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THE EVENING STAB. WASHINGTON: niWBtT iMMTf lft, 1HNN. ?H%" v NO V F.N Editor. Tk* iTratif war hw ? ranlw, >?aa 14* dtllt elrcilallM aaers llu tf*Nf ?kmt af UT ttkrr daily P?|?T la Wuhli|iH, u4 aaeb pMlir Iku that mt ail tb? Mktr fall; papers bar* aMW ?a|Mk?r. Thnre is no ehangs apparent la tbe situation la UeScbu>uill valley, bevond the further harden ing of :?-Uug ob both side*. AliiMHigh President Corttn U accused of undue ?ubbornneas, a like vfusaii >a tt not withheld from the miners also. It seem* tbat tbe deputation of business men from Fott#ri:ie who attempted to aot as mediator* felt a great deal of sympathy wtth tbe strikers antll tbe llazleton assembly, alter tbe (allure of their effort, *Iopied resolutions contemptuously rehu Jng them Tur making it. This waa not tbe sort of tremanent lfie committee bad a right to expect from tbe men whose cause they bad espoused, and the mer cnan'.s of all the rest 0( tbe district are said to ?hare the indignation of their Pottarilie brethren, 'i be Idea among them seems to be tbat the miners, by Ingratitude, bare forfeited the sympathy of the business community, and that tbe merchants, for their own protection, will bare to cut off tliecredit heretofore extended to men ou strike. If they ; carry oat this purpose it will make a good deal or C Terence with the ability of the strikers to con- , tlnue their revolt, especially lr the company should put new men at work in the mines and pay tbe j merchants for supplies furnished these substi tute*. Meanwhile the New York State Trades As- . sembiy aas adopted resolutions directing atten tion to an alleged design of tbe heading . company to Import pauper labor. If such 1 ? plae la really on foot the federal snthcriues at any port when the attempt Is made will be pretty sure to nip It In the bud. The law Una thus far been very rigidly enforced, and the womagiaea of this country bare ao reason to fear tkat their rights will be disregarded. Tbe danger to tbe striking miners of the Schuylkill district comes nut so much from imported foreign paupers as from the great multitude of American laborers throws suddenly out of employment, in the midst oC winter, by tbs shutting down of furnaces and mills an account of the scarcity of coal to run Some ?f tbe papers are referring to Mr. Vilas' transfer from tne Post-Offloe to tbe Interior Department as "a well-earned promotion." But Is it a "promotion" at allT The Int rior Department stands last on tbe Cabinet list as regards age. President Washington began his administration with a council of three advisers, entitled, respectively, the Secretaries of State, tbe Treasury and War. At the beginning of his second term an Attorney - General waa added, tnd in 1T9H tbe Nary Department was cut loose from the general department of war. It was not till lKift that the Postmaster Genernl waa admitted to tbe cabinet, and twenty years laier sail that a number of miscellaneous oureaus wer? united into a Department of the , interior. The rank of seniority la observed, more over. in tne order In which the Cabinet oOcers ue-'ome eligible to tbe Presidency under the sue- j t fiiBi law passed by the last congress; so that Mr. Vilas, In accepting the transfer, actually con- > seated to step down a peg. rather than up, and to put himself farther away from the chance of acci dental promotion to that office wnich all good NHc men of American birth regard as among the i jusaibUlttes of a well-rounded career. The Lowrey-Whlte contest in the House of Rep resentatives has brought into prominence an Inter- ' estfbg legal question: whether an alien, who baa ! been naturalized, but whose record of naturaltza- | l n h.?s been lost, is at liberty to prove his case by afndaviUL Mr. White, the sitting member, whose i itlxensbip has been called In question, labors un ler a double disadvantage, lie is himself unable to produce the papers Issued to him, and, accord ing to his -statement, tbe court which naturalized '.on neglected to make a record of the transaction at the time, now twenty years past, or more. II the court record merely bad failed, and Mr. White could produce the papers, or if, on the other hand, ft- had no papers, but could show tbe court record, be would be much better off. As It is, there Is a dangerous precedent threatened In granting bis sialm. and a serious possibility of Injustice In de nying It, and the committee on elections win have no enviable task before them when they try to rec oncile, or decide between, these warring forces in their report to the House. Tbe Pennsylvania democratic state central com nlttee, at Its meeting yesterday, settled Anally the question which the Harrlsburg convention left wtde open, whether tbe party machinery in tbe state is la tbe hands of tbe President's closest ally there or of one of his possible rivals. The vote for chairman resulted m tbe election of Representa tive Scott's candidate over Mr. Hand all'*, and the adoption of tbe resolutions commend ing the President's low-tariff menage showed now things are going In the strongest protection state in the Union. The lines are certainly nar rowing, day by day, and the process of eliminat ing Mr. ciereland's list of competitors in tbe next national convention goes on as fast as circum stances will allow, if the democrats cared to do so. they might save themselves the trouble and expense of any convention at all; for the President has given them a pUtlorm and a candidate from which they show no disposition to break away. Tbs most enthusiastic strikers In the Schuylkill mining region Just now are the Italians and Hun garian \ who came to this country originally to take the places of Americans, Irish, English and Welahnen. who could not dud work to do, or were unwilling to do what was found for them. Whether this fact contains more interesting sug gestions for trie capitalists who import that kind uf labor, or for the workmen, who, by th lr quar rels alth their employers, have in the past en .woraged its importation, is an open question, and . ne well worth considering from both points of I ?view. U begins to look as If William I. Scott were a uigger rt an than Samuel 1. Randall. Fhf. Difference. a E ABE ON THE INSIDE. TOD ARE ON THE OtTT sIDE BEING ON THE INSIDE WE, OP COUBSE. irST ENOW A GREAT DEAL MORE PEBTA1NINO VO THE INSIDE WORKINGS OF THE MACHINE THJN THE LESS FATORED OUTSIDERS. IN IM PARTING INFORMATION TO TH E LATTER CLASS rt NEVER EXAGGERATE. OF TBE thousands AND TENS OF THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE WHO , U?TE TRIED THE EXPERIMENT WE HAVE ! .?VER RSOWN ONE AS VET WHO EVER SUC CEEDED IN DUPLICATING OUft REGULAR "B1CU. HATING REDUCED ALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS FROM 10 TO 3i PER CENT TOD KEAD1LT PERCEIVE THE UTTER FUTILITY OF 'ME RFFORT NOW. IF TOO ARE IN DOUBT AS TO TBE MARVELOUS CHEAPNESS OF OUR ??OODS INTERVIEW THE VAST ARMY OF PEO PLE WHO ATTENDED OUR ORE IT BUILDING ^ALE OF THE PAST WEEE. THEIR EXPERIENCE WILL CONVINCE TOC tbat WE ARE N T SENSA TIONALISTS, GIVEN TO GROSS EXAGGERATION, G?? WHAT IS ?ORK, WILLFUL misrepresenta TION, BUT TBAT WE MET FORTH IN OUR ADVER TISEMENTS BARE FACTS PLAINLT, POsI ' TVELT. AND TRUTHFULLY EXPRESSED. BEING JB THE INSIDE OUR POSITION JUSTIFIES THE ASSERTION that WF. AKE NOW SELLING I ! ! tiEADY made clothing at ibices never kefore enown in the history of t he D1S i RICT OF COLUMBIA VICTOR t ADLER'a Tea Per Cent Clothing House, V17 aid 9SIS ?tb ?t. aw. corner Massachusetts ava. Strictly Om Pnoa. Open Saturday Catll lip m >10 Champagne DCC DE MONTEBELLO. CARTE BLANCHE. EXTRA-DRY. la competitive tastings in London, 10 uf the I jading brmoOs of Cham l^as were adjudicate-! upon by 41! .ueotbers at tbe wlue trade, a baa tbs Dl'C DE MONTKKELLO aas pUeed FIRST. ?. W BURCMfOX. )il| ij'.'J M S'L Tubers Shirts. Orwrt Styles for FULL DBEMR. JtMT OPENED. W. ft TkEL, KO PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE. )sl4 yi>K OLD RYE aulsET SBTBDB NATTAXS, __ Utb and L and M sad ft Ma a.? Drawing To A Close. THE GREAT CLOSIX'O-OCT SALE A* OAK HALL COB. 10TH AND F STREETS la now drawinc to a cloee igd Gr er BunlutkU ever cm be found than for the nit few dan. OVERCOATS. tThara ara laft only about fifty Overcoata for Bora, to 8, which will ba aold lor leee tuu coat el udi H?a. There ara about fifty Ormva'a left for Boy*. 