Newspaper Page Text
local mention. The Urntl!pr> fetch- rr thk chief sip.nat Officer, > w j?shim;w<, d. c., IH'f.iss:i, ?.m.f Frr New Kn_-i?n<| and rlw middle Atlantic states, e. lil* r r?ir weather diminishing norihwesterly winds, rising h:.r< ?i "tf-r followed on Tuesday by Vl r *>"1' ' '*? rising temperature and southerly j HKCIAI. KIM ETIN ?FAIR WEA1T1ER WITH RISING j TEM PEKATl'KE J'k-MORROTV. Fjilr wentli? r with ti i ivr ieiiij* rature Islndlcated t' ' ;k- mild!' A* Untie and New England States on "1 ?i? ^aav. Overcoats 110. Ei-'-mnn Bros., cor. 7!h and E. Fstafi isnKn ixv.?c. Eiigei's sons. dealers In all kinds < ? vf3'> : ai?!<-s : :??: fruiis. Fre^h cucumbers, lou-hr. on;-. hurr ar:it'ii.>k*'s. water cress an 1 Piste. i? truce j. ived i'r.iinpt attention given to orders k; mall. Everything nrst-clasai races ! svssmm 1 NarkPtinx delivered free of ebarge. c. I JLngei'- s. is N<.% .> -?. .> , r?yt? and ivi Center and ? 2?? and C7 o?trret markets. To order. "pants Els ui iti Bro-%, oor. Ttli and E. ; Do Not K* deceived; as!, for and tike only B. IT. nglassJ Soas'< apstcum Cough DropH for coughs, t< and sore throats. D. s. and irademata on tvtrv drop. Yo ? >rde:;. *-2~> *?i!? % K - vn m Br >5. cor. 7th an 1 E I'T .-.-r i.i.'s 1 t ream an I Charlotte Kit ?. S-,s, carls at J. Jay (e'U'.d's. To ' ?ki>er, pant % His 111 .n Bro$.,cor. 7th"and E. } Ir vor want t-.s\. frem ?."?to ?1rt on you.- Bruswk> or Two-llj t'arpKt, examine our stock. Prices j ?tl ??i all crad % Fioor oh < ; 1U-. low-juii's, , J t n:?-y|\. nia aveaiit.--e'ii .stie. ? ? OiimdiisINi Bs man Ffo&, cor. TUt andXL ion: ; < r? Bovs" \* inter m'lts. "7 ce;:ts. 50 feats Ladies' Cloaking cloths, (LSU, #i.;:?,' ; 111 k < let!:-. i r oa'. s saa Wis. i'oliii.inS, . oi '.Ts. Pre-he-haw Is. >S. ^{??. Jr.', fl 1. SLS. !- Kn-Tii^h dr'~s "''xt i-;. ni cents, form's, ivun } Ivanu avpnue. > mtit To "r i -K. f-i") s'dttE'.-,ca? ?n Brtiii., cor. 7lh and tl. Ft KFO'.d Kyo and Bour'iH.n Wi.i-kl nii-1 a fine ' a.-- rMii" d id d j'ni'ls. j;;s. Thari?, sis F si. l that t. Fo^'eifvl ojn ra I'Li.-s s, Heiufders, 1VJ Pa. av. CITY AXI> DISTRICT. Amn?euient>?, Ac., I'o-niplit. Four's < >pk!; \ Hoi se.?Duff s Oot*ra company In ' Sieart and Hand. >: xtionat. TiiEATEit?Macule Mitchell In "Pearl l>f Savoy." 'I eater Comiqve. ? saeil) iker's Majestic ton- ! fct-lltiation. ln-.!K >h>ei m.?New curiosities and v. riety i;erleniian.e. foii'lt'iist'il B.orals. stree' lamps will b--lighted at 3.10 p. m. and ex-! tlngulshed at 5 a. ?i. M. .Mayhcw,g:-and reporter. Knights of Honor, ! 011 ; staff of N' w ,n ;s?'y, and Mrs. Anna M. Mavhew. supreme reprosent;dlve. Knights and Ladles of lloia>r. are in the city.and will visit t'olunibia J.o.!ire. N'.?. ooit, Knights and Ladles of Honor, Tuesday \ nine. lohn Boston alios John Watkins. colored, who av. s arre-te<1 in New York satunl iy on suspicion of being the mmderer of 1'iio. u- I'aullin, of orange. N..L. !ainis : > na\" !ivi-d in \\ ashiuglou. wla-ii?,"iie he was a hotel waiter, and to have relatives l;\!nj; Lere. Vr: Bright. ^ rgerint-at-Arii.s of the Senate wis sii^iit iy injured > iturday evening "?>\ iving thro-.; n in 1:s a llerilic call at tiie eoric i ol l<t ;7n,l K:i-t i':i|iitoi streets. The call collided wit u a ear on the Metropolitan line, and one 01 Us wheels was broken oh. \t ?!. monthly meeting of the Wishing- ! ten Na-n^'eriiund last night it was rescued to l,o?d a e.jrj;i*al session on mesdsy nisrht, F.-hruarv i;?ii. the :irt..n<.-m' nt- fo;- wnich wen entrusted to the 1>: "si?: nt. Mr. I'atll ScUuh/e. At a n:eel?T;g of Anchor I.o,|ge. T. o. o. T.. at their hall, comer of 9th and F streets, Saturday night, eleven new member* v. t ; ?' ! .-t-'il. >!? ndiefs id the urand I <urge of Virgi'ul? were pr.-sent. and a liuMcii! an 1 literary program foJiov.* i ihehusli; -ss liifH'tlrsg. ' lie i :r.eral or Mr. Paul Kraff. a life-long re-!?1< .' f i. 1st Washington, i,?piac. >esterday af- ! ti rn a from Id- 1 ?te home. No. in 1 Fstreel north- j t 1. Tiie remains wer?* iireritd at the c'ongresti<-i'.-i. m.trry. \: a ue t tl!?_ of Tlie Genaan club Saturday the ! #' ;! ?w jt:_r eoiiiin t t?'es were anp iu?etl to arrange ' fe,-;? . r; inulg l>r. Edward lasK< r, the di>JlnK-iisin l l:i,cral ie.ider of the i.erin in p :rilament. 11; in his vi - It toth'sclty: on a; raiigene nts?Me-s-rs. Fa'il Sehuli '<'. A. i-'ischer and i .'.'ii Haverstine; on ri ,'T on 1 *. \\ d;. chairman, Messrs. ?VI;'li < . l_ Schade and Hon. Lorenzo Brentano. ! I -T :!'.;ngt'?n s-jcis the Mijerb Christmas num- i 1). rot ti; London News. i j ! 1:t King, Ji.islah Matthew^. E>lw'd Brooks ?'d ileh?vea Ft^ndexter. colored, Mary Jartooe and Kate Oo>Mn were lined each by Judge ijnvU toCL< v for brea- hes of the peace. Judge ^! ?> * ti announ. -,! n,ls morning that the C:im s against all 1 rsonscharged v iiii keeping unllceiis* d dig- v.i Mid in- nolle pro-seil upon producing tin ir lleenses, thus >a\ lng them ?:}. !n the l'olice l ourt to-day Win. Bol<cil was fined ff? fur striking Inimanuei i?< i. h trd on the arm with a stone. lit Police Court tlds morning Lloyd Cliiton, was ehir<_-ed wiUi assault with Intent to ! eommit raiie, and the case was continued until to- 1 morrow. In the Police C. urt Chas. Davis and Wiseweii Wiie. l -1' plead cui!: v of st-allng a jnir of sIkn-s Imb Xom flnsiMlmer, !tft rt ii street northvest, ami Dads v., 9 sent to the reform si hoot, with tl.e(.onseiit of his faiher, and \Vhi_. ler was lined Jji?. '?< ncl?ss Cll snn. colored. w.i? fin 1 fl-i V v Judge fe II * ie ta lug, i ; assiiultlng Roll . >'ni in, and ' Ci"iit: * 1dm with ; ela.-s-'.'utter. Edv,.,r 1 an 1 ?;et<rire Folk AvereVhirir"d in the ' ! !; court morning wlih i? it?g .-uspieioiis 1 as. t;e?'?i>;e is a fugitive from th" reform h -1, and was -'Tit back, and his brother was k d down v ith him. E. .f. Mei herson has rn.ide r?n n^strnirenT to John sW">n. st of tlie Homtiipat hie pharmai'v, ?.?o* F street. f.?r tlielient fit of his creditors. '! ni;,er tin-.- ..H'i-'ty of the Me'r.ijif.lltan Tresl' ' ' u am bSnwbj school met yesterday, and ' : ' i- t- : -ling add'.-.-s wa~ dt livtred by Dr.' C. A. ' s; -! t* n. 1 A si r rok Dttokce.?Mr. B. J. DinvtUe has 1 ' i! f'! a divcree in the name f.f pose tiriflin Oflrer (Mflbk sie- states tii?r Imrmaiden v. as Ib-dgenian, that lcr llr.-i hnshand was Madison, and the last marriage took place 1 . . r i-t. i>*;. Shechircisunkind and cruel i ir-it". 