Newspaper Page Text
BTEAMKB8, Ac.' IFOB FORTRESS MONROE AND NORFOLK, f Tike BTkAMER LADY OF THE LAE1 or JAKE MOSELKT, which **ve 6th Ftreet wharf, terminus of ?^?T_9g,?TT* ?tf?, every MONDAY, TT>BT)AY. WKDSESDAY ud ^RIDAY at 5 30 p. ff^nd SAfJJRDAY at 6 p. m. First-class fare,75o .found trip, FOB POTOMAC B1TEB LA' ,011*08. ?XS?r?o? lea above THURSDAY and 8ATUB?A'' *f ' *,?-> "topping at Romlni on Monday and Thursday t l^ODjrdtowj Thursday and 8atnrday. Ht?at*.?5 v'A?Pr5WSS^3IEW YORK. * C. ENIGHT an<1 JOHN GIBSON ^^|frlyTT'?yy Fwr 41, East River, New York, 27?Z7 PATUbOAY rt ? mil lnrt 63 Vater street, Oeorvetown, every MONDAfc. Freights taken at wJtor^MetrolSSn'BaST"6 " office Undar J*?1 SAM'L BAOON, President 1879 ?-LW like. 1879 WASHINGTON AND NOBFOLK STEAMBOAT _ OOMPAKY -The new and f?.?t steamer GEO _ ULABY, Oaptain Joe. Whttb. ImthJSHK Washiugton for Norfolk every Mon-^^^^^^^^day and Wednesday at B :80 p.m.. and Saturday at 6 P. m.?7th-at wtiarf. yirt class fa*e,Bintrle tickets. ~ ........... #1.00 First-class fare, round trip L60 GEORGE H. PLANT, President. B. F. DODD. Agent. 7 th-st wharf. my20 TiAM'.M MATTANO. Oaptain Wm. H biLW.uL and after April 20th, _*'*w .ves wharf foot of 6th and N ?? ^ every Tuesday, Thursday Mid Sun-^^^^^^-" daj, at 7 am , for Potomac B ver landing* On Sunr days for Mattox Creek. Oolton's, and landings in 8t Clement** Bay. On Thursdays for Mattox Creek Mid lanaiBgs in Wioomloo river On Tuesdays for Cotton's and landing In Nominl Orf-ek Betnrniug on Mondays. Wednesdays and Friday? mornings, maktr.* intermediate landings. Also Chapel Point on Wednesdays, comirg up. For farther information eraulre at offices of G. L, SHERIFF, No. 32P and 1114 Pennsylvania avenue, or at office foot of 6tnand N rt-wts a.w. arie G. T. JONES, Agent VOT1CK TO BOITIT VEBROH PASJ> _ BEXGEBS. The Steamer w. W. CORCORAN, which has been recently fcuhi and furnished, L. L. _ _ -If' ? ^ BiiU Captain, is the only boat *1lowed 10 land passengera at Monnt^ ^^^^ " Vernen wharf. Bound trip f 1, including admission lo mansion and trrounda Bt-Muaer ieavee 6th street Wharf daily (Sundays excepted) at 10 a m , and reSums about 3 p . m. J. McH BOLLING8WOBTH, Bn;*t _^?lies Mount Vernon Association- L. L BLAEX, steamer W. W. Oorooran. JelB-ly PLY DK'8 RiEW EXPRESS LL\E V.' BCTWKXM S>HILABELPHIA, ALEXANDRIA,WASHINGTON Aiit) GEORGETOWN, Connect in* at Philadelphia with Clyde's Line for Boston, Providence, and the Hew England States. _ __ BATLTNG DATS. From Philadelphia?Saturday, at 10 am. Fn>sa Washington?Monday, at 11 am. From Georgetown?Monday, at 7 p.m. .Freights received daily until 6 p.m. Through bills of ladenitriven to Boston end Provldenoe, and J Fail River. Consignees wishing t*ieir >roodi landed at Georgetown wharf will pjoase have them marked **Gzoaoxrowir. D. CL" _For full information apply to J. H. JOHNSON k CO., 1202 F street northwest, and l?tt-street wharf, Washington, D. C.; G. F. HYDE, 69 Water street, , Georgetown, D. C.; WILLIAM P. GLIDE & CO., * General Managers, 12 South Wharves, Philadelphia mar2U-ly HEW TOBK-BOTTEBDAM. The first ciass steamers of this line, W. A. SCHOLTEN, "P. CALAND" "ROTTERDAM," "80HIEDAM," a* d " ilAAS, carrying the C. S. mall to the Netherlands, leaves Jersey City every alternate Wednesday and Saturday. Cabin *65?$70: Intermediate #45?#50, Steerage 823 H CAZAUi, G*n1 Ag\ 27 South William st, New York, FUNOH KDYE * CO., 27 80 We. st. Freight Airts; L W. MOBBIS, 60 B'?ay, General Passenger Agt. janl-ly NORTH KEBMAE LLOYD?stbamsbcp Lute Eetwxkh New Yobs, Havbx, Losdoh, Soctbjlmftoh ahd Bbemzn. The steaa ara of this company will safl every 8atttrday from Bremen Pier, foot of 3d street,Hoboken. Bates cf pasuae: From New York to Havre, London, Bonthamptcn and Bremen, first caoin, f 100; econd cabin, #60; steerage, <80. For freight or passage apITr to OELRICH8 & CO , 2 Bowling Green, New York. W. G. METZEROTT h CO., 925 Pa. ave.. Agents fog Washington. octl-ly IKMAH LISB United Statu akd Rotal Matt. Stxakxbs. HEW YOEK to QPEENBTOWN and LIVERPOOL. EVERY THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. City cf Ber .in 6491 tons. City of Montreal.4490 City of BicLsoond.4607 tons City of Bru8seis..3778 City of Cht-ster... .4666 tons ! City of N York. .3600 These magnificent steamers are among tne strongest, lumst and fastest on the Atlantic, and have every modern improvement, including hot and oo!d water and electric belJs in staterooms, revolving chairs in saloon*, bath and smoking rooms, barber hops. etc. _ For rates of passage and other information, apply to JOHN G. DALE, agent, 81 Broadway, N.Y.; or to D. A BROSNAN, 928 G st: J. W. BOTELER ft BRO.. 928 Penn'a ave.; G. W. MOSS, Adams' Ex press. Washington. decSSeoly* pmABD LIKE. NOTICE. I \fitc the view of diminit>hing the chances of collision. the Steamers of this ii"* tkfc* a specific course for all seasons of the year. ?Ou the outer passage from Qusenstown to New York or Botton, crossing the meridian of M at 43 lat, or nothing to the north of 48. On tue homeward passage crossing the meridian k Of CO at 42 lat. or nothing io the nortn of 42. THE OUNARD 8TEAMBHIP COMPANY LIMITED. f Between Ifew York and Liverpool, Call* Ins at Cork Harbor. -PIER 40, X R.. NEW YORK. AEY88IN1A, Wednesday, Atlgust 27,1 pm. BOTHNIA. Wednesday, September 3, 4 p.m. r GaI.LIA, Wednesday, September 10,11:30 a m. ALGERIA, Wednesoay, September 17, 4 p.m. SCYTHIA, Wednesday, Septem^r 24. And every following Wednesday from New York. _ . BATES O* PAS8AQK. By steamer* carrying steerage, #80 and $100 gold, According to accommodations. Tickets to Paris. #16, gold, additional. Beturn tickets on favorable terms Bteerage at very low rates. Bteera^e tickets from Liverpool and Qneenatown, and all other parts of Europe St lowest rates. Through bills of laden given for Belfast.Glasgow, Havre, Antwerp and othex ports on the Continent, and foT Mediterranean porta For freight and passage apply at the Company's office. No. 4 Bowling Green, or both steerage and cabin^ to OTIS BIGELOW.606 7th streSTwashlngHa>38.iy CHAS. Q. FRANCKLYN, Agent, N.Y. MEDICAL, Ac. Madam dk forest has remedy-fob Ladii-s. All Female complaints quickly cured. Can te c-onenlted daily at 921 7th street n.w. Office hours frrm 1 to 9 p. m aog26-lm* TkB. LEON, the Oldest Established and only BeliJ-J able La-ike' Physician in the city, can be oon nlted daily, at 456 Massachusetts ave , from 1 to 9 o'clock, except Sundays and Mondays. All Female CoKplaints quickly cured. SeparaMi rooms for paBenta aogll-lm C?5C REWARD?If Db Bbothebs fails ta cure any *P case of Female Weakness, Irregularities and Oir Buuctions. Thirty yeare' exj^nenoe in Washington. Office, 906 B 8t aW., opposite Hnrmh?,Tn1*n any9-2^* opermatorrh?ea, impoienoy, PRE^A tJ ture decay, emissions and all venereal diseasos cured by Dr. BROWN. No calomel n*el. All female weaknesses, Ac., treated. 1605 L St.. naar 16th n.w. aug7 lm* ANHOOD ~~ RE8TORED. ^ ParscasPTios p&ex. For the speedy Cure of ^ Bwranal Weakness, Loes of Manhhood, and all disorders broc, bt on by indiscreuon or exoesa Any Druggist has the ingredients. Address * DAVIDSON A CO., )e3-eoly 78 Natisau st. N. Y COMETUINti HEW ? TOBXISH Batb ? A |j inxnry. Cure for chills and fever, rheumatism. Ac. Ladlbs' days Monday and Friday. 609 E st B.W., near Judiciary Squnre. No connection with Dr. Bhedd Dr K. L. bOVEE. febl-ly* pOSSULTDR BOEER1SON, every Wedneslay and his offcee 456 Cst n.w., near 434 t.frt m2 to 9 i> m. who. with 16 rears experience, guarantees a cure in ah diaeases of the Urinary Organs, Nervous and Seminal Weakness, Nocturna j Xmlas ona, Impotency Ac., Gonorrhoea or SyphU^s, ! tecent y coi.iracted, poeitl^aiy cured in from 6to 1? j days Consultations strictly private, and separate ; offices for laaies. Refers to tne leading physicians of Baltimore. Main office 19 S- En taw strBaltlmora Chary-s mo?i<>rate. myl6-tr T\R HENbS MOTTS FBRNCH POWDERS.? XJ Certain cure for Disease of the Kidneys, Gravel ana ail Urinary Diseases, Nervous Debility. Bemirs: Weakness, lm potency. Scrofula, Sypoirs, and a'j Blofd ana Skin Diseases speedily owed, fo*sai-by VkM B ENTWI8LE. Draggist, oorner ! 12th st and Pa. ave. Price, #8 per box - sent by mall ' on m*<pt of price, securely sealed. feblAly . JMPOBTABZ TO LADIES. AQ ir.erui\ritiee speedily removed by t rxa*&j indorse a by the medical faculty of MiryAntS. On receipt ol live dollara Satiafartlon guarintted. Address (confidentiaUy) G. 0. WUBTHINGTOH. |L D., a graduate of UniverHty of Maryland, 21 BTOay at. Baiumore. Md. febll-ly* T\?. JOBS TM1PP*S BLOOD PCHI XJ FI1B Is s certain cure for Byphilis, Scrofula OranutA Tumors, Dlabetea, Bright'a^fease, an 4 a an Blood Folso^. Cars of Srphills guaranteed in ^ either si age. Send for pamphlet enclosing stain* , Kid please star- disease, 806 Columbus ave., Boston. W frirnr rn* ir inlnc nnlnssfnhrttlce withrr mini mown lr them and labsla bearing my own Trade " Mark fun20-ly] PR JOHN TRIPP. I TYR P-ICORl>*8 ESSENCE OF LIFE restores I siid the vigor of youth to the most I "j*?