CITY AND DISTRICT, ?7* "Onwar.l and upward" is the motto of The Enjixo Stab. Onward is ita extending influence, upward in iti circulation and adver tising business. Tlie increase is a steady, healthful one. ANTI-MAHONE REPUBLICANS. A Committee Appointed to Wait on the President. After their unsuccessful call on the President yesterday afternoon the Virginia anti-Mahone republicans held another meeting at the Ebbitt House. Gen. Groner was instructed to iwne a call in the near future for an organization of the party on the Petersburg plan. A commit tee waited on the President just before his de parture for Brooklyn, to learn when he would receire the delegation. The President wrote a note in reply saying that as soon as he returned from New York he would communicate with Chairman Groner and appoint a day to receive the delegation. The conference thereupon ap pointed the following committee to wait upon the President: Got. Wm. E. Cameron. Hon. A. B. Berkeley, ex-Senator Biddlebcrger, Hon. J. H. Bives, Judge Willoughby, Hon. I^wisMcKenzie. Wm. 8. I>e Shields, chairman Richmond republican league; Hon. Jas. T. Bradv. Gen. V. D. Groner, Mr. T. I\ Nichols, J as. A. Frazier, J. Wilkinson. Hon. J. F. Lewis. Capt. P. O'Connor, Capt. W, H. Moseby. W. A. 1'atty, Dr. John J. Wise, Hon. J. S. Eggborn. THE WHEELMEN'S ??ROUND UP." Annual Gathering of the League Mem bers at Hagerstown. Wheelmen round about Washington are gen erally looking forward with pleasure to the tenth annual meet of the League of American Wheelmen to be held at Hagerstown. Md., on ths 2d, 3d and 4th of July, and numbers of the cyclists of this city have expressed their intention to attend the meet regardless of league membership. The magnificent roads in the vicinity of Hagerstown, and the easy access to the many points of historio interest from there would naturally attract a wheelman, especially at a season when he is longing for a few days' outing in company with good roadsraen. Hagerstown is all agog over the coming event, and the cyclists there are busy nowadays making their arrangements for the entertainment of the large crowd that is expt-cted. Mince the selection of this place as the location for the league meet there has been some grumbling among certain leaguers in various cities that a larger place was not chosen, with better accommodations and more easy of access, and thus the Hagerstown folks feel that they must work hard to dispell these feelings of dissatisfaction. THE PBOOK.Of. The program thus far arranged is as follows: "On the morning of July 2 the business meet ing will be held, which will be followed by un excursion to 1'eu Mar by wheel and by rail, where supper will be served. On July 3 there will be a run. skirting the battlefield of Houth mountain, following the line of the confederate retreat through Boonsboro* to Antietam. The return to Hagerstown will be over a different route. Atter supper a line will be formed, and each man furnished with a towel and a supply of firework*. A six-mile run will bring the party to Williams port, on the Potomac river. At this point big bonfires will be lit along the ri?er banks, aud the boys will enjoy a swim and return to Hagerstown. after having had their stock of fireworks renewed for display on the return trip. The morning of the 4th will be devoted to a parade about this city. This will be dismissed in a grove which Is" abund untlv supplied with limestone springs, and here refreshments will be served. The races will follow in the afternoon. They will include a one-mile L A. W. bicycle, one-mile tricvele and one-mile safety. At night there will be a national open-air i-moker in a beautiful grove, one of the attractions to which will beacon cert by a military band. This program will be supplemented by a number of smaller events, and a unique entertainment for a fourth day, the details of which have not been announced!" THE LEAGUE RACES. The official announcement of the league races to be run is as follows: One-mile bicycle, ordinary, L. A. W.'cham pionship; one-mile tricycle, L A. W. national championship: half-mile heat race, three heats; two-mile handicap; one-mile novice; 100-vard slow race; one-mile club championship; one mile team race. All open events, L A. W. rul- s to govern. The course is a fine half-mile track, and especially prepared for fast time. Haudsume gold m- dais for all first prizes, and valuable second prizes. In the team race the pri/e will be a tine silk banner. The problem of the meet will be the accom modation of the wheelmen, and great prepara tions are being made to insure a place for every one who enters the town. There are the houis in Hagerstown accomodating from 150 to 250 guests each, a total of 1.000. lie-idea these there are seven smaller hotels, each accommodating from 30 to 75 guests. 1 hese accommodate in the aggregate about 323 gU'-sts. thus making estimated hotel space for 1.32o people. Hagerstown folks, however, are confident that with the boarding houses and some temporary arrangt meuts good care can be taken of 3.000 visitors. During the continuance of the meet there will be ceveral informal gatherings for the dis cussion of various subjects. the orricEu. Mr. Chas. H. Luscomb, the president of the league, will be the pervading genius of the oc casion, by virtue of his office. He has an nounced the following staff for the parade to take place July 4: Charles H. Luscomb, grand marshal; Albert Mott, adjutant aud chief of staff; George ?. At water, a Wallace Merrihew, Wm. M.Brewster. C. E. Lemon. M. L. Beid niau. H H. Hodgson. George B. Bidwell. Wm. J. Oilfiilan. < iiarles S. Davol, Wm. H. Emery, < harlesS. Butler, Stanford Lawton, and James B. Dunn. aids. One of the Baltimore clubs is making arrange ments to camp out at Hagerstown from June ?ij to the night of July 4. and as the meet is to last three or four day# from July 2 it has been suggested that the entire week "be included in the period of bicycle festivities, and that the meet be turned into an encampment of wheel men. The visitors would not be so crowded in Vie hotel- if this plan would be accepted. The lUgirs?..wu fair is said, could be secured for the camp, and many tents thrown up by different ciubs wonld be a novel and pretty way of carrying out the League meet, aud such a plan would not be expensive. TO WHEEL rUOM MABTIXSBCBO. A number of the members of the Capital club, of this city, have decided to go by train from here to Martinsburg and then to wheel to Hagerstown. a distance of twenty-five miles, over one of the fimest roads in the country. A few old-seasoned veterans declare that "they will ride the entire distance from this city. Phil. Brown goes in training June 1 for partic ipation in the league races. DISTRICT GOVERNMENT. SPECIAL POLICE*!* COMMISSIONED. The following special policemen were com Misxioucd yesterday: John Halloran. for duty at the receiving reservoir; Dan. Harrington, for duty at the distributing reservoir; H. C. < hadwell, for duty at the aqueduct office; A.M. V iliianis and John 8. Addison, for duty at the Mutual District messenger company. VITAL. STATISTICS. The report of Health Officer Townihend for the week ending May 25, shows: Number of deaths. 74; white, S?; colored. 3tl. Death rate per 1,UU0 per annum: white. 13.17; colored, ?Z4.S6. Total population. 