Newspaper Page Text
THE EVENING STAR. NUhM Bally, laataji ?icept?4, AT TT1E STAR BUILDINGS, Atckm, oor. Hit gt, vo mm? srii impifB worn. * M. UVfMI.VA*, TBI ITIH1SO UTiK ? by carrtera to ?.bcnb*r?aT*iCixr? mwin, >r Foarv pw oww "i mi'TTB. O plea at rha connt-? Ma Muy, |U?, UM fear, |i. *B* *BIL! BTAR-PuMOf-d FrM*y-#lJ? >paar. -?,!? boUcMN,ipj r nai ton?ar Uu paid for. i o4 felvert taint formatted on ?*?t*ati<m. SPECIAL NOTICES. Manii Inrns TBI STORT Or THE TAN NE^S MANSION An interesting chapter in the HIbTl BY AND Rf'M \N?'E OF OLD W AS INtiTON, ?T B AO A L h'H E U TOWMS&.X I), Will appear in tk? ?VHBAT HERALD ??? TO MORROW . Pilf Old Rjf Wkitlty, Fine Old Rye Whisky, Fin* Old Rye Whisky, Fin* Old Rye Wbi.?ky, Fine on Bye Whisky, Fin* Old Rye Whisky, . Fine Old Rye Whisky, wtnaaua War-nni.d Wttrrmm'Ht fwt Aire fun 4*4 Vtm<lnUrrat*4, For an I Vti. Tbie la tb? artirle we hara now ?? Id for npwar-la of |'?r? vith iiiit' r?al ?MMarti?B; pit up iu ?af N>t?le? at Out Dollar per b-tile. or can be o?l la aa; ?(uaiittty. ?*"N..tic>*. that we will retarn tb? miner if thia 1? hwky iW? actfite aatisfacti jn or prere aa repre sented kr na. Also an wfllfitt atnek "f California Winn?P>rt, Hherry. Angelica, Mnv*t?l, H?-k ami Clar-t, aNn, I' Hj '? ltlaul C?-??U >ikI imported Li<inon ?{ all bind*. ARTHTR N ATTANS. Drn?iat, alv-tr Corner Id and D atreeta a. w. ON THE BREAKFAST, LUNCHEON, DINNER AND St PPER TABLE, !?*? A P?nl??' WarfMlfrtklrt Sticr la hphhmabi*. Jf'BN DCICAIt SONS, New fort, aetlA l?*ly Af.nt* for the United State*. AMUSEMENTS. U'ALL'SXKW OPERA HOI SE. ** JuHN f. FUK1>.? Proprietor. LAST TWO PERFORMANCES TO DAY GRAND LAMF8 MA1INEK AT 1i O'CLOCK Adauaai' n ? n|v ?c?nta, G.illery 16 rente. T'jl"l Uvroe* oftue Plain-, Bl FFALO BILL, TK\*SJ\CK BED Br>TLl>K THE LIFE INDIANi! Th? Sconta of the Prairie?Spleudi.i Dramatic C tn . Comaaacit* wn'h th musical cuatadlette, I?A*t p^nortunff f Thtbcouts this eveniD^ at 9. WEDNESDAY EVEXI96, MAY 14. 1*73. Uale. t oos.diaaa, BAKER and FAR KU3, in th i rgf-mt 4ramji, in nv^ acts, a. , AND LENA. A nr*r-? ,?*, T?r .??t, with the D l?dv Stars j, , adra?.. e in the rat"? f iidniieai n. ml.. ASHnr.T05 4lHltmS VEREIV GRANDOl KNlXti .1 M \V FESTIVAL, oy MONDAY AND TUESDAY, MAY 19rj A-nt) UOih, AT THE SEW SC'Bl'JTZIN PAKK. &EYENTI1 STKEET ROAD. It !"s Rrfiih aiid &::ndai pap-re, 1- 1 IJASE BALL. 1 PHILADELPHIA v? WASHINGTON, FRIDAY, May ?, I*rs.3:.*> p m, OLYMFIC GROUNDS. Admisai n, SO cfnl?. Pra??n a 'inale admi-siou ticket* can be hsl at Kllerr-T \ .1 iark a Cigar Siore, 4 19 sfttj atr?^t. ?nd It* ?? *' K!HMC? ? ? \ loilHIMT "" t " Yift*r? ? ? ?' ? at a^irc D rcctcr*, Pr t J. Eeputaacd T. Hairy _ D'>n>-h?^. kir?.cba-te and t^-autiful opera, *' ?? l',rWfe ^CTOR OF ALCAXTARA,n iL't. ?VENINOS. M ?y II ssTttcvar""" P. polar rates ,.f *.lnnoirion-fic ce*t?. 7S cents, and #1l """'j gal* .on|y 2S centa extra. B<? sh^et B?mo*?tn,at k.n - mii>:c at re. for the aa!eof ti- k ?ta ard (eaerv?d a. ata T. UARKF DONEHI K. *"* 7t Bnainem aM Stage Mau le r W?"?SI?.^?K1?S-iJi?a; *|.0TUJEr,XTR,0?0,??RT????cT,uH. Ib* ^Asssgasatam _ ID Ihf cnrtltr?t IMlMltlOtt *'f ilir Jiv Dr?na,^.ga,, ?f aura-Med Dramatic C.anpai.y powerfully GEOEgV w'!*H SaSftH ?,B<f ?vrrt* Ac?or, TLr-T-f11*g'ly B, in di?tibct cbai ac A. H ARbTsTn Actreaa, MISS ALICE raul*! iLISF America# Actor, .. ?? ? ? THOMPSON. t<?i-tb>r with onr aTTlI Ba't^M BiLlY NOON AN and ?1.LH'" BATEM AN. th* ?r? at D>ialCloaoae-lalio. Th fk?,lrR* AN. the are at Dual Clo?f.peiiaii4ta ThZ < *n'?trJr. KITTY b6\VKLL: wew,m^tk. 1>VcVL*df' ?ella w? chanaiiijj and da^hina KIR VL P Y SS^rl*. ASL'PEkB SENSATIONAL DRAM\ THE OEMS oJVh* fAVoSlTI BALLFT _ W ? DN ?SP A Y Ind^tVAV 'L ^4?j ??jap"- )"?.* -..?i-aSSS&Ra-. JZ'Z vt?S!T"J?:? ^ renown h.u. rtfln m, Kin#*, Kail*. Ac . u iL ****** ?< ?la, )al-ly" ASKu*?08 ?* oast-off wbarino ap J2?T 10 ^ ruri ^ M>T**ta<a ?i aaarwiu Wcaltfif ot JCBTH. Motm by JLlimn!!? ,n<1 'Ik a. w. momm *> ?an proaiptly attended to. Oaab paid flJ ?I??tlifcMmdi!|,lr' *2?fi and ar id BoS? By aSi fg^^aS^^0 ACCRBSTRIB^lgil' EXCURSION'S, Ac. J^B^OfLD GRAND PICNIC HlBEJUilA BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION, Of WabMISoTO*, D. C.a g| LO.FFLEB S PLEASCBE GARDEN. I'?t Arrnmr. Lm - ijrtTI.rRa*AI. BAY *?T?l, 1373 T ri^!?rV "f f* * Gentleman aad Lndiee. for ule 1>? rba memhera an I at I> A itr ?*? ?*!', * *???,"45,,r;v*,w G ?r^f >anbwaat, and JaT H- "ewe , Ta-> rtb atre^t northweet. m? ft* GEO M OYSTER, GEO B OYSTER, Ji, j y OYSTER. BE ARB NOW bELLING PHILADELPHIA PRINT, FRESH NEW FORK, and PBNK8FLYANIA ROLLBATTEB AT REDCCED RATES m. ?r?TER * co,, l11> 4*#> 4#,t ^ *9 ? . Northern Market mS?t ? IBB TBB ?oi# ?prctaclb, Ow.* M, a B. BEBPLER. Opttolaa, 4* jss A- STRAOS', l?li SwTa?2 Fu?uncoteu>i No. l?tj Psjwtl?a!na_ Arawr*. 'OCBB MAB 9Q NOT^DRSPAlk-Mygi bnTe >?r i BTBACR', 1*11 of Cart B?tw>. It pmtaMlte ?laal-.^XB Nark ftaa i?tia? anto. Far aale by lil/Qi Bnraeaa Dealera. Price, c?MlMt, MJA rumtVjttiiMT. 1Mb atreet aad Pt-naaylraala aveaao. 14 Agent for District of Colnbta. ,?tl.UVodAVt?M iSSiVJi: fARPETB ? PET BRA ?j> and Bb ata. Cnrwrt. railed fer and ra?araa4 a cA?r*o. LOREBEO EIC?. afjft-l/' V?. 41-N2. 6.2&t WASHINGTON, D. C., SATURDAY, MAY 10, 1873. TWO CENTS. EVENING STAR DOUBLE SHEET. Washington New? md Gossip. Tna rRciibiiT and Gen. Babcock leave here on Tuesday evening for New Haven to at tend the reunion of the Army of the Potomac. It 18 paid to-day that no appointment of Chief Justice will be made unOl alter the next mot ting of Congress. Admiral Wirslow was better this morning, awl is improving. Dr Co*, his attend.n* phy sician, does not apprehend any serious result* from this attack. AfPOIRTHEKTS BT THIt PRIMDHT.?The President made the following appointments t ?~ day: H. H. Tittman, of Missouri, cons'ilar clerk of the United States; "Edward Hancock, Consul at Patras. Postmasters: Thomas 11. Foulds, at Cinc:ntiati, O., and others. Joseph P. Bradley, associated justice of the I*. S. Supreme Court, arrived at Savannah, Ca., Thursday night. On Monday, the 19th in stant, he wdl open the adjourned term of the I'idled States C rcnit Court in Mobile. AUliam ?, that court having been adjourned to that day by the order of the jury. Esd of thi War at St. Martissville, La.?A private dispatch from Governor Kel logg. received here this morning, says: " Dispatches jnst received from General Radger, at St. Martinsville, says that l>e Blanebes' forces have disbanded and gone home. Court quietly in session. Badger is mvtor of the situation. Several have been Indicted for treason. The lT. S. troops ar? still at Brashear, 61 miles distant" A COMPARATIVE DTATIJIKIT from the books ot the Internal Revenue department, showing the receipts from cigars in the several leading tobacco districts for the tirst six months of the fiscal year ending June 30, lifTi! and 1?73, shows an increase of fiom ti to 131 per cent in the re ceipts. Iu Baltimore the increase was 14 p -r cent. The largest increase was in Camden, N. J., where it was 131 per cent., and the smallest in