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TI1E EVENING STAR. fFILi!*** Plil!,llB4tri Ilr?pte4, AT TL K STAR BUilPUFCM, ""nuaj 1 %*?|n At?bd?, 6?r lllh 41. *n iTrn? pu Kvsrira wirui, t r iirwuj-wi. F?ii?. T? * r\ ?M>U cTVa .< f.rr'< otrr, -? <0 * ?' T?> ' 'jr i rtl viii ob ^ .*tt F r* C?*T? f'l ? ?TP. C ft" tt Ikt C'umt'T, | 'up I'nn "? ^ i| mi?''? wlii? pat4?1># l>? ? <i i?ii> ?r* >trr:#r'?< )S "?!. M-'y ?' TB ? A Kr h : V -T?R r ? .. ? on J-'" /iy {*?'?? ? y IT. r- ? f ?*'"'1. Wi trtiinpiiMiji mrariaVy m i Jmc<r .* i* yai I Jm. %rh ' a < it irp 'r<*i???. ' VS. 14?N-. fi.777. WASHINGTON. P. C.. SA I l it DAY. DECEMBER I 1874. T^O CENTS. EVENING DOUBLE SHEET. Washington News and Gossip. ? Iptir^aI Kuvmis?Tlie re~e ptJ'froni Ciie SO'l'Cr- to .la> ware .16. S*Ticrii ?. a>k s? r*? received firr J-p tkn I 'iltT . ut?i',( . *> >. The L tisui* lAvaeTiGATio*?The 14- ii f K-i -sen ..t ve.- ordered, c n Rrl-'tv ? ?t. nci" .nuttee of Mftu republicans ??_. 1 r v ? dtm>nti tn I to I.oa i*i?'a anil n> ?kc tl ? r- n_!? ii<| : ry into the trouble tn-re. i . C an i:tv*e *i,i gu i:t.? ?rij ib af> ?ut ten J \r i l~- ii; -e-?i >ii a New < ?rleao.? at ttc fin c?l Ut a. *mbtage ?I tbe Louis'alia legislature. T'K l)|(TUdT U<>vm?xz*t Bill?I is B' r'*c>J fh ?t 1 > -!??,;-ife <!ti pni4i) M pre . ir itv rcr? tin vuKud.i:-i.t* ;o iSij M ?rriti b:.l, ??1 Mond-y will introduce tt em with such ch ??iee ?Ti?1 ii.tiliCfMtoM tfin hit J|ilfiM?t will m .?e it i.iin mc ptabie to rhe |>eup!e. partl i r'.y b?i tl'.a ui to b? leTi?l a&d ti.e just proi'jr in?i ,ut>ei *li l>y tti- (.irerniaent. t :i Sal* ? The artist ? of Washington who l ??'?? e? creditable * display of their wor.. it tl * -ale last jear propose to present a col'ecti >n i f recent prn.i.i-tlou? for sale next w.--k, ur.ft-r the i?-a. ol Mouwi. Latimer ft Ct'ifj A ni?>' g the ottering* be tand?c ii'? aril ii ir r-ii by Mai *Se>!, fg-re p'ece.*, ia 11 ?eapt* and n.?r u*s by i*vo le, ao<t Ian l-i'a,. ??, Ac.. t.y T?n.?r. TIjeru will undoubted ? ii. ?i:*a ol touch interest U- art love.s. Tbi nit l (xtendlsc Kollin VhUeV p?* nt for trtarnt*, a legacy from last se*r?oii, ?? ocorsHfd in the House of lte present*! ?<.h y-s terrtn> after oat rej-or* cl sod, and inther.? i.-se i t 1M ?let *'<e tbt-reon JS r. HmO, of New Writ, . bargi -1 the opiHMient* ut' lUe extension etui uiMvt large cutue of in<)o?y a- a >? >r iup:.m to ilrltitt the b'tl. 1'bi) H >-e ? ?jmUu the b?il by a ??>*.? ol ?? yeas an 1 > ">J? >'av .l OBn*?.??r?.? I Awifitant r?yn.*? t.r Jobs K tiimu'iy or J-rtit fo tbe Mod>c-? y, A'.atir aCation. per ?t?*m-?r of tie 20"h ft a >??r. I'mnriifo; Capt. An!rt* W. Johnston to rumoiaiMt tIi ? l..>ano^- ?t Se* York, J 1st In I lent. Krankiia J. l>r*k<* d* t*obc 1 in?ta tie Fcrt?ii ootb a<.d onlereil i.? tile Dauucal pCi *1 rbip .l ime.-U/wn at San F>auci?co; fUMl i+ ?i?taat Taj &<<>.->:er .? BajdrJ l luai r .e Moiio<-a?.-y" A viatic ?t at ion, ai. Jorderc J to return Hoii nut re{K>rt arrival. >'?-t Had *?< htPaEPKMTKD.?Tbe ra I cits tetegrapbed iron, this ci'y of tt?e prob e earl\ discbar^e of one auu lr?l aiKl at fy fcm vie erunter* ftim tbe Trcaonry tlecartut jn? i? we Kre gihd to state, great y exaggerated. i le di<kkr|tl alluded to eiuorac? at><> it 3 toieii ii'HiU.r ?> :.o bad cbarg- of t'i* recoun*n>< of paluual bark notes f-ei-t h?r for redrrnp' <i, ?lict are twice counted iu tbe treasurer's or. ?*. ai d tbe tklr-l count wl> Utcm(d entirely ua : titt.-.ij. Pin- ?U.-Mr. J F. lr?ia, 9' tU? S m Krac?*ac* a::<i is in town. Mr. Irwin ?:ca 1 allied King K?akiua and ?u t9 fros S in Kraaciseo fcr that pai>er He will remiin h-;.*e tbiing tfce winter. ????Senator B^i-klnght a, 1.1 Cwurertioot. Is so ??rn>asly ill af his ho le tbat i? tsthcigbt he will n jt be ab'.e tj bo at W(fkM'(tOB at ail daring the wiut?r. ????. t ben Preston. 11 aytieu tD'Oister at Wa?hingt r a- taker a r??i ia New York lu M a i ite, and will entert?,n his coantr^uicn i tl i Ik the wititer. e ton. u . (2 Tn followi*^ camdiuatbs for the p >-i tivn of sect-rid U*atenanL4 in the army hare bten txauined bytbebcatdof examination in tbi# tit>,under general jjd- rB ?1, of a tbe Adjutai.t U?asnl'9 offlee:?-das. Brent, .a, ?n&y; Cbtilti SL Join U'mbb, l>i*trict of Jo luBBl i*; .tame* S Jonett. wn of Capt. Jo!i>*'t. ot the uavj tbv L. H?. tges, a.ui>, C&w. V. Mason, soi of Lieut. Col. John S. Ma*ou,-!:t lUfastry, .James S. Slartrl'er, Virginia, i at result ?>f the examiuition arid be prom'jlga'od at an early day. Cas a Disloyal Pbk^h St i tbi'i v kn>**kT"? In the Supreme Coart Tnurs.! ?y the Attorney Oe era flnis'isd. hi* argamem n tf.e<*ai-eot Hayera:t, appealed from (be Co in it Cia nis. i tie principle inro ted is au u lortaLt i-nf. iLa?niuch as it wiil decide wbetuer Oisloyai (?trwni hare the r gat to bring ? ii* sgaturt the g?)rernmtnt te recover tu- ?a. i. of capiutid aud ahaudoned | roperty. 'l'.ie i n prert.wn an.o' g the menitersot the bar lit > *t the Supreme (jvurt will ('.stain the adrers- .4 c'.sion 01 tbe Court of C' aims. TBI ?KDt/ 5 Conm???l<?|l I* THV. CHJR->5 4E Cur?Titv?A Ulegram frotn Mu>cogee, l?j . Iltb, sajsl'tie i.'nited St?t-? pea. e CMBiMtontrs arrived here at 4 a. 111 to diy on a s;>ecial trnin. Tbsy ar? having a talk ? itk a fuii iwlt g-.tit.n fruoi*. Cfcecta ??, V,'re?*ii". CLick*?aw? ind St-iu'nole I*?dla n. I . t t- i?fe, .Jot 11 Lf. i.aug, C V HauimI. RHb l^?>^e^?Ji, -'.perintriideat Eao~h H ... V> ii- Purge*-*-. I uued .Ma'-s Indian a^ent f ?r tuePawn es. M .jorJ W lrga!>, IndUu ag : t fir ifce OvMilidiafed Five Nations, w^-re ail I resent. Br.-i<].-e the regu'a' delega'ee tb-re w^re several hundred lidians pr-sent. The Uad.i g :deaof ?be eomuii's.oiiersf?iui to be n fa*< r <jf .I'tLe k a1 of fr-rritoria' form of g v eiin*i.t, aiH>. ?he es?.tt>'t-bm*nt of 1'ir -d Ma?. ? c?.ntti? among the tribes, aad ^encr^..? tbe tu-ae oi ??et.rttafy '.elato. Wjiklt Amy Kboi-tkr The to1 low r.g v". ter> of the army have regi?*ered th? V *r <l*part?tont dnrivg t?.* ?eek to-v.a,;. : ? l.ieut. Col. W L. h l ott, 1st cavalry; Lieut. -I. P. #ai ^er. Ut artillery tir.-t Lteat. Puliip V. I r;ir,eiig.i.eer ci>'p>, h irst l.icut. H'ig<fr? ii>r 1 it, j.- . 13.b ialantrj, L'.cat. Col. H K.Clarke, ? ut.- depar'raeii ; ? ?l ?! A. llardie. ia ?l-ector genera., >Ia, ji *'? Warren, eng a. or ?or|?. M 'ji?r H I. .% t?f?o t, ei.g.aeer coir-; t *|it. W. ii. H. Benya'ird, euglnecr u ' apt. D. P. lit ?p, tt g.neer corps; Lie j:. ' > . i. mii <,11. . ? tra<a:'cr'ii detiartment; C* >t. A i;. Tay\r, h Cat^r >1? or A! *1. Ot. a r f -. , u ibia.lU \ . > o I.J U t. 'A ^ ui|i, '*, : ' a*t :tn, A?i - aat Suction <i M.Hternacry, I". 8 A-, - > if - I ? A. I>. S.tant, M Iiv air\; Ma.ot .J. ' 1 ? t*? v, | ?y de|a:;iu ot, I. fl. A. ' * Tan Pa. 1 r:c Mail Mt i.i>l* t* C>?"??R*>->.? lu tie Hi i?e of Ueprc*. ntativee ycitiri it, afttr e- ;r r< p rt 1 ? ?<!. Mr. 1> ? we?, cUa rai *n of t'.f Cimouitve o ; Way* ari<l M?*ana, wli h ? low tii(?gtil in iuve-aiga'iBg tbe charge- of th?- ir 1 rop^r a-n i mon- v bv the :i;ents of Ue Par ; .Va:IM am-Li;' C-Jiuj-ari It procur ng ?I pi" 1 iat:i ns from Ooi'greea, applied 'or an (l-<r?.t attest lor Kifbanl B. Irwin, a former ot tt-.; ivu.i any, who ha* been rcj ? rd'v mn moned to testify oetore the com?nitt?e. ikt l?. lb <? t?r ftiiM to appear. Mr. PSelps ? <:cii .e< irw n, and -*a'.d that be was renl'v in 1 ' ^eaitli am! not able to come to Washington. ; I e ??-ighi of opiM->c s. esied te be. howt 1 .t, tb^t Mi. Iiwin latcaded to satl for Kuroi>e witbouf givirg the comm ftee notice of tao ilav ? t b*> departure, ar> 1 ths House directed that a warrant for bis arrest be Issued. Mr. Hoar of fered a resolution requesting tbe Judiciary (,on<mittee to report a general law authorizing ? be arrest 01 porsous wao refuse to obey tbe i.roc.- ses or committees ot Congr<<ea when tb<?y ate wanted to testtty. The resolution was re i? :eU to tbe JadiciarT Committee. 1 Hr sailors in Philadelphia have been on a ??riR* nare *t?t*rdMT. A targe meeting was held i*?t u'sbt o disapprove of" tfce cause of the ?tr>fce, wtucb is a redncUoo of wage*. A rs?iB.:t!w was ?"ii?ititt(i *o waiton the ve*Hl . witers to arrai ge term*. It was deci<i?d to iuakt a pioc .