10 to 17. which will aleo be sacrificed at laaa than coat of m> Thara ara about twenty-five Str-m Coata for Men laft. They will ba sold at pricee > ault you; $4.50 and up. Thara are about lcaty Overroata for Man laft, la Chinchilla, B~*ver, Kerwey. Caaainere. n aack or eur tout style. They will Dot be leti lone, ao if yon want to Invest a few dollar* well, even for next year'a uee, call at once. Thee tire stock of Dree* ahd Bualneaa Sulfa haa been redoo-d at a won-J ifulrate. Low pricee have dune it. If in ueed oi a etlt for rrea nt use. or even for next aprluic. call without delay; they ara aelliujf fast. Suit* for Boya, 4 to 12. at Just half former price*, roll Dreaa Suit*. swallow-taQ Coata, aatln-lined. finest bn ad-cloth. #1.' j. Odd Pr -ita. all sizes and qualitiea, cheaper than ever at no k K n n a t. t. O O AA K K )* H AA L L A A KK HBH A A I. L C 8 AAA K K 11 11 AAA L L OO A AW E H HA A LLLL LLLL T jal? COR TENTH AND F STS. ORC. WORSTED BALL DRE83 TRIMH1NG. ALL shades, cut to SC p-r yird Marked in blue h*ure?. DOUBLE COMBIBA ION, Jal^-6* 1341 and 1243 11th at. a.e. Friday's HBB RRR OO K K FPK lfjt B " BRROOKK E NB B BB RRR O O KK EE N N N BRROOKK K N JfN BBS R R OO K L KKB N NN L OO TTTT L O O T L O O T L _ O O T - s OO T "bS8 FOR RED-TICKET DAY. Tba I seism en t weather of the west haa riven us an excellent opportun ty to thoroughly overhaul our atock. and select from it all of remuanta, broken lota, Ac., which will ba aold to-morrow at especially attrac tive price*. DRY GOODS DEPT. 87 naira of 10-4 and 11-4 Whit-. Woolen Blankets, which ware bargains at 93 75, <4 '.nd 94.50; to close out on Friday at (3 hoii-e. Remnanta of Draaa Goods and Table Damaaka at laaa than cost price. We have not space to mention items. ART EMB-Y DEPT. 1 lot of Chenille Taaaels; were 10 and 12c. each; Friday lie each. 1 lot of Persian Scarfs: were 65c.; Friday 24c. each. UPHOLSTERY DEPT. Hot of Fururod Madras for curtain*; was 10c. ? yard: Friday >c. a yard. Odd pairs or lacecu tains?1 pa'r was 86c.: Friday 65c. 1 pair waa 92 ; Friday 91 50 1 pair was 92.25; Friday 91.50. 1 pair waa 94.25: Friday 43. HOSIERY DEPT. 1 lot of Children*' Ribbed cashmere Hoae. sizes 4 to 8. black and color*: reirular prioea were 60 to 85c.: Friday 35c.; 3 pa r 91. 1 lot of Children"' fsaaal1* Hair Uunderwear -aires in Ve*ts, 24. 30, 32. 34; In Panto, 24. 26. 28, 30. 32; lu Drawer*. 28, 1(0,32. Reifular price waa 75c. to 91.25; Fnday 05. NOTION DEPT. 1 lot Need lea. all a z-a; to close at la. a paper. 1 lot r * line to close at le. a box. 1 lot c 91 Hair brushes; Friday 50c. SOAP AND PERFUMERY DEPT 1 lot of Toilet Spontrea; waa 10 to 25c.; Friday Sc. each. 1 lot of Fngliah Tooth Brashes; worth 25c.; Friday l&c. each. JEWELRY DEPT. lK>t c. 'hell Hair It us. worth 15c.; Friday 5c. 1 lot of Shell Combe; worth 25c.; Friday 10c. DRESS TRIMMING DEPT. 1 lot of &lrtiy<<. Sosary, Silk. Ac.; aold at 50 and 7oc a y* d Friday 5c a yard 1 lot < iia'-k Uhautilly and Spaniah All-Over Silk Net*: worth 91.75a yard; Friday UOc. a yard. FUR DEPT. 1 lot of Fox Muffs: worth 94. Friday 9L08. ^1 lot of Black Coney Muffs; worth 92.50; Fr day 91 98 ?' 8**1 worth 93.50; Friday LADIES' NECKWEAR DEPT. 1 lot of Finest Seta Collars and Cuffa; were 40c.: Fnday 10c. a a t. 1 lot of Children's Irish Flax Col t*; were $1; Fri day 50c. each. LACE DEPT. 1 lot of Oriental Lace*, were 10c.; Friday 5c. a yard. 1 lot of oriental Lace 45-lnch Flouncing. were 75c.. Friday 38c. a yard. EMB'Y DEPT. 1 lot of wide colored Ernb'y; worth 15 to 30c. a yard. Friday 10c a yard. Um banrain* lu White Emh'y. from 5 to 25c a yard. GENTS' FURNISHING DEPT. The balance ot our 17c. colored bordered Handker chiefs. Friday 2 for 25c. 1 lot of Genu' 91 Doimkln Mitta; Friday 48c. N. B M lllnery. Cloaks. Cornet* ard Muslin Under wear item* iu our "ad." uuder the Ladle*' Column. BBS A V V MY MM ?" KSS, 1bbb n I u fius" Q Sbrb *"1 y Si! Or Jal8 _ 7TH. 8TH. AND D STREETS. Going out of carpets, our circular contalna a full list. >f i he cut; ask for pricca. DOUBLE COMBINATION, )el.16t 1241 aurf 1243 llthat.a.e. Ladies* Of W ASHINGT0N Ylsitiag Baltimore arc respectfully invited to call at RUSSELL'S ELITE STUDIO, No. 17 Wait Lexlnrton ?t. bet. Charle* and Liberty *t*. for Fina Photograph* We make the firwat Cab net Portrait* in Baltimore. Price* reasonable, qua'ity of wurk tl rat-class. Mrs. RuaMil will be pleaaed to wait on all her Waah inrton frienda. Cut th oat for future referenoe. J10-3t* Fancy, two-facf, plush canton flannel h?-uii!aiit?.were21c.; reduced to 14c.; marm-din blue hirurea, DOUBLE COMBINATION, Jal3-6t 1241 and 1243 11th at s.e. RBB OO .SSu TTTT OO l*!f If BR O O S T OONNN RBB O O "HSj T O O N N N B B O O u a T O O N NN RBB OO *83* T OO N NN V V A RRR II F.KK TTTT T Y V' AA R R II K T YY V V A A KRK II VI! T YY VV AAA R R ?l E T Y V A A R R 11 KEF. T Y RSS? TTTT OO RRR KKR 5^ T OOR RE ''SS,. T O O RRR F.E - 2 T OOK RE *88* T OO R R EES oon OO MM MM BKB CO O O MMMM B B 2 U O O MMMM FRB BSS? CO OO M M M It B t 3 - WM OO M M M BBB *88* _ CELLULOID COMBS FBOM THE GREAT AUCTION SALE HELD IN NEW YORE THIS WEEK LY THE ZYLON1TF. COMPANY. TWENTY THOUSAND GROSS Of Fine Celluloid CoihIm dispoaeu ot at auction, of which our tiuyer was able to secure 8LYENTY-F1VK GROSS. These we shall aril at ONE-HALF rerular price*. TEN CENT COMBS Will be aold at 'J v V KEK *_ U V V E " H T V RE II * ii V See OCC FEB ny N TTTT " if VT ? CXXJ FEB MN N TTTT .88* t ? RE 5^5 I C "ooS Sre B bn t ?3; TWEETY-FIYE CENT l JMB9 Win be aold at FFF II FFF ITTT FEE EES *1* If II * ? ? - - ~ ?? rri ^ i V i ?~ i~ BBB II rr T EB EE ??J U F T EEB EEK B BB COO KKB BB B TTTT ?SR, O 0 A BBB T X U RR B B B T ?88 U O | RBB f ? 5 _ COO RER B BN T? ? White, .Amber. Red. Tortotaa ah*ll and Bln& Fine gooda. Cat Price*. . SMITH ft WARD WELL Bl9-*n 705-707-700 Market ftMS WIDTH ALL-WOOL REM 6 >?13-6t JARS CROSSI to il. T. D. PYLEft talS lu:* 41* 4?T?' AA J. C. Hctchxxm* oolored. Jet err KR trimmings. black ttd *v vy P? ft 5 Pi ft 3 o?