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BT.tA MER$S G * OMC 1880 1880 . 'A -0. 1880 Br itwOot ander. WASHNGTtN. D. I'., AND NORFOLL VA.. 0OBTRE 0 ,IN POINT AND (3onlr and Returning. On andsafter MOP DAY ifAROH 15, 1360. The LEAKLY will om e route between above WSI3!OTON. b. U.,* NOoLL .VA From fogt l la ver th at.. I Fro mCamflrswfikwe f. iONDAY ATD WED- DEvery NESDAY at 5.30 VM. TUESDAY THIIRS eTe7 LLRDY,at DA ANI) SUNDAY, V SA a t 4 P. M. Single fare to Norfolk (first-class). $1; round trip (11rst-claes). 61.6U. Ticket. rates, information. state-rooms. etc. foniwhed by our agents. B. W. REED 8N14, 1216 F street northwest. PF Y N.IIBTR. 143t1 Penn. ave n . WM. S. ROOSE. 1233 Pennsrrivanis avenu e. WI:. S. BoSE. Clwar i+tands at Prnolwl hotels. A. P. BBOW1N N. Y. ave. and 15th et. VA. MIDLAN)AILROAI+ OFFICE, 6th street and Pnylvam % avenue northwest. GENEA O' ?7E POTOMAC STEAMBOAT 00.. 7th-street wharf, and on board the steamer. AmtAgent for Ngenolk. D. F. KEELING. mar9-i gentfor Wahinwton. B. F DODD. FOR NORFOI K, ORTRESS MOi rJ Rur'. "NI, THE KVU'11. Steamer LAI'Y OI IlIE LAKE leaves 6th-street DAYS and FHIDA . at 5.30 Nm =1to.1 at Piine. P".'t and Point connec"ti. r Boet."n Steaum"re, ao. Lesvos slternate da)s at 4 p.m. First-class fare, : Boun Trip , 31.50 Secoud-class fare. 75c.; FOR 'T .MAC RIVER LANDINGS. Steamer JOHN W.THOMPSON leaves 6th-etreet wharf every M Irl)AY and THURSDAY, at 7 a. in., for Nomini, and ?iA1 ITfRDAY forLeonardtown. stopping at prlncp. lan.Lage ingand returning. 8T'EAMN~lR FOR KL WYORK. Steamers E. D. KN GI T and JOHN GIBSON al ternately leave Pier 41, Fast Civer, New York,every SATURDAY at 4 p. '..and 63 Water ustreet0eorge twD FBJDAh '11 N10 and Alexandia ame day. Freight tak.-nNat lowest rates.m Aplyat SteDie orofcenderN :ti"nal Wetropolitan k sep27 SAM'L BACON. President. MEW Y01K-u TrraAM. The Srst das steauners of this line. "W. A SOHOL TNQf "P.CALAND." "MAAE, "'HCIEDAM." and 'BOTTERDAM," leave Jersey City every alternate Wedneeds- and Satnrday. First Cabin 6- p Second Cabin 845-850; St $g26. L.W ORI 60 B way, General sen AnE YS.27o. Wi.. Ne -ok. rirht 'a e." H. *AAU * enral *** w ST ooth William at.,* New York. 7an2s Ywu mNEW ExPsUM1 LIUM .n I ALEANDIA WASHINGTON A1rP G.ORGETOWN. - emaatimg at PhilaelphiawthQs' New dAgJLTN DAM PrmPbiladelphia--baturdsy. at 10O41 IFo Washington-Monday, at 11 Fren Georgetown-Monda at 7 p.m. hii Tan given t on and and Fall River. Georgetown goods received and landed orafullinformaston apply to J. H. JOHNSON & 0 339231 street north wesan 12th-street wharf. W D. .; WILIAMP. CLYDE b CO. Managers, 12 South Wharves, l - ggHegg UEM!lAN LLOYD-vwa m N Lie Bsrswan Raw Yoni. HAva. Lono. BolTEaasToai AAD Bnsnalr. The steamers of this .om will ai every 81 Aurday fromeBrmemi Pler,foot 3d stree.Hoboe. tisof From New Yorkt flare, L dom. eumapton and Dremen.frst ca%bin. 8106; second ~~ abn86 steerage. go0; prepaid sterg W o .ngt on8 0 GO.. Pa. a t., Agents i of view diminishing the chances f i the Steamers of this line takeaspeci" course arsthe year. On thre outer pasage from Qnensowa So New York or Bloston. creasing the meridian of g0 at as lat. or nothing the north of 43. (On O homeward pasaecosn the meidiD o6atdtlat..orntiruo the north of 4. THE GUNARD STEAMSHIP COMPANY LIX Nstwesaa New York and Liverpool, Gal. Ab.a..a..Wed. Mar 2 Alera.....We . May 5 Scythia.... Wed. April 7 Scythla..Wed. May 12 Parthia.... Wed. AI'ril.14 Abypssinla. Wedi. May 19 0a1..Wed. Aprl1 21 May26 Bothnia...Wed.April.28 And every following Wednesday from New Yott. ND and a geld according to AcGOac TSc"e to Paris, $15. gold,additional. at very low rates. Steerage tictet from t and Qseenstown, and all other parts of armAnt ofladenr given for Belf u Clas=ow. and other ports on the Mtient and for Mediterranean porte. o freight and passage apply at the ompany's Ca CHAS. 0 FRANOELYN. Agent. N.Y. R A I LROADS. BALTIMORIE AND OHIO RAILROAD. THEGREAT DOUBLE TRACK. National Route and Short Line to the North. Northwest, West, . and Southwest. To take effect Sunday. November 16, 1379, at 1:20 a. in LEAVE WA 4HINGTON. 6:00 p.m.-baitimore, Ellicott City and Way Sta tions. 6:06 a.m.-tNew York. Philadelphia and Boston Exprea. On Sundays to.Baltimore only. Break fast at P.elay Station. 6:50 a.m.-Baltimnre Annapolis and way. (Pied mont. Straabure, Wincbester, Hagerstown. Frede rick and way vi. M&3la.) 8:00 a.m -fBa'timore and Laurel Express. 8:10 a.m.-Point of Rocks, Piedmont. Strasburg, Winchester. Hagerstown and way stations. 8:15 a.m.-hew York, Philadelphia. Boston and Baltimore Express. Parlor car to New York and Phladelphia. 8:36 a.m.-tSt. Louis. Chicago. Columbus and Pittes Epxreas. Frederick, Hagerstown and Vaiey ran6,except Sunday. Through car to Staunton. Pullman cars to Cincinnati. daily. Oraf ton to Sandueky. daily except Saturday. 9:00a.m.-tltor Annapolis and Way.dn burg. Co00 e Bealloe ELaurl Anapoi Junc 110 pm.-Ba tre, Annapolis, Ellicott City 1304 p.m.-New York, Philadelphia and Boston 135 pm- at Lunay nly, Baltimore and Way. 4:30 p.m.-Ualtimnor Bladensburg and Laurel Exr..Frederick,'i Belay. Stops at Annapolis 4:35 p.m.--tPoint of Rom,Frederick, Hagers town, Winchester and Way Stons. On Sunday to Point of Rocks and Way Stations only. 4:40 p.m.-tBaltimore, Annapolis and Way Sta 530 pm -tPHILADELPHIA, NORFOLK AND BALTIMORE EXPRESS. Norfolk. except Sun to bot at Canton. tops at Blaenabur and Lu 6:00 p.m. -Point of Bocks and Way Stations. :20 p.m -ATIMORE AND LAUREL EX 7:5pn - t CH AGO,. CLUMBUS AND PITTSBURGO EXPRESS. Sleeping car to Chii 46 r-tNEWr YORK IIILADELPHIA AND B TIMORIE EXPRESS." Stone at Bladens bur and Laurel. Sleeping car to New York. and 9:50 p. i. 8tt Louis ad Cininnati Express. tDaly Bunday onlyv. Other trains daily, exc2pt Sunday. 