Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL MENTION. ^?#?"BWe?|? for tk* ft hour* enmmrfwtnJ! at S p. m. For ttie District of Columbia, Maryland. Vlr fiai*. and North corolla.l, w mnw fair wrttber, winds becoming light 10 fresh southwesterly. Boar. H. Jor^'vI. 22~:34 7th st. wing.iCenteT Market. strawberries, New Potatoes, Norfolk Asparagus, lili Plants, Cucumbers, Bermuda onloaa, Tomatoes, choice Fruit, Ac. Bdmoi FraMTcaa, cabinets and covered par lor mites, at such a reduction that will par any J ?wring aucu to lnspe>t; only a short time to select tAfin. W. II. Hocobton A Co., 1214 F at b.w. t ampbob, SSc. per lb. Kbbltt Hous j Drag Store stained Glass scarrtTLTK. 411 7th St. n.w. Cliv "Kosenfeld's <;em" Tobacco. ' >CB AmoanttNT of Heed amd Rattan Fcbni rvaa will bum jour demand. W. H. Uochhton A Co., 1214 F at. n.w. Liobt n *ts In all the new colon; English Brown Maple, Side Nutria, pearl?In fact, all shades and all prices. Fbamc's, one Price Hatter and Fur nisher. cor 7th and D. tm stuw Mattinob will please tn style and fl<* W. h. Hochton A c?_ 1214 F at. n.w. A New R*a era.?This great discovery, unlike that or mnu important and advanced agricultural Implements, is of world-^de Interest and not coo. nova to farmers alone, its practical test showed conclusively that In the reaping of unstinted pr due from thousands of nervous sufferers, the scotch Oats Essence company Is tn the lead of all. The Hcotcb Oats Essence will cure any case of ner i ouaaess, neuralgia or mental disease. ovb Sur covbb Mituuu are of the latest and la a great variety. W. H. Houghton a Col. 1214 F st. aw. CAMTTOa, 25c. per lb. Khbltt House Drugstore. CITY AND DISTRICT. JlMSNMatS TeHilghl. Vasootc Tbhflb.?Dr. Mctilynn's lecture. iUMA-Scanlan In "The Irish Minstrel.* Nation ax.?KeUar, the Magician. kaanAjrt ? VarletF. Haaaie'.?adwin .\rden la "Eagle's Nest." Pabobama Maun*?1"Battle of Shiioh." Cea<sau4 l.ocmls. The annual meeting of the National Academy of Sciences will be held on Tuesday, Wedn-sday. Thursday and Friday next week in the lecture hall ot the National Museum. At a meeting last night or the National Prohlbl Uoa Colon at the ball corner or 4u street and Pennsylvania avenue addresses were by Prof. Mitchell, of Howard University; CoL W. 8. Rogers. Major Walker, Rev. K. D. Bailey. Dr. Car penter. Mr. Moulton, and others. Yesterday afternoon a dead male Infant wsa found tn a sewer in the navy.yard. Yesterday officer Farquhar found Frederick Mlnxl, aged nfty years, on N street, between ?th and 7th streets northwest, in a helpless condition from paralysis. He was removed to/the Alms house Hospital. W. Humor Haycock has been appointed a third class letter-carrier at the city poeuofllce. Rev. Dr. J. P. Newman, pastor of the Metropoli tan church, has been confined to his home since Monday by a severe attack or biliary calculi. He was, however, much Improved to-day, and expects to leave in a day or two for a short season of rest at old Point Comfort. Tn Wwnr man* Pocket Atlas of the World is offered free to every new subscriber for one year to the wbbblt bras. It Is a handsomely printed bnok of 191 pages, profuwly illustrated, with more tnan 100 colored mapsand diagrams, and contains ? wealth of general Information see advertise ment in another column. James Johnson, a colored second-hand dealer, was fined $."> by Judge snell to-day for falling to make h.s returns to the chief of police. D?a<lr Vwrr Gs*. '1Tit HANBSS CA t'SED BY DBrSCTIVB FLClfBINQ. "A little good advice to householders, given in your clipping from a Chicago paper, call to mind a case which came to our notice yesterday," said Mr. Met.inn, of the health department, to a Stab reporter. "It is our custom," he continued, "to make immediate and careful inspection of all : premises where casts of zvmotlc disease exist, and too frequently we are only notliled of the ex istent or the disease by reason of Its fatal terml nation. \ eitenlay one of our inspectors was ? ailed urtoti to examine an up-town house where a cluld had died from diphtheria. There were two others in the house suffering from this terrible disease, and an examination of the plumbing work showed that the dwelling was nothing more nor less than a source ot ventilation for the sewer. Beneath the sink in the kitchen there was a full root or pipe missing, and the mouth ot the terra w*?a pipe yawning to pour out the foul odors and noxious gases of the sewer. The unrortunate latber of the f.imlly said ne had thought he aneiied something. hut It did not occur to hln to saB for a sanitary Inspection. The people are getting pretty thoroughly educated as to the im portance of sanitary matters, but occasionally we Bad such a case as this one. Publications like ?^.'?r,S^/w",tfr4*jr a kfood purpose and we reel the effect at our office." **?? far CsMtacisr the Iffrmsaai aa arrxin-TEu to fukt with bks. cakb and in ac band bbsbntkd it. Several days ago Jno. W. carr and his wife were chargeu. in the Police Court, with assaulting Mr. Mortimer Price, a conductor on an Avenue car. They failed to appear and their collaterals were forfeited. CoL Tot ten, counsel for the railroad company, thought that the amount of collateral was Insufficient, for su<*h an offense on a str<*et ' ar. Mr. Shepp. nl asked for an attachment which was b?ued and the case was set for a hrartag in ^L??. ? Court tlU8 corning. Mr. Sbepperd called Judge sneil's attention to the case. He said conductor was the aggressor, and he had skipped town. Mrs. carr, ne said. Is a pretty woman and the couductor attempted to flirt with * - J*T.Tery Prop^r'y spo^e to Ulm about It lollowed. as a matter of Justice he thought that the collateral suould be returned, but salt Was too la'e io return It the court was unable to give an order to that effect. Toob His Pbbbonal Bombs.-George Tanner. tBe German who >esu-iday drove a light wagon against Mr. Davis, of the Baltimore and Potomac Kallr.?Ad, near the corner ot Pennsylvania avenue hSrLj 48 PubUMll<*1 in Ths .stak. was ^12^. . Court to-day, charged with asnult and battery. When asked bv Mr. 8h-i> if^rd whether he could under- tand English or not. ne answered In the neirallve. "Yes, you can 1 sadd the prosecuting om -er. He was unable to 1 - W WrT" PBT1T 1.ABCBMT.-Thomas ?'d. and John P. Konda, ."rP'/.J- o 2,"*rs old- w?? arrested to-day by fiSSS??! on * ciiarge of petit larcenv and i"!4 m the Police coon to a ?0- - were arrested on complaint of JMMBt- ABitt?, the stationer on Mh street. wer? ^ployed in his store, and he cnaryai tlut ttiej lure "luiiickiiig down.'* . * CotOBBP Woman ( barokd wrrs Bioamt ?a *B? Poll.? coart to-dir wun bhramv It betnir Klcnard^ui't^S she was still his * wire. Mary denies the charge. The cam wss continued. * inecase T--Jrsv COULB Not aubsb.?Yesterday in the Criminal court John Fra/ler, a colored t?ov or -veateen y^ars. was tried tor the larcenFof a Po7vl7I^?lr??,A,e*"uolwajr~"i'Peal from the ^2 It was testified that tne watch was P?t la a bureau drawer, and when it was mimed it was^ound on the person ol Frailer, who had been tiol,?') house. The defendant tod r^had bou*tlt the waun. The Jury disagre ed and were discharged. m!^JPu'?T ~Tf,1ertvt In the criminal Omrt, Judge Montgooiery. W. li. Mutes and J sewioii Brewer were excused trom service as netlt jon? and the following were drawn wreK" Lo"J.J- U. Mccathran, coorad Becker,?_ Thorn, J. T. Chrlsmond, and .AU but ,lMf two lag. mated re e*Tir2?< Vh "*? *? lo'J ?3Cli of them askeil to be 1 tormer of me cown^and alter hearing their statements he at chSSed^SieJlr *Dd M' ?-? <"? *A*T Wasbisoton octbaob Casb.?Yestsr returned an ludktment against '^Mll1!^"'' B 'whe^thiy to Albany last night: Arthur Buiv^ IL^nd StSri, mi. To fcrsjarusa ?kr?n,. three >ea?rw^w*J2?f Mer !^i ye*"; Pranklla Web BOuacoreiuLlfiif, ow? tnd ntw>.h?if imuemnuxing, one and oae-hair yeanr _?, Price, forger). three years; Frank Whitner" K: W. C T. C.?Hartwell l aloo, of the W c prsaldlag aad Mrs. Fawceu acting as secmarT *?. wTV MeMsahaU spoke and midT^^KS; oBntflMUoa to the aoouent fund bang raised 07 tile ankjB In hnruip of th?(? _ .. W __ ? ? W *W w aaviiMliruk HUM UKintf rilMM gy the ualua In hooor of their organizer m?. Martwsu. Mra. Roys, of Ubena, a nuSaona^ ? ?"rrtpOoa of ttes devastation and wos 1 the rum traffic la Africa. Mrs. Howgate aa ??'lor industrial instruction for ?4 lTpLST5 MaPbersoa LJSSVT. t?e World "S D?es to every sew aabacrlbeT tsr oae rear ? Waaair Mtab. It la a hsndnmaslj prtatsd *l?B*^proftortyUiustraied. wl&Sore *w wlUlcu fflAH AM iliHifrMHK *?" ?! am r?WL ??<??'? Trial mm m ??