St. liouis, Mo., and Alieutowu, Pa., where it was t> per cent. ? i Ti:r Modoc Campaign.?Shortly after the arrival of the President in this city yesterday ] afternoon he was waited upon by Gen. Sherman, who presented for the President's consideration the various dispatches received from Gen. i Schotleld. The latest received hwe yesterd iv states that Gen. Davis had made a thorough , examination of the lava beds, and would make a sorward movement as early as practl- : cable. Gen. Schotield hesitates about enrolling liniian scouts; he believes that a few hundred good men from tfie I?epartraent of the Piatt j, | or ether contiguous department4, would prove more effective. The Sioux Expedition,?The military expe dition, which will go into the country of tlte Sionx Indians to establish two military posts there, in accordance with the act of Congress of last session, will consist of 2,01)0 men and <>t!icers, and will be aceoinpauU*l by a largf number of civilians. There will be several scientific men with the expedition, who expect the most valuable scientific results (loin an examination of the great interior basin, which the partv will penetrate, and which is till now a t'rra \ncvgmta to the white race, ami the ui?listurl>ed abode of the most savage and pow erful of the Indian tribes. The expedition will probably be begun about the middle of June. Chief Jtstick Chadi as a Port.?The late Chief Justice Chase was not only a lover of poetry, but he wrote it with considerable taste and feeling. Three pieces are known to have been written by him, entitled "The Sist ers," "To a Star,'" (given In another column,) ai:d - Themes." The 3d and 4th of the latter run as follows: ??H?w eft do*? ?e*mir>g worth, thai thornless r<jee, 8tio<H "lit. when by affection nurtured, Tb" resrh thorns of Ingratitude, aud W jQuJ The gentle hand that tends it. ??How ?bift* the varying scene ' The (treat to-day Are b> tb? H:ru of fickle F"rtnn??'n whrtd To-iii or row mingled with ike general mass." Persoral.?Harris, formerly " Brown's Young Man," of the Capital, is now cashier of the n?w Queen City Hotel at Cumberland. ??? Hon. J. T. Walls, or Florida, has been admitted to practice In the several courts of that state. Hon. A. C. Sands, of Ohio, and C. F. Baldwin, esq., special U. S. mail agent, are at the Ehbitt House. ? Mrs. Canby.the wile of the late General Canby, is in very feeble health- She will leave Portland fbr San Francisco with Capt Haw kins, w bo has charge of Gen. Canby's remains. After the burial of lien. Canby at Indianapolis Mrs. Canbv will go to Detroit. ????Rear Ad miral John A. Win slow, or Alabama and Kear sarge tame, was stricken with paralysis at the Ebbitt House last evening. 1XTORTAHT ORDER OK TKK PRESIDENT. A dispatch received at the Attorney General's office this morning, from Got. Kellogg, an nounces that the troops were unable to obtain transportation, as the steamboat companies re fused to convey them. Attorney General Wil liams being In' New York, the dispatch was handed to Secretary Robeson, who took It to the President, and after a conference with him, telegraphed Gen. Emory as follows: War Drpartmrxt, May 10,1873. TV? Col. Kwury, Xew Orleans. It the United States Marshal finds it neces sary in the execution of kls process to take i>os session of boats or other means of transporta tion. and asks assistance from vou, or directs the troops which are already ordered as part of biap, to assist him In such seizure for that purpose, all necessary assistance will be Riven him In taking iiossession and holding and use ing the same. Gro. M. Robrsow, Afiag Secretary ot War. ARCTIC ADTE3m *ra. Ttoe Isle sf the Hall Exploring Expe dition. OFFICIAL DISPATCHR8 FRO* CORSL'L MOLLOY. Mr. T. K. Molloy, U.S. Consul at St John's, Newf oundland .telegraphed to the(State Depart ment, last evening that the English sailing ship Walrus bad just arrived, and reported that the steamer Tigress picked up on the ice, at Grady Harbor. Labrador, on VOth of April last, fifteen of the crew and five Esquimaux of the stearaer Polaris, of the Arctic expedition, who stated that Captain Hall died last snmm-r. The following particulars were received this morning from Consul Metloy: Wasbiiutos, D. C., May 9, 1873. To t\e Srcrttary of Slat*, WatkingUm, D. C.: Just returned from Bay Roberts. Captain Tvson reports having seacbed north latitude efghtv-tvo, sixteen; reached winter quarters in buried about half a mile southeast or ship's winter quarters. Party crossed Kane's polar sea,. Mid to 2m a strait, about fourteen miles vide, with appearance of open water north, left winter quarters on Au#ust 12,1?72; got on beam ends lMh same month; thence drove south to wventw-seven, thirty-five in the ship, when, owing to heavy pressure of Ice, the res ras thrown ?p, and white landing stores, Ac-. Itisi her, Use vessel broke away from her ?Miius, and the part of the crew now hero were drifted away south. The rows! was last saen wider steam sod canvass making ft* U?S harbor on east stdeof Northumberland Island. The Marls Is without boatsj lo* two la a northern expedition, two landed an loo with Captain frson.ooe burnt to make water for crew, and t?eotker now ia Bay Reberts. Crew luat the vessel m the isth of Odober, 1M; were picked up last April by tte Tlgrem to latitude Si *> having TtoenWdaTi on lee; ?e lives lost. Whealast ea hoard Polarlsaaade no ?tnr than dannc past winter and fhU, during past wii b* had received hyv^njnry to storw, ^ng Buodington* The nrfiM ?i??a?t lived on be*w July, If li oondition to ?om* borne. There were fourteen left on board with putoty of provisions, and If the vessel be not fit to home they can easily construct boats their safety. All provided for la Bay Roberta. Will come here Mondav. T. V. M0U0T,U. S. C?niul. Sew PaMleaUm*. PARADISE IN TUB PACIFIC. A Book of Travel, Adventure and Facta in th* Sandwich kluxU By W Ilium B. Bliss. New Tork: Shel don A Co. [Through J. C. Parker.J A bright and lively narrative of travel in the Hawaiian Islands, "where men and women are unadorned, skies and seas are charming, the daily newsaper is unknown, and it Is folly to be wise." The writer combats tbe idea that the Sandwich Islands possess the notable value they are supposed to have by their position. They have had the reputation of lying directly in the path of everything that sails cn the Pacific This reputation they have not deserved; for they actually lie remote from the track of al; commercial ships except those carrying coal ? from Australia to California; and these rarely pass within sight of the group. But they offer adelightfnl exile and a peaceful life to Ha waiianized Americans, whether invalidated in health, purse or otherwise. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY By Archibald Qeikie, 1> L D.. P. R. S. New York: D. Appletou A Co. (Through Jus. Sbillingtou J One of the admirable "Science Primers"' edited by Professors Huxley, Roscoe, and Bal four Stewart. IRELAND AND THE IRISH I.ECTURES ON IRISH HISTORY AND BIOGRAPHY It. Yery Rev. Tin s. N. Burke, O. P. M--w Yor?: Lynch, Cole and Meenan [Through J im. B.I lew.] These lectures will probably be found the most interesting of those delivered in America by the eloquent Dominican preacher, who achieved so mach fame by his brilliant contro versy with Mr. Fronde on the Irish question. ABOVE TKMPR8T AND TIDE After tha Uer laan of Sophie Vereua. Br Aub-r Forestier. I'hilad* lphia: H N. MoKinuey A Co. FARM BALLADE. Br Will Carleton. New York. Harper A Bros. [Through J.C. Parker J These ballads of the farm have gained a wide popularity by their unpretending naturalness, and vein of tender feeling. Many of them, as ?* Betsey and I are Out," " How Betsey and I Miuie I'p," "Gone with a Hand<oiuer Man," " Over the Hill to tbe Poor-House" and 44 Out o' the Fire," have appeared in nearly every paper in the country. Their production in this col lected form will be generally acceptable. OLD KENSINGTON A Novel. ByMiwThn-k < of "The Village on the Olilf." New Kork: Harper A Bios. [Through J C. P.irk-er^ A quiet, wholesome story, by the daughter fm Wm. Makepcace Thackeray. T(> THE BITTER END. A Novel. By Mi- M K. Bra<)<lon, author of '-Aurora Floyd." Ni??? York: Harp<-r .v Bros. [Through J. C. Parker. | A FAIR SAXON. A Novel Bv Jn*tin JTCnrthy. author of "Lady Judith, ""M d-rn Leafier*,"' ve. New York: Sheldon A Co. [Through J. C. ker.J Mr. M'Cartbv. the most industrious of nnj; azmists, seeins to be winning his way to consid erable reputation as a writer of liction. As wit'i Bulwcr and Disraeli in their later novels, Mr. M'Carthy deals somewhat with English poll, tics and politicians in "A Fair Saxon." MISS BRECHER'S HOUSEKEEPER AND HEALTH KEEPER. Bv C I'hertne E. Uecher. New York: Harper A Bros. [Through J. C. Parker.] This volume embraces in a concise form the best portions of Miss Becchcr*s other work*on Domestic Economy, and "Is designed to be a complete encyclopedia of all that relates to a woman's duties as housekeeper, wife, mother, and nurse." THE TREATY OF WASHINGTON; Its Scg >ti i tbn, Execution, and the DiscnvKioii' Relating Thereto. By C?|fh Cu-hing. New York: Har per A Bros. [Through J. C. Parker.| This is the vigorous brochure by Mr. Gushing that by its animated and caustic flavor has created so decided a stir in literary and polit ical circles. Aside from its controversial merits or demerits, this work must prove invaluable to the student of history, presenting with clear ness ami conciseness, and with the intelligence of one behind tbe scenes, the history ot the Treaty of Washington. LEILA; or. The Ficge of Gran.-vla. A N>ve|. I'.y Edward Bulwer. N--w York: U.rp r A Bi . [Tbro^hJ.C. Pnrker.J Reprint of one of Ralwer's old novels. THE ROYAL DIADEM. For the* S, |, i. By Rev. R l.-ri Lowrv and W. Howard D in ?. Washington: William Ballaiitynu. A collection of pleasing Sunday school songs. THE AMERICAN < HURC1I REVIEW. April, 1873. Harttoril: M H . Matlory A Co. The noticeable article in this number is that upon the controversy about the efficacy of prayer. The writer discusses the matter more temperately than some of the theologians who have run a tilt with Prof. Tyndall; and he sets out with the broad preposition that the influence of science upon theology has been iae&t whole some, and it is so etkl. ? AMERICAN ?D*> FELLOW M?v, 1873 New Tork: |Thro??h'StocktiiMn A Bon, "stf* 9th -<tree<.) A good number of this standard representa tive Of Odd Fellowship. Boldbess or tbi Modoc* 7\-?, Attack a Train,Capture Uurte*,MuUt, three Soldiers, ami then Change their Bafe?Th'ir Whe.reoJt-mtt Unknown.?The Modocs made a sortie on Wed nesday on a train returning to camp, in tlie lava beds, capturing eleven mules and three horses and burning three wagons. Three of tbe escort?Private Burgwoll, of company B, 21st infantry; Evans, company I, 21st infantrv, and Burns, company O, 1st cavalry?were wounded while repelling die sortie. At night several large Ores were burning in Jack's camp In plain sight, signals that tue Modocs had vacated the fortiiicatious, ami cone to some point yet unknown. AU the available cavalry and the Warm Spring Indians were ordered to scour the lava beds east and southeast of Tule lake, so tkat tbe Modocs will be found If they have secreted themselves. The troops are or dered to move and carry Ave days' rations. The indications now are that the Modocs are entirely out of the lava beds, but where they have gone, or whether in large or small bands, it is impossible to surmise. The Warm Spring Indians are reported to have found the bodies of Lientenaut (Jran*ton ami three of our soldiers; also, those of two dead Modocs in tbe same vicinity. Kixob's ArrsoACkmu End.?One week from to-day Michael Nixon will suffer the ex treme penalty of the law, at the Tombs, for the murder of Wm. Phyfer. He has abandoned all bope and continues his preparations, according to his religious belief, for his approaching death. Father Duranouet has been faithful in his at tention to tbe doomed man, with what effect is manifest from Nixon's resignation. To Sheriti Brennan's friendijr greeting and inquiry as to his health, a few mornings ago, Nixon .-aid: "There is no hope for me; I am perfectly re signed to my doom, and perhaps It Is as well I should die now, as f was never, and probably oever could be, better prepared to die.'*?.V. r. Tribune, 9th. T?n Vibbna Exhibition seems beset with tMaUl. On the aathority of a correspondent of Tbe London Standard ft Is stated that a seri ous difference hag arisen between the Arebduke Charles Louis, tbe patron, and Baron Schwarg, superintendent of the exhibition. The quarrel is oa account of the backwardness of the ar rangements, at which 'the Archduke, whose ofllce was created to thcow the glamour of royalty over the affair, probably feels Incensed that something better has not been achieved after twenty-two years of a reparation, for tbe exhibition has been In contemplation for that length of time. There are.bat twelve to sixteen thousand visitors dally to the exhibition, whioh is a large number, but lees than wag expected. It ts ewBfcnerooD that the sarviving mem bers of President Lincoln's Cabinet propose Cblishing a eaad wherein they will refute oer n statements aaade by Chas. Francis Adams la his oration span the life and character af Wm. H. Seward. The Idea was suggested by the late Chief-Jasttce, who, after receiving Mr. Adam's oration, was of opinion that ha did gross injustice not only to Mr. LtBceln, but the members of bis Cabinet. The card win proba bly he erepared by Montgomery Blair, and will benignod by that gentlefnan ana Gideon Wellee. Had Judge Chase lived he would have signed it also, and as his views are well known to the other gentlemen hie nay wUl be afflxed. Mosm Bbitish Xsi"Stalitt.?TheSpaaish government Is inclined te raise a serious ques tion with England regarding the Carlist agents who have keen permitted to raise money In that country for the support of the Ineurrecl? in f>pain. A demand has hoan made upon Earl Graaville for their prosecution, bat no action Is yet