03619 and Cornr 1t and Pennsana ane checked and received at any pointEE th 8,ty L. M CO E.Manererof Trnportation. E.8 ON TZ, General Agent. my17 1880 PEN !LI1880 'TO THE NOR H WM$ , N SUTHWEST. BPwNDID iCENhEax, IMaoNIlICENIT EQUIPMENT. TRAINS L.FVE WASHINGTON from Depot. corner of ixth and B streets, as follows: Ptbusad the Wst 1040 a.,. daily wit Pttsaburg to Cincinnat St. Louis and hicago BALTIMORE AND POTOMAC RAILROAD. Fall ad theNorth at:0 a.m. diy exc Palace Car to OCaa o Winlaaot po h 8:10 a.m., and 1:30Op. with Palace eattace.Lmte xrs et Pnma parlor Cars. 9:30a.m. daily, exoept icr Broky.N.Y aY trains cnetat fording direct transfer to Fltn ao double ferriage and journey acerew Yor orP'laphia, 8:10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.. daily xcet Sunday: 530 and 9:45 p.m. ik lor Baltimoe 6:00, 8:30, :30. I1:40s.mi. and1:3 , 4:10420, 5:30 7:40snd 9:45p m. On Bunday,. 10:el' , 5:b, 7:40 andl 9:4p.m. 10r 'sCrokLie 6:00 a. and 4:20 p.m., - or Anaoi,810 a.m. and 4:10 p.m, daily, ex ALEXANDRIA AND FREBICESBUBG RAIL. WA AD LEANDRIA AND WASHING 6 : N B L BA D 01p a . m 4 -1 , 5 -2 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. lor mehnond and the Soth :0a.m. daily, as Tw.lawaic.Sei,and Pror 1a a rn.AUmaca ||||adath.ffce-r norteatc. rose iit streetenP. avmaaveun datth ai,werodrsc AUCTION SALES. TO-MORROW. THOMAS DOWLING. Autner. REGULAR SALE OF HOUSEHOLD GOODS. At my sleemon. SATURDAY, 27TH, COM 3MPCIIrO AT 10 O'CLOCK ; Also, AT 12 O'CLOC, Horse, Phaton and Harness, and uver a a- Oar THO MAS DOWI N Auct. THOIAS DOWLING, Auconeer. EXECUTOR'S SALE OF HOUSEHOLD FURNI On SATURDAY MORNING. MARC 27th, 1880, AT 10 o'CLocs, in front of the auction rooms of Thomas Dowling I alhad asrion Piano and lot of Household effects. Terms cash. mar24-3t JOSEPH FEARSON, Executor. CHANCERY SALE. virt of a decree of the Supreme Court, fthDititof om, aediKluy cause No. 7,178 doe. 20,I offer for sale at auction, on TUE8DAY. THE 23D DAT Or Manca, 1880, AT 5 O'CLOCK P. at in front of the preiss Lots Nos. 25 and 28, in d'Donoghue's sub-divison of part of lot2f, in square No. ti18, in the city of Warnton, li . Lt 25 fronts 22 feet on North atet between 4th and 5th street.- and Lot 28 front. feet on Washiugton street, both of said lots having a depth of 100 feet. Terms of sale: One-half cash - residue in two equal payments, at six and twelive months, with ixprcent. neet A deposit of 650 on each lot at time of sale. REGINALD FENDALL. Trustee. DUNCANSON BROS.. Anct.. marl-dAds tN THE ABOVE SALE IS POSTPONED till SATURDAY, THE 3D DAY OF AgIrL, 1880, at same Lour and place. mar24 d&ds REGINALD FENDALL. Trustee. BY VIRTUE OF A DEED OF TRUST TO ME, dated December 24, 1873, recorded in Liber 740, folio 76, &c., one of the land records for the county rf Washington, D. "' C., and at the request M te owner of the note secured thereby. I shall sell at auction in front of the premises, on MONDAY. MARCH 29TH. 1h80 AT 4 O'CLOCK P. M., subdivision Lot. nuberei one, two and three, in Square north of Square numbered five hundred and eight. (N. Of 503,) ther with the improvement. thereon. erms of sale: The amount of the indebtedness secured thereby and expenses of sale in cash balance in six and twelve months after the day oi sale, with interest at six per cent per annum. A deposit of 6100 will be required to be made imme diately after sale. All the cost of deeds and record ing to be paid by the purchaser, and if the full erms are not com lied with in five days after sale, the property will be resold at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. JOHN W. KENNEDY, Trustee. JOS. T. COLDWELL, Auctioneer. mar16-d DUNCANSON BROS., Auctioneers. TATE ON PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE EAST. Svirtue of a deed of trust, dated February 21s 1867 and duly recorded in Libor R. M. H., No. 3b, folio 124, &c. of the land records for Washington county, h said District, and by direction of the holder of the note secured by maid trust deed, in writing, 1 will sell at public sale, on TUESDAY 13TH DAY OF APRIL , 1880. AT 5 O'CLOCK P. . in frnt of the premises, lot lettered B, in Hin 's subdivision of square numbered eight hun. died and seventy-four (874.) Terms of sale: One-third in cash, and the balance in two equal payments in six and twelve months, in notes bearing interest at 8 per cnt. per annum until paid, and secured by a eed' of trust on the premises. All conveyancing at thepurchaser's cost. JON.JOHN SON Trustee. EIUNCANSON BROS.. Aucts. ma' -t,th,s&ds CHANCERY SALE OF VACANT LOTS ON S STREET BETWEEN THIRTEENTH AND FOURTEkNTH STREETS NORTHWEST. Iiy virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court of e District of Columbia, passed in Equty cause No. 5,094, docket 16, 1 will offer for sale at public auction, in front of the premises, on TUIiSDAY, 30TrH MAacH, A.D. 1880. AT 5 O'CLOCK P. M., all those pieces or parcels of real estate situ ted in the city of Washington, in maid District. known as and bein Lots numbered thirtynine (39) and forty Cad(0,i beig Lts nubrd'subdivision of Lots num bedyihte (1) nneteen (19,tey (20 and twenty-one (21), In tV.W. Cercoran's sub division of Sqaenumbered two hundred and thirty-nine 239), said subdivision being of record in Liber 26 D.C.. folio 193, in the Surveyor's office for sairy District, and being the same propert conveyede John B. Clagettand wife to Mary Hewrh yde ofrecord in Liber 720 folio 196, one of the land re cords for said Distrit. Terms of sale, as prescribed by said decree: The purchase money to be paid-one third in cash on ted sae or within seven days thereafter ; and the residu e in to equal ins tallm et. r Ia six and twelve months after day of sale; for the deferred payments the purchaser or purchasers to give his, her or their prmsoynots bearing dte the day of sale, and payable with intret from date of notes, at the re of six per ceutum per annum until paid, which notes are to be secured by deed of trust on the property sold; or all cash, at the elec tion of the purchaser or purchasers, to be paid on, the day of sale or within seven days thereafter. $100 down on each lot when the property is struck cost. The Tustee reserves th rgt to res at th risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser. ris ad ostofthJOHN KEYWO TH. Trustee. DUNCANSON BROS., Aucts. mar -d ds HomAs DoWLING uctioneer. NER OF SEVENTH AND F 1 tREErS NORTHWEST, OPPOSITE THE PATENT OFFICE. In pursuance of a decree of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, sitting