Newspaper Page Text
V?. 52?N-. 7,907 WASHINGTON, D. C., MONDAY, AUGUST 5, 1878. THE EVENING STAR. PIBLISFTED DAILY, Eiccpt Sunday, AT THE STAR BUILDINGS, famui'lran:* iviuiu, corner 11th atx??t BT The Evening Star Newspaper Company, B. H. KA UFFMAS\, Fre*'i. THt ZV8NIN? Star iJerredto subscriber?In the clt7 by carriers, on their own account, at 10 cents per week, or 44 certs per month Copies at thecour.'er, Scents ea?h. By mall?postage pre paid?60 cents a month; onevear, fd. TUI ,V*KKLYSTAR-pubUs:ied on f rl-lay?J2 a rwr^j/oatage prepaid. 10 copies for 115; ? copie?. Cjt?r All trail subscriptions mast be paid ad vance; no paper sent ioicer than so pal>. in.. m*~ Kates of advertise made known f.n applica tion. SPECIAL NOTICES. SELLlMw OFF! CASSIMSBE SL ITS. < ASS1MERK SUITS. CAsSlMEllE bUlTS. DIAGONAL SUITS. DIAGONAL SUITS. D1ALON AL SUITS. BUSIN i S3 SUITS. BUSINESS SUITS. BUSINESS SUITS. LUiKT CASSIMERE PANTS. LIGHT CAfiSlMKRE PANTS. LIGHT CA?SlMERE PANTS. WHITE MARSEILLES VESTS. WHITE, MARSEILLES VESTS. WHIl j| MARSEILLES VESTS. JOT TH S AXl) BOY S SUITS. ^Ol TH a ANU BOY'S SUITS YOUTH'S AND BOY'S SUITS.' 4 F We are now prepared to furnish JLAsT INDIA VAMBOO CLOTH, SEERSUCKER ami MADRES SEERSUCKER, at reasonable rates for the heated term. F. J. HEIBERGER, Tailor. No. 636 15th street, jy?-tr Washington, D. V. lAMl'HEJLL A. HENNEDV, J Builders' Hardware, Bar Iron, Steel, TIN PLATE, CUTLERY, TOOLS, FILES. Ac, 6(*d PttiM. are.,opp. Metropolitan Hotel, jj Jfid-ly C \ DARLINGTON HOOPES. an esteemed lh-~s .Mini-ieram n<s; Friends, will hold an Ap Lointea Meetlrg at Friends" Meeting House, on 1 s'r>er, l#twe? n 18th and 19th streets, TO-MOR R OW EVXNlN'o, at8o-clo-k. An Invited, it* fr~ ,T SECONl) GlHAND l.OHO MILE ?X U-r-V CURS ION FROM BALTIMORE TO NANTUCKET, MASS., Aud the Great Camp Meeting and Illumination aad Fet*- Chain petre at Marina's Vineyard, the City by the Sea or 1,000 Cottar-?s. Via Philadelphia. New York, Newport, R. I., aii 1 Boston, Mass. Round trip tickets froi? Washington, Including Boston. Jib 50. Round trip tickets from Washing ton. (e\ehjsive of Boston.) $15 00. Apply B. and O. R. R. Office, 485 Pennsylvania ave- aog5 4t ir^r> JUSTICES' OFFICE, IKrX 466 LOUISIANA AVSNtl. ? . S. KUNDY, opposite City Hall, Justice of the Peace. jj&-lm THE BEST SUMMER DRINKS, XILRCRP-S POLAK SODA, With Ice-coid Tea, Coffee a^d Chocolate, at 1420 Pennsylvania avenue. Tt s TONIC SOMA Is tttirlvalled. ]y6-tr jr t::e n'aiton"al"saVe deposit com P * NY, corner 15th aud New York avenue, receives'I runks oi Silverware acd other valuable* on deposit; also, Safes. Its vaults are burglar, ?re and <Lurj priof. Chaiges moderate. Office I>< nrs, 6 a. m. to 4 p. m, tel3-2m if ~~HA\ WAHUIk HllfJUINSON, u>-/ 317 9th Strrkt Nohthwbst, ith very extensive faci '.tic- for manufacturing, ?>-.? ow s-'.owing a line of MARBLEIZED MAM TLH unequal for richness of design and color an?l ilvaliLg in extent any establishment in the country. Architect designs for Manties and M ainsci>atiiigs cloee.v followed, and imitations of rare and 1-eautlfal ."narbles exactly pr'Hluced. Averts fi.i BARSTOW WROUGHT IKON FUR N At E. Baltimore K1TCH1 NElt RANGE-; also the Russia fire-place STOVE Contractors for Plumliti jt a; d nji i In ;* :1 C-'Pfier Work. With a laiKe foice of competent mechanics in their va r. i - ! ranches aDd Inns personal exparteoce, will do ?<>< d *i ik eheaiwr than any other house. in2-ly on i sellh? off: FLANNEL SUITS. FLANNEL SUITS. FLANNEL SUITS. BLACK CLOTH SUITS. BLAl K CLOTH SUITS. BLAC K CLOTH SUITS' ALPACA COATS. ALPaCA COATS. ALPACA COATS. WORSTED COATS AND VESTS. WORSTED COATS AND VESTS. WORSTED COATS AND VESTS. AT GREATLY KHTCE1> PRICES. AT GREATLY KEVL'VEV PRICES. AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. A. STRAUS, Popular Clothing House. JO 11 I'tHtisvlvania avenue. Between Tenth and Eleventh sis, ])23 tr Three doors from 11th st. ^SLULIULX LOW PlllCES FUR LCMBJk.ll AT WlLLET a LIBBEY'S, Vomer SixtU Street and JVeto Turk Avenue. _J5&- tr ^Olt HOT WEATHER. APOLLINARI3 AATLJiAL MDIEliiL W ATER. JJtaltlv Effervescent, APPROVED by the Acn Umie -l* if. iecin*. oI Fi-ance. and ltsssue in France authorized by ?t>il ur'itT of the French Government. Rvi "tumended by the highest MEDICAL AU THORITlF.s in New York as '?A delightful beverage." "Far superior to Vichy, Seltzer, or any other." "M-wt grateful aud refreshing." "Absolutely pure and wholesome; superior t'* all tor daily u^e. free from ah the objections urgeu agalnat Croton aud artificially aerated waters.1' "Impregnated only with itsowa gas."' "Useful and very agreeable. " "Healthful and well suited for Dyspepsia and Caf-e- of acute disease. "Mildly an'acid; agrees well with Dyspeptics, ?nd where there Is a gouty diathesis." ? 'By far the most agreeable, al^ne or mixed with Wine: usefui in Catarrhs of Stomach or Bladder, and In Gout." "Not only a'uTiiry. bat a necessity." To be ha?l of aii Wine Merchants,Grocers,Drug fl>ts, and Mineral Water dealers throughout the 'nited State?, and wholesale of FRED'K DE BABY Jt CO., Sulk Ai.Knts, A'on. 41 A 43 H'arren Bt.,Xetr York. Xvery ^en'dne bottle tiears the registeretl yellow liU Utrial label of the Apoillnarls Company (Limit ?s?i), London. au?ao-m,w,f,eow,ly BWEKT , . NAVY JACKSON'S CHEH JXU l BEST. ITOBAVVO, Awarded Mghett frrif at Centennial Exposition for cVnctny guaUtxtA atid excellence and lasting c/uiracter of swrrttniiig and JLivorino. The best tobacco ever made. As our blue strip trade-mark is closely imitated on Inferior goods, see that Jacki*jn a Brft la on every plug. Sold oy all dealers. Send for sample. Tree, to C. A.JACK BUN A Co.. kUfrs,Petersburg.Va. ]14-m,th4*,l IJ111E AIIAMAVTISK BltlCH CO.H are sellii.g MERCHANTABLE BRICK AT LOW HaT MAllKST BATSS. delivered In any part of the city. These Brick make a beautiful hard-flulshert wall. EUCAL TO THE REST HAND JtADH PROMTS. Samples can lie seen at Office National Hotel Block, corner Pennsylvania ave. and (ith st. Jel9-eolm IAML A \ 1> SICK UOHSFS pro -i nounced incurable cured free of cost. GILES LINIMENT IODIDE AMMO NIA. Spavins, Spliuta, Ringbones," Burches, Thoroughpins. sprung Knees, cured without blemish. Stains. Shoulder Lameness, Navicular Disease, Shoe Bolls, cure guaranteed. tSend foi pamphlets containing full Information to l>r. M. GILES, 130 West Broadway, New York. U^eonly for horsett the liniment In yellow wraoperr. S^kl by all druggist*. Wholesale,STOTT A CROMWELL. ]y&-eo8m* 4 \8TKICH !*nd every kind of OKNAMXNTAL \ " FEATHERS ilyed and manufactured at the FRENCH ESTABLISHMENT, 618 9th straet, #m-sit? LTiiud stales Office. ?)? tr THE EVENING STAR. Washington News and Gossip. Government Recehts To-day.?Internal revenue, $.V4/>7?' 83: customs, $1; <2,212.