OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, November 16, 1874, Image 4

Image and text provided by Library of Congress, Washington, DC

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045462/1874-11-16/ed-1/seq-4/

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WQXP.4T Konmbyr 1?, 1*?7I.
Fll P*TA*Y*K5T, </?. ' I'kuf s,.rnrt nicer,\
WA?B!*f--Tow. Nov. 16, ls74. 10 JO a. m. 5
Pbobapilitiiw?For the gulf statee, Ten
r.e?*ee til Ohio vallev, geTi-ral.y cloudv
weaihcr ar.<! light rai-i* Will pr.-vails with cwt.
fi'.|Or H)iiU>rriT wind*. a'ig'jt ri*e of the tern
*r,l s:?'liunfry or falling baroar;t?rr.
l or New England, mf.'.4ie stat?#, continued
clear ar.d root weather with variable wind.* and
high barometer. For the lake region increas
n a! cloud i-'? aL.. ll^ht nin*. w.th ca t or
south wind*, I allinf barometer and a flight rise
of ton] erasure. For the northwest continued
cloudy wtather with rain, variable wind*,
the 'emperat are above h*i:ng in Missouri and
low ?, an,* fal'lTg barometer. For the ?onth
Atlantic *tat?.? partly cloudy weather, slight
chang * In ti-U'p?-ratnre. (Vtotly winds and
barometer v 'th rain 1 n t'.eorgia For the
cam! regot, of New ."ork no decided fall of
temjera'nre during Monday night.
LOC A 7. NSW 8.
Amn?em*nt*, Ac., Tonight.
Satimal Ti'afer.?loe I mmett, tho lopnUr
dutch comedian. in ??Fritz, our German
ford't Cj*ra I It-mi'?Haverley's minstrels.
TTk't'er Cc? ?The cel*"?r*f?d Freem***!
F st. rs in their s;>eclaltic*. au?i the "Fle'lies *t
City late."
Lint'7f-r7._ lecture by T. Fi<>M?o*i
??Famil ? Ta K- wi*h ? harle* l.*cab, Sydney
Smith, Lonteilow, an?t Tennyson."
t?D?lrnoeil Lwah
The work or the new navy yard bridge has
bren commenced.
Sbillti *t:>n s^r.d* an early copy of Th* Ga
les . for Pecember.
Srits for Vi?e Cu?hm*r "* rendlnga are selling
rapidly to-day at '"boatt A <>?.'?. butthere are
still grod seats left. The mati'ieo on Frtd *y
aferi o? n wiil he a delightful ent ?rt?innent.
The brer ze statue of .ltfl<ison. recently
tak. r from the law n ea^to* tbe Executive tnan
s i<i ai.J ?ci.? to Philadelphia for repaint, will
- -ct. I e i ut 'b | lace In tUe national statuary
La'l at the Capitol.
The alarm of Are from box 7l,abo-it 1 o'clock
yesterday afternoon. wv for a flight tire In a
?.r^i tv ii CI t w's alley, bet ween l<t and 2d and
l'ard'<? Erects northwest. Tbe t:ames were
ex* nj?ui-be?1 by a lew buckets of water.
TT - t?M?fn?'?' Kev. V. F. Hy?ore. late pa?
tot of the l.^h-^'reet Mission. nnvy yard, who
suddenly expired !n the pulp't while preaching
ahevir.ra or> Sunday, tbe vth in?tant, were ye.
terit?v nn'ti injt et nveyed to Hhrper'fl Ferryf
Bl-V, tor f.nal inttrmet.t.
T?o p*et?n<led beggar girl - on Saturday l?rt
?t?'le two bou.-e ing? valued at ?2) from the
l'rot:t wir-'c.w of Tl'n F. I^e** hove, No. 41.T '!
?tree! -. u'liweet, while the servant *ii dusting
tiie parlor.
The ?%rre l a? d fht leal r?ne?rt at t!ie Na
t?oT.a'. Theater la*t n?gbt provetl even more at
tractive aid erjoyable thar It* prc-dectesor.
The vocal featnrr w%? a <1ectded addition to the
programme. (KtllMttl waa the quality of the
ir>>?r iirental pertormarce.
"Ike rgregationaf St.Paul'* English Lith
eran ebTrcb, con.er 11th and H n'retti north
weM. Lavirg rewodeled tt.eir l^ctnre room, re
dedicatert it yesterday with appropriate cere
roor lee. Kev. S. I>. nter, tbe pallor of the
cLur.-h, prea<he?l m^ruir^ and cveiilug.
Aboc- loo'clock lart iii?ht a coa! oil lamp
< tiled istbt bouw of Francl* Evans, No.
lrj t; ???eet northwest, burning K>ma table
licen an', carpeting. Tl.e :lirif>s were eitin
jp -bed by raember- of No. 2 engine comj-any
wltbont tiirning in ar. a'?.rm.
Tbe New York Republican nr<o'iation m*t
f "i'uri'aj an 1 remark* aa to tlie c^u -e
cf 'he re-cnt d>--feat ir. tt,p Umpire itat? ren
i ? e by Vfr-r<. liell, Thon i ?, Ha*".
Mitchell, F. vi.e. Maim and othc.i. Mr#r.?.
1 . If. Snndflard. ?!. AV. Parker. F. R. S*n
loTnardl . r. Trerrbly w?rc electcd actire
t end??ri? of tl e a*?< elation.
Iiev. Fftther Jttn I?^^i^ertTt of Baltimore,
delivered ai. Interest'ni; !rct-ire l irt night on
ttelii'ea' cT.aracter of St. Vinc-r.t do Paul,
st f.ld re'Iow' 11*11. the proceeds of whi.Mi
are to go toward* relieving the | o>r of thU city
dni Irg tbe cdbIm winter. ;
Ca; tain II. K. Howl? tt, a m?mber of the 3('.th
y??i York volunteer* daring the l*te w^r, dit-1 |
on Saturday last in this ci'y, and blj fucera! ?
lock i lace tbie mo-niug. I?ecaa*ed bad a bril
1 .? r * reccrd as ar c- r. and at"*cr ; ?rtial re- ,
? >very from se vere *oun !s received at Mvl . ern 1
Bill, c.i me to this c'.ty, where he * ?? propne'or |
if tbo Woodbine lloL e, corner of 4^ and C
H!??trlrl Uuvsrniuent 4Irtln
Tbereistobo a special meeting or the Fire
fVmirlseloner to-n;^rr>>w evening to consider
tte 'ubject of the report to the Di-trict Com
tji?:or?-rs, required by the latter.
The Controller is to.lav pajirg off the Iv
lorers nr-ier Contractors M. .1 Lang^non and
T ti -nia* liett.*. -Mpo tt.e clerk* U> U.<- register
c.f tl e voter* for t'^e last ele?.tion> in ttiii l>ie
Tnr TyriiaAriiiriL C intst The m?a
l.ersc-f tlie Ty pc^rapl-ica) Tournament A--o
i ' n Leid ai meeting S-?tur;lay evening. Mr.
A. Tl emit-on in thcctiair au I L. H. Patter in
secretary, an?i arto? ted rci?--. to govern the c>n
t?st. Tfceeoate.-t n*s in the flr-t ela*- thus i *r
ore as follow ? I rorn Tub Star o*i.?e. Mr
1* cb<?rd A. Mrl.ean: from tne governmer.t of
; c?, Meters. Shaviitr. Sterner and \\'olf; fro-?i
tbe ff-j b 'can efbee, Me*srs. Klcharo.4, McC.?l
'on? and O'Ne U. II - I. ^hl* probable that the
? **t ir?r in * 'Ltr oClces will enter before the
li *s are closed.
In the?ecui.< -Ues it I* probable that fifteen or
twenty conip-"i'ors wi: enter. This I* open tn
? '! who live neve male a record of orerl.toi i
em" per tour, ard they will work an hoar and j
a fcalf.
t u Saturday Miss Neilson contributed *2 ito
vrards tbe | nrpr?e of t'.e goM s?ick in the fol- '
lowing re?e to Vr. < has. ?.?'Neili:?'?Having |
laain*d ttat comp?^s.t r* of the national mi- t
trcpolis are about to contest. In a tournty, lor '
ttaprizoot a geld 'tick, in f ?st typesetting, I ;
?*k you to ar.-cpt trom n?e. towar Is the par
chase cf tfce stick, the erc'oss.i ?um of money. I
Vitbont j-rinters. food ant nobis men everv- '
?b'r?-, 'the art preservit.ve or art would die.
blay the best m.m win."
Tna Thiatir* ? W**iii*>ft?n play-goer* will j
j'adly welcome back to the eapetwl >?r. J. K.
l'mmett, wbo appears at the National tbi.-*
?-veninj ti r the first time s:nc? fcn retnrn from
Enroi'C. Tbo*? who have se*n and en'oyed his
1^ rf? rmance cf "Flita, Our Ccusin Oefmm." !
wi'l need no further reminder to t>e on hand, !
por'i.-nlar'y wben we sta'e that he ba* a Me 1 '
r.itT Ir.strumental solos and riu-icalgem* to the '
ii*re, and otherwise imi-rovelit. Those who j
Lav* never seen ??Eiitr' have a r?re treat in
Kaver'ey's Minstrel*, who give t' elr ?lrst p?r
fsrnari'O in tbi*cltv at Ford'* t>;-?ra Hot?e to
i.'ght, come here whrmiy endorsed b> the pres* ;
?btre ttey bave appeared as a tine troupe of
mis-iciar*'ard con-rdian*. H" they deserve a !
tl at is r?.id In their pra?-e. lovet* of ton an t '
mu*:c will g-eatly enjoy their i^rtormancetthi*
Always somsUirg new at tbe Theater J
?>mi' tie. In addition to tt.e old favorites we
bave this weeK Master .T. H P.rowne in a esw
local drama, ??Flashes of C *y L.H*;" tbe Free
irar. eisttra, and rurrerou? ot'ior novelties.
FnlTT Horw1 DlV?T!C'll-/.l rr'.l" li
t'-f' IHt'ri ' C ? ri*ft lairing C- -?inv I'ear.