17.10. Twenty-four were nnder five years of age, IS over sixty vears. aud 13 were nnder one vear of age. tight of the deaths occurred in Lospitals and public institutions. The deaths by classes were as follows: Zymotic, 10; constitutional, 22; local. 35; developmental, 5; violence, X The principal causes of death were: Cerebro-epinal meningitis, 4; consumption, 15; diarrhasal, 1; malarial fever. 1; scarlet fever, 2; pneumonia, 3: congestion of the lungs, 2; bronchitis, 1; iiuerperal diseases. 1; whooping cough, 1. Births reported: 23 white males, 21 white females: 17 colored males, 23 colored females. Marriages reported: 10 white, 0 colored. THE OPES POBTIO* o? TIBEB CBEEE BE WEB. which extends from a point near Virginia avenue and Half street to the Eastern branch U a veritable death trap, and a score or more Cersons have been drowned in it. There are no ridges crossing this sewer between Virginia avenue and M street, a distance half a mile or more. The Commissioners have decided to enclose with a fence the portion where most danger exists. M1SCELLAXBOC8. A committee from the Master Builders' asso ciation called upon the Commissioners and presented a set of resolutions adopted at a re cent meeting of that association, indorsing the administration of Building Inspector Entwisls. Messrs. M. M. Parker and B. H. Warner have written to the Commissioners, requesting that tbe telegraph poles on Brightwood avenue he removed from the east Bide to the west side. STILL SEEKING FOR EVIDENCE. A Demand Made by Cronln'a Friends for Claa-na-Gael Accounts. Chief Hubbard, of Chicago, said at 9 o'clock laat night that he had discovered nothing new of importance. Moet of the day had really been spent in putting all the evidence together in consecutive order, and endeavoring to pick out the miming links. "It is a deep ease, a deep case." Said he, "these Iriah societies are so cemented in their interior relations and so secretive in their actions that it is almost im possible to ferret ont any information in regard to them." He added that only three?and j those three the men nnder indictment?are | under arrest, but that several others were nn der surveillance. seabchixo ros cbonin's clothes. Lieut. Schuettler, of the Larrabee-street sta tion, and ten officers were busy all day yester day searching for Cronin's clothes. They worked for nothing. The cottage on Ashland avenue, where the phvsician is supposed to have been assassinated, was first searched. Officers Brink, Lorch, Hiott, Jnmieson, Hed rick and Hirsh. in the basement, dng up the ground and underneath the flooring to the depth of a foot or two, and searched every crack and crevice about the windows, beams, sink and coal bin, without discovering a trace of anything that might have belonged to Cro nin. Lieut. Schuettler fastened a candle on the end of a string and lowered it through the wall spaces from the attic to the floor beams below. The chimney and flues were searched as well aa every shelf and closet on the ground floor. Several of the officers searched under the sidewalks and crossings in the neighbor hood of the cottage and looked through all the catch basins and outhouses. Lieut Schnettler and three officers were then driven to the Bel mont-avenue bridge. They dragged the river for several hundred feet without success. The search will be continued to-day. BANK BOOKS AND ACCOUNTS WANTED. Judge Longenecker had a long chat yesterday with Bryan L. Smith, receiver of the Traders' bank; Mortimer Scanlan, the criminal court bailiff, and Patrick Cavanagh. The object of the conference was to lay before the state's at torney certain facts about an individual ac count with the defunct Traders' bank. Judge Longenecker was requested to seize the bank books and submit them to the grand jury forth with. It was asserted that he would find in them evidence proving what Dr. Cronin had been claiming for vears before his death, viz: That a certain Irish-American bad been guilty of a huge embezzlement of nationalistic funds while he was a member of the Clan-na-Gael triumvirate. THE CHARQE VX DETAIL. The charge was directed against Alexander 8ullivan, who it is claimed was one of Dr. Cro nin's bitterest enemies. The substance of the stories of Scanlan and Cavanagh was that Sul livan, while he was in the triumvirate, went to Paris and demanded from Patrick Egan. who was then in exile in the French capital, ? 100,000 to carry out the aims of the phvsical force men in America. He demanded the money to meet certain expenditures which had been planned in a convention of representative members of the Clan-na-Gael. Mr. Egan, Scanlan claimed, refused to pay oyer the money and then Sullivan threatened to disrm>t every Irish society in America unless his demand was speedily complied with. He pointed to the fact that there was a large and growing element among Irish-Americans that wt?* dissatisfied with the management of national affairs and was ready to revolt as soon as a leader appeared to direct them. A whole week w?s consumed in discussing the demand of the American emissary, and in the end Mr. Egan w?s convinced that it would be wise to consult with some of his colleagues before making his final decision. He told Mr. Sullivan plainly that he was op posed to granting so large a sum of money for any purpose whatever, but he was willing to abide by the decision of other men who baa as close a knowledge as himself of the needs of the order at home and abroad. He offered to submit Sullivan's proposition to Sheridan, one of the persons alleged to be the famous No. 1 of the Phienix Park Invincibles, and a leader of the physical force men in Ireland. Mr. Sullivan agreed to this offer, and Sheridan was called to Paris from Ireland by telegraph. THE MONET OIVEN TO SULLIVAN. Within a week after all the facts had been laid before him he decided that the money de manded by Sullivan had better be paid in order to conciliate all factions of the Clan-na-Osel. Scanlan claims that Egan paid Sullivan #100, 000 in cash from the funds of the Irish National league, of which he was the treasurer, and that Sullivan brought the full amount to Chicago when he returned home. Iustead. however, of paving the monev into the local treasury of the Clan-na-Gael, .Scanlan claims that Sullivan turned over only #14.000. The otber *>>2.000 he deposited in the Traders' bank. Scanlan discovered this fact several months ago when the concern passed into the hands of the sheriff and when by permission he made a thorough examination of the books in the interest of Dr. Croum and other promi nent Irishmen. WHAT BECEIVEB 8XITH BATS. Mr. Smith confirmed the story about the de posit of #82.000 to Mr. Sullivan's personal ac count, but he was unable to tell how the money was disposed of, except in a general way that it had been drawn out bv means of checks. He offered to submit the bank books to the grand jury, and also to assist in the examination of them, for the purpose of clearing up any mys tery that might attach to the transaction. It is said that this is the alleged defalcation which Dr. Cronin spent years in attempting to explain to the Irish societies of Chicago. He first called attention to it in the convention at Philadelphia, and, assisted by Sheridan, who was then in America, he tried to press the charges against Mr. Sullivan before a trial committee. Mr. Sullivan, however, explained the matter satisfactorily, and the charges were dropped until last summer, when