^1. Subscriptions to the lour per cent, loan to day $l,l?5,<XiO. Secretary Tiiompson returned to the city yesterday, and tliis morning resume 1 his of ficial duties, relieving Attorney Genera Devans, and leaving that othcial to the charge of his own department only. Toe President, accompanied by Dr. Wil son, of Ohio, and Mr. Burchard Hayes, visited the Signal office Saturday aft' moon for the purpose of seeing how the weather reports were prepared. lie expressed himself much interested in the work, and especially so in that portion of the office containing the self it cording instruments. Secretary McCrary returned to the city yesterday, and assumed control of the War department today. Treasurer, Mrs. Gil Allan, and their daughters. Misses Nellie and May, leave for Ocean City this evening. Assistant Treas urer Wyman will act as treasurer during Mr. Giltillan's absence. Counterfeiters Arrested.?The secret service division has information of the ar rest at Pittstield, Mass., on Saturday last, of Warren Bailev, of South Edgemont, Mass., a id George Cr'aver, of Hoosatonic, Mass. They are extensive dealers in counterfeit money, and Belonged tothe same gang as MikeO'C Mi nor, who was arrested in Sew York last week. Both of them have been taken to Boston for trial. Personal.?Col. Geo. K. Leet. formerly on Gen. Grant s staff, and late of the well-known firm of I.eet & Stocking, of New York, is now a ticket seller on the elevated railroad in that city "Hon. Joseph E. Chaffee, United States Senator from Nevada," is what "Gath" calls tiit- gentleman who answers iu the Senate to the name of Jerome B. Chaffee, of Colorado. Mrs. M. B. Archer has gone to Atlantic City, where she has recently purchased a cot tage, to remain with some of her pupils until the opening of her school at Highland Piace. Lewis J. Davis and wife have gone to Sara toga It is said that the recent failure of Mr. McYicker leaves John T. Ford the only solvent old-time theatrical manager in this country. Some of the youngsters mav have a little money left, but they will probably get rid of it this fall Walter B. Williams and family have returned from Cape May The following Washingtonians were registered in Paris on Saturday: J. A. Hickox. 271 Rue St. 1 Houore: <;eorge M. Oyster, JJotel Splendid. . .Representative Foster, or Ohio, arrived in the city last ?vehlng Postmaster Tyler, of Baltimore, had au interview with the Pres ident to-day. Another Call for Five-Twenties.?Sec retary Sherman gives notice that the princi pal and accrued interest of the bonds herein below designated, known as " Five-twenty Bonds," of the Act of March 3,18 io, consols of is.will be paid at the Treasury of the United States, in the city of Washington, on and after the 5tli day of November, ISTs and that the in terest tm said bonds will cease on that day:? Coupon bonds?$50?No. 69,501 to No. 70,000; $1<|"? No. 120,001 to No. 123,OiJO; $5u0?No. sj.Oni to No. 86,000; #1,000?No. 157.001 to No. 1(53,500; J total coupon. $2,500,<h:0. Registered bonds? $!(*>?No. IS,451 to No. 18,550; $500?No. 10,701 to No. P?,750: $1,000? No. 35,851 to No. 36,100; $.\000?No. 10,251 to No. ln.400; $lo.000?No. l'.'.sol to No.'20,5oo; total registered, $2,"<o>,ou Aggregate, $5,uoo,otw. All above numbers in clusive. Stations for the display of cautionary sig nals been ordered by the chief signal officer at following named points on the New England coast: Miilbridge, Belfast. Deer Island, and Booth's Bay iu Maine: Portsmouth in New Hampshire: Newburyport, Marblehead, High land Light, Chatham, Hyannis, and New Bed ford in Massachusetts, and Watch Hill in Rhode Inland. The total number of stations ofthisclass established by the sigual service since July 1st is thirty-two. Coinage was executed at the United States mints during the month or July as follows: Of gold, (double eagles), 89,00o pieces, with a value of $l,7SQ,00o; standard silver dollars. 1,- 17.U Q. Minor coins?Five cent pieces, $10; three cent pieces. $?'<, and one cent pieces, $,,*57. The total number of pieces coined during the month was 2.QS3,1CQ, and their value, $3,627,983. More Notaries Public Appointed.?The President to-day made the following appoint ments as notaries public for the District of Columbia: H. S. Washburn, Thos. J. Meyers, Charles F. Wo'lard. B. F. Steiger, John B. Thompson. Geo. W. Bang, Fred. W. Jones, Waldo M. Tastet, I?. L. Blackford, M. P. Cai lan, Frank Gait. John F. Riley, Win. B. Mor gan, Robert H. Yv'ard, Arthur T. Brice, Chas. W. Handy, Richard McAllister, Jr., Geo. A. King, Henry C. Johnson, Samuel G. Young, S. A. Terry, M.JM. Roherer, Samuel C. Mills, Wm. P. Young, John J. Chew, George A. Hen ry, E. R. French, A. C. Richards, E. M. Finch, Jos. T. Coldwell. jr., R. O. Holt/man, E. 1). Wright, William Selby, H. B. Moulton. Cliutou P. harrell, Chris Edie, Anthony Hyde. Hart well P. Heath, Wm. Il.Crook, S. W. Ritten house and John C. Poor. Tue $5 Legal Tender Note which was presented and canceled at the Treasury on Saturday last is a counterfeit, and was not printed from a genuine plate, as has beeu >taiedinthe public prints. The counterfeit is of the old series of March 10,1863, and was printed on plain paper?the special paper not having been introduced until lSd'J. The genu ine piate of this series was engraved and the notes printed by the American Bank Note Company, of New York. There is no counter feit out on the present legal tender issue, series of 1S?>.*, engraved and printed by the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Mus. Ha i'ES, Mrs. Secretary Sherman, Miss Fanny Hayes and Burchard Hayes will leave this eveniug for New York on the 9:30 p. ni. ; train. They will be joined in New York to morrow by Secretary Sherman and proceed to Newport, where the party will renuin for about ten days. The Practice Ship Constellation, with the first and third classes of cadet midshipmen aboard, arrived at New Bedford, Mass., Satur day morning. Plot for a Dime Novel.?a report has been received at the Indian ?iffice from Peter Ronan, Indian agent at the Flathead agency, M. T , which gives an interesting account of th?? recovery by "Captain George," a friendly Nez Perce, of his daughter, who was stolen from him by some miserable white men. " Captain George" had been useful to the whites as an interpreter, and was aided by them to get his daughter from Sitting Bull's camp. He returnrd w ith her as far as Carroll and was there attacked and lert for dead by son:e w retches, who carried off his daughter. After his recovery he searched through the country for liis child, with his wounds un healed, in constant danger from whites, who were liable to mistake him for a hostile, and was finally successful in his search. Army orders.?Capt. Wm. McCleave, 8th cavalry, is appointed as inspector of certain camp and garrison equipage and quartermas. ters' >tor<*s on hand at the St. Louis powder depot. Major Charles Haywood, U. S. M.C., on duty iu this city, has been granted thirty days leave of absence. Twenty days leave is granted Capt. P. C. Pope, on duty at Boston. The marriage of Rear Admiral John J. Almy, of the United States navy, to Alida, daughter of the late Colonel Charles K. Gard ner. was celebrated very quietly on Thursday afternoon at Christ church, corner of 5th ave nue and 35th street. Only the immediate rel atives and friendsof the bridegroom and bride were present. The bride is a well-preserved brunette of forty-five, tall and stately. Com modore Almy is sixty-four years of age, bu' looks ten years younger. The bride is a na tive of \\ ashiimton and the daughter of a former auditor of the treasury.?[N. Y. World, Jd. The following nominations for Congress have been made by the democrats of South Carolina: 1st district. John S. Richardson ; 2d district; M. P. O'Connor; 3d district, D. Wyatt Aiken: 4th district, J. H. Evins; 5th district, G. D. Tillman. ?