Newspaper Page Text
?OMR SEKIOCS CHARGES. Xi|lM?r Offlrtn and Contractor* Said to Have Been Robbing tbe Government. Hataxxah, Oa.. May 31.?Charges of whole saie robbery of the United Rtates government by fee river and harbor improvement contrac tors, Ben). D. Green. John M. Guvnor, and their associates. are made by W. B. Curtis, who has been an assistant United tates engineer off and on since 1872. The contractor* have had the principal con tractu for deepening the harbor* of Savannah, Charleston. Brunswick. Fernandina and Jack sonville since 1882. In 1882 Green resigned his commission in the army. He was engaged then in work on the Savannah river. He bid for the contracts, bnt was underbid bv B. 8. Burnett, now United States engineer at t>auk ford. Kt. Gen. Gilmore recommended the acceptance of Burnett's bid. bnt Green went to Washington, bad the contracts relet.and secured it. Curus was in charge of improvements at Savannah under Gen. Gilmore for several years prior to 1385. Last July while engaged at Cincinnati in government work, Curtis ac cepted an invitation of Lieut. O. M. Carter, United States engineer in charge of im provements at Savannah and along this coast, to resume work under him here. He came out. In February he says Green ap proached him and told him if he would accept an appointment by Carter as inspector he would S'vehimroOa month extra. Curtis reported e offer to Carter, and after an interview with Green and Carter he resigned, and is now doing engineering work for the city of Savan nah. He declares that money appropriated for this harbor is grossly misapplied, and the improvements claimed by Carter do not exist. He says that Greeu told him that he got Carter to move Inspector G. W. Brown in 1886 to Fer nandina. and his successor was wortt- S60 a day to him more; that if Curtis would accept the inspectorship he would soon be taken into business with his iirni, which expected to do business in Peru and Chili, and that Lieut. Carter intended to resign in a few months and go in with them. Curtis' statements have aroused public opinion. It is hoped the gov ernment will institute an investigation. THE LKAOIE HOOKS. What Was Said About Them Before the Parnell Commission To-day. Londoh. May 31.?At the sitting of the Par nell commission to-day Mr. Beid. of the Par nellite counsel, stated that inquiry had resulted in the finding of thirtv books belonging to the national league, which would be produced in court. Mr. Lockwood. one of the Parnellite counsvl. produced a pass-book, apparently be longing to Mr. Justin McCarthy, which dated from November, 1880. to May, 1887. which con tained an entry of a check for *100 paid to Frank Byrne, the dynamiter. Mr. McCarthy informed the court that the pass-book did not belong to him. tliat it never was in his posses sion. and that he did not know that the book existed. WAITING FOR INSTRUCTIONS. The Samoaii Conference Will Not Meet for Several Days. Bkblix. May 31.?The Samoan conference will not meet again for several days. The commissioners have agreed to the questions at issue and have drawn up a protocol. This has been telegraphed to the governments inter ested. and it is exjiected that replies will be re ceived by wire. On their arrival a iinal formal Bitting will be held. THE BARGE BAVARIA. Had the Crew Remained on Hoard They Would Have Heeu Saved. Wa-ertown. N. I., May 31.?Further partic ular Lave been received about the barge Ba varia, one of the Calvin's boats that was re ported stranded on Galloup Island. It seeems that when the barge struck the shoal, the crew, eight persons in all, took to a small boat, but on account of the terrific gale they could not reach the island and were lost." They were seen at one time by a parsing tug clinging to their yawl. The tug could not render any as sistance. The yawl was afterward seen float ing with no person in her. Permission had to be obtained from the Treasury department, at Washington, before any wrecking assistance could be sent to the barge. When she was reached thev found her in very good condition, with scarcely any water in the hold. Clothes belonging to the men were dry. and liad they remained aboard o' the barge all would have been saved. Another English Syndicate Purchase. Lovisville. Ky.. May 31.?An English syndi cate yesterday consummated the purchase of 320.000 acres of yellow pine Iand.four sawmills, three planing mills, and miles of railroad in Esambie county.} Fla. The sellers were the Mnscovie lumber company, the Michigan lum ber company, and the G. W. Bobinson com pany. The price paid was $1,500.000. John Gilbert, the Veteran Comedian, 111. Bosto*. May 31.?John Gilbert, the veteran comedian, is quite ill in this city. Mr. Gilbert came from Sew York a few days ago. accompa nied by his wife, intending to go to his summer Lome at Manchester-by-the-Sea. but found it necessary to consult his physician here. He is suffering from kidney troubles and a slight at tack of pneumonia. The Militia Withdrawn. Juliet. III.. May 31.?Four companies of militia were withdrawn from Braidwood yes terday, leaving four more to do guard duty and protect property. Fiftv more men went to work Yesterday, making i)6 in all. The com Cny will put new men to work next week un ? the regular men who signed contracts go to work. 1 his, it is thought, will produce trou ble, as blacklisting is equivalent to murder among the miners. Shot Him Without Warning. t tica. N. Y., May 31.?A dispatch from Ox ford, Chenango county, says that Garrett Wheeler, a foreman in the stone quarries there, was fatally shot by Nelson Brae kett. one of the workmen, at 10-.3D last night. The assault was made without warning, and was inspired by revenge because Mr heeler had been concerned in the prosecution of lJraekett's brother for an offense which he had committed. Wheeler is a middle-agi'd man. and has a wife und two Children. Brackett has been arrested. A Mail Agent Shot In Chicago. Cbicaoo. May 81.?James Phelan, a mail ?gent on the Michigan Southern railway, who travels from Toledo to Syracuse, was shot and seriously if not fatally wounded by Frank Le fevre in front of Morrison's saloon, corner of Blue Island avenue aud 14th street, about 10 o'clock last night. Phelan tired first at Le fevre. but missed him. The latter then fired a bullet into Phelan'a groin and ran away. He was arrested about midnight. The cause of the shooting is unknown. A Bicycle Tournament In Rochester. Boca est ea, N. Y.. May 31.?The tournament Of the West End Bicycle club at the Driving park yesterday was a great success. About 200 wheelmen took part The track was not favor able for fast time. Half mile, open handicap 60 yarils, waa won by E. O. Basicoe, of Wood atock. Ont.; time 1:21. One mile novice safetv machines, W. F. Gassier, of Niagara Falls; time 3:22. Mile. Monroe county champion ship, J. A. Heusner. Bochester: time 3 min utes. One mile novice, wheels 35 pounds. E. A. Folsotn. Bochester: time 3 minutes and 8 seconds. One mile, handicap 100 yards. E. O. Basicoe: time 2:50. One hundred yards slow race. L G. Mabelt. Bochester: time *4:08. Five mile handicap, one-half mile. E. O. Basicoe; time 17 :Wk. Quarter mile dash, George L. Eatea. of Rochester: time 53.',. Two mile, state championship. E. II. Cochran, of Leroy time 6 43. Quarter mile dash. E. O. Basicoe time 3? seconds. Mile and half, handicap ?10 yards. E. O. Basicoe; time 4:5344. Mile tan dem bicycle. Heusner aud Chamberlain, of Bochester: time 3-05. Mile safetv. G. F. Kafier MUlersville. Pa. , time 3:53'*. Mile consolatiou. handicap 100 yards, C. J. Connelly, of Boches ter, tune 3.40. Earthquake Shocks in Europe. Ixjxdo*. May SL?A slight earthquake shock ?ecurred 00 the Isle of Wight to-dav. Earthquake shocks were felt at Cherbourg, Havre, iwuea. Granville. Coen. Portsmouth aud Havaut yesterday evening. No damage to property is reported. Famib. May 31. -Several earthquake shocks were fait oa the left hank of the mer Seine Wdar. Canadian Canals to be Opened. Ottawa. Oxt., Mar 31.?Instructions have been issued by the department of railways and canals for the opening of all the St. Lawrence canals from midnight Saturday* until 6 p. m. Sundays. This order is the outcome of the Strong representations of Canadian