OCR Interpretation

Evening star. [volume] (Washington, D.C.) 1854-1972, March 03, 1885, Image 6

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Civic ami Military. Bodies to n?rch in
To-morrow *? I'rocfioion.
famors political clrils to he 15 t.inf.?a
To-morrow's pamde promises to be the most
imposing ever witnessed in tnis cit*% with the
Single exception. perhaps, of the grand review
of Gen. Sherman's army, at the close of the
war. Many of the organizations that will take
part hitve already arrived, and every train
brings additions, The civic portion of the parade
will hi- of unusual length, and include bodies
representing many utatcs in the I nion. Tlie
military display will he no less national in
character and imposing in extent. New York
and Pennsylvania will he especially well represented
iii the pamde, and the n> ighl?orin2 city
of Bait: m--iwill h;ive several organizations in
line. Below will lie found descriptions of visiting
organizations tliat will appear in line.
"The Buffalo I K m' n-rat ic Legion." Officers :
Joiin (_i. Milburn, pr* sjdent; diaries F. Bishop,
1st vice , re-ident; William P. Henry, "Jd vice
president; Mortimer M. Mat>il, corresponding
seeretarv; Charl< -. 11. Marsiiali. recording secretary:
JoYin K. Br<mIhead, tmeiirer William N.
Smith, commander; Samuel M. Welch, Jr., 1 -^t
vice command"!*; Edward M. Kelly, 2d vice
commander. Uniform. silk hat.sack overcoat,
lark clot he*, flub gloves, legion budge (bluei
cane. The legion will have from lot) to 2(M)
men In line, headed by Emerick's band, of Baltlnwre.
The Albany I>emoTat!c Phalanx; lOO men
and Dorgs band of *J~? | ieees. Officers: Martin
Delehaniy. preside*,t: Anthony N. Brady, vice
president; Thomas Millard, treasurer Andrew
Hamilton, reiary ; anil Jantes Mclntyre,
marshal. 1'iiiorni. sprint: overeosit.light beaver
hat, kid gloves, boutouniers. badges, Ac,
The County Democracy, of New York city, of
of which everybody bears a great deal at election
time, wiil appear in line, 1,2(10 strong,
headed by tiiltnore's celebrated band of lOO
pit s. Th*' m?-ml>ers will appear in citizens'
dre^s. 1- IMery Anderson, chairman and Jus.
J. Kelso, grand marshal. There will be iu the
line many distinguished Gotham democrats.
Tte Society of Tammany, of New York, will
march in an inaugural procession to-morrow
for the first time in its long history. The society
will be nearly one thousand strong, many
being in the city before the main body arrived
last evening, and others being expected here
before the prneesstnn moves. The line will he
headed b\ .land s;ichem Charles II. Haswell,
a prominent ?-i\ iI engineer. The sachems are
John K el: v. .1 'ieeCharlcs Welde. Justice John
Gorman. William P. K irk. ex-president of the
bout 11 of aid* rmcn; Nathaniel .lar\ is. John MeQuade,
Albert t ardozo, James A. Flock, Henry
A.'iumblet'>n. ex-city clerk; Richard Cruiser,
James J. slevin. ex-Congri >sman P. H. Dugro,
?x-Judge A. B. Tappitn. i'hc chairman of the
committee on organization is John Kelly. The
Vice-chairman of the committee is Hugh J.
Grant, who i> acting as chairman during the
Mum at Mr. KtUy. Seoctaty Thomas F.
Gtlroy; grand marshals. Thomas S. Brennan
and William Dobh>;assistant marshal, Edward
Cahill. The members of the society will he
attii' d unirormly in citizen's dress of dark material,
and wear conventional high hats and
badges. The officers of tlie society will carry
staves. wear their regalia or insignia of their
rauk. I'he siuamorc, Mr. William li. Dobbs;
the wiskinskie. Mr. John L?. Newman, and the
father of the council, Mr. < .'inter K. Ackerinan,
the Nestor of Tatnm my. will carry tomahaw ks.
In the line will be borne the grand sacred banMr
<>; Tammany,which was never before exposed
in any parade not exclusively a Tammany
parade. In addition will he displayed
the thirteen standard*, representing the thirteen
original states. Tlie grand banner will be
carried by four men in Indian co>ti;me. Tiie
committee of arrangements is composed of
Richard Cp k. r. Edward Cahill, Tlioinas F.GilBernard
K. Marten, John F.Carroll. I.udo!ph
A. F Hugh J. Grant, and Judge
John J, Gorman.
l'iie Society ot Tammany, said Mr. Gllroy, the
secretary. t .a star reporter, i* not it*elf"a political
organization. I: was organized in 17-s$>.
The exclusiv. ness and,;.s it was claimed by
the founders 01 Tammany. ?iiintolerance of
the Society of the Cincinnuii. led to the organlzati
?n of the Society of Tammany or Columbian
order. It is governed by a grand sachem,
and fhirieen-ai-iiems. Im-iues the usual financial
;md scribing officers. It is non-partisan,
Its objects being to promote civil and religious
liberty. The society meets once a month, and
elects officers once a year. The roll of those
who have been members since the organization
in 17contains ff.ooo names, including manv
that have a distinguished place in history,
Pre*ide ,ts, cabinet olli *. rs. loreign ministers
and others. The name and ritu d of the society
are derivi d from the aborigines and their ritts.
There l-an imposing ceremonial of initiation.
The Tammany political organization. Mr.
Gilroy s;.vs. is separate from the society,
though it has its root*, in It. It is called Tammany
because it meets in the building owned
by the society. Many of the members of the
s< eiety are also influential members of tlie
Tammany Hall Political organization. This
organization includes an executive committee,
or v. mmittee on organization, composed of
35o men. a general committee of abbut l,5(Hi,
and a district committee of about 10,0O0.
there being from :)ooto.">oo members in each
district in the city. The organization extends
to every block in New York, and is always in
trim for jMiiitieal work. The district committees
meet once a month. Tiie executive committee
supervises the business of the whole organization.
calls all conventions and prescribes
the methods of electing delegates. Tiie organization
will be headed by the Seventh Regiment
the kings cocnty n. y. democracy.
The Kings county democracy, of Brooklyn,
3tJO men in line, wearing dark blue overcoats,
dark pants, opera hats, kid gloves and canes.
They will carry a blue silk banner, handsomely
trimmed and bear the coat of arms of the city
of Brooklyn, and will be led by the McCormick
14th regiment band of fofty-one pieces. Officers:
William A. Furey, grand marshal; Thos.
Carroll, chief aid; John Courtney, assistant aid,
and following aids: H. H. Adams, Francis
White. Tliomas Goodwin. Chas. B. Farlev, Jas.
W. Ridgway. Pat. J. Kelley, Daniel OTUellv,
Patrick J. Tully. Chas. B. Elliott, David T.
Lynch, Anthony Barrett, Felix Doyle, George
Russell, each in charge ofa section of men.
the kings county war veterans.
Cleveland and Hendricks war veterans, of
King county, N. Y., Mark D. Wilbur, president;
Wm. H. Riley, secretary; commanded by
Col. T. B. Rutan. first vice president. About
25o men in line, headed by fife and drum corps,
forty boyj ofDakin post, G. A. R. Uniform;
dark suits, white gloves, high silk hats and
ribbon badge of the association.
The Harlem democratic club, of New York,
organized May oth, 1882, will have forty
men in line. Officers?Edward P. Steers, president:
Robert Bonynge, vice president; Joseph
K. Yache. treasurer; Chas. Walker, recording
secretary; Philip F. Sullivan, corresjionding
secretary. I.e; lership of Vice President liobt.
Bonynge. Uniform?Civilian dress, derby hats
and canes. This club, the members say. Is not
Identified with any of the various political facttons
in New York. Among its membership
are members of Tammany, Irving Hall arid
County Democracy, but it is principally made
up of proiessional and business men, and was
Drranized t<> promote reforms in politics, the
selection ai.d election of the best men to publicoffict,
and to induce business men to take a
ni"re ;wtive interest in politics.
The members claim that it was the first oraanization
in New York state, if not in tlie entire
union, to erect a banner bearing the names
of Cleveland and Hendricks, having had its
banner up complete before p.m. of the day
tlie nominations were made in Chicago. One
of the members, Charles W. Dayton, was
elected an elector, and served as secretary of
the electoral college of New York state at Its
meeting in Albany on December 3d, 1 *84.
the new york veteran firemen.
New York Veteran Firemen's Association,
3<>omen,accompanied by the 8th regiment band
Of twenty-five pieces. Geo.R.Conner,grand marshal.
and John Mnller, L. J. Parker, Eugene
Ward and John J. Me< "auley. aides. I'niform?
dark blue coats and pants and fire caps.
The Philadelphia civic organizations will be
headed by the famous Americus club, with lOO
men in line, uniformed In full dress suits,
and marching to tiie music of a band of thirtyfive
pieces. tieorge McGowan will officiate as
chief uiai -hal. huv ing for his aides Wm. F. MoCully
and W. I>. Kendrick.
Bamuel J. Randall asociatlon, of Philadelphia.
organized November US, 1879, will have
the following men in iine in the order given:
Chief marshal, William McMullen; assistant
Earshais. ?ieorge Gildemeyer, Moses Levi,
artiu Klllacky; banner, Max. Long.
Aid, George H. Hoffman, J. P. McCauley. J.
D. Keise, Andrew Johnson, Wm. MeNichol,
John Bromley, Jfihn I>mahoe, W. H. P. Barnes,
Ri'h. Hazard, Chas. McCaul, Julius Schwalber.
L McDonald. Th'-s. p. Kane.
Aid, Chailes O'Nell, Geo. Thomson, Ed.
Brophy, J<?hn Brophv. J. J. Henrv, AL Rementer.
P. F. Dever, E. P. Brennan, Dr. Rot>t. Bond,
J. Frank Kleiuz, D. C. Ashby, Felix O'Nell,
John Johnson.
Aid, J.J. O'Neil, Sam. Baizley, Sam'l Armstrong,
John Loughrin, James O'Neil, James
Hagan. J. H. Bozarth. Frank Killacky, Lewis
Reriienter, Goo. Cash, Chas. Moore, Dennis
Quiun, John Gibbons.
Aid. L. Kannewasser, W. J. Manning, J.
Cuniinings, p. s. McCalu, A. Erau, Chria. Gallagher.
Wm. smith.
City flag. A. Anderson; U.S. flag,John Henry;
state flag, James Burke.
Aid, Richard J. Lennon, John Kelly, W. H.