-The charges against J. Z. Tappan, late treasurer of the Bostou Packingcompany, are to be brought before Boston grand jury. EUROPE REVISITED. LIFE ON A GERMAN STEAMER?'THE TRIP OF THE MOSEL FROM NEW YORK TO SOUTHAMP TON ? STEAMER AMUSEMENTS AND STEAMER POLITICS ? THE DYSAMITE FIEND AND THE MOSEL?A SAI) STORY OF AN UNHAPPY GIRL LOW ANIMALS BEHAVE AT SEA ? THE DAN GERS OF FAST STEAMING IN A FOG ?WB SIGHT THE SCII.LYS ? TH" LIZARD?ISLE OF WIGHT?SOUTHAMPTON. [Editorial Correspondence of The Star.] North German lloyd steamer Mosel, ) Southampton, July 21,1S78. S In 1855, infected with the Bayard Taylor fever for roughing it in Europe on fifty cents a day, I took a twenty five dollar passage in the steerage of a crazy steamer sent out by some New York speculators for sale or charter to the Biitish government, for service in the Crimean war. Whatever became of the wretched old hulk after it reached Liverpool I never learned, but I know that we had to make several stoppages on the way to tinker the worn-out machinery: and it was probably owing only to the fact that we had pleasant weatner that we ever reached port. Having pretty well outgrown the enthusiasm of youtn for abnormally rough travel, I now in re visiting Europe propc sed to be good to myself, and get as <jomfortable quarters as possible. But ther the question arosa as to which va.< the best of the dozen lines of fine steamers running now be tween the I nited States and Europe. One had a reputation for speed, another for safety, another for its dietary; and then there was the question of the relative merits of ships with fiist cabins amidships, with the minimum of motion; or aft, away from the disagreeable neighborhood of the steeragef but nearer the noisy screw; of vesselsjwitli Dertlis outside the dining saloon; or below it, and wliere the port holes must be closed iu wet weather, &c., &c. Annd the multiplicity of counsels I de cided, 011 the favorable report of some of our i-elid men of Washington who have traveled .by the North German Lloyd line (New York to Bremen, touching at Southampton) to take passage by the steamer Mosel of that line, leaving New York July 13th. The result has justified their praise, for the Mosel is un doubtedly one of the most comfortable and sea-worthy vessels that travels the Atlantic, and her veteran Captain Neynaber, wao is " Commodore " by right of forty years service on the ocean, and twenty four years as master, is a happy compound of firmness and good temper, energy and good seamanship. He has bten trained in the rigid school oi seamanship prescribed for officers by Germany, and is able to claim that he has never lost a dollar of in surance for his company or has had auy ap preciable accidents of auy kind. This com pany blows its horn so little, on our side of the water at least, that few persons in America are perhaps aware that, with the single excep tion of the Oriental line, it is the largest steam ship company in the world, and has more than fifty steamers afloat. SOMETHING ABOUT A GERMAN STEAMER. The peculiarities of life on a German steamer have interest to ?.n American. Going aboard at Hoboken you are met at the gangway by half a dozen alert, smartly dressed young men. employes of the steamer, who pour a dozen enquiries upon you in German, which naturally causes you to think you have made a mistake in going on a ship where you don t understand the lingo, but presently it turns out that the young fellows speak both German and English, and thereafter everything is sat isfactory. They paste the yellow labels on your baggage, indicating whether it is for South ampton or Bremen; and then the portion of it that is to go to your stateroom is despatched there at once. With your stateroom key iu vour pocket, and the troublesome question of laggage off your mind, you are at leisure to look around and enjoy the animated scenes of the sailing of a big ocean steamer. LEAVE TAKING. Though the majority of our passengers are Germans, theieis a large sprinkling of Ameri cans, but the latter are so much less demon strative in leave-taking that they make little figure in the present scene. The steamer is crowded with the friends of passengers who have come to see them off. The quantity of flowers contributed in parting is prodigious exceeding the floral wealth on the front of the stage at our college commencements. Instead of the dreaded bilge-water the smell of flowers, and especially the penetrating tiavor of the tuber rose, pervades the ship; and as the bo iiuets are preserved for some days the stale aroma becomes too much of a good thing. At some of the tables in the main saloon groups are celebrating the occasion of leave taking with champagne lunches, and as many of the participators are old voyagers who do not look upon an Atlantic trip in the light of an eternal separation, there is considerable hilar ity prevailing hereabout. On the decks, and especially in the second cabin and steerage, there is a good deal of noisy lamentation. One bearded young man, who has parted with his comrades in continental fashion, with i hug and kiss, burst out into a regular boo-hoo of grief as he goes down the gang-plank. As the boat gets out into the stream, the pier-Bead is seen to be alive with the good-bye peonle. and a thousand or more handkerchiefs are shaken vigorously while the steamer is in sight. At the same time we notice a perfect eruption of brass bands. There is a nand on the pier, a band on the Oder, the companiou steam er to our Mosel, and bands on a couple of tugs that accompany us down the bay. Moreover, we discover amidst the mtdley blare from all these instruments that we have a band of our own, playing away as loud as the best of them. Further, it is devel oped that the latter band belongs to the Mosel (composed of stewards, or waiters of the second cabin), and so, like the lady told of in the nursery rhymes, "with rings on her fingers and bells on her toes,"' our steamer shall have music wherever she goes. One of the accom panjing tugs is filled with young men who seem to have for their center of devotion a charming young lady on the Mosel. Tlie charming young lady stands upon a "bit," I believe they call it?a sort of post to which the sailors hitch ropes?and essays to repay the devotion of the young men in the tug by throwing them flowers from an immense boquet. The flowers fall short, and into the water, despite the desperate efforts of one young man, who spoils a new silk umbrella by using it for a scoop net. Then the pretty young lady makes a more successful effort: she launches the whole boquet into the air; the young men in the tug put themselves into base bail positions to catch it on the fly; and then, according to the way things generally go in this world, it falls into the lap of a snaggle-toothed frowzy looking chap, too lazy to even put up his hands for iu He grins, and appropriates the easily won trophy, but finally yields to remonstrances and dividesthe llowers with lib feilows. About this time the water begins to roughen a bit; the pretty young lady collapses upon a steamer chair, with a slop basin convenient, and the subse quent proceedings of the youug men in tne tug interest her no more. Now comes Sandy Hook, and the pilot goes ashore, loaded down with letters written oy the passengers on their way down the bay. Just as the pilot boat is fairly off it is called back, and a ''stowaway," a poor fellow who has tried to steal a passage, is escorted down the ladder and sent ashore with the pilot. HOW WE AMUSE OURSELVES ON THE MOSEL. The passengers are rather a sea-sick lot; very few gather at the dinner table, and those w ho do look pre-occupied and solemn. As one of them explains it, they are thinking of the loved ones at home. It is not until three or four days that the tables are cheerfully filled. The Cerinau steamers pride themselves upon their table fare. The cooking is mixed, French and German, and is very good. Our cook is not only an artist in his line, but is so wonder fully handsome that the ladies go in