>?? m n ! Correspondence of T*? ?mm? Stab. Cit** Mituow', MBl, April 12. The case of Lemuel K. W. Ogden, tbe young man ftxto near Four Corners, Montgomery county, charred with a felonious aasauit on bis sister-in law, Miss Catherine & Fowler, at her home near Hyausrllle, on the night of March 19 laat,waa called for trial this morning before Judges Brooke and Crane. The court-room was crowded when the case was called. State-s-Attorney Brandt wss assisted in the prosecution by Gen. Kdttard Car rington, of Braacbmie, and Marlon Duckett, of Bladensburg, who had been retained br friends of the prosecuting witness. The defendant was rep resented by state Senator Peter, of Montgomery, sad George C. Merrick, of Marlboro-. It wss nearly l o'clock when a Jury was secured and sworn. State's-Attorney Brandt opened the case for the prosecution, and stated what he ex,<ect?d to show la support of the indictment* Miss Fow ler was the first witness called. Sne testi fied that on the night charged site retired ?bout xi o'clock. She gave her brother-in law, the defendant, a lump and told him to go to the room in which he usually slept when he visited Utem. Later lb the night witness was aroused by the falling of a chair between her bed and the ooor. Hue saw the prisoner standing near her. and she said: "Oh. Lein." H? told her that be would ruin her If she made any noise. Ue then 1 put bis hand over her mouth and she attempted to scream, but he covered her mouth with bed c?othlngand assaulted her. After the recess of the court Miss Fowler was again put upon tbe nand and cross-examined. She said that she made no complaint to her brothers until ogden had left the bouse the following morning, because In- had threatened her If she gave any alarm and because^jer brothers were not able to handle a man like Ogden. In conducting tbe examination, 1 Slate Senator Peter asked If that was the Orst lime ogden had ever come to her door, and she replied "ies." Tbe court then adjourned until , u>-morrow when tbe case will probably be tln | lahed. _ Opposed is the Beytstl. TBI PROPOSED MEKTING TO A Do FT A CONSTITUTION iiiMn Owing to some misunderstanding only a few persons came to Grand Army 11all last evening to attend the adjourned meeting of those opposed to tbe boycott. The prestdentAMr. Joyce, was de tained by sickness, and the skrelary, Mr. Man ning, adjourned the meeting Mr one week. Tbe constitution and by-laws were ready to be sub mitted to '.he meeting. The objects of the pro posed association are stan d to lie to promote the right of men who labor, either with their hands or their brain, to work for whom they please upon terms agreed upon by them and their employers; to remove all existing obstructions to tbe exercise by boys and young men or the right to learn a trade; to assert and maintain the right of a man carrying on business ot any kind to control thai business tree from tbe dictation of *ny otner person or organization; to resist boycotting and similar combinations by aiding to bring to punish ment those who engage In them, and by patroniz ing and otherwise aiding those against whom such boycott or other similar combination may be aimed, and by all other lawful measures. The constitution also provides that the executive board snail have aut horlty, and It shall be their duly, to correspond with persons in other parts ol the United Stales, wltu the view of endeavoring to fonn a natlanal organization for the purpose of carrying into effect throughout the country the objects for which this association Is formed In the District of Columbia. Celew4 n?s la Fcaalc Attire. FOLIC! RAID OW A DANCING PARTT. Last night a party ot colored men gave a ball In a house near the corner ot 12th and F streets northwest. Most of them appeared in female attire of many colors. The dance was in progress between 11 and l/i o'clock when Lieut. Amiss, with a squad ot officers, appeared, and brought the ball to a sudden termination. Tbe men in female attire began to drop their gaudy costumes ot silk and satin, and several ot them Jumped througu the back window and escaped. The officers arrested eleven ot them, after a struggle, and locked them up. This morning the prisoners were followed to tbe Police court by a large crowd ol persons, and when the case was calleu the court room was crowded. The prlsone-s, who gave their names as John Smith, Jake Bayard, William Dorsey, Charles Myers, John Lewi?, Samuel Jack son, James Waters, James lloward, James Taylor, Benjamin Moore and Albert Lee, wen arraigned on the charge of vagrancy. They stood In the dock with iheir faces aid from view. The officers gave their testimony and showed the court several silk and satin dresses which they picked up where tbe men lea them. They were sentenced to give bunds or each go down tor 30 day*. Obstructing (he Streets. AM KXTLOTS OP TU WASHINGTON GASLIGHT CO1, imh This morning in the Police court William Bart, an employe ot the Washington Gaslight Co., was charged under the police regulations with ob structing the street by allowing one of the tool carts of tbe company to stand on 9th street, near the corner ot G street northwest, and also by leaving a pile of bricks on the sidewalk. When arraigned the defendant pleaded guilty. Superintendent WUkerson, of tbe gas companv, said that for twenty-three yean they had been working in this way and never before had they been prosecuted, lie added that sometimes the men were working two wiles or more from their oillcs, and he wanted to know what they were to do with their carts over night. Mr. Padgett said that they would have to do as others did?take their cans to their yard or stable. Mr. WUkerson thougut It was rather strange that they uau not been prosecuted before If the law was violated. Mr. Padgett said that it was a new law under which tbe prosecution was brought. "Has lue company's attention been called to the matter?" asked the Judge. "Tes, sir. "answered Mr. Padgett, "and the result was impudence and tue assertion ot superiority on the part ot *he company's employe." Officer Weedon testified that one of the company's tool carts stood near 9th and G streets two or three days and nights, and that he bad to warn persons to keep them irorn walking agalLst It. Witness spoke to the defendant ab jui It, and he gave witness to understand that he would do as he pleased about it, aud leave the oart J'1st tvuere he pleased, lue witness also testified as to the pile of bricks on the sidewalk. The jud^e said that under tbe law as established by the commissioners, be would have to Impose a Hue of |5 in each case, and if tbe Commissioners Me fit they can teinll the penalty and give the necessary permit. Mr. Padget said that be proposed to prosecute every case where complaint was made against the company. Mr. to ilkerson said that they desired to comply I with the law. A" ?M Maa Charged with Blgaay. "doctor" towers said to mate a win living a WASHINGTON AND 0NR IN LEE8BCRU, VA_ Officer Dean, ot the eighth precinct, this morn ing arrested an old colored man named Chanes Towess, alias Henton, on a warrant charging him with blrfainy and took htm to tbe Police Court where the case was continued on account of the absence of an Important witness. The old man Is known Id the northern section ot tbe city as "Doc tor* Towers. He has been living on Wdtberger street for some time past. Tbe warrant was sworn out by his first wife, Maria Towers, who lives on 7th street, between R and g streets northwest. Tbe woman, who, it Is alleged be subsequently mar ried, lives in Leesburg. Ya. to ben told what he wa? arrested for the old man said: "I dont do nothing like that." It is alleged that the old man divided his time betweefchere and Leesbunc. lie Is held for a bearing. 'J | Bts|ia>hlial club. The Geographical club me# on Tuesday evening at the residence of W. K. Williams, in Le Droit Park, Mrs, a R. Brown, vice-president, presiding. Tbe host entertained his guests with a talk upon New Zealand, in which the peculiarities in the to pography of that far-off island, and the most strik ing characteristics of the nauve population were very Instructively presented. The selected readings by Messrs. Kaluey and lloUlngsworth, and the , vocal and Inst rumental musical -elect ion of Messrs. ! Williams and Trailer, and Miss Llda lloUlngsworth and Miss Clara L'pton, completed tbe attractive program of the evening. Iceland will be consid ered by the club at their next meeting. Transfer* el Real ...?L Deeds In tee have been tiled aa follows- Flo? Gross to George Vonleff, part 26, so. 496- M mm I-ouls Tllleux to Minnie K. Ramsey- nart an ?300. Kugene Carusl, et aL, trusi?T Austin, SUb 132, sq.444;?-/ lO T. H, George Voneiff has bought,"for^KOOQ. of Flora Gross, pan lot square 49U, fronting 25 feet on street, between F and G streets southwest. Blc?