forwarders that by closing the canals all day on Sunday they were discriminated against and that traffic ns being diverted to the Erie canal which Otherwise would take the St. Lawrence route. A RUMORED DISASTER. Which Fails to be Confirmed by Further Inquiry. Montreal, May 11.?It is rumored that the a team ship Lake Ontario, vhich left here on Wednesday for Liverpool with a full list of cabin passenger*, has gone down with all hands. The vessel should have been in the neighborhood of Anticosti yesterday, and it is known that a terrible storm has been raging in the gulf for the last few days. The rumor of the disaster seems well authen ticated. Inquiry at all of the offices of the Great Northwestern telegraph company along the Oulf of St. Lawrence fails to confirm the re ported loss of the steamship Lake Ontario. No tidings of the vessel have been received at any of them. London. May 31.?The owners of the Beaver Line steamship Lake Ontario, reported to have been lost in the Gulf of St. Lawrence yesterday, hare not as yet received env news of the disaster. Despondency Causes Suicide. Ipswich. Mass., May 31.?Wells York, aged fifty, a sectitn boss on the Boston and Maine railroad, committed suicide yesterday by cut ting his throat. Despondency from ill-health was the probable cause. He leaves a widow. Carpenters to Strike To-Morrow. Lowell, Mass., May 31.?The Lowell car penters'union last evening adopted a resolution notifying the 200 signers of the agreement to strike on June 1 for nine hours and regular pay that the obligation goes into cffcct at 5 p. m. to-morrow. All contractors were notified to day. An Official Mediator Rewarded. May 31.?Emperor William will ap point Herr Hammacher, member of the reich stag, a councillor of state, as a reward for his services in mediating between the miners and their employers in the recent strikes. No Expulsions at Colby University. Waterville, Me.. May 31.?It is officially de nied that there have been any expulsions of Colby university students, as has been stated. Two seniors and two freshmen were suspended for general bad conduct. The report that the lady students had anything to do with these suspensions is wholly unfounded. A Dynamite Mo rub In a Factory. Randolph. Mass., May 31.?Two explosions occurred in the factory of John Peach last evening, wrecking a heavy iron machine used for pricking heels, and kindling a blaze which was speedily extinguished. It is thought that a dynamite bomb was thrown in through the factory window. An investigation will follow. A Letter-Carrier Arrested for Rape. S'UiERViLLE. Mass., May 31.?James Carney, aged twenty-six, a married man. was arrested yesterday, charged with rape upon Mary Fuller, a seventeen-year-old girl of very re spectable parents. Carney was formerly a florist, but has recently received an appoint ment as substitute letter-carrier. Ail Odd Fellows* Celebration. Lynchburg, Va.. May 31.-The seventieth anniversary of Odd Fellowship was celebrated here last night. Addresses by P. G. M. Grand Representative J. B. Blanks and P. G. E. J. Bond, both of Petersburg, were delivered, and an elegant banquet was given. The site for a colored orphan asvlum was purchased near this city yesterdav, for which funds are being donated north and south. Arrested for Digainy. Charlotte. N. C., May 31.?Mrs. Thos. E. Swetzer, of Fall River, Mass., arrived here Wednesday in search of her husband, who left her two years ago. She was directed to Rock ingham. a town 50 miles east of Charlotte. Mrs. Swetzer went there yesterdav, where she found here former husband living with another woman as his wife. Wife No. 1 had Swetzer arrested. She said that if he would accompany her back to Massachusetts she would not prose cute him. The father of wife No. 2. however, it is understood, had Swetzer arrested on a charge of bigamy. White Cap Outrage in Iowa. Des Moines, Iowa, May 31.?A telegram from Mount Auburn reports brief particulars of a White Cap outrage which occurred near there Wednesday night, and in which several per sons were fately injured. The victim was a farmer, and his barn was burned down. Being driven out by the flames, he defended himself with a Ditch-fork, wounding several White Laps. Ail parties implicated are under arrest except the wounded. Reward Offered for a Train Robber. Milwaukee. Wis., May 31.?The Milwaukee and Northwestern officials offer $000 reward for the man who robbed the train at Ellis Junc tion. A dispatch last night savB the bandit had been seen below Coleman aud'shawauee, about 11 miles from the scene of the robbery. Fatal Stroke of Lightning. Cortdon. Ind., May 31.?While Eph Ressner was returning from Leavenworth to his home in this county Wednesday afternoon lightning struck his wagon, in which were seated five persons besides himself, instantly killing his wife and so severely shocking a "lady named Cline that she-has become insane." All the others were more or less injured. The wagon was shattered and one of the horses killed. Scalded by Rolling Copper. Elizabeth, N. J., May 31.?An explosion oc curred yesterday afternoon in the New Jersey extraction works on Stateu Island souud, below Elizabeth port. A furnace blew up and threw boiling copper over a number of emploves. Win. bale was fatally burned, and Edward Mc Samee was struck by a flying bolt and is in a critical condition. James Wright and Samuel Elliott were also badly injured, but will proba bly recover. The damage to the works amounts to about $6,0U0. Millions of Damage In West Virginia. Charleston, W. Va., May 31.?A heavy rain began falling here at noon yesterday and con tinued until late last night, which caused a flood in the tributaries of the Kanawha river. The Chesapeake and Ohio railroad bridge over Cabin creek was carried away, and booms in Elk and Coal river* swept awav. and millions of dollars worth of timber, lumber and rail road ties swept away. It is feared that a por tion of the city will be submerged. The rivers are still rising. The thermometer registers 48. Three of Them will Die. Chicaoo. May 31.?A dispatch from Canon I City. Col., says: While the Decoration Davpro I cession was returning from the cemetery yes ! terday a team became frightened and came tearing down the street in the line of carriages. J They came in contact with a wagon in which were three women and five children. The oc | cu punts of the wagon which was run iuto were injured, and two or three of them will die. The injured are Mrs. S. A. Sheak, Mrs. C'harle* White and mfivut, Mr* W. L. Jones and three small children. Xaturul Gas In Iowa. Dm Moists. Iowa, May 31.?While boring a well on the farm of 8. T. Smith, near Bayard, yesterday, a flow of water was struck that bids fair to rival the Belt Plain spouter. All efforts to control it have so far beeu unsuccessful. An amount of gas is with the water, which burns freely. Great excitement prevails. Foundered In Saginaw Ray. Poet Huron, Mich., May 31.?The steamer E. 8. Pease, of East Saginaw, is reported found ered yesterday in Saginaw bay. The Pease was commanded by John Sterling, of Saginaw City. The crew, consisting of Capt. Sterling, Chief Engineer Samuel Jamieson. Mate Martin Dona hue, Second Mate William Gaines, and eight or ten sailors are lost WHAT THE OWXM SATS. Detroit. Mich.. May 31.?A special to the AVm from East Saginaw says: Capt Pease went to Port Huron this morning. He said be fore starting that the steamer Pease had gone ashore. Me did not think anyone was drowned, but had no authentic information. SHE WAS SEEN YESTERDAY. A special to the A'act from Port Huron. Mich., says: Nothing is knewn hare of the loss of the steamer E. S. Pease. Tfie steamer B. W. Arnold reports seeing the Pease at 9 o clock yesterday morning, at which time she ll* lo?"e Jjer?