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EVENT NG STAR. IKIDAT ifr?>mK?r 11, ?. onliiinril from First pit^r. r-sa'cr *ku tie psMIe service dectndt; ari Uti c?ri pw' of the (<!mliiutr*(i>.D be j?-tly ac< tiiiiiDO. ated to tbe joiicy of Uh act in not former c ntir.uiLg lite political division.- of sa:J DMiiet. Fourthly. To ?o tx*rci*e the atoresa'd author it? of making, amending, and abrogating regu lators a# to f>ecare. a* far a* practicable, eys tfm. kirw ny, aril rif r in the administration tfercigbeut s<to? I >epartment. and tc <ie*.gn?te ? hat portion of Ukw engaged nnfer said De lartirriit are net ofllcer*. but are merely em ploy** ior wage* or without official petition requiring ar. appointment as aforesaid; an l ?o mi MitiM iU exclusive authority in ti^arl to ?Mi")! ordn ance# ami for the enforcement of tbr Mine, a* to biiug about a just ami efficient a?|riM-atma of ti-e authority conferred by thu statute. K filly. To take ari) hold thetlt'e and p^m> ?*on of the property at any time belonging to ??id l?ls?i .ct. or in Tbecustodvof it* o^icer*, so far as .he same is not n the United States and aim b> law placed in tl*r?r. of "im-* partlcu lar (il i tr t! ? re??f, a: d to take all proper pro e?cdlngs ?*.?! Bi?wnre.? au'httr'zed by law for the protection 01 the property, ri?hU, an! Ititui;-'? of M?<d I' itrir', an l for the protection of the t -operty ..I the United Sta:-? In u**j tor tie j. ir}***' .-f m l lep^rtraent. so fw a< roa n-?*r,r an), tbe other proTlftriiuof ibi^ac*. Sijthiy. To ho d at leaMone staled in each of iorty.*iji .t different weeks of evs tear: a'-il cue of saM meetir*- in tiie m>nth ot lie.-. ? . ft ?iii! ?o.e tn fbe u.i ' i ti of May of ea-'j tut, to be designated In the regulation-, 'tail be ?:ee: rd to be held lor the purpoee of, an-1 th- re fh*.l be allowed, a f % r arid reaeomble opportunity. ns the re/alat'on* mar provide, to. ?m i? 0' lit tax-pa.erof t-ald Di'triot to after ; i ? d express t i* view? anJ receive In or m?*-n up n any r attrr ronrtcted with the dw -? of K-gei:"f. or tha a<.'miiii tra'ion of ?a*l ("?? |-artmei.t. ftir; My. To il?i ar.l report* annually, or niie 1 muIIj ti e ?Oiiare of the i^rri ". n ay ii it*;,pin c-i ri ;Mre, tiom fr?r7 h"ii ot hut*an. cr other ottcar so appeinted without rtriipi mentis thii, concerning any or all of tbeir ?. the ?i' !. . 'ii ai d need- of fietr ptrt of rat oii. an' the detail of the e\ pendi"'tie vi *>; m. nev, and eetim*.resof future e*p<T.ees. t S 't y. T"? r-.ake in armia! report to th? P:i' '.flit of i.e . I ?t< .1 Mate*, ivr trkufioiiMioa to Corgruf*. as enriy ?:* the tenth dav of OcP? b? r ot each rear, in which sball b* Pet forth the noiLter arnf salary. roint>eii?acioo, and boars ot regular r?rylce ot th--?e in orttceor employed dor-rg the , **?' i>ca! > ear In each of the eeverai bureau* ard rf^res irnder tai 1 g^Tornraent; thfl a| | '?<-** ioi> made of all publu- money* dnrirg i?airt y*ar, -^citytng separately the deta.lsoi thei*pen?e> ntun biinau and separate ofhoe oi ?H??i s"aern:ner?, the particulars .-bowing the ef -.tru y ard 'e- .iltsot ?"lmiciiitratio:i in each ?a:?1 i- rtau audi f. e?timates, with like par ticularity, for the c?iti. r.g t -cal year; th? newt, ot -aid l>gent? as to the administration in ?atd Dtotrn ? during 'he |-v-t year, and such sut*gr tinn* tor the iiO( ro?cn.ent of the same an 2 of the law* theretoappi?cab:e, as -anl Ucg-nte nur dtem worthy tbe attention of Con^res*. Anil suth rejivrt sbaMtoflmlo reports, or ahetract ot rej? rts. ma^< tostieh Kegtiits uurinf; the past year, and ?hall also inc'ade all ordlnancos an l public le^itlatior- in force daring anv part of Kttd lact \e-r not before luc.udcdiu xuy such re port. >iutblr. And. e-reoia!!v. said reports shall. ti:ue to t.ine. b'.n^ to the *ttcntiun oi Oagrrs- >u? gcstior^ ot ntthudu to i>e Carrie.; oiit, at.?i dialMil ai>prc[ nata laws to be eoaoreti l? r recuri: / the f>t?-. pnbl.c schools, tho lar^-j-t attenuaiiCe of the raiue practicable, lor"re U tu* * ce and vagraacy, tor tue care of tn uidortnra*r. ar. 1 :or giving efhciei;cjr to the erin. : a ailmim.-'raticn is.anl District. 3rd in t-itfr tir.-t animal lejiort, s?.il Keg< lit? tlx ireoti tin-n l t-o or three .-u.ub e sit.-, coavecieat!) ?iiialrd? thin the public ^roiin-i. ot sfc. d i i- r-ct, a.- being m ist su.table to beset a art i r tbe ojien-alr aciu>eriienUi ot toe peo ple; ard 3 Lai I al.-o n-commrnd threo or uo-e adti.uaie | 'act - ui^in the streetsor other pnbiu* gio.itt - ii Imuict ah -re the tale of ar:d Tpg-f ?Me.- and rma'.: mui ellaueoui arncie^ n a>. ii? <ier proper regulations, be maiie with out i-have for the u-e ot ar> ground or prem ises; ?i.<1 uron sucn site* Si. 1 places b;ing ap 1 o?etl by Ck|w>, the -arue ahail be regarded ?- dt voted to raid pari wes. lnjn?R III.?Ok T3? l>oasD or Hbalth. >vr. 11. 1 tat there rbil^ be a bureau in said department, at tbe head cf which shall be a t>oar<l to be de?i^nattd tbe Board of Health, to lie itn p? ?-cd ot five niemhora.of wuich two.ani the yu?.cseore oi each,?shaii be pbvsicians not utt't: thirty years ot a^e, oue of whom at least tiac i ractic<.u ib said I>.?tn t for a per .oj of nit less than itur jetr? ueat precetll: g hi* appjint meiii: aodot whi h one mrtnber suall be a law. 3er, iM/t un'kT said bge, who has resi fed there in for a | en?*i of not tee than two years next I rcced ug>ach ai po-.Ltmo t, an 1 blssaccewor? t.ail have the t*me qualification;-.) and of ahieh two sial: l-e rj.ifflcio mem!>ers. one ot the latter bt'tg the Pit-ident, or acting |>re?i iiei t fcr tbe time being, of the Iteird of Kaaca tiCis, and the other tiding tue President, or act ing prcMdcut tor the time being, of the Board 4,1 Fsiice; ar. X a certm. ate of sach app jintni.-nt as <or of being acting1 President, of either sa d board, given by Mid K*geiit# or Boards respe> t.?e;y, ?haii be" |>nua facie ev.Jence of a rig it to act a* a nu mber gf s?>i Board of Hoa!:h Oni ing the j r. per period to be ?tat*l in ?a^h certificate ?a d lieg*nf- 'ha1', appoint the three mtiiibtrs of said b.?ard of health at.d their nicewvor*, but c-u of the phy*icians io be .'hall bo appointed on t'ie ?. f n rtc.u-uier.-at ,d of th.-Surgeon.Gen ra' of the Arr-y, wl>tch r.)Cuu>uienda'^ot. bj ia < it. make. at>?th nit elsewhere t > r?i n t r '*w -h*'ardicg Tho^e tr*t app >i: - ed sha ^'?'.?l oft cf fcr the terms of six. fojr. an.. t?o ? ears reipe*.timely, the certificate of a j pcntuieut *hal. declare; bat each ?a-ce??r ot -a u app?/,&t?d nemVr shall b? appoint i lor the ttim oi t J?at- ?ic*pt that said lfi uei t* .-ball f'I Tar<ncit? t ir tne irsid ieof tae unca| .rcd tern: ol aL> appolated u)iuj?r. ?s?c- 1- 1 hat the >aw >* r eo apjomted i and Lis nct-frM r* rrr|<i tiT?i\ *hall be premient at fa.d Board ef Hfal'h. bar in ciMOt his nigl?c* or laahi' ry to act. or periling a va ancy in his plai-e. the loard mi) elect one of its members pir-.oent protetr.pjte. The Hoard ot Heaita n ay a -o fr< itj tit,e ?o i.t.e rcromtuend to - aid Kfgent* a-nttatiie per- n tt> be appointed as :t S-cre'air, wh -?i Secretary, In addition to k*?-| r.g ihe record of ;h? yroc^c in^ani p.-c (*r-. ii g the *<.cri. ard I'l b<?ok?. papers, anl r*c ?; _ .i act a- lleg-.-ter of \ ital Statistics, and ?hait lerfgrir such other duties a* the B. ard iray direct; and wataerer tb-?re mar b-? iteret r, t:.t> Board may *elect asecretary ' pro ttat|oie. The Board shall al?o in 1 k'e ?nanser re<-oi&ib'ca I r ?p; oliament a oer-on havu g *de ,aate educa'in, to be the chiei ei- ' eciti?e i f! i-er o? the B-ar l. with the t.tie ot tb? S'titary S J^erinteu'-jrt, an.l may *>rec or an ' for apio-ntm^nt a reasonable number o* at ta*y n l|. c'ort ?r .-ai 1 V not c*? ? ceauu g tour to 1 ;d cuca a; ^.n'matt at auy j or.e time, ct whom t?o ni%> b. [hysiciaiie, anil : wis rhail tc a} r^o ?k. ied Tn at'ters o: dra:' ?? and 'U?n? i? ani may recoiuacnd tit. ri ni v ! of aty of it? *ai"1 .-ub'>r?linate-, , ai.d from t.rr.e to t tae u> ?y pre. -ribe the duties ??? ea? h. And *?? 1 iu?tors be re?p*c- i ft 4ulicl io tu*Li. at k?s: os.i m tw? i w e?- a '.0 faid K. ?rd, in wnt^og *'ii r u> ? ? , of thtir uM-e ti jiis. w^.i h shall be | r?>.; fiii.. and >4.1 s :p<iin'er. leut shall ?W t ;i. ?rtthf immUv to mM UjiT'l, >a<t a lui'.h iM' f- f'e BoarJ hall re-i^ire Ar.a " ?e Hoard of li.a.'.a a-y a!