'nr. ib'si-rtton a:..I aduuery, and pravsfor! absolute divorce, with custody 01 their three chit- i th* r?. pi nr* I'.Y OF STKT KT l \U B0XF?.?I.3St SatUT- j lay nigh! -e\. r a I? ir- >n tie* Belt line road were robbiil of the i->\ nM>ney and tickets at the rorner?H 3d streel and Marylaml aveniie. in the F ' '"irMIe-ni. : t ing Sau i> Ninth alias 1 lark w :s. ;,ar e-t Willi bang a i-plcloiis jn'r-.-n. a I|: ' o:i !'i"i"o 1 stated that iie had I en warned 'k 1 . f?> ; the I. \.'ts and 11 -nev 1 it 1 ?>T the b ami. while his ;" was being changed, ; < b- v\.:t iie I t'ie 1K ?x aiid .-aw the c ! - j - - < . 11 at- : ti r to rob it. iie was sent du'.ui to the farm 1 I* : da;. - la lefaolt < f 1 finds. | J ilH'ii '<!: 111 : vKtN'i.?c ilunhTis Brown w . charged in the Police t'ourl this morning wit h j ? iking In the day time. After hearing tiie t' imony of a colored porter in the boose oi Mr. ; 4 F: ' c>: :'! ?. N : |vs, vl\ mla si venue, v.'ho I saw Brown lesivlm; the hou? with stolen clothing, 1 *' A'llliams, who arrested Brown, and Mr. J.J J*. Murphy, a hoarder at Mr. Cudllp's. wlio Identl-1 t. '-'"'L.i.g ;-s hi- pro'i"rt\. ti..- risen: the c.. e to the gr.tnd jury, and bonds were Axed at ?oOQ.. V< 1 N-; onus 11 ,.\i Shame.?Saturday j r ii; Sergeant Boyle andOflicer Cornier saw two I ?' t<" 1 with mktshappe; ranc 'go into a drink- | 1 ' v'h st: '.i '.. .1 1\i.n vlvam 1 ave- 1 I. 1 Ii s;:eet. w:'ii two little _11;- about 14 y*%?ra <?:d. The act! ns the m n being, as the j ' 'is* i. 1 1-. 'Ii I wed them In .% .id-, '. I t,4,s.r 1 *;lie gl. Is liito ctlsto?ly Iim>c ) the;.; f . ''Mi pr> -iiict -ta'; ao t-e, th"if male '; : - foil \ r.s. !.! !t. Au-'.in llnding that the girls were of vespectabli psurentage, lectured I tin'in 00 the da r ? going with male adventur-1 1 Into ii t..ui :ils, n.-t afit rwai ,-deiailetl ser-j V eai.t I'd", ii- to ac- 0:111 .my tlieia iy tlicir homes on : pi: '>1 liiiL tuConiisi.tMuCFahl?ThiswQ] be the la-t w.. kor the t-.atli;: nt.d 'lids evening the : r 1 ri r i.!. i > will ? present; Tuesday, the Nation Killra tnd Nation ti Klfleeadi ts; Wednesdiy, la.- ili'^n - ! 1 .? I ;:nd i.on/aifa cadets; Thursday, the l liVia v. tan eor; .n.d I r.lon Vet. ran cadets; Friday, the Wasldn-ti n I t?'iit corps; Sat- I n:d..y. First Cotup ini of Veterans; Saturday aftcrnoi.u, chlldrLU's matin' . V.crx Sai.e.-*.- Fos* : !?. k .01 tlr.n takes p'.aee i pt Wiaiatn- auetion rih.rti. . 1 i>n >t iimIi and P?'nnMi\ iv.-nue, e\er> l'r?vate s>aies will be made Uuilng the day. Thk Contisentai i %ik.?All the military will *I-U tae fair during the pr? s, nt week; the Corcoran i 1 i' ts to-night. National Kitle-and National Kllle t'ailets t<i-morrow night. High s. h"ol and Oon/.aga ? aiiets Wednesday night. I nio 1 Veteran Corps and 1 nion Veteran Cad' ts i'huivday night, Washington light> imps I'ridaj night, and First miMii.v t?f Veterans Saturd iy night. Tie-re will Lv a children s matinee Saturday at ? o'clock. a < ..i k Fiujit.?on thanksglving Day acock fight to?>k pi a-, in Virginia, ln-ar I i?e Chain bridge, b> tw- n t apiiol liiil and So da Washington'fowls, 'l ia re w ere nine lights, the odd one Uing won by Capitol ma. 1 uk iiorai. Society. The OfvrAtlc Association and Arton Quartrtte are malting a lively oiiit<st lor the Hal!'' .v Dsn lie voted to 1 he in -t i?>pu:.:r m id'-tl society at the Continental l. :r at Masonic'Itmple. Fink baklok sfites at afction.?Messrs Dun- j can-son 'Tos., ai: tloaeers, will sseii within tin ir sj . 1- -i*s sales rooms, 'n h and l>si rceLs uorthwirst, j 00 f morrow, Tuesday morning, by order of the r e. iver. a line of parlor suits In different designs, v Inch shouid command . ho attention ot buyers. | boar Svtt; This Evenino.?A very Interesting r- 'I'l-'ion Of books will be sold at IKiwllug s aucti a : ?. :a>, corner 11th and Pennsylvania avenue, 1 tin- ? veiling, some of them :ue tinely Illustrated I nt I UiuiuL The sale will co.un. nee oromotly at' 7 o'clock. Choice Cut. Paintinos bt Resident Artists.? Tl.t- tine . >U's Mon is no.v on view at the art io< ;ns of il i .. : iiii! - i t nd Pennsylvania i avt 1 c. I. 1- o; a . . 1 : 1 >h .iild e.>httaau 1 t.e l\ V 1- a of |ial i's de . . r ' '' I* IKOI-'S. * t" .' ,,t . ? ? - 11 ..v *: a*. y - a; bt a e t :r twupi?? fin? 1 1 111111 ! ! 1 The Criminal Court* BEGINNING OF THE DECEMBER TERM. The Decern! kt term of this courr was convened to-day, Judge Wj lie presiding, and on calling the grand Jury \\. K. (."handle? and John F. Paris were excused, and A. I- Barber and II. J. Hardy failed to answer. There were, tii'*refore, four vacancies, and tin- order was. made to draw that number of names from the Ikxt, to report tomorrow at 10 o'clock The petit Jurors were called, and W. c. Hazel J >hn It. Major, Frank McKnew, \v. f. sevmour a. ltuif and c. J. Demonet were excused. JohQ L M1Uer and Gustavus sonon failed t<> answer. tbat SPVfvn names be drawn row and the court adjourned till to-iuorNAMES DRAWN FOR GRAND AND PETIT JURORS. t'T the grand jury the following names were drawn: J. ii. Gheen, G14 G st. n.w.; T. Seaton D>moiio, 302 D st. n.w.; g. M. Oyster, jr., Pa. ave. and 9th SL n.w.; John C. Miller, 1013 M st. s. e. 1-or petit Jury: .la^. W. orme, 1203 K St. n.w.;' \ rranc, TjKi 5t!i st. n.w.; e. ( . Dean. Boundar> s ii.iv.; Hi. s. Brown. 21 and G sts. s.\v.; gus. ,'V 3afi 8th ST- W ?n. N. Dal ton, 903 i'a. u\e.; Jus. Davis, Teuleytown roa<l. I^-Snintor S]?rnrcr's An?<trrr. his reply to the inter rogatories of government cot'nsel in the star kol'te case. Th'' counsel ol ex-Senator Sjien.yr have prepared a rep'y to the interrogatories propounded by Mr. Merrick, the government counsel, under the orders of the court. In thi statement Mr. spencer gives a detailed history of liJs movements since July 1st, 1^2; denies tli;ir fco w is hiding, and says that Col. I.ri'fu *il td see him when he was In Washington in answer to the snbpwna. He further avers that he knew nothing tint would be of value as evidence In the case. and that Win K. Chandler made a statement to Col. Bli-s to this ciTe.t. Mr. S|M-neer denies that he s.i\v Horsey pay Brady money, and nsserts that the star route Invesligai -n was Instigated by him, an 1 that he received UV l'roin's" ?f Postmaster General James and I Garfield that he should not be known In th" matle-r. H?