*>w' the barge* Planet and Jbe Pea*e was then about 17 miles off Point Aax Barques and heading east She was then working all right aad was making northeast shore. It is reported here that Capt Stirling s wife and children were on board. The Pease has a crew of eighteen men. A small reported ashore near Port Ant barque* which may be the Pease. For Other Tekyraptoc Awe* See Page* 1 and 6 PROGRESSIVE JOURNALISM. Some of tbe Attractions of To-morow's Star. To-morrow's twelve-page Stak will be of un usual interest. The local features which have given Thz Star inch a strong hold upon tbe people of the District will be particularly at tractive, while tbe general reading matter, both that by its special correspondents as well as that furnished by its staff of trained re porters and extensive telegraphic connection, will be found highly entertaining. Many of the articles, both upon local and general sub jects, will bo illustrated. Those interested in athletic or fashionable sports will find the field fully covered, while those who seek general literature will be perfectly satisfied that the high standard which Th* Star has so long up held is fully maintained. The complete news system which daily covers every happening In this country and abroad and which lias given Th* Star such a high rank as a newspaper is a guarantee that no event worthy of chroni cling will be overlooked. The following are some of the features of to-morrow's Stab: DRINKS AND DRINKING CUPS (illustrated) :? Collections in the National museum. PUSH AND PROGRESS (illustrated):? Washington real estate agents and how they have succeeded. SUBURBAN DEVELOPMENT:? An interesting description of the wonderful improvements northeast of the city. CARROLL INSTITUTE:? A sketch of this large and prosperous asso ciation. ELEGANT MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS:? How pianos are effectively decorated to suit their surroundings (by Mary Gay Humph reys). REAL ESTATE GOSSIP: The question of Washington rents thoroughly discussed. SURPRISING SHANGHAI:? A description of the international republic of the far east. (By Henry Norman.) AFTER MANY DAYS:? An entertaining story of Memorial Day. THE DRESS OF THE PERIOD:? The new order of things arranged by the upper ten thousand. (By Jennie June.) ETIQUETTE AND MANNERS:? Some puzzling questions about society's rules satisfactorily answered. THE STARS OF JUNE:? l lanets and constellations that will make the night sky brilliant. (By W, C. Winlock.) NOTES IN NEW YORK: Soine of Gotham's fashions in other things than clothes. ^By Tuk Star's special cor respondent.) HOME MATTERS:? Practical suggestions to industrious house keepers. IN OFFICIAL SOCIETY:? Interesting gossip about prominent people. OUT-DOOR SPORTS:? What is going on in tenuis courts and on the ball field. SOCIAL MATTERS. Summer Plans of Well-Known People? Personal Notes. Mrs. T. W. Pulmer wiil sail from New York to join her husband in Madrid early next week. Mrs. Palmer has been in Detroit for the past month arranging for her absence abroad. The lirst letter received from Minister Palmer, who sailed on the 8th of this month, announced that he is ''well and happy." Mrs. Montgomery Blair will spend the sum mer at the family place, near Silver Springs station, in Maryland. Lieut. L. L. Reamy, of the U. S. S. Trenton, has returned to the city, and is enjoying the comforts of home after his experiences in Su inoan waters. Admiral and Mrs. Porter will summer at their cottage in Jamestown. 11. I. Mr. C. C. Glover will join a riding party that has projected a tour of the mountains and val leys of Virginia for a summer outing. Mrs. Thompson-Swann has taken possession of the residence of the late Chief Justice Waite on 1 street. Mrs. Tlioinpson-Swaun has a sum mer place in Princeton. N. J., where she will spend the summer months. Mrs. Tlioinpsou Swann has lived for the past two winters in a K-street house. Mrs. Dolph has left the city to visit Prince ton college, where her son, Chester, is a student. Mr. and Mrs. L. Z. Leiter and Miss Leiter have taken up their abode for the heated sea son at Newport. They will visit in Lenox dur ing the late autumn. Mrs. Logan, with her charges, the Misses Pullman, of Chicago, are expected to arrive iu this city from Europe next mouth. The ladies of the Garfield hospital board of managers will give Mrs. Logan a reception of welcome on her return. Ex-Minister to Spain J. L. M. Curry will take up his permanent residence in this city next winter. Mr. Curry is an ex-member of the House, a theologian and a student. He is a brother-in-law to Mrs Calderon Carlisle, of this city. Col. and Mrs. Bonaparte will leave next month for their Newport villa, where they will spend the summer. UNDERWRITERS' CONVENTION. The Closing Session To-day?Election of Officers. The convention of the representatives of mu tual life and accident associations held its final session at the National hotel to-day. Offi cers were elected as follows: D. J. Avery, of Illinois, president; S. A. Lowell, M. E., secretary; John J. Acker. New York, treasurer; Vice-presidents?Isidor Bush. Missouri; George C. Wing, Maine; M. Eby, Massachusetts; W. Pemberton Page, Canada; D. J. Peck. Connecti cut; H. C. Brownell, New York; L. G. Fouse, Pennsylvania: T. B. (Campbell. District of Columbia; W. C. llaudlau, West Virginia; E. T. Carson. Ohio; W. H. Dunn ing, Michigan; T. S. Quincy, Illinois; J. M. Ostrander. Wisconsin; E. 11. Whitcomb, Iowa; F. C. Havens, California; H. M. Mc Ilhany, Virginia; J. Johnson. Tennessee; W. Z. Thompson. Kentucky; E. E. Lyman, New Hampshire; and John E. Wilkins. Indiana. Committee on legislation -Alfred Taylor, New York, chairman; E. F. Phelps, Illinois: Wm. Bro. Smith, New York; Clias. E. Foote. Michigan. Executive committee?E. F. Phelps. Illinois, chairman: V. L. Sawyer, Connecticut; E. B. Ilarper, New York; Geo. A. Litchfield, Massa chusetts; David Murray, New York; B. F. Dyer, Massachusetts. The convention spent the morning considering various questions raised iu the report of the executive commit tee. A resolution was adopted urging the adop tion of a one-cent rate for letter postage. The convention adjourned to meet in New York June 13. 1890. The Death Record. During the twenty-four hours ending at noon to-day deaths were reported to the health office as follows: Rose Bock, white, 1 mouth: Elizabeth B. Bradford, white, 7 years; Albert E. Parker, colored, 1 year. Quick Thaiss to Philadelphia.?The fastest trains ever iu service from Washington to Pbil adeiphia are running daily via B> aad O. R. R. They are all equipped with Pullman buffet par lor or sleeping cars and no extra tare is exacted for list time. t 0 ? * I t ' ?! At Brenham. Tex., Mrs. Randolph Bradt be came suddenly insane. *nd. seizing a pistol, killed two of ?er children?orio foifa- years' did and the other kix. Shs took the youngest child, a baby. and-escaped from tbe hotwe and itwl at large. ??> : 1 ? ' ' * .o J At Evans ville, Ind., Wednesday night, Albert Wilson, a railroad man, fataUy shot bis young wife and then sent a bullet through his own brain. He died instantly. Jealousy was the cause. A tramp who was stealing a ride on a freight train of the Memphis and Charleston Railroad was set upon and beaten by two negro brake men, and shot by the conductor. The dead body was then thrown on the track. The brakemen have been arrested. The conductor escaped. WANTED?HELP. WANTED - IMMEDIATELY - A COMPETENT 11 girl to do general housework. man be excellent laimarea*. good rtain cook. go boms at nl^ht. Ai>ply at once, 141o 1?th it. Jf? TH EE! PALDIJ n>y31 - W ANTED?BOX, WHITE. APPLY, WITH REFER 11 encee, after5 o'clock P.m.. >t SPALDING'S AGENCY/lbn Pa. are. n.w? royal 2t* -WRITER introduce the ? la veu t J an of the aire; reference# required. HLNKY A. CLAKKF. fc SOS. U.15 F st. n.w. my31-3t* ?W ANTED-OO TO DICK'S AGENOY FOR COOKS- I M Housemaids, Waitress. Nursee. Laundress, Coach- ; men, Butlera. Waiter* and general housework. 813 Tth at. B.W. Also European Steamship agent. It* WANTED-A GIRL TO WASH. IRON AND DO genera] housework. only those with boat of refer ence need apply to 8. W. AUGENSTEIN, SI7 7th st. n.w. my 31-'it* ANTED-STRONG, INTELLIGENT BOY. IT I or IS years of s?fe, to work it store and ware room; salary $3 per week. Address STRONG BOY, Star office. my31-~t* WANTED-A GIRL TO COOK, #ASH " AND 11 iron. Alao, a uurse girl. 400 A at. a. e- It* \\TANTED?AT THE ARLINGTON HOTEL. A white woman aa scrubber. Apply to HOUSE KEEPER my31-2t* VV ANT ED?EXPERIENCED SLEEVE TRIMMERS " on line work in our Dressmaking Department. Only first-elass worker* need apply to Mr. BHOOKS, Supt. Woodward Jk Lotbrop. It "KBTANTED?AT ONCE?A SERVANT TO COOK 11 and do gen> ral work for family of three: must stay at night, washing put out. Briny best of refer ence^aud apply at IS Iowa circle. iuj'31-Xt* KETANTED?WOMEN COOKS, ?i0 TOMOT ClIAM ? * bertuaida. tiurseeend laundresses, in city or away ; waiters, drivers or farm bands; colored men cooks, HAM'L A. UUOMBE. WJtf r iL u.w. m>31-gf TANTED-BY AN ARMY OFFICER, A SCOTCH ' or German cook and general house servant, must lie well recommended; good home to right jiersoii. ("all at 3315 P st., Georgetown. -t" w WANTED - WHITE NURSES AT THE CH1L *T dren's Hospital, 12th and W sts. n.w. Apply immediately. lay 31-aw W ANTED-A~MAN TO DO HOUSEWORK AND I 1 drive; none but i boat with city reference need ap ply. Address F. X., Star office. It* AKT" ANTED?WE ARE JUST ENGAGING IN BUSI- I ?T nessand need bright, intelligent lady withgvod references, moderate salary. Apply at Room 7, 934 1 sr. It* WANTED?A OKNTLKMAN WHO IS PRO ML nently connected with church work; good aalary. Apply to ALDERSON & CO., Room M, 1010 F at. lt*_ WANTED?WHITE WOMAN FOR GENERAL II housework, must stay nightsaudunencumbered. Apply with references to 133", 10th st.n.w. my31-3t* \VANTED?TWO YOUNG MEN AT SODA COUN-" ?1 ter; those with some experience preferred. Ad dress C. H., Star office. mh31-3t J ANTED?THREE SALES-LADIES AT HECH I INGER'S. 1328 7th st. It* YWANTED?A RELIABLE, RESPECTABLE COL 11 ored Girl as chambermaid and to assist in wait ing; good reierences required. 1401 Hat.n.w. It* WANTED-A SETTLED WHITE MAN TO WORK Tl on a farm near this city, who understands milk ing and care of horses and eurriages. Send address and terms to Bo* 100, Star office. my31-3t WANTED-BY AN EXPERIENCED LADY 8TENO 11 grapher and typewriter a lirst-class position; I best reference* lunuslied. Address E. M. H, Star office. my30-3t* W ANTED?POSITION AS HOUSEKEEPER WITH 11 a widower or bachelor by a middle-aged German lady, who can iurmsli tlio best of recommendation*. Apply at yl3 4th st. n.w. iny30-3t* WANTED-BY A COLOREdImRLXpLACE AS 11 nurse; willing to assist in chamberwork; (food references. Apply at 1209 I st. n.w, mv30-2t* w WANTED-BY A FIRST-CLASS MECHANIC, A 11 situation as carpeuter and stair-builder; wages no object. Address 1. K., Star office. my29-3t* WANTED - AN EXPERIENCED SETTLED 1 11 white woman wishes a situation as a nurse with a lady leaving the city, can furnish best of reference. Address .i 1 I.I A. Star office. my2i?-3t* WANTED - BY A RESPKCTABLE ENGLISH ? ? couple a place to look after property or take rare of house for summer, and make themselves useful; can trive tfood references. Address W. A., 00 G st. s.w. iuy^9-3t* W ANTED -SITUATIONS FOR FIRST-CLASS 11 white and colored cooks, housekeepers, Lome man, mauls, Ac.. also German and Canadian cooks. Scotch and German maids Cities resortsaiidcountry.) my25-dt* BLRNHAM S, 910 0th st^n.w. ANTED?FREE?THE CITY INTELLIGENCE office furnishes highly recommended servants and clerical applicants. Rooms registered free. Gov ernment applications for position* prepared. Unfur nished rooms in demand. 711 G n.w, uiyL'o-tit" "WANTED-A YOUNG LADY OF FINISHED MU 11 hi. ul education desires a position an goveruess where study of music may be made a specialty; highest relerences exchanged. Address A. B. L., Star office. m]r21-13t* \v WANTED?SITUATION S. J ANTED - AT HEADQUARTERS - POSITION'S for cooka. chambermaid, waitresn, lauiidrt-ss and nurses, aeamstress. Men waiters, cooks, coachmen, butlers. SAM L A. COOMBE. 0^0 F st n.w. uiSl-tit1 \|TANTED--MEN AND WOMEN COOKS, *10 TO IT $7it. chambermaids, Laundresses.Drivers,White Shirt I Toners, Oardeners, Farm and Dairy Men. Help of all kinds. DICK'S Agency, 613 7th st. u. w. It* WANTED?A YOUNG MAN, A GOOD PENMAN^ 11 desires a situation; willing to work; good refer ences. Address WORK, Star office. my31-2t' WANTED?BY A COLOBED WOMAN. WHO IS A . willing worker, a good home with some white , family. W llling to leave the city. Call at 442 1 st. n. w. my31-'Jt* WANTED-A GOOD COOK-AND LAUNDRESS TO [ 11 go north. Call at ~0^j Hiliyer Place, near 1st | St., after ti o'clock. my30-3t* \\fANTED?A COLORED WOMAN TO COOK] 1* wash and iron for a small family. Mustbeagoodj cook; stay at nnrht. Apply, with references, at 1333 Wallaeh l'lace u.w. my30-3t* ANTED- A CAPABLE AND EFFICIENT MAN to act as salesman and book-k 'eper. Wages. #.">0 per mo.; must have good references from last em ployer. Address Box 119, Star office. my30-3t* WANT ED-GOOD INSUBAITCB lOOl; WILL FAY ' salary or commission. Apply to EASTERDAY k HAI.DEMAN, COS F st. u.w. my30-3t* Wanted - a colored- woman to"cook^ wash and iron. Apply at 1U?"~ 15th st. d. w. my30-3t* W AN1 ED - A REGISTERED PHARMACIST " ls'st of references. Address 1 OLE, Star office. my!49-3t w ANTED?A COMPETENT COLORED MAN. 11 liceusedengineer. J. MAURY DOVE, 21st aud I streets. myj?9-3t* W ANT ED-ACO MPETENT OOOK FOR SMALL | " family iu the country; good wat/t.s and a perma nent home to a satisfactory party; a niiddle-a#red per- , son preferred. Call from Wto 10 and .'1 to 4 o'clock. GOLD8DOROUOH BROlflERtt & CO., xuy29-3t i:>oa Penna.ave. WANTKD?CAPABLE" SALESMAN TO 1N TR0 duce our goods; euenretic man can build up prof itable and permanent business for himself. Apply, with references, to ROBACHER'tt DISINFECTANT OUU Rochester, V. V. My29 At AIT ANTED -HELP FOR PHILADELPHIA; FOR 11 city; white and colored cooks, butlers, lady book keepers, nurses, farm and dairymen, dressmakers; trunks stored , remember we charge all, rich and poor alike. BURN HAM'S, iilO 9th st. n.w. myJ.Vut* 1ST ACTED - SEVEN CHAMBERMAIDS FOR 11 Berkeley, W. Va . and 5 lur Lake City, N. J. Also Kood working women and men for city. Applications for Government positions prepared. CITl INTEL LIGENCE OFFICE, 711 Gst. n.w. MjSiMK1 WANTED?MANAGER, ON 8ALAKY $2,000 PER year, to open branch office in your locality; busi ness purely mercantile; one that will inspire you with pride, pleasure.and prolit; trade established; no can* vnasiniror i eddlinir; a rare opportunity. J. E. 8HEP ARD. and *.'7 VN . ,0th st., Cincinnati, Ohio. my$4 WAN TFD?A "capable LAW CLERK. APPLY j bet. S and H a. m , 1 "il9 K St. u.w. my','3-"Jw* VrnfANTED-LEARNERS FOR 1'RoF. CHRIST 11 NER'S New International Tailor System of Dress and Garment CuttuiK with inch rule and tape measure scales, and the only system used that is based U|>on scientific tailor principles. System tainrht by Mine. S. J. MKSbEK, 1303 H st.u.w. my lo-lm* AVANTED ? DfNDORES EMPLOYMENT BO TT lean, conducted by ladies, men aud worneu, w lute and colored, tor all kinds ut domestic labor, tor District and states, with references. 717 M st. u.w. my 11-1 iu* . WANTED MISCELLANEOUS ?\*T AN TED?TO BUY FOR CASH, IAFETY 11ICY TI rle; in list be in wood condition and low in price Address Uox 100, Star office. mydl-L't* WANTED?TO RENT MVEBY STABLE OF 20 to stalls. will buy stock of same it suitable. Address LIVERY, Star office, statiiiK rent of stable and value of stock. my31 ~t" W ANTED-TO BUY A RESTAURANT OR WILL I , 1 buy a hall interest ill a well-established nstau rant. Addn'ss H. E. B., Star office. liij ' * VkTANTED DRESS CUTTING MADK V.AsV, ,, .Muduine WashuiKton's "Dress CuttiiiK Scale," Just patented, enables every one to learn to cut all kinds of garments readily and accurately The system will be taiiKht, and the scule aud a measure book lurnikbcd li<r ??i. Persons learning this sjsteiu are unme?liaiely pla< eil in a position to cam Kood waKcs. Ready cut aud basted liuinKS tniarmnteed to fit. 12*?'3 F st. n. w. my-O-tit* WAN TED-PARLOR FURNITURE UPHOL stered; Mattresses made over, work done iu a neat aiul substantial manner; slip covers cut aud made;perfcct titifuaranteed. C. NELSON, r."J3Gn.w. myfl-4w* \KTANTED?PASTURAGE. HORSES TAKEN FOR 11 p?stura?fe at Chevy Chase farm, two miles north west of Tenallytown. I'erms |ier month. Apply to H. G. CARROLL on the premise^ my'Jo-ttt* VV ANTED?H. BAUM PAYS THE HIGHEST CASH 11 prices lor second-hand Furniture, Carpets and Feathers. Entire Households a specialty. Address i!lD 7th st. s.w. my.'j WANTED?HORSES TO PASTURE AT *5 PER month, trrain feed extra; |>ersoual attention. Order box Price's stable. 