*? m.?M Csnair. Rice's "Corsair," tbe lelgning sensation In the theatrical world, unfolds its beauties at tbe Na tional Theater on next Monday night. It had a ran of 175 consecutive nights in New York and was pronounced a grand production, embellished with female beauty, handsome costumes and gorgeous ?emc surprises. There are over sixty people la the production and a wealth of accessories. The advance sale opened very large yesterday. ! Bo YAL Q1 ssa a g __ Cracuw Cam Na 1?JyfUf Homer. T(WUy, MccielUnd Bft. Barber; order (or ootn muston 10 take testimony. Davis agt. Corn well; on trial, ?qPJTT Oavwt?Chief AMm Bingham ami fudge* Ctoz and Jame*. lXMtay, Hampton agv Himptoo; antrttmUre ?bare ordered paid to administratrix. Key act. Hume; W. A. Gordon appelated guardian ad Utem and refer? nee to a Ingle, examiner, ordered, ?die agt. Kdle; complainant ordered to par $25 (or complainant's testimony. Columbia Brick Co. agt. District; lea re to Hie amended but Samuoi Licsnsm.?Marriage licensee hare teen Us and by tbe clerk of tbe court to Walter H. ureen and 8us?n Johnson; W. A. rink and M?Iim Kuba% both or Jobnaiowo, Pa. A Coal Cab Derailed on m & and a Road.? Tbe report that there had been a wreck at Relay on ihe Baltimore and ohlo Railroad, created much excitement this morning. It was learned by a S*?* reporter that a coal car had tumped the track at cross-over switch, ElkridKe Landing this side of Relay, and no wreck had taken place' The derailing of tkU car had the effect of delaying local trains a abort time; hence the report. Attain la Wm ??Mi MABBtBD.?Mr. Samuel J. Shanks, station-keeper of the seventh precinct, waa quietly married last night to Mis* Emma L. du Fief, daughter of tbe late John L. du Fle^ of Mary laacToy Rev Dr Bates, pastor of the Concreaa StrSet M. P. church! and at the pareonage of that church. Mr and Mrs. Shanks will reside oh aid street. Dxatb op sibtbb Mast Althonsa Cowkbllt.? Sister Alpiionsa Connelly died at the Visitation Convent. In Baltimore, Wednesday morning aired eighty-three years, she was born in this placeand spent forty-three years of her life In the Baltimore convent of which she wasonce treasurer. About live years ago she tell from a st^p-udder. dislo cating her inivh. she never fully recovered from her d^attu*1111 1 u*euier old ago, caused ^Jlpreg.-A very enthusiastic meeting of the M-St Christian Union Temperance Association was con ducted last night at the Market House Ball by Mr E. B. BussetL There were thirteen signers to the P't*1ge-?? ' be many friends of Mr. J. & Wagner wlU be plenta) to know that he Is rapidly recover ing from his recent attack of Illness. TSJIPERAT t'KE AND CONDITION OF WaTKR AT 7 a. m.?Ureal Kal.s, temperature, 52; condition. 2; receiving reservoir, temperature,54; condition at north connection, 3; condition at south connec tion^ 13; distributing reservoir, temperature. aa: condition at influent, gate-house^ 7: condition at effluent gate-house. ?. * Alexandria Affairs. Reported for tlie ?ti.iuo Stab. Thi New School Buildiko.?The city school board held a meeting last nltrht, President Stuart lu the eiiair, and all the meiawrs present. An of fer or Mr. .John S. Beacli, clerk of the corporation court, to award at the close of the present school > ear, as a prize to the best plain writer In tbe pub lic schools, a $100 type-writer, was read and ac cepted, and the thanks of tbe board returned for ? school-house committee reported that the board would have on hand at the end of the present year about $7,000, and that Contractor <>lbsun, who In 1884 offered to put up a school H!"1!1"'to the Ainidon building In Washlng for $9",oo, leaving four rooms unfinished, was now nit! J* pUi,Hp- the bullclmg with all the rooms iVfifiV? an*l allow $250 for the old building material and $250 for less excavation, i jfinVS? i,n?w 6"e! m?^?ng">e expenditure about ?10,0001 It was agreed that the house be built by *?nJ the proper committee? were dl -j. contract and provide lor the payments. As there was some vai lance of onln w??tller the building should stand on the north or the south side of the Wolfe and Wasli ttaPmt utrse?.1?,,iiheK1bo*nl adjourned to meet on question^ lllls afternoon and decide that Corporation Court, Judge ? IiC? .i session, which is now mainly iStatlit V?Bquor licenses for the city esiabllftUuicnui. Last year some twenty-two ^r-r^Uwnses were taken ou,, as well as eight ordinary licenses; two wholesale and sixteen re lTreS?Si ywr.001 Ui0U*Ut lhere mu ?? ^ ARKEBT or a District Max.?A young man named milted ^?,25? %esl Wa3lUuk'Kin,was com mii mrlii J?^ by ll?e mayor to-day In default oi Dn,e'?r disorder.y conducu Be has been here eu wi? jaruishlng fuinltuSe ut private houses, and was arrested at the Alexandria and Washing ton depot lost night. ? Holit/rSiw^rt<'n( ??*tlonal Illustrated lectures of ?w,^r^ Daniels were continued at Knights I T^r . ast nltflu 10 an Increased auditory. ??1 lie amateur oarsmen of Virginia met here h * fixed the 4th of July ior the state regatta here. The county buoenrisors directed that the Alexandria Canal be filled at Columbia turnpike, so as to make a good creasing for the road. Lhas. Lundgren, of Finland was v?nrt'ruUzixl -?rUv. afternoon.?-The lrginia iix?n shipbuilding co. (iron boom) met a ani? elecUfd S- O. Clarke president. .dweiang oh Pitt street, near }*' 'f-*11 bought by L. Gentzberger at $150. "t?'8 cUu!',-'u veslrv has elected M?Jur ^legate and J. W. Zlmmeriuan alternate to the coming Protestant feuiscoo&l convention at StaunwiT?lbe ^nd-J^y U louud a bill for perjury ayalngt o. S. Florence. .B^f,,YAT: At Philadelphia?Ath InnrM in L At Balilmore?Balti more, L.; Boston, 5. At Cincinnati?Cincinnati, S . At Wheeling?Wheeling, 2; uuf falo, 0. At InJlanapoiis? 10* To At St. Louis?Chicago, 5TS!: LoulfcL At Pltteburg?Pittsburg, S; Cieveian 1,2. h*r.Cyn? lfoss, son of the eloquent and learned bishop, ? as Introduced to an eminent minister at a recent reception at Minneapolis. "Ah," said the minister, "you are the son oi BiahopKoss, are you? I luiow him very well, and amgiad to know you. I suppose > ou are going to be a minister, too*-* "\o s-r, repued the young man, promptly; "I "am going to earn my living. Wh^,!"?fL A"*]"",L0C**l> U?" IN DEfACLT OP BAIU? When the court in Net. York reop'.ued, aiier re cess, yesterday. Mine, lnss de Bar's lawyer was hL Km ?-ljMWUJillliJel,w WUo unl11 lo"<i >y- Juig.' Kllbreth dxed the ball of Mme. Diss de Bar and hei ft] t *!,005L?acf1' auu lae Lawrences at $-,o?a) each, in default of ball they were locked up in the ary prison. Lawyer M arsh did nw a^ JJ tbe hearing, inspector Byrnes says that Bar uas in her possession letters from many prominent business and -ociety men, lu tZmu M-if termed "Angel Annie and similar terms, lhe letters, it published, he said, would create a lively sensation. This Is Th* Season lu which to purity and cnrich the blood, to restore the appetite, and to build up the ayatein, aa the body ?I now especially .aeceptible to benefit from medicme Tbe peculiar medicinal merit of, and tne wonderful curee by Hood's Saaapanlla have made it the most popular spiiajf medicine. It cure* scrofula. ?*u rheum, and all humor*, biliousness, dyspepaia. head ache, kidney sad liver complains, catarrh, aud all af fectlons caused or promoted by low sute of the sys tem or impure blood. "Feeling lamnild and dixzy, harimr no appeUte and uosiubition to work, I took Hood's K.rsa,^"^ ^{h the best rMUlts. As a health luvurorst .r aud for ireM. eI1iu^ i tU^X xeU1Wtl0r tlse."A. hood'S SARSAPARTT T a ?old by all drunttta. tl: Mi forgo. Prepared only by C. I. mood A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. " 1#0 DOSES one DOLLAR. Beautiful Spring Dress Goods IMMENSE ASSOBTMEN'T. LOWEST CASH PBICE8. LADIES' BROAD CLOTH, one yard and a half wide. ?}r;r,!!00li(K'f,,CL!* TAN, T1lRKas)T1a: ^I.ACk. Wondcrtul casli bargain. STi*c SAON MlUBt, for triuinunx the new-style dress. tKKKA COTi A. TAN, OOBtXIN. ?/? BLACK AND COLORED 81LES, at actual cost to reduc ? our immense stock. prtE'taSSj50 ,or "LACE SURAH SILKS. Our caah CUE AM ALBATROSS, estra-wide do 11 bis vtlth .bpectoluSSliL wMth' Cash Customera will .elect one of the following L^ N.X!^h 70ru-wortl,,1: CARTERS. MARKET STAOE. NKAB^ BOSTON VARIETY HENRIETTAS, the now-stylo dress-goode. pu ^r&ssa?N?k0i {;a?s BKAUTl?t/L sATI EKXsTv^rt?5?-fe?^*' e^uW Ule Terr ^or ?*?! "t"11 J?' ri-0"" Doaen buj'ssk Napkins. $1.50.; Two fain Damask Towels, worth ?2. auo 1 J"ent's Suits Scoured AND PRE8SED FOR UU Coats, fiOe.: Fanta, a5c.; Vast *5e. aiMm .. MS1-61 snuVs^v^^gr^', LoLB PHARM ACT. 7TH AND E STS. H.W. SPECIALTIES FOB THIS WEEK ONLT EXTRA REFINED CAMFMOR. 27c. per pound. 27c.pXpo*ai. CONTI imported CASTILE SOAP, 17e. per pound, or 49c. par bar. KOLB 7th and Eats. Bureau of Fashion, 1434 Hew Tack a**. (.?, will om ra WEDNESDAY frkncm and K?auia mate. Mm* J. Pa PAT My 1MPOBTE* AND DE8IONEB OF FAIHOE 1107 F ST. M. W, ?s to aequatat her patrons tlMt she la now prapai.