*1 <i wnsi.tntion in four weeka Failure im| KTf.'V fr,* '-f* restoring remedy should be taken ^5?^ niarry.or who have become weakS*f. excess or any other cause. Suooeae In SKL??." taat wale; quenches thirst PHir-gU'^ to IT tied. BAJ?KKlt8. I VTOa UI>G SCOCEEDS LIKE SUC~5Ss 1 Thf mn?l,cj?u? method of t oo it* ho'i?lr-tls of small orct-rs into one lar>e caj.lUl. with ?mca to operate m fiiotk-, 1ms proven Hs?-1 the ^r.-u'e?-t s ioCess c f tL-- a^e. This p!a-j puts tin* hui'miiest operator witn sr. 11 vrf-tment of from #lt> to loo on a p?r ; aithtlitint h he t:ri?e #10.(JU0, and yields him a proportionate protlt It secures aliae to all tt?e advantage of larne i aiital used wiJi skilled exi^'r1 icfprmation mailel free. A<ldress EVART8. BABNE8 A CO . 24 Bro^d st.N V. augl6 t.thfc ?,3tn t1?*? 11IVE8TKDIn Wahast?ti 2J??f* ,orin ? evsry monto. Book sent free t ??SS?S?" W !A JQqM^"*.GF the stock exchange Wh ?LS*cnt5 ^ purchase or sale of Stocks 2S2A?*na ?!a moderate manlna OommH A Mom #8 each 100 sharea Btook privileges nsgottatsd g wapopcb'* parties on!v. Correepondenes soileS'-J? Merrlam, Meir>^>r Am Mining and railroads. J^EW YORK ACT) THS WHITE HOVHTAraS. T.AKK MEMPHBEMAOOO. QUEBEC. AND THE saguenay biver THBOUQH TO THE MOUNTAINS BY DAYLIGHT. OH AND AFTEB MONDAY, JUNE 90,1879, through train with parlor cars FBOM GRAND CENTRAL DEPOT VIA NEW YOBK. NEW HA YEN AND HARTFORD RAILROAD. Leave New York on Day Express. at 8.08 am. And Arrlye at Littleton at 7.30 p.m. And Arrive at Bethlehem .at 7.46 p.m. And Arrive at Twin Mt. House at 7.66 p.m. And Arrive at Fabyan'a .at 8.10 p.m. And Arrive at Profile Honse 8.10 p.m. And Arrive at Crawford House at 8.30 p.m. And Arrive at Quebec. 6.30 am. Take BleeplnK Oar for Quebec at Wells Biver Junction ABK FOR TICKETS VIA CONNECTICUT RIVER LINE. T1 rouirli atd round trip tickets can be purchased at t rket offices of Pennsylvania K.R. at Philadelphia. La: .iwter, Harrisbunc, Baltimore, Altoona and Pit: bur#, and in Washington, D.C., at office of B. & 0.1 R, at *ach of which offices full information can be < btaliifed. Jy'28-lm g \LTDIORE AlfP OHIO BULROAV. TUB GREAT IWUBLJB TRACK. Actional Itoute and Short J.ln? to the North, Northwest, West and Southwest. 1 o take effect Bunday. May 18,1879, at 4.20 am. LEAVE WASHINGTON. . ? 6:08 am.?tNew York, Pbiladslph-'a and Boston ex res a. Ellicott City. Od Sundays to Baltimore on;y Stops at Shipley's. Laurel, Annapolis Junction. Jespni'K. Htuover, Elk Ridge and Mt Win&na Br-akfast at Retay Station. a 6.50 a.m ? BjJtimore, Annapolis and way. (Piedmont, Straebuiy, Winchester, Ha^oiutcrwa, Frederick and way. via Re<*y.) ., 8 am,?f Baltimore and Laurel Express. b:10 am.?Point of Bocka Piedmont, 8trasburg, Winchester, Hatrerstown and way stations. 8 80 am? New York. Philadelphia. Btmton and Ba>timore Express. Parlor car to New York and Philadelphia. ? 8:36 a m.?tSt Louis, Chicago, Columbus and Pit'"bur^h Express. Frederick, Hagerstown and Va!!ey Branch, except Sunday. Through car to Staunton. Pullman Cars to Cincinnati, daily. Grafton to Sandusky, daily, except Saturday. & 'JO a m.?tOn Sunday only?Baltimore, Annapolis tnd Way. 10 00 a m.?Baltimore Expreea Stops at Bladensbur*, Coilepe, Beltsville, Laurel, Annapolis Junotier, Jeesup's and Hanover. 12 10 *n.?Baltimore, Am. a polls, Ellicott City and Way. 1 30 p. m.?New York, Philadelphia, and Boston Expresa Stops at LaureL 1:36 p. m.?;On Sunday only, Baltimore and Way. 8 30 p. m.?Baltimore and Way Stations. 4:30 p. m?Baltimore, Bladensburg, and Laurel Expresa Frederick, via Relay. Stops at Annapolis Ju* etion. 4:36 p. m.?tPolnt of Bocks, Frederick, Haterstown. Winchester and Way Stations. On Sunday to Point of Bocks and Way Stations only. 4:40 p, m ?t Baltimore, Annapolis and Way Staona 6:30p.m.?tPHILADELPHIA, NORFOLK AND BALTIMORE express. Norfolk, exoept Bunday. Norfolk Passengers taken in the cars direct to boat at Canton. Stops at Bladensburg and LaureL 6:30 p. m.?Point of Bocks and Way Stations. 7:00 p. m.?tBaltimore and Way Btationa 8.10 p. UL?tBALTIMORE EXPRESS. Ellicott City, via Relay. 8.15 p.m.?tOHIGAGO.OOLUMBUS AND PITTSBURGH EXPRESS. Sleeping car to Chicago. (Pittsburgh except Sunday.) 10:16 p. m.? tNEW YOBK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE express. Stops at Bladensburg and LauieL Bleeping car to New York, and special sleeping car to Philadelphia 11:00 p. m-tSt Louis and Cincinnati Expreea Pullman Oars. tDaily. tBunday only. Other trains daily, except Bunday. All trains stop at Belay Station- ? Fcr further information apply at the Baltimore and Ohio Ticket Offices, Washington Btatlon, and 603,619 and 1436 Pennsylvania avenue, where orders will be taken for Bagfrage to be checked and received at any point in the city. W. M. CLEMENTS, Master of Transportation. L. M. COLE, Generrl Ticket Agent. GEO. b koontz. General Agent my!7-tr 1879 nai^^aiiia 1879 BOIJTI TO THE NORTH, WEST, AND SOUTHWEST. Doable Track, Steal Halls, SnjoroxD Bcznxbt, Mtavmanrx Eeuxrxnx In Effect Juwb 30,1879, TBAINB LEAVE WASHINGTON, from Depot, corner of Sixth and B streets, as follows: Pittsburg and the West, 10 JO am. dalffcjrith Far lor Oar to Pittsburg, and SlespirJJTBPs from Pittsburg to Cincinnati, St Louis ana Chicago t 7:40 p.m. dally, with Palaoe Oar to Chicago. BALTIMORE AND POTOMAC BAILBOAD. For Oanandaigua, Rochester. Buffalo, Niagara Falls and tne North, at 6:20 a in., daily, exoopt Sunday ; 7:40 poo. dally, exoept Saturday, with Palace Oars to Watktna For William*port. Lock Hwen, and EJmira, at 10.80 am. daily, exoept Sunday. Wot New York and the East, 1:80 p.m. daily, except Sunday, ano 10:16 daily, with Palace Oars attached. Limited Ex press of Pullman Parlor n?rt. 9-10 am. dally, except Bunday. For Brooklyn. N. Y , all throu*n trains connect at Jersey City with boats of Brooklyn Annex, affording direct transfer to Fulton street, avoiding double ferriage and Journey acroes New For'ptiuSSfphla, 8:36 am. and 1:30 p.m., daily, except Bunday; 6:8U, and 10:16 p. in-, aauy. t Express, 9:30 a.m. dally, exoept Sunday. For Baltimore, 6:30, 8:86,9:30 am and 1 3'1. 4:10, and 430p. m., dally, exoept Bunday; 10 JO am., * -90.1:4Taad 10:16 p. m, daily. For Pope's Creek Line, 6:20 a m. and 6:30 p. m, daily, exoept Sunday. ? For Annapolis, 6:20 a m. and 4:30 p. at, dally, except Bunday. ALEXANDRIA AND FBEDEBIOKSBUBG BAIL WAY rA>DrALEXASDRIA AND WASHING* For Alexandria. 6,7:16,8,9,10,11 am.,1:16,8,4 :S0, 6,6.7 and ll Jao p.m. On Sunday at 9 a m, and 1:16 and 7 p.m. For Richmond and the South, 6 JO am. dally, and ft :20 ? m dally, except Sunday. Trains leave Alexandria for Washington, 6, 7:16,8, 9,10,11am.: L 8,4:30,6, 6. 7 and 13 p.m. On Sunday at 8 and 10 am., and 6 pan. Tickets, information. Sleeping and Parlor Oar aesommodatlona can be procured at the offices, northasst corner of Thirteenth street and Pennsylvania avenue; northeast corner of Blxth street and Pennsylvania avenue, and at the depot, where orders can be i-rt for checking of baggage to destination from hctala and reetdencea ? L F. FARMER, Gtaneral Passenger Agent FRANK THOMBON. General Manager. nov9 proposals! "ROPO^ALB FOR MISCELLANEOUS IRON WORK, AND ALSO FOR SLATE FLOOR SLABS. RetimMtruetionof the U. S. r>it<"ni Office. IJuit(iinj,\ OrnCE OF THE Emgineeh ano architect, i G street, between Hth and 9th streets n.w. f Washington, D C., August 16.18HL > Sealed Proposals will l?e received at thisofflae until 12 m or the 30th l?ay of August, 1879, for fun lshing, delivering, fitting and putting in plaoe complete, certain iron work, comprising frames and casmgaof windows, facingsof floors and light wells, railing*. stair* and flresproof slldinK doors. etc., for the reconstruction of the Model rooms of the North and West wings of the above building, in accordance with drawings, specifications and sohedule, \*Li< h may bo seen at this office. Bl?nk forms of proposals and any desired Inforn.ation may be obtained on application at this oCco. ADOLF OLUdS, Engineer and Architect Proposa's will also be received as above, and at the same time and place, for furnithinK, delivering and rutting in piaca about 4*? 0?KJ sqaare feet of slat* floor slabe. ADOLF OLDSS, aui--16-eo5t Engineer and Archiu^ct Proposals for Dredging. i'siTai) states Enoineeu OFFICE, 1'j07 Pennsylvania Aveoue, Washington, D. 0 , August 6,1879. SEALED PROPOSALS for Dredging in the followU.K Bivers and Harbors, will be received at this oil'ice at 12 m., on Wednesday, September 10th, 1879, and opened immediately thereafter : 1 Washington Harbor D. C. 2. Mount Vernon Channel (Potomac Blve1*,) Va. 3. Breton Bay, Md., and Nomini (Ireek, Va. 4 Urbana Cr< ek, (Rappahannock Biver,) Va Specification*, containing detailed information, and blank forms >jf propoea's, can l>e obtained at this offlca The riKht to rejoct any or all proposals is reserved. 