311 tith n.w.; farm 7tb-st. road, eight miles from city. O. H. P. CLARK, Sligo, Md. inyliS-liu1 TMIJANTED?HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FUR 11 iture of every description. Also Store Fixtures and Stocks of Merchandise. Address, CARLTON. 030 K st. u.w. my'-M-lm "VI7 ANTED?TO BUY?GOOD SECOND-HAND GEN- I 11 tlemen's Clothes, Guns, Pistols, Ac., for which hitrheat cash price is paid. Call or send |>osUl to myl7-lm* A^ E1ZNAR. 130111th st. it. WANTED-SMOKE PORIUONDO k OO.'H CI- i II gars; Carolina and Concha Floreata, 5c. each: 1 Margarita Loudre and Zarzuclas, 10c. each. JOSEPH M. PORTUONDO ^ CO.^ Phlhnlelphla. myl5-lui Building. it.' iuyl3-lB>* AiNTED?THY tttRIIftJE*. BESt BCTTtBIWE ?UuUib than Hag's Laid. lft>r mu um*in th* er Market at stalls 328. 320, 330. middle of . C. SCI apll-7m \tT ANTED?GOOD SECOND-HAND CO CLEANING .AJiD nn. are., corner 2d st. n. w. WANTED-HOUSES. \*rANTED-POR CASH. GOOD 7 OB 8-ROO* TV House. rood location. alley in rear for atable. water. aewer, northeast or southeast |?wrr?d. location and prir* Communications ccmMenual Address Bex 1X6, star office. m/Sl-Jt w ANTED-IUIIEDIATELT. SO OK 30 MI LEU It from city.s small House for mmmror fewrooms, near mountains preferred. convenient to village ega station. Address MRS B. 634 L St. n w. iny313f \17ANTBD-TO PUBCHASt FROM qV>KB. A M small house; prtoe about 42,200. Address HALF CASH. Star office. Wr3lK?' W ASTED- HOUSE. 43,000 TO 9&.000. ?500 cash, balance monthly. City or "ilmrtan. Ad dress OKAY. Star office. my30-2t WANTED?ROOMS. Mr ANTED TWO UNFURNISHED BOOMS. IK f the northwest part of the city, by ? rntddle-s^red la<t> ; rent not to exceed 4S. Address A. B. C.. Star office. ? WASTED-BT A SINGLE GKNTLXMAN A SEC ond-story front room with bay-window; southern exfiofluxv. bet. k and K and 13th and 16th ata.; board 1'rvferred. Addresa. slating tenna, 8. tt. .. HUT i Act. my31-2t WANTED?TOITNO GENTLEMAN ATTEN DING law coltotre and lu the Interior Department. de I wires room* and board with refined, well-to-do private family for himaelf i<nd aiater. who will also attend J school. Addettfc J. V. W., Star office. myttl-'-t WANTED?BOARD. \\TANTED-8UMMER BOAUD FOB TWO ADULTS, M child and uurae. in auburbs of city or Geoiyetowjn Heurhta, atvesaible by street eara. Addreaa Box 13 <v Star office. my 31-St FOR RENT?ROOMS. )B RENT-A SUITE OF THREE UNFURNISHED communicating rooms on second floor. private liath: hot and cold water on name floor; nice and cool; rent reasonable. Call at 1450 Corcoran ?t n.w I n;y2R-6t* _ 1TH)R RENT?3i UNFl RNISHED BOOMS ASP bath, suitable for light housekeeping. private la mil} . $10 per month. I'.1G at. n.w. my 31 ',t FOR RENT-ONE FURNISHED"room", si IT able for one or two gentlemen; convenient to the cars and berdics. 104 10th st. *. e. It* 1"X>R RENT?1510 H~?T. N.W. HANDSOMELY tarnished Rooms on second and third floors. gtHsl | table l>oanl if deal red; near the Cluba and State De ' partmont, summer rate#. references. For rent-handhomely furnished rooms at summer I.It' c. centrally located; overlooking McPhersou suuare, cltokt table ill the house. Apply between ti and it p. m. 918 and 020 15th at. n. W. my31-gt* - 1J*OR RENT - TWO COMMUNICATING FUR uished rooms, with board. On Capitol Hill, 121 Cat s.e. my31-3t* FOR RENT-FOUR UNFURNISHED ROOMS, well adapted for light housekeeping. rent KO, in chiiliiig gas, bsth, fee. Apply 1-58 8th at n.w. Jl-3t^ FOR RENT - 014 12TH ST. N.W.. DELIGHT fully cool and large Rooms (furnished and unfur nished) at summer prices. Referencesj;xchamred. lt_ FOR RENT - TWO FURNISHED OR UNFl fi nished Rooms. Apply 017 2d at n.w. my 30-31 rJOR RENT-TWO PLEASANT", NICELY FUR Uialied Rooms, with gi>od board, at summer rales; nice neivhlsjrhood; street cars anu herdics pass the door. 123 B st. a.e. my: 10-."It* FOR RENT-TWO NEWLY FURNISHED OK IX turnisbed front rooms; single or en suite; second floor; k'as hath same floor; beard if desired; terms moderate. 1415 Columbia st. n.w. my30-2t* >R KKNT?XICELY FURNISHED BOOMS; ALSO one large uufuruished, at 512 8th at. n.w , opp. I'. O. D.; also deak room. my30-3t I TOR KENT- ELEGANTLY-FURNISHED ROOMS at 621 E st. n. w., en suite or single; references. my30-2w* FOR RENT?1228 N ST.. COR. 13TH, FIRST and second floor Rooms at most reasonable rates, with tr?* si board; delightful location for summer. my30-3t* IX)K RENT-THE COOLEST AND MOST 1>E liirlilful ro>uns to I* lound in the city, furnished or unfurnished, with excellent board at lowest summer rates at 113 1st st. n.e. my30-3t* Vj>OK KENT - NICELY-FURNISHED ROOMS. X sinifle and en suite second and third floors. one of the best locations in the city; summer prices. W13 M st. n.w. my25-(K* IJ*oR RENT?ONE LARGE NICELY FURNISHED pleasant mmnier room on second floor; front bay window; mod. imp.; rent 48. H10 It jt. n.w. my2M-3t fJOR RENT?041 K ST. N. W . VERY DESIRABLE rooms, handsomely furnished; en suite or aiiurle; references exebaUKcd, uo children taken. n?y20-3t 1X>K KENT - 1110 15T1I ST. N." W? A BKKiHT and nicely furnished front room on second flis.r; l^as and bath. rent 48; also back parlor $8. Herdics pass the door. my20-3t X)R RENT - PRIVATE FAMILY. WITHOUT children, three unfurnished communicatinH-rooma on second floor, for lwht housekeeplnK. bay window, cheerful and sunny, convenient to three oar lines. 1508 Oth st. n.w. my2#-3t* F'Oli RENT?1014 15th 8T. N.W., PLEASANT und attractive second flisjr front alcove Room, with board, near McFhemon stjuare. Transients accommo dated. Summer rates. my20-3t* 1WR RENT-BRIGHT, AIRY BACK PARLOR, nicely furnished, opening on back porch; suitable for one or two isrsons; one sguare from Otb-st. cars, j 1941 Vermont ave. n.w. my20-3t* I" JtOK RENT ? FURNISHED ROOMS, !?4'i NLW York ave, summer rates. my29-3t F' OR RENT?1342 Q ST. N. W.. FURNISHED Room, very mo<lerate rates. Good Table Board. I References exchanged. niy29-3t I "TOR RENT?1433 L BT. N. W? TWO ELEGANT suites of parlors on second floor, suitable for tren tlemen; also other desirable rooms; every conven lenee and comfort; herdic and car lines. my20-3t* 1X)R RENT-CHEAP FOR SUMMER-TWO BEAIT . tiful a>l)acent flats; seven rooms each; lu. I.'.fully 1 furnished for housekeeping; on avenue car line; refer ences required. Address P 1st No. 1, B and Q Flats, West WauhiuKton. myJa-3t* 1X)K RENT-THKEE NICE UNFURNISHED ' rooms, with ttaa and bath. 1U06 Uth at. n.w. my29-2t* 17KJR RENT?817 16TH ST.N.W , FURNISHED OR unfurnished rooms, en auite; also office room to rent. niy21-lm* 1j?0K RENT?102111TH~8T. N. W.. COR. MASS! ave., eletrantly furnished Rooms, en suite or single, all front on the street; cheap to desirable parties; table board. myio-Ot* "|X>R RENT-WELL FURNISHED COMMUNICAT J/ tug parlor and bed room; north and south ex ls)9ure; also a Isrye second story front room and other rooms; south exposure; at summer rates. 1112 H st. n.w. my20-lm I t~WR~RENT?19 K>WA CIRCLE?THREE COM. roonis, with private bath, second floor, and two com. rooms, third floor, fur. Those having children or servants need not apply. Ref. exchanged. my3-lm FOR SALE?LOTS. iOR SALE?A VFRY DESIRABLE LOT IN MOUNT Pleasant, with three fronts, cor. 10thst. extended; M'SaKER.920 F at. n.w. IX)R SALE-AT A BARGAIN?A CHOICE LOT, corner Quarry road and Columbia road 100 feet front on road; and very shallow III depth. my31-3t LOUIS P. SHOEMAKER, 920 F St. n.w. Fir sale? N. E. cor. lot, 100x102, ou 14th st. ex. 65c. Two lots, 50xlo0, Princeton st. near Dr. Ham mond's js. 35c Two lots. 50x169, cor. 15th and Princeton ?ts....oOc. 6kx127 to ;?0 ft. alley, Del. ave and 3d st SI 50 00x120, cor. li'th and B sts. n.w 35c. 00x115, C st., bet. tith and 7th sts. n.e 65c. T. H. SYPH ERD k OU? my31-2t Sun Building. ~70R SALE-CHEAP LOTS. ~ _1 1 Oth St., near L, 30x95, to 28-foot alley t3.2? 11th st. near T, 22x100, to 20-toot alley 1.00 1st st. n.w., bet. B and C, 20x80 1.-5 P st. bet. loth and 10th, 22x100, to alley 2.00 East Capitol St., near Oth J J}; 8th st. s.e., bet. East Cap. and A sts., 23x99...... 1.10 my29-3t DAVID D. STON E, 806 K st. F F FOK SALE?A BARGAIN?A RARE CHANCE TO Ket two southeast front lots, N. H. ave- bet. M ana and N, grade and front reservation. If sold in ten days, price ?1.50. S. C. HILL, 8th and Fsts? n.w. my29-6t* OltS ALE-1430 12TH ST N.W.