squads to ask him about his dishes and to get a look at him. The bill of fare is made up to suit Amer icans, but is sufficiently varied to include lots of things loved by the Teuton.c stomach; and we find it an interesting line of experiment to sample the various German dishes, especially in the way of relishes at lunch?the caviaire, the de'icate flavored raw ham of Westphalia, the raw fish, (slightly salted), including her rings, sardines, Sc., &c.; the cheese, pickles, preserves, &c., in no end of varieties. There are four meals per day on the Mosel?break fast, lunch, dinner and tea. I believe on the Cunarders they have five meals a day, insert ing a supper somewhere, but how they man age to get through them is not easily conceiv ed. The gong always seems to be souuding on the MoseC to summon you to eat some thing, and if you are not forthcoming a set of vigilant stewards pervade the vessel to notify you of the impending meal. The attendance, by the way, is of the very best I have ever seen on any line of travel. The waiters or stew ards, both at table and elsewhere, are not only the most obliging and attentive possible, but they know their business so thoroughly that their duties are performed with a readiness and neatness that leaves nothing to be wished. THE FEMAI.E FRAUD AT SEA. By "VyeOnesday the passengers generally are equal to enjoying the trip, and various amuse ments are set on foot. The game of shuftle board is played on deck a good deal. In this game you push some wooden quoits upon squares marked with figures, with a crutch Phaped stick. It seems about the simplest of games possible, but the young ladies bring an amount of croquet cheating to bear in olaying it that is appalling, considering that tnere is but a plank between them and eternity. One saintly-looking Madonna-faced young female kicks the quoits into position ana out of posi tion under cover of her skirts in a way that her adversaries truly despise. It is felt that she ought to have "Fraud" branded ou her forehead in the biggest job type of the New York Sun. When the weather is particularly balmy there is dancing on deck, and when it rains or blows there are indoor amusements proverbs, charades, singing, &c. Our obMgiug band enlivens the voyage with music morn ing and evening on deck, and at dinner in the cabin. On Sunday it supplies sacred music, or approximately in that direction, as it were. At any rate it is not lively music. Sunday evenings, according to the customs of the two countries, the Protestant Americans gather in the saloon and sing hymns, while the Pro testant Germans, in another cabin, indulge in social amusements, with secular music. SMOKING-ROOM POLITICS. Of an evening the bald headed old Tellows who are not in demand in the ladies' cabin are apt to gather in the smoking room, where they discuss the fifty-two elemeuts of a pack of cards, and, at the same time, such matters as the Eastern question, the European balance of power. Bismarck, Beaconsfield.and Ameri can politics. I'pon the latter, the other night, the talk diifted to the next Presidential nomination to the following effect: A New Yorker, a veteran democratic poli tician, who was a delegate to the St. Louis convention, expressed the opinion that Grant was the coming man. and he said that veiy many democrats of that city and state would vote for him as a safe man. He declared that if Grant and Tilden were in the field, the latter would not go out of the city with more than ten thousand majority; that if Hendricks was the democratic nominee, he would leave the citv with perhaps forty-live thousand majority, but would not carry the state against Grant. The Germans would quite generally go for Grant, he said. A voung Indianapolis lawyer, (who was a gallant Union soldier,) who wants to see Ben Harrison nominated by the republicans, said that three-fourths of the republicans of Indi ana weiefor Grant. A Chicago business man, republican, dead acainst Grant personally, and a third term for anybody, was willing to concede that it looked a little Grantish now, but he thought this was due to the natura' pride of the Americans over the distinction with which he was receiv ed in Europe. It was sometime yet before the nomination, and he doubted if Grant could retain that eclat. A New Orleans business man, democrat, said Grant could not carry a southern state, but being Questioned if any republican couid. he said probably not. Two or three other smokers, one of them a Western NewV'orker, concurred in the opinion that Grant was looming up and would be hard to beat. I give this talk for what it is worth as a presidential "straw" from the otf hand views of half a dozen Americans from different quarters of the Union. Perhaps it only indi cates the fellow-feeling of a lot of smokers for a distinguished comrade. ROMANTIC EPISODES IN THE CAREEK OF A STEAMER. A huge iron steamer like the Mosel, with all its various departments of machinery, freight, and hotel, managed with methodical precision, seems so thoroughly a matter-of-fact concern that one would scarce give it credit for any romance about its career. Yet our prosaic looking Mosel was the steamer selected for the most tragic fate that ever befel a vessel freighted with human life. This was the steamer upon which the "dynamite fiend," Thoniassen, had arranged in 1S75 to place his infernal machine with the design of blowing it up, to secure the insurance ou boxes tilled with sawdust purporting to contain freight of value. The machine, it will be remem bered, consisted of a piece o' ingenious clock work, arranged to run for five days and then to explode a quantity of dynamite in the same package sufficient to blow the steamer into inch pieces. Thomassen. himself had taken passage on the Mosel from Bremerhaveu to Southampton, where he intended to leave the vessel and have it go to its doom. Tha cask containing the machine was taken to the steamer 011 a cart, but providentially (for the steamer and passengers) it slipped from the hands of the cartman in unloading it and fell to the ground, exploding the dynamite and killing or wounding ISO people. Thomassen. immediately after the explosion, shot himself through the head, but before he died confessed the details of his plan of unparalleled atrocity. It appears that fie had beeu working on his project for six years: yet one of our passen gers who knew linn, and met him frequently during those vears says he appeared to be the most light-hearted and kindly of men, and was held by his associates in the American Club at Dresden to be a thorough good fellow. He had endeavored to introduce his machine and bogus freight on several steamers of different lines, but had always failed from one cause and another, as he did in this final attempt, which ended his career. The amount of m suiance he had effected this time was on'y about 1500, and for this petty sum he was will ing to murder a whole ship load of people. There was at the time a good deal of uneasi ness in the mind of the traveling public from the fear that he had accomplices in his scheme and that the devilish work might be continued, but all the evidence elicited then and since goes to show that no other human being h id any share in It. Thomassen had traveled all over the world, and while in the United States married in St. Louis. His wife (a beautiful woman) and children were left destitute on Ills death, as it appears he had run through his money. Some charitable people raised means to support the family but sneturned out badly, deserting her