> further states that Ids trips to Can- , ada, Europe and the west were on business. j a wom'n As.3ari.teo bv ljobhers ? \bOUt 9 1 oelfn-1; >:lfurd jyidjfht Mrs. Annie HIuixlen,colored, < who lives at No. thlj New York avenue northwest, : ' \>nne pacing through the reservation between ' i >lai!in aii'l Mlssouii avenues an I 4v. and fith streets t southwest, near Maine avenue, whs sei/ed by two men and dragged to a small alley next to White's touii'lry. on Maine avenue. While one of her assail- ! ants held her the other tried to force her to give up , t her jewelry and cloak. Her cries brought to her c aid a numb r of persons, but the assailants made 1 s their escape. The woman was so frightened that i she ran away In the direction of Pennsylvania avenue. Sunday afternoon when, between if and 4 oct'M'k, Officer Dan. Williams was pushing along Marlyand avenue, near 1st street southwest, Mrs. Blunden met him on the street and Informed him of the assault, onicer Williams and sergeant Nokes soon afterwards arrested three well-known char- 1 actors or south Washington?Charles Richardson i a i is <;rubber." Wm. Davis and John stevens? < and took them to the first precin<'t station. The colored woman was sent for and identified Richard- ! son. who was retained. Davis and Stevens were at i once released. j An Ai.j.kged Tiiiep Pi.avino Preacher.--Detee- ? live yesterd ty arrested Pennell B. Randolph, a colored iu.,n about fifty years old, well known In I this City Who had recentlv. It is claimed, l?*en 1 pla.\lng the role of a Methodist preacher In Norfolk, , a,. aii!i taking advantage of his success as an exhorter, had < ommttted several robberies of colored people in i ijat city, securing a gold watch, fCO In i money, some silverware, and some clothing. The j po ire iif this city were requestedbv the Norfolk police to put him under arrest, and hold his barjravje i |,jS morning the Norfolk police were tmtlti11 of his arrest, ami tl)at he will Ik- held for tlieir action. Randolph lias a wife on M street souIhWesL 1 a Sleepy Watchman Birne'> ?Saturday night a i olored man named Rogers Johnson was severely t burned about th" b > ly and legs by ids clothing t eai -h:ng fire in a shed at the corner of lythandS J Greets northwest. He was emplovcd to watch i r some buildings in course of erection, and is sup- 1 J po- <1 to have fallen asleep before the fire. The] i l i;ue-> were suppressed by Edward Howe, and .loan-,,-,n was taken to the Freedmans hospital, where he lies in a critical condition. Absolutely Pure. . RRR OO V Y A L R R O O Y Y A A t RRR O O YY A A L R R O O Y AAA L It It OO Y A A LLLL RRn A K KIINV N rno >A A K K II N.N Xfi O HBB A A KK IINNNr. B B AAA K K UN NX (5 r.fl BLB A Ak Kll.N NN UUU ErrU^?? ^ w wddd rvRRRR p po owwwavu dk tl r ppp o nv/wwwn t>kk rkh ' p o o ww ww l? dk r r 1 P OO W W ODD KEElt I ] Tlil? rcwiVr r.ovrr variod. a marvel of rtirity. ptrcn^ib, und wholesomcncsa. More economical than the ordinary kinds, aiu! cannot bo sold 11: conijftitlon v. ith the multitude of low test, fhort weijfht, alum or ; lofrliate i'u-vd'-rs. So id onlu in cans. I'.oxal Bakiko rowKiiu Co., IOC Wall Btrect, N.Y. ai G J 1 i 1 A YF.R'S nr.I.S ARE A CONVFNTENT REMEDY to ll;\v" always :?f h ead. Th. y an- suwarcoated. -*y to taso, effective to operate, sure t<? 1,ring re lief and ' "re. lh. y are elli i in :i wide; raiikTe (if diseases ! n ai h ar^se f:om disortier.-i of tin- btoiuach and diuredtivo )r--ans. THITr CONSTANT FEE! J NO OF BEING "PLAYED out" and " u.?rd nr." tan readily Le removed by U&U.& Ayer's B&rsarariila. ujjq I UT I'liELL'd. ~ ~ LADIES' V R A PS. IN sir.K AND CLOTH At iir ully Ki ihiri'd Pr,i.-?. y'iAJln' I Hayii,..', U>s. d out our 81." silk Ci enlaw. and l^ inir ' llllih.. .o di.p.i, B,e tin.1. -.Ve have in,t.,1 to mailsi" .T\ wVp 1 <*ir? ulais- are <.| s..I, ! kUTiiJXoZr**-"nd 11,0 ^ KOWlsiu ^ ? s:!': and D-'imavs. Cir. :,1ars. New Markets an.l I b aluiusf J'H'kets. at suri>i :>iiii.'l\ low p; iei s. SEAL Bltt?V? N PLUSH. '.1 ; . w Jus{ t'1" for fctylish Wrap?, at "ild d Velvets and l'liislies in and ' h r^*!t0 onr stock before making your J. A. LUTTRELL CO.. ^ 1*17 Marliet S; are. 31 ate. J P. Palmer. 1107 F fcTRELT northwest, IIU'OKIEB OF FASHION. FIRST REGULAR WINTER OPENING OK PARIS AND LONDON MILLINERY, By late Steamer, ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 5TH, ] WIILN AI L THE NEWEST SHAPES AND RAREST j FABRICS WILL BE SHOWN. ell I Cjtrand Opening i ' or THE . j ] GREATEST BARGAINS EVER OFFERED i 1 nayii c jiirt mnrtu-il from New York, w!kt<- 1 N.ncht ' ! jt the On at Bankrupt Sale, and now offer them at lad! tlieir value: oeax s Dress Goods at 12 Ve.. worth 21c Luom's Dout>le width t'asmneres, COc Silks. I'lnsht h and Velvets. Ladle*' .I. rxeyR. 81.2."; Misses'do.. 98^ 6-1 Cloth for Cloaking', 81.00. Curtain lares, J2e. up. Men's. I-nht s' and Children's Underwear lit M?-r k-s. Handken hiefs, Ijieep ,V" J5or?l> ml Comforts iffc.. worth 81 00 Blankets, 81.50. worth 82.75. ' 1 ? , ,, A'SO n duced the pricc on Can>^ts and Oileloths TaM- Oilcloth. IMc. ] Don't miss thla chanee and call at ' ,,, , SIRASBCISOER'S (New Stoiv') 1 -dI ,m 8JQ 7th st.. bet. 11 and I. A Pew SrEci.vL Bargains IN BLACK SILKS. COLORED SILKS, AND FINE DRESS GOODS. The New Style FRENCH DRF.SS GOODS-"TRICO I h"?all pure wool. (42in-lies wide,) wide double ' width. r> duced to $1; did Bell at 81.C-0. Si eeial Ba~4fain. "FINE FRENCH CLOTH." the latest style Fine Dress t.' o<K all pure wool, (? lliehcs wide.) wide double V ldth, r?! to 81. did sell at 8LU). Si veial Baruain. BLAr K FRENCH STI.KS (Speeial Barvains) reduce! from 81.i0 to 81-25. B'nek Freneh Silks n'uueeil from 82 to 81.SO. Kxcellent (luality heavy Uros Grain Blwk silksmlueedto 81. COLORED SILKS (Special Ilarpains) reduced from 81 ,,J?- i n*" J?Qk8 re?luee>l from 81.25 to 81; and on ly n*luccd Irorn 81.75 to $1.23. B;.r},-uins BROCADE (GARNET) STLK VELVET, worth t2 reduee?l to $1.90. A^ietlou cood3. COL<) RE D <; ASH MIRES, wide double width, all wool. Z\ rlh ?,ur prltr ?,V,ly 1Lis " the eheajiest r?f ? Cashmere in ANashin^tou. is from the late auctfon wile in New Yovk^to *5- Doubie Wh;u-"CARTER'S," ** m market STAC?. Alexandria Affairs. Reported for The Evening Stab. Max Killed.?'This raornln?, while laborers were employed in cutting down the hank beyond the Soldier's cemetery, on the edge of this city* in order to make a new siding on the Midland railroad, the bank fell, burying two workmen, Robert Wade, who was killed, and a colored man named Shedrlcli Jackson, sometimes known as Bouldln, who was gotten out alive, but very badly hurt. An Inquest was held upon t he Ixxly of Wade, and the jury gave a verdict In accordance with the above facts. 