LOCAL MENTION. Thf Weather. For the District of Columbia. Eastern Penn svWania. New Jersey, Delaware. Maryland > lrguua. and North Carolina, fair; warmer' followed in western Virginia and North Caro lina by cooler; southwestly winds. Sraixo Sttle Silk Hats. #5; best. *6 New shape a and shades in Colored Derby*. Nice line Stylish Black Derbys. ?1.50 to ?4. Stetson s Soft Hats. Crash and Hannock Bats L*wit 4 So.*, 1421 New York ave., nr. 15th Also a nice assortment new neckwear. Maqiix's 25c. Candy7525~llth si. n.w. T** Goldrs Eaole Clothisg Co. extend ? cordial invitation to all. especially their old customers, at their new quarters. So. 211 Penn sylvania avenue southeast. Capitol Hill Bar E^,a^lhl,tPirtmCnU m Cl?lhuig' inT?h' "Losdos's Verdict." t x'?: " Jo?e* F R- 8.1..etc.. savs: 'The Ideal Felt Tooth Polisher, unlike bristles, is Harmless, and through its polishing and ab sorbent properties preserves the teeth." Th* Georgetown Custom House received 2s?erday 111 bund from Amsterdam per steamer ale, unset diamonds to the amount of 51,643 Uulden. These were imported direct by It. rt *eris A I o.. 432 7th street. Purchasers of fine diamonds are invited to inspect these goods. Reform Waists. M. C. Whelax, 1205 F. Gescixe Turkish asd Persiax Bros, in all sizes, and Portieres at a heavv discount, at D K. Varzhabedia-x's. 61H-620 14th st. Friday Omi.?Si* dollar pair solid gold spectacles for *2.85. at 409 7th street n. w. If Yoc Woru> like to have a fair, clear com plexion take Page's Sarsapariila. It will quickly remove all impurities from the blood. For sale at Mertz's Drug Store, 1014 F street. Mme. 31. Neilsox, Corsetiere, formerly of New lork, 52111th st., near F. Edxoxwtox A Co., have closed their Avenue ?tore and will continue the Shoe Business at 1339 and 1341 F street, opposite Ebbitt House. Sexd O.ne Cent postage to "Domestic'' Sew ing Machine Office. 7 th and H. for new Do mestic Spring Fashion Catalogue, illustrating over 1,500 newest styles. Fiyxrv's Compovxd Syrt"p of Bvchu positive cure for all diseases of the kidneys, bladder, ?nd urinary organs. 7th and I sts. n.w. Use Rex Fi RMTrnE Polish?Sold bvP. Han son Hiss M * g Co., 81515th n.w., also druggists. Bidiso Corskis made"to order, 521 11th st. Brr Yorm Coal, Coke and Wood from Johx sox Brothers, the leading firm in the Dis trict There is nothing "peculiar" about Page's Sarsapariila. It is an extract of well-known vegetable alteratives skillfully prepared in a pal .table form for the cure of blood diseases. , Pimples, blotches, blackheads, eruptions disap pear after its use. ' Mertz's DRro Store, ^ 1014 F street. To Hoi-sekeepers that want to buy Furniture, Carpets, Oil-Cloths, Mattings, Hugs. Ac. Go to the largest instal- j ment bouse in the city. Special inducements to cash I nyers. at J. G. Slaters. 310 and 312 Penn. ave s. e? Capitol Hill. 10 Lbs. Fresh Bur. 50c.; 10 lbs. corned beef. 50c.. at New York Market. 3d and Ind. ave. n.w. Uas Drop L;ohth.J*7o. C. A. Mitdpimax. 1206 F. Throimb iue Telephoxk. "Hello!~ "Hello, there!" "Is this the doctor?" "Ye?, what do you want." * '1 ve go! a bad attack of dvspepsia. What shall I ,i >for it." ? Gc: r. bottle of Cook's Balm of Life. It ? tbe best remedy for dyspepsia 1 know of and will cure you at once." CrsTo* Cornets made to order, 521 11th st. Ax E vsv \\ ay to keep well during the warm mouths is to take a bottle of Page's Sarsapariila in t> spring. It will purify the blood and keep up a healthy circulation. r?i;ivE Sale This Week. ?t1.50 Snivrnu Mais, best quality for 95c. *3 Sm>rna lings, best quality, sl.t?. c-t Sniiruu 1.: >.?. best quality, ^2.95. r5.S0 Smyrna Rags. best quality. ?3.95. Scr.m .V. \ ard: Pongee Drapery 15c. yard. A lot oi rt uinants of best Ingrain Carpets 40o yard. r Solid Osfc Chamber Suite. 8 pieces for $29.50. Matting*. Baby Carriages and the Leonard lit fri^erators at bottom prices. W. H. Hoeke, 801 Market Space. SrRixo Styles. JI?. n's Felt Derbys, ?1.50and * -? extra value. A. T. Lewis. 435 *7th street. Fvssell < 1'irE. H2."i X.Y. avenue, the cheap est and u.o>t genteel dining-room 111 the city. Su-'Ks For Ladies and Children. Last week of Epmosstox A Co.'a discount sale. 1339 and 1&41 I Street, opposite Ebbitt House. No liruiK-li Store. SoMEiiiixu th;.t pays better than Washington rtsl (state. A bottle of Page s Sarsapariila | tak^ u now will save your health in the summer. lKNTS TO-NIGHT. NaTIOxal.?"Natural Gas." Albaiiiu's.?"Said Pasha." Kerxax's.?Variety. Harris .?"The Emigrant." Globe. ?Variety. CONDENSED LOCALS. In Circuit Court, division 1. Chief Justice Bingham yesterday gave a judgment bv con fession in the case of H. H. Wells agt. D. W. Busheyhead for *5.000. This was a suit for SIO.UUO for professional services rendered a lew years ago. Yesterday an exemplified copv of the will of David Holmes, of Virginia, was tiled here to complete a chain of title. Yesterday Frank M. Green, by Mr. H H Wells, filed a suit against James H. Marr to re cover *151.25 which he claims is the aggregate of sums exacted of him as interest at 5 per cent ? month on a note, dated March 27. Inch. for *050 and its renewals by curtailment tili finally paid in October last. A committee consisting of Gen. P.. D. Mussev, Job Barnard. John A. Vandoran. Mai Wei'ss and Gen. t.iorge W. BaUocli was appointed *"t evening at a mee'ing of members of the Army of the CurnWrlaLd to draft resolutions relative to the death of Justice Matthews. 