children,and it was subsequently ascertained that her reputation was not of the best before her marriage. The police authori ties of Germany, France, and the United States had her under surveillance for a year or two, as she traveled, but nothing was devel oped to show that she had any complicity in her husband's scheme. TIKEI) OF LIFE. Another incident, out of the common, in the career of our steamer was the fate of a young lady passenger, who, returning to her native Germany after a residence in America, mounted the rail of the vessel when at the mouth of the Weser, only a few miles from her home, and threw herself into the water. Life preservers were thrown to her, anil the captain shouted to her to seize one, but she answered with a negative gesture of utter despair, and deliberately thrust her head under the water. Her water-proof cloak buoyed her up. and boats sent out from the steamer rescued her body before it sunk, but she was found to be drowned beyond resusci tation. It was learned that she had been be trayed and deserted in America, and that the dread of her shame being known at home caused her to put an end to her life. ANIMALS AT SEA. It is a fact perhaps not widely known that most of the wild animals procured for the menageries and zoological gardens of Europe and America are brought from Africa by a German New Yorker named Reichie, who has an aquarium in that city. It is another curious fact that these animals should come from Africa mainly through North Genu my. It seems they are collected in Africa (mainly cubs) and brought to Trieste, and thence to NorthGerinany,and from there are distributed to the countries where they are needed. It thus happens that the North German steamers frequently carry these animals to the United States; and it is interesting to hear about their habits on ship-board. The lions, tigers and hyenas are great cowards in a storm. They also suffer a good deal from sea-sickness, and whine about it. The elephant has little to say when he is sea-siek, hut lie sways his great head from side to side, and looks "unutterable things." It has been described by a famous writer (Charles lteade) how the sagacious ele phant in storms at sea, saves himself from being washed off the deck by throwing himself fiat upon his bellv with all his four legs and his trunk spread out with suction power upon the planks. Captain Neynaber being interrogate i upon this point, remarks, with a sly wink in the direction of the undersigned, that it will not do to believe all we see in print. He says that no ship master would undertake to carry a loote elephant on deck. A loose elephant tumbling aDout in a gale would be a inore dan gerous object than the loose gun told of by Victor Hugo. The elephant, and all the other wild animals transported by steamer are confined in the strongest kind of boxes, and the Doxes themselves are secured in the firm est manner. The horse. It appears, is the most nervious and sensitive animal that goes to sea, and a hen shows the most u'ter disgust with life w hen sea sick, by vomiting and eccentric movements, THE FOG DANGER. During three nights on our trip we have been delayed by fogs. On two of these occa sions the fog was very dense for hours, and the dolorous music of the fog-horn and the hesitating and irregular motion of the screw, with occasionally its cessation altogether, showed that our cautious captain was not of the sort who nin through fogs at full speed to make quick tiips. I suspect that passenger* by ocean steamei3 are not always aware of the risks they run when a fog is encountered. With the sharp competition from thirteen steamer lines crossing the. North Atlantic there is strong temptation to run at full speed through fog* to make quick time: and as they all cross on the same general track the risk of collision is greatly increased by the larj.e numteer of steamers now employed. The cap tain of one of the fast steamers openly avows that it is his policy to run at full speed through fogs on the ground that in a collision it is the slow vessel that gets hurt, and that it is better to run down than to be run down; but this theory that the fastest vessel escapes harm is as unsound as it is selfish and lawless. Th>* history of steamer collisions shows that the striking vessel is as often injured as the on*1 struck, and the long list of vessels reported missing makes it probable that in very many cases both the colliding vessels go down es pecially if the co".ision takes places at a dis tance from land. The masters of many of the lines considered careful dislike so ex ceedingly to have their passage spoiled by "slowing down" in a fog that it is feared they are inclined to follow in some de gree in the bad practice of the fast captains. i notice by the logs of the European steamers arriving at New York, published in the New York Maritime Register, July loth, that they report dense fogs, and yet the run of several of the steamers on the very days reported as foggy indicates that they were rushing ahead atthera'eof 13%. 14 and 1^4 miles an hour, and shows conclusively that they did uot re duce speeC at all. liunuing at this rate of speed, the sound of an approaching vessel cannot be heard, and when seen through the fog there is no time to avert a collision. Ger many has a late law visiting heavy penalties upon shipmasters who run at speed through a log, and England and most of the maritime nations of North Europe have similar laws. The United States should have such a law, and it should be enforced. Otherwise, with the increasing number of Atlantic steamers there will be a terrible disaster some day. LAND IS SIGHT. We sighted the Scillys, some ragged looking rocks, (where the Schiller was wrecked,) at l:?i p. m. July 23, and through the afternoon got glimpses through the fog of Lizard Point and the famous Eddystone lighthouse. The weather was sultry, and people went about the steamer enquiring "Is it warm enough for you?" just as they sometimes do in Wash ington. Through the night there was a dense fog, and the steamer slowed down to a snail's oace. In the morning we took a pilot aboard off the Needles, (some rocks that look more like camels,) and everybody made a rush to know what had taken place in the world for the last ten days, but about all the news he had to tell was that Lord Beaconsfield had re ceived the order of the Garter. We steamed along by the picturesque Isle of Wight to Southampton, from whence I mail this letter, and leave at midnight for Havre. C. S. N. Xbe Drowning of Lieutenants Rno ker and Henley. The Tucson (Nevada) Star of July 18 has the following details of the drowning of Lieuten ants Kucker and Henley, at Camp Supply, on the 11th of that month: "They met their deaths in White River canon. Henley had been scout ing between Camp Supply and the Hatchet mountains, and had returned with his Indian company. His command he had stationed in the canon in the vicinity of the Point of Rocks, when he started on horseback up the canon to ward Supply camp. Twice he had succeeded in crossing the tearful torrent of water that was rushing madly along its course, carrying everything with it that came in reach, and ar riving about opposite Supply camp he made a third attempt to cross the angry stream. Reaching the rapid current, his horse lost his foothold in the bed of the stream, and Henley was plunged into the water. He swam with the current for a considerable distance, when his body was thrown against a tree with great force, far out into the stream. The blow he received