1'olr-e kei-okt.?George Ford, colored. Is held at the station house this morning charged with assault ppon a colored woman. Sarah Bninson Is held on i he charge of larceny. Chas. Brown and James Henderson, confined in the station house for refusing to work, have been sent back to the chain gang. Reporter's Notes.?Mrs. Swann. residing upon Union street, between WoJXe and Duke streets, died last night. Heavy cattle trains passed through this city for the north on Saturday night. A lamp post with an oil lamp has been erected at the gate uf the Friends' meeting-house on St- Asaph street The city officers and public school teachers have been paid ofT for November bv Citv Treasurer Harlan.-?Fairfax court house, which has lost the name of Providence, that It bore for many years, s about to become an Incorporated village. The Ittle colored _rirl Salina Nichols, Injured at the Are ast week, died on Saturday. C ATARRH. sanford's radical clr-; niF. GREAT RALSAMIC DISTILLATION OF WITCII HAZEL. AMERICAN PINE, CANADIAN Ft It, MARIGOLD, CLOVER BLOSSOM, Ere. For the Immediate Relief an J Permanent Cure of every form of Catarrh, from a Simple Head Cold or Influenza :o t lie Loss of Smell, Taste and Hearing', Cough, Bron liitas and Incipient Consumption. Relief in five 111111ites in any and every case. Nothing like it. Grateful, ragrant. wholesome. Cure begins from lirst applicaiou, and is rapid, radical, permanent and never failing. One bottle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent ind Sanford's Inhaler, all in one package, forming a complete treatment, of nil druggists for $1. Ask for SANFOUD'S RADICAL CL'RK. 1'OXTlill DRUG AND CHEMICAL Co., Boston. collins' voltaic electric plasters, For the relief and prevention, the instant it is api>i.ied, of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Sciatica, Coughs, ?olds, Weak B'ick. Stomach and Bowels, Shooting Pains, S'umbness. Hysteria, Female Pains, Palpitation, DysX'psia. Liver Complaint. Bilious Fever, Malaria and Epidemics, use COLLINS' PLASTERS (an Elkctuic Uarrkmvicombined with u Porous Plaster) aud laugh it pain. 25c. Everywhere. jteinway & son's pianos. A large assortment of all stvlesat the Ware-nS^fl ' 00111s of W. G. Metz!:rott & CO . * n'-H-lw Pa. ave., bet. 9th and loth streets. Security From Loss By 13 urglary, ROBBERY, FIRE OR ACCIDENT. THE NATIONAL SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, of Washington, [n its own building, Corner 15th street and New York ave Perpetual Charter, act of Congress January 22d, 1W.7 Capital $200,000 1 he Company rent* Safes, inside its Fire and Burglar iToof \ aults, it pric. s varying from $5 to $60 per year ' iccordintr to size and location. Rooms and Desks adorning vaults, provided for Safe-renters. Ir'AULT DOORS GUARDED BY THE SARGENT TIME-LOCK. SECURITIES AND VALUABLES of every dos.-rinlon. including BONDS and STOCKS. PI.APE, JEWELRY. DEEDS. k<\. taken for SAFE-KKEPING. 011 SPLCIAL GUARANTEE, at the Lowest Rates. BENJAMIN P. KNYDER, President. [HARLIS C GLOVER, of Riggs i: Co., Vice President JOHN CAbbrXS. -Treasurer. ALBERl L. bi'LRTE\ AN'i", Secretary. C. E. Nyman, Asst. Seo'y. Directors: Benjamin P. Snyder, Charles C Glover, John Cassels. Henry A. Wiilard. Albe: t L. Sturtevant, Thomas Evans. John G. Parke. dl Dry Gtoods. TRL'NNr.L Jc CLAliK, Sll Market Space, Have \ cry Handsome Goods at Popular Trices. One hit. 4? inch, all-wool French Suitings, this season' styles. $ 1. have not l>een sold less tlirni $1.25. We invite an examination of our all-bilk Brocade, re-s liwed to $1.14. In quality and styles tliev are linsurl>-isse?l. Elegant line of .black Silks, from tlio lowest to finest gia<les. 'I rieot Cloths for ladies tailor made suits at $1.25 to$2. t>-4 ail-wool Suitings $1. grand bargain. 1<>0 dozen Children's ribbed, regular made Hose, $3 per dozen, 25 cts. a pair. 100 dozen all-linen bleached Huck Towels, knotted fringe. size 20x40. $:i a doz. n. 50 dozen ail-linen Napkins, reduced to S?1. ? _We have special bargains in 1'aOle Linens, Quilts, Blank) ts. Comforts, &c. < >ne case 10-4 Bleached Sheeting, 25 cts. a yard; this is a grand bargain. We are pit-pared to sell all leading Domestics at "Rock Bottom" Prices. Elegant Black and Col'd Velvets, plain and brocade. All of this class oi goods we get through reliable houses, and we can lvcommend them with confidence. tMir Black Goods are of the best Lui'in make. Henrietta Clotlis, Oitonian Cloths, Queen's Cloth, special uuinber $1 50. l'me stock of light colors in Cashmeres and Albatross for evening. On.? price only, marked in 1 lain figures. uH IRUNNF.L & CLARK. Accurate Time. PATEK PHILIPPE & CO., GENEVA. AMERICAN WATCIT COMPANY, WALTHAM. A Ions- experience in the sale of Watches lias con- j v in red us that for accuracy and durability these made , JJ' the above celebrated makers have no superiors. Bpef lal attention Is invited to the low price for which 1 reliable timekeeper may be bought. ? M. W. G ALT, BItO. & CO., 1107 TENN. AVENUE. n9 4m 5 portraits " -., . GEO. E. OONK, ARTIST, Portraits in Oil and Crayor., Studio. :12'Z C street nortLwest. n'.MHit* RRR OO Y Y A L LIQUID GLUE <R? O Y Y A A L M EN 1 > S WOOD KRR O O YY A A L GLASS, CHINA R RO O Y AAA L LEATHER, CROCKR H OO Y A AUXLERY. RUBBER, OR[iYTHTNG ELSE WITH EVERLASTING INSEPArI ABLE TENACITY!!! NO HEATING?ALWAYS READY!! 20 cts. Bottle (Brush and tin cover)mailed, postpaid 30 cts. Manufactured by J U O'MEAltA & CO.. 1U47 Pa. av.. Wash.. D. C. nU ' ^ihe winning side In tlio Speakership contest will undoubtedly be that using Elecampane and Horehound Cough Drops 1 hey always.will wlien taken in time for Couglis, Colds" jV hoarseness. Try them. ' ARTHUR NATTANS, Pharmacist r-8 14th and I streets and 2d and D stree ts n.w. Anton I^isheips Chemical Dry Cleaning Establishment, No. SXM". G street northwest. _ ,. , THIRTY YEARS' EXPERIENCE. Ladies' and Gentlemen's Garments; also. Velvet and 'lush Cloaks, Craiie V. ils, Iju-es, Gloves, etc., are perteetly cleaned by tins SuiH-rior process LADIES' EVENING DRESSES A SPECIALTY. Clothes ('li'jiinti by this i?roci*88 will not lose their original sliajK*. and grease spots guaranteed to be removed effectually. Price $1.50 and $1.75 per dl PARisiAN Robes. misses sedgwick and christman (Late with Mine. Van Reuth) Have opened their Dressniatinir Parlors at 925 twelfth street northwest. Latest styles In Fall and Winter Costumes. Tailor Finished Cloth Suits a specialty. 