in Equity, in a certain cause therein pendln""ui entitled "Sarah A. Brereton vs. James J. Brereton et al., No. 6,617. Doc. 19," the undersigned Trustee will sell at public auction in front of te premises, on FRIDAY, APRIL 9, 18M, AT 5 o'cLeCK P. ., all and singular those certain "Parts of Lots num bered respectively eight () and nine (9), in Square numbered four hundre d and fifty-five (455), in the city of Washington. District of Columbia, begin ning for the same at the southwest corner of said square and running thence north along the line of Seventh (7th) street northwest thirty-one (31) feet; thence east thirty-three (33) feet three (3) inches; thence north eight(8) feet; thence east twenty (20) feet; thence north sixty-two (62) feet ten and one half (1O34) inches: thence east seven (7) feet; thence month sixty-four (64) feet five and one-half (534) inches; thence west two (2) feet and six (6) inches; thence south six (6) feet: thence west four (4) feet and six (6) inches; thence south along the east line of lot numbered nine (9) to F street, and thence ifty -three (53) feet and three (3) inches to the place of beginning, together with all and singular the improvement. thereon and the appurtenances thereunto belonging." The Improvement. consist of b large Bri Building, now rented for stores and offices. Terms of sale are: One-fourth of the purchase money in cash, and the residue in four equl in stalment. payable, respectively,i ine (9), eighteen (18), twenty-seven (27) and th (-six months from and after the day of sal with interest at the notes of the purchse, and a deed of rs~ the property described. If the terms of sale U not be compled with in ten days after the day of te risk and cos of the first purcasrAll con veyseig at purcasr's cs.A deposit of 6500 RW. TYLER, Trustee, mar23-d&ds [Poet) Office No. 628 F st. n.w. B H. WARNER, Real Estate Aaetiorneer. HOSSON THE WET SIDE (F EE H By virtue of a deed of trust. dated the 16th day of June, A. D. 1875, and recorded in ,1 surviigtrustees wil sel tthe highest bidder, in front of the premises, on the terms stated below on MONDAY, TEE 5TH DAT OF APRIL. A. D. 1880 AT 5 O'CLOC P. . par of lt nunbered 10 teny tre) be themuthern pattheref,beginig thenc e wetard one hunre 100) fee then south thirt-three (33) feet; and thence sad, iner wit all and siglrth inprovei ts. pri a, hereditament. and appertenances to the same - lnngrin any mnlier appertaining in Wesh Te terms are: One-ourdt cas (o whc 350 n the rsdue in six, be ye and eighteen moths from and pybesemi annuall: toe secured bade of trustto the satisfaction of the Trustee so seln, on the premises sold ; or all cash at the purchasers ohton Alt cveyin g at e$ prchaser's cost any p art thereof, on five days' notice InTeEen ing Star, If the terms are not complied with within fiv day from the day of sale. A.H C"^"LE'"W. HANDY,-Auctioneer TRUSTEES' SALE OP FRAME DWELLING HOUSE AND A VACANT LOT ON T STREET BETWE3N SEVENTEENTH AND EIGBTEI!NTH STREETS NORTHWEST, AND VALUABLE LOT IN MT'. PLEASAN r. By virtue of a deed of trust, dated 12th day of June. A. D. 1876, and recorded in LibeW Diseit of Clumbia, anda the request . f the pat eured thereby, wewl ell apblie auc NDA. or MAcH, 1881A 4) O'LC P.M., Lot. 151. Lot No 25 is improved ny a tram. dwelling house. Lot 7,i Samue P. 3rwn'sreoresub-<ivision of ,'art of "'Plasant laina" and "Lemar's out Terms of sale: One-third of the pucase mone ica;baace inoe, tw and treyeas,i ~LdePcat when eac pic fpmryI knocke Terms to be compidwith in 7das . "H. WA T--RDs ~HOMA8 DOWLING, AneMaam,r USTEE8 BALE F ALUABLE REAL ES t r s t s b e r n i ne n h 2 h Da y t r i c ArlY 5,anddul Atreord T amn The ni lard' recorded Wshbigton coua,rnte nume 628lu5w, the u ndemriged, Bik ellnb *ianN in trusthathea h ad o un kn tnh a ubrdtit 3) in A. 10Shp -62 al, the tbng poe bye hikOelu Hoale. Arq Te--=- as a esrrie benwthe sa t se , ene prser. teai edadnwun earn fromTMeATagg .. * AUCTION 8ALES. WALTER B. WILL TAMM e00.. A- -t-.m. SPECIAL SALE OP fLZGANT FURNITURE OF THE LA DESIGN AND MOST DURABLE MANUFACTURE. One Superb Ebony Frame Parlor Suite, oilt tr gorgeousbe uph the pki= ezoalled; - Mnifoenthamber Su;te, from one of the cavdEight Handsome Lambrequlna and Leos For the comfort of ladies attending the sale.we shall sell within our new auction rooms, TO-MOE tOW. MwaoH 27T72, AT 11 o'CLOcp isel, the abo - "named articles. in all a mst superb ool lecticn. It WALTER B. WILLIAMS & 00.. Ancta. WALTER B. WILLIAMS & 00., Autnneme. EXTENSIVE SALE OF FURNITURE, PARTLY TUE EFFECTS OF A GENTLEMAN DE CLINING HOUSEEE "ING. On TO-MORROW. MacH 27TH, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. a., we shall sell, in front of our auction roonma, a greneral assortment of Household efiect. We enumerate in psrt Riz Walnut Chamber Suite.. Cottage Furniture Marble-top Sideboards, Extension Tables. Walnut Wardrobes, Six Brussels Carpets. Dinirg Room Chairs, China. Glass and Crocker Wae alor Furniture, Mattings, Marble-top Center Tables. to ether with a general assortment of household it WALTER B. WILLIAMS & 00., Aucts, ALTER B. WILLIAMR & 00., Antioneas. HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. CARPErs, &.. AT AUCTF'. N. On TUESDAY, MARCH 30TH. coMxENcING AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M., we shall sell at the resi- l dene of a gentleman declinin? housekeep ing. No. 182318th street northwest, a oolleo th n of household effects. 'erms cash. m26-3t WALTER B. WILLIAMS & 00., Aunts. THOMA DOWLING, Auctioneer. GROCERIES. WINES AND LIQUORS, HORSE AND WAGON, AT AUCCIIOR. On TUESDAY, Mance 35TH, COMHE. INO AT 10 O'CLOCK, AT 534 La. avenue. I shall tell the entire contents, comprising a general assortment of Oroceries. Wine. and1 iquors, Horse an( u az. D erNs cAsh. msr16f-dts THOMAS DOWLING. Aunt. CHARLES W. HANDY. Auctioneer. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED EAL ESTATE ON C STREE, BET WEEN RETL AND ITE THS STRES SOUTS WEST. By virtue of a deed of trust. recorded In Liber No. 888, folio 172 one of the land rec-18W ords of the District of numbia, and at the ruest of the p arty secured thereby, I will sell at public auction, in front of the rmes, on TUEs DAY, THE GTE DAT OF Aran,A.D. 1880, AT 4 O'CLOCK P.M., all that certain p eeo arcel of un,state and lying in sadcit of Wash gton. andbeing known and described as part of Lot numbered four (4) In square numbered three hundred and eighty-Ave 385), beginning for the same at a point on south C street, distant sev enteen (17) feet siz and one-half (6)i) inches from the northwest corner of said lot "thence east with the line f said C street fourteen (14) feet four and a-half (4)) Inches. thence south forty (40) feet; thence southeast six, (6) feet and three (a) inches; thence west thirteen (18) feet one and a-half (134) inches; thence northwest nue (9) feet; thence nort thirty-seven (37) feet and two (2) inches to the place of beginning. with improvements thereon, consist ingof a Frame Dwelling House. Terms of sale: One-fourth cash; balance in six, twelve and etvhteen months, with interest at the rate of six per cent per annum until paid. -Uonvey arcing at the cost of purchaser. Terms to be com plied with in seven days. $100 down at time of ale. mar26-eo&ds WILLIAM B. TODD, Trustee. JT. COLDWELL, Real Estate Auctioneer. TRUSTEES' SALE OF VALUABLE UNIM PROVED REAL ESTATE SITU TED IN THE COUNTY, AT THE SITE OF TH' FIRST TOLL GATE ADJOINING THE NORTHWEST C OREliRAOF SEVENTH TREET AND THE ROAD LEADING TO THE SOLDIERS' HOME. By virtue of a deed of trust dated MAncH 20. 1874, and recorded in Liber No. 748 folio 194 et seq. of the land records of the bistrict of Colum'ia, and by the written reqest of the party secured thereby, we will sell at publio auction, in front of the premises, on WEDNESDAY, APIL 14TH, 1880, AT 4:30 O'CLOCK P.M., all that lot of land lying Ia the county of Washington, D. C. known and designated as Lot numbered twenty-tour (24), in Hall's recorded sub. division of a part of a tract of land called Reds worth, said lot commencing on the west side of the 7th street road fifty (50) feet north from the north west intersection of the 7th street road and Rock Creek Church road, and having a front of 25 feet on said 7th street road and running back a depth of 112 feet 8 inches; containing 2,820 square leet of ground. Terms: One-third cash; balance in six and twelve month, with 7 per cent. interest, secured by deed of trus. Deposit of $75 at time of sale. Convey ancing at expense of purchaser. Terms of sale to be complied with in 7 days CHAS. E. FRASER,?Tute mar26-2awts J. J. EDSON, T C HANCERY BALE OF VERY DESIRABLE BUILDING LOTS IN THE SQUARE IMME DIATELY SOUTH OF THE RESIDENCE OF THE BRITISH MINISTER. AND BEING ON N STREET NORTHWEST, NEAR NINE TEENTH STREET JEFFERSON AND M STREETS NORTHWEST. By virtue of a decree of the Supreme Court 24th day of December, A. D. 1877, in equity cause No. 5955, byoonsentof all the parties In In terest, we will on MONDAY, APRIL 19Ta, 1880. AT Foun O'CLOCK P.M. BHA P. on the premises, and continuing at the same tune and place from day to da -y until all the lots described herein are offered. off~er for sale, at public auction, all those pieces or parcels of land in Washington city. District of Co lnmbia, known and distinguished upon the ground plat or plan of said city as lots numbered from t ees (3)to twelve (12), both inclusive. lot fourteen (14), ard from sixteen (16) to twenty-seven, both inclusive, and from thirty-one 131) to thirty-seven 3, both inclusive, and lot tht nine (39), in on h l' recored sub of square one hundred and thirty-nine (139) which said sub division indulyrecordedin Liber .H.S.,folio 179, in the office of the surveyor of the District of 00 lumbia. The lots will be offered separately. Copies of the subdivision may be had at the office of B. H. Warner, 916 F street northwest, or of either of the trustees. Terms of sale: One-fourth of the purchase money to be paid in cash ; and the residue in equal install ment. parable in six, twelve and eighteen months from tie dyof sale, with seven per cent interest, tbo e s y adeed of trust to the satisfaction of the Trustees, or by the title being retained by them until the whole of the purchase money is paid; or the whole of the purchase money may be paid in cash, at the option of the purchaser. A~daposit of $100 will be required on each lot, and conveyancing and recordingat the purchaser's cost. If the terms of sale are not complied with in one week from the day of sale, the Trustees reserve the right to reseU the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting' ucer, arnt leW th nne week's noticei C. A. JAMES T. T. Ban aEngn,Tutes B.. WARNR,Auctonee. mar18-d OMSDO WLINGs Auctioneer. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE IMPROVED POSITE THE CITY AL C00 N G OFli TWO LARGE BRICK BUILINGS,0CHIEFLY OCCUPIED AS OFFICES. By virtueoftwo ded of trus to me, one dated the 24th day of September 1872 and..i"U beth duly recorded in LiUer No. 15 folio 463 and Liber No. 689. folio 891, respectivl of the ILand Becords of thle District of Clma,and at the r nest ofthe party secuedthereb I will sell at DY, the 8TH DAY 07 MARCH 1880, AT Foua parcels of grouni'etaei the City of Wasnn ton, Dstric oC'ubia, and comprised withi th olow gee and ondst wt Allorer wes tour hundred and niey(90 h esltyo Wasintonthe et norws conro thineot Loiin ane twny-ht feng iv iches, the n ote ntid n t6 ht ange. wihsine on hundred an seete 90)t foricboundeo asit feellow , thence atothe wart alogtlne of said ll wnt-Ihtfe sncs othe suhws corner of said lot, tec ntenrhr thnc nhetrly a at rih nlsth sad mventionehdrtted andutenlie fee eaigh ion, The.t h e i ved two 6r suarldee adonngtesae, knownb and foeos, idsThe asternpt of Ldetdnuesscred foutee (14) in sqar e nume.edepto four hundred nry49) runnin hee rd o the euaser lin theoto te le etadyTent m fet at optheBwl oupidchelya iofc s a amor2-t o Of P inetens sered by ruid ee.o th bnceY a 22x metor whioc, the0 note ofoth puc ase,7 earing ineetfom. edyo STWR,rsae. and euredil ONAY dorst nth prope molur shl takn AODEL de sate o A undroeors une fsi dso trti as follos, o- t ber00 t intresD. S80 pe1rcrdt, on Lib00ero. 188 an on $70 fm. 1t oHoa masrit JOSEf nw StWT:. Trut MOA inne-h Alf H 1880a sam hwour andr-hal&f. JOfePH , STEWA9T. Trsee. t msr2-m,wf,7tTrusee b .CODeLn RnealEst at te Aesxeer. 