reported. England Is always tolerant to in sarracMona?la other countries. ?7*The aathorlUes of Huntington, Ind., esti mate the value of a liquor license at 963a day. ihe lati chief justice chase. Honors to tke IUiUHmi DtM. ABBASOBXBNTS FOR TBI OB8ByCIB8 IS WAPH isotos?orriciAi. order or m? raasi DKXTi Ac. The body of the Chief Justioe will mire here from New York on the regular through train at 6.30 o'clock to-morrow morning in charge of the friends and immediate relatives of the deceased and the pall-bearers, consisting of Hob. Ham ilton Pish, Secretary of State; e*-8ecreUry of the Navy, Gideon Welles; General Wm. T. Sherman, Gen. Irvln McDowell, Wm. CuUen Bryant, Whitelaw Reid, Win. *? Evajt", Chas. O'Connor, Gerrit Smith, Hiranl ttarpey, Win F. Havt meyer, and John J. Cisco. In tad %l> wnce of Marshal Nicoiay, Deputy Marshal Keardon ha# gone to New York, and will ac l company the remains to Washington. On their arrival at the Baltimore & Ohio railroad depot to-morrow morning, the remains will be con veyed to the United States Supreme Court room in the Capitol by the following old ser vants of the court who, In accordance with time honored custom on similar occasions will constitute the corps bearer*: Messrs. A. Lewis. J. Welsh, A. Herbert, J. Craig, W. Bruce, and J. Malvin. The procession will move to the east front ol the Senate wing of the Capitol, entering by the east bronze door leading to the Senate cham ber, and thence to the Supreme Court room, where the remains will be deposited on a cata falque placed in the center of the room, which will be open to visitors from 10 o'clock a. m. un til 5 p. m. Visitors will enter the building by the east and west central doors leading to the rotunda. AftcT entering the building they will proceed to the Supreme Court room, which they will enter through the main door, and after viewing the remains will leave by way of the door to the left, through the private lobby of the jndgee, and thence to the main corridor of the Senate wing, leaving the building by the east or north door, as they prefer. The President, members of the Cabinet, aivl other prominent officers of the government,will enter the coart room from the south door, in stead oi tbe main entrance. Arrangements befitting the occasion were made to-day at the Capitol. The bronze door* leading to the Senate chamber rrom the ea?i and north sides were heavily draped in mourn ing, as were the doors leading to the east corri dor ot the Senate, the archway over the main hall leading to the Supreme Court room, and the main entrances to the building by way of the east and west doors. The main entrance to the Supreme Court room is dr;?i>ed in black, as is that of the office of the court immediately op jiObite. In the court room itself the funeral drapery extends entirely around the room and in heavy folds. The judicial bench is covered with black, while the chair of the Chief Justice, the gilt eagle overhead, and the semi-circle in the rtar are dressed iu craj>e. The catafalque on which the remains will re pose is the same as that upon which the body ot President Lincoln reposed in state in the ro tnnda in April, ISfi5. Since that memorable event it has been in w hat is commonly known as "Washington's Tomb," under the crypt. It is two feet inches high, and nine feet in lencth. and will be re-covered for this occasion with black broadcloth. M'heavy floral wreath from the government gardens will surround the casket, which will be otherwise decorated with beautiful flowers. In a letter to the clerk of the court, dated yesterday, Hon. Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State, writes from New York to say that Gov ernor Sprague and the daughters ot the Chief Justice think it proper that the remains should repose in the Supreme Court-room until they arc taken to the cemetery. He says In his let ter:?" There Is an eminent propriety in the placing of the remains of the Chief Justice there, (in the Supreme Court-room,) and in their proceeding to their final resting-place from the room In which, but ten days since, he sat at the head of the judiciary of the United States." As indicated above the remains will lie in the Supreme Court room until Monday at noon, when the funeral services will take place. From 9 a. m. until 12 M. an additional oppor tunity will be given the public to view the re mains. At 12 M. the Rev. O. H. Tltlany, pa>tor or the Metropolitan M. E. Church, will preach a sermon appropriate to the occasion In the courtroom. At the conclusion of the services tbe remains will be taken to Oak Hill for inter ment. At Oak Hill the regular burial the service of the Methodist Church, ol which the deceased was a member aud officer, will be said by the Rev. Dr. Tiffany. The different departments of the government were closed to-day iu accordance with the exe cutive order issued by the President relative to the death of the Chief Justice, and flags throughout the city were at half-mast In respect to the memory of the deceased. On Monday, previous to the funeral service or the late Chief Justice Chase, Mr. Widdows will play the following appropriate selection ot music with muffied bells, commencing at 11 o'clock: The chimes, "InMemoriam;" Funeral Changes, or "Muffied Peel," in E minor; "J Would Not Live Alway;" "Mount Vernon," tune "Funeral March;'1 "Windham, Tune;" 'Angels Ever Bright and Fair;" "Handel;" "Dirge," "Plcyel's Hymn;" "The Dying Chris tian," "Vital Spark of Heavenly Flame;" 'Dead March in Sanl;" "O, Rest in the Lord," from Elijah. THE PRXSIPKNT'S ORHBR. Shortly after the arrival of the President last evening a Cabinet meeting was held, when the following order was signed: "The President announce*, with deep regret, the death of the Hon. Salmon P. Chase, Chief J ustice of the U nited States, who closed a life of long public service in the city of New York, on the ,th instant, having filled the offices of Sen ator of the United States, Governor of Ohio .Sec retary of the Treaeary, and crowning a long ca reer in the exalted position of ChiefJnstice ot the United States. The President directs that the public offices in Washington be closed on Saturday, the 10th instant, the day of his fune ral, and that they be draped in mourning for the period of thirty days, and that the Hags be displayed half-mast ou public buildings and forts aVd on the national vessels on the day of the funeral, in honor of the memory of the il lustrious dead. By oider of tbe President. Hamilton Fish, Secretary of State." GOVERNOR COOKE'S ORDBK. The Governor of the District has issued the toll owing order: WAf>HiK0T0W, May 10th, 1373. The closing obsequies or the late Hon. Salin tti P. Chiise, Chief Justice of the United State*, will take place in the city of Washington on Mondav ne*t, the 12th instant, at 12 o'clock, in As a token of the respect and honor In which bis memory is held by the people of the District In common w ith the fellow citizen throughout the United States, and more especially of their affectionate regard for one so