers above each stall mu^t hive been tired tiirultaneously. Mr. Cornell, who is a worthy and hard-working colored citizen, much re spected here, ofiers a reward of 13 H) for the itrrest of the incendiary. Aboct to Fiskh Messrs. Emrntrt, Dniw bar & Co.. contractors for placing in position the tiftY-incli water main at the distributing teservoir of the Washington arpieduct, near Drovers' Keet, expect to complete their labor* to-night. AwoTnrR Lifb Lost bv Coat. Ort Tho child of Ueoige Washington, colored, badly turned by a coal oil explosion a tew d-iys ago, t otwith-t?iidit)g the ettorts of the physicians to save its life, died last night. Hioh Stf.*et There is complaint this mirn '"ft ty I>cdestrlans, who have to slueh it in th t niddie of this street to the cars, that thero i i ct a temporary sidewalk provided, now thac tLe uitt banks are out of the way. ALEXANDRIA. Bonr.KKtia ?The kitchen of the re*!d^nce of ?lr. William tiregoiv, corner ot Washington and Princess etretts", wa? entered last night, and robbedof a considerable oart ol'the family' week's washing. The thief had previously rubbtd the Louse of somebody else, for be dropped some clothes in the yard that did not belong there. On l riday night last a tliief invaded the premises of Mr. William Stonnell, ji.s-t north of Colross. killed a fine heg and carried it oft and robbed the clothes line of all that wa.-> u;>on it, includ ing the washing of some visitors. On Saturday nigbt last an attempt was made to rob the house o! Mr. John Harrison, near the comer of Coluin bus and Ptndieton streets. The thief h id ?ac c> eded in removing the window saeh when he was driven oft. Small Pox ?Theon'.y new cases are a colored woman liviDg in the alley in rear of the Frten 1 ?bip engine bouse and a case in the alley back of the sits of Liberty Hall. They, alike all the esses tLat bave lately occurred here, caught the disease ia Washington. lu consequence ot the proximity of the house in which one case exists to the school room of Mr. Henry, that gentleman dismissed his scholars this morning until finther notice. Tue reports concerning the prevalence of the disease are greatly exag gerated, the rumors of ca?es near Whaley's stable atid near the Henry street depot being without inundation. Hi v?ir News ?There is still a large nnantity of lioating ice in the river, but it affords only ?Ugh: obstruction to navigation, and even sail li g vessels are passing up and down without ap j arert difficulty. A tow of seven coaeters ar tiveil'np yesterday evening, ami the tug At'.an tic, w'.tli a tow of oyster boats went down this Morning. '1 he steamer Wawaset, that was to Lave gone down this morning, was deterred by reporis irom below which represented the ice as t>o thick as to be dangerons below Fort W?*h ingtor. The southern mail boat Keyport, w'uile nicking her landing heie yesterday evening on ber way up irom (^uantico, ran into what is kuown as Agnew's wharf, in the fog. and badly ?lamagetl it. The schooner Jesse Knight and the steam barge Mount Vernon, which were lyinz h* that wharf, were also somewhat in jured. Tue Keyport, too, was damaged, but not much. Tbb Chain Garo, considerably reinforced, was oat to-day, bit onlv one of iu members, a colored man named John had a ball and chain attached to him?the others having with dreadful oaths and imprecations refnsed to ap pear on the ?treets if garnished with such evi dence ot moral degradation. Mr. c'ahis Kvblkth nas just returned from Costa Kica, where, for some months past, ho has been engaged with an engineering corps in surveying a route for an inter-oceanic rallro%1 He represents all the Virginians theioas weL and prosperous. Tub Kevival?The interest iu the rivival services which have been in progre?4 in the M. P. church for so long a time, still continues The church was crowded again I*st night, and four mourners and three converts were at the a tar. The services will be continued till New Year's da v. Tbi work of making a