Newspaper Page Text
' ?^mm?**? V- G2-N"9,530. WASHINGTON. D. C.. SATURDAY xovfaibvp .T ^ TyrQ CI:::TCj THE EVENING STAR. II RLISHF.D DAILY, Exeopt Sunday, AT THF STAR BUILDINGS, Fcrt*.% ?: Corner PennsylTiaia Ave. ani 11th St., by The tfeniiur Star Newspaper Company, GEO. W. ADAMS, Pres't Tirr Fvt"ct5? St? r Is iwrT?-d to snVwrihT?, tn the t% arri'p?. < n tl.. ir own sot-omit. i.t 10 rents ;>er *? k.'or M j.Is i? r month. <'<-vi?n *t th?* counter,'2 fll.tsein I B} i.iall I ?'sta .- pr? 1 u.d MKtUto a luulitli. tin y jr. sft six months. $.1. |Fxt. red at ih? I'< st Office at Washinirton, D. C., as fr i t.d-rlass iiiajl matter.] 1 pv fl ffki v S ; (R pir.'lsV.i Friday?$1 a year, |< >-t<;K> jr. ; alii. Six months. oOn :it?. t^~ All mall snWrij-tion* nm t lxj i aiil in advance; a.i |*| r st nt 1< iiw r than is | aiii f<>r. I. .t. - < f .i v r ii.-.iitr load*- known < n nn?licafion. AMUSEMENTS. ? _ ___ ? - VORIt'S OPE R A HOUSE. COMMENCING HON DAY. NOV EJIREIl lOru, FOR ONE WEEK ONLY, TIIF. FAMOUS MADISON SQUARE THEATER COMPANY, IN T1IK till EATI ^T DRAMATIC SUCCESS, H H A 7.77. H i: T, H H A A /. I, II II It A A 7. I F. I. D It AAA 7. K L M 11 A A 7.7.7. EKE J.l.LL K K II ni?n K K FFE K K II 1< R K K I KK II RRR KK KE K K 11 K K K K F K K II It K K K KEE ? WITH T1IE GREATEST CAST TI'E PL\Y HAS EVER RE? /LIVED. ONLY MATINEE SATURDAY. SOUVENIRS PRESENTED ALE LADIES ATTENDING 1 RE PERFORMANCE Tl I sI>AY EvLNlNG, NOV. 20rn. II..: ' v. N< v *?"'? ., 'Vt f.irnon?! j-l-iy. ESMERALDA. by ti.i . : MuiL- i: S.-.;;.rt 1 ii? rl'i li.j'iiuy. It XTATIOXAL I ' <>?i. God. t!;in Fr.cli TI y uri:\ t- iiiul L-.Vf nit* JksTI!EATER. '' Vi;,>V , ? , i lit- <t !->i>fftafuIar \Iii\i>vv %? 1. tlniiii.'i. TIn, SM x KfNa KOV EMBER lf>. THrsim K KINO. WED. k SAT. MATINEES. V '. w\Vt Th^HnrM*- -n I lyy TlVl. si'i'v i k'mnG. Mi'vos t I t.i fl?ui- j |ij s|| '. MJKIN.J IMVi /.' " u i, I Ml Ml . i K KI.Mi. 1(>0 Nj-i t- Wdlat-fc s I UK MKV1 R KINO ?,Vl.Kj 1 "!? TIM i-lf v | i; KIN.;. ?( t ks I. ..lid I .j , ru , : i I v , , Iv | N{i ?1 UK MI.VFR KiNti. M.vti - s, ry. Til I" MIA K' KING bt-t u..d it ?r in London. "i UK MLVLR KING. _ 1'inl.rthc Dir. 'i -i . f J II Hivrly. , N. x; ?, k l :i:: i. R :yin..ii l. Hl7 J^ORD'S. THE MINSTRLLS'FAREWELL To NIt.lIT AT S. I-i-r \n|v nraii'v >_'f IIAVERLV'S MASTODON MINSTRELS. A Gnat Comraiij and a Grt-at Bill. I'til'lic La irfh'tl int.> Sn -.iss and Sunif into the .'?1. rrit st Kii)oyiw nt. A GRE\T NUMBER or NEW FEATURES. "THE HIT <>K A t'KNTFRY." T I, (li rv. 1- S; I t:w,;lai Hur't - I?l??. 3 HE I'RINCi>S 1>K M VDAtiASCAR. MoNI- \ . XOi i'i Fit. ?ir. rit.-st Dminnt-c Pnwi, I Jf A/t.i, hMikL. fr^in t)i? M iil> 11 b*iuait lh ater. N vy ! li 17 y A1 loN Al. TULA IT R. Oi'LltA. TO-N1GIIT AT 8. L^t Time t>f THE MERRY DICHKSS. 2 Lt l^u. f. r th. St. I.? d r. '!). Ji~ k. jV s..n?r. j Lt '11,'cr ? lioriis. 'I h>^ Sj anish L^vo Sore. Til- I'll, lit s.- \t hu L>I ?? s bLt Chooses. KEXT WEEK, tin- IV-v rf;,i Sj^tacular M lt>lrama, THE SILVER KING. Fr- in Ora 1 O;* .-.i ti.N "? . and IKOnl.-lits at WalJ-i. s i !. at-with t!i>- Uauului ii.fJUi Moviiii: 5 ;'r:-v: iGTSI Avv.'.'i^- ' !'1 rN,>K'{ 11,1 AUSVI.'KS OF GOOD U i1 ' - ' ->1 o (. f , -will I,. _-iv ii at ?ri"> -'n.! ... I ? :.:-e it. . n \M l.Nl >I?A'. l.\ KMNli % !,i'. r.*"< '' 'A ' ''"'it'1 "t t:d lit whl'ai.! I" 1-' Ir U si. I i*i,i<11 tli>- .. |. |,i;4t. d l4tnti.nt' fr. in J .!.: ! .1 ! .1. Ml - - V.'.tni..- 1 w I'rt.J H -. h ll Si A:.til- 1/ *K iT-t I! ,> -.1.1 15 !l;?y. I .1 Wiiii'i .t-. ? i. -t M i; i??f \I z.irt Ort-ln-stra ' ^ - - 'i. c. iits. li r>. rvt vl s. uts 2j C. :it.s t xlr.t at Kills'. IULl'MiN ATE D T. ?l us 1 Kol 11 RAG AN. ... . . r -;,L !'al I'l.U,. II. InliH : RTDAY. No\ 23 "1'nrie i M- M.\v. Nov> ' 1 , N- \ j:t;J,J.i " - . 1 1 VI .- ( . ,t>. T?. S. :?..oI 1., . .1 id i.ylvi, ' N ^ Si, 1 !s i,X7 ri'tlllRD an Nl t ( ! , ,] J. fci\ lUil lAH ? oN< KRTS A * .* : - i, i, ... r t):* i1!-. *: r i f r> ? ?'!- Hour, t Ti till f.tst IT.11>\ V I VKNlXiof 1 V; ! vr ' 1 ii7 ??.d.i.ds:.;: > Wl.A . ' ! \ . is-? i . Li,v S. ! If 1 ' r - *.V ' 1 t.i Ih V '{ 1 , 4( |j ,i.|,rt 5|t .'lt) 1 'if ti.. - lt t:! . s w .1! be ulKit-ti *. !W \ .1 - .it- .t! i-I Ai- ?* i 'I : . | v -.t 2i cents ;s" ' * ' " '' " - Ti : ai 'i - i' < . : rt IBd the conn 'V/ 1 ' l l .V > -I. No. s*n K nuaylvauiaave1.1." .-t 4 ,. lu. t !i It I.SbAY. J?I,V.,1 l.list >1 I If I K ?.l I:VANS ANI) oIHFR ENTER, * 1 ' ' * ' ut' ! Ill Htm m irt. . - .1 P. TUFO. l.AM,.ua*!2th?u?rl aortT t? ? . r. .* i v L? St*'it*. Ill j- hu* 1>l.ol 1 Hil l s I I \< !I! R < F I-\NCING > k'S ti.. i. ii ;u ,i ,i w itr?ih.: ' .V, tc'i iili< n?iii at llh< ,'j ' k. iil't liu* 'THEATER COMiVI E. Monday, November 12. ONE WEEK. TOM CANARY'S AMKU' AN lOKR COMBINATION, it STAR l'LRFO. MELS. 20 Matirer* T-day*- TLnr*dsys and Saturday*. r.I2 1 \ 1ME Ml SEEM. U I11L l ol I'LAli RESORT OF THE CITIZENS Grand Pr??irnm x.,,.) UTFKV'ii N AND Nil .IIT THIS WEEK. i ' 1 1 ' - in and lu r w. titl. rf ;ii l .lnlf.V ? ,ir r ,H*R!.? s .M.d BIAK HARRIS; SAM t it?v ',v 1 ''?><?. ^ VN? E. Hi .NM.l.l and VusJ i i/;;.XNl h ' sA\ll.l 1 sro'l'T HANLEY; iL . y-'1 r s" "?. th? Ainik-M Wonder, uud a ? * *' r s uru s, v _A'liui.s.vH.n t,. an OIl!> 1( |1 (. rN n!2-6t QDD FELLOWS' FAIR, Ai ri:I HALL ^rit SfRFET S'. I T1IEVST I Roil NtiV. 12 rH TO NOV. 24tii. tt^'di 'r ^ * ltnnsylvii,!* avtnut- <xr? i>.-ws ? ' ii'^-2w Music: music.! music::! Ht? ?F L"l IS \\ FBFR v_ i x,72"' IrIi ^'Vnit-vsT. ' - . . for alio .. -;. - a t ] ? g t;0 -lni* flMIE 1 AIR FOR THE BENEFIT OF r, ? ST AUGL'KMNI > t HI Ki ll ILuM NOV! Ml'd.R Urn io Sovi '.IliER 3(>in In the Baxt uif ut of the ?;hur< h. ni Im'* "Portraits from life or from photo?* ?tK.\l MS.?InstniLtion in driwin* and laiiitm ?i -"'ds. ", - at ! e..w. rs Old | tctur*s ''' 1 ' t. . 1. Mutl.u. 170ts j- fetn, 11! w j,,,. nm: v.Rrmco nwamx and accuiutely r\l 1. Mathiiirrf for sale and rent. pll,l U <Ujd 111 * V.nilEli orators puPtoHoRT-UAND WRITERS fnmlMhed at .sh< rt noti. e. J. A. YUillXvMB. S2; 1 uift-tM. _ SPECIAL NOTICES. * f?~ I. o. O. F.-THE OFFICERS AND MEMBERS L -V of Mom.t ?. !? Encampment, No. fi. w ,11 meet to-morrow (Sunday) afternoon :.t 1 ,A i. .t<? attend V," ,at'' - Ci'.VS. H O Lf.WIS ;? ' v\'"r -Ut4 invited. THOMAS w jOWI.kk, Sen bo. * T" V ? F.-rOLEMBlA LOT)(IE. No 101' . ,y' V,','!a> " ' ?* >?, to:-tli? |-urri'seof attrndV iTu , V. brother. Charlss B. O. !it 1 'lv- '-'""v a "W"< "r fraternally inffltJ By order N. ft ptt] R. A. McLEAN Bee, fee. , r^IFMP.EKS of WII5S1ER I.OD iE N(?~? ,h "* \\i!> ?vvt at th.ii mil TO-MORLow.r-,, lay. Not. M,)at 1 o'clock sharp, for th<* i>ur! rv5 'T!i . T " ' ' ! :: ' V- lat? B:x>th?.r, 1'. C ti.Al.LW II I a j-. Jiv <>: <? r ** (' It Til! ;.\IAS SUJlMElJSCAl ES, F. of R. ar.d S. jr.SIT<>-M<iitR( >\vs CHRONICLE, FULL OF - Jiiiwtniti ii- (aiiione th':n . ?,t portraits of ?' s" '""'an and sii ri't?u and ? aiwtw cm Gibpot.' ' and bnbblinir over with inlemtin; misc? llany. it &jh BY DIRECTION OF A MAJORITY OF THE <'"'!> ii-rs a ns*-?-t;s?* of th- St- ekbohlers of the N\ I T< >.* \E EEECTii IC C< All \N\ will |? h. id at the uut;tm\.<.\ Hut l.liarpcr'i- i Vrrv.W V'( .at 11 oM , k am . SATCRDAV. 1-t, 1-sl. f. t !Ii- purpose ?>t - l.-etimra I; -rd 11 Dire, -tors makin^ bv-laws, and, t iiiranv -her business wh'. Ii may lawfully l>c I dune- by the said :?loekholder- in Keiierai m i thnr A. S V.oii i lil N> t i ON. ... ? Attorney for the Company. _Nov. 12. MM. n!2-law3t ? Was HI5BIOS. DC.. November 15,188:). 1"^ RFCE! v i >F 1111. i'i>i(?;,iinsi iiar:< < Oompany s, v. n Hundnd I"llais in full for dama~'c by lin to our >vart_huuso on tin- l Jili inwt t'!IAs u RBEN. _"^'* Ti'fas. l'otoius, ];. at Club. * T?*" %I s 1'ARSONS MEl>ICAL ELECTKIi - ' a?- removed and now with E. A. 1'arnous & Co.. N- . i'-'J - 1 ???. ii.w. >*v advt. und? r "'City Ttem*' column. nlfl 2w * jBr*WA8HINOTON, I>. C. Soranber 15.18Kt. ^ 1 li*" t *'-j lrtni'i'shii' ii, Ti'ti>foi't*< \islin,- b.