long "a distin guished resident of the capital, it is ordered that the offices of the District be eloped on the dav referred to. H. D. Cooke, Governor." By the OoTcrnor. K. L. Stastos. THK IMMEDIATE CAT'SE OF Hi* DEATH. Dr. Perry says tbe tint cause of Judge Chase's death was tbe rupture of one of the cerebral arteries and a violent rush of blood, burrowix^c, as It wore, through the feature and sahetance of the brain. Paralysis of the left side fe< lowed. During the last twelve hours of his life there was no evidence of vltalHv except labored breathing. Dr. Perry savs, from all be eaa leara, Mr. Chaae was quietly sleeping when the Mood-vessel buret and flooded tbe brain. The patient had alight ooovulsions I during the Oar. tat they gradually grew more ' *nd more feohle. Dr. ifetcaif said (fee brain was terriblv brwiaed by the bursting of the Wood vessel, and that the immediate aatise or death was compression of the brain. Dr. Clark, Iter describing dodge Cbase's conditton when e first saw Usa alter the attack, satd he sutfered no paia, and died an easy death. Eu>wbll, tbi Bask or Ebolasd Fomii, is T?B Hakds or TRB Ekolish?A boat from the Cullsh gunboat Ry received Bid well, <he alleged Bank of England forger, and carried him to Jfce English steamer Corslet, which loft Havana Thursday evening for Enmaml. Bid well W in charge of aa English detective. His wife is also a passenger an the Cosatca. It is reported that Bid well si turn state's evidenoe on his arrival la England. A Hobbiblb Cass or Tstruu.?A horrible jase of child torture has last oome to light In Wlnneehalk county, in Iowa. A farmer and step-mother imprisoned a daughter, 15 years old, for some time in a den, eight Cy ten fact sqaare. When the child was discovered there was noth ing in the rooas hut a box three fleet long by "so inches wide. The poor creature I a palatal i The bstatb ot the late Major-Gen. Henry W. Halleck has been finally settled in the Ban Francisco probata court. After deducting the widow's allowance, commissions, and coats, the lOfH30,;W. g,1<L demand for easy-firing pistols City, Mich., In ooneeq nonce of a typical i in-law having accidently shot herself with her daaghter's husband's revolver. AhMt From a chapter of Interesting memora.nt? concerning the l?t? Chief Jurtice, in the Cin cinnati Commercial, we gather the following : salmon was a little while at school In Wind sor, Vermont, but soon after came west with an expedition destined for the Upper Mississippi, i nder General Lewis Cass, and arriving in Ohio i.t the age of twelve jears, was placed under the charge of BMiop Chase, his uncle, of the diocese of o"h>. While in Cleveland, wishing to go t his uncle's farm in Worthington, he improvise.) a ferry across the Cuyahoga, and cariied sufll cient as a ?'waterman*' to pay his board bills Arrived at Worthington, he divided his time be tween labor on the bishop's farm and his staJic at the academy. Wben Binhi'p Chase removed to Cincinnati Salmon came wli* Ulm, and remained till hi un (^resigned Ue pre*d?*cy of theCim^na: College, and started tor fcurope to raise funa> for a like institution at Kenyon. Then yoau?. Salmon n turned to his mother in New Hamp shire, and wsa presently engaged in teaching s. hoot and pursuing his studies in the academ. at Portland, Vermont. In 1824 he entered the jnnior class at Dartmouth College, awl grada atod two year* later, the eighth in his clais. His course completed, and with his parch ment as a testimonial, at'ter a brief rest h? started for Washington City, hoping to find employment as a teacher, and doubtless believ ing hfs uncle, Dudley Chase, could assist him He announced in the Intelligencer his purpose to open "a select classical school," but the an nouncement fell upon indirt'erent ears, not withstanding his numerous testimonials. In hi* extremity he applied to Senator Chase ter a clerkship in the Treasury Department. bu? the Senator replied: "If yon want half a dollar to buy a spade, and go out and dig for a living. I'll give it to you, but I will not help you U> place under the government." What sort ot an answer the Senator would have given in these days, when it is thought commendable to procure public places for one's relations, fcn reader can conjecture; but It was doubtlew. fortunate for the young adventurer that th?* Senator did not bury him in a clerkship. At the last moment he was requested to take charge of an established school which the founder wished to give up. He did so, and in cot. ne -tion with it entered the otti ce of the cele brated William Wirt, and began the study 01 the i?w. . ? "Mr. Chase even dallied with the Muse*. an.l wrote poetry, though from the examples handed down to us, it may be considered fortunate that his ambition in that direction was quenched by a more mature judgment. But it serves to il lustrate the activity and fullness of his mind, that at a time when he was pushing his way at the bar, compiling the statutes of Ohio, writing upon biographical.historical and seientitic sub jects for newspapers and periodicals, he also found time to write verse and recreate himself in translations of the Latin poets into English This >perimen of his poetry is as fair as wt could select: "TO A ?T*R. "M^nrnful thy b'-am. pale ?t?r' afar with solitary light. Thrush h< *t? arouixi thee are ltsckibg the h"goin of the l>lue midnight. "I would n<>t be as thnn ! t'r.t i ff from all ce.nunoninn with thj kind, Tlionjrh ronn<lm?' mijrht blaze n<>w The light ami glory iu which tliou art ahrtoed. "For thoti art alone ! Ouipaiiioulean in thy afar corner, W hile silently rolls on ^ In pathe of living light, each radiant -phere. "Thy (foinjrs forth hav? been. In thy hri*ht bea?" y,since the ald-T tim*, When, un-ietiled l>y aw, Earth, too, was lovcl> n her being s piune. "And still thou art th - ?aroe ! As beautiful and fair as then thon wert; As if thy virgin flanie , _ , Had power Time's wasting influence to avert "Shine on, awhile, thou stars ! Yet shall thy brightness fade in eiidles* night B> 11 on thy diamond car! full soou thy hery track w ill not be bright. "There shall a star arite! . A -tar Tar lovelier than night s brightest gem. To shine in purer skiew? The fadeless, glorious Star of Bethlehem. Mr. Chase was thrice married. His tirst wilt was Miss Kate Garnlss?by whom there was no issue, we believe?a daughter or niece of a Mr GarniM.well known in this city forty years ago. His sccond wife was Miss Lizzie Smith. Slu was the mother of Miss Kate Chase, now tjie wife of Senator Sprague, of Rhode Island. Hi third wife was Miss Sarah Bella Ludlow, graud daughter of Israel Ludlow, one of the first col ony settlers on the Symmes purchase. She wi the mother of Mlas Nettie, now Mrs. Hoyt, oi New York, at whose house the Chief Justice died. In person, Mr. Chase was one of the most im posing men in the Ctiited States. His height was something over six feet; In later years, ami before stricken with disease, he was portly. His features were noble, his head massive. !? was a front upon which