1 he remains of ex-Representative Peter Paul Mahoiiev. who died at the Arlington in this city yesterday, as stated in The Star, were taken last evening to his home in Brooklvn where the funeral will take place from the Ferr* 1 * >1>e- * brother. Mr. E. D. The incorporator, of the Washington and Western Maryland railway Yesterday elected commissioners to open the books for subscrip WvTh i "v**? unpa?wt T. Dunlop. J. \V. >\aish. [.. V LuugUiuau. Frank Hume. Spencer Ma.then ?. J. b. Henderson, and A. B. Arplev. Ixstallixo a Pastor.?Rev. W. S Miller was last evening installed as pastor of the Our ley Memorial church on Boundary street be tween Cth and 7th streets. Kev. Y>r. Sunder Iftnd presided. Kev. Mr. Campbell, of Balti more. preached the sermon. The address to the congregation was delivered bv Bev Dr Bartlett. and that to the pastor by Bev." Mr! The Alpha Delta Phi Fraterxity.?The Washington graduate association of the Alpha Delta Phi fraternity held its annual dinner at Willard's last night. Speeches were made bv Glenni W. Nchoheld, Hon. Henry Stroug. Will iam E Curtis. Dr. W. A. Bartl'ett. au.l Gov Andrew Schuman. Tli - officers for the next ?ear were elected as follows: lYesident. Hon Henry Strong, vice-president. S. R. Bond; aec retarv and treasurer, buaiio E. Fox; cho'ister. Theodore S. Wvnkoop; executive committee' William E. Curtis, R. H. Mayer and James Mayuard. A Coxvrxtio* of Catholic Kxiohts. The commauderies of Catholic Knights here have Chosen a committee to make Die local arrange ments for the eleventh annual convention of the R. c. l".F Knights of St. John, to be held here in Jnue. The committee is composed of L. H. Lanhain. chairman; J. H. Fletcher, sec retary; L. J. Herbert. Joseph Davis. G. Coakley M. Z. Booth. J. T. Jeunnigs. 1*. Howhn, C. E Cooksev. A. Langley. T. A. Dutfy. M. O. Stack, James Lawler, James G. O Connors and Wm. G. Murphy. Xabbiaoe LlcsxsEa. -Marriage licenses have been issued by tn? clerk of the ci>urt to Irvin B. Moulton and Mary L. McComas; Jno. T. A. Oreen and Lizzie Brent, both of Leesburg, Va. Benjamin Davw and Sallie Tell, bdth of Mont-' Cfry county. Md.; H. Nathan Feder and ? Parker, ofJDay w>a, Ohiu. TYLER DIAMOND ROBBERY. The Burglars Arrested and the Property Recovered. ! HOW THE FOLIC* adroitly WORKED THE CASE UF AND MANAGED TO CAPTURE TilE BOBBERS AND | SECURE THE STOLES JEWELRY?THE THIEVES CONFESS? THR DIAMONDS HID IK A SHANTY. The burglars who robbed the residence of Lieut. Tyler on I street about ten days ago, | carrying off #11.000 worth or jewelry, have been arrested and all the property has been re covered. The burglars have made a confession. When the robbery was committed the police were notified without delay, so that the burg lars could not get much of a start on them. The detectives went to work with a will, and were confident from the beginning that they would soon capture the criminals. On the night of the robbery Lieut. Hollinberger and Detective Raff visited the Tyler residence, but. getting no clue except the foot-prints made ;n the soft earth, they were unable to ac complish anything that night. The next morn ing Detectives Raff and Home visited the resi dence and took measurements of the impres sions made by the burglars feet. From the circumstances attending the robbery the offi c?n were satisfied that it was 4P DONE BT "SECOND-STORY BURGLARS." As heretofore published, the house was en tered early in the evening, while Mrs. Tyler was getting ready to attend a reception. The room where the jewelry was kept was unoccu pied for only about ten minutes, during which time the burglar did bis work. The door lead ing to the hall was locked, thus showing conclu sive! v that the job was done by n "second-story wor^r." The houses of Senator Dawes and CoL A. T. Britton had been entered and robbed in the same mysterious manner. While pur suing their investigations the detectives, with the assistance of Policeman Weedon, located the gold watch taken from Col. Britton's house. THE BURGLARS ARRESTED. This gave them a clue on which to work, for they were satisfied that the three burglaries had been committed by the same persons. The watch was recovered from a man who pur chased it from a negro named Louis Wavman. Knowing the negro's reputation the officers were satisfied that he was one of the burglars, and they determined to arrest him. Wavman's companion, the officers learned, was a negro named George Parker, who lives at No. 1111 New Hampshire avenue, and they also deter mined to arrest him. Sergeant Trunnell, with Policemen Hurd and Keefe. went to Parker's house about 2 o'clock yesterday morning. Parker was in the house, but he refused to open the door. Seeing that the officers were after him. he crawled from the window to the roof and defied the officers to arrest him. He attracted the officers to the rear of the house, hoping to jump to the pavement in front and escape, but Officer Keefe was on the alert and caught him before he could away. Parker was then placed behind the bars to await the arrest of his companion. Later in the day Detective Mahon and Policeman Bailey arrested Wavman in the "Division," and he was also locked up. HIS BIO SHOES FIT THE TRACKS. Detectives Raff and Home visited Parker at the station yesterday and took his shoes. They went to the residence of Lieut. Tyler with them and the prisoner's shoes fitted the impressions made in the earth under the window where the burglar had undoubtedly jumped. When they returned to the station and told the prisoner what they had done with his shoes he ex pressed sorrow for allowing them to take them without 'first consulting his lawyer. In con tinuing the investigation the officers traced the prisoners to the room of James Waters, the colored janitor of the St. Cloud building. During the day they procured a search war rant and with Officer Weedon they went to the room of the alleged "fence." There they found two handsome overcoats, one a fur-lined coat and the other a large chinchilla ulster. They also found a suit of clothes and a watch which Waters told them he purchased from the prisoners. HOW THE JEWELRY WAS FOUND. Waters' statement satisfied the officers that he also knew something of the $11,000 worth of diamonds, and they decided to take the chance? on questioning him. "Where is that package they left here?" asked one of the officers. Then the prisoner weakened and said he would tell all he knew. He did so with the un derstanding that he was to be nsedas a witness. He told them that the package or box contain ing the diamonds was in a house about two miles beyond Cniontowu. The officers hired a carriage and started with Waters to recover the jewelry. They drove over the rough roads to a shanty in the woods where Waters said the stolen property was concealed. The carriage was stopped and the officers made their way through the woods to the shauty. Entering the dilapidated structure the offic ers fo und on the floor in the back room a small wooden box on which was a lock. The lock was broken off and