3y ier a d ofr trus dero ae De cured bar de.A.D. ,dl eoddI Lie W descoibedea ete,ttesn e othrMWash XTWCELLANEOUS. g " PAMOUS." A SrECIAL INITATIOH In ETENDED TO THU CITIZESS OF WASHINGTON AND MIINTY TO EXAMINE THE ELEGANT ASSOBTSElBT OF STYr-TSH CL0THIN NOW ON EXHIBITION AT THE "F A S OU S." No. 400 7th at. n.w., corner D. " FAMOUS." mar22 FATHER DE SEET CONSOLIDATED GOLD MINING COMPANY, Lawrence County. Dakota Territory. * Black Hills." CAPITALS $10,000.000, IN 100,000 SHARES. Or 5100 EACH. This famous and valuable property has heretofore been owned and controlled by a few capitalists. h whose energy and means it has been brought to its present admirable condition. Monthly dividends of S0 cents per share were commenced in December last. With the view of creating a market for it these owners have contributed about 45, 000 shares of its capital stock, which been placed in the hands of the undersigned for sale. Forthe present the Stock is offered at TWENTY DOLLARS per share, but the tight is reserved to advance the price without notice. Pamphlets and Descriptive Maps will be sent to applicants. LAIDLAW & CO. 12 Pine St.. New York. I. & S. WORMBEB & 00.. Drexel Building, New York. PRINCE & WHITELY. 64 Broadway. New York. marl-m.w&flSt CUTICURA MUMORS OF TEB BLOOD, SKIN, AND SCALP. CvTmcUns BESOLVET is the most powerful Blood Purifier and Liver Stimulant ever compounded. In forty minutes after taking the first dose It may be detected in the saliva, blood, sweat, and urine. showing that it has entered the blood and been dis tributedhro uhout the entire system. In its pas sage thrug .te circulating fluids it meets with the corrupt particles of matter which foster and maintain disease, with which it chemically unites, destroying and gradually eliminating them from the system. Hence its power to forever expel Scrofclone, Can cerous and Canker Humors, which unchecked fill the o with foul corruption, and rot out the deli cate macin of life. CUTIcU Lryte great external remedy for all Hu mors of the Scalp and Skin, Ulcers, Sores and Dis charging Wounds, is the most soothn and heal ing of outward applications. It speedily destroys fungas and parasitic growths, restores the oil .lands and tubes to a hethy condition, and cures, u hen assisted by the CuTiounA SoaP Diseases of the Skin and Scalp which have been ?he torture of a lifetime. SKIN DISEASE. Great Suffering for Sixteen Years. A Wonderful Cure by the Cuticura Remedies. ME s. WEEEs & PoTTEn : Genlemen"-rUTIcu have bee aliicted with ski ie ase for sxteen Sear. Some days it troubled me more than others, ut atnigh he itching nearl droe me wild.dn mI havead several physicians. Some said they could cure me, but otners said not. I will say that before Iused the OUTIcunA REME DIES I was in a fearful state, and had given up all hoe of ever having ay relief. ut, lien drwnn man grasping at a straw. I thoua-ht I would tyhe CUirrcUxaRA ExEIEs, about which I had redso much. They have performed a wonderful cure form. and of my own free will ad accord I recommend them. Yours truy,. A. STEELE. 68 W. VAN BUBEN ST., CHIcAGo, ILL., March 7, 1879. MORE GOOD THAN DOCTORS, In Three Years of Treatment. Gentlemen-rleese find 50 cents to pay for small box of CUs IcUBA and direct it to me. The dollar box you sent me has done me more good than all the doctors in three years. The doctors have done me no .My feat and legs are healing fast. It is $VAN MORGAN. P.M. Moscow, MINN., June 25, 1878. CUTICURBA SOAP Superior to Any. I can cheerfully speak of the halng qualities of your CUTxcua.a SOAP, and its perfume in superior to any of the standard soaps now in use. CHAB. DENNIN. The CUTIcunA REMEDIEs arepraedbWek stet cso,ad are for sl YalDugss Price of OrTiouna, small boxes, 60 cents ~ag boxes, containing two and one-half timesth 8ant of small.L ELENT, 61r bottl. cents: three ak1 is ents. Voltato Electrio Platers. Br instantly affecting the nervous system, their influence is at once felt at the farthest extremities. Hence Pain, which arises from a disturbamoeof the Nerve Forces,, in aired in every in=st*ame -If by mngie. Also, Palptien of the Heart, vaamma-. tion of the Lungs, idver. ad EMnes. Irritatian of the Stommah and Boweidigaions. Dseus and Bilious Colic c. INTERNAr, REvENuE LED IAUD CAES= sE an - . --LR==SMrTa, ATTORNEY-AT-LsAW, 5t.h au bus. .. ~'. THE CAUSE URVTE"A OP new Varieus III of Life Are ExpIained, And Their Origin Vndersteed. Dt6e. t of a Sebtle Aefd in the Bleed Which Cause. pain, Die. eee, and Often Death. 'he Way by Which it Gets Inte the System mad How is Can Be Kept out. Some Newr SciesftiAe Feels of Great Im. yortswee. One of the most important revelations of the present time in the discovery beyond a doubt that Uric Acid in the blood is the cause of all Rheumatic troubles. This add causes a fermentation, which gives great pain to the muscles, stiffens the joints, and often blasts the entire life. The natural quen tion is: "How does this poisonous uric acid met into the blood?" The answer Is easy: It is because the kidnev do not properly perform their functions and throw off this acid through the natural chan nels, thus permitting it to get scattered though the e,tire system. This is 1cvtl; it is science. It is going right to the source of the stream, a- all read ere can readily see. It would be as easy to dam the Nile with bulrushes as to attempt to annihilate con firmed rheumatic troubles by lotions and rubbinga; but by putting the kidneys in a heilthy c .ndition the cause is removed, and the uric acid leaves the system instead of remaining in the blood. The most certain ruler and regulator of the Kid neys known to ma nd Is Warner's Safe Kidne ndm iver Cue ?powe ove these organs i s imply wonderful. Read the following ogn SALT LaxY Crrr, Jan. 23, 1830. H. H. WAnuma Co Bo cheser. N.Y. GENTLEMEN:-In 187t, at Washington, D.C., I experienced a severe attack of Pneumonia. termi nan in Heratilis, (infammation .f the Liver). whic: gradually extended to the