every god bad seemed to set his Beat. His manners were dignified. Sracious, but not warmly cordial, and nevex emonstrative. He was a man who commanded respect for his capacity and integrity. He made few friends on the emotional side of his nature, but kept fast those he won, even uuto the end. The Proapecto In Easlcra Virginia. Clifto* Station, Fairfax Co., Va., May 9. Editor Star: Such weather as we have ha>i for two weeks past make* one appreciate Mr Mantilinl's description of himself as such- a dem'd damp, moist, unpleasaut body." A few localities report the peach crop as killed but generally throughout this part of Fairf ax county the prospect is good for a large vieid We are hoping that this wet spring will give u a good crop or hay once more, so that one will not be obliged to pay S30 a too for hay in the mow. The area put in oats is larger than usual and most of it is seeded down to clover. One sees more grass than formerly in the fence cor ners. and along the roads and waste places dandelions much more plentiful. We saw them but rarely a few years ago. The planters are talking more about grass and less about corn. The marked success of those whoshipptd milk last year has brought the dairy interest* into prominence. The ground is so wet aud cold that corn planting has hardly begun. The early potatoes are only fairly out of the earth. There is a strong interest here in fruit. All are satisfied that we cannot compete with the west In raising grain. As an old Virginian said to me the other day- "This county has been corned to death." * We believe that more money can be made in raising fruits, milk, mutton, pig-pork, and similar products than in tlie farm crops. We are putting our money and en- 1 ergles In this direction and time will show whether we are right or not. There have been planted this spring iu this immediate vicinity a thousand apple trees, and nearly as many each of peach and pears, besides many gra|?e viae* We think this section *<j be peculiarly adapted to fruit. The soil Is i tellow and needs no un derdrawing. There i* nodoubt about the suc cess of the grape. There were shipped from this station last year, and for the first time a few tons of grapes, and they paid well, and there are forty acres of vines which come into bearing this and next year. Last year the question ot packages came up. What shall we ship our fruit in? The geniu* who lives in every village gathered his wit* together and ran them through hta coffee mill, and the product turned out to be the best fruit crate yet invented. It is all slats; has neither top, bottom nor sides- The contents are exposed to view, and the fuller It is crammed the stronger it is. At the last meeting of the Potomac Fruit Growers' Association in your city there was an intimation thrown ont that the railroads center ing there, recognizing the value tp themselves of the efforts to Increase the productiveness of the country around about, were disposed to remit the fare one wayon all tickets sold to per sons attending the meetings of this association. Thus von see one obstacle after another is re moved which obstructs the growth of this sec tion of our state. There is a better feeling and ? more oaneeatrated action towards the reno vation of the Old Dominion. G. Ittdptid Optra gb. ? Basil Grimes, of Cracklln district, waa committed to the jail of this place, last week, charged with as attempt to commit a rape oa the person of a white woman of that district. On Mondav last, Grimes was released on hail la the snm ot ?100 for himself and S100 tor his securities to agpe? and answer the charg*^-MuckvilU (M4.) Gm?Ai Jakcs Shjklds, formerly a United State* senator fiom Illinois, aad afterward from Minnesota, met with a severe accident 1 Monday at St J?npl, Mo. He was kneel down la the street by a runaway team, suffer ! street by a runawi. a Compound fracture of the thigh, whieh, at hL time or lite, may eventuate filially. He too years of age. Th* GoodKIch Tkagbdy?Coroner White bill visited the pellc* central office veaterda v and had a long oonenltatioa with Superinten dent Jourdan about the Goodrich traced v. The ooroner admitted that he was in possession of information taat might have an important bearing on the caae, bat refused to say what it was?A*. F. Sum, MA. telegrams to the stab Thli in?ra?Ml DtapaUhM. ? AS80C1A TED PRESS REPORTS. ? THE ILL-FATED POLARIS. WHAT BAA BECOME OF HCBf A THULUSU SAIBAdVE. Itwue of Sl?t*f mt ike Crew I root ?a Itrbcrf. Xamcs of ihf XlMt?M-TMr Life on ? Moe ol Iff for IV? Day*. lBlfmiiair Details of ihf A4TMt?re? ol (be ixpeUltlou la ihf Aretle Holloa*, mm* the DrMli of lap<?la Hall. New York. May 1*.?A special <li?patch to a morning paper, from Washington last evening. mw:-Alter general matter* relating to th< government had been discussed in the presence of the President, after his return to thin cit* this e\eulng, Assistant Secretary Davis, acting Secretary ot State, brought the following dis tatch under the notice ot the executive from the Viuted Slates con?ui at St Johns, New Pound land: St. Johns, N. F.. May ?, 1?75.?English sailing ship Walrus hw just arrived, and report* that steamer Tigress picked up on ice at Orwdy Harbor, Kabrador. on 30th of April last, fifteen of the crew and tire Esquimaux of Arctic exp? dition. Captain Hall died la?t summer. Tigress is hourly expected at St. Johns. F. N. Molxoy, 1'nited St*tes Consul. On receipt of this dispatch the Acting Secre tary ol State at once telegraphed to Consul Mollov to ascertain the names of the saved, that those having friends on board mighi be relieved from further anxiety. At the time of the departure of the Polaris her fate was pre dicted by experienced naval seamen, who have carefully studied the charts and pronounced the passage taken by Captain Hall as ontv a wa^te of mouey. The news of the disas'er to the Polaris aflectcd the President deeply, as he had hoped that the enterprise of the govern ment in this direction won d redound to our national honor. Story of the Reweaed lea-Haw The* Parted < ouipao) with the Polaria. Niw York, May 10?A special dispatch from St Johns, Newfoundland, dated the SKh lust., says:?The steamer Walrus arrived from the seal fishery at St. Johns this morning, bringing the news that the steamer Tigress had come i into Bay Roberts, is miles from here, haviug on board nineteen survivors of Hall's Arctic I exj>edition. The correspondent immediately started to Bay Roberts, to learn tlie particular*. The Tigris* wa.?at anchor, and the rescued men were assembled on deck. They furui-hod the follow ing deeplv THRILLING NARRATIVE of the adventures of the exi>ediUon, the death of Captain Hall, and the final escape of the survivors, who were taken from an iceberg bv the Tigress on the 30th of April last, in latitude 53? SC, after having spent 19C days on the floe. The following are the ? AMES or THE BESCTED. H. C. Thyson, assistant navigator; Fred. Meyer, meteorologist; John Heron, steward, W. C. Kruger, seaman; Fred. Jamka, seaman: Win. Nindemann, seaman; Fred. Antinig, seaman: Gustavus T. Linguist, teaman; Peter Johnston, seaman: Wm. Jackson, cook; Esquimaux Joe. interpreter; Hannah and child, Kwiuimaux. Hans Christian, of Kanes expedition; Hans Christians' wife and four children, the youngest only eight months old. This party which had been landed from the Polaris, were driven frjin her by a gale which burst her moorings on the 15th of October, 1X72, in latitude 72.35 WUEM TUKY LAST SAW THE POL A HIS she was under steam and canvass making for the harbor in the east side of Northumberland Island. She bad no boats left of six she had brought with her from New York. Two were lost in the northern expedition, two were landed on the ice with Captain TUy sons' party .one was burnt as fire wood to make water for the crew, and the other is on board the Tigress. Tlit Polaris was in command of Capt. Budding ton. who had thirteen of the crew along with him a plentiful stock of proyiiions. Sue was making a good deal of water, bat as Capt Buddingtoi/ ilnormed the correspondent she was not mare leaky than when he was on board all the pre vious fall and wiuter. The Polaris was some what damaged, and it is the opinion ol the sur vivors that they will be unable to get clear until July, and even then if the ship? is unsea worthy they should have u> make u?sw boats to edect their escape. THE 81'DbEN DEATH OF CAPTAIN H ALL. Ou the 6th of October, 1871, in latitude ?t X8', longitude 61? 4'4", Captain Hall died of apo plexy, and was baried on >liore, where the* erected a wooden croas to mark hi* grave- He bad recently returned from the northern sledge expedition,in which he had attained latitude 11? 10'. He seemed in his usual health, and he had called them Into the cabin to encourage then) with hopes for future rewards and stimu late them to renewed exertions, when he was suddenly struck down and expired, to the grief of those around, to whom he had endeared him self by his kindness and devotion. In September, 1C1, the Polaris entered into wiuter quarter*, and lelt August 12, W72. The ice was very heavy and set in a southern direction. She was torced south, and hi con tinued drifting till Captain Tyson aud party were driven from her. The sledge party crossed wash's polar ska. which they pronounced to be a strait about fifteen miles w ide. There was the appearance of open water to the north. The rescued party suffered very much during their dreary drift from hunger' and cold. For the last two months they ate raw seal and polar bear as they oould get it When met by the Tigress they showed evident signs of their great suffering, but du ring the nine days they have been on board they have improved vastly, and are now in fair health. The party is in charge of the U nited States consul, and will arrive in St Johns on Monday next STATEMENT OE CAPTAIN TYSON The following statement was furnished the correspondent by Capt. Tyson:?On Aurust 27, 1871, we left Tisstnsac and went through Smith's sound. We succeeded in getting as far north as latitude 32? 16', when we returned and win tered at Polaris bay lat 81; 30', long. 61? 44. We were frozen up until the 5th of September. Ou the 10th of October, Capt Hail started on the sledge journey north, and returned on the 24th, when he was taken sick, and died Nov. Mh. He was buried ou the 11th. The attack that carried him off was said to be apoplexy. We passed the winter at Polaris Bay. Ou the 8th of June, 1872, we attempted to reach the north, with two boats. We hauled oar other boat on shore, and returned overland on the 8th of July. We started for home on the Uth ot i August, and ou the 13th we were beset with ice in latitude *0.02. Wedrifted from there down to lat. 77.35, vi hen we encountered a heavy south west gale, the skip being uuder heavy pressure On the night ot the 15th, we commenced land ing provisions, &c.f on the foe, the vessel being reported leaking very badly at times. We con tinued landing provisions for two or three hours, when the pre; sure ceased. 1 went on board the vessel and asl ed the sailing mas tar if the vessel was making ;.uy more water than usual. He reported she was not. I then went to the pumps and ascertained that (he was not making any more than she was doing all the summer. I went on the ice again, and shortly after it began to crack, and In a few minutes afterwards broke in many pieces. The vesasl brake her fasten ings, and was soon lest te sight la the darkness ana storm, to the broken lee were saoet ef our provisions to sustain the party threwhewt the winter, and *eein/ nothing of the vessel, we at tempted to ranch shore, la hopes of "~r na tives to assist as la living throogh the winter. At this time I succeeded In savin* fourth. ***? of pemmican, eleven and a halfbaesoT^iLs ten dozen out aad two poond et?eo? JLiftli ?cap, fourteen hams, aad a a?Ti? ull abundant ammunition. abatement of tis gal? riodsarorad tte lead unUJ iTgrew stronger. I^li^here^ BGS3^CSES?253H? wtjther. Inthe morning tto We weather continuing all through the month November. We Mlit mow houses, aad aade ounrlm u coafartabls ? n enW. We w-r* t? u ? bite men ud twp F.a.|utmaai. two wn ??< fcw chlklrea la *11. Ws saeoeaded ia killing fir* mil, which a vlk light and fuel with which to ? tra oar - *n<y kl ovaaw ot food thrwagh tbe darkaemot U. i A:ti.wtntcr In the Utter part of F.'.rua-y we lira* rr wlj?l|y npo* b rtis. and In \far. n . < aanmd to catch seal*. Thmngti that BMtfc we supported cwrarlve* on bear* m l seal* flesh. wastiag neither sk.a nor entra we collected enongh food in this *? to last as until Ike middle ot M?t IU.I ?. l<eea drtrcr to m by the ?tr?i westerly (ale ta the latter part of March, oar Sea piece being then reduced from fro mOw ta rir cumlerenct to about twentv vards in diameter. We left the ptooeen the im ** April, ami aban don# d nearlv all aar Moat, a large am< ant e< ammunition, clothing. skite, sn.l other article?, taking a portion of the mest In the boats. which are a ere soon obliged to thiow overboard on ac ccum lithe boats being so Jeeplv laden. Wei SMlard tfcconhers%cofthe pact of toe on the of April, and shocssdol in getting a little forth) r ta oa the pack. On the ?th a heavy northessteast rale en to. Mtd a keae\ ? a t?< running aadet the Ice, which It broke to small l>leo>?. hi we had ta live oo aa eMail pan*, a* wo could not pat the boot* oat. neither coald wo find ant eoale for taod. and me were re*}weed almost "to a state of starvat'on. ? >a the Stst e< April we sighted a Polar kar. and every per aoa wa# ordered to lie down and imitate a ?eal. while two Esjuiaiau eecrjted the atari res be hind a piece ot ice aad sue?**>l? <1 in getting the bear aear enough tor a* to kill hiu. Fire dar* after we gat oar boat* tn 'he water and work d our way ?W?Mi??tfe?t,ae< continued i?i work at ererr oppirtaaHv lo the westward, la hopes of reachtat the Labrador ooaat and per | tig t? 11 j-or ?n relief. We wrre pi. kol si. hy the rteani'T Tigress on t!ie * rh of April,Tn latitude 53.35 north, longitude west, or aear Wolf Mat*], about ?