8. T. ABERT, aiix^r- t U. B. Civil Engineer. BENSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLASTER. a WONDER! CL REMEDY. There is no comparison between it and the common slow acting i oroun plaster. It is In every way superior to &U otnt-r external remedies, including liniments and the so called electrical appliances. It ccntairs new medicinal elements whicn in combination robber, iKxsess the mod extraordinary pain-relieving, stTenifiheninw and curative properties. Any Physit lan in your own locality will coul.rm the above atateoaect For l^aine Back, Kbt-uinatiHm, Female Weakness, Stubborn and Neglected Colds and Coughs, disease! Kiineys, Whoop it^CouKh, Atfectinnn of the Heart, and all ills for which porous- planters are used, It is s<mply the best known remedy A*k for BSHSON'S CAPCINE POROUS PLABTEB, and take no other. Sola by all I'rmrffiata price 25 eta. Sent on receipt of puce, by SEABUBY & JOHNSON, au^'J-e&w.lm flutt at.# Ne* York. A GOOD WAV to speculate In Stocks is to secure Pn\ilewea These coat from S10 to #600, and aflord opi>ortunit'M to both small and large operators to secure handsome profits. Any number of feharen of btock boo k fit ana sold on commission or carried on 3 per cent margin. Minint* stocks bought aiid ?old tbroaKh San Francisco and New York Rxchangts. pamphlet, fully explaining how to profitably operate in wall street, mailed Frea . ,n ? BABBIS. 19 & 21 Broad st, N. Y. Jyl9wAa2m T^IBPOSKBB OF SECOND-HAND CLOTHING."? ir Clothlnif. Walohea. Guna, Pistols, *c.? C^gsAthe b?t eaah prices from the QB1GINAL HERZOG. 80S ?th st. near Pa avenua Branch, 817 Fs- ava By callingatiprtAAnmsin# the above pUoaa. premutation will be stm to all ordan. * 4 BUMMER RESORTS. QABD TO THE PUBLIC. ORKNEY PPRINGS.V BGINT V rn and after SEPTEMBER 1, Bxrdifcittl rates will be as follows: Per day ? |l 60 I'er week 9 (X) Per month ^...30 00 Address JONES ft PARKER. Prop's. auy25-t81 JORDAN'S WHITE SULPHITE SPRINGS, t>% miles N. E of Winchester and 1J$ miles * ?. J? S. E. of Stephenson's Depot P. O., TlxBmT FREDERICK CO, YA. jy28-tseptl E. 0. JORDAN. rTRAYMORE HOUSE. X Sea End, Illinois avs., Atlantic City, N. J. Open MAY 31. jy!7-g2t Address M. E. HOOPEB. |>OCK EHON 8PBM68, VA? SEVEN HOURS FROM WASHINGTON. Bound trip tickets, $7.75. The Best Suumeb Rebobt FOn Families. Terms:?$30 to $50 per month of four A The Cuisine and every other depart-JjiiffiLL ment under the sole management of A. S. PRATT, Proprietor. For pamphlets and all Information apply to _ A. S. PRATT & SON, }e20-tr 401 9th St. n.u>. CUTICURA TUB (J RE AT bKIlf CURE, Die most Iltalintr. Soothin);, and Befreshing External Application In the World. It rapidly heals Ulcers, Old Sores, and Discharge' Weunds; Itching Piles and other Itching affectious that have l^en the torture of a lifetime, thus affording unspeakable gratification to thousands; Barns, Scald#, Wounds, and Festers; all itching and Scaly Emptons of the Skin, and all Affections of the Scalp, including Loss of Hair. Nothing like it has ever been known t'< the most inttlligenc physicians. It has swept a host of poisonous remedies oat of existetce. It is revolutionary in its composition and mode of treatment, and succeeds in curing every external affection. At every etagre it is ably assisted by Ci'TIcitba Soap, which is a part of itself medicinally and at the same time the most delightfully fragrant and refreshing Toilet, Bath and Nursery Soap in existence. Citicvra Resolvent, a powerful purifying agent and livtr stimulant, should be taken to neutralize and resolve away blood poisons, caused by the virus of scrofula, cancer, cuiker, malaria or contagrious diseases, which maintain and foster diseases of the Skin and Scalp. SALT RHEUM. I<ifea burden from tlie suffering* caused by this terrible disease. Messrs. Weeks & Potteb : Gentlemen,?Please accept my most t/rateful thanks for the great, very great, comfort I nave received from the use of your cuticuba. For the past eight or nine years I have been troubled with that areadful disease, Salt Rheum. For months I would be helpless,?my very life a burden to me. I have used everything in the shape of medicine, both external and internal, but with no effect. My hands were in a terrible condition, the backs of them being a?l raw, and I thought I would try CUTICUBA. 1 tried it, and lo! it was as if a miracle had been performed, for I will take my oath that in three applications my hands were as smooth as a new-born babe's. I presume there are hundreds, if not thousands, who know of my case, among whom there maybe some one similarly altiicted, and if so I would earnest y advise him to give Crxici ba a triaL Yours, very thankfully, A. D. BAKER, Tirket Agent, C. S. Ii. II Letboit Junction-. Detboit, Mich. Jan. 30,1870. TETTER OR 8ALT RHEUM on the hands Cured. A grateful letter. Messes. Weeks & Potteb: Gentlemen,?Having betu troubled for many years with the Tetter or Salt Rheum, and spent many a hard earned dollar, I was given a trial of your OimcoaA, and, thank God, my hands are well. I never had anything to do m<-* good 1 Lkthflt Ion may put this in the paper and welcome, and may it do some other poor sufferer the same good it has done me! I am well known here, having lived here almost fifteen years and kept borders for a living, and sometimes my heart was sore, thinking I would have to give up altogether with my gore hands, and bavin? a small family to take care of; but ch! thank God, my hands are well, so I airain return thanks. Yours respectfully. ELIZABETH BUOKLEY. Littleton, N. H., May 30, lK7d. The Octicuba Remedies are prepared by Weefep & Potter, Uhemists and Druggists, 360 Washington Strt et, Boston, and are for sale by all Druivigts Price of Ctjticuba, small boxes, 60 cents-, large boxes, containing two and one-half times the quantity of small, $1. Resolvent, $1 per bottle. CcticniA Soap, 25 cents; by mall, 80 oents; three cakes, 76 oenta. OOLLEI8' Voltaic Electric Plasters. Placed over the center of the nervous forces, the pit of the stomach, they fnrnish the absorbents with that marvellous vital! zing and restorative ag-ency, Electricity, united with the curative properties ol our own fragrant Balsams and Pine. For Weak and Bore Lnngs, Palpitation of the Heart, Painful Kidneys, Liver Complaint, Bilious Colic, Weak Stomach and Bowels, Rheumatism, Neuralgia, and Sciatica, they are the bett remedy in the world. Q My customers embrace not only THE best and most intelligent people of this city and vicinity, but the nation. Since i8601 have repaired 80,000 Watches In Washington. N. JENSEN. 918 Pennsylvania avenue, my 28 Dempaey's Stationery Store. rPBE UNDERSIGNED HAVE THIS DAV J. formed a limited partnership in pursuance of the Itemised Statutes of the United States relating to the District of Colnmbia coacerniug limited partnerships. Ihe name or firm under which said partnership is to be conducted is BEXKEKT & WILSON . the business to be transacted is the manufacturing. purchasing and selling of Boots and Shoes In the City of Washintrton, District of Columbia. The names and roeideuces of the general partners arc George F. Benliert and George B. Wilson, both residing in the City of Washington, D.O., ana the special partner is William J. Bankort, residing ia the City of Phi'adelphia, Pennsylvania The Baid special partner has contributed ten thousand dol lars in cash to the common stock. The said partnership is to commence on the 10th day oi August, lh7'J, and is to terminate on the blst day of August, 1881. GEO. F. BENKERT, ) p.,f_ GEO. B. WILHON* { General Partners. WM. J. BENKEltT, Special Partner. ang20-3taw4w ^ Q A r T I o w . All persons are hereby cautioned not to BUY, SELL, FILL, or TRAFFIC in any SODA WAT KB, PORTER, or LAGER BEER bO'lTLES,or SIPHON BOTTLE8, marked either "It. A. Shinn." "Palmer & Green," "8. C Palmer," "M. M. Whitney & Co.," or 1 R. 11. Shinn," under the penalties prescribed by sn act of Congress entitled "An Act to protect the manufacturers of Mineial Water in the District oi Columbia, and for other purposes," approved JuJy 28Lh, 1$C>, A description of said Bottles has b-?en placed on file in the office of the Clerk of tho 8uprtme Court of tho District of CoIumbia,as reijuired Ly Ba d act of Coi Kreas. SAM'L c. PALMER, . Depot, 57 Greene sf,, Georgetown, D. 0. August 7th, 1879. ang7-tr flH) BUY DEAR AND TO SELL CHEAP IS OUR 1 MOTTO. JUbTH'S Old Stand is a guar;in*ee of the auo\u For first-class SECOND-HAND CLOTH 1KO (of which I make a specialty) ttie highest prices will be positively paid, Address or cal! at JUSTH'S Old Stand, No. 61'J ii street, bytweon tit'i and 7th streets n.w.. or branch store, No 40H <Jth streets, between D and E streets n. w. jyl4 1y JM. & It COHEN'S LOAN OFFICE, corner 7th . street and New York avenue, (en- /<x trance on avenue.) The most private Loan jC**JL Office in the city. Money loaned at the? 0 lowest rate of interest on Gold and Silver Watohee Plate and Plated Ware, Diamonds, Goas, Patois Ladies and Gentlemen's Clothing, Carpets, a>i 1 a'/ rtloles of value. Janl-lv JjEWIB JOHNSON 4k CO., Bankers WASHINGTON, D. 0.. DEALERS IN UNITED STATES BONDS, DIB TRICl and other INVESTMENT 8E0UBITIBI8. DOMESTIC and FOREIGN EXCHANGE Jet tT rpHE CELLULOID TRUSS ANU SCPPOBTKRci That never nuts, never breaks, never wsar* out, always clean, and can be worn white bathing, is lor sale at CHAS. FISHER'S, 623 7th street n.w Mrs. Fiaher devotes her attention to the wants of adj patrons. decU-ly r AUCTION SALES. tmib Arrmmrootr. fpHOB. E. WAQGAMAN, Bed Irtitc Auctioneer. TRU8TEE8' BALE OF~UNIMPROVED PROP EBTY AND UNFINISHED BDILDIVQ8 THF LOTS FRONTING ON BOU5DABY vll NonTnwfsT 'U-v' AND SINTH BTRKgra By virtue of & deed of trust, dated March ? 