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THE GREAT RAIN STORM. DAMAGE BY THE DELUGE. RAILROAD TRAVEL INTERRUPTED. THE FLOOD IN THE POTOMAC. Rock Creek and Other Streams Out of Their Bounds. Along the River Front and on Rook Crook?The Harbor Improve ment Work Injured?The Long Bridge Threatened?The River Still Rising. Water, water everywhere! Muddy water, raging, boiling, racing, whirling past the city to the see, creeping up. inch by inch, foot by foot, a turbid, angry flood, showing ltd teeth and growling in its fury. Ail along the Cieorge town river front yesterday folks looksd at the clonds and then oat at the driving rain and shook their heads. The stiff southeast gale held the tides back and slowly the water began to rise daring the afternoon. As time went on the winds blew harder and the rain pelted faster, end merchants began to grow alarmed. At midnight Bock creek shook itself and rushed down into the river a torrent It mounted rapidly, and by three o'clock was higher than ever known before, by 4 feet, ac cording to the estimate of those at the aque duct office. Then, when the wind went down, the flood m the creek subsided somewhat and contained to fall, thoughiall during the day it has danced down at a frightful speed, and is still far above its normal height, and three times as broad as asutL The tall trees on the little islets in the center of the creek are bent low and the smaller ones leveled to the tide. At one place an onion bed that was covered last night had been uncovered by the falling waters, and the green st-ms of every bnlb lay stretched northward, while the flood swept rapidly to the south. Oreat minutes of timbers from shattered structures up the creek came tumbling down the stream, bumping into piers, smashing into walis, burying themselves in banks. The Scene from the Aqueduct IlrldRf. The Aqueduct bridge was lined with people from an early hour this morning watching the mad race of the yellow Potomac, while thoi? i whose interests lay along the front were at work as hard as beavers shifting stores, mak ing fast their scows, and taking time by tho forelock while the waters crept higher and higher along the wharves and crept into the cellars. At noon the river was running with the speed of a race horse, so fast that even the ablest guesscrs shook their heads and declined to estimate its speecL Some folks said it was going at the raw* of 10 milts an hour, some 15, others 20, and it wan even thought by a few that the wr.ter was traveling as fast as 25 miles an hour. The trees on the Three Misters were submerged. save a few waving leaves, that looked like green driftwood: the causeway from Virginia , to Analootan Island was almost invisible, anil between the islaLd and the shore whs a broad, swift current. The Columbia club's boathouse was isolated from the island by a stream 20 feet wide, and aloi.q the shore* of the island great breakers roared as the flood, impeded bv the rocks on the bank, tumbled up and over them. THE SNORT FLOOD. The water swirled and swung under the Aque duct bridge, boiling as it struck the piers, and whipping up a foam with a roaring and grind ing sound that was frightful. Along the wharves was great activity. A gang of men wsre ready with boats to catch timbers, but they crept near the shore with a safety line to the wharves. The chaiiuel was totally clear of all craft, none daring to brave tho tremendous current that would have swept them to probable destruc tion. Tug-boats worked their way up the river along the wharves bjr running 'ahead slowly for a time and then tying up to get their breath. Two or three scuoouer.i lav along the shore near the bridge, guyed by several strong ropes toat grew taut and threatened to break under the strain as the great masses of Water struck the bolls and swung them out. A STRUGGLE TOR LIFE. Three men went out in a small boat near Dent's foundry to make fust a line on a schooner, and, with a sudden whirl, the boat overturned, throwing its occupants into the water. Two of them reached the wnarf safe ly, but the tide caught the third, a great, brawny fellow, of enormous strength, and swept liim down. Some one threw him a line, but he was j several yard* down before he was pulled in. j The struggle was a territic one, those on shore i pulling with all their might and the unfortunate I luan struggling with the frenzy of despair. At last he reached the shore, weak and about to ! give up, every shred of clothing torn from him. The flood had literally stolen his clothcs from j his back. Reports were received hourly at the aque duct of the condition of affairs at Great ] Falls, although there was no apprehension of j danger to the works. Col. Wilson remained at the office until after midnight last night. Hpeak wg this morning of the odd circumstance of ? water causing a tire at th? lime kilns, he told of ! a stxr.rx.Aa paradox he experienced while stationed in Ore gon. Tho water, he said, rose so high that ' there was none to drink, and it became so cold that there was no ice to obtain. This resulted from the flooding of the water-works pump, ! and the freezing of the ice machine's pipes. SEWS FRO* THE UPPER POTOMAC. At half-past eleven word was received at the office that at lock 20, jost above Oreat Falls, the river and the canal were one flood, while the river was at least 12 feet above its usual level. FLOOI>11> CELLARS OS THE AVESrE. In nearly every basement and cellar on Penn sylvania avenue there is from one to four feet of water, and as these cellars are used mostly for storing goods the aggregate damage will be considerable. Around the Center market and Louisiana avenue the damage will be greater than anywhere else, as this point is very low. The cellar of the Howard nouse is flooded to a depth of four feet and a large stock of vegetables and groceries were de stroyed. The servants were busy this morning fishing them out. The Marble saloon is flooded to a depth of about 18 inches. Furtuer up to? n the Richmond and Danville railroad company's boil ding has 2 feet of water in the cellar, and men were busy all day pumping it out, but it ; came in faster than they could get rid of it. j The ground floor of the Center market is flooded, and the bjsy housewife had to hurry with her purchases. A great manv of the stands had