< bum from land. The Polar * - tii w sitlicut boat*, baring loet two ta ;r\ > g to get north la the spring oi MSI The I Kr tell in with our party in a dense fee, and provide utially struck tie very doe on which *i were, olh?rwise w*-mar have p. noli I They all scented well. Ciptam Tyson oon p'.aiw'd of swelled legs and feet. ?.u* ? ?o riou* war the matter a ith h tn. Wli'ii the* lrt\ the Polar ? all on board a etc in good.hoaita. In iaf< reuoe to TBK WAY I* WHICH Till I'ol.ABtS BOT AWAY from the i?arty winch was rescued from >it the iceberg, < aptsin Tyson s'stes that be lelt but littl. anxo ty at tii?t. th ntingahe would soon come to their relief. *'! net my (olor?," be **11, and she stood down along ~be shorw.bat the ve? ael aaa ?oon hat to atxbt ia a bend ot the land, and being a hat I took to Ite Northumb. rland inlai d The iiiece I wa? on commenced drift ing aouthwaru aa the wind liaulnl to lb' north ? aat. opening a little ba\ to the nerth<-aat of NorthumlMTland inland. I mw the te??el In the harl-or there her aail* were ftir!< d; i. ? ainoke waa iaeuing from her amoke eta? k? that I could aec. I then atnutpU-d to bring my 1 oat* ario*e the floe in an eaatciiw dircc.ion, hoping to find the water and reach the ahore. I encceedcd in dragging one boat acraaa. an-l took the water, and attempted to reach the alio re. aome dirtan<-? below the veeael. Wo were then drilling very faat, and the gale wa* blow ing fre*b with great vto'eare from the north eaat, and anowing very taat and drifting. I waa driven back on tbe toe again an.I com piled to pull m> boat. and the :ght cluaed on me, aiidthcaind earned u? t ? the vouthweat. In the morning wi were at>out 3" mile* aouth weft of where the ahip aent in barl>or. A heavy aea wae running, which broke up m\ tloe pieoe, at parating u> fi>>m ais bag? of brea<( aud a boat. 1 aaw a veaarl under ate a iu and can v a* round iiig a point to the nort'.acat. Ttniiking a. iiId coiue to our raa? ;ie. I gave mvaelf no aiiMtty, but we were Hon di.-.ippoiii' ?? I from thai time till the Tigrr aa rescued u?, wa we never got a glim|i?e oi the Polaris. t HIl.r JIKIMT (HUE. Ob?e?|iile? la kea 1 orh Aa Impm kite and Koleina Hpeetaele. Nkw Vokk, May 10^-The body ot Chfel Jaa tice C'baae wa* removed at C o'clock this morn, n.g from the reaidence of Mr. 9. Hoyt ta 8t. litorgt > chapel. At SoVtock the door* of the chapel were o|>ened, to all jw the public to take a laid look at the illMtriaaa dead. Tbe bad* aai- etit a*od in a c*.-ket of i>ol^hed loee^eal with heavy ailrer mount.nga, and aaa idarod m | the main aiMe, midway between the door ai I I ckaucel. The lid waa open only to allow a view oi the bead and brca-t of ilo <!? .-?d, the head [ Ik itig towards the entrance. At the h ad and loot of tbe caaket were broken colamue of flower*. The lid was covered with croam, croai..?. anchor* aud aTeaths. As aoOu aa tho church doora were opened there were rows of cai i ia^ea outaide containing ladios aud gentle men awaiting admittance to take a look at the gieat deceased jurist. Purine tbe afternoon carriages drove up to the church door In an ai moat continuous atrlng, from which iasued emi nent citixetut and ladiea, who through the church and took a look at the features of the dead and quietly drove away Fla^s ara Bniarullv at half-maat throughout the city and He public buildinga are cloaing in memory ot dodge Chase. Large number* of boainem men arc going up town to participate iu the funeral services, wbtch begin at 3o'elock in St. George's I church. Notwilhatandlng tbe weather is un l?r< pitioos, they promise to be of a vary lm(Kji ing and impteaaive character. Ithe laiiai ikoi loi im iu. be Wild Maat allerthe Hiaalag Mr. tel. - ? Kaary I Jsaw Vokk, May lo?A correspondent tele gTapha from St. Martmsville that, m an inter, view with hiu yeatenlay. Col. Cadger, com manding the Metropolitaua. aatd he was In no need ol reinforcements, and there was no enemy before bim, while be did Lot know of Ool I?e Blanc's whereabout*. Tart ot hia command bad gone toward* \ ermillionvilie, part towards breaux bridge, and a third party towards Bute a la Koee, on the Atcliafalaya. He addod that be aboukl be pleased to meet Dc Blanc sociallv, aad his arrest wonld be a diaagrosable duty. Lie Champs, mayor of Martinsville, ba.1 been arreftc.l by a civil procem. on a charge of trea son, aud be ^Badrei, bad nothing to do with it. IV Champ* la still confined in the oourt bouae, and will have a preliminary examination to day. Re (Badger) had rejected and *hoa!<l continue to reject all propositions for arising negroes for his asaistanoe. THEV IIAVK I'LKM V OF Boa?BS?Ah ALL (I'M? MEK <'I U!LLA WAR THI'.IATtKKD. New Vouk, May 19?A dlaf.atcb from tbe lava beds, dated yesterday, aaya the trail of tbe ftraglglng Modocs Indicates that tbey have forty borae*, so that the settlers will hare to be on the alert for raids. Donald McKay, in com mand of the Warm Spring Indiana, reports that pools in the rocks had recently contained wa ter. bnt on their giving out orders were given to leave. The aahes of numerous fires were found throughout the rocks, also tbe charred remain* of two of their warriors, whom the Modoc* had endeavored to burn up. thi wornDBD or ora arm v, who started for Fort Klamath on the 9th, numbered 33, and wete escorted by a sergeant and ten men. The bodies of Lieat. Arthur Cranston and the other missing soldierahave been discovered among the rocks. Lieut. Har ris is still In a critical condition. Assistant Surgeon Semig is progrewing favorably. All the availab.e cavalry bora.* will now he em ployed scouring the country after tbe Modoca, aud the iulantry aud aruiiery will be kept iu the garrison. A C.rKBHiLLA WARFARE has commenced, and as the Modocs are well mounted, may continue all the *uminer, one hundred volunteers have arrived at Klamath ferry, and will be employed escorting trams. r tear its to as raoarTLT poawaaDio. Sa? Fra*cisco, May ??The following memorandum has been received : " Hra/lquarU ri, Drj+rtmrnt Cutumbin, Port land, Orrpm, April 2S?That timely Information may reaca headquarters of any unusual move ment or hostile demonstration on the part of the Indians, until further orders the commanding officers of FortsScovllle. Labwai and Klamath, aud Camps Charnev and Warner will forward recruit* weekly, or oftener should circumstances render it accessary, to assist the adjntant gen eral ia any changes tn attltade towards the gov ernment of the Indians iu this vicinity. (Signed,) "R. Classwood, "Assistant AdjutantOeaeral." lORti HARRIS, w ho waa wounded in the recent fight with the Modocs, is reported to be sinking, and It U thought he cannot recover. taa I,C"?DPf, vaather ta England is fair aad fkvorable to the crops. ra* *ora. A dispatch from Baaas says the Paps was too ill yertarday ta raaslvs a party of pUgrissa Crom France. srajttaa soldibbs hctivt roiTnur nr. Pabis, May M.?A dispatab from Bayoaae ?ays the Spanish goverament army la the prov 4*?ce pf Biscay has not been paid f&r some has, j vs&zsrijrzs-sgt,: