Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL MENTIOH. T!>r Wrnflirr. CrrTiT or tv-: chief ?;>?*.*! ornr*", > \V>-H-N?..ON. i>.iK<-. j i-m, m.tin.f F r w r .nd . n t :h<- mldd'? Atl.Vi ' c stares. * : r -v.-ath-r. 'i!.. riy win,Is ne.iny st ;t2. :..;! >, 1 >.: hy f.Ui!t'e t>-rr iii'ter. era.M. bulletin ? wakifh, kaik weatuer toXOKROW. T!i" > i'n<r ?>' it?;, r v. itii rain hn- been report< <1 fr.* : : and Ail/nna,and gtomdvclear wt it' : i tl.- > th?-r i!iMri' ?s. Th^lfiupt rattirf h. - .: :i ! > v. Kn_ .aj. i . id from tin- lake r? j;.<>n f npartJCBOl the gdU states, wester ;> v ;:r- r? im rrmn tit.- N? \v England e<v.->t *. xi:-s< iri \;?1: ; easvri> wiiul>tathe y< . . *' it: ?;: ! ?mH ri si.iici; ?*??it w.i.u !r i i ?-v. ri: tm'if -t to the lakes. l.t - - i< -ris .4 in ii and t-rtv one-huudr - * r ! ; ill dur.rc the r..-t twenty-four la II -. I'-i \i'.'. K.: r! '?fi .riM the inkldle Atlantic ofciu g f .> v iuhtfairweatbern Wedaes* day. For the z ;* w .me r partly cloudy vr i:uer, uad >: : -la- oil w > dnc.rd ay. r?nrET-\ ? rrri. let: : i?i ,-arywts, choicebright st; :, -. :r. .. .v.. i:. >v. iu-t rhu? h ear.* :? i i' .I * . f. r: ?t |- ; .? 1.H>. Fie r :l ci?Jtu.S aH vidtlH Tonsona, ra, ave^stotli Gun okmm of EwtHay gwfr 'I'IhhiHit.IMd'*y i - ... . ;y. To it ? r hunis-imc souvenir. >lr% Max Wkyi., a^t.. 71, T: h northwest. C?TE2iCOAT? SJrt. ; : .nan Di*?)o., cor. Tth and n. to the rr- *>lne de aand for her lati st Xew V< i": at} i. s i ah goods. *erle J. Prandl win r i. i ut . : i>?vcitiber 5 and ?i, at ilia. M..?. tlut l s l iv'.i i'iti To <?! i;ii, ;"i. tn:F.l- :ii tn i'm-;., cor. Tth anl M. Pt'i-iK ; I ; -id !' '"irh WhlsVi*'?, and a rnc a- r .ii oi S y. ti, d c 43. J..>. ii: vk*, ! " tt. aottimeaC. Ti (?(.; ?::. <-" - i.f<. Kl .1 ,n !?r>"?s., cor. T"'i an 1 s 91 Saxstao, ancttoneer, win sell, to-uonuw, at Hi. ! 7 la., ; (uaknnt vti>? k of ir.tiHrjery to n!-;, liavns, clothing and a btuclc oi toydb Ik V?'r : ive ;? -r?' rhroiit. a ewujjh. or a cold, try F. II. > ,v ^ inn? ?'<?u^h luoj s; , th?-; 1 :'it t?? i!?C taste. ?i-ilectiy"nanuhas, anti v. to .av.y i iir.' >-i i. To 1:. j'. ni Liscm: n Kros.,cor.7th and E. X' r?--".?K f~ K< .i fir. li?X? Fa. ave., takes one Hex. tn.' i'l.'H'A-, ? .!?'.: on- iu: t -enta pointed,fur ?:j. i- is - kli.'s ice eri .tin m i?''1 ir*. .tte u-k^v Sc;:cm s, t* ys, X-mts cards at J. Jay Gould'9. Ovf.kcoats {10. Kise*aan Br>s., cor. 7ih and E. j t'cMF and g. t oao of thoseoriental an<l plush tlill''a at V.tC. 3!r.?. M ax WE*. !., i'gt., 712 ? u st. northwest, j Gkhat r ?f.n \ins in r<>:- red ?ir- silks. K* cents? Rdac?d fromiLW! brocade silks, 2B rents; broeade T? !vet. 'if>rs 75 cents; iadit s" mats, ?3a*) ami ft>i?K < i'iiiir- t. - made hose, IS cuts; BflgD h <: sa picds, 16 cents Tow sou's, l*enu?ylvurna awiiuc, so?.: h shle. To Orwb, $23 suits. Eisemm l-ros., cor. 7th and E. j Ilri: ( ki'n's Ci:i:!stmas ?All who buy five tDOusr . nil oi boots, shoos, suppers, rnbbess or ai\ Mrs. ui ili I'? ; < ilxr cah, will iw presented with aptdrof >h< s vorih tin\ cents am! a handsome K-uvecir. ??:r pike- lower than the lowest. L. 1Sk11 Bi:r\. 1' -J 7lh street. Look ft r?The i>M W0..1.11 in \\ iudow. s. sui-T>r.. au<-t:<itiHpr, will sell, to-morrow, at HJ( i. m. and t - <: t>. m.. a bankrupt ste k of mlhiwtv i ; tan y goods, linens, eloining and u stock oi toy s. Okksiv Nation il 1! >t< 1 Optician Store?next I 1 lilii XlJ). Shtkky Wivf, such as .Amontillado, Oloroso, VfBO dp l'asto, West India, etc., fmporteu bj my- j st-lf, and i !'ruis i.'i the city get ihcui at Cur. i Xai.iki s, ? ;i 7; !i ?!reet inK'ihwivt. ~ ? CIT\ ANI? DISTRICT. C'oiideiJ-sed I.omit. strret i -i : s will he lighted at 3:10 p. m. and extlv.'uSi'' -! . t a. m. Til- 1 r.y oi Wa^Mnrton will meet at the | Ibsl Pp byj flia ehmvh, ^riandtti, Va^to-morr? w 2 i i. i>. m. \t i i:.. - i-.t r th executive committee of the Suffrage \ ;..t; n I -* nlgbl Messra. A. 9L t'lapp, J. <.. lt?'ir J. 1*. i-.liuvrl**. Frank Hume, E. 1?. Wrijii.v. M in l>iek?>n. 1!. li.pTsull, s. .T. V pip, Alo i Bell, K. \v. Whltaker and W. C. 1) k. . \.. r> appointed a osoinitt'f to Interview the s>i r i-i the House with regard to the foiination oi I;.* ni^tr.' t commit ee. Ai ii tii'.-r <>f the ofil -ers and teachers of the Ken i ha , h rWretlenborgmn) Sunday school saturd i> ? v : tii - ( hi.isr-.iS Christmas ( "lub. No. 1, of V-;i - h'.iitrti'n, '.v:is?ir_-.?nl.'"d within a few hours alter i: p'n.h. utlun > t the kvkmm; stak's article on that %..?>:?ft. Nt-arly every s?-h'?lar joined the club on : following sanday) morning. In p"e.? ::lng tie* ro:umlssi;?n for a twstmr.stfr at asiiiallt' wii in the s?>uth. a cl rical error causetl theoiuis-? ti f t? !.i-i ri.nrelj! the year, leaving the trrm stand as printed in the blank?MP . The ; flMrttoti i.. - Mwawl thf-roramlsslon to 1 the <; pa: - ,u? nt, v.i' i!.. irnpliry whetl?er lie i.-. t>? Aui: len-!an i ni.-> upjioiutmenl tu dale b. C. or A. D. W1H. ' j he ivw tone ar.4? Iron viaduct over f.'h street, neartl.f 't/Kii.ry t?5:ii.ti:i_r. spanning the H dtimor* aiitl I'?it' jirallnci-l has h. en completed, and t lik e - .ire j' evsli;^ ovt r IT daily. iMttrFUke Court this morning Horace John-1 Bon. * oiured, was lined ;3?J or Go days for carrying a j ra.'i >r. \i#t''i' ii puM KN-s lasr nijrni omeer vintnms ' arr? .-t* it K:.<-hael Washington, colonel, while she , was following him ;.l?.>iit tstreets In South ? VaaMtginnilalxtitot: titw* in a load andIwbtenm mu.:>er.; >r whl- h -he was lined $5 in the Feller ? t?urt th1; morning. lull-- r. ii.?-?' liirt this inorr.lnr .Tnmes Green, colon- . i.i - el i-tilliy carrying ;t blackjack, and waj> ??neil or '?? ii ?ys. Mr. v. !? . assistant 1". S Dlstrl t Attorney, has Jr.-t returned from Me.ii i, I'a.. alter su.-<vssfully j d-'i ndVt-' a ('inii!-r uX this city charged with li 'i'-.' stealing. Yrsierdav afternoon a pair of horses attached to a h ? k. rh.:r?es Walker driver, took Jri.zht while ' standing ' ii #s str?- t, n .ir li:h Mnn northwest, atd ran away. The carriage run o. r a wllte b >y nani-->l i; inhael Your. r. 7 years old, s'lghtly inlurInji l:l;n. The l?i\ u..s taken t-_> his i;??iiie, 1-'KV5 S stn-f-t, and ; :"-n fed by i?r. Uiair. -No blame is utta ebc?l to the drlv r. ar Xo. 1. ! ? !'>ngl:!,' to the United States fi>ii roi.iml--ion.ft i..- ihrh* with ;?> *?> young carp lor t.i 1 '!ex.. wi.i nee th.y will I.,- .-diipjH-d to Arizona, lo be d!.,tiihuted In the ui that Territory. The f dr of 1-T-iel ehureh vras opened la r ni-rht. T1 - e\er (?-, the evenlr-g was a \lslt tn-ni the iucmItfScl the Hod Cam is I: ! on. Tla y were we!m i. 11 \ir. c. W. DqtIs,efcalrman of the conmUT? - et arran-r* :n-ats. ai.<t Ml-s Josephine! Tsbvj, who *nv rvsporvled to respectively |q Mr. t. r. i; .11 ind Vr. K iward Tooi.\ 'in ball given by-the crew of the Albatross, at Odd F-;! 1: di, N.iv\ Yar I. iaol c.e.'.tng was larv ij tTe;:d<?i. *.r. Frank Ii. IT* V '. '< :.nd Vl^s Fmnia M. 51 e. eh .\ re n t>1 i 1. ; t-valng at tie* home o: la I : 1 ' : -; ' . N<?. s K -?tr- ii v.; W.ii'd. ot t \ i an'' 'l, oi'a i i' 1 ti r. A s':'i-r. i;'.l i ?-f jl h. 1 en i c i\, I al THE STak lu* th X . I I-. dl \l lireiac-a. Th:: <onr:s: \ r .-. ..." Faik.?The leading candidates i.-i t. vi ; at tn- Itin?-;.tal tiir i..-! evcrJ i were as followa: Piano, t h 11 - . ; t.. i-:e.>; . .\e;he M.-( . r;..- : c: ' s- . v.i-, I. r. Ilutt n: i t! d ci ! >r*. r : -is ? \ :s; i!> : table, >!: - 1- >ra lUat-.u; . -I s.T.i ?3 i *i 15i; d'is; },..rU :*de -'.Mi.., SI : : r; r ! was a..i. I . Bangs and J.T. ?l ,-: > on inental swor?Capt. V?. W. Mills; ic??-fc. ii?; i . i .. Ii. \-.. \V. !??;.'? ' : ?-h? ' run, 11. i r> 'U .a . ,v ; ir. ? a;?t. t. i;. At:-a- --a a;id ( , ; . \V. V . y. ; 1 rn s: r e- : stl k. w. a. Perry; Ett oadge. Daniel E. I ;!dl'i; ' Pliii :. iv revolver,! ^BarKide; afgban,! l'r. V. 1, I 1; d !, v. v.! v.'al! seh; d? imait, ,\ll>.s Kail- ? : i:; v. :.ct dr- -s pattt-rn. Ml-s lie;hi If- an - rwlng bum hlne, Mrs. EL F. \\-rud ' :n: X-'r--\;-r. sieiaptojei llugb >iurll!.-, ; I K I. " - > - . " ?.?' ' Comin.i I' N' ?;errs.? \ testimonial concert will lie jflvc:i |in -.v ? vi Mn * at the Congf-za!loual lun a T?? Al? \lna C. Murray, tli blind ? pr.iii". Tin*following talent vu appeaR .Mmc. eehm, of Baltimore: Eva Mills; Mi-s Xlnnle Ka.ui. i?r. .f. W. rr. * !r. ?";irl Zimmerman. of V?":r _r. Mai; in: r>-: Mr. \. m. WaM ker. Mr. Warren Mr. k. . nyl anil the Alton quartette.? The :'r?t or a -vri'-sof concerts win t?.- givea at the , Vnlv rxill-t ehureli to-morrow eventuif. Mm". Anna r-K.-.sp r. Mrs. Jennie I", line. Mr. F. KiiMip. Vr. J. II. Kawr. Prof. llayden, Prof. Has- i par and other talent wti! assist.-?A concert by1 th'*rtffl ! *nof :?? it >;> >? u?l orphan i-:m. earner n a rul > fctrvets n>-rthw? bt, willbe given Fii.l i > e\i lilTi-r. A grand ui.ton concei t by iXM) veil, itu?* >oath Washington Sunday 3ch> 1 'i:.! hi. wlil 1h' gl\;n at i.ineoln hall Friday 7, is*;, under the direction of M'UL 11. L?;UileL Trk < vr.r>v.r\t- HcsriTAi-?At th#1 in? ?-t lapr f>f the ? u:? ;u!)*-rs i.t tin- t'hlidn n s hospital ! ;>t . I>r. .). W. M. Love Joy, l.'.-^iaaid ! iYi.dali. J .iii? H. Savillt- d n. s? iiik? n were a-eiecu d directors fur the u rm ot five jetn ? I?lrln^ with the elw of lv<H. The board as now n n.-'ituud Is ,i- follows; s. V. Mies, presldi rst: m. \V. <iait. \l.-e j-r? Went; lb lnald Fendall. secretary; F. I'.. M< t;ulre. treasurer. Directors?Lewis J. Davis. Johl -on Fll' f. M. 1? T. J. Fisher, K. C. F< x. A. i\ ? ar?y tt, M. 1?.. j. C. Harkness, s. II. Kat;:Uo inn, N. S. 1 in- In. M. I)., J. U. Ijfcvejoy. M. !>.,?. M. Matthi Antb nj PMlock, J. 11. savtlle, i Henry s> mken, Fdward'.'ciaple, W. S. Thompson, j Grafton Tyl< r. M. I). Dr. J. Ford Thompson was : el< ; to iiil tie vacancy In the board of attending l jlivslrtana, occasioned by the death ol Dr. F. A. ArhfonL It wa* st ated at the meeting that the board < t police ens In their report of the examlnatlt ?.s mad" l-> them of the UiT^r.-nt public ?hartt:,J.i. ln-il'.utlons, had placed this hospital at the in ;.d tf the !i-t lu jK-'Jit of saiilt^ry ^iran^eBcntb\T Sctes.?That ^'o<h1 old soul and the en friend to the children In the civilized port.1 .ii - of the earth. >at:iu t i.ius, made his first stand in Washington on hi* aiiliual tooiid of vLalls, Le t Saturd;*.'.. at the Mp.iuniCth Iv-tv-^-.'nt rioitoi I'. GoMscUini 1. v"! t u? it li -t. '? !: ' eT;X't I ct thi- si 'id dl-r'. 'y oi th- be-^ild-rlnjf ir.n-s of frc< !s. all i .-tcl diy an 1 U luti'.ulty arrange 1, togi !v i v.?;h ?ii" iwe- t j eij' Siu' of e>.otic lh-wera ai. 1 tL w. S lnuui?i! r.;01e h-atii' T1 il s >n?rRt?-, v. s : .i !> I In 1 c-?r"s, rendered the sceae of t .. 1 b- >* 'i ini'?il Mtuvt ;tnd <:ue'aaT.ttig, will." f' I s.-a*'. rims in ]r-. -on smiled a benign we', r \>i n all. Mr. Ciao -ehtnid is to be congiutul .tel ois rc.Jly tee hr;.:-a .Jr-.4>:ay of h^U'lay gtxxis Ui at uo hlo> ?vu>* o^'uwi 141 to the Officer* FJrctrd* Pent alpha Lodge, No. 23, F. A. A. M.. last nlpht elected uiflcers for the ensuing year as follows: J. 1*. n ri*rt. W.M.; W. F. crt-ws, s.W'.; C. E. Town, J.W.; J. c. I'oynton. see.: J. W. GriHin, treas.; J. B. | burke, J. K. lioblnson, J.D.; \V. p. Marsh, trustee lodge charity land; W. K. MendenhaU, di-j reel or of tn. Masonic memorial hospital, j b. b. Fj Lodge, F. a. a. m., last evening elected tb Soil wing officers: W. H. Lemotn. W. M.; C. 11. smith. s. W.; K. W. Lawton, .7. W.; 11. M. G11Iman, si < n taiy; w. Bins, treasurer. The Washington Cadet Corps elected officers last , i \as follows: c. a. Fleetwood, captain; J. a. Furry, first lieutenant; A. J. Brooks, second livut- I tit; J. k. Brown, brer* t second lieutenant; J. A. Payne, secretary: .J. F. Cutler, armorer. The Mascnie ball asso-iatlon held its nnnual elect Ion for directors last evening, with the foBow! _: I' -ult: Feter H. Hooe, Noble D. Lamer, Win. IL Goods, ]<,..:! l. Johnson and Jaa p. Wlllett. At the MTtli monthly meeting of the Great Falls Ari, .< rs' a---1 latlon last evening, t he following officers were elected, to serve Tor the ensuing year: Dr. Smith Townsbend. president; Wn. F. Fearaon, j vice presKJ< at; '1 heo. Fri< bus, secretary and treas- | ur< r: N. sardo, Gus. Rupert and S. Einstein, executive committee. At its annual meeting last night the Na-! Jeckt y eiub t :'-cted the following officers tor ! tie- eu.-uli:g yean Joseph C. V.cKltben. president; Johns. Barbour. G. c. Gootii(?e, W illL.m .M. Gait, , G-orge ( ., and \V. li. Emory, Jr.. vice ; pre Stents; Charles stone. Ballet Kilbourn, II. W'. Blunt. <>. c. Gre-n, J. F. olmsjtead, P. II. Christ-, man, clarence llail, G. M. oyster, jr., and J. T. i Dyer, "xectuive committee; II. l). Mclntyre, secretaiy, and henben F. Baker, treasurer. i he Third cooperative Building Association last evening re-elected itsoM officers, as follows: Fre.-ldent,ii. Johnson; vice president, A. Depew; secret try, o. T. 1 hompson; treasurer, J. O. Petty;1 ih'ectors, v.". T. Walker, Andrew Archer, J. N. j Birkhead. Y*\ 11. Butler, J. O. Vermillion, 11. L. j Bose, W". A. li. Church, J. J. Stafford and O. P. Bonn. I The ?igh?h sub livl-lon Assorted Charities Ins | i... ted oliicera as foll< ws: President, Froi. J. W. j ('hick* ring; vice president. lion. W. C. Bodge;! treasurer, Mr. Charles Junken; secretary, A. si, j K:it.o*.j?e; board of managers. Mrs. Charles Junken, Mrs. \v. c. Bodge, Br. J. E. Carpenter and S. C. MoDow elL Di^iriit <;?vcrsiiueiit Affairs* THE CHARITABLE INSTITCTIONS. Pnrsnant to a clause in the last District appropriation hill the Commissioners directed the police and hie department surgeons to investigate and report j upon tie- condition and management of the various charitable Institutions receiving aid from the District revenues, i hey have reported that they had performed thlsduty and found nothing to criticise in the management of any ef the institutions, but made recommendation that better accommodations be provided lor certain of them. F.riLIlINO PERMITS have been issued by Inspector Entwlsle as follows: Margaret Fit/.patrlck, erect a two-story dwelling, northeast comer 4th and K sts. n. e.; $1,400. John Bella, repair frame 404 X st. n. w.; Edward Forrest, crect a two-story dwelling on Hamilton roaa, county; $2U). LIQUOR LICEXSKS. The Commissioners have approved applications for liquor licenses from the following: Win. J. Beiding, Herbert Bohnke, John A. Besnchert, Edwar. 