% ? V El If N N II N N N O V So 5 u fi 5 U ?o&? SwwwS S" A g^k ? AA uKR 8 t ; Baal Lace Pearl Neta, Pearl and 811 rar, pearl and Gald, Black and Steel NeU, Noveltiea In Lao* Drapery Nate. lOIIIIT. Stalnleaa Black Stockton that will flU all reqttlre menta. silk Stocklnra la all colon. FOSTER KID GLOVES. Celebrated Foeter Improved Lacing Glovea, are au jx-rlor In At and reliability, $1 per pair and upward HAMBURG BOOB. Large aaaortmant of ftneet quality Edge and Inaert ing. Two thotuaad yard* Edge at 18c.: regular price, 36c. CLOAKS and MILLINERY below coat. felt HATS at 50c.; former price, ft) .75 to *2.75. >19 807 PENNSYLVANIA AVENUB Great cut-rat b salb-every article re; duced. Marked in blue thniree. DOUBLE COMBINATION. >13-tl? 1241 and 1243 11 tb at. a.a. Things To .Remember. THAT IT WILL PAT YOU TO LOOK AT OUR STOCK OB LARGE AND SMALL BOYS' SUITS AND overcoats THAT HAVE BEEN- REDUCED IN PRICES. HOME OF THEM HAVE ONLY A FEW SIZES IK THE PARTICULAR LOT. 0THER8 WE HAVE TOO MANY OB. SOME ABE HOT CHANQED IN PRICES AT ALL, BUT IF YOU WANT THOSE THAT HAVE BEEN, YOU'LL FIND ENOUGH TO SELECT FROM. THAT OUR 8ALE OF ABEBDEEN CHEVIOT PANTALOONS HAS BEEN SUCH A SUCCESS THAT WE HAVE BEEN obliged TO OBDEB ANOTHER LOT, WE OPEN TO-DAY, thursday, JANUARY lttTH, TWELVE NEW STYLES, MOSTLY "PRONOUNCED" patterns. YOU'LL FIND NO S5 PANTS ANYWHERE ELSE IN WASHINGSON MADE UP AND finished EQUAL TO OUR& F. & BARNUM * CO, *19 931 PENN. AVENUE. _ ? QINCH DEBE1GE CUT TO 7,'ic., AS CHEAP OVF? aa calico, at the fl. DOUBLE combination, Jal3-et mi and 1343 11th at. *.e. Johnson, Oarner & Co. REMEMBER, WE ARE STILL OFFERIXO THE CHOICE OF ONE HUNDRED DIFFERENT STYLES OF INGRAIN, tapestry. AND BODY BRUSSELS CARPET AT PRIME COST. NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY. We are offering aome extra good ba traiua in BLAN KET8 and COMFORT8. Heavy 10-4 White BLAN KETS. SI up. We ahowlw aome beautiful atylea in SAT TEENS. 12*c? 15c. PLAID and CHECK NAINSOOK. Sc.. Sc., Sc., 10c. Beautiful diagonal DRESS GOODS, 12 Sjc., 15c. All-Wool COLORED CASHMERE. 37c. 38-lncb All-Wool BLACK cashmere, 50c. Fine Stock underwear, HOSIERY, GLOVES. Ac., Ac. nottingham LACE CURTAINS. 3 yard* Ion*. SI per pair. JOHNSON, OARNER k CO., >19 03fl Peun. are., aouth aide. OUR MAMMOTH CIRCULAR CONTAINS IV) *reat banraiua. every arti. I? rut-marked in blue ?bb* 1gk""cgjreamas??r Wh? To WIUU THE QUESTION OF "WHAT TO WEAR" TROU BLES THE "FAIRER" MORE THAN IT DOES THE "STERNER" SEX. BECACSB LADIES HAVE A WIDE FIELD FOB THE EXERCISE OF THEIR different TASTES, WHILE MEN, WHO WRES TLE WITH LIFE'S MORE SERIOUS problems. LIMIT THEMSELVES TO ABOUT FOUR SHAPES OF COATS, THE TROUSERS AND VESTS (WITH THE EXCEPTION OF THE LOW-CUT OR FULL DRE88 VEST) BEING ALIKE IN CUT AND SHAPE, NO MATTER WHAT SHAPE THE COAT MAY BE. THE 8ACK OR NEGLIGEE SUIT, THE CUTAWAY FBOCK OB SEMI-DRESS SUIT, THE PRINCE ALBEBT OR 8QUABE-C0T DOUBLE-breasted FBOCK SUIT AMD THE FULL-DRESS OB SWALLOW-TAIL SUIT ARB THE STYLES THAT MEN MU8T CHOOSE FROM. ABD WE HAVE THEM HERE IN THE FINEST FABRICS MADE, CUT IN THE LATST AND MOST APPROVED FASHION. TRIMMED IN THE RICHEST POSSIBLE WAY AND TAILOBED IN THE MOST ARTISTIC MANNER WE ABB PARTICULARLY PROUD OF THE ABSOLUTELY PERFECT FITTING QUALITIES OF OUB FIBER ORADBS OF BBADY-MADE CLOTHING, AND IB THIS IMPORTANT ITBM WB YIELD THE PALM TO NONE. NOT EVEN TO THIS COUNTRY'S MOST FAMOUS SWELL TAILORS, WHO CHABGE FABULOUS PRICES?NOT BECAUSE OF THE superiority OF THR~OLOTHRS THEY MAKE* BUT BECACSB THBIR NAMBS ABB KNOWN TO FAMB AS "A WFULLY_S WELL.- BB WISE IN -YOUB GENERATION. AND WHEN TOO WANT FINEST CLOTHING THIS IS THB PLACE TO COMR YOIPU. FIND SUCH CORRECT IN ALL THINGS, INCLUDING PRIOR. BARS ABITOOMFAVT. FINEST CLOTHIRBS* >19 SEVENTH ABD MABKBT SPAOK IF YOU DESIRR A DEUOIOUS OOFFBB 'AST. t&bJSSfi, At The Palais Royal, Bora CLOTHING, UPHOLSTERY GOODS, HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. AT _sv _bl, pes cent ?~S ? PER CENT * ? PEB CENT r, a :K_jS PER CENT iB33'c ?axra PER CERT 1ST S3 ? (OFF MARKED PRICES.) Full lines of everything uaually found la Bon' Clothing atom, Dry Good* Stores, or Furnitun Stores j being closed out at 20 per cent discount off the j reduced price* at the PALAIS ROYAL. The only broken Lota are the following, which are to go at 33H I par cent discount: UPHOLSTERY OOODS. IRISH POINT CURTAINS? Regular Pricee $5.75 $7.50 $10.00 $15.75 Reduced Prices 5.00 6.75 8.75 14.00 Lees Discount 1.06 2.25 2.01 4.60 ToOoAt $3.34 $4 50 $5.84 <9.34 Regular Prices $20.00 Reduced Pricea. 18.00 Discount 6.00 ToOoAt $12.00 $1334 816.67 YELOUR AND SILK TURCOMAN CURTAINS? Regular Prices 850.00 $55.00 $60.00 | Reduced Pricea 45.00 47.50 50.00 Leas Discount. 15.00 15,50 16.60 To Go At $30.00 $32.00 $33.34 TAPESTRY FURNITURE COVERINGS? Regular Prices.. $2.80 $3.50 $3.75 $5.73 $6.75 Beduced Prices.. 2.50 2.75 3.25 5.00 6.00 J Less Discount... 83 91 1.08 1.66 8.00 ToOoAt..... $L07 $1.84 $2.17 $3.34 $4.00 | BROCATELLE FURNITURE COVERING Reduced from $5 to $4.50; less Discount of $1.60. POLES (Wood and Brass)? Reduced Prices.. .35 .50 .75 $1.00 $1.50 $2.50 33H Discount... .11 .16 .85 .33 .50 .83 To Go At 24 .34 .50 .67 $L00 $L67 tr A few 2ft cent Poles left, but they will probeby be gone when yon call, so we luva not placed than oa the above list. FRINGES? The aalesinen were too busy to fire list of pricea. It can be ?t*u?d, however, that we still have over a hun dred pieces remaining. Your choice at H leas than they're marked. BOYS' CLOTHING-HATS. 5 Children's Overcoats (2 to 5 years), Double breasted. Frock Coats. with Inverness Capes, genuine London made. Imported to sell at $12.50; to goat ?0.75... .5 Kilt Overcoats (2 to 5 years), London made. imporiedtosellfor$10: togoat $4 75 ...1 each for 58, 2 it, 3 and 5 years old Children, Half Kilt Overcoats im ported to sell ior $10; to go *A$4.:.Y.. 2 Brown Boucle Cloth Overcoats, with SatlMined Hoods (ages 2H and 6 years), cost to import $7.50; to go at $5 3 Navy-blue (ages 2X. 4 and 5), coat $8.50. to go at $(>.50 Genuine Imported Silk Plush Tam O'Shanter Caps, reduced from $2. ?5 to $1.38. Those at $ 1.95; to go at $1.25. Those at $1 05, togo at $L15. Those of Corduroy insrked $1.1 ft, to go at 75c. tW~ Above few illuatrations ahow how we intend to dispose of broken lots. Unbroken lota atill going at 20 per cent Discount off the reduced pricea. HOUSEKEEPING GOODa No broken lota as yet, but adviae an early call for any of the following: 75c. 72-inch Table Damask, irolng at 60. 25c. Towels of all kinos, going at 20c. $L50 Table N pkins, going at $1.25 dozen. $1.30 11-4 Marseilles Bedspread*, going at $1.12. 50c. Merrit's Shrunk Flannels, going at 40a $1.25 Merrit's Shrunk Skirts, going at $1. 41.25 Embroidered Flsnuels, going at $1. $1 Dress-length Ginghams, going at 80c. Hemstitched Linen Sheets, Pillow and Bolster Caaea. SW THE PALAIS ROYAL'S Advertisement in other half of this column may Interest you. "RICE-LIST Of The PPP AT, A It KSS? P P AA L AA II 2 8 PPP A A L A A II "88rf P AAA L .AAA II ,,5 P A A LLLL A A II "SS14 RRR OO Y Y A L *" KSS? KltOOYYAAL " S?8 RRR O O Y Y A A I. ?88s R R O O Y AAA L R 5 R R OO Y A A LLLL "SS8 GREAT CLOSING-OUT SALE. The moat eloquent price-liat for the department* to be abolished is no price li-t at all. j If we were to attempt to give a price-liat of House ' keeping Goo da and Upholstery Goods and Boya' Cloth | ing you might thin we're merely closing out a few ' broken lots (aa are ur competitors) and not the con tents of three ordinary-siz>-4 stores. We can only wain remind you the atocka are yet complete, and 20 per cent, discount la taken off the marked price of every thing. After broken lota ap|?ar they will be made to disappear by the magic of pnees that will make many daily viaitors to the Palais Royal. NEW GOODS. j FOR EVENING WEAR we are tv| Iving dally new ' Fans, Handkerchiefa, Laces, Gloves, o.iks. Gauzes, Ac. j We want room for them, hence the following SWEEPING-OUT PRICES FOR WARM GOODS, ETC., FOR MEN, WOMEN, AND CHILDREN. FOB MEN 35c. Colored Caahraere Socks, to go at 21c. $1 Red Wool Underwear, to go at 68c, $1.25 Norfolk and New Branawick, to go at 68c. 48c. Wool Bicycle Hoee, to gj at 25c. $2 Medicated Wool Uudjrwear. to go at $1.60. $L7& Colored Cashmere Underwear to go at $L40. $1.50 M-dice'ed Wool Underwear, to go at $1,580. $L35 White Oaahmern Underwear, to go at $1.08. $L75 White Engliah Underwear, to go at $1.40. 