?i'be leliowing lr the ord. r af the "Forty H <ur*
l>evoti.t" to be obstrred in tbe Catbcli
cturcl ej of tbe I .strict <iuri i the CtiSUia^ c -
c.e'iast cal )ear of '-Ti. *-? oMered by Arch
l..-hop Htv'ev: St. Aloyelu, Ww:-?rgU<n, Jar
v<.ry F, Fev-t '>f tl;e Fpiphanj; St. Mary'*,
V ashir^tou, Jinu*ry IT, the stc?>nd Suuiay
alter Fi-ipiaru; ^t STh,,1:"w'-'. Washington,
March . . f e :ourth s ir.day iu Lent; St. Jo
seph'*. V'dJ-1 ""jt-.-n, Ap'1 li the second Sun
day fctt^r P.a-' r; SV Pat'ick's. Washington,
May is,Penteeo-t; 1 nnitr ctnrch.(icor^etown.
Ma; Jo,Tnrit\ sltin.iay; St. Auifustire'a, %'mL
irgt. n, AnaD!-* 1. tha eleventh Sunday atut
Pentecost. St. l>o?^inii?kV. Wasb.cgton, Octo
ttri, So.-mn.-y c the lioiy Korarv, The lm
r .acula'e Conctptlon. Washington, October to.
the twenty-trst >unday alter l\nteooet; St.
Stephen's," Washington. October IT, ttetw. nty
.- c?>id SntKlav alter Pentecost; S*. Peter's,
Vaehirgttn, November 21, tlie twei.ty-eevcntt
Sunday after Penteco-t.
A Fin* Makkbt BrtLi>iM? ?The work on
ibe new market Lo"?e of the Northern hi??erty
Market t'omf anv betng erected on 5'-hatre?t.
l>?t?e?-r K ai d L, is progressing finely nnder
the cupcrvision of the architect, J. II. McUU!.
1 atait'a walls are up, and tl\c iron girder* sp%n
r iTif tho ent>rc wlrtth of the building, is; teet
> said to be the largest girder* on any bulldog
in tlie wctld) ari nrariy ail up *t.d the roof
being put on. The 1 udding is 3M feet .n length
and Iff. in wnl'h. The conipany e*p*ct to bold
their first market in it earlv in Jat.uary,anl
with that expectation have'contracted for th*
ata"? ai^l tenrhes, *peclmen* of which are on
e-xLibition. Th? b'nehrr's pin on of the mar
ket will conei *.of 2t> sect-.ou-. IT fee: long and
1" feet wide. ea<-h cintaiairg t soction*. g.v;ng
to each sta'l front by j leet w.ath. Tiia
bencbos en exh' -It.on ars of 3 inch oak plauk
made bv IKiwnmg Brothsr*. and the racks
an", banks are of galvanised trcn with very
elaW>raio bracket* made by Mattaewson & Co ,
>iw York.
Tn Sraa ik>rasa -Tbe sale of reserved
?eata !cr tbe p? t - ar "atar course of lec'uree"
< reus to-<lay at J La C. Parker'a and Warren
Q'kte ?"t Co s. The lecture* com pacing thts
co j rs? are a 1 Crtt-clase, ai l repreaent an t\
calU t t variety of talent. Tbe failure of manv
lecturers U not so much because of a lack of
merit in wbat they have to say as their inabil
ity to say it tn a matin r that will delight as
wc.l ar instruct an audience. People go to lec
tures a? much lor amusement and recreation
a* for knowledge and Instruction; and tbe ex
r* ert programme of the "star course'' indi
cates a selection of lecturee with a view to th *
fact. Tb">e purchase seaaon tickets may rea
senablv expect an evening of hearty enjoyment
aiMcittt the lain Taenia,
Artrnmenta rnuimeoced
To-day. in the Criminal Court, Jndze Hant
pbrevs. the trial of Hiram C- Whitely, Richtrd
Ha.r'ingten, ard Arthur B. William*, charged
with eciifj iracv in nnncetioa with the alleged
safe burglary in the district attorney'! office,
I was resumed.
Ai.tuipat rg that the arguments would be
cemnrerced to-day there was a very large at
terdarce. particularly of member* ot the bar.
On tte opening ot the Court Judg* Hanc
I breys a*ktd if ar.y meoibtt of the jury had
: seen a newspaper containing anything in refcr
er<-e to the trial or any party connected there
The juror? answered In the negative and
re di.erted to be taken to a .iuiet room.
Judge Humphreys, to Mr. Mildietnn, the
Clerk.?Mr. Cletk hare there been any pro
cf < ding!- in this cur? a* to any party or witness
: in the ease since Friday last.
Mr. Middleton snswered that on Saturday he
I tock the recognisance of Michael Hayes, who
was brought l'rom Jail.
Judge H?What wasthe charge against him?
i Mr. Middleton?Perjury, your bo nor.
Mr. Prillip?, depaty marshal, explained that
Judge Cartter ordered him to.bring Michael
H it?s out of jail, and he did so, and tne recog
nizance was taken.
Jr.dge Huirpheys.? Ob what charge; whe
l commuted Mm?
. Mr. Phillipr?I can send far the commit
Ju<*ge H?Da so. The Court will take a re
I cets.
In a short thu ? C'-l. Phi; ipa returned aii-1 the
ctrrf resumed its sess.on.
, Col. Phillips _l hare the commitment.
The Court.?Let it he read.
Mr. Middleton read the commitment of Hive*
I to j-?ii on the charge of fslse xwearing ?? to a
j ?-tat*n'? nt mateilal to the isme."
The Court --That is a reId in?trnm''nt; It doei
not ?j what issue. Mr. Clerk, vou will i-su? a
; aotii-e to the clerk of the Police Court to ap
pear with ?he records of tha* court, an>l with
the u'.iueof the i arty who made the affidavit,
n order to ascertain whether or not there h*<
1 een any arrest of a party to, or vltnes* i.i.
, tLe ease pending in this court; that mi l clurk
aj pear at 2 o'clock on Wednesday next. An?
iii The alternative they should show cause why
: they should not be proceeded aeal D8t as for con
ten^ *.
Mr. IMTi lge proposed to submit praversfor
i instructions.
The court declined to hear any prayer? at
this time, statin^(*hat they would be heard at
the i ro; er time.
Mr. I'avidge asked that an exception be noted.
ME. HILL'S a KGt'M K> T.
At 12', o'clock Mr. Hill commenced his ar
paniti t. first eorgra ulatii.g the Court and jury
on the approaching close of the trial, which, he
said, was a remarkable one in many respect-".
He claimed that the prosecntion had made out
a case; that they had shown that there was *
conspiracy by the te-timony of Haves, Alexan
der. 1 >enaice and 7irrnth. If there was not a
corspiracy?if they were net guilty?why had
Nettlcshlp beccm- a fugitive from justice. He
claimed, as a princ'ple of law, that when the
evidence establist.es the fact that four or five
persons were combined,the jnrv are ju-tltted in
interring a conspiracy, and he'eited 2 i Whar
ton, sec. 2,"51. He a.--ked if there was m com
bination, why did thev look for the hoik* in
Harrington's safe. He then recounted the cir
cnrai-tanees of the alleged burglary and tha ar
rest of I'.enton, ai d said that thosa circum
stances go it good way to show that the party in
cLarge of tie building w.?? in complicity
with the parti's who robbed the safe.
The Ict'er to Harrison did not of itseif
amont,t tomacb.bat bis (Harr1ngfonV) on
d ?? t was remarkable subsequently. i he letter
mentioned tha' the safe wi< to be blown on
Wednesday or Thursday uig'.t. bur ha took no
I 'erinf one to p'eveut 'he alleged barg'ary on
Wednesday night. No; hs wei t then to
Wel.-i - r\- and dined. It was tinj ist t > charge
that Major Lichards was responsible, for if hi*
(K.*s>suggestions bm!he?*n adopted, the parti, j
wcnl.i Lave been arreetel in tha housj. Mr.
Hill thtn reterred to Harrington's apparent
knowledge cf tho whole aft'air, as shown by his
intinjatiun" t^at the parties were after Ey^ns'
bo. kr; that be believed that ttey w^ald bet**en
tot'olunit raAlexa-. Jer.&c. Mr.H. then referred
totba tvidence,.-howlng u a* Harrington had
direction t>f the party, and said i? w? plainly
rhown that Bchards acted under his directions
except In a few in.-tances, noticing that after
Richards lad posted an oliicer Harrington
countermanded the order, lie closed a'ret .rJs
Mr. Harrington by referring to thv fact
that * 1 en the atVair had collapsed Mr.
Harrivton went out and yomlted.
Vr. iflll next spoke of Williams as an inti
na?e trferd of Harrington, who?e friendship
Mr. Hill said bad done Mr. Harrington no good,
calling attention to the mi?sing telegram
and its mysterious dUappnaraace, when a
ja kage of telegrams were beir.g exam
ined by Messrs. Harrington and Williams.
Mr. Hill said the missing telegr-.m c nta'.uel
the words "Ask >. tocomi with yon," and that
-^yeral days afterwards Mr. Henry Wt'l a us
?'teiap?? to explain that the "S" ?*haul.J have
fcr a-'O," and that it referred to Mr. Oen^t
Th.if gentleman wa.- on the st?n 1 several day>
he'ort. but the de'tnee had not questioned Mr.
0 aN ut it. He claimed tiiat ha i this been tSe
i' ct the- telegram would not hi ye beendea'toved,
f.-.r It was ter> g(*?l1 evidence tor thtir side. "Mr.
hit! reft "red to Williams following one of the
t urglars down D street, stating that it was too
late for the rran to leave the city, and th* police
having seen him, he would not attempt to leave
nevtday. Three or four weeks suf>se j jerrly
W'll il' apj tared at the Baltimore and Poto
n <?c d -pct *ith another party, who jumped on
the train jurt as it was 1-aving. Ivey, Arnold,
ard l.?w!? testide?i to the appcar.ance of this
P'tty, which d.v not at al! correspond with that
of Bett#. who testified that he was the party.