1 honnelly, John F. Dyer, Arthur Flynn, Austin Freer'y, May Gannon, Jus. s. Graham, Peter F. Genty, Henry c. Hepburn. Archie Hayes, Esau E Johnson. Edward Lowenstine, Jus. McLaughlin, Jus. F. McGec and John ^Ictirann. MISCELLANEOUS. John D. Davis et al. ask for the planting of shade tret s on 8th street, extending from Boundary street to Grant avenue. Mr. Daniel T. Donohue requests that a lamppost be placi d on the southwest corner ul lltli and B streets m : tbeast. liquor licenses. Applications for liquor licenses have been approved as follows: Win. Hart well, Julius lleister, i rank r. Mliloy, Charles F. Siieiton and John J. W it ii l*. Id-approved: Bernard Murphy and Win L. Lllcy. For "The < 'nl^reiiN t'lirhtmas Club." The following comes with $2.09 enclosed: T*> th? Editor of The Evening Star: Two little plrls to whom was read the account of the "Children's Christmas Club." as published in Saturday's Stak. ask you to take the contents of tie lr saving box to start a similar society In this city. May God bless the offering! IIow to Improve tSw lax Office 15oo!ikeeping. To the Editor of Thf. Evening Stau: Your Saturday issue contained a communication In reft renceto the bookkeeping in the District tax office. The writer, who 1 presume is employed in that ofiice, attempts to reply to some criticisms upon the system of book keeping, w hich you were kind enough to publish la^t Wednesday, and ehal1* ng - me to suggest any improvement which could be made, it appears to me that it would be a decidv-.i improvement if one account and one set of j bo >ks should be made to last for a number of years j lr.-tead of having a new account and a complete ] new set of books lor every year. This improvement j was suggested in my previous communication, and j to show that it was perfectly feasible, reference was made to the accounts of registered bonds kept j >>v iii'- ? iii',inii} 'icji.ii:ni'-iii. jo go mm int' | detai's would require more <pace than I could ex-, peet you to give, but if the District authorities want a detailed explanation, 1 will endeavor to furnish it to them- A Taxpayer. Nation at. Theater. ? Thr' favorite Maggie Mitchell delighted her audience last night by her winning1 acting in the ever popular "l'earl of Savoy/' She seems to have lost none of her youthful vigor and trips about the stage as lively as of old. Her company is a very strong one, and all the roles are s. tisfactorl'y rendered- "Pearl of Savoy" will he repeated to-night. To-morrow and Thursday "Fanelion'' will be given. Company b. Capital City Guap.t>p.?The first anniversary of Company B, Capital City Guards, will he celebrated at the 15th street Presbyterian church this evening. George M. Arnold will de- I liver the annual address. lTof. George W. Cook v.i.l preside. since its organization 53 active and 61 honorary inemltrrs have been added to the roll. The oflicvrs of the corps are: Captain, William P. Gray; 1st. lieutenant, William A. Smallwood; 2d llciiti nant, 1L li. Garland; treasurer-sergeant, William Joyce; secretary, II. P. A. BrodeL The Union Veteran Cokps.? At a meeting of the t alon Veteran Corps, First company, (apt. M. A. Tappan. last evening, thanks were voted to Secretary Lincoln ami Col. .1. M. Whittcrnore, assistant i hief. ordnance bureau, for the courtesy shown the company In promptly granting their request for arms. Four new active members and six honorary members were elected. The corps accepted the invitation of the Grand Army of the Republic to act in con ert with them in escorting the Mexican veterans or? the occasion of their parade on the 8th t instant, and the invitation of tlie Continental j Guards to attend their fair on Saturday evening. Marriage T t(TN>n<. ? Marriage licenses have beeri issued by the clerk of the court to Howard Frai kiin Heimick, of Philadelphia, Pa., and Mary Emma .Meacham; Frank Wade and Carrie Brown. * Dime Mc-pepm.?The leading attractions at iho museum t!ils week are the wonderful living skeleton, i t boy, white Moor, Australian native child, ! the unique trio, the shadogruphs, little Ml sly | I.oane, Dalm tilings, Fenton and others. The stage i performance Ls entertaining. Theater Comiqpe:?Manager Snelbaker oiTers an i unusually InvPing variety program at the cosy I this vaa. I; Is his own variety comllna- ! ti 'Ti ;hat hold- the boards, which abounds in good sins rs and aetora. The house was crowded last rJ^ht, and will be the same during the week. Tit'; Co-f)pet!atiye brn.nino Association?A g ">d tt'.ij to maK'1 monthly lnw-trnents or savings 1 :::: ! acquire property is to take shares 111 the j E le Co t peratire Bonding Association. Pay- I in 5- .V? per share; a^ets, ivsi.'ilti tfg. Pum- j j piilet> expl:d!:lng the obj.-ct and beueiits of the us- I s i.ition iurin.-Iuil by the ofrlers and directors. | Tli . ; 8 unenrllle is presl i nt, and John Joy Fd- | i> mv!'? UJ? 1 ' w! r. <?t lu.rllnvr.jt Ehglohi On ra at Ford's.?The first presenta-! t!on<'f til-- Krr;iWi version of Leeoeq s'* Heart and Hand," by t h DufT OjM'ra company, at Ford's hint night, wry successful. The audienee was larg1' for a first night, and gr? r.tly enjoyed tlip fine sinking ;,nd s|>Irit?-cl acting of the company, which Is a strong one fur such work, many of the mcml ers i < ing exeeptionably good vocalists andactors. i?i last night's performance, Mr. George Sweet, as tin l'rini i\ and Miss Minnie Conron, as the J'rin- ' khs, bore <>ir t ho honors of the evening. The former w is equally at home In the tender passages and humorous phases of his role, and the hitter was a favorite from the first, her fresh voice and graceful manni rs making a good Impression. Mr. llyley was very comical as the Kimj, and Mr. McCrcery and Mis.-. Hunter did well. The chorus Is fair and the o[K-ra well mounted. "Heart and Hand" will be refuted to-night. Bryan's PninE Flopr.?C. C. Hrjcn, the wellknown merchant at the corner of Fifteenth and I st n*fts, has ju t received a car-load or 125 barrels of this celebrated Hour, which he has successfully sold n.r many years post. For those who have not used it. he iHnpl> asKs that just one trial be given. j Absolutely I* lbe. i BRIt OO t t a 1, ^ RROOYYAAL \ RKK OO YY AAL < r r o o y aaa l * r r oo v a a li ll nun a k k n !?n oori BHAAKKT1XXNOO BliB A .f KK 1I.1NNO ? K AAA K K UN NNIi OO BLB A ak ku.n NN UUO tpp co w vr wndp feerrr p po owwwwr> r>e r r ppp o o www w 1) l> kk rrr p o o ww ww d df. r r... p oo w w ddd eke k r?. j i TL'b rewder eercr T&rlfcf. A marvel of rnrlty, gtr? i.irth. and wholosori^T.rss. Sloro economical than the ordinary kinds and cannot be aohl in competition with the rinliiiudo of low U-st, fchort weight, r.Huucr l hot phut* poTv.icrs. Svitl onIy in can*- Lcvai. iixia^a PcurD: b Co.. 100 VVs.Il street, N.Y. tp( Rett j- ^lason Returns Thanks. the joyfui. meeting at locf8t grove. Betty Mason writes to her friend, Mrs. Shannon, as follows: Loccst fikoye, Orange Co., Va., Nov. 27,1883. My Dear Mrs. Shannon: I am so thankful to all the good people and also to the President lor my husband s release. I was overjoyed to see him, and he is looking very well. 1 feel sure that my prayers have done more good in my dear husband's behalf than Bigelow ever did. My best respects to your family. <;od is merciful. (Jodls love, and God Is kind to all; and I am so thankful to him In answering my prayers and the prayers of the good and great people. From your friend, Betty E. Mason. To Return to Tlieir Desks* neaft.y ai.l the stttexts of the college of fharmacy going back to their places. Only about Ave of the thirty students who left the National college of Pharmacy last Thursday, on account of the admittance of a colored man to the class, returned to their desks last night. The revolting students went to the hall In a body, but lingered ^J>out the door until the lecture was over. There were very few students in attendance at the lecture, but At wood, the colored man, was present, and expresses his determination to continue j through tin- course. After the lecture, the students held a noisy meet- : ing In the class room. A motion for the class to act wiih the majority was lost, and a resolution advising each member to act ior himself was adopted, and it was understood, at the adjournment, that all the students, probably with the exception of two, would return to the school at the n<-xt lecture, Thursday. Before adjourning it was decided to present. Mr. YV. s. Thompson With alloral token of their esreem, fr?r his support of their cause before the board of trustees. Transfers of Real Estate. Peeds in fee have been recorded as follows: B. IT. Warner to Kate L, Uov, one-half Interest in lots 3 < and 5, and all of lot 25. block 4. Mt. Pleasant; *2.1 (to. R. II. T. Leipold to same, one-half do., &c.; $2,000. James H. Ma fill to Mary ttagan, sub. 9, of lot 5. block 3. Le Droit Park; $4.7.7). J. J. .Johnson to I* j D. Means and Jacob I). Kengla, part sq. <26; 13,200. C. P. Benedict to \V. K. Klllson, part Fletchall's ' Chance; *7.000. \V. obold et al. to W. T. Bryan, sub. 26, sq. 910; 11.000. Caroline Williams to E. Delano Ames. sub. lot lis,sq. 240; $4,800. J. Wormley to II. K. Klot7., part 4. sq. 158; $3,100. Eliza Barry to John Miller, lot 10, sq. 536; {G00. A. E. Bateman et al. to 1_ I.. Kearney, sub. lots 1 to 4, sq. 176; $8,200. W. Reading to It. E. Bradley, lots 18 and 23, sq. 76: $ . John Lynch to Jas. T. Allen, north part 31, sq. 117, Pleasant Plains; $400. Jas. i T. Allen to David A. Chambers, same property; $500. f. J. Shadd to James II. Smith, one-half Interest In Harry Farm estate; $1,000. Mary M. Bennett to John T. Arms, sub. lot 48, sq. 330; $ . J. T. Arms to Ed. Bennett, same property; $ . It. i?. :uinin 10 w. u. Matthews, pnrt 8, sq. 553; |700. W. II. slack, Jr., et al. to M. Ashford et aL, lot 86, sq. 157; $ . A. N. Meeker to M. Ilealey, sul>. IT, sq. 700; $ . John Sherman to Joseph Paul, lot 9, block 34, Colurnlkla Heights; }1,?09.10. C. D. Giimore to H. M. Baker, lots '-i'14 and 230. $350. Mary J. Snowden to Ilenry F. Bruminger, lot 1, Mock 3, 10 and 11, block 7; M25. C. B. Jewell to James F. Fitch, lots 9 to 13. sq. lirtj; $15,938.44. W. E. Chandler to G. K. Fitch, sub. lot 43, sq. 421; $3,900. Wnlsli and the Star Itoute Cases. CONDITIONS UPON WIIICII HE WILL APPEAR AS A WITNESS TOK TIIE GOVERNMENT. John A. Walsh, well-known In connection with the star route cases, has furnished the press with the copy of a letter he addressed to the President a month ago, t o which he st ates he has received no reply. In this letter he recites the fact that he appeared before the grand jury here as a witness against Hon. \V. r. Kellogg, whose case on the resulting indictment had been fixed for hearing on the 10th inst. It having been surmised by some of the prosecuting officers that Mr. Kellogg would plead lii3 privilege ?is a member of the House of Kepre- | sentatlves, which will then be in session it was deemed advisable to have an earlier date fixed, and conferences were sought with Walsh to arrange for tlif preparation of the case. These were refused by Walili upon the ground that the government had not protected him from the attacks of the defendants and i lie newspapers influenced by them for his enforced attendance upon the witness stand, lie concludes as follows: "If my presence as a witness on behalf of tho T*n ted stat'-s In its eases against Thomas J. Brady and Wm. l'ltt Kellogg Is deemed of sufliclent importance by you to give your assent to the following requests, I will hold such conferences with the prosecution as are proper, and will appear as a witness in response to a subpoena: "First?Mr. Merrick or Mr. Kerto appear before the present grand jury of the District of Columbia, with the view of prosecuting Indictments against Wm. Dickson for slander and against George C. Gorhain, of the Xittimutl Ilcpnblican, and A. C. Bueli et al., of the Critic, for criminally libeling me in the matter of tlie Bennerclaim. "Second?That you request Attorney General Brewster to answer my letter of inquiry addressed him, dated September 25, 1883, touching a letter written by him to the Secretary of the Navy, W. E. Chandler, concerning me. "Third?Your assurance that the government will protect me as a witness. By protection I do not mean physically, as I can do that myself. I mean that protection from slander and libel vvhlch the law entitles me to as a witness. "Fourth?The assurance that Mr. George Bliss will not represent the government in its actions against Thomas J. Brady and William Pitt Kellogg. "Believe me, Mr. President, if I thus address you. it is because experience 1ms taught me that no projier remedy will be accorded me elsewhere. When you reflect, sir, that the accused (Kellogg) proclaims his intention of placing on the witness stand a member of your Cabinet to discredit the prosecution's own witness by having him recite the language used concerning the said witness by another member of your Cabinet, to wit: the Attorney General Of the I nittfl Stnfpa 1? It lint time that f should know definitely whether or not lam to have the moral and legal support of the government?" The New English Hangman Not Up to Sncff. Blnns, the hangman, or "Butcher" Blnns, as he Is called, did a most bungling piece of work at liverpool yesterday. A man named Button was executed. He struggled In a most horrible manner for two minutes, and his pulse beat eight minutes after the drop fell. The doctors who were present denounce 15!fins' system, and say it Is entirely opposed to the practice of Mar wood, his successful predecessor. The scientists join with the doctors. Iilnns believes In the methods formerly practiced by Calcraft, now considered obsolete. F. C. Mason, of Cleveland, O., has in his possession a watch on whose dial twenty-four hours are marked Instead of the usual twelve. And the Lt ndrr of that city gives the following Interesting account of Its origin: Mr. Mason's uncle, CoL (J. W. Mason, was in command of a regiment of soldiers stationed at Harper's Ferry In 1864. The commanding general ordered him to move at 4 o'clock a certain day and attack the enemy. The order simply said 4 o'clock, and Col. Mason, thinking it meant 1 o'clock In the afternoon, marched forward at that hour and began killing on the rebels. The Union soldiers, however, were defeated, and the commanding officer was court-martialed for not ordering Mason and his men to the front at an earlier hour. Mason said the order read 4 o'clock and he moved accordingly. The commanding ofilcer said he meant 4 a. m., Instead of p. in., and, there being a clear misunderstanding, the charge was withdrawn. Col. Mason afterward sent to an eastern factory and had made a twenty-four o'clock watch, which he said would do away with all mistakes and which he curried during the remainder of the w ar.'' * ? ? ?? Tns American Bishops in Rome.?A special dispatch to the Baltimore Sun from Koine states that, while the council bet ween the American bishops and the papal propaganda has closed, the bishops still remain In session for the consideration of certain side issues. it may be stated, however, upon j authority, that no new laws have been adopted, and thv subject of a nuncio to the United States! lias not b. cn considered, and there w ill cert ainly be no American council until 1885, when, if it be found ! expedient, an apostolic delegate will lie sent to I represent the holi see, upon the suggestion of the American bishops. NEW PU BLICATIOm 500,000 Copiesi THE LARGEST EDITIONS EVER KNOWN ! 