to be vacated. The water backed np tbroaph the low-ground 1 m *"? ? ? i ? . sewers. Chief Psrris has been in receipt of a great many requests for bis engines to pump oat collars. Ttie water department has an en giue, which they purchased some titnu ago for this work, and it will be ntilizcd. Railroad Communication with the South Cut Off. Railroad travel south of Alexandria has been atandoned for the present. The trains leaving here yesterday afternoon had to return, not being abl* to get through. The Richmond ; tram north, due here at 3:*0. was compelled to j stop at Fredericksburg The schedule of all | south-bound trains on th ? A. and Y. coast line, \ the Midland and the V* as btngton and Ohio ! road (north and south) are aunnlled nnt'l fur- i ther orders, lbe full extent of the damage to the roads cannot yet be determined, i Tho Midland road is said to have suffered most. It is thought that they will not be able to turn I ? wheel on that road until Monday, so exten sive is the damag- to culverts, bridges, and track. The Alexandria and Fredericksburg road is badlv damaged, also the W ashtngton ; and Ohio. It is known that three bridges are : down between the junction and Falls Church. The bridge over Cameron Run has been slightly . damaged and about 100 yards of track dam aged. The local trains to Alexandria sre running as ?sua!, also the trains by the Raltunore and Po tomac from the east. The travelers for the south arriving from the north and east this morning were greatly dis appointed. as well as persons in the cttv who were expecting friends from the south. At the Baltimore and Potomac depot this morning a young man from New York alighting from a tram asked: "Hsve 1 time to get my breekfaat. I'm on my way south?" "It depends whether yoa are a slow eater or mot. If yoa can get throagb by sundown you'll be in time for the next train.' was the answer. Another passenger anxioasly inquired for the condition of the Washington and Ohio railroad. Mying that he had a wife on the line and wasted to see her. He was told that he had hat little chanoe to go oat to-day, bat, perhaps, ah* coold com* in ou Monday. DAMAOE OX THE A. AXD T. BOAD. The storm played great havoc on th* road between Alexandria and Quantico, and many washout* and landslide* are reported. All !r"'?s??bn'lnJ south are held up until the dara llr of til rP,Pft,red; Superintendent McKee ver. of the Pennsylvania road, told a Stab at ^daT thnt jt Wonld re* ? , Iea8t twenty-four houre to repair the damages. A force of upwards of Ave hundred men hare been dispatched to the badsections along the road. .he western trains on thePennsylrsnla road, i, . Harrisburg. are running regularly. Bailroad men all agroe that the storm has done more damage than any previous one of whwh they have any knowledge. SoCTHERN TELEGRAPH LINES DOWN. All telegraph communication south of Alex andria is interrupted, and it ia difficult to re ceive definite information. THB BALTIlfoBB AND OHIO. The great storm was kind to the Baltimore and Ohio railroad, locally speaking. The Wash ington branch is all right and trains between Baltimore, Philadelphia and New York are run ning regularly Along the Washington branch rtLMfZ??- '? 'mall streams have developed into rivers, and all ground is flooded. washocts oh thb metropolitan branch. The Metropolitan branch did not fare as well, and a number of washout* and land slides have been reported. A largo force of workmen are strong all along the line repairing the damage as rapidly us possible. ^ BOCK cubib bbidob safe. t. The,Bock Creek bridge is reported safe, al though at one time it was feared it would be swept away. The main liae of the road has Judes^ATth^^r frdn? ? wa"houts and land J telegraphic communication is road .nff L,7 - Jhe V??ley branch of the t^ine M^0ther P0rti0n of tne line. It is badly washed, and there are a great many land slides reported. It wifl be resumed" r * btlore travul caa be THE WORST Of ITS bind. Superintendent Alvey, in speaking of the storm this morning, said that it was the worst of its fcuid he ever knew. Locally speaking, hf. fought his road had been very CKy, as all trains were running on good aver thpii'f16* M t,mt Wtr* not running their fast express trains exactly on time, as they did not tliink it best. All "stranded pas sengers have been cared for and their tickets bi r^n00'^ k ! " exPected th?t uU travel will be resumed by to-morrow morning. nioht scenes at the bailroad stations. All last evening far into the night passengers for various points on the different railroads crowded together at the stations waiting for a chance to get away. Beports of accidents wash-outs and the sweeping awnv of bridges nnmerous and created anVthing but a comfortable feeling among the crowd. Trains which were to have left at a stated time were missing, and a great many clerks, who for the of ?h? ''k v. B1a^? UP the population No- ? rre ,rft' nnable t0 awnv. anJ *hen ? tram would start, preceded by f?gaD?i!)l J?*? feelln8 for wash-outs, but as i* *8 ? Metropolitan branch was concerned none went farther than the Bock creek bridtre. thA jaS considered unsafe, and the railroad people did not think it on the** iutakB risks. The trains on the Washington branch were delaved some time by the breaking of one end of a cuhert near Baltimore. Suburban trains ou t !.v .?if,T",llu rcnd didn't attempt to go farther than Alexandria, as beyond that point traveling was extremely dangerous, so the gov ernment clerk* living beyond that point passed the night in Washington. ^ Kxciting .Scenes In Georgetown. As early as yesterday afternoon precautions were being taken by the merchants and others along the river front at Georgetown to protect their property, and men were at work in the storm all night, but for such places of business as the lumber yards and coal wharves the rise in the river was too rapid to give time for moving the stock to safer places. thirtt thousand dollars worth or coal gone. Mr. II. C. Winship is without doubt the heav iest loser by the freshet He places his loss at fully 530.000 by the sweeping awav of several thousand tons of coal, to say nothing of the irf" Th's'ow is confined to t ie co.?l which was piled upon hi* wharf. Ho cf*? coal coined to him on ? "d ? "" UU Along the river front, from the new bridge to Rock