the conflicting clans met in Chicago. Cronin renewed the charges then and was made chairman of a trial committee of six which it was supposed was equally divided on the question of the ex-ruler's guilt. Mr. Sulli van was acquitted by the committee after a long trial, one of Cronin's friends, a petty office holder, voting with the majority. Cronin had just before his death completed a minority report on behalf of himself and his colleague setting forth that the charges had been fullr proven. Both of these reports were intended for the forthcoming convention of the National League. Scanlan went on to argue that there w.u a direct connection between these facts and the murder, and in conclusion repeated his request for an investigation bv the grand iury and offered to assist that body in going through the books. Judge Longenecker listened attentively, asking numerous questions, and when Scanlan had concluded he promised to give the request his serious and immediate consideration. Fitzgerald's strange teleorax. John Fitzgerald, president of the Irish na tional league of America, telegraphed yester day from Lincoln, Neb., to the municipal coun cil of Philadelphia, asking if it was advisable to postpone the national league convention, which is to be held in Philadelphia on July 9 and 10 The executive committee of the council to^ night decided that it would be a mistake to postpone the convention, and they resolved to continue making arrangements for that event. President Fitzgerald did not assign any reason for the postponement. Fifteen Million Visitor* Expected. From th? Ctica New York Press. The number of visitors at gTeat expositions is an interesting fact. At the Philadelphia cen .tennial, in 1876, the total was 10.000,000. The estimated number of visitors expected at the Paris exposition this year is 17.000,000. In 189*2 the population of the United States will be GO per cent greater than in 1876, money more plentiful, and the facilities for transportation infinitely better; hence, at the three Americas exposition at Washington, at least 16,000,000 visitors are expected. The Newport, Ky., grand Jury has returned indictments for embezzlement against Louis I'omstans, ex-city treasurer, and W. J. Mc Clure, ex-city clerk. The amount of the for mer's shortage is #44.000; the latter'*, ?1,600. At Fredericksburg, Ya., the memorial ser vices Tuesday to the confederate dead were the most impressive held there for a num ber of years. Gen. John Hammond, ex-memb?r of Con gress, of Crown Point, N. Y., died Tuesday. Mr. S. 8. Baker, superintendent of the Balti more Fruit and Produce exchange, says that, from the advices that he has received, there will not be over one-fourth of a peach crop, but that will be fair, and will be remunerative at living prices. I 1 breathy ISr*? a Pears' Soap X Fair white* hands. Bright dear complexion Soft healthful skin. " PEARS'-Tto Crest Eotflsli Complexion SOAP,?Sold Eierywtwre." mmmam?mmmm // .. "iootball" Between ^ ^ _ 1 England and Scotland. Proof* Ready. " wo PHTLDFT.PHTA. at.i.. THE OTHER NEW pictube8. "OLD AND CRC9TED," one of the latest. Falero's "DAUGHTER OF EVE." Tadema's "SHRINE OF VENUS," ? superb work, and his moat Important. Sir Thomas Lawrence's "FANNY KEMBLE." An exquisite mezzotint. "ECHO!" Francia C. Jones. "LOVE OR COUNTRY." Marcus Stone. And Many Others. The Choicest engravings AND ETCHINGS. The largest and best-selected stuck in the city. PAINTINGS. MIRRORS. Handsome Picture Frames, Card and Cabinet Frames, beautiful f.asels, Folio Stands, English Fai ence, Rogers' Groups, Ac. my25-eo Grand National Award of 16,600 francs. QUINA-LAROCHE AN INVIGORATING TONIC. containing PERUVIAN BARK, IRON, and PURE CATALAN WINE. For the PRETENTION and CURE of Malaria, Indigestion. Fever & Ague. Loss of appetite, Poorness of Blood, Neuralgia, &c. 89 Roe Dreiot, Paris. XL fougera & 00.. Agents for the U. 8?. SO NORTH ST.. N. Y. SUMMER resoktst Hotel Brighton, ocean city. n. j., six miles from Atlantic City; urand bathing, flshitig. Sc.; open J tine 2tt. For circulars, address A. D. STlD ham. 1023 7th st my-29-lm' woodlawn, rockville, MD., WILL bb vv opened for the reception of guests June 15; newly built and newly furnished; modern improve ments: electric bells: gas; water. Mrs. M. J. COLLEY, of the Clarendon, proprietress. my'-jll-lm SH1RLEY-neartheocean, KENTUCKY"avet ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Popular location. Opens March 1. f2ti-.?m MRS. M. T. SOUTH A ll. of Washington. do ^t. JAMES HOTEL. ASBURY PARK, N. j, open io ma) 29. Reduced rates for June. K. A. WYATT, my25-lm Manager. PARKER HOUSE, 8EA GIRT, N. J.t" OPEN FOR THE TENTH SEASON Open all the year. THOMAS DEVLIN, my2S-2m Proprietor. The ruskin, spring lake, n. j , near the beach and opposite the lake. Enlarged and newly furnished. Hygienic arrangements perfect. ot>en June 1. MBS. E. clkabaugh. my'25-liu cjt. CHARLES, ATLANTIC city, " ? OCEAN END DELAWARE AVE. Will open Thursday, June 13. my25-2m JONAH wootton, Jb. ?*xtotel ALLAIRE," xi SPUING lake, N. J. Di rectly on the Beach. First-class throughout. Modern improvements. Billard Room. etc. Circulars at office. E. M. RICHARDSON. my22-dl2taol St The LENOX. . til5 4th avenue, Asbury Park. n. J. Open the entire year. For particulars address myelin E. A. BURZLY. Maine'S most POPULAR RESORT. "THE BLUFFS." MT. DESERT FERRY. A new house overlooking the sea. All modern con veniences. in full view of liar Harbor. Boating and fishing unsurpassed. Fine iawns fur tennis and cro quet. D. B. srockham a CO., Proprietors. Mr. Stockham can be seen at the EbLitt House until June 10. my23-2m Atlanta hotel asbury park, n. j. OPEN JUNE 15. Under the management of the present owner. my221Xm WM. API LEGATE. OTEL CHETWOODE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Remodeled. Refurnished t!ti sl^eiing Apart H ments. Appointments first -class. will open June 1 my22-3m Mrs MAY \V. GeFRORER. The selby. new. jersey avk., near pa cilic, Atlantic cit/, N. J. Thirty-live rooms, good ventilation. M. SLLBY (JUINN, formerly of the Delphia cottage. mylS-lm Aurora, west Virginia, the switzerland OF AMERICA AND HEALTH RESORT OF THE ALLEGHANIES. THE AURORA HOUSE AND ANNEX Open for the Season Julie 1. First-class accommodations at moderate rates. Cir culars at the Star office. J. H. SHAFFER, Proprietor, myl8-lm Aurora, W. Va, CLAN VIEW HoTEl, Ocean View, Va., Eitrht Miles from Norfolk, Va. Open from June 1 to September 1. Bates, #2.50 per day; (14 and #10 per week; $45 and (.">0 per month. For further particulars address W. W. PRICE, Manager, myl8-3m Ocean Mew, \a. rr*he ROCKINGHAM, I narkagan8ett PIER, R. I.. lx-sted between the Casino and the lu ach; beet hotel; modern imiroveiuents; including hydraulic elevator; open J line .i. my20-lin J. G. BURNS, Proprietor. ATWOOD HOUSE, N ARRAG AN SETT PIER. R. i? Situated on Ocean road; full view of ocean; 200 gue?u. open j une 20. my'-'o-l m J. A. TUCKER. Atlantic house and cottages, ocran BEACH, N. J.. NOW* OPEN. my20-lm G. c. AUSTIN, Pror. Hotel normandie. atlantic city, n. j., NOW OPEN. Under new management. T. C. GILLETTE, Prop'r. Late of Colonnade Hotel, Philada. my 15-2m **r|lhe WAVERLY," 1 ATLANTIC CITY. N.J. Open all the and colli sea-water baths it house; sun parlors. Mrs. J.l. BRYANT. fel-4m 11 HE RENOVO, ATLANTIC CITY? . Tennessee ave., near the beach. Now open; thoroughly heated. xnhl l-.ini W. E. CHF.ESEMAN. JJAUQUIER WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS, VA.. Under entire new management. 