Mr. Hdl claimed that 7-ir. uth was not an ac
comp'ice, tor nothing had been s'lown to con
nect him. They bad attempted to show that Z.
was unworthy of btliel by bringing two men
fri m Sussex w ho e--ayed to speak for the people
of that place. He argue 1 that Z.'s character
had been established, and he bad been shown to
be a credible witness. It he |?as not worthv
of belief; if his statements were not true, ?i,V
did they not brir.g Bailey and Guild hereto con
tradict him. He admitted that Have* was an
accomplice, and a " sn?picious character,"
:or no one but such would have been employed.
He subiriMed. however, that thev at lra?t ba 1
??l owii that he wan worthy of credence, at
1 as* when be is corroborated, in regard
to Whitley, Hayes" testimony becomes impor
tant- An attempt bad been made to prove an
alibi, and he believed that the witnesses were
honest, bnt that they were mistaken about the
time. There Is nothing easier than to make a
mistake a??0!it date*, eircuni<tan"es. and par
sons, and seferredto Ueneeral Mvers having
yesterday mistaken him (the speaker) for Count
Cctti, the Italian minister, and to the fact that
!n the celebrated I?r. Webster ca?e in Boston,
?ittes?e? testified to having seen and spoken to
the iLurdered man (I'arkinan) after the
murder. Ha would leave Hayes out
except where ha was corroborated and
fie contended that with such e vldencethey havi
made out a rase. Hajeste-tlhed that he tale
pr?phe<l to Whitley on April 7th, a-k'ng for or
ders. If he was not here to perform Nettleshlp's
rrders he would have been a fool to talerraph to
W. He asked why had not this telegram baen
expiainf d by the defence if it cool 1 have been
dore. Mr. HilltLen referred to the telegram
> Seccrities good," &c , which they had at
'tempted to explain by the MiMege Johuson cour
teridt case by App'egato and Nettleship, and
said the story on its face showed its falsity.
)'e tlcn referred to the Tact that it was
eight days atter Hayes' whereabouts had been
fo.ju<3 tov Ne'tleshlp before any report of It va?
-ent to i*11' c'ty. He referred tw the attempt to
show that JielilWhlp left here on the 22d, but
they Lad met that I v j roducing the report of
the secret service tor April, showing that N.
left Wa^L-ington on the 2nd. fie thought that
N. <^id not leave until the 24ih.
A recuse wae here taken.
Ms. Jcir* F.. PRic.o, proprietor of the old
est aMi .hed jewelry store. No. 457 Pennsylvania
aytnue. is ci'DStantly adding uew attractions to
h's always attractive stock of goods, and among
the additions recently made we make xneution
ct the bt.au*.ful solitaire Mexican diamond-,
?hi(.h he overs at from *5 to ?10; jet garnets,
very beautiful, at ?rom ^1 to $3; the new fall
?t>lts of scarf rings ard pins in ermine, am*
thyst, and cameo, at $2: plated sats at |2; jet
) <a>] earrings, set In gold, at >10; Ktrmcan gold
je?elry in amethyst drop, with buttons to
n.&trti. at ?10; initb.1 buttons with gold fronts
at j2and*3. <>i?era and vest chains in great
variety, in all sizes, at d of the best manufac
ture. Lake George diamords, very brilliant,
m gold setting, at fren $0 to $ 10; new aqua ma
rii e set- at 42, new Grange Opalein stuls, 18
karat, at ?2; Montana sapphire rdns at *4: an t
Spani.-h topaz solitaire stnds,ln 18 kcrat, at ?Y
?J ? TKtv't Sutnlay Chronicle
Mb. Fi*t.ra' Sbcovd Lhotcr*-?Tt>-night
Mr. FUIds wPl appear at L nco.n Hall, on the
occAMor or his second lecture, "Sidney Sm'th
ard hi> Work In Life." There is pleasant m m
t.on everywhere among all who Leard his lec
ture of Friday even'ng. and the interest in his
behalf among*cultivated people is decidedly on
the increase. There will be a large attendance
"evening, no doubt. 1* igram at Ballan
tjnt's until six o'clock.
CPAsr.Er atthkNas-t-Yaed Messrs..1 no.
H. 8|ieer, Charles W. Morgan, John Minor
Bott?. Patrick O'Brien, John O. Axe. and Na
tlat iel Hibron, clerks in the department of
corMruction and re; air, and one shipwright,
cne }?ttern maker, one borer, and one bolter
srd live laborers In the sania department were
discharged on Saturday. Mr. Wt'tiaa P. A.1
!an was appointed cletk to me naval ooustract
| <r, vice Sptoar.
B*B?AD*T> BT thi Cabs?On Friday night
lift, as the through New York expr<-as train on
ltf way to this city was passing Muirkirk, a sta
tion on the Washington branch ot the Baltimore
and Ohio Railroad, It ran oyer an unknown
eclrred man sitting upon the track completely
Fevering hit head trom his body and killing kirn
Pfcbeb of Pivobcb.?To-day, in the Equity
Court, Judge Wylle, a decree of d'vorce w*s
granted in tbe case ef Barbara C. Whitttngton
ag' George Wblttlngt in. In this case the par
ties were married ?th of Mar, l*tt. at St.
! < winiefc's church and bare bad three chll
The petitioner chtrfces drun*&nnefc>,
4.C. 1 be c<>urt girt* her tbe right to resume
fet-r n>airien natoe of Prenss and the custody of
hirchidren. Mr. J. C. Marbury appeared for
petitioner and J. Cruikshank took the testi
TBE tttll BTt?.
Police CorRT? J*.ige Stttll.
To-day, Andrew A. Williams, charged with
ttealng a borse, buggy and harness from the
Me-srs. Ciijut & brothers, was sent to the
graidjurv. Anna Pumpbrey, #."> for disorderly
c iiiiurt. "George Buchanan, same; (S. -lain?#
Cooper, forfeited collateral. John Norman,
profane and indecent language; $8. Lucinla
Oft'utt, same; ?3. Thomas Sweeney, indecent
exposure of person; #10. Mary Tinson, a va
grant, was sent down. John and Henry How
?r . forfeited collateral. Oi?; w "oiTBrd,
in iecent expoe'iie; *5. Charles Carroll, carry
ing a raior. He stated that he had just pur
chased it, I ut be was fined #20. U. F. Lacey,
d.sturblng the quiet of Georgetown; *3. Alfred
Dozier, profane arid indecent; #5. Owen Tay
lrr. a vagrant and market loafer, was sent j
down for 90 days. Daniel O'Leary, forfeited
j collateral. Wm. and Eliza Smith, loud and
, b isterous; ?5. ffm. Bell, an idle and suspl
j e.ous person, was sent down as a vagraut.
Martin Marr was billitted for the chain
: garg. H. S. Jeroton and K. R. HoweU,
. fruited collateral. Lizzie Hubert, same.
Frank Selden. forfeited collateral. .lames
j Cooper, profane, and indecent; S3 Barthil
Helm, charged with keeping open his
p see of business, where liquor is Sold, on Sun.
<i i;; > _? . .Margaret. 5liller and Mary Kick?,
assault arid battery on Ellen Broadu*."who tea
tifit d that Mary fired away at her with her tid,
and Margaret with a black jack; they then
.irmped on her and stamped her down; ?5 each,
a'd costs. John Curran, charge 1 with atfrar,
pleaccd gu'lty, and was lined ?1 ani' cost*.
Robeit Jaekscn and Tbomas Green, afVrav; *5
MUlt Fierry Hei.slev, larceny of a r ? ? ? i-i ,
cha r, plradeu guilty; #20 bnd cos's Ida Colby,
forfeited collateral, l.tzzie Hamilton, a->-a<i'.t
and battely ou Eliza Jane Martin;?;. Hobie
Miller, assault and battery on Robert McDon
ald with an axe; 00 and costs. Robert WlUMT,
eiarged with stealing one shoulder of pork,
worth $1; fined MO, or thirty days In jail, .lohn
Ryan, larceny of a watch worth >10; fined ?20
and costs.
Colored Baptizing.?Yesterday ir.orningat
11 o'clock twenty-three convert* to the Baptist
faith were baptized in Kock Creek, near the
Bridge street l ridge by the Ker. Sandy Alex
ander, pastor of the First Colored Baptist
church, of Georgetown, assisted by Deacons
Charles Law son and Griffith Washington. The
cer* monies, which lasted three hours, were rery
fn'eiesting and were witn"sscd by a large as
semblage of persons from this city and Wash
in; tor.
Maponio Fpnbbal Caspar Nanman.oneof
the charter members and Pas' Junior Warden
of George B. Whiting Loilge, No. 22. F. A. M.,
? a9 ferried yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock in
Oak Hill Cemetery with Masonic ceremonies.
The following brethren were pall bearers; J.
T.Shaw, E. W. A. J urgerson, T. G. Haviliand,
J. R. Dick-on, W. A. Cunningham, aad G. F.
Grain Trap's.?Arrived, schr. T. P Morgan,
from Alexandria, with 1.200 bnshn?* wheat for
Hartley A Bio., canal bort Medley, from
'ute'e Ferry, with 2,100 bushel;* aeat lor
Hartlev Jt Pro., and 609 bushels for H. M. Tal
boit. We report no sales. Market firm.
Thb Utah Congressional c^nte^t A
tel'gram from Salt Lake City, Nor. 13 say?: la
a reticeot the contest for a seat in Congress a<?
delegate from this Territory, R. N. lia-kin
charts Geo. (,'? Cannon with being an alien;
that he Las violated the act of Congr s* of 19C2
regarding polygamy, and has marriad Eliza L.