in the box were the stolen jewels. The re volver taken from Col. Britton's was also in the box. Besides Lieut. Tyler's jewelry there were several gold chains and lockets, supposed to be stolen property. THE BURGLARS CONFESS. When they returned to the city Waters was taken to the station where Parker was locked up. Parker, when confronted bv Waters and the property, made a full confession. Later in the dav another visit was made to Way man's cell and he also made a confession. Parker they admiited. climbed the porch and entered the window, while Wavman watched from the outside. The prisoners are held until they can be further investigated. The supposed stolen property recovered is held at headquarters for identification. Both Wavman and Parker are well known in police circles. Wavman is the negro who kicked the late Policeman Phil Thompson and caused the loss of his eyesight, for which he was sentenced to the penitentiary} and Parker has served time in tne penitentiary for burg lary. Transfers of Real Estate. Deeds in fee have been filed as follows: K. S. Murchison to Sophie A. Galloway, part 9. block 37. Columbia Heights: ?1,300. Jus. L. Norris to W. F. Holtmian et ?L, in trust, part 19. sq. 517; $?. B. F. Leighton to JohuG. Pettibone, lots 3 and 6. block 17, Brook land: $335. Mary Ella Fletcher to N. H. Duval, pt. 1. so. 104: $250. Ac. G. R. Repetti to Geo. Brown, sub D, sq. ?42: $1,100. Jos. Forrest to Unborn Dorsev, sub 37. sq. 950; $1,250. T. W. Smith et al to D. Birtwill, pt. 7, lots. sq, ^09; $?. R. I.. Hen derson to Josephiue Baker, pt. sub A. sq. 51: $2,000. H. B. Cooledge to J. 11. Gulick, sub 28. sq. S33: $498.75. C. Gessford to O. L. Wolfsteiner et al.. sub 80 ?q. 805; $3,100. T. E. \V;iKK*man. trustee, to G. R. Repetti. pt. 9, sq. 870: $1,500. Real Estate blatters. Thomas Dowling, auctioneer, has sold at public sale the following property belonging to the Easby estate: Lot 2, sq. 10. to Dr. L. W. Richie, 33 cents per souare foot; lot 3. sq. 12, improved by three small brick houses, to P. G. i Sailer, for $2,900; part of lot 8. sq. 12. im- j proved by brick house, to L. A. Litth field, for i $"<30; same lot and square improved by three I small brick house's, to P. G. Saner, for $1,500; i lot 7. sq. 62. to L. A. I.ittlefield. at 6 cents per I square foot, tax title: lot 4. sq. 88. to John F. 1 Shea. 4 cents per square foot. tax title; lot 5, sq. 88. to John F. Shea. 6 cents per square foot, tax title; lot 14, sq. 8M. to John F. Shea. 19 cents per square foot, tux title; lot 9. sq. 12. to Dr. L. W. Ritchie, foT 11 cents per square foot, tax title; lot 2. sq. 16. to T. B. Harrison. 6 cents per square foot, sub ject to taxes. $2,340. tax title; lot 21, sq. 37. to John Miiler, for 8 cents per square foot, subject to taxes $1,413. tax title; part of lot 6, sq. 104, to T. B. Harrison, for 15 cents per square foot, subject to taxes $2,036. tax title. The wharf property was sold at private sale for about $34,000; th* purchasers being L. A. Littlefield and H. L. Crauford. T. H. Hall has bought for $4,250. of W. Irving Boswell. pt. lot 5. sq. 755. 20x103,'* feet on 2d street. In'tween E and Massachusetts avenue northeast. Sent to Albany Penitentiary.?Last even ing the jail officers sent to the Albany peniten- ( tiary the following persons convicted by the i Criminal Court: John H. Sinnns. bigamy, and j Frank Washington, larceny from the person; j each five years. Eli Howard, housebreaking; ( four years. Dorsey Fultz and John Barnes, j assault with intent to kill; Benjamin Thomas , and Mary Jackson, grand larceny; each three I yeary. Dennis McDonald and Lumintn Jack son. grand larceny; one year each. Edward Holley. housebreaking; two years. A Concert of Irish Music.?Mr. William Ludwig. the great baritone, who created such a furore by his work with the American opera company,is this season at the head of a concert 1 i company which devotes itself mostly to ren dering Irish music.The company will appear at Albaugh's on Sunday evening. Besides Mr. Ladwiz, Mine. Adelaide Mullan, soprano; Miss Annie Lay ton. contralto; Mr. Henry Beaumont, tenor, and Mr. C. Kendal Irwin, pianist, are members of the company. The Names of the artists who will appear in Robert Elstuere next week insure to the patrons of the National a very able effort in behalf of I (he piece. ? ? VIEWS FROM THE HUB. How the Camera Club Entertained its Friends Last Night. Illustrated Boston ' was the title given by the members of the Camera clnb to the enter tainment which they gave their friends at Grand Army hall last night The hall was com fortably filled when the president. Mr. Robt L Fisher, jr., announced that the screen would show some views of Boston, accompanied by a lecture, which would be read by Mr. J. Albert Cole. The views were taken by members of the Boston Camera club and the lecture came from the same source. ,Mtr- Gole, 'n introducing the subject, spoke or the eliorts of the various associations of amateur photographers to make their lantern suae exhibitions interesting, the plan having been finally adopted of photographing each one s city systematically and then sendinc the slides around to the other clubs for exchange, accompanied by a running description. Washington to be photographed. 'Washington would be so treated and shown here first, followed by other cities. Then the lights were lowered, and for more than an hour the audience wandered through Boston, up her hills, along her crowded thoroughfares amidst new scenes, throbbing with the life of the present and then in old places, filled with mem ories and associations of the past. The harbor was first treated, and several pretty water scenes were shown, preceded themselves, bv the way, by two maps, one of old Boston with 780 acres, and the other of the modern city with 450,000 dwellers. Paul Bevere came in for that share of notice that his repu tation deserves, views being shown of his home wiih its projecting second story, and after ward the church where the lantern signals were hung to warn the patriots of the ap proach of the British. A bit of colonialism was shown in the burving ground on Copp's Hill. Faneuil hall. King street, the scene of the Boston massacre, THE OLD STATE-HOUSE where incipient liberty bubbled over the edges before the first blow was struck, the old South church, Craddock's mansion, which he never occupied, and the Adams' homestead. These were a few of the scenes which Hashed out on the screen and made the slumbering enthusi asm of the spectator's throb just a little, while the lecturer.full of the spirit of the times.made eloquent allusions to the incidents suggested by the scenes. The paper was admirably writ ten, abounding in pretty descriptions and pointed with sly Boston humor. The Boston of to-day was by no means Blighted in the notice given to the"older views, and nearly all of the fine buildings with which the city abounds were shown. A delightful stroll was taken through the grounds around Harvard, a spin through the beautiful parks, and then a lazy jaunt up the Charles river. As sonre delicate work appeared the artistic in stincts of the photographers in the audience were aroused and applause was frequent, rival ling the noise that came down through the Boor from an entertainment going on above. There were several good views shown of sleighing and skating scenes, and one that caused some excitement, an excellent view of the Boston base ball grounds with a crame in progress. DISTRICT GOVERNMENT. TELEGRAPH POLES. A permit was issued yesterday bv the Com missioners to the Western Union'Telegraph "ompany to consolidate their lines of poles on i 15th street, between B and Pennsylvania i i venue northwest, by stringing all the wires on i line of poles on the west side, and removing ; ?u the poles on the east side. PURCHASE OF A SCHOOL SITE. The Commissioners have bought for a school ''tea lot on i' (West) street. Georgetown, from t. J. Stanton. 81 by 110 feet, at u cost of $1 per square foot. miscellaneous. The Commissioners have issued an order, relative to special assessments, to the effect that hereafter all records relating to such as sessments shall be kept by the special assess ment clerk, who shall report to the Commis sioners in all assessment cases requiring their special action. The Commissioners have granted the re Juest recently made by Postmaster-General rt anamaker to pave the alley adjoining the skating rink. The B. & O. a New York Line.?The B. A o. tins now in service a complete schedule of fast express trains between this city and New York. 1 he average time is quicker than via any other V?e' *>u"n,.an 8 Parlor and Sleeping cars on ill trains. No extra fare for fast time. Bee B. k O. time table, this paper, * THE COURTS. Police Court?fudge Miller. To-day William Brown, vagranev; bonds or >0 days. James Ford, do; personal bonds, harles Dilla, disorderly conduct; .$5 or 15 lavs. Ilenry Coleman, colored, disorderly :onduct and carrying a razor; 635 or 75 davs tobert Bland, vagrancy; bonds or CO days. Jrulget Jiyan, disorderly conduct; y5 or *15 lavs. George Nelson, profanity; do. Edward 'orter. disorderly conduct; do. George Price Jeorge lihodes, Frank Blackston and Marshall Alliums, colored; do, do. GEORGETOWN. A Gold Watch Stolen ?Mrs. Annie Hutch ns, of 3113 M street, reported to the police ves .erdav the theft of a gold hunting-case watch, rallied at e35, from her bureau drawer on the I3tli inst. Street Improvement Needed.?Thirtv-sixth itreet from Prospect avenue to O street stands rreatly in need of improvement, and the resi lents on it are greatly disappointed that it is lot on the Commissioner's list, as petition after petition has been circulated and signed re questing the improvement. Dangerous.?There is a dangerous hole in he iron covering of the sewer trap on the lortheast corner of 31st and N streets. Better.?There was a slight improvement in he condition of Mr. Joseph I. Birch this norning. Temperature and Condition of Water at 7 i.m.. Great Falls, temperature. 50; condition i2; receiving reservoir, temperature, 52; con lition at north connection. 26; condition at iouth connection, 18; distributing reservoir temperature. 4h; condition at influent gate louse, 16; condition at effluent gate-house, 12. ANACOSTIA. Runaway Accidents.?On Monday morning a horse belonging to Mr. Geo. Armstrong, a coal iealer on Bridge street. r.,n away. Oscar (licks, the driver, was thrown from the cart ?ud was picked up with a broken rib and severe injuries about the head. Dr. Torry attended the injured man who was afterward taken to 1 ro\ idence hospital A horse attached to the wagon of N. Studer, a florist, living on Good Hope road, ran away on Anacostia bridge Wed nesday morning and eolliding with Dr Torrev's uuguy, turned it completely over. The doctor escaped with a few bruiaeB. Personal.?The family of Rev. Ezekiel Rich jrdson. pastor of the M. e. chuch, arrived on .Tuesday, and in the evening a reception was hel.l st the parsonage. l{ev. Geo. Bowman and wife, of the Anacostia Baptist church were among the invited guests. Mr. Horatio Shannon and wife, and Mr. Harry Shannon.who have been spending the winter in California have returned home. Mrs. Shannon is much improved in health. RRR OO Y Y * t R R O O V Y A I RRR O O yy A a f w 11 i\ A v . j* R k ?00? S ? - ? k OO Y A A u.LL R A Lf I III r? 11} o??o z w\ s n n r So vaw k d I* K ?? OO W W ddu ?kk u S : ABSOLUTELY PURE. j",rer a marv" <* runty, atrength, and whole* me new. More economical than Hie ordinary kinds, an J cannot be sold in competition with the multitude ol low-teat, ahort-wtiirht alum or phoaphate jnjwder. bud utuy m em*. ho\AL ban ix" i'owiuu. ix>.. 1 oo \\ aii attest. n. i. >nl'-'-m,tu,thki J ?9??- 804 10TH STREET k w car londi frreoh Portland csiuebt mid plaster bi?.'? >uuk ?uu uharcu^. THE PRINTERS' ELECTION. The Successful Candidates Announced? Details of the Voting. The connt of the vote cast yesterday after noon at the annual election of the Colombia Typographical anion was not completed till ?boat 6 o'clock tbis morning. The successful candidates were as follows- For president, Wil liam R. Ramsey, of The Evbsiso Star compos ing room; for vice-president. Edwin Payne; for secretary, F. H. Padgett; for treasurer. John J. Higgins; for reading clerk, Robert W. Burn si do; for sergeant-at-arms, Chris C. Auracher; for doorkeeper. Granville Harford; for trustee. B. C. Wright; for delegates to the International Typographical union, James H. Piatt. E. W. Oyster, A. P. Marston, and Henrv 8. " Sutton; for delegates to the federation of labor, W. E. Shields, E. W. Patton. J. K. Seagraves, L. H. Patterson and Joseph M. Brennan. The vote in detail was as follows: For president?0.8. Montz, 161; Wm. B. Ramsey, 431; D. S.Walton, 402. For vice president-^-Jfts. H. Brooks. 138; W. W. Ludlow, 33S-. Edwin Payne, 502. For secretary?F. H. Padgett. 975. For treasurer?John J. Higgins. 911. For reading clerk?R. W. Burnside, 745; R. O. Ferrier, 113; Donald Munro. 122. For sergeont-at-arms?Chris. C. Auracher, 750; Jas. C. Speer, 219. For doorkeeper?Granville Harford, 957. For trustee?B. C. Wright. 949. For delegates to I. T. U., (four to be selected.)? John R. Berg, 84; H. Y. Brooke, 203; Thomas W. Clark. 9'; Charles Danenhower, 29; 8. H. Daougherty, 139; Joseph Dierken, 225; Ben. D. Ellis, 16; William Floyd, 93; Jesse F. Grant. 83; E. C. Grumlev. 115; A. P. Marston. 300; John H. O'Brien, 207; E. W. Oyster. 311; James H. Piatt. 363; C. B. RuUliffe. 282; J. B. Bice. 54; Charles M. Robinson, 209; James H. Ross, 270; George G. Seibold, 158; Henry 8. Sutton, 294; Henry Webb, 177. Delegates to F. of L. (five to be selected).?Richard F. Aull, 257; Joseph M. Brennan, 348: Matt. D. Coughlin, 336; T. R. Davidson. 329; Timothy O'SuTlivan, 294; L. H. Patterson, 417; E. W. Patton, 493; J. K. Sea graves, 432; W. E. Shields, 603; Alpheus Sholl 292. At a meeting of Pressmen's Union. No. 1, last night, P. 8. Sprightly was elected a dele* gate to the International Union. Mr. Spright ley received 51 votes, E. Maher 21, and Jno. W. Wright, 4. Henrv Hardie, the New York forger, has made a confession at Halifax admitting that the charge made against him before thd judges is true and expressing a willingness to return to New York with the officers. He'was re minded till Saturday. The store and dwelling of Mr. Wm. E. Cov ington, of Bock Point, Ma., was burned Friday last; loss about S 10,000 or til,000; no in surance. The Globe dry goods establishment, Scran ton, Pa., owned by Clelland, Simpson Jc Taylor, was burned yesterday, causing a loss of $200, 000. Gieuseppe Ruffoni, who was arrested in Bos ton some time ago charged with a murder in Italy, was released yesterday, the Italian gov ernment not demanding his extradition. Chattanooga, Tenn., voted yesterday to issue $700,000 in bonds for streets and sewers. The city was wild with excitement. The work will commence immediately. X our Blood I Needs s thorough cleansing this spring'. In order to expel the Impurities which have accumulated during the winter, or which may be hereditary, and cause you much suffering. We confidently recommend Hood's Ssrsaparilla a* the very bent spring medicine. By its use the blood is purified, enriched and vital ized, that tired feeling is entirely overcome and the whole body given strength and vigor. The appetite is restored and sharpened, the digestive organs are toned, and the kidneys and liver invigorated. BLOOD POISON. "For years at irregular intervals in all seasons, I suffered the intolerable burning and itching of blood poisoning by ivy. It would break out on my legs, in iny throat and eyes. Last spring I took Hood's Sar saparilla. as a blood purifier, with no thought of it as a special remedy for ivy poisoning, but it has effected a permanent and thorough cure." CALVIN T. SHL'TE. Wentworth, N. H. SALT RHEUM. "I have a little girl who was very seriously afflicted with salt rheum. I tried various doctors without any good effect, and at length I had recourse to Hood's Sarsaparilla. Two bottles completely cured her, and she has remained well ever since. I can most confidently recommend Hood'B Sarsaparilla to any one similarly afflicted." Mrs. THOS. DAVIES, Cleveland, Ohio. N. B ?If you decide to take Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to buy any other. HOOD'S SARSAPARILLA Sold by all druggists. #1; six for $5. Prepared only by C. I. HOOD 4 CO., Ai>othecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 DOSES ONE DOLLAR. 4 The Bos Marche BBB A RRR GOO A IT NN N B B AA R R O G AA II NK S BBB A A RRR G A A II SMS B B AAA R R G GO AAA II N NN BBB A A R R GGG A A II N NN ?SSo L A TTTT F.F.E AA T F. sSSa L A A T KK 2 L AAA T F ?SSB LLLL A A T KEE ... BARGAINS IN JERSEYS. At $1.98. -Fine Black Cashmere Jersey, trimmed Flat Silk Braid, Military Front, Silk Buttons. Only Si. 98; worth $2.48. At $2.98.?Fine Cashmere Jersey in Navy and Black, Directoire Front, trimmed Silk Braid, Silk Buttons, Worth $3.50; only $2.98. See our assortment of Jerseys and Blouses. Cheapest In the city. THE BON MARCHE Underwear Bargain. 60 Dozen I adits' Swiss Ribbed Under Vests in white at 12Hc. each. 50 Dozen Children's Ribbed Vests, Ecru, all sizes, at 10c. each. All Silk Ladies' Ribbed Vests, all colors, 85c. each. Complete assortment of Summer Ribbed and Gauze Vests now open. THE BON MARCHE Sailor Hats. At 25c.?Blue. Brown, and Mixed Bailor Hats, as sorted sizen, at 25c.; worth 38c. At 1.25 Mackinaw Sailor Hats in Brown and White, Blue and White, and Garnet and White, trimmed with Fancy Ail-Silk Ribbons; light and good wearing, worth $1,98, at $1.25. We quote these prices to start the season. the BON MARCHE. Beaded Pelerines. We start at the low price of 95 for a good Silk Beaded Pelerine, with Bead and Net Sleeves, and have them at various prices up to ?25, some styles that cannot be found elsewhere. the BON MARCHE, mh27 310 SEVENTH ST. N.W. I1 ancy Silks, 37H. 40. 45. 50e. HENRIETTA CLOTH SUITING, elegant dress goods, in m w Spring Shades, nearly yard and a half wide, all pure tine Wool; only 50c. BLACK, H Lit A11 SILK.-., oO. 02. 75c. HEAVY OliOS GRAIN BLACK SILK. $1 LONhDALE CAMltKlC, very finest quality, 10c. lllUl'i OF THE LOOM. Cotton yard wide. Sfcc. , I K ICO CLOTH, drea* goods, pure Wool, with double fold, s.>riC'_r Stiudes; only 25c. COLoRLli blLK PLUSHES and MOR1E SILKS. LAD1EV BROADCLOTH, yard and a halt wide, all pure hue V> ool, casir Imrgjiu, Toe. TURKEY hLD TABLE DAMASK. 25c. PLAID Ml SLIN, in the newest styles. 5c. DOlDLL WHITE WOOL BLANKETS, #1.25. 1>0LULL WHITE WOOL BLANKnits, immense siae, $3. Beautiful SATTEENS, French styles. 