rendered him helpless. Lieut. Rueker, who was near at hand, mounted his horse and rode rapidly a short distance below, and plunged into the stream, hoping to catch Henley as he tloated by. But, alas: the fate of noble Kucker: He too, was separated from his horse, immediately sank in the roaring, rumbling current, and was seen no more alive. Rucker's body was found at 7 o'clock the same evening, about a mile down the stream, and at 10 o'clock the same evening the body of Henley was found near where Rucker's was taken out. Henley's skull was fractured, and it was thought by the surgeon that death ensued immediately after the frac ture was received, which was probably at the tree or stump described above. Efforts at resus citation were thoroughly made, but death had claimed its own. The bodies were sent to Bowie on the 12th, and buried on the 13th at that post. The funeral was one of the most imposing evei witnessed in Arizona, the offi cers and men performing the last sad rites." An Old Soldier Killed on the Rail road.?A dispatch from Cumberlaad, Md., dated yesterday, says: At 10:30 this morning a man walking along the Baltimore and Ohio railroad track, three miles west of this city, stepped off the north to the south track to avoid a train, but was struck by one on the opposite track, which lie had not seen, and was instantly killed. In a carpet sack he was carry ing were live discharges from the United States regular army, dated August 4,1848, No vember 4. 1853, July 27, ISoS, June 27,1S71, and July 13,1876, indicating twenty-live years' ser vice. He was born in Sligo, Ireland, and was 47 years old. A letter, dated January 1, 1878, addressed to the care of the Soldiers' Home, Milwaukee, indicated that he had been there. There was also a letter from his sister in New Orleans. He had no record of his family. It is supposed he was going to Washington. Arrest of Dr. Mary Walker.?Dr. Mary Walker was arrested and taken to the police central office, in New York, Saturday after noon, by an officer of the steamboat squad, who found her at pier 42, North river, going from office to office and followed by a crowd of idle persons. When questioned by the officer as to her business or identity she became inso lent, and he was compelled to arrest her. When brought to the central office the police commissioners and the chief of police were absent, but to the strgeant in charge she gave her age as forty, but at 2lined to give her .>res ent residence. She claimed that the officer had acted unwisely, that he ought to have known her, and had no power to arrest her. She was discharged, ana left threatening to have the officer removed. Toe Yellow Fever in New Orleans.? Dispatches from Texas show that quite a num ber of railroad towns and cities ?u that state are thoroughly quarantined against New Orleans, and that it is their determination to keep yellow fever out of Texas if possible. The International and Great Northern Rail way company refuse to take any passengers, freight, express matter or mails from rfew Orleans over their road. There were in New Orleans for the 24 hours ending Saturday noon 38 new cases and seven deaths from yellow fever. Total cases during the season 233; total deaths ?>o. New cases to Sunday noon 20, deaths 11. There had been rainv weather during the 24 hours, the mercury falling ten degrees. It is unfavorable weather for the sick. Miss Mary Anderson, the actress, arrived at New York, from Europe, on Saturday, on the steamship Montreal. She returns in per fect health with a thoroughly equipped ward robe. having had all her dresses made under the direction of the costumer of the Theatre Erancaise. Outraged by a Tramp.?A fourteen-year old adopted daughter of Hon. Edward Crosby was brutally outraged by a tramp Saturday forenoon within a snort distance o? home, at Brattleboro, Vt. A handkerchief was drawn tightly over her mouth, suppressing her screams. A reward of $500 is offered for the arrest of the villain. The Hostile Indians in Idaho are still commiting ravages. Four Chinamen were butchered, and another was spared in order to cook their breakfast. They told him he had better leave, as 300 more Indians from Oregon would soon be there. Murdered Because He Hired a China man.?a. M.Tullis, a wealthy cattle raiser of Grand Island, Sacramento county, Cal., was murdered oh Friday evening while at work in his orchard. It is suspected that he has been muidered because of his refusal to discharge the Chinamen employed by him as ranchmen. ?9~Miss Kellogg is in Paris, Janauschek at Kissingen, Madame Modjeska is at War >aw, Poland. They will all be in New York on or about September 1. JohnRon>(>raiit>Klaii(on Imltroiclto. George Alfred Townsend give* ,\s Judge Hilton's version of the above affair, which has never yet been satisfactorily explained: " 1 went to Washington and in the course of general conversation with <;rant and bis wife, touchcd on the incident of Stanton resuming the War office and said if there was an expla nation of ii no time ought {n be lost in having it published. It was one of those thiigs im pugning the personal lionm of General Grant, which was doing him harm in lofty minds. "His wife, who was one of the truest women and w ives in the world, a woman all over?die bad more influence with that man than all the statesmen in the country?said to me: ?"Von are right, Judxe Hilton. It ought to be published. Hut General Grant will not allow a word to be said about it. Now I war.: , to tell you, before him, the circumstances of I that taking buck of the War by Mr. Stanton.' j "Grant sat perfectly immovable while Mr?. Grant told the story. Grant had only taken | the War oflice to keep peace in the country and had promised Johuson not to give it to another without telling him. Grant was a strong friend of Stanton and went to Stautou and told him he had thought it right and a duty to take the War oflice. Said Stanton: 'General Grant, there is not a living man I j would give it up to but you,' and he did giv>* it up. passed on aiid the radical senate resolve< to put Stanton back. One evening I Gererai Grant was about to go out of his house i with somt ladies to spend the evening, when a messenger met him in the hallway. Grant had ! bis hat and coat on : the ladies were behind ? him and the ca riage ready. The messenger I said: "Here is something for General Grant.' Giant took the parcel. He was then receiv ing papers and all sorts of things by multitude ai d be merely saw that it bore the inscription: I 4 Senate of the I'uited States." He thought it , a matter to be looked into next dav and went i out with Lis ladies. Next day he arose and I b eakfasted and along toward official hours I took up the papers at his dwelling. He found i the thing he had laid down the night before w;is a lesolution of the Senate non-concurring j in Stantcn'sdisplacement. This wase?iuiva I lent to Stanton being t.'ie lawful Secretary of War. Grant walked right up to the War of fice. where he found that Stanton, from an early hour of the morning, had strongly in stalled himself and was prepared for a tight. He had in fact taken advantage of Grant's late knowledge of the subject and t iok the ofbee by stratagem near day light. Grant had no alternative but to go away. Mrs. Grant, finishing thi* story, said: " 'Judge Hilton, there sits that man (Grant) who knows that story to be true, and he will not let it be told to acquit him of any duplicity with President Johnson!" Giant sat immovable and did not wag his head either way. Mr. Stanton told Judge Hil ton that such were the facts; Anticipating some point of honor on Grant's part. Stanton had seiztd his own while the Secretary ad in terim slept. 