creek, the scene was one of decided ani mation and bustle this morning. Boats and wagons were brought into service by merchants to remove goods from the fast rising l'otomac In the neighborhood of the flour mills balei upon bales of hay were piled upon the north side of K street, while barrels of flour were being constantly roiled to dryer places. The cellars of all the stores and warehouses alouK Water street and its vicinity SAVING THE CLUB BOATS. A center of attraction for a large crowd was the Columbia Athletic club's boat-house, in which there was at 10 o'clock this morning about four feet of water at the door leading into the house. Janitor Bremmer, with a force of assistants, was waist deep in the water care fully removing the boats, and before noon about htty had been made safe. On each side of 32d street for a good way up, and on many vacant lots in the vicinity th? boats were taken and guarded tester day the club received in its house a new four-oared gig, costing several hundred dollars and at one time it appeared as though it would bo a wreck, but it was removed without beiri" damaged. From the flooded boat houses on each side of the Columbia house the boats were being rowed to the streets. bexovixo ixocr and ice. In the storehouse of the New York steamship company yesterday were several hundred bar rels of flour to be shipped in a day or two, the property of Cropley A Ilerr, but Mr. Cropley, fearing the result of the heavy rain, had then! removed. In the same storehouse were about li5 barrel^ of lime, which cannot be removed. No damage is expected from it as the water will carry the lime oil'. The scene in the yards of the Independent ice company was a lively one. Numerous wagons were backed up to the great store house receiving loads of ice and hurriedly removing it. That program has been kept up the greater part of the day. 1 he water in the yard* of the companv was up to the body of the wagon. Men and boys, skiffs, row-boats, and men in rubber boots were busily kept engaged in saving logs of wood from the wood yards on the wharves. Ine water in the Potomac boat-house reached almost to the top of the door frame. The boats were removed before the water reached its present height. 'Ihe stock of lumber in the yards appeared to be all safe at noon, for pre cautions were taken last night, but, concerning the dressed lumber, some fears were expressed audj the employes were kept busy ui placiuif the same a story higher. 6 reaci2b>'<? the high-water mvrk or 1877. Those who had been on K street since early morning decked that the water was rising at the rate of an inch every quarter of an hour. This, together with the news that the river at Harper's Ferry continues to rise, caused many merchants along the wharves more anxiety than they felt at first. This being no they were nir>st of them of the opinion that the freshet would equai that of 1x77. Orev's dry dock, on the creek and canal, suffered greatly. He wss certain that his tools and en gine were rendered useless. It was found necessary to remove the horses from the stable of the Washington aqueduct, which has heretofore been regarded as safe from any ris. in ltock creek. '1 he schooner Coast Survey broke its moor ings off the point of Analoston Island. ? ashington Canoe boat-house and the Sharpshin Jishingboat and club house, oppo site Georgetown, are receiving telling strains upon their moorings, and some fears are ex pressed as to their safety. JrkVW|fr-w,?r mark of 1877 nP?n the Of W heatiey Bros', was, at 8:30 o'clock this morning, but two feet above the water. ?'elock ??-uigbt high tide' Is due, fee^t ti Ihougir h'gh WBt?r " 1#Ml tWO THB K-srREET BBIDOB DAXAOBO. The flood in Bock creek caused throe canal boats to break loose from their moorings and dash against the K-street bridge with such force as to render the bridge unsafe for travel.,g barricades were up. The boats received better treatment, for ther were badly stoven in. Ihe hand rail of the bridge was tainted as though it was but mere wire. A NARROW ESCAPE. Yesterday afternoon, during the heaviest rain, the wall of house No. 1234 28th street oc cupwd by J. D. Angels, of engine company'No. his life'.11* ADgeU Mrro"1T escaped with Flood and Fires. At about 9 o'clock last night fire added its terrors to those of the flood, th? former being caused by th? latter. Ths steadily rising Potomac crept into the lime kilns and ware houses of Oodey at 27th and K streets, and Johnson A Libbey, on 2<Jth street. Ths damage caused by the fire was trifling, but the water did destruction to the amount of 95,000 at ICuvUMssd onjyih SOCIAL MATTERS. Jum Weddings la High Life?Personal Mention. Dr. and Mrs. Pope hare oat invitations for another of their delightful muaicales to-night. Mrs. Henry Edwardes, wife of the first secre tary of the British legation, who has been spending the past winter with her parents in Belgruve square. London, will arrive in New York shortly with her children. Mr. and Mrs. Edwardes will spend the rammer at Beverly, Mum., where Mr. Edwardes has taken a house, j and the autumn at Lenox, returning here in October to spend the winter. Mr. Theodore Houston, the French minister, has gone to Pensacola to visit his brother, who is an officer on board a French man-of-war now lying in that port. Senor Loredo, secretary of the Peruvian le gation. who has been absent In Paris for some I months, has returned to the city. ; Mrs. Beall will entertain the members of the Excelsior literary club at her home on Monday night The projected garden parties of Prof, and Mrs. Alexander G. Bell and of Mr. Bichard Smith for yesterday were postponed on ao count of the weather. Senor Pedroso, attach4 of the Spanish lega tion, accompanied by hi* wife, who has been in delicate health, will sail for Europe in July. Trof. and Mrs. Cabell entertained the Shake eperian class last evening in the drawing-rooms of Norwood institute. The class rendered a program composed of recitations and a scene from Shakespeare, closing with the presen tation of a burlesque, "The Women of Shakes peare." The entertainment will be repeated this evening. June will witness the marriage of a number of Prominent Washingtonians. Next week, on hursday, Mr. Justice Gray, of the Supreme Court, will be married to Miss Jeannie Mat thews. eldest daughter of the late Justice le> Matthews. This is like the marriage of the bride's sister with the nephew of Justice Har lan, that took place a year ago, a distinctively Supreme Court match. Justice Gray formed an attachment for Miss Matthews during the visits he paid to the late Stanley Mat thews last winter while he was ill. The wedding will take place at the residence of the late Justice Matthewst corner of Con necticut avenue and N street, and, as the fam ily is in mourning, the ceremony will be strictly private. Justice Gray and his bride will sail for Europe early in the next week, and ou their return will occupy his new house on I street, corner of 16th. that was said at the time of its construction to have been built to accom modate his library. It is upon the Bite of the house in which Mrs. Senator Voorhces died a f?w years ago. Miss Anne Waggaman, daughter of Mr. Thomas Waggaman. and Mr. II. E. Ivei, of New York and member of the state senate, will be wedded in Trinity church, Georgetown, at 11 o'clock on Wednesday morning. June 6. The ceremony will be performed by the cardi nal. Mr. Ives will oe attended by Mayor Grant, of New York city, who will act as best man on that occasion, and the bride, in trailing robes of white silk and flowing veil of tulle, will have with her a bevy of white-robed brides maids. Mrs. Thomas Waggaman, who is step mother to the bride, will be spendidly attired in pink silk. The ushers will all be from New York. The father of the bride will give her hand in marriage. After a week's tour through New York state the bridal couple will sail for Europe. The bride is an heiress of many thousands from her own mother's fam ily. Everybody in iociety is interested in the marriage of ex-Secretary Bayard and Miss (Jlvmer. which takes place on Wednesday, June la! in St. John's church, as both are so well and long and favorably known here. Holding fast always their personal dignity, they are ever gentle, cordial and kindly with all that are brought into contact with them. It is told of the courtship of Mr. Bayard and Miss Clymer that they were attracted to each other in the conrse of a few drives they took together, returning home from receptions, when the Secretary of State tendered his escort to the young lady. Mr. IJayard has still a political prominence in national, as woll as state affairs, tnat may again bring him to the foro front in official life. It is one of the possibilities that he may reside with his bride in Washington during the official seasons, keeping the house in Wilmington open for family parties. Miss Clymer is also an heiress. The wedding of Miss Evelina Heap and Lieut. Gleaves. of the navy, will follow that of ex Secretary Bayard at St. John's on next Wed nesday week. Owing to tho recent death of the bride's sister, Mrs. Nicholson, this will also be it quiet ceremonial. Cards are out for the marriage of Miss Mamie G. O'Reillv and Mr. Charles J. Donnelly, at the Church of the Immaculate Conception next Wednesday. Miss Ida M. Phillips gave a pleasant party to a number of friends Thursday night at her home, Long Meadows. The large parlors were handsomely decorated with fl.igs and flowers. Among the guests were a number of ladies and gentlemen from Baltimore. Mr. R. Goldschmid's family failed to sail for Europe on the 2<Jth of Slay on account of the severe siokness of Mrs. Ooldsehmid. Her physi cians hope that her health will permit her to sail on the 2Cth of the present month. Mrs. Jno. 8. Bradford, with her family, will sail for Europe the latter part of June. Al though she has leased her N-street house the family will remain there while completing their arrangements for a long visit abroad. Mr. and Mrs. Cassius H. Clay have decided to remain in this city, Mr. Clav having declined the appointment offered to nim in New York city. Mrs. Gurdon H. Wilcox and daughter will leave for their summer cottage on Lake On tario, west of Rochester, N. Y., on Monday next, and bo absent until October. Bev. William Alvin Bartlett, D. D., will spend the summer in Europe, following his usual custom, and Mrs. Bartlett and their young son will be at her father's home at New York Mills. Mr. and Mrs. B. H. Warner will spend the summer at their country place at Briglitwood on the 7th-strcctroad. Miss Sadie Clephane baa returned to the city, after spending several weeks with friends in Germantown and Philadelphia. Mrs. Harry Smith and daughter May left yesterday for Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Perrine arrived in Buffalo on Tuesday, three days before they were expected, and have been keeping quiet ever since. They went as far as Nebraska on their wedding trip. They have gone to housekeeping in Mr. Per rine s comfortable littlo home. CoL Robert Boyd and family irill leave to morrow for Asbury Park, N. J., to remain un til October. He has leased the beautiful "Cur tis Mvers cottage." on third avenne, near the ocean. Mrs. George W. Evans and Mrs. Wm. H. McEnight, with their families, will Join their parents later in June to remain during the heated term. Mr. D. Sinclair, editor ?f the Winona, Minn.. Republican, and his daughter Fannie, who have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. JohnT. Heck, sailed for Europe this morning from New York. Mr. Sinclair goes abroad in search of health and recreation. The ladies in the White House have had a quiet week, like that enjoyed by the majority of Washingtonians. Mrs. Harrison, Dr. John Scott, Mrs. Lord, Mr. and Mrs. McKee, and Mrs. K. M. G- Brown, who is the guest of the house, attended the Decoration Day services ae Arlington on Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. McKe wiil leave the city together on Monday for In dianapolis, where they go to make the final preparations for spending the summer at Deer Park. Ihey will take possession of the cottage there late In the week, and Mrs. Harrison and Mrs. Lord will join them when all things aro ready. Mrs. and Miss Halford, the wife and daugh ter oI Secretary Halford, are en route for this city from Indianapolis, and are storm-stayed between here and Pittsburg. Mr. Halford nas not heard from them since last uight, when they left Pittsburg. Baby McKee was christened in the blue room Sistordav afternoon after the cabinet meeting. r. Scott, the child's great