dcttMe railroad track between here and Washington is progressing a rapidlv as a large force of laborers can accom plish it. That part extending from the end of The lA>ng Bridge to Columbia Springs will be trestle d. Accii-bwtallv Killbd?A Mttle gran1??on DfMr.Vm l?avis, of this cltv. while playing on a wood pile at the house of his father, Mr. Qeo. Davis, near Salem, on Sunday last, was a^l dentally killed by a Leaty log tliat rolled upon him.?Gaiette, Itut tilting. Strychnia fob Blinprbs* ?Prof. Nagel, of Tubinger, has published reports of cue ill which he has, by the use of strychnia restored sight to ratient* sutiering from decay of vision or from 1 lindness. Strychnia, as is we<l ktuwn Is a deadly poison, but it has a wonderful effect in simulating the nerves, and Professor Nagel found that to d.seases of the optic nerve, wt ether functional or organic, its operation whs alike speedy and efficacious. The lu iutity used is exceedingly small?ona fortieth of \ grain?mixed with water and this solution is not to be swallowed, but is injected under the skin of one of the arms, which soeo^ to render the result more remwkable- This remedy his also been tried by oculists elsewhere, and with marked success. A yocro lady writes to an exchange giving a receipt for having fun. S!>e says invite half a dozen boys and girls to your house when vour pa and ma are away; put a half-dollar silver piece in a dish with molasses an inch deep in it, and ofler it to the boy who gets it with his moutu. The more the boys who try it, the mote fun there will be. That girl sure.y de serves a diploma. A RBW fbatx'bb of social en'eriai timenU tbis winter will be "pound parties." They derive this t ame from the circumstance that each per son invited is requested to furnish a pound of pastry, confectionery, fruit, or other edibles for the table, and thus an elegant supper is pro vided. TLe parties are given at private resi dences. < ' ' ' ? ? ' K^A Wheeling man is doing business at the sign of -'Homeny, beens, caned com, caned to matoes. buckwheat tlour, rasous.' ~ WTwo years ago, the residents of Beacon street, Boston, objected tc tire-alarm wires and b< xes over or upon their bouse*. Now, a wire into and a box on each dwelling, with a key for every individual, would hardly satisfy the demand. S7*The Christian Advocate says; "Commen l ns to that Baptist brother, who. on going into the water to be baptized, replied to tne sugges tion that he had batter tal'e his pocketbook ont of his pocket dnrlag the ordinance. 'No, I want my pocketbook baptised with me." VJoDes (who thinks that Smith has been a little too free with Mrs. Jones.) "Mr. Smith, I to speak to yon privately. Permit me to take vou apart for a few moments." Smith (who fsa't in the least frightened) "Certainly, sir,if you'll promise to pot me together again." C^The ether day a little boy who had cat his finger ran to his mother and cried: "Tie It ap, duu tie it up quick, for the juice Is all reaming out!" The saaae nrchin, on ene of the late sxetsslve bet days appealed to his soother for help, saying, "Ma, do fix ate for I'm leaking all ?ver." 01 T ? ITB MS. a Sm :kr Snrae machixe is tin rilend ->r ti t Wide#. _ $ r>MCT|TL rwuts, C?r 0<?ntlem<*n*? J *' <joid maun & Sus.ui><:rg a. corner Tth and U streets. HifDfoxi Cafbwbrb Vtsrs of my oti temt?< up, for is, t< and ?* ?sty'ei ?od well fitting. GB". C. Hmtiro, So. 4'0 ."eveutu stiaet nurthwoet Twwtt cei*t? per b .x for Initial Paper and Knve lopes. Gain ?, Picture B<Mks, Playing Card*. puzsle*. Do ay Yarden IKille, etc. Uar D'T 8ih and F streets, opposite Paten! Office. Thb rich as wfxl as tm room apprec*a?? the Singer Sewing Machine. 6 Gbhcimb Scotch and English nw<:mir?, DouM?-hrv*rtnd Sack and Cai-awa? Frock Coat Suit*. These foods are oar own importa tion and make. Price* $35 and f 10 per nut'. Goods thoroughly shrunk. Trimmed au ! ntde tu tl.e beet cue om stjle. and a jieriVrt fit *?!??