*j recicttl. '.d ur a| iO LfuCItt %rto-a/tir.t" "-utnberoi clsrK? i>ut i.c gr. ?ti r li aih> r 'a be apLointed, and no ir .re (reifnis ft ail be enslaved unJer said board th the p- ic lnt^re!''- detna'ol anl t is apt>i.,r. ?aa-l lu-;;'y. i'^e action oi said bc?rC ha.i beat public c ee;ing? duly cai.e 1, lu.. c.? ii: o* a*e p-ril to thepuolic health r~.?i Kegctv aiaT aa;Uor,/e r*.i Board to t?mirrariiy h^id secret meetings.) and ihe |ru\ as coil calling the Ba<ii>r?| -aid Kj g?r ?? ? rnMCtm. i .-.nea*. a'.^ ,hA d ity an t voire of .is ni. . *o ara: in thi nature ap vucab>. stau apj'.y 'othe itoanior Hea'thand it* rei * r- , e *|t tua' the y^ter oi three tt'r'be-sct -?aid f ?i i most ronctr .u any ac t on B ?teri?::y private property or pulo c !iitn?- - ?.ui > dm'.t !y ni *it nuiu '(r II r sen I may adjourn, acco ding to tne reg-ila i'i i:'. and a icajority ol a ?. lui im .uay transact ? '. Sui- to-?-. i: t on every ;ue*tlon of racr nihetding any apiointmen: or removal, tiie ot?? thereon o"' all ia*ml?ers preaent and ??titled to vote >h!>il be puo..<- y uaaen and re emded by the Secretary. it. t; at tie a?Tu*l salaries and cora I i-i:>at!*jii of the tieoibera and offlrers of the l'oard ol Hea'ih -hi 1 be as follows: K.rat, that each cf th' three utciabara app>.utol to tne K jar>1 -hall be on th ja-an ! dollar, that W each of the two ii-aAcia m -fubero, the sum oifr-.e 'oi.a.-s for e.ct of the Ba?rd ah'-i he t?iali attead. hat neitner ot" said e* ?,ft-cio nieu.beis *bail be paid more fian foar t urdred dol'.ara for service* spin the b iard o' Mea th dur'.t < any one year, aud the Secreta'y sba.l so keep his m n ?.????? that thev ?h til clearly show wMeh n i-alK-n oi *???! Hoard w^re realiv present duri'ir the re^psc'ive ?<-?10114 01 th Board, and which w-re not; s^ooudiy. that ?! the Se- retary, two ?h-is?r-i haaJred doi ?a'?. th rdiy, that of tbe Sanltarv S-a:*triuien t. t?o ?hw an<! fiva hun Ire ido'l ?r?; toirti, ly. tf at ?.t the whole number of, be lrg an aggregate to bv ptii lor In-.(Action, a ?aiu cot exceeding ona thc u.-and flolU'9; fl'th ?a that of the c.trks. an 1 o brr a-s?etauU or t/.e brar'. an?' ef.itif, an amount tk?* e\ ?ee?l . 1 n the ag^egate iheeuuof Ave ttr>a*aad ? ? ilar-; t (<?r *-t mentioned ri'in to be ap 1 .rr ot??! >s tie bo-?rd ?hai! deaa brri. Sec. 'i rh?l -aid Bo?rd f Hea th ?h*l! pru Si * .hU way f cercl?a throughout said 1>1-U or in ??..!- 1 4rt- of ?h? same a* ft may t'lioa tl?? fa* lie welter* to r?. .re. aud by apotvpnate k.4 ih> <1*. a'.? ?* *? t par1 ot t e avthjrlty for tl e f rt?tect!cc of ' -man ' te nrvl t *r th* preiir *at!*a and prom tt ?n ot the puhfio he ti n m Mid I> ?tl ic', W 1 .1 MiW If'otigaUt an* oAjei ar persvB. or to can ferret Vt ar y 11 e or orai v aice, ir reterf-re to aid IHetrict. but aub Jert t?? any right ot su^er?i?ii?ii hrrr-i-i . ,o,_ I-1 reti upoaeaid Krnu't; bat nothing herein ccnfa.kcd Cn.i bm detiucd to iiiUrUre With criminal proceeding* or tbe power of taking the same in the courts of justice for the protection of life or health, or to Interfere with the medl f?l officex of tbe United State? having author ty be> ond Mid District. A ad paid authority, with that herein confer red, "ball be deemed to embrace at least th* fol'owlng subjects. ard to authorize tbe re quirement of ;*rmits trom raid I! >ard and all appropriate methods ot dealing with them, for the protection of lite and the public heath; but to discrimination shall be made against any schocl it theory ot medical practice; and until the contrary adjudged, such authority shall ? bo presumed to be legally cxercised, ai d the prevsions of s?id board shall be observed, vis: First Quarantine on the part of vessels. their cargoes. and persors and things from or be longing to such vessels. Including all reason able inspections, detentions, and pnrlfleatlons. Secondly. All sources and causes of tbe In troduction of disease iuto said District from ? theut. through person* and propjrty. by which the public health is or may be eudan gercd. Thirdly. Proper precautions against the de veloj m< lit of d'?ea?? or danger to tlfe or health In s?>i<l District.whether from the soil, decaying substances. -tagiant water, or from garbage, defective drainage, want of ventilation, adul terated feed, medicine, drug*, or drink", or fr?m other aralogous cause. Fourthly. Proper care and precaution? to j revent the spread of di-ease from those (being persons cr animals liable to give disease to hu man beings) wires*'v sick or exposed, including Sinn; ry removals of persons and property, an-t In e \trcr .% c-ist.s, ot ?:rave danger to the pabtc health, the destruction cf infected property. FiiiLly. Appropriate Inspection or food, drink, medicines, and decoction? so f?r a? , reasonably necfMn to secure what i* wbde s> m< and safe or for th- protection of the public health, or to give protection against admtert t:ot!s and deceptive of jnai t. or COlcpOSltiOTt. Sixthly. Appropriate tnsn'ares tor making ar.d eniorclcg vaccination and the reasonable furplr of vaceine matter. j Seventhly. Tbe limited snppiy of g ?j Ji r;n? ai.d m dical ail to the destitute, whoa : needful to | rotcct tbe general beaith or to pre vent i ireme Buttering. F'gbth'y. Closing, or requiring buildings and residences to be closed, against human litbita tion.or to De s'reng'hened or demolished, when necrfs-try to protect hum in life or the public health. Ninthly. The registration of birth?, mar riages. divorces, and deaths, and the causes o; such deaths, and the requirement of reports ard returns in the form said boatd may provide for, from all persona ar.d officers, of cr in said District, needful to snrh purpose, so that all tbo?e occurring in said District, and the proper particulars of age. sex, color, condition, date, ? place, shall clearly and fully appear in the records of said board; which shall be open to reasonable inspection. Tenthly. Locating and ordering the erectian. as appropriations will allow, of a proper naus ber of puMic drlnklng-fomta'ns of economical design, and also of baths and urinals, and th* regulations of the same. Eleventhly. The regulation of the discharge of the duties ot coroners, so tar a* proper or , needful to protect life and health. Twelfthly. The authority of granting or with holding licenses, as far as needful to protect the public health, to or for lodging-houses, slaughter-he u.-es, and the ba?iaessof slaughter ing, m avengers, the driving of animals,dog< in streets, interments and disinterments, places of amusement so tar as relate* to ventilation, in gress atd egress, stables, drains, water-closets, c?.es-pools, vaults, cisterns, drainage andsc^er age. and any other business or matter which would be ? peril to human life or the public he*! h it 1.0: regulated by saiu b >ard. Thi jteetthly. The use of Its information an 1 influence for causing all the offices of sai3 g--?v eminent to oo-np*rate for the protecf.on of lite and the put-lie health, and the collection and di.-semir.ation, without unauthorized expense, of valuable information upon the subject of the best means of their { reservation. Foorreenthly. Tbe taking, occupying, ani Ptt 1 g up or constructing, with the approval, in writirg cf said Ke^ents, of all -uch buildings and premise# and the employment of each a l diticnal perrons as may l>e n*<;e*sars for the proper discharge O' the duties of said Boird, iu the or in the "rninment proepec* ot se rious peril to the public health from infectious or contagious dise^e and the we, at all time', of the nect -ary accommodation lor those ot whom said Board ought to takj care, for the protection of the public health. Fifteentbly. The making of snch regulation? as shall provide for the order'y d.scharge of a I tbe function* of said Board and of it.? sub ?rdi natea, and the recommendation of a'l "ichor fi nances as ? shall be reasonably necessary and proper for the efficient exercise of an> of the powers enumerated in this chapter. Sixuenthly. And It shall be t:. jduty of sild Board to mskj an annual report >f its doings t? ^aid Kegeiita, at such da'e as may be re<j lire 1, of which .-aid Kegents shall c*u e a reasonable number of copies, not exceeding five hundred to be published in ecouoorcal form for gritul tnus circulatioi;: and in said rep >rt shall be s^st forth the health-ordinances atid he reg i'atioa? of said Board, thenaniM and sa'arie- of itsofti cers. and estimates of ex;>enses ?r th? succeed irg year; and said repor* may & -o lac'.ule use ful mf'oimatii n atid s iggestionr -rlatir g to the sanitary condition and vital f tistics of atid Dlrtr ct and tne nn| rovemen: i tie sault ir? a^min i.