-A DESIRABLE lot. 13x85, to 15-foot alley; four-room frame; price, 43 per foot. J. S. BELT s CO. Boom 41, At lantic building, my29-3t FOB BALK?THE FOLLOWING VERY DESIRA ble building sites, northwest North side of K st., near ISth, 40x100. to alley ( old houses, renting at $40). per foot....... .. ? ? ? 43. N at., north side, near 1 (til, 2 Iota, lSxl00 each, to alley i>erfoot.............???..???????...????? R st., north side, near 19th it., 2 lots, 20x100 each, ^'r St? 'listweeii'13th and 14Ui. north side,' 25x95^ '"piit.1, imrth'sideibetweeniii's't and 22d sts., 4uxi00 (oldframe), i>er loot ? ? ????? t"* . 19th st., near Pa. ave., 21x70 told frame), rents aim 43.800 ? GEO. W. LIN KINS, my28-flt Cor. 19th and Pa. ave _ I-XHThaLK-DESIRABLF. LOT8 IN MT. PLEAS 1 cut, 4550and 4700 each. J. R. HERTFORD, my2s-lmo Fleming Building. 1419 G st 1X>R SALE-BETTER INVESTMENT THAN * stocks, bonds or banks; only 30 cents per foot; *25 cash, balance 410 per month; 1 < feet front build ing Lots on Kentucky ave. s.e.; recently graded - but ouesuuare from new Auacosts bridge; 30-foot alley; l>erfect title; deeds free: bound to enhance. Apply to WELLER & REPETTI. il26 Pi. ave. s.e. my28-6t I?R^SALE-NORTH SIDE OF BOUNDARY ST.. 41.25 a foot; New Hampshire ave., 41.<?> afoot; M st. near North Capitol, 41; M at., bet. 4th and 5th. 41 75; 9th St., nesr L, 42; Columbian Heights. 26c. to 50c Meridian Hill, 35c. and 40c. THOS. GThEN 8EY * CO? ljKJO Fat n.w. mygS-lw I30R"sALE?TO BUILDERS AND INVESTORS? X* 1 Will sell, cheap, in blocks or singly, the most eco nomical lota in the best Improved square; aq. north east. w. E. BURFORD, 1422 N .Y. ave. ap20-?w* Vi*OB 8ALK?OO LOTS III "FAJRVIEW," BE r tween Eckington and National Fair grounds, 2oX 100 and 25x120, from 4150to 4300each , easy terms. This sutxUvislon ia on tlic line of Improvements and affonls an oplsjrt unity for investment. Forplau and Information apply to RUST * HUNOEBJ&RD. my24-lui 624 14th at.n.w. n)H SALE?ONE LOT, NEAR DUPOUT CIRCLE. "4x98, cheap. $2.2o a toot; one lot, near Dupout circle., 4160 a foot; one lot, nw Du i?ont circle, ^3x100, cheap, 41.45 a foot; one lot. uear bupont circle, 19x\00. cheap, #1.45 ? foot Aprty CHAR1.ES EARLY. 003 14th at a.w. MTl?-2w iSoK SALE?LOTS III WAGGAMAN AND RI P (lout's addition to the city of Waaliington, formerly called Woodley Park. This property U situate at tiie terminus of Connecticut ?*?. extended, and ad)oina Kalorama Heights, the new bridge and the park ffliw, aud nesr by the proposed Zoological gardens. Anetop trie road will be constructed, ? oharter having already been obtained from Congwat ?Scl?l prices to peo ple of prominence who will build flue house*. Call lor plat; also _mylO-toi_ 700 14th ?? "?tenwrnit IIS (1 stat BICYCLES. FOR RENT?HOUSES. V( K Rf->T-gT THos ITWAGGAMAN. REAL r* Ml ATI BRoKKK, 917 t ST. N.W. HOOEd. The JUltby. * J and B st. n. w ....#1,001 1-17 N n.w., fur., 1 jr.. 25< IM'it n.w.. 3052 P at n w.. fur. 13r 80 l.'CtWL st. n. ?.. lOr 7." 2031 I ?t. n.w . 14r . ..Oo 1116 loth at D ? .l4r tie MlFstnw. lOr 2818Pst n w, lor 5o 2820 Pst n.w., 10. 5y ~lll20st n w? I4r....#35 1414 11thst.n w.,1 lr. .35 1207 11 th st. n w? ? r 3."> 1731 19?hst.n.w.,??r. . .3t? 1201 llthst n.w 7rms:m 41 7 K st u w . ilr ?? !KKJ Vi av e.w . 8r . ti Tenlsytown Koad. Hr to ?<0 L st u. w. 7r -5 140*2 W st. n.w.. ?r .30 .10 Hli D?t Uf,ttr? .. '.'II F 83V W J ave n w, i?r .50 2012 9tli u w.istable-tlr 20 236 N.J. sve.n w., !>r 5o 217 1 Itu sv ? w, 7r -0 2061* st n. w . \0r. .35 5o S3 H st n e ,5r 15 1740 N V. ave.. 12r 35 3?4 ? at a.w.. Or 14 309 I4thstn.w.,9r. 35 ornca ?15 T st. n w. 2d 401 7th st. lst a . r 3. . 10 floor, front room... ,#.?o Uiwi b'ldy. rivm :l 10 468 La. ave . basement 4?l8 1-s ?v? ad flr., 2 2 rtwiM. ,3U lark rooms 10 4tW La. ave. 4 th floor. 472 U. are.. 2 taw 4ra meet rvwms 8 8th A Pa. a*., room 18.25 Gun Von bid"*. r'm 31 * Ounton b'ldV. r. 26.12.50 Leu., a b'ld ?. room 4 .. .,5 401 7th at.,lst fl.,r. *2. 10 STORES. Aa Store and cellar 10th A Hall. 17th ft F nts n.w. 50 E st* n. w 475 Ua.ll. 12th A K sta n w. .30 St.'i-p and Dw'n* 810 Stable rear 141 ?< K st Htli rt. n.w , 7r 50 n.w ...15 Store and I'w'in* 4b H at. n.w.. Or 40 Tb* above Is only a portion of th? property ?n fT l<* l>. lor ftill list call at office for bulletin Issued ni the lstand 15th. Imy.Si) THUS. E. W AGGAMAN. BJOR REST <04 101H ST s t .MM UlUxM brick, in (nodorder, mod. uups.. near herd* - an.I cars, cheap r? ntal. #17 30 per month WRIGHT A STOCRXTT. SlOFet mj31-3t* ."?<IH KE .N T-171"."OlIHCOHAN ST . NEW NIM room. bay-w indow Jlrtck , ooucreted ? filar. furna.-e. south front, flue interior finish, jrard nd all> j #40 50 per mouth WRIGHT A sTOCkETT. 810 * st. tuy31-3t* IX) K RFNT-REDICED TO ?:C?. HANDsoMl 3 stori ba> window ?lw>-lliuc.*.,l:t .M at n.w. ? ? n rooms. bath, alcore, coal vault. all modern im; ? Kt-y licit cl Kr. my:tl-'2t* i>t?K HtST-710 1VTH 8T.S.W . T RimM FMIMK r houac. i'J.'j. THtU A. HAKl>i\'U. 0?Ni lltli ?t. n.w. my:tl-3t I>)K KENT- 17"2"24that. n.w sr :ih L st n.w. 7r #5 'JS Mh st. u . <>r 1<> ii?... 7r . 11*.50 'J 11 i 13thst n.w..t>rls 4?i K-j:i l*2th at. u.e., 5r.l4.:td 14!? W'llm n ?t u w ,?ir. !? 1311 C at. s.e., lir .. .8. .">0 Stoiv t"or. 5th and 1' sts 758 Navy 1*1., *.e.,5r.!?.:io' n.w.,with < *:i 1.?r 15 m:tl-3t W, C. Di:VAI.l? M*i?? K St. n.w. I>>K KENT?1504 15TH ST N.W SHIN roiiuis aiitl conveniences. #'.s.50. nther iiou-ca in desirable locations. Several stoif* m northwest.* A. H. LEE A SON. 14th ?t. ai d K. I ave. L>lh KF.NT?81X-KOOM llOl SE. -HKIV ST1I ST. n.w., #15 i*r month. I?wi-llim-'?l45 Mash*. hiis?'tt? avc, u.w , riirlit r<Ninis and twtli. all mod* ru iuiprow inenta #30 |*r mouth. Inquire iit-?t door. mj W ilt* I>)R KENT?413 ?TH ST. N W.. TEN SI'NNV rooms two squama from l'an-nt, l'i?it. r.usion oih res, and Market. well located lor room rcutimr. uiy30-3t* UttNtlt, 514 Eat AW. 7<>K KENT-NO. 712 4TH N W.; liUI< K, ti rooms and bath ; near Pension office and det *rt ?t?- A**". ,.|L.?M U II l.lllll F F x mentx: #*25; advance. W. B. L< IK1>, iuy30-3t* 607 Ixoiisian* ave. TjHJK KENT-FOl R-SToKY. HAY WINUUM liKICK I>welliii(r. ?1?J Hat. n.w.. eleven moms, liath. and laundry: convenient to Poat, Patent. Pension, and Tresaury l><"i'artun ntg, in lirst-clm<? onl? i and imin. diate jiossesMou. Apply CHAS. C. l>t NCANSON, nth at., corner 1? at. n w. Iujr30~3t fX)K KENT - STOKE ANT> DTO.l.lNli, WITH fltturea complete; 5 rooms i.nd water, in k' ?>-I condition; 3*20 1st st. s.e.; #18. By CH Vs b. SHKKVE;. loo:* 7th st. n.w. my,".> lw IJOK KENT?HOUSE, U00 71H ST. N w . modeni improveuienta. Inquire at STt)N l:'s l?ru?r store. 1100 7iti st. n.w. n.j?.".i-'.'w 1jV)R KF.NT LE DROIT PARK. TWO-sToKY AND cellar brick houae. Oor 7 room*, modern iinpr. v menu. front, side and l?< k yard. reut #30p, r nn i th in advance: 1813 Linden street. Apply on premises. iny2W-4t* .VJR RENTTTiFAMILY < IF AMf.IS A T?o story brick dwelliut.'. newly v>?v*red; corner 13th and S streets; parking trout and side, very desirable lixaticn Apply at 1'2*24 8 st. n.w. ui> .".i .'(t* J^OR RENT?tNEL'R Nihil Ell. 11)15 S st. n.w.. 12r...#!i5 t'ttflth st. n.e.,1r. V04 l>el awe. li e . 1 lr . 7o Hyattsvillr -2D '2105 O at.n.w.. lOr 55 I'nton nt. ?.w..t>r ..12.30 705 8th at. n.w., lor... ,5o I'moii Pi. s. w , ,"?r 8.50 3327 P st. n.w., 12r. . . 50 Ofhtv rooms, *17 11 tti ct. K31 I' nt. n. w., lOr 40 n.w., -t-I to #"20. 2-.'10 Est. n w . Sr 25 Office r. 1013i'a.av.u.w.50 1W27 10th at. n.w.. ?25l Elli.NlsHED. Coiiu. ave., l*.f R and S, 18r.. j>er year #3,500 buuderland Place n.w.. 1 lr., per month.. 150 TYLER A KLTHERFOKD. rny29-6t* 1307 F at. n.w. FOK KENT-JUNE 1. STA RLE AND HOI SE. 504 B ?t. n.e., 11 rooms, new . to ??1 tenant. #40. my-2?-3t* S. H. WALKElt, 420 is st. n.e. 1>>R RENT-B W. BR1< K. 181*2 5TH ST. N \> , 7 rooms, mini, imp* ; stable; #27. Bnck. I.">0!? Pierce Place, 7 rooms, mod. imps., #25. THOs. J. MYEBS, 1021 9th st. u w. ? my*21?-lw* FOR KENT-THBEE-sfoRY ItlUCK Hoi st, 11 rooms;aaloon parlors, dinmir-room and kit the tlrst floor. re'nt?xl low for a hrst-class tenant, 224 A?t. a.e. Apply 204 A st. s.e my2li-3t I7>OK RENT - VERY NICE <:< MIL liol si, llo-2 New Hani)?hire ave.. 8 rooms and luth; bay wiu dowa. cabinet mantels, laivetrlosets . all mi*d*>rti im provementa.#45.50. B. H. WARNER & CO., ill? Eat. mr29-3t* P)R RENT -88 D ST. S. W . 