* auteed. K mar & Cox, 597 7th street. Ik okoii that oar reader* should en toy the luxuries of pare Tea and Coffee, we advise our readers to patronize the American Tea Store, comer 7th and I streets, waere they will find pure and t rech g >ods sold at New York price* Sir. DowUng roe?ts his Cottae daily by steam, and by process only known to hfin*elf. an I Srlnds it tn quick timf. If re.iatred. Good* elivercd to all parts of the city free of charge. Thi " Btriau or Pharmacy," or I>arbyV 1 resorption Store, Colonization Building, cor ner of 4)f street and Pennsylvania avenue. i the ueate.-t we know, and pnysieian* say it is one of the most reliable in the city. The accom plished pt< prietor deals extensively In Lubin's Extracts, tlno Cigars, and German Colognes, and bas just received from Boston one of the most elaborate Mineral Water Apparatus ever turned out by Tufts, the largest *>dj mum. facturcr tn the wotld. The Prescription De partment Is open all night. ?? Assigrbb's Salb or Boots and Shoks. a! C. F. Cummingi)', 7th stroet?Mow is the time to buy and save m^nev. With thrse Sa^rs packed with Boots and Shoes of c*erv style and quality, It is almost impossible to enumerate special articles; but a? the Christmas holidays are almost with as, we would suggest that no better present could be ottered child or friend than a nice pair of Boots or Shoes. The** fs a splendid line or White and Fancy Goods of all kinds, that will be sold at or be'ow cost, com prising White, Pink. Blue and <2tit Kid, Button and Lace Boots and Slippers, for Ladies and Misses; Fancy Shoes for Infants?In fact every thing in the Boot and Shoe Itne, from the finest Lady's or Gentleman's Boot to the lieavie-rt nailed Shoe or Brogan. K - membor, now is the time to bay! This magnificent stock ot goods mnst be sold, and persons wishing to poreha?e will have a splendid assortment fo select from, and can buy at wholesale prices. Remember the number, u32 7th street. ? Samuel Ceas, Assignee. Whttb JOd (iAiiBan and Slitters for ladle*, misses and children. Ked and pink Opera Slippers. Children's red top Boots. Men's stitched Boots, $4 50. Kubber Beois and Shoes, all sizes, at L. Hk i Lit ft en's 6 *02 Seventh street northwest. It is safb to bay that do establishment in the citv bears a better reputation than the fam ily grocery store of Wm. Orme and Son, Penn sylvania avenue, near 11th street. This store was established in 1S33, and by a persistent system of fair dealing, together with everv fa cility to secure extensive varieties of goods in their line, a patronage has been attained of which the firm justly feels proud. As in the past-they are early in the held in view of the ap proaching festive season, to cater to the tastes of the public. Their stock comprises every varietv ot choice goods inthelr line, fully up to the demand of the sea-ou. In addition to their very large and attractive stock of fancy and staple goods, they make i? a sj^cialty to select pure wines and liquors, embracing many popu lar brand* ot pure old whisky. 3 Corns rkjiovkd wiTnorT paiw, Bunions Chilblains, Ba<l J- ails, , successfully treated by Or. While, CI iropodist. No. ff-w nth street opiosite IT. S. Tr? aeury. K-ublL-tiad iu Well ington IHS1. WlLLOOX ft (Smsb's .Si'viHU MaK'HINB. Tlu celebra'ed Bazaar Patterns. Agencv at Cba. Ilav.m'ehoopek.rt and coroet factory, 7th stre-t. Intelligencer Bui ding. 10,.? LAT'IKS and Ukktlumkh: If you wish your wearing apparel cleaned in a f rst-class manner, sent them to A. F usher. No. 618 9th street, eppo site Patent Office. The Pro?V??Hor will give von satisfaction without fail. Kid Gloves cieaneo nicely ?Bd cheap. 9,21,3: TaarjiuiraTBR.-* Anc. BArosietsra us repaired *r.d made to order >>? Heraitler, tear I? ?tree* TO LIYRKY tTiPLK MKN^ANU BACK A MKN ? Yuor nttenti-n it rultfl toA .?mrrms s/sle ' f two viry superior C\H 1.IAOKS, mi t aide fur your boilii-a*. InJat W front of < nr taction room* on TUt'RSUAY. the lutbiu'iat.Rt Uo-elwk WM. L. WALli ft GO A arts , New Marbb* Tt ail.-liDcr. 