-*e:on tl.rough the streets to-day. i n a CaOftS Isial.?'l be testimony yesterday in the tr'.ai ot A. C. ilixt. in Baltimore, on a ..-l?a/fc- of perjury, was again confined to :he idert.tiration wf A. C Wilm>n ad the tt mo party as V .s i.ors, ai.d the Gose L'dder^ook tragedy was '.a*;lured in&o. Tba:s li.-hitnas laCi aroov (Kitanar Oa t*?iu. 01 Kauras, bas sent a requisit'.oo to St. Lai' Itr Mol'aniais, tlie traiL robber. Anoiear lf the gang, and supi o*?4 to be it> leader, naii r 0 Maim. wa? at rested at Wvaudotte yes terday. Fob. ,1 p K<Bl>, a Carolinian ef ability ar.g diti lictti ? , who re3entlyJoin*<l the rei>u>>ii -au jsr y, vas elected yrster-iav by the legi.-lature t t h- utb Ua'Uiii.a -i 'jce ot the Charleston cir cuit ccurt. over J. W. wbipper. aV">.sjor Tbomas Taylor, of Lmi4?"?, pas sed tbro .gf ait the peri's of the war of HI.', i nly to d e or *boopli.g cough at tbe age 01 a.i<?f> live last week. ay The wife of ex Jo Ige Prat*, of Sai Fran riMS baa applied for adivoree on the ground ef dtveitiou, and asks for a division of tb-1r coir wo pfi is-rty. Which !? valued at (3,000,090 Buelely, Etc. The Pmr presented a gay seene lMt night. All the belles tad beaux *jit present. Mn y of tbe gentlemen were In full evening dress I> lin ing *w quits general. Those who were rot present last evening should remember t! at this is the last evening, and they will n?<e something vt ry delightful If they remain .?? ?y. The ten-room 1* nnder tbe chnrge of Mrs. V*.il iac h. Mr?. S. V. Nl!o?. Mrs. Dutton, the M ? -s Frellnghnysrn. Mit* Wise. Ilisi Cu is, fci Fdi'h Fish, Miss Agatha Sclinrz, Miss En. 'y | lit ale. and other chaizulig young ladies, tta io<rc is beautifo'ly*ed with flowers, | and small tables wi*h b^nNn.e silver *::1 1 rhiaa. A cup of tea ftom the fair li ?nd< "ao .-?-rvp it is a beverage so tap rior to oidintry tea tho?e who pvt \ke are d^laded ?? "i the impression that it is neitar such ??> '?? < ods drank. Miss Irish and M iss Emily B t! j, during tbe evening, irrnd lemonade, ? 1 eieiy r.e said that the\ h*d t^a*'it ron lik -. strce tL;?t which was servi d l > NcllitQna >? theMartha Washington tea party. The refr :i ment tables ?re under th?^eof M K n nedy, Mrs. Perry, Mrs Ooyle. Mr*. Asliton and Mrs". Manry. I.arge tnrkeysro isted a beau t ?1 b-o*.n, bakrd ham, t<o'ied~ turkey, ve il pat'ie, ?ala>!s, a?d o'ber de'ie acles, are served at t'<> se tables. Aai.-ng thos;; present lastevevdng * re .Mr?. Admiral Powel, Mrs. C?rl Schurz, M '?!? am? de Bousslerre, Mi?. and Miss twill. ? Kiit-ourn, the Misses Kllbourn, Mr. ai><? V1 < Stur/evant Moore, Mr. Freingbuysen. t. n Kit ketts. I>r. Norri-, Mr. Hamilton Fish. .. i! ?1 a T>arty of dis' nguishrd strangers. *1 ??? Upton, Slit*- tiol'Hciiictt and ? ther la lie? h .re charge ct the table where there is a hau.^-. ae display of ? in pane .^e jtsc Is. T'ie fa<*t that p.- ? tdrni <)ra?>r and the King or the Sand*' -h Fsl> nr*- will be present tonight at tha B?.ir will doubtless cause a large at'end inca. ? There *aa a meeting h;ld at the hous" of Comniistloner Douglas a few evenings ?.uce to ccm-uit aN'Ut establishing a library and re 11 ing ro^ms for ladles and gentlemen. The h ject i.? to select de?'r t??le ro^m- for this parpo-te, and to have all the msga-rfr^s and new bo '"s. ??ecasionallv there will be readings au-1 re>- 1 i t'of s given by amal> am, and iu this way n: >y who cannot afford an evening's a murine :it? ?* wh?r?-. caw enioy th?-icselv<>? in this Intellec a! way. There I? a stri-g b^ne that the ec .r pri."e will be speces-fu!. ? Mii-s BUir, wliot-c mair.age takes jilace > **t Wednesday, will have cigut bridesmaiils? Mai\ Sitgrtaven, M'* Annie, MissSo, ile Ka^fcrd. Ml?s I.nlle Met^a. Isabelle It h ardson, Mi-< Littiejotin, Mis- f.owrle ami M '?* Freeman i here will !>e a best man a-?d ast. -s. hut r.o groor-smen. r^e bride'.- >!rers Is of w te ?itk, ard her attendants will #ear white 11 a MOD. ? Mr?. Ji.dge Aid ?, Mra. Donr Piitt, aad Mrs. (."arroli received yesterday. Mis. Pi at I \ p<cte li? neral and Mrs Worthington. of O*i'0, to arrive next week. They will spend a por ; in of the winUr here. Mra."Wurthlngton is ? .?!. Tiitfa only sitter. Mrs. Pwtt'i sister. M-s. Hannirg. v. tfe of the liberal member of "ie will be here nest week, to rcma.u-'.^r irg the session of Congress. ? In consequente of Ihe ft e of th? Kn i ip house on I street, oiCupied by tbe British ,i bir Edward Tuornton at.J bis off tal Tam-ly have moved into tb ?? sptclotis new lt>i t on buildirg, corncr of N street ami t'oni. ti. at avenue, somewhat so.?i.'-r than they' id iroro-fcd, the buildii g not being fahv f :."i ed and t urnisbed as yet. Sew FiiblleaUoiw. Tfi Moiiit QrwTK b Cartidertd Scier 1 cal'v : nd Praetlcally, with a letter from >1 Michel Che vain r. and<?bserratirr<son A-er ican Finance. Bv H. Bowliiv Wills'in. I. ?(! den : Fftirgham W ileon. I Through s>o!cs. us & Chapman J I*aj.i.aT*f* or Biattt. Edited by Oeor^e "-I. Pakrr. Boston Lee A: Sbepard. ( I'hrjj^h Wm. BalUntyne J 'Ih.ris a cbarmir.g TOlatHe, adapted fo? "le holiday season, illu-^ated by forty fall-j g.. engrarligs. The well- ballad* tmbr ?;c a wide rang') of authorship. lit *!>>:? To Wast*. The Story of a T .:;i b-'-y. By George M Bikc-r. Boston: Let Jt hhei ard. [Ihroagh Wm. Uadantyne.l A capital story toi girls. Kbtiisn's 1 umptatios. By tha ait'ii' of 'Little Bfssie." Boston Heury il^yt. Through Wm. Ba iantyne I 1hi Ian ai<d Apv?*TrBKs ov Rbar^-v ?>ral #Mm Piirt JanB) ci led Paul Jones. By .Jno. S.C. Abbo't. N -w York: l)ov.d & Meat. tThroug'i Win. Bkliiv tjnf ] A s(iiitei narrative of the career of tb) d ir ?ng patriot. Br>ti a*d Bolti; o^.The Fort'ines or a K-> tory Boy. By ILo^tio Aiger, jr. Id; >u. l.onng. iThroughWm Balliitvne.] By the author of ' Ragged Dirk" a id o' sor j o;u'?r stories for toyi. isuAiiiA; A narrative of t'.e expedition to Certral Africa for the -on of e B'?ve Tra.'e, orgai zed bv li-.nail, Khedive <>l Lgji-t. By S;r Sun.nei W. Bitter. P??ha. Vt. A . etc New York Harper ..v Sros. ' TUro J. C. Parker ] An interesting and importmt-ro-k byths 11 tbo' of I he A'lert S 'yania,"' aud 'The J le Tributaries of Abvaslnia." 'I he p^3sent v k ilefcrilies the history of the Kue-live ot Kgyi 'V ei(?e*iitkon (commanded by tha author*, w i-ie trst I'tartii-al step that has been taken t> ,> press tbe slave trade of Central Africa. The took is profusely iliostrat'd with maps, pir tiars. and upwaras ot Oicy lo l-page ; ictur ?>. i'uk Lob dor QraRTitKLY Ka*'r?w, Oct?l? r. IsTI. New Yoik: L?-ontrd i^ott Puhhah ng Comrany. f fbrongh Warren Choata Jo. and K B Mohan >1 Co.) Containing ten aiticlte, m^tly upon jurr at *o* Tilt?.r Tibu Dowb to P:iov* spkci^-.o AHlVMn Acts or B?K"*ieR.?lu !^e M; Cue granted th-; motion of Mr B6echor'sc ? -i -t! toi a bill ot p&rtlcuiaia tu tae Tliioti fur it ?ei n - that T iton charge* two sj eciti ? aft >t a-ult?.ry, throne ha?mgbee!. e..>iu;ui *ed o or about the inth of Octot?er, l-t>? a; d the -it ,ar som?. I've day i? i?ti*r. 0 adge McCiS hoilstiat ?n support of tht-se two allegations -niy - .??h j>r< oi can bo ad united ax rc.atcs d.ret. to these particular ac*?. and that all - ,r?^ .. - -it co* feuions aid declarations made by \lr. Peecner, as wull as h s lett ir? etnnot !>e ad: t te<l to prove the rommi?s*on ot the^e ar'* at: ?? it ts shown tha' the.y relate dlroe?ly th-freto. . ,d that he ha I them in c<>nt?-m;>larlon wheu tie spoke and wro'e. A c?ner?l confev on ?f g . it cannot l?e admitted t<?stto? iha* cfrtam w.-^, ,%? tul acts were copimitted at particular t.n)'-. <jd places. But dedge McCu- a'?