28th. 1878. and reoorded In LiberNo W fM folio 89, of the land records of the District of JEM. Oolumbia, and at the request of the party secured thereby, the undersigned Trustee will sail at public auction, in front of the premises, on TUESDAY August 26th, 1879. at 6 o'clock iTm , Loto S to 70* both inclusive, of Geonje 8. Balloch's subdivision or ra?t of Square 860. as the same is reoorded in Liber ? H. K., at folio 291, of the records in the offlca of the Surveyor of the District of ColumbU, said subdivision comprising Lots 2 to 26, inclusive, or a prior subdivision made bv P. O. Riley or the whale of said Square, except Lots 1 and 27. and recorded in Liber R. L H, at folio 27, of said Surveyor's records, by which latter description they were conveyed in said deed of trust. Br me of said lots are Improved by buildings ia an unfinished condition. Terms of sale: One-fourth cash; reside in six, twelve, eighteen and twenty-four monthcXaix per cent, interest, secured satisfactorily to ttfSSEnlee; or all cash, at option of purchaser. 850 depRsiton each lot will be required when bid is accepted, and all conveyancing and recording at cost of the pu-chaser If terms of sale are not complied with in five days, the Trttotee reserves the right to resell at the risk and cost of defaulting purchaser. ar.g!4 d&ds THOB.K. WAGGAMAN, Trustee. QEANCERY BALES. Br virtue of a decree of the'Supmne Onirt rrf of the District of Oolumbia, ragged in equity ffSf? cau*e No. 5,756, decket 17, I will offer for Jit'-A sab, at auction, in front of the respective premises all tr-e following r^l estate in this city, viz Ou TUESDAY, the 2d day of September. 1879, at 5 nV ock p. iu., part of lot No 1, in square No. 1022, fronlmcon south K street and Georgia avenue, between 18th street^east ana public space, beginning 85 3ett south* ast corner of square, running thence BOith 115 feet 9^ itches; thence south west jrly aloni.' Geoig a avenue 61 foet 7>i inches to northwest oori er of Jot 1 thenc? along the western boundary lines of 6aid Jot to K street; thence oait 35 foet a'o^a K street to the beginning, unimproved. Oi: the san e day, at 5:3<> o'clock p. in., part of lot No. 20, in square No. 870, beginning 18 feet l'roin northeast of said lot, running thence woit 20 feet thriK-e south 1SG fe tl iroh to a public alley; theuci east 20 feet; thence nirth 186 feet I inch to th" beginning, in pioved by a email frame house, <No 639 A ftreet a e.) O.' the same day, at 6 30 o'clock p. m . lot E, in Fiizlmvh'u subdivision of nart of square No. 28 in th* al ey between 24th and 25th streets west and 1 and K streets north, improved by five two story frames. On WEDNESDAY, the 8d day of September, A D. 1><79. at 5 o'clock p.m., Lot No. 23, in square No. 263, unproved bv three two-story Frames (Nos. 233, 2.H5 aud 237 13,5$ stToet southwost.) On the samp day. at 6 o'clock p.m , part of lot No. 14. in square No. 281, beginning 214 feet 11 inches south from northeast corner of said square; thence running west 155 feet \% inches to a public alley; thence south 25 feet 1lA inch; thence east along the southern line of lot to 12th street ; thence north 25 feet l.k. inches to beginning, improved by a threestory Frame House (No. 1224 12th street northwest) On THURSDAY, the 4tli day of September, 1879, at 5 o'clock p.m., part of lot No. 21, in square 454, be* inning on west side of 6th street 32 feet south from northeast corner of said lot and square; thcce south 16 feet; thence west 75 feet; thence north 16 feet; thence east 75 feet to the beginning, subject to private alleys over portion of same, improved by a two Btory Brick House (No. 746 6th street northwest.) On the sam? day, at 5:30 o'clock p m.. Lot No. 11. In Hill's sub-division of square No. 485, improved by a three-story brick house, (No. 811 6th street northwest.) On the same day, ?t 6 o'clock p.m , P*rt of Lot No. 17, in square No. 454, beginning oa H street 20 feet wfrst from northeast corner of lot. running thence west 20 feet, thence south 10S feet, thenoe east 20 feet, and tlienoe north IDS feet to the beginning, with the right of way over a private alley in r*?ri. Improved by a three-story brick house, (No. 618 H street northwest.) Terms of sale: One-fourth of the purchase money in cash, and the residue ia three equal instalments, at six, twelve and eighteen months, with interest at Bix per cent, per annum; or ail in <wh, at the purchaser's option. A deposit of $150 will be required on each lew or part of lot on day of sale. Conveyancing at purcnaser's cost REGINALD KENDALL. Trustee. bTEIGEB & LIEBERMANN, Auctioneers. ativ20-dftds rpHQMAB DOWLING, Auctioneer. TRUSTEE'S BALE OF~IMPROVED PROPERTY ON THE EAST SIDE OF MARKET SPACE, GEORGETOWN. D. 0. By order of the Supreme Court of the Dis- ??i tiict of Columbia, in equity cause No 3,830, tPB Barbour et al. vs. Smith et aL. the under- J(2i?L signed will sell at public auction, in front of the premises on SATURDAY AFTERNOON, August <50th, 1879, at 5 o'clock p.m., all that part of lot forty-three (43). In Old Georgetown, as more par ticuiarlv set forth in Liber 776 at folio 818. one of the land records for said District, together with the impiovem?nto, &&, consisting of a three-story brick house, suitable for dwelling and store purposes. Terms of sale: One-third cash, and the balance in twelve and eighteen months, with interest at six I>er centum i>er annum, secured by a deed of trust on the prope?f. A deposit of $25 required of the purchaser wflRe bid is accepted. _ ^ WOODBURY WHEELER. Trustee, I ang20-d 330 iWj street. UALE OF VERY VALUABLE IMPROVED REAL O ESTATE, SITUATED ON THE NORTHEAST CORNER K STREET AND CONNECTICUT A? u ?i Under and by virtue of a deed of trust, dated June 1, A.I). 1874, and duly reoorded In Liber 764, folio 51. et seq., of the land re-JCiH, cords of the District of Columbia, and by virtae of a decree passed on the 12th day of May, a.D. 1879, by the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, in cause No. 6,201, Equity docket 18, wherein George 8. Is complainant and Alexander R. Shepherd et al. arc defendants, and by direction of the holder of the notes by Bald deed of trust secured the underaigned will sell at public auction, to ih?highest biduer. In front of the premises, on FRI DAY, the 8th day of August A D. 1879. at 6 o'clock p. m , the following-described Real Estate, situate in the City of Washington, District of Columbia, to wit. Part or lot numbered two (2), in square numbered one hundred and sixty-four (164), and bounded and described as follows, viz: Beginning at a point on north K street, forty-three feet and nine inches (43 9-12 feet) east of the southwestern corner of said square, and running thence west on K street forty three feet and nine laches (43 9-12 leet) to safo southwestern corner of said square; theuoe north westerly along the line of Connecticut avenue abou; eighty feet and ten inches (80 10-12 feet) to the south lino of original lot numbered three (tf), ia said square; thence northeasterly and at right angles with said avenue, and a!ong the line of said lot three, about eighty-five feet, to intersect a line drawn due north from the point of beginning, and thence due south to the point of beginning, together with all the Improvements, ways, easements, rights, privi leges and appurtenauces to the Bame belonging, or In any wise appertaining. Terms of sale, as prescribed by said deed of trust, s follows, viz: The sum of twenty thousand dollars in cash?a further sum of twenty thousand dollars, with Interest thereon at the rate of nine per cent, per annum in twelve months after the day of sale, for which the note of the purchaser secured by a rieod of trust upon the property sold shall be taken vand the balance at twenty-four and thirtyitfx months, for which the notes of the purchaser, bearing interest at the same rate of six per centum per annum from the day of sale, and secured by a deed cf trust on the property sold, shall be taken A deposit of one thousand dollars shall be required of the purchaser at the time of sale, and all conveyancing shall be at the expense of the purchaser, if the terms of the sale are not oompllea with within five days from the day of sale, the trustees reserve the right to resell the property at the risk and oost of the defaulting purchaser, after ten days' notloe in the Evening Star newspaper. WILLIAM H. PHILIP,) mTT??. ? JAME8 M. JOHNSTON,) Trustees. TLOMAB DOWLINQ, Auctioneer. Jyl6-<Utda iWTHE ABOVE BALE IB POBTPONED, by order of Court, until the 9th dav of Beftembeb, A. D., 1870, at the same hour and place. WILLIAM H. PHILIP. ) ~ JAMEB M JOHNBTOiU Trusteo8 Jy30.31.angl. J or IB I AJtf A STATE LOTTE11I. A Splendid Opportunity to Win A Fortune snmOWD DISTRIBUTION. CLASS I. AT NEW ORLEANS. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 9th, 1879,?113th Monthly Drawing. Louisiana State Lottery Company. This infctitution was regularly Incorporated by the Legislature of the State lor Educational and Charitable purposes in 1868 for the term ofTwentyftve Years, to which oontract the Inviolable faith of the Btate is pledged, with a capital of $1,000,000, I to which it has since added a reserve funa or ?3?AW? .ITS GRAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBUTION will take place monthly on the second 111 ceo ay. It never Hcalca or poutncnen. Look at the following Distribution: CAPITAL PRIZE, ?3q,000. 100,COO TICKETS AT TWO DOLLARS EACH HALF TICKET8. ONE DOLLAR. LIST OF PRIZES. \ i!nzo $30,000 1 Capital Prize HI ooo 1 Capital Prize 6 000 2 Prizes Of $2.500 k'ooo 6 Prizes of 1,000 5'wo 20 Prizes of 5(H) II 10 000 Prtzes of ioo I! lolooo 2<-0 Prizes of 50 10 (MH) t<>0 Prizes of 20 1.1."III." 10 000 lm^^^ARoxiMATidN'pwzkar"" 10,000 9 Appioximution Prizes of $300 2,700 9 Approximation Prizes of 200 1 800 9 Approximation Prizes of 100 -J00 1867 Pri*(?. amounting to $110,400 Uenjiousible corresponding agents wanted at all prominentj-oints, to whom a liberal compensation will bo paid. Application for rates to clubs should only be ruado to the Home Office in New Oi leans. Write, clearly stating full address, for further information. or send orders to ? ? M. A. DAUPHIN, P. O. Box 002, Ifew Orleans, La., or same at No, 310 Broadway, Ifew York. A11 ovr (rratui Hxtraordinaru Itratciiu/Kare titular the nii j,ervim<m a >ul nuinni/nni nt ,,J' GENERALS Q T. BEAUREGARD and JUBAL A. EARLY. nugi3-4w fjlll? CELEBRATED AUItOBA LA (} EH 11 KB It, CRESCENT BREWING OO. I take pleasure In announcing to my customers and the public in general that I have suooeeded in obtaining the Agency for this Celebrated Beer, recev 1 In Refrigerator Oars and stored In Vaults of tl* .test design. in prepared to furnish the same In Half and C rter Barrels, or Bottles, to suit the trade or ' rate families. It recommends itself above all er Beer for perfection In every requisite of good . jger, namoly; Body. Brightness and Tasta. This Beer now being offered for the first time to the cltlxens of Washington, I solicit a trial, to convince the public of Its merits. PHILIP M. MAY, SOLE AGENT, _ Depot, 80-99 PrcMpeet street, rorom aaoNurowft AUCTION SALES. rpHOMAB DOWLINQ, Auctioneer. AUCTION SALE OF TWO VALUABLE BUILDING LOTS ON BAST 8IDE OF TWENTIETH STREET, NEAR CORNER OF B 8TREET. On BATUBDAY. Atfcrust 23d, at 5 o'clock. I mm. ball sell, at public auction, in front of the?P premises, lots *Urht (8) and nin? (9), in square A, 110: each lot haring a iront of 23 feet 4 inches by a derth of 90 feet Terms at sale. augl8-d THOMAS DOWLINQ. Auct C^-THB ABOVE 8ALE IS POSTPONED until MONDAY, Auwnet 25th. 1879, same hour and place. aug23-2t 2^" THE ABOVE SALE IS FCRTHER POSTS'^NED, In cons?quenco of the rain, until WED NE8DAY, August 27th, name hour and place. a2fi 2t npHOMAS DOWLINQ, Auctioneer. ? ^JV^I^OWER POTS AT AUCTION. T?lPB?A* MORNING, August 28th. 1879, at 10 o clock, at my auction rooms, I shall sell the above consignment. Tc m? cash. aup26-2t THOMAS DOWLINQ. And. \\ ALTER B. WILLIAMS & OO.. Auctioneer*. or VALUABLE IMPROVED PRuPERT\ IN THE COUNTY, SITUATED A BOUT THREE MILES FHOM THE CITY JUST WE8T OK IIIE BLADEN8BURG ROAD AND OPPOSITE 1 HE FARM OF MB?CLARKE ill JiiLO. By virtue of a deed of trust, dated Dooom her 2uth, A. D 18(1, and duly records! in?? Liter No. 6t>9, folio No. 176, one of the land*EwL rect .ds for Washington county. District of Oolu:nbia. and by direction of the t>artv secured thereby, I sbali sell at public auction, in Trout of the premise*, on FRIDAY, August 21d, A D. 1H79, at 5 o'clock p. ni., all that certain piece or parcel of land, situate, !yiii?r and being hi the county of Washington, in lb* District of Columbia, bein^ known and de*erib?<d e<< Lot Lumbered one (1), on the p'at or survey of a part of a tract of land called "Enclosure," and a part of a tract of lard called "Haddock's Hil.s," rcado by Q?orire Fe"wick for the heirs of Richard Queen, the said lot of land containing twenty-seven acrts.tbree roods and three perches of lauu, more crlti-H, with the improvement'* thereon, con sisof a comfortable frame dwelling, barn and other outbuildings. Terms of eale: One fourth cash; balanc3 In one, two ai'd three year*, wita seven per cent, interest frcm day of sale until paid, payable seui; annually, seemed by a deed of trust on the property. A deposit of $200 required at tho time of sale. All conveyancing at cost of purchaser If the terms of sale are not complied with iu seven days from day of eale, the Trustee reserv.* the riKht to resell at the cost and risk of tbe defaultirs.' purchaser, after Qve days* advertisement LEBOY M. TAYLOB, Trustee WALTEB B. WILLIAMS & CO., Aact? augl3-d tvr- the ABOVE SALE 18 POSTPONED ON account of the rain until MOND A Y, August 25, 1*79, same hour and place. By order of the Trustea. aug23 Z1T THE ABOVE 8ALE IS FURTHER POSTPONED, on account of the raiu, until THl'RSDAY, Auguf-t :*8th, 1879, 6ame hour aud place. By crder of the Trustee. anar26-2t J^UNCANSON BROS., Auctioneers. FINE WALNUT BED8TEADB. WARDROBJfM. ETEGERE, GRAY H. C. PlBLOR SUITE. H. C. LOUNGES. FRENCH SOFAS AND UHAIR3 JN CRETONNE. WALNUT TABLE. CRETONNE SCREENB. RED LOUMGE. MAT TKAHSES, M. T. BUREAUS, BRUSSELS AND OTHER CARPETS, STOVES, Ac., BEING OO VTENTS OF HOUSE No. OSS K STREET NORTH WE8T. On MONDAY. 1st September, at 10 o'clock in the morning, we will sell, on the pre jnlses. v>4_ tli" entire cor tents of 935 rv street northwest. MR Tbis Furniture is in good condition and wor- I ^ I thy the attention of buyers. aug?6-d DUNCANSON BROS., Aucte. RECEIVER'S SALE OF ENTIRE STOCK OF DRY GOODH. &o- CONTAINED IN 8TORE No 113 BBIIiGE STREET. ALSO, FNTIRE STOCK OF FURNITURE, CROCKERY. STOVES, HORSE. WAGON. CARRIAGE AND HARNESS. CONTAINED IN STORE No. 89 BRIDGE STREET. GEORGETOWN. D. O. By virtue cf a decree of the Supreme Court f7l of tbe District of Columbia, passed in equity cause No 6H68.1 shall sell at auction, on the M| premises, No. 113 Bridge street. Georgetown, ( f | D. C., a lot of Dry Goods and Fancy Millinery, commencing at 10 o'clock im-on THURSDAY. Sept 4. 1879; and at No. 89 Bridtre etroat, Geonrt-town, D. 0 , a lot of Furniture. Stove#, Tin Ware, Crockery and Notions. Horse. Carriage, Wa?ron, <vc., on SATURDAY, Sept. 6th, 1879. commoucinir at 10 o'clock a.m. TerniB of sale. cash. B. G. LOVEJOY, Receiver. DUNCANSON RROS., Aucts aug2<>-d ipHOB. E. WAGGAMAN. Roai Estate Auctioneer. TRUSTEES' SALE OFVALUABLE IMPROVED PROPERTY, ON C STREET, BETWEEN FIRST STREET NORTHEAST AND DKLA WARE AVENUE. Under and by virtue of a deed of trust, bearing date on the 8d day of March. A. D. 1876, and duly of record in L'ber No 814 folio 138, one of the land records for Washington oounty, in the District of Ooiumbia. we will sell at puM c auction, in front of Ihe premises, on MONDAY, tbe 8th day of September, A. D 1379. at 5 o'c'ork p. m.. that certain piece or parcel of land ! situate and being in the city of Washtnvrton, and known and described on the ground plat or plan of said city as part of Lot numbered eleven (11). in Sauare numbered six hundred and eighty-six (C-tfi). t the s#i i part of said Lot bring the east twenty-six feet (26) front thereof and extending south with that width one hundred and thirty-seven feet (137) tae full depth of the Lot, together with the improvements. Teimsof sale: One-third cash, and the reaidae in three equal instalments, payable respectively in six, in five and eighteen months from the date of sale, *:th interest: payment of principa' and interest to be n-cured to tfie satisfaction of the Trustees, or ail 1 cash at the option of the purchaser All cooveyamii g at tho cost of the purchaser. If the terms of < saY s i e tot complied with within five days from tb? i dai* of bale, tbe Trustees reserve the r'triit to r?