900 aud 90*2 Ponn *>lvBi>iaaveniie,c< ruiT 9tb utreet. dl7 2t* I Mit. A. II. OIVAUD.lM, ? Fr*neH C.>ok and Caitrerof K>cr experience in this cirv. ha. op< Ltd a house comer of 13ih aud II stroeu, Waati ?nst< n. where lit. will furaith, nron them st fit enable te?K.t,Balls, I>ibD< rs,(-Upper*.and LuucIihi, arrt tew nrnimf-nts for the table. M ill alway* U reaoy to furciih alnale of any kind. Soups. Ac. Uh lots experience and tb? ?aiia!action be ha? g.nerall; Rlren will be a ^uaran'eo to tho?e who may employ him. A. O. G1VAUDAS, No +00 lSIb street, corner ef H. decl7 2u? C1 AiiKiAOAa ! I. Auki AUKti ll ~ / GAKBIAOS3III I have bow on hand olb of the most complotc stocks of FasblcnabU l i'ruiJM ever ot-. JHIVS ter?d in'be el r.emDracluR all st?li<?,?Rj^^ p< th l:?lit aid heavy. Also, a nnmoer w?1Brz. of tecond kandCaniaireH. for sale cheap to cloee them out. il^pairiDK pi oreptly attond' d to. KOBT. H.OUSHAM, H? w Kepoaitory an^ Factory?410 414 8th st.. bet 1> and B sts. N. W.* p I K E , OAK, Ac. ~? Gu the Pototree .">00 |ar?? PINES and 1,00H cords flNK W GGI>, standi'.*? Also.OAK. HIGKObY, GUM, BEECH, CUES M 1, CKDAR Airlv to luttbell a ITNN1NQTOH, dl6 3t* Louisiana av?., Nc T, H'anbinirton. J^aVLlN ft GO., MW YGEK AND WASHINGTON, FINS CtSTOM CL'JIHING. A full line of PIECE GOODS from onr Hew York stock alaays on ban* at 1113 PENNSYLVANIA AVESt'E. A fiuo MBsoruiiunt ot Oui^tienivu's Furni?hi;.f UjHius. ilu-hn pOH BALLS AND PABTIK9. DRESS COATM. A LABGE STOCK AT KEDBCED PB1CES. WALL. ROBINSON & 00., fcll tf ?'il Pennsylvania avenue. TEAS! TEAS!! Am receiving a large snpply of reaiarkably flee OKEIN and ttLACK TKa,bcc|i as la rarely of 'er?d in this country, and at iao<ierate pile s. I have a fair and paJatablo BREAKFAST TEA at 36 cents per pound. It ifpore. o?M 1338 F ?traet,^ear EbbiS tloase. sylvania aveuue, souUi aide, between tth and 10th streets aovlS-lm \0 HUMBUtf .-L. RK'E will fay a hfr eUt la arice tor any kind of Ladiea', Oentl aad Ohtl drycji aecond-band Glsthlng, B " 8W3 Tth street, betwean F and 6, Mote by mall arowatly attsnii pOHRHV LOAM OF Fit y ?a4 iVm York assaw, wn Fork avenue. The moat private mm ? xsttisrsuiftisa, Plata aad Pitted W ~ - Gentleman's TVkkTnsuka n ce'Tompany* Of TH* i>istsiot or Columbia. URBANIZED A UG UST8?, 1870, CASH CAPITAL..... 9100,000 Office 1b Shepherd's Bnildlrg.Ho *0?H Penasyl vauia avenue. MQ8R8 KELLT. President. ?? Wo" B. TODD, Vioe President. bAMLEL CROSS, Secretary. , _ _ . ?ll*CTo*s. _ _ . J. B. Blake, Wm. B. Todd, Wm. Wall, . Chsrlee Just. Vim G.Meweroft, John T. Lenmaa, Oao. F. Gniick, Moaaa Kelly. A. R. Shepherd oel4-tf ITMITED ETATRS PATM1T OFFIOl. Ob the ?ett*f??of^CHARLEs'wiLHlUM ANNA CATHARINE WluBELM, of Phila phia, Pennsylvania, preying tor the exteaaloa o a patent granted to tb*ni on the 9d day of May.l3S3 and relsauod on the 14th day of Aagast, MM, fur ar iwarovemeat ia Lamp eksadea: . ? It is ordered that tee testimony In the earn he -loaed on the let day of April next; that the tim* for fil'u* arram?ata and the Exaaiaer'a report br limited to the 11th day ef April Beit, and that said petition be heard on fheiitb day of April I Any psreon may oypoer thie ezteneion. aoiu wJt M. D LEOOMTT. Ooata ( TN1TEB STATE# PAl'EHT OFFICE, ?> D. C.. Hov?mber is. isj On the patuion of M. F. BCRKHAM. Jt lork Penas) lyanla, praying for the extension of a aateai' kim en tie Jtd day of Fehrneiy. wild reiasneft ea the 1st day of SeptomberT imprc vemeot li Water Wheels It U ordered that the saaumony fa the eaae ha IZ&Sl.P* ilu <4y * a?atT UrtTth -fflnr ft?r IllDf ArfWtBtl &nd th(* KxuminIhr'a raansi ftnr person may oppnee tbta exteasl ia B?? t?Jt M. D. LEGGET?,Coaimls.ooaer. Georgetown Advertiaementa. I GEORGETOWN CATHOLIC I lL3 BIaH BENBriClAo <???" .-*??? IhU om W> ? - .... iiwil eoei*7 will oifPAl . lb* l^th ln?taut. ?' T 10 r. ?? t rowpl# ? the mri ?n ?rrM<?wnii (or mlr IBiiltl hall It ts r< that frerj men I ?r * til attend. Br <?rdar ?< tk* Pr?wid*a* d17 w WM J CARROLL Syr?ir?. JJY THOS.DOWkiNW. AneC;?