I>ougherty, James H> 'and, John J. Gee, Sam'i
Hamilton, H. Blitz, Wm. Bobbins. H. McAnny,
Henry Levi, R. 8. Lyster, James Mallon, Wm.
Aid. Samuel Bookbinder, Thf?. McLaughlin,
Jos. Mas;baum, M. J. Beirn, Wm. Carltn, James
Roiwrts, I.ewis Kinsley, P. J. Dunn, Aug. Bender,
Joe Tatem, Lewis Wiley, P. McCaruey, C.
Brad shaw.
Aid, Wm. Thompson, Oscar Stein, P. Daly, P.
B. Smith, Thos. Lyons, Val. Levi, C. W. Seabright.
J. McHugh, Chas. Young, Lewis Harris.
J, d. Evans, Isaac Jones. M. C. Lyons.
Aid. Thomas Howard. James Cleary, J. Beebe, !
Frank liulnn, Hugh Toman, James Ilamil, J. ;
I. Foran. C. J. McGlency, C. M. Smith, J. Mur- ;
phv. B. Gillespie.
The uniform con?i-ts of overcoat, black pants,
I black silk bat, buff kid gloves, necktie, scarlet
velvet badge, cane, etc. The association will be
headed bv the Gth regiment band, of New Jer- !
sey. HO pieces; Jos. Jennings, leader. The badge
of the association is embroidered with the head :
of ex-Speaker Randall. They carry a large i
velvet.banner with Randall's picture on it. j
which'was presented to them by the ladies of,
the ;;d congressional district of Pennsylvania,
i in 1880, besides a stand of colors, consisting of ;
the national, state anil city flags.
The Continental Club, of Philadelphia, formerly
the Third Ward Cleveland and Hendricks
club, eighty men in line, with the Americas
band of twenty-one pieces. Light overcoats,
black silk hats and badges* Marshaled by
Select Councilman Peter Monroe; president,
James Mallon: vice president. J. Grogan; secretary,
John H. Clarke, financial secretary,
Stephen Little; treasurer, Cornelius Haggerty. I
The Sensenderfer Y 011112 Men's Democratic j
Association, of Philadelphia, fifty men, escorted
by the Silver Springs Rifles, thirty-six men,
' commanded by Capt. Charles J. llendler, and
led by the Ariel silver cornet band, of Millville,
N. J., nineteen pieces. officers?Chief marshal,
1 Harry It. Clarke; assistant marshals, James A.
Sensenderfer, Andrew J. Clark, Chas. 1-. r isher,
Jen.ine Drenner ;tud John F. Crangle. Uniform.
mouse-colored; Grant hat; red satin badge,
gold fringe, giit letters; mouse-colored gloves,
canes, button-hole bouquets; chief marshal s
b.i '.ge, white satin; assistant marshal - badge,
white blue satin, gold fringe, with rank ahd
name of association in gold letters. Banner,
white front, blue back, with the name Sensen- |
derfer Y'ounz Men's Democratic Association,
Philadelphia, on the front, with the name of
association, organized November 4th, 188*1, on
j back in gold letters. *
The Moyamensing Legion, oX Philadelphia,
will parade with seventy-five men. Officers:
James Magee, president; Frank A. Devitt, secretary;
Isaac Wright, treasurer.
The Monroe club, of Philadelphia, which will
also parade, was organized June 23d, 180->,
and is said to be the oldest democratic organization
in the city. Officers: President, Jacob
K. Thompson; vice presidents. ( harlesll. /ane ,
and Win. II. Deal: see nit aries, Wm. Mitchell and
.las. Nell; treasurer, Henry Crack: marshal, j
Henry Winter. Uniform: Dark overcoats, high ,
si k hats, white gloves and blue badge. 1 he ,
club will parade with IOO men and earn a
black velvet banner and one carried by me
Peon Township club at the inauguration of
Martin Van l'.uren in 1830.
The Hancock Veteran association, of l'liiliv
delphia. seventy-five ini 1, accompanied by Oth
i regiment fife and drum corps of N< w Jersey.
Unit' Tin: G. A. R. caps, navy blue cloth capes ;
with red lining worn over dark coats, gauntlets
and canes. The command carries well-worn
battle ami a iu w set of standard colors,
with a nandsome white silk banner w ith por,
trait of Gen. liancoek. Officers: Col. t has. E.
' Tipton. Major Bcrrlan Ward, (Quartermaster
T. A. Thornton, Adjutant Chas. V. Dempsey,
Sergeant Major Geo. W. Palmer.
Samuel J. Randall association, of the first
! congressional district, Philadelphia, 75 men,
accompanied by the Frankenfield (Philadelphia)
band, of '25 pieces. Officer-: M. P. Summer
marshal ana president; James Cunningham
and s. Pansborn, assistant mar>hals. I 111f.?rm:
Black >ilk hats, melton overcoats, kid
| gloves, badges, bouquets and canes.
First Ward Democratic association of Philadelphia,
Co men, with the Jefferson band, of
20 pieces. Uniform: Dark suits, high silk hats,
e ines, buckskin gloves and red silk badges.
Wm. Stuebing, mar-hal; Fred'k Huber and
Louis Stuebing. assistant-marshals.
Andrew Jackson club, of Philadelphia, 40
men, accompanied by the Arion cornet band,
30 nieces, officers: George H. McCully. tmir-hal:
Win. J. Carroll and John J. Gilson, aids. ,
Uniform: Silk hat, light overcoat, gloves and j
R. S. Patterson Association, of Philadelphia, j
00 men, accompanied by the Republic band, ot
Philadelphia. '21 pieces, and commanded by
Robert 8. Patterson, marshal. Uniform, dark
brown overcoats and high hats.
Philadelphia will also be represented here by
the Y'oung Men's Democratic Association, of
Philadelphia; John Cadwalader, president;
Henrv Flanders and Joseph It. Wainwright,
vice presidents: W. Harry Price, secretary: Mortimer
Harris Brown, treasurer. The association
will be represented by a committee of 50 men,
who will not take part in the parade, but will
have their headquarters at the Ebbitt house.
Mr. W. F. Zeigler is chairman of the committee.
Central Democratic Club, of Harrisburg, Pa.,
125 men. accompanied by State Capital band, j
of Harrisburg, 35 pieces. Officers: F. A. Bach- j
iner, president; J. V. Einstein, marshal, and r.
li. McDevitt and C.Hanlen. assistant marshals.
Uniform, light overcoats and black silk hats.
Americus club, Reading, Pa. Officers?Joseph
Schumpf, president; A. B. ltieser, secretary,and
Dr. R. B. Shultze, treasurer uniform, dark surtout.
dark clothes, black silk hats, standing collars.
garnet ties, gloves canes and badge-; se\entv-five
men. headed by the Ringgold bund, of
Reading, Pa., twenty-six pieces.
Joel Parker association, of Newark, N. J., tlio
oldest political organization in the state. Officers?Wm.
II. Brown, president; Henry Sheik,
vice president; Charles Alberson, treasurer;
Manning Force, recording secretary: Frank R.
Kellv.correspondlngsecretary: Benjamin Barth,
sergeant-at-arms. The association will march
over one hundred strong, headed by Prof. Voss'
1st New Jersey regiment band, thirty pieces;
unitorin, dark suits, with Prince Albert coats,
blaek neckties, black silk hats, light English
melton overcoats, black cane silk umbrellas
and straw-colored gloves. The Joel Parker association,
with this same band, were the
parties who serenaded President-elect Cleveland
at the great barbecue held in the city of ,
Brooklyn last. October, for which they were
highly praised. j
The New Jersey democratic battalion,of Camden.
G. D. Barton, president; Geo. Weldon,
treasurer, D. M. Hassett, secretary; Chas. S. |
Ridgway, Geo. Plffer, Jr., D. A. Shream, execu- I
tlve committee; John McCormick, marshal.
Their uniform is a 6ilk hat, dark overcoat, buff
gloves, eanes and white badges, and carry a
blue silk banner, with coat of arms painted
upon it. They will have ninety men li) line,
including the City Comet band, of Bridgton,
consisting of twenty-two pieces.
The Iroquois club, of Chicago, one hundred
men, left Chicago Monday, and'will reach here |
by special train at 7 o'clock this evening,
j The Columbia Democratic club of this city will
! meet them at the B. and O. depot The organization
of the command is as follows: Col. J. G.
Hovne, commanding; Major Walter Mattocks,
adjutant: Capt. Edward Forman, payina-ter,
Capt. J. II. S. liuick, quartermaster: Capt. Geo.
Boliner. company A (twenty members); Capt.
R. J. Smith, company B (twenty members);
Capt Geo. S. Essex, company C, (twenty members);
Capt. Chas. Kern, company D, (twenty
members); B. E. Bremner, Sergeant major. The
president of club and staff form anofliercom-I
panv, in charge of Major W. Mattocks, cumposed
as follows: President, E. M. Phelps; first
vice president, J. H. McAvoy; John W. Doane,
J.H.Prentiss, O. II. Ingram, A. F. Seeberger,
A-a Dow, press representatives; officers and exofficers
of the club; invited guests. No uniform,
other than silk hat, dark kids and umbrella in
case, except a special silk badge, with gold
medal and pin. Tilfe command will be led by
Austin's band of thirty men, selected musicians;
the band that played In the convention.
After taking part In the parade, they will leave
on their retusu March 5th, 0 a.m.
Cook County Democracy club, of Chicago.
One hundred men, wearing olive brown overcoats,
silk hats and black dress suits; led by
Nevins' military band of three pieces. Officers:
George Kersten, president; Henry T. Murray,
secretary. The club was organized In October,
1881, and has now a membership of ovef- 800;
has elegant quarters?114 Monroe street. It
took a very active interest in the late presidential
campaign, commencing with the convention,
when thev received and entertained all
the visiting clubs, and made over forty trips
through the state, escorting speakers and other
prominent men. It is quite an Important factor
In local politics, moulding and shaping the
policy of the party. |
The Crescent club, of Baltimore. Officers: J.
F. Morrison, president and chief marshal; Gen. I
B. T. Johnson, Capt. J. J. Fenton. Col. E. T. I
Joyce, J. H. Si rich and R. J. Slater, deputv marshals.
Six hundred men in line, with Charles' |
cornet band, thirty pieces, and \\ llson Post fife I
and drum corps, thirty pieces, and drum major. I
Uniform, black suits and overcoats, tan kid
gloves, silk hats, canes, black velvet badges,
with gold crescent pendant; black velvet and |
gold banner, after style of the Knights Templar |
German American Democratic Central association,
of Baltimore. LouU Lowenstein, president;
N. Volkort, first vice president; Jno. A. I
Reusing, second vice president; Conrad Darscli,
chief marshal; S. Silverschmldt, M. Kohlermau I
and Wt-hrenburg, assistant marshals. From |
15U to 200 men strong, headed by \ olkm?n'.? I
brass and string banu. Uniform, dark suit* I
and high bat.
Stonewall club, No. 1,17th ward, Baltimore,
twenty-five men, commanded by James Hayden,
president and chief marshal, and his aids-, I
Edward Norton, Daniel Flynn andWm. For
rester, secretary. They are accompanied bj |
the Woodberry G. A. R. drum and fife corps,
and wear dark clothes, 6tiff hats, canes and
Calnmnet club, of Baltimore, organized In
February, 1869. Tbrec hundred men wearing
light drab overcoats and black derby hats, the
marshals and aids wearing silk hats. Brass
band or 23 pieces and drum and fife band of 25.
Patrick Refily chief marshal, with the following
aids: ltiehard S. Frank, adjutant; Dr. I. B.
Sutherland, Frank Blake, Edw. Fitzgerald.Wm.
Albert. W. H. Kline. George E. McCauley, Pol.
Bachrach, E. J'. Vincente, H. Wells Hush. In
addition, there is an escort of GO men, wearing
dark overcoats und silk hats.
Columbus Democratic Glee club, of Columbus,
O.; officers: President, 11. H. Evans; vice president,
Joseph Daubin:secretary and treasurer, J.
N. Koerner, lib., A. Granville; musical director,
Fred. Krumm; captain, John Amaun: 1st lieutenant,
J. H. Galbrath; 2d lieutenant, M. H.
Harman: drum ser., M. Butler; ensign, Frank
Beck. Uniform?Black silk hats, light overcoats,
with badge, and black pant*. Thirty-live
men will be in line headed by a d dm corps of
seven pieces. The club organ iz d last August
its the Columbus Cleveland and Hendricks Glee
club, and after going through the campaign reorganized,
reducing the membership nearly
one-half, and changing the name to the Columbus
Democratic Glee club. Alter a thorough
training tor the past, four months, the club gave
a successful concert on the 23dof February, and
is now in good trim. The members remain over
Wednesday and Thursday.
The Jackson club, ?f Coluinbus, O. Fifty men,
In uniform. Officers: Charles G. isaffiu, president;
Samuel A. Kinnear, secretary; John
Owens, first vice president; James Iioss, assistant
secretary: Robert Snapp. s-- -and vice president;
Capt. Charles W. McMillen, treasurer;
captain, Ephram Weirick: lieutenants, A. B.
Cohen and A. B. Foster. Uniform?White hat,
light-gray overcoat, white satin badge, eight Inches
long, ornamented with portrait of Jackson
and bearing the name of the dub. The members
will carry canes alike.
The Jefferson Club, of Cincinnati. Ohio; 150
men, commanded by Ferdinand Sprlngmyer,
president; Chas. Doll, vice president; Bern'd
C. Rothe, secretary; Cassituir Baumannn, treasurer.
Uniform: Light gray high hat with
black band, gray coat and <*u.'eoat, black
pants, light colored gloves and bamboo canes.
They will be led by a full brass upd reed band
with a drum major,"all wearing new uniforms.
The club hasover 1.400 member . nd consists
of the leading German business men of the city
of Cincinnati. The club was organized in 18M2
and is daily increasing its roll of member*.
They came to Washington bv special train of
five sleeping coaches, via W. ?v B. R.R., and
members of the club will sleep on cars while
here. *
Davis Democratic Marching club, of Piedmont,
W. Va., eighty men, including the Anderson
band of Piedmont. S. D. Woodrow
president and commandant; Geo. D. Woodrow,
1st lieutenant; II. G. Buxton, 2d lieutenant: J.
M. W. Davis, 3d lieutenant, and M. J. Gilmore,
4th lieutenant. Uniform: Navy blue doublebreasted
sack coats, red stripe on pants with
white border, red and white shoulder straps
blue and white belts, white caps and white and
blue pompons. Arms, red roosters perched on
hickory poles.
Young Men's Democratic Club, of Wheeling,
West Va. Forty men and band. Officers: Oscar
Seelv, president; W. L. Wright, secretary;
Allen Brock, treasurer. Uniform, silk hats,
badges and canes.
seventy-five strong. Officers: Nathan Cleaves,
president; M. M. Ri^gs, secretary; E. II. Waterhouse,
treasurer: L. B. Roberts, general manager.
Uniform, spring style silk hat, black suit,
dark overcoat. glov<\- cane and whitesiik handkerchief.
They u ille iTy a banner which was
carred by the Maine <1 !< , itionatthe time Polk
was inaugurated, be.-Ides iheir regular banner.
Bavard Legion, seventy-five men, wearing
black derby hats, black capes with red lining,
white leggins, canes and badges; led l>y the Delaware
band, seventeen pieces. Officers: Wm.
B. Norton, marshal; E. J. Badv. 1st assistant;
N. Y. Vernon, 'Jd assistant; R. Bradford, 3d assistant.
Tfte First Cleveland Flag Escort-, ol Moberly.Mo.;
thirty men, with Prince Albert coats, silk hats
and badges, commanded by R. J.Carmody. The
escort claims to carry the first Cleveland flag
raised in the country," it having been loosed to
the breeze on the4tii of July, 16S4.
The Lewensville Cleveland and Hendricks
club, of Fairfax county, Va. Officers: Frank X
Burke; president; John 11. Stewart, vice president:
Mason Shlpnian, secretary. Eighty
mounted men, in citizens' dress, marshaled by
F. A. Klrby and Capt. E. C. Iieid.
Tenleytown mounted club. Four detachments
of mounted men, as follows: Eleven sorrels
to fill the North Carolina company, Dr. J.
E. Gilpin, major. Wm. H. Howling, captain; 8
light bays, Wm. Mullen, major; Robt. Stuart,
captain; 8 grays, J. M.Curran, major; 10browns,
Geo. Burdette, major: E. Chappell, captain.
Dress: Plain dark clotliesand white gloves. The
gravs have light blue saddle cloths, with white
trimming. All the others have white cloths,
with red trimming.
The Irving Hall Democratic organization, ol
the City aud (Jounty of New York, will march
with about 400 men in line, under the leadership
of Grand Marshal Alexander V. Davidson.
They will step to the music ot Mannahan's band
of 40 pieces, and be uniformed in dark clothes,
silk hats and canes.
The Taney club, ol" Baltimore, which was organized
in 1882, Mr. Timothy Maloney, President;
O. A. Bouldin, Secretary; W. H. M. Arnold,
Corresponding Secretary: W. H. Strauss, Treasurer,
will arrive at 9 o'clock to-morrow morning
and parade with Timothy Maloney Marshal
and Owen A. Bouldin, Luke Fallen, James
Kellv, James Dawhoe as aids. The Arnerlcus
Band and Holy Cross Fife and Drum Corps will
accompany the club with 35 pieces. The members
will be attired uniformly in dark clothes
and overcoat, derby hat, light gloves and cane.
They will bring 200 men aud carry the club insignia
and National colors.
The Duckworth Club, of Cincinnati, named in
honor of Geo. K. Duckworth, a young business
man of that city, was formed in September,
1880. Over 250 members of the club will
march in the line to-morrow, headed by the
First Reg't band of thirty pieces. The club
comes to Washington inn Us own epeWal train of
sleeping coaches, which will remain at their
disposal during their stay here. While hero
they will be the guests of the Young Mens' Democratic
Club. The officers of the club are: D.J.
Dal ton. President; M. L. Hawkins, First VicePresident;
J no. T. Follctt. Second Vice-President:
Adam Kramer. Third Vice-President; Jos.
P. Manouge, Recording Secretary; D. F. Lynch,
Financial Secretary: Samuel Schott, Treasurer.
Directors: Geo. K. Duckworth, Sol. P. Kineon,
M.J Ryan, Mark Wallace, J. J. Reagan, G. C.
Wilson, R. C. Rohner, J. F. Russell, Fred Hermann,
C. T. Blackburn and J. J.'Brady. Sergeant
at Arms, Captain James Reader.
The members of the club will wear dark suits,
regulation white*plug hats light. English Melton
overcoats faced with satin and white satin
was the only club that attended the Chicago
Convention accompanied by their own band.
Among the members of the club who attended
the Chicago Convention, twelve were elected
delegates to that memorable body; and the
club boasts that they were first, last and all the
time unanimously in favor of the nomination
of Grover Cleveland.
The Pennsylvania Troops.
All of the regiments of the Pennsylvania National
Guard have been ordered here to march
in the parade to-morrow, and will form one division.
Some of the troops are already here.
The following shows the organization of the
Major General John F. nartranft, division
commander; Lieut Col. George H. North, assistant
adjutant general; Lieut Col. J. E. Mears,
surgeon general; Charles S. Greene, quartermaster;
Lieut. Col. S. S. Hartranft, commissary;
Lieut. Col. S. W. Pettlt Judge advocate;
Lieut Col. Edw. O. Shakespear*. inspector of
rifle practice: Majors John B. Compton, W. W.
Brown. Charles E. Richmond, Edw. W. Patton,
W. G. Wilson, and F. P. Ogden, aides-de-camp.
composed of troops from Philadelphia and
vicinity, Brigadier General George R. Snowden
commanding; Major Alexander. Krumbhaar,
assistant adjutant general; Major A. L. Witherill,
inspector, Major R. F. Cullinan, quartermaster;
Major R. S. Heridckoper, surgeon: Major
James w. Cooke, commissary; Major Wm.
Struthers, ordnance officer; Major Robert
Adams, Jr., Judge advocate; Captains Charles
H. Townsend and Robt. Vaux, aides-de-camp.
Capt. E. B. Grubb, First Lieut J. L. Wilson,
Second Lieut J. K. Carpenter, cornet, C. RKelly.
Battery A, Philadelphia?Capt Maurice C.
Stafford, First Lieut. S. L. Marshall, Second
Lieut. C. W. Marshall. ?
Gray Invincibles, Philadelphia?Capt Jno. T.
Kennard, First Lieut, Jno. A. Griffin, Second
Lieut. Theo. II. Porter.
State Fencibles Battalion, Philadelphia?MaJ.
Jno. W. Ryan, Adjutant Chas. Beccer, Quartermaster
J. S. Butler, Assistant Surgeon Aug. P.
Blomer, Chaplain Tt H. Allen.
Company A?Capt Geo. W. Moser, First Lieut.
Wm. A. Witherup, Second Lieut Thus. W. Ewn$ompany
B?Capt. W. W. Chew, First. Lieut
Wm. H. Schwab,Second Lieut.G.J. Loneasney.
Company C?Capt E. E. Packer, First Lieut,
Geo. C. Warner, Second Lieut Fred'k W. Suite
Company D?Capt Jno. H. Sutterle, First
Lieut John Conner, Second Lieut T. T. Bruzer.
Col.T.E.Weldershelm, commanding. Lieut Col.
W. H. Gilpin, Major W. P. Bowman, Adjutant
H. H. Gruff, Quartermaster H. C. Roberto, Bur
geon J. Wilks O'Neill. Assistant Surgeons Fran- Bi
els Muhlenburg ana A. D. Smith, Chaplain se
Robert A. Edwards.
Company A?Capt.,Chas. A. Rose: 1st lieutenant,
Geo. E. Deacon; '2d lieutenant, H. DeC. Brolasky.
Company B?Captain, J. Lewis Good: 1st T.
lieutenant, Wm. Ewing; 2d lieutenant, Louis
K. Obdyke. _ !
Company C?Captain, P. S. Conrad; 1st lieu- "
tenant, Abram C. Rockhlll; 2d lieutenant, M. IW.
Orme. '
Company D?Captain, Harry O. Hastings; 1st
lieutenant, Henry J. Crump; 2d lieutenant, a,
Tlios. A. Edwards.
Company E?Captain, James Muldoon; 1st
lieutenant, James A. Filley; 2d lieutenant, fl,
Henry Schroeder.
Company F?Captain, Thos. E. Huffln<rton;
1st lieutenant, Geo. Eller, Jr.; 2d lieuten mt, n,
Chas. Hathaway. y;
Company G?Captain, Albert L. Williams; 1st
lieutenant, W. F. Sykes; 2d lieutenant, Josiah r
Torr. ~
Company H?Captain, Sam'l B. Collins; 1st
lieutenant, Clarence T. Kensil; 2d lieutenant, ?
Frank B. Thompson. _
Company I?Captain, F. P. Koons; 1st lieutenant,
L. E. French, Jr.; 2d lieutenant,J. Dallet ?
Roberts. !
' Company K?Captain. J. C. Gilmore; 1st lieutenant,
R. R. Bringhurst; 2nd lieutenant, A. J. ?
Diamond. ji
Colonel, Robert P. Dechert; lieutenant colonel, H
Oliver C. Bosbvshell; major, L. J. Ladner; adju- 8
tant, George C. Miller; quartermaster, John A.
Franks; surgeon. Wm. Ashbridge: assistant surgeons,
Eugene Townsend and >V. H. Baker; t<
chaplain, Htenry C. McCook. ir
Company A?Captain. John T. Durang; 1st G
lieutenant, John C. Bowen; 2d lieutenant, E. T'
W. Schurz.
Company B?Captain, E. F. Weaver; 1st lieutenant,
William L. Bean; 2d lieutenant, Fred- f.,
eriek II. Schober.
Company C?Captain, John Rrtse: 1st lieuten- rimt,
Samuel Furst; 2d lieutenant, Henry S. n
Company D?Captain, John F. Stevenson. U
Company E?Captain, Peter II. Jacobus; 1st s
lieutenant, Michael J. Tieruey; 2d lieutenant,
Herman \ oelker. H
Company F?Captain, Chas. II. Worman; 1st st
lieutenant, Edward S. Carnahan; 2d lieutenant,
Jutiam M. Elliott.
Company G?Captain. John T. Hughes; 1st "Ht
lieutenant, George W. Garvin; 2d lieutenant,
Joseph P. Bowman. m
Compi.ny II? Captain, George W. Aherns; 1st
lieutenant, Albert H. Hartung; 2d lieutenant, j
Adolph Hartung. ?
Company I?Captain, Frederick Prime,Jr.; 1st a
lieutenant, William J. Daily; 2d lieutenant,
William C. Cunningham. v
Company K*?Captain, Peter Lyle Weaver; 1st j:
lieutenant, Theodore Gepl'ert; 2d lieutenant,
Frank Noble. ^
Colonel, Sylvester Bonnnfi'on, jr.; lieutenant a
colonel, John P. Denney; adjutant, Wm. B. De- jr
; laney; quartermaster, John Rodgers; surgeon, Q]
1 Wm. W. Lamb; assistant surgeons, Robert S.
j Wharton and W. A. Edwards. L
Company A?Captain, Norwood P. Glading; Gi
first lieutenant, J. Frank Redlern; second lieutenaut,
Harry A. Mitchell.
Company B?Captain. Geo. W. Harris; first
lieutenant, Michael J. Dnnn. a*
Company D?Captain, John G. Lee; first lieu- rj
tenant, Win. Tucker; second lieutenant, Robert Q,
C. Thompson.
Company E?Captain, Theo. Neely; first lieu- f
tenant. Win. WtTait; second lieutenant, Geo. tf'
B. Myers. . ?'
Company F?Captain, Jno. C. Thompson; first
lieutenant, Merritt Douglass; second lieutenant,
Edward F. Phelau.jr.
Company G?Captain. Thomas Ryan, Jr.; first
lieutenant, Alexander Y. lianna, S
Company H?Captain, Francis Hoguet; first
lieutenant, Chas. R. Miller, Jr.; second HeuUnaut,
Robert E. Turner.
Colonel, John W. Schall, Norristown; lieuten. ! tu
ant colonel. Perry M. Washabaugh, Chester; B<
major, Thomas C. Steele, Pottstown; adjutant,
Thomas J. Stewart, Norristown; quartermaster, p'
Frank BrRhoades, Phcenixville; surgeon, Jos. ,
K. Weaver, Norristown; assistant surgeon,Wm.
J. Ashnfelter. g,
Company A. Pottstown?Captain, Henry A.
Shenton; first lieutenant, Horace Evans; second
lieutenant, Wm. E. Schuyler. j
Compuny B, Ciiester?Captain, Frank G.
Sweeney: first lieutenant, James A. Campbell;
second iieuuuaut, Geo. C. de Lannoy. ^
Company C, Conshohocken? Captain, Wm. B. i]
Nungesser; first lieutenant. Franklin Harrison;
second lieutenant, George W. Rover. ^
Company D, Phoenixville?Captain, Louis R. 0]
Walters: first lieutenant, John H. Greenover;
second lieutenant, Wm. A. LaTouch. o,
Company F N\e i>town?Captain, Henry L
Jacobs; first lieutenant, Henry R. Souder; second
lieutenant, Eugene P. Hartzell. n
Company G, Dovlestown?Captain, Wm. H. n
Hargrave, Doylestown; first lieutenant, Frank
B. A tier, Doylestown; second lieutenant, J.Har- E
rison Wilson, Doylestown. oi
Company II, Media?Captain, James S. Cumftiins;
first lieutenant, Wm. McClintock; second M
lieutenant, John H. Hawkins. k
Company I, West Chester?Captain; BartonD.
Evans; first lieutenant, Charles B. Sheppar; sec- tl
ond lieutenant, Sharpless M. Paxson. 01
Brigadier general, James A. Beaver; asst. adjutant
general, Daniel S. Keller; inspector, Jas. c<
P. Sayer; quartermaster, Samuel W. Hill; sur- T
geon, E. J. Miller; commissary, Austin Curtin; A
ordnance officer, I?. Stewart Elliott; alde-decamp,
Samuel \V. McElroy; 11. Herbert Wea- ri
ver. ; J(
Captain, C. S. W. Jones; first lieutenant, Geo.
Gensamer; second lieutenant, Thomas M. a,
Battery B, Pittsburg?Captain, Alfred E.Hunt; fi:
first lieutenant, George Sheppard; second lieu- 11'
tenant, Joseph W. Bolsol,
Colonel, Daniel H. Hastings; lieutenant colo- M
onel, John S. Garrett; major, Samuel F. Statler;
adjutant, Henry S. Hale; quartermaster, Jacob M
A. Rohrer; surgeon, George F. Harris; assistant 8
surgeons, Andrew S. Stayer and N. Frank c
Ehrenfeid; chaplain, Charles M. Stock.
Company A, Ebensburg?Captain, William A. OI
Jones; first lieutenant, Thomas D.Evans; second T
lieutenant, Jesse S. Bolslnger.
Company B, Bellefonte?Captain Amas Mul- ?f
len; first lieutenant, George L. Potter, second fl
lieutenant, Joseph D. Gelssinger. J11
Company C, Hollidaysburg?First lieutenant le
commanding, Elmer E. Rooney; second lieu- ?
tenant, George B. Kephart. f*
Companv D, Altoonii?Captain, Robert B. u<
Guthrie; rirst lieutenant Vincent D. Hudson; w
second lieutenant, Leonard Wm. Nagele. "
Company F, Indiana?Captain, A. C. Braugh- ^
ler, first lieutenant, John W. Sutton; second _
lieutenant, John W. Booke. . ni
Company G, Lewlstown?Captain, Rufus C. al
Elder; first lieutenant. Lewis Slagle; second
lieutenant, Charles T. Chester.
Company H, Johnstown?Captain, Edwin T. .
Carswell; first lieutenant, Frederick W. Coxe; 111
second lieutenant, W. Warren Cope. na
Company I. Bedford ? Captain, James F. no
Mlckel; first lieutenant, John L. Gubernator; g<
second lieutenant, Daniel C. Burns.
a Colonel, Alex. L. Hawkins; lieutenant colonel, .
John M. Kent; major, James M. Laird; adjutant,
James B. R. Streator; quartermaster, "Vincent
E. Williams; surgeon. Smith Fuller, Jr.; as- B
sistant surgeon, Frank McDonald; chaplain, oi
William Linn McGrew.
Company A, Monongahela City?Captain, B
Joseph Taylor Armstrong- first lieutenant, oi
Moses Robins Smith; second lieutenant, Francis
Noble Woodward. M
Company B, New Brighton?Captain, John P. oi
Sherwood; first lieutenant, James M. Lourimore;
second lieutenant, James W. Blount. vl
Company C, Uniontown?Captain, John H. u,
Campbell; first lieutenant, Albert G. Beeson;
second lieutenant, John K. Ewing, jr. SI
Company D, Freedom?Captain, Robert H. oi
McCaskey; first lieutenant, Alfred McCaskey;
second lieutenant, Alvin L. Large. fli
Company E, West Bridgewater?Captain. Jos. Hi
E. McCabe; first lieutenant. James R. Olcott; i
second lieutenant, Wm. M. Walton. fli
Company H, Washingtour?Captain, Harvey t
J. Vankirk; first lieutenant, Charles V. Harding;
second lieutenant, Robert L. Thompson.
Company I, Greensburg?Captain, John B.
Keenan* first lieutenant, Richard N. Crlbbs; ^
second lieutenant, Harry Foster Bott.
Coijfpany K. Wraynesburg?Captain. John M. 111
Wilej-; first lieutenant, H. P. Berryhlll; second ta
lieutenant, Lorenzo D. Hunnel. te
Colonel, James Glenn; lieutenant colonel, Peter
D. Perchment; major, George N. Lacock;
adjutant, James F. Robb; quartermaster, John Q
W. Morrison; surgeon, J. Guy McCandless: assistant
surgeons, Alexander A. E. McCandless,
Wm. M. Johnson. fJ
Company A, Pittsburg?Captain, Ernest L. M
HuflJ first lieutenant, Daniel F. Crawford; ?eoond
lieutenant, Charles A. Eberhart. ?
Company B, Pittsburg?Captain, J. M. G. Mo- ai
Clung; first lieutenant, George R. Taylor; seoond ?
lieutenant, John Anderson. V
Company C, Pittsburg?Captain, John W.
Nesblt; first lieutenant, AlfredC.McCoy; second ~
Untenant, ?. A. Robinson. ?
Company E, Plttsbure?Captain,S.W. JellMes; 8<
first lieutenant, W. D. Low; second lieutenant. John
E. Vensil. ^
Company F, Pittsburg?First Lieutenant ^
Charles W. King, commanding; second lieuten- D
ant, Harry G. Eakins.
Company G, Pittsburg?Captain, Jas. L. Gra- u
ham; first lieutenant, Wm.J. Hamilton; second ?
lieutenant, Joseph Jackson.
Company I, Pittsburg?Captain, William K st
Thompson; first lieutenant. Henry M. Mayer;
second lieutenant, Wm. F. Alexander.
Company K, Mansfield?Captain, W.J. Glenn; ~
first lieutenant, John R, Steel; second lieuten- .
ant, B. Miller Kelso. A
Colonel, Wm.A. Kreps, Greenville; lieutenant *
colonel, Thomas A. Stebblns, Meadville; major, ^
Wm. A. Rupert, Conneautvllle. L
Company A,Erie?Captain,John J.Baxter;
first lieutenant, Oliver S. Riblet; second Ueuten- V
ant, John EL Traut. ?
Company B, Meadville?Captain, Harrold 8.
Phillips; first lieutenant, Wheeler X>. West; seo- lc
ond lieutenant, Wm. H. GaskilL m
Company C. Erie?Captain, D. S. Crawfbrd;
first lieutenant, John B. Boyd; second lieuten- fl
ant, Harry A. Bush. U
Company D.Clarion?Captain,Oliver E. Kail;
first lieutenant, James J. Frailer; second lieu- T
tenant, John C. Mclntyre. m
Company E, Butler?Captain, Wm. T. Mechllng;
first lieutenant, Eli D. Robinson; seoond m
lieutenant, John D. Brown. m
Company G. Sharon?Captain, Sylvester F.
Barker; first lieutenant. Win. w. Manna; seo- \
ond lieutenant, James W. Stambaugh. s
Company K, Greenville Captain, Wilson F.
raden: first lieutenant, William F. Harpst; F
cond lieutenant, Thompson A. Christy. II
Colonel, John A. Wiley, Franklin; lieutenant ^
ilonel, James B. Storey, Butler; mivKir, Willis
Hullngs, Franklin; adjutant, David D. Grant,
ranklin: quartermaster, Walter W. Greenland; ?
irgeon. Daniel V. Stranahan.Warren; assistant ^
irgeons, James E. Sllliman, Erie, and Jas. De ?
irest Pulfrey Arters, Oil City; chaplain, G. A.
irstensen, Meadville.
Company A, Corry?Captain, Isaac B.Brown;
st lieutenant, W. Edgar Marsh; second lieunant,
George A. Davis. . 8
Company C, Bradford?Captain. James C. Fox;
rst lieutenant. Thomas Oonneely; second lieu- g
nant, A. McAlpine.
Company D. Oil City?Captain, Thomas II. i
well; first lieutenant, James S. I^aughliu;
cond lieutenant, Frank S. Merchant.
Company E. Cooperstown?Captain, Leonard \
. Ray; first lieutenant. Robert E. Van Naten; .
cond lieutenant, George N. Crodle. ? ,
Company F, Franklin? Captain, George C.
ickards; first lieutenant. George F. Ridgway; .
cond lieutenant. Robert B. Patterson. .
Company H, Ridgway?Captain, W.s. Horton;
rst lieutenant. George R. Woodward; second t
eutenant, Joseph Bailey. |
Company I,Warren?Captain, James O. Parm- '
e; first lieutenant, Frank N. Knapp; second
eutenant, John M. Siegfried.
Company Kv Titusville?Captain, David R. ! >
ierron: first lieutenant, Martin R. Rouse;
;cond lieutenant, Seth M. Church. a
Colonel, Norman M. Smith, Pittsburg; lieu- 1 t
inant colonel, Samuel A. Buchanan, Pittsburg; 11
lajor, Frank F. Sneathen, Pittsburg; adjutant 8
eorge Hersh, Pittsburg; quartermaster, Joel
. Bigham, Pittsburg: surgeon, Thomas L. Haz- t
ml, Allegheny; asistant surgeons, John S.
[aban, Allegheny, and Charles S. Shaw. Pitts- i
arg; chaplain, John L. Milligan, Allegheny. 1
Company A. Pittsburg? Captain, J. Conrad
ay; first lieutenant, Joseph B.Moore; second |
eutenant, Charles 11. Roessing. j ^
Company B, Pittsburg?Captain, Frank I. !
utledge;" first lieutenant, John J. McGuire; < j
teond lieutenant, James M Nolils.
Company C, Pittsburg?Captain, William M. ! i
amiitou; first lieutenant, J. Frank Gardiner; I j
icond lieutenant. Harry J. Duncan. j ,
Company D, Pittsburg?Captain. Geors^ F. ]
hrivc-r; tirfj? lieutenant, Gustavus L O,terson. 1 v
cond lieutenant. Bernard E. Arons. t
Company E, Pittsburg?Captain, Herman j
traub; first lieutenant, Fred. G. Riesterer; sec- t
id lieutenant, Gustavus J. Bochert. i
Company F. Pittsburg?Captain. B^niainin
,r. Carskadden; first lieutenant. William M. y
.wl; second lieutenant, Samuel W. Harper. j
Coinpauy G, Pittsburg?Captain.. Charles F.
ea; first lieutenant. Allied C. Rapp; second
eutenant, John P. Penney. t
Company H. Pittsburg?Captain. Richard W. j
..Simmons; first lieutenant, William J. Mont- j,
niery; second lieutenant Howard R. Lari- ! s
ler. S i
Company I, McKeesport?Captain, John Ew- j
ig Spear; first lieutenant, Oliver C. Coon; sec- t
id lieutenant, Thomas F. Wiley. n
Company K, McKeesport?Captain. William v
.Adams; first lieutenant, Edward Rank; sec- r
nd lieutenant, John Porter, Jr. t
Brigadier general, J. K. Sigfried, Pottsville; I
isistant adjutant general. J. Wesley Awl. Har
sburg; inspector, W. S. Moorhead, Frackville. t
uartermaster, J. M. Lowry, Harrisburg; >ur- r
jon, William H. Cunimings, Honesdale; ord- t
ince officer, Thomas Franklin Penman. Scran- i
>u; commissary. Thomas D. Lewis, Providence; t
idge advocate, S. W. Starkweather, Williams- 1
irt; aids-de-cainp. John M. Bowman, Muncy; j
'illiani E. Jones, Malianoy City.
Battery C, Phoenixvllle?Captain, John Denilorne,Jr.;
first lieutenant, Samuel E. Davis;
icond lieutenant, Llewellyn D. 1 limes. t
Colonel, T. H. Good, Allentown; lieutenant *
>lonel, Melchoir H. Horn, Catasauqua; adju- ,
int, A. G. Dewalt, Allentown; quartermaster, r
ernard E. Lehman, Bethlehem; surgeon,.!. It. 1 '1
otteiger, Hamburg; assistant surgeons,.!. 1?. j i
liristman, Allentown; George H. Halberstadt, ' 1
ottsville; chaplain, Cornelius Lari. Catas- j t
aqua. . i
Company A, Reading?Captain. Samuel A. i t
tahr; first lieutenant, James M. Griffith; seo- t
id lieutenant, Henry J. Christoph. I
Company B, Allentown?Captain. Samuel D. <
elir; first lieutenant, George B. Roth; second 1
eutenant, Clinton C. Englemao. i
Company C, Columbia?Captain, D. Brainard i 1
ase; first lieutenant, Frank A. Bennett; second t
eutenant, Edw. B. Eckman.
Company D, Allentown?Captain. Allen J. t
eichard; first lieutenant, Win. D. Mickley; sec- >
nd lieutenant, Winfield S. Troxell. " t
Company E, Hamburg?Captain, Charles F. <
eainan; first Ueutenaut. Benjamin F. Galiris; I
:cond lieutenant, -Vrthur Fessig. *
Company F, Pottsville?Captain, D. C. Hen- 4
ing; first lieutenant. Nathan Houser; second <
eutenant, Henry J. Reinhard. i1
Company G. Pine Grove?Captain, John P. t
arnest; first lieutenant, John W. Harvey; see- i
ad lieutenant, Aaron T. Felty. ?
Company 11, Slatington-- Captain, George f
[eDowell; first lieutenant, Hiram Willis Han- 1
ee; second lieutenant,,Mark Jones.
Company I,Catasaqua?Captain, Wm. H. Bar- i
iclomew; first lleut nant, Win. N. liaub; sec- t
ad lieutenant, Alfred S. Fry.
Colonel J. P. S. Gobin, Lebanon; lieutenant ,
ilonel, John M. Wetlierill, Pottsville; major, i
heodore F. Hoffman, Girardville; adjutant, M. i
.Gherst, Lebanon; quartermaster, Benj. Brvson \
IcCool, Pottsville; surgeon, W. II. Eagle. Har- j
sburg; assistant surgeons, Abner W. Shultz, '
jnestown; Samuel Henry Brehin, Newville; *
laplain, Daniel Eberly, Annvllle.
Company A.York?Captain, Ell Z. Strine; first
eutenant, William H. Keller; second lieuten- ?
it. Amos P. Dehoff.
Company B,Tama?)ua?Captain,Wallace Cuss- J
rst lieutenant, Gilpin Warrington; second V
eutenant, Lewis F. Renealy. J
Company C, Lancaster?Captain, David P. 1
osenmiller; first lieutenant, W. Withers '
ranklin; second lieutenant, Benjamin F. t
cCue. I
Company D, Harrisburg?Captain, Thomas F. 6
aloney; first lieutenant, Joseph E. Rhoads; c
cond lieutenant, George E. Reed. ?
Company E, Mahanoy City?Captain, John F. (
ihoener, first lieutenant, I* rank Wenrich; sec- 1
id lleutenaht, Solomon S. Hoppes. !
Company F, Girardville?Captain, John G. 1
)huson; first lieutenant, Thomas Cranage; seo- t
id lieutenant. Harry H. Danks. c
Company G, Carlisle?Captain John G. Bobb; g
rst lieutenant. William G. Speck; second lieu- s
nant. Jessie P. Ziegler. I
Company H, Pottsville?Captain, Richard s
ahn; first lieutenant, John F. Sterner, second c
eutenant, George A. Harris. f
Company I, Wrightsville? Captain, Frank J. i
:agee; first lieutenant, George W. Slltzer; seo- g
jef lieutenant, J. P. Levergood. I
Company K, St. Clair?Captain, W. H. Holmes; 1
rst lleutenanL Wm. P. Fame, second lieuten- 1
at, Charles J. Farue. s
Colonel, G. Murray Reynolds, Wllkesbarre; i
sutenat colonel, Morris J. Keck, Hazleton; i
lajor, Irving A. Sterns, Wilkesbarre; quarter- }
taster, Wm. O. Coolbaugh, Wllkesbarre; surion,
Olin F. Harvey, Wilkesbarre; assistant *
irgeons, Samuel L. Holley, Nanticoke; F. G. c
ewton, Towanda. ,
Conyiany A, Towandar-Captain, John An- (
rew Wilt; first lieutenant, Oliver D. Lyon; sec- ,
id lieutenant, John Henley.
Company B, Wilkesbarre?Captain, John C. j
orton; tfrst lieutenant, W. Frank Kelly; seo- (
ad lieutenant, Walter S. Marshall.
Companv C, Plttston?Captain, Wm. J. g
hughes; first lieutenant. Adolph Ullman; secia
lieutenant, Oscar C. Foster.
Company D, Wllkesbarre?Captain, Bennett
T. Marcy; first lieutenant, Wm. C. Price; seo- c
id lieutenant, J. Ridgway Wright. K
Company E, Parsons?Captain, John D. Colin;
first lieutenant, Richard Moore; second c
eutenant, Sylvester D. Rhodes. C
Company F, Wllkesbarre?Captain, Benj. F. (
tarke; first lieutenant, Nelson Stranburg; seo- ,
id lieutenant. Wm. H. DeMun. I
Company G, Nanticoke?Captain, John Dunn' >
rst lieutenant, Frank Pierce Crotzer; second f
eutenant, Wm. A. Masters. .
Company H, Plttston?Ctujtaln, Frank P. Reap;
rst lieutenant, Martin Mangam; second lieu- .
inant, Bernard J. Conlan. c
Colonel, Alfred H. Stead, Wllliamsport; lieu- j,
nant colonel, Alonzo. B. Horton, Wellsboro'; i
Lajor, Thomas W. Lloyd, Wllliamsport; adju- i
mt, Frank P. Cunimings, Wllliamsport; quar- F
rmaster, Wm. P. Clarke, Wllliamsport; sur- F
son, Daniel Bacon, Wellsboro'; assistant sur- J
jons, George G. Groff, Lewisburg; Elmer S.
ull, Milton. 11
Company A, Lewlsbuirg?Captain, J. Irvin 0
regg; first lieutenant, Jacob P. Brooke; second
eutenant, George S. Mat lack.
Company B, W llliamsport?Captain,^William
weeley; first lieutenant, James K. Rathmel;
(cond lieutenant, Charles F. W. Flock. ~
Company C, Milton?Captain, John F. Parker; A
ret lieutenant, Wm. Batdorf; second lieuten- a
at, Daniel S. Fisher. ;
Company D, Wllliamsport?Captain, George
T. Gilmore; first lieutenant, Geo. W. Mcln- J
eh; second lieutenant, Chas. Kooni. 1
Company E, Sunbury?Captain, Charlea M. I
lement; first lieutenant, George H. Gibson;
scond lieutenant, John F. Eisely. '
Company F, Danville?Captain, J. Swelsfort; c
rst lieutenant, A. B. Patton; second lieutenant, s
nil lam B. Baldy. \
Company G, Wllllamsport?Captain, Frank J. '
urrows; first lieutenant, W. P. Barker, second 1
eutenant, James B. Coryell.
Company H, Lock Haven?Captain, George A. <rown;
first lieutenant, John N. Farnsworth; 1
icond lieutenant, Daniel L. Blsel. '
Colonel, F. L. Hitchcock, Scranton; lieutenant
>lonel, Ezra H. Ripple, Scranton; major, Henry
Courseh, Scranton; adjutant, Charles C. Mats,
Scranton; quartermaster, John P. Albro, (
cranton; surgeon, Harry V. Logan, Scranton; s
jsistant surgeons, Alexander J. Connell, Scran- \
>n; Clarence L. Frey, Scranton; chaplain, S. C. 1
ogan, Scranton. ?... , 8
Company A. Scranton?Captain, Louis A. e
^atres: first lieutenant, George F. Barnard; J
;cond lieutenant, Morris J. Andrews. i
Company B, Scrantofi?Captain, William Keliw;
first lieutenant, Herman R. Madison; i
?cond lieutenant, William S. Millar.
Company C, Scranton?Captain, James Moln
rst lieutenant, William B. Henwood; second 1
eutenant, Charles W. Gunster.
Company D, Scranton?Captain, George B. I
hompson; first lieutenant, William A- May,
soona lleutenent, William A. Wilcox. 1
Company E, Honesdale?Captain, Henry Wil- i
on; first lieutenant, William H- Stanton;
?oond lieutenant, George H. Whitney.
Company G, Factoryvllle?Captain, Charles !
V. Depne; first lieutenant. Edson C. Smith;
eoond lieutenant, Abel D. Gardner.
Company H, Providence-Captain, John B.
"lsh; first lieutenant, Daniel L. I-ee; second
leutenant. William B. I lock well.
Company I. Chamhorsburg -< "aptaln, John P.
erbig; first lieutenant..!. 1'li.i r La u tens lager;
econd lieutenant. ticonw A. Miller.
rxassioxed coxj'any. s? kanton.
Captain, William II. Burke; first IleutenanL
oseph II. Duggan; second lieutenant, Henry
V*. Loft us. (
>thcr Visiting; Military ?r?.ini?ii<l?ii?.
There will be a large nurtiber of other visiting
allitary organizations in line l>eside* the lYnn>
ylvanla and Virginia militia.
Below will be found descriptions of these oranizations;
fiOrh regiment N. s.. of New York city.
Colohel. Jam* s ('avanaugh; lieutenant colonel,
Vm. Del-acy; nnyor, Edw. Duffy:adjutant. Jas.
loran;\iitarterinaster.J.J. Ward o.mml^arv,
a>. G. \V alluee: surgeon, A. W. Ford; assistant
urgeon. l.ieutenant ?'.i^mvr; chaplain, M. I*.
l. eeu: inspector of rifle practice. John J. Co*
Company A?Captain, Miehae' Brennan; l:cuenants,
Robert MeFeely and Patrick McMor* ,
Company B?Captain. Jame- Cor.'on, lieutenants,
F. F. l.e?>n;:rd and F. J. M<?r;arlv.
C<>nipany C?Cantjun, lvntiis c. McCarthy;
ieutenants, Juhn Murphy and .1 >hn < >'( 'otineil. :
Comnany H - aptaiu..lames Fhink<>t; licun n,ntv.
Mauri. e C.?\ and Fair., k Faue)iy.
Company K?Captain, Huuli Coieni'.n: lieuenants,
John ! :. o Brien and James B. Man.ilan.
Company F?Lieutenants. Alfrvti A. Mitchell
ind Tuoni:.- Mortimer.
Company t; i a. tain.stepl on F. Rvan; leuenants,
Willi.mi il nan ai.d F :-i.*k J. ?;.?l-jln.
Company 11?Captain, Martin !. I > inn? 11;
ieu!e'!a:it>.Palriek .i. Morgan an 1 Wilii.im M<*- I
Company I?Ciptain, .latnes ?i. Crnniinrham; |
leutenauts, James >; i?;, u? y and Luke c.
Company K?Captain .I* i 'i K.-rr; lieutenants,
'ohn It. Woods and K.iward T. Me* ly-tal.
State s?-r\ i-e uniiorm. consist .?lt < ?t douhlc reasted
tunic and t .ov.^. i- of bin. loth, w ith
nfantry lacings, i lack i:< . "t? nd t- ts, over- i
ojits, knai ^eks v. ith t?d blankets r< .1.
The re_>iii< nt pa;';.des ~r,o ..j i anlt-d 1
>y i;.s linn Iiat >. kiovvi. ,>th ? ; ii r- . iirt. nt ;
and, Williaiti B ?y no. leader, uumo.-< n.i; i ,itv .
deccs. and unit* nu d ^anio as men, excepting
hat they have green aud n d pluiuo in helnets,
instead < : ikes.
Th-- ??!Mh ^iiiiinl \v :r* organl/od over fifty
"ear- am, and i- purvly a repn-ei't.clve Iti-diVmeriea;j
res.incut, and iiad for it~ couimai.drs
at one i hue?;< n< ralst'on-, .ran and M> .? i.
it liie outbreak of the lata war It was one of
he first rc'imont* in the country to volunteer ,
h nrrlorn to (he national firmiiiiriit. and i
eft New York on theo* vpril, !,?r the
eat of war. 1 .'><??tstro. ?'!? retime pa-*<< ?! j
hrough Waybill <> n. and \\ <- lor -oiiu- i io<* !
inarteied in ili'<?w.",A'n . oil. ;( . ii* mi ni- j
M?rs iillill F< ? t (. : c> : 11!. oppo?iu 4*? ot^.'t Wll, j
Jul pur<-ici| alcd i;. ai tin-t:rea.t latti<-.i the
var as | ar; of ih?' Iri-h brigade until ttie snr- I
ender v>i Lei-. At th>' li s: i attle of Bull lltin
he men threw aw. > tin i knaps;u-ks and e*ials
ind fought in th< irshirt 1 eves. Tliere is no <
(olitieal si^nitieane at iaelied i'i the regiment's I
'isit, b*.e?. -e poli'ieal li- 'us>|oiiv are iorbid- |
leu, aioi with perhaps two i \<-i ntions th?>re ilot
a politician umoutr its forty <>lli<*ers. Ti
egiment mine -imply io re!>res 'nt the Naioi.ai
tiisard of .\e-^ York, and as a mark of
ospeei ?,!' ii^ | : ? < u ui. i.d. r-in-tdiief. l'r. -ilent
Cli-vciand, who ?? \ lew.d i: att "amp Peekstill
last summer.
Iir. G KKN AIM Kits I:o( II A MBK.M', XF.W YOKKThe
bat taiion of t he < ?n-nadiers Kochamheaii.
if New York city, is, with the exception of !he
19th N. Y. regiment, the only military oiiraniation
from that city participating in the inau.ural
cen nionies. it i- ai ih<? -ann- tim. a nuliary
association an.ias... i.il vlnii.wh. r: i ihiaiy
aetics, nina-t ie? and lenci n ; a; e j mh aously
nitilled with aitistic and literary pastimes,
['lie number of the military members
s 1*><?; thai of the civilians, or
lonorary iiiemb"is, i*. o. iMiriuu
he winter season. < v rev other Sunday, the club
ittaehed to the battalion iri\e- ruiir. rt*. and
heatrical *oii < *. Charity i> never !oruottcn,
ind several beiu'llt-?are given by the ? iuh :<>r
)enevolcnt purpos?*s every year. The uniiorui
?fthe battalion odieers and soldiers i> exactly
.he one actually wor:i by tiie French iniantry.
Deluding t he once tanioiK '-| antaious raiu-e
vliich went around the world with the iricolor
la^r and meant \ ictory ? h?T.-vert hey apt?-ared.
v corps or drtimuiers and truni|^'t. i - tarnishes
he mu-ie. Although of a very r? cent otv..ni/.ition,
the militarv part o! the clllb ha-already
aken a eonspicuo.i^ part in public para anil
ereinonies i;i New York, e<pecia !ly on tie la-t
Oecorat ion day. and at the laying of the coiner
done of the ped<-.-tal of t lie Barth-.ldi statue <>I
'Liberty Lnlighteuing the W orld." The statl'is
X)iniKJse?l oi a colonel. II. A. Chalvin; a major,
>. Ko-enthiel; three <-aptains, A. M. Cotte,
:ditor of the ' <tti'i< /< a ?/?.v J 't its t'ms, K. Counil,
ind L. (iodon; three lieutenants, < . I.?r'?jue,
Oh.Thoulue and F.Thoinas; Fritz Hirshy,
aptain quartermaster; a lieutenant,ehietot the
jaiid of the battalion. I", t loner; a surg<*??n, I ?r.
V. de I.atour; two :Iair-bearers. J. Maurel
md Th. Leblauc; an adjutant and f?-ue!ng-iuaser.
H. Ansot, and a drum-major, S. W. llill.
situated as it is in the 7;h as nihly district oi
CewYork. 140and 142 Sixtb avenue, in the
rery midst of the French population, the club
>f the Grenadiers Koclianibeau became u rallyng
center for Freneii vop-rs duiing the la-t
lational contest lor the Fresidem-y. This is the
lrst time in the history of the rejuiblic that a
Franco-American military organi/.ation comet,
o Washington to take a torinal part in the inluguration
of a President.
jackson (OKI'S, ai.bany.
Albany (New York) Jackson corps. Over r.
mndred and tifty men. The staff otticers ar?':
V. A1 hers, George F. Backman, John J. Creason,
I t. s. Harriiran. Free. Coons. M. I>. Larring,
lohn J. Harrigan, Win. G. Mcintosh. Dr. P. J.
<eegan, A. Tenmint. lal. Carroll. Lineoflicers:
dajor James Maefarlanc. Captain h. \\ elings.
First Lieut. It. N. Statlord, Second Lieut,
i. Donovan. Non-<^?nimi-sior.ed ollicers; f irst
sergeant K. A. Walsh, fv-eoud Sergeant L. linnivan,
Fourth Sergeant J. Macfarlane, jr.. Filth
sergeant It. E. Stafford, (j. Sergeant C. If.Blake,
Corporal John Fremzen, Corporal Charles Filtins,
Corp<?ral Josetih Fisher. CorjHtral < ?. J.
Kmaliue, Coi-poral James Kasterly. < orporal J.
iillenbmnt, Corjtorai A. Heilx-I. The Albany
:ity band will head the line. Uniforms?Fuil
Iress scarlet frock coat, trimmed with blue and
;old, dark blue trowsers, with buff strijies,bearkin
sdiakos, white corps belts with plate bearng
monogram "A. J. C.." black body belt with
sine monogram. Fatigue uniform?Dark blue
loth blouse, trowsers and caps. Winter i>niorm?Light
blue overcoat, trimmed with red
md gold, dark blue trowsers and bearskin
hakos. It isone ofthe best equipped companies
n the country. It was organized in August,
L8t>8 by some of the leading < itizens of Albany,
rhey acted as an escort to John T. Hodman
uid Hon. Sainuel J. Tilden on the occasions of
heir inaugurations as governors. Hon. I>. B.
lill, present governor of N< w York; Hon. B. A.
ianks, mayor of Albany: Hon. Erastus Oornng.
and many other distinguished citizens are
ife members of the organization. After leavng
this city at midnight on the 4th the com- i
>any will go to Baltimore, where it will be reel
ved by the Post Wilson Guards and wel:omed
by the mayor. Leaving Baltimore they
vill go to Philadelphia and he received by l'ost
iuard, No, 94, and extended a welcome by the
navorof the city. leaving Philadelphia they
rill go to Elizabeth, N. J., b received by (Jeii.
brake's Vet<eran Zouaves, and be welcomed by
Jov. Abbett and the mayor of the city. Leavng
Elizabeth at a.m. will reach Albany at
1:15 Saturday morning.
schenectady n. v. continentals.
The Schenectady Washington Continentals,
irganlzed January 7th, lt>78, and entered
tate service as the Thirty-seventh separate
ompany, N. G. S. N. Y., June 12th, lbSO.
)fflcers?Geo. W. Marlette. captain; Thomas
iregg, first lieutenant; James IL Veddi, second
ieutenant; John J. Wheaton, first sergeant.
Jnlform?Scarlet dress coat, gold and buff
rimming; light blue pants, with bud stripearge
bearskin hats, with gold tassels and
hains; dark blue fatigue caps: dark gray overoats.
Non-commissioned oflicers, gold and
?uff epaulette: privates, all butl: commissioned
tfflcers, all gold epaulettes. They will have
Ifty uniformed men in line, armed with liemngton
rides, and twenty-five or more honorary
nembers. The command will be headed by
ts own drum and fife corps of thirteen men
inlformed; scarlet tunic: gold trimmings, hlue
>ants and white and black helmets. The comlany
Is composed of young business and proessional
men, clerks and mechanics, all momiers
of Schenectady's best families. It will renain
here over Thursday, and will visit places
if interest.
phil. kearny guard, elizabeth, n. j.
Phil. Kearny Guard, company C., 3d reginent
N. G.,N. J., of Elizabeth, N. J., organized
teptember 2,1868. Captain and brevet major,
V. H. DeHart; first lieutenant, Charles D. Anus;
second lieutenant, George IL Darling.
*araded seventy men. Uniform?dark blue
soat; light blue pants and black helmet, all of
he army pattern. This guard wlil parade as
>art ofthe Centennial Legion representing New
rersey. The legion is composed of one company
rom each of the thirteen original states. This
oinmand represented New Jersey in the legion
it Philadelphia on July 4,1876. and held the
ight of the New Jersey battalion at Yorktown,
k'a., in 1881, when the silver vase, costing
Jl.OOO was awarded it. It has participated in
ileven centennial celebrations, and many other
occasions of importance ana honor. It has
nade itself famous by the silent drill in the
nanual, which is executed without command.
Chis will be the third ap|>earauce of the comnand
in this city.
the fifth maryland.
Fifth regiment infantry, Maryland National
piard, Baltimore, over 300 men, accompanied
jy drum corps and band of fifty pieces. Stewirt
Brown, colonel; John D. Lipscomb, lieuenaut
colonel: W. K. Whiting, adjutant; It. I.
Miller, quartermaster, E. C. Johnson, commissary;
Wm. H. Crim, surgeon: Frank West, asilstant
surgeon; Alexander Brown, paymaster.
I. K. Randall, Inspector of rifles; Joseph Beylolds,
Company C?IL P. Brown, captain; J. S. Gornan;
second lieutenant.
Company F?W. F. Anderson, captain.'
Company D?George C. Cole, captain; George
P. Search, first lieutenant.
Company I?N. Lee Goldsborough, captain,
F. P. K. >\ alsh, second lieutenant.
Company K?Wm.' A. Boykin,captain; James
r. Blackstone. first lieutenant; Drayton M. Hite,
teoond lieutenant.
Company G?Charles D. Gaither, captain:
Robert Hiddeil Brown, first lieutenant; J. Frank
Phillips, second lieutenant.
Company H?Charles F. Albers, captain:
rhomas Harrison, lieutenant.
Company A?Robert D. Selden, captain;
Bradley T. Stoke*. flr?t lieutenant; FVanels j
l>?ney, wcond lieutenant.
C?.mpar.y K? Kie?ard Hamilton, captain; V
J- hn T. DowpIL first lieutenant.
i . inpany 1$ -Lieut. .las. P. B?^?e. wmm?D4?
ln?: H< nry T. Daly, si^-ond lieutenant.