kidneys. My en tire system was in a terrible condition. M skin became yellow, dry, and feverish; my limbs be gun to swell, and, with certain death staring me in the face. I became utterly d dent I was kept by my physician-one of the t in Washington upon an exclusive milk diet for five months, with no improvement, but an aggravation of all my symptoms. My case seemed utterly hopeless, and was so regarded by a council of the most eminent Physicians in the city. Death seemed inevitable. Bythe advice of a friend I was induced to try Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure, and in ten weeks I was entirely restored, and I verily believe Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure the best med icine ever prepared. I am, entlem atefully, Clerk Supreme Court of the Territory ofUtah. It is needless to comment upon such testimony; it is unquestionable. Warner's Safe Kidney and Liver Cure is for sale by all druggists. For the kidneys it is pre-eminent, and for rheumatic troubles unequaled. marl-m&th,3m TRY THE HUB PUNCH. THE HUB PUNC=. THE HUB PUNCH. PREPARED FROM A FOEMULA DERIVED FROM 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE IN MANUFAC TURING. THE COMBINATION MAKING ONE OF THE MOST PALATABLE AND ONVE NIENT ADDITIONS OF OUR DAY TO THE FES TIVE BOARD. FOR DELICACY OF FLAVOR, AND AS AN AGREEABLE TONIC. THE HUB PUNCH STANDS WITHOUT A RIVAL. ON TAINS NOTHING BUT THE PUREST MATE RIALS. AND IS ENDOWED BY ALL AS THE MOST DELICIOUS BEVE t+E OF THE AGE. MANUFACTURED BY C, I. GRAVES & SONS, BOSTON. MASS, TRADE SUPPLIED IN WASHINGTON BY J. H. CRANE, No. 460 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. AND BY THE FOLLOWING WELL-KNOWN GROCERS: N. W. BURCHELL. 1332 F at. n.w. JACKSON & CO.. 626 Pennsylvania ave. n.w. WILLIAM ORME & SONS, 1013 Penn.ave.n.w. B. W. RED'S SONS, 1216 F t. n.w. BEALL & BARER. 490 Pennsylvania ave. n.w. BROWNING & MIDDLETON, 610 Pa. ave. n.w. ELIA CHELINI, 135 Pa. aye, and 136 B st.s.e. JOHN H. MAGRUDER, 1421 New York ave.n.w. HOLMES & BROTHER, corner lit and E ats.n.w. C. C. BRYAN, corner 16th and I streets n.w. 0. WITMER, 1915 Pennsylvania avenue n.w. JOHN KEYWORTH. corner 9th and D sts. n.w. ASHLEY & CO., corner 3d and E its. n.w. Mrs. T. E. BRYAN. 148 C street n e. F D. KEYWORTH, 529 7th street n.w. marl3-lm ONE PRICE, BOSTON DRY GOODS HOUSE. OPENING OF SPRING MILLINERY. ON MONDAY, MARCH 22d. WE WILL OPEN AN ATTRACTIVE AND FINE .MILLIXERY DEPARBTMENT, WE HAVE ENGAGED THE SREVICES OF A FIRST-CLASS FRENCH MILLINER OF LONG EXPRITENCE AND EXCETJL1NT TASTE. FORMERLY WITH MADAME VIROT, IN PABIS. A.LL 0UR DEPARTMENTS WILL BE FOUND FULL OF FINE GOODS, IN LARBGE AND VARIED ASSORTMENTS, AND UNUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE PRICES, WILL BE OFFERED. WE INVITE THE L ADIES OF WASHINGTON AND1 VICINITY TO INSPECT OUR STOCK OF GENERAL DRY'GOODS. WOODWARD, LOTHE0P & 000IRAIN 705 MrARKET SPACE. ONE PRICE. mar20 WASHrNGTON. D. C.. BEATERR IN UNITED STATUS BONDS. DIS TRI0T and other INVESTMENT SEOURITIES. DOMESTIC and FOREIGN EXfCrANGE. 3ct CO TO I WALE,266 10thstee r f ar ECED. Esn=g and Lim Umnt. atr be.--ases1 ERG LU. MLINDEB and - Aare muan a b ut H . Cadart.. NewYTek. a3 WAVES, WAVES, WAVES, Ad DMN9th it., opposuts U.S. Patent OSoe. mar6 a boe. B. GTRT EB. 8o Aet for District of Columbia. 1001 7th it. n,w. mar0-2w* (AUr, sEs RY>NEsLr amIa ee8.ia Goog, 0ET0I E&TRIXEdU LMP MOD MM8.0 mel Naur, esen 18vn.c, Oei UinE.s3s un. uourm ggggggy p THE EVENING STAR. FRIDAY ................1arc 9. ss. CONGRESIONAL. Ceacinsaem of Yesterday's Proceed. BOUSE.-After our report cl'ised yesterday the journals of Monday and Wednesday were read and appoved. The House then-yeas, 14! nays, 100-dis charged the committee on e revision of the laws from further consideration of the bill (in troduced by Representative Townshend last Monday). The following democrats and greenbackets voted In the affrmative with the republicsns: Messrs. Bachman, BeltEboover, Bicknell, Biouck, Buckner Clymer, Coifroth, De La Matyr, E Ing, belton, Ford, Gibson, Henry, Jones, Kenna, Klotz, Ladd, Martin (Del.) McLane, McMahon, Morse, Murch, New, O'Reily, Robert son, Rose, Russell (N.C.). Ryon, Smith (N.J, Talbot, Warner, Wise, F. Wood and Wright. The question then recurred on referring the bill to the committee on ways and means, and it was agreed to-yeas, 142; nays, 89. The preamble was then agreed to-yeas, i3: nays, 89-and the Speaker declared that the bill was now in the possession of the committee on ways and means. Mr. Springer gave notice that he would call up the Curin-Yocum contested election case on iuesday next. Adjourned. General Grant in Galvesten. HIS sPScH IN THAT ctrrY. At the banquet Wednesday night In Galves ton. in response to the toast, "General Grau: ,ur honored guest-greater armies than Ns-i eon's have marched at his command, an-i treater glories than a crown have .been his.' .eneral Grant replied, thanking them for their lind reception. In the course of his speech h rt: It was my fortune more than a.third of a ?rntury ago to visit Texas as a second lieu ten mnt, and to have been one of those who went to the conflict which was to settle the b.uada 'of Texas. I am glad to comeback now on his occeston to behold a territory which is an 'mi Ire In Itself, and lar 'er than some of the iMpires of Europe. I wish for the people of rexas, as I do for the.peo le of the entire south, bat they may go on developing their resources, Lnd become great and powerful, and In their )rosperity forget (as the worthy mayor expressed t) that there Is a boundary between north Lnd south. (Prolonged applause.] I am sure we will be happier and much more prosperous when the day comes when there will be no sectional feeling. Let any American who can travel abroad, as I have done, with the )pportunity of witnessing what there is to be ieen that I have had, and he will return to america a better American and a better citizen than when he went away. (Loud cheers.] He will return more In love with his own country. Far be It from me to find fault with any of the European governments. I was well receIved at their hands on every side by every nation in Europe; but with their dense populations and their worn-out soils It takes a great deal of gov. lrnment to enable the people to get from the ioil a bare subsistence. Here we have a rich, virgin soil, with room enough for all of us to Ixpand and live, with the use of a very little government. I do that we long may be able to get along happily and contentedly with )ut being too much governed." General Grant and party visited the cotton presses yesterday. At the shippers' press he was presented with a miniature bale of cotton handsomely put up. The General will visit Little Rock and Hot Springs about April 12. ARcIBISHOP WooD CONDEMNING SECRET So DIETIES.