15c. HEN iJKTTA CASH MEREt>.uxt rs widt double width ail pure tins wool, twautllul bpttug Shades; only 45c. NO CREDIT, but the very lowest prices for Cash. CARTERS. 711 MARKET SPACE. Next door to the boston Variety Store, VALUABLE PRESENTS FOR CASH CUSTOMERS. Select one of the lollowing presents with a| ot *5. A1 air of large sue fine Damaak Toi 76c. A ball Dosen tine Damaak Napklna, \ __ or a pair ol Slit Embroidered Glove-kitting < worta76c. Select one of the following presents with a purchase of ilOormon: A Larga-aua Hand wtne Bridal Unlit, worth $1.50: a Dozen Fine Damaak Napkins, worth ?L50: or Two pates of larva slaa, Towels, worth $x.6o. CITY ITEMS. A Piano in good tune and repair is a Joy forerer, or "vice Versa." Send for V. Bicker. 801 9th street northwest Price* reduced to *1.50?*~2 for grands. First-class work. Piano* for rent low. 2 Consols, Consols, Consols, anywhere, everywhere. Their delicate fragranci perfume* the air. Long Havana all tobacco cigarettes. 1 sanistag & Co., Auctioneers, 442 9th st.. auction this and everv evening this week at 7:30 sharp. s Have you seen the Patent Pencil Ink Eraser. 442 9th st. Agents wanted. 3 Emergencies Arise. For a class of snch Dr. Ball s Cough Svrup is the means to em ploy. 4 Phillips' digestible Cocoa, a delicious fat-producing drink which does not distress.4eo Quick Stop for Headaches. Relieves any headache in 15 minutes. eo90 In 185? "Brown's Bronchial Troche.*" were introduced, and their success as a cure for Colds, Coughs, Asthma and Broachitis has been uu paralleled. eo3?k Peerless Dyes Are the best. Sold by druggists. m20-3n> For Bright, Quick Kire and cheap, clean fuel buy Washington Gas Light Company s Coke. JoHNSt n lisothebs. 3m Exclusive Agents. Wbl H. McKnew. 933 pennsylvania AVE. We are now showing and elegant assortment of Medium and High Grade Novelties in Ladies' 8SSs PPP RRR ii NN n OOG 2 P P R r 11 NN N o ssa PPP RRR II n k n o c e P R R n N nx O oq sss f R R II N NX GGO sss u U II TTTT sss, S U U II T 2 s 8sq u u II T bss< fisuun T ??-. ?8ss uo II T "sb?1 r www RRR A PPP WWWW rr AA PP H W W W W RRR a A PPP "ss^ WW WW R R AAA P b 3 ww R r A A P "ss8 J A COC K k F.F.E TTTT kssfi jaaockk E T 2s 8 J A A C KK ek t 8SS, J J AAA OCKK K T s JJJ A A ccc K H eee T bsss And also full line of Suits, Jackets and Cloaks for Misses and Children. Complete Assortment of Ladies', Misses' and Children's Gloves, Hosiery, Underwear, Hand kerchiefs and all the goods which compose a complete Furnishing Department. Our Cloak Department is located on first floor front, and Furnishings in the rear. sulla, Jerseys, Tea Gtjwna, Surah Waists .snd Chil dren's Cloaks on second floor. WM. H. McKNEW, Successor to k H. Tsylor, 3a3-3m i*33 Pennsylvania sts. J? C. Hutchinson, IMPORTER OPENING MARCH 27.28,29. WRAPS, JACKETS, RICH MILLINERY. Exclusive Styles. High Class Novelties. Your Inspection Solicited. mh26 907 pennsylvania AVE. T. B. Towner & Son, dry goods dealers, 1310 7TH ST. N.W? Surah Silk in Black and Colon, 50 cts. Heavy tiros Grain Silk, $1. Henrietta Cashmere, in all the new shades, 1 yd. wide. 23 i ts. Henrietta Cashmere, Al]-wooL38 inches wide, 40 cts. Henrietta Cashmere, regnlar aOc. goods, 45 cts. New satiues, French styles. 10 and 12x cts. All-Wool suiting, double width, 25 cts. 3,000 yds. Dress Gingham, from New York auction, cheap at 10 cts., we are selling them for 8 cts. Light Shirting Calico, a cts. Percales, 8 cts. A Lout 50 doz. Napkins, (job lot) worth from 50 to 75c., 40c. doz. Ladies' Silk Girdles, in all colors, 40 cts. Fruit of the Loom Bleach Cotton. cts. Best Bleached Sheeting, 2)4 yards wide, 25 cts. Unbleached Sheeting, 2s4 yards wide, 18 cts. Gold-tipped Umbrellas, ?1. Large Line of White Goods, from 5 cts. up. Plaited Skirt Lriid, 15 cts. goil's Best Skirt Braid. 5 cts. Ja4-:im Spbing Shoes. LATEST STYLES FOR MEN. WOMEN, AND children. ALL OF THE BEST MAKES. SPECIAL ATTENTION TO OUR COMPLETE LINE OF MEN'S GENUINE KANGAROO SHOES, BUTTON. LACE, AND * CONGRESS. NONE BETTER AT THE PRICE, $5.00. DALTON k strickland 939 Penua At*. jass-.'lm SoDEN MINERAL PASTILLES, which were swarded the hiuhext dutinction by a medical jury st the International Exhibition at Brussels, have proved to be a first-class remedial agent in all Catarrhs 1 of the organs of respiration and digestion. SODEN MINERAL PASTILLES are prescribed by i physicians in diseases of the liuigs and chest and i asthma. The benefit derived from their use is unsttr- ' passed, snd even ia the most chronic cases they soothe, ease, and stimulate. SODEN MINERAL PASTILLES are preferable to sll similar pretentions, because they are a natural remedy, an unadulterated product of the springs, con- ( taining in an undiminished degree all the sanative j principles of these springs. SODEN MINERAL PASTILLES are prepared ex- j clusively under the personal supervision ttd control of W. STOELTZ1NG, M. D? K. K. Sanitary Coun cillor. SODEN MINERAL PASTILLES are nnequaled as s solvent in coughs snd catarrhs, even in the most chronic cases. Their success is unsurpassed. SODEN MINERAL PASTILLES are a superior i remedy in whooping cough and diphtheria; in the ' former they lessen the paroxysm of the attack, while 1 inventing the latter disease, which cannot take hold in a throat not affected by catarrh. SODEN MINERAL PASTILLES derive increased value from the fact of having a very favorable influ ence upon the organs of dlmgation. SODEN MINERAL PASTILLES ought to be kept in every home. All mothers are recommended to urge their children during the cold season to allow a pastille slowly to melt in their mouths while out on ; errands or going to school. SODEN MINERAL pastille8 are for sale at ' nearly all druggists at 50c. a box. Should your , druggist not keep them, kindly address the SODEN MINERAL SPRINGS CO. (LIMITED). 