-j decides i it tl.eee ai'misrionraxd cont^srioi * may be ava "d to i<io*c a *?reral charge of s-duction. *a?: -ct to snrh I'mi'at'otis and restric'i . s as tho c irt may | rescri >e in the eocrse or the trial, i he ?uit has been postponed by cor.oeut ot part -a, to the first Vordav in Jat.uary. The j : l^e pawed an onf?r to that after be'r.i a? sured tna' it the eve was taken up now it , i ii<j not be cjnc'.uded before the Chi ??'raii vaca*. >a. Tbx PiTTsarao Pi St?i**.?T'le ea-'Urn ar.d western papers. ;n g.ri:)g an ia count or th? paddiers'strike In this city, repre sent It at fwrty thousand! This is a groas ex tg geratlon. The number of puddling turn*, e at the mills heie Is given at S"0. in round nnmhers. roar men?two puddlers and two helpers ? *re employed at each rurnace, so that the striks in volves. tor the present, onlv 3,200 m?n. Ai, however,the suspension of work at the furnaces mast, in the end. invo've the suspen sion or ail other work at the mills, and also of the miters employed to supply the mill* with fuel, it is estimated that, should the sun t>e I crusted in, it will result before the winter is over, in d?priviog from 15.030 to in.U'JJ uie^i of wotk Tbt?is theoaUido limit.?nt.'s'iurj C t wu >ial, 90* Lim tatiob ob th* Powbr or Gas.Coiir'a Niae?A judgment Lr 82.OO was obtaiue-i on WtdEt?.ay by Elisabeth Murray against the Metiojiolitan gas company or Now York, for vrergtolly cutting off the gas f rom her house on ac- ount of a dispute about an unpaid bill. <).i apj eal the New York su(?rior court in general trrn> be'.d that the right to shut oft gas does not eaund to arrears er. ated by former oecapa its. As to the damages, ho*ever, it is held that 'hey are tco r? note to be sustained on an act'on on H.e contract Itself; ai d on the latter ground he jud^m-nt was reversed. Thb <icas,-H<.rpbit Plaoti.- Colonel Kin wlck, the agent sent out by the Nebraska Aid Socttty, has returned toOm?hafro>a tbe^-asi hoj.per district, having vlsite?| seveu eouatios. his rep'rt shows that I 300 people will need daily rations, as well as c otnlof. till t .ey can raise something u> subsist uix'u in the spring. There bs v# been no cas^s of peraons starving to dta'h. The people are not inactive; they bare bri n atiii are yet , 'owiug and getting rcaiy tor spring planting, Lopln<f that seed will be In sume way provided, fiat very few jteoplo are leaving ti e district. KINC KALAKAUA. h:s arrival in Washington OIMECT OP HIS VISIT. CIS qriBTFRS AT T'JF. ABLIT?T:>t. DESCRIFT'GN CF THE KING A.*;0 H:S PAR,?. At an ear'y hour this morning *he n""w ,u-1 handsome dej* t of the Haiti'Uore and Po*ou;*c railroad, con.*r of 6'h awl B >'ret'tr, wu the Scene ot unu-ual bu?tle ?!n! sc'ivity. :a antici pation of the .i-rival of liis m-*je?ty, David K tl ak&ua. King ot the Sand wich Islands, a~i! iiie t'lf.cerp of the company were bn*y giving ne-vis surr orders. From the well-hole in the ?loi>?t were suspended the large tl*g of the Kawti in Island and the United States Bag. The 11% w. i-.n tt-?g attracted miii'h attention, and its siin larlty to the Star* aud Strip-is was re mirkcd. It consists of eight Mtripes ?red, w _,;te ar.dbtoe? a union of t>lui?, with a white tud red cross. A detail of twenty-five p licei'nn rej orttd at the building at u o'clock. KN KHUTB. The roya.1 j aitv on reaching Pitt.sbu-g ie re obliged to ?h m^e car*, owing to the fear rli it tbe directors' car ot the I'ulon P icitic railroad* was too wide tor some of tlie tunue'J, <?n?l a tiae Fnllman car of the Philadelphia and Erie com ply was substituted. Thin caused a detention of a tew hour*, and, on resuming their journey, they airived in ll>trrishurg during the n:git, and, switching oil on the Northern Ceti;ral road. e?n.e rt->#u to York, where bretklast *a? served in the -"ar. atid the train ktt ttiat place at 7 .0 a m. Mr. tJamiKd T. DeKord, the ic;a era! southeastern agent of the Pennsyira >ia road, met the king's train at Cockeysvilie, 13 d., ard aceompanted it through to this city. l':.e train arrived at the Union depot, Baltiiho-e. ?t; a. ru., where Mr .1. N. J)al$*rry, geu."-il ot the Kaltimare and Potomac c?-m paoy, joined the party, with W U. l'cmpie, V. S. navy, and his aids, laautenanls Emory and Totteu, aiid Commissioner Gar'tr, of the Sandwich Islauda. The king rect i. d them in his private parlors Here engine IS >. H, handsomely decorated with the A oari ii ar-d Hawi'iari fl;igf, was attached to the t: , n, and it proceeded outhward. WHO MET TUB KINO. At 10 30 o'clock a special cjr attached to a gine No. 11 left the depot here, having on l> ? trd Sccretaiies Fish, Belknap, and Kjbescn, liju. Eli.-ha 11. Allen, formeiiy U. S. Gominissio ier to the Sandwich Island*, "and now Chancellor ot the kingdom, and about ttn re present at i vet ji' the pre^s, ai d proceeded to Wilwn't stat; <o. alvo'it 9 miles Miit, where it arrived at !? f.2 Here tbeaixival of tbe train with ttie King >uni p?riy hw awaited. At a tew m'i>"tes paf 11 o'cio< k the roval train arrived and e?rae :>a halt when thf* Secretaries and c>tbers tH)tr;ied it abd #eic uumediatelv shown into the King's car. PFOIlKTARY PI?H wns introduced by Chancallor Allen to the Kitg; and the Secretary briefly addressed fc ui, stating that he and bis colleagues had bt-en deirgat^ii by the President to welcome his M i j*?ty to the Capital of the coautry, and His llx celltn-y would receive him in w*shingto j. THK KTKrt't* COLD. The King briefly thanked the Secretary vnd apologised for not speakln?. as a cold he hid contracted at Omaha had affected his throat. He tben invited the companvto ?aViaglrissof ? ie wiMi him, which Invitation w?u* accepted, id soon ibty were all engaged in canvers-ation. ('? THB TUAIN W'BBS. Gov?rn?r J C?. Dom.nis. of O.ihu; Govern?> r. M. Kapena.of Manii; Colonel W. M. Whe ry, U. S. A , A,de to General Scofleid; Lieute' tat Commander \V. II Whii'ng.of U. S. sloop ?iici; Colons i H'ih: ud, Aide to Go*ei t"*r Bltla; ai.d ? A. Pit-rce. L't.ireil Sta'es vt. i ter KkSidetit at the Hawaiian ls'ands. who i ?n leave of ?b%ei ce for the p'irj>ope of this \ -it, SBt Irving, the ay?nt of the Anier -?n Press Association at San Franci-co, and M I*. II. Goodman, general i>asit:ii^er ag^-nt U. P v., wilt those wl.. join, d the pa-tj in Halttmo... at th* napoT in washisuton. F% 11 o'clock a battalion t?i United St^as m:?iines,(foui companies,) headed by the b.i I, aid under th? curoiuHnd Of Capt. McLaue > l ton, arrived at th?- de^or, and an immense cr *d asstmbkd in ar<d about the baildiug. The ?j iice *i re stationed about the depot. Major It -h ai?l?, Cattt. Brock atnl Lieut. Kelly in charjt. Lieut. Noonan and a s jua'J o? mounted ofti wtre h!-o The interior of the bull! ' ^ was well cleareu before the arrival of the ti a. THB KING IN WASHINGTON. At 11 2-5 the train ordered the depot, w' re Liti ts. Hooker and L G. Paimer, aiJcs tjC%p tain Temple, report'd that ad wa-4 in readu: g tor the recept ?>Dr and the party imiue'liat ly leit tLe tra'T. (Japiaiu Templo ie l the v. .y tiirou^h the m:iiu hali and la'lies' waiting r mo to the Ii street tntrance. The King followed, accompanied by Secretary Fish aud Ohanceilor Allen, and 01 reaching the deortray the m tri ^es prt >e: t<-d arms and an appropriate air < -* plavidl y the baud. The K:ug was e^cort'-d to tht left ot the I ue and tx?k a -eat in t?ecr.' iry Fi-h.- carriage. The Secretary took a sea' o sid?. tira. and on the front seat w:ia Chanji :.r Allen 'Ihe King's suite followf-d, taking o -t'j witb Secretatiea K?;beson and Belknap in t .e r carriages. The King's catriage was placed >a t?een the second and third companies of v i rine*. 'fcLit e.-C"rted to the Arlington, by w&t of B Mr? et,Tth street aiiJ PeLn^y ratii t are ^.a, atu hu lamtnse crow I followed the proee?- on. wn>D'?wa' raiMKS. Or the arrival of the train and while tba ? -<j cessiou was getting unJer way, Mr. WV'd ws played the following selections of music on th? cL iLUofthe Metrorolitan J4. E. church, c a mti.ciriK ?ith the Fen <ie joie, A Firing ot Bel's. I'ai to the Chief, Hail Columbia, S "r man's Mi.rch through Georgia, and o:Uii . i Uciial melodies suited to thu occasion. THB I'ROCBSSIION was lr the following orderI>etacbm?:it of nour.ted police: lT. S. Marine Batul, led hy Scfcnciiler; battalion of L\ S. maiines, un ier con icaudof Capt. McL. T. Tilton; then c*me the oairiages, aud Secretary Fish, witli tae Ka j; and Mr Allen, occupied the ttrst c-trr: u<>, v/ageii en then came another, with 'i -v en or Kaptna, Secretary Kobe-ou, and Ci,.t, Temple. In the next were Moverujr Dum.ais w th Secretary Belknap, Col. Waerrv, i-id Lieut. Commander Whiting. This was lollow-d by others ot the party iu ca: r a^es. The m ir.nes locked remarkably well, an i Uijtr hue march.:ig w v- cot'mended. The King W**, however, "ie gteat object of attraction, aud thousands * no had never beiore laid their eyes on royalty, took this opportunity. The house tops an 1 winjuiva aioitg the line ol march ( B aioj 7th streets a id PtM sy ?ai.ia avenue) weio nlled with peo, ie. and so Weio the sidewalks. 