31MUL'ANE0U8 PUBLICATION IN ENGLAND AND AMERICA! NOW READY: The Graml Christmas Double Numbers of the nXL'STEATED LONDON NEWS And the LONDON GRAPHIC. The New York Journal of Commerce says: "The two rr?*at rivals, an umini, each contains the finest engravngs that can Ik- produced." THE GRAND CHRISTMAS LONDON GRAPHIC, Now ready, contains TWO LARGE COLORED PLATES, nstead of one, a? heretofore, entitled "MOTHER HUBBARD," By BRITON RIVIERE, R.A., And "THE ORDER OF THE BATH." By C. BURTON BARKER. Also. SIXTEEN PAGES COLORED PICTURES of Seasonable Snbjitris. EIGHT PAGES COLORED SKETCHES, by CALDECOTr, illustrating "Diana Wood's Wedding." EIGHT PAGES COI.ORED ILLUSTRATIONS of TWO STORIES: Dy ANSTEY. author of "Vice Vr-rsa," entitled "A TOY TRAGEDY." By BESANT, author of "Ready Money Mortiboy," entitled "UNCLE JACK." THE CHRISTMAS LONDON NEWS, Now Ready. contuins Two I.arve Colored Plates, instead i>f one, as in the past. entitled "MUSS," by Edwin Long. R. A., and "TISS ME." by Kate Grkenawav. Also, BEAUTIFUL ENGRAVINGS and TWO SHEETS AND A HALF OF CHRISTMAS PICTURES, TALES [iiul SKETCHES by the Most Distinguished Literary Celebrities of England. Tiie edition of the Christmas Numlier of the LONDON GRAPHIC this year is ."MJU.000 copies, and the edition of the Christmas Number of the ILLUSTRATED LONDON NEW S is SOMETHING ENORMOUS. But not withstanding the immense editions, the demand in years r ,;st has !kvu ho k? at that THE PRICES HAVE RISEN BEFORE CHRISTMAS AS HIGH AS FIVE DOLLARS p< i < ; y in LONDON and NEW YORK. Ord< i s NoV, RECEIVED for each of these BEAUTIFUL C- 1R1STMAS NUMBERS at 60 cents per copy, by all bookseller* and newsdealers. THE INTERNATIONAL NEWS CO., Li) and 5>1 isjotnian street, New York. Single snl*eriptions for any Foreign Periodical may be sent to ns, l>nt we employ no canvassing agents. It ^RTIFICIAJ^EY^.^^^^^^^ CITY ITEMS. A Stalwart Old Eaomy. One of the toughest. oM adversaries of human comfort, and most difficult to exterminate, is rheumatism. Mnny middle-aged people suffer tor- ! ture with it. and the old folks who have It find It ; the pest of their lives. The case of a venerable lady of I .owls ton, Mass.. is of great interest to the victims of tills tough old enemy. Mrs. Swett says: 4,I have been using Perry Darls' Fain Killer for about eight years. .As soon as I apply Pain Killer I have almost immediate relief from pain." Onr Orator. We know that water Is first rate For ducks and geese and clattering mills, But orators and men of state >"eed something more than washy swills; Some draught that will the soul inspire, And till It with Promethean tire. Our Orator Whisky is this Kltxlr grandIts praises now resoimd trom land to land. CASSTAIKS, MCCALL & Co. I T? ConNiiniptivcw. Many have been happy to give their testimony In favor of the use of "Wllbor's Hire Cod-Liver Oil and I.lme.:' Experience has proved it to be a valuable remedy for Consumption. Asthma, Diphtheria and all diseases of the throat and lungs. Manufactured only by A. B. Wllbor, chemist, Boston. Sold by all druggists. eo Ask your Grocer for the Orator. *4I 13 live Been Afflicted with an affection of the throat from childhood, caused by diphtheria, and have used various remedies, but have never round anything equal to Brown's Bronchial Troeiies."?Rev. O. St. F. Haunttun, Piketoii, Ky. Sold only in boxes. What Sfiencc Offers You. Fse no liniments, salves or lotions. Benson's Capolne Porous Plasters are best. Quick, highly medkluaL 25c. Prevision. "Look round this habitable world, how few Know their own good, or knowing It, pursue." Tint evprv n?:*? Lnnu-? Jila wir tn HY?nn1ncr clotliier, 410 7tii street. Ask your Grocer for the Orator Rye Whisky. The Kalvano^ngnctic Treatment of Disease (and Combination System.) Call or send for pamphlet containing many testimonials or cures wrought In Baltimore, Washington and other places. Consultation free at our oftice or home of patient. Satisfaction guaranteed. E. A. Parsons <? Co N. E. corner Lexington and Lil>erty sts., and 99E^ F street n. w., Washington, D. C. , Washington office hours, 8 a. m. to 7 p. m. 2 Open Niglilw, J. Jay Gould's Xmas Cards, Scrolls, Toys, etc. 12 Lundborg's Fcrfume, Edenla. Carstairs, IflrCall & Co.'n Whisky Orator. Rurnctt'tt Cocoaine Promotes a vigorous and healthy growth of the hair. It has been used In thousands of cases where the hair was coming out, and has never failed to arrest ltsdecay. Use Burnett's Flavoring Extracts? the best* marylaud Club Whiskey at Wlllard's hoteL eo6 J. M. Laroque'N Elixer of Calisaya ISark Has, for more than half a century, been In use by all classes of people, and indorsed by eminent physicians as the best tonic and in vlgo rat or Extant. The weak, the nervous, the debilitated, all llnd It to give new life, vigor and happiness. Particularly a lady's medicine. $1 a bottle. Sold by druggists. W. E. Thornton, Proprietor, Baltimore and Harrison streets, Baltimore, Aid. tu,th,s4>m lllne Flannel Sliirtv and Hand-knit Jackets,$1, $2, }3, ?4, at Auerhach's, 7th and II. eo L.undborg'ti Perfume, Mareclial Nlei Rose. Ciet it Sure! Wells "Rough on Rats" Almanac, at druggists, or mailed for 2c. stamp. E. S. Wells, Jersey City. 1 "Aldcmey Dairy Wagons." Fresh Alderney Butter, churned every morning, and delivered In half-pound "Ward" prints, 50c. per pound. Also, Cottage Cheese, Buttermilk and Sweet Milk, 5c. per quart, Cream lBc. pint. AUCTION SALES. "VATELKS & CO., Auctioneers. ' " ? C37 Louisiana avenue. Opposite City Post Office. FIRST-CLASS CARIUAGE WORK, FINE SETS OF SECOND-HAND DOUBLE AND SINGLE HARNESS, &c\, AT AUCTION. On THURSDAY MORNING, DECEMBER SIXTII, at TWELVE O'CLOCK, in front of our (salesrooms. PHAE'lON, built by Youuk. nearly new and in elegant condition. GERMANTOWN MARKET W AGON. VICTORIA, built by Rokci-b & Co., Philadelphia, cost $1,000. ONEBAYrONY. * ONE PONY H ARNESS. ONE DOUBLE RET RUST.C PONY HARNESS. ONE DOUBLE SET gold MOUNTED HARNESS. ONE DOUBLE f- ET BREAST HARNESS. rarucuiar attention is called to the* above sale, and those desi ring first-class goods bliould not fall to be pn-sent. d4-2t J ALTER bT WILLIAMS & CO.. Auctioneers. ] EXTENSIVE SALE OF ~FULNITURF., C Alt PETS, ] DECORATED WAKE, ETC.. AT AUCTION. On THURSDAY, DECEMBER SIXTH, at TEN ] O'CLOCK A. M.. we shall sell In front of our salesroom? Walnut Chamber Suites, Parlor Furniture, Dining-room ] Funiiture. Mantel and Iler Mirrors, Foldinpr Beds. ] Mahogany Book ? 'as"R and Wardrobes. DiniiiK Tables, Dinner Services. Toilet Wan;, Hall Rack, two Handsome Cliamber Suites, nearly new. Mabotrany side Tables. Antique Sideboard, and a general assortment of Houseke* pin^r Articles. Terms Cash. WALTER B. WILLIAMS & CO., d4-2t Auctioneers. ALTER B. WILLIAMS & CO.. Auctioneers. (. NT'S CLOTHING, UNDERWEAR. SHOES, GUI- ^ l ARS. VIOLIN. WATCHES. PISTOLS. &C? AT _ AUCTION. I On THURSDAY, DECEMBER SIXTH, at TEN O'CLOCK A.M., we shall sell within our Salesroom the stock of a dealer, removed to our Salesroom for convenience of sale. Terms cash. WALTER B. WILLIAMS & CO.. d4 -'it Auctioneers. J^UNCANSON BROS.. Auctioneers. RECEIVERS' SALE OF SMALL STOCK OF WINES, LIQUORS, FLASKS. DEMIJOHNS, ?o. By virtue of an order of the Supreme Court of the District of Columbia, passed iu the cause of Fitzmorris 1 apt. Moran et al? Equity No. 8,432. on the 2Cth day of ; November, 1HH.J the undersigned Receivers in said j cause will well, at public auction, at the auction rooms of Duncanson Bros., on FRIDAY. THE SEVENTH ] DAY OF DECEMBER, lfiiM. at THE HOUR OF TEN O'CLOCK A. M., Small Stock of Wines, Liquors, Demi- ( jolins, &e? &e. Terms of sale: Cash. ( WATSON .T. NEWTON.) d4-3t FILLMORE BEALL. ( Receivers. rjlIIOMAS DOWLING, Auctioneer. VERY VALUABLE THREE-STORY TRESSED BRTCK RESIDENCE WITH SIDE LOT. BEING No. ;M30 N OR FIRST STREET, GEORGETOWN, D. C., AT AUCTION. On TUESDAY. DECEMBER ELEVENTH, | | 188H,at FOUR O'CLOCK, in front of theoremiscs, I shall sell the atiove residence, located on Ji H the south side of N or 1st street, between Market and Fredt rick streets, having a front of about 44 feet by an average depth of 100 feet. The improvements consist of a three-story pressedbrick residence, containing 1'2 rooms ami cellar, with all mod'-rn improvements. This is a valuable projxTty, and should command the attention of parties desiring profitable investments or an elegant home. Terms: One-third cash; th" residue hi two equal payments at six and twelve months, with notes bearing interest and secured by a deed of trust. All >?nveyuiicing and recording at purchaser's cost. $200 deposit required at time of sale. d4-dts THOMAS DOWLING. Auet. rjMIOMAS DOWLIXO, Auctioneer. TRUSTEES' RALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE IN THE CITY OF WASHINGTON. I>. C. By \ irtii.' of a (lml of trr.^t, dated 3d day of/ifji March. A I). 18S2, recorded in Li! ?-r No. 994, ioliotfHa 386 of the land records of the District of Columbia,*1"Jl and at the miU'-st of the j>arties thereby m-uml, we will sell, at ltublic auction, in l'ront of each of the prvmims hereinafter de.scrilx*l, the following rial estate, to wit: ? t On FRIDAY. FOURTEENTH DAY OF DECEMBER, A.D. 1HH3, at FOUR O'CLOCK P.M., all those pieces of ground known as Lots One, Two, Three, Eleven.Twelve and Thirteen, in sqnare otie thousand and twenty-three j (1,023), situated on South K and L streets and 13th street * east, known as M. II. llomiller's Slaughter House prop- * erty, and also improved by a large dwelling house. And IMMEDIATELY AFTER THE SALE of property in said square 1,023 we will sell all those pieces of ground known as the east tliirty-oue feet seven inches of lot twenty-two and the west thirteen feet and seven inches of lot twenty-three by the depth of said lots, in sijunre one thousand and forty-seven, situated on south K street, between 13th and 14th streets east, im- _ proved by small Frame Dwelling Houses of Ave rooms each. | Terms of sale: One-third of the purchase money cash, ' and the balance in six; twelve and eighteen months, with iuterest at six per cent from day of sale, for which the purchaser or purchasers shall jrive their promissory notes, secured by deed or deeds of trust on tlie property sold. or all cash, at the option of tlie purchaser or purchasers. $50 to be i>aid in cash on each piece of proj>erty at the time of sale. All conveyancing and recording at purchaser or purchasers'cost. Terms of sale to l>e com- * plied with in ten days from day of sale, otherwise the J property will be resold at the risk and cost of defaulting J i>urehaser or purchasers, after live days1 notice in The I ivei ing Star. The said real estate will be sold subject to all taxes und assessments thereon. The tax collect- I or's certificate of the taxes and assessments will be exhibited at the sales. 1 WILLIAM J. MILLER, -v 1 . Office 486 Louisiana avenue, ( T_,?? 1 JOHN PATCH. f Trustees. d4-d&ds 00610th street northwest,J J [ For Other A uctmu See Seventh Page.] * COLD W EATHER Is coining, and to be ready for It you should call at our ^ Store, where we can show for you r inspection the largest , assortment of HEATING STOVES ever seen in this J city. Among them ai* the celebrated RADIANT HOME, DUCHESS and REGALIA, ell strictly first-doss revertable flue Stoves. Also, a great variety of COOKING STOVES and RANGES, both Portable and Brick Set; ^ LATROBES, FURNACE8.SLATE MANTELS,GRATES, J &.c. The oidy place on 7th street where the Genuine Danfortli'a FLUID is sold. Call and examine our stock. i w. a. JENKS & CO., eep22 717 7th street northwest. 1 Bibb'3 Baltimore Heaters!! Thenti ett'en of Housekeepers and others 13 again invited to these justly CELEBRATED LATROBE STOVES. Their beauty and excellence of workmanslup and 1 finish, enhanced by lute iiai rov- ni nts. render them su- " p rior to any t.tAer latrobfs in the market. The only Latrobes that etl?ctualiy heat tlie lower rooms BIBB'S LAT1WBES GUARANTEFJ) to^^UwiacUon in every case. 1'or sale by^eates ' 4. HOLIDAY GOODS. Books: Books; Books; Just Received at BAUM'S BOOK DEPARTMENT thousands of Books, which we guarantee to furnish Lower than any book-store in the city. Those B<? ks, either in sets or sinjrty. include the H-at standard Authors in History. Biotrrarliy and Fiction, a* well as the Latest Publications in choice literature. A fine line of Illustrat'-d Books, including Poe's Haven, illustrated by Don*. Dante's Inferno, illustrate! by Dore. Paradise Lost, illustrated by Dore. D?n Quixote, illustrated by Dore. Bible Gallery, illustrated by Dore. Triumphe de Cupidon. illustrated by Henry Lossow. Uzant-'s Fan. illustrated by Paul Avril. Uzane's Sunshade, &c., illustrated by Paul Avril. Also single Poeius, finely illustrated as Gift Book*. The finest assortment of Juvenile Books ever offered in this city. Bibles, Prayer Books and Hymnals. Christmas Cards. New Year's Cards, To vs. flmi< s, &c. BAUM'S BOOK DEPARTMENT. di 416 7th street mprthwest. rp 0-M0 RR 0 W. annual HOLIDAY OPENINO! % list of souvenirs is "NATIONAL REPUBLICAN." 1>Df> ee nrtn % y y |?"s ? x \ PPPALAI^SS- RRR OYAL P K 3 R R L m P _J BSSb R R t.t t.t. . 1117-1119 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. d3 WODDWARD & IjOTHROP i BEG TO ANNOUNCE THEIR FOURTH GRAND ANNUAL SALE o* BILK AND LINEN HANDKERCHIEFS, IN THE MOST EXTENSIVE ASSORTMENT AND MOST ELEGANT VARIETY EVER SHOWN IN WASHINGTON, AND AT THE MOST REASONABLE PRICES. we call special attention to our french clear lawn hemstitched handkerchiefs, in half-inch, three-quarternch and inch hems; and ocr all-linen 3and - embroidered handkerchiefs, in ! both plain white and colored embroidery. at 22^22 5^* 55 22 crnts each. 90-vxv) 55^-55 vs being specially good value for the ?rice. BILK HANDKERCHIEFS. i as a novelty, we show china crepe silk landkerc'hiefs in two sizes, for pocket : ind neck-wear-the most elegant silk iandkerchief ever seen, we think. colors: cardinal, light blue, pink and ;ream white. < ] ONE PRICE ONLY. i woodward & lotiirop, i j BOSTON DRY GOODS HOUSE. 821... .PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE... .921 c 1 < Jil J. W. Drew, PHARMACIST. Cohnek Penna. Ave, and Oth Street, rakes pleasure in announcing the arrival of a larjre and omplete assortment of Manicure Koods from the et;tabislwient of Dr. J. Park< r I'ray, America's first Manicure: . DIAMOND NAIL ENAMEL; cosmetic rosaline; ' ongoline: 1 cream vakola: polishers in ivory and boxwood; j french scissors; < french files: j french cuticle knives. o27-3m Opening Of Holiday Goods. \ seaton perry, 1 (successor to perry & brother.) will open on monday, december 3d, paris and vienna fancy novelties. 1 lllig.vtor-skin bags and pocketbooks. JRASS PLAQUES AND BRIC-A-BRAC. ?ANCY BASKETS AND WALL-POCKETS. 1p.ush AND comb sets, plush perfume CASES. JUNDBORG'S CELEBRATED COLOGNE AND EXTRACTS. jlush scarfs. tidie8 and pillows. tAW SILK TABLE AND PIANO COVERS. , novelties in lunch cloths with doyleys TO MATCH. 1 SOY ELITES IN LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S < SILK UMBRELLAS. embroidered handkerchiefs, silk MUFFlers. ?erinors kid gloves. silk hosiery. 3lack and color !\d striped and brocaded , velvets. in superior styles, from $2 to 1 815 a yard. FRENCH BROADCLOTHS AND TRICOTS FOR LA- < dies' habits. ELEGANT STOCK OF IMPORTED WRAPS, i CAMEL'S HAIR SHAWLS. LYON'S RADZIMERS , AND PURE SILK VELVETS. 1 mnSLPERB ASSORTMENT OF BROCADED VELVET DRESS-FRONTS. EVENING SILKS, BROCADES 3 IND GAUZES. PT-SPECIAL APARTMENT FOR DISPLAYING < EVENING- FABRICS. nrCHOICE GOODS, PLAIN FIGURES AND CORIECT P LUCES. beaton perry, Perry Buildlnar, Pennsylvania avenue, corner ?th str^e* Established 1840. dl Gtrand Stock < THANKSGIVING SPECIALS IN GROCERIES. LOW PRICKS. ^ mT\i1f.n HOUPAV GOODS. Ho For Holidays ! candies ! candies ! candies !! ! Groat nonactions at SHARrLESS philadelphia candy factory. Fine Mixed Candy. 2V. rer lb.: 5 li*. #1. Fine Fn nch Mixture, '20c. per lb.; C 11^ f 1. Pun1 American Mixture. lSe. jut lb.; f "* lb*- $1. Brrki-n Candy, 15c. per lb.; 7 llw. *1. Full assortment of Maillard & Whitman's Confcctior.s and Imported French Fruits, f<0c. jvr lb. Or?at reductions to Cl.nrches, Sunday Sch<x>ls. kc. Partii-s clubbirir toy-ther and btiyiu# in quantities can have tlu-ir ordtrs fllh d promptly &nd at prices that cannot be equaled. Bring your orders in soon as ivrsible. FRANK SIIARTLESS, Manufacturer of Pure Confections Wholeaale and Eetafl. 419 SEVENTH STREET. Under Old Fellows' Ilall. <11?w CEOAKS! C-TjOAKS! C/LOAKS! GREAT REDUCTION IN TRICE. BEST BLACK DIAGONAL CI.OTIIS REDUCED FiiO.M iS TO $5.50. BLACK JERSEY COATS, ?19 TO 8^.50. IN FACT A GREAT K ED EOT I ON* ALL ALONG THE LINE IN WitAl'S. JUST RECEIVED A NEW INVOICE OF TRICOT CLOTHS. ALL SHADES. INCLUDING THE DRABS. PRICE. ONLY $1.75 PER Y ARD. novelties in HOLIDAY GOODS at rOPULAK PRICES, S. L. HEMP8TOXE, dl f03 MARKET SPACE. Dry Goods. iitUA^fcL & LLAlth., t>ll 31 ARRET SrACK, Have Very Handsome Goods at Popular Prices. O ne lot, 42 incli. nil-wool French Suiting*. this season' styles. $1: have not hern sold less than $1.25. We invite an examination of our all-silk Brocade, re-s duced to j?1.14. In quality and ( tyhf tin y are unsurpassed. Elegant line of Black SilLs, from the lov. erU to finest grrades. Tricot Cloths for ladies tailor made suits at $1.25 to 82. C-4 all-wool Siiitiut-s $1; n and l).->ryatu. 1(10 dozen Children's ribbed, regular made Hose, $3 per dozen. '25cts. a pair. 100dozen all-linen beached Iluck Xowela, knotted frinire. size l'('x4<). gw a <" >zeu. 60 dozen all-linen Napkins, redncM to $1. We have special Iwrrains in Table Linens, Quilts, Blankets, Comforts, kr. One case 10-4 BkacbeJ Sheeting, 25ets. a yard, tliisis a grand bargain. we are prepared to sell all leading Domestics at "Rock Bottom" Prices. Elegant Black and Col'd Velvets, plain and brocade. All of this class of troods we tret through reliable houses, and we can recommend them with eonhdeuce. Our Black Goods are of thu b?-st Lupin make. Henrietta Cloths. Ottoman Cloths, Queen's Cloth, spccial number ftl r-<k Fine stock of light colors in Cashmeres and Albatross for evening. Ono price only, marked in plain li^tires. nl4 TKCXNEL & CLARK. BBB A U U MM MM'\SSa B B AA U UMMMM 'S s BBB A A IT UMMMM sSS? B b AAA U UJ1 M M o BBB A A UU M M M Previous to removing our CLOAK DEPARTMENT into my New Building I have determined to REDUCE the Stock, and consequently offer good, RLL1.YULE BARGAINS, such as will sj-cak for themselves. OUR OTTOMAN AND EGYPTIAN SILK GARMENTS, handsomt ly trinim -d v.iih Fur. full I'h at lugs in the back, anil with Silk quilted lining, heretofore sold at $39,1 now offer Ten Dollars less. We have but nine of these garments. OTTOMAN SILK RUSSIAN CIRCULARS, quilt. \ with Bilk, made up of the very l>est and tnmm.xl with Fur, at the low price of $27.50. PLUSH JACKETS, heretofore sold at $23, now $17.50, FINER QUALITIES, trimmed with Fur, at $32.50, now $22.50. ALL OUR STOCKINET COATS reduced at less than cost price. SEE THE FIVE DOLLAR BLACK COAT, plaited back, tight fitting, and of the best Diagonal Cloth. SEE OUR JACKET WITH PLUSH COLLAR AND CUFFS, at $3 only. BBR A U U MM MM"VSSH i B B AA U VMMMM"2 8 ] BBB A A U U M MM M sSSc B B AAA U UM M M ?, 2?, BBB A A UU M M M ?SS?? n30 416 SEVENTH STREET. Lace Curtains From & Up: SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT. We cpen to-day another large invoice of LACE CURTAINS. New and attractive pstterns in Guipure and Antique Designs. This is our third laiw invoice thin month, and they an- offered at such attractive i rices as will insure their immediate sale, fall and examine early while cur stock is complete, and you will be sur t?> purchase. Also, LACE BED SPREADS and.SHAMS m great variety. JOHN T. MIK'HEJJj. n'i2 K31 Pennsylvania avenue. ??AMMERED SILVER, RUSSIAN SILVER, OXIDIZED SILVER, ! REPOUSSE SILVER, QUEEN ANN SILVER, SILVERWARE | From the smallest odject to tli - Iarvest and most impor tant, forming one of the most magnificent collections aver offered in this or any other city, at the low est [ rices. SAMUEL KIRK k SON, Manufacturers, nlO-lm 172 W. Baltimore street. S. VE LATI'S, C20 1'IH SlKtllX NOBTnWEST Aliu AVLNUI".. , For Holiday Can flies we have the larwst assortment in this city. We have quite a number of nu n employ, d in manufacturing' Fure French Candies and the Famous Velati's Caramels. Imported Pure Olive Oil on draught. nO^-fini Boys Bicycles. VELOCIPEDES, ETC. THE BKST MADE Every Machine Guarantee!. 15rol<?-ii Parts (caused hy Jefects in iu?-tHl? Furaiwd Free<>t < 'ltirgr. Fn-c instru>tion ti i < very purchaser. Do not Buy until you have Lxaiuiiied the stock at SCRIBXER'S BICYCLE SCHOOL, 1103 E street northwest. N. B.-BEPAIRING A SPECIALTY. nSMiu* fckrf^UE BVVEN," JL EANl'fc'S WORKS, BTBLE C.ALLEI1Y, Ac., Ulustrah-d with Dort-'s designs. Kate Greenaway's Littl*- Ann and other Poems, and Kate Greenaway's Almanack, IShi. "Told in the Twilight." The Jiueat color book shown. C. C. PUltSELL. n24 418 9th street northwest Seal Skin U Old Prices. We are still selling onr SEAL SKIS Garments at September Prices, having bought an uuuense stock early. Siberian, Squirrel and Mink lined and trimmed CIRCULARS. Quilted lined DOLMANS. CIRCULARS and Russian CIKCULAIiii, at New York Manufacturers' prices. Fur Trimming, Fur Collars and Capes. 