08c. Engliah Silk Scarfs, to go at 48c. 44c. Silk and Satin Scarfs, to go at 29c. 25c. Satin-lined Scarfs, to go at 3 for 25c. 68c. Silk Suspenders (fancy), to go at 35c. 48c. AU-eilk Suspenders, to go at 25c. TWENTY PER CERT DISCOUNT off marked pricea of Silk MufBers and Warm Glo vea (Kid and wonted for walkingaaddriving); also Cartwright A Warner's Un derwear. FOB WOMEN? 68 and 98c. Felt Hate, to go at 25c. $20 Trimmed Boa nets, to go at $5. BOc. 38-inch Check Suitings, to go at 39c. 98c. All-ailk Sash Ribbons, to go at 75c. 3?c. Loop-edged G. G. SibMos to go at 19c. 25o. Stamped and Fringed Splashers, to go at 19a TWENTY PER CENT DISCOUNT off marked prtoM of every article la Cloak and Suit Dept., Far Dept. Warm Glove Dept.. Warm Skirt Dept., Warm Under wear and Roaiery Dept. Baeket Dept ? TEN PEB CENT DISCOUNT off marked prioee of every article lu Shoe Dept., C.ock and Lamp Dept. Japan see Ware Dept., Satchel Dept. FOB CHILDREN TWENTY PEB CENT DISCOUNT off marked price* of every articls In Wonted Good* Dept.. Cloak and Hood Dept, Wool and Marino Underwear and Dept. * 1 SPECIAL.?Boys' and Youthe' extra-tneand 8hoe* (lao* and battou) Sicee 2H to &H. $3 50to$3. StneeU^o^nducedfrom$8to$940. $4.75 to $4 pair. V Tn ?AZjUSBOYAL#M?tMi eMHvesla? See the other tolt Riwrn Day- Baboain Dm. We have a enteral clearing-op ?t tha Mot* rfaay of "*a*t langtha,** "**< tarn," "Woken lata." he.. which we niwtiwUy dis played and ticketed shTWlmr Um qaastlty. tha nmlar and the reduced price. Maniiiaula like everything elaa ?? eell?are *inh?ngeeb*o for althar otter good* or tha ?oner. our bargain offering this Friday ia on usttaMy ettiwtlfe "ODD 8IZE8" IN JACEET8JWBAP8. he. The redaction sale early In the waak ha* broken the stock considerably. When we hare only one or two garments of a line we place tbaaoa aale tha ant Friday at a reduced price 8 Mlaeea' Nary Bio* Kersey Knit. Walking Jackets, sizea 13.14 and 18 yeara. Begular Price _ ?."> "Remnant" Price 83 3 Children'* Neat-Checked doth Cloaks, with hood, size 6 yean. Secular Prioe ?13 "Remnant" Price 6 2 Mlaeea* Black Bearer Newmarket*, with cape, size 10 yeara. Ragular Price ?..?15 "Bemnant" Price 10 LADIES' WINTER GARMENTS. 1 miscellaneous lot (13) of Ladle*' Jacketa and Visites, In Stockinette. IWucle and Bearer, size* 32, 30. 38 and 42. Regular Price* *8. $7.50. 8S and 810 "Remnant" Prioe 83.75 1 Ladle.* Elegant Black Plush Short Wrap, handsomely trimmed with braid and fur, aice 38. Regular Prioe 875 "Kamnant" Price 58 3 Ladle*' Black Fine Cloth Newmarketa, with hood. 8iae 84. Regular Price. 820 "Remnant" Price. Jo (Third floor.) "ODD SIZES" OP LADIES' GOSSAMERS. 5 Ladie*' Black Rubber Goeeamen, circular atyle. Sizea 30, 58. and 00. Regular Price 81-50 "Bemnant"Price.. LOO (Third floor.) LINES DEPT. remnants. These have become slightlr soiled from hand ling . We allow conaiderably more than it will coat to hare them laundered. "SLIGHTLY SOILED" LINEN TABLE CLOTHS. 7Sizes yd*, by 2* yda. White German Dam aek Fringed Clotha. Regular Price 82.75 "Remnant" Price 2.25 3 sire 2 yda. by 2 yds. White German Dam aak Fringed Clotha, extra quality. Regular Price 84 "Remnant" Price 3 3 size 2 yda. by 3 yd*. White German Dam art Fringed Clotha. Regular Price "Remnant" Prioe 2.30 1 Bin 2 yda. by 8 yda. White Extra Fine German Lin an Damaak Fringed Table Clotha. Regular Price $5 "Remnant" Price 4 "Odd lot" of Di'iner Napkin*.? 5 do*. X Bleached German Linen Damaak Dinner Nap kin*, superior quality, handsome pa. terns. Regular Prices 87.50 and 88 50 "Remnant" Price. 0.00 (Second floor.) 1 "ODD-SIZES" IN GLOVES. A number of customers keep themselves sup plied from our "remnant sixes," thereby mak ing a saving on ei ery pair. 3 Pain Ladisa' 4-button Black Real Eld Gloves, size 7. Regular Price $L I "Remnant" Prioe 75c. 5 Pairs Ladies' 8-button-length Black Mous qu talre Suede Glorea, aice 5)#. Regular Price 81.50 "Remnant" Price 41 11 Paira Ladlea' 4-bu'ton Suede Gloves, in assorted tan shades, eizea 3* and 0. Regular Price 65c. "Remnant" Price 35c. 13 Pairs Ladies' 4-button Real Kid Glores, in brown shades; sizes 55$, 6!* and 7. Regular Price 81-25 "Remnant Price" *1 "ODD-SIZES" IN MrSLIN UNDERWEAR. We hurry off the last few garmeuta at a lower price, and buy new styles to take their place, const intly changing and improving the stock. 5 Lsdles' Fine Muslin Hubbard BUort NUht D: esses, yoke or Hauibu rg iua<'rtlng and tucks; sizes 13.14 and 15; one-third off the price. Regular Price 75c. "Remnant" Price 5(>c. 2 Ladlee' "Pride of the West" Muslin Niaht Oowns, hand-work button-hole*, well-made; sizes 12 and 14. Regular Price .$1 ?Remnant" Price 75c. 2 Ladies' Extraflne Muslin Corded-band Che mise; size 40 Regular Price 75c. "Remnant" Price . ,50c. 3 I^ilies' Fine Cambric Chemise, trimmed with To:chou lace; sizes 40 aud 42. Regular Price $1 "Remnant" Price 75c. 2 Ladies' Fine-grade Muslin Combination Suits? corset cover and short skirt combined? yoke of five tu ks, Hamburg trimmed; size 34. Regular Price 81.25 "Remnant" Price ..... 75c. (Second floor.) "ODDS" IN INFANTS' WEAR HALF AND NEARLY HALF-PRICE. 1 Infants* Brown 811k Cap, Normandy crown, very pretty. Last oue. Regula- Price 84 ??Remnant" Price . .2 i Infants' Basket, lined and trimmed with white swisa and i ibbona, slightly faded. Regular Price $5 "Remnant" Price 2 1 Infanta' Basket, handsomely lined with light blue latin, trimmed with white lace. Regular Price. 89 "Remnant" Price 5 1 Infants' Knit Jersey Sacqne. Regular Prioe 8125 "Remnant," Price 7oc. 3 Children*' Fine White Nainsook Mother Hubbard Apron*. Regulir Price 45c. "Reinnaat" Prioe 25c. 3 Children'* Fine White Nainsook Aprons, shirred front, trimmed with embroidery. Regular Price 81 "Remnant" Price 50c. (Second floor.) "ODD SIZES" IN MERINO UNDERWEAR. 7 Infant*' Ribbad Saxony Wool Vests, size 2 or 3 yeara. Regular Prioe 60c. "Renin i .t" Prioe 40c. 2 Paira Youths' Heavy Merino Drawers, slightly soiled. Regular Price 85c. "Remnant" Pr ce 50c. 6 Ladies' American Hosiery Co.'s White Me rino Wool Vests, full regular made. Sizes 34 and 38. Regular Price* 81.70 and 83.00 "Remnant" Price.... 1.50 3 Pairs Ladies' Pants, quality as above. Size* 34 aud 30. Regular Pricea |1.80 and 81.90 "Remnant" Pries 1.30 "BEMNANTS" IN WALKING SKIRTS. 2 Ladies' Cardinal Knit Worsted Skirts. Regular Price ....83 "Remnant" Prioe 2 2 Ladle** Fine Satin Walking Skirts, quilted 15 inches deep. Regular Prioe 87.50 "Remnant" Price 5.00 (Sec ?nd floor; through arch.) "ODD LOT** OF WHITE CROCHET COTTON. 3 doz. Balls D. M. C. Crochet Cotton, beat Regular Price, par ball 25c. "Remnant" Price, per ball 15c. (First floor; rear.) "ODD SIZES" IN CORSETS. 2 Ladljs' American Coutil Corsets, doubts side steels, riaee 20 and 30. Regular Price gl. "Remnant" Price 50c. sliaWJSfS1. 5 Misses' White Coraeu. else* 18-Inch. Regular Price 50c "Remnant" Price 26c. 2 Misses' Corded Corset Waists, siae 22. Begular Prices. 85c. "Remnant" Prioe ,40c. (Second floor.) -SHORT LENGTHS" IN VELVETS. Excellent chance to secure a small piece for trimming, c. .mbwatiou. *c_ at a gnat saving. 