1 KB KING'S flag. At eleven o'clock a. in. the guests of the Arlington were expectant; UeU only the guests, bnt others who tad congregated to get a glim^ne of royalty. At twenty minutes to twelve o'c'oak a. m., a messenger of the Baltimore ana Potoaiac Latlrcad Company arrived in a buggy, bearing with him a Hawaiian tlag. 11a -inlckly jumped out and was running up the ateps, wbeu a sab'.e servant accosted him aud endeavored to take frcm him the ensign. ?? Fbat are you doing'.'" saul twe mes?eag-r. Why, I'se de man dat'e gwine tj run up de flat? Bedad. does the likes of v*e? be'.oni to the Kit g V It's the King's flag Fve got. Mr. lto?ssle offered to relieve the rncss*u jsr'8 embarrassment by stating that he would be responsible for the hag. ?? Go way, ye blackguard," sa.d the messen ger, ?? I wauts the proptietor." It took Koessie wme time to cmrlnce him that be waa the proprietor, and the flag was orlj de ivered alter he got his "resate." '1 Le neat arrival of what looked legal wa> an t\pie?s wagoo loaded with champagne, bran dice, whisk its, ale, <&0' THB LAMBS. Meanwhile the lady guests of the hotel flowed into tLe rooms assigned for the King. They sat in nearly all the chairs leriatim, remarking: ?? Oh ' a live king will occupy this." One ladv, well up in the forties, remarked to a f .issy llitle woman, well ov?r ber teens. "Oh ! you have de signs on tLe King." ?Not a bit of it," was the reply; "my designs are on the State depart ment." While this was taking p.ace in the frost room, the King's bedchamber was invaded by a group of young belles as trash as mountain roses. Each criticised the appointments, aud one, more mischievous than the rest, threw her self OH to the bed, and exeUlmeri," Well, I hard a king's couch, anyhow." At fire minutes ba tore 12 o'clock the royal flag floated to the breeze ircm the flag-staff of th? Arlington. THK KIBO AT THK ARLtSOTOM. ^ At pre cicely two minute* before 12 o'clock the drum major of the Marine band appeared to 'be f'ght of the waitingcrowd as he marched aroand the corner of li\ -treat, out of Pennoyivan a avenue. I hen fallowed the band, the Mar- ,? corp*, &Ld four catriages which went to mUe np the procession ? sandwiched between a motley crowd of gamins, both black and wb; on loth sides of th?*street?precisely su.:h 2*. k n?'gth-r.Vafi^ 3re v-u?lly vrr^ J a pi. ?J? O! the ??Onl liCan 1* if?lieriDen/' At precisely 12 o'clock the fl st carriage tr ['V ,n f'0"} ?f ,b.? e:itranc<j to the hotel, on H street. In it was abated the lv -;z of''thW Y" A.1!en' Uhief J ustice he S?nt?wivh Islands. Theii cama * car riage with Gov. Kapeoa SecieUrv Hobs.- m HiU-j.ajit. Temple; next uius (l)r. Iloa-i , Co1' v !ierrJ ? chief of u i>t ..ofe.d s stall, ai:d Lieut. Command *.r \V at. :i g, of t ie L nit til Sates Navy. The Kin* .-*? tl:e erst to altghl; then Secretary Fish. and last, Chiti Joftice Allan. THE ??>TAL rART V consists of King David Kalak?o?, Governor Kapena. and Gov rror Domlniis. Chief lus t re Allcu has beer here some time, as well as secial commissioner Carter: U. A. Pierce I S minuter re-nient at Honolulu. Cil.-oel Ahtriy came *itb ihe kiD| t'roui San FiftucHco to represent the ?rmy a ,1 Lieutanaut Com mander Whiting the navy. The latter officer commanded ihe Cnited States stealer Bontc.ia. which bore the sovereign to the Unite! States tronj hi- Polynesmn homo, an 1 at lm nru >nt request. Lieutenant Commander Whiting ?a? he? n detailed to remain with him until tie return* to Honolnlu. While the distinguished party wa? alightine the mar.r es presented arru?, to which salute, opon r?aching the threshold of the hotel en trance, t!ie king responded bv removing his Uat. A national ant ieir of the San Iwleh Islands w.? then rendered by the marine hand. The kuie and suite then to their a- ?:gned quart ers til the totel. H'.8 AIAETMIKTSATT'IK ARLfKOTuN, It I? to be doubted whether this Polynesian potentate has mjro sumptuous quarters in his ?ar .oil home than are provided tor htm a; the Arlington. liocssle never before had a king to elites tain, and though he only received ord r* to prepare for roya ty yeetcrdav, he wa< ret,!? this morning to nuke the king '??[ home." l'o begin with King Iuvid is assigned to a -uite of bertd mx, seven, eight, and n ae, respectively, on the first fi...,r. Trey arc of ?=. a ple s:ze to allow whole delegatiom to m<ke heir - a.aaxns without inc.nveuience Nutu -r ,, e parlor, lh.s is richly fariiish-d p.nd the t'oor coveied with b.ue Axminster . ar ptt. There Is a handsome mirror over fie mantel piece. TL. re are easy chairs, sot ,s, lounges and divans of blue sanu. with a run ning figure ol gold and de.ic.Uetint of cri-n->n. ? he windows arc dr ipea with damask curtains and lambrequins, reliev-M witu snowy wi, te ? I centre of this rouru on a maritie ,VLe T.*" e??"'?w>y arranged flower bi'ket. with white japonira*, Laviug in the cenfr.*. '.m lettering ot email r^d flowers the words 4,W'.'i come. ' I he base is of evergreen. In a :di tion se?cr>?! r?s? of flowers ^9 attractive;, arranged in this parior. The m tntel ha 1 on it a troiize clock and caltndabra. Adjoining the rarloris the king's oltice This is forufs'ied with carpets to mutch the p?rl >r, a rosew.,,d ^M^ry' 8e,*eral e"y cLaira 10 damaek rep, anl lace curtains. r lloom r.nmber eight is the king's dining.roon. iiiir ajjoins and communicates with thi nr lorsby folding doors. The carpets are of blue Axminstt-r, a shade lighter than in the patlir. rhere is a large mirror in this room also. On the mantel i? a clock in white m<rUl. Tbedlshae f,re? ?f;lta Chinfc with a border of gold. All the tablt. ornaments are of heavv silver. To the right ol the room .salary sid board or pol ishtd mahogany, inlaid wica bird's-eye m*;.^. At either 01 ue oi tLc mantel ia arranged io n*. :redChi,ese^vMs. running vines or fuchias and horr jsucklee, v.tuch bang pendent over ine sides At the h?a.| of the table trie king's eves tad upon the pleasing word, "Aloha," wrought in evtrgreen, w.jicb translated from the U 1 4 w tdan means "Weicome." N umber nine is the royal bedchamber. T'ie couch it- h.w, and ol the modem pattern,ot ro?j. 1rj<1 ?\*hog?,,y. In the room is a w.^h stand, ea-y chairs, tolas, dressing case, Jfcc. < ?ne ' '"e ofnaments on the dressing cas9 is of w.i te wear, representing l*ua sublalng the I'on. lnawlth .s sc.tnty a co-tcme as female liawaiiitiis used to wear. Not omv do tl w of tb.s na ion greet the monarch, but hiso vn, too ai d he is in addition reminded of Americ n customs by a j-ioiusion of ?pittoo-.? In fu el ce he his blue cries: in his parlor biue a :d g? *'? in his dinic^ room wnlte China, and in three long .Japanese affairs, wh-h look like gallon od.tanks H? w II nit su-ior lor want a p.ace ' 1 e*pe toratj. Most k;- >?> do eapectorate, and let tly r.gut a'ul left, and King K ?!;ika-ia exj ects-to-rate a-? *? king. Frrtd erlt k the Great sometimes tuei his suhi ? facte as spittoons. J DOK8 TH* KfHO OR!H K? Now this, amongotLer matt-ir*. worried lij s cde not a little. Ho inquired hare ail thire and everywhere to kuo?v if the King to>k ms t? d. Finally, he struck the King s Colter d n ttce, Mr. Allen, who has proceeded his soven^n to vvashington several davs. The questi >n *\s m ...e, 'V^ .?n"' Koeselle approached it with Lesl a.ion in this w<s?: Wr. Koesrlie?Ah. good m>rni yg, Mr. A: ""n. Ab. tine m#rniiig. C! ief dus'ice Allen?Charming; charming; it rtminds me orouj or oarS.ul*lch Isuad oair.iy o:iv8. 8f^^'tlU^n?e?~0',, a^' Mr' A ,er1' there 'is Tlil.,',* 0 ?.'y nilud? hem?excase :,a ror a-?'rt' tlie question ? but 1 am worried fr> kno v dii'iflT" KlDg~?h' U*ain U' dW3 Kiaj Chief Justice A'!en ?Uos'eMe. sia^a voir embarrassment. The King Uk*- his n p. ,,.