Uniform* Blo#> ovMvii.it>, knn|>i>H''k*( bl*nk<
ets rolled, regulation helmet. grav j?anta. white
belt*. Regiment was rormed tn" 1*07; largely
composed of ex-union und ex-ow federate soldiers,
both us to men and officers, many of
whom still remain; pretty well known trotu **
tensive trips taken.
governor'* of a ed, akkafolit
Goveanor's Guards, Annap<>tla, Md., forty
men, with drum und tire, Lout* Oram, captain;
John H. Wells, 1st lieutenant; James C. lVwter,
J?l lieutenant: uniform, pnv, trimmed with
black; biack helmet* aiih white cross balls: no
overokti. k
Bond Guard, Towson, Md., forty-live men,
with drum corps. (Xlii'eiN, 1>. I*. Barnette, taptain;
A. M. Heed, 1st, and J. I*. New any, '2d
lieutenants; gray uniforms, trimmed with black
and gold.
baltimore rifles. *
The Baltimore Rifles. I. M. N. G., fifty me a
commanded by<?eorge M. Matthew; Lieutenants
J. A. Bishop and U. 1*. Flernon; unlform,
dark blue, butt and red trimmings, gray
oven-oat" with black trimmings. white <timm
" It and shakos; Monumental l>und oi twenty ,
pieties. I hr Utiles t.H.k purl tn the hi-ccutenni.tl
at Philadelphia in Issv', Two buudred
flag* have kh n presented Mm hi. The national
color* wei ,i\iti tlx in by their l.idv friend*,
and the si;?t? <-o|ots by the Z. A. M L. church
Both flats will i>e Ik>rne in Uie parade to-mormw,
The Sou'h?'amliiut v< luntecrs, a colored company
<>t ? 'harlcstoti. S. C., will have In line thtr- 4
ty-ilve men tank and file, and will l?e it<<rompa
i tied by Hi.j. < ;en. J. C. ClawMiti, s. C. N. G.
TIuhmiiiiiimiiiI will he rtwhwl by ? apt. Tin*.
Kelly , I.u- it. J. Frank Boston and a detach
in nt ?>i the Capital (Ity Guard. and will be
quartered at tiruy's 11<
thf, rcr ?*kkm u muu rk?;imfxt.
I'lie 1 ith -intent Ohio National <iuard,
wliieh lii i- iniv famous durlug the Cincinnati I
jury riot, will parade with '2?mi m n in hue,
divsspd Iti the riuuiatIon I'nited States unlti>rm.
Col. ?ii, l Newman will ?<omu.aiid tlie
fimiuetit, his ?.|hi1 Ih'Iiic i,oin|inm'd of l.ieut.
Col. U in. M. I.e. m-tt, M:iJor Andrew Nehwarts.
and Ad.it. Thus. l- !et- her. The regimental italic
will head the line. The regiment, which wiu
organized in 1*77, has ultie companies and ?
lull strength <>t (iiNi men. It has hcun eaiied <S
lor service four times aud madea prompt rs
spouse caeh t line.
The Forsyth Kitleiucii, of Winston, N. OL, will
have about thirty-five men in line, coVnmaided
by ?"a|it. I'.. F. >ouug. 1st Lieut. U. L. Cander,
and'2a Lieut. W. P. Kenton. The uniform *oiiM?is
oi a dark blue oiat, with light b'ue jii.ts
with scarlet trimmings and red helmets.
the nrs< n zouaves, st. i.oris.
The lUtseli Zouaves, fifty-live men rankand
; file, will present a fine appearance. Tliemen ''
i have all been newly unllormed. The untitrm
j it> a b'.ue Zouave tunic with yellow facing* red
ZouavetrowMTs with yellow lcici:inits, the ?cad
j eovcrii.a being a red Turkish Fey. w ith blue
tas-el. The otiieer? } l'e <';?pt. Uoelil* r, l?t Heut,
.hu'i'lis and 'J'l Lieut. I*"ttiiotr. This <-ouuany
w*s organized and is mainUtined by Ado:>hua
I'.useli, a wealthy brewer <>f St. *Ii<tula Mr.
!tUM'h claims that his aimpany is the raeli
i Z?>ua\e e<<ni|uiny ol the I'nited Statea. I will
| jiivi an exhibition drill while in Washing in.
h vi.timork city (u alim.
ltaltimore ?"ity Guards, M. N. G., ncvnty
I men, i apt. .las. Casey, First Lieut, ('has. H?ka,
i Secimd Lieut. J. 11. Ueid. I'ultorni siiuih* to
| that of the Monumental Guards, with worn
they marched a- a battalion oi four rum pates,
j t'apt. Speneer commanding the battalion.
Monumental City Guards, M. N. (?., B?tl- ,
more, colored, seventy men, fife and dr m
: corps, Wm. It. Speneer. capt.; Peter Wilson, *1
I lieut.! J. L. Ihmdridue, '2d lieut. Uniform, licit
hlue overcoats, h^ht blue pants and [tompo
i hats.
Company A, 5th Itiittalion, IL I. M., of Prov
lleuee. U. ]., uelierally I'nowti as the Meaglif
< iuards. The officers. Capt. Thomas II. Powei,
1* ir*t Lie-it. lternard llaekett, seetind Lieu, I
j Uol.eit IL Ormsl??*e. I niioriu almost slinilr
to the regular army. They are a<>eom|ianl<l
by the K. 1. Flute and Ih'iiiii baud, eiglitea
pieei s. l lie <'ompan\'w a> oivaui/.ed August .
1 *?i5. They carry the state and natloi&l
colors, and claim to be the best drilled company
in lthode Island. The company carif
, about lifly-five muskets, all tile militia law <f
Hliode Inland allow-, and have with them
twent> or t wenty-t wo recruits. They are coin!
|m ?siml i xciiisively of Irish Americans. Tin
conip;m\ will spend two night* and twoday>ln
\\ ash;nutou. also one day in New ^ ork on
their return home. They arc ail d<mocrata.
The Sandusky Ligl4tiuardfi,Oo. B, 16th regiment
Ohio National Guard; forty men, C. M.
: Keyes, captain; C. K. Bonton, 1st lieutenant,
and K. B. King, *Jd lieutenaut. I'niform (similar
to that of the 7th New York): U.K. cadet
pray, white trimming, white cross belts and
i white epaulettes. The <*ompany was organised
May Jtd, 1 *75. It has been twice ealleiiout 1>t
the govern**- to suppr**Ks riots In the coal r*>giotis
and at Ciuclniiaii. It is eom|K>sedof tiuMncss
and jn'olessional young men of .Sandusky.
The first Georgia Battalion, commanded by
Col. J. u. Clarke, coni]Mtsed of the Clarke Light
Infantry and Olivet Ititles, of Augusta, Ga.
The Clarke Light Inlantry, 35 men, is com>
: manded by Captain John Jay Cohen; 1st
, lieutenant, W. 11. Stoefl'ell; 2d lieutenant H. K.
! Lowery: junior 2d lieutenant, P. H. Clarke. Tha
j company brings 35 men, uu1 Conned in gray
I coats with gold trimmings and blue pants. Tfaey
: will carry in line the regulation colors of the
state of Georgia.
The Olivet Rifles will have In line 3fl men,
uniformed in green and gold. The officers ara
Captain, I. C. Levy, 1st lieutenant, H. Fry; 2d
lieutenant, V. Dorr, and junior second lieuten- *
ant, H. C. Hall.
Light Infantry Blues, of Richmond, Va, oi^
panized in 17t?8, 50 men, Capt. 8ol. Cutchlns,
F'irst. I^ieut. W. M. Evans, Second IJeut. A. Et.
Hemrlch, Junior Second Lieut. P. E. Davidson.
Uniform of dark blue, with white facings, hat
of black enamelled leather,with plume of whlta
The State Guards of the city of Richmond,
Va., 35 men, commanded by Robert Austin
Paul, captain; H. Clay Gilliam, first lieutenant;
Emmet Scott, second lieutenant, and Asa
Miller, orderly sergeant. Uniform, dark blua
clotii dress coats, double breasted, trimtned
with gilt braid, trowsers of sky blue doeskin,
trimmed with oraifge colored stripe one and a
half inch wide, and lynx skin shakos.
seaboard eu.iott grays.
Seal?oard Elliott Grays, (colored i, Portsmouth,
Va. Officers: Capt. Jas. O. Corprew, First Lieut,
Win. H. Ackless, Second Lieut. George I*
Blunt, Twenty-eight men in line, headed by a
brass band. Uniform, gray coats, full dress.
with three rows of brass buttons In front,sky
; blue pants, with gold trimmings (officers), and
! black trimmings (privates), epaulettes, and
black caps, with gold and black trimmings.
Rising Ph?rnlx-like from its Aabea.
From the Sunday Chronicle.
The calamity by fire that befell our enten
prising daily contemporary, Tiik Evening
Star, pave its Wide-awafte proprietors an opportunity
to show their metal and recu|>eratlTS
energies. Their forms were wrecked and d*
stroyed early in the morning, and by the usual
hour of going to press in the afternoon, some
half a hundred compositors, guided by a competent
foreman, had wrought from new material
an entire new Stak of 2*columns magnitude.
Every line of advertisement and reading
matter having been set afresh. The Ore wat t
disastrous, seriously injuring their two magnlrice
nt last presses, but the damage is covered
by insurance. The Star Company lias a gllvedged
bank account, aud such a little atl'alr M
creating anew paper, the establishment being
injured by fire, was only a be 1 ore-bteakfast Job
at a little d rait on their surplus fund. Wears
glad to see The Star undimned by the confl^
gration, and "like a diamond In the ??ky," shedding
its ray of light upon mankind. ^
The Pardon of the "Fcxd W." Swindlers.
The Chicago Tritmue revives Interest in the
famous "Fund W." swindle, by which Frank L*
Lorlng and John Fieininlng'of that city at*
believed to have bled their dupes out of over a
million dollars, on t he pretense that they were
peculating on the board of trade. The two men
above mentioned were arrested, convicted, and
sentenced to one year each in Cook county JaiL
After the men liad been in Jail five months,
they were pardoned by President Ar*hur. Tha
7W?>Mn<- now tnukes public what it asserts is ths
true history of this pardon. It declares that a
letter, which Judge Blodgett wrote to the President
asking for the pardon, wa*secured through
the manipulation oi Mike McDonald, the note4
Chicago gambler. During the republican national
convention McDonald, by onerine his Influence
to forward Arthur's nomination, enlisted
Barney Biglin, Mike Cregau, and other
New York politicians in the movement to havs
Clemming and Lorlng pardoned. Dan. Uirlog,
brother of Frank, was also actively engaged in
the work, and is thought to have supplied ths
money which McDonald freely spent. After
procuring the letter from Judge Blodgett,
McDonald, Frank Lorlng, and Cregan weut to
New York, aud thenoe to Washington, reachin* s
here on the morning of November 13. The ant
cle continues: "Early that day the work was begun.
Cregan led his friends to the White House,
where they were admitted to the President's
presence without delay. The pardon followed
within two days. It is declared that Lorlng it
worth half a million dollars. ^
Separating the Sexes in Rinks.?Representative
Downs has introduced a mm
In the Minnesota bouse providing that mslsg
and females shall not be allowed to use or
occupy the floor of any rooler-ckatlng rink la <
i hat State at the same time. The bill also pr? ;

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