>?arg*town.D. 0. H0L1PAT Q'XVp* IT AtrrTTOB. da TIVCTWD \ Y B* BSIWU. P-c-tub r 19tk. at 7 ? cWk.aad c?MinniM Aactl ev. ol Pm A Imug. 1 will ?U,n tL? etora ot !><m> A Salts son. Ho. 12* Bridge stree<. a lary* es*,>rt mentnt r?m Oa>?h. T*y*. Ar ,Ac We nm. ? Fiue Writing Petk*, ITib' W?rk B id, Fine Ma?ir*l ea.1 etb?r Albn ft*, fci.fhi?, Skate* BortMtse, Acrordeon*. Violins. Gaitar*. P*n.">*. Ac. The above stock will t.n *?l<t wttlvat r???r<1 to est. hi; m tho< powi.irro. \ ,*t. FIRST CLAScj CON T fcCTIOK EKY. J. 0. NICHOLS turer aLu d< aler in FINK OOBrEOTiONERY. ICE CRFAM AND KRl'IT W AT * 8 ICES OS HAND V I AND 81'MXEK. All kinds PANC* the finest stock of FRENCH CANDY this side of Philadelphia. S^fOrders for W illtafi, Dimtn. Parties, A", prepared ?itk the best material aud in the most elegant ?t>le. 34 HIGH BTREIT, PQT2?-tf 'jH crgetoww .P.O. EXTKAOKP1N AKY BAKOAINS Ii( DRY toOODS ? P. plies, fatten*, Kuipr?? Cloths. Merinoes, Vslares, In the ne?-e*t colore; Scotch Plaid*, from SSc. ?o 76c.; great variety of l?r. <s Go<-ds,at "%3M. ^Sc. lotiew colors SU picoe* Black Alcacae an<l Moba:r, from ttc. to ?1 <5 ISO strips! and plaid Miawis,\erj cfc-tp Blanket*, from 93 ep; superior (California d?*.; Clo?bs, Owlww. Flannels, Velveteens. A large stock of Cottons bought before the advar.c*. W i?ter proof from ?5c. op. Flee W at?-rpr?of. iDewanU!'* no*? BENJAMIN riLL&i;. 101 Bridge st. H. P. GlLBKbT, 91 and 93 ITaffr fireet. Utcr*, U. C. ST?>*F WAO? 118. CARTS, 11A UN E?S. MNUuli AND OOUBLE, WAUUN COV**?"l. MC1HU KS. SIJCICL BAHf, AXfc.f. SHOVELS, WHEELBARROWS, hCAuEo, BLANKETS. OASVAS HOB.-E COVER!*, t ACES. SA?H B S. WOKE]*<} IRON, Km*. A NVTIiS, BELLOWS, bLjCDGES, triFL STBIKINO HiMMESS, STONE BREAKERS. At fair arte** for Cash. Iron, Scpe, Bra**, Lead, aud Copper boosht for cash. Com* ard see for yourself. noli- lm lFRirGK STREET PRE^BYTEBIAN CHUBCB I) AND LOTH FOB 6aLE.?14,400 FEET 0* GBOCNDcn Bridge street, opposite Ouion Hotol. The DDd< reigned i* authoiii.wd by the Board of Troattea to offer th^ ftbore namej propertr for *ale. F. blOOBE, No. 146 Bridge *t., Georgetown noS-aotf w M. U. WHEATLEY B Ketm Djelni and Booming E*MbllnhafB(, OfFICK, 49 JfcFTKksO!* RrRsn, Georgetown. D. C. E*tftMi*hed 1331, premium awarded IV; Mid I* now one *f the o dest, lart?*t. and moat couipWs eat*b lishnw-nU of tbe kliiUin thi* aoitntry Best place in the District for Cleaning or D>eing Gontleaten'* ClotMng. Eterrtbing appertaining to the b'<siuees well ana promptly ei ecu ted. Office cleeed daily at Honsat. except talnrUay. when it willfea op?n nntii 8*? p. a. Poet Office B?s Yd3. apt LIYERY STABLE?. V> fhtkth strssi, U mm.4 M m US'** and Btuute* for filre, ? *?*> | .* *ni>pl? of jocd Horses for sale itvi week ^ mr Tilif RICH A BP V/.WT. Prvprtet'.T. W ASU AAJLOB'b tlTABLEM, ISM E NT. "" OABBIAGE8 of tbe tatMt sty.e* coutAndrjA aand an<J for hire by tLe day or notith. Par tin* Wetliiiifs, and reo?pt*eci rar- < aisGsd with the most oomfortable aodJ elegant Orxriace*. F?:tlc*Kr attanMoa to boar4 lag Horses aad florae* alwar* for ** s aad ?*? oiiar.jre 4ec1?(| Or tat JRidiulion in Prlcts ON TH* WHOLE LINK CF THK 1M??HNCSTOCK. OVERCOATS. tiLENSABY COATS, TALMAS, BEVII.'G JACKETP, DOUBLE BBEAsTED BOX COATS PBESS triTS. BLtsIiiESS ITITS, OFFICE ECITS, LEA\ KB, WOKR1HU SUITS, DIAGONALS, BAtKET, OUT AWAY COATS, VESTS TO MATCH, YOUTH S OVEBCOAT8, YOUTH'S DBE8S SUIT?, YOUTH'S BUSINESS SUITS, BOYS' OVERCOATS, BOTO' DBESS SUITS, BOYa EVEUYDAT SUITS. ENGLISH. t'BENOH AND AMERICAN OASSI IkiKBE PANTALOONS. ?A.. STRAUS, FOfl'LAR CLOTHIXe HOUSE, 1011 PBBBBTLTAHLA AVEBUB, B;tweerj Tenth aud Kl^renth atreet*. Three Door* from Eleventh (Croat. ffifStore open nntilS p. m. and on Saturday antil 11 p. m .to accommodate those who have no time to pnrchase daring the day. decll-tr F A C T HI THE ENTIRE STOCK or Prince's Bazaar AT COST UNTIL THE STOCK ISCLEA RED OUT, AS HI INTENDS BUILDING. ?9- HOUStKEEPERS AND ALL OTHMMS IS WAKT OF