08-9w* Typewriting promptly and accurately done. TYPE WRITING Machines for sale and rent. CALIgRAPU and TYPE WRITER operators suppin .1 * SHORT-HAND WRITERS furnished at short notioe. il^-tr J. A. WHlTCtiMB. U27 1 street n.v# Kibb's Baltimore Heatersn The it tn t on of Housekeepers and others is again invited to iL -e Justly celebrated LATBOBE STOATS. Their beauty and excellence of workmanship and finish, enhanced by late iini>rovements. render them rupi ior to any cafu r Latrobes in the market. The only LaUobis rh.-'t eflectually the lower rooms. BIBB'S 1 .ATROBES GUARANTEED to give satisiaetiou in every case. For sale by dealers geneially. n21-lm 4 RTliiCIAL EYES. a $10. $15. FA-esight fitted. .a HEMPLER'S OLD STAND, taiw isi PtnoisyivjUiU uwuue. CITY ITEMS. When Troubled with a Couch or Cold use Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup. Price, 25 cents a bottle. On ing: to the number of customers that could not bo waited upon at the grand holiday opening on Sat unlay last at It. Goldsehmlds 81*2-7th st. n. w.; 1 will offer again as Souvenirs the following Immense bargains for to-morrow only; Lava cuspadores assorted colors 18c., worth 25c.; % gallon water pitchers 25c., worth 50c.; extra silver plated 3 bottle breakfast casters 87e.. worth $1.50; crumb brushes with tray, assorted colors 25c., worth 45e.; pop guns 5c., sold elsewhere for 15c.; 1 shoe brush with 3 boxes of blacking 15c. worth 30c.: large wax dolls 25c., worth 50c.; 11 Inch tea trays Sc., worth 15c.; tool chests containing 5 articles 7c.; pepper or salt shakers 3c., worth sc.; tin cuspadores assorted colors 12c., worth 25c.; handsome cut class cake stands 37c., worth 75a; engraved goblets 6 for 37c.. worth 75c.; cut glass oblong fruit bowls. 10 inches, 35c., worth 75c.; 12 inches 17c., worth fl.; 4 inch fruit saucers to match fi for 23c.; inolios 0 for 27c.; large scrubbing bnishes 9c., worth 20e.; willow doll carriages 69c., worth fl.; handsome decorated French china fruit plates 23c., sold elsewhere at 50c.; decorated English china tea sets, 56 ploces only J3.95 worth $6.; handsome decorated covered tin slop jars assorted colors 73"., worth $1.25; large writing desks on stand for children 95c., worth $1.50 also immense bargains in toys and decorated and white china ware ol every description. Tf. Ancrciistciii. S17?Sl!5*S21 Jlh st.n.w., offers for to morrow only the following Immense bargains: Chamber sets. $1.65; largest size coal sl? ve, poker, shovel and lifter, 22c.; d/.. engraved wine glasses, with decanter and waiter to match, 70c.; covered sugar bowl, 9c.: dz. stone china | cups and saucers, 4ic.; \ dz. white handle knives I and forks, 78c., worth $1.50; covered butt?*r dish, 8c.;syrup pitchers, lie.; large sl/e, with patent j drip, 20c,.; majolica cuspadores, 39c.; l'2-<;t. dishpans, 14-qt., 2lc.; 2-qt. covered buckets, ftc.; 3-fjt., 9c.; 4-qt-, 15 .; 6-qt.. 22C.; 2 pie plates, 5<\; | larje size dustpans, 7c.; porcclal'i lined saucepans, 1 2fic.; decorated tea sets. $3.50; willow doll carriages, 78c.; sold elsewhere at $1. An stock or toys of every d* script ion sold 25 per cent less than can be bought elsewhere. Ladieti, Attention! Just received, another lot of choice skins, comprising Heaver, otter, chinchilla and Seal, which we cut Into trimming, nnv width desired, from $1 ft yard. We have a large line of Coachmen's Capes, Collars, Muffs and children's Sets on hand, of our own manufacture, which will be sold at a big sacrifice; also, a large line of Carriage and Buffalo Hol>es at bottom prices. N. B.?All kinds of furs altered and repaired at B. Salomon's, the Popular Furrier, 700 7th st. The Galvano-llnsrnetie Treatment of Disease (and Combination System.) Call or send for pamphlet containing many testimonials of cures wrought in Halt Imore, Washington and other places. Consultation free at our ollice or home of patient. Satlsfaetion guaranteed. E. A. 1?arsons & Co., N. E. corner Lexington and Liberty sts., and922>? F street 11. w.. Washington, 1). C. Washington office hours, 8 a. in. to 7 p.m. 2 Problems* T.ife present* many problems to the serious mind. The man, for example, who sits cross-legged li? the street, cars and wipes his feet on every one in his vicinity. Modern civilization has not yet invented a method of dealing with the id/v-syncrasy of clgarett" smoking; but the problem?"Wherewithal shall we be clothed?" has been solved by lienning, 410 7th street. ( old-E-'illed bangle bracelets and scarf pins. Trigg's. Itlouday and Tuesday?Special Sale or Ladles' Fine Shoes, at Halm's, Hi<> Seventh street. 250 pairs Cousin's line Kid Button $2.'.?:), value $3.50. 500 " ourown make Kid But ton,$2.K>, worth J3.50. JU0 " hand-sewed Goat and Kid Button $2.40, worth $.'! 00. 275 pairs st raight goat, mat kid or plain tops $2.50. 800 44 tine Kid and Ooat Hutton$2,cheapat$2.50. 450 44 Goat and Kid Button, every pair warranted. $1.50. 000 pairs solid Kid and Pebble Button down to ?1.20. wx) 44 durable, neat button 95c.. good value at $1.25. * 2 Open \'?jrhtw, J. Jay Gould's Xmas Cards, scrolls, Toys, etc. 12 I ?11 port ant* Waslilngtonlans, Senators, Members, Foreign Legations, Army and Navy officers and all strangers will find a list In the dally papers of all the leading merchants selling Carstairs, McCall & Co.'s famous Orator Whiskey. 2 Luaulborg's Perfume, Alpine Violet. Thornton's llmuNion of pure Cod Liver Oil with Ilypophosphltes of T.lme and Soda for ?*out^lis, colds, consumption, impaired nutrition and general debility; easy and pleasant to take. Prescribed by Physicians. Sold by Druggists. Large bottles, 50c. Manufactured by W. E. Thornton, corner Baltimore and Harrison streets, Baltimore, Md. ui,w,I Luudborg's Perfume, Liiy of the Valley. On Thirty DayO Trial. Tlie Voltaic Belt Co., Marshall, Mich., will send Dr. Dye's celebrated Electro-Voltaic belts and Fleet ric Appliances on trial ror thirty days to men (youngor old) who are afflicted Willi nervous debility. lost vitality and kindred troubles,guaranteeing speedy and complete restoration of health and manly \igor. Address as above. N. B.?No risk is j incurred, as thirtj days' trial is allowed. w,s,m Catarrh of t'?e liiaddcr. Stinging, Irritation, inilammation, ;;ll kidney and urinary complaints, cured by "Buchu-Paib.u" $1. " ? "Aldrrney Dairy \Va<;ons." Fresh Alderney Butter, churned every morning, and delivered In bait-pound 44W'ard" prints, T,o . per pound. Also, Cottage dices#4, Huitermllk and Sweet Milk, 5c. per quart, Cream 15c. pint. IT W ORKED W ONDERS. Havinir sullen-d some time from a bad foot, and gettinif no relief I w::n induced to try "MECCA OINTMENT," Within n f? \v hours after applying it the foot disclruvd and 1; aled. I then ust <1 it 011 my little I my Who hail MifVi red Dor 10 mouths from sen t iilous sores, and for whieli I could irct nothing tl:at would nir. him. I am happy to say it has worked \v< aiders, for, aft? r one w< i k's application of the Ointment, the sores are n.