*el], <t the risk and cost ox the defaulting purchaser, upon one week's notice in some newspai ar printed in a published in the city of Washington. CHARLES BRADLEY, ) arw.^ec&ds A. THOMA8 BRADLEY,? ThUS'iEE'S SALE OF IMPROVED REAL Ed 'J ATE. HOU8E No. 1201 FOURTH STREET SOUTHEAST. r?y virtue ?1 a dee<i of trust, recorded In u Lil e- 777, folio 224. of tbe land reconls of the flEM Dhirict of Colnmli'a. and of a decree Eiir.ity caiis?: No. 5.S09, in Buprdms Court D. O. (Tiundf 11, ex. cutor, vs. Austinet aL), I will sell, on FRIDAY, September 5th. 1879. at 5 o'^lnct p c., in front of the prenusee, at public auction, Lot A^in >"Jhup' sub^iviaion of original Lot 23. in Siiutre fcOl. in Watiliintrton city, D.C. A so, the parcel of wround adjoining, descril* 3 as i foi'ows: Commencing at the northsfest corner of said lot A, and run?<ntr thence we;t on M etreet 20 feet; thence south 12 feet; thence east 20 feet to the southwest corner Bald lot A; and thence north to the i lace of btfj-inninir. 8?id premises improve! by a Frame Dwelling IIou6e, No. 1201 ith street southeast Terms: One-third cash: balance in six, twelve and eighteen months, with interest from day of ] sale. Deposit of 8100 required o i day of sale, and teims to be complied with in seven oays. Ooavey- i ancing at cost of purchaser. JOB BABNABD, Trustee. 503 D st. n.w. JNO. SHERMAN. Auctioneer. amt'i'c ls 1 rpRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED 1 PROPERTY. No. 16)8 ELEVENTH STREET NORTHWEST, OCCUPIED BY A BAKERY, AT AUCTION. By virtue of a deed of trust to us, dated ??' April 2, 1877, and recorded in Liber No. 849. folio 338, et seq., one of the land records iuJCiS. and for the District of Oolu abia, and at tha written request of the party holding the notes secured thereby, we will sell at public au- tion, ia front of the vremises, on SATURDAY, the 30th day of Auymft, A D. 1879, at 5 o'clock p. m, Lots numbered thirty (30) and thirty-one (31). in Coltcaan and Adams' subdivision of Square nitmt>ered three hundred and nine (309), havimr au agKro^ate front o! 43 feet on 11th street northwest, and improved by a two story frame dwelling and bake oven. Terms easy, and will lie m:i<le known on day of salt. DAVID L MORRISON. f TpllltaM WILLIAM F. HOLTZMAN.y Trutteea. CH1B. W. HANDY. Auctioneer. au?r25-dfltds rpHOMAS DOWLINQ, Auctioneer. VERY VALUABLE IMPROVED PROPERTY ON THE EAST SIDE OF SIXTEENTH STREET, BKTWEEN I AND K STREETS NORIH- i WE8T, AT AUCTION. On THURSDAY, August 28th, at 5 o'clock i'.m., 1 will sell on the premises, parts of lots lyHfr Jo 10 and 11, in eqtiare 11*9, l rontinu- 5<t fe. t^'JL 10 incbes on the east side of 16th street, botw^en I and K streets, by a depth of 10t? :eet to a 24 foot all*y. Tbe improvements consist oi a large tfcreestoiy and basement Brick Dwelling House, with t modern improvements. Terms: One third caeh , balance in 6ix, twelve and ; eitrhttwn months, with interest at six per cent., sei-uied by a deed of trust on the proi>erty. All conveyarci'w at cost of the purchaser. A deposit <100 at the time of sale. If the terms of tale are not complied with in flv<s days, the property will be resold at the risk and cost of tho defaulting paiohat>er. uut-'iO 21,28,26.27.28 THOMAS DOWLING, Auct. ALTER B. WTLLIAM8 & CO.. Auctioneers-. VALUABLE PROPERTY FRONTING ON TWELFTH STREET, BETWEEN M AND N , STREETS SOUTHEAST. AT AUCTION. By vntue of a deed of trust, dated May 20th, ad A. p. 1874 and duly reoorded in Liber No. i 7B9, tolio No. 61, one or the land records for^CL the District of Columbia, a ad by direction of the party secured thereby, I shall sell, at public auction, ill front of tho premises, on THUR8DVY, I August 28th, A D- 1879, at 6 o'clock p.m , all thaf piece or parcel of land situate and being in the city of Washiugton, District of Co umbia, and known upoi; the ground plat or plan of Baid city as beinjr the north twenty-three (23) feet front bv tha depth of He- lot of lot No. 27, in equare No 1000. 1 Terms of sale: $100 cash: balance in six, twelve and e'gliteen months, tor notos bearing ! aterest from day of sale, and seoved by a deed of trust on proj-crty sold. Ali conveyancing, Ac., at purchaa er's f 50 down on day ot sale, ana if t^rms of sa.e ure not complied with within live days from dayol sale, the TrusUe r< serves the rwht to resell the property at Ihe riak and cost of he defaulting purchaser. auMl9-tod^ds JOHN H CA8TELL. Trustee. J T. COLDWELL, Real Estate Auctioneer. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE REV.L E3T .TE, No. lal? K STRaET NOUTH vVEi C. By virtue of a deed of trust to me. bear- AhA ikk the 2><th day of February. 1877, aud OT? recorded amors' tiio'l reotrds of the Die trict -jf Columbia. In Liber 842, folio S24, and ai the request of the holder of the note. I wdl s-11 at pitoUo auction, npon tli^ premise, on TUE8D1Y, the 2 I day of FipltmWr. 18< 5o'clock p.m., tho west part of lot number IS, in square number ?6, situate i i the City of Washington, D H? described as follows Beginning for tbe eame at the northwed comer of said lot and running therce east, with the south line cf K street north, fifteen feet eiirht and one- 1 hall inches, thence south twenty-one feet. thence I east thrr e and one half inches; tuence south sixty one feet; thence w?#t sixteen feet; thence north I eighty two feet, with the east hne of a ten-foot i ahey, to the place of be*rinuinK; together with the imt rovements thereon, consisting of a thr^e-story ; brick dwellinnr and rremisee. Terms of sale: One-third c?h; balance in bix. < tweheand eighteen months, with interest at tue 1 rate of seven per oent, deferred payments to be ] secured by deed of trust on the property sold; or for all cash, at tbe option of the purchaser. Par- < chaser will be required to pay 9100 cash at timo of sale. All conveyancing at cost of purchaser. Terms ' Of sale to be complied with in flv? days. < ftug20l29.27l30,sepl S- fi Trust*?. 1 THE EVENING STAR. TI ESDAY Aoynit 96, l8Tft * Fortune made by Selling N?vi> paper*. Krentano, whose " Literary Kmrj'V1ui" on l nlon square Is familiar 10 New 1orkers, has had an interview with a reporter ? at the Windsor hotel of ."attrity,where he is nowvisiting. The folBSSr?"1* <aSCn ,rom t0e now t0 wliat they were Lu Vh i " IfSJltag.?' wlien 1 firit came to ?[ '. 1(1 Mr- Nrentano. " Perhaps It Is , , IP ? man to feel proud at his own success. I feel so at any rate, and I don't wish to conceal It. I am a native or the Austrian Tyrol, and when I landed in New York could not speak a word of the language: so I went to school for three months and acquired a sr,uttering of English. I then got acquaintlil with a young American. Hewentintothe fruit business, and I into the business of selling newspapers. In three mouths I los* every cent 1 hud. Then 1 borrowed fio from a li iend and Invested It in copies of the New York Hera'd, the English Punch and the London Illustrated A'ws. 1 sold them readily. You have doubtless noticed this malformation of my right hand, which Is useless t o mo had 1 to depend upon It for my bread. A gentleman who had seen me selling papers observed it, and accosting me one day gave me h's card and asked me to call upon him at the New York Hotel. I went, and taking me to the proprietor lie sought permission fro:n him tor me to stand at the entrance of the hotel tj sell rapers. It was granted, and for over a I stood there selling papers. That gentleman wasi Air. Fow ler, then the Postmaster of New ) ork. \\ lxlle there I saved $.;>"> and rented a small place on the corner ot Houston street ana Broadway and increased my stock, going in mote largely for Kuropean papers. Perhaps you may recollect the celebrated Burden mur der case; It was then I made my first fortunate venture. Crowds gathered round mv litre store, and the rush during the ileenan and sayers tight, some time later, was so gieat Hat i had to have two colicemnr to keep the trade clear. I sold over thiee hundred copies of one English snorting paper alone. Then came the war. wh?