-tratico. See. 15. That every person and Nod?* in slid Dii-aict ujon or in res]>ecttowl prop'rt y,or by reafon of whose omis-ion < ? uegle;t, said Board shall incur expanse for t ? protection of life or health, as herein auih t.i d, will be Uable to paytach expense or th >*oper p._oy Jr t on ot the tame: an l such e ens.*s miy be made a lien ou such proper j, r l or ptr^ona', and this liability and lien ?ili ? .en 1 to u'.l or t > the }-roi>?r proportion of thj ex; .j?a to bi d-? lern.ired by or undersold ^o^ )ofcleaning, draining, dif .nfecting, repair<n& removing, or other exj-ense Incurred or mvt ,-v r^a^n o.' tbe oommon default, or for the xiu ?n benetit of several persona. And it wi' -eihtdu:yot ail parents and guardians, or of . p^rsot s hav ing authority so to do, to hav< a<.ir ch.ldren, ai.d childre?> under their care, k'eiy vac cinated: and of ail ;>ersons to a^ ? d ai,d to pro vide against, whether in their o? 1 person or in ?heir property or premises, wi .lever mav ??e danger.ius to li'e or detrimental ? ? public health. And said Board shal' ke< p, in a labltc p is.tijti ir. its oft ce, a complaint-book, 1 vhich any per son w ithout legal liability, Bd' iter his or her name, enter in a proper ma a th* ta ts in regard to any prem -es, persoi r t'i'.ng in said District, being in a place or c Jiticn danger ous to life or detrimental to Uu abl e h^al'h Sec. 1>>. First. Tnat vhenev any bidding, erection, excavation, premise business, pur suit. matter, or thli g. or the ?er*ge, draiu ag?, or ventilation thereof. said District, shall, in the opinion of sa.'l B J, ( whether as a whole. ??r ?u any particular., in a condition or in effect dangerous to life > letrimental to tbe public health, said Board .y take an 1 tile among its records what it su icgarl assui ticient procf to anthorrze its 'eclaratian that the Mine, to the extent it mav ciiy, 19 a i>ub lie nuisance, or dangerous to!, or Jetr.mental to th? pubia health; and saij 1 > %id may ttiere jj-on en'er in its records the ??? > ;n a nuisance ?ji uor detnmeutal . aforesaid, and jrder tUw i*ae t.e remo - J, abated, s is }<nded, .!tere?j, or otherwije ^ororee? o: pu rifl d. as said order shall g -11^; and suail cause said vrder. before i'ft Ntfcation, to be strytd On the ownef, oecnt , Custod-aa or tenant thereof, or some ot tl 1. who, to slid Board m*y api-ear icu.t dr y interes'ed u> ts execution, provided said ? "tie*, or tayof thein. are in said District, a; '?ao be canve Ciftntly found, and such serv. i c?n be conve niently made. And .1 a*>y pai 7 s-j serfed (or intended 10 be according to th 1*#) sha'l, ba toie its execution is coir me d, or w itU'.o three days after such s<rv!cd(* aUctapted ser viae. apply to s?id Board, or the President thereof, to have sa.d orci?r r it? execution stayed or modified, it shall t*i? . bo the duty of saiu Board or Its President, u he may be au Oiorized, to 1 .mpura'ily and in viith g saspend or m<Aliiy -aid order or th" ex cntiou thereof, t*:ive in cai>es of immirent danger from im {?ending |<esti ence, when said tiovl tuiy ex ercise extraordinary powfra, ?? hereiu e ?'e ? hi re sjeciOed, and togivesuch 1 arty or par ties togtllier as'he case, in the opinioa of tho Board may require, a re?scr*?. 'e anl fair op (urtanit) to he heard betore sail P >ard. and to present tacts and proof* tacoarU ng u> the reg u>at:uns or dire?.tiocs of -aid Board) ag iin-t .-aid declaration and tae ?zecution of said order, or in favor of ita mcdiflcwtion, and the ! Boaid thall entar tn .'s minutes or place on it j flies such facts and prod's as it mayiecaive, and its proceedings on such hearing and any , other proof it may take; and 'hereafter miy rescind, modify, or re-affirm its said declaration and order, and require exevutiouef said origi nal, or of a new or mohfled but not more stria gent order to be made, in such fdrm an t ettejt j as it may finaliy determine. Secondly. That said Board may, in ctses not justly calling for tbe aforesaid opportunity of being beard, or when the public safety will njt sliew it, order, or cause anv excavation, erec tion, vehicle, vessel, watercatt, room, build ing place, sewer, pipe, passage, premise?, grout.d, matter, or thing, (iu said District,) regarded by said Board as in a ooniiition dan gerous or detrimental to life or health, to be purified, cleaned, disinfected,r.-newed, altered, or improved; and may also order any substance, matter cr thing, being or left in'any street, al.ey, water, excavation, building, p ace, or grounds,(whether such place where trie sacy may t.e public or private,) and which sail Beard ma' rsasonably rrgar 1 a. danger jus or detrimental to lite or heaun, to l>e speedily re moved to some proper place; at d may de.?iguare or pi ovule a place to which tae same s'uall be . removed, wher no such ade-.uate or proper place, in the judgment ol'said 1> >ard. I? already I roviced; aria the orders of the kind in this sec tion secondly mentioned shall, If the proper person ot persons are knowu to tne B jar 1, and can l e con ven'ently found iu *?>d I>.strict, ou 1 whom to make tbe service, be served n,i)n una or Ei?jie of tbe owners, occupants, less-es, cus todians, or tenants of ths subject-mat'or to which said order relat?e, or npoo one or more of the persona whose duty it w?a to have done wb%t is therein required t? be done, as may be just and proper in tbe opinion of said Board; and lfsud o- Ur is Wit con.plied with, or a* far : ca jBpliad w.*h as fbe Board mav regard as rea j t.natle, ?:th'.n t wo days alter such service or * ?T within any shorter time ? hich, Id riw ot pestilence or peril, the Board ? w deslgr-ated, or is not thereafter spe?<l n a^i!i J' y <*?cuted, then any inch order way be executed *? herein elsewhere provided in regard to any of theorder< of sa'd Board. A nd If personal service of any aforesail order tanrot b- made under this action, by rea?on of absence from said District, or Inability to And such persons therein. to be shown by the official certificates, nnder oath, of the officer having snob order to serve, then service may be made by ropy poered on the premised, or left at the residence or place of busiuess of the per son sougl.t to be served, or of bis agent, or ser\ ice may tie made bv send ing a copy of such order through the mail, ad dressed to any person intended to be served. I he e*]?ei see attending the execution of any and all such orders, resp^firely, shall be a s-y. eTal and joint j^rsonal charge against each of the owners or part owners, and ea?h of the les , sees and ocenpants of the bnildlng, baslnew. J place, i roperty, matter, or thing to which ?aiJ order relates, or in respect of which said ex pense* were incurred; and also against ever* person or body who was by law or contract rtonnd to do that in regard to such badn-ss place, street, property, matter, or thing, which jHKi order reqnirt 8; ami ??aifl e^pen*)* *n%ll al?<o be m lifii or all rmt an<i compensation <l*i? or to pow due, lor the ure of any rlace, room, or bnildlrg, prem sts, matter, or thing, to which so'd cr<'?rr relate*, :?rd :n respect or which *at 1 i erj.rses were incurred; and also a lien on all conversation dne, or togrow das, for the cleaa ii ft of any street, place, ground or thiiig, er f'.r removal of an> matter, the failure to do which by the party b< u -d so to do. or the doing or tha satce in wlole or in part, under the order of satO Board, wns fhe cause or occasion of any I such orrter or expense. Said District, the as , S'giiec or sa d Board, or the partv who has. un der :te or.ltr, Incurred said expanse, or has reu I tiered FUTice for which payment Is due, may, with the i oi sent ot said Kegents, institute and mt?:i tain a suit ag ilnst any < ne herein declared iiAoie for ctfj enFt'3 ab ?iforer;ai<i, or ajains* any person. fim, or cori^ratlon, owing, or who may ewe, tnch rent or compensation, and may re rover the e xpenses so incurred tin ler anv order aforesaid, with costs. The person so owing may plesd su'di recovery, and a payment therein. < er, or voluntarily made to one having such light 01 action, ss a bar to any demand of t.?y ment by hi;; cr-duors. and only one or more of such par'icg lialde or interested miv be made parties to such action as the plaintiff may e'ert; but