grandfather, per formed the ceremony. The baby was called Mary, after its mother, with the addition of ; l odge, a family name. Tho members of the household and several cabinet officers were present. Mr. and Mrs. Robert B. Mosher removed to day from 5 B street northwest, to the Milton flats. Mrs. MoSherry, accompanied by Miss Arm strong. leave this afternoon for * sojourn in Virginia. No Inquest. In the mm of Loin Warren, the colored woman who was killed by a train on the Met ropolitan branch of the Baltimore and Ohio railroad near Kcklngton Thursday afternoon, Corooer Patterson deemed an inaueet unneces sary and gave a certificate of accidental death. The body wm turned over to relatives for burial. WANTED?HELP. ANTED - SELECT WHITE AND COLORED limnilrwe^a. <**>kjk houseworkera. matda, butlera, " Uo*. W ... kr. Help for Philadelphia: aleo for foreign legal Half f?M everr s*tuwi?y daring irnnimi to ill who 0*11 early BCKN HAM'S, 810 9th *1 BW. ?l-6f VV AKTED-WOME* OOOK8, no TO t40. CHA.ll vv bermaid*. nureeaand ntyaraway; Tiitrn, drivers or (*1-111 hand*: colored men eooka, 8AM'LA. COOMBE. 980 Fai. n w. Jal-of WANTED?Mf.N AND WOMEN COOES. 910 TO V " t<5. Cham harm *ld*.La tin <ln?*ee. DrlTf*. White Bh.rt Tmnere, Gardener*. Farm and Dairy Men. Help 1. all kinda. DICE'S Aweary. 013 7th ?t. n. w. Jel-6t* WANTED?SERVANTS. COOE8, LADNDiiEh8E8." 11 w.iter*. Poaitione of all kinds tilled, ruomi rented and rant* collected. Tall ua what yoa want an 1 we will help yon. EUREKA EMPLOYMENT AutNCI, 010 fitn.*. Jel-3f W ANTED- WHITK HEAD HOTEL COO* AND " 1 aecoad for thi? city; baler and pastry cook; 4 women, asaist In bake shop; 10 whlta lauiidreesee. 6 ehirt and ooilar iruuera. colored aerond hotel 000k. 4 kitchen men, 0 bellmen, 4 colored women on meat, vegetabiee aud pastry cooking. mnat be experienced, for raaorta at Aaburv Park, Penna. and mountain*. If DICE S AGENCY. 613 7th at. n.w. w w \v ANTED?QIIIL TO DO GENERAL HOCSE >1 work. CalioraddreeeMr*. i. It MATTEKM, 10 D at. a. e. Jel-3f WASTED-A DRUG CLERK WITH TWO OB * 1 three year*' experience, to draw *oda. HUFF'S MALT, Star office. If W A N r E D-l MM EDI AT E EY, AN EXPERIENCED 1" nurse for two youug children to go away for the auiumer. reference* required. 1845 U at u w. jel-Vt* ANTED?DRESSMAEER, 8010 H ST. N. ? Cull between 10and 11. Jel-','t* ANTED-A GOOD BOOKKEEPER. CALL WITH reference. T. W. GRIMEi, 10-5 Conn. ava. n.w.* WANTED-A GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSE 11 work; muat have oity reference. Apply Monday at 1325 <J at. n. w. lt*^ ANTED-WHITE GIRL FOB GENERAL tun f \\ houeework; no waahiug; good wage*. Inquire 7U8 1 th ?t. n. w It* ANTED?HELP?SEVERAL CHAMBERMAIDS for Long branch; housrworker* lor city, and Ho tter men to bunulo horses. Application* prepared for Government position*?Clerk*. Copyist*. CITY IN TELLIGENCE OFFICE. 711 G st. n.w. Jel-?f ANTED?EXPERIENCED WAIST AND SKIRT hands, at 532 12th at. n.w. Jal-St* WANTKD^N-AMBllTOCS GENTLEMAN FOB a i-oaitlon of truat; muat come wull recommend ed; *alar> ilfi weekly. incrwaard accordingly. Apply Moiulay. 10 a.m. TIIUEE k CO , 430 7th n.w. ft* J ANTED?WHITE DRIVER FOR DELIVERY wagon, Apply, after 0 p. m? 414 bthat. n. Jel-3t \v \v w \KT ANTED?EXPERIENCED SLEEVE TRIMMERS ' ? 011 fine work in our DresauiakiUir Department. Only first-clues workers need apply to Mr. BROOKS, Supt. Woodward A Lothrop. It ANTED?A GERMAN GIRL IN FAMILY OF~3~; 110 wsshing. Call 218 1 at. n.w. It* w WANTED?AGENTS. MALE OR FEMALE; GOOD 11 t>ay?The Capital City Benefit Society, controlled by tax-payer* of Washington, pays sick, accident and death benefits. office 4o? Ea. are., opp. City Hall, room* 11 and 12. )el-3t* W A N T ED? A_WT11T r. QIRlTrbh HOUSEWORK 11 aud to assist in the care oi children. muat atay at nljcht*;^reference* required. Apply 1843 8th at. n.w. W"ANTED-AN ACTIVE, RELIABLE AOENT TO cauvxaa for a quick-*eihuK, popular article. Muu familiar with gas fixtures preferred. Liberal fc-rm* to the right party. Apply from 10 to 2 o'clock. 1 HE WASHINGTON FAIRY LIGHT CO., 1603 Pa. ave., room 5. It* WANTED -AGENTS - BOTH GENERAL AND 11 canva-ning, ou the new, reviaed and Imperial edition of /(U'a kncycio|>e<lia in live th1u.uo*. lual ia aucd. Sold for cash, or ou uaay instalment*, tor lib eral term* *ud territory addrea* T. LLWuOD /ELL. Pub., 1'htladelphla. Je i VV AN TF.D?BOY, WHITE. APPLY, WITH RKFKlT tt euce*, alter 5 o'clock p.m.. at SPALDING'S AGENCY, 1013 Pa. ave. n.w. tuy31-2t* WANTED-AN EXPERIENCED TYPE-WRITER aaleamau f uo other need apply) to introduce the Smith Premier,'' the moat wonderful invention of the aire, reference* required. HENRY A. CLARKE U SON, 935 t at, n w. m> 31-3t* VV ANTED?A GIRL TO W ASH. IRON AND DO 11 Kfiieial houaework; only t!io*e with best of reler ence need apply to S. W. AtOENSl ElN, 817 7th at. n.w. my31-^f VVANTED^STRONG, INTELLIGENT BOY, 17 11 or 18 yeara of a*re. to *otk iu atore and ware room; aalary *3 per week. Addrea* STRONG BOY. Star office. my3I-2t* VV AN TED-AT THE ARLINGTON HOTEL, A 11 white woman a* ecrubbcr. Apply to Hoi HE KEEPER. tny31-5Jt* W AN TED?AT ONCE-A SERVANT TO COOK 11 and flo general work lor family of three- must Atay at nitfht: waahing put out. Briny beat of reier ence and apply at 18 Iowa circlu. m)'31-3t* WANTED-bY AN ARM Y* OFFICER, A SCOTCH 11 or (rarmau cook ai.d trenerui house aervant; luuxt be well i-ecouimeu<led, rood home to iitflit pcraoii. Call at 33lo 1' at., Geoiyetowm my31-^t* WASTED - WillTE NURSES AT THE CHIL " dten'a Hospltid, 12th and W at*, n.w. Apply immediately. ni)'31-2w WANTED-WHITE WOMAN FOR GENERAL " huusrwork; 111 u;>t atay uurliisand unencumbered. Apply with reference* to 133T loth at.n.w. my31-3i* \y AN TED-TW O YOl NG~MEN AT SODA CGDN 11 ter, ihoae with gome experience preferred. Ad dreas C. H., alar office. inh3I-3t \Vr ANTED-A SETTLED W HITE MAN TO WORK TT on afasm near thi* <Jty, wno undentand* milk in* aud care of horses anil carriage*, bend addrej*uud tcrma to Rox 100, St?r office. my31-3t WA N T ED-AGOOD CwKAND LAUNDRESS TO 11 tr%north. Call at 2025 Hillyer Place, near 21st *t, alter 0 o'clock. iny30-3t* VV ANTED?A COLORED W OMAN TO COOK, 11 wash andiron lor a amall family. Muatbeauovi cook; stay at nurht. Apply, with reterence*. at 1333 Maliatb Place u w. tny3Ur3t* W~ AN 1 ED^Ta CAPABLE AND EFFICIENT MAN to act a* salesman aud book-keeper. M aire*, <.">0 j"-r mo.; must have aood relereuce* from laat em ployer. Address Roi 110. Star office. iny3(>-3t* WANrtD-GOOD INSURANCE MEN. W1IXPAY TV sulary or comiuiaaion. Apply to a.A8TERDAY & HALL E.MAN, 008 F ?t. n.w.