15 CEDAB STREET. new YORK Bole agency for the U, 8, n 1 tj-tlifcm5m The Finest MEAT-flavoring STOCK. LIEBIG COM PANTS EXTRACT OF MBAT. USE IT FOB SOUPS, BEEF TEA, SAUCES, AND MADE DISHES. Gsculn* only with facsimile of Justus von ltehto's SIGNATURE ik BLUE OIK Across Label. Sold by Storekeepers, Grocers, and drantats. LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF kxat 00., Ltd, AMUSEMENTS. A LBAUOITS GRAND OPERA HOUSE El?m ? at 8. onl} VlUMM Saturday. An RICHARD STAHL'S Eiv-ors Iaimense After Success OOMIC OPEBA. Encore. *HII SAID WHTf Everybody PASHA. Tbe Music Says tin So. . Cbarnnnc A Ms*niflcent ProdvrUoa. Complete in Ivery Detail. NEXT WEEK-MRS. FOTTFR. IS ANTONY AND CLFOPATRA. SEATS SOW OS SALE?REGULAR PRICES. ta28 ALBAUGH'S OR AND OPERA HOrsF 8UNDAY EVENING, MARCH 31. THE LCD WIG CONCERT COMPANY. WM. Ll'DWIG Baritone. THE (Late of th? National Opera Co ) SONGS MME ADELAIDE MULLEN. Soprani. AND Miss \NNIE LATTOV. Contralto. BALLADS MR. HENRY BEAt MONT Tenor. OF MR C KENDALL IRWIN. IRELAND. solo Piaiiiat ?nd Conductor. Price*. " V . "?0c , 7.V , end $1. mh27-4t SEATS SOW OS SALE. K KENAN'S NEW WASHINGTON THEATER 1 lth street, south of Pennsylvania avenue. Ot*8 H ILL'S WORLD OF novelties. S A'T9. E FACES. W NOVELTIES. Matinee* Mon , Tues., Tbur.. and Hat. Next week?Lily Clay's Colossal Omiety Co. mh28 ERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANiH AOEST 723 14TH ! st. n.w., free French Lecture by Itof. G P1ERRO&. Franc" Irom the bird's-eye view. It K EW NATIONAL THKATER. Every Evening, Wednesday and Saturday Matinees WELL, WHAT ARE WE HEBE FOB? DONNELLY and OIRARD. And their own company in NATURAL OAS. The summer season ?s decree In the shade THE WHISTLING COOS and the TWO LITTLE LORDS FArXTLEROY. Next Week?"ROBERT ELS MERE" Founded on Mra. Humphrey Warde'a famous noveL Seats are now on sale. mh28 J?XHIBITION AMERICAS ABT, 1500 Rhode Island avenue Tea Afternoon and Evening. CLOSES WITH PROMENADE CONCERT THURSDAY EVENING. Admission, Day 25 cents. Thursday Evening 50 cents. mh23-tmh2H J?XTRA-SEW NATIONAL THEATER. THE SEW FOLliTACT DRAMA, RRR EKE R R K KRR OBERT EE L8MERE. BR E R R EF.E SEATS OS SALE THURSDAY MORNING. Production on MONDAY, APRIL 1. MATINEES WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY. The well-known ('layers Mr. E. H. Vanderfelt, Miss Dorothy Dorr, Mr. John T. Sulllvt.u, 1' ,ss KtSe Shannon. Mr. William Craven, Vis< Kite Deuin Wilson, Mr. C. A. Valentine. Miss May kotwen, Mr. V . H. Thompson, Mi?? Ella Moro-au, Mr. Henry Holland. Miss Elsie Laiif. Mr. ?! M. Humphries, Miss Louise ticox. _luh27-4t Globe theater, Penna. ave., near 11th st. Matinees Tuesday, WVdnesdsv. i-r.dav and Saturday. FIRST-CLASS VARIETIES. Afternoon at 2. Niir.'it at 8 o'clock. Admission, 10. 20 and 30c. mli25-0t H ARRIS' BIJOU THEATER _ Meek. Commencing March 2o. Mstineea?'iuetxia). Thursday, Saturday. SPECIAL.?Gr> t.-?T ol them all. Season 'S8-'89 ,, _,",p K T. E " BAKER, The world-wide, well-known, versatile comedian, la the richest dressed and most laughable comedy, reconstructed by himself, and entitled the Emigrant, A farbetterj lay than Chris and Lena. Sext Week?HOOD.VAN BLIND. tah25-6t QOSGREOATIOSAL CHURCH. TUESDAY EVENING. APRIL 2. lSS'J. MISS NEALLY STEVEN'S, The Oilted Youuk AMERICAN PIANIST. Assisted by other talent. to be announced hereafter. Reserved seats 50 and 7cents. tor sale at John F. Ellis ? Co., 9^7 Pennsylvania avenue. For the convenience of music teachers and students of the I'iaiiOj a limited number of students' tickets will be sola at 2.i cents each. The Henry F. Miller Artist Grand Piano will be used. mh21-tap.'i MONEY TO LOAN. flft OiA IWWk< ON NORTHWEST CITY' PROP 'Vf erty. Cash in hand. Nodelay. *2,500 * B. F. GILiii.RT A CO.. Real Estate Loans and Insurance. mh07-6t 025 F at. n.w. ONEY TO LOAS - OS approved REAL estate, ill aunis to auit, at lowest rates of interest. GEO. W. LIN KINS. mh27-3m lath and H sts. n.w. OSEY TO LOAN, IS LARGE ASD SMALL sums, on approved real estate security in the Dis trict ol Columbia, at lowest rates of interest, it. H T. LI Ii'OLl>, llltKi E st. n.w . 2d dot trout. mhgtt-lm j MONEY- LOANS ON REAL LsTATE. LOCAL OB otiicrtrood Securities. Army und Navy Accounts, i touiniereial Pa|>er, Ac.. Ac. So delay. WM H. DEMPSEY, 1424 New York ave. mh25-3m j MONE\~TO~LOAN ON ILEAL ESTATE IN ISUMS j to suit at lowest rates BEDFORD W. WALKER. _iuh23-3m 1008 F st._ Money to loan in sums to slit, at the lowest rates ol interest ou good District real ; estate. JSO. A. PltESCOTT, 1410 F st. n.w., mh23-lmo Kellowc Buildimr. ONEY TO LOAS AT FIVE PER CEN 1 ON AP l roved Real Estate security. Lurg> aniounta a ?peciaity. TYLER A RUTHLlil OilD. mli2:t-lm* ia07Est. n.w. it EAL ESTATE INVESTMENT. SAFE AS U. s. BONDS. feii. PER CENT, PAYAliLL yl ARTERLi IN sLMS SlbO l'O jrl.uOO. SMALL PltEMlLM CUAiiUED. f8,.r>0(V-TO LOAN H.500 5,000 ON REAL E8TATR. ,tlOO 500 tmh22] THOS. V. WAGGAMAN. Money to loan-in large and small nuiiis?at 5 and 0 i MESON, 1307 1 St. u w. liihlH-:tlu' . . , -/k 7uwi IN SI MS TO SUIT. LONG OR A. "short time, laiye amounts at 5 i?r cent: lowest comniissiv'US. F. D. McKENNl.Y. 1317 F ?t. n.w.. Sun biuldiutr. m 15-1 us* ON t.V IO LOA > AT LOW ItATES ON LOCAL sucuritics, listed and unlisted, and good Col lateral, Bonds, Stoeks, Ai mI5 12t FRANK H. PELOUZE. 1313 F street. Money io loan at 5 plr cent small sums it t> per cent. No delay. GtO. F. GRAHAM. uihi:i-lm* 1503 Pennsylvania ave. 11 ONLY TO LOAN J1 IN sl .MS FKOM $500 UPWARD, AT 1UL LONSl.s'l RATES Ol INTEREST AND CoilMltblON ON REAL ESTATE IN 1HIS DISTRICT. R. O. HOLTZMAN, nihil Corner 1 Oth and F sta. n.w. Money in hand to loan os good real estate security or collaterals: nominal commis sion. ALBERT * . fox. mhl-lm_ 020 F st. n.w OS E Y-TO LOA S ON REAL ESTATE OB FIRST - class security, at lowest rates ot interest. nodelay w uere tlie security is (food. flu O. C. GREEN, 303 7th at. n.w. IIO LOAN-$25,OOt) AT 5)* PEB CENT. IN SUMS . to suit, on real estate. gwy'SS NEWMAN' A CO., fl5-3m Rooms 13 and 15. Atlantic Buildinff. Til ONEY TO LOAN OS rlal_ efcta i A IN ANT lTl sums. GMYNN NEV.man A CO, U >-vim Rooms Hi Haia 15. Atl&uxic buildiu*. JilS:3m* ? Money toixjas on real estate at lowest rates of interest, iUso on other approved security THUS. G. UENSEY A CO., Bankers. Jal4:3m UOy j >t. n.w. a^O LOAN? ibb.tioo lu stuns to suit at 5 per cent. %2u,VJ00 in sums to suit at 6 |>er cent. ,, On real estate security. Mortvuges auu monUuy notes secured on real estate botnrht. BtALL, BROW N A OO.. Ja4-.hu 13^1 Fat Money to ix>an on REAL ESTATE SECURITY. _ ? mill A JOHNSTON. _JaS-3m 1It. ave. u.w. Money to iajan on apfboTed real w? late security. dl^-4in JOHN 8HERMAN A OO.. 1407 Fat. Money loaned, in si ms to slit, for a, 10, 15 or years. >jwy i?ymeata. In the event of cteatn loan is canceled without further pajr IJand ,f.