>w f, t .'iTwe I't0 ',e SIlort? you kuo^r-hj L? Just like the rest of uj. 'ihishint was enough. The King'^ roim is stecktd with pot tbles, frum t ie spira>iig champagne to the American sjintus ftrmtntt. PEESKMrATIOMS. l i on reaching his apartments King David w a? introduced to Senator Morrill, Kx-S-jnatjr Wade, and other distinguished persjui ?7U0 were in his rooms awaiting him. THK Kiyo NOT WKLf,, The King will remain .inietly at Lis hotsl nntil Monday nr xt, at which time he will be preso t ed fo President Grant. The delay in the rre fentation to the Pr. s. lent arises fiom the act it*' , .t; from a si?e.e co!j, cou. * 111 yo'aha, irom being cipo-etoo louz in him't^cF* ^'Hmuicnth icception given AT r>KE\Kl"AcT. Before one o'clock the roems were nearly vie serted. except by ttcse be.ooging to the party. Breakfast was served, at which sat the K-ag, VwVP' 2x*I,ell& al'd L)ominis, Chief .1 i-t.ce Al.en, Secretary Fish, Cat t. Tempi.. 1.1, tt,?. am t oi^iuander Waiting ana Ool. \v ii r* Alter tLc meal the King to<>k a nap. SKETCH O* THK K ! Hi i. To begin With, he is married, autf, being bom November lt;th. lv?.,, isjutt at>out a moutii over .'8 i ears oi age. H i is an Hawaiian by birth, t-elng born at the foot of Punch Bowl-lull. Honoin.u. His father was the high caiaf K iU amokalanlnui (Kapaaken r,r short), an1 qu mother the high chiefes. Keohokaloli. H, i, a little darker in complexion than a saffran ^ hk' dBr* ?? ttj8 a*n?- He h%- a full broad chest, weighs about Iso pounds has ?^y ^'r> ^Ut a which protrud* with silken hneness well over the lower iaw He was dressed in a heavy ObinehlUa overcoat light in color, biaca pants and coat (ordinary ??TU:Du b,sck boots, number e'ght boots,^wel 1 polished, and latest stvle of b!?ck stovepipe hat. He is represented by the oin ?r, Te,y *reftt ', i iit-n.iti'^M y' *n<1 u*?r?at reaur; is s^ple in his maimers, and goes oat in soc^fv I in Honoln.n the same as at:v private getitie man, wnh this diflt-rence that his royal prer >g attveglTeshim the neces-ity of returning calls made upon him. ni? fsco ia iit uu Iij a lsrfe bia.k eye or considerable flr?, and 011 rfie ? h< 0 ht i re.nts the appearance of a gentle:.un | ol refinement a?il intelligence. THK CI*U'S KDL'CATIOJf. He was ei1nca?d-J at the roya' college. He speaks Ei.^iiah v.ry fluently, and is a care.ul reader ot the Lavish and American leading newspapera. Thm royal college is done avav with Iicw, its place being takeu by a more demo cratic institution, open to all. This college of ttuneiMU is pres deo over by a man bv the n ime of Church, a graduate of Oberlin, Ohio. Tha syrtern 01 edueaMon in the islands is campalsjJ. Md the percentage of people who cannot r*Td or write Is much less than in any state in this conntry. Prince i>avid was for a long time a c?erk of the interior department, aod waa clerk rl t^ll^,t^.Ty.c^nnc,1 UD?er two last kings, so that he had become quite familiar with ihe worklrg of the government before be became king. He was married upon the !?cti or Decern ler, 1??3, to tie Chiefep? K*pio:*n<. dang*i er of ( the Hawaiian chief Keowis, mid h*s ?>e K?l , I'iIudustmno. Tb* pr?>*;nt qneen was n?med alter the celebrated Kapiolani, mentioned n ' history as tie first one who broke the idola'rous taboos. THB OB.IECT or HIK VI8IT. The great object of the Kirg's visit to the ; United State? is to aid in the negotiations of a ! reciprocity treaty. It Is considered ;n Hon 1 .lu | the present e^emp to be a more OfP'Jt une j time than on any previous occasion ti et c tuch au arrangement wnn-h, it Is believcd .. it. ride*, will i?e ot the |freat-st advent t*je to e* ? (aitot tfce islands. Public wttontiou. it i?i>? i. las beeu turned to the subject by tbe re. i- at , i;>cos,-ioo on the Canada treaty, and Uir >< ur j ts u?e Union low calling for tiiat trca v v. i ?? j I' ore likely to vote tor a rimilar treaty with la- j v an than it the Dominion (ue.-uon ot' reci|>r-? j city mm up tor approv al. Th' planar- iai I leieign resultm? in the ifiai.d* de*ue resi, . j I e ts with tbe United States, and in 1V>. ? ?1 I &? uiinccwftul attemp's were made to i II Kt'out. More recently the government ott red i to cede Pearl Kiver Harbor, six nuliis iroui j tioLOiuIu, a? an inducement to ou. ^ovem ni i ? ??r mcli a boon, and I: will be reinonibered ?t Ai ?Jor General Seboiield anl G?nerai Alev .n- ; 0 r, I luted Slates engineers, proore.l-d , ft yi ar tioiu San Tiancitco to the island.-. i made u >-urvey of tbe territory and pwtiu .** lion. A bill recently pa?ed the Assembly, in tended to authorize tte King and hie mini- t* I t*> ?-ttect a reciprocity treaty whenever the .<p- | 1 ortunity offers, withon* reference to the L~,:is lative Assembly. A provision of tbe Haw* in constitution iu%krs it ueccsaary that any tr 'y affecting the tar id' sh?ll be pac.?ed npon by t\:o Ar.->eiiibiy before It can be bincdng. Tue atix- ty to have such a treaty ? at so great that a iu .j r ity of the Assemblymen vote! for the bill. al though warntd that it conflicted witb tue .- 'a stituuon. King Dav>d will, therefore, be t* ftct as he det ms be?', and whatever ?rr..tifca neut li? may succeed in inakiug will,no d'> i >t, be ratified by legal authorities iu aus own o m toy. GOV BRNOR DOM IN16 is chiet of statl .md adjutant general ot diiiiinut ve military establishment of t'ae S**i i w icb I?:ands and governor of Oaha. He in 10 .r ritd to tlie King's sister. He us younger L> tLan the King, and is not quite so dai k iu Co. jr. IU-s|?t iks English with ea?e and coneetm -s. a:.d is in manner as a t orough Aunn. ta, tLongh born, br?.d and educated ia Ha? d. (w?. Domicile is genial and gentlemanly, ad i.-highly esteemed. He was uic-?ja n; aecitt s imilar to his sovereign. OOV. -!OHS K A TUNA. one of the euite, Ua j ure Hawai au. He >rv d- ui out of the kingdom before, and is 01- if the keenest and most observing of the pt- :y. He has distinguished himxeli in journ*!i--u. I' ? ving been editor of the leading paper in H n o ulu befoie the accession of the pr. set t K .g He was a chosen friend of Kai tkaua, aud <?* appointed by bim Governor of Ma i. He >a? sii od up tirmly tor the intorebts ot the n > w popuiation, and some time since caused 'he ii issioiiiitles some uneasiness telative to their told ou tbe ignorant portion ot his coun'ryi i?n. lie is about thirty-six years of age, of good bui'.d and figure, aLd dark in col^r. He * u> diessed in ht?h bat, light colored md black (ants and coa*. CHIBP IC^TICB AI.LEN. An:org those here with the King and & n eiu ber of his statl is Chief Ju>tice Allen, * wh.U> man. This important functionary of the witb Islands Is on tbe sunny side of sixty. He U a spare man of medium height, dresces ne itiy in black broadcloth, and adorns a thick neck, enclosed in snow-white collar w:th a purple fctot k. His lace Is full of expression aud c^*r acter. He is pleasant in manner, and as-umur no aiis. This officer i?a native of M assa cb osetts. He studied law in Ma;ne. During Pi evi dent Tyley's administration he served in C.ia gress. lu 1800 be was appointed Amitl in Consul to the Sandwich islands Several r .rs aftei he resigned the position to accept tbY f Chief Justice, tendered him by tb? H ?w ?? an gOTeruruent, wnich place of trust he but <Jn cl rged ftHh credit for the last eighteen y -. 9. COMM1PSIOMIK CARTER, a!s<- one of the royal attaches, is of Aui^r: .d parentage, although birn on the Siud-n t islands, hie father and mother being nativ?- jt Massachusetts. He is a merchant in H juo! 1 ot the firm of C. Brewer Oj., a firm wl :a ha? been celebrared since ISi'i. Mr. Carter a bloi de, with blue ami l??*en piercing eyes, id r> r^inds one in looks ot a saece?=tai A luc. m me rcbsnt. !<otb of tbfse officers have l>een in Wa -ii ?. ton several days, clothed with iheapecia! i>u? rs ot making the necei-stry ariangemeut for *ie w gotistion of the rcctpr<?c!ty treaty -d el.-i a lo re in coni.ection wirh this ai ticie. BKCBI'IIOH TO TF.B K^O BY rKEStI>-.NT i.RANT. <>n Monday evening next the Pror ient ? 1] give a car I ruceptm in honor of His M -'y, Icr which invita iono will be issued tomein'? rs ot tte Cabinet, ?h? Chief .lu.