-arly all remov. d. Send at once one more box. as I would not be without it Fkf.d. 11. Fi.ktcukh, 1019 South Carolina avenue, Nov. 17,1883. Washington. 1). C. Price, 25 cents, by Drucyists. n"22-2w* Lace Ourtains 1"rom *^2 Tj p.~ SIT.CI \L ANNOUNCEMENT. Wc open to-day another laive invoice of LACE CURTAINS. New and attractive ratt< rns in Guipure and Antique T>< si>m?. Tin-, is our third large invoieetlii:- month.and thev an-otV? r?il at Midi attractive prices as will insure tla Ir diate sale. Call and exaniiiie early while our Btocl; is e.iinj'i' te. alio y<-u will be sar.-to purchase. Also, LACE BED SPREADS anuSHAMS :n great variety. Juli.N T. MITCHELL. u'i'2 'Jai Pennsylvania avenae. Just Heceived7,000 POUNDS OLD GOVERNMENT JAVA COFFEE. Tliis is th" finest lot of Java Coffee ever offered for sale in this city, roasted every day. Try it and be convinced. CEO. E. KENNEDY k SON, nl3 l'M'J F street northwest. | N E W D E l1 A R TU11E! Having greatly enlarged our Store,we have added a line of PARLOR, CHAMBER AND LIBRARY FURNITURE, which cannot be surpassed in Style and Price. Our stock of CARPETS and UPHOLSTERY GOODS is the till est in the city, and prices low as the lowest. Call early and avoid the crowd. SINGLETON & nOEKE, n8 801 MARKET SPACE. 308 and 310 8th st. J RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCE TO MY FRIENDS and the public that I am now with GEO. T. KEEN, Tailor, where I shall lie glad to see them, and can guarantee perfect satisfaction as regards Goods, Trimmings, Workmanship and Frice. E. F. KROEHLE, ! I n27-lm 414 9tli street northwest, ESTABLISHED 1839. JAMES Y. DAVIS' SONS, 621 Pennsylvania avenue. Gents' Dress Silk Ilats, $5, $6, $9. The Latest Styles of Black and Brown Derby Hats, at $1.25, $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, 3.50, $4,4.50, Canes and Umbrellas. Boy's Hats and Polo Caps, 50c., 75c., $1, $1.50. n9-2in Insure Your Horses. PATRONIZE HOME INSTITUTIONS. THE LIVE STOCK INSURANCE COMPANY, of the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, Are now prepared to insure Horses against death, by fire, disease or accident. Read their Prosix-ctus and By-Laws. Office, 921 F STREET NORTHWEST, where all information can be obtained. DiBECTons: E. G. Davis, Geo. H. B. White, J. C. Erirood, C'has. O. Duucanaon, S. Wolf, F. M. Draney. James L. Barbour. Inspector?f. M. Draney. j N. B.?Agents are not permitted to collect money for any purpose whatever, without written or printed authority from the company, signed by the President and Secretary. ii27-lm SPLENDID UPRIGHT AND SQUARE PIANOS, Of Wm. Shaeffer and others. Fi rut-class tone and touch. PRICES AND TERMS MODERATE AND EASY. TUNINvi AND REPAIRING a specialty. Twenty-live years' success in this District. FINE UPRIGHTS FOR RENT. At M ? V. BECKER'S. n28-6t* S01 oth street northwest. HOLIDAY GOODS. woodward & lotiieop beg to announce their FOURTH GRAND ANNUAL SALE OP BILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, in the most extensive assortment and most elegant variety ever shown IN washington, and at the most reasonable prices. we call special attention to our french clear lawn hemstitched handkerchiefs, in half-inch. tiiree-quartebi inch and inch hems; and our all-linen ; hand-embroidered handkerciiief8. in both plain white and colored embroidery. at v>22oo <>-">55 .-jr* 55. cvT CENTS EACH. 222222 AS BEING SPECIALLY GOOD VALUE FOR THE PRICE. silk handkerchiefs. as a novelty, we show china crepe silk handkerchiefs in two sizes, for pocket and neck-wear?the most elegant silk i handkerchief ever seen". we think. colors: cardinal, light bl.l'e, pink and cream white. one price only. WOODWARD & LOTIIROP, I BOSTON dry goods nOCSE. 821... .PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE... .921 dl Opening Of Holiday Gtoods. seaton perry, (successor to perry & brother.) will open on monday, december 3d, paris and vienna fancy novelties. alligator-skin bags and pocket books. brass plaqijes anf> bric-a-brac. fancy baskets and wall-pockets. brush and comb sets, plush perfume cases. lundborg's celebrated cologne and exi racts. plush scarfs. tidies and pillows raw silk table and piano covers novelties ix lunch cloths with doyleys novelties in ladies' and gentlemen's SILK UMBRELLAS. embroidered handkerchiefs. silk mufflers. PEiilNOT's kid gloves, silk hosiery black and c<?lored stril'ed and brocaded velvets. in superior stvles, from $2 to $15 a yard. french broadcloths and tricots for ladies' iiabii s. elegant stock of imported wraps. camel's hair shawls. lyon's radzimers and l'l're silk velvets. ct-s; l'l'kb assortment of brocaded velvet di.ess-fronts. evening silks, brocades and gauzes. * ?f.7sa>,:cial apartment for displaying evening fabrics. , ?ittl'h.0.i<,k goods. plain figures and corrlcl prices. seaton perry, Perry BnilcUnsr, Pennsylvania avenue, corner 9th street. Established isio. <11 IXo l^OR Holidays i j candies ! candies .'! candies ! ! ! Great Reductions at sharpless philadelphia candy factory. Fine Mixed Candy. 