* *? I.imIrrr 1 o20 M ONEY TO IvOAS AT LOWEST RATES OF INTEREST ON REAL ESTATE SECURITY. 'lUoa. J. FlbURB A COu lltt4LFfA_?*_ OMET TO LOAN OX REAL 1ST ATE AT LOW ANENMoVS'* SONOilA VA COUNTRY HEAL ESTATE. BS^?tt?rsu aa^&ffgaar~jg;;.= S location. EMrttnut. Iii?uir.ot ^ ** ?" mh2S-3t* Director Hull Iday Uiiil iv.* JJt'f ^ ? UC"n U,"b*r < >rd;nar> iw^lui? <5Kr?,,Bt""0'we~ 3? ^ ^SffSSXtipSLA &-X* rsr won try honica. * * *AL1.440*T* ?fc-Xl? I^?K Mil :... V |.f s 12 VI) I s PI , M w imrtoo, '.'W mile* fivui B u> I .. R R VW.MilL IMS fSui'l-.""'! I K tr""d ' '*" h J?' ? '< *l hTifhT? ?j*""*"'?? wuimance Ui fruit. ' ? ?nrrtthi'a.sjrf. PVVH"-j 1?TS.A1 Ahirnumo RAM'* in* ,-,r?. beauuul vl< * ol lb. ?urrvuu4. aL??%1' ?10?t*r?"* * ? hau. 45? > ?( .. w. Ki^Lffi?r:!V *?r* *ki.l improved land. Caw?^ ?.TVA"frtf ?o?bou?~. fruit. 4 i.ttfaa fn m Sarar?* t ?&?? , _ m 4a? r ?t ? w. FVIiSAli'^.l * OKtAT>AI;UAtX-rAKM or w.d h"STi~"', I??b.u?tible i?,,k ?t Mr* mnt*. fh . m*re i lay, liuuiediau ?-???? Martiu.burtr, \?.-at \a. K* ?f!iih?r I^'t0,00? f^KEi I'HulCJ: tX>Al. AND l*r *" IT a.-re. but will be |.i P Busrok. &W3^&li7P?"* te? V?.J Ftw*Aih, 'iKNT A1 AI K"?V * * A.. <>R Wb?& S^*l'^l,Si'2k5 "J?u "?"'<-?-1uW. *? t?m?ssr^r,-;? w FSV-f ?j?tS,'iJMa "J. ???& tSSWtw*?4?"'' ?'???"' ? ( t *!S ? ? * IiifiVS.it 'I ?e?tASt.- *Ol)DLtY. OK WoODLFl | ui aSSSTSSr^ ^ t,V7?? ?"Uk??- EbU.t Moiii *" V< I!?., '* I* ?JK mchanoi for city v? fi^TvW''" ijwn IIck>:ii. l : h. I i>*,ur>._ li.l j.,-.,!? !"? *'*t, ?^irI''rMV i'l.ACK. ltlK K HAM N. Mil F j}* b?J. fri.m Otx.tv.?m, ?n Ui.ir-,. r. ml via New "i'| eV*U'-,,< *?t?-r. ?I uikWii atHulf , :,o ol lat )??tat.d UiM.thn.t Bii,rt *1tb buildiii^i ur vuikiui. ' nih"R-.Tt" UABUUCK, a ?. u. im a CiA"5EJT.fAK,'-V? ?v 1" ^IhAHi.f Loth fi?R ***** ? rents a loot aiid w;irt s (.i. ??? u-oiiIUl> laranin. tbe uul>- Mrtr >|iuliuii Brin.ll IuIki'viU'm' '"f K- k ^rvrk tl, unl, nil! t^r? r H ?v?onr? ?ua | 4\ ^1 kui . ?dL-SrvJvVU '.iri ul?r? ai..l full In:, rniauon ^tuhVO ulii l COW. NecrrlMT. 70ii M? ... V?K SALI<-BAliGAlX?S5 AC'RKs LAND and ^"a???S ^ou^#af M*\ . ] . ?, l.?u I !&!Ptt.n5gLfS1^- J'"? knovuw th'> ' iMiMMd," Hill Ale*.i ,iriT s2sf,*Sr conuiii.u* Mlicr^.nd iJ?,\r?v?i iirlt iriKxl amellioir. i Ur iaiid ji* il rfixxi i-. >uaitK'ij Liid W-.-II Mtal'ted to UwIRun >?? " ^ .t ?'?' M'Hi'VA V. AKMsiltONuTvih if .J, ' Airx&i.ank. \ a., ur t. W A_LJ til UA1X. Hall"'. Hili* ? Alemidm county. \a. "Ati, Mall ^ HUl, i:1 N 1 w A ' 1" I-MIJ K Rl > A.\: j ro I Kn4uuTriui!!li!! 3tS roo"i?, tH' b'-ti. aut>lfaiid rorii-tiotisr, fin a. (*?? of verj frvdactlvr i?ijd nuitauia lorr^rdtumK. laruilu* an.l dairv. J*fc.l.?i. ?Vat ion on far lu. Alao a Houa.- at^W a'l 1TTJ} 2 rooma, atablc. ,,i ... ?i ... ier ana M at rea ut land, rara Ktoi. at lotli i.ia,-,^ i?. 1 iuva "rMAs W *w ANN * ai^.Vm^ x a 4 a iiiaiBiSE3Hsssp 4&L*r88*? I *'Va. IfOK SALE OK TKAlJl ^00 ACKLh l'KIMK ?, *tT* G*4li,'vll^. AluU htta Co., Kla l?u h. '1? Hiuear bnld?ixi. Duvail Co., 4i?. ]*?o acrea rui*i'u r lariiiUiK laud in \ladit?oii ouuttty, Uta tw? ** Lh it. V^^ ^lla0aol, toWn Fanua IS 2*m ^fn ' ??'^ \ o.?uuuilii|f iroui to :i.iH>0 ?lr-1 aruit !iL i''riiTiIC,,i.,tTi' i'1",0* ~5 ?????<*. i-otuloriabl? !_>?. II uijr. tnuuol all kind*, runniii* ?aur lliixu?ru i ia<> lana verj' ricb. * bave tor aak- a rrmt rnanv ainall and larv nbrM oni vhe Mrtroinjlnan brhin h. *tu b ? ( an m II at n? B tuabte tirtCM. A K HllXi cu? l.i^b I ?t n.i?, jw L olt ?ALi: -JLOTR AT FURCRT OLKN. MU THE lT.?ri"^ V.^tUS ?Lk X h AKiih A.\l? small CXH XTH1 HuM? H. id m. n""y ?ll*r'rd l>? ukouis^' ASi atoJ'1N"- "r utrir riiJ i ' CUlor arnd lorne* t>L...run Juit iwm4. mbI4-llu T. U Ml'HUtli a. t o.. liSl 1 at FUm-a^rW Maomfhknt villa Huims. KOIITH or AiuJNU%K?!ibr^' N? AS 1> o verlook I N .i THE i.N 11 Ht. ?T TV M l? an itjH H'un Kl n lliKliul nijino^ ut 1 iik l i.V.tV? ^MA1UJ 1 L>1 ^ "'oH I L1NLS.S ANK CliLAtNLas. JTOOCLNTSI't l. looT - T. ?. HVfUbhl) ft < ,j _mhl41,n l.T.'l t -t WtVEji.BOUM DWtLUNOO.V B. R A MM f aT ^Hyattiville,oueluiuutp walk fr.u. ?t?ti . mki Mao cottiiliy farniB. Aq<1tm MAlllUK I?l< KJ/1T. j Attorney-at-Law, lilaUiir. Md. niii7-^'uio* ?pOR RAIX-OK METROMUTA* MLAJM H. ? "i r^1 , r7u*' lu:|'rovrd and unimpri vca. :ia. rrato LrcKL^T:^^r?.wu' Iry tXi'-L? _____ financial. L EWIS JOHNSON ft CO.. DOMESTIC ASD FOREIGN BANKERS. Pemigylvama av?. and 10th at Eicbang*, Letters of Credit. Cable Tr?o?fer? on PtIb dpkl Cities in Europe. Government and Inveaunent Honda, Trl<*Tmptu? Com in unk-auona with New York. I'hUadelj hla. Ralu more and Boston. LOANS MADE AND NEGOTIATED; GENERAlt UANKiNU BUSINESS TBAN8ACTED mh-.^-2ni 4J0HN Blankman. BANKER AND BROKER, 1405 r 8T. N. W. FUNDS INVESTED IN SAFE SECI"RITIES. _ o. ?, 7, AND 8 PER CENT INTEREST I'AID ON TIMK DLKJtSITS OF X U, V, AND mhl4-lm " MUXTH!1 Established im4. camtal, 9300,00a hi RPLUS I'UND, ??ao.owr NATIONAL METROKiLITAN BANK Or WASH INGTON, ?13 15tb at., uMwaile C. s. Traaaury. J. W. THOMPSON, UEORGL H. U. WHITE, hwifent Caahler. Becetvea Defoaita, Diaeooata I'aper. Sella Rilla ut Exi haUf-., Make* Collectiuua, and doea a General li.uk luftBuaiueaa. fK-.'Jin HE COLUMBIA NATIONAL BANK. OF W ASHING ION. D. C. T 911 K ?t a. w., Hecelrea depoaita. Loana Mooey. laauen Drafts, Tra? ?eta a WMtal Baiikiiif Buaineaa. Location cantr^ Mid convenient I street cam au?l herdj?^ run in front of our dour. I#tb-Mtraet ram run a taw rod* aaat of ow bulletin*; .tb-tarvrt aznl lltb-atmt oam only two Uockaaway. B-atreetaud P?ma)lvaula ate cui jalf tluee Uch kM away. B. H. WARNER, Preaident A T. BR1TT ON, Vtce-Prealdaat. K. S PARKER, fcaahler Director*: Cbaa. B. Bailey. Wm K Barker. Alex T. pr.tton. Cbaa. C. Duncauaon. John Joy Edaon. Albert t ? I ox, Jolin E HemU, Raal rTjLatwblufi Barb Mo < ulut'h. Crusli; H. Noyca. M. M Hrbr, O. G. -'irln t*o. 1 ru&aaell. Henry K- Millard. B H. Waniar >itl-3ui J*a W. OORSOS. JNO W. MACARTNEY. Member VI. Stuck 4m. OORSO* ft MACARTNKT, OLOTER BUILDING, 1418 r 8T. H W. ten and Daaleia in OoeanuDcnt Depoaita Eirhana*. Loana Railroad Stocka and Bonda. and all on tbe l icltai4rll> ^TViMV-'tr* Cte*i? Sum JNdocrib AND PRESSED FOR fi. l; 26c.;