the parties male responsible, a-> aforesaid, for such expenses, sh.iii be liib'e to contTd ate or to make payment, as between tl tmselves, in respect of such expenses, and of any sum recovered tor such expenses or com pensation, or by any person so paid on account thereof, according to the legal or eouitable oh. ligation existing between them. And it is hereby declared to be the duty of every owner, aud part owner, and person lntere-ted.'and of every les. see, tenant, and occupant of or in any place, water,, stall, apartment,building erection, vessel, vehicle, matter, or thing, in salt! District, and of every person conducting or interested in business therein or thereat, and of every person who has undertaken to clean any place, ground, or street therein, and of every pf istiii, public otlicer, and board having charge ot any grourd, place, building, or erection therein, to keep, place, and preserve the ar-\e7"T part, ami thesewerage, drainage, and ventilation thereof, in such condition and to conduct the same in such manner that it shall not be dangerous or prejudicial to life or he.tlth A i d in any salt or proceeding in court the right ot said Board aud the Board or Pol ce to aw 1 of their officers to take any action involved shall the contrary is shown, be presumed. It shall be the duty of the Bo*rd of Police to exe cute the legal oners of the said Bf ard of Health Hiiu '.ie s;^d Board ot Police ui^iy emplov th" i ece?.-^rv jergons and means about such execu tion; or the f iid Boaid of Health, if it shall con sider the public health or interests so to re i tiro may sxeoute sue h orders through Its own ofticers Btvudof Health t0 bC et'gl^e J b* thtJ s*;'i Any uf.icer t.r person engaged in servina o' ?.D?y 0T(Jer ?r no!ic? ot thc Ro.ird Of fl? shall be presumed to tnve, tor ?u~h n ir th?- same authority as an offlc?r dniy au thorized ha? who is engaged in serving the nro ces? or executing the ord r of a court or Ju Igc duly iseued. Aud any such officer or or-on engaged in such Jieryice or execution mw without warrant, arrest any person or iier^jLis who, within his view, shall obstruct or re-Uf or aid any othei person in resisting ?r ob'tructln? aDv such service or execution, and m*v takS suih arrtsted person or persons before any po lice justice or committing majistra^e. Sn-'i l?ltCfJ,n*UCe>.0r rn%eiJtr tto rniy re.;.iire sub. Mauttally such proof of resi-tance or obstru t trg, or aid in re-istiug or obstructing such ser vice or execution a? would be necessary or sufticienr, ir the-iuestiop was one of resisting or obstructing the execution of an order of ar r-sr, made by such justice or mag.scrate; and if i sucf. proofstiali be furnished, it shall Us the duty ol such justice or magistrate to punish the guiit) person In the same wav and to the time extent as it such jerson wv duly proved euiltv of resl.'tmg or obstructing, in a s.milar manner, an order ot arri stot said justice or magi-trite. I roo.s, afl.c.a\its, and examinations as to a-^y matter to be coii<iucre<i before or by authority of the Board of Health, or its officers, under this act, may oe taken by or berore one or mure members of the Board, or the Secretary ot haniUry Superintendent, who shall, sevtrilly have authority to administer oaths In such mii' ?ifvJ??.an? VTr,H>n ?u,."y of' willfully ssrear * g la tely shall incur all the pains and psn*! tiee of perjury. As:d every person who shall resist, or obstroct, or aid any other person in r?sistlr,g or obsti ucting the service or execution ?? a."^i?r. cr ?I notloe ?f tl?e Board of Hotlth i in iyK'Sni .1b?!' be 8uiUy oi . and shall be liable to a.*re?t, trial, an 1 pan ihhiuept tor ^ach ofteu^e. I At d BOtwithsUnding an/thing h?rein can- I talntd sstothe forms of proceeding, reou r- 1 it'g no' ce. at d allowing time, s?id Board sh^il have authority t > at once and snaimarily re P??*e, abate, or otherwise appropriately pro- ! tect li?e and public from, whatever, in 'he.r judgnitiit, it allowed to reui^lu or cou liiiLie uiii.i pro.-eeoin,? by regular order in eitbei torn, could be tanen, wonid boase:iom health41* to Lin iue or t^e pablic , J',*}*?}} b* tbe duty of said Police Board i and of its officers ai d men, as the list nauitd b^aid shall direct) to promptly advise said 1> ardof Health of a l threatened daugsr to human lile or health, and of all matters de- ' mantling its attention, ?nd toregu artv report ' to sa.d Boatd ot Health all violation* of its r-'s- ! ulations and or the health ordinances or lawt. : And salt, last-named Board shall, so far a* 1 racticabte and appropriate, co-operate for tha i.ron otion of ti e public health and the saletv oi human life in said Dis'rlct. Sec. 17 'I hat it is hereby made the duty of all hoards, oll.cers *i d agen's having the coatrol, charge, or custody of any public structure, work, ground, mstitution,or erection, or of auy p an, (.escription, outline, drawing, or charts thereof, or relating thereto, made, kept, or controlled under hlv public authority, to per mit and facilitate the examination and inspec tion, and the making oi copies of the sime. b any oftcer or person thereto by said Board fo'r yanitai y turpu*es expressly "authorized an J the members of said Board, the Sanitary Sj periLtendtnt, sitd anv of the afore-aid st.ntary inspectors may, without lee or hindrance a' all proper timss etttr, examine, and sar yev all groutd-, erections, vehicles, vessels stro. tnres, apartlusnts, buildings, institations, and places, cellars, g^wers, pa??ages, and ex c&\ai tors. oi every s?>rt, in sai l D,strict, and inspect tLe safety and sanitary condition, and make plats, drawings, and descriptions tnereoi accotdli g to the o;4er or reguiatioiM or said B^ard oi Health; and said Bo?rd may make and publish a report of the sanitary conditio.!, I and 'he the inspection oi any place, institution, buihling, matter, or thing in sail ?*> '?*r :^s> in the opinion ofoaid Board, such publication m?j us?fui. And e?il Board may provide a" ba.Jpe V?t metal, wit'i a ' sultabie iiiscnption thereon, ani direct an i re <;u re it to be worn, in a position to be designa ted, by any person or officer uuJer the author ity or said Board, at such times and under such circum-tai ces as tlie rules or by-laws of said Board si.all direct. It shall be a misdemeanor, puni-hable by imprisonment, f ir not less than oi.e month nor exceeding six months, or by a tine of not more than two hundred ami titty ' dollars, for any person, not. an officer or iu spector ut.,1er said Board of Health, to repre- i sent himself as such, or as acting by authority ot said Board, with fraudulent or mischievous desigu upon persona or property, or to have, life, aear, or display, without authority of gaid Beard ot Health, any shield or other insignU ? or emblem sucL as is authorized to be worn by | sn. h effieer. But said authority of examina tion and inspection shall be subject to the au thority of the President ot the United States to regulate or the inspection ol the prem ists, offices, or vessels, or to examine tha plans, ' charts, or other papers, of the United States. 1 Sec. 18. That any person feeling aggrieved by the action of the Board, in and muter materi ally affecting such person, may on petition ap ply for an order to bring its proceedings, or a copy ot the same, concerning said matter, berore the Supreme Court of said District, at a special term, or a justice thereor, by an ordur in tae niture ot a certiorari, on due notice to such Kegents, (subject to such rules as the court may provide tot a petition, for such ordar, an l for the making of the same in due form, and the service of the game ut?on sail Boatdaal Bi gents,) arid sueh court or justice, upon an ox. amination ol such proceeding or record, auJ of anj affidavit, on thepartot said Board, wnich re?y Mcccmpany the same in answer of each pe tition, re ay preliminarily, by order, arrest th9 further proceeding of said Board in said mitter ubiil t'ie dual decision ot" said justice or court Saii. decision ahail, ?o tar as relatiog to faou. b.- fbisid ti|s>n such petition, record or proceed ings. ai d affidavit, sha'l be s|>?edilv made, aad si a1! be conBnei to the qneotioos whether tha Board, or any of lu officers have.^u said tn tt ter. exceeded in any and in what ptrttcuiar, ira cr thsir l?gal authority sod discretion, aud in if lor bid the further exer-ise of su ;u exesa- ve authority In respect to the person in the par ticular matter so before the coart. A ud either said Kegents, in the name or sai l District, or the party who petitioned for socH certiorari, may appeal tr.