Young. Mt-rfija Set la, Eliza Hoagiand, and
Sarah Jane Young; that he married one wonim
since the passage ut the act of 1SG2; that he
regards his obedience to his church a-i superior
?o l is obiigatio is to any law of Congress; that
Le L-iS not only violated its law in regard to
loljg.ioy, l ut irduced ethers to do the same;
that he cannot tbke the oath required of a dele
gate; that the JCon. e of Representatives on
Ajr.l 3, 1ST4 passed a bili to the eft^ct that
thereatter no bigamist or polygamist ghouM be
eligible to a seat tin Congress, aud that his con
stituents voted for h.n\ k now ing such a fact. In
reply, Mr. Cannon states that at the election ho
rer<s Ted so me 24,0.00 to 4,000 caft for his oppo
nent. and has been naturalized. He denies
tbat by being a Mormon or otherwise be has
entered into relations with any woman of such
character, or in such a manner as to subject
Limself to punishment for any otiense under
the act of Congress ot 19<;2.
KiPWAPniso m Indiana,.?A telegram fnm
Fort Wayne, Imntna, November 14, says; Tlia
full facts ol the kh1i:apping of John Martin's
thiee children, withheld by the detectives in
the Lcpe of their reeorery, are nnr made pub
lic, ai el sre substantially as telegraphed at the
t me. The only thing new is that the loader ot
th<-dastardly crime is one JohD Diam jnl, a
m?n oi ti>rcj.nie, who, it is claimed- ba1 seduc
e<i the elder girl, Ida, aced 15, and that a
i ioU.er, 21 years old was his assistant. l>ia*iiond
l? d-fCnl e ' as be i g heavy built, ot dark com
i'lexion, b'.HCk hair and eyes, five feet ten
i.ehts left band and forefinger cripple ! by a
rn-rM t wound. The children are described
>efj lo vs ?CLarley Martin, ?ged 10 years,dark
on p.>-xiori, small of his ape; Ida, aged 15, ha*
sea on ber right cheek, is sprightly and hand
. ut; CKi.de I:.., aged 1is vcry much of tiie
i r-t- appeararce as her sister. Excitement
-ti'l continue! high, and there is ercry endeavor
h> irg iit ei!?* for their recovery, whiob, e? far,
Las resulted in failure.
Hon New York Car Conductors Brat
th* Bell Pc*ch?A telegram from New
York sa\> Every conceivable method that
could be'tconght of has been tried by the con
ductors ot the several railroads nsing the
punch, to heat the game, as they call it; b it
the latest v. hich Las coilc under the eve ot the
sui*rintt!idet<t of the Third ATenue railroad, is
that ot a w ire rnn up the arm of a conductor,
at the end of which Is attached a bell, similar
in found to that in the punch, and connected
with the little finger of the right hand. When
fare* are received, the bell up the am is rung,
the j a*senger hears the bell ring, andpreiumos
he is duly recordud. Two of tlio conductors J
bare been spotted with these wire bells.
A Mtbdbb at a Canadian Village
Taybri*?At Wasbago, Oat., last Thursday
alter! eon Alexander )?. McDonal Jcan?e,-d con
bieferstdj annoyance in the Wasbago bouse by
insulting and striking several respectable resi
dents. After being t*:ce ejected, and while
standing with bis Lack to the hotel, a report of
f rearms was beard, and at tfie same moment
Me i 'onald was seen to fall on Lis face. On be
ing raised up a scull wound was found in the ,
Lack ef the skull, from which llowed brain mat
ter and bluod. The victim died that night. At I
tbe innue?t a witness named Poison testified ,
that Le saw Stephen Whitney, a farmer, who
fur jears occupied a respectable posiciou in the
neighborhood, deliberately aim and fira at Mc
Donald at a distance of twenty feet.
/ Forger in a Beef Barrel Moses
Meyer, who anived last Tuesday by the Goethe
from Bremen, was arrested last evening by
Detectives Wa'ling and Woolsey of the Ceitrtl ;
jolice oClce, accused by Mr. Larnara Wolf of
lVOWiliism street of having obtained 2,234
llorins on a forged note from his brother, Lip
man Y.'olf of I'arinstadt. The detectives trace!
Meyer to a honse in Attornev street near
Houston. Meyer, lerrnii g thf.t the officers were
close upon Lim, jumped Irom his bedroom
window to the jura below. He then crept into
a cellar and hid himself in a large beef barrel,
wLere he was lound by Detective Wailing JV.
1'. tun, Uth.
BtRrnBR-TtLTON.?The trial of the issue be
tween Mr. Beeehrr and Theodore Tilton t? still
t!e'fcrre<5, and Is likely to be again pos'poned
when it come* up next Wednesday. Tbe rather
lively tilt l>etween the counsel yesterday was
v holly inclusive. Tho proceeding* are iu the
fotm of Bn application for a bill of particulars
of what Mr. Tilton proposes to prove, but the
Incredulous and suspicious look u|>on them as
legal e-.pedient* to bring about delay. At any
rate, tbey appear a crab-like method of reach
ing a trial A". Y. Tribune Uth.
tr A "locking-glass Bjble" is the latest sub
scription book.
\ society for t introduction ot tempar
ance literature in e public schools has been
Limed In Chicago.
Among tho South Carolina Congressmen
elect is Reil.ert Smalls, the famous colore 1
steamboat pilot.
%i~K test of honesty?When an employer ees
a joungman with good wages spend all he earn*,
i te ha?l better look sharp to see that he earns all
I be spends.
Vniortown, N. J., woman, by the free
I us?- of carboli." acid, removed ail the freckle*
! off ter face. The doctor thinks a new bkin will
set m in about nine weeks
?Q-Wc are to'.d that"Mr. Loto, of Indiana,
recently eloped with another man's wife, si^t^r
and dsughter." Brlgham himself could hardly
Lave made a cleaner sweep of the family than
dispatch from Cayan, Ontario, says that
ga'ion on tbe Island lakes of that province
I- at cut over for tbe season. The mail steamer
Ontario was etoi ped by ice on the Blackhiru
narrow?. The steamer Yandorbllt bad to cut
ice nil the way throngh Lindsay river.
tO- Dnring a tire in a house in New York,
gatnrday, ccopie d by James Keilly and fanUlv,
James Keilly and his wife jumped out of one of
the <ii uer windows and ?n?tained serioa* inja
rle*. .tame# Reilly, aged fonr years, and Mar
garet Wbelan, ag. d sixty, were suffocated.
to-Charles Whitman, bookkeeper In the Pa
cific bank, New York, since 184S?. la charged
with having embexzled nearly *23.000 bv fictl
Itioos entrit s of small amounts in the book* and
In tte pass books of depositors, this operation
has been oondieMd since U70.
art'?? ?--Tt* /.?'! flaansial
????:?w*U-lafor?er| people are nor nr
Im^f,V ,n?rth* R% k ?* ?a?U?? mm
J*J" i*Vn \ effect uf thf? % !t?? >c? o3 the
?osa and foreign e*c7-&?*? tn*rfc*u b#r? G W
ad'tnc^VhVS ,? *? ?f *H --dint b?ok?rs
grEtfawfc'Jsttr. visxL^.':;
Kcs^asrars" - ^gss
m ? ? C?MWM?bl<? drain fro.n fo-?r?? gr, ]
5v???k ?<V?BW Iwiwtol lb- dr?'n ? f ? .1,1
rI2? n,.*". .?*'! >.?*a OD8 WOUM I) ' I Ueflttel v.
c*spi ni?*c^j i?!iders. An iovnt ce in t?,a r*i?. f
g&"Ito^?#?!tY2lar*e4 dM"? i f" B> tt*> i>
fictora '? k "} ??* euco?r??in? aod
5S2 k2 bm *? w*.t,?'r?> ??ii hl<h r moi'i
b"r?irrttt5** n f ,bi* ?*''df*ir> '* ? ld? u ?''
'. '?'"I; ? .JB' I K'al i;i ?,(?/ iinrk-t*!. vc'.-ilt
( h*Dg?. C?)M(.*dp" b<-in? 3'<li d r c^B? , 3 ,
p+T cett AH Ih* ri;:fr(f ,0 a j * r e?V??hl#iS
tl!e ?a?-r sent at W? ,h.e ? rr*'1;
apptottd ilrfrle D>un<* if' 7 t,, li'^ner
hf i? mill K'XCr>,i<" ?? tr*Bg;tc(! n?, btti
D nr<| fihovo tlifs-* r*ti n n .? ?p.~n .
w A^'1 k'fcb'r ,or b??'iaa i?*n 11 ? t?t'>
?$ U }>e b ?rt *u *?iai. VireinU
V *T?- II" - T . ., J'
oa*nJd M> 1* n'trVJ f,,r ?h?re? P' te-??
op.nwJ S'J'i low? r th*n ?a.siriaT. . 1 eV,
for New J.,rk Central, ?? i- aa1W ,t ."h wh. i,
anrf*llf? T' JeK'?Bh,r i 11 P^oiic <>ho
and Mississippi, ,h!ch ? -? 1 hi ,.or r Vh c,? ??
Jinc- It.n ai a.; an* of to l?.ih* lWi?lRrSS
1 htfh ?i?r J11"!11? ", Cl' ',l" '"f!'' *' p* l!
V??*".?? V- V" K"<k i* ? J. Whlfth *
v '' "(i6 <f th? ?.? thr<?? Rt' (k-f thi ^
Tar ce h?* b en IlmUM t.. The ?itrloiV ?!??
P'D' <bf <??? in .ho "f
ha\<- *e n f How?:?HortKw - , n*Vir -n*
r? '0,'' O.1-' ' ? V?4rAir ?
L'.r ?* V"2 *?lV >'????. S* -itr PvMrtV
?. ? ?> ,! '.* ^ ' k Mt ?<! 1(?I .UOl'a- c 1-in
f5.tiS?; ??<j~
Tll<* Ttirkt'lK.
?rVAiTIMvV'( ?f?,VtI"b'r11? -v,r^ nia ultM, (x^l
ft<' 4 ?'? > U * C-.n? >1 ?{*???.M't. 1t ,-x c ,n
2t?DM nJH;J Vir?ir'?''' "V S'.p.h >U- A r |
otd. 3u; <Jr..u?.w, JO; aT,5t, ,t t.-dt..
n.iN-iyiuNr l'"> ?<;<>ttoa ti- .?->>?