44 But," said Hilton, "Grant never was cordial with Stanton after that, and al ways looked at him askant. He nominated Stanton, as a dying man, to the Supreme bench, but never took him into his counsels or confidence." What must be the mental dis cipline of a man who will let a slander, easily corrected, go rioting for years, preferring to trust to time to lay it bare? The Lalxir Investigation. ItOW industrial DOCTORS DIFFE.R. At the conclusion of J. Osborne Ward's tes timony, last Saturday, before Mr. Hewitt's labor committee, in session at New York, G. W. Maddox read a letter to the committee containing a scheme for the EMPLOYMENT Or 100,000 FAMILIES by means of government aid of money to be sent to them to settle on government lands. The money, he said, could be printed, and when returned it could be destroyed. Mr. liice asked how the government was to get the money back without giving an equiva lent to those who got it in the way of trade, and how this equivalent was to be produced. The explanation was that the profits of the in I vestment would pay for the amount lent, j Hie witness having in the course of his state ment referred to the people as scavengers, Mr. Thompson asked: 411)o you not underrate the intelligence of the people of the country when you describe them as* only fit for scavengers? Are there any laborers as well clad, intelligent, as well fed, and well educated as the people of this country?" Mr. Maddox said hedid know that il >),<! i soldiers were wanted to kill one another lor $14 a month they could be got. In reply to a question as to his means ot livelihood, lie said he h;id been in the real estate business but for the past few years had been lh.tig on fa^ ends, and done nothing that w ould really pro duce a livelihood. WOMEN TO SETTLE IT. Mrs. S. Myra Hall, the next speaker, slid she represented about twenty million slaves w ho have never yet l?een admitted to the elec tive franchise. She said that the questions of finance and labor cannot oe settled until the ballot is given to women. MANY MEN OF MANY MINDS. Mr. J. J. O'Donnell, a machinist, the next witness, was one of the most original and en tertaining speakers yet before the committee. He said he represented his sovereign self. He repudiated the financial heresy that the gov ernment can make a piece of paper into money by merely stamping it. He argued in favor of government aiding the poor, against the eight-hour law, against mistaking coer cion for co-operation, etc. Mr. F. Bruner, a tailor, was next called. After stating the evils under which his trade and other trades sutfered he wasaskod by Mr. Thompson how he proposed to remedy them. "By the referendum," said he. "I would abol ish Congress, abolish the executive, abolish the judiciary, and then you gentlemen should go home and let the people work out their ow n salvation." [Great laughter.] Patrick Logan next addressed the commit tee at great length. His panacea for the evils under which the country was suffering was honest legislation, viz: the government giving $?1*1 to every man who wants to go west. Mr. Kobert W. Hume's remedy for financial trouble was to abolish all interest for money and also repeal the usury laws. He was in fa vor of a greenback currency, but did not thiuk it could be issued Saturday's IIaces.? The fourth raee at Saratoga last Saturday (the three first were reported in The Star) was a selling race. It was won by Viceroy, being the first victory won this year for the stable of Nelson & Go. The tickets 011 him were worth $li#.*30. Dis tance, mile and a half; time, 2:43. The trotting races at Buffalo, N. Y., closed Saturday witn two interesting events. In the race for the 2:2o class, for 12,000, Proteine took the purse after five heats, her best time being 2:19U; Midnight winning one heat in 2:1S'^, and Adelaide one in 2:19%. For the special tiial of speed, liarus?the other entries being w ithdrawn?failed to win the fl,000 purse for three heats averaging better than 2:IS, the horse act'ng bad'y. liarus succeeded, how ever, on an extra trial, in placing the fastest mile on record. 2:1.'%, without a skip. A run ning horse accompanied him. Splan, the jockey, was cheered to the echo by the ten thousand people present, and presented by the ladies in the grand stand with an elegant basket of flowers. The Banquet to Beaconsfield and Sal isbury in London Saturday was a brilliant affair. Lord Beaconsfield, in reply to a toast, reviewed recent events and expressed the be lief that the peace would be durable, because all the powers were satisfied. He congratu lated the country on the friendly relations with Fiance. He could not conceive a greater mis fortune than the estrangement of that coun try. In support of the view that it was not hopeless to expect reforms in the administra tion of the Porte, he cited a statement sent to the Empererof Germany by American mis sionaries, setting forth the toleration enjoyed by Christians, the progress of education, &c., in the Ottoman dominions since the Crimean war. Lord Beaconsfield said this testimony was preferable to any official report. It was that of men of the highest principles and of sublime character, who devoted their lives to benefit their fellow creatures. During the presentation of the freedom of the city to Beaconsfield and Salisbury at Guild Hall, some man created a sensation by shouting out, 41 Traitors to the constitution.1' He was eject ed immediately. A Singular Suit has been instituted in New York by M. Berger, the consul gyn?-ral of Luxembourg, against Mr. Massett, a Wall street broker. It seems that Mr. Massett wears a long watch chain and M. Berger wears a thin coat. One day, as the two gen tlemen were hurrying along New street in op posite directions, Mr. Massett's chain caugnt on a button of M. Berger's coat and tore it. M. Berger now sues to recover the value of the coat, and the questions will, of course, corns up of just how much watch chain a man may carry and just how thin a coat a man may safely wear. Killed by Lightning.?A tent at Diamond and Kidge avenues, in Philadelphia, in which a Methodist Sunday school was being held, was struck by lightning yesterday afternoon. One child was insUntly killed, and three o"hers fatally injured. THE LABOR INQUIRY. Mining Resumption and Strike, i'l KEN CHRISTINA ILL. INSURRECTION' IN HERZEGOVINA. TWO S1IOCKIM* CRIMKS. KIKI I(.\ SHEWN. Hank II In I<011<I<111. 1x>mh?n, August ioda> is a b.iuk holi day. and t!., naiket* are closed. <|iif'cii 4 lirisllnl I)hiik*'I'<iii?I) III. nj a i'HiAucust Oueeu Christ inl. wtiow of rt-n.uiHud \ 11, and ^randmoth'-r <f A1 ousK ill ' Pf'^ "l ki"K 01 s'uin' dan?er The Calnmlila* tomlng lUnr. U'Mkin Autiht i.-The Columbia collect* crew vailed |u the steamer City of H-rlin from Li\erp<>ol on the 1st loMaiit (or New York The> t<M>k away with them the " Visi>,?n Ch il. leiige cup." won at the Henley regatta. The Insurrection In llrrtoKutlna I.oni'<>n. August It |s reported at Vienna that the insurrection ai Mostar, Herzegovina is fomented by Montenegrins. anl will be likely to lead to serious complication* with Austria. It is said that the siate of affairs at Mostar is worse than at Serajeoo. the capitnl ?f Bosnia; that the governor and mufti have l?eeii assassinated. 