^ to ahew a f?U aaanrlaiaal at EXOLUSXVE STYLES to ENOL1M aad FRENCH ROUND MATS aa* BOX *ITB, f MlO-lm COMPARATIVE WORTH of BAKING POWDERS. ?????????? DR. PRICED StracMtud JOHHSOIPS (Aim Powfer) RAMSEY'S, when HAYWOOD'S (Alma Powder) RIDER'S 1~~.~ (JUEEIf (Alum BLAKE'S (Alum Powdft) CLYBURIPS (abort wt. H OS.) PATKPS - ~ DARNELL* CVS (Alnm Powder.) ROYAL EUREKA (Aim Powder) HERBERT ft CO'S CHIEF (Alnm Powder.).... BABHES* (Alnm Powder) ?????????? GIFT POWDERS SCHEME POWDERS Contain Alnm aad AnusoaU. BULK POWDEB( Sold io<>*) ? contains Alum and Ammonia. mb RAMSEY'S when not freeb ? REPORTS OF GOVERNMENT CHEMISTS As to Parity and Wholeaomfneaa of Dr. Price's Cream Bakiag Powder. DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER is the only brand upon which the United States and Canadian Governments have ever made a favoeable report. ^ rnlted Bt#|e, NttJonal of w?h lnfton, D. C. Bulletin?Supplement No. (I, Page 83-See report to the Cowumionu or uun Rstxhub Dbpabtobht, Ottawa, eeat of GoTernment, Canada, April 3rd, 1806. Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder does not contain Ammonia, Lime, Alum or any adulterant. R. 9. Q. PATON, Ph D., Chemist for the United Statea Government The Cream of Tartar need in DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDER is the strongest and free from all Ume and other impurities. ITof. PKTER COLLIKR. Chief Chemist for the United states Department of Agriculture. Waihingtou. D. C. No better proof of the puritv, strength and healthfulness of DR. PRICE'S CREAM BAKING POWDERand DELICIOUS FLAVORING EXTRACTS can be offered than that they are recommended for general family use by the following Heads of the great Universities and Public Food Analysts of the United States and Canada: Professors Doremus, Witthaus, and Bartley, of New York; White, of Georgia; Kedzie, of Michigan; Scheffntr and Dettmer, of Missouri: Dwight, of Virginia; Balxrock and Ordway, of Massachusetts; Howard, Bohlander, McKeown and Smith, of Ohio; Sabin, of Vermont; Austen and Wilbur, of New Jersey; Barker, of Pennsylvania; Collier, of Washington; Albrecht, of Louisiana; Everhart, of Texas; Hilgard, of California; Wheeler, Long, Delafontaine, Patnn and Mariner, of Illinois; Smith, of Beloit College, Wisconsin; Heyes and Rice, Canada. A SIMPLE TEST Of the purity of baking powder is to mix in a tin cup two heaping teaspoonfuls of the Powder with three teaspoonfuls of cold water, place it over the fire, stirring constantly, allow it to boil thoroughly, or until the gas escapes freely; then smell; if adulterated the odor of Ammonia will be plainly perceived. The presence of Ammonia in most cases indicates that Alum is used, as nearly all the Alum of commerce contains Ammonia. Pure Baking Powder will not give the faintest Ammoniacal odor. Baking Powders composed principally of Starch. Alum, and terra alba, boil into a thick dirty paste. CITY ITEMS. Tbe Oriole, 823 7TH STRKET. N*AR I, Branch Store 1722 Penn. Avenue, Offers Saturday, April 1*. and Monday, April 10. tlie following: ChiIdrens Fancy Paraaols, 2:1c., children's sateen Parasols, solid colors ?>ic., S Parasol*, 3?e.; ladles' Satin coaching Parasols, 98c.; our$1.60 Paraaols. ll.ia, Fancy striped or PlalJ ParasolH, ll.M); children s Percale Shirt Waists, 25o.;^ne French Pe^ale or Fancy Flannel Shirt Waists. u0<., Children!i Undershirts, 12W, 15, 19 and 25c.; Ladles Lnder shlrts, plain or ribbed, 25c.; ChUdrensEmbrol'l opmi r ?v htirli or low crown. 2sc.; Nurses Caps, !S?; Je&yi wl? co?t back! 49c.'; Plalt^ Front jersey, TJc.; Ail-Wool Jersey, 98c; Finer Jersey, W Lauiei uslt' Gloves, stitched back, '25c.; Silk Gloves, 25c.; Silk Gloves, stitched tmck. 4<K., Table Oilcloth, 21c.; Kid Gloves, 4 bui tons, 49c., our Wlc. Stitched Buck Kid Gloves, 67c. GKNTLKVKN'H #UKNISHISQ GOODS. Men or Boys' Undershirts oi Drawers, 25&, Ul sizes Llneu Bosoui Shins, 39e.; Double Back 8hlr is. 60o. Seamless Socks, double heels, _! pair ior Men's or Boys' Fancy Flanuei overshlrw, Linen collars, 3 for 25c.; culls, 2 pair <!5c., best Tailor-made Drawers, 49c. A Aai- ? Vagt Thousand Left of those ex cellent Cigars. We have been and are still selling at90c.forabo.of 50 goodrtgar* I j 417 7th sU n.w. ?on) Flannel Over?blrt? 50c. up Boys' Flannel Waists; all colors and sizes, iiioat complete stock at C. Auerbach's, Mens Furnish ings, Hats and Sewing Machlues, 7th and H. 1 Please Read the Following. see what special inducements The Fair. 812 7th street northwest, will offer on Saturday* April 14. First we i*ceUe<l a crate of decorated chamber seis-'the good're worth $4; they didn't turu out as nicely as we wanted them; we wlllsell thorn at E? 79 We will sell We. hampers for ?4c. We will sell 75c. clotlie>>-ba.skets lor 59c. W e will sell J-C. has-^ks lor 23.. We will sen chamber palls lor iKi* u'h win hell loo, stove podsli lor 10c. "? will sell a pretty wall-bracket ior9o. Wewill sell 16-Inch Japanned trays lor I4u We ?? mce larte loot tub lor 37c. We will sui worn mat? at hall price. We will sell garden sew from 12c UD. Handsomely decorated tea yets lor *?? 'ul yntrftnh china decorated dinner anil tea Si; r^piwes lor $13M We will also give some holeiidid bargain^ In baby carriage^. Bab> *7.5s U) >45. come and see our slU olush upholstered carriage for $12.48, and( " elegant rati iu carriage beautifully upholstered u...ewdesuns for $15.98. We have a u e egant carriage upholstered In brocaded bilk, idckel u 1^" minir very stylisn. whlcu we will sell lor $1?.W8. we^ call your atieutlon to our large stock oi refrigerafcui^ which we guarantee U, be, ?.goodas the best refrigerator made. o,.,1^ ?w. 1 90c. a Box. UK-, a Box. ?Oe. a Box. 50 Good cigars, 50 Good cigars. m. * P. Mima, 417 7th su n.w. Wd-t Flannel Bicycle Sfclrle 7Sc? to t3L50 Elegant assortment at C. Auerbach's, Mens Furnishings, Hats and sewing Machines, 7lh and H. Housekeepers Attention! Coffees way down! Great Keduction lu sugars! Tn guat Atlantic and Pacific 'l ka Comtakt, 3104 M St.. Georgetown, D. C. fi03 7thst., 102014th it. n.w? Washington. Hundreds visit our store every day for our Teas ..St noffees and Bdklug Powder. Gnce buy our TeasMdCoffees here and you will never drink other Remember, we stUl give away vaiua. Ke ,nd ^etm present^ Take advice beioreltls too law ^and buyat 503 7th st. and 1020 14th st. nw:n04 M n.w., and Nos. 58, 69 and 60 center: SivsWern, 8 aid 9 O-street, and 101 Northern L'wryrecommend to all lovers of a cup of good eoilee that they use our Granulated Eight CFciock JSfee. which we seU at thelow price of ?r^,??neroound. Don't fall to try It. For sale ^^ oSr^K ch^ks given with every 25 Snw' wSrth Tea, coffee or Baking Powder. Keduction In ail standard sugars. Granulated Sugar. ? ? Standard "A".. ?*? White Extra Light Extra Block **'Fine'ttSvowd Coffees at 23,!?.' 28 and"80 cents, coff e erouDd fresh while waiting with the ald ot a gas enSneT Our 30c. coffee cannot be equaled "j^^&ved a cargo of new crop Teas at 35, 40, si SS3,JSJS5~??1?? poumi. So cents POT pound can not be eaualed. Dont iorg?t the oid reliable tea hoa^.T^eore?t Atlantic and Pacific Tm Co, Rrn 7tn st and 1020 14th st. n.w. Georgetown Sfa^ aiM MSTn.w. Headquartere, 35 and S7 Vesey su, New York. * Trnt, Coffees* and Chocolates. Our Tea and coSee Department is especl^iy attracuve on tScoSnt of the eaceUency of the goods and reason able pnoes. Give us a calL^ p Mvtz0KKi x 417 7th M> n.w. $1.25. Wamn's Preform corset^ wrnJiiier lowest price ever named lor a wranoer' \mi our 75a and 60c. Black and Colored j!2?*i 3Bt Our $1-25 Colored Kmbroldered Jer t^m^totISpMMot$l-98; worth$3.6a Fancy, CteSL Marvels ? beauty ^Sh. Dtaoouat by Ue box. M.1F. 1 417 7th au I iu* gatin the city. $8; at 20li P?My Ira in FMnaylvanU ave. aw. CITY ITEMS. Read the following list of wonderful bargains offered fur to-morrow at 8. W. Augensteln's, 817, 810, and 821 7thst.n.w.: Nest of 7 solce-boxes, i:t<\; japanned bread or cake boxes, 28, 38, and 48c. each; chamber sets,$1.17; block-tin dlsbpans, 19 :.; larger t-lze, 20c.; worth 35 and 45c. each; block-tin suivepans, 9. 13,10, and 19e.; worth 15, 20, 25, and 35c. each; dustpan :ind brush, 17c.; garden tools, setoi 3, with long handles, 16c.; II *>r oilcloth, 21c. yard: 48 sheet*shelf-paper, 7c.; base bill bats, 8c.: % doz. thin flint table t ma il. ix 28c.; flne rattan carriages, with hep lining, ffl.53; regular price flO; liner grades with satin plush lining and satin parasol, 18.91; sold elsewhere at $16; flm-st quality cane carriages, satin line 1, $11.28?a bargain for (20; refrigerators I and trunks at manufacturers' prices. 1 Ferd. Frank's "Mprlnir Startler100 P"s. Men's Flue Calf Hook Bals. (no duplicates . when these are gone); worth ?1.00. "Our price 111.50." 331 and 333 Peun. ave. east, Capitol 1 ulll. 1 California Ticket*, J. Depot. F. MUnor, B. to. 2tJt "Royal Mat" mends china, GlasaWood,Ae, rrowli Alderney Butter churned every morning and delivered In >4 lb. "Ward" prints, 45c. per lb. Al.-o, cottage cheese aud Buttermilk; bweet Milk Tic. per quart. FOR KENT?HOUSES. For rent?in mx. pleasant-a house of 6 rooms and attic bed-room: altered cistern water, stubla, arard.-n iu iwrtcct cultivation, rood grapes and cmui xiuai iruita; 2 squares irom str. et-cars: can lie ?ecu Saturday afternoonai.d ou Tu.-adaya after 5 p.m. tin* mouth. R. M'P. BENSAL. 1* Center st bet. Howard ave. aud 14th at. attended. 1>OR REN 1'?HOU8E8? 2108 O H.a>Jr ,|WM " Skating Uink, N. ?. ,1014 Eat n.W. 13 rs....50 Hva, 3r (300 1424 Hth at>r 40 1910 Sunderland Place 2144^1 St. n.w?Hr? 35 u w_ 10r.. tnr , $l'r"?; 2142 I st. n.w.. itr* 3."> uufur 7.V83o 22dst n. w.. 9rs :C> 3.'14C st.n.w.,fur.l7ra 10() (i ll N.O. ave. a.e? 8r.27.50 30.V2 Pat n.w.,tur? 303 E. Cap. Bt u.e, Or. ..25 22o -id at. u.w.. iur.. 111.7.>,901 s. J. ave. i.e.. 1 lr .25 50Cat u. w. 1 lrw 75 1008 D st s.e.. 7r 25 211 Ast. u.e.. 13r. 75 829 8that a.w? 10ra...2.'? 212 to 2:18 N. J. ave. li. .">05 7th at n. e.. 7r* 20 Dm 65 0 L Ht. n.w..Or* 20 1700 F Ht. n.w . 12rs 65 27 7th at u.e. 6r? 10 207 o Bt. u.w . lOr 55 2025 E atu.w..0r 15 210 VJ.ave. n .w.,8r .V> 030 Md. ave, n.e..4r 15 631 Int. u.w. 9r 40 917 4th at.n.e., 5r 13.50 18138th at U.W.. Ur 35 38 Defrees ?L ue.,jr 13 STORES. OFFICES, ftc. 1230 Pa. ave. n.w., $75 .Store aud dwelling 68 lor frout store aud Canal at. a.w?5r 30 *50 for rear itore. 401 7th it air. 2d fl'r, 468 La. ave. 2d tt, 30 Room 5 10 More dwelling, 43 472 La ave., V base 1. bt. s.w.. 6r 25' lueut rooiuH 8 Vernon How, Kiu*.5&0..3il Stable rear 460C3t.u.w.7 Vernou Row, Km. 20? i."> Cellar 1543 M at u.w 5 C i tin ton bid K. Km. 28.12.50 i The above is only a i>oruon of the property on ray bocks. For lull lust rail at ofl'co for bulletin lasned on SfBaud 15th. M3| THOS. E. \V AO'.iAM AN. 1701: REN I-TH AT NKAKLY NEW. PKE1T* house. 1406 lltli St.. 8 briirlit and cheerful rooma; handsomely paired nud tinted. abundant water sup ply ; no ilampueaa; all mod, luii?. Apply to 1101 O at apl3-3t* I^OB HINT?DWELLING 302 EAST CAPITOL ST., coutains 8 riiomi, !?th; mo iern; rood order: rent only *25. Apply at M. M. RuHRER'B real estate of fice. 302 East Capitol at api:l-2t 1JORKENT-MNE-ROOM HOUSE 923 12TH 8T\ n.w.: modern unprov emem s; possession lat May; tent, *40 per month. Apply at925 12th at n.w. apl3-2t* _ FDR KENT?146 A ST. N.E., BRICK HOUSE ten rooma: all uudern improvementa; within one square of the Capitol: 435 per month. Apply'to It ap!3-3t M. of the . , MORRISON, 1212* Fat n.w. ap!3-3t 14 BOOMS, 1451 N *83.33. |}OR RENT-NEW HOUSE, X at; four rooms on hrat floor . WHITAEER * JORDAN. ap!2-flt 1417 F st 1??R RENT?801 C ST. 8. W_ 8 BOOMS AND J cell <r: ui.i 445 81 K at aw.: 4 rooma 8 224 Center Alley a. w.; 4 rooms 9 i. F. CULL1NANK, ai>12-3t 1423 Fat n.w._ FUR BENT?1521 I ST. N.W.. A FOUB-8TOBY Brick Houae, in the beat part of the city, furnlahed or uufurnlahed. at a nominal rent which la already in the houae. Inquire on the premiaea Immediately. apl2-3t* I?ok KENT?222 3D ST. 8.E.. 13 BOOMS, M.I.. J perfect ord<>r and rood m iKhborhood, S40; 1225 4at a. w., 7r? iarxe yard, cheap, $16. Several email houtea |8 and (10. apl2-3f a H. KNIGHT. 607 7th at. n.w. 1~ ?OR RENT-TWO SMALL FOUR-ROOM HOUSES. 5 907 aud 909 New Jeraey ave. a.a. Inquire 713 Markat Space. apl2-3t* V OR RENT?1314 9TH ST. N.W., 10 B., STOKE, J and dwell luff, mod. lmpa. $85. 1314m 9th at u.w., 11 r.. mod. imp $00. 920 A at n.w? 11 r.. mod. Imp $40.50. 103 Virginia ave. a&, 5 r., mod. imp $12. For full hat call at office. Bulletin iaaued on the lat aud 15th. E. F. BO8EN BEKO, apll-Ut 613 15th at pOB BENT I have for rent, partly fornlahed, from April 15 to October 3L the "Evetmay Place,*' on Georgetown lieighta, 1623 28th (Montgomery) at, the reaidence of J. D. McPueraon. eaq.. two aqnarea from Metropolitan cara, five mluutee rule from Dupont Circle, and near the residence of Thomaa Hyde, aaq., of Hint k Co., and Llntuicuiu Place. A deiivbtful summer residence, with large rooms, hitch ceilTuif*. about three acme of rrotuid, with ample shade trees and shrubbery, commanding a fine view of the city, Kock Creek and Kalotama: a tabling for three Loraea and two carnww, The houae baa aix bed rooma, servants* rooms, tc_ parlor, aittlng-room, butler's pantry, bathroom, with hot and cold water, kitchen and laundry; sanitary plumbing: drainage in perluct order. For pel mil to see the pi amines and further details to the undersigned. apply 1 apll-3t Taoa E. WAGGAMAN. 817 Fat h02 21stat,12r..m.i.65.60 950 20th st. Or. 10.30 T'?* 12th au. It5r?^ .60.67 2425--29F st?or.._16k30 N st. 12r? m.L50.67 907 27Uu5rTT. 15.30 SL-h: \U.b I? If 1226 3045 2119 1749 Pa.avH10r.A.i. 71419th st lOr m-i. >5! 3010 M fclirES 141? <j*"t. to. -14UI0 > 32 20th St. 1 . 1145 21st st. 10r.. -819G st, 10r..... M st Bnl [i*? H at, 7r? Ist.Vr* Kg-a: kl it, Or..... .??. ~ WL,mL, 6r.H0 408 K ?*. slsl 5r? IXi?'" BOUSE I* THE ?Ms,*s,?ua Oo , B.W. FOR RENT-HOUSED IX)R i.EN 1 - PRESS BRHk B A Y - W1XDOwTwTTH txmcreU cellar, 7 room* and ktt all modem im provemeuta, all In bnt c. .ndlti. u. 119 Hew Turk ave. aplO-?w* JOB RRNT-BKVFRAL VERT HANDSOME 7 to 10-room Hmn, til mod. tap*.. in bsat part sort beast it $18 to $25 on line cat*. apio-of w. k. BdaruKD 14*2 *. r. >?? )B RENT? 191? r St.; 11 rooms; bath, cellar. furnace-. ..*60 i. Pst.; 11 ivoius, bath, furaace JO 1108 Bat. n.a. .0 rooms, bath, noire 1* _ar?-6t QEO.W UNJUNs, lwih and H st* IrOR KENT-7-ROOM HOUSE AXI) UTABLK, NEW. UtMt at. Mt Pleasant Apply toAKML HAKDON, cor. Grant and line ata.. Mt PUaaul ap?-t** Fob bent?u xturni b 1.44'- Vermont are.$86 1237 l7hst ZM 1727 19th st...$45 ? ?& 1833 14to st 40 17SS 14th ?t. bona 42ft 17th it 35 and Mora _ 00 1214 Fst, 4tb'story 23 1118 lOtb at g ,5h B ?t La?. ^::$o ?14 Utst a.e 50 4 Fayette Terrace. BO 1108 Conn.ava. store. .50 1427 F at* ofhce nxim. .Id FUENISHED KbodaIsland. n*rConn. B st, bet 18th k 19th. 150 ?? WS3.33 19th st.n 'rDupon tClr, 1 50 Est. near 16th, 275 N at. near 10th 125 Comuavs^ n'r N st....2oO lltnst. bet X andO 115 iKU Famcut Square. .250ii'orcorau.betl3 k 14. .100 riXCH. Fol k BROWS, ar? 1437 P FDR REXT 11th at. bet N and 0 sta.. 10 rooms.... $no 408 Maryland are. k?,i rooius 2d 4:<U 8 st u. w.. 6 rooms ligfl 1126 Park Place n.a,5 rooms 12 aptMit E-C.jlCTTEK It CO, 1423 F st 1>)R RENT?2D AND 3D FLAT OF 1122 OON^ mcticttt ave.. 0 room* each, very desira^l,-. Ap 1'lT to B. H. hOBl-RTSON. 1515 B st. a(4?-?t TJVJR RENT ?HOISES? J/ 1229 New York ara n.w? 10r. m.1 $7% 951 lEcorner 10th,dwelluigsndstable. . (10 1.107 Corcoran it., lor, ui-i. ;,0 802 New Hampshire sve . Or. m.1 -JO Corner 7th and >umner (Iran..- cottage) 7r 20 ApPljr to JNO. A. PKESCOI'T, Kell. vv Bud ling. ap 1 -7t 141H F st n.w. fOB KENT? r 012 F n.w.,llr $166.07 406 Boundary m.w..7r.$25 1737 ?> at n. w., 13r. -125 2307 M St. u w .Br 25 014 17th at u.w.. 12r.llH)224 Mass. av.u.w..7r.22.1?0 1707 N at n.w., 10r....75 4>>0 Waalitngtou at...22 85 1 TOO Fat. 12r 05 1910 Let n.w_ till) 1. au n.w? llr 05 909 U st n.w?tir ...22.80 709 8th st n w., I2r... .05 1 ?*?."> :id st. n.w.,0 r .22 50 1921 K st n.w.. llr 00 2008 1 st, u.w? 8r.. .*2.50 "17 KRtn.w.,llr?55.7a t? at n.w., or 22.50 27 Oraut Place, 9r.. 55.55 tit) 5 H at u.e.,0r 20..V) 221 E. Cap. at. llr. .50.70 U 1:1 H el. n.e.. it 20..'?0 ??23 19th at il*. 9r?:">*? 227 Eat n.e.. fir 20.:C? Mt3 5th st. u.w., lVr....50 2250 t'levelund sve .8r.20 229 l)st n.w.,10 45 i:tlH-244HsUs.w.tfrl8.:t.~> 70<f 13th st n.w.,llr...4."> 25 lieliva at.. 0 rs. lttti" 173312th ?i.n.w.. 9r40..>0 2030 81U st. n w? tir. 10.50 204 D st n.w , lOr 40 .">9 1. at u.w.. Or 10 220 A st. se.. llr 40 1428 21^tat n.w.. 0 rs 10 1320 10th ?tu.w.,8r ...35 119 11 at. n.e.. Or 16 317 C St. s.e., 9r :?0 t>0 449Pstn.w? 5r 1;t0 1114 Tst n.w 7r.30.50 JOK M st. n.w.. or ..15.:? 623 N. J.sTe.u w..7r.30 42 929 1st at. n.e.. Hr 15 400 H st. n. 8r?30.35 914), 25th n.w.. or-. 14.30 022 0 St. U.W., 8 r* :?l 300 N at. k.w? tir 14..?0 220 Arthur PL, 7r 27.90 1013* 14 1535 l.'itliMtn w.,7r25.75 1 *.'43 30th at. u.w.,5rl2.S0 318 2d st. s.e.? 8r...25.00 1V33 20tii at u.w.. 5r. .12 031 Masa.ave. n.e 25..J5 1113 N . J. avc s r , Or .12 ap7 1? H. A A1NE1. m CO- 9lO t st U.W. JJ*OR RENT?UNFl'RN 1811 ED Duront Circle, 12 rooms, all mod. Imps (150 19th st. above Dni<ont < lrv:le.l0r, ail mod. I nips. 75 3 B st n.w.. 10 rooms, sll mod. imps 7a 1124 Sat. u.w . cor 12th st, 10 room* M) 8. E. Cor. 5th and M ate. U.W.. 10rs.. all m.1 50 1729 12th st. n.w_ 12 rooma 45 900 U st. u.w.. 9 rooms, sll mod. Imp* 37.50 OtBce rooms. 705 8th st.n w $18 and 25 419 3d st. n.e.. Sr., all mud. imps 25 303 D st. u.e.. 8r? all mod. imiw 25 lYXfcii k KU lHUtFoKU. Ja28-llw* 1307 t at. n. w. 1X)K KENT?Ft'ItMSHED?A NEW TWO-MTOBT and b?.s^i,i< nt brick, 9roomH,vcrj uicely furuiane>l. on north aide ot Corcoran at. near liith st. will r.-ut >ery cbnap for Ave mouths Irorn May 1. 1 Tu quireof M. iL PAKKER. spO 12t 1418 Fat IX>K RENT-TWO TWO-STORY BAY WINDOW brick housca. 2003 and 2007 11th st u.w.: 7 rooms, all mod. imp . rent. ea< li *22.50. By ?'H A3. 8. 8URLEVE. 1125 7th st n.w. mn27-3m IX)R RENT N.e. cor 4X and C 016 Pa. sve. s.e.. 8r 930 sts. n.w., 14r S100 311 7tli st. a.e . Or. ...18.30 1 915 I at. u.w.. 14r . .83.33 813 12th al. n. e? 5rs. .14 i 1229 N. Y. a*e? 12r 75 1217 Wyiir st u.e.. Or.. 12 , 041 Pa. ave. n.w.. storv 434 13tb st.s.e., 5r .10.50 aud 5r 00 708 12th st s.e., 5r 10 ! 914 Sst n.w.. lOr. 00 1373 Bonud.stu.e. 5r.9.:t0 i 951 Q atn.w.,store k Sr.50i 1120 C st u e? 5 rs 10 mh26-lui SvtORMSlEDT k BRADLEY. 1)27 Fat. 1WR RENT?TO A RESPONSIBLE PkJKTE. AD1.E to furnish a lann houso in wood t.t)le, ?v offer tue j clearsi?t residence on the corner of 4>. sndCsta. n.w., st a nominal rent until September 1. ISMh. alter that I tlOOper month, for psrti-uiais aud i ermit to we. c 11 at olhce of SWoUUb'lEDT k bUADL^Y.i'27 F j st u.w. uih30-lm I 170R BENT? ' J? 1.102 Lau lOr $70 1522M 12th st .Or. $42.50 2112 il st. lOr 0 ?| 2114 M st. lOr 05 .ipply to uLEOi ? CL NNI.NGIIAM. ap2-lm* 1495 Fit uw. 1?OR RENT-lh:t4JKFlERSON PLACE, 10 KO> >MS and bath; $75 per montu. ULALU iiKOtt.N k CO.. 1321 F it ap!>-eo3t J^OK LENT?BY ttTo. HOLTZMkX _ IIOCSES. 30 Fan ton PI n.e.Or. 13.80 K.W.cor. 17ih ? Pi it.. 535 Oth st a.*.. 5ra 1.1 4 stores, 1 Or... .$333.33 1232 W- li.-at 11 . tir .13 609 12th st, 15r 100 OFFICE ROOMH. 511 13th nt n.w., lor .tto Elnrsut r?>uii lu "Sun 17 40 Nat n w.. 13r 75 l<uildiiw,"flrarroof,2> le 707 1st. n.w.. l3r 05 \sto--, l > strain, 14 18 I st. n. w., 5r. 5.7 irou. $30 to $ 150 each. 1S41 Rst., lOr 50 941 1 st.. 2d titx r, 5 front 1741 Fst n.w., 12r 50 l-a., heated by ateaiu *100 2027 Pst U.W.. lOr 50 941 F. 3d floor.5 from rs.. 320 C st.n.w, lOr 50 heste I by steaiu.. 83.33 lo03 Rst. n.w.. llr 40 1009 F St.. 2a door 45 1011 Pst n.w., llr 35 9:i7 Fst. 2d floor 40 10119 Pat - -v.. llr 35 93." F at, 3d floor, lrni. .15 415< > at. n. w.. Or 30 939 F St., 2d floor 35 1.703 Mart 11 at.7r..2<.50 41.7 9tu at., 2d floor. . .25 103 2d st. n.e. 9r 25 4i5 9tb st.8r 25 1251 H st n.e., 7rs 23 47 U La. ave, irom 10 to 20 4i)t) E st s.e.. 9r 18 031 F' st n.w? :tl floor 22 518 Oth ats.w..0r 17 lUiaudEsts. U.w.jW.M 483 1\ st a.w.. 5r 17 025 iJt ave.. .'id floor?20 720 1st at n.e? Or. ..10.30 STORES. 722 1st at. n.e. Ors . 15.:M1 Magnificent stoM. Snt 1200 Linden PI. 11.e? Or. 15 liuildmir. iwr sn...3,000 30 Fe.iton PL n.e.Or. I'l.SO 421 lltiiat n.w 40 32Fent..n Pi. u.e.Or. 13.80 0<)50.hat n.w.. 25 For list of furnis1 ,s-i nouses csli for or send to " Icrliatof property for stile call iororaeudto l'rojieriy placed with me tor rent or sals Is libaratlr idveitiseii free of co?t to the mra>r. ap2 K. O. IIOLTZMa:.. 10th and I^ORRKN 1?UNFTRNISHF-L'. 1221Ct.?T.n.w?lSr 102i? l.>th st n.w,.10r.$05 *333 33 10<j8 10UisL n.w?9r. ? 17 Lafayette*?i., l?r...250 20th at. ear o. llir 05 1810 N st u.w- 12r 125 1731 19th st.ur 50 1'stn.w., 12ra 125 217 Dei. avr.u.e-I5r... .7 1 1413 K u w.. 14r...l20 1514 30tu st. n.w_ 17r.50 1125 loth s;.n.w.,15r.ll5 1370 b st. a.w . llr 40 1829 (4 at itw..lor . .lOO 2022 1 at n a.. 9r 40 1044 21?t st. U.w..l3r.l00 111 D at n.w.. Sr 40 1025 Mas.4. aVt .1U0 1909 7th st 11 w.. store 1304 Conn, ave., 13r...? and d?e. inir 35 1310 Vt.av. u.w..l'2r83.34 1012 E. H. sve.. Or. . V5 1704 Conn, ave., llr 75 1 '.'5 lat st s.w .. 8 r 20 2-llM 14th si 75 228 1st at. s.w., tin. ... 15 817 12th st n.w.,14r 70 230 lat at a w.. Or 15 1410gst n..w.. 12r 70 S')2 21st st u.w., Mrs. 1527 O at n.w.. llr. 70 222 1st st. s.w.. Or 15 24?? 14th st 00.07 2.12 is: st. ?.w.. 6- 15 '1 he above Bouses <-an ue exanimel ov iiermit t rota our oflice ouly. THOMAS J. F l.-Ul U k CO.. iuh24 1324 F at n_w. FOR SALE?HOUSES. B SALE?A VERY DESIRABLE HOUSE ON F'reMch st. n. w., between i>th aud 10th. apl l-3t LOVIS P. SHOEMAKER, 9-0 F st n.w. R SALE?AT A BAiiOAIN? Ffi F?\ Very d siraKe corner pr?>|?ertjr. improvwl; lo tion northeast: price, $3,300. Address Box 88. Sir ottoe. apl l-3t* F1B8ALE?NKW HOCsE, KENE8AW AVt. ML Pleasant 9 rooms, mod. impa.. ianre lot: flue site. Owner, beiiw about to leave city, will aeli st cost _apll-3t* BEN J. P. DAVIS, 1319 F st. 1.X)R SALE-TWO 2-STORY AND BASEMENT brick houses; all mod. imps.; 0 rooms 490 aud 4!>0Jt E at a.w. THO8. T. MYEiia. apll-Ot* 10219th st FOB SALE- 1 1410 11th st....$6,500 123BX. J ave.n.w.$1.40? 041 Masa. ave. n.e.. .5,000'1022 3d at a. a. 1.2.70 2229 13th atn.w...4,100!1112G st. n.a l.OOO Lis. c, 13k W n.w. p. ft. il for. 4th k Pst per ft 75c. 14 k Eaneaaw n. w. ft 05c 115 k Oraut ave. per tt 25c. 7-room house on Mi U.e. will be sold at a bargain. apl 1-31< A. S. CAY WOOD. 910 9th st n) w. 1MB SALE-HOUSES? J. Boundary at 2 a and Or^ frame. $2,600 E st n.w . 2 story snd basement, 6r :<.0tH> W at. n.w., 2 story and basement, 7r 4.350 Md. ave.. near Capi, 3 a. and b. m. L 0.250 R. L are., 13 r., in. 1* 12,000 THOS. O. HEXSEY, apll-lw 1226 F st ilw._ IXJR SALE?BRICE BOUSE. SIX BOOMS, IN Ex cellent condition, bath, furnace, lstrobe, concrete cellar, convenient to three car llnea; $3,100. BENJ. P. DAVIS, 1319 F at. apll-3f FJR SALE OR RENT-HOUSE 206 A BT. S.E. 10 roouis; southern exposure; Comfortstue house. In quire on premises. aplO-Of For sale-we offer new six room bricx houses within half souare of street oars: ciasn and heathful location: on terms of $100 csstt and $25 per month; no interest chlived on monthly paymenta. bWORMSTEDT k BRADLEY, 927 F st. aplO-lui 1X)R BALL? 1 ON PENNSYLVANIA AVENUE, PROMINENT BUSINESS OORNER. NEAR TREASURY. ap9-5t STEIOER k UEBEBMAHK. 1303 T st ?~OB BALE?4^ROOM HOLsK AX J' LOT, ONE block above Boundary .on t rssoent st,Meridan HilL ween 10th and 17th sts. cheap. Inquire of 8 A ML. MORTIMER, owner, on prsmisea. ap212t* JVOR SALE? _ in order to settle the affairs of a syndicate I am offering those beautiful Cottagwa on the north side of bath on the second floor. Open Are-place in ball; each hoiias baa a vide lot attached. 2 L 3x100 feet to a paved I a>ley, allowimr plenty of room to erect a liable. These houaes cannot be duplicated in the city for $5 per cent ' over the price they will be sold for. I have aim. several handsome building lots in the same sqoara, 21.3x100 feet, to a paved allay ;thaae lots ara ah curbed, pavsd Persons ii?iring" to pnrrhm a bom# oombiBinf **4 ad vantsvea of the city and country will please look at this property. The 7tk and 9tta-straet oars run direct to the entrance to the Park, 7th and T atresia. The howass will bs sold without the side lot if desired. Avail your self of this opportunity, ss tha property mast be sold JNO. F. W AGO AM AN, a?7-13t 1003-1006 F it n.w. 1MB SALE?STOP PAYING BENT: OWN THE ^bo-syoulivetn. loffjr for ?tain four sleeping rooms, all oa one >tscellars: fainsia ^BhjiT.aeibe m y at. slw. ??? for SALE?HOUSES. 1??* tu*-?om>nia mouse, i? e.?>ms w tji doltia ? rood htiaineaa. II arrltnu fWy wm?f W lrWTr u^, ,itj 4<KI It ata. U.W. M'lX :ir? ?,l,? Hoisk. 8 MOOM*. Wi F .4 ,. w. ?" " flVM PD . v <? ?tortM and cellar hasted br rarnica flrat-rlaaa Banr: ManiuKl. .< tl ^ . I loo* ; l ly. raa?T. lia^r"pric.""" \3Jl MKt. BO *""> Aiidraai Box BL Star office at* ?pott 8ALM-1748 P 8T. ? W? KtW 12-ROOM JTbowe; bath. fnrnaoaand mod law*.; price $14. ?00; ??? t?m? For i*ruut to lnapart apply to MLALLTbRowx k (XX. 1321 Fat wisu 1>>K SALE - loin OONX AVK.738TOI V AND ba~n?rnt brv k. fl n-.m* 3 hatha lot 31*1.T7?? to aila? $|7.000 ??. Hnu For permit to la ?palirii) to BEALL. BtuJ\? X k CO.. 13J1 E at. aplS lm For sale?bouses. 1301 K ?.a.w..b h.. 1801 to 1805 L at n ?ftVli .?-.?*?00 w..fh ?ia *.000 ??3.I ?? W, Bh.. m. 1208 ;,th at a.*. b.h,. nrUrl"2"i k.^000 ?l-?r 4.600 3001 B at u.w, t.h . ?3 E at. a.w_ o,t . Jfj - .....24,000 Br 5.500 400 )1 at n.w_ h.h.. m. #57 O at it. tk? ailUri ?i-u '-"-.500 Hi. iMM ?-J a?d 625 H?tw 804 8th >t tue.. Ik. W..b.h..and o boUM- 7m AilKI , I~f ?; ? ?:? ?->?.000 717 8th i.Va_ LB.. \S*T* m . 4.500 hn^ ls.000 4U k at a .a., Uk . 12 B at, bet. i:t and 14 n. ra 4.500 , llr 13.000HD and 13% at a 1.30 U at. n ,w_ Bh. w 1 h? 5 r*. 4.500 A. - -............... 1 ^.SOO SO.> 15th ?L U.W., kk.ll . 41 ?> .Id at. n.w? b.h, tu.L. 8r 4.500 I2.500 3.lsu, 44S ! ? ?> ?OM M at u.w .b.h..m. I.k_ Or 4.5O0 } ,r ?? ..11.0O0 t>4.\ and ?49 B at n.?., 1323 and 132.1 T at. Kh . 7r . 4 000 ml ? Br.S.750 to OB U at d.'?_ L k.\ 2033 H at n.w? Kh . 4r... . i.'>00 nU.. 12r ... 8.000 802 ?tk ?t'aa.'b.h.. 42M ti at n. w? Uk , 10 Or* 3.000 ? ?????? 8.1*00 .14 ?ik at n.a? f.h . 22J liui. ?m. u.w., h. 7r ?> 500 1? Mj rtl?at a a. b.h, 141W 20th ?U?.,li 7r?. 2.200 kanti.. 8r 7,.">00 ~ a. Cap. and 1 ?ta u m.. Uh , IU.L. Mr 0.000 .P" ??*'**?? o? 'T ? port Ink ?f tka nroportr nn mf Book.. lor fuU a.t c?l at ortir.