^ niy30-3f VV AN TED-A COLOltED WOMAN TO COOK^ 11 wash and Iron. Apply at 1022 loth at. n.w. my30-3f \VrANTED - A REGISTERED PHARMACIST 11 best of reference*. Addrea* 10LC, star office. n.y2b-3t W ANTED-A OOMPE'l ENT Cdl.oKED MAN. liceuaedengineer. J. MAURY DOVE, ~'l?t aud I etreeu.* W ANTED-A COMPETENT COOK FOR SMALL 11 fauill) lu the country ; Koodwatfe* and a i>eriua Xient home to a satisfactory party; a middle-a^od per son prulerred. Call from 0 to 10 and 3 to 4 o'clock. GOLDMROUOUGH BUol'lll.Us A CO.. my29-3t lo03 1'euna. ave. WANTED?CAPABIE SALESMAN TO lN'iiiO t T duce our g >ods, energetic man can build up piof itable and permanent business for himself. Apriy, with relerencea, to ROUACHEB'S DlalNFECi AN 1 C'J.. Rochester. N. Y. my2t*-4t WANTLD-MANAGER, ON SALARY (2,000 PER year, to open branch office in your locality. bual lie** purely mercantile; one that will inspire you with ?1 ' ' ..... . uo can. SJ1EP I ride, pleoaure. and profit, trade eolabllahed, no cai vacaina-or 1 edd.iuif. a rare opportunity. J E. SHEl AUD. 26 and 27 W. 5th St., Cincinnati, Ohio. iuy24 WJ \v ANTED-A capable law clerk, apply bet. J* and 9 a. m, 1010 K sEn.w. my23-2w* iT AN TED?LEABN Eh s FOR FBOF. GHBI 1 S Elf 3 New International lailor hyaiem ol Dress aud Garment Cutting with inch rule and tai>? measure scales, and the oiijy system used tiiat i* l.aaed upon scitntific tailor principle*. Sy*tem ta'uht by Mine. b. J. Air.naEU, 1303 H st.n.w. my 16-lm* VL' A VIED?AGENTS FOR OUR NEW PATENT 11 lire-Proof bsles; *ize* 28*18x18; weutit 600 lb*., retail price *3o, other* ui proportion. Hi^Ueet award (sliver medal) Centennial Exposition 1888. Rare chance; permanent buaineu. Our price* loweat. We are uot iu the sale pool. Excluaive lain lory irtveii. ALl'INE SAiE CO.. UUicuiiiaU, O. _ *pt)-?kw-34t WANTED?INTELLIGENT MAN LOCATEDOCT side Waahlnifton, to repie?ent In hi* locality a responsible house, oood salary. Reference* exacted audifiveu. OLi'l. M'i-'u UutSE, Lock Box 1010 N. Y. my 9-th. *4 w VV ANTED ? SALARY ? EXPERIENCE NOT HE 11 quired; expanses paid, men wanted to sell Nur sery stock (f "aranted true to name. A pply.statinir ajre. to W. L. McKAY', Box 0, Geneva, N. k. my21-tn,s-0t WAN 1 ED ?75 To $250~A MOMTS CAN BE ll made working for us. Atreut* preferred wno can furnish a horse und ifive their whole time to the bual iiea*. hpare momenta may be profitably employed alio. A tew vacancies in town* aud citle*. R. F. JUil.N'SON \ CO., 1009 Main St., Kn-hmoud, Va. N. R.?Pleaae state aga aud buaiueaa experience. Never mind about lending (tamp fo- reply. B.P.J. A Ou. ap0,m4jul,j}i;.au3,ae7 WANTED - DUNDOBE'S EMPLOYMENT Bu reau, conducted by ladle*, men aud wemea, white and colored, for all kinds of domestic labor, tor Diatrlct and aialos, with reierencea. 717 M at. n.w. my 11-1 in* WANTED?SITUATIONS. VV ANTED-I'OSITIONS FOR COOKS, WAITERS, ll housekeepers,valeu, nunc*, drivers, companion*, mahla, seamatreaaea, aud others; cities, country, and resort* lSaturday* d<uiufr *nmmer hall fee* ou order* left early). BURN UAX^S. U10 Wth *t.n.w. >el-0t*_ Wasted-white boy 14 years wishes employment with a respectable family; Is airood milker aud willing to work. Addreaa HOME, 711 10th *t. n.e. It* WANTED-GO TO DICK'S AGENCY FOR COOKSi Housemaids, Waitress. Nuraea, Lauudrea*, Coach men, Butlers, W aiter* and general housework. 013 < th St. n.w. Alito European Steamship agent. Jel-Ut* W ANTED?BY A RESPECT ABLE COLORED TT girl, with good refereucca, situation aa cliaiu b-rmaid or wait*w*; neat and tidy. Call or ad-' drees 470 Waahlugtou St., between 1 and h, 4th aud 6th sts. n.w. It* Wanted-a young man, dbaughtsman, having a thorough knowludire of Patent office drawing, wishes employment with patent attorney or an architect, best of relerence*. Address t.X. Star office. Jel-3t* WANTED-BY A YOUNG. EDUCATED FBENCH If woman a place a* nurse to children or lady'* maid, good plain sewer; good references. Address 1L L P., Star office- It* WANTED?BY HUU'ECTABlSTwhITE WOMAN, tv situation aa houaekeeiK-r or companion to an in valid. will care tor children and aew, excilient refer ences from last employ er. Inquire 610 F st. n.w. It* VV ANTED?BY RESPECTABLE W HITE GIRLTa Tt place to wait on out lau),ura* uuiae lor cm.d; best of reference given. Wtuuig to leave city. Ad dre** W. L. M-,_Star office. lt'^ Wanted?bituations-by three young colored women, thoroughly.expe; leneed in chain berwork and nurslnv; place* to leave the ? ity fur sum mer. Beet city reference furtuahed. Address LAUBA, Star office. It* ANTED-BY A RESPECTABLE WHITE GIRL Place aa child'* nurse, wiluug to aasist with chamber work s uo objection to leave city; beat of rej e r?-nee*. Addreae for 3 day* M M. Y? stair office. It* W ANTED - AT HEADyCARTERS - POSITIONS Tv for cook*, c liainbermaid, waitreea, laundreee and butlena. W ANTED-A YOUNO MAN, A OOOD PENMAN, VV itealrea a situation; willing to work) good rrier ence*. Address ^ uRE, Star office. my31-2t WASTED?BY A COLORED WOMAN, WHO IS A willing worker, a good home with *ome white family. Willing to leave the city. CaU at 4481 n. w. mral-Si VP ANTED-BY A COLORED GIRL A PLACE At tv nuree, willing to aaeist in chaaiberwork; good Apply at 1EUW1 at n.w. ?y36-8f WANTED?SITUATIONS. \]pANTED?FREE?THE CITY INTELLIGENCE v| office '-nl >n highly recommended Mrnau ud clerical applioantaLltooma registered f re*. arum wit applications for poaitl.'us pr*i?r.-d. rnf?r ?lllMil rMlu u dtiuud 711 G n.w. mys&-12t \V AS TED-^mOlTAfTHOUSEKEEPEm WITH " a widower or bar if lor by* miad.e-aged Oaaai lady. who can furniah the beet of recomuendetiooa. Apply at 913 4th ??. n.w. my;K>-at? "WANTED-BY A FIRST-CLASS MrCHAMC. A Tt situation a* can?iiter and atair-builder. vac no object. Address T. K, Star offl.-e. uiy2?-3t WANTED - AH EXPERIENCED SETTLED white woman wishes a situation aa a nurse with ? lady leaving tha city; can furnish beat of rtftttm* Addreae JULIA. Staroffloe- myW-?? WASTED - BY A RESPECTABLE ENGLISH V T couple a place to look after proi?rty or take care of houee for aummer. aud make themselves uaeiul; can give ?