?ill l"*k '?<*??}'? '?oar Imt not an ?t
?bl) tuh. f; )?irij ?c>iT<.. Wl, .?t bit >raut nn l
iia fT2"0-1 V*1 N , J J , n:{(i
U ? . J? do., 1 i a,-! I - r j. t-,1 11( ...
M?ryl?n<?, l:. (?IJ?; do. tn.t- r, 130WIV; do/white
1.L i1"; 1, " 'lrM"* ,td fi fnar-whi .?
H.?mS J.h0* ?? ntuerii, K:to-5; mixwi w ^r-rn. V
# f #lw s d#*ni4u4?ff^n^h^rn, 62
fib?d^r5l?wm?T' rl ?: ?fcooMfW. S*;c{mt
i 1 . 11 1 mitou* h .1 hi].ivHn*~
ehouldere, 9S; rlemr nfc 8-r1t? . *\i*
cored bMW. US'5 L?-drirm.i5 W n-r'ib' te
f.irde"nara^S(ahV;,'t't> flrnier'lw:
filw \>ork, 1^> ?8t0cki notivQ an4
4 7 n ' 3- Kxctaauge, 1 >u<<.
* 7 "bort. 4?) 0 ??'miMij (<? n.
\t?ET Mnremt'T 18 ? FI?ur 8te*iv.
^ sdTBrclr g Corn f i fv
London, h vi-mbor 16, 12:30 *. tr ?Th? r%t* for
r.on? y ri. -? ? k?'\rh%^ cr? >ng ?ornm^ntiM?rt?
/L?*rcent. Oonioh farmo&*y* 9j', torse
cm t.9*?.,aDeeds of 'B5, old I0?V- 4' *?
losii.iN, MovfTTbor )?. 1 P in _Tb? ra'nof
ti^p^r cfrt^" U*nk ?r Bug'"ulc, aivaacol
Lond.'S. Noyerr.^r 1?, 2 p. m -idvices from
r?r ? qoote rent.-i af 61 fr?-c* 6? rentimwj
Nornnber 1?, S p. tn.- Wri^, \
tlnfpa <lle^'MChe, I'io'1" rent.a at 01 ftaoc?? 76 ceu
h^?II,I>0!!:.F. ,T'>n'bfr 1('' '?"f' tn.?The aminnt of
bDllloB withdrawn from tlie fun, of luxl-ird on
J\",'???" ?<'da> f>n*oTS r.,r mow,
.r,r "rcj"t. Parij dlspatcuw
auote rentes at 61 francf, M c-ntim-*.
1 * ?- ? .I,
, ?5?"A Baltimore salooaiet Lag hit on "conso
lation eocktailf."
*^"A woman in Sprirgfield makes a goorj in
come a.- a j aper-hanger.
K/-Thfl starving people in Nebraska are liv
in^ on baked ^quatli and pumpkin,
A Wsconrfn man makes Uis living by pra
.iictlrig tiies three hours before they occur.
P?rTh? Ixkndon 1-ancetpretenJs to ka^w Lo w
a mnn teel* when hie hea>l i? cat off".
?3"A woman in St. Croix,iifeil her hnsbaud'a
money to hire five lawyers to get a divorce.
t i
W? Arc "
And Save 35 p?r Cent.
15 riTr- roR ?,n
*'r. i n-"
tz'l %lr\r* KOK .4 14
fvo S, Tv *?fi
aiiL i > tL FoB
$ oo ^LiTs (f0a
co r?' c l o t it i jr a
tf__r<mer7th and D Streets it.yy.
in aid or Tiia
November 30, 187-4.
One Grand Oath Gilt ~^...S i?0,?oo
Oue Grand Oa?h Gift ?...., 100,000
One O'wid O&eh G;fl. 7^,000
Oue Gracd C??W Gift. ftO OOO
Oue Grand Uash Gift W5,000
<-a?b Gift?, ?20,000 each 100.000
J? O'fts, 14,000 each 140,000
Gifts, 10,000 each l?0,0O0
oV ?"!' ^i^w' ?.??? eash..... 100,000
S"11 4,000 each 100,000
3.000 each 90,000
1 ?Ji ?""!! ? Ji?' 8?0?0 each 100,000
1>MO e*?b 100.000
a??2 ^ 5 ?0Oeach 140,000
*?t nun SMk 2.25' 100 each 40.000
IV,000 Caah Gifts, 50 each 950,000
Grand Total *0.000 o:rta, all cash 3 450,000
?rv . w pMOI OF TI0KIT8.
u - - * 30 00
1! W ? j OO
Tm-th, ?r each C. coon 4 mi
11 V h le TicktU for.^^. 50q n(.
**;. Tickets for 1,000 00
Agent and Manager,
ants ^h?tMHbrMT BaiWm?' LoaijTllie. Kr.
r^UBISTllAB BILLe FOB 1ST4.-Indl.p nsa
hie 10 ail w ho alsh to b? Hitar
Ar?M??i nr?' p^lh ?n of one sramp by
* CAM8 A OO., Fnblishers, Boaton. norl-m St
ILK FOB 8ALK?JiOO TO 3?0 UUtkia?ef
0km of Lioodoon conatr MILK, all from one
cairy. Call and make roar contracts for winter
novlO-df KBuX A KRV1H, 907 La ara.
Br>T?' amv Tom's Suit# In woretM And
w?r>ted effects, tor dreee, in large variety.
B)j?' Orfrrottt and Talmas.
Bojf ca^simere Suits.
ti*o. C. No. 410 Tth street.
Christmas is Com *? I>o yon remember,
when >ou vers a boy, how you lut-i to count thtf
davctill tbe circa* should arrive or till Ohrlst
mfl* come? Ju-t now are the children
Of a larger growth counting the dav* till the
last Library drawing ?h *11 oorne off. I'ue little
one* and the larger ones are both looking f ir
ward to pkasure and to present*. Tli. boy will
be satUfkd with a ragged quarter of a <1>llar,
the mau yearns for a q tarter of a million.
Chrihtii *.? will gr.tlrythe ons. an \ the draw,
ing will KVi.-fythe other, if he ha* only been
tb< aghtful enough to have {.'irc'iae- 1 'he right
to share tn it if not, there is ret time, bat It
i? tuly Uitev ilajce,
Thkkk is no excuse for poor Bl?cuit*, Rolls.
Bread, Griddle Cakes. Maf.in*. W*ll?4, Oto.,
when Poolej's Yeaft Powder is used.
Bwtter than (} iN??S>rri????GaSantB!
Go South !" I* the parrot cry of tbe friend;' Of
the consumptive It is well want, but silly.
Ftw of thoee who are sufterin/ trorn la-ig a i l
threat ccnipla lit" ran g>> Sooth, or won 4 be
benefitted it they did go. HrU'i 11 ->f II r-.
h utt<i ar.<i Tar is worth in >re th-?n millions of
cubic feet of M>ut!:ern air a r.'tiie 1y 'or cve-y
'f.-Cts of pulmonary c imp' .int It will ?'Vc
any cough, any cold. any biOi'cVil com,' aim ,
aril effectually arrest the tendency to cansiinp
Pike's Tooth- A-.*e Dm: *-0' Tf | n one nilm'e.
To f?K (TEED of Hup*nro wear t'e F.lw'i*
Tru?p, 2o5 Peiirsylrar.ii Ufirns uorthwest. "!>A
Sb'rt* and I/r?w r^,?l. ?i 25, II.-V
e?4 h; Medn-ate?l Sb r's an'i D.iwers. *t H.?l
lander Broe., rear Wlil"?r.rs Motel. 10.14,1:
Trb Natiopal Savikxk Hank, o?rii-rof
h'ev York arfiinc and l.Vh strict. pars 5 jv?r
cent. i>er annum on deposits for each talentj
moi.it.. Banking boars, y to 4. Satuilivr, to
4 a:.d 6 to 8. 2TU.Utl<i
ALt-WOOI I !?DKr{?HIRT? AXD I?8Aff*8?,
52 .r0 each; the latest rtjis Senrn, at t'..Header
liros., next rti-or aooro Odd Fel.owa' Ha'I.
Ooiixs, Bt;Ntt??>*, <Ro.
For relief from Corns, Bunion-, Olnb and l*i
eronii;^ K?ll?. etc., Tislt I>r. Wbite'i e*
roeut, Ko. 83.5 15th street, op\Hi*it? the U- S.
Fisb Gent's Furnishing Goods, at Hollander
Bros. 10.14,1:
Me Chr. Xa>drr"p N'Aiivn W;k* cannot
be strongly enough r-ieom mended to th?j lover*
of a viiOuetOBMi b^vera^e, on account of its
pmity. Give Mr. X. a c*U, at 811 7lh street
northwest, and try it. H>,l7,eol:
? ~
Extra t aR'.b biz* Underwear, at Hollander
Bro*. 10,14,1:
Trt th* Elastic Tecw, 2>3 Pennsylvania
j avenue 'iji
/wwi Lr:4i- ani> itrN or niv*
6)l'w'? OlMPliiLAWM COAL for ?%! ?? lo?
r?t?s. I lfirM, 11 1 4 hu3 3H* P?nn - utb
?tii?. [uovia iw| o l sugaiyy.
I bb' ? ?!??-? on band a lire* aud ass^rtM n-x-k
?-f ASlBhACITE ?i..l HlTl ttlHOUS COALS.
PIN*. OAK and HICKOBT Wo )D ia the Bti-"i
or saw,-a and spin; ati kt rt nnd^r covor
L1 ?vlng tb?? c. i irol < f .r\ cral bra'<*l4 ft I.np rtM
ard Ii.JimM . OKKIHTS it.0 CALOIN'CU 1'Lns
1 A Ut*. st ? 'laudliiig r* *riy many oiiilio of B \ fl
(!OK LATUM. lam ir coudi". i? t ? till order* < f ./
thsrsc't r in my ;iie wrh d -p*?ck and IMelity *t
? )]< lr?aieaL<* retail, np ia Uruif that defj coiu>i
Central Offic?683 Lfnl?i?na avenr?<? ?rir'b<?-/nf,
BiMck T?k!?l?t st ikct i; ?'"1 0 4-.s ,south?ast.
wl ?tf?Foot cf Su itreet scu.!i???t.
tcfSl ]^ ? M. OC1N \ N'D^
Corner or Sliirylanl atenn* ?n1
L ca*cd an atiovf, aith a Urg^ and weii-aelected
BluCk cl
th? gnbftcrib-r ?< 'ici'3 a sh?r? of p?tr<vc?go fr?rn
frirr Oa bad tl ?? put II-. 0 ?"! "f all cb-ic? n :-kliti< -
t'ak, Pit^. ?nd ilickir) Wc-1, i*wm m il ?p it.
arid iu the stic'? THOS K OU^Y.