-iu saui dec ,ion, a td havtsucli appeal hebtd before said co irt a< a .aioauan ?pl euis are heard tUerelo. Sec 19 Tb%? whenever the Board of Health ?tall regard any building, building*, or preail ses, or my lots or land or ground*, la Mid Dl9- I trlet, a* being, by rewoa of decay or defective structure, want ?f drainage, leverage, or ven- | tllatien, or of the bu?ln? s 'herein carried on, 1 or other cause, as being in a condition or ofect dangerous to lile or prejudicial to the nihl<? t ealth, and shall be of the opinion that any sail cause of p^ril cinnot b? ^accefrfailj or prajer- ' ly removed er abated by any order or proceed- I lng which said Board is authorized to make or take a* aforesaid, it sbal! be tbe duty of the said Board to bring such facts, by wr tten s afe the attention of the said Regents, to I gether wtb a plan or suggestions as to the best method ot relief from such peril; and, unless snch Regent* shall see good reason to the con trary, it shall be the duty of said Regents to cause a -uit in the nature of a bill in equity to be iEstltuted in said court, in the name of said l?i?trlct, against rhe proper persons as here'n In dicated; a??<1(faid Regent* may,on their own mo tion, likewise institute such suit in any caseof public ruisance, for tte purest} of pr>car:n? adequate relief agunst saul peril, or the abate" nient ot such nuisance; and said court is autlnr | lied to adopt any appropriate rules fur the re' ulation of such suits, and shall proceed thereTn with dispatch, but said Regents maydiscon. tiii'ie such suit, wnen. In their opinion, the pub lie interest will thereby be prom' ted- The sev eral persons and bodies whr?se rights or Intirests rn^y b?- directly or materially affected by sucH I suit, or so many ot them as can be convenie nt y tomd tVr service in said District shall ba maris) defeiid itiU. When any of them m-y not be found for pcrsooal service. such servi e I may be made by publication, in not more than two jourrals ot the JUstrict, or i>? posting a i.ouce or summons on .some p*rtof the premises or property affected, or by seuding the juuvuans through the mail; and when p.<Micde, without S?ri-ju? ii justice, the suit shall proceed with only such detendarta before the court as in iy ba?? been personally served or stia'l a pour. Such preliminary order may t>3 made in tii* a? tnie ot an injunction, as to the cuurt raav sr. in needful to arert su Si peril. The coat m?y relerauy matter or que^'lon of fa^t arising n such case to ary c"*n rtenr per.-on. as a mister or reteree,to take te -f.m'u y or toniiko lnvesti gtfiuns, and to make report to the court; i?>d whenever, upon tbe lasis of sueh rrp-.rr. or of tt e testimony taken on trinl bal before ?hj court, or both, the case is ready tor determl % tion. the court shall iuaxe such generil decree or order. or aurh special t'. -cree or order, again-t on* or m<>re ot the defendants, or both, as jus tice and the doe protection of lire and the pub lic health may require. And among other . things, each decree or order may require tha demolition, the strerg'hennig, the veutilutiou, the i unbtation, drainage, or discontinuance or improvement of anything in this flection referre 1 to as a source of peril, may provide when, in w hat n anner, by whom, s * id decree or order, or any part thereof, shall be executed, and by whom, and In what proportion, tbe expense thereof shall be borne and paid, and for making such expense, or the proper propor I tion of the same, a lien upon said property, or ? parts of the same, and a charge agamst any or | all in proper proportion of the defendants, and for tie collection and discharge of t'ie s*m ; and it may also provide, wli-re justice requires it, that a portion, not exceeding oue-third of such ex|iet.-e, shall be satir6ed by the plaintiff whenever appropriations wi.I warrant.bat nei ther party shall recover cosi?. Stc. 'JO. That the liens on real property, pro vided tor in this chapter, (except when the claim on which they arise has been merged in a judgment of a court for the same, in which caso such judgment will be a lien as any other judg ment,) may be tiled at d enforced as a mechanics lien may be under existing laws. The Hoard of Health shall, within twenty days after the lien arose, or the claim, which it secures, become . complete In law. cause the proper notlca to be I filed, which notice shall state the amoitt wi generally, the origin of the lien claimed, a*tTi ! the lots, buildings, lands, and premis tiv-ly upon which it is claimed to be a Men, aV. 1 the supposed owners or occupiers of tha .urn -, it known, and that the J> strict of OoiumVa I claims such Hen thereon. The lien create 1 *>y j the filing of such notice shall remain frt^i i period of two years thereafter. A'.l evsti";? , provisions for sustain rig a mechanics' lien, a?;! providing for its eo!l? Uion, shall apply b~ ?! ! opy in support of the iien hereby p-ovid^d; the "ame to be collected ny said District, an I tLe amount to be paid into the Tieacurv of tiis United States. j Sue. 21. That no member of the Board of Health shall, for anvhing done in discharge of j duty, nor shall any subordinate of sail Board, | for anything done li-good fait'i and with , nary discretion upon the direction of said j Board, be liable to suitor damage; but an; j person whose rights or property may have been u? justly or illegally used, destroyed, or injured by any action of said Board or its subordinates I under its order, an 1 t >r which no liability in*y exist on the part of any said ottlcer or person i acting under said Board, may maintain a proper ' action In the Suprei >e Court of sail I)i-tnot against said District for the recovery of c >m pensation or damage. But everv such suit lu i -t be instituted within oue year after the cause of I , action aro?e, and tbe recovery stall be l I to pecuniary damagt? then actually suffered. [TO B* COKTISt ED ] CORRKCTIOK ? E'Ut'ir of the Eetni ig S'*r ? In last Tuesday's Star was in article heal-1 ?'Another Clergymai. in Trouble," which st*?td that '? Westchester, i'a., was la'ely a?toundol by the lact that Kev. Joseph Stittim hal ruini i a young lady,<Stc., be being a minister of the Kirst Presbyterian church tbore," &z. 1 have i examined the officii*I roll of the ruiniste s of i 'The Presbyterian Church in the L'nitei ; States," but find on it no such name as thit ot Joseph Stit'im. I h?ve also written to a ruin- ! ister o? our church, living near, ' Pa , who answers that the pastor of the only Presbyterian church in Westches'er is Ite/. ! Keij .1. -Jones. agair>-t whom no such accusa tion has been made. There must be, then, a m>tik? in the above, at least as far as it re- . sjects a lull.ister in '? i'he Pr?.sbvteriau Churcu in the 1'niti d States." Very resj.ectfolly, ? Juan Chzstis. 1Tb? item referred to wh clipped from % \ northern priper.? Ca Klections of OrKiCKRS Last even'ag. at i a regular meeting ot Now .Jerusalem Ljjge, ho. 9. F. and A. 5l , the folio wing officers w -e ! elected for the ensuing Masonic vear, viz: 1". i C. Saxiou, Worshiptai Muner; E K. j Senior Wardeu; Johu McK-on, Junior W ;r- j den; U. Horst, Secretary; N. MulUktn, Treas urer; W. S. Thompsjn, Trustee, and vV'.dia u j Tlomeon, Tyler. Ihe Great Falls l ;e company last evenlnj elected the following directors for theen-i ii^ vear: Messrs. John Va-s Kiswck, George K. Remedy, Charles B. Churcb, James L. l?*r l>our, Ceorge W. Cochran, S. U. Howell, D. L. Mi rrison, J. II. Johnson and John W. Boteler. 'Ihe Enterprise assocl it'on elected, lu-t eve rit g, the following trustees for the enduing yeir: Rev. W. J. Walker, N. Wirin?. J. W Hunter, M. M. Holland, George J). Johujon, CI arles A. Davis, Jacaes Sample and Robert C. Stlelds. The Theaters? Klotow's beautiful op^r* ef "Martha," familiar a-, household words, bat always a favorite with lovers of melody, be by the Kellogg English Open Aroajie to l ight, with Miss Van 7-andt as "Martha," Mis. Seguin as "Nancy," (a role tn which fh3 is charming.) Castle in his admirable role or "Lionel," and Mr. Hamilton, (his dj&ut,) as ' I L*st night but one of the diverting patito nome of "Jack and Jill," at Ford's Opera House. Those who have not seeu it should basttn to do so, as it abounds in fun, and intro dr- es many novel performances. 