-tice and Associate Justices <>t the Supreme Court, foreign mi -in ters. officer* or th* irmv atid navy, ma.-nhers of Ct.'IJgr^e^, distinguished citizens,\tc. Puis re ctpiionwill be followed some evening dTlog ti e week by a grund state dinner, at which \ u be present thirty-six guests, including memVrs of the Cabinet, tbe Chief Justice and \ss->c; <te Justices of the Supreme Court, Adm ral l* ?r ter, General Sherman, Senators and iuvmV:? ot Congress. The dinner will mke place in it state dining-room at the Executive Mausiou mUEBW EMMA'S VISIT IS I??5. It will be remembered that Queen Erama.itie widow of Kamehameha IV., visited the Ud -d States and England in iSoti. She proceeded 'o Wachirgton in August, anl w?? most poli'?!y received by President Johnson. Th? lad*r, wtio is h'gtly accomplished and weU favored "by tur?*. was treated In every quarter with t ie greatest consideration. It is hardly ne?s< -.ry to state that she is very am'titious and ha" a yet abandoned the hope of reigning over ? * wa.i. She is atill a deride J power in the 'e klrgdom The Trsmt I'ndkb thk Hddsom? c a pr'Sted Air made L't'ful?The wjrkmen .-n be Hudson Kiver tunuel were ens-iged In la : g the brick in the cuib yesterday. The b*> k voik on the sh.u't is four feet thick, a'-d '1 is betn su' k about six ftet in the irater. ye- -r day the laborers Were building the arch 0* t >e tunre), which will be sur kover sixty teet b - ow the euitaco, when the brick work will be <*one uider ihe river. A twenty-horsepower s*-;aai 's being levelled in the excavation nn : >r tl e Fifteenth street shed, which will famish the power for hoisting the debris and pumping tne water. Dock bui dors and driving plies at ^be ? t art , and so?n the planking will be laid i-.r a < tecpoiary landing placc tor mooring the b t??s ai d unloading the cargoes of brick, cement, >nd oil er materia!. The only drawback is the oer tbfct the immerse weight of the brick work *1 ?y sink too rapidlv before reaching hard bot' .^a. A-* soon as tbe shaft is sunk, which will be iu al-out two weeks, au incieased iorce will be to work. Twelve laborers and eighteen hr' x lsyersare at work. The manner of sinking fie . shaft is an invention ot the contractor. It is done bv compressing the air to a density that boUls tbe earth in its place without the tis ? of planking?If. P. <?un. 1 If*. Vic KPEURd is uuiet and orderly. On Thurs day 1 igbt the board of aldermeu authon^ed tbe mayor to organize a brigade or voiiu.cter policemen, to consist of ten companies of fifty men each. Sheriff Crosby and several oiAer cesro leaders are held prisoners, partly tor ifctir own safety, and to be made amenable to tbe laws if they have violated them. The board of county supervisors, all negroes, have discovered that the negro chancery clerk aae no bond whatever ou record, though be has been in office more than a year. There ire seven indictments for forgery and embezzle ment pending against bim. Pl'SCHABB OF A VALUABLE ItaCEdOB- t ? Mr. Kichard Penistan.of Kentucky, n*i ,, tr. cbtsed the celebrated racehorse l*el!owcr? "t, by Australian, dam Aerolite, 4 vears old (t will be remembered that Fellowcraft madt ; ie fartest tour-mile time on record?7.10 *, ?at Sa ratoga last summer, beating Wanderer aud K ity Ptase. Thin grand horse will now be ret u Ad fr m the turf and put to the stud. The p ce hid by Mr. Peuistau tor Feiiowcraft i> a s? :et (tween buyer and seller. Mr. Penisu.n In- a lsrhe estate iu Fayette county, Ky., near l. t ii ?;on, on wblch be has some uf the fat..?t ycurg trotters in tbe world. roiSOKED COEFECTIOITBBT. ?At PU>DT e, Connecticut, on tbe 10th instant, the dang -it of irdwatd Murklatd, aged twelve years, ui<*i from tbe effects of eating candy containing prisonous coloring matter. Two other gt U were similarly attacked, but tbey are our or daiger. In tbe case of Mm Murktand it is said: "She, previous to death, literally saff.-red manv deaths. Her tongue became frightf.iily swollen, and some ume before she breamed h* last Infiammation seised upon her eyes and ren dered her totally blind. During it ail the little creature was perfectly conscious, and patiently endured the moet excruciating peine, till death brought relief." TELEGRAMS TO THE STAR. ?? . ? Km 1 Roi?i, tp* * 4i.linn ariT e<>M i-rowkep Sew V' hit. I>rcruibfr 1J ? 1 be suit ttf if. lint k>r against'>d.?re ?<> r? ?-*.*? t M? note tor * half u>illM>n dvltar* an.I I tot city wlii<-li r-ecur.d th> n-, giveu during the pabir Of September, 11*73. uj?.>n V-itulrt t. .t ? arcej uiicf o( the iwwljMef oi the l.?k? s .>re road, tM been wi)|idrtv*i ind real ?ti, Iii?i'nvet1 a- fertility ?or the noUf. value! ?t *; < w? to Veridsrbtit- The rut ilt ? *f HuiitO a V an annr?bte agreement. A ? 1<AR1Ta*LR FHal O. 11' AnirrMh TrtO eovU-'y Jendinre ? a i'r?uU -t rtt tp I.. SW vens. appe t.lng a? ag?-' ?i ,tf ?( f t 'n. m l>o# Moiin -. Iowa, for e>d or the N liwki ikili'idi. The American I ?? **lely say they b.tre no NCh agert, bu' re eon nirix! ckar'Utli r dispo*t?il people to toi * .. <! tottribatioiia to tie general reiiet ait'*i:'s. A H?I> -do?l!? - r<>? IK: R. I'rtf Jaaeli. ci tue l ie railroad r j "fKny. in bi<- r< save A comparer v ? ?t ? o nmit ol the ? roc* nwg'.nf l?r to tl- at ? ?r et'?:in,f the .y.h of September 1? ' a* 1 )' fit ?? a ?leiT? a*e ot ?1 ,?l.i.T0i 75. Ac n.-are tive sta't tnet.t of tin* iwt eai nmgn tor ?(,e -a ie perio<"* *bt;w a de'creaet o> .'>*?.v '3.73 A tl lift rarn'ngs 'or th. Usee! Tear entlmg the b ol S<tptrmbei 1^4 \ ere *.I> >J.V1<R* 44 A c* p&rauve stall-meatol the working e.\p? n*. - 'or the fHtii<* tl?-Al period- ?Uiw a decree** .if 4- The entire interest a* * rent*;* | ?? t ble lu tt e couit.Kiiv for the year ending >ep Umkr .luih i*. i. ft.-iusive ot that pa?a;?i, n aci-uuM of ">-16. ?cm.>M ol the setoed c ?s?? e<l u? rtgage bono*. the final disp *4liea >f wbi.-h war made iu London, eauaired f> (4 SCO |>er annum in currency, e iu.?l to pet month Fi r the ? n-u'ii^ year urri a ill bare to be add< >1 to the abjve amount the iuterti-f on tliese s-r..'*<0,i'0t> o( t>on<is. On the b-t ot July the 0<>a debt el the cotti)>?'?y ?w >2 J-t t.>u ike Hist of the |>re- nt njontl It ?a? ^I.Ml.oi jftov:nf a rela '.io? i?y iayn.?'ttH ;o that Ut? ot tT:e earning- .?f *?!? 2-3, which har -mcc l?> n further reau *J in the fuio ot f!'<0 mo. I^.Tnig v 'he pre?*ut tlrut lltnik ol ^:4 l.itl.1 ouiy. Mr. >>av? a 1? utftaiui ii({ liabilitieti m Knr.>,.e have hern extii'HU.-Se.:. We ii*re no liabt'it ?- .i that tja-trtrr except tbo~e winch can be Ui? i<: uvon u> by onr bond an t "hare hold ?r?. \t uvnie * t know 'be extent of oar de WCIfIT HAnK UTitmiT. Tfie w> ekly bank n'af?*ui .ijt in as fb'.|)*< . Ix>ani>. ? l--crc*?e. *!.!.%;,ngtj. ?|?e-ie, d-*cre? a, ?8,?<m; le^a>, d?i-rea?e. *751 4i?>; d?-creane( ?l,22l.l<0; eirenlaiion, Ue. rc^-j. tfi*.ive, de. :ea?e. Jk>v?,T;5. JDM9MT h \o naa5 kkkoikvi? in the Supreme Court circuit ilie S*. iuana Ha> Ccmpany lor ?Jl,?>il tor aruia* im plied '"y F-. Kerning on Sou*. > on Uii Nuleti. TP.a tra.nmt ok vnrt. Lom>< * I>;ceiub?r U'?The transit ol Vet ;* waf -mBMffellf ot'- rTfd at Beyrout. Sy. ta E* D UP THE Ab'.KFTIMK IKKI'Kttt T1<>N. Bt vm h A vKKfi. lieeem'ier 7 .? It i* offic.a \j Announced that tbe insurrection t* over. (J mi 1 Arredontlo, the iaot uifaritent cheif remaii \' g ill the field, bi* been defeated and captnred with Li* entire fotce, by General Kacca, of Hie national arrnv. Ord?r ha? been completely re ?tored throughout 'he republic. The gotVi m* ment hac irfued a proclamation ifraiit.n^ aai nehty to all i>crflon? who participated to ta?r . i tutrection. v. W ABVItr A'TAIK. Lovdoh. Dc-eniber 12.-A *>pectal tele^-t-n from lierliD to the P?1l Ht'ill G<i.*Ue ?