23c. per lb.; 5 lbs. $1. Fine French Mixture, 20c. p? r lb.; c lbs. $1. Pure American Mixture, 18c. per lb.; c>j lbs. 81. Broken Candy, 15c. per lb.; 7 lbs. 81. l ull assortment of Maillard & Whitman's Confections and Imported French Fruits, 00c. i<er lb. Great mbietions to Churches, Sunday Schools, &c. Parties clubbing1 together and buying- in can have tin ir orders flllcd promptly and at prices that cannot be equaled. brii^r your orders in soon as possible. frank sharpless, Manufacturer of Pure Confections Wholesale and rt tail, 419 seventh street, Under Odd Fellows' Hall. dl-3w BBB A U U MM MM'"oSSa 1 B B AA U U M M MM" S a BBB AA U U M MM M ?SSC \ B b AAA U U M M M o ?... BBB A A UU M M M &SSb? Previous to removing: our CLOAX DEPARTMENT into my New BuildinK I have determined to REDUCE the Stock, and consequently offer good, RELIABLE BARGAINS, such as will speak for themselves. OUR OTTOMAN AND EGYPTIAN SILK GARMENTS, handsomely trimmed with Fur. full Pleating* in the back, and with Silk quilted lining, heretofore sold at $:i9.1 now offer Tea Dollars less. We have but nine of these garments. OTTOMAN SILK RUSSIAN CIRCULARS, quilted with silk, made up of the very best and trimmed *ath Fur, at the low price of $27.50. PLUSH JACKETS, heretofore sold at $25. now $17.50, FINER QUALITIES, trimmed with Fur. at $32.50. now $22.50. ALL OUR STOCKINET COATS reduced at less than cost price. SEE THE FIVE HOLLAR BLACK COAT, plaited back, tight fitting, and of the best Diagonal Cloth. SEE OUR JACKET WITH PLUSH COLLAR AND CUFFS, at $3 only. BBB A U U MM MM"'RSS? B B AA U UMMMM"g 8 BBB A A U U M MM M &SSQ B B AAA U UM M M R S,? BBB A UU M M M SSSS " n30 416 seventh 8treet. Gtrand Stock thanksgiving specials in groceries. low prices. _ C. WITMER. n27 W18 Pennsylvania avenue. nOLIDAV_ GOODS. Oloaks! Cloaks! Cloaks! GREAT REDUCTION IK PRICE. BEST BLACK DIAGONAL CI/TrnS REDUCED FKOM $s TO 50. BLACK JERSEY COATS, $10 TO ?8.50. IN FACT A GREAT rf.drctiox ALL ALONG the LIXE IX wraps. JUST RECEIVED A NEW INVOICE OF TRICOT CLOTHS. ALL SH ADES. INCLIDIXG THE DRABS. riUCF. ONLY $1.75 PER YARD. NOVELTIES IN noltday g<x)ds AT popular prices. S. L. HEMPSTOXE, dl FC3 MARKET SPACF, , JJAMMERFD silver, russian silver. OXIDIZED SILVER. RErorssE SILVFR. queen ann silver. silverware From the mall?t od'-vt t -? the large?t and m ?t iirpor tant, forming ono of t ho moot matmificei.t cor.<vtior.s ever offered iii this or any othtr city, at tlic lowest prices. SAMUEL KIRK SON. Manufacturer*. nlH-lm 172 W. B,utiniorv street. Otknixo Day. TOYS. FANCY GOODS. Oar Annual Orejinp for the llu.iaay Season will ia'..o place on MONDAY, DECEMBER 3D. OUR STOCK IS IMMENSELY LARGE our VARIETY IS UNAPPROACHABLE. Every Department filled up completely. ALL THE NOVELTIES. Six floor", of 100 feet cach, packed with rooJj. Give us a call and bo filled with wonder, especially at the lowness of our prices. BemeinLer, MONDAY. D. member 3d. SILVERKEKG*?, MAMMOTII TOY STOI1E. ?27 C127th st. a::J 313 Sth street C. w., S. Ve LATI'S. OiO 9tii Stueex Northwest And 1339 pennsylvania avfvtt. For Holiday Candies we have tho lanrest assortment in this city. Wc here quite a nr.uiS.-r of men employed in manufacturing Pure French Candies and the Famous \ elati s Caramels. Imported Pure Olive Oil on draught. n28-Cm lioY'S 15ICYCLES. VEIjOOPEDES. FTC. THE BEST MADE. Every Machine (liianuitetil. Broken Pirt? fcauc- lbv defects IIS Hi. tali !''in.iri.-d l>H ? : r^ar*.- 1 if m-tiuetion t.? every rurdiascr. L>j not Buy unti! youLavis examined tlic Mock ?t J S(TilliNElt'S RTCYCLE'SCHOOL. v . rr, lltw F. street northwest. X. B.?REI AIRING A SPECIAL i k. n2;i-lm* SEAL I^kin At Old Prices. Wo arc still sel'.'nir onr SEAL SKIN Ganneuts at September ITieca, Luvii-g Lou^Li an nuUKiibe stock early. Siberian. Sqnirrel and Mink lined and trimmed CTRCULARS. Quilted !in?d DOLMANS, CIRCULARS and 1 Russian CIRCULARS, at New Vork Manuraetiuerb prices. Fur Trimming, Fur Collars and Cape*. Plr<;k H,ysiuu K*re MUF1 $1.25, ?1.50 and *1 Jul oi.tlli LUivu. *" Aii Koodb sold as cheap as any lionse in Ameri.-a. WILLETT & RUOFF. Hat *ni.i and Furriers, oel7-3m f*V> Pennsylvania avenue. Seal Skin Garments, 38 to 52 inches lonfr, cut in to the figure, selling at eld prices, notwithstanding the rise iu skins. The popular Mink-lnied Circulars, with handsoino bordi-ro! Mink tails, *90to $100. Siberian Squirrel and other fur-lined Circmars, $25 ! iiiltl ll|*. Circulars and Dolmans with quilted lining $15 *20 i $25. $150. $:i5, $40. Fin. st Seal Plush Sacqncs with Seal trimmings. Nov. 1 tics for young ladica in Shoulder Knot Cap. ? acd Satchel Muffs. Beaver, Chinchilla. Astrakan and other Fur trimmings on hand and cut to order. Carnage Robed and 1- ur Cajics for Coachmen. li. H. STIXEMETZ & SON. hattkrs ami FcitRirns. n" 1237 Pennsylvania avenue. Established 1830. JAMES Y. DAVIS' S0X3, 621 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. fwk-cqi at $75, $1C0, ?125, $140,4iM-sicc- s1-" Silk and Satin Lined Circulars ?15, $20. $25. Fur Lined Circulars from $25 np. Coacher Cai^es, Collars and Muffs. Fur Carriage Robes from $10 up. Fur Trimming. Gents' Seal Caps, Fur Gloves and Collars. Gents* Dress Dog Skin and Lined (ilovea. Ladies' Seal Cai>s. * _ Boys' Seal Caps from $1.50 up. nD-2m New , Books. Hie Expansion <>f r.mrland. Seeley. Grey Hawk. M.-icauIay. i Jewel in the lyiti.s. 'litickcr. Laura, an Aiiieriean tiirl. Evans. b?-yond tli.- (Jatcs. I'ii.-lps. Hart and His Bear. Riddle, A Round Doz. ii. CtHiiid^e. Aiiaft the .Mast. Siiuoudbon. Asms the Lil.yan. Me are new o^-niturour l>r-a.i?if;il st^>k r,f Holidav Rooks, which are r. ally works of art in illv at:, -i ?:,,1 biniliiur Our Chrisliiuis <!anisare alsoi.ji and m e beautiful than ever. The Fancy I > j-artn i.t cmbr;u-(-s all tho Novelties. <>eriua>! I'awirsaSm-eijiltv. n?t> W XI. 1J. MORRISOX, 475Pennsylvania aw"mte. Cr LOVES! CjT LOVES!! GrLOVES!!i ! For Men?Kid, plain and fancy backs; Chevretto Bea- ? ver. Buck. Castor, Dog, Cioth, Lined and Dnv:i.g GLO\ Lb. A full line of I'enin'? GLOVES made specially for us. tt8sow8ki bros., Cor. 15th and G streets n. w. - j ^HE LARGEST SIZE NICKEL-PLATED german student lamp, 1 Complete, $L53i I 3. W. SCHAEI EU DEALER IN FINE CHIXA AND CLASaL OC10 KO. 1020 7TH STREET NORTH\l"EST. < 222223 Every Snortenlan Rnrprltmd! . 22 55,, Laininatc?i Steel Bam Is! Top i ? oo22 55 J^ver Artion! Refunding B^ ijl ^ J^uf?i rir'rr. !r w HAltD khootujo! O IT livvv Honest Gun! Eithej- 10.12 o^ , ?GGG UmjU N n? - rtt,ck ,^n H"e oSVSc? i GOG UU N XX... hnitod $15 Gun, Colt's, GroaT Richaidson'stlOOHammerh^Guns.^ HaJTU4rloak ' nlO 1547 Pennsylvania avenue^\viL^'M-?o'n, p. c. JAPANESE SCROLLS. FANS. ETO. and Decorativc Pictures. Jay Gould. <219th st ml? OHIRTS.?DONT FORGET THAT THE C "MYSTERY" SHniT ls the best Shirt for 75 cents ever offered in this nr an* ma^udOUUtry' UlU* ***?*' S n S^rt h*" heen sold !n this market for ten rear* ol,r best <itiiiens can te?ufy tu :^b Jripwionty both as to quality and tit Only 75 cent* lor the "MYSTERY" 8HIRT, to tSSJffiSf md 1UUSl UUifonu m *"*** of any Shirt bold only at aaiS MEGINNIPfP, MWJ V ntnet aortiweat [ HOLIDAY GOODS. jJOLIDAY ^JOODS. ^ Consist in* of Fine IUnstrat.d IW-ks. Christmas *'*, Porkot Rook*. AnUwraph Albums, l'hotogxai'? A!Liim% Wotk R.