>n l issued four bulletins a aay, which were all eagerly lead by the excited crowds. Times grew more prosperous, and mv next move was to 70s Broadway, where ! pala a rental of $i a year. Here I commenced to make a stvctalrj or Paris papers and to receive subscriptions from the clubs. I supplied the rnlon. Knickerbocker, the Manhattan, the sr.. Nicholas, the t ernary, the New York Club, the Yacht Club, and the Mercantile Library Association of New York. Business increased and I became more prosperous, and at the eod ot ten years I bo ird ed at the New York Hotel, where I had been selling papers as a newsboy. In l?7n I moved to i nlon square, where my business Is s*il' carried on by my nephews, who pay a rental of f i.ono a year. They keep a copy of every new book published. ? I have conversed with Charles Dickens, and phaii never forger his readings. The Itev. i>r. E. II. Chapln and nr. Ilall are among my best mends and fomer customers. Governor Andrew ot Massachusetts would come and ta.k to me by the hour; General Dlx was one of mv most part lcular friends. Sir Edward Thornton, the British mlr lster, came personally to thank me for sending a parcel of the latest papers to t he Duke of Edinburgh when he was here. Lord Walter Campbell bought from me three hundred copies of the New York papers containing an account of the supper he gave at the Travellers' Club of New York on the night of the marriage of his brother, the Marquis of Lorne, to the I 'i i ncess Louise. The Duchess of Kosebery wa3 one of my best customers, and alwavs insisted 0 a carrying her books and papers herself to her own carriage. Lord Lunraven has also oalifd upon me at various times. Lord Dufferin did me the honor to include me among the institutions of New York. Wllkle Collins and George Augustus Sala have lounged at mv store for hours at a time?noting what was going on. I remember Mr. Collins saving to me, 4 What an elystum you have for us literary peopleThe last letter written by Artemus Ward from London was written to me on business.'1 Mr. Brentano retired from business on a handsome fortune two years ago, and is a living illustration of perseverance, integrity and shrewdness. An English Trainer outwitted.?a rather amusing incident of the Caen races is thus descslbed by the special correspondent ot the London S}*>rt?rnan:?'The Caen races had their comic incidents, of course. The clever trainer. Mr. II. Jennings, overreached himself, and again gave way to that irascibility tolerated ev ery now and then as an excess of eccentricity, but which in tills case would have ended in rather a more cerlous manner had not some irieLdly arm linked Itself within that of th* veteran trainer and led him out of the weighing room. The victory of Etolle in the first race of Sunday, beating Ismael and Prologue, and winning a hatful of money tor his owner, must have distracted his attention and prevented Mr. U. Jennings from noticing that Enjoleuse and La cigale,both of them very nicely la the omnium, were on the ground and entered la the Prix aw riette as to be claimed for i?o sovs. About ten minutes before the time fixed for the race Mr. Jennings, who had no Intention of running cither oi them, and had simply entered them to show how very slightly he valued them and their omnium chances, sent them away. He was too late, for Baron sellllere a&d Mr. C. Prat t had seen them and put In a claim fur the amount for which they were entered. plU3 the 1 stakes and entries. There was a tremendous hubbub when the clever trainer found he had teen beaten at his own game. He declared he would not give up the horses, but when the stfcv. ards threatened to enforce the law he considered prudence the better part of valor, yleldinc. however, with very bad grace. He had a long conversation with Baron Selldere and hts trainer, but was reminded that he had acted In a similar manner some years ago, and had chuek'ed and crowed at having outwitted his colleagues. M. Aumont. to whom the horses belonged, must ha >~e had very small cause to congratulate his trainer on his jine**e, as 3i-2 apiece for two three-j ear-olds of such promise Is a ridiculous price, when a few davs previously he had refused over ?1,ihhi for one. Mr. Gladstone In a recent speech on "Beauty In Manufactures," observed that very few of the industrial productions of America have anv beauty at all?a remark which was greeted with anpiause by his audience. " The circumstances 01 tLeir national existence." said Mr. Gladstone. " down to the present time have, from the scarcity of labor and other causes, compelled them to do a thing in the shortest and most effectual way for answering the immediate purpose, and the beauty of production has been entirely overlooked. I may illustrate this by reference to a pursuit to which I have myself personal relation?the cutting or wood. The American axe Is an axe not intended to cut a tree away neatly, hut to cut a tree aw ay quickly. The American does not care a pin about beauty of workbis object la to clear ground. Theories about Wubat.?An interesting Paris journal, La Repubtique Franquiae, stopped Its political arguments the other day for a little while in order to let its readers know wheD they mivht expect an end to this "inundation ot American wheat," which is now tlowlng over France and England alike, supplying the hungry poor at a cheap rate with the material ror delicious bread, and making the farmers, whose crops are worth so much less for the competition, grumble and long for the return of the Emplie to make bread dear and farmers tlcli. The writer In La Itepablique Franqui* holds that It Is not much of a shower, that !t will soon be over, and that we are getting the most out of a virgin soil, restoring little to it and that it will soon be exhausted. He refers especially to .Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois, and fays, "the island of Jamaica Is now sterile from the same cause." It will at once occur to thImpartial and unprejudiced nubile that the man who reasons on the Mississippi valley with a few little facts drawn-from the history of the island or .Jamaica has not that grasp or his subject that might enable him to heft it with absolute crmidenee. Nay, even if he compared the history of the Atlantic slop-e and applied the facts to his theory of these throe states it wou'd be necessary to inquire it he knew the whereabouts ot Minnesota, Illinois and Iowa. He leaves out or account the Mississippi river and what It has been doing for that country In all the centuries that went betore the settlement of the Western states.?[.v. Y. Herald. | irsTROi.srM V. Nasby in a Dungeon cell. ? A special dispatch to the N. Y. World rrorn < mclnnatl, August 23. says;?!). K Locke, popularly known as Petroleum V. Nasby, was arrested here this evening and locked up In the tly cell c t the central station-house. Locke was standing In front of the Enquirer office waiting to see a proof or the advertisement for his play, whleu Is to be produced at the Grand opera House next week, when the policeman on that beat came along and, noticing that he w as taking up a great deal of the sidewalk, ordered htm to "move on." Locke became somewhat indignant and refused to comply with the order, when the officer promptly took hold ot htm and marched him off to the station-house, on the way to jail Mr. Locke explained to the policeman ihaf he was the originator or the -conftxlerate X Koads." But. the officer, who had read Nu*-b>"s letters literally, marched him luto the station-house. After Mr. Locke had t?en in a cell tor an hour or more Chler Wap pen stein beard ot his arrest and ordered him released. Mr. ixeke is angry and threatens to "nuke it hot for the Cincinnati police department.' Lord Be.uonsuklp is described as remark- t ably earerul In his dress, although he no longer appears in embroidered waistcoats, restoons ot ?oid chains, silk-lined coats and light trousers, fie goes now to the House of commons mornings quietly dres.-ed in a frock coat, a black oeektie and a pa:r of bron/.e-coiored trousers. But when he takes his walks abroad, he dons a wonderful light overcoat, with trousers a shade larker, a biue necktie, and when the east wind I blows, a white silk handkerchief loosely tied j round the throat. In strange contrast to the j white silk are the sunken, wrinkled cheeks, and ' the dead, unmoved expression. Ills face shows | Ills age; but from a back view that cunning lint overcoat would see in to surround a aian ot forty. I A Hi or In CtMtuUiMli, wffchevSrS^ rUrreDcy of tl,r oounuyll w?vtipkw tn hi t.from eggs to silks. from railSVSS?iut^' TM ?Hm?ted. Having two Ihiri'i^l f * <*"> for a long period past at sr^ulatfnir nn ft fa^T Va,Ue' n? one "?OU^ht of STK'fe'XT^;L?S cleis, it l?egan to fluctuate todr*rp^<255JJ" down. down. UDtll the cmfortabi^l^ St^ve copier piastres ror one silver one JSPi,"* ,he ,roub'os- ^^amJiT^Srefused copper at any rate of discouat, and nut their i-rices at the same number of o&attt-s In silver as they had been in conner consequently, the necessaries became Home forty per cent, dearer. Many a street row took place In consequence, and In fact the number of assaults with intent to rob" has largely increased since the fall in copper. All the i SSf!!l*r?t.11n^ ln *>31 about tbe city, I put up their