-A telegram from Philadelphia says: Archbishop Wood has written another circular londemning secret societies. which will be sent to the churches. It was called out by the an nouncemedt that the Ancient Order of Hiber nians will hold a convention in this city in June. The archbishop says that the Catholic ehurch has again and again condemned and censured all secret societies, properly so-called, as dangerous to civil society and injurious to the interests of religion. He says that the most Insidious efforts have been and are being made In many parts of the diocese, and probably throughout the whole country, to blind and de ieive the faithful and to entangle them in the meshes and shackles of these unlawful and for bidden societies, and the archbishop warns against an alliance with such societies. He eontinues: "To say nothing of the Masons, Odd Fellows, Sons of Temperance, &c., about whose )ondemnation no doubt can exist, these socie ties are known by various appellations, such, for example, as the National Brotherhood, con emned by the bishops of Ireland, and the Fe aian Brotherhood, whose efforts to aggregate members to their association in this country are unscrupulous and unceasing, and in addi tion to these the Mollie Maguires, the Ancient Drder of Hibernians, the Buckahots and others, whose spirit Is equally objectionable, and whose names seem to be selected rather to conceal than to indicate the object of their associa tion." THE GHosT SToRY OF MRs. DE BAI.-A woman, calling herself Mrs. De Bar, and claim ng to be the wilfe of a Virginian and ex-Congress of that name, is now figuring in New york o a ghoslly way, who, from circumstances she relates, seems to be the same person who was n Baltimore a few years ago under the name of Edith Lozola, Baroness of Rosenthal and Coun ess of Landsfeldt. She is reported to have met with a great many adventures. incredible or therwise, and is reported to have cut a sensa ion down In Georgia by claiming to be the laughter of Lola Montez and King Ludwig, of lavaria, which claim she also made In Balti itote a few years ago. The N. Y. Herald of re tei day says: "She maintained that she had .e.urned to America for the purpose of leading a rusade against the Roman Catholic Church. ace, whie In Baltimore as the guests of Male. Bonaparte, on the 15th of April, 1877, she was, .he said, wounded by a hand grenade thrown nto the window of her room. She could not lave been the guest of Madame Bonaparte, who )oarded for very many years of her life In this :ity. At the timeshe was here this woman told he story of the hand grenade to the police au horities, saying she was wounded in the breast )y a grenade thrown In her room In the house where she boarded, on Courtland street. When Deputy Marshal Frey refused to be convinced without further proof she could not furnish it, and her accoun; received no cred&t.-Balt. Sun, i5th. MISPOBTUNEs OF A RUNAWAY Bor.-On Satur lay lasti, says the Wilmingrton News of yester lay, a Iloy about 12 years of age boarded a iorthiern-bound way freIght train at EKtdon. Wvhile the cars were being shifted and coupled at Newark, his leg was caught between the rumpers and crushed. Upon the arrival of the ~rain here he was discovered by one of the train nen. He gave his name as James Watson, and itated tnat he had run away from the Bayview isylum at Baltimore, where he had been em ployed in the kitchen. He was sent to the almishouse. NEw JEsEY To HAYE A CREXATORY.-Mr. Louis Becker of the Palisade Cemetery com pany, Union il,N. J., says that he is daily in receipts of ltesfrom all points in the middle and eastern states advising him to carry out the project already under consideration for the erection of a crematory furnace for the inciner ation of the dead. Mr. Albert Buyer, of Jersey Dity, an architect, has been engaged for some time In perfecting plans for its erection. Mr. Becker feels connadent that a furnace can be erected that will consume a body, reducing it to ashes in an hour's tIme. Mr. Becker also stated that In addition to the proposed furnace a chapel will be erected In close proxImity, where the funeral services can be held previous to the oremation of the body.-Y. F. Ber. THE SrRANGE SroRY OF A DIAMoN RING.-A somewhat singular 'instance of good luck has recently occurred to the Rev. Thomas Guard, who is now on his way to Baltimore to fIll his old charge at the Mount Vernon M. E. Church. It appears that In June, 18T5, when Mr. Guard, with his wife and child, were traveling over the Philadelphia rand Brie road, en route to Hamil ton, Canada, the little gir, while throwing a bit of orange pee out of te window, accidentally let aiSut)0diamond ring slip with it which her mother had placed upon her finger buit a few minutes before. Every effort was made to ob tain the valuable gem by the omicers of the a,but without success, and the searca for it bad logago been abandoned, when a few bays sneit was offered for sale by a trackman lonedthahhad fotnd itbythside of th track, about 300 feet west of Charles Stewart's farm, above Suaquehannah, Pa., where it had aainnamo the cinders for five years.-,Wat. ImIEuAIoN's TIDn.