? in.frs l*fr aitb KMier .* McL'-?rt, T?hacr r ?,
411 7th ?t.,?iU r Ci'ivn p :.rnpl hii-mIi q <.c3?-lm I
Wholesale and Retail Deak-r* iq
DEPOT AFD YAKD at T. W Bil y ? WharTOS
foot cf 11:1. hi.i! 12: ti btn? IS sontha< "t.
IiBititjli OKi lot, t) street, between Jd *i!d Si
atrtetn in-rtaa^t. o.- li ly |
i ? Ak W Ol'D AT 57, AMtl PINK MOilll
" ' ? fct' pi-r k rd, ttsll^tred la uy p?rt of ia?
? ave yoar orders with BHAD ADAMS, oorncr I
*h rr.d ? or ?eu--; th?m to A:L.-e>
w 1'irT, f,-iot of C h ?lreet.
- -7 tr OO^BWfN Y.AtLIB. I
J" E . T I H ,
Doakr in best rerlrtles of
Also, WOOD In therjck,or sq* d and ?plit.
Price* in -oerato for cash,
0;* ces a, A YaMc Foot st K street ar.d Bhoiir
l?i'ii.d aveboe, bot'etn 9>h and 10:t. slroels.
Orders ?<?> r??cH??d ttirouah >Ue<!sr? UAM1L
TOJ6J A P1CAB&ON cor ?th sn? D ??. j?28-l;
^OtL ~ COAL*. I
We tor its tar attention of consumers to oar ttoct
of COAL, embracing all the choice ijualtths, to
uhich we arc making additions daily, which wooff?r
at Ijwest mark ><t rut"!"
OAK ?'.d PISS WOOD, snwed acl split or in
the stirk.
OAK .od F1NZ KI5DLINGS. la bna^i? or t>
the cord. STCPHJtasoH A B BOTH KB,
Office, 1 !ll?? Prnnsylvania Avi r.c*,
jeMtr Hill'ttcd Depot, 8';venfh-street Wtiar?
Corcoran Tire Insurance Co.,
0FFICK?14i9 Pennsylvaaia arecae northwest
JOUN T. LENMiN, Pr~?lert.
J. T. DTKB. heoretary. n >>t tvr
Ktsirsra Fire Insnrance Oon-pat, - of 3ew %'orl
Av etc, tljio.??? Hnrpi.ia, ? w< JU.
Bepobitn Firs Insurance C?mp<u.y et How f ork?
?-iStU, S.7UUMX-, So.plus, 340U,000.
Kaiihattaa Klro lasaranoe Company of
fork? Ais. ts, te-j6,4?C. burplus, ? J66.IW0.
Natioual Fire Insurance Oompauy of Phlladel
Pa ? A4E?ta. sbcxsJJM. burplus, ?Jug.uuO.
(Hd DotuIdIob Fire lusnra^ce Company of Vtr
tiu.s? A(k -ta. f 514,11^0. Hnrplns, tll3,'VJ.
tfia}U-tr Agents, 607 7tb street n^rthwosl.
Her* area few of ttos barfatna cflnred Bail'
?ad Oiris' H'likO Embroidered Caps and Hoods,
acd Mtrine Vreccb U.K<ds. Hsud Knit Zephyr Caps
and boas, Hstid Knit Barques, gl; Hiik and Satin
Quilted Hoodx. viry Die.ltWaM ?>; Infants' Me
rino Cl< M?, 62; Ohildreus', Mt?so*Taad Lad's Leg
sIhs, fiUo. and $1; Ladies' fine Merino Vests and
Drawers, 91; Genu'heavv Merino Bhirta,Sue. and
Cl; Ladlfa' 11 istj and Fine full regular Hose,
three pair for $1, Men's super stont British Socks,
16 andMHcj Lir(e White Chineaa Bilk Handker
chiefs otly $1; Small da., do., tOc., very cheap; La>
difca' and Gents' Hemstitched and Hemmed Linen
Handkerchiefs from l?>c. np ts fiOo.; .M?a?' tins
W hite fbirts only $1; Large size tine Linen Dinner
Napkins, $1 per d^ceo; Turkey Bed Fruit Nankins,
Cl per dozen; Children*' and Ladlee' Fan:; W jol,
extra long Huae.M to 60c. a pair; Ladies fine White
Nnbias, ?1; Tery bands me Silk and Wool Em
broidered Slipper Patterns only fl; Tory an perl >r
Kid Qlores for men and ladies, latest styles, all
colors, El and 91 SO; Ladles'Dogskin Oanctlets,
?1; six fine Ivory Handle Table aad I>~asert
Halves only Cl JO; six solid steel foil Silver Pla-?d
iDbsaert or Table Knives. CI per ast: six Tabla
spocts or Forks, warranted plated on ^bite M*tal.
?3; ?1* Teespoons, warranted plated on Whits
Metal. Cl; three and five bottle Castors, Cl; fine
ditto, Cl; Batter Knives, too.: Napkin Sinn,
l^?t plate,?e ; solid silver ditto, ci; flue Hair antf
_ -. . j?uiw uiiiii.ii, onsnairann
Clothes Brushes, J5c.,?c. and ci. Rubber Dressing
Combs,t&c., 40c. and Cl; Oval French plate Mtr
rors.Cl, Bill Books and WalleU, J8c. to Cl; Pio*
tore Frames In large variety. Se.nsto C?; Brack
Th t0 ?!; Towel Backs, B ok
bbelvts. Tables, H^rai^ks, Cl; ten-pin Diamond
t^cks,PHc.; llae Bazori and Pocket Knivse,
1; W erk Baskeu rrom J8c np to CI; WashsUnds,
1; Lacch Baekets, tfi and EOo.; Bhawl Straps. 16
arci tOc - spb-ni'ld assortment of Tas?* and Or a
i0?.1 ? Bnt Chromos la Immt jm
Tindty t UK 91 ftcd ? 2.
It is lupossible to enoaerate and deecrlbe the
thoaaands of articlea. Ooms and see for yourself.
*5J5W*Show (rods. Three floors of my larga
establishment are packed with goods to the celling.
C?H?Uwi Adyrtl? niu,
|T l R 8 . ri'Kb.
? 'cant iwrtarai >f LID1B3'
UCCHll PRkN > KrkJ.in
oAbLt f*TS.
bkAL HhTf.
ui1 ?r?rt#'??r kind *nn
^Tlf.,1 ?lf? Let.'. O HK(?
w. r. RKvnorn,
IJil BrMKf nmt.
Mauslilci In Dry Goods*
TO BE CliUMD 01 r.
130 PE1POB 8TBB1T,
octati m GtoBctTowx, I? C
PvtMMi CLA'i<. 1 a i?h t J forn? ?n lT?-'r.s
li ()i??n.( iro tii ?n ya(U*-n?t? ?r f iu
U. the Ciaaslce or M?tLeniat >*. Tern- n< -b ra *.
O. P. SOl'HcE.
C> rr.er Mcut* uiery and L" .utarton ? ?? ?.
oc1 J9 2m (J r<t ?j
1/1 K tkB .-T? Ui tii'i.nM li'J '.M#, ? i<1
*t ry, !ai*? ai-I **r* Jntir*? :? wtt* r * ?>
ml cu. O. II MJCRS'E, or- r M uU' 'n '> *nd
DueI-ai* >n ?n ,G?'r t. i .--iJS iw
F> <;< oi>fe ?i Hi- ??? -t r r
Ltdirr* Dr>? O d? l? U f ?mtw f ?( T **tl
fr.I u< for CMMr?-n. Clvths and tiMMmtrw
vely cheap.
A largo ?tock of <'*rr<t? arj O'lclf t?
Imr iwUo 1* |*kk ?*l< f end anial; prvflls.
|| T THOMAS NVUH Aocllaatac.
hKoPk'tfli Ii? UkUKUETo* X. l> C.
CDy i itt'? ? f a du-rw of tli - Sur' o> ('n't!
the District o! 0 In.i.t'*, r ? '
et Maicti, A I; <?, I.. tenUln
r*'di? c, whtr<io I: gieeM F?cdalt, i *.-w e* of
b > ni-lnre, w as c n. yUn-A-f. and Win P Ca^in^t
? 1. nrr d<fer?tat.;?, aid *r ord?r pa?*"d in *a*-l
c> B e e n Ocu : 3I?'. A P K(. t>?" naderalC' *4,
a- *rw'i*-?, ?i ikH, i?t. tb#r<?p-euve p,Muter *, oa
WiI)M?l)A*,N ? tnV r 1". 1-7?. % Ik*k?W or
4 oVI <-t p. rti., tl.e K llo* icg 4e*"rH>.<d real e*t?.e,
t.'1 li Of. rii li.?!i, MatrM of t'.itr-. ' i
A i lh?' l?l cf ct. <1 Ijt-'tr ?' d b~i ?ln#-i>r|?
t< wr , Pi?tri.-t ? f ???'nv."?, bt in* the o *rtti part ? f
I t Nil. IK.fu BfttiT k <l Hawktua' * dt i??:i toa?l4
town, at the c.r'-fr ?! Hub an.1 2l?tr t*. a.1
fi ? it k .V Im t, moit or l-'x*. on ur ? t. h I
V. ? n..-ie ? r !???*,on i-i *U??t, ioiproved ?un ?
C. u k k'. U Fran.'- W u?e.
All lh?t o'h?r jart i f 1 K". 11'.. In ??ld B^'y
and Hrtkm' *iMiit?Di t>'.otd?l a* foil ?* -H
p Mni ft hi ? toiDi t?i th? u ?t line of U ,'liotr f;,
dikt?M Sa f?ft < r tLett ali nti ? mth lm:u tii ? mth
vi?tc< rc?r ?'f IIiffti ?n< ;l rtr^'ti, mid mnnin<
tierce n utli vith ll>t iff ?fi f. in
?? d rntclipl ait w *i of 'he sam* ?tdtti to th?
v ?t line rt ??1<; l? t X 13#. Im?r..?t?d w.lUaSne
tLree-vUry fcruk fctvr- and Lweliia^.
nill l e ?<.ld tcpettier, ?'! iti<>?e two p*r'? of L t N i.