200 Black Russian Hare MUFFS,at $1.25, $1.50 and $2. ill Satin Lined. All goods sold as cheap as any house in America. WILLETT k RUOFF, Hatters and Furriers, ocl7-3m 505 Pennsylvania avenue. Seal Skin Garments, IS to 52 Inches Ions, cut in to the fltrure, selling %i old prices, notwithstanding the rise in skhis. [he popular Mink-lined Circulars, with liauctocmo border of Mink tails, $90 to $130. Siberian Squirrel and other fur-lined Circulars, $1'5 and up. Circulars and Dolmans with quilted linings, $15, $.0, $25, $30. $35, $40. Finest Seal Plush Sacqucs v. ;th Seal trimmings. Novelties for young ladles Lu Shoulder Knot Capes and Satchel Muffs. Beaver, Chinchilla, Astrakan and other Fur trimmings on hand and cut to order. Carriage Robes and Fur Capes for Coachmen. fc. H. STINEMETZ & SON. Hatters akd Fcubiers, n22 1287 Pennsylvania avem;e. IMPORTERS OF FRENCH WINES. CO ON AC. C11A PAGNES AND CORDIALS. French Clarets from $1.25 to il.50 pa-gallon American native Wincs^ Brandies and Champagne* California, Virginia and Ohio from 90c. to $1. lioCX & TAULELT.P., 1747 Penu'a svQl Agents for f.i^t-class houses. Bordeaux, Burgundr, Chaii 'nagncs ana Cognac. Yin* de tout? Sortes en l aisso. oc3-3m* 1TOB LATEST STYLES NEW 1LVKXETS, RUbSLVN I; CIKCULAR8. Don't fail to ro to 736 7th HOLIDAY GQOOS. Holiday Annofncfmfnt. MOORE ft LEDING. Jr\?TLr*s, 1UY) iVuuaylvania avetiuc. Invito tlioir friend? and the pullic to cximinr tli?ir Holiday St>?ok of DIAMONDS. WATCTIFS. .TEWFLRY. SILVER and gt'Aftitrpu: plated ware. AND THE LULST NOVELTIFS IN CIXJCKS AND FANCY CKK?1>S. All trolls riarki\l in plain tu- irt- an.l at extremely luW I ritx*. 8pecial notice. To rvlieve tV uxual r'j-li sli irtly l?f >rr ttio TT >li'lart and to imlnce ??rly >n? have dertd<\l to taks off a illmiunt of TI N l'FU t'FN 1'0:1 all Clorka. Fancy 1 Good* and Pl*;<\i Warp fr. ui V \<ixm ;A>th to Doocb*' ber flth. inclasive. nM JJ OLIO AY ^jJOOl'S. Convicting of Fine Illa?sf rat<>.1 F >>k?. Christina* Unl*. r>vk( f Po k?. Au?o*ra: h llbuu^ 1'aotogTapU A Work Iv *?" ?. Wiitinjr 1>> t-k*. louctC?. F| i pal Prsy<w an.I Hyiunala, Catholic Pray** Dx>k.?, Bil 1<^ Toy Bo<Gaiut-*. l~uie llu li H \ s of sll kinds. lnkstan:!* in ?r"<at variety. . fce. Entfra\ .IV" of Wvil JiiiK an J V;-; Cards a Si<vi?ity. JOTTX C. PARKER. PIT AND CI? SEVFNTH STREET, Directly oi posifo Entrcuce to lVi nt Office r27 Gloves: Glovfs:: Gioves:;! Tor M. n- Kid. plain ai ! fancy 1 ?? k* <""hevn-tt*. TV a. ver. Bu.k. Ca?: r, Dot', ilutli, LiitU ai>d ULOVL8. A full line of r?.mn's GLOVES n-.ade specially for ug. TYSSOWSKI BROS., n22 Cor. 15tli and G street* n w. 11 olid ay AnvrvrrvrvT. W<- are iin? t'llly jtrijinM for th? Holiday Tra.*?\ with the laivust hi.'I 1-t St.> k "f <?> is ? ? have rvtr had th-- phat-upr ot ?-ft to the i ublic, an<l at i<ric?* as h w as the U>w<*t. Fim ly idu?trat?.l !< <?: star l?rd I? >.!:<? in j'-t*, t:ifl Pt> tn, iu ali ytyli s, Family aiid I'm ki t llihtoo. l*r*yvr? an<l Hymnal*; .lnv?*nil's. aniniuiti ? ?t<wkaud variety ; FapeU-rie* and Album*. l auo ?> 111 riuwh, Rumm I>eath? r, ??!iv?* W'K)d. < to.; \Vriiin*r I>??k*; t'hri*t!i a# ainl N? w V' ar ?'ardi?. Uaiu? s u:ul Toy l! ><>k?? < all aily a!..I avoid the rui-h. V M DALLAS! VSK A H< >N. U26 42H 7th Htrwt ^ DECORATED I) INNER, TEA AND TOILET SETS. RICH Cl*T-GLAS8 WARE. PARLOR AND STUDENT I.AMTS. FINE 1 LATED WARE. HOESEFCRNISUINO <*V?DS AND EDDY REFRIQ* ERATOKS. M. W. BEVERIDC.E, _n24 So. lOir.l l'KNN* AVEXUK 6 11 IT V OO KliK SKS? IlO gl' 1 O OH K? S I L lit) V'' I'O yiiitK 8SC L Ily LT I'O OK Kc LLLL11 UU OO II H MARYLAND CMR. MOSTICELLO, BAKER, OLD CROW. BASS' ALE AND OriSNESS f-TOL T OS DKAlOUT. FF.B OOO K KNN MI rem It HI ITT IE O C K K NN NIIO < H H 1 , r.E C KK XNNIMi HHH T S j E ...C C._ K K X N'NIH. n<; 11 H T j EEE... COG.- K US NX* II OCii HUT. j c20 1732 PENNSYLVANIA AVENTE. V G? Fischer, FOREIGN BOOKS FT IXE LUiRAJRTS ETEANGfiE ANL) fclAiluMR, i ti PAPETLEZt. 62910th bt., opposite C. S. Tnmiy. Washii-irtoE, D. C. Direct Importation cf the FINEST STATIONERY; unique Sty It* and all luUtt Novelties from Laroch?Joubcrt & Co., Paris; Theyer & Hardtnuith, Vienna* Stationers to all Imi*risJ Courts in Furo|>e. Extensive 6tock of English hand-made and ?kii-. *t American Stationery. ENGRAVING of Vintinfr Cards, Monograms andCnsteFolicited,inlii?fht^t st>liol |? rf?vtion. n2-2m Established 1830. JAMES Y. DAVIS' SONS, C21 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. F^al SactiUt* at 475. $100, $125, *140. $150, $1C0, ?175, $2*-0, &c. Silk and Satin Lined Circulars (*15, fjO. $25> l Fur Lined Circuit, rs from 825 up. Coaoher Cap<-s, C< liars and Mat's. Fur Carriage Rubes from ?10 up. Fur Trimmincr. Gents' Seal Caj s, Fur Gloves and Collars, Gent*' I>r< -s Do? Skin and Lined Gloves. Ladies' S- al Caj-a. Boys' S<-al Caps frm fl.fiOup. nP-2m IS EW I?OOKS Th?- Expansion <>f Emrlan 1. Seel* y. Gr< y il.;\\k. Ma< aulav. Jewel in the Lot. '! Icr-r. I^i'.ira. an Am> i: an Oirl. E\aoa. b?-yoiid the Gate*. I'll li s. Hart and Hi., 11. ar. R: A Round 1?. / ii. (' .li'H-i*. Ai'ntt tin Mast. JSj uk udi-on. A^ius ih> Lit > an. We are n.>w i>|viriTifr our lw*auf ;<"?] tt/v-k r\f E lMtf Books, whi'-h ar? m a!!y \voi I.- . t .u-t iii jlliti-trat; . t.d hitidimr. < >ur < <;;- !> are ::'-o i.jkii in id Iwautiful tliau Tin- y?i.- - l>--i'urt;.i .it librae!? all the Nov<lti?<. < . iii.?ri l ;i\. rsnSjN :a.l*\ n"^0 W.M. H. MoRKlSoV 475 lvj :;*j lvumu a\ rjlHE LARGEST SIZE N1CK1X ILATUI GERMAN STUDENT LAMP, * Complete, $4.50. 3. W. ECHAErm dealer IN FINE CHINA /ND GLASS. oclO NO. 1C20 7TH STREET SOUTHWEST. a K555 ! Every Sportsman Surprisftd! is5 <v, 65,, Laminated Sto l Barf l*' TOp o-T & Lever Actiuo! ltcboutoilinK Bar ?,*$ 2i~ gr ?v Loek?! Pistol Grip! Beautiful ?4* ??i?3 ^46^ Oiled Walnut St.-1: MtdEif. lintc Pins! A BeautifuL. Well GGG U CNN N *ini*h.-d, HAK1> NB<h>T1NG. r, GIT CXX N 1I<.not Gun! Either 10,12 or 0 I) UN N N Hi (iUwc. Wo al?o liave In G OGU UN NN... bto<-k a full line of our ctieGGG UU N NX... brai.d Gun. Colt'a. Groeii. 'er's. s< <>tt's and Harrniitouk B'.tl.ardton'b 8100 IlamnioriesK <?uiim. 1. U. G'meara & CO.. tilO LJ47 Pennsylvania avenue. Washington. P. C. Japanese scrolls, fans, etc, , 1;(i; -4i .vi- Pictu? es. Jcy Gould. it. n.l I ClL HuPPEKTi NOS. 4UJ AND 405 7th stt.eet northwest. neadquartep.s tt>k tnr whitney children's carriage company. the cheapest tor beauty. comfort AND durabuaty IN THE market. Lawn Tenuis. Croquet. Bjej-olM. Velocipedes, Archery, Firhiiiff Tfccklea, Waifoiia, Ac. Call arid eaamuic il? Oooda. Prices w tuit the time* lv2l China, glassware. plated ware and cutlery. KI1 CHl'.N rTENSIIA GOOD QUALITY AND LOW 1'KICKS. GILRAUS LACE CURTAIN STRETCHER. geo. watts. nl7 814 "th st. S doors above IVnu. are. CHIRTS.-DON'T FORGET THAT THIS J5 -MYSTERY* SHIRT is the baet Sliirt for 75 cent* ever o?eiM in tbl? or any other country, beiny eisyantly niadg of die very txart material. 1 Thin Shirt has been rold In this market fo? ten ^??ra. andth'>UMudaof our i*?teittuu can idaUIy twits*** T^riontv, bclh as to quality ant tU cull *? ocUUTcrt*5? "MYSTEBT Pfrrr.T, the beat fitting aa<i iuo<.t bat/cmi ut uuai?t.r ot any ihlrt In tlio maiM*. Sold oulyafe