1 he whole population ar* in arms. aud the musselmans from the sur rounding country are flocking in to join the insurgents. Arrnlrnt to a fMearner. LONDON. Auk -k?The Williams and Ciiion steamer Nevada, which s *iir??l from Liverpool August Sd f*?r New Yoak, has put back tn consequence of an accident to her machinery. IMauiw at Cyprii*. A c<?rres|miulent of the Da 7y .V, jrs in Cyprus rt>|K>rts that fever is prevalent at Nicosia on tlie northern side of the island and that seventeen m<>n and two officers out of a detachment of 120 stationed there have been attacked b> the disorder. Tilt. I.AKWK l\4|I IKV. I ii<lnsl rial Hffitriiiom 'IViiily inn. Ntw \oick. August i.?The usual nunibei ot refc rmers of la'or appeared before the Congressional committee tins morning. A recess will be taken to morrow till an early day. After the r-tess the committee will in vite business nie i. bankers and merchants to appear before them. Wm. Hastings and one Ilobb were before the committee, but their remarks are not worth telegraphing. Sara I oca Karrt. Saratoga, N. V., August ft.?The weuhei to-day fine ami the track in good condition 1 Le first race, three-quarters of a nil e, was won by Idalia: Spruiglwanch second; Sa'lv Watson, filly, third: Khadaman'hus got o:l last and ended fourth. Time. 1 is. Second race, one mile and a half for all ages; winners of II.? o at this meeting to carry five pounds extra. Bramble walked over the course. Some misunderstanding regarding tlie announcement of in. penalty for having won fl.tMi caused the wu.:lrawal of l-aula nier and Invennoor. Thud race, oue mile for maiden three year olds. Urouude came in with a broken ankle ; Swain complained that Barrett cut him down with Bertha. The judges investigated the matter ami gave the race to Beriha; Bijou second. Time, 1:4H;'4. All Artre*ft Hiir<lore<l by a Jealo<i? .Man. New \okk, August 5.?A San Autouio (Texas) special says that on Saturday last John Lanaham fatally shot (ieorgie I H ake, an actress, in a variety theater, ami seriously wounded A. Malton Squires, of the *th cava! ry, an>l a young man named Win. Bailey, lanaham was jealous of the attention shown tJeorgie Drake by Squires, aud determined on the de truction of a'l concerned. I.ina hain attempted to shoot himself, but missed and struck Bailey. He then made his escape. Itiu Fire al Nl. John. St. Jon v N. B.. Aug. !>.?A fire broke out Sunday morning on the wharf adjoining Mil ler^. Woodman's mill, on Spurt's Cove, oppo site Indiantown, and after burning a cotisid erable quantity of IuiuImt, extended to the distillery of J. Dew Spurr. About oue million feet of lumber, including some valuable Aras tooppine, were burned. The distillery con tained 2?i.<n*< gallons of spoiled poach brandy, which had been stored there for years, owned by John Bisk and T. K. Millidge. A Farmer Mur<l<>rr<l. Batavia, N. Y, August on Saturday niulit, about In o clock, Ilorner Hill, a farmer, eit here in a buggy for his home.?. miles dis tant. Ou arriving he found his wife awaiting him, and drove to the barn Not returning in a reasonable time, his w ife went to the barn and lound him with his skull fractured and his pockets rifled of fcjm. Sheriff Ward, on Su^da* arrested a man at Warsaw with blood oi .. clothing and under suspiciouseircu.n stances. It is thought Hill cannot recover Stiver Pirate* Killed. ]'ini.Ai>i:i.riiiA. August 5.?About 4 10 this morning Cbas. Anderson, Kdward Wilson, John Smith and a man named Drew, b larded the sehoonei Xephiua Still man, Capt. James C. Fisher, lying in the Delaware opposite Kaighn's point. The captain discovered them in the aet of robbing the vessel and tired upon them, instantly killing Anderson .tnd seri ously wounding Wilson and Smith. The lat ter, with Drew, esca|>ed. A Strike al the Coal Klines. PoTTsviLi.E, Pa.. Aug. 5.?About an men and boys employed at the Buckridge colliery, bhamokin, struck to-day for the restoration of five cents per wagon of coal mined, which was taken off during Jnlv, and submitted to at t'ie time. As the majority of the men do not de mand the restoration, and are willing to work at the reduced rates, it is thought all will be at work in a few days. Tliel'onvieleU Insurance President*. New Yokk, Auuust ? Itoliert L. Case, of the Security I.ife insurance Company, and l?r. T. A. Lambert, president of tne American Popular, Itnth sentenced lor swearing to fals?? returns, obtain* d a stay from Judge Donohue pending appeal to the Court of Appeals. Dr. Lambert is unable to procure bail. Case who surrendered this moruing. had his bail renew ed in #25,<mn. Resumption ol Hiuliiif. Puttsvili e. I'a.. August 5.?After a week's suspension there was a general resumption ol mining in the Schuylkill region this morning. The Philadelphia aiid Beading coin pan \ have about M2,< ?? tons of their August quota to mine and ship. It is tnought this will gtv?? steady employment to all interests in the coal trade in this region for the balance of this mouth. A Family l>ronne<|. Watertown, N. Y., August 5.?Chester 1>. Park hurst, wife and son, were drowned ou Saturday night on the " bog." in south woods, :to miles from Pottsdam. They were out for pleasure and the boat capsized. The bodi ;?* i tire all been recovered. Mr. Parkhurst was a merchant at Pottsdam. Storm In Ses Jersey. Noruistow v August rt.?A severe hail and wind storm swept over this city yesterday afternoon, breaking a large amount of glass and blowing down trees and signs. To the southwest of the town some of the cornfields ate completely cut to the ground. Fatal KoDer Explosion. Cincinnati. Aug. 5? The boiler of an en gine running a saw mill at Knterprise, W. Va., exploded on Saturday, killing tleorge Avery, John Parr and Fran* Dii worth, aud seriously wouudiug Dent Park and three others. The nark eta. BALTIMORE. August 5.-Virginia six* old, 20; do. deterred, 3 H: do. consolidated. 56 v. do. second series. 28--4; pits', due coupons, 78V . Nortli Carolina sixes, old, 15: 1o. new. 8, do. suecial tax 1 bid to-day. Sugar <|ulet, s. BALTIMORJ-, Auguht 6.-cotton firm ant higher?itlddli jj 11 ?j,. Flour quiet an<l steady? Howard sjioer aud western super. 2.o??a3.00; do. extra. 3.^>a4.20: do. faisiily, 4.60u5 SB; city millii 8uper. do. extra, 3.76a4.86; dr>. Kia biai ds. 5. .6: l'ataimco faintly, 6.50. Wheat, scuthfra active, firm and higher; western quiet aid lower?southern r?d, prune, 1 00al.u6; dc. *mV?ei 1.06a 1.08; No. 2 western winter red, sinit and AugTittt. 104; Beptemiier, 1.04-*aL04?. Corn, southern steady and firm; western quiet ai' I st-ao) ?bouthern white. 54*56: do. yellow, 82; wtstern mixed, spot. 48 aa48l?: Aueast, 43 ,; Bepteiuber, 49 st49^: sieamer. 45. Oats ttea : / *01 d? matd lair -southern. 32a36. western whit'. 33.331*; do. mixed 32a3S: Pennsylvania. 33^2 Rye steady. 50*53. Hay dull and heavy?Man lau I and l' prune. iO.OOalS 00. ProvialonM f ?iii. P< r>, It 00. Balk meats, looee?aboulders, 6X: clear 1 lb sides, 6*; packed- 6Bacon? ?boukien>. 6 ?; clear rib atdea, 7a. Hams, 12*13. Laid-n flinst. 8 4. Butter active and Ann?choice western. 13al5. Fetitileum quiet? 1*flned. 10 etude. &?'?. OoCoB fltni?Bio cargo,*. 13?16V. Whisky dull, 1P6. Keoaipta-flour. 3,400; wtxar. H3.000; corn. 30,000;.oat*. 8.000: rye. 1 J00. ^blpmtnta? wheat, 114.000: corn. 3L 500. Freights to Liverpool per steamer J4<L; flour. Si 6<1.; (rain. 8d. * MW TOBK, Angnrt 3,-?toek? about stMdv. Money, t. &oM, 100^. Kxchaoae, long. 4t!3; abort. 488^. tiovenuneutigeuenkily itead*. lOKIt, Auau?t Flour quiet *r,<t Arm. Wheat unsettled. Cora doll* FnSSscS** Dennls' 01 ItoiWd, 13 lfl ??^enator Brno?, of Wittlssippl, win dfcttlo near Cleveland, Ohio, when hi? Senatorial tens Wires. He iw M Uiw ikcie