1 be Theater Comique is doing goad brt?lnc3i this week, notwithstanding numaroi' o'her a - tractions, and the gaiaxy of s'ars is not dimm - J by ocroparison wttL the luminaries elsewhere. 2 here is a very iuteie^tiug programing this week. ? Ihb Reform School Truptsss m3t Ust right, aiid the suj erlnteLdent presented hL? bond, which was api>roved. A communicit ?n wa? received from Wm. McPyncheou anl B. Seurs asking remuneration for clerical lalur, referred. Dr. Csrponter prosente l a request f?>r the release of John Eberhart, signed by Ratrina Eberbart, wh'Ch was denied, ojfing to tbe boy not being tar enough advanced to quit the institution. A proposal to erect pipes tor protection against fire was received from Mr. T. J. Edwards; referred. On the recommendi tion of the superintendent several boys w. re discharged on ticket of leave. A letter without signature, supposed to be from Mr. B itty, ask 11 g permission b? visit his sons, was referred to the superintendent. Wastb H0.i>08 fob B*two Cbarqso with Stkaliwo. ? Yesterday Timothy Rodgerj entered suit against Samuel Brunswick for alleged false imprisonment. He charges Bruns wick with bavirg falsely anl maliciously a id without cause appearing before H. D. Moultou ard charging bim (Rodgers,) with stealing two wagon wheels worth #15. The complaint sets I fcrth that by arrest and temporary Incarcera tlcn consequent on this charge, which, how ever, was dismissed, he was damaged in credit and tbe good opinion of his friends and claim* therefore ?10,000. Mr. M.Thompson appears tor tha plaintiff. ^ JCDOMEST RaVKKSiaO A POLICE COURT Ds- j I Cisiew m a Ltcassa Cask?Yesterday, in the , Crimiral Cocrt (Judge MacArtuar), thecase of CornelloB H. Desmond,charged with aurt'oneer trg tish without liten-e,?as<aken np,heh\v:nj appealed from the Police Court, where he wn fii ed *100. Mr. MoConnell, for the defeudaut, mbn itted that he was under the emp o. meat of J. D. Faunce & Co., who had a Itcenw, aud *?.? therefore not liable to pay a license. Tm court unstained this view, and g*ve judgment for defendant. ? A* KVBHTDAT OOCt'KRSKCI--In. >Mr Ch'l'l Bitn Over yesterday atternoon a little bay, j named Harry Conuell, was ran over at the Jef ferson school house by tbe bcrsea and ha'tk driven by Wm. Herbert. The boy had his I ?> 1 cut through, several cu's across bis head and face, and was otherwise seriously Injured. H *r bert did not stop his team to see what dsmxge bad b. en done, end this moruing Sergeant D-iU vtlririon applied lor a warrant at Pol'.ca Coirt for bis arrest. Jxttial Bcttows iii Etrnscan and light gold coiors at Pntg's takes tbe place of solid g jld. Wfdthfr Pr?lMblIltlM Tadiir. Orrica op thb Caitr SiORai omnia. 1 Washington, Dec. 11, 10 30 a. m. S Pr "l9 ^''Wi icwrtllf clear ant *?utllwe*t or northwest w'mis ^Ed slowly ri?inj buroiBeter. L 0 C AL N Ejy s . imnwniADU, *??, Tont*Nl I T\ea{'r? KeUbgf Eucbab Ou>r? Troupe in "Martha " b ~?ii?a up.ra andjlii "*#r#pantomime of ".lack JSStS.'ISSSsi "ww???i. aiti5S5?g%ag"? ?"?" *-?"* **lr. %t U;0 Seminary building, corner of Wrh.rKron and Gay street,, rJ Church! ?f lta ^ - , . J.?u, ? < <?u<len*i"? l^fHln , < !Cnt S j,'31b*!oe we &??*? Deiu .rest - *?rror *>J hath I *llKf Jnua?f. 1 he dist number of the Fiyiro. the new society paper, ?ili be l?.<neJ on Huodav mtrni'if, vi'l j?4pvi? from tie rj ^ctaS t>e * V**;;' de* t;n<.d and tastefully prin'el Journal. lOKI'EBLBAI'C DE.tO. Ileitioval ?f item til u* Ft SKKAL CEKKMoniKH KKAii *ILYBU On Mcr.nay anj rnesday, ,j?lv I2ti *?, ; -:i. 14. au attaca k?s male u*on I*ort St v tit north f.d? of WasUingt?n, by a ci an o confederate tr. op* 01 <ien. K.rly's eor,.< 'lie immediate command 01 G n. t,. , . . . w . L L".'! 4J"r, l,0m <Jeor<il*- e ? ti.ji.i . , oi . MHtMa b* cngingtoth? fnimarinx were \ii- o In the engagement. aru their r/rni.,, atftrw??:tie kwM in B*Ida ce;n.-: ry, ?ti b Si?. V ^ ."V'? 7Cb 8'??troaJ, near r\.u oU vtu>. lor ili at t>ur(H>?e. *erf ??*? ? number of c mfc lerab> fOiLKr.-Kiliul.n- 1'I elr ie::i4"i? ? re iui rr ? 01. a laim Rt.u tbe furr where tbtv fell. A few by her. J B A^ritt, pastor of Grace , P. F 1 Church, situated about two inlies at>ov-SHv-r Spungs on , ill street road, res,.ve.| i?j 4t:>er in tbe remains ai d it n.jvu them to the above named church yard for inttri.i ?ut, ami were ininit J ate.v taker, to carry the i-iau in > t' fct and progrusut eo tati.-taoU>.id., a-> to be executed tc-day. J On Tuesday laet ibe bodies to tha nam . r of 17 were exhumed and placed 111 s? pl?m ccflins and borne to tbe cbtirch yard w. r tLey weie til- morning placed 1 bier in rraat 01 tiie church, ar..l covered w.tli a Ida -iv pail TuHa,! fcUtClSeU a nc,tt ^ The remain? weteall unknown, ex^epMni one body-that or dames IS Bland, or HiAuni connty. Aa, a member of the ti.'d \ui>ui* mounted infantry, of Imbo.len s brie tda. In tLe enck^are, between the I runt of the church and the *treet, a grave larfe'e en>u<ti t.Jr tLe six colhL* bad been dug ior tlie dual rest no place of the remains, anj a Ur^e c jet in fa crotH wa? placed at the bead of it. THE SBKT10KO. At nine o'clock quit- a large number of Wart ingtonians a-'semMcd at the comer of Jtb ?treJt and 1'enm.yIvanii avenu", and, taking <;*r riages, proceeded to tbe church, about s tn'ie* ijomtfce city, to witne?g the cere mo ?y a t4r*re number from Hockville and tiie country rouud about were a'jo present to the number of kb .at ^,P^T,8'J11<'ll,J.iD? m in-v At eleven oc ?>ck Bishop Plnckney ar.d Ken. Ar jritt, Williamson and Back entered the chnreti re rttifig tlje service commencing. *'L<tr| , ms km w Uie end of mv d*vs " After portions of tbe Scriptore^*had bean r?<, t tbe choir sang, would not tiT? ?iv%v- I ?.k not to stay,'- which whs followed bv prs ? and another hjnin, nftsr whi"h the aiJi-'n -e ! proceeded to tbe ^r?v? in front of r.e cii"r~b | to ii.ter tbe rem ims, the following eantl a. tu g as pall bearers: (ien Cook, Henry G nut, i>r. Yomig. I>r. Botie, Wm. Hnriain. n T. Howard, Gen t?, M. h Vojng, ,1. W t>rew. ,? I; V; L;'m!*r> <-'01- Herbert, Wm. Stone Col K. i-li ming. The coffins were lowered in'o the ffraw wreaths being pUced upon each one, tue oue cor;taining tbe reman.f of Bland b?'.ni i> aced at tbe r.orth end to en?ble tbe friends t< tind it it they ever desired to remnra tiie l?ody. Hev. Mr. Ave- itt read tha bjii4l service, wtK-n the asfeml lage repaired to the rectorv. a tew yards distant, where Dr. A. Y. p. Garnett, of thi*. city, deli vet ed TBI! OBATIOJT. He cengratiilated t!,o>e presont tb?t th?tim-j ^en they coal I do ju-tice ro the memories oi their iriendp, and pertor*n such ceremonies unmolested, ami c!aim&d thai th^v Fl ould not perloim the act coldly and with s ib dued hi?!ritf> He a!iu?1e<! to tbe c*iu^es ot ttie vai ai d .iustitied the south lor their action. Ha alluded to the Siiiliigiiew ot tbe south to t*kt up aimp to d? lend their homes from in vasion, w ben a vo ce in tUd crowd saii, "And wei?re stiil wllliLgto do it, Lfr." Ha alluded to tl.e south as "our people," and Jetl Davis as 'ou; Piesident." las addict occupied about bal ?n hour in the del.very. Atter tbe oration. Bishop Pinckney re*l a p 0'tpot in lull oi tender ?liasions to tt>e d^a!. which was well received. A vote ot tu * ik* w** leiirertd to J>r. Garnett and biibot. Pii cknev a> d .1 copy of tbe adJrass and poaiu a-*ed' pnblication In book fi.rm. 1 be I t%rer- tben proceeded to the gmv i and r. .td it with earth, and tae RMemb: i ?) di< perttfl. ? Difcfrlri Uuierniuenl Affair*. lr reply to tbe coii;iiiunic?ti id ot Mr J. H Brooks, trustee ot public schools, asking tha* ibe scbcoi teachers be paid their s%tar~-s be fore tlie Lolidaj?, ti:e (jommissiiners ti irodi recti a that they be p;>id on or before tae -1th 1 a lit. T-!K C'f MMIS.'IOSKI:? COtfORATCLATKr> In r- spons<; to tbe letter ot the District 0">ra miKMOiiers to United States Treasuror Spipnar, (1 ub listed ii. thn St a b of Wednesday la?t ) ti' ?ends the loilow :ug reply, dated "December l), I ?" 14; Of titUrxer ? Yonr very tUttering letter of he &ih instaiit fas been received. A- tae pal dij rarely appre< late the faithful and houest per form of duties on tbe part ot i s scrvai ui it is perhaps proper that such servant*. W'io Ktow whereof they speak, should boar witness in each otliera favor. In your case, bo vev?