-x<,?, Writiinr P.*?ks, Toilet < 'as. ?, Epia.-o|>al Prayrrs anl Hymnals. Catholic l'rayor Book*. Bible*, Toy Book*. Oani.s, Fine Pluab Boxes of n!l kin lnkMt*:i.t* in ir.-.wt vari^y. ftr. Enjrravinp of Wedding and Visiting Card* a s;>, laity, joiix c. iwnKrn. fIT AND CI? SEVENTH STRFTT. P'rectiy orj??-site Entrance tolltmt Oflkv U27 Rook*' R.v>KS! Book*! ^ ? 'lit BV M"> It.>w T> ..rtin<'nt and eram-n^ t!w fo.lov :Ti?r >i ok* and Prirt* t'li" tl; n?- ! < ' >th tt-mrrl It r*\r-:!ar prl 7A*. rcr\oiu:ui-. to I" 1 !? J ut at liv. i?-r vol. _ . B?v pri v*. Our rrle* *?<* Ar ' Hist .4 vol* $. m. $ : 2N Si- Jlt*? ti. ll li 1|>. 4 \ > ?. t?i 2 K Mn. au'.ny's Hmt , fi is .? * 1 ?i Ma aulay'- Hj-* ..Mm: . 4 O. W. HoIiik*'W. rks.\ . i- ... . .......i: ?? ?. no stori' - fr >m II. ?.< r. v?\. J.\ . 7 ;ji f. 40 Plutarvh's l.iv. s,:? vol.-. 4.,'ki U Si W.wsNT's r. II*. :irj .!ut. >t e?i.. s in nt. kI.?. |? 7 vj A1-- > a fine line id Illust.i. I; . !,s at rM'i I ra* ?, inc-uilait,I'x * U.nvi ti. lllnstrat >1 In- p -? PunteV Inferno. " A fir."1 s; .rtu. lit of Cliri -..u..- an.I N w V ,v'? To) s, Garni*. tc, m-f. nxnrs. mg 7Hi street north*-. <t. JTOI IP*V A NNI -rxrr.Mr.VT ?< Hi.- ii. -v fulP. 1-..pared for tli" TI Miv Tri.le. vitlit!.. In*' a-. ! 1 - . ?? Stork ti. . |.-v.? Iihvo ?\.r tui.I tin- iilnstin1 <>f nfTi-nuf to (In , lUli,-, mi.! at prico as 1>.\\ ^ tin-low. ft. Fin.iy r, .. k<; st- > lar.l It in < f t'-? I*ih ts. ill s!l ft . i- ^ . I'.!|lill> Hlitl I'.m W.'t llil?lff . i ;i\ -s ntij Hyi::i al? . !n\ lul f . an itmin iif. nt.N'k ac.lri> *> . t > an.! Ail. iti.-: I ati > in I'lii-h. l: ? Ij? : t!..t, ??!ixw .1. .1.- , Vritmir P?sk-. <" i-rtt i? at .i \. u \ ir .s. <..1... :t; 1 i I. x H. <>k" ? ...;. .1 .jeu?' avoid th 1ii. V .\1 li VU.AN I \ M fc s- >. n-*?? . 4'JH 7tl? stro t. Decorated Dinner, Xea and TOILET SETS. niCH CUT-OLASS WARE, FAR LOR AND STIDKXT LAMIS, 1 INK PLATED WARE. nousEFunNisinxo r.<^ps and eddt reitiiou LiiATOitS. M. w. nEYERin?;r:. No. 1083 PEN'Jf. AM MR. fpilE RWi V." i I?\\ t 1 S WORKS. nim.E OATXEUY.krT. . _ l!i'iftrat. .l Mitli m.r. V .l.-?n'i m K?t?-fifft t awa> l.itti. \i::i ami r I'.hm? and Kati ?<r*tnavaj - On;..11.. k. |kk4 Xo.ii in the i wiiif-i't." 1 In* tin.-st .'.'l??r tv>ok -in im C.0.1TKHTJ.U n24 41fi 9th stiv.-t n n hw.-st. EPF II IT RKR F IT It K li q =? IK I' IT KltK .SSj ? U IJ K II . J ? * UU K U Z C. G. CENTNER S SONS, <E-TAiit.t?Ttrt? 1830.) lUUl iLi AVENUE, NLW koRK. 6EAI. SKIN iFivrlish P-r> S\CQPE3. At #!><>. |125, S l.Vl. $200. Etc. SEAL MilN DtiLMANS AND CL< )AK-?. lriinn:td s. a O'J. t, Nat unit an 1 bix'wn lka\.r, Dliclr tV 1, Etc., At flR5. $200, 8225.f2.V>.e.10n?rdiirwar U fclilERJAN SvUKREL LIX1.D tTRCl'LAl.* At ^.!2 Til, f4r., at.d lliNK LIXED CIRCULARS, At $83, $100. $125. SILK AND VI I.M.T I'l l: LINED GARMENTS, At $4^, 5.^, 5-5, iloO, ilju, $175aud it| ?.if (TTr call ccpr. ial attention to onr new and origisaJ jhai-cf rtlid tLn , ,*nu t til.j rr.r Tr'mtr ine-i n'.l vnri. ti. ? and i-r?ce?. Muffs Co*, in-, L... ?ij'? nud 1 'JuwubUv. buU llata, iilu\c* iaj I ur R> I*: and Maid. Or<y<T"- l.v mall rr Informiti- n dretrf^ will r<wlr? -V . ial and it..n.ft ait. iit.. ti. \\h. 11 .11st. .-L-rs aro * 'i.'.un to *:; ii. ?.r it -.iti-fH. t.>ry 1-. t r> in'.> artk 1 ii>ii-... v. til i?- nt "ii i.|>i>roval. .. l^w L II Q>}Q IT I* OO RRR L IIV ?^,T I'O 'Ml l{5 s L II ?? VHT !'? ???!RR SS^ { ?, Vf <)HV UO OR R, LLLL11 LU OO It li tb', MARYLAND CLI P. MONlIc ELLO, BAKER, OLD CROW. 1ABS' ALL AND GUINNESS STOUT ON LRAl Ulir. FEB CCO K KNN NIT r.r.O TI IUT1T K CO K K NX Nile; OH II T LK % ? ^K * N XII O 11 II II T E ... O C .. K K N X N11 <; nr. h n r EEE... CCC- ^ K X XXIX OOG 11 11 X 7 n20 1732 PE X NSk I. VAN IA AVI N US. V. G , 1" isrnrn, FOREIGN iw rcs: T.LER LTLRATEE WGTTt AMJ blAiK-NLli, j EI 1'AIL 111.,, {.2315th st? orro.itc V. S. Trca-ury. Wa.-iLitiirton, D. C. Direct In-sror'.atl n of tbe ITNEST STATIONERY 1 ciilquc Styles nj.d all NuVt Itii s fixun I.:r ^lielonliett & Co., I*aris; llieyer & Ilardtaiuth, Vi Stationers to al! Inip rial Courtf in Eur p\ L:' 1 :va i'oi'k cf Enplish hand-made an I fin. *t Am?n-an Stationery. ENORAMNG of Vifit::icr Cards, X' .;i trarni mdCrtt-t*:solicited, in tiipLeststyli-of i?-rfivtii.n, r.2 2m Oil Ii upperx. XOS. 403 AND 403 7Tn STREET NORTHWEST, HEADQUARTERS FOR TITE WHITNEY CHILDREN'S CARRIAOE COMl'AXV. niE CHEAPEST FOR BEAUTY. COMFORT AND DURABILITY IN 1UE Si ARK El'. Lawn TtnniK, rnKjiiet, Bicycle*. Wlocinndt*. A^h^rv 1" isliiiiK iaciiuh, WofMiia, 1 Tijll and cxaiiiuic tluj UuuOa iTxcc^ to Buit the 507 ICTURES AXD 1^P.AMES. 507 .. .. 6EO..C. G^HTXX, W7 4W street wouthwoBt. Iull SUie?*n ill LnlarxlUK btm.ll llcturtM aid IMPORTERS OF FRENCH WIXEs!COGXAC. 1UA % ^ FAOXE8 AND C(?ltlHALS. French Clan t* lroiu tl.i", to wl.u? 1-1 gallon. Ainencan native V men, Bnui?li<* and Chaiic) a ^nes. California, \nyinia and Ohic Iron :*ii u??l ROUX & TAULL1J.K. 1747 is m.'a nve. A*ents for nret-claMM bouses. Boriit-aua, linivnndr, LhaiiiDatrnca audComiau Vu* de tcutc boitcu en ' aMM K'.i-Utli* j^Lixiit or BBR A BBB FERIC K ; BBAABBK K K BBB A A BBB I K KK 1 B B AAA B B F. K K ?. BBB A A BBB EKKK K ? apokttivf. rr RF. FOR malaria, chills and FEMJl?Contaiim noQuinin<\ Ar^mc. or any m.-tillia i-auiK)Ui!(l!>-at OrtbtKuts. tiOcx-nta. <> ij-tiui TO BUY THE NKW KST. THE MOST EI KG ANT aud Chcapt*: IIAI it WORK 111 the city, try J. KOTHOX. Three Patent* and Five Utxuda from Exi>oaiUona iB Par la. Lyons and Vi.-nna. COUCOUAX BT'ILDTXO. 637 15th Northwe-t. \\ aahin^rton, D. C. We elicit yonr inni*-ction and you will be con-, tnced of the difference in price and Quality. nl CHILDREN'S AXI) BOYS' OVERCOATS. $2.Mi. $:t.50, $4. and $5 m>. Children'* and boyV aulla, $1.60, $:t. *4, and up. Men's and Imys' j<ant?, $1. $1.25. $1 .V), and $1 u:>. GwhI undetvhirt? and drawerR. 2.V. to 5Uc. up. Thr* be*t $1 00 M-liool shoe in town. Ladiea' button and laou s1kk? lr?>iii $1.00 tin. Mih-ea'tpniikr b<vl button sho?-K $1.25 ^ilid. Sir". II-1 Call boots. $2.50 and $3 up. & >? . and 75c. achool Lat^ Polo caps, etc., at J. W. SELBY'3. ?2ft 1914-1916 Pennsylvania avenufl. 1~TOR LATEST STYLUS NEW MARKETH ?iibalAJ| Cil.CULARS, Don't mil to go to 73C 7Ui btn.*t __ iikO MOti'MXG 6I0ML