prices, s ?me striking soenee have J bf cn v itnessed. The other day h large steamer Silli K NH passengers. aiiof whom had obstinately refused to take t ickets. arri\ ed at the TItere tlic? tound aguaid waiting t?i?5 Pa5"ment? but threw themselves on rr"n,iV'JtlH ?r me?' ,oartnk't heir bayonets oat cf their sockets and puehlng them Into the Boert h?I's* ie D"'b tbei'le,t ,be >*ndlng. on anct he. ccea81or, the crowd having >?een Informed HL, -;niemlour. or ticket seller, that the evening boat, which t hey wen- then wait me < r, would not sail lor Itts destination until afi had paid their fares at the in" c.ea. i i iate. they deep nod to do The b >at tiiEww^ii? the er<?wd., an Idea I !w?!? muitl'ude of impatient wayI,..,,'* ' J lT1 ,:'s-ant the unfortunate ticket sell01 whc surrounded tight 1\- held His w*foed him that if they'were h ii deprived tv,a' cven'IWof i he soeie'.y <tf ^ Liust hiiare their late and sjx*id the night with tliem. A short consultation between the inomlour and the cant iin led to rtn uncoadtuoiiil surrender to nob law 1 hese are a few of the troubles brought abiat by the unroiiunate financial condition of the eoui.iry. In Mieprmlncra th" mtservH much w w ^RnF a W('aH&>' isUi(1 01 farmer wh<^ ha? been receiving ? .!? rents. payment for grain ac . In eo| per, t tds fcls tanas full of \ hat 3Pst( raa; was nioLcy to dav ai? Almost "r?o/. bUi deU 10 lbem.?[PhiU .tlpki* Tel*. -J?1* V n- Tncvi -(viso wot. easily the biz c^'f fJlfi recent archery tournament in ch? c.>&o and is gt.pi ^pd to be one of * he \ erv i<e?t AMf UM S. 't, ?i 2S * x <i iirijl. l?<isit 1.^n At Arlli I r^'h1 anK'e 'he tAr^'ei, gets a irood h'>ld Of his bow, stops ar.d looks for a s^ndor tw? ro, l?c t'IpeT- r^,ses L,R b3w' an<1 4r^o? ai to ralhes, levies the string immediately with a motion as quicic as the arms can be separated ntd the twang of his bowstring is as ->harn aid clear as the snapping f.f a permission cip. TTA,Jrs,iJf K,KV*?'A.-The Elko (Nev.) imis. l#r.dmt ofTuesda- telia how a gantr of iramns :ittempted to capture the town oi Humboldt V* tils on Monday. Thore were about thirty in the gang, who stripped thomsel'-es naked and petfoimed w ar dances before rI.e prl-.aie resldences, to the music of obscene songs Th#?v refused U> lt-a\e town, and blasted that th^y never had worked, and swore that thev never would. The citizens, not enjoying tills style oi Her.ty minstrelsy, ortrarit/ed and drovp the merry loafers <">u*stOe the trr.rn PraPs. The tramps did not go f>;r, and threatened to oome becA and bum the village. At this the citizens organized a second party, of about twenty-five tH?r,on:er'' P;lr'ly 01 valuer.*, and, to the ?ar.guigeoi an eye witness, it was "aa murenting sight to see those tramp? go up the ml ^ ^V^^Qg for mercy at every i ^ rut a meeting he' l after their return t'iorou^lj'y organized a vigilance committee, and notices have been posted on the railroad water tanks and other conspicuous places warning all tramps io hurry on. Mr. Kali,oci:'s Cakeek ik Kansas?A telegram to the New York Herald, from Leavenworth. Kan., August a-i. says: Considerable excitement was caused in this city thts morninjr w hen it became generally known through the press that the h?*v. i. s. Kalioch had l^een shot at San Francisco. He came here from the Eist in l-G... arid at once tooic an active part in public matters. He went to lAwren'* and b^ame a liapnst preacher of the sensational order, alway s drawing a full house, lie soon went into politics and beoame a candidate for Comrress and the r. S. Senate. Falling ln his political aspirations he went into the hotel busine? in Lawrence, and after some time changed his business and opened a stock farm. lie carried it on for two or three yeare. attended all the fairs and was recognized as a sporting character He tnen attended a religious meeting, cave his experience, became converter "and received a call from the First Baptist church of this city, which he accepted, at a sa:ary of f2,ooo per annum. The first nlcht he preachc-d the vast edifice (one cf the largest in the city) was mled to overtlowing and the streets were crowded. He Immediately became popular, and was a very successful Baptist minIster The j-eopie cf his church had the utmost ^ not 80 doubting outsiders. 7 uej did not be.leve that Kalloch'sconversion SK-.W ttie-v loved to hear him talic. V itbin twelve months he received a call from the vcn Francisco Baptist church, which he accepted. m appearance Kalloch wa* tall and Lat d.somely formed, vv'th bright, laughing eyes, a frank, open face and most pleasing expression v\ hue Immorality and a too intimate wltu di!Terenr ladles was rumored ln Kansas in connection with his name, nothing definite wp ever charged against him. in con\ersat.on he was very plea-Jng, and captivated all m the rostrum, but he could be very bluer when occasion offered. In politics here"be was an extreme republican. There is a feeling or f-ympathy here for Mr. Kalloch. Washington xews kr'om London ?President Hayes recently experienced un >Murai* nuart ii with a certain young lady named Emellne Ne?bbs. of Indianapolis, one dav she presented herself at the white House and desired to see the President. She was admitted and ushered Into that statesman's sanctum. Scarcely ln the room, when she rushed forward and embraced him. sadly disarranging his front. Said she: " I love you and am come to marry you." The President begged to be excused. remarking that he already had one wife but the young lady declined to be put off exclaiming that despite that fact she intended marryinglilm then and there, and to add to his embarrassment kept hugging him in a most passionate manner. At length a happy thought struck Mr. Hayes ln his dilemma, ne askea to leave the room to fetch a friend to witness the wooding ceremony. With reluctance she let him go. begging him not to be long, lie soon returned, accompanied by two constables, who with no little difficulty removed the young Lady from the object of her misplaced afeotlons. Her friends were communicated with, and from the latest accounts to hand she has been placed to an asylum, her brain, it appears, being considerably disarranged. It is Lardly necessary to say ttat the President Is now somewhat suspicious of young ladies who wish to see him ? [LcnJcn Truth, Iwjwstlt. t?*~A lad in one of our schools beine asked. "W liat Is Rhode Island celebrated for?" replied "It is the only one oi the New England states' which Is the smallest.[Bobton Journal. . "John Kelly's sour mash." on a big slgD ln front of the Prescott House, has no reference to Tammanys chkfLain, but to a kind of whisky.?[.V. l\ iVn, WTbe French Academy has awarded a first Prize fur \ irtue to a sailor w ho savexl nine lives at the risk of his own; and a se<*ond pine to two women for maintaining an orphanage by their own united lab-ir. MAJtHlMD. LENMAN- KELLY. By the Bev Ftthnr Lcif in ttir Cathedral of BaMtooV A^rw Jous Lbcman to Kaie Eti.iv, beta Jl W &suiii>rton. sHFiiWOOp-SCOTT^AN. Atynwt 14tl . 187?, j1"!,RtT- ^ H. < Brown, Bicha&d Shkuwood. ol Balbinore, to Mrs Cki.ii Scotiman, of W??btutitoi), D C. 2* THOM-COOK8I* Ou the 31et of Aritrurt, 1879, by tbo Kev. Ofo V Lw*t. eiKOB?i In.)M tc Miss KatieOocksie, t>oth of w?nhm*rton. DIED. BOrSEAC. On Monday, An?rist 2S, 1879, at hig 1415 kj street, u> uaiii> F. Boist.ii' ai-ad tn;r:y s*v?>a joaxh. Fl;nt-r*l fiou-St Matthew's church, corner 15th and II btrtcts, ou W cdueeday, JTth '.ns:^i,i lour P m. 2 ?DEEBLE. In Alexanrtna oontity, Va., A'unu>t ^ >th. 1h79. ki.lisok Hoi kins dceixe, f>uox?at eou of Edward and E!:zabetli feeble, a*ed twentytwo Jf'&T*. l-'uneral T^p^ay afternf*on a? :i o'clock, frnai hia father's re^idecc n?r Wait, r'- Clssi*!. * KAIIiBKOTJIEIi. Ou Tik a ;hj* looruluK', J6tb of Au?ruat. 1-7H. !'rank L. FAU?BBotai.B. ai Uiefortjrth:rdjt arol hi^ a*re. Noiii-e of funeral hereafter. * (ihUlN. On Satprda> trn-nt. An.tiw 2itb.l87^. je - -ik, darvhtcr of -T j aad J. li. Oreou, atr??d elevHi nioctt?. V.KA.N E. On ihe of An^Twt. 1879, at hia r??i. JtEti-. Mk 3Acn Kkanb, a ^aitvo of the Oountv I.m? rick. Iro'fii<2, brt u reailect ol Wataiutftos for >i.. s a?rcd c whty five yesra Bit fuut al >? ill take i-lace trom hie late raa.denoe. No. Civ-' >'t* Jcrfeci AVcuut a. w., Wcduo^ay, at 4 l> in TfcN KTt'K At hji rMiicure, Mt Holly N 3 . ci:ifc? ^4th.4 atikuat. 1n79. Hon.j.c Tas Etc a. f r >L y**For' formorjj I b Beoator t'NDEKTAKEltS. L i t i? 81'JNDLER, UKDlBIAm. UN |av. E ^ e;r?'t n w ^*ahiivto-i, D. O. (Beeldenee ?f bnaliiefa.) BodlM embaliaad and pre. pared for tranaportaikm. spft-ly* \V I1XIAM ELACK iTl, H 1108..... VNDEBTAKSB 1W8 ?_ tin btbest >obthw*si. toy ift-lhri Tetnw Bwatonabla K. bPEA&X. " U N PE ET A KXB, f 40 F BTKOT Nobthwwt. Krerythhyr trioUy ?r?t-oUa i and ?B tlM UK rwiwejuai< lenofc fsbUKs