*r, this is not necessary, ps yoar aitmius trnt:on of the atfairs of this liistrict see:n.' To receive, bo tar ftjj I h*vo bion ft;>ie to !e?in, uniTersml approbation. This mist certainly, under the circumstinses, be very Br?tifvipg to you, wh?n you consider t'ie fact that, jUft now and for |?ever?l years p%st there is. and has been, a perfect maaia auixoi: a.l kinds of people, the good included, to in tis. cr.mlnately di?par.ige the acts, and to vili fy tbe motives, of all public officers, t am hap'nv in tbe thought, if. In any wav. 1 have coutubu ted to, or been instrumental, as yousoklndlv intimate tbat I bare been, in lessening your labors, anxtet e? and cares in the performance ofn?konr?arduoDS and responsible pubUc duties." I he Commiwioners are in receipt of mm otbtr letters congratulating them ujion the good tiiCwir.g of finances under their miuegemeat of Dittrict affair?. Among thr-?e letters are sonie from the heaviest holders of Duma securities in this city and eisewhere. ? T ATAL TBnMiNATtojr?Mr Nicholas Porter. I one of the oldest drivers ou the Wi'htngt jn and Georgetown railroad, who wis bally in- I jurtjl by tue horses of his car taking fright at the Xtb street wharf od Tuesday afternoon last, wh.le be w as in the act of changing r'li; horse*. died this moriaiig :it?out three o'elo k. Mr. ! P rter has been on the road from its or iniza tion. and wan one of the most reliable emp'oyos of the company. Mr. P. w.ts a great favorite with all who knew him, and bis family will hat(e the sympathy of a large nnmbgr of friends h I.EOAKT W^'KKSop Art at Pctilic Sar.e | A fine collection of Italian uiarh.e statuary, black marble and bronze clocks, French bronxe tlgures and groups, the importatiou of Messrs Viti Brothers, (late Ylto Viti & Son?,) vlll b* ready tor examination on Saturday an t Mon day at tha store Xo. CZi Pennsylvania aveaud. adjoining the Metropolitan hotel. Th* 2nc dnplay of works of art will beso!d at pub!!c "ale on Tuesday morning at 10^ o'clock, and a* 7 in the evenirg, by M^asrs. Latimer Jt Clcary. A fpr.E^niD charck will be offered on the 21st of tbis month to private parties and the trade by Me?sre. Latimer & Cleary, auctioneers, who will bold at their auction roonn au exten sive sale of fine w ines and liquors, and vai 1 brands of eegar* of the finest quality. Partle* desirlrg such goods should give this sale tnelr attention, as tbe articles which will be enume rated in our auction columue, can be depeol d upon. t Briiniiio Apsociatioks At the thi'tjr eiguth meeting of the East Washington Build ing Assc.ciution, held last nigh', ten so ires of stock were sold at a premium of S^. Fifteen shsre? were withdrawn at a prollt of #6 per tli are. ? Attracttvb Sale?Latimer & Cleary, auc tioneers, will hold to-morrow, in front of their auction rooms, an extensive sale of hou4eh<tld g ds. together with a lot of plated ware; also a collection of miscellaneous books. ? ? 1 HE COl'RTS. t RIMINAL CotRT?Judgf Mac Arthur. To-oay, Otcar B. Chrisman, charged with as fauitn g a con table, was convicted a d sen tenced to p?y a fiue of ^20. Elisabeth (iihson, chsrg- d wiih keeping a bawdy house in Louse ?llev (kppeaiu was convicted and sentensed to pxy * floe ot %10Cor 90 days in jail. Tbe following cases have been set for trial to jrerrow:??b*s.T. barker, assault an 1 ha'tery Jef:n Kent. do. TUos O'Neal, do. Mary Ann 0*ck>on, <to. Lewis Huber,do. Wm.Thom*a, H-sault. Jurn.i R. McClellan. do. CIRCUIT CocaT?J wig* Cartter. 'Jo-daj, btair a^t. Southuu MarytauJ lta.l H.atf;'o?' trU!. KvtitT O<oi *T?JuJgt Wy'ie. To-day. Pa?rr?ir a^t. Drane; deci iou for re ?tri?Bii(isdsrt?1 >i*erraliDg'i0!Durrcr on filing 1-omI. S?!b?ilfr a^t. Htickuey; order to issu-i remaining o:c -r. U?ngiey agt. L?Qgiay ; bond < f '??*!*? approved Schneider T?rt<? ? n er referring 8. A. Tart on'? i^uttoa. PoLICB 9vlL Tc-(1?t S?i?ufl Brown, ,1 troea J K}h Pane*. Bcrjam.n Httw. ch?rg? I ?nt1 dir.orbing the qaltt or (ii>or|?to?n %? ?%?".?. B? nben John-vn ai*l Wm. Hot urn ame <5. t IW. Hoee. MOk. *.*. Jar. (iron* a ;J I.X Wa?h:ngtor. Mm-, $3. Saiah Sun*. a pr m. 1 tnte kid w*A K-nt down. M"??m tcn><r>itlf>'rftl'.'d Mllftitrtl Fho*. Taylor, at t, ? a* at pointed on the ch* n ' >tr*. ALLk-.fcD niuum ha'mi* r?'a rocitt M>av. Win. Payne, colored. aha* Wa H. J> hnson, cbaiged with mAhicg ftetitlous bl^rt to c?t >o l *h a ?lain "jon li e cHloe ot the Sf.on 1 Vi d t4-r ot th? liiitedSate* Tre?*ury tor bottty triney. The tiue Win. H. Juiiiain *|),>d?.'?<i a.- witness tor the go \ eminent, ail te?I ted that fc? *?> the one to whom t:?e calm ^e '.o. fu!, ar d Uat PaTtte ww not in km re^l umi % held in dstauit u *i,uCu to a..(?ac la tere the gran J jury. M;ft BLLAVI' t? PtUr U<im<aji and l.?wu ttobtns'ri f,.-ie.te 1 ct l!ate:ais for disorderly conduct Win. IVlaon. la^d with eng*j(in,: In the bu?ineK? of b?k a.oi.i witttu'lu-i i M-. *1" J.Cair?ud l.Siui'i), ; uirtnrting the .ju i t of Georgetown, -?cu j PARIS'- THE LAW I a TO l:.? t V > MUM. Bernard Burn-t* in ? ?* char^ d mtn tn A ? g an H.-o&u'it and t aiur\ ou David Fox Kr?i t. the tast-jnony It app ai j that both .crop*.. ant J ait I defendant are jo^ut c.\?, i:.>nlWtu?it'ttlt> of the eK?t >tf the lata Henrv KurtrteiK. j ot this city. Mi. F<-* tvMitted that he resides In Nr? v.'tk'!.,'i' . iv -i'T'Mwir.i^ai yeftcrday ho went tUtre to a-.v *b".it sosae ( lie atki-d to n.iit | ?>*r- in 'el a ' foi. to a I:ilf ?li'> t hi !iad to ti - I. ? ither Hcnrj. AlUr k?V i j t ern ive-. b-? Htiif pipen, ai?l pla u.<-m .u ti- io;kut w* kid toward;* th?? <1 > t, reoitti>.n< that h.< wifhtil to efn.w th* in to his attorney .V S. Cox, e j. At th- *itii Bur: i J'nip ? ! at . r Uini, and gratd<>> g Iilui l.y tin* . ?. .udjot hie pock* t with grett vloien * ?'J al.-nJ n* robter, Ac. A .u-.-.-'ci ' ???< iibt bl- arai and fn^ t. if co M ?tin1 it no ' - ,j?r, *t;d six Uo? Li.u Alt. i btMui'i^ I an ??rtiMn.,' Mr HnrLJ?tiMn-tKt< ?l U? the . ' t?>* *be |?\ pentfh fjt ^ owi. i>?'?or .1 act o i-,'i<T not the tsi#t-* of Henry i;arn?tjin, ij (<OUlC fs'O M il. Mr. Fo\ il?ni(d that they*rcto *hc p*t>:r.*. at'd >aiii ' Mr. li. toM h lalAeh^i I. The court rta't-.t tb?t he a "an: 1 th At th???j two n.eii had ei|UAl right', aa co-ex I > any pspere rclat ng to these iteaen'of t!.-i#. Utt: thai it tiie |>a. era v.t :eota ptiratt ?: ui he Lad x.orlfht,to thrni. but.hann<p'a * ti in the I wb'.tf o! Mr. F it. and ha uanog at t< n:pt<d 'o de'aiu them, he (B.) hi I u;) ri^ut t.j li'ice tl cut from him lu thin minv. b i' take hif rtnitdy at lav. He li:.ei h.^i i 1 Curt*; an a|>ptal ?ra? taken. 1 HK ?<>TUIIUO? HMI'HRtAKK AOAtV. Vtn.'l int-eriake. a ivtjir: > i? ch?M.;?r, chargc v ith telotihra?ly ar.-<aa'tlng and 10M1 a gentleman of a ^old rirj. Comp'aiueat ti?*,l t'.? d that he war* returning turn the I tupenal lio'el Al'-?.g K rtreet, and ?<*<? ui*t by a crow I, w hen ilit- grabbed at bi? w *?< h. br<*Ak ag l.i- chain; at the fame* wdu of hit com patdcu* ?Tuck see. ral blown. Finding ha could not ft-i iiie h'.f aatcb, Tibi^rlake >? .rod bold bis bat.d, aixl jerking ti ? ring oil uia te hU e>cap?. There weie ot th -ui In the crowd, and all of them aa<iaiilted bits. Compiatnant (?truck him, and d'-.^ndant struck ht u in turn wi'h a biliy. H - ttiilv recogniz??d Tiro )>erlake *v the n an with wubui he had th? en counter. field tor the gtanu jury, in d'tanlt ot tl.CMl be t da, G SOIiGETO WN. I'viM or H:a lu tcKiEc ?The colored man, Saiuuel Sorrell, who %? J) Inj'irel by Ih.o^ atiuckoi the b< .id duxii'tT a tree Ugbt on tae canal la> Wfdne^iay. as .-rated iu \oaVcrda?V St ar. It, s at 'he geueral hoe; ital. on ti. cor ner of ll:gh and 3d fctreetc, iu a very critical It i?? the opinion ot the attending phyalnai' that hie iT>jnrien wii! re*ult fatally. fiRAtr rHAPK?The rece'pt* of grain to >l%y arc Ti.i\ W* repott <?>? bua'jola of corn j>er steamer K*pre??< to .1. (i. A .1. M. Waters. We no'e -ales \o?terda;( of 7?< 'tuaheW wh-at at * 1 33, bu: bel.x at *1 5, 5.V.* buAbel.n at M 3i ^, 7'0 bnt-brl* at if I .'.|vj,aud 650 bu-heis at *1 I 5. Market l lHA&t 1AL aa n umniaiai,. H ull Ktrei't To <ay Hew Tn??. Drcenitoar I'.?Th? tort1* loatralal artit !<???>? 5Th?-Bte<k E* .?har>g? tna. k<-li are I. -s ar iv? * t i<*terdayt aixt "jx^ulatiTe ?tian-? a^ a mic ntn; In the e?t?i marl.K th^rt- i? t dteved to t?- ?!) ac:!ve bat n t avar wtrana cl*'iu? at w rk.tu* aar ?? that advaiM ed g-'H over PS, and rtoeatly <i*rr?*iK' itiolits. At rri??