- forhull.Ua la. ,?i,a tlielatand l.>tk. [apl:?] lUus LW?UuAHAK ymt SALU?<>XLY |2JCiO AM> ) ASV J trruia. arraral prvtty n.-w koaaaa. aw li ha- n r>?ma. i.u*ly n*|H-r. .l. l?tli ? th kalL Trranl*. irral*. rau.r, lairobo. nnat rkandc lie in, cellar. h?uaa22 faot ante, amitii troM. Aral tlaaa u>krtihorh<>od hi* near wm.1 wrtion; Ihm aona-ra twu lluaa .< vara. 011 ilu<?of 11 ar fable road, ivniinir fur t'J.V.iO i?r luouik. nii? Lome ur paying luvt -iuiant ?. A. OOCI.TER, apl3-2t* 23 St.? load Bm Idimt. J^?)R SALE-MI M 8T. X *'., HOI sK A\I> NTA bii". ?U in Arat-claaa condition. Unit, i^rlor. dndiitc r<K>m. kiu-n?n, an I Uaudrj uii kr?; floor.Nsl-routua on OH V i?rraa. Apply al c H AS. UAL' M s. 410 7tk at jtiiat 1.-HU; 8AIX-ONE OF THE HANDSOMEST Kl.ftl d?-noe? in noftkwvai. on y ?1 near ll?h $lu.o >0 A aplendid new double liuik^vl 11 room* 011 I JUi n?i?r S; bay arlli.'ow: all nu|? ?0,750. 1 Sow rroKi-bnck, l>'?) -ti-rtHinm. IniUi, and 1 crllar, fur 11 -re, aula and rear alle>a. on H naar : Ottt. .?ft,ooo. A little beauty on 13tk l'.w,. 0 rootua. b:.?li and ral I lar, preat brick and bay window, t ew #4 250 A 2-?tory ami baaeuient praaa 1 ru k, and bay a in a >?, 11 rooiua, all moil, ?ppointni'-nta. lot 20?100, eaat front, on 4lb at ?.e? ij*ar new Library .. (4.000 1 WO 2-? ?ry i.ud l?aeuieid bncka of 11 rvtotua eai'k, with all tu>ai imp*..on 1> ?t ?w.. near 3d, on ea y tei'Mia, each $11,500 Some flue liartrmiia in uorthweat and nortbaaal lruui . #2,000 to t.1.500. on monthly paji.i ni?. 1 Art ou t-n? at, Maridim Hill. .>0x1 (Ml. with on* 10 room and one 0-rooui liouae. on Ml irrma. at #4.500. A corner lot on Mend an Hill, hiirn. and on irrvi". at only HOc. b'tsSLVXN. the irrandeat anburb of Maxbiuir.un. at waat and of Ilia NEW EKEE BullNlE. at only 3c. and H . i#r foot. T. tl. KklHEBD k CO.. kpl3-2t K>-niove<l to l:r.?l F at. ^Oh SALK-I AM AVI HOKI/ELt TO Hi ELB A a|>eciai rate, for a fea daya. ou,.neof tb<aa band aume new 1 rick dwall nira. at u ite.1 on 15tk at. 11 above T atraet. contiiiuintr 10 rooiua. reiiar. Juruie >v batli nud b?auUiuil> |up. r< d. cryatal chaudeliera. *.... lor larth< r particular* aildnwi W .aH UAXEN'HOVIER. a; i:>-2w Suo-caaor to Dauankower k Bou. 1115 F at 1>R SALE-?REAT TXDUi I MEXT-Sl * PUE88 Brick Eront ilouaea. uoa bein^ t rt> led unar Man | tov Sguare n rtheaat. aouth front l*n<-?, only 4:1 IKHI. with iii. rai diacotint If 1 u i-uaa?l now \. 1,111|U> puy liu ata. Call and aec plana and obuin choice of liouaea. S- vi ral already aol 1 McLACQLF.X & BATCHEl.i.LK. ! f23- 3m 1225 1 at li.w. 1.VJB SALE SMALL ERAME. L'SDEI. i.l \ 1. Q| lot 2o*90, ou 4tk ? 11 c. apl 'lii'.i l liMV iit #tl00. I apl2-ot W HI 1 AKi:U k 4 ill Li AX, 14 17 1 at | l^oB SALE?AT A BAUOAIX 1 ? R A LIMITED I a time. Hotiaaa 472 anil 474 <1 at u.w.. 11 in .?iun and bath, all modern improvoaieula IU14U1R of OW M.,, 474 O at. BlhSO-lat* 1.M1K sale Hi ?l SES IN VT. PL1 A- ANT ?2.HKL * .,200, t:l,.>oo, $4.5oo, $.7,000, *12,000, *14.000. J. It HEItTEnKli. ai'l--??* 143BI* 1 ?t. IWK SALE?TEK-BOOM BAY WIMkih BRICK. P !?()"> L* at: a l iiuprotemcuta. aouth trout, couvau ient neighborhood, walnut ?lairtiw. open irratea $.VtNNi, tl.OOO caali. or reduction lor all ? aaU. OWNER. ?.)?> iKtnw apl2-3f 1'OB BALE?NEW THBEK-B lOBV BRICK DWEU !>ntr, ten room*, batli iooui and cellar funwe jtrl all modern linprnveuienta, liandaomely pai*r^i 1|> cato.1 two Mjuarea Ironi Ua|a>ut Circle; priin *h,500, terina vary e.i?r '11 Ll.U k RUTHEK1\>111>, 1 J.2H-11W 1307 F at a w. J^OK SALE-attractive Ht>l SE OH A ?X>B ner lot. with trruund* aurruuridiuir. 1318 :t0th at. beat locality of Oeorgeiouu, car* paaainjr the door. Inquire oi UEO. E bt'HAVER, Pacific Uui.diua. ai<i-3m 1,'iiR >Af.E?HOU8ES WORTH BET I MO? l.*>10 Q --t.. rt>duc?*d to $12,000 1444 idiode lai.hd ave. 21.tNI0 1310 1.tit at k,7 .*>0 1?00 llHtl at 10.500 1*10 1 at 11.000 1505 1 at .Va>0 1512 It at U.OOO 12 '7 l.^th at 2112 W ot 9.tN>U *|0-12t M M. PARKER. 1418 Eat. FOR SALE -712 9TH ST. K.W.. 22.10x>?'.4, 3 story ilwelliiitr and Store, at a Wraalu. .W. RILEk 1> l.liLE. ap5-lm 1310 r at 1>OR SALE?1511> V ST. N-W.: 22*100 lo ALU \ . twelve rooiua and ?e.lar. hard a00J tit.iah . Ilir e ilory iireaaed-bnck trout: a m -de. home, owner la unl oad and will aell low. Permit u ina|>ert cau be ob taibol only lrom W. BILLY IiLEBLL, 1310 Eat. ap.Vlui 1,N)lt'sali::-a "fixe small BUSINESS P1I0P . erty on Maw Vorkave, near 15th at n.w Two Learly Ui.w aeven-r oiu frame 11 jua a. uioderu im 1 roTeiiient*. lanre lota; 20tli at., near K n.w.. cheap, l'wn tir? amall bit* 120x701. K at.. Dear 2 lat n. w.. $2 per fool. X*o ornriuol Laila, L at. u< ar New Hamp ? hlre tve.; mm pricea. Two Lota. Maaaacbu : a dta ?vo..near l>i.pout Circle; 11 ? >rttl aide. $2 00. Ooe ' Lot, 18th at, near liupuut Circle, *2.25. A. 1- BELL k CO. ?khSO-lm 022 14th at. a. m. I, tilt 8AL1-IJ250 CASH. BALANCE *15 PER month : new and neal lrauie dweliiuir. 27.12 7th at 11>..d. 1 Unci,twoo.I ave >, op;a.aiu* mtiruuin Park. price ? 1.5Q0. Ap|> y 220 7ib al. aw. tH-'.ku t^Oll SALE - DELIOHTFl L private RESI. denrc 1010 tk>niierticui a re., tiiree-atory brick and ba*diuenl. doneb>>arraaut square: nine rooms. t III if bath-naiuia, laove cloaeta. rear iralleriea, 21 ieel front by 13". % t et deep to puhlk- allej . all uohvaui i-ucox, ueitrhborhood unsurpaaaed. 1 iiOB i. tlsher k CO.. rah24-lm 1324 F at n.w. FOR SALE ? L( )TS. I^OltBALE?CllEAP?TWOliiHID Bl'lLDING LOTH, oue aquareot 11 tt car line, on 4th at. lit.; eaat trout all improvement* iu atre. t; built up all maud. title perfect: Aantord*a Abairart to date. o. M. BRI AN I, owner, .">10 0th at. u.w. apl3-2t* I?OR SALE?SI B LOIS 13 AND 1 .">, su >130. LOT 13 fronta on Cat u e and mutaiiia 5 051 au faet la t l.t trontaon loth at n e. and i^'iitama 4.834 *4. I?t^ JNO.J1ABRISON. 230 10th at u.e. WIJ4K* 1MB SALE -144 FEET OK BOUNDARY. BE JT twean 13th and 14th ata u.w., at low | rice and very eaay t- rrna Alao, 2"> faet on B< undao , b-twe?n \ e run 1 tit are. and W at H.CLAY STEWART k SOX, 1224 Fat apl3-?t_ 1]*oR SALE?CHOICE LOT OX K ST.. BETWEEN ' 14th and 15th ata., 21 by 100. apllt-Ot Wll. P. TOCNO. 1M?R SALE? r Choice Lota at CAPITOL VIt.* PARK. Adjacent to Foreal Clou Park, at low ratea, and on mmj terma Apply to _ 8. E. LEWIS, 435 7th at B.W., apl3-8t (2d floor.)_ Fob s alb-owxeb offers desibable lots in aquare 1030. on Kentucky and South Carolina area. an. at 23 and 25 canto par foot. Addreaa R K., Mar office. apl O rtf TL?OR SALE?A LOT Oil MEW YOBK AVENUE IM J the immediate vicinity ?< the State l>-|iartiiieut 24 feet front by a little over SO feet devp. ?>nta.niu?r lh all 1.805 aq. ft. at a thrure making it an op|a>rtunity for a flue iiiveatuieut Alao, a lot on Q at u.w? near North Capitol atreet, only :15c. peraq. ft Party own inir tlieae proiiertlea dealrua to build thia aaaaon. ao off era them for aalo. HILL A JOHNSTON. apl2-3t 738 l.">th at B.W. 1XOR SALE-AT A BABOAIN?TWO OF THE 111 oat ueairaUe Lota ou the weal aule of 14th at ex tended, 50x150 teet each to 20-foo< alley. ap 12-tit steioer * liebermann, 1303 F at F_OR SALE AT A GREAT HAROAIX, SOEARB on the railroad, with awitch running into half of it which rente lor $1,440. Theotner half well located for bitlidiuff houaea. WAI.RF.R k WILSON. apl2-0t lOOtlEat. n.w. For sale?a few more of those very ue airable and cheap Lute ou Corcoran at. bat 17th at and New Hanipahire ave., in the immediate vicinity of the extanaive innttfovamente now betnc made on ttat atreet Lota 21 by S7)fc to 15-ft alley apll-at R. H. T. LEIPULD.1XJ1 Fatn w. I>OR SALE-special BARUAIXS -A FRONTAUB . of S6 feet on Boundary, at Junction of Vermont ave., 45 eta.; ooe of 83)* feat ou Mat, naar new Mia-ial Office. 70 eta. and one of 21 faet on M at. near 5th at n.w.. f 1.15TB. H T. LXIPOLD. 1331 Eat n.w. apl 1-31 Fr?nati.t_ S Lota. M at n.w_. at 50c. per aq ft 5 Lota, Stoabea at a.w., at ISc. pera$. ft ?Pll-Of Apply to R J. DALY. 681 F at alw. jrnipti rAOE OM Tl ? rt. for SALE?LOTS. fX?*~KAL* AS tMKX.I l? ?v 1.1 f . ? I >M? a.u buy aa Ik ;.?k o> M<> ua<i to a. ie,. an a Im?w muu( ; jr H> .'*) t*t B ?th. ?? I. ?*.. floee ? 1'iiiiMiintm. T rnm ?MH> wl balaiK-e to rwa l? >?ara at gtM In CHAM A- HHII.LI'H, IWOft Fltiw Mil E- ? UU-iot?< oapttoi. ??ia ?].?? Wth M. O.W.. VOaMI I U5?&k Modi s.v t>u k. 2 - V *4 kVlock r^'KIaaew" 40 " - ? block rj. Immm nokl. " 1, - 4...... Jti >i>?? ilnni. Lourroiu Js to -'A *na thoft ? BHIhET. apu-iw isvw f at. b.w. I>>R S4LE-L0T-IP TARKH WITHIN IU I'AYS I will wll at ? ?? nr.-.-, i,4 .*> u.i < ?( '(?] ?t. bo ttwii 14i)i aud l.Mn UiImi J.Tk,aui (4kt tg?-MM IX>R SALE <25 l>o*> AM) *10 fin MilMl ? ill buy well l.?-ated t>iii iiuc > t# '? ????? " ?4 ?* ?*MH*,(jur?(tiin. from Penna lit. K K lu.?,al on'.jr ?300 h A PHILLIPB. 14 1K NwwVorAae* uililT lai JV?B KALE-?LOTH. LARoE AM) SMALL ON AIO. ?liwu In Hunt ri*..ant nit,, in, i ,a i,i.i*ana UrvnnBa. Ale* Meridian Ha: Lo_a. Ba.nj. I'. 