0|*i> JUNE in to OCTOBER 1; new brick hotel: handsomely furnished; all city conveniences. hue table; shady walks; excel lent music. For particulars address A. R. BARROW, mylO-lm*_ At the Springs. Bright house, oape henlopen beach, re hoboth.Del. This well-known hotel will reopen June 20, under same management as last sesson. Cir culars at Star office. Address ii35 L st. n.w.. Wash lngtou. D.C. Round-trip tickets, good for the season, reduced to old rato-48. WALTER BURTON, my 11-3m' Mountain view house, aurora, west va., 3,000 feet elevation, opens JUNE 1; large rooms, croquet and tennis lawns, bowling alley, saddle and driving h' >rs.-? for hire cheap. For particulars address J. A. LAN tit m>2q-lin* CAPON SPRINGS AND BATHS, hampshire COUNTY, W. VA. Alkaline Lltbia Water, also Superior Iron and Free stone Waters. Baths of any temperature. La:gnat Swimming Pool of AlkaUne Li Una Water in the world. Superb Summer Climate. Here is where iho sick re cover and the well are always happy. Send for Pamphlets and secure rooms. W. H. SALE, Proprietor. D. B. MAKALL, Agent, 1415 F at. n.w. mylS-lm "v EPTUNE HOUSE, i> OCEAN BEACH. N. J. Open for meats Jan* 1st Terms, *8 to *12 per Wee*. A. r. SANK. my7-1 ill \17a8hington GROVE HOTEL NOW OPEN FOB m the sesson of 1889. First-class table board. Terma moderate. For further information apply to W. T. CRUMP. Proprietor, Washington Grove, Md. my 15-1 in* ffthe KITTATINNY, DELAWARE WATEB GAP, J. Pa. Moat centrally and attractively located, with all the modern appointments. Special rates during Msy and June. Send for circulars. W. 8. BRODHKAD a SON. my!6-2m Hotel pocahontas. gebrish island, kit tery Point. Maine. New bouae, elegantly fur nished, on ocean, excellent boating, bathing and fish ing. Terma liberal. HORACE MITCHELL, jb* Prop, my 14-1 m *1ORRLLL HOUSE, hi HARPER'S FEBBY. W. VA. MRS. MARIE KoLB, from this city, ia pleaaed to announce to the public that she has secured the above houae for the accommodation of guests. Open from iiay l.'i. Reasonable rstea. letters of lnqturtes answered from Um above bona*, or KoLB's, 811 E at. n*w. mytt-lm* t^l.XTON, KENTUCKY AVE, ATLANTIC CITY, Xli n. J.; 75 yards to beach; renovated and refur nished; under new management Now open. _apl2-2mo _e/ WILE. fCONTINENTAL HOTEL, v; Narraganastt Pier, R. I, fronting _ Accommodations for 200 Guests. Gaa. bathatalectnc lights, and electric tell*. mylmm CLARK n?8cofield. my 14-4m Jordan Springs p. p., Va. THE GLORY OF MAN STRENGTH VITALITY! KNOW THYSELF THK BCIKnrCK OB1 XjXI A Scientific and Standard Popular Medical Treitise on the Error* of Youth, Premature I>ecline, Nervous and Physical Debility, Impurities of the Blood, ExhaustedVitality ?Untold Miseries Resulting trom Folly, Vice, Ignorance, Excesses or Overtaxation, Enervating and unfitting the victim for Work, Business, the Married or Social Relation. Avoid unskilful pretendera. Possess thia great Work. It contain* SOU pages, royal 8vo. Beautiful biuding, embossed, full gilt. Prioe, only $1.00 by mall, post-paid. concealed in plain wrapper, Illtis trative Prospectus Free, If you apply now. The distinguished author, Wm. H. Parker, M. D., re eelved the COLD AND JEWELLED MEDAL from the National Medical Aasoolation. for the PRIZE ESSAY on NERVOUS and PHYSICAL DEBILIYY. Dr. Parker and a corps of Assistant Physicians may be consulted, confi dentially, by mail or In person, at the efflce of THE PEA BODY MEDICAL INSTITUTE, No. 4 Bulflnch St., Boston, Muss., to whom all orders for book* or letters for advioe should be directed as above. my4-s,tu,th M For rent-fully furnished cottage with stable, at Berkeley bfrinn, West Vs.; all rail; half acre of ground, fruit and flowers; five min utes from hotel and baths. Apply, a*.above, Mrs. breese. mylO-l'f Atlanta cottage, 109 South Delaware ave_ Atlantic City, N. J? NOW open. my8-tu,thAs1 m MRS. B. R. OWEN8._ THE LEHMAN, OCEAN END OF pennsylva nia ave., Atlantic City, N. J. Enlarged and newly furnished. Sun parlor, electric hells, 4c. MRS. F. W. LEHMAN. ETROPOLITAN. Corner Musk, and Atlantic ave*., Atlantic City. N. J. Now open. Re-leaaed for this year by mylM-eoltm M. C. ANDREWS. ASBIRY PARK. N. J ?THE VICTORIA FAMILY, Hotel, mar ocean, trait, artesian water, and all modern improvements; ninth season: terms moder ate ; open May to November. 8. KEMPE. my 14-tu.thfcst,:i4t ^lONGRESS HALL, SARATOGA SPRINGS. N. Y. OPEN JUNE 22 TO OCTOBER Accommodates 2,000 guests; rates, $3 to 44 per day, according to location of rooms; by the week, i|17.50 to 4,'S. my 18-ltit,tu&* H. 8. CLEMENT, Manager. A" TLANTIC CITY?THE IDAHO, OCEAN END OF South Carolina ave., 75 yards from the beach; new bouse, well furnished, excellent table, my 14-eo2ni R. HOOK. Long branch. WEST END HOTEL. fieaiop of 1889. COTTAGES AND RESTAURANT OPEN SATURDAY, JUNK 8; HOTEL OPENS JUNE With Improvements and Additional Attractions. Ip30-#o30l P. M A: W E. HILDUKTH. Prop*. Atlantic city-to rent-hotel gilsey, Connecticut ave.; GO rooms; well furnished; iu excellent order; modern improvements; very de sirable. WM. J. LOVE. my^-eolm OCEAN VIEW "HOTEL. BLOCK ISLAND. B. I Open June Ml. Fine bass and blue fishinjr. Ex cellent bathimr Electric liKhts and bell*. Elegant music hall. Orchestra. string and brass. Cable office. Kt-nd for 111. hand-book. CIaDALL & BAM* Muna 0M. uijrll-eo-33t 1KNEQUA HOUSE, I Miiine?|iia Springs, Ilia first-class hotel opens June 15. Highest point on Northern Central R. It.; invigorat iutr air. a spring of wonderful curative qualities, ele vator. Good music and every modern convenience. ltates, 410 to 414 per week. L. J. AX DRESS, my 18-20t-eo Proprietor. **rpHE CEDARS," WEST CHOP-MARTHA'S VINEYARD. This new and very attractive little inn is situated st Tashmoo. one mile from tut village of Vineyard Haven* on a woody bluff overlooking Vineyard Sound, directly opposite Woods Holl and Nausnon. beauti fully turn 1m lied; oj?en lire pi aces, bathrooms; running water from the tamous Tanhmoo Spring-. steamer will connect mtn every train from Woods Holl. For rooms apply to MISS E. S. CLIFFORD, myl8-eo6t 15'St. James Avenue, Boston. 1MIL XANEPA8HEMET, MARBLEHEAD NECK. Finest ocean scenery on the Massachusetts coast. For description address AMM1 BROWN. n?y4-eolm RLXToN VILLA* OCEAN AVENUE, NBAB J HE beach, open May 1. Location very desirable; lartre piazzas in full view of the occiil; near iron pier ami hot and cold sem-wabr baths. 'Special rates to families for tlie season. MRS. J. A. MYERS, of Balti more. P. O. Box 8S4, Cape May City, N.J. ap'J0-eo4ni ETHER ILL. ATLANTIC CITY, N J.? Kentucky ave., near the beach. w i ? Open Man h 10th to Nov. 1st. nihil-eo4m M. J. ECKERT. THE VICTOltlA, SOUTH CAROLINA AVE.", nairtbe li.m li. Atlantic City, N. J. < ?pen all the year. Hot and cold sea L>a1 it in house. ?my25;eo:tin M WILLI.VMM. \IV PRINCESS" ANNE HOTEL, VIRGINIA i.? Beach, Va., situated directly 011 the Ocean, IS miles due cast of Norfolk. Va. 1 liis great sen-id'- re sort present* every ad\aiita?re lor luxury, coniiort, convenience and health. Summer season opens June 20th. Eleirant drives on the hard lieach anil through the piney woods. The best surf bathing on the coast. Send for illustrated pamphlet. 8. E. CRITTENDEN, Manager. Also proprietor of the famous mountain re sort. the Cooper House (Otaego Lake}, Coo|>erstow-u, N. my J 4-lrn The cottage by the sea. old point com fort, Va , opeu all the year. Redm i d riitrH, 42 day . * 10 to 414 per week. GEO. BOOKER. ap2o-:im* Proprietor. Monterey hotel, Monterey springs. Blue Ridge summit. Pa. Opens Jl'NE 15. The fluest resort of the Blue ltlilgn Mountains. With its larg" nsiuiy porches nd auxiliary cottages, typical of southern resorts, is now the great attraction, bltusted ou the summit of the Blue Ridge M untaina. Magni ficent scenery, including a view of he Gettysburg battlefield and the iar-iam>d Cumberland valley. Address MRS. M. A. M1LNOR. proprietor, 330 N. Charles, Baltimore. After June 5. H. S. MILNOR manage r at the Syiiiiga. Circulars at B. and O. R. K. Ticket Offices. niyl3-lm* a TLANTIC CITY, N. J.-HOTEL8. BOARDING J\ houses. Cot tages, Lots snd Bath-booses to let or for sale by I.G.ADAMS & CO., real estate agents. Real Estate and Law building, Atlantic City, N.J. ap4-t}5t CHARLES E. ROACH WILL OPEN AS A SUMMER Resort, about the middle of June, 1889, KEE MAR HEIGHTS or the HAGEKSTOWN FEMALE SEMI NARY. This lovely place has spacious, shady grounds. ur|) no 410 and 416 I, Proprietor, myU-lm* Hagerstuwu, Mil. The chalfonte ^ ATLANTIC CITY. N. J. Moved to the Beach. ENLARGED AND improved. UNSURPASSED OCEAN VIEW. Salt Water Baths In tlifcouse. Elevator. myO-lm E. ROBERTS It BONE V .1L1H lovely place has spacious, shady mountain view, pure mountain water, pure bar. Terms. 42 and 42.60 twr day: 48.410 P" week. Addreaa CHARLES E R^JACh, Pi The new hotel aldine. _ Pacific, near Ohio ave., Atlantic City, N. J. 41.60 to 42 per day; 48 to 414 i*r wee*. No liner house on the lalaud at tlieae rates, bend for card with flue cut of HoteL Price list and full description. H. D. EASTMAN. my4-2m (BRESSON SPRINGS, PENNA. J Main Line Penna. Railroad. On top of Allegheny Mountains. THE MOUNTAIN HOUSE Will open Jane 26. All trains atop at Orsaaon. Tor circulars, Au.. address WM. R. DUNHAM, 8uptj, my4-52t Cresson, Cambria Co^ Pa. LOCEWOOD HOUSE Hariier's Ferry, W. Va., Mra. 8. E. LOVETT. Proprietress. Willoren June 10. In the BlueRidtrerrand scenery; shady lawns; no mosee; fine views from all win dows; excellent table; terms 40 per week. myl7-3m rilHE carleton-SPRING LAKE, N. J. FULL A occan and lake view; one square from the beach; electric bells, gas, and elevator. P. 8. HINESON, Open June 1st. tmy27-eo2m] tour milee f 1ft. For dr myll-lm W ilburton-by-the-seT SUMMER RESORT'S rpocsoFthkgrkat lakes OX THS W1LUISOWS STEAMERS or TBI UIX ?rPERIOB TEAK SIT CO. Information can be obtained la Waahlnrton at B. and 0. city tlck.t office. X. r. CABPUrril, Oen. Piae. Act. tnyl5-2m BUFFALO, X. T. ? 1^ BBITT HOUSE. r4 Jackson it, Cape Max, N. J. Ocean View. Open all the rear. my2H-lm W. OOLT. BERKELEY SPRINGS. W. VA. TUree hour* from W aahinirton via B. and 0. B. R. An ?fu0ny. Hotel ortu June 1. The water* are alkaline, thermal ana electric, a specific lor rheu matism. nenraliria, akin, kidney and nrrrona MMawa Hatha and .wimminir poula, nm and tUganl. and cer tainly not excelled in the country. Hotel larere and "Mine Orat-rlaea. Wnte for illustrated and descrip tive pamphlet. niy-'H lm- /NO. T. TREOO, Prop. Mill top house, harper-8 ferry. w.>a~ T. s. LoTetu Prop. Amont the mountains. free a momjmtoea; talilo flrat-else.; plenty fresh milk. ?H per week. Open May 15. myl-3m THE FLORIDA. ATLANTIC CITT, N t. Pacific are , bet. N. V. and Tenneaaee ares. First-class management. Terms reasonable. Will open June I. my-.'4-gin ? ?rpHE LELANDE." J. Atlantic City. N. J. On the beach. Massacho setas sve. Close to new iron pier. my-li-^m SAMUEL WAGNER. OCEAN HOUSE, YORK BEACH, MAINE. Ocean view, irrand rocks, and surf nearby. No malaria, hay fever, or inoe^uitoea. Rouud-trip urkcts ?21. (send for circulars. myl4.15.'.'3,'J4,30,31 ri>HE 1SLESWORTH. "ATLANTIC CITY, N. i, X On the beach, sea end of Virginia sve., WILL OPEN FEBRUARY U.lSSl). ?14-0m BUCK k McCLELLAW. EDUCATIONAL. COLUMBIA conservatory OF MUSIC. PIANO Exchange, 913 Penn. sve. Thorough instractiona, primary aud advanced course, piano, ortran. Ac. Hum mer terms, May 1, $10. E. HART, Princ.,late of New England Conaervatory of Music, Boston. a^6-Sk' WASHINGTON CONSERVATORY OF MCfeIC, ST. Cloud Building, Btb and F sta. Twentieth year, llano, ortran. Voice, Violin, Flute, Cornet, kc. Free sdvautaKea. O. B._BULLARD, Director. iny21-lm* !\RAWINO AND PAINTING?INSTRUCTION IN 9 every branch and tor all atrea, private or in classes. ATIONAL ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. 804 E si Call snd see the wonderful prutrrsae of students. myltl-lm* UARANTEE TO TEACH ANY ONE TO MAKE VJf a Free-hand Crayon Portrait in 15 lessons; no knowledge of drawing necessary. hundreda of testi monials. J. W. REYNOLD.^. 4;i!< Uth st. mylH-'Jw UNIVERSITY-TRAINED TEACHERS?PREPARE for civil service, West Point Collive, Ac Classes and private lessons day or evening. FRANK E. HALL, j 221 E st. n.w. m> lt>-3in 1 Elocution And Oratory." Summer classes for a FIVE VLEK'8 SESSION, commence Wednesday evening, June 12, at 7:30 o'clock. Mend for summer circular. This coJletre publishes BOOKS ON "ELOCUTION," "OKA J OHY." ??ACTING," and "PERbONAL MAG NETISM." Descriptive price-list free. Address MARTIN COLLEGE OF elocution AND ORATORY, 313 tith st. n.w. (Half a block east of city post-office.) my 15 Iss flAI.CH'S CIVIL SERVICE INSTITUE. 1207 joth st. n.w. Persons prepared most aucceas f illy for all examinatiuns, Elocution tauirht and corn positioliscarelully revised; highest references. 14-ow HARVARD GRADUATE ~]DESIRES PUPILS, singly or in small classes. Apply to W M. H PUTNAM, A. M., mhl9 At Sanders k Stayman's. U34 F at. n.w. rjlUE BERLITZ SCHOOL OF LANUU AotS, 723 14th at. n.w. Terms beKiu now. Open all Slimmer. Also Summer School at Aabury Para. N.J. au'_".i Edward a townsend. Teacher of Elocntion. Correct (deep) breathing Voice Culture, Oratorical and Dramatic Action, at 1317 13th at. n.w. d31-t>iu SPENCERLAN BUSlNES8"~COLl.EOErCOK 7TH and D sta. n.w. Founded 1804. More than 50,000 young men and women have been trained in the Speu censn Colleges. Day snd night sessions, bix courses: Business Course; Shorthand, Typewriting and Graph ophone; Practical English: Telegraphy; Spencers' Rapid Writing, Reading and Oratory, Delsarte method. Buailiess men lurnished with trained employes. Illus trated catalogues lree. SARA A. SPENCER, Vlcs Priiiclpal, UENRK C. SPENCER, LL.B., Principal, i mh^ti MARTYN'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE 313 BTH i-t , near City Post-Office. Colored students uot admitted. Call or stud for catalogue. mlio OCEAN STEAMERS. ~ Anchor Line. Atlantic Exrr*"* Service. LIVERPOOL via QUEEX8TOWW. Steamship "CITY OF ROME" from New York WEDNESDAY, June -C, July Au?ru?t '^l.tiept, 18. balooli i $tiU to i 10U, Hei-uud Cituttt, i.iu. GLASGOW SERVICE. Steamer* every Saturday from New York to GLASGOW and LONDOXLKKKl. Cabin Pasn^c to Glan?ruw, l?ndtinderr>' or Liverpool. and $tiO. Second Claaa, Steerft^e j itsi^ure. either service, Faloon Excursioti Tickets at Keduced Hates. 0 ravelem* Circular Lettem ot Credit and l?rafts lor any amount n?*ued at lowest current rate^. lorl^'oKMof tours, tickets or further intormation A|?