*Tit tbta cllgne na^iin tn be at witk u the *?io t*eft, i-ien th *.? who a: D'.t Uihc'Ij c<nr'ru>.: :u Hi' flee of ?ol<5. etthor a* irf-'chikit* or ??y^alt.ora, t?- - i n i. teroai ic the coin movement, anu tti* be cai.<?-of ? f.a !r>w rteerTea of the h w %".>?* ?>a-k?, vh-ih bfc.e I iv'i ri-lutd at) nt on?-h?lf within a f?v w?-< V?,chitili or tbt ?htpn.ect to 'h? ta* rtor uflir ai iMiiern ' a. Sine* ls?' Mature ay a :>a k itateiref ef-< ct JJtV.t vl liats la ?ili coin ui> te< ne-\f. rt?d,ai it i? i ow r^??n "nt that to-.njr r. ??'? ??? tti r? will tak*1 < ut 1..W ? <0 dolla't m-TB I'p to tt?- i reieit tme the lew-if r?tei; ??? . ?? scarcely ary eft e* o? tba B-o%ey mark-t. a>t? <>ret H wax ei.ttrei> re? inabi? t > ?urk< ft i' ?< cid. 11 rr.? b< j fot'i- i of tiie hack iMtnce i'r?v u t? i !i;k limit wll' fa., to aiv?uc? the tate- fnv the loan ?ti<>' htt i 3 ?pi:e of ill rta* >.i? c ' n' j a " r^'Ti alt. at 2(a I cent, on d >iu*:i!. la t!ie Itca! i^an rnaiket cat! l^ar? a:e <|i ted t : ? percent Prrni? tcercantilc paper ( In at p?*r cent Sen'echi ice r in:m ?' ill e Ine a- !-> p- ? iriil t rn.eL,< <t r*i r? ey hy t** K?w y ib t aikF nf - c' tioui in ? .ce?6 of receip'e, but nut lu large in excre* aa a week ago. ? ? ihe "arketg Buir* Kk. P cember II.?Virginia il*?a, t*?l er?. ?!?: '? ir*itl?.'-. eonaolMared, *5'?: Wmi Tie aiLi?'*.r V -rib 0?rid' >a ?i*-a, old.l' . do. new, li . do .?? rial tax 6 bid to-dar. BaLT ? 'It. I>?i-niVi 11?OoUol dn'.l?law rnifl rt 'i.p-.ll ) Ficur ?jcfai ai.d atcady. pr.c-i un rr?i.?.i* bn Arm?No 2' n 1 !?; Tti' fl\r)l?i '1. 1 I: <ii1 3P; do ibititr, 13H I SP; do ?> hit*>, 1.1'' ^1 3f. otb?ra ancbaij*.'i. Oo-a M<ody a* I '*? c<h<1 d'triand? *htte ?->uth^l^?,7S", tt; ye'lew r "il*rn, 7. ,.w}j; miaed wt-wrn, #"4#. t-Kio gv. t bot Brm?aoiitberu, W ?? i'.<; wr?r?ru a'nt' fi. do nuzad, <4 Bra doil a.>4 un ctar?e<' B iy nrchanged. P-avtfi >na '>re?u'ar fctdnr* Mea-por* 31 0 'i to Bulk ni at? r-trtna' ?ai tiv enred o'<V"w.7lt ?7; e'e^r rit? tidra.H1 t)V BMCt>n firm?*iiou!d-r?-cure-', 1 \y-.: rl? ?* rih si.tea, fair ?npply at iS clJ , (n?r crr?-d.l? 15. Lard.M < U\ fjr whihtj -aanianl reftu'd Wentwro buttei hrm aid nnebanK'-"!. Cuf U< flini'r. Wbi-kv ncchanced. Ba*ar nnchanc d. ? kk, beeemher It.?Stee*"* doll Mn:"-y, ' O' d. 11 Eicbauso, loLg,?c>as; aboit, t i'il': n^a <?nll. Few ck, D^remb-^r 11 ?Finnr dull and >?:? chat f' %t"b??it ^ii??t ?r.t *taad? . Ora iteaty Lwsh-on.O*cn-lHt li. li jo p a.? *' n?o!? fur ar connt.9.1 91',. Krie.J."., LonroN, December 11. 1J0 ?.tn ?Th? weather thr?nab< tit t.gluirt to <iai la uCvtt' xl. C.'^sol f.riroB. J1 . *rta,f?^.'-^ I- M'< n, Itecen har II, 2 p. ??.?Tbera'e f Hi cc-ont ii pen n-?rke' for thre? tnonth# b.ll* ia i' p> rrect which ia ? below the Bank f Xagland rae. Lom <. D?<en-b''r tl, 5 p m ?Tbe amonat c". bullion - ^e into the BicK rf f?e'*nd to-da* la ?2} reo it ajls f r tn oej , J1 f ?? acc junt, 12 trK CITF ITEMS. The t \Rr;E?T assoktmiht of Sti'l an 1 So't Felt Hat . tor Gentlemen. Boy* and Children. I id at Lew v. Holiday -'yles Silk ana Fait jn*i ! feat red. _ _ - A Pi t ? aMD PTiVK ot Fancy tlo'vls for fient'i wear '? i?s, Bowa, SrarO. Olovo-, Han.Kir ch:efr, ( in?*, Hoaicry. Collar*, Jtc., &j.. Mut able for i re^ent", at rery low y rtm. = tor euh, *t Lewis', Ml 7th street, between I and K. I Jt f?T rbckived, Lam'fsVin Orer'oatir.T" of tbel^'e*' ftjlea and co'ora, which will be h?n.! ?t<mel> i^ Adt- up, to special order, for -s}j. Great bargain'- in F.nslish pantaloon gooie. uitdeto order. ? n* Price Only. Gso. 0. Heumim-, No. 410 Seyeuth Mr et. ? Trt l'o^'ey'n Y?ui Powder, you "*"'l aoon find it, i otui. y theb?*t, but aIm? the cl"?a4.eet Baking Powder. Put up lull, net weight. Cob*?, ?"The wise for Uea'th on da ly walka ^t^pend/'and thousands patroniza I?r. WhitC't . jtabllshineiit. !Cb 15?h atre>!t, oppaaite U. S- l'ea?pry,to avoid painful Corue, Bao> Icra, It erted Mailt, etc. To i*v rritic of Rupture wear tha Elastic Iruw, . 5 Pennaylvanta ayanue northwest. 5,6 ?? ? ? Trt i i? EtAKTic T^uss, 2J5 Pennsylranta avenue 2.5 j^?AL J;AyQr?8, bit All MC?r? and BOAS, a. all other d?-itr?.l.l* FUKsafiw io n*e. At WILLCTT * KUorF ?, HATTHtiS A 1U VVRKISRS. ?it- S-tr 905 Pennsylvania avenue. 1874o?btin?.alt.a pabtt |874 BvTPNDA OF TUB D i. OAPIT'JL Tickets for aal< at U. G.OPBNWILL A B0N9, rtr.s Orccers, 141* Pr-^aiyiT?.,i? ?nn.n, deiS-'r Oppoalt'- WMlirJ - Bi>l. 91. W, Gatt, Ilro. & ?'o. Fave ibis vasun para >sallv mlscted abroal witb ' priatc??asnd IMPOKTKD DISSCT the Larr'St at 4 meat B'egaat Aaaoitai- at of FINE FANCY GOODS, I CLOCKS, BhObZCH. CP ABA GL ????*??, EVBNISQ f AMI, INOhleQ POCK BT aid TABLK CC TLCBY. * . tTer oflt-red to tfceir east mors; whisb. tctfHi-er wiib ac uunaitally laeg- atoe* of WATCH*fc, JtWF.LHY tIUV#B AID I" 1N t P .i ATAO WaU?, They effer at rery low pricaa ?/"AtifBdos U caHad lu th?-ir a?*or,iu4ut of very ' ' i NILISH CBT^TAL ciiAHDBLI H-J. cy aut BaAL BOONOMT thty yxcel aay heret.f^ra IntroJo. ad. Ate9 (\ | ALAOA Ba IPI S3; am all tamk*: ?ary eb^tca; lv I own lupoitation from Frnri't V.taaaCj; pi ice k for fu-ir-peand fancy b. *. 9 Q tiOBHWBLIi A tost, HIIS UUOCK&B, dic!-tt 1419 Fenaa. avc ,op? Willard'a Motet 9 holiday goods. BLft(*ART HOLLOA I paaa ?JM m. lurik Ai*t> i> k vrr kICh l.L*k>W Alt, KIICCMt* ,S4> <?-. JAsritu'iv. PBCOKATKD rHAMKfl ??' 4* W * " * riM runr vtiti , CI TL?*)r WOI.MBAP * t pritiT ruis-runs ItOLIDA 1* Ph F$ fry js. *' alack tr ? *r:'M Attn R(1|4 r?oir.- h.',i si.oV""11'- ?x " ?i<! Ott? i Mi?.-?? rJ? |?T_5 ??.?*??<* wrl|(iUit?.iicM '? ?r*** 4t *? M? ?TIStMIT/, M?lt. r ?m4 r?ri i?r, teKlla l*,T J?" ? - ? B?r ?"n*?r |j h rr?<t ||OLIl>AY COO. 8. A TKD AK KfiC UjV?iR i ?? ... Bt-IBt t.hib r?^v -?/ B t M /V Cl'"S J \ I ? A A 4<^*, vV?A'J| *T< " "& J,> ajma.nta, rc?r> 4 __ PLATED V^riSv'^/A ^fCMjrKKM, cisr, FTtESCII l:i>4) SZK* 0/ OVP 8TATVM1TF* Ca k .1 *. > *-,j' * *?* - ? ^ v u l. (r v | ? 4 *r /rn v 4 *? rrn a ui.V?i;id(.i, ???- AV?*ri !1 k) ?!rt ll kn, ( Mi 1 MAS <.0<M S rnj ltn-?f INITIAL H\?l-K!?.',.|rv. . FoUlroi^B and I(V?. ? cru , wrrK? . 'MI B<>XBB, m ?r. ?t\? r JbSV^V?* V*" #Pt " * "* % " titif Ia r ?* c5r#i^v?r.TWX,"Bl TI0" k,p UL JVf? . .. MRB. %T. 1. m _ _i. i *?? I -'.1 l**''- ?* LEOTU V ES. | ' lOBuB WlCHI^Tul, l<v p o u tutasv 01 ATUJlSilli o(*TII? W?* <(? MATIOJIaL Mi.M M k M , **'*c11 i'I M'^Oait k\|)?c .I t -? gWHUw K* TUoilAB OOWLim#, AM|o^r TKlMTKK'0 KALB (. it VALlAHir ?? I K" >?D rBoriBT* on flit VIOHG KT"W B, AT fl! (JTlOB * fc ' "B ' Br Tdtvcoftwo 1?d?.f 'mMwiU'. E L.t*?7?rrt?iio ci .sTu^,3 it U., DUtuci otOo >n..6l%, *V L tL ^i ?lic*<o?r*urft^y^ w wai'aell. , 1> ' enV?r >?!? 1?T. . a on MONDAV ir'? K2; n .*?/** .in ?l* (IMl |t>|r? 22 tlr.,"c? n>???? ?'? i wu ?? ?? L" , Lf' .fjj ?? ??. r ? tli r<* re ri , , , mmmu. f? ^USftfl S ,d nOWL\l?Q, Arrt aiH A|1 c Di efkK uc At t b* c ?t ft pr^t?.,r. If t'tn.i ftr" n*t LVr's r^tlHUe rr^rtv ?? *h- ?nr. ^ n.k .r,d ? ILLIAM |i CA?B!|I.( ? *toBL>. U* JOItBA ( Tr?'t?"V I |bXht> 1r all IIucIOmm ? I > c!..?p lu? k el.Ki.rS Q??n?VSt o .Zm"'Z% rnp?-fi<>, n kit* of M-'ur.a"* 0*<f. ? ?.TT. P <*?!(, CI?Hh?, Kla^lrMa. poti f ?? " terrr ?i"'oittT. nt of ?-?rp->u o.i, i,rfh?LnV a oirh'wgiort 101 B:Kr <Mo4-tr bknja wyy mfLLf k / CALTH KOf ?|)f ?.j it .r-a~. s a 1 ? # a A>" I klN, r*o^iM .f ^ ? f ? ??? f urF U1.\K SAbLK . STS, i>i.AL HUTS, Af?* iBT ^"11 tow. Oww** (rt gitd tM.,_. ..-.Xr ?? ? "* Brtd)fe ??r< -t. Ot T(H.,*a. (| )l'B BBW ESTABLISHM1HT. ***r, tor dnIDt thm f.?t ?..,rlt a. ,7^ ^ / in h4te ^ a "? "?? . ? . OTTB tfPTTH IB EX<:BLSt(*B tSa?a'?*\2? LH,~ Dr.?., ^r.uvVWw,i'' ^ ? *? At ttnmr tf,c.rf,bw!| fron. 7 a. n.B^rll nnv f-AturuAya tromi 7 w ta. nnUI 8^4 p. m ()(j IWl. v<-w th? njo? o^ciixict. a > j? cfjunrr. B??rr^<t octr.. %t? ???r?. )T>-?T 4? JQ*->rr'? Jr.V *?J. "ERE.tT SUCCEBM." LAIU.E SlLES-<^l|(k ELDKTIO^S. SflHMff mutt; t hrlliug! Rustling! Forcing! Dilvlug: BOUND TO R3DUCS 5TO K. too ma y y <; <} o u js . >: O T ENOUGH MONEY 1)ETERMIXE/> 7 0 HELL. rURCHASK NOW AXI> SAVE THE I)IFFEHEXCE Alt PCIT? roK 9 10 #i? triTt rou ?xi |a? irl lTt r jk 2|I i?? htm roB |iS fctiro. r< B f3? fcClTr. roB ?I8 ThU E D JS CO UX Ta. fl* OVBBOOATB BOB | IA CVKlW'UATe r?K fl" OVBBUOATV.. BOB *? "YBfcCisATO fOB a Ji CVIBCOATP FOB f SO OVBBA'OATH.^. BOB tit CVBB^OAI* .TOm BOWS' CLOTHiJTG AT JjAME LARGE KEDUCTiONS. COW E EARLY ! t MMhCMAIlT lAJLOKti trWM CLOTHJM*8, BOTM tf twnr Ttfc ??< P HfHM m. W^_ n ?j2wfar-5aiwwatt. mm Ml few fot ? hlflbw e?L Art?Mm mhhw la ikt Btfi k?r