1>av 11 l.'.l.iFei Bkii In.* J>?R l>IU - BAROAtN- l/'T* I.N Ml ' ant. "Av . l?n>l Olel^ Mil . to .V . M ?<.. 70c.. >Ui at. _ iei.vv?i* J. R nrRiToitn. it-mHru |X)R MIX?YE OFVTH AT A HABOAIN Til* 1 lutluwintr Iota, to wbi.-h we mil tli- sit. uUon .4 MMm and oth>?a aeckina ?\>od livMrnmu, ru ?H) to 100 feet fruut by 100 on '.'1st at. lit, list J and P. 5.\0 M fmal bf 100 <? Coital at tie . one ?HIIH fi mi i Nortb Ut| Itol 173feel Ironl by 67, cx* Booth Oartt.,1 and fltf. 76 hot (runt by J'.lal kt ice.. I*t 1> an,11 6, M (r?ut by ll.ioti I Itli at n r . W. I and K. Iul 'J4 1m w \LAI.K A. W II.HOX, |(MHi F at. FOR SALE ? MI8CKLLAMBOOS i;irnai.f ( Httr iU*i h*?khi am> top r * W?I1 IDfwxl oumllUuu. t?? at lti E at. n.w ailS-a* ilOB HAl.F CHEAP-TWO 1HM>1 > I II.I li IV-iafee; one rneditun. one email nillee low to ei U at out ? ifniii to nuit Adtlrwea K-* Hll ftla -other 1* 1.VIR HALF -TO CoRl BA< TOR* oF HTKFir *nrl, anrral hundred I,a4> ol nanr urn d tiul a quantity o( rtunr lor ?ale Call from ft to 10 a.a .,? aUlMaJ. B JuUNnoN, lnaurrr Howard I ulvi ra.iy. _ _ _ a| M !tt 1n<iK 8A1.1A HA!<t>BOMK KT1 AM LAI kt'M. ;Mi-lt lull*. 7-ft. b aiu H. P. k?r,*lita ?'il f,>r luai. a|>l>*ndHUy mult, Trr> tm-l. lull lu wutoryi oinalbua <oi>, curtains fur autoa. iia-liln I'lated riimtir. oiudouaar. etc. For rartl, u.ara addrraa LAI' NCR. btar ult,? al l ;i ',l* 1>>H MAlJk-?okt t'AR LUAI> \? KINt HI U.H A ?nd thrv lartr*' horaea; tuat arr vwl at |> |*. I'KANM'i Portland *tnbl?a, ?43 tnaOli K V. ava. !i * Waahimnob. I) C at I I .It* 1>i)R 1AI1-A HIMmiir l>RA<i fi >K TWO liorar, iu tboroiurli ordar. luquin at ufb< ? ,1 tl>a CLAREKUOSi HOTEL ai'ia "f B>?B HALE HHORT N IMPURTFJ) CB AL> r l'wre. 4? Bn-ycla, Ml'uf-r< I mat. liail la<ariii<ra. kirkiatrK k aadtfla. rot liorn liar, a|>ada Imn tl -a. n>arly u?*w. baraaiu lot caali tWU 0 to tl. 7?7 1 lilt ?t. n.w. tru ;it* I^OH SALE?A YOI'NO, OF.NTLE BlTX. K Hi'lt>U atiiUMr fur Imly'a oaa. i?u ba aarn at XIH it at n a, from 4 to ft ai l - :#? 1MM ??ALF:^??A1^HI> ANI> UF.hlAI KANT. H. E"t m?>d aland aint ixiMnaaa. n,>oa but th,?* eweein# buaiu<?a nend apt'ly Addraaa HALOON, tlar uIUoa t?I2-St* LV'K KALI Poll WANI ill IM. A FINI I A ill r If Cmnagr. iioarly n< a Alao. ona 1 i*rv> AlTif tuW.C. JOrlSM?N. 7 lb 13tli aC u.m. at-l"-Sni F'OB HALF. A risi CARR1AUK. APPLY 131B t ?A. rnMB 4. ti'l'J .??? tV?B?Al.K?A Hl'PEKlOR RET OK IJOHT UOl BLI Hantaan TUOMA8 RUKEL1.1 A CO.. ?I r: :!t* 4S i <? i ?? n w. L'i'K HAI.E-TFN IMJL1.AKH Will. I I I.. I. * t JT iiv-Nix vorlL f.?<t CmL at VUi ?L a. ? ?1 11 Sf I, IN THE FUTURE Kl III Klir J. (H?n?taiitl3r on hand f??r mU?* tu.trl?<*1 hkUKU driVtTH. uildlv tu<l tiuiiiiti h ihim. Wr bav? i. w t.iit imirof bii*4 k? Ui Iiru>U. \-r\ i oiiw |?nir ii-imukhI iuhU bn> aait ? vers ?tjrWtoh; uut* |?ir k?Kirky bi|R, l i1- li?ud?. i?i |?ir lj% IimikIi, <?n?? In) iiiurf, l i unJh. irny mare, a and ou?* vry tun kt-uiuifetf Tb**?t li. tm* arr well, eound an<! wfll i?n?k-n. lahtlH ft CO aj 11-lB 13,'. . . H ?L d. ?. I^?H?AlaK THK KNCYCIiOl'.KliU HI I I A N N!? i 'A. liiiiKirtcKl by Char\*m N<-nbii '? s? ? h or Mil at a kr?e ai?coum (ruiu i>abli?u?ni j?rt< f? I y .MAI?!m?N k Oil, ai?ll !tt* 4 V lit. auri h iiBiylTaiifta ava m^ou bALr. nnv hhai ks or m:khu no* | r licat atid lWbt nt'H'k at pru^ii bHnw the market | | 5UU aiiarwa ofkiutfht tl?* trK ?*at^ "ImI bum* a\ ft liltAl?LFT. apll-ot mi 1 -t. n w.^ V(MKhAl.l Jlhl AHIiiMl '-M'Hl AlM.l S. I aiiiou* tin lot are auMalaadm m ai>n> *.?.*! all bora**# to tie aa n 4?r?*?OLtt J. M Hi I ol.L ft WriisL^ \ . rear of t?:i3 l? at. u.w. at lt? <>f IVOh BAM I tiKKAT RAliGAIKH IN P1AXOH One lanre Koaaao*^ C a?e I 4 rurbt Uraad Plana, nearly Hem . full rk*b quaittv ol tou?t ami fully war rant ?hL Only ftcwat $?K)U. kjmy |a> 11.i nia Uu? beautiful Koaewood fae? H?iuare haau,farva| | l-k- .. I.- a' ;> u? a iij.i ;ii nut ointlUoii but i.t tir uaed. C?>at 94.tO . Uo? olii) 4 Ami. IUaUl llli* cuv?r and ntool. Ka-} |*a> ui**nta. ? in* 1>I|I lull fequa ? ana. nearly m a.. i.if ????> |>aymeub>. coat ftudO. ium- art: all rare I baixa-na. 1UL 11ANO EICHAXOR. _ai?10 4Tt iHft Sfti E? I Kurbtee head of wnatern borwsa amot Hliai * una ' ?!>> ana dxivera, and froou liea\> ? -a. C?n )m* Nedi at J No. H (iHtl-N h. aulMU ?JT and ti'jy ?? ?*t ii.a yoK hALE rorK AND h i FA-M Mil ?< K\M | JT il> carriaaiac ft< r??*. kuunemi and i*utitr\ wiiar | Kavin?r tn*- city. The ienr?*M \arieti ol new nnd wr. ou<l l:*n<i eftffMMB ai?d ftyftgviea aia?j ? tin bai.-l, '-M ft t4*2nia. call and aee my kUh-Il. ?? K. C'K? LL apt* 4?i?5 P*. Mft '? a I IX)h mAVKKYCHK AP 4UJUitM?LKn L JT *i< - k > Sautiii* Ut>r?Kj. |?ii tbo!. i? ? d. | tiwner ir>e? to Luro^w. ?>r mould not |?an m.tb htm. | Iuquire l'JGrt New Ha>u|<anire av?*. apM-?it* 1X)K > \l I UH AL h?K ( A1TI Ap the Arhn?rtou )Mhtillcr% haacounnt ? i tiona tb**te v* lU be >< I Ah till* w iroiu nothing but |iure iriain it ia tuiiMil?r?4 | | the beat and auuat Blirttluni ot teed for n ?h. ? ?*t ?. ft?.. aod So eeceea* epvUoetoue ehseid , to the mauairer. b. N ?.AhU< >??!?. | a|'7-lui* Aleaaiidlia. Va ??l.l r l INI M.W . HUM I IRIUH1 Jl Piano lor ft:."*!.'*, lull iruarannM>. K W Al.1*t < ivi k 1 ft <X>? a>Jl Ttlid. u.w. am In F 1>>h ?A*.L BI.U FEA1 Hh.HH.. i:.i- A |1>1NI?. new and well?-ura,l tn?- l? i-t I r tla ?>ri ? <>~ aa >' ?tliara, .Mtc. a i-uuud. All or<i>m |? ?ui| My ?iHi? area. AI.liFJlTbKlliLB.IM Hub. m'IM L'oKKAl.! -I' TIM I.MloFHt 1 aUx k ot lira alio aaimd lund ?'arnaarm arrr oft, rafl tu U11. city tuantn-l ln?i; lau.l .lylra joii.N m. rorsa. arO-lm 4711 and 4K1 C at n nar Natioi al It u.l. *|3UR HALE?P1AR08 Al IlkKOAlM oM IINK J Mecond baud Buunra, kin.,. ivtu.rr. * I >11 I |k rtifbt, nearly new f-_'t)0. r .u* I'pri.-l:L t 'H .. : .ia lianoa for rani, lit oo kulu H a ?XI? 7 iliac hotuner Piano .ifrBrf. o-JB^im ,X)R hALL-JL'sr AKRJVl it KoBTI TMUHl.AB of Hora<? Irmi Anauata <'? -inty. t a. Al mu tbeia are aouie of the b~at Itral* H,,r^?averb ,,u*rlit tu tula city, weltrhiUK Iroiu I?,?!*? to loiirti-t L liuuilraf I- uud.. atrea lanaiuv fmm Ave to i:itrbt jaara. and ym-et, troni k77* to k'.'IMI A.I borae. aarran0 d aa rt|e> ivaautad or money n-tunilnd JOHS MMMORK, Prnfirtetar. 1XK1 UARoLn. Mtnw-r, mhTOlKt .111 Ml'Ui at n. w. l^OK H?LK - JL'HT AKKIVEII FROW loa'k.IN'<k M lian l\... Va.. 4U bend of rbmor ?ln ?ltuc ao,l draft bonaea. aim, anuie lo?-pru?d cart lioraea and I arm nana. aatUfactory trial aiaeti and ail al.Mia ktiarau. teed aa rei naenteJ. Mnbina in rear of ?1.' <J aC a^d 1107 C at. D.W. mh30-lat WM. VATFS. prop. RFX FIVKD _ THREE i ll kadma, uianu . _ _ . ? mm buannr <'<c J Aft. k_ I'BOBEY, ranuaitonea. l; :* i 3'.'d at B Baan Imrton. eon New tori ava and ftili at. aafc'^S- Ijb 1>JK SALF: BLIj rEATHERB, lie I.R M B. J clean. Utc iitcked. the twai lor the m ine, II^n FeaUieTK, .'iOc. a lb., all ordera ktrouitUy d.-li\araii. W M. BEITZ. 724 Jd at n. e. fM ?i)R hAl.fc ? \ EK1 tHUP-Lun hlloPftoK^ and aeectud-hanil travel in* trunk, and laar*. a au, nuirlf and douole baru?awa. bor.e blank' i- r.'Itaa l?iowooat. BFCKLR ft. 1345 IB. ava.; lm_ I.XJR KALE-OVFTR 100 CARKIAi.Eh, Bli?.ll% A variuatieii and ymlntad wawona. eanMtarX Blf and lead wavuuaon uioutniy ivynacnta urcaali J 1. VOOE.JI-'Mo M at, Oeorretown. ml? 17-Ska l>Jh bALE-t ANAICIFh. PARllolB. OUMUofc J and Eam-y pDreoua. r?t> for bat, lilntr of fauV duckena. Ac. . bCHMlIt h l-ird fttor% mhltf-lm* 317 l'.'tk at. a ? HA1.F ? THE T>TT< f <*Ati INi.lkf if. guirea no boiler, avo.tla all e?|<enai?e alt. l.n-e no loaa of tima, no nanil.iua of fuel bend f.*ctrraiar and price Uat. D RALLAt F. Aart. 731 7tbat nl . tiua "suburban property. For bALA - JUST RETEIVED - loaila of camairea, buaiwiea aud nb tartured by Hie Celebrated Columbu 1XJR bALE?KUBLRRABf? One of tbe beat (otiv :o Lanier H< urbU. l,ot aa4 Cold aaterbaUi.i-el.ara.aial.lein rear. For (ternut ka lnapect application rnurt be m-kej^ Dt Llil K apl3-lm 1 -?tlf> I ac n.w. X)R aai.a _ rvurUTTOkni Bo Alt IK "IA1A 1 view Hetrbta." ad)ouiiia( W aabinari. n Inu : m pnoaw to suit, oa lone ttiue or monthly laymenta. at .Spec rent lutereat , lata in our . mce (ray and aidewaU ua front. atMTaa run dally. BLALL. BROB A A CO.. _apl3-lm . U"1 E at. IXIi BALE- _ , . r" Choice Lota at CAPITOL VIE* PARK, Adjacent to Foraat t*to> Park, at low rate* aud tm ?MT tenon Apply to ?. E. LLWla, 435 7lA at. I *. apl3-Bt <*d Boor.) noiTSALE, REKT. OK EACH A No K EARN ?ITI r MaBUW nearly tBrukabeu. auitable fur .uuimar boardera Alan, ?aaailer t< inn try pruuerMaa to rem I* familiea for anmBter. Apply to Hi ALA 1 A 111 1 J. 0^4 14th at- B. w. apl 1 4i f42? OURLKT BROTHERB. 131V Fat T?OR HALE-llE BOLD BT MAT 1 at BABOAIB*-. HOttBMB, adl of water. witA wind mil, atUuA sst. ?stxrsxr&zixxx: i wltb | t t DYML boo lath at a w kimrn, scrirbar i