|?ly to IiEN'l>EU80N liUOS, New York, or G. W, MOSS, irjl Pennsylvaniaave. n.w , NSushimrton. mh'JC-ym H AMMl KO-AMERICAN PACKET CO. (tva.ur.mV'n^ rAtat 1 L'U. EXPKESS SEitVICE between New York, South ami ton and Hamburg by the new twin-screw steamers of 10,000 tons and lt3,.">00 horse-power. Fast time to London snd the Continent. Steamers unexcelled for safety, &i>eed and comfort. REGULAR SERVICE: Every Thursday from New Yoikto Plymouth (London), Cherl*?uiy (Paris) and Hamburg. Thr< uifh tickets to London and Pans. Excellent fare. Kates extremely low. Apply to the General Office, If am-1 General Passage Office, > borg-American Packet C. Ii. UICHAKL) & CO., I Co., Broadway, N Y. I *>1 liroa?lway. New York | mh30-eo4m E1)W*D F. DROOP, 0i-'5 Pa. ave. n.w. CHORT ROUTE TO LONDON. O NORDDEM 8CHER LLOYD S. S. CO. Fast Express Steamers. To Southampton liOiidon, Havre), Bremen. Trave, Wed., May ^Si, 7 a. m.; 1 ulda. hat., June 1, 8 a.m.; Lahn. Wed., June 10 a. m ; Elbe, Sat., June I S, 1 p.m.; Eidur, Tues., June 11, 3 p.m.; Aller, Wed., ^une J4 p.m. I Comfortable htaterooms, excellent table, luxurious saloon apixmitments. Prices: 1st cabin. ^100 and upward a berth, according to location; Sid cabin. ?.'>0 j ami *t!0 an adult; steerafre at low rales. Apply to E. | F. DltOOP, Wo Penn. ave. my*i7 BOOKS AND STATIONERY. V" SK FOR lOO.OIKt SYNONYMS AND ANTO NYMS, with Briticisms, Americanisms, Phrases, Sc., Sc., by BISHOP FALLOWS. BLANCHE WILLIS, How aril's New Book, is the U|>en Door, slid is very interesting. iiiy*3.ri C C. ITRhELL 4IS Hth st. n.w. IIOUSEFURNISHINGS. Royal liquid glce^ mends every , thin^r! Broken China, itlass. Furniture, Wood, Metals, Toys, Shoes, Pipes, Jewelry. Everlasting Te nacity! Drug's and Inwers, 10c. and 25c. mhl4-eoly Cooking 13 v Gtar A fall Use at GAB COOKING ST0VM On hand and (or ail*. mh31 WASHINGTON GASLIGHT 00MPA.1Y. FAMILY SUPPLIES. GREAT SLACGHTER IN FINE OROCERIEB-MY stock ih full and comi>lete, with all the dellcacie, of the ae&aon lower than they nave ever been offered. I am the uicut for a number of creamenea, and my receipt, of choice butter la larger, and I am offering givat inducement* in price, from 20c. to 20c per pound for the very heat. Coiifumer* would do well to examine thia flue butter. Gooda delivered free to all part, of the city Remember 1 do buainaaa for the ready money cheap. N. A POOLE, my3Q-lm W44 La. av^ CASTELLON WINF.. NEVER BE WITHOUT NA ture'a trreat remedy. Caatellon Wine ia of aiwial beneilt in caaea of dysentery and ailmenta prevalent durincr .omnier inontha It cliecka and cures thein Instantly and builds up the system. Caatellon Wine has been tested by the liiirheat medical authorities. Trade auppliedaiid for aale by A. HEITMULLER S CO., myll-^m 1333 14th it FINANCIAL. [Haw. OORflOM. JNO^ W^^CAET^ET^ CORSON k MACARTNEY, GLOVER BL'ILDIMO, 1410 T ST. N. W, Bankm and Dealer, in Govammant Bonda. Depoalta. Ezchanre. Loan.. Collection,. Railroad Stock, and bond., and all McuritiM UstM on the Exchange, of New York, Philadelphia, Boetoa and Baltimore boutrht and .old. A .pecialty made of investment eecurltiea Dlstriat Bond, and all Local Railroad, Gaa, lnsurano, and Tm> 'iSS^BLfi^iephon, Stock bought and wldJyH ^WOOD AND COAL. | pORRKBX DODG*. . 1 00AL MERCHANT. WholewJ, and Retail. Anthracite Coal of all kind, conatantly on hand. GEORGE'S CREEK CUMBERLAND GOAL FINEST GRADES of SPLINT AND CANNKLOOAL. Sawed and Split Wood to Ordar. i is? ton, I>. 0. Tri,pbon?-Yard. 854-t; Branch offlca. 956-2. mh20 HOTELS. XBBITT HODI1, WASHMGTON,D.a NOTARIE8 PUBLIC. iRYimYj RAILROADS. BiLTinou And Ohio Rati.road. Schedule in effect MAT 1X. 1?W Lttft Tubu^Vm from MM roraer of New Jereey aveuur tud C etrreu For Chicapo and North weat. Veatibaled limited ex run dull 11:20 t.D . ?l| ?? tt ?>. m for Cincinnati. st Loin*. and IiMi?n*|v dally. 3:00 and 1116pm. For Pittabur* and Clrreland. Vaatibnled Limited ei pr*aa daily 11 A> am and e?|in?? 8.40 pan For Wheeling. Parkervbunr and prtnrii?l *tati?r>* on mats line. exprra. dally eicept Monday. at 3 55 a.m. > or Lexington and Loral Station* tl0:30 a. m. For Baltimore, week day*. 4:00. 6:00, 6:40, ?:S0. Sx-O.' 9:30, <45 minute*!. Hi.'. <11 IM. 1? 00.1 45-tuinute.) a m, 12:10. S-04.S SO, <45-minnte?> 3:15, (45 minute.) 3;?& 4:2S. 4 30. 4 35. 5 3o. ?t :to. 7:00, 7:30, ?:0O. 10:30,and 11:30 p. U1. Kundaya. 4 OO, 7:20. 8:30. 9;30. (45-tninute*) 9:45 a. ro.. l'J.OO, <4.Vmilitite*i 1 IS. 2 05. V.30. (45-inlimtn and Balti more. 5 00. 6:40. 8 30, a. rv. 12 10,3:25,4 35,fl <0. 11 30 p.m. sundaya, 8:3oa iu., 1.15. 3.25. 4 35. 6 30. 11:30 p.m. Train*leave Baltimore forWiabinrton, weekday*, 6:10, 6:2a 6 30. 7.15. 7:J0, H:00 >45 miuutf?>. 8 30.9,15, 10:20 (45 mtmt.-*) a.m.. 12 15, 1 45. ^45 minute*^, 2^00. 3 00. 4.05 <45 niinptw^^Ki 11 -.00 p.m. For AunapoUa, 6:40 and 8:30 a m.. 12:10, 4 25, and 6:;t0 p.m. On Sunday*. 8:30 am, 4 p.m. Leave Aunaimlta, 6:40. 8 37 a.m. 12:0a, 3.50, ana 6:15p.m. bunday*. 8:37 a m., 4:l0p m For Station* on the Metropolitan Branch. t6 4,>, 110 :H)> p m.. for principal atatioua ouly. Tl 0:30 a.m., 14:30 and t5 30 p.m. For Rockvllle and way atatiou* t4-35 p.m. For Gaither*bunr aud intermediate polnta, *9:00 A. m_.tl2 .30. *5 3V>11:20 P.m. For Boyd'a and inlermeuiate atationa, t7.00p.m.. tl0:00 p.m. Church train leave* Waahtnrtcn on Sunday at 1 15 p.m., atoppimr at all nation* on Metro|? litan Branch. For Frvdenck, T6.45. tl0.30 a-rn., t3:00, t4:30p. in. Sunday*. 1:15 p.m. For !latrer*u>wn, tl0:30a.m. and t5:30 p.m. Tram* arnve from rbitattu daily 11:4,) a.m.and 4:05 p.m.; (rum Cincinnati and St Louiadaily 3 50 a.m. and 1:55 p.m.; from Pitubunr 7.10 Am.,and 6:50 p.m. daily. NEW VORK AND PHILAPET.PHI A DIVISION. For New York, Irentou. Newark and K.lita(>e,.b, N. J.. *4:00, t8:00, *9 30. *12.00 a.m., *2 30, *4 20 aud *10:30 p.m. Buffet Parlor Cam on all daj train*. Slrepiiur Car on the 10 30 p.m.. oj-eu *t !? 00 p.m. Tbe 4 20 p.m. train doe* not atop at Elizabeth or Newark. For Philadelphia, Newark, Wilinlmrton and Cheater, *4:00. *8 00. *9:30. ?12 00 a.m., *4 20. *7.00 and *10:30 p.m. For intermediate pnlnta between Baltimore and Philadelphia. 15:30 a.m., *2.30 and 4 4 30 p. ni. Train* leave New Vork f"r Maxhintrtoi:, *8:30, til <>Q Am.. *1:30, ?2:30, *3.15, *5 00 pin. and 12:00 nitrht. Train* leave Philadelphia for Waeliintrton. *4 10. ?8:15, *11:10 a.m., tl :35, '4:15. *5 05. *5 43 and *7:30 p.m. For Atlantic City *4:00 am. and *12:00 m. For Loutr Branch and Ocean Grove tl2 00 ui. tExcept Sunday. 'Dally. {Sunday ouly. Buwxre called for and checked from hotels and re*ideucv* by Umon Transfer Co. on order* left at ticket office*. 619 and 1351 I'eunnylvania aveuue *nd At Depot CH AS. O. SCULL, Geti. Paae Afe-t J T. ODELL, General Malinger. r|vHK GREAT A PENNRYLVANTA ROUTE TO THE NOR I H, WEST AND SOUTHWEST DOUBLE TltACE. 8P1.1 NDID S Chicatfo, *-ith SleepmirCar Altooua to Chicairo. Western Exprena, at 7:40 p.m. dally, with Sleepimr Cara Waalunirton to Cliicatro and St. Louia, con nectintr daily at ffarriabtirv witli through Sleej>er* for Louisville and M> uii'hia. Pacific Express. 1 (1 00 p. m. daily, for Pittsiiurir and the West, with thiMUirh hieejer to Pittaburg, and Pituburv to Chicairo. For K.?ue, Canandairua, Rochester and Niafrara Fall* daily, except sundav, 8:1*. and 810 p. m. daily. Expresa 2:10 p. m. daily. Accom. 6 p. ui. daily. For Boston, without chanire, 2:50 p. m. every day. For Bnsiklvn, N. Y , all through trains colin.-et at Jersey City with ooats of Brooklyn Annex, ail rd itiK aim't transfer to Fulton "treet, avoiding double ferriage ?? n .?