GOODS WILL BEAR THE ABOVE IN M1XD. IT WILL COST YOU NOTHING TO COME AND EXAMINE THE STOCK novll-tr A BAILKOAD AND SEAL ESTATE MO Combined. in Ita -jr Sold Bond* the Morttera Pftdfl* BaB romt Ooaapan fnrniakaa to Um ptbUc u inreat sent aecarlty which combines the ready negoda &llity, the oosTenienoe, and the high credit of a Irst-clM* railroad bond, with the solidity and safety ot a real eatata mortgage en UM worth at least twice the amount loaaed. They are offered at par In enrreney, aad Field ? BABDHOMB PROFIT ta thow ezchanatng I Bi. They are tmaod la ?l^W Coapoa, aad BMOto 9i?JM 1 ?hlrtr ream 4e ran, bear an tnUreat of T J$ per i tn gold, and are RXBMPT FBOM UfllTBP 9TATBB TAX to the ha The aemi-annaal Interest oa the Registered Bonds ? paid with OOLD CHBCAS.aeat U ins peet oflo* ^drem of the holder. All marketable Stock! aad Bonds racelred la as z pease the Ibts i price*. ? n it ? r ? s BUSINESS DIBEOTOBYl CiTtia ef TbiueU* UtaMiikMt in *11 B'tacLaa tf BaMM la U* Dittrict A?miCUTr*AX J OH* A Piiii.M t 9 (A ?? , M M I t? ate ALE IMPirik. B ?' !*.* ?'^ ** * Aj*aiM 1'*, <lf I A A< ?*? A ""'*? n>lM|7rKi% AU. A?* HlTEfJS, h*?Vil2'' 11/^* ???t.?? or T*??no ? * Brt.. P??? ? ?oa I^M. AHT Blll lim H.B >fiuw arT.Mt _ *Er\*Am' V**" HU1. h ^ wnr'.8?' ? mr V*~-Sin f *? Ui> trbasiDM.itktt iMViUwaat ?".lrV,.BoL, W E wrfrt '?<*?*? r?fcne ? n V A. I'VVALl , C 41% ifij i) III (ht| U .. II n !LS; ? Ma< laliJlM, Mi attaai E L fWHMTW.OclamMaUaw A 1 U? A Ool. cfcro.Ui/tb H W. ?**iiry#?*isH?e?h?iklb*. 1* Fitrwl Acciioiuuta L-^*au- * ??*?.,8. W. oor'* hk m A WiLLiAm.fcn.aor.lflth ton l> r.r-t, awmnun, PLitm. JnH? 0. 7L? hu?m . * llAKUMEak! **' "**" *"*"fefc *ad rtb ?" ^jisaraffjassaa? ? "a* ^ Oo? ? Kit c\ t!?? fcTtnue. oorMr If*h ?t national SATma. NR. r?r ? T^l .nMS.h .t RUL^BW ?V|!oom'P> ??mO?.T.D4. ""Sifitw* ?utsi'-i' i^aaa.v,," ACHNBiDK*. J*17 / aC, rtTT). F.4TUS9 V?l. ^ ^ ia'J' "*? IT riID,Ft<HlE, tlTUit 8?1 J H&?+EmrZt BUtkftMliH SBOPS. ? B*?cil.?j 1 Haw Bfeootu. i? 1 4H A OA *H1gll*mi,r^!tht? ** " *??? at.. fctr A MSTCftKiStf "? ?**????? '? ?' J. BAADLKT Ada ms.*811 r pr' mm D A. BKo?o*ii(OMb?(iei.Ml(^M Ak Ala Ka y ./oLhA^rV *i ** iT B.f r. ? ZiK&'JSt&Z _J? 9hvk MTOMa. H. Busn? A Co., M Pa. ?t#? bat. 9th ?p-1 lfct* at* ? ?!? rintt, u.4?r u W h3T ? A Jacex>* j|?? .h^t iifh BiiANi MOKkN. ' BcMjntivai.i A Leitc*. Ul it ? uth MnLDIMMATEKUlA A B. (Jhephkrp A CO.,910 Pa ?? >,.. fch * Ac '. UX Ili fllB, KfatM, CK JtKNR. Ac 0.0 .WER, (choice*coa?.) 8.W. eornL - a CARISET SUVPt. - *CK*A?.U. ^ WALfKR.aa1 lttk 1,) tHO at haiM CAftPEftTKM AMII *|7I iVkZL ' J;' \?V*4??M *tk Jobs H li..wnTT ( -) k itrvet. b^t ?In"nd ???' ftiOtliCl.L A DUlH1M?.?7 Ma .. ?\i. ii? kD?/'a iCciBiVi'?^r^wS "",*b" RfBiki B CUUAM. iKHHa t#k ^ k.. n. . _ Omi K Hall, c-MT*^r ^c. iteone i , C"i?i, kumiwul - J.M Bont.wm A B*o..r3 p? aY^ UrtBsrot' R.n W fN^vlBfT|'M E-IBKAKIE*. C^THlU OTOhV^T V4l-L.tlt>bi>? A 0o.,ai ra sr K>( fiSujiK" s yw&fc.rfftHF OOACH I'lkDUillk BHt" TK0Y?h,.S \ i-C? *18 *',1 ?t .0?? . COHM1KKEOSJUW Of H^SJCIwi.' * Jo?ra T B Print.corner f w MHFEiTiOBBBIflT * " W 41 0 Hehnert,i Pining ttouu j .. M p . fOAVETAmmm ?"?* .<>? P. 1. A. G. HaLKT. 81v P? |V(.,( X(M?_ , <?EH?, H?ALli^ WAX. il '-' b-"th"lo'1"' ?? wkoi^ui?. KtrrtTftr^i ? COKMFTW, BBIS1H. Rr*" ?l OMxtsnraT DudBrVb*r Stti a - ?"-? " ' bViX'^"^ "-mv' " '? 5 S; J.?SK^ra5i VJSftSZJ*. ?? ??V?5bV.i5r '""??? ?<-?<wHitt YilB A WlSWALL.S'Pr^fc ? Bmgan A WjLiR.iOne Pr??,? j^fhtT*0"' MRS.A*?:Rt Pattr**(.k,coi P? It A^- i* DIE H?r?EI). B. H. Kimmkl. 6J7I?tb m . Mi1! m^i... m EIPLOTMEBT OPPICW. ' Mrs Locwe a Bctlir. 80711th ttrwt near ? expkian ort'K KN * 1 Rnoa'4 Bzprf??; Main oA<m ?i? p. Washn; ?6 BrMur ?, Ou"rW^hTL *rv;<><T .** DVRAVIJM. "* 'Alox <**->* B. Biiksahii^hIk. m?B'u,r lm p. PABCT HrOBtB, M " '"nsi B O l'Avii"t SOI Market tSaac# a. rM.p fc. . Yocxg A Bihrknd, 5 * nr***. W a Frak*. m, cor. P? ?T krJi J. n ? W . turn'famiAM;.rVy^*sa Ac. b!?*k^^jflrer1ed,Ai^-cj|^^^^??'a*? PLOI B, FEEB ABD OB?^iMW TH(.