Ut| li Mid l: Hi:} aid ?Ml>'.u,l<t p?rt
t- uUid M fo!l ?>: B >.i uic* i7 f; et 1 iccll *r<>in
ihi r ii'Im<-?t c-' 1 e?-. f H igli nl id IMM| *ud ?n
Ur ?? utli lite ef 2d ftr-et, *r d run tii^u ? <n.li 4t
f?< t.tliec ?< tith decree* ?e?: ? f>et,tn?-ti ?iM:h
2> teet ^il.cliee to ? I rirfe w*lf h-itu it. ?lis- oitti
ih?- Dorth ?*ll of J?cot) b?tii>??;!.?<?* bou<e,
thf n Ifoott crs dtsrt If, wt gt !6 l-M S irr;i?< to : lit
woltrn life of tlie ??id >t, tbec north 7if? t lii in
cb< *,tber f ?*1 ?n:ti * >;th line (2! ftrt t SI feat 4
inch'-. 2d (nit ti i:!.4"l h* t l'o?? Biftniii'f ?t
Itie iHicth* rut ior?'.?r of the lot jn-t d-e. rt! ?d, ?t
the iiii eti' r -f tbe v. line of K f S iueh?*<
th lire ?,f 78 tt? t 111 ; e?ie?, rnn t*?en KMith uMiit
laftl'"!*'' Pie*.it 'iitnl h.ie of .8 fe?t :l iu"-'. ?. rn >r?
ct leM, l*r ' ' i.-rth ilie. lb?a e?e? 4 fet, tt> ?
rf nh | Aral'' I to lb fli&t I In*- 4j M 3 I- chei, tuur?
or 'w, arid th?*n o?t?-rlr totlx- bop ntile*.
Ten r i f (??>!?-; < t'.trd ol U pn'r.hci?- miscr
oIik'1 incdn' d t- (?>' ctrll, ?p>* tb?* litltiK*1 In
iw-. < cjhaI r?) ti.ei.te At ?ix A- d twelve ni 'nth*, with
lutrt**t froni of , lu t- Acrnred t>y ?pp oto
toi ds i r nlf- ?rd ? r v-rre.1 liei <,r> tha prfmi^o*,
Krdoiitt lAlitrn'i r. of * j cu It ??l? ?i"'f'tl! p<?v
n .e t of the jurct.B6' n-tif v . id - d will |>? ir-ven
t 'tle rtirrh*>?r? ?1> to li~ p?vl At time i f *?V
on itrk panel +? ,tl. A I c?iit*yiiTicio(tt c*t of
(DtchMKr. Ttrti ??t > l?? c? i: 111 ??d dithwitbio l!\e
Caj p lr> n o?) i I Mhrrwinn lk<< tra?n e?i?
?ervf tl e rlfch: to rtstll tb?- pr r -rty Ao'd ?t the rl?k
aid coet of tb' f^i.'ilnc rti'f'i^aer or turchavn
?Al>T*BS COX, <Tr,iI??.
WILM AM n OA?sl* < tnwt-CS.
nov* er*d? THOMAS IKiWLlliu. An l.
/ 'Kl?KIIE*n? 1 SAViV(,? Uiil.U. C.
'T *1 H'CU 9TUKCT.
Bank hours, y a. m t-'? o n..Ar,dori Batn-iJay?
(t I r> ^ file dejyai;n I rntll ? ?. 0: I liter.-#: J. II 1 >ic
?lepoaii# O'Jtitrtl B inkinc Buaineas J'^ae, ar d Ool
l*x,tl?mw? of all Mc?Mibi? p?li:ta. Pie oout
da) ?, Mouilay*.
H. POLBiNHOBN, Pr??idtot.
H. W. BABKETT,OB*hl?r.
H. Polklrihoru, Tb'~s.P, wlltf i J. T. M -tcuell,
IWiit) PiiKacn, A. L.Cropler, frw'.W.J sit,
Bile) A Hbibb, K O t)?n ty. Thoa. Baowiea.
^ CiK tV kiTAlll.lSiitikai.
W Itn <r!arged prori time, Improved macniuery
tbf* bt-at *? . nt to be i e.1 m ti.e r-a: r>, in Tart
evcrj facility for d in? the r?-*t work a' I ?* r; t< e?,
??m!d ?Kt-poc;fn:lr ' '? >rtti onr fri^'-lfa* 1 iji
f t t>?*r t'iBt |?r< -< mi.i?ut a? n:ay h?\ e b??-B "n? r.-pv
Lation in tb>
tr Pyelta Abl t1i4Blii||Lvll?? Pr
acyce-. Tie*, Bilbctw, sc , *c.t <*>"t-t'n 0
l'iv.t 1, and Veata
At bi ni ? toeverrb?*5y fr"B i ?. ai a^-.11
SlatnrdFiyafri.in 7* m. nn il -S p. m , A*t? >M
?:*'id eatabHobod 13S1, no# the n wt c mipi:<?> ic tse
C^utry. Bvrrybody comeai;'! aesaa.
jyi-tr 49 Jeffercoa ttr<it-t, Ot>or*^b o-ii. 0. ( .
BE T H ?
Eu% tlopi h ai<d C%rd? to Match,
KiLbrMitg aeteral entirely new aba^oatf C I-r
and tthapec, at tbe
?oLuno^ik * lUAmn,
Aciila L&crecce'a "Pare Linen' Papers, tc.
To the r*ri na POPCLAB AkiD SOIENTTFp
MAGAZINES, at.d lieelre to iucre??e u. acd re
ci r mm' tbo#e deairtrg aoy (Jod Mag?/.tna or 11
InMrated paper to
We Rturant?-e prou pt d liv?ry anl entireaatia
faction. We are dai > receiving alditious to jar
stock of bear.tifnl!) B<'und and lllM-tr*t -<l B>'A
f:r puMntatioti T;:-^>e ar? n >w displayed up .n
oor eonnt?ra lor i'"ip-?,ion. Onr atock of Juvenii*
Bm k? ih sraud. We have a lar?^ atock of beamltal
phot^CTBpLg at very low prices, and a Kr-at variety
of wonderfnllv executed Olirotnoa Onr taeUfti -
for Card Plale Ki cra\ii*g and Priutiug are p rf^c
YisitUg. Wedding an.' lw-ception Card* cnxraved 1:1
tin :iatest style. We have a large atock of tieautlfol
Bt alio nary.
no\14 tr '-'41 P?-ncsyIvai.iM avenue.
History of tbe Character and AcbleTotn?nts
of tbe aj-callid Obrietopber Oolcunbut,
wHhtnnteroa* ll!n*trati >n* 93 SO
Tbe An.*/ n and Madeira Biveia, wltb 6d U
lu-trat1on*...__ 7 so
Ontllnt* cf C'jwnee ?bilo*< phy_ 6 ill
Cbrisuanlty.the Bcit-ace of Mar.h>tfl 1 ?0
t? u$s of Many Yea:s; Oliver W. H"lmt*. .... j (,>
Life of Acffitral Foote; Hoppin 3 M
A Tocr B aud My 0*rdrn; new elitlon 3 do
Onster'* Lite on the PiaiDs 2 tki
Hand Bul k of Arrniftflnm , 12 VJ
N? w -p?p?T Cuttli.e* be rap B oki*
Scrap Book Pictur?*.
Beactllnll) B oiid aal Illnstratei B)oks for
Large satiety cf Juvenile Book*, new aud
splendidly bonrd end illontrat d.
B- n .d volume* St. Nicboia* Magazine.
Artists' Material*
Gold Pen*. Pencil Oa*e?, Pocket B>ok?, Chr-?mo*,
Viattiug Catd Ensraving, fine Kancr Hta'.n.nerj-,
S aple S'a'ionery,every renaleite of a flr*;<la*?
Book ax.d btati jne^y ?t .re_
Vernon B w,
P0T4-tr 10th atrect and Pi-nn. arenne.
jy ? W M O O Ik S
Received at
Corner 4X ttrtrt nnd Fnni<yki*ia avenut.
Ten Old Maids, by tbe author of Widow Goid
ncltk'a Daughter.
A Sack of Gold, by tto atithor of Joaeph the Jew.
Lorna Doone, by tbe author ot Maid of 8kor.
fijnire Arden. by Mra. Oliphant.
% eet Lawn, by Mr*. Holuie*, author of Lena Klvcri
Bonny t botes, or Yoang Ai.n rica in Italy and Aoa
trla, by Oliver Optic.
Joatin BlcGanhj * brilliant Btory, "Linley Boch
ford ?
Cbaate aa Ice, Pure aa Bi.ow,br Mra. M.C D?*parJ.
Gemiaoella, a Novel, by Mra. Baud 'lph.
Clot! of Gold and Oinsr Poems, by Thoinaa Bay ley
Lortrg to Win. b7 Theodora Davirs.
New rennf Picture Be ok*, beautifully prlatad In
ool? r* acd MmiJ band<vtu?l> , will ha lauteoav
ly popular with tbn yonng.
Mae^jntrade Block*, Expression Blocks, and Acro
bat Blocks, full of fun and frolic and moat bril
liant in coaitrae. ^ ,
Blar.k Book*. Pass Booki, Day Books and badf
ets.B'ote, Letter and Cap Pap*ra, Pans, Ink and
evert thing ic the Btatlooery -l|ne, wholeaa'a and
nr vi Qor.4>< atraet apd Pa arenne.