* New York city. For Atlantic City 11:00 and 11:40 a. m. weel days. For Baltimore. (> ?7:20, S:10. 9.00. 9 4n,!?.50, 11:00. and 11 :40 a. m., 12 :05, 2:10. 2 50, 3 :45. 4.10,4:20, 4:40,_C.00, 7 40, 8.10. lO OO, and ; j ?. a.m. and 4 40 p.m. daily. 11:20 p. nu On Suuday, 9:(i0, 9:\'5, 9 50. ll 4(( ?v,"1-; 2:10 2:50. 3:4a, 4.10.0:00.7:40, 8 10. 1 0 (H), an?l 11 p. id. For ('reek Liiitt, 7 :*-i0 ext*f|?t 8un?lay. For ArmApolio, 7 :'J0 ?nd 9:00 a m.. 12 05, 4 *,'0 and 6:00 l>- in. dally, except Sunday. Sundays, y;o.> a.m., 4:10 p.m. ALEXANDRIA AND FREDEKICKSBI'HO KAIL WAV. AND ALEXANDRIA AND V* A.siUNUTON xiAlLVN A\. IN EFFECT MAY 12, 1SM1. For Alexandria, 4. ~ " I p.m. Accuiuinodation forQiiantiro,7:45 a.m. and 4:53 p.m. week daya. 7:45 a.m. Sundax h. For Richmond and the Sou tlx, 4 :Jo, 10:57 a. m. daily, and 0:^1 p. m. dtily. except Sunday. Trains leave Alexandria for NSaslnnptou, 6:0">, 7:0.% .?> -.n. i? l o, 10:15. 11 07 a. m . I :o, 11 Kltitt, *r>:10, 7 05, S:00. U:'J0, lO .'i'i, and 11:05 p. iu. On SuiiiLiy at 11:10 and 11 .07 a. in.; ? .OO, o:10, 7 05, 8:00, H:li0, and 10:.'W p. m. Tickets and information at the otlit e, northeast cor ner of liith street fend Pennsylvania avenue, and at the station, where orders can be left lor the checking of batftfatfe to destination from hotels and residences. CHAM. L. PTGH, J. R. WOOD, Oeneral Manager. General l*a?senirer Awrnt. "Piedmont air link. Schedule in effect May 12,1K89. 8:30 a. m.?Efcst Tcunes>se Mail, daily for Warren ton. Gordonsville. Charlottesville, Lvnciibniv* and stations In tween Alexandria and Lynchimxy. Roanoke, Lriotol, Kuoxville. Chuttanoofra ^n?l Men.phis, iniil man Sleei-er Wasiiri^toii to Mcinph^. 11 :~4 a. in. ?Fast mad daily f?-r Warrenton, Char iot t*-s\ilk. >rd< inivilfe, stut;? >U8(jbeHa(*eake and Ohio Route. Lyacbbuiy, Bocky Mount, Danville and >t:? tions-between LvnchburK- and Danville, Oreensboro1, le, Charlotte, Columbia. Aiu-iMa. Atlanta, Birmingham. Mi New Oi Texas and California. Pullman Slcejw New Vt?rk to Atlanta, parlor ears Atlanta t?j Munt?r?'meiy, Pullman Sleepers Mout*roinery t15 p. m.?Daily, ex?-ept Sunday, for Man&ssas, Strasburgr and intermediate stations. 7 p. in Daily v.a Lyix ! btuf, Rristol and ? tanoo^a Pullman \estibule Slt-ej?er* v\a>hinKt*'L to Memphis, connecting thence tor all Arkansas i>oints; also VSashinirtou to New Orleans. 9:40p.m. Wasters Eiiircaa, daily for Manassas, Charlottesville, Staunton. Louisville, Cincinnati. Pull man Vestibule train W aslnmrtuu t" Cincinnati w itn a Pullman sleeper for Louisville. 11:00 p. m.?Southern Express dailv for Lrnrhbunr, Danville, Rab-nrli. A she vi lie, <'Iiarlctto, Columbia, Aumista. Atlanta. Monttrouiery. New Orleans, lexaa, and California. Pullman Veatil ule Car VN;.~ New Orleans, via Atlanta and Montgomery Pullman Sleeper Wash ink* ton to liirmintfham, Ala., via Atlanta and Geonria Pai'ilic Railway. Trains on Wa&lmiK'toii imd Ohio division leave Wash ington S*:00 a.m. dailv except Sunday, and 4 45 p.m. daily. arnve Round llill 11 :'U) a.m. and 7:-0 p m.; returning leave Round Hill 6:05 am. daily and 1 :.'i0 p.m. daily except Sunday, arriving Wasmntrtou 8.30 a.111. and d:5S p.m. Throiurh trains from the South via Charlotte; Dan ville anu Lyuctiburir arme in NNastiin^t>.u ?>:5d a.iu. and 7:13 p.m.; via Last Tenn* ssee, Bristol aud L> n h-> >?uiv at 8:03 a.m. and 10:40 p.m.: via Chesa|*eake and Ohio route and Charlottesville at 2:35 p.m and 7:13 p.m. and 0 53 a.m. StrasburK local at 10:15 ? Tickets. sleepin>. n/cr Station, Pennsylva nia hailroad, Gth and B streets. my 11 JAS. L. TAYLOR, Gen Pass. Ajrent POTOMAC RIVER BOATS. Daily N orfoi.k Line. OLU l*uINT ANLi 1 HF. 80CTH. Steamer Lady of the Lake, from 6tli-at. wharf, Tues day, Tbureday, and Sunday, 5 p.m. SU-anur Geo. Leary, 7tli-*L wUarf. Monday. Wednesday, and Fri to STEPHEN SCIX * BRO. mhti-Om 7th *t. wharf. POTOMAC K1VLU LANU1NUS ' NEW IRON STEAMF.K "WAKEFIELD" Leave* 7th-?treet wharf on MONDAY8, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS at 7 a in. Retuniimr TUESDAYS. FRIDAY'S and SUNDAYS p. m, touchlnicat River Landiutra aa far aa Noiulnl Creek, \ a., St Cleinenta Bay and I>eouardtown, Md. Connect* with B and O R. R ?t Bhepberd*. Be. ached ule. JOHN b. l'A DUETT, Aft a W. RIDLEY. Itenavar. laZo DENTISTRY. T Have ASSOCIATED WITH ME DR. JULIAN X GARTRELL, Suryeun Denti*t, yra New York av& n.w D"- H' 837 Vat^n. w? bet 0th and 7th. Twenty year* experience. Faea modarata. myR-lm* IJALTIMdliE DENTAL ASSOCIATION, 814 4H ST JJa. w..Tw!w. BE A1,1. M.D.JSurveon-m-chlef. Taetn. per aat, (3, 96 and as. No clanre for extracting where tMth are lnaerted. Gold and amalgam flllinc, 50c. up. SpwUUau is cxtracUnr. Nltrou* oxide aaa. chloroform or ether admuiutered. M&Icm ex tractiuf, 'J5o. All work warranted and aauafacUon H?M my3-l?' SIR. J.B. IMIICt HAS REMOVED HI8 DEN ' ? Offlo* and reodence to 1801 O at, oornar 18th at Th. ni Iwrdtea p*aa th. door, my 1-lm* T|R STARR FARJBONS, DENnsT.UTH ST^ OOR MJ ner K n.w. FlUlnjf a ^Mdalty, TMtta utnetad w ithout pain by paUi-Ullw applied to ruaoa. Arufl ctal teeth lnaerUwi, acinic jfiTSwii hour* Vhii mh^7 SPECIALTIES. TKTHXK TOO HATS TRIED DOCTORS, MKDI bo matter what your jtiiin or IU prugre*. ?yll-lnao~ JOHNM. WKBrTciO ? al m.w. LECTBICITT-16 TEARS SPECIAL PRACTICE |5 no vow and fmrtln?l dlaorde*^ Malarial and ?Mjw.8taMtllpi.^ga. tkrn in connection with the data glean bltot, U uetrate in the nuot striking manner Dm ateady ui?f in IV irhi'lr wort4! Thto claim to tml aa4 vuceded on the fact that do city la My country to ?o thoroughly covered by the regular circulation ot a single paper as to the city at H aahlngtoa by that jf Th? Evexiko s>tar; and U doee not reat on tk* rtlnU alone, but atoo on the character ot mmla Li> n. Not only to ita local circulation the laigmt miJ r*tlir*t ot any dally paper printed. In propor tion to population, but U I* atoo the aarr, alnoe tha paj-er doee not merely go Into the hand* ot tha people ot the District of Columbia aa a body, but into Utt ir tunnel,?into the families ot all condi tion*, and Into thoa* of the viwmev-apentftag aa ? ell as the mowp* arnin? portion of the com munity,?In a much larger ratio than any dally K>uni?l that can be named. By reaaon of tha fuUiixie, (reehneae and reliability ot Its new*, local, domestic and furelgu, its independaat an4 (air treatment of all public questions, and espe cially because ot lta Intelligent and effective de votion to local interests, and its cloea attention to matter* with which the household, and partlca larly its laay members, are cou-xrued, Tui wn to everywhere reoognlred and admitted to be. la every quality, the leading and favorite newspaper of the National c apital, alike In the oounUug room, the aork-ahop/ and the family circle. More conclusive evidence on these points na person can ask than that aflorded by tha labia below. The growth of circulation therein Indi cated. with the aualyai* following, clearly shows the esteem In which the pa|>er to held by the ooa? m unity vo whoaa interests it to so steadfastly da voted. It will be seen that. In the number of copies issued, e\ery month in the year ltM> shows a handsome increase over the oorreapondiug month in each year given; and, as a further Illus tration on that point. It may be stated hers that there has been a corresponding advance In tha number ol new advertisements printed during tha yeau*. 