**? A HARDJJW.orr. Tth at B M.DRAJIRT.raed.Qr^ ^ nowiB mti. ai ag rfffi *T ?*ru>" M. B. hToop*. Bmbalner Hat rin. Mm I>rkth,4Blltbat..*%.h5t?Sv5!!Si*' l'?n' ?nner*l Wr?a!h? ? ?reaaad. ?reaarvad A -MfcalMii i r*' Fl<>"*r? POVBBBIE^ *' * ?rl* Johs Mc<.i.klla!id, corner of nBMI6HII?WMM ' AAA 10that. Drru* AOo.,t U.*.) unr?S\t^ ,1lk41k Wm J l,RRk'SacoQd fcaadAH.??.!Sr^^, l>?X>t r T fcaB*rvNRT * ? W H*ir M??rsW!^2|1eT-re^oer Itth *t mMm ruVc^B^i'K: A WASHisftTOM Oa? 11. WtAW WAIBEli"'4' U '**? ? WM. W ? VAPtiHAH. fcr ?'mf'h?. k^?,r. a SBOtXBT BTOBU3B, ?? ' m I Geo G OoaHWELLAlh>R*,ul* __ ?,, _ h ail A h??, MT Market:Si-Lftff1** *? Gko H Plant a &o*. bTV vms? vssassuvt * VmikiBi.'M M<M w. ,u. Jo** r.pora.s, Kat.,t*t. kh AIMianfl UH n M*wjMaeeoeiiBA la a*tu*J tonULUoii?f Auimtoi Uova*. TtrMatm. aai M aim CoNVIHBNTAL bOKTL. Pa. avauoa, oa*r IdatrLe HowaRB Hovsa.B.W. utrw p*ar. hutithmi' HolKLBTHoni.wnar lAiha*d U abmn Ba kricCb V*ajisu*B? D w Horn J. W. Botblkr ABio , Ueo.P.Goeh " 1* ics I H"ai'zsttsiv Americax Ine Co C, r IaCHRR, IBS 11 ^ ? Bat ml Capitol Lin 1m. Co.. eor rikiaina. National limoa Bias In. ^:k2Tr^L**lP-gl U. f. Hamuh a Co., BA ftk all.oJr rd^S^" J 0. Lewis, ikwa1 * ? EqriTARLR Ll? M Uermama Biu Km W .U ULKRII. 1AM 9 BE..W M* jimcB ?r tci Oajia .Walt**, Its Dab B. 0. w*AT**,(*lapMa< LEATBEB, W. 8. Jrkr*,7117th atraet, Joutl O. i?i _ ani.*!*, llPPRAIM uritBT truum EBr^a *<0 , Wflsrd* Mom* MMn, *Mh IBM *?"?>? ViW. J? ? ?? Wt str-at. ?4?H IWaTOA H AiLO A, IS*1 B *< '*? ? UHIRI?tA. lea* McOlu Iaw U Nlwirf 1*4 mt Mr I. RARHIJ UnKkl ? 1 ?' !?? I Bifc.'"ilT??ioi,r? a*.. haft. * B **?B sta. NUHn muKrx ?ll lt?i? i, A WtitorllMIC ? I *?OM !T*1 M I *? I ft* '" - ? . .- ? Ut4Tt* ItTwua *' ?m?r? o? "* ririrTi'i - * ?ajti i'i v A R ?!.*???*?* A ?V - v ? 4? . frf pe?a. Ara. rt,n? t IHIIV4S >1.4W*h?.NM a*ViKAl(IAJUMK. ran:**'?... BV 'tiur? ?? kli?; MILLIftlAI, *?v Mb* c !?.'.M LfcTl -14 Ki>M . . a? I*? r?' <???#. C. * TkpI>.<?> ill'*1 tJl'lklUal .tMrtt ft. IAH KHK, Ac. V ?# *? f?l? (I, A.i'K'ktUl )U 'U' i.^uu t*? lit*, Jna Psfr? ft?.ra?a? ?r >i?rtii4 ?R Ji ?. MAN RT?UK LKit V. Us& 7lA I|ThL U*1 M MtOt. A* rAmrM. A ?i H?- si.t>i?P* sr.. UAa.UUas.Oofcespaictca. oriuiiAK rilMLIK A Oo.. U-J I" A ?? .. M lAt u A *4 : Jtfc >M . a H *W Te 0 are.., ?ort>??? Mrm. ATMt N MAlAHiAh. tuivki a UmrtN, 1: t Peui. t?? . w?*f lltk rt. Tmu??Tii Bti.itf.W Di?ir,i f*ik. ??, riOTkKV I'nuu- Am.'k.liw ?i.. f':, ? l<KM, C.T i' ? K >. Ait L o'.i ?:.? b*'. ?th A riA IU. Aimsuli.It ?. a aU?. * I'b ? Tth (??>>*?? E tin.KI Fm*. ,bw?.?t% ?(,<* At Ma J. M Oi>raar H Ann Kb MnMi R ? . <>AiM1S OILk, Mf Ml. lltm-.Jr sriikw.M Pi iHPM. Ln.Uk*> ?* .MIlT.rwi 1 m Um?4, J Uiklt puvmu. UU iiii ntmi, aaar a, CAPKB HAKUI.IM. >OT fcl.AC MwOBA. AM till a<r?a*. ,M| r*u* ae???a. jU' V .U.nca.??*h sti ?et.betaa- u l* a-.J A fuvn * 'LLftm. iW* Pa as.. tee' tP d mH A ih. I'fiH A f?Ata.l!!3 M f Mrj?r.Dr> lt-bs? A.H ?!?c .FtriiraVraiiisA AMBTtBM. PATtNT AWKSTB. Aim ?Co,(? K.Bci -.?.?? a fr-r. F A Ttb (LMIHt RliilllW. A! r final, mm III ITMI ? ? ?.Woot>, B *. career r %od Tth ?.k?i. .?|> r.M i' Hrta??t * IL1.? W Ltsiirr.Mfrt it., ??? r*.t*nt BAQ.W HOIHWkll, k>u?| IC* Ml Q ? k.MTM/ rth 4 FiU ,ii?ir Pit "fflce MfAaedtec wnlb I- a. I IJ% ft ? KBtlllAEM. CATOKiW ? LtVKB T< sir. the p??i tn?nai BeM hdf. Tor BAle. S?*\ ftti M., op Wii. N. 0?un. , r??i nf%rtnrrr and ?: >prieu-r 1Kb boltU Uj y red label. W Kkk >?u ?Mr rHOTOtiKACHIC UALLKAim J . P. Johw?<>b. I't ?>< . bt I A #. al?o, f in u it <A I.J. Pn.i man.!*.**:!* ? ap.<.ialti .??. 4 V at. PlAJiOa r.C.Kin?i>?iri,4Vl.i?.?i P?n ^rt ImI?1 PHT1M* POM1KAIT I KAACH. riAK* LaMS.1I* r?.ltM ??.u?M LVb aireet IB TBWIIBLt.tJobblPA aspAOlllll.lSll *lfc siraet. PLAI1AW IILIA W . fe. C. AblmaS. l?h mrrnm MM UMI. Uavsi B*:th, PLwuii K Ui, inn (>?'o ?T?r?, Hiuialad?r?r o( M< ll'iuin, Brackets, Hr*?||, (uoitM. Ac., aud u *i?? u AmAJLKx?i-?A BUkM. PLAN1ME1M. ;PHR I K Sfc.AiJ ll?* ??? ,Nl Mr ?M mm Q.S.L A LaAcoMKB. > m't. ?T?<1 ruw?tn ?AlkhM. P1.1HBKM AMI MAM PITfBM. A. B MikihiU A Co..MO Pa.a*..AeiMA A iMAau Urn * . 0?M<i'*LL. A. W. o?*n?er Pa. at. aod litt ?i. JiMV r bli:lii.*tU atwiMMtU rrM. JkNKT h.CAl'.t.'JC 7.h ati <-et. b-t O ar?l H. Alilii t. K :n>*iT. M lituwt.M. Mb am* Mt, jA?l-ObA.A\.!i.l fa.a*., bet. ItAa mud Atb Ma. \A It. Butiwii.l, II? P* avei.ue, Oa.'iu ' H' Jil. Ba?ak lalav MrtaMlc IL?'Mr,IMNM Our P. PB1ITIKU (iriMMt, ll kun bl> iHloi, lu.l r a. ate .bat tMD A . Ith ma. Vk > K VbAi A Co..4Zt 7lL at. col d ? rla J -. crn k Pul>0?. o> raw MA aaA Datr-. u. P.iv. r I A O <r? . f Mivet. Dear tiA. A KDIUt l. A?l? PH4>VfM<?MH bMltii.P?'TT*A I itoaaa ix, A A Coraet w>. a V ?u BAIL E*1 ATK AVKim, Ac. A?ftkoi A L'l'.'Llt, pot . L? av-a?e and Ttk rwt. ii. SB litlL, c?.-ru?r Tib and V ?.?.,!?? Pi?t b.tB'TKWi tATTa,r^?i 11-b tid ? ll >r k H A Ju.Mk>| UaI r ftraet,_ae?r Utn. Jrt .< LAbi-TT,?;* uai t.a? Paacc po".?or j . ratr? WBn.,titTM, p. foil OBm, Aft. U Bouri. ?' Trnat ,oi>a."P O - j mm :? tlai a; 6>%r, m Jomh Aon ?Piiii?lftALa.>w< waataMa. 1MB fca a? ?AMI, 1I*m?B^ ABtt BUM r?AAT C?LItltAA. WTU at , CWiter H?rAA( T?ct?B A ?H?K?Aft. ?5S L>oci?'ai.a aiMM MUWULk AKU tOLtlMIA WfUMTOI BCBIIOP lOLLMI, C?. ftt AM I M. MAM BAM HAl HIBBA DI v I., H !<>' .( N^t.' 1! Ufa. ??., bM.UtAAm* IU N1LTBB PJLATF? U' WA?D Mui n, hi 7ib atraai,?m. PaM OTaa ft. A. Weuhani. MDA.,bN*wi Btk Vatb ?MAP AJID I ABDLB PACTOAI n Inwti AOBT. I FACIVKIl Bat v * Brothek. ?'.? tl ? M.. bat. MA aad TtAT BB1AJBPIAM PaUnt OCra< MVBAAABA MAM riTTBBA. Aa A.R.BAAPBAkii A OA .Bif^ ^ ? "iT'll'' **f jaAA^ ^ J^ir?,ll tl ?*0^ v ^ ' A?^ , V?- ** - WAlTkB U WtTILL O M. UaTWaIIAU u HIT M. Bmm*?t, 1*1 K. A*.. Bat Mik a ad H. BiCHil.fflA 7U itrr?( fcr.aaan B are 1 ?r Jon Boaar, (also Tib TOTM, ffABCT M nil lBvrr ABT, m* 7'B itrait, baar l>, TBIIB BAACFAdVldr ja? fr Topham A <Jo..?M?iA at.. ?Aj g o. W. Ball" Paaaca,iaift < a n,,m fuA a JUm.' DtHiAL Pibacb. 1IM B Mraat. aaar DM WA. K??tU>M 10th Mreat. aaar W. VIDKBTAMBBB. JoaBrA Uawlba. iixi Pa. ?>??. Bur Wt Mraat AABifcus DaT.UBI Paoa ara. aa4 UI M B. ? WATCH IAEBBI.AC. will^WArna* "*1 8w P.(^ff J^^yt MgfaM >a< IMiAllIM n. ADLBm.cwhBliaaU o?U.) Ml Pa. T..?Ar Mha BOOKS. STATIONERY.Ao. HTM^AL FUB TUB PBt'TBATAMT BP1BCO PAkCatMCU, ? tb Barair, bv Ket Chaa H. Ball aid S B White Ui. alu l var.ousat; lea of alodiua P&AYBB BOOBS.all sty'.ea and s...?a. BIBLBB. Panil'v aoa P<x:kM,allM>laaaad prices: a>) ciii diract loi|rurtati >a. VI. BALLABTTNK. del tr _ lit? 7tb straat near B. |jlllML& M' 1TB TlAkS. BTBBALS f-lTU TOUli \KD CilABTS. Kitel 1.7 E-t rhaa B Ball Wklulr. A 1st;, a I ill teaottni- utcf SriBCOPAL PBAVXB BOOKB. 1& a!l itjles of liindlBt. j?t received tf A1CUABP H MCBLM A CO . dcvJP IQIA Pmntrlraria aranna. V AW MAPor THBBoraUJBlOF THB NILE ll abowioA tLa roitc taken bt Dr. kftiiiMratoiaaad Mr;. lo l>e bad. Wholasali- or ^1CCKMAM,h Mibaniptkn BookMors mI Bta tiopary. PBB Mh arati, r.^aar of I straet aepM-ly a O T I O B OPEB1KQ OF A BB? BTA"IOBEBT PTOAB aND BLANK BOOB MABLFACTUBT. First class poods at fair Midi, lor oaaA LITBOGBAPHINO. EBiUBAVlMU. PBIBT1BQ _ ABB B1BL1BO U*->BB TO uBDEB. Tl s public ara lariiad to call aeA esmlie oa; Mistook. _ BAN. F. FBBB' H, Coder National MetropolMae Babk. abd L?t door to Jar OaoAa A OaAa, ll!-f W aahiacU r , D. O. MEDICAL, Ac. MBB. BAWTBB. (lltrf spur tmd TV? M*4 has BAMOVED to Ao. e>l I tM air* *?A,twt*Mi B mi 1 striata, one agoara Circle. M MADAMB W1LBOB. . ___ . _ A Rrtvlmrtt frmmk PAp<i>MaA?4?* ha caiailiad ?a aU Mmsni hnlaW ?AaatAt lica and f 00^^Jo" 1 * MB Straat batwtai B Ml I. Booms Board, Modioli attsad dm, Ac , at rsaaoiBbie prtcea. Tapa twf nwwslwttA ImmB M two hoars. Sa fer to pattella ?occsesJcllj traitad U W ton. ? wtrlJIa DB 90XSULT1N9 FH TMJC1AH. TBcoMaM SMahliahad BpacMBM MthacBtf. Bo. BLEVENTB BTBEET. ABOTB F. Boors: U to 4. aid T M >, Am./. ?7EMA&B Dli EABMA traAUd Aid A* caaas taksi. Bracrlba Caaa aid Mad: tie will ha. TBOMPBOB. Ba. B. pkia jtfOBBF BETWABED AB Lfl _ SLA AAli MLi sk; ; MSftM AM