4 ROOM BRK'C with bay window, parkinir in front, water #12. Inquire on premisea. my21+-3t* [X)K BENT?1 "200 O 8T N.wTa NICE !i ROOM T houae; in nice order, at reduced rent to desirable tenant by owner or atrent. key at ?rrocer opposite. iny'29-3f P. CORCORAN, 22? Ista.e. FOR BENT? 1251 V?th sEn.w .lOr... #50 !H)ti Dth st. U.W. str 3313 iTosixvt av., 13r. 35 and dwelliuir #100 2315 M st. n.w., Sr 30 101.1 14th at. n.w . . 83 33 2144 H st. U.W., 7r 25 !)lt? N.Y.ave., 13r. 75 1200 Md. ave. n.e.. 1335 Q St. n.w.. Ilr 50 ?tore anddwcllim< 25 150# fth at. n.w., lOr 40 2225 7th st. Road, 8r ..20 1425 8th at. n.w., lor .35 21<i 12th st. n.w , 5r is 7th and A sta. a.e., store 710 loth st. n.e., 5r 10 anldwellihg 35 1210U st s.e., tir 10 ALBERT E. FOX, my29-3t 1)20 E st. n.w. 1j?OK RENT-8-ROOSf BRR'K HOI SV WITH MOD imps., 1521 12th at. n.w.. rent #30 per month. Apply to JOHN F. UKEEN, 1410 y st. n.w uiy2W-2W 17HJK RENT-NEW BRICK HOI SF., 8 RihiMsi bay window, cellar, bath, shed, laiye yard . con venient to Patent, Pension and Gov't pr. i ithces. ami to cars, schools, and market; #35. 224 K n. w? next to 3d St. mjr2?-3t*_ X)R RENT?40lT OTH ST. N. W. THREE-STORY and basement bnck. 10roomsaiid Iwih . i "si-esaion June 1 Inquire of J. I. JONES, Poat-offii t depart ment, near < th at. entrance. my .'j-iif FOR RENT?310 AND 318 C ST. ?. W., 20 KO' IMS ea< li. will be rented aeparatelj or jointly ; suitable for larire boardinirhouse; each #.5. K. H. T. LEi I'OLD, 1300 E st.._aecond floor trout. my"28-0t okkentZBI F 1918 r St.. 12r..#50 6-"> 907 27th st., 5r #12.50 20200st., 12r 50.ti-> No. 1, Bessel'sC rt. 3327 PSt., 12r 50 4r 10.50 2020 F st., lOr 40 Sui*-rior ft., M. Hill . 10 922 19th st., 8r. 25.50 19th and U sts .otlice 003 H at. n.e.. Or 18.50 room 12.50 1703 19th at. u.w.. Stable, 3 stalls.near Pa. 7r 18.30 av., bet. 21st & 22dsU. 12 my28-2w GEO. W. L1NKINS, loth and H sta. u.w. S)K RENT-BY R O. HOI.T/.MAN. REAL Es tate Mid Inaurauce Broker, loth and E BOUSES. 1327 14th st.n.w,.12r., 1841 K St., lOr #50 st'r&sta.,h't'dby ?tml#5 1911 N st. n.w. 9r 50 1217 K ?t. n.w.. 12r. 150 913 Kst. n.w., !>r 40 1734 K st. n.w.. 15r. ..125 2212 H st. n.u., 7r 30 421 11th St. n.w.,17r 100 2220 H st. n w., 7r 30 1915 N St. n.w., 12r.._. .95 123 C St. s.e., 8r 30 ?\ >>v , ,u,u av. u. " ., * v* . .i" v.w bi.u.ii ...iC,store I' 020 E st. n.w., 13r 75 ;10."> D st. s.e.. Or 1." 1017 12th n.w . 10r.. .00 309 D st. s.e.. Or 15 141b I st. n.w , ?ir 55 1701 19th st. U,w? 4r. .15 FURNISHED HOUSES r.oear 18th st, 13r..#5oO Ver av.. ur N.12r.#160 Ofl Kbet. 17th*18th. 410.00 B, near "21st at . 8r. .l.S0 Mass. ave aud Ihomaa Uth. above K at.. I2r. loO Circle, 17r 333.33 R. I. ave.,bt 10A17...125 Conn, ave.,near N St.. .250 Pst., near 12th, lor 125 K, bet. 17 th s 18.l5r.250 Lst., bet l4 S 15.22r.250 N H. ave. and N tt . 13r,75 E bet. 15th A lUth.12r,250 35th, noar y n.?.. 1 lr...05 OFFICES. 641 F Bt., 2d floor, 51ront N. E. cor. 12th and Fa t*.,heated by steam. .#80 ave., lr #83.33 1/41 r, 3d floor, 5 front rs., 939 F St., 2d floor. Sr....30 heated bv steam 00 470 La. ave., from 10 to 20 Eleiraut rooms in "Sim 513 11th st.,2r 25 Bulldinr,"tireproof,2 ele- 1211 F st. n.w.,2r 25 vators. heated by steam, 1211 E st u.w.,3r 25 trom #30 to #90 each. 513 11th at,.3r 20 STXIRES. 612K 11th it n.w *50 005 Cth st. u.w t55 mj*27 R. O. HOLTZMAN. loth and F sta. n w. ?OR RENT?ONE TWO-STORY BRICK HOl SE; 9 rooms; all mod. imp.: concrete cellar, newly i>a rered and painted; 2214 O st. n.w. Henlic* run to the house. Kent #35. Inquire 403 7th st. my27-8t OR RENT- #75-1341 LST. N. W, ATTRACTIVE three-story, bay-window brii k, ten rooioa, ran^e, latrolie, bath, luck buildiny, cellar, rear alley. JOS. FORREST, 1003 F st.; hours 12 to 2. m?"23-2w poR rent no. 2146 Pa. ave. n.w? .No. 1007 lst at. n.w, 7 10 rs.,mod. imps. #55 rs.. mod. imps. #22.50 No. 950 U st. n.w.,8 rs.. No. 1011 lst st. n.w., 7 mod. imp* #40 r*.. mod. imps .. #22.50 No 906 8 st. n w.. 8 rs. No. 10U9 H st n.e., 6 mod must. (35 rs . mod. im|>s #15 No. 1915 11th st n.w., 10-room Cotta?re st 9rs.. mod. imps.... #25 "Charlton Heitrhta." No. 935 N st. n.w . 0 rs. 1 BrauchviUe, MX, per mod. imps #22.50 mo #50 CHARLES W. HANDY, Real Estate, my*25-6t 921 F street n.w. FOR RENT?1537 14TH ST N. W . VERY Coif fortable 3-story brick, 8 rooms, lanre parlor and cellar, bath, and yard, no basement, rent, #40. Ap ply to owner, 411 15th st. n. w. myl-2tn FOR RENT-MOST DESIRABLE CORNER HOUSE within block Dupont Dlrcle. #*."> Apply CHARLES EARLY, jnylft-lm 003 14th st "[TORRENT?1900 L ?r.. 1425 Q. lOr #45 JT mod. imp.,.. .#55 1338 ff I Or f>0 1906G, 9r, mod. im...&0 1004 27>th, Or 10 attt-3in GRAHAM 4 BOLTON. 928 F. >?-w..Br...SO <28 9th st ae? Or...15.30 13J0Kq?sstn.w,8 r..p 1221 Wvliest ne.Or 11 ^1 Ir -j- ? 3-> Bear 307 7th ae.,4r. 10.30 13?v9tfc st, n.w? Br. 3;> 2023 Hntton Ct u.w, 4r.9 400 0st. n.w.,6r.,store.30 6 Green's alley, 4r., V 1405C?L st. n.w?6r.25.40 1373 Bdx., 5r S 14*7 N J.av, Or. 25 820 "2d at. a.e? 4r M i laland. aoev. from Jne i <s ffimtentas X, pec BAatk. , . #1M.00 1011 T?t n!wt^?aj^'i^^-hjiai'iweBt'Hejr window bnci, 8 rooms and Iwth, a m. 1. 33.00 'ASA ?3BShc5S|^|j^i ilUatlc aytt ; IMM) F *L m. w. i RRItT?BEAUTIFUL ROME, 631 K. C ATE.. K a block froni Pscna. ave. ears; bouse 40 feet FOR RENT-HOUSES l>iR Erin- I Mm JT 01-J f at B ? ?1(MY67 lOSf&iTJ. AV Vm ave. >?l -?? 1V5 V?. rttli at. n *-> UK 1'UiM u ? .IVr IMO lMlfl Lan b et..flr .** 1?i.i ?. I* . ' "?i> \ .1 ?. ? .w ; 1*17 K -t u ? . 1 Ir ?*< 1 ?i i?th at B.e.Nr..,-1 1 :il 1 1 lUi ?t a.w.. l?r v. 1(1.11 at ?r ?i;iu at u w.. llr hi.JV 1H4V We?.li w . Or..*)?* 1410 > M-i * ? Iit.U M Kl? r m if ?: TOM Nth at.n.w..4 Vr.f?? 50 1 ill L at. a w.. ?r ?T.-? r.lij N H ave . U hi:. H? u a_ rtr ... }"?? :I2B lud. aee.. llr i.1 1V3 E at u.e. #r .. Jj J" l?4:i lMth li w ,i:tr .50 rto VS4<4 IJth u w . ** -11 ?U 221 ILCiviOlr 5o?0 lrtn7 4tl, at.n w ..r.1* JJ NOti lMli u_ w_ 1 lr_50 <i<j :4V M;nir?i u w,. 7*.. !? 1V15U at n.w.. llr 5*1.5.' 34 14 r it *.?, 6r 1 ?. Jj 1VV14 ltithrt .fr Mt.i'i Vt'.'ts nth at. b w ,?rl? o4 1.14!?th gt. n.w.s*r.. :.!< v.14 5 laiVj 11414s K at. n.w. lor ..V> 57 LAn.t .rtr .... ...1? ur >.H ?1.,W. 45 ?? M lVftva-a al. tw ....lk4? 1 404 llthn ?. Nr. 4i.>? 71o A at u a.. <* . rtVl 1* i?t u.?.. or. 4.'i :??.*?; nth ?t u* . rtr ?Jim.U H >t. u.? >r 4.t Whitney Ok 143 V. ?' at. li ?.. 1 'Jr. 4?? 1.4.1 ? H ?. I ...... r ai. li w? I r 411 1 .!.< ? K at u a.,l>r 1011 ?-'"th n.w , Mr 145 .<0 510 ".ML at. ae? 4>r 2tn d at n.w.. lor .15 :u2 sti. at nr 4.?4 II at. uw..Sr 35 '.".'IS(1< vrlitid iw,?t li 1310 Wallach j>l ,ttr XI Tit 10<M * at u w. .rtr......If 2V sth at u.r.. Nr . to 4 > VI <4 luth et 0 ? .rtr 13 2(H)5tbat a.e..Mr :vi 11 Is .'.that ne.,?r It Iti'lM U?th?t. u * .Iii4'.' ki * ? . :>r 11 :m 1 r.'ti tlth lit. B.w-.Kr JKI.41I :tl 7 1 l?h ?t. B.?.. rtr 11 liMUUtlirt >*.> rn l.rt. ?.W. Sr...lHHii ?ilH?t n*. v ..-7 !<? :tl!> I ?t n r. 4r 10 :tlHKrt i *r !'.? 44.i 1; n. u ? ,4r 10 r.iV4 iith it. u.v4 Tr.'.'7 n-'i _ i:.:?3 I .til ti v.. fir. PTOSIS k l'?UJ.!Nrtt ViM Irthuriil.. ir 4i? ;tl-: 1-t >T ?..?. 7r 411 14K7 14a rt B w..M...44? ?ill*'J.1 *t ti t*? 7r. ;i."? '.4IMI |v ?Vf- n.* VI till W Al.M.K K n'.HllI ft n w V.'1'l. I 1M r 7-M 1 Mil ?u 1 ,'r ?HHl 7 tii v;4th ?4.. Or *17 .?0 Knr.. ?.'l v: 14 ?t l.'.r 1 Hi' t'l 7 V *t ,.%r 17 "J 11 - M lt>r. and ?t_77? 1.-114 Vrtth at.. i?r l.? M 1410 -.tlth. I or . nil 7t? 7:t; -J4tli .t . rtr I.S.SO ISVH l'.'th ?t . 1 llr :him; K nt..?r 1.1 l:ui 1 at., r.'r . m i >n !-4f "J7th at. Hr !?? V.'t'.'l l*mav.,liir .iiki .'hi .'?0 f 11 '.'ittliat. .Sr 14:ttl '?fi&IXn..1(ir.,a i j? >' rJo:i-Mbat .ftnL 14. ;w Knr.,??rr H a?.,7r. . X) -Mi I V.'M at., r 14 :ui !K4K r at. t?r . tu.1. .444 .?? '.':l|:iUat ,?tr 14 ??? 114.i VI at.. 1 Vr .tii 1 411 .'mi h'.'.t V-M -t., ,*.r 13 M'4 '.'l^t. I it., in i to .?ii mVirluwltw... 1-4 Vl'.'7-Vli K Kl.'.ir.m i..<7 ,*i ? >? IV. b? lKliMi ?t.. I :?.> ..H V. I -4?i. ,1.. ;,t .... iv hi MiK **1 at . 1 ."hi 4 , .. it ? | 1 s 1 ~a. tva. I* im:t V:M ?t. sr.. m i .t.. ?? v<t>4 S h at.. ?ir. l'l VlVtrta !??. aii-.7r? :t*' ?i In k ?i . ">r IV V7V1 S ft.. l'.'r..ui i Itl .tl 4:tii | .tliat..<?r. Iii.'iO VVI I I at . t?r.. III.I V . ?i 'rttlii I at , :>r Ill ;UI VI.17 Fat.. Hr . III.I V."