*yt. t? expected the tilal of Von Araitu will be tluir i?d on Wednesday uext. Lsrliw, December 12?At the coin???:ci. meiit ot the pr ceed ng? >n the Von Arnim trial to-day the pub icprot-ecutor ?aid?eTeral (ri?u Is of the had approached wituee.?e> in ^ie waiiit p rot<m and held Interrlew* with tl> oi Sach i ractice;- were inailimiwi^>le, and he f i?e notice that the uctt time they oenrred tie would Uf-e ban-h measures again?t t .e pert-oi.a committing the otleao*. A: tl:e examination of eevcral Witne--e* Von Ari.itn took the ^taDd. He acknowledged tliat tl.e pa(>er entitled "Pro Met.loria" ei: * natfd ttoin h:m-elt, bat declined t> tt.'i abetter he cauced iu> publication, li - > o declin-d to *a\ to aliom he a-Wre^sed tati feifc rt at og to the .1 > ?lueUic ii Council. t'Ararie of SirlkluK Sailor* Philat>elphia, 1> ember IS?Abo^t ? ?o hur.Jred i-alluro parad6d too to-dar ^ :b rla^cf arid banners, and headed by a ban of niupic They are on a strike agtiu^t ? prop -?d reduction ot pay by tbe shipping rua-tei9 . ie sti king sailors In i rocoMlon carried tao l>.fi ner-, one containii g the word*: "Kr.eod sailoii t nly ack for what Uii^hr." The ot r rtft'lirg, ?? the defender* of tfel country in time of war." Large numb r .if flag*, leprestntlng ranouit countries, tra i< g wnb tb.h t?r?, and a full r^?<d <?. 'e THtcd i:jM.r. the fb uiiiers j. ??? .i" meu w re . -o coiisjiicuutu in the liLe. Pblladel|ttiin Airwlr*. THE HILT CAf-E At-AIM. Philapklphia, Pa, :>t>cember 11?Tuk tnortiii g a boc I in |2 ?,<X?o wam entered into t >r the of Ceo. F. Hilt at the U. S .r cint court tor 'he aouthen district of New V >rk Yoik on the l^th of January nest. the mma mafLAnt are traV in? preparattonr for a ^raul fe eon t'le fl'h of .lai:uary. in the Acadeuiy ol Music ? .d HorticuUund Hall. AD'Hbcr Ctxnrlie Rm?. PHit.AnKLi'Hia, Pa., I>ecetul?er 12?A p\ >t ogriiph of a child. S'ipi>o*etl to be Cbarlie Ujm, hai- been receivi-d here from cbMter, 111., and itbraisw (triking a r-*embl'.nce that one oi the Ko?(? family has started for that place to in vestigate the matter. It i- the impreselon of :'ie family that the leal child has been recovered. The hair in the pliOt^cr&l'^ '^psars to ba d t a instead of light, but hit hair may have b - -n staiued to disgu'."- hi* appearance. ? ? Auily JohuHtm Naytheliat Slaty Tulei f?*r (lit- NeuHtomlil|?. New York, Iiecember If ? A >ia?hville i!i? patth says e*-Piesidriit Johnson is thrre ind e*pt cts to receive -dity votes en join* ballot ? >r 1'. S. Senator. There <ue other ? H datea. Tlie Uobber* l urtte Hours Alirn ! Cijcimiati, Deceiuber IJ ?The latest i m the Cori!itfc l auk robWrscta es that tbe anei C"s po.f-t are ic hot purcuit, but ?re nearly t?e've hours b?b'U<l thein. T!ie roM>ers trera m < t ^ for 'hebaud d.oci tain at Alabama. ? ? - ft'lie. Dotfi, Del.. MembtrU-Fcv store* -"d Vain -ueet ?cre b irnt d ia-t night. ?10.000, insurance. ??.ci'O. - ... ? ? -???- ? Tfi Casr or Father Forias. ? Cha Chtca^o Timts ot Tu-ir^ay s \ys: l'he c?? f FatLer.J. W. Forh?ii, the Bridgeport p. who rti-ently abficondrd w::h a large atnouut ot chnrch momy, came before Justice Boy < o veaterf.ay lor"preliuiiaary e\<im!natioii. F r Lan is of ready address and iuteili^ei.t u pleasii.g appe arance. The first wttuest wu Vr. Fit Harir.oo.a member of the chu ^h when Forh*n oWciat->d ,v an ass'staot ta Father O'Neil. At the fair the witnew w*s tp pointeu to take charge ot most of the rs?ei^?. ai.d had turned over to To'han the preceed- of the watch contest, amounting to fl.4'>tf. A r r additional testimonv tba pri?jn?r com i t ted to jail in default of fj.ouo bail. Flamkibq a I.TyroR Law?In Water:oo, Iowa, a here ttie liccnae has been raited t> a prohibitory Bgure, the ?aloon has been i raahed out ai d a specimen of elub-room has grown upon its remains. Tha ex-publican sells st>ck in his club-room, having formed a corporation under the state law, and iasuea certificates of ?'ock in the torm of cards. When the blbaions member of the club takes a glass of beer his ticket is punched; when beLzme. is called for two boles are made. The price of ll<iaor is therefore reduced, and dram drinking ,m\ta both fashionable and ingenious. Henoe drunken ness is on the increase at Waterloo, and t is linior dealer thrives aeoordlngly. The Fbib Scit?Suit has been oom-nsn-ed in the D%me ot the Attorney CeMial to su?p^ud President Jewett, ot the Erie railway oomp ?iy. for mhV ing an illegal agreement by whica ie was to t e prwldent for ten years at a salar r of #40 000 a year, receiving 1175,000 on noco i it withiL 'he first year, and also Illegal oomV t tlocs lor "pooling" freights and fares witb ie New ^oik Central and Pennsylvania ral' - A cuifaiMS. Kestltntlon is also aought ami ro bib t'or ot any farther action under the U gU coutr?. t?. The Rev. W. Pietttmai'i Cas*?The Pesto, .?ter General has noufied Be v. W. P.-et fyman. ]>ostm*ster of Marietta. G?., toat bis reoogi.ia.anee given to tha United States list: ct coart Id Atlanta, will not be call*] up. Mr. Pretty man claims that ha owed the Poc' Ot *.e depar< nent nothing at the t .ueor h< arrasT, and th*t vouchers shaw hia a::juaU kare always :>een correct. Aim::ii Kacacrr run Uisnoe Crxvt*?' Asst.- tev. Mr. Johnson, ot tue il cbareb, Sammcmtie. 8. C., bads his congre gation farewell on Sun Jay las', and ?eeted t Hat after prayerful ronsi<i? ration he hal dotermtaed to jcls U? ??ivub ?i'UvopaliavT?m?iiU THE PROPOSED NEW GOVERN?ItMT. Tbe fnmt length (l*** Mil p*?a? ? .v * bill r?|-or:ed by 8?-aator Mom.i. of Mala*. Irom cha Joint S?Ucl CoBn>lt!(f "For (k( It. cr ?.?r trifttuttrf Uf L>iMiirt at 0*lial>ik. 'ikMJI tbc att- D' |'t U) pt u* it in a nii|l? >tM>*r u' m Stau. an4 we tbere'ore ?tea It In li aenta for th< icfurrnktittcuTviir rulef?, U?? * < ;*? u t.t t-v jiiiie? ? iitLfr if 'iiii t ? i? tin* n ;?f| to tt ? ?*??* A L' it Ur fc.- t?e:1a* government of ? )??? ti ict a! OoltnMt. t ? jr??Vniftf"? ft* ortu l< t iu> <>r K.' r I. Vf i. Tlt?tih?r<' anaii i>? ? h#r?? ? ? aaid OlTrlHUW?I. M tae Ih-i ? Ot Wll.CM ? 14 '4 t l> tid,1v b* >>?< (t:?lnttb* r. 1 ? ton, to bf rwaapeaed Ot n^M in rm'????. w ?1th I t r rlii?H ^ rn. ?Uk.l 1*6 P.*4?? im) a- Mi w; K ra'. oat of tln-ta at.d iltr r aa.-owuti -1 til N ? *?(?? inirJ U> aai-l b>* >1 t>? m?1 l' < ? - (U| ttrat 01 e tiled 1 UtO hi* au.veSft.. - I , .-Cl. l< ply > h> be i'retulciit. ?><>' 10 Uo.d uu > tor 1 Ihui ol M *r?r?. the lie** ftppaiile 1 10 hold for (hr tftBi ol lit th? no) in ' . riw ot four years. um Ur lw ? ;?> u:r 1 to ...? foe Ui? ft 1111 ol two mi an-l <*a it of fti ! - re klltr i|>C<'lllUi1 m turn Hi'.'hiwi 1 'MB tii?n? U- till a rirv.?y, wLe ?b?U t? tor ihr rtaidue ot il r kin.t t*i?. ?: . !?? m k|>lO'littd toi the terra al ?? ?<??(?. - illy, - Ult I Ult?d Slatr# l4iuiln ?>||>IKI Ot . ?Ulli tor lite tlnic l<itigi rLi'i b' ?v .'.U t." jot Ot te aad itoft'd. ft: .1 alia 1 gi?e t It I benefit Of hi* ?*l?'rien.-e, bit Ur t',4 ; be counttd IS mean.* ??in ' uu us ?>t? i. ?rf ..?cation; fttd.tttCv ? :**,i?all be .u . bmif M il Itoil lurtc mi. ? - <rh? tbk.l ht rl?i I 'i. kr bi-iuii lur |?r . ? Ual I Mill Utgrhte afeftll, bf kfflHIilft ? . ftU tlie flit - ? 0' the tt. r? ui in -.?. - t he ekcl<d. rc ' Ctit f, t.turuiliit, ;L a ani. r ?.i ibcir a* i<o.utai. : '. respe? ??iv. ? kN H one .11 mi-re t'i?M.t<*U OM ftif H eh?l ? im tak. i>iii ? Kiirc hi Mul ift?< iitiuoi ur*. . '.<? I 10 tb( botrr*, ft. t ?\ 1 it goute i-J*' v la I like aifti, ? i *1. lift.*. CI) tn y in tbe ot any tie. i?ti mnub t r ft ? .u to * | irc ?litn ft ?ut'? i-?-or to auch r iem? '?ir stall tn e'.wt 1 at.J ready total 'ace ?t tn bard. l he (mMw m t.< i r t nor Utu atif and the e i . .-it. ft* t > ? | " 1*111 .r aecrvtary 11 ? t^iin|Hire, the ft *t -in i the H *ru lo- f jc ft* Ili^ -no. I ii*?, og '.I f rttvrii# ftn?' | >m 4o. iin.a' - >i th? Bofttti, ft* to ft ,uora*u ftiiu ft m?joi .'v o. t ?M 1'irwnt, U> 11:0 Ti'.m 1 ol ftCtMdti ' ? ?|nhi tbe nie<ti,iir' of tl?e lti?ril m..) i> ri? n?o? rei ii.iiu i ilfttK'i.i. ?'.it. h ?;*i>ly to the <i->?rvl ut Hi'ftllb or lie Se i-Uit, or to Niit It <-*ut<( chftil, M l?i tu> |ti tbi-ir B?tftre *c|>i ',^ ? ?.*j be ile*-nie<1 ftprll'iblt tottx ImtiI <" e Uon, (SOftpt t-iftt bvefliftU btiiiuMum. I ho M.ny u( ibo rrw.ii.-ut, ar iiifiulH-r .it t j >?st iiMunt l'o?r?l. vbitli be oik t'mufftt .' it I1*. ? (>ei je?r. fti <! the i*oniiip?- t'iju of efti'b ?? ? ? ? ? hor iuemtx-r* of Miid H-urd ?jftii be B" <?.;;*** lor ??'??i meetirj >i0. out no uu' * "ifta two bunOred and fifty dvllftra l>a l*i.l fts tbe ftK^r^ftte ?.f auob co .aft. tion to any oth r iooo*ber iu?i. to- t'leal. dcrit dnrl'tr any u'le ye .r. I be atifttv ot tbo Secretary ami' Or * ?" tb .??ml Bra ? i?? 'iftd dolift a ft vtar. 8md Ho?r I ?h*ll, fro u o ? to time, re.-oninienl to aikid K ^eiita lur ? ? ua of a auitfthle t>eraon to lv- ft|i|miDt?i1 H<hiti w y oC end ItoftrA; ftn<t the v?-*t.tftiy abali *-'r .ta rtcotila ??ifl |itf?erw the aMBe, ?ud .i- - > |ift|<ra. ftt.d doi'utueiita. I jK-rfor u aiic i o'her iluiit# ft" nifty be ri^ulrcl by tbe tt <u i. i*ii| ttoftnl, mbjeot to the auj -reiaion ot -? t llo gt-nia, may employ i.u-'h necoaaar. oki ?i fta fIi-iidm in ftid ot iue ?fortiarrw l ?>' "n perintvtMleiite, In tut* chft|>t?r pro?i<l< <1 . >r, aa tbe public 1i.teie?-t? rljftli r .|.nre atnl tn"?; ;-ro i'rifttiotia will Jnatify. haid Hoaranb* . ? ifce mftotier, renoiiitne'id peraoue to be ftpp "'i??(l the Su|>erititeii<}eiit ot Scuo<<le, (protri t 114 for 1 one aucb otfcoor fti ?be a?me time, or tor '? i. it ar.y (ttv if-lon ot afthl aoho-iia tu?) , In tbe ?p>uion ot "Bill iMMrd, render twe eiiwlleut.) ft>nt ?nf fuel. t?n|*rlnt?-i>dent ati*ll bare, ft01 -n< oilier I iluiiea to be eelgeed biwi by aftld it ?ft 1, 11 a dutv of acting ita an 1 xecutiee officer, it; ? tend ing to the orderly oourae ot iiiarraciion ?u4 -lw ctpunt-, and tflclrnet in aftid ai;boola. or fti ftp h j;n- 6 tortton ot th< tn. Tbe a*l&ry of ftiiy ai:th Soj-eim'eiident. it there tn- hat ouo,*iiftl be t?o 'hou-ftnd tlee bundr^O doilftra pur >. *' or if '.hire be two, the a?l?ry of oacb ahali Ua *wa ib.HiCftPd ibii'st p?*r yv?r. 8*11 li >vj rhill, in tike mauuer, recomiucu t pat - ii?rf fui ftp|K>initnei)t ?a tbe S iperiiit.'i. t?u* of School-buildlii(fa; but 'hare aba I '.??* bul one auch, w.>o?a duty, among o. ? r- to be aaa fciicd by said Board, ?t at.*il )?? to atui.d to keeping all ac'u?v?l I- i ld mfa aid premffa uluot aftld l>o? i in at; table .ondition and repair, and to t.bini; care lor tueti aapp'iea. aod hia aa ary -u? 1 bo ? re thousand elghi hundred dollar* p? r v?ar; the laat-i.anted "thcer aha 1 g-a bo.i.l utLe aanii form aud to Utc aaui; effect rbat i< re quired of tb< saparliitnalaat ot P ? ice. bat ia the rum ?l five tboitaanJ dollars. Said !t ?i J Dim recainiend tbe remoral. for caiif*, to !>? ataied in writing, but only after g'etng a tait opportunity tor mi.kiug aa.imuiar> .leien be fore tLe Hoard, anr cttlc^r appointed i'J recon mend ition, ard tbia p'oriet.iD t?iir ~>m ui-u<a'0ti ft-r r jluoral i>ba.l l>0 deetu^-l ? -li caUie to ? ;?cli beud of bureau ui'-ut ?oe.l Hit act. Aud i-*<-ep* aa otherwise pro*, la 1 t>r aw, or aa may be reatric'i d by aaid li>|i ? -aid Hoard Uj?\ em| o_v and ni ia? tu t> r k-- tdo, and con ; pnantIon <>t hi pi iii'lpi.-. t- . - ra, and .?*!-''4n'a, am or ottn-r p.-i- . - ?* ae levttd an1 eiuplc ? d by UmjIi 111 u ? rpe Of '?* duty, tint e*c? e?iiiirf the 1 at itnl amount rbick tbe p*Mis intrreat 1 j ? ire, and tbe .itnouuti/f toe appro|>riati 1 .. .oia tlfe. Sec. 3. That aaid Board at Kdo at.ti -ab ject to a y I'ght->f Mi|-ere' her. 1 . 1 >fri'l u|k ti *aid" Kcgeii'-. atid toihadue i.***" ?-a ot the authority ot the Boatd of H;? till pi.-aesa, at?d may 1 *ercae iu any ?n Mau fit with tbe prortaiona hereof. ?... .. iny atid e^ery |>att ot a*i<l l'.airict, ftil . ? .jrf ty now given by ftr.v proei^ion of la"', or -oa Hitcd l?y tny body or nficr iu or far - t lHa? trict.on the anhject ot tre^. public ? >>? m atroction aud the uieana of Kcurit.g tb.. ?<iai; but wit boat, ltoweaer, including an thorny etrer anv chartered inatitution, any furtt-er iuan auct- anthorlty b?a b??reuiti>re be.-Ti ;.->a??-? vt in aaid District by the b?'dy or bodiea itftr -i, on trol ot elementary education, or tbe aTii-.rity ot ana court, orot the Comiuia?loner at K u -a ttor . and aald fturhorlty, ?nd any ot!i?w ?u'l?orW ty btrein conferred men ?-aid Hoatc of ? -I ica ttt>n no tar aa esercbed at all) ah* 1 imj -*?r d'ed by tbe aaid Board In a ju?t and n .1 flal mauuer. tor the pioaiotionof free tuai. 1 'ion. discipline, and good conduct in tbe ach .!? ot pHid l>irtiict, and In mh h hat there afcall be ai.owed Uieretn nettlier p? ?Ut> nor superiority ot pilTtloge In tarjr ot any io- al:tT. or ot Any rft?e, coior, or con 1 >?i Ol ; lite aui ng the p.ople of a?id D -'rlct ^ But tiotiiu g herein contained at.: l be 1 conatrucd to prevent aaid B a-d li it .ng HDibority, flrat tn decide u|>o.i tba '?su booka aLd acid tea in the ac two's id lv, to prade tha abeah and to du -aid fiiatrtet into M'tto^l aectiona, in ret ere n e to attenitance at any a.-bool.butiding,to tlv r-: ,-on ?bie t'ondiliona iii r^apect to auch g.-i' ?- .ad atten<!ance, and to provide uniform a .-t. oat regulations tor e\p?uit!g 1nc.nrigtble ehtldrga; tiiruly, tJ ? iftaW'fcli eaening schooiaaud n. nail acboola. and rtgjlat? attendance tL-rrat, f*> far at the public wrlfare ro^TJ'reft an 1 ?p,-ro. ptifttion.-or tuuda at lta command ?' >1 war rat*; frurtbly, to use any tunda a'.icviy pro aided for oerta'.n a'bool purpMM, or' ay be - pel ia.iy placed uuder its oontrol. a r iin( to any legal tr^t att'ectltig or thai mly artad tLe oime Bftbiy, to continue the extotiug or re cet.t di\ ieiou ot acbooli in Mud Di?a , ?r a division ipon ibd l.i.e ba.-is ( t ?e at te: i'.iiig either din-ion all b? en*ae:o re ceive instr union and enjoa oppor; ualttet- ub atautially enuitraUnt a-, long and .oaiut ex ant aa in tbe opinion of svd Board auch 1 * ?ion wit! moat prom te the elBciency and !? 1 c "iif ot tbe i-cliool- of aaid i>iair.ct aaa ?rU<>le. See- -4- That tbe lioard of Elucatij.i -all Lavt prepared an l provide lor the use ut *? ;al? and aba.*, from time to time, maka *-1 lay al'tr regulations, corhi-tent here*lib, a jrd ing to wbt.-b ita owu actloo shall be coed acted* and 10 ?bicb lta su'-ordinatea shall cor.- .rm; and may raoommct d to aaid Kegent> a i >?ble or?man<^ea in aid of the execution ef auy ati? tbotitv ci n^ertod by tiia chapter. The reg il?? tlvna of the Bsard "ball, among other tui iff, include proaiaicna. und aaid ordinance ai ty aid in ti-iorclng tbe same to the general ettoct, a& J upon tbe following anbjects. namely: First. For the re.'ai?r and harmonious ilt* charge ot duty by all tbow under tae Burj. Secondly. For an appropriate aad aysteaatifl oourae of inetructiwu and dtecipiine at and In ererx grade or echoola, and fn each echool, aad tor piocnrlnf <by 1 ablk aid ot otherwise suita ble tea. t-booka and aid* to inatraouon .aerol?t wbicb ehell not be changed or enpera#deJ witfc. oat good c* use. to be entered on tbe nmutea ot aaid Board, and eutorclng suitable boars foe open ng and ctoalng tbe ftchoola reepecti rely, and for glting, upon a J eat baeta and attar a regular method, oerttflcatee of attainments at aud attendance upon tbe public schools, to children who bare attended same. And said certificates mar relate not only to auch attend ancea aa this taw rrqairee, bat to general at tainment* made in Mud echoola and to qaai 3 cfttvoM for teacL. a Thirdly. For aa adequate exam nation, up-t* a ayateatatic method, of all yer?.u.a deeding certificates of <|na.iti2aUoaa te te?cfc ia H.a echoola of said I'letrict tor Uiegir.i g and re. oordlng of eert Cefttee ba^d oa ait. t ntanu tions, jnaUy oeruf/ing tbe grade 01 in%i n ?? lion reepeoUTely of the pereoa te whoa o?tl J. catee may be glrea, and for revoking aa? each oet ificfttee for eauee after giTing tae ho let a summary hearing, for limiting the eelec.ijn f>t princi|?.l teachers and aeautaat taaci.ers t? those having such oernflcaU*. aad for enoonr agtng and rewarding good oondutt aad em? ciancy oa the part of leacbere aad assistant UftCb<ra by systematically promotiag them ta higher gradee aad ctrlng them hlgber ealary. ?s tbe aathority of said Board aad the welfare of the schools aad approprifttlaaa will warrant* Fourthly. For tbe employmeat by the Baa' d of principal a, teachers, and sesistaat tea-herf apon aeratematlc method aad la strict refer* enoe to fltaeas, aad for easpeudlng their pay fat a period not exceeding oae monta, or lnai? ( tag them, oaly for canoe, after ther ahaU ksvg I had a fair opporttuury W jaahf a ?uaaarj