>od reference*. Address W. A., 60 G st. aw. n.j20-3t* w r AN TED?A YOUNG LADY OF FINISHED MU aical education desires a position aa governess where study of mu?ic may be made a apecialty: higbast referenoee exchanged. Addreea A. B. I -, Btar Office. mr-'112t* ~W ANTED?IIOU SES. WANTED-rOR A CASH CU8TOMER. A H0C8B " In the southwest ;will pay from ?3.900 to 4o.CH>0. )el-3t DAVlD D. SToNE, &00 F (t. n.w. WANTED-BY GENTLEMAN AND W1TE. WITH 11 no children, a email furnished house, or two pleeesnt communicstiug furuiahed Rooin-i.with (rood board, in tha northwest, permanent if auit a, refereu cee exchanged. Addruaa. staling tarma and locality. L M . btar office. It WANTED?A LADY. WITH DAUGHTER OF thirteen, desires care of ftirnuhed house for aum mer; referenoaa riven. Xu C.t f 02 A at. O.e. )al-3t* mNTED?SINGLE~ GENTLEM AN (TREASURY erkjand Ida mother desire care of huuaa during aummer. Address 1. i 08, Star offioe. It* "V\T ANTED?TO BUY VhoUSE OF NOT LESS 11 than seven rooms and bath, in northwest pre ferred. Address 11. N. O., Star office. It* WANTED-BY AS OFFICER. WIFE AND 11 daughter to take care of a furuiahed house durrig the summer months; bast of reierances given. Ad dress A1111Y. Sut office. J? 1 -lit* \\TANTED?TO PURCHASE A BRirK HOUSE 11 with m. 1., weat of 0th and north of E sts_ n. w., for cash at about t3,f>00. Addrr-s with yartic ulara, DORSEY ULAuETl. lOll N st u w. ir_ WANTED-WILL BUY. FOR CASH. IMMEDI 11 ately, house with (rood lot in northwest or ou Capitol Hill; give exact location and rent of property; Biust be a barvain. Box 1, star office. Jel-3t YVT ANTED?A NICELY FURNISHED HOUSE FOR ' 1 the mimtner by young couple with best refer ences ; no children. Address P. O. Box 397. lt? w ANTED?TO RENT A HOC8E FROM ONE TO five years of 10 to 16 rooms, bet 12th and 15th *ts.. and K and F sts.; Be; temU-r 1. rent moderate; new house preferred; best of reference. Adureea, for three d*\ a, W. H. N , Star office. Jel-2t* "wanTED-FOB CASH, OOOD 7 OR 8-ROOM 11 House, good location, alley in rear f r stable, wster, sewer, northeast or southeast preferred. Statu location auu price Communication* confidential. Aduress Box 110, Star office. my31-3t*__ W ANTl b-lMMLDlATELY, "0 OR 30 U1LES 11 from city.a small Houae for eummerorfewrooms, near mountains preferred: convenient to TillMre aud station. Address MK8. B., 634 L st. n w, my31 at' VVANTBD^fO^URCHASE, FROM OWNER, A 1* small house, price about t-,2o0. Addreae HaI.F CASH, SUr office. my31-gt? WANTED?ROOMS. WANTED-BY OENTLfcMAN AND WIFE (NO il childreni care furnished room* or house in n.w. for season. responsibility and aatinfaction truarante< d; no rent or nominal, not exoeutUng (10. Address EASTERN, Star offloa. It* WANTED-BY A SINGLE GENTLEMAN ASEO t? ond-Htory front room with bay-window; aouthern exposure, bet. k and K and 13th and lttth sta , board I preferred. Address, statin* tarma, S. S. W., Star office. my31-2t* \y ANTED-YOUNO GENTLEMAN ATTENDING . . law cullwro and in the Interior Department, de sires rooms aud board with retined. well-to-do private family tor h mself aud sister, who will alto attend school. A'Ideas J. V. W., Star oftioe. mydl-~t* WANTED?BOARD. "WANTED-fiUMM 1 R BOAltDFOR TWO ADULTS, vv child aud nurse, in suburb* of olty or Georgetown Heiirhts. accessible by * true t car*. Addrenn Box 137, btar office. mjr31-3t* WANTED MISCELLANEOUS .TANTED-liAR-ROOM COUNTER AND Fix tures Addres* W. W.. Star office. It* WANTED-H.BALM PAYS THE HIGHEST CASH V1 once* tor second-hand Furniture. Carpets and Feathera. Entire Houaeuolda a *pacialty. Address 210 7th *t. ?.w. j?l AV*ANTED ? HORSES TO PASTTHtE; 60o. PER \T week. J. W. GIBBS. Jel-ct* Mt. Vernon. Va. W ANTED-FROM 5 TO 10 ACRES, EITHER IM vv proved or uuimi>roved, close to city, on lice of railrowi. Address Y. O.. Star offi- o. Jel-3t* WANT ED?TO_BU Y FOR CASH. SAFETY BICY* vv cle; must tie in (rood condition and low in pric* Address Box 106, Star office. my31-2t* WAN! KD-TO lttNT LIVERY 8TABLE OF 20 to ~ > stallx- will buy stock of fcsme if suitable. Address 1.1 VERY, SUr office, statin* rent of stable and value of stock. my31-at* VV ANTED- DRE8S CUTTING MADE EAsY. v v Madame W aahiutrton's "Hresa Cutlimc Si-ale," Ju*t pateuted, euables evury one to laarn to cut ail kind* of Kariueute readily and accurately. Tha system will be taught, and the scale and a measure book furnished ior 46. Pervous learning tlii* system are unmediately placed in a tosition to tirn good watfe*. Ready cut and baati d linings (fuarauteed tout. 12-3 F St. n. w. iny20-Ui* \V AN T ?I>?PAULC'R FURMTLEE UPHOL II atered; Mattresses made over; work done in* neat and subitautial manner; slip covers cut and made :|?rfect tit guaranteed. 0. N ELSON, 1223 G n. w. iuyti-4 ?* * "WANTED?HORSES TO PASTURE AT $5 FEE vT month, (rraln teed extra: personal attention. Order box Price'* stable. ^11 6th n.w.- farm 7th-st. road, eight mile* from city. O. H. P. CLA1.K, SIiku, Ud. my26-lm* \V ANTED?HOUSEHOLD AND OFFICE FL'R vv iture of every description. Also Stoi? Fixture* and Stock* of Mcrchandisa. Address, CARLTON. 636 K st. n.w. m>'-'4-lm W ANTED?TO BUY?GOOD SECOND-HANDOEN 11 tlemen's Clothes, <?uns, Piatols, tc., for which highest cash price is paid Call or send postal to mylT-lm* A^EIZNAR. 1301 11th *t.M. WANTEII-SMOEE PoR'l L'UNDO & CO.'8 CI Vv gare; Carolina aud Concha Floresia, no each; Margarita l.ondre and Zarzuelus, 10c. each. JOSEPH A1. PoRTl oM'O k CO.. Philadelphia. mylo-lm_ \V ANTED ? TYPEWRITING, TYPEWRITING? v v neat work; eyntactioal ac< uracy, low rate*. F- 8. ARNOLD, Stenographer and Typewriter, 36 St. Cloud Building. myl3-lm* \\TANTED?TRY fCRIBNER. BEST BUTTE1UNE. TV 20c. pound, cooking, 15o. t\ arranted not to get strong (like butter) for on* mouth, or money re funded. Try Cotton Seed Lard, purer, richer, and goe* further than Hog's Lard >1 <r viIt cmy (n ttif Otnltr ii.irktt at (tails 32S, 329, 330, middle of fiah aisle. Open daily. WM. C. SCRIBNER. iny0-6m WANTED?LADIES TRY "ORANGE BLOSSOM." a sure cure for female diseases; also Dr. McGili't "Blood Purifier" cure* malaria; 100 doae* 41:samples free. Mrs. F. A. BAILEY, sole agent, 317 L at. n.e. ja0-*kw-6m* WANTED?HORSES TO PASTURE ABOUT 10 miles below city on Potomac river, near Mount Vernon; clover and blue grata: plenty of shade and ?pring water: (table day or night; charges moderate. Inuutre at Excelsior Dairy, 1767 Pennsylvania ave. n.w. O. BAKER. uiyl8-a4t* VXTANTED-STEAM CARPET CLEANING AND v v Henovating Works: Feather* Renovated, Mat tresses Made Over, 1 urnlture steamed, and Moths Da (troved F H.YOL NGS.1402 Pa.av..lelepholia iOua-2. apll-7m \vANTED?GOOD BECOND-HAND CLOTHING, M gun*, ravolver*, old gold and silver, for which bigheat cash price* will be paid. Call LASEEY'S Louu Office. 