-t wwn t!i" und?-r-:t.nii d. n;id?-r tl- lir:.; name of II' )!.|. \M>l 1; I'. :i>1"Hi;Ms i< t> is ;lay ?1 \??I i>y 11*" 11 tl ii .bistu.s (lo;l.uiilt*r wiil Mu-n in liiiuid.iti u mill c<-ntiiuif th- t.'.isnifsa at the ttorts l.'lT an i itJI 1', n:',<\lvauia avi-nn>*. Jl'si l s HoLl H16-3I THEODORE HOLLANDER. ; , y* r\'.i. AT CIRCULATING L1B1 UlY, 1749 * ' , J'11;-ylv ii! a aV, line, for ! w p. > !,>. Al' ii iii i sli.p. i>< r month or 4-4 per year. Also, bo^-ks an ! inas-?zines rented by the day n3 Mas LUCY T, HUNTER. u\? ~ TO PA rENT A I i: )RNEYS AND (> rilERS. *- 39 i-ir t-<-'ass Oraui-'htimrat Ri-asotable Lates CUllUMA A. (.X'Oi KK. ni45ui rat N^. ,>.ti f st. n. w. NEW FRENCH PROCESS SOAP. ? " Laiv- sui i iy just it? i i\. j. and l. i sale by 0. ? , D1X A: WILEINs. o" i -*-&wlin p.. :; line rs. T ~i'P~ ciro Dr. srzzAhRTIvn'bi u. " L. ? < ?t?i II i:s 1 r, m 0 to n a.m.. -j {( 4 p.m., 7 to 9 No. ttfl 17th street northwewt. . o20eo3m" . jt'p:- DRUOS.?c. s. PRICE. DRUGGIST. 420 7th *1. . street tu.uthw. st, tin ii .io;i!tr t \i i:.a**y 1'I S. ?! li Washington. I'hysi- inns' 1 ?whh: ::s a h; . . -,nlt>. ^ .rfumtry ami Xuiiet Artieies in ! fmat varie y. ujo F?R A ( EHTA1N ri '.'.y. FOK lUU 1 I'D ^r? h?t"N or !:i's n<. ~l>. rmi.- Halm," Jjc. |--r botii.-. at MI NCASTEU .V HOWARD'S 1 haruwey, corner 7th anil I streets northwest. lX ? V^r- GAS EIXTL RES* *""?^ THE LARiiEST STOCK TN TTTF CTTY TO bLLECl 1 UoM AND i 11E CHEAPEST. lld-Abi. CALL AND EXAMINE. cui;coi;AN i;ru.l?TNrs. f2" E. E. BROOKS. OASllXTL'RES, ~ " LarKe btock of the latest deHisms. LAXROBES FURNACES. 1LUMB1NG AND HEATING. BAM'L S. SHEPD, 400 fttli street northwest. T "BE 11.1 >1 N'ti EEMHER." AND HARD \V()Ol>S ^ v oi every uebcnpl.oii especially ordered to &uit ' c*nsf*>inrrs. 4- ^ ^-4. r? 4. P-4 AC\?uiit? r I t'^mo anil s^n^onod; Al?o Walnut, 3VX:4!i??irany, Ctikr, i'hr rry, iNiplar. (Jill, Ash. V lute Pine. <Jeoivia line and Yiririnia Pine, rouxh dress4-d, or mannfa*-tured info J'artite n. Ci iHnt-. %VainwotinK. Flooring and Mouldings, in lots toaeeoinmoitat,'. All onlers tilled with dispatch and correctness, at let.- ti:ai. cui'ivnt market prices. MM. Mr LEAN ft PON, _o2 Cor. 13th and B streets northwest. fT?" THE ATTENTION OF VISIT" 'RS AND 1 ? Resid-nts parli, ularly called to PHi?SVI i .E, the new p. : nlar Brain and Nerve l oni - and Safejcn tnl airaiost ilalaria. i'or tale aerated by the jila&a or Hi o by W. r. MTMH'nV. Folc Inventor and Manut u turer. 1429 Pennsylvania avenn* ." 2?? tv AKIIINGTON, D. C.. Awnul 22. 1HS3 fc'-w Th<? Coj artn- rshlp heretoforu existimr Iwtw.fn the uiidersiirn. d tmder the firm name ol 1AVLOR& 111 1 I \ , is tio-- ,ia j Dissolved by mutual e> ns, nt. Lit HARD II. IA\EoK will bi,<n m litpiidation and continue the bllslln SS. '1 i < tfuEy r< ni'^ted to make a SETlLEMLNi Oi J.11L1R ACC< >1 S is RICHARD II. TAYLOR. ?"23 IHANCIS 1IUETY. rj??" Wahimnc.ton, D C? Jul\ IRth, 1SS3. t ITavinc-cr-arty inereas.-d <.:ir faellitien by tii?? mtr<Kii;et!oii ot nn l-.l,trie Lit-ht Maehine, toiretlier vv til other iniprt vi ihd.ts, we ar? 1.. t subject to the < .11ilition ot the weather, and are pr> j sued to furnish with l :. >mpi ne < and at low price any work in the line of tiigravinwf, lur cither rcliei or i lute-j i?riLitDesi-n.s ami Estimates fumislied upon ai i lication. '1HE LALTEN ENGRAVING COMPANY. W> IP.'.-, New York a veil ue. Art I>aier Hangings. ODD AND PECULIAR DESIGNS. ALL THE LATEST NOVELTIES IN SIDE WALL AND CEILING DECORATIONS. Taper TTatxrinws for which we hive the exclusiver!'*lit and i.ot to be lotiiid tenth cl the most noted hnusof I New it : k. We defy coii.11 t^tion ;n price aiul style of execution. LOUIS A. DIETER, nl" ft ?11 F street northwest. ii AYWARD & II UTCIIINSON, 424 NINTH STREKT. Atrrnts for LOWS CBEI-SEA ART TILES. TP.FNTON AK'l T11.E. AMERICAN ENCAEST1C 1'ILE COMI AN V. MiNTON. ilAl and other IMPORTED TILlid. BRASS 1 IRL-PLACES and BRASS FIRE GOODS in iavat variety. HAYWARD & HUTCHINSON, ? ! 22 424 Jth street. An IM51ENSE Assortment Of all tiie Cheaper Grades of TAPER HANGING Fioiu 10 centd upwards. LOUIS A. DIETER, nl3-ft 913 F street northwest. J* A\. Drew, I'll ARAT \CIST, CoBNrR Pfnx*. Ave. ami 0TH Stufft, Tak<^: r ' asure in announcinir the arrival of a larire and i oiiipltt, assoi tinent of Muiiicurt. K<>ods from theestablitLment of Dr J. Parker Pray, America's hist ManicureDIAMOND NAIL ENAMEL; COSME11C ROSALINE, ONGOEINE; CREAM VA^OLA: K'EIsIlERs IN IVOR! AND BOXWOOD: FRENCH SCISSORS; FRENCH FILES: FRENCH CUTICLE KNIVES. ?27 2m W indow Shades. . Just received a fresh imj>ortation cf all the newest colors in SHADE LINENS. Made a:.d hung by experienced hands in the best manner. LOUIS A. DIETER, __nl">-fit 913 F street northwest. Japanese I^aper Hangings, just imported. LOUIS a. dieter, cl5 Cl V13 F street northwest. sPECIAL NOTICES. JVC?4' ALL SOULS'CHURCH. CORNER 14TH AND 3 * s!s n. w ? I; v. r. Shu-pen. pastor.? . in: ,ny sch. .] at i'.jO a. m. Moriiing service at 11. *?-sp> rsat . JO p. in. . It r VALYAitY Ii M' l 1ST church. corner - *- -t:. and If northwest. Rev. S. H. Gbekxe, I'Wtnr.-Sn.vs at 11a.m. and 7.30 p.m. Come ami wt rsliij with n.o. It f unity i1m;Sk'yte1ti \N~TlfrKt:h. ('l^ J- baugh Hall, 1630 14th street northwest. Rev. O. Ii Patch _ pastor.?Services: lYeac'iim.' Sunday niornK Sunday School Sunday afternoon at |j * ck. Prayi r meetings Wednesday evenings at 7:oU o'clock. All are welcome. . It FLETt 'HF.Ii CHAPEL, CORNER NEW YORK * i avenue inj 4th street. I'reaching To-morrow at 11 o'clock a. m. and 8 p.m. Sunday school ai 9:'M 3. 111. *J? * ' REE METHODIST CHURCH. MASSACHU~ *" s<-tt-i :'vnn . m ar 7th street.?Preaching at 11 ? ! " ~ 1: V. A. H. Lee. Mf -tiutr for proii -.uon *f I ,i >.ine^s at ii p.m. Also service at 73& p.m. Ail arc welcome. ?:*&*. <'IIi"itc"II of our father. universal^ ! ... , ?} 1 "" hlitl l streets. tl-v. Alex. Kent Pastor. < i oij- ? nilAimi?- !!: r Kis ar. soprano; Mrs. Jeiini I- I rw. contralto, Mr. 1". Kimop. b-nor, Mi J II. Kaiser basso. S?rvices To-morrow at 11 h. m. and ~ M p in. Sulij vt?Morning, "Believm.' ami Living." I'.vnimr?"Ancient and n odern Charity." Sunday school at !).4;j a.m. lt? jff^^PGRACE M. E. CHURCH. COR. 9TH AND S STS. northwest. Sunday S '.tool at 9:30 a.m. l'r.aehat 11 i. m. by Rev. W. I McKenney. of \V? sley < Impel. Children's meeting at :< ] ni. At7 30 ptn preaching l>y the past r. 11. S. Fkaxce. Subject, Lessons in the Life of ' utlier. it* TJv?" TRINITY 1'. E. CUURCH. THIRD AND C 4- ? streets northwest. E--v m Addison, rector.? Sunday services at 11 a.m. ami 7:30 p.m. It" jT*^ VoKENDREE M. E CFTURCII, MASSACIIUL XS setts avt nuc. between S<t 1.alld lOt h st reels northwest.?Preaching 11a n. by Rev. W. s I'iuvaHDS. I >. I). At 7'v o'clock p. m by Bi?lmp J. I- Ilrusr. Seats lx~ee. Public are cordially in vited to attend. It* t ?> new jerusalem 11.mi l north capl ~ ? iti.1 street, near 1$ - S.-,\1ccsh> II am Seats all ri ve. i:?v. William It Ha vi.en. of i'ortland. will preach. Subject: "The raising of thu widow's son at Nain," Lukt1 i. It* r jgb- NOICITT baptist CHURCH !4tii street, fc- near R- Rev .tames i. Lodoe, d. d., pastor.? Ser\ices at 11 a m. and 7 :-;0 p m. It* f HAMLLINE M K. CHURCH. CORNER 9TH Y, an," 1 streets northwest.?9.15. Sundav School 11 a in l.v i r. Ih v S M IIaRTSock. ''Work lor tlie Ni-!kt :s f omni';."' H-) tion ot m niK-rs. 3:1111 p in . i. mp< rauee m? eting. innsi<% Ate . address by ChakiiIf? i7 '""'l-. t?. >.u<n<r|)eopI>< mcetin--' l^l l?y Mutor ll A.Hall. 7:30 si-rmpu by Rev. John iiajuues. \v". lc< :ne. ^ AUC.l! M F CHURCH, CORNER OF 3d AND - ~ A .*!.-ets northrast - Sr.intav . 1' a.m ]{ \ H wti.Y s ! istNCE. ef the I trace M. E clilUch 7 io. p., v. \S . N i br.A. :>,ot the C'lieinnuti Conference. lYayer meeting ! en I niiinl.iv evening ]** i STREET BAPTIST CHURCH, NEAR OTH ? i: rtiiw>-st.?The I'astor.Rev. i)r. Favnce. will preaeli at li m : at 7:30 p 111 the next lecture in tiie S.nie.s of "Piblieal Sketches." Subject: "Jacob Crip, pled and yet aContineror.** It* j < HURCH OF THE INCARNATION, CORNER : i - " l.'h : 1 N ptr-^ts northwest. R.-. I. L. Town- i srvD. s i j) rector.?Holy Communion 7:30 a. m. >li t iiiug s rvj/'e and sernionll a.m. Cl.oral eveninv i pravei (st ats all frei ). 4 p. m Sun.biy School, 3 i m l; ' * t rch < )f rui ei'iph a ny, Rev. William 1 * 1,5 Farei p.p. Rector ?Sunday services?Holy Communion, t; am.:morning service and sermon 11 j ! B j evening service and sermon, 7:30 p.m. The j eyeniyi.' sermon to-morn w in the R. v. I>r. \V. S. Ross. ! Of Ireland. St-at^ free at Evening service. It Iff THE OOSI EL OF CHRIST IS THE POWER ' V? ',f,">ilo sal\atioii to I V. ry oil. that 1--1I. ves i ' '''' th ' gt^pel. ami do the el rgy pr acli it.' A o.nrs." on the al ove subject will l?' given Tonioin \ at li a m . in M, Canity's hall l't uiisvivanh; avenue. 1. tw >. n 2tl ami :t?l streets southeast. U'e shall sh> w !;. ni ii.. ,..rudes o| truth that ting ispt-1 j reaele il 1.J-th-clergy is not the go.-=pel preacii-d hy Jesus and lite Apostles. All are invited. No collection.. It* ? ,p=? ELDER A B. FRANCIS, OLD SCHOOL BAPL'-S tist. will pre.-it li at Columbia Law Iiuildinir Tomorrow, Snnday. at 3 :.(?|>. m. it* ^ Tr'J METROPOLl 1A N M E. CHURCH, CORNER " V' t 'v and C Mi" ts I're:,i liing Sunday, at 11 a. in., ov I: v. 1 >r J S pi- ai e. pr> siding elder, and at 7 .in p. "! pastor, liev. ljr. E. d. Hlnilly. Vesper serMce p.ill. It iT'r?" ,1 LYMol TH CONOREGATIONAI. CHURCH. *' Pit aehing at II a. m , by R* v. \\ ,\t 1'kel- at 7 ji in . by Rev. Wm oilks I'rayei and i'rais- Meeting at n :i??. Election ot deacon oii Monday night. All are Welcome. lt? 'max'S CHRISTIAN TEMPERANCE ?? ?- I NlciN.?The soldi'rs Irom Washington barracks aii'l tin Ht.nie will addres-t tlie mt-etin r at Masonic loniile. i'lli and Fsti- ets uortInvest,,t.atli at :< p in. (;o"d iriUfic, conducted by Mrs. Lizzie Poi-k. Public invitetl. It UNION M. F. CHURCH, 20TH STREET *- v northwest, pear Penns.vivauiaaveuin1The pastor. Rev W I i, Wiiki'h .it 11 a m. "The Witness of the Seirit." 7 ;<I p 111.. ' High time to awake." Sunday school at !J a. in. ii"d 4 | in. R vival se^ices at night Prayer iiiis ring, Wedii'-stlay, 7 30. Stats free. A?ordial vvt lt'oiiio. jt * MT. VERNON PLACE M. E. CHURCH, i. >- S.iiith. corner l?t!i ami K streets northwest Preat hmirlo marrow at 11 o'clo'k a. ni. by the Pastor R-v. s K.Cox Ii I> . and at 7.30 p. m. by Rev davii, Wills, D I). Public invited It* S'l LUKE'S P. E. CHURCH. CORNERT'.th I. v a:.d Madison streets.?11 o'clock a. m? morning Iyt r and rumn by Rev. Dr. ! vmks Abeiu'imimhik, ot (V.idernia. 7.30o'clock p.m., choral service and s.-nnon St ats tree. j,? WESLEY CHAPEL, CORNER OF I IFTH AND Fr.tieets northwest.?11 , pit aching by the le v. E 1> ilrs'TLV, I). 1> 7 ::0 p m , song and probe ! i ontbiiteil by the pastor; 9:30 a. m., Sunday ' sciiool prayer meeting Thursday evening Seats lr All Invited. MT ZION M. E. CHURCH. CORNER OF R ?'?, ami l.,ihstre. ts northwest -The pastor. lit v. L. m. Oakum i:, at 11 a. m and 7:30 p m s. s Temperam M 11 ieg at 3 ji. ni. liev, Dr Rankin, of f irst Congiegatioiial Church, Monday evening, 7:j0. Everybody Invited. It* ? nion WESLEY CHURCH. 23D STREET, y-w iM-tween L and M ?Preaching at 11 a. m by R. v Dr pattos, President of lie.ward Univt rsity. At:to. in pieaching by Rt \ Air Ilnow n, tif r ('hiireh (ieorgetown Pleaching also at 7:30 by a visiting eh rgyman. It* f "jSP ST. PAUL'S ENOLISH LUTHERAN CHURCH. V cor 11th arnl II srs n. w. -Scrvit'es To-niorrovv. iiiorninc ami evening, at 11 and 7 30 ?Rev S. Domeil j I> 1> rasf r. Scriinm in the luoruiug. Lecture in the ' evening, "The Or vat Celebration. What ia its Meaning?" All welcome. jt" ( '? ?*. VOUNO MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, v v 111*.' N?. \\ \ .iris avenue.- Bible class f~>r int n only fiom 4 .?ti t<? .> ::o j*. ni , lt .1 bj the * vretary. Gospel nieetnig at Op in, led by 1as ?; Phatt: sli.irt talks, good singing. Everybody cordially invited to bo pro->?*? It' r^t>UFUICATTON.OF THE CHURCH OF THE i< *. bf.ljilitl \ I Is iN. Pennsylvania avenue ami jtl st- s, t'., ( apir. j Iliil.Rev W. I. Parson, pastor.?Onlerof Excn lsts I)t(iic;.ti,;n Week- Sunday, Nov. mlt. r ISih 11 a ui., dedicat. r\ sermon. Rev. M. Valentin-, D. I?.. pros itVnt th?* M:?ry!antl S\ iio?1, aii<) pr? si?l? Tit of in'iin^vlvat'ia C lit ge. (it ttjsbiirg. l'a.; 7 30 p. m . Rev. C. S.'Albert, president of the Hoard of Home Missions 1 t.aitiin.He. Aid. Monday. 7 30 p. in.. Rev. (}ts>. Sclioll of Baltimore, 'fuesdav, 7 : o p. in.. Ib-v. I)r. Donier. Wednestlay, 7 30 p. in.. Lev. Dr. Chester. Thursdav 7-:,tip in.. Rev. In Butler. Fiiday. 7 :?) p. m.. Rev. Dr. Rani kin. Sunday, Novcnilier 2'rth, 11 a. m , sermon by the I'astor, with a glance at the past, and a forecast of our future work. S-ats f:ee. The public cordially invited. 1* SJX'In PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. CORNER I* is of (ith an<) (' N(n*t't8 southwest.?I'rt'arhin^ at 11 a. in., Novcu.b. r ISth and November 2oth, by Rev Dr Whiour. Public intitid. Seatsfree. nl7,'24 ar?&> CHRISTIAN CHI RCH, " 14TH STREET. v near Rhode Island avenue.?W. J. Pettigkew, of New York city, will preach Morning and Nii/ht. at the usual hours. Young People's Meeting at <i:4r>. Sunday School at O.aOa. m. All very welcome to all the sei v ices. It* 1,01 BARTON STREET M. E. CHURCH, ?"? Georgetown. D. C.?Pii aching at 11 a. m. and 7 V p. 111., by the pastor, Rev. J. J. O. WSBSTKB. jHS" THE TABERNACLE,OTH ANDB8TS.S.W.? It'-w Preaching at 11 a. in. and 7:30p. in., by W W Hicks, Minister of the Tabernacle. "it tjb?* notice.?the knights of st. t ss 1. have disbanded. All i>er8oii8 and memliers in good standing having claims are requested to call on W. II FRILL. Recorder, and receive their vouchers.nl7-4t* r-i$rJ"" ATTiEN TIC)N TI NSMITHS.?AT A MEETfc'fe ing of the Tinners' Union Wedmsday night it was unanimously resolved to endorse the Crajtmuan and recommend it to our friends; also, to boycott the Washington I'ust. J. W. CONSIDINE, SI. W. It* fT#*' "\TTrNTION~WOKklNGMEN.?at'a MEETt~ So ing of the Federation of I.atxir, held on Tuesday night, it was unanimously resolved that weeiidoi-s?- the Craftsman, ami that we look on business men advertising in that paper as fail-men. it* WM. RABBITT, Sec. r"v?r- DISTRICT ASSEMBLY ~~NO. Col KNIG1 ITS ^ OF LABOR, Washington, d. 0., Nov. 15th, 1883. It app? arlng that one Stilson Hutchins. tin- editor and proprietor of a publication known as the Wa*hiin/t> n Pout, in this city, has jieivlstently for years used his power lis an employer and intelligence &s a man in d<Vin'i/i(7 labor, it is therefore ordered by District Assembly No tifi. Knights of Lalior, of the District of Columbia, in regular session, thatevu-y Knight of Labor belonging to local assemblies within the Jurisdiction of District Assembly No. GO lioycott the said publication, its propri' torandall persons who thixuigli trade or otherwise sympathise with or a^alst the sanie until the revocation of this order. It* JOSEPH FANNINO, D. M. W. T REV. W. H. BROOKS. PASTOR OF THE 1'Jth U'v Street Baptist Church, Wnshington, l?. C., has taken issue against me for the etatenimt made in church nvntiiiK that he left the Second Church pulpit nuts knowing to the members, to take the stump Monday morning against Mahono.ln favor of the Democrats, and deceived the colored people until they stoned him out of the county. It is the debt modified by the withdrawal of West Vlrginia and the war, yet he withholds my letters from the church. if W. G. BROWN, Ya. rjS? THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE STOCKholders of the rmi Estate Title Insurance company, of the District of Columbia, for the election of nine trustees of said company will be held at the office of the company. Room No. 17. Gunton building. No. 472 I^oulsiana avenue, Washington. D.C.. on TUESDAY, the 11th day of December, A. D. 1883. The polls will be oi>ened at TWO O'CLOCK P. M., and closed at FOUR O'CLOCK P. M. mo,l7&24Jidd ii. BF.AI.K, Secretary. Washington News and Gossip. Government Receipts To-dat.?Internal revenue, 1404.621.20; customs. !2fC. ??.>. iS. a Commission was issued to-day to j. c. Fries, postmaster at Cedar Grove, Va. The U. S. S. Wachcsett arrived at Coqulmbo, October nth. from a visit to a number oi Chilian poris. where courtesies were exchanged with the authorities. A Gor/n Mepai. for Hcvians Conduct. ? The President has presented Mr. c. M. Peterson, keeper of the light house on High Lainoeks, a gold medal in recognition of hi - humane conduct in receiving and caring for the officers and crew of the U. s. S. Ashuelot, wrecked uu East Lainocks, February 18, 1SS3 The I', s. s. Trenton will sail from New York for the Asiatic station some-time next wee':. She will go by way of the Mediterranean sea and the Suez canal, stopping at Mar.- ni-s, Franco, In order to give the Cor in minister, who will he a passen K"r. an opportunity to visit Paris and London, it he desires. To Resign.?n. K. Mecalmont, of Pennsylvania, will shortly resign hi? position of supervising examiner of the Philadelphia sub-division United stat's Pension office, for the purpose of going Into business with ex-congressman Watson at Warren, Pa. ' Miss Saxton's charge Against Examiner Dyhknforrn.?The assistant commissioner of patents, Mr. Dyn nforth, is charged by Miss Mary garet Saxton. in a statement that has been sent by (he lat ter t?> t !i<* Secretary of t he Interior, of having been instrumental in securing certain pnblli atlons In the I'ohr, tsazrttp. Mr. Dyrenforth, In an Interview with seci-Hary Teller, denl-Ml thLscharge, and the probability is thai uo further action will be taken In the premises. The Pacific Sqcapron.?A report, dated October 3lst, fi m the Pacific station. shnwd the Hartford to be at Panama. Tli" Lack iwanna is expected a' Callao by March 1st. ls^i. The Wachusett had sailed for t'ald'-ra to re:urn in rad io by December 1st.. I hc lrotpiios and onward were at Callao and the Adams was at Sitka, Alu.-Aa. Commissioner Katon will leave fer Columbia, South Carolina, on Wednesday, to take charge of the civil service examination in the south. An armknce witu the F.mpkkor of Japan.? Commander Cotton, commanding the v. s. s. Monocacy, reports to tti" Navy department, under da to of Yokohama, Oetober ?>1. that the emperor ( f Japan accorded him a special audience on the Pith nf o tuber, at the imperial palace at Toklo The honor w .<s in recognition of the presence of (he Monoeacy at Hoze Island. Cor<\i, in August and September, lss-*. ponding the adjustment of the difiiculty between that government and corea. a N vvai. Officer I)ismis.-ep.?Thg members of the naval court-martial, of which Commodore McCauley wa president, api-olnted last month to try Medical Inspector S. p. Kennedy, on charges of drunkenness, Inive returned from Panama, where i he court was h"ld. The jtro-n dings In the case were received at the Xavv dop i t men' this morning from Admiral Mugms, who ordered the court. It is under-toad that t he accused has been sentenced to dismissal. The Tkiai. of the I ate Com manpeu of the Pinta. Lieut 1 riel Lclree. t'.s.N., who lately commanded the Pinta. has been ordered before the court-martial hi ?cs-i:in at Boston on trial for culpable negligence and Inefficiency 1?? the perfor.aan.-e of his duty at the time of the collision of tho Pinta with the brig Tally-Ho. Thf. Labor Investigation.?The Senate sub-committee on education and labor examined a number oi witnesses at. P?trnnngham, Ala., yesterday. The commit toe go to Columbus, Ga., to-day. Tuk weekly star for this: week Is now ready for mailing, price, three cents p'r copy. It Is a large, eight-page paper, or llrtv-six columns, cut past.-d and f"id"d. and will be sent anywhere in the t inted states and Canada, postpaid, for one dollar a year. PIT THE CLOCK IOUWARD. 'fi'lie Xcw Time Standard to Itccome Kf fee I i ve T?? in u rr? \v? what will. re hove in washington. To-mnrrow the public at large not dependent for their supply of tim up m tho "time ball" at the ob- 'rv dory will b-'glr; to regulate their affairs upon the new time standard, giving Washington the time of the 75th in ridifin,. which Is 8 minutes and li seconds faster than the real time of Washington, as registered by the dally transit of the sun over our meridian. Towns that liavfc never laid claim to a meridian will have no embarrassment In effecting a change of time, but In this city, us the meridian is recognized as a government Institution, according to t lie recent rulings, the actual Washington meridian time will continue to be the official time. the rall.roads. "It won't disturb us a particle," said Snperlnten lent, Sharpe, or tlie Baltimore and Potomac road, to a Star reporter tills m <i ning; "as a matter of fact tf will not disturb any railroad. The time is easily enough arranged." "Then the new time will go into effect 'on time' to-morrow," said the reporter. "Yes, promptly at twelve o'clock," said Mr. Sharpe. "I should think that It would cause confusion at first," said the reporter. "It will cause contusion maybe for the public," said Mr. Sharpe, -but as a'matter of fact-It will nrike very little difference on our road. We have always run by Philadelphia time, and this new standard mikes a difference ol only one minute and i hive seconds. Heretofore when we adverl Isod a train to leave at 11 o'clock it le t really at 11.07, aceoidiinr to Washington time." Th" ch inge on i lie liait hnore Ohio road will go Into effei t at. a o'clock to-morrow morning, at which time the new schedule rect ntly adopted will become operative. It Is thought that by in tklng the change hi. 2 o'clock Sunday morning, an hour wiem there are few trains running, there will be little confusion. the banks. A bank official, talking to a >tak reporter to-day, said that there had been no agreement as to the time to be employed in banking business. As a matter of fact, it would make nttv difference, as a margin was always allowed to cover any discrepancy in clocks. the jewei.ers of the city, who are the dispensers of time for the majority of people, will, asa rule, keep both times, so that their patrons can take t heir choice. Arrangements have been made so that the observatory will send both times to the jewelers. Messrs. Gait, ProtiKT.t Co. will, on to-morrow, at noon, set the la rye clock in front of their building to the time of the 7.V h meridian. Their regulator Inside, which Is connected by wire with the U.S. observatory, w ill, as heretofore, show the time of the meridian of Washington. Mr. M. W. Gait said to a Star reporter that he thought that the new time would necessarily prevail iii tho general course of business, as the railroads and the post office would be regulated by that time. As tne new time is faster than the old, no one will be late, if they regulate their movements bv it. Mr. Karr, the jeweler, stated to a Star reporter that whatever time the observatory furnished would be supplied by the jewelers who had electric connection with the observatoiy. He is having a dial with two rows of figures made for the large clock in his window so that It will give botn times. Some of the jewelers of the city are in favor of holding a meeting to arrange for the adoption of one time or the other throughout the city. The majority have decided to keep both times. Samuel Lewis' Sons are the only ones who have positively declared in favor of the new time exclusively. the city bet.i-s. There was some doubt at fire alarm headquarters this morning as to what time the