1 he comparative ligures lor the lour yean last past are as follows: bAlLV CUtClLAllOX IN 1N*5 'HO 'K7 8H. 1V>4. 1W4. INN?. iNW, JlNTAKT 44.JNN* IU,3V? AITO -i4,:m sw,iw) ?,i? MakcU ii,jl? Vt?,4M? A rail. -?,MJ M.MT *4,4?i !*7, lav iM4 -J4.S4W 44,44I Mi.i-it.afkK.. . 44,atf4 44,tM?4 44,344 UiloiitK 41.IH7 41,701 44.SW7 44.W4* Not kMUkH.. .44.U4K 43,lwl 44,t?H7 ?V>14 UKcaabkK.. 4.4,iHHi 4?,?>7 4?.l?Mi '411,744 Dally av ge. 44,143 4:t,ttVj 44,4S4 47.US4 Increase 1,44? 1.SOJ 1,4M Of this aggregate dally circulation of ITT.UCJ oupiei, Uie Utuk* ol the oftice itLow that au tvert^t ol ?OeO^W copies were regularly delivered each day, by camera, at lit turn%jJ i*-rrnai*iU jru? tcrtOers in the city and suburbs. Ol ihe remainder, a daily average of ?,1'41 mere sold al the office, iu the hotels and railway station*, etc., and ou the streets, by newsboys, making a grand total average within Uie District ot copies daily, leading a daily average of to be eent to regular aula ecri bers residing beyoud its limits, by man, and railway traina. in addition to Ui?' '20,(^9 copies daily delivered at the Lvinva of bubttcriborH, a large proportion of the ^lal oihei a toe Ui&i*ot?ed of in thecity in reg ularly puichu&ed by pel tuanent rt aidenta, living in lou^ingd, ?kc. ynot householders,, while the resi due goe* iuto the hands ot transient visitors, Iroca all j aru? ol the country, who each year coiue to the National capital in greater numbers aud fur longer periods, and who, furthermore, largely rep resent the sell-Uxio and jturctuisiiiy portions of the communities to wluoh they respectively belong. 'I he lust-named is a class of readers alone well Worth reaching; but it is to the phenomenally large permanent local circulation of the paper, aaid especially to its unparalleled hold upon tha household and lannly circle, that the attention u? advei Users is particularly directed. A coinpat ison of Uie home circulation of 25,450 ' with the hgures representing the entire popula tion of the cily will conclusively establish the facl that iiiL *3iAa rcacue& about every lamily in the iJtotrictot Columbia, and is read every Ouy 0& uujrt UiUn Uu et-juui l/i* uj tU popuiutusn who arts a(Am lo read! it follows, Uiereiore, that an advertise ment inserted in lis columns will meet the eyeaoC every person in the instruct worth reaching, "oC ahatever race, creed, sex, age, or condition in lifst il only semains to be saia, tor the inlormation of those liilei esled in the subject, thai, in proportion lo its circulation, the rales ol advertising in 'ilig ! Lvlmno M'ik, whether transient or for long periods, rank w ilh tne very ios est in the Imted Males, indeed, taking both Uie extent and chai^ 1 acter of iis circulauon into consideration, it may safely be claimed that so wide and such an excei> ieni^dainy ol publicity can noanere else be bougnl lor lac same money. ??1"rial by Feert." For the informauon of those not familiar wltfe 1 hi. M ah, a lew extracts Iiom notices by its oolfc temporaries, called out by lis recent change 14 loini, are appended: Fntm tmc M a~hinuUm /W. V\e coiiaraimate iut bixa on its great ro?;*ntf. 1 w no btJxcr iu ui^u^/tr iuton bTAB Lu marked Un dose of twent>-one years under ita present manage ment by permanent enlargement to a double sheet, ur ei#tnl patre psper, and uiecnanical improvemenu thai glculij iiiLitan. ito 1*4 illUe? lor l>UolicaUoU. 1MH ft.Au wiiuw toufe4uerfcUi> more U'^ti laiccss iargs n v. ut? i *>o i, i drLiaiico Ouiij Lui'ue uuies ss uiUtii leadii^ei iaaiu.i', iiuu iims aunv?l hve Uiues Uie cUvUia taou UiAi it uica eujo^ eu. it is, a lilai > issS 1-ai-ei, * aort4ai oi cny in U*c **aa." /rvtM r/w JJruokii/n Jxiyie. Vvs?hm(fton's best, u not realJy Its only newa> pUi t r, in xiit. biAn, which aa* aciicuiailon ol ?iu, OOOL n?? i-oi'Ui-iion ol 2-oo,OOU. siiviu U) asgons caiiscls. idL M Ak iim uu ^uUUcs. |tlit 11 | uimstim lui liie neatt, gives boin sides e?juauy li^ipaitaai krsav* lutat, and Lao miaineu aa tavurui '? ? r ttvu lor tat liuiacss ol iis lone aa a nauiss viaen is ?o?a /Ae Lallimort ban, iux N> isaiitoros- biAB, one of the most prosperous lie* ajii s in the counti*^, att^ eaiaigou, is aoa luttLeiiuj an eisul'l'sa't-i'Ai'er. 1 ae i^oou ouainsss it eajo> s a?as cieaktcd o> lis aiansgcis, aaad Uie neid it oe cUi ieo lias biea aclu saeccssiaii> ioi iuaa> i cars it is aai ixaii) iesi?ecla a iuouel aiicrnvoa i-a^ci , and in ?.Aici4Uaaa lo ii oui >ta leai sgioetiags av ti'Ust na i^ioai^iiiy iiia) never wans. /i umOte rtuUddptua hints. IHL 61m lui. Uie Journalistic field of the mtln^ CSi'llai, aau la is it adiniram> and wiin graai suuwa irwiw Ute Arw York iXwunercxai buUclt*. Thai eutert'rismg journal, i ax w amuhutok Evikdia t>i Aa, nas jusi eoiu^ieleu laeaiy-one >sars underlie Isreaeni iiiwitagemcni, and u^cunus las event ujr auoi-uag pcruiaaeaU) aa cigni-p4^e loria, m winch it is one oi lae nai'^eal aau handsouiesl aiiernoon l*i^i*rrs m lac Lm leu dialti*, a* il aa? ieag Uvea one oi "*r aeet and mosl sacceaaiUi. ?wn UaUtmun Amrruxm. 1 m w A*Hi>oroa fciuurn aiA? appeand last nigM in litis lilt, ,.lu 111. ? 'lllTIIITflll lu*i liuio.l 1.X it aoma *4'* via peraianenuy as an eiani-psge i s|i?c itti. oiAla nas loag neea one ol uie ?"*??vtfn capital's ol uiuwm" miu UIIUIICH lurw il uu, wiWr nut aouni, so on uicreseins ui ? m mstinn aau aurtla F. utnlh* Chester (Ml.) 7'imr*. iicre and there we behuiu a palmer which rewards tha ton, i*erna|a Uie gsmua, ol it* conuouuig s^mu wiuk s measuie of success mat excites ua wonueruiali comi-euiors. bum a >oaiaai, n gives us iiniririnaieit pieasme lo bs alae in sa>, as im kvaXiXw oaajZw7 Wsama*ftoa Xlti. >Vom iadumapotU .Vev i. it sivee us great pleasure to note this endeneeof pioai^riiy. 1 aa blai a* on? ot Ua beal ^ icaneet a a| t is ia ihe counuj, aau is a mosi aaiisMa ie^ea* scnbaliVe c the iiaUouai vst 'lal tAr Macau itfa.) Jw:to/,a. Itt Lvufuitt biia ia iitLuMAiuir than tra,salia the Oesiiic*.!?PW toa^uiirfiuiisvariMU. i'rum iAt I'Ktiaiirljjhia HteorU. luMiwuwiua Kvaxiau Ktas kaaps aa aaay iaa4 aiuuug iu cunbcuiputsi^. puiuinsii m tha ledatM aapiuu. >twa (Is (\mbrrUmd ijtfi.) Z/atfjr .Vnci. Tu biia is already so t ntllail that (taeaitalyM an> rumu iur iiuvtovuuuui. Prom tSe Avwllin Timmt. laa biia ia au exponeuiof piiarnaalvt jowMllai Iu growth and i ix^jmril) arc Uie uirsci mulls el Ma Ussr peruepuun ji u? utiuuua ol the uai. aud IV UI..III.U.I suterpi .at. end 1.1 lent luduauy ia nuauia Umuu. It givss willingmu a ilsnjr vatwr woruurel an) city in um lanu. /Vvs? Uu Bvlalo .inn. 1 ax STAB is the suxingaat paper at tha aatinMl eapi tai?ths only one tnai haa t.i u.|iarsd, slid it owaa iti "? ' aucurac> ?the twe faWaal ii an lla. pwlaa ?f auueaaa* id ixanty ol newa, and aa* ai?a>s prsai.iitea 11 cuImjiv1> sua w-mctly. MM lie lofiunti, whidi ummensi n> yea*. /Vim las .Vvr/uOr / -"rSrnerit The prosperity of Taa Kvims 8t*? Oi Vv ssn tngion is s source oi grauhuatiun la as* B ni siaoug our luosi vaiuanie escnaages. From tl* JUm Huuwd (1'se.) Am. lae ItTsa la the leading |*pet a the aatlaaalaS tai, sua w?u nssri ?sa im Ii Petal | ir M a?? oaivea. iliaOm Jtmaemttu .Vraan^ar. Hnocaaa haa lavorart Tax na stnee ita matit. and the recent mcreaas iu th. alas at thai is au evidence ol uaieaMug prudent*. The aMa that ? me nest *oods emu. iu aaaaall | a niagai," la ar vised ia una ineiaiaw. mm tha awa agiSwi* tarltaa. Taa lui iaa