80 "Short Lengths" of fancy Velvets, In a large rartety of choice stripes and plaids la haudsonaa oo.oringa. Also a Isw plain ih?Hs "SHORT LENOTHa" IX DRESS GOODS. kg Meeting wrappers, fie.. froos oi "ODD Kizxr* IN BOYS' SUITS. We are satisfied totatthe laet auit or two ef a Una font con>id*nbly leas tha Mgnlar prioe. It aeepe the stoca olear of salts. ***" Plaited jacket. Bint" Pri?ji. j.. 1^30 I* N*at BTjwu Mlxad riMalMMii Mult, o^fotk Style, aiie & yean. rStys^^aViak ka'giiah 'dape' Overcoat? WOOOWABD * LOTHXOP, JOB Cor. UU and w. W ANTED?HELP. VV ANTED?A COLOR EDM AH. WITH THE BEST " of references, to saust is housework. ?au ami attend to tnTfmi **0. lidmlut 10S, Star offln. It* vlt a n ted^hot Irrr* mntt expEbiejF<k 75 11 Jok pi intlatr. MOM (tf* K(>rr>i<N Addnm ?t -tin* nni ? it?ctMl.loi 107. Star uSw. JlW-*t* YV ^NTED?A O0OB BAUER. 11 ? BT. ?n.t l?? W ANTED-AQBHTM* EV*BT~CrTY AND TOW* to wll the luk-Ofl Ch? leal Pwi. il. Remorse imk instantly and d .ee not in are the paper Ev-rv b <>k karpar ud clerk waata uoa. Sample br awl V. ceo?. fflwrr pencil co. jal?-3t* Philadelphia, Pa._ W ANTED?A PHOTOGRAPHER WHO UNDER *' ittDdn outdoor wort. Call at bwemect of 40? lot* M. n.w . ID the morale*. It* WANTED-WHITE OIHL FOR Kt'Ut GIRL who applied yesterday 11 a.m. mifbt call a ain. 013 A ?t n.a. It* \Y ANTED-A GOOD CANVASSEBIOH THIS vv city and Norfolk. 9&0 per month. aud connnta aioua to cu bic man to make #100 per swath. HILL A HARVEY. ?3&P at.. Sd floor. It* \LT ANTED?WOMEN OOOEfl, #10 lO #40. 'HA* J' bsrmald*. Nurss* aud Laundresses in citv or a war: Waiters. 111 ren or Farm Hands Color* I Men Cooks. Jal?-3f SAM 1. A OOOMBh. 926 F at n ?. WANTED? * GOOD COOE IN A PRIVATE FAM tly. mutt awUt la w.t-kin* and Iroainr; city references required. Apply at J;4_'5 Corcoran at. lt*__ W ANTED-AT DICKS AGENCY. WuMKN C^kI $10 to (40; chamberwsida. waitresses. Bora a. laundress, men cooka. waitsr*. butlers coschnisn. dairymen, man and wife. at oner. 013 7th aw ?17-Sf WANTED?TWO WHITE OIRLS.ONB ASC AM barmaid and Laundreas, the other a< Waitress and Kaemstreaa. Apply at SOLDIERS' HOME, middle bouse It* w ANTED-LADT four or five hoursdailv, " 47 weekly while learulwr; Increased salary ? found oompetent. position permanent. Apply 10 a.m. (Friday) & HESS. 428 7th at. u.w. It* WANTED-A YOUNG LADT (NOT UNDER 11 twenty> Typewrit rfor p-rmaneut posit iou in a law ortire. only the very beat used apply. Room* ?'? and 24. Sou Building. jallt-'.'t* WANTED-IH A PUBLIC OFFICE, A PERSON oi collegiate education, wrltlnv a very nod i.and; state aire, aex. *alairexi>ei tad and any specisl st-qulre. iueut? in Btetiofrrapny or otberwiae. in hand writ in* of ajiplioant Addreae box 50. star office. jalK 3t* WANTED -COtiEB. NURSES, WAIT REsSFS, maids. seaiu(tre*ee<L Ac.: .VH) white women cooka. (Headquarter* for Swedish. Oeriuan at.d a 1 t r?i*ru help.) BURNHAM'S HELP AGENCY, 630-632 F at. n. w. JalS-St* WANTED?TYPE-WRIT! B OPERATORS AND contemplating renting machines for tlie purpose of learniiur, can bare an opportunity to ex amine my Standard Remington No. 2 Martini-. which I am renting at a low A. ura. br calling nu > riday next. batWM>n 7and 8 p.m. UEO. k BRIEFEST. 7V3 Sth at u.w. JalH 'Jf WANTED-A MARRIXD MAN ON STOcE FARM, one without family preft-rrr-d. who underat.mda farm and rtock bunt. eaa. *o.U chauce tor the r of lit man. Oive particular* of circomaiancaa. Ad.ln a? t AKMEK, Star office. Jal 7-St WANTED ? T.PE-WRITER OPERATORS TO rant Remington No S! Machine*, in irood comli tlon; term* low. Nouiber of macliiue* limited Ad diea?(iEO.R 8EIFFERT. care P P.C Co.. city >all l2 WANTED- DOHDORE'S EMPLOYMENT Bu reau. conducted by ladle*. Mao and womt-n. whi t* anil colored, for all kinaa of domeetlc labor, for District and Htatca w'?h raferanca. 71? M at. n.w. Jilfl-flt" WANTED?LADIES TO LEARN" THE AR i OF dre*acat'ius by tba perfect tailor aqua i-. with out the uar oi paper pattema. all drafting* don- on *.> da. 5*,'& lltnat. n.w..oppoaite Monea'. .14 In. tlTASlID - AN ACTIVE MAN I-OCA TED ~ODT TT aide of Waabirurton. aalary S70 to *100 per mouth, to rrpreeeut in hia own locality, an old N. Y. houae: references. ttUPT. ME(i. HOUSE. I<ook Box 1586. N. k. il'J9-thka.4w VV ANTED?BOY'S, WITH GOOD 8?>pV\NO II Tolcea. Stlariea paid Apply at ST. JdHN" * CHOIR-ROOM, lrttb ana H ata. n.*.. Turvtay an ' Fri day eveuiugv, 0 :K)o'clo< W. jalO-otAthAalUu I \\TANTED?MEN. WOMEN. BOYS, AND G KLM. It to earn 'JOo. to an li.'ir at their own home*. no humbtMr: work ta alinple aud easy. Twi-nty wurkuu( aamplea; an ? uTalojia, contaluimr a rami le of iro<><f* and full lnktructio.ia. aeui for 10c., to ImIp pay iiail aire. Ac. Adilreaa il. C. ROAEU, ? CO., Rutlaud. \ t. dl_'-2m WANTED?A DRESflMAEER IN EVERY FAMILY] t* Learner* for Prof. CUltTSTNER'S new "In ternational Tailor Syateai' with any inrhmlc ur tiipe-meaaure alone, aa all nctentlftc tailor* cut. Pattern! aud uiitonals cut, baated, draiwl or made. Mine. 8. J. MEKSER. "Conaervawry ?< Modes." 1 J > atu.w. Waehimrton. D.C. dtl-.'liu* I _WANTEtT -SITUATIO NS. WANTED?SITUATION' AS SALESMAN IN HAT or Men'* FurxiMitiifr 8fc>r*\ by a vhutik nt?u who ; bu hid two year*1 exj^neiit e in 4ine bu*iu? ms. Cnu reforem;e. Addream X. V. U., ht*roth<* It* ANTED?SITUATIONS ToR TWO WHITE ll wouieM, one hs cook aud th? other a* rh^Uiber< 1 maid. References furuisU?-d. Call at I ?t. ?*Va ^ _ It* 1 WANTED-A YOLNG MAX (IE BEST HABITS I wf and excellent ?dur'atlon. airetl th rly. a ishe^ tc 1 take clmr-'e of ContfTt-wmau * corre^j'oudeuce, de votinK even:nm? to the work; alio ahorthand and tyi?e i wri inirdictation After.> p.m. ronirreaMiouHl refT I encet*. JOHN HARBISON, btarolhc*. jal?-:it* WANTED-BY A GENTLK>1AN, A RAPID AM diatinct jM-nm <u. having aonte leral exi??'rienc?*. a ' poaition in real estate or law office, or n cretary U] I b^-nator or Member, Addreas A. B. L'., Star oflice. __ WANTED-BY A 8 TTLEt- WRITE WOMAN. A 11 place aa iiiiaut'* uur?e or aeamatreai in a pnvaU faiullv. city refeieuce^ iuruiahed. Appl> at Kl(l lstli at. n.w jalf :it* *VANTED-BV A COLORED WOMAN A PL vCli 11 to cook, waeti. au i Iron, aud il l a'eiieral honse w >rk in pri?ale fauiily. can Kite good refcreu. ea, Ap ply at 1804 L at u. w W ANTED-AT HRADgUABTSRS - POSITIONS for Cooka, Chainberiiuiid^. W'ijtrei*. ljiiiLi!r-<< I and N'urae*. Seam.streaa. Men <Vaiter*.Oooka.Coarh>ueu. Butler*. SAM'L A. COOMbK.BJtt Fat.n.w. Jalil WANTED?A YOUHO MAN DESIRES BMPLOT ment a* copyiet, writeu a (fool hand and ui>-> Reimuirton type writer. Addr>-aa AMli.d, 1 a-t i pj tol at. station. )||f tf WANTED?DICE'S AOENCY HAS FIRST-CLASf Cook*. cliauiberiuaKlx. waitreee>-*, lauiKire**,-* aeainatit-aae*. iiur-H8. butlers, cotchnieti hi-ii.-f- men and boy*, with city reference Ui:j 7tli at. n.w. 17 -hi" WANTED-BY A ItkSPECI ABLE SETT I.EC white woman, who ia a Arat-ciiuia FrvUi-n C ok a aliuutlon. bent of city reference*. Apply at IJ15 > Y. ave. n,*-. JUMP . \VTANTED?A YOCNG LADY DESIRES A CI.Eltl 11 cal Po?ition; undernunda typ writing will furnish iuatruuie^t if deaircd. M. M.. Star oflioe | JalS-V'f WANTED-BY A RESPECT a ULE CXlLOHF.t woman, a aituatlou to cook, waah and iron in a private family; good reierencea. Applr n ar 1 :il ] 13iha>. n.w. jall-'jt* HXTAHTHD-Hr A FRENcn B1 TLER. A KM) . 11 in a private family. (Jood city nfervtici-a. Ad I dress FRENCH BLTLElt. Star office. JilS-itf ?UrAXIEH-lH' A YOI NG MAN. N1NETEE> I t( year* of ftre. > eituation in a confectionery oi gToeerj- atore. haa had expaiienca in laakiiiK candy Address Box 149. Star ? H<-e Ja!H-:?t* WANTED?SITC.A1 IONS FOR ALL iKINDS OF help; free to einploit-rs. raferencea yuarantee<1 to be ireumne. STEVENV EMPLOYMENT AM ROOM RENTING BUREAU, 717 Vth at. n w.. till a iun. jaS-aw* WANTED?SITUA1 IONS FOR WHITE AND OOL ORED Cooks, uiald* ani*-a. waiters, housemen kitchen hand* three rutiiied nouaek epers. two la<i$ copyist*. Ac. K M. BcRNHAM.(i:lU-fl:f.' E n.w.Jal8-:it' WANTED -ROOMS. WANTED - BY FIRST-CLASS COLORED CA terer. nice dinlu/ room au i kitchen, with not leai than ten boarders or sui able pi ce for an eatluir house; references exchanged. Addreaa A. B.. star of Ai?. _ WANTED?IN A PRIVATE FAMILY?1 RoO.I? -uitable for 1 ght hou -keipiiur. ivraiaueiit, il sail J factory. Addreaa B. R.D at. u. w. It* MFaNTED-THREE (IR FOUR I NEI RNISHEO 1 Rooma for light bouaekeivluir. for three adulta; 8rice must lie r-aaonable; atate price, etc. Addrma A I. W? star office. lt? -UTAHTED?ROOMS-MANY PERSONS CALL OJi " us every day tor furuiabed a id unlaruiah<M rooma. Persons having them to rei.t should *>? iu ROOM KENTlAG AGr.NC*. Oiaxthat. n.?.^l-15f W ANTED-HO USES. WANTEI)-A LADV WISHES PART OF A SMALI 11 House Itinfurniahedi; ivntmodeiate: convenient to lutarior Dapartmeut: wonld accommodate ownen with boa.d if desired; relerence. Ad.ireas Box 11 -J Star otttce. Js 1 ii-Vt* ANTED?DIRECT FROM OWNERS. HOUSES and LoU for caah purchaser* Any property placed with us will be liberally advertised at our ex panaa. Renlscollected. Estates manage L Insurance effected. HOLLAND A THOMPSON, 1:113 F, Adjoin, in* Sun Buildimr. jri;t W ANTED-MISCELLANEO US WANTED-We"aRE MAEING A SPECIAL! Y OI retiarhtfruiixr. aiteriinr in siae and repairuu woven wire uia.tre ses. SL'L- EN A POl'TESv. P. O Box 490. Factory. 1(1 Ward^s alley. _JalO-.1t* WANTED ? BOOE-EKKPINO -ADULTS QCAL 11 insd in three weeks ? practical luatractiou. nt buaineas-eolleve system. Terms moderate. A Idrsai LIVi. Star office. >17 3t*_ WANTED- HOLMES BROS. A CO. MANUPAC turersof ttne sliver plated ware, nickel platiiur, and bras* poltshinfr, )tOW North Holiday at, Baltiuiore Md. RapairiuK .ud replatinif a specialty. Jal7- 1m ANTED?AN EXTRA i.OO.i AND WELL-PAT Hi* appointment under tba Ooverameut; wMj pai very liberally for such. Address, ai pouitlii* lime alK place of interview. J 1. B, otar offioc. jal4-tlt* W ANTED - EVERYBODY BUFFERING FBOli 11 anoky c. lnsnaya lo kuow that I ipiaraiiU-s to can them or do pay required. kaum Furnaces auil Latrobaa made to heat or no Pay. W. L UANTE. P O. Box jAM. JaJ3-lm t?GOOD TENANTS FOB THREE NEW v > rr <H ft-room, bay window Bricka. bat bail inv distance from two Unas of eara sad berdlPa. - ***" L kt i.e.. rent onl] I Pa. an. a. a. JalA-lw HE AT UENTli kisn better tnaa ^ANTHD-THYOUB BUTTE^I Butter; rsutrusd. Nwrthm-Libsriy MarksAa. ^ iltcl'SSaBSESf4 s?a-30w* W AX1 ED-HIGHEST CASH PBIOE PAID FOl S. Star office. >!Ha* w ANTED?WELLS DOG. BORED AHD DRIVEN ^ kinds ol wsll work^doue in most aklLUoi man Pampa mads to work aaar. Pumps aud pniui tnruished. Tsrrna moderate. WM.H.MOEEAX 1th n.a. di-2m* w ANTED-FCENITURE. FEATHEH BEDS. CAE , 11 pats, RlOTSa. Clouung. or eutirs Household Ef fecfaa ^Thehirl'sst nask I naanislil. AdAresaH. BAUM 4UA W&S&W-1&SS8& lexospt MarylaiKD. altMLn itor EDS FOt r. JKO. 1 MU. ml fst i,i S la to 0 PJU. lalaphaue S4A-9S. U for rent?rooms. FHOB MKT?aCCLTlV ATBD IWTATt FA V ! 1 V U' ar Department*. of* ? the rvjniiuru of a rwtn?d . boat* to oi*- or Iw.p pt mm of haaattfal | ro uia bricht ud d wrftl all l??k at. *?? Fur KiXT-m>i thus front boom, 8cit able tor two yotwa caUratu. itamhall room | with board: 1810O at a w. '?* fx)* REST-1.">33 P ST. S * . THKKK U K nlabed or unfumi.hed hoouia for Iwkt loortwi) I 1 Jf. south troot. berdtca Bear. Jal*-'4t* FHHOB BENT-THRFI INFCBNISHED BOOH*, aullable for llcbt hmaekeei in*. or tor par>laa who prefer b>*rdinc. l-ratK.n central and u?itdo?wtoa dlniiur-Maqn. Inquire at bank of * MAY l* CO.. <! UU at. n.w? belvm V and 5 o'clock.* IXlI RENT--3U C ST. *.W? PARLOR FLOOR, r nicely (urn.ah.'d and wall bMlnd. other coaifo. - t blc fnraiabad ro?raa aincla or en nik. tarma can ba to ault. Arat-rlaaataMa ? ard t"QB BENT-THE H COSD FLOOR. 20 BY 100 OF ra- 'cn. :?] 1 '"k >k I. ?.. h? ? t?tur aM ? krr coiiveuieucea. from i ?ai)iTUU> a?a lu quli?In atari jalt? it For rent -pleasant front ROOM. with board. anitab * lor ?antleman lid wif. oc Iwu i?r 11 man; vary faw boar>l*ra la Retina, location dattaht lal. opt.aute hrank to uar? tniT l.'ltb at. I w ; trnoa moderate JilMf FOR RENT-A LARGE 8ECOSD-STORY front room. furni.bed; all conarnlencea. Wrnw nuxlar ata. private Ualiy 41Hl'at t.w. Jal*-** | FoR RENT-FCKN18HED RAX>M8.~ IN FAM1' Y of two. aouthftuut. 1451 R 1. ata. a w. Jal8-3t? IX'R KF.NT?OOMMODK>t s FCRNI8HED ROOMS I eii alula. 1711 11 at.. oppoalta Metrvpoiitan i.'luL II'ium.' I|nOR RENT-IN NOBTHWEST SECTION. LAJtUR ? mm, aultabla fur UiPrr or four r ntlrgini. >r a f ?lolly. Tat..' nrat uieala aent out. tartu. mod oral* Addrraa But 1 'J. Star uffloa.* FHOR REST-NEAR lOVk A CIKCLE. A pli AH ANT ? mt? of Roouik. front parlor witb lanre bad nxMn. or lanr - back larlor with mautrl bed table boarlu .lea > red ^ jir. vale family, refcrvnona. 1:10.1 gat n.w IHlSoRREST?PARLOB AYD BED-ROOM ON FIRStI floor ? ly larmahed. at 008 13th at aw. >17-3 f Fw H RENT?FCRM- HE1> ROOMS. WITH OR JT without Ihii.l, Clintou HhIw, Ttti and 1 at?.n* New furniture, and under U"w mauaw?nient Jalll-tH* OR RENT? Fl'RN IKHKD FIRST OR SECOND floor. NlMb lor b. ooina aud parlora. kMi or rm tail by ownar. aniall family: r< fareU'-ea enhanced. 1625 nth at., cor Crooran. Jal4 At* IWR RENT?PAKLOK FLOOH AND OTHER FCB nlabed llooiua. alinrly or au auiie, with or without loaid 18V4 Hat. i.w. _ d:il 1st* ? OK REN l -l&W H 8T. X.W? HUlDwmK.LY P funiiahad Rininia. Buaat InratioB in tb? city, oia \rnlaiu to liotala aua at rat can Jal4 ft ? IJV)R RlNT-ai7 4S? KT. OPPl is IT K UK Ml N- ' drrland'a chur<-h: ?a*?--al latw li>nd> 'Uiclj fur niabcj rouma. tabla board a aiwialty . ev.-i ytluaac nrat-claaa. at n?aouablr tarma Jall-2w* ?R.'VJR HKNT??40 HANINtOMFLY Ft'CNIMHEb I lanrr parlor and bnl room on lat floor. In< lud1ti( li at and n> lalb-MS aaioa fl.-or Alao. ai.othrr laiirr U'd-rooui. ?lUaatra.on lat or :td fl'>r :<?.t)4W ?t.. rbird dix.r from Dr. sundrr.andV t'uun h. d:Ki 1 u." F'Olt KLNT?8111STH *^*71*7, CONVENIENT to tlia Lbbitt and hin|T> Houar. ni.-vly turniahad ?ultc of Koolua. wito crata drv amtalur tor a Hauator, M inln-r ur othcra. Alao, oua ainffle room. ivrry'huif tir t-cla*a d'J? 4w? 1>0R RENT?1823 I 8T . FUEUANTLY FUR mabed auita of three rootua on Ural floor alao room for ireutlrmau on third floor. refer, ncaa Jafl-;lm I" ^OR RENT-UANDKCMLLY KI liMsHKI) l'Ali .or*, en auite or aluirle: alao. p.eaiNUit hall ruoiua. at luble for K?titlain?a. with or without bo rd at 800 11th at. ii.w. Refercucea . xchaoarad. ol I-13w* IMih RFXlkNCAR CHAM lillRLAIN 8. CHOICE rootua. n.^P? or en auite aoiitb wlndowa. brrdti* I'Sas the dooWoiif room "Uitabie for ufllot witnor without board. 1013 15th at. n28 2ui FOR RENT?OFFICE8L I'OKRKM KINK i.| I U K MS. i ul.M'R OF l1 1 .".tli aud K ata. Gl'RLE Y BKi iTHKKh, 1318 F at. . laid-tit IJHiR KENT^OFKICE8-lKOLR NKH bl'ILMNU ail cuii vi iueucea, stc*iu Le?t ' TiUR k RUTHF.RFliRD. d24-4w* 13o7 ? at n.w. FOR RENT?STORKS" IX?R RENT?STORK 8111 AB1.K FOH ANY BL8I DefUt; lixtur?s*for l? it luT etor^, kf-boi, ie.; also i time r<*.ni buck Ij< u-?*. all tnn roveiuTi.a, i rcut oUeai?. IT'Ji. l'a. ave. u.w. St* 1.V?Pa It! N1 ^ I?? i:? AM' DWELLlkU. M00 3D it s t-. Apply 3082dfltM. Jal 7-.'i* I "'?OR KEM BKACTIFri M v. 1002 14th Ht.. ft.. wnoprtfd cellar name nit*. *? ' TaK^iu <lwelliiiK aiHiv* . larv** brick ?>Ukble. Almi, flne i ?U?re.cor. lotli uud S. V. ave. J. W 1* MVl-i.8. Jall-liii* N?*w York are. j FOR RENT-M1DSCELLANE( U S VViK RENT?8TABLE, IX ALU! BET? 1 I X K I r an<l Ij and Kith and 17th hU . i>ert?n*t ord*-r. <a J pacity f<?ur l?M - and tklM ca? ria*reh wat?r and?raa. ' two room* lor coach an. Jai4 (>t 1111 J. k. JOHNSTON*. 73* 15that. I*>U bEXT-A* OLD LHTABLlhHKD FEED Store, No. 1417 ii?iru at, U?uU?U)vu. D. C , a tt? tixtnr^a; fl"* |?er uiuDtk H. A. l'HILLIFs. 14 .H New i ;ka\enne. Ja.Vlru FOR SALE -LOTS. F > K .^ALE-SOc PER lOUT. Fol R LOTS ON M _ at.. U'luwo 4S( and ttlb ?ta. a m at the low vrioa of .">Clc. i?r toot. *tre? t cars |>ai-? property. $1 50 ja+ fl? fc d .iruble lot on 8ib at, l?t. M and N ata. n w. JalSK!t* A. T. COL' >.Hl, 14'.'."i N<-w York ave. 1>I11SAL1:-AI A BABOAIN.1F Pi RCHA^hl) AT I oucet a number of \ cry ilc>n b r build up lota on !itu at., beta on li and A' n a.. and al-o on O ?t.l? tw.-cti l.'th and 13th u.*. Lol ls P.bHOEMAKlK. ! ITJU r at. n.w. JalB-ltta 1X?R hA. L LOT t>N WE8T SIDE t)F ?TH 8T, bct?? uLaud M. "Jato t irout. 41 .">0. 8WOKMS1EUT ? bUADLET, Jal8-3t ??-'? W at. n.w. I' >>R 8ALf.-CHE.AI-A OOOD LOT '>N |, .BET H and law.; 4."> feet (r nt Al?< 9ti feat fr>nt on 1 34, bet. H. aud 1 At.: will ?ell ver. loar if aoid at once, trruia < My. C. U. PARKER. 4)t aud E ata. a. w. Jal7-3t?_ FOR SALE-LOTS ON BKODE ISLAND AVE? next to tbe coru?r of lrtth at.. 47,.V'O and IK.OOO. Jalti-tit WM. P. YOL'Nta. 13U3 F aA. 8.W. 1>>K SAI.h A T1 NTH INTKKE T IN THB BF-AT tllu. iiU' at the head of lMh at., which will be irradnd thia wiutor and acportit.ued auiouir the owuera - ? * " . irnubvl thJa winter and k|'portii,urd anion* the owner* ' In 'lie a|>nnir. An op|>ortunity tor au Invnebuent that ; will pay ov. r par i-aaiu l ore t<<4 000 Jal4-0< \AM. P. YOCNti. 1303 Flt tuw. Mil! HALE?CHOICE LOTS OS R L. N. Y. AN D Teun. avaa kiauv otharcheap ' r^od lo< ?ii tiea. 58.0,K1 ft U. t baiiraiu. MIL.ON h LOCKETT. I Klj K at. n.w. Jal4-tit* I.V1K 8ALE?DESIRABLE LOIS IN LK DROIT 1 I* Park. Ul KLEY Br.OTxEBH. lUltf F at. Jal3-Ot ? ?OR SALE-VERY Dl S1RABLE CORNER LUT J at tb<-in.craec:i<>n of N. Y. avenue, N and North Capitol ?treet- lOOxWO. a 1.1 be a-ud at a liar sain boOKMSILnl h BKADLLY,WS7 Eat. Jai3-lu l>OR SALE?WE HAVE FOR SALE A 1H.SIKAB1.E f piece of buaines'* proi?rty. 8."<tl00 on l'.'th. {Uat north of la av.; alao ou E at.. bet. lltb and 1 'Jth. . 3x 7.V. Both of tli. a. |>ie<'<a of pioperty can be oouvertad into koo.1 pay in* inveatmenta. A. 1' Ui 1.1. k CO . JaM-U'w 1338 Eat. f!H)R 8ALE?CHEAP?LX)T8 AT FOREST GLES. Md.. 1. 1>?, and "J ccnta per foot, if aold lietore aprinir. 3. R. H.R'IFORD, Ja4-lm* 142314 F at. 1" M1K SALE 1111 II! SI INVESTMENT OF THE l>ay 1 ofler buildiuK Lota on k raj'-, aud on atreet oraveune. aituiu lour aquarea of P< tinaylrania ava. atreet car*, for uuly t300 cachn an, ladauca t 10 )"r mouth. R. A. PHILLIl'S, n*J*J-3ui* 141M New Y'ork ara. MONEY TO LOAN. ftlMI IN UAMno LOAN ON RKAL-ES J7E UUl' late, at tj per i-eut. CMAl.LEs *. HA.NDk. tf'M t at. n. w. jain-3t< Mone\ to loan oifcirv iuialestate and ou Mary land fariua. CUAS. A HHIF.LD8. )al8-6t 1006 f at. n.w. $1,000 TOU,ASr ou city property. 4'J.0<>tl HARDING * WATERS. ?:i.OOO U?18 3tl ?OB 11 ill at. n.w. uO A Alkik ? N REAL ESTATBUBCCRITY AT noU.IPIMr load rale of lntcrcat in aunia of a.t (Hut ami upaard. \er> aiuall roiiiiiilaai->u. JalV-Alt* C. H. KMOHT. ?107 < lb at M- ONEV TO LOAN IS -I MS KROM ? >00 CP ward. at the loaeat ratea of Uitemat aud couuuia ?oua. on approved rv^l ~ta tern thia cl ty^ ^ jtlO Corner ldUi and 1- ala. a.*. ThfONEY LOANED ON ~ FIRST -CLA88 REAL EaUte Security. WE^COTT A WILtX)X. j, im llHIi PenuayUauia ava._ ' IhfONEYTOLOAMlMailllM IOSCIT ATLOWUiT Jl. ratea ot in urea t ou approved real eatate ae.anty ii, me city. HIIJ. k JOHNSTON, , JaI 1-3iu 738 l.~>that.n.w. MONEY TO LOAN OB REAL ESTATE boni?a. atorka. r al eaute noUt. or otuer aacuntr. In auui-froin 4100 to auy auiouut deairwl. R. A P. IL LLP8.1419 New Yarkavcaua. Ja& lm WE H.AVE MONEY TO LOAB OK REEL EST ATE 3-iui teut- bkALLEY. Money to loan on real estate seci bit* aa-l on ?ood parauaal aacarlly ui aiuna w auil. THOb O. HEN BAY, d21-lm l!Wli * at u. w. 03,000?to" LOAN R) -j.nOO _ ^ 2.000 ON REAL ESTATE 1 oU0 [o05] THOS. E WAOOAMAN ailUi <Wta TO LOAM OB MARYLAND ?lUU.lHIU t anna awl Ooautry Plaoaa lelapbuua 78Ml O. M. mtUXM. * CO, au^tl _ _ 322 N. A^iariua aA^ tialtimora. M~ ONEY TOLOAN Ou Baal Eatate Security HOLLAND * THOMPSON, >13 131* F at_ Adjoiniua bun Buildiar aatata aacunt/. o-JO JJONEY TO ^ANO^NAPPhWVLD E8TATE commiiaioua. Kp aJI. _?iJ0 GEO. *. UNElASTSr ? H tu. MOBET TO LOAB in autua to aait. at lowaat ? *? ?. ..... .. i - ? H *"?.]&?33RrK'ml 141TT 1-auuaylvauiaaTa. JM OF INTEREST ftlt1*, SfCURIlYf. IMOa. J. FlsHER ft OCX. , 1324 F at B.w. M?*KT TO LOAM OB REJLL ESTATE AT UM 1? St rum W^IMBaowiSt'fKOB^'llB Fat. SUBURBAN PROPERTY K9?, ^CMOt E PIECE oi~'fnonMTV ON kSWSSSfsSHS Jal UM i KtofBi.*. FOR llENT?HOrSES. ra l?i^'T 11* 3D ?T HJU UKWM kW klWM Tf . - L\)? uitUtou ?kc brtaiio i* ryfti w ?i?l,T F k Ki.M HT rtimr*i?> mv 2024 pat ? aa Mfti nv* i brtcA ktMi Bl ????" TZ ^ - slO? E* itknr too b it. i. w_ ix a uort mST ansrwBf srssn irrrK . .that * w. >10 ?* |^>R HEKT A Dunu?ljr. ?W lOOttlit ?7 lu* i aouth TraulMT* oa part ha rtaaai mm, iO ISKS^lIcLActlLft1 ft'r M 1,-VlRHEST KI1710THB NB aVoMF ~>BTA r W? una nmnt brick btw. prbe Ml !?*' ???BtA. Apply to B E. 1'LAiK, ML Oloua HJiwar ?I* JUM-W* I>llt RENT BIX BOO* HOI'SF. N(Y 1405 11TB f ? ? ? . rant 015 4it4jr llu41.sC B. m. C/f. E. BiCHARDOON. ?10-*?* f-XJR RENT-101H Q if ST wTkHMTT BOOMK 1 ?ut cellar. ?< ?!>'iviniod a?d paired M ARD )?1T E IVOi KENT ? BRICK lUI XE. NEARLY HE*'; i*y wiuBow. 0 ronu.fnOiunfrmi ktmiHom. IOO? l?*w Uam|iahirc eve Kaguir* IMlK laauneyl niUm. 1!?OR RHVT-KEAR THKCAflTOL, A DEMIKABIJI ?nd i ir?antly ?itiuinl hn. A d?-l Iim . 111 ,.r n?*ua. incladimr bath. 1U124 at B a. j*l" ?i* |> >H hi SI 222 3D -I 'h ?.. ThIk'i i I N HO?H rn?H,l?. 045 tlvtlhlt ?.r .thmiw. frnf .lirao 50. -Ml W.llow I fee Oourl ? M?raa allej Lt. flve Hoiwa. A r?>uia ee.h ew (?ITJt* C H. AMi.UT. t<07 7th?t n w. ? >)h Hl.MT- BT OEO W I1SK1XR. r wfc ??<i h ?t> b. w. 7JR 17th B w. 12r 0?S..t3 71 w J l>t at . nn in 1M18 F at. n.w, I2r... t?0 l!2d * Va. aea.Cra . 10 50 2 1 JO I'a a** .untatb 50 n*ti>d-a<' rm.. SI t40. OOlti U at. 12ra 05 auitable for buaitieaa X) Two btablea . .|K and 10 3 roocua. aw aud li?ai ,t< >17 1tt l""Oh HKST-HOtTaM. I I 14J1 W at. b.w. 211 A at 13r......?7A fur, lira llJSM'.ll Maaa a* a.*.tr M Cor 8 al and Conn a*f -JvT 12tli at a?. ,r? 40 n w., 114r 11? ?H) l?l I Mtli at a.?_ Rr 3j Pat II w .far . 7r.' t at a.?.. ?ra . . VO.S3 1'ark Hntrl. 7ib at road. Cor 17)li and B d'f au, -Or 75 u. 1. pr 25 ?o: M ?t ti ?.. iv'r IRIS HtA at u ?.. i ra. ls:t:i i) at a. v.. IRr.... 75 baMiu?t.t aad * ra lit 170?f F at. l*ia ?5 B.?t fO 1410 I'aL n w..Wra t?0 1" at b.w- ?r ttO I4<1 Wth at. q a BO ?<-.'! Cat.6 ra. 17 Stkitlat. a.?_Or? M 1WV1 1 l.fc at a a .rtr 13 7o liO* l*a. a*. u.? 6r . )y tf-T C at . 4ra ... 14 ll.t K at B.W.. Mr airtvt I a?i C.'art b? 1. 50 ?H)J[ >. J av aa.. lira... :? 4,'t4 l?t at aw., ftra rj.jii 4 - ? >? H aLB a .? ra 27.nO 7* at. a?.. 5ra . . .12.HO l^MOat. b.w-7 (a .. .V6 Ilia 4Ui at c.a 4ta . IK 1008 D at > ?.,7r.... 2.> M? .r 170*. Hth at a.w^ JO.tli.Cap. at. era . .25 4r id.SB BTt KEn. UlfK Ea. ETC. OnDtoa Build's. rui>.l #75 4?W U.a?a.haannnitB?0 913 M<l a*, aw., arara. '4MUar .ME.4r N roooi..,.. ...... ........30 ?U n andd? a mr Htorranddm. UlB?. 3o4 I lMib a d BM > u.w ,4r 15 14th at. u w .Kr 40 Lstioi Fld?., room ft 10 Storr aud daaliii?. 