bells would announce to the public hereafter. As usual, on Sundays, the bells will not ring at noon to-morrow, but will ring at 6 p.m., which will be the first time the bells will tell the time after the new standard goes into effect An official of the observatory visited the office this afternoon and stated that the old Washington time would be rung on the bells. This Is In accordance with the instructions of the Secretary of the Navy. The matter, it is stated, was made the subject of Cabinet consideration yesterday. Circulars sent out from the observatory today explained the system of time signals, and said that Washington time would be sent from the observatory. The difference between Washington time and the 75th meridian time is stated in the circular. The Protean Inquiry* EXAMINATION OP LIEUT. COLWKLL, U. 8. N. Lieut. Colwell, of the navy, was examined before the Proteus court of inquiry yesterday afternoon, after Thb. Stab's report closed. He said that the boats taken by Lieut. Garllngton were not as well fitted as they should haveneen, and he thought that the Yantlc would not have been able to go directly to Littleton's Island. The court held a short executive session this morning and then adjourned until Monday, without examining witnesses. THE KILBOl KVTKOnrsOX SI IT. The $<>0,000 Verdict Set Aside. jriWE cox's decision?a kfvtfw of tt1k case? the verdict excessive?a. new trial awardkd. Tills morning. In the circuit Court room, .ludge Cox decided t he mot ton to set asldetlie verdict in the case of 1!allot Klibourn against. ex-Sei geant-utArms Thompson. The suit ? n for |?r>0,0iin damages for tli*7* arrest and Imprl-omnent of KlH?oiirn (by order of the nouseof Ueprvsfnt ?tives\ and the Jury returned a verdict for plaintiff for fr,o,iny? damages. Defend int moved to sot aside tlie verdl-1, and this moilon was argued on Saturday and Monday last. Judge cox said that this wan ono of the msec in which a jury was apt to be carried away by impulse, and It was one in which the court should stand guard, as It were, over the Jury. lie had Us 'ened attentively to the arguments. Some criticism had been made of the charge of the court to the Jury. It was difficult to Keep the sins of the House of Representatives outcf the case, and the argument, very naturally was as to the conduct of the House. Tlie wrong complained of was that the arrest was without authority. How the fact that the House of Representatives ordered thrt arrest Increased tlie offense lie could not see, but he could see why that fact should go towards mitigating the grievances. He read sertiou 989 R. s. as to collectors of revenue?as to the amounts recovered from them being payable by the IUlted states. Congress intend* d that in a case of probable cause that the government would pay the judgment <410, 12 ltlatchford). Tills fact should not l>e considered by the Jury: the defendant should bo treated precisely as a private citizen. He had seen no error In hl< Instructions us to considering the defendant the sole party at Interest. Tlie items of injury were noted, loss of business being the lirst. and iii lids there was only the testimony of complainant. He could not sec how this could properly enter into the computation of damages, for this was a grievance of the House, wlileh was done before defendant came upon the scene. Next, lie eonsidered the question of damage to health of plaintiff, and said the verdict seems to j have been based on Injury to t lie feelings of tlie plaintiff. Here comes the difficulty of drawing t lie line lx'tween compensatory damages and vindictive damages. He noted several English cascs.1u wlil< li verdicts for ?800 and upwards were obtained, and said they wore for exemplary damages. 'I lien the distinction between compensatory and exemplary damages was Imperfectly outlined. Several American cases were noted as showing tlie intent of the party committing tlie grievance. Whenever the injury complained of has been inflicted maliciously or wantonly and with circumstances of contumely or Indignity, tlie jury aie not limited to the as-ertalnmw^ or a simple compensation for the wrong comtiMlted against t lie ag grieved party. Rut the m di -e spoken of Is n >t merely the doing of an unlawful act. 'I lie intent of the part j' committing the wrong should be considered, find evidence as to such be given They could not in Hi is case, without going beyond the law, give a verdict for exemplary damages. He would a -tune that, they gave tlie verdict as for compensatory damages, anu he would di-eu-s the case as if that was done. In arriving at the measure of damage* he had to consider it in comparison with; other cases. He noted several eases in which ver-i diets for ?400 and upwards were set a-id '. These j w< re criminal cases# but were pertinent, for they were on charges of crime and not for contempt. Tin ti there was a numiwr of cases ot arrests by military authority, and he noted the cases of Johnson agt. Hamilton, in tlie war of 1812, and Mct'al' a;:t. McDowell, In ilie late war. 11'again referred to the case of Beekwith agt. Bean, in whli h tlie plaintiff was imprisoned in the state prison for six months, In which plaintiff obtained a verdict for $15,000, the highest | which had been brought to his attention. The arrest of th plaintiff was a sort of friendly Invitation, and the plaintiff was not treated anything like as b id as was Beckwltli. In the light of all precedent he had come to the conclusion that the verdict was exeessive. and he felt it his duty to set it a-ide and award a new trial. He had been in hopes when the trial was commenced that such a verdict would be found as would stand. Had they found for iio.oco to *20,000 or more he would have allowed it to stand, although he would regard it as excessive. Mr. Totten sai l that they would like an early trial, and asked that some day be named. Judge Cox suggested that .fudge MacArthur was holding t his term, and he should be consulted. Mr. 'lotten said that Mr. Thompson was now sick, and it was Imperative that they should have an early trial. what mr. eii.focrn pays. "To use the language of tlie prize-ring." observed Mr. Klibourn to a Star reporter as he was leaving the court room, ''we aregcttlngour third wind, and will coine up from our corner smiling." "Are you discouraged?-' asked tlie reporter. "No," said Mr. Klibourn. "We will fight on and go ahead flight away. Mr. Thompson, however.may die, and then we will have no other recourse. I hope Mr. Thompson will have a long and happy life." "You cannot sue the warden or Uie Jail or any other person."' "No." said Mr. Klibourn, "we have no case against anyone but Mr. Thompson, as I understand it. Tills trial by jury seems to be another fiction of the law. I always supposed that juries were Judge- yf t he fact, and that trial by jury was part ol our Judicial system." what his col'nsfl say. "Your client is not discouraged," remarked a Stak reporter to Mr. Enoch Totten, one of Mr. Kiibourn's counsel. "I am not discouraged, either," said Mr. Totten. "I want a new trial." , "iv> you think you will get a bigger verdict?" asked the reporter. "I think," said Mr. Totten, "that we will get mor<? than fl50,0ii0 next time." TI!L NPEAKEKSniP CAA'VASS. i But Few >"e*v Arrivals* tue candidates' headquarters. i I Since yesterday less than a dozen members of j : Congress, all told, have arrived In the cltv. Hence,! It is plain to be seen that there is not activity as , yet In the Speakership contest. Mr. Springer, of , Illinois, came In this morning and quartered himself at the National. A Star reporter made several ineffectual attempts to see him. The Illinois candidate was traced to his j room, but could not be interviewed. He . was dressing, so the word came forth, and would not be visible until "this evening." Mr. Springer's 1 candidacy is not regarded by the public generally, including tlie members of Congress now here, as ' anything very serious, but he may have grounds ; for his race that others are not aware af. Mr. Morrison, of Illinois, one of tiie strongest men of tlie 1 delegation, is ojienly claimed for Carlisle. It Is said : lie pledged himself to Carlisle before Springer en- < tered the race. .Mr. Springer may have some | chance as a dark horse, out at present even that < prospect is very remote. 1 the fight not yet begun. Mr. Randall did not arrive to-day. He Is not expeeted now until Monday, when his headquarters , at the Ebbitt will be opened. He will personally i direct his own canvass. Randall has secured the i same parlors at the Ebbitt that Speaker Keifer oc- ! cupled In Ills canvass. Mr. Carlisle's parlors at the , Metropolitan will also be opened Monday morning. 1 The fact is that the canvass Is scarcely regarded as i seriously begun here yet. By the middle of next ' week the most trusty workers of the several candl- ( dates will all be here, and then things will begin to ' < stir. t general lk fevre's fight. A Star reporter saw Gen. Le Fevre to-day and asked for his views on the Speakership. "Oh," said < he, "I've got one fight on hand, and that is suffl- i clent Just now. I am here in the Interest of my old i friend and companion Leedom for sergeant-at-arms. $ He ftill have the votes of three-fourths of the Ohio h democratic delegation and of nine-tenths of the 1 caucus. As to the Speakership 1 have nothing to say yet." The Stevens School Building'* i CONFLICTING STATEMENTS AS TO ITS SAFETT. t rublished statements In relation to the condition ' of the Stevens school building, on 22d street, are [ thought by the District authorities to be somewhat i exaggerated. The inspector of buildings is wait- < lng to get the report of the last meeting of the * school board, when he will make an official report e as to the condition of that budding, covering all 0 that has been said by Mr. Brooks. He states that ? after Mr. Brooks' letter was received by him Mr. 1( Brooks called upon him In his office and stated that n he wanted the front steps strengthened, as they j were weak from rot, but he did not want them re- i newed, as they wanted to get a new school build- J tog on that site, and by having them rebuilt It j might operate against procuring a new school ? building. Mr. Entwlsle states that he knows per- t fectly well the condition of the house, and, aside r from the front steps, the condition is very little ? changed from what It was five years ago. J Marriage Licenses. ?Marriage licenses have been Issued by the clerk of the court to Chas. K. Gallo- I her and Jennie Founce; Henry T. Miller and Mattle a E. Bush; Harry Fleming, of Algiers, La., and Susie I 9. J. L. Martyne, of Baltimore, Md.; Stephen V. t Harper and Susan A. Carty, both of Washington 1 county, Md.; Michael E. Hogan, of Brooklyn, N. Y.t t and Catherine E. Flaherty; Stephen RoUo and Mol- 1 Ue Vanatta. I * -i SOCIAL AND PERSONAL. The reception to be plven by the Metropolitan Club on the 2Stli will not be at all ostentatious Three Invitations will be left at tin disposal of e u li member, and there will probably i?e sl\ hundred or el-jiit hundred person? present. Then* will be 1 music, ami ten, lees and the u?ual light ritiv^liments will lx' served. (ien. George A. lU?ke, n-]io has^entcd his he-isr. 1312 N stp-et, to Senator Gorman, lias serun?d , apartments at the Kbbltt for himself and wife and ' the Mi?os Wood. Mrs. Blakes daughters They Ml! boat the Kbbltt during the in<>nthof l*vem- j l>er. f?nJ will then go to Florida lor the rest ol the | winter. Miss Laura Speor, of Athens. On., a sister of e\Representath c Speer. who is now voting in Vw York. i> e.\|*vted to visit lo \lsit friends iu this < Ity in about .1 week. | Mrs. Callioun and Miss liolcn Calhoun, of tM* 'liy, nre Nlsitbi? friends In rhll id'ipiili. ?h"n' | th<?y win probably remain until about the last of; this month. Gen. Jaines Oakes, wife and daughter have taken a hand-^ome set of apartments at the Ebbltl House, aud will arrive liojefor lite winter on December W. Miss Oakes Is a ix'.uitltul youtic lady and qubepopular In soclety, the f unllv having wintered here for a number or >ears. Four wlnteis ago they had a flue residence and euurudned hatidsoui'ly. Col. Jerome Napoleon Bonapirte's eldest daughter will make her debut In Washington so< My ea: ly this season, at a brilliant entertainment to be gh en by her father in honor of the event. Another debutante will be Miss suslc Brown, the army paymaster's pretty daughter. Ex-Secretary Wludom Is lu Parts, where he otpeets to remain with his family for some time, ills daughters are at school at Neullly. near Parts, where a daughter of secretary Cameron, of l'cnnsylvanla, is also entered Gen. Charles G. Saw telle, of New York, has located at STCl lilllyer avenue. Representative Money and wife and their daughter. Miss Maud Money, will be at the Metropolitan : this winter. Representntlve Ermentrout has taken quarters :il the I'.bbli t and v 11! arrive in thecltj on Monday, the l'Jth. Mrs. Ermentrout Is popular hi society here, and It Is hoped by her many friends that she will lie with her husband here this winter. General and Mis. Grant were entertained at dinner list week by Judge and Mrs. John It. Dillon, of New York. Miss Gwynn, of this city, was ei.tert iln^d on Frl- , day evening, of last week, by Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lockwood. at t lie Palermo hi New ^?>rk. After tierec eption, whleh lasted from eight to ten, a del.ghtful sup;?er was served. Mrs. l. \V. Simons, of Charleston, and her widowed d (lighter, Mrs. James <?. Porter, will spend the winter at lull New York avenue. | Secretary Chandler was entertained by Commodore I.uee. on b>urd the New Hampshire, at Newport, last Tuesday. Paymaster Mansfield, who Ins been ordered to duty with the U. s. fish commission in place of Pay master Heed, ordered to New York, lias secured rooms at the Ebbltl for himself and wife, i hey have spent several winters in \\ asblugtou, and take an active part in social affairs. M. F. G. Rogers, of New York, has; moved into his house, No. S2J Vermont avenue. The N. 11. C. met last evening, at the residence of Miss Lucy LUley, on M street, and the occasion was a most enjoyable one. Among t hose present were Mr. Ernest S holier, Mr. Oliver Dai roll. Miss Nellie Egerton. Mr. Rob rt Miller. Vl-s Whiting, Mr. Kondrup, Miss Venle Hryan, Sir. Eugene carusl, Miss Lulu Bryan, Mr. R. !?. Joyce, Miss Horsey, Mr. Ilubbell. Miss Mamie MoF.ills, Mr J. M. Mills, Mlsssallie Clark, Mr. Ernest May, Miss Katie smith, Mr. Arthur Mav, Miss Mollie Smith. Mr. Hlgglns Miss Maud Noyes, Mr. Fred. Smith, Miss Allle Wlddlconib, Mr. Allle Wiiittington Miss Jessie Joyce, Mr. Chas. Mecook and Mr. J. R. Lit tell. Miss Llda Miller, daughter of Justice Miller, has returned from Omaha, w here she has ben v isltlng friends. Her return Is a source of great Pleasure to her many friends, particularly In musical circles. Mr. and Mrs. W. T. illldrup have returned to the city from their summer lcnlge in Pennsylvania, and are again at their pleasant residence on Iowa Circle lor the winter. Mrs. Illldrup s friends will lie glad to know that her health lias greatly improved. I)r. Brown, of the navy, left on Monday for Detroit, where he will remain for some time. Mrs. Brown is visiting friends lu Lancaster, Pa., but will return here for the winter. Col. Leiber has been called to Newport by the serious Illness of his mother. Mr. J. 11. Bryant, from the Sponcerlan Business College of Cleveland, will l>e ad.led to the faculty of the Spencerlan college lu Washington on Monday next. The Washington Blue Anchor Association, a branch of the Woman's Nat ion tl Relief Association, which Is com j wised of prominent society la lies of Washington, with Mrs. Justice Miller as nresi lent, has arranged to give a concert for the lienolU of the llle saving ser\iee, which is the special charge of the association. Mrs. Stewart has offered the use of her magniiioent ball room for the occasion, and the concert will be given at "Stewart Castle ' on llie 12th of December. Dr. H. A. Robbins, after an absence of ten years, a large part of which time has lieen spent In the hospitals of London, Berlin and Vienna, lias returned to Washington, and will reside here permanently hereafter. At yesterday's session of the National Academy of Sciences, lu New Haven, Conn., J. W. Powell, of tills city, read a paper on "Marriage Institutions lu Tribal Society." Mr. and Mrs. Z. C. Robbins are located for the winter at Oog 14th street northwest. Mr. James T. Du Bois, t lie newly appointed U. S. consul at Lcipsic, letl for his post of duly yesterday. Among the mourners at the funeral of the late Dr. J. Marion Sims in New York yesterday wen- the following Washingtoiiians: Mrs. Storrs, Mrs. Caston and Judge Maekey, the latter a cousin of Dr. Sims. Representative Iloi&nn lias taken the residence of Mr. Fish, 1440 Massaehusetts avenue. He is quite wealthy, and it is said that he will entertain handsomely this winter. ? ? Dislrirt ^ovcrnini'iit Ifiairs. TUK OOUSWEIX toUNTAINS. The District Commissioners have addn'ssed a letter to Dr. H. D. Cogswell, Ban Francisco, C&L, stating that "after considerable delay the plans and drawings of the stone structure for tlie foun- I lain to be donated by you to Washington eity hive been receiv.-d .in<lexamined by tiie, ! and I am instructed to say ihat It is found, with i regret, that the same objection is in the way of its j acceptance that was made to the bronze fount ain, i Plz; it is quite too large for the places where tountains arc most needed in this city. The Commis- t -loners regret that this consideration Is likely to lefeat your benevolent purpose, a result they will /ladlv co-ojierate to prevent if you think favorably >f t lieir previous suggest ions for one or more Louutalus of artistic design." STREET IM1'RO VEMENTR. The communication of Messrs. Wm. M. Gait, Jas. [). Clephane et aL, In relation to continued improvements on Indiana avenue and C stnvt,to which reference has already lieen made in The star, was referred to Capt. tireene, of the engineer department, who Indorses upon It as follows: "This work aas not been overlooked. The plans for carrying he Improvement already begun west of 3d stn*et Lo 1st street have been made, but the work lias been postponed In favor of other work more pressing, there Is no prospect of Its being done in the next d^hteen months, the estimates for work to June JO. 18S5, having been submitted to Congress, and .his not among them." Bt'II-UlNG PERMITS. Building permits have b<vn Issued by Tn??pector Entwlsle as follows: R. C. Hewitt, erect a storeroom >n alley between 6th and 7th and M and N streets lorthwest; $1,000. Wm Howard, erect a brlek prl ate stable on Potomac 'street. West Washington; ?00 Jos. Williams, repair bricks in rear of 13>U N street n. e.; fioo. W. T. Downey, erect a store ooin, 10^7 E street n.w.; $1,400. Our 'War Vetwelw in China# Rear Admiral Crosby reports to the Navy departdent, under date of \ okohama, Japan, October J2, hat affairs at Canton are quiet, and foreigners low feel comparatively secure. The Palos arilvcd it Canton on the 27th of September, and he Juniata arrived at Canton on the 6th of October, n case her presence was no longer necessary at ,'anton she was to proceed to Formosa and search or the four American sailors lost on that coast. The ssex was at Nagasaki undergoing repairs to her nglne. The Monocacy was ordered to N agasakl in rder that the transfers might be made upon the nival of the Pensacola. The Pensacola was to eave Hong Kong for Nagasaki on the 23d October. The Enterprise reported on the station at Ilong long October 9th, and was dispatched to ShangiaL where she arrived on the 18th. It was otended to send her to Chefoo to take on board ion. John Russell Young, minister to China, to aake his Intended tour around the Chinese ports, iut ne telegraphed that he had postponed his trip intll next spring. The Enterprise would remain at ihanghal for the present The Richmond was to eave Yokohama for Nagasaki, October &>ih. The Hscotkkt of Stoles Goods.?Yesterday )etectlve Mattlngly recovered a green silk ir ^ and i quantity of silver-plated ware stolen by James Ilgby from Mrs. Wllgut, Pennsylvania avenue, beween 14th and 15th street& Hlgby confessed to fr. Matungly yesterday that a Quantity of fine ableware. worth $14, which he had stolen from ira. Bradford, bad been sold bj Him M Smith's lawa shop, I _______ V Telegrams to The Star. DANVILLE EIOT INVESTIGATE*, A FREIGHT DEPOT BPRIVED. THE TRIAL OF CAREY'S SLATER. A 81TT INVOLVING f 1,500,000. The nnnvillr, Vn,, ltiof. IWF-?TIli ITION HY TltK ( IT!7VS<' I M I JTH. I)?V\ Il.l.E, \ ( ,\nV. 1. I'llf ComiuITlc. of lOVr npi?otnt?d at tlie meeting of < in/en-. th.? tenth Iti^ iat held a meeting t'..i- hi 'iiiiiic, m whi. h it, 'PI1* red, t hat twenty Wltiu ss#> tl.i?l tui'Ti e y a 111h"-d. -in ^ t?'-t .i ; 1 y 1 ?f t?vu ti . >v<Ttiur about torty \ :<?< > of legal cap paper. ThecomuilTtee has lux |;, 'l .ill p. 'sons iving Informal I I i.u the disturbances (.Ji III - i, ,nl itot.tut and t!i?- . ndU<t Of the \\ llitC 1KN>I> If !> fl>Ull date t ! e close oltl>?d j of (If ' i lis t >'11 to give their u.euy. Main witness. > .?;i' yet to l?c ci tmin'xL toK-i^n \iinir*. M. T>F f f'S<FP< i?\ v v p st*T\7' f* V 4T? LiVfcur.HM . Nov. ir I:i f ?1, . t ".i :n the Town li Vl vest. >1. \ m . ,1 p. , . ?|tl, t >< ? otid i an ij tor- -s 11, 1* i,,oiMi,v.. iM only b< ?<i.-t 1 i.'ti ,1 iitor^si !, j;. |t?-. !ii < ,\|tha lib r.Ll lu;;r,'il? lliU HI,, _ 1.1 | J,, ^1 r. ':..f j <?ne of the 1 ana Is t . 1* )>. uv -1 for -Lips bo-jn?l i.(_ ,lU,j .1 1 . rl,r - . jw n*furntt>>" fr ! the i;.-d v.i. I lils, was ttu only snitrv .n ot th' present difficulty. Hi .vj.o m, ,|,> 1 nrsi ran 1 I'lcp.ire.l t.t l Ik.- til" se. He WMM Mflf to imvt tt" v:? \vs f >ir, i . but It ?. fit , I p.iv>jliU- to ,}f. so in a ^.mt that w lid tin vei l- 1 . IUC shart-hoM-m t 1 rw?'B*ni k ro-i 1 nkmkvtoi o'i ewrtr- T'tvt i.osuov. v 1; -It |,j i , , n 1: .for <? I?otiii?'H, for tj. n,'ir.!' t . ? ,ir. \. w N m :ter po>: j?,ti. ,|. j.,,. , o'i'.'-*. ' r Mil'd . 1.. u tuolo tut .? pr if- t' M|- < \- ? , in ofn Hon . HV 1, A! ) .? v, . a',\ ?-oii|t oil Hit;r-.l v., - .1- . I\ . ,1. lu.iv i.ot !? jL; to a,'j . it i ;u t t i tL TI1K H*K * K I HSU . P OP H I%| ; JM| l,ONn^N, Nov. li . Ii* I' I .\ , 1 \ ~ it nMx.ti tl. bfl|. vi* lliat Sj> or t ..r n-1 It1lii| from UiV *. !!; > .,t t I. ^ ut.iti^ . ! I in- Ii' \tS.-SMOH of parii..iifut. at. ! (Iiat v.t u?-aryi?ae^ M. 1lur 1 auniuti, lb s|"n .k,-ii oi a> liis ~. r. I'rt'ittlit mill 4 ars ICi rii<-d. JRKSFV Otrv. x .t . x-"V 17 A r,|. r rlvtliw nioruiiiL' <I?-m tlio ii. t >it t|. pot f tt. i.-tin 1 lilltoadof N? w ,1. inv. t; .. .>t!i.-r vM'li I \ . |o nbnl, aild a i|ii:.iittty of ti;t- . ] I a. "ifivlKlit 'Iln" lu^will |-i.'bab.\ In; lu tln-\. lul:v or fi50,too. * An liiri'iiilii.r) S ir*-. V iri-;ov. Ink . Nov 1; \t. -? >. Ktrc x rT * tl.j'ir mlii w as bin;, t, i nddnij.t ; -t 1 v ,? lo b ?. i- Htvd Iw ttSgNM. in.-in. w.iv ?i,o w ik 01 .11 lti.-? !idiary. 'llit-ri- wa> ui> w in.- .n OU tlK* JMViUl.-ji-S. 'B !s?- I !> !'!?1 l{ttrs'i<-a, rttoi-.'SFK vkiuaii?in* i t xt t en v. T.onjion. Nov. 1? Tli<* V. a ,., j' r i- us tVat tin- {fin.-Miuioiit t l I'liltia Ii \It. ; m u'.!-- ! .1 a n adlaoss 10 u-i .-pt Eutfiisk DMllxtinn ttons at Issu.-with V.-nu > V. l'.-rr;, | rl-n fiitiig. t?-r and ai'lltiK iiilub't-i of iU.ut>..r IY..;i.?, li.'te tiotlfl-il M. \N . 1.1.1111 llT ? ... t ... 1-1,-ti.ii ;. t:,b 1 > 1I dot to Kiijjlarid. 01 hK I .t--ti*lou t-. t. !,.! ! ^Iiorily of llio i- )ndli i: - :: wlu h I r. .u. W.U be disposed to ar. ej?t ii" 11 u. A liravr "toti'r r v<-ut?-nr?-tl. STR M't'SK. N. ^ No\ 1? 'III.ittis. , tlf I'o'il. Ius ?tave ri?bt?or, ??> ?*tit?-uv.-d to t. -. 1 r \ u-s ,d sl\ III*.lit in -t > |?n-0:1. Ilia !??-Vi UtoiVd l r a new til j.L Hodi.K Ui^ltcd tstton-. fiKtvn Uirii.s, Mi. it, N, a 1? \ sp--, j.j * p it. h In :n si :t'. ii to t;i>- l" .. i, <. ivs ?lie 1 miles of .! ,lir, Kll,_-t.?li. '.i.a- .! I,a P. ibbpt. m. wart CliMies Kurtts or Itiiu 1 , ti i, Q ? liarles Sinitli. of I'lijt de> k Im' .ls. w< re ^ i.slinl ashore y. ? :d..y iit -riio .ul0 n - te nh "f Sotuh Il.?\? ii. 11, b.-ohs and i.j -iol ihw Akeii'i in a Wfodeu cjm' ..i -o i .am ,i-'i rc. The TOc(;?-oi !i C.nrd t aili.ri . A sriT INVOLVING }1 ul. Mn watkkk. V.'is., Nov. 1? <u:ti:i: t. It - b-en m.-'ilntlie si? ri?r sori;.-e bv !?.tiii?-l \\ s. ir.. In a suit to. oiniH l Mr. M. ?.>- : Ii toa. i <mrit i rti. >ney ItivoH.-d it* ii;.- -.-t ' |. ii; - m . 'i th<*. .'1* br. ! I ^1 i *. >i ll lard failure a f -w months sin > N' t pi, -rs hive b- t-nlll d by \\.-|;s,bnt \|. i.e., li'^'i .*n Isiiti l.-rsi tnd 1li. ti.iiun of t he? harKt-s to be tn.i I--, ?\ lil' U, u is satd, will b?-to the ? fT.>. t that \\. : I. p ild a greater sum than hi-; sh tie t waid !!; < ttl-ment, ..til tliey make reply 11. t M.<... li \\ ill lunuodl.itciv biln^ suit \S .-H.> in ret m n. dl.-iriiij that a oT.-.tbr .sum Wis |.il by M -h. an<l asking that the settleut?- it uli- ,.dy mad<- l>e annulled an.I 15n- wlf >le i., -m. r< !* :! d. 'l ne ,auc aht iii\ulved lb {1,500,000. The \tt<nipt tv> Kill *liiiist?-r Tcrrj". MKDIl-AI. KXAUtNATION *.F VOf.VU CTttRIFV l'AKl-1, Nov. l?. The ph\-I. iatis Wholiave ox an? lne.1 yoiiiijfCurn. il, wlio. n.j. ivored to -ii .( I'ume Vlnister l .-rry j-. -,t. rda\-. st .ite that h? i --iffei n.* from fUeeffii t,of i nv :it :,l'u. k of t\j hub fever. He does n< t belong to any m.u. id-t so- i :y. Ex-Seiiaior A>odf;e Dtingi-rcitiil) III. Itt'Ki.tNOTON, I a., Nov. i? -i ;eu. a. Li>d,'?\ formerly a niltilsi- r to Spain, and??tn-?* u. n.. mlier 01 the U. S. S'nate, is d ui.;. ; ' 'isl.v ILL Tl??* Marlii in, IIALTIMOIIF: V v. IT Virvmii six*"*42. ^oJtdited, 4->. 11.1 w-n.-s.:??. |>a?d <la j. 4 *.. ti- w t.-n1 rti -s. 1, \ iivinia ikav tlir M1., N :!!i Varolliis six-s. old. le7'%. bid to-d:i\. ll\I,lIM(i|ih. N. v 17 i" it 'ii dull? mid llinjr T>u Flour firm and uii-'int.r d Uli *. ~s..utl > r -Midv. j "*-'''r'i l-'ft.r ii. ! aciiv. . . ' 1 w.-:.k . ? >it!i -rn i 'l! | 11-in I 1 > do ami xt. 1 I ,il 17. V. 1 M rvU 1 I 1 ii ask.-d. N.?. i w. M.-rn v.-.t-.t.-r |. I. -t. I ?Ul t>:\ j N. V. fib I-. 1 (i. !.: I. II. ?T. 1 ..1 . -latin . \ 1.1U VI 11: l'.l.:u:.ij. Ili^lli, i\.ru :tl.. s.-aiw ind hifrlf r. \\ st?-ru >;i-i and 11. ir|. t ,1 *>>utli.tii white, t'o.i"i. n> w. oii.-'ii d>> j w ?o I" W. .V..I. s. v.M.'in II ... ,1. .a. .ri7a'.7\ I> < inlx-r.' .".-\i-.7> . V'-'U-. and t:?t;"jary > ***& + -'.ain'T, ? .4 tntti-ad i Boiitliem. 3V&41. u i4iiii tliite, SaW; do. |.|ix, d. :i7u:iS. |Vni;>\I\ :',u, :{7?4<l Kv.'.i 1. -t li.'.al'H Hay dull aiul without . Ii:.: - . Pn'^si.-iis '^t. a.^> mid l-.ii.-t Hum. r ti: -i: ?... m | I. lo. -.t . r-arn.-rv 2. a t:i. l.,.'.-s tiriu. _* ??:.??. 1 kl- .l .bill, -j.-tj i | . .".! i< 111 J 1 uiif.i.tii-'-1. < ii. . Ki,, rarjm t-iil.iiiiiy t.. Ia:r. IlVal'JVg. Sti?r?r <bdl \ s- tt xv. eol M-r 1vti11.1l nii' t. H v ^ hi '. .< i\ I 1 >j. 1 is , j-p ik t.ts to Ijv. i|v>. I |w*r tt<?UH-i- iiui'lmiunl. li-. r..<ir, I ..1 barr. 1-. wheat, S.' ' ?i I u?!. !s e. ra, 4 "i> l asli?aitr>. 2,0ml bu-h. lt-, >. 1..1 .. sl.ij-i... ntt?_ none. Salee-'.vhufti. bor.iAW Lutlitlc. c< .a, l?.'**' bushels. I>r. 11 liit?-*? ( at Morj-. A FEI.IS'E WAMUKKiS IS TUB WIUiKITNrSP?TUB PKKstbrKNcv at the iH>xcsnc insiinci in tun CAT. I>r. C. A. White, Of the N itlnnal Mu-eunri. told a Cat st<.ry before tLe p. lo^l 1! lety last nl_lit,or, to employ the more formal laii^ai ifre ot s. l.-ritltlc j^.r.!.<: ,ii/s, ma a \. rb il e> in ;i.inle.itIon eoneernlng the jiersi-t. ney of th. >1 .ni"stle lnstln.-t In the cat It was a narrative of an experience 1 lie 4oct?<r had with a eat wldl^en^a^-d last suinm.-r with a p irty of the rnlt.-d st ites^e..h. i.-.d made a trip on tie Mis-mi:-j rlv.-rin ,>ti 1 :>eri b? . t from Fori Benuri to tlsinar.-k, a distab.-e of l,0io miles. More 1111 ti fiu) l i 1?of this journey lay through a wilil.-rt.ess utibli.vvd by a ulti-'Je post n^iee or eross-io d-Lrroe? ry. 11 w.i's In the inldst of this solitud'- liiat tlf parly found it of these cauipln? plaees a <at a r-iiiiuoti dome-fj.- ,-,tf wiiieh made b-ell faiubiar with tii. in almost from the first, U'lien th?' party prepan-d to leave th?- pi !< e, they put the e. i ashore, b- it t in nlon^ t ! If e ii, following 1 he li ' it, iijev. ,i plaltiMvi'ly, ae I .a-ivl as plainly as a eat e.m ' . to be put alaitrd. I'll.-IlleiillKTSCf p I t - . u.| nut resist this appeal to pity, at, 1 t-n 11 1 r iflKiat to the shore, when ti|M.u the eat it.un. hat.-lv pimped aboard. For the p.-xt hundred mile ,of thej iiiri . y t he eat was ihelr companion, i he cat was ehrlsten.d .lerry, his s?-k and the eoiivi nl.-nt brevity of tin* name bein^ th" two chief re.isims for choosliig that name. The members of the party tiecanie v? ry mueh att a.-licd to4< iTy. They were ? -p<-el?lly pleased v.lthhis neatness ,-nd e\id--nt ^o>Hi bre?dlnij. Ills li.nilts, l'r. \\ lilte said, w.-n- those of the most orderly and well-b.-h iveddome^t|.*eat Jerry s almost sup?-r:.-IItie lntelii/ene.- won for him ^rent resjKi-t, and the patty would have brought him on to Washington if they could li ive easily providod for his trans|Virtat ion. l'i?on n-aehltig' Fort Peck they found th-re a youn^ man in cliarge of a store, who was the onlv white |n-rson they met there, iv-siiious of providing a hume for Jerry, they prevalh-d upon this young man to take charge of bun. Mueh to the surprise of all, when Jerry was brought forward to be Introduced to 1 Is new guardian, the young man at once recotrni/'-d lilin as a eat that had belonged to him. Jerry h id gonea year bi-rore a hundred miles away with a party of Buffalo hunters to the place where Dr. white's party found him. Jerry had l?ecn left there when the huniersreturned to civilization. He hud, it appears, remained during the year in that vicinity, hunt In? his food aioiio. inning his long stay lu that wild country, cut off altogether from the society or human beings,he lb?l lost none of ids douvstlc Instincts. His pleasure upon meeting once again with bljifds was manifest, and he evinced an astounding readiness u> return to civilization and the haunts of men. The Bioloirti.'al Society last nltrht elected Me^rs. Ijouls Phillips and Kornyn Hitchcock to membership. Piot. Lester F. Ward read a paper ou ' Mesozolc Hicotyledong." Mr. C. b. Waleott exhlliIted a collection of fresh-water shells from the lower carboniferous formation. Mr. F. w. True exldbited a sjiei-hnen of a sja'ciesof seal, and l?r. Toner exhibited a specimen of the iwmc^uaiate grown In Washington county, Va. Trrek Ladt Clerks i* a PiLKmra.?Thl? mor lng three of the lady employes were in the elev. - of the IV)st Office department coming down f:e . the upper story. The bor allowed the elevator t run too fast, and it was thrown out of gear : 1 hung midway between the second and third The machinery could only Ik- gotten In plan-1 moving the load, and the problem?which v. cus.sed by an ever-increasing crowd of cl-: l others?was how to get the women out A ,ladder was finally brought and t v. u of 1 i crawling out ot the lower part of t cended to the floor In s let v. 1 ne 1: . 1 fused to tru^t hers .f to the 1 .d- ' '? . . . it was en'-.* after CoL Burnsldc had gallantly climb-d li to t'. > elevator and offend id- aid ihit she und.-ri n. ih?> descent Theciev itor was Uten round to be re-1lngoclts safety su^poru, afitt was bet ruiii.l:^ again at onoa