-The German steamers are brnigunprecedentedly large numbers of t pasenersthis year. The Oder, from whiharrived on Monday, had on board 796, telrstnumber ever landed at Castle Garden at thsseason of the year from a German vesseL. The Weser, Mosel and Main, now about due from Bremen, will each bring as many more. The Werner has on board 500 steer age passengers. Th risia, the Hambr steamer now due, will land over eight hunre emigrants. The stamar Westpbhla, of the same line, als has a large passenger list. 83 rar for the month of March the immt. aoninto this port has rnn enormous of 12,720, Consideranly mare than double t enumber In any prvosyear. The German immeriga larmrand artisans Wo h.wl-w,wlass.,UUthere. is a large eE cOs from the famlnbstick irn ricts af Bun gary and Umis-N. 1. Herald, 2ith. Cassan sy18. 15, 14-Dantat Comer, c Brie, voa., hs I rad kMovr e"ite is a mhis imnzsrmran - - 0 - mais, obtidnawa aca notstoe ben he maghan Hewas sm' ..# TMn CaLA v0s AN Aim-Tains Tm Ca. T1ium -rPW "b~1as a4ihotma ter Io sall etes bWu h a aop e e an for a aa tto-al o-. evento., to meet in St. Lout P 6, to the entha national orumaoiana m* th wllfungh yowhich a properexpreeelon thi ]t reeOi t ermgis theneipWt *n-t=tee"|"""|'e""A %nN Th*"ca r the patriotc precedent of Washlngtoa aad to Successors, and the declaration of Jefersoe that "If aome termination to the aernies of the chief magtstrate be not tled by the oonWutW-n or supplied by practice his Office, nominally for yet,wl ofctbcm o ie. tcrily year,wl infc become fo lienf cialn approves the declarations of the Pennsylvania state republican convention in 1875, aad also of that of New York, against a thir term. ad deprecates the evident purpose of a faction of the republcan party to secure the re-election of Gen. Grant, thereby endangering the eucces Of the party, and threatening to subvert boucle8 hitherto regarded as the safeguards of our insn tutions. W-Thegrovernor of Pennsylvania has issued warrants for the execution of Henry Wiae, Israel Brandt, and Josiah HummeL the Rabe murderers, on Thursday. May 13, 1880. W'fBurgiars entered the omice of Mr. Charles A. Tb , Bradford. Pa., on Tuesday C t chloroformed Mr. Ttlo, who was asleep in and took a wallet containing 58,90w from under his pillow. r'A saloon in Dublin, 0., was blown up a ith Dowder early.Wednesday morning, it is atleg .t byte temperance people. The building ws wrecked, but no one Injured. [WFred. Nichols, a mall driver, was killed t ear Alman, Texas, Monday, by Indian mali robbcrs. DIED. N 3W8. On Thursday. Iarch, 25, 1850. at 6 a. 'n.. AnED iledRY MOMS in the seventy-Arst year of his age, at Hillsdale, D. E. inst nt from the residene of his son, John A. Moss. VERNON. On Thursda, March 96 180. at 2:30 pm after a tlertng ilues hich she b with Christian fort de and ation. Rsaar 1., beloved wife of John K. Vernon, in the sixty sixth year of herag The relatives and friands of the family are In vited to attend the funeral on nunday. March 15, at o'clock p.m.. from the residence of her has band. No. 2113 H street northwest. r UNDERTAKERS. FIRED. PINDLER. 1333 8eeent sred Branch Store, 239 4M street s.w. JOHE U. WSISHT. sep27-M1 1871 10t ae! sse'Masesa. MEDICAL, &c. quly cur.d by Dr. N E. No Oaome s All emfle Weaknesses. ete., cured. IN t In siw., near 2d. mar4-lm" DR. MOTT' FRENCH POWDERA-Osri cure for Kidney Diseases, Gravel and all Uria ary Diseases. Nervous Debility. Seminal W Impotency leet, Scrofula, Syphilis, and Blood and ?kin Diseases speedily cured. Oornerr bcecured in 48 hours. Fo a'e by WV. B. EN ISLE, Druggist corner 12th at. and Pa. ave. Price 63ie per box. seat by mail under seal onn r eipt of price.mrl M'""**" RESTORED. orders broutzt on by indiacretion or exces. An lif-eo 78 Nassau GL... MADAM DE FOREST HAS REMEDY YOU Ladies. All females complainta quickly ceo. Can be consulted daily at 9"17th at. n.". . O"e hours from 1 to 9 p.m. aug26-8m0 DBR. LEON the oldest established and only ruef. able LAD ES' PHYSICIAN in the city, can be consulted dail at 456 Massachusetts avenue from 1 to 8 o'clock. Female Complaints and Irregulad tie oosfic l cured. s.C nsultati ns free. m l - o b rooms for patiantg. -to n sattee Thi lie-retoringweelo l l be len by all about to marry, or who nae baaala weakened from excan or any other cause. Success in every case is as certain as hAt wats Quenches thirst. $S per case. Sole a Dr. JAOQUE, No. i Univsi Drugisfs suppled. 8 o^" -Mau O "aneD alg t|eain vain every known remedy. has. ovrd"simple self cure, which he will send rfelow suffer. Addreas . H. Beeves. 48 Chatham it. L.Y. 415f 903 E, NEAR NINTH.-The new Tu and Bn.ean Bath Rooms are nowemplat No ofa ~ ~ ? Se euu i"isA stabfisahment VtaewDh t The b off k New0Mj gisnnm. Im ,hc. Gonorrhcaae yi0 arecen con positively aured in from 80 o e for e W w.. ne Main o 19 leB. JOmN TRIPPm BwOD PURIwIEt 1 8 s S e n o r a cure f a l l 8es s s ar t o state ias . . No tome genuiene uneo n pottle''ty nfm Mo 10 dhand laes. ee titmy uwnltade adal. ams oo fo o. 291e5..dEEua T :Ea PUBLIC WILL TA RE NOTICE That the Order of the Postastep9 sm eral a ansmt the Mais of the Lornistama State Lottery ComDany is R.ES?CINDEd. Registered Letters and Money Orders can be sent through the Maide as har merly. LOUISIANVA STATE LOTTERY. A Splendid Opportunity to Win a Fortune. AT NEW ORLEAN,S. TU BUA AIRL lra. 1880-119TH MONT HLY DnAwING. LouEsiana Beate Lottery Compavn I sltur othe Stte frEducaina nr Cat iveears tolhict contrc teinvioab f th of the at fa pledgd which pledge has been re its face in the new eons tttonadpeD comber 2d. A.D. 1879. with a capital of60 6 to which it has since added a'reserve 6350,000. ITS URAND SINGLE NUMBER DISTRIBU TION will take place monthly on the second Tues da. ution:raslesor postponies. Look at the fol 100.000 TIOKFSAT Td DOI TE E ACH. HAaF.w ECETS, ONE DOLLAB. LIST OF PRITrER. 1 Capia Prize .......................30.600 1 alPrize.......................006 1 CYtal Prize....................... 00 2 Prie of 12,00..................... 1006 20 Fn*, of 6::.:::::::::::::::::::: *5. 100 Prizes of 100..................... 0 O - 200 Prizes of 50.....................0,06 - 500 Prizes of 20.................... ,006 1000 Primes of 10....................00 AITBOIIATION PRTZES. 9 Approximation Prizes of 100-........ 906 185 Primes, amounting to.............i11,400 foralo,ora sendin anly i ~ - ~ New Orleams ILa. No810 Breadway, New Yoe. AD our Grand Extraordinary Dra me BTLUN A.