43 r>Uhla rvartil 1 M u.w 10 K at aa.. Br 35 staUa raar 4<M C a>. a w 7 TkeabuaalaoBl) apvruonof tba propartr on mjr l?? ka For f .ill liat rail at oflkoa for t ull-? . iaaurd on tbr lataud 15th. Ual < I IBoa. E. * as >uB lltM-Ml RHODE IHLASU AVE. K ? ? 11 ruoma. modern uui>rovrtm Lta, rant to (wil mt,oiilj#40 W. CLARF.JiOt bfVALl. 17 :it W5 F at a.w b I F tenant. Jal >OB KENT-SO* W ASS. AVE N aud taariuodt liay aludow Brv Ui ov Baw ?i? r.ioiwi and tMtb. ali bi l.tau- nl thrvia-hout. rant. ?2.1 a month HENRY JAEOEft. 15 4th ataajt 12t rt)R KENT?A U1VBLV OURNI B REM i EKcK. 47H O ft n w lia.-n built only 'ir** yrara urwiy |iai?rrdan<l paiutad. 11 (voiiik. with all uiodara lat l'r?>V'manta rant 940. Inguirr ?t 4>4 O at a. w. Jatf-12f >OK BEkT-B( K O. HOI.TiltAB. * Fl l.naar lwth at lhr 3 t3.:U 9th.aUEat. l?r IIM 1<?a Circle. l.'>r ... 5!oC S. u?ar IMtnat- Hr 125 fc at, nrar 14Ui lOr ..200 F. naar Imui at.. K>r .. I2i 1).lli at. ur B-. 10 fa 20t> H. naar 2lat at. Rr low k. near Wth at. l_:r Ji?0 lOUi. n'l Let . lOr.... Mi ti?u arr .iinrkut .BKI > H m.i'rX at Bt.7j Fat.Bear 1 Hth. llr ...150 13Ui. near N at., Nr M N. n?ar 17lh at- 12r L.O 21at near ? at M I Ml 1020 lfith n w_ 14r.?125 .?UV l-tliat. lor loO OFFICE BOOM 513 Lith at. u. w.. lor ho t<10 Fat. n.w .1 lr iS Ehvatii room* In "Am 7ti7Iat u.w. i;tr,..,..7.? hmlditia "Biepn?d.v 1232 tatta at n w., lit Iu"? %*au>t . neatcit b> ate 5WH I ltn at n.w.. Mr OO Iroau *30 tu tltltl rwrh 1H41 It at.. 1 Or .>0 04 IF at Jd ???.r.front 1741 Fat n W- 12r 5t' r? L|n'ata>d bj atMUn tliaO 2o2< I- at B.w.. 1 or .V? t?41 F. 3d Boor. Imut r?_ I .'ill. tit at U.w. llr. .'?0 heated hy al<aan K 3 .11 loll 1' bL B.W.. llr .41) 100S? F at.. 2d floor , 4.'? lOt'Orat na., llr 40 M37 F at . Jd fi<e it 4.) 720 11th at. n.w., 7r... 40 1*37 | at, 3d fi ?.r. Irm. ,L> 2*.'20 H at B.W.. ; ra . ;??) M3V F ai.. 2d floor ... 3". K21 S. J. a?e u w , 7r 30W.tM Fat.. :td Bour lo loo; Marion at . ,r 30 41 Bth aat- 2d Bour -jj l^OO Virion at.. 7r 30 4 15 l?th at. Kr 25 1321 13th at n w.. ;?r . .25 1?H>7 F at., lat floor 25 103 2d at B.<- Or 25 1007 F at.. 2d floor 40 12.W H at. B e.. 7r 23 I0O7 F Boor 24 l'Jol Hat B.e..7ra......23 1211 F at. :td B 3 ra 25 112o llthat.B.w.or.20.50 4it>La.aeB, from 10tu2V iJO E at a.e_. Mr., 1R M31 1 at B.?. :H Boor ."?} 51 h iat h at a. w . Or Ii 7 Ui aud E aba B.w 7o2 7th at. a a.. 5r 10 025 La. aaa. :td floor 2U l'.Ol lMtliat n a. 5r 1 b Btable rtmr1004 14Ui at It 714 l at a w, 7r ...l&M; 722 l>t at. B.C. Bra 15 M 3<>7 U at aa. ?r .151 HTOBES. :in? D at ae . Or 15 ;to5 It at. a.c, ?ir. 15 Marnifii eut atora, hit 4*3 hata.w.,5r 1 ?. Huildine, per an..jlySue 535 tith at a.a.. 5r> l.^OOoU.hat u w, -Jl Pnn?erti rlai-*il witli nie tor rent or aala la liberal IF ad\ertaaed tree of caiaat to tile owaer. For liat of prviwrt j for aal> -all ot aend at ofBra J IB B. O. HOL1ZMAN loth and Fata k.w Vv?l. KEM-OS KE? HAMI*MH1RE AVESI E. 3 r atory brirk houai. uealy aud ai jieilily turutah"d; anitable tor aiuali lautil}'. Audnwa OWN EK, Mar office Jaliw I?OB B*N1?VN Fl KN1BHED. ' 1221Ctj*.B.?'. l?r 'J40- 14'h at tMBflT ?X13 33 1 220 Maaa a?r . llr OS lflf Natn w.. I2r. 125 2t?that near u, lOr 05 1125 loth at.u w .l5r 115 1731 lmt. at.Br 1H2UU at h. w .lfti 100217 Del. av<.u.e_15r 1044 21 at at U.w.l3r lOU 24 lo 14'b >U.w.l lr 1025 Maaa. are . . .ltai 1007 loth at. u.w-lor - 1300Conu.are.. 13r M7.5n 1514 .toth at n.a.. 17r >d 13 lt> V t aa. U.W ,l'-T>?.? 34 1515 >> at la. w, 1 lr. ..H 2400 14th at K3.34 110OF at b. w.. liar l.V14 2KtLat n w_ Ur (Hi 1411 Bb.urhtota. 1.r 41 07 hl7 12th at B.B..1AT BO 1370 Mat a.w..llr 4> 1437 L at 11.w.. lor. .7 5 1S13 7th at _ :l'a 1704 Conn. aaa. llr 75 1012 A M aaa . Or 30 2404 1 4th at 75 1507 tJtrolm- at Ora 27. 1410 O at a w . 1JT 70 *22 lat at a a,Or , .?i 1527 Oat B.W, llr 70 22? lat at aw.. Or*. 14 Fl BMRHED R.I. BTT.. Mar 17Ui at.. IowaCin-lcn w 14r 410 ?i7 170O Colin ave 125 012 lMthat n w . 2*. :><N> 1310 lMth at n w .ltlr 125 21 I. rant I'lace. lOr ,100 204 1M at n.a. lOr 125 1708 l?th at. n.w, 12rl50 514 2d at u w. M ra. 100 1011 2latu w..llr 10O.O7 3C.aikr llai*. 13r ltH> IMONat .Mr lOt tii 2U-'lUaUn a . llr. 125 10IR 2 lat at n.w.1 lr IM Corcoran at OB H at. n'r 21-t n w, Mr . The a bo VI liouaaa can be esamited by permit tna? our oflica only. TUuMA? J FIxHlK A ?Xi? Jal4 1324 F at b m. 1MB RENT?C iun. an , 2'Mm H at.. Jt (14 30 1 furnished. lOr B2?<> 14U I al . 5r 14 30 dtlH 21at at, lOr.. ut. I. 70 013 J'ld at, 5 ra 1*.5<> KO'J 21?t at-, 12r .lu l Oo tiO 011 at .."ar 1 2 ."Ml 714 lUUiat lOr t 2110 Gat.. lOr, '1H I at Hr ib _ _ 15:to lOlhat ior .uii 37.50 fil5 23d at". 5r " ..U 718 21atat Or, n-L35.50 40R A at n r. 5r. 12 2137Fat.Rr.mJ...25 50 14-Ok! lat at. 4r ......11 24.t3Kat .7r, Bil 30 45 0 Al-v C-.urt. 4 ra lo ?(l 1314 20th. Or, bi 1. .25.50 507 \ a ave. aa, 5r 1<j VI 2022 1. at, Br, IB. 1 .2.5 to 2 Alei. C urt 5r... 10 50 201H Lat, 0r, nil 25.30 Rear tal 5-15l? - -004kLat, dr.,Bui.25.3*1 4ra 10 BO 2015 B at. Ar 21,V) Rear KI5 7 27th. 5r 10 U) 2M100Uva atr.. Or 21 2100 11 ?i.Y a?a,5r lu 1213 :iiiih at, Br 20 4.~< 2410 Va ava. 5r 10 1217 :iOth at. Or 20.45 bruullia < r ?ad. 5r IO U1.V15H 20th. Mr.. IR.1O Liar 11.52 2<)th at ,4r lfl 20.">0 Cleve'd at. #r |h 30 Rear 2021 I. 4r 0.:W 2147 K?y . Or ...lh.:io lt>?r 512 ltt 24th. 4r B..H> 2427 Nat.. 0 ra . . Iti.iU 210 leuu. av.. 4r B Corner t^levelaiad aua . 1 -r .in 1.0.1 no o 1 1 ?.mi mi ,.ir 1 - .?o lOr.W L .">0.50 441 20th ? . 5r ...12.50 lOr, ni.l 40 50 1715. 1717 Eau5r,l2 7>0 r. ib.i 40 50 20V5 I at . far 12.30 boundary Ma,tfr. 10 1 I 40<,.40NP<>u.eroyct 6r .10 21S nth at M 242.V-20 F at, ,5r.. ..l.\30 < V?r. -Htlj and II eta *?5 2402 M at, ?r lO-.tti 3021-3010 M at 2U..5H .rKi4 ,'latat. ai* 15 :<0 More 001 Cat lh 5C |a05~007 27 tti.5n .. 15.:?0 More 3010 H at . 1A 200M M ?t? .ar. U lira lullliatayiply w WTOCOTT * WltiCOX. la 14 1Q07 l'i imaj lvaniaaae a ? I^oK REXT?1117 10TH HT. R. W.; KEY A? K. ocery, corner L al.. rant 425. Ingulf* M20 1?. Bva. d2M-2m *X)K HEWT-EIOHT BOOM BRICK. 1010 EA?1 Caj nol at. B2H.42. Ut.Ykl M'ALl'l Ma. 50 Coroorao Bulldunt. JalR lw* I>OBBK*T- 417 12th at a a, fl. 13 30 N.a. cor 4* Bad C 1217 B y lie at B.e, ?r 13 at*, n.w, 14r... ... .B100 1205 ' y .1. at u.* 5r lo.'ati 1220 14. V. Baa, 12r 5 120* S B'i beat aa lo >0 051 Oat. 8r.B atora ...05 1-O0h *yiie al a.e 10 >0 600 K at B.W , lOi 05 I 224 H WylieatBa IU j<i 014 H at n.w, I Or OO 7 F at T-rt??. ?r ..10 .*1 3iC at. B.w, lOr 40 0 F at lartna. 5r... 14.30 2021 10 th at BW. Or... 17 11*.?4C at. u.a.5r 10 810 13th at u.a? Or ...17 U?ar'/021|at B.W 4r l0 1221 Wtitc at B.a_ ?r 1.1 ftTB BoUiad at a.a. SrB.HO RBO 13th at B.a, Br . 15 1375 l?o nd atn.a..5r 0.3H 828 12th at M., 5r ...14 1210Cata^,Sr S JlaO-lm 8WoKMbTBi) 1 ? BKADLEt.w-7 Fat FOK KUTT-TWO ME* TEN -Booil ? ICK liouaaa, all mod imf, ccntrally located. Tbeaa houaea are worth *70. but If taken Immediately mill ka rented lor $50 40 per mouth W inv.ta famili A- ?. ?UUDa ]BlS-3t* ??'li Oth at B. W. 1?K BENT?AT 1221 HIOH STREET OEOBOE r town. 17 rootaa Bad lanr>- ator?, with lam* atanto tu rear B1U be ranted cheap Apt iy to the owner. 2413 H ijaetiw. eMjr. Jal0-1?* F2i Baor aad a3 mod na imprwaaBHata. la pertart oruar, tTEiuEt^A oskSb JSSS7 iraJ . 1028 Oti at lTw,^ 1408 17th at B.w, 7r... ft B."?_]fc!.. S IJlO-24 414ata. BBrti ol7 4th ?t B.w, 8r Bo l^jTwh at?.w,7r -VJ1 SB t S it te.-ttfl rausuif l.io5Rat B.*rilr 5ft227 LBtua Ar . tig Kp.v^-s ra ta MO Oth at BW?0t.4t> 42 1M Uwnaea at. Br. .1 SSfStWfeii-K IS sai t? vs. a: swuztEMk BfeAVVfit ivstss >14 a K WABKKB b OO- WIlBU LXB U>r-?*(UiMAI IBM MTU ?T