? Urn "4HM 1 at.. ?tr ltl :40 V|tC? 1*b. avi*.. tor V07Ui .M I >fcii?-* * .urt, ."?r .. 10 I4V1 ? at_7r.iai.l. M A in .IX V1V7 II at . 7 r W hi Umt MIVi 1?,?>ii..?... 16 IV1H-1? .'tiitli. rtr....W .'hi KluKlx ?-?HV4 I. ?ir VI.Ml M..r.-VI IV M at. 10r 76 1W.? :nith al .tir 4 - 1 . 4'1 Va. av? 4n SO IW17 liat..Mr..w te Vti .'rtl I <:tH IVniAivt Hi I'ur a lull U*t at j*ly to WKNCMl'l k VflUnl IB> V.'? Uki7 IV ave. a.w. 1^? U KF.ST?'I'M!' J I <01 K.I iv i. * . 1415 N at. a. ?.. llr ft>5 I7r. If VI in hV4 1 Vth at nw.aturn 141 :i Mm im'., I.r mil >1?. jhi.a ...<W atiil Htnlili vthl V?l|V HUb<*r l'la< ?'.Mr MO l40HHuajtn.B.* HWt.ttT It*I 1 Sat. ti ?.,Nr a9 1 VVS M nt. it.?., 1 ."ir I V*i 1iH?N liith at. b ?Mr >0 INlll N at. li w., l"?r 1I i 4Nt'?irv-. rrniat ,!ir 4'i .'?0 171411 Ma-* ave . 17r. .1-5 M V N J mo.t .Hr 4."i 171HI l.ith at. ii. l!*Va I .'ith at. ti.?? Mr 4'? I llr 1 Ui.67 17iis Mat.n.* . 7 r 45 1 tiV.i Minis avi'.. i:?r I nil till 151 H at li * Mr :I7 ?!? 17VK I * .lllra Ki743 l.vth IVh-r I'lar*1. lilr 4V IKttO 14Uiat.u.?.liratMl IKU1 Q at B,?.. rtr -M) *tur*' . ....N.'t741l I7V4 l.itliaCti* .iir 4'l 1M1KVl"tat n w 11 rNilTKl V4I0 14th at n * .ltir 4tl 14nl hlmurlituB ?t.. 14l?i i'ha|?tu at.. Mr 4(1 llr n;4.:m lrtn7 l.'ithat n.?.llir 4(1 \ 14H?:111 at. u* . * h. hi I |l.4ii Kunra atn a . rtr lj 515 1 vth at. n.w.. 1 .Ir 75 1 ."l.'IV UurifK at. li a , tir .15 I:u:ty at u.w.,1 lr......7*? Ilt.'l4 Kv?at.,Or .1.1 .'lOVKat u w- llr.. 7.'i 15 Vlrth at.B?.. 7r. .45 1. 11 4 1' 4t U.w . IVr. 75 lJHKi lltli at ti ? . 7r :HJ lMV:??i at u ? ,?>r... 75 vm:4 1 :??%?? ??* .?r ..!?? M4V S V. ave. II.*.. Mr..?S5 l."i07 ('?nilltir at.. <r. ...'.5 V4>V:i(I at o w , 1 lr ana 14 11 !'"? ? ? rtr 2(1 atablf 70 r.K I at ?t a. (a . rtr 15 I tini lMiiatn* rt(. i!7 VVV l*t?t a * .tir 15 lyW 1 at n.*. 5?r Ih* almti hou?a >aii l? .<1 hv iwrti.itfro* (in (. ua?. 'JUcAl.VS J. ll.-lill: A t'(V. Ill> 1 .IV4 t at. tl W. IX>U KKNT?1'NKl HMHIIKTi r V lHl|Mtitt inle ll.'iU 144< >" at .??ill 1447 M;t?a. a*( l;t: 14.111 > rt CO I i:th? im in- ?JOVU v at 40 ?;i:i l:t:h at 7o I5I5 ll.-m- 2.1 1V11* I at i(M( 4 layHIr Terrece.......ifO lVIMi K at Ml 7l?s 14 ?t B.e 20 l:il(l I'.lth at 75 14V7 1 aU. ulboB..... 1V.OO 1:414 linii rt n:i .u F'. KM SHED. 10th and I ata . .#4 l(i 'irt IMtli. tiaitr K 00K HS Hitli st.. n.*r V :i7"> Hi at., hinr l4tu |7S 13th, brt. k hi.a JMth at .ti rlluiamtftr l^.i lmpoiit Circle olin I . i I ?t u. ? h3>f Ult'H. lux k KlitlWX. m>-*24 44147 l*tiB av* b *. 1.XIU hi:NT N(| 151 s I'IKlU t I'LACE OKoiMS liru k h.iUa< . vmii. r? l?-vl r. Llai mid all nnxl. inii*., tV.YlMI fa r ui". mj V.'i-tit WASH'S I>AM:M10WKH. 11 lb F at. I.V1K KtNT NO. 15114 l H ltl t l'LA( 4.. Mi l 7-nMjni brick bouaa. i-muTPtr i-^llar uiiili-r ?-iitirf In .11* iuiU all liiv 1. Impa; I a Tv?- yard ?-'.V."?0 l?-r luo. iuyV5-(it ASH'.N IiAM:NMii? IJt. 1116 1 at _ ]~3(>K I.INT NO. 4V7 .">TH NT. N t HKICK dwi'lluitr I'OutauiltiK If naiuia and all mod Uu|*.; utilir ?'.Hi :vu p. r mo. tuyV5 (it HAsll'S DANEMIOW'F.R. 1115 Fat 1>>K KKNT?N?>S V0V7. VWV1I AMI Vtl31 IUKTI K I j'la. ? n.w.. ??**' H r.. .il hric K h-'i.x'a < .>iirri"t?il II !]:ira 411.1 all lnial. Illlfa.; nilt. *V5 .lni?r luo 1 injV.1 'it \t Asli N HANI NHUUI.Ii. 11 15 Fat I>IK KI NT-OW 1' h i N.W.. II KMi ASH KATlC #.'IO |ir iuo. 1145! \^ii11(m h 1'im*. ti ruia. anil liath. I f ;5 i~ r ii. ?. 1 4'. A at. u.i . '.( nw. au l t?ih . i?:i.'i |a r In. 14. M. MtiRHlMiN. IVr."* Fat n*. ii c* T.XIU KENT TH A I 111 >11. A 1(1.1. 14 * I Olll 1<V r room liru k. :41V> liuiiliari-.u a*?- u.w . tiarlor, ?Unliwrooui aud kitultett. Brat tiia^r. *4u liv ytaria lor auiauier. K?*y a uiit door iny 11 Im* ^Oli UK \ 1 ? _* " IMTBNtRHED HOI S**. VO Iowa C.ll-at Ilk. 14IV st u^htonat.. ? I3t? lil.l at l?-k..Mr fto 4*1 & I. at., 4-at*?ry l?r1i k. 141 iK SU iuchtoD at.. 3 17r 105 at l?rk . Mr 00 I 61V at.. 14 ?t l.k, 1VVV I at. B.w .S at ry 15r 100 l>r..Hr 41N 14VCI N at., a-?t. bk? Oil It at., 3-at. Ucttk, llr.till (JO Nra..!(ii 441 141(4 Mtoiia'htou ?t.. 14- SIIIS 14th at , l-l atorv ati-ry lirk lira. 60 b'k, lilr.. ataUe .41 50 14d(i StoUKUtoB at., 3- 150 1 at. He, VWLory atory lirk . Mr 60 liru k 7r . VI) .10 1410 St. tvhtoti at. a 11V F at .V at.bk .Or Vd .'iO at. brk., Or 60 H UMMIFI) 20 Ion a Circle. It-m. 1VOV N at.. 3-at. brk., l>k . 1 :ir., tliurotitfhly lltr , uict'U fur .#150 aud liaudaoturl) lur- 015 E, 4 atory liri.'k. lllshtal <175 1 7r 10* 17V0 C<jiiu.av? 14-atory 1IMI4 H.I. ave., ll-aUiry brk . Mr , a.m i. . .175 bk.. Mr , well lur 100 STOKES. 4N0 I "a are., .1-atory VIIV M at. atora and brick, llr., 25aUO to u?eiiit?f $79 allty *145 OFFICER I 6V5 F at. b w.. 3ra? 14.1 ?V5 F at. ?l w? 3ra., 5th tl. or (40 Hour tM 6S5 I at. ti.w.. lira , 4th . door lid FLATS. 1341 14th at-, larve H441 14th at., aerotid atort- iloo fl.iorfliit t<H 1341 14th at., firat 1341 14th at . tblrd floor flat 65 floor flat .53 KI ABLE. Ill roar of 1420 N at., 3 aulla, roon. fur 3 i-arriai.'*-a. i i>achiuaii'a room, hmt cluaa f Vl .iO * M. H. PARK 1 14. JO. aa. lAr.M i. myVl lVt 14 IN F at ! UVIR 111 NT 1302 L ST ; 11 motna, batb.and cj-/ r lar. Al to UithfcN ACl N NI N(JH A M. 14415 K atn-ct. Ultll-lm* I^OR RENT Flu 'M Jl NL 1. Hoi st tfs.'l I NT. ii. w.. in lull..! i .ndition. 14 rrnJUia. Aiiply to U. t?AS?:H. Mtill 7th at u.w. _ niylB-lm IjViK HINT IN \SACOSTIA -7 ROOM HOlSk; t harmiUK imatiou. larire yard, treea and flower*; one year lor 4V5II. 11-room Houat, di litrhtful irroubda, ahade aud fruit treea, atablr, ki .; nui j oar *.t(ai Hoth the above are couveuuut ti1 atreet cara. churi hea alid acboola. tlood water and healtht ill lo<.'atiou Ai | l> to myl 7-1 in H. A. (iRISWoLD, Auacoatia, O < j?)k BENT - siX-Ria'M bltlCK HOI sL SM I 11 th at. a.e.. water andyaa near herdica and cara. Si5.50. A|>|ily to 11. E 1'AIIlu. 4SV La ave uiy'7-lat 1>IR H41NT I.LEO A N '1 < iTTAOECUST AININt* 1V roonia. with new atable in rear, corner Wood ley La lie and lenity town road, immediately opimaita Oak View. Mil isthst. n.a., 3atory and baoeinetit .......>75 17140 1' at 75 10V6 17th at n. 14-at.. haaeiueut and attic 541 1740 K at n.w.. newly |ia|>ered aud 1'Ut in larrlact order tlirouKhout 1517 Plena- Place C5 1421 W at u.w .. V-aUiry aud baaeiuent VS 207 14 at u.e., 2-aUiryaud baaenieut Va 7211 tttli at. a.e., V-atorj LW luyl lliu 14LAU. RKim N k CO.. ll'Vl 4 at. FOR KKNT-STORKS. IjVill R1NT STORE 210 10IH ST.. MAR w holeaale market and La ave.; auitahle for coai iniaaion or Krocery buaiueaa i*rtn ularly. Inuuin- MV0 no 17-1st 1>>R 14KNT?8TtIKE llllll 7TH NT. N.W.', WITH dwelaiiif above; am table tor any buameaa ' -* "Kn"111 "U Inquire 1424 tiui at n.w. ' W?" RKNT-A PART OF STOKE 12116 T 8T li W ? newly (ia[iereil UmI lialnted. Iu>2?-3t 1X)K RENT HALF OF VU.l.INI KY SToRitj renirull} ba ated; rent moderate. Aildrea "SIIU LINERV," Star ollii-e. my2W 3t* PJR KENT OR SAl.E- STOhl: AN'I) IlWELEINa^ nut* rvajiua and hath, all ni t., atuck ot icrocena^ confta tioua aud l<-e-cn>am aaiiam. alao tumiahea rooiua lur rent, flntt-ilaae buainoaa plate liulO Hat. n.w. nif VN-rtt* I^OK RENT L.VROL STORK AND IHIM.U.NO, liidV 14lliat n ? dwelling ei.ntaina N n n.iai.i I all Dual Uu|a.. larve atabio in rear. 1 noe for alioltL ?125 (a r month. W AsH'N UAM NHuWLk, 1 my4-lm 1115 Fat. b.w. FOR RENT?OFFICES. FOR RENT?614 12TH ST N.W^LAKUE KutMft, witli door o|>etiiuir ou atreet. tl ? l*r mouth. 4 ai^ii oan he | lainly aeen froui F at II* LOST AND FOUND. LHOCT-MAY 31. BETWKKN CUK. 61H AND M and 1510 KtliMi b.w.. one Craraa Fortran; an lat aia'uature, "8. H. L.. May. 'NW,1' roiled m iof> ut New York Tuuea. Reward. Leave at (MM M at. n.w my31 _2t* THAYEU INTO THE URoCNDs OF THE IN8TI tunoB for the Deaf. Kendall titweu. a Hbaap. Tha I owner can have Ibe earns by l*wiu| i ro^ertv and payintr chanrea. Hiyl4l-2t* REWARD-LOUT IT'LL ADMlMiloN HOOK of national baae ball clak. Above reward wl2 If retumud to J AX UOUKJLEV, 625 7 th ak niy-ao 2t* LOUT- TCEKDAT EVEN IHO. BETWEKX iRUR? ton Iwtel and 1'boBiaa auvla, aniaU pearl atwa. AariM kJiM rin - nittil f trr m aMuiAtk LOUT -ON TUCtiDAT. MAf : with dark canjeri aetxti^ on BOARD! fJIHE AUBCKK, PENKSYLVkHIA AV'COUUI1 Cool, pleaaant rooiaa ?lth" board at reaaoaaMa prleaa. nrM-iu* ?ME HIMMI, 1408 H It ~ T