42? Iftratb Street.
Opening ? Chestnut Bnrr; by Ber. B. F B^we.
B oldenW 1th tha Ords. by the authr r of SURob
Tbe Frozen Deep; by Wilkle Collin*.
Khnrod of tbe Bea; by * ? W Da via.
Lily ud the Croas; by De MUI*.
Bcep'rea and Orosui; by the nathor of the Wide
Wide World. __
Doer* Ontward; by the anthar of W!a aad Wear.
Frond'a History or Ireland, vela. S and S
Eraser's Lectnira oa tb* books of tha Bible. aelS-tr
UCHlLLSh 4 rlkkaBO.
Bncoeaaora i?. Br I)?v'l 8. Ola'ke k Oi ,
nolS eola 41 T rsaa. ave.t bck. Ok aadkka-.i.
LADIES' goods.
j viit Bilk bec-hi?
chown Htik n*r*MK*.
BrFFAlO. PLi >li* a?* B*w h >- * COBRS
HPt.R?.t?. tki rh'K i a*o?
BA1HII**' T"*L*S. M.tS*?S.
HiMftlk''!:'rr* mi toilrt r. i-ri *a>.
or ?rrkt pwomrri m
The CROWN TOOTH BBr<tf. ? ?1* f???*ac.
war.aiird p? ifr-? i v r f<?n f < t. t r+rif aii
? ?ther till V ai?an TH# aai. e iT?Ma !?? RlT-a
wllL iltlr hn?' . ? and
W. a. TMMPI?i*.rii?r<MrW,
MtM lr 1?> ? ?: +
*U Iti tiiiir, Orra?ia r*tixr orr.n.
large Ma cvtM" ? ?f
rrhlir nuttk* ?r>u woK.-rro w
lulMflrtiillm \ r C*~-,t >>atr Sir l?
ardPLimr IR.-.O^>aa'.ci -th . r\ It*
IHrpr OwJti?r.i>, n?i *?? T >fi R?r%.
TH V^l INw*, i: v*-%i t
??**.*? t'w'VHf a ap-ctairr.
???*;?* tr
M ^ V V M-TOK . ? K.
901 r?nn?t l.ania ????#?. , i)? atatra.1
fkancb ru??iK*. ffat'i;:. i, bibds,
W htoA ail.tr ><4<l at v*c< I ? r* - ? i?T-lr
Jl ?T KKI IIVin,
1L? bail '? tueat ?aa>r; ? at >f j)P
f RATH El R, avj
a thacttp.
I. r I ?<M. *. ?? d Oii.lfn
TkoUl TV.' It TTON KIBIII. VE.aoirtl
l> t |air, to B?I. a" "acta* ai
V.KR. M J. HI %T,
Ac*li tr Rill and l> i r?l.
|*ALL F ilNolS
41 \\ iLf / \N*S.
?t1y '-r.
715 715
R KO P K X I A* C .
Pack acalr. at tte aid ?t?- <t, w' Ick la* h?*n ar
tlnljr rrb <tf 1 ?(,<! (rtltnl, ?'?? ?? 1 ?o >M R"
lurry to aw u ; ol4 TtL-Mia au.2 luri u.ra M.J tar
(vtlic ctjera U
Tha *r-at?*? r*f M.?h- T?.l >1
UllO l KMUIMiMINT." and tV'lisETB, tn
tx*ry a;U,*t d r-JlltiU r. ?IH ioa.
OLHABt a*i<l OKBrBBS t-r IMira, th? lar(??t
rtn i Di in a? i >t>
ftiVl.W V U4TH' H.issi-f. FLOWEEM.
* I Hz, tr., in nr> al larii')
~n ' L B l** A "
*i tfdhV 1 -rk "??>, l? rnoM,i(}U?
VC5tli and nctt r*i ft*.
. ?. nki i m,
'U R|i|r?.
f Ai?iEh vt urun i?o * n.L iti ill abd
^ILLIAB S ar( ? at . k ,4
1 iii ?t p-L,!, ,?i iu fan*, cau Ik* il ? ail at
mllstai v ii.LltHV.
I. ordi-r Id Pari*, at
octU-Xfl WlLUiBB^
?|^Bl UkU t >"T ANH rTvk> ABBOBT
1 II..lit ..t LAI 1 Kb I BLEIO. Al. ir.>la cms
otii;-iqi WIl.LIEB'B.
OOOfclNU BAI?IRR, HM*. I < *,
ALL BKW MIXED, at U<? etui* pit Riul
Pfim^BVEST ClOKti tlir<,r.*b th. . .?.
B-*' V^ih aui P<*una|-lvaaia Ul rti ''MEAT.
ttlHdt) Pr.ri:- B fc H ) OftH KltTRK
Oclu!o? BEW OlibEASR MOLA"??>.
?orttr IK I* Pontio I* .i i a?"00?
CrnPlitd boa!, *>? it. for Al 0<>
P- trd?.r??l _ . i - r tr * I ??o
Ornnn'attKl ...??? I! ? f .r * 1 On
"A."?c'arii'?k:' 1 -.f .-r Al t?"
DrLii. n.iMt) Itf Li for i 1 ?J
Our fin cart Oltn ac>t Imp^-rUl T?a? %rt the
N-t to I* bad in l> t? ? ?> al t?v ptl-?- muot-T r*.
fo.idrd. A ?* al?><. lia-o un tuta ., a .1 ?- 'ar^r tayp f,
r diff.'tfDt ;Tad<?, i cl'. 'lna a vary M?h
(tra'o ??t fcf'f.r /. Japat anc cL .!?* H >ytin?Oai:
|ic*tl?T, at nj**'?'!ate pricca.
OM OtyemrfTir J'Tt, raw ?50 oanta
Ottl <Jo??"ll : * ? ? J ax a, rv??t?-1 ? ? -.?*
Old Oov. ii u.tnt Java, raa , extra j .all t .1* ovuta
Old 4>ti\ t Ja.a, i *?t?ii, ritriqnahtr 4W eaata
Rararait>o,rar ti?c<-nt?,ruaatad S t c?aui
Lairn>-ta. ra'?, V~ r?et?, r.iaatM :t3 cant*
Bio, raw, B'J aaC 'ik lent*, r ittrc.VT and 3? canu
Welch** B'M FanMy, + r aacfc *B ao
Go War Hill F??ai'y. par aack B4 <>o
A. H Jl?'rr'? B?? family, ptr aack fiJ IU
Hi rut Bill* at l>? tt ra<*-a.
Pratiie Bird F uni.y at l> VMt rat-^.
Cboic?- Ki'ra. p.r a> L II Tt
G- ,<1 E ?ir>i, ? -r tar* |l 1?
Bowiatl. - . tnv fmm atipp-j ! Ifuar, at it
In anre to advatce urr?" B.
y. E B:iiirb A Oo.'t Orabatn TI t r ?:.?! Oratbed
Wt eat, direct froaD tb^lr null in Hr .\ijn av,*ry
wef-k. Prea! (?at SI al la Lalk; O i. ne Routch
V\i M-al Iti r 'ir*1 i-vki'tfawj O-i-i IrUb Oat
M<al( froB. tiit V ater Bate MiUa, Ui 16 b. llu ca^i.
Ora too of G-"rir? p.w T-^rk O - -n
jn*t arrtrt^l, wtii.-f: w* ofTer ?rb'"l. - '? aid retail.
Alao, jnat rrce/\etl. ?.*) 4->r.?a CAKNEB G<?OPS.
ablcli tre atll a.-n dnHi:8 tbe arl) tait ?>( tLo aaa
aon at utrt-ratly loa rat**
Pnre laipfir*4 CL'BA HONEY, l-y tb' ?alljti -a
deiiciona article.
Elphcozo Toun^ % Co.,
Cs.?i Mu't c Templk.
EirHUczo T irit?s(
J.r J(ih>?o* ( ?ctM-tr
fj' AID RAl'PHT.
Lo?ara cf wr,oA TEA auu OOFP1C . I ba plaaaad
to hear that tC'T cas.- bi:> the ocl- 1
?'B. T. CLUB" TEAS AND C'jR > pri^
at ButlKif Boa. 14? at.d 1440 tit.r M K?t,LsJP
eaat vine.
Tb??a a nod* are of the CbotraDl It ^rtaitina. and
are rata:lad a. a?:na!l a4vanr? t>r ?: l^eata ral<sa
All goo<la barked with tue pnoo. r KIC<'H
14* and 14? Ceuu-r Bar,. . If -f Wla'*.
Oy?m rrrrj a a J. acpl4-ly
lillT and ItK Paau?) laait m f tanit
Por pure W!NES: and LIUL'C^. ot all ara^?a,
radnc.t ar!c<?.
CLAKET p-r 1 7-n. ?i RO; BHTKE VTiBB, (I;
CATAWBA, Al Su ?*r ?all*< .
Ac , Ac.
@ raI 9
plated WAKE,
With oar lacreaard facilltiea we are preparad ta
fnrrlah tA? above (<>oda to o?r cu*t< i?ra aa low at
ey cau be patobaaed ia aortbern citiaa.
wi:iui * BK?EBIl?ur,
octlAlOw B?frw?en Bb and lOtfc irtrweat.
Care* Oytt-epaia. Canaiipatlta. fat,
Blooe Prurm alts Lint lnv a iiroi,
Bat? a ptwaaant Far?aUva aaadet Bp aM _
D. "
... . (Bncceaaor to Bewjcaa A Tola-A,>
GEN Eh AL COM B Imp loB meacbabt,
_ Ililll in
Aaenlfor ?IKe?t PAB1LI PLO0B AID
PLAINS BILL EXTEA, Ba. W1B L ntalwa a?a
Loe. V aahiu* :*>a. O C aaplt ka
I will aell at ?!.?: *al? toe t>aat BllTlOE at llo.
lad. LAMB1 llVic. Al*?, h*t ? .>o
Ot>L r.-E*w8atHat a..i4 at vary rnatnaa
bla prla** Baiect*: aw* af aaaoad-haad Olatktiu
>at^PBTB?, Rlt B

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