201 l'enn. ave.. corner 2d st. n. w. my2o LOST AND FOUND. LOST-MAY 31. 1K80.A ST. BERNARD DOG. AT swers to the name of Rip; a lil>eral reward will be given if returned to F.W. Urenfell, veteruiary surg'-m, 417 14th ?treet nw. 3t* L"~08T-BET. BALTIMORE AND OHIO DEPOT and Georgetown, 428 in paper money, in * roll; buital>le reward tor Its return to 1730 HikIi St.. Georgetown. J*l-2t* OST?MAY 30TH. SMALL BLACK AND TAN terrier gyp, wh-te ?i>oi ou breaat: auswers to name Daisy; liberal reward 11 returned to 1710 Panna. ave. n.w. jel-2f LOST-FRIDAY. AN ONYX AND GOLD LOCKET, contalnlug two rhotograpli*. Suitable reward J r. turned to BREM A.NO'tt It* Rook lost-a book, called "the buckeye Abroad." by Hou. S. 8. Cox. 1 will give *2.50 lor it* return, or one like it, to the btar office, aud no question* asked. jal-2t*_ Lost-finder of two satchels on mor g*n's float, upper Potomac, Thursday, please re turn to 221 12th *t. s.w. and receive $5 reward. No questions asked. J t*^ IXJUND?A SMALL AMOUNT OF MONEY7 ' owner can have same by proving property and paying for this advertisement. 44 G st. n.w. It* Lost-may-jiTbetween corTsi'h and "m and 1.M0 0th sta. u.w., one Crayon Portrait; art lst *igu*ture, "8. H. L. May, '80;'' rolled lu copy of NewYork liiue*. Reward. Leave At 004 M st. u.w my31-2t* L Strayed into the grounds of the insti tutlon for the Deaf, Kendall Green, a sheep. The owner can have the aame by proving property and paying charge*. my 3l-2t* ?OST?TUESDAY EVENING. BETWEEN AULING ton hotel and Tliouia* circle, small pearl slar ahuped 1 aules pin; valued for its pleasant aasoclatioua. Ten dollar* reward paid by JULIUS LANSBURGH, my30-3t* 315Tih*t. OSTEON TUESDAY, MAY ??. A GOLD LOCKKT with dark cameo setting ou one aide, plain onyx ou the other, containing two photo*. Liberal reward it returned to 445 7th *1 n.w., oor. E. my30-3t* BOARDING. w t)iiQ P ST.. FURNISHED ROOMS WITH ioUu ilrat-claaa t?>ard: location particnlArjr de siraole for atiuimer; (treat cars within a few ate]* of the door. _ )*1-Im H.TEI KANICS WISHING NICELY-FURNISHED A room* and excelh l.t table board can be accommo dated 01 looming together for 44 a weak; ea<-h meal to (Uit. Addrer? BOARD, Star office. Je 1 -3t* OOMb AND BOARD AT SUMMER RATES; PRI vatc bath. wine served at dinner without extra charge. 1406 H St. n.w. Jel-3w*_ Board for one or two ladies or gen tlatnen or man and wife; second atory front, large so .dy gruuuus. tennis; hammocks, convenient to car T/t5 Addreae 301 Delaware avw. me. WjOfltmitft?OWE FURNISHED. ROOM WITH 13 ^?jar<L to accommodate two gentlemen, fto Mr weak. ? J7 > at. n. w. jal-St mtlEltUBUSir>*<N8YLVANIA AVE.. COR*KB Cool, pleaaant rooms board at reasonable rpHEELHMEBK. 1408 H ST. ^.^cUl mmmnrn. Two ,-mm BBT FOR RENT?ROOMS. 1X1H Kt NT?UNFURNISHED- 3 ROOMS. "N K 1>N Ant, two on aecoud Boor newly p?i ered sn.l paluted. In prlvsta family 01 two adults, :rfere cee ?xcRauged. 203? I it 11 w. ?l-3r 1" >m rent-a part\ or r <t k. ifMim1 > rnJirrrd. cwn be .1, a:t r June 1 F very low rates for summer. I n-on.s. ?r -?1 b>wd; reference# elf hanged. s< 1. st n.w li* F*~ )i REXT-CHOICE ROOMS.- New VACANT. elegantly furm?be<1 pl?aatlv l.vated. M I ly Mr It to Mn T. R. Bi.oOK?. SO 1-^03 12th IL c w. m-R* ' P)B RENT-fBONT BOOM. 2327 PENNSYl.VA Ul? ?T? 11* >>R RENT ?TO ONE OK TWO (.IMUMI V _ eerond-etory lrtit Hoom. tr. comer Louim-. ??? n window*. newly Mid bw^nilfuily f.iru^ us* f bath. pnntc fsmil> . thorough bu ur comtorts. ref imHin required. i-'n I" r ? lat June t.- 1 it October Address Box 113. S ar c&o* It* fOR KENT?A FLAT OF FIVE K?<V<SOVSS 1 ud auta hetl. 4ai L'Uiu..t i>(, M HOCUt >1-61* I^OR RENT?17?0 H ST N W . A sn ? >NT> ^TORV suite of Kooms, (um board if mn square<rtlof War and Navy det V Jel-3t* IX)K KENT?IBoNT P'RLOR "COMBIN Al lOH furniture. alao fine rv ni?. hurdi. - p ? tbf ilix>t It* 8S& 5th it ii.w. P_ )R RENT?1229 NEW Y'*!'.K AVE N ?, 3 room* ou 2d flooi, ui furnished or partly fur nished aa d "sired, rooms ar- . -. and Ui it ,?1 on)<*r. tuttb oijuit floorprivatef?uly. It* IV1R RENT ?NEW I.Y E! I.NI9UED SOU1H frunt rouiua kkI, quiet, c* ., ... n">s. summer prices; private family, UK parlors. It* ?0? H at. n. 1;?OR RENT-1433 L BT. N W? HANDSOMELY tumi?bed ro-uist stngle or *u -u.u-. at euinmer prices. Conveueut to oar* and herdn a, southern ci piwure. Jel-3t* 1TOR KENT?1903 P BT K.W.-DH.KiHTFUL suite of three or four Furnished or Unfurnished Rooms, with private bath, on second floor; suitabo for family or party of gentlemen. lt*_ 1>iH RENT?TWO PLEASANT ADJOINING Roorna. Bret floor, near Iviuiml - dice. ?uuo. in vat# sutrauoe. fumi?l>e<l or unfurnisb'd; Ui?> Ui uwl for storage. Inquire 71 y ?tb at. or 401 ->J at. n. ~ )el-St^ F5R REST ? BEArTirt'l, m'MMVH ItOOMH a>n*le or en autte. In private family. fnm>?h d large double corner bouao. aouth and mat fr> !.t. ref eroucea rm^uiml. llol K at. u. w. >1-Ct*_ VVJH KENT??10 TO #20 PER MONTH EoR JT auitea of roonia: all oonveujeucoa, well furnul.t'd. Tl'O 14Ui at a. w. Jel-tf IfQH HENT-LAROE HANDS )M1XY FUltSIshED Room, front. Alan, lunu iur ro >111* en auite or iinjrle, at auuituer pnoen. lil'4- 1 ft. u.w. Jfl-:it*_ I>OR K1 NT-FOCU VERY PEOTAMJt I NFI B nbibed rootiin on 1 n t? twf<-:i utb i*:id lUUi. tor light bouseJic> n?f. WO7 1 ?t n w. It F'OR RENT?FURN1BUED OR ~f NFCRSISHED two communicating rooma on SM Ivor; uir<>e win- I d< wx front, cloarta. tc, bath rootu aaui* floor; ivnt cheap; M3? L at. n.w. It* ??OB RKNT-A ST'ITE OFTH! ? K 1'NFrHNTSHF.D comniuuicatiiiir rooms on atooud t'o-or. private Ih. hot and cola uatei mi aaui" rt"or; niot and cool, rent reasonable. Call at 14o0 Corconu. ?L n ? I icy-B-Ot* I>OR RENT?3 CSFl"RNlsHED ROOMS AND bath. amta!)I? for llflit boUMkeeimir; rrivate family, 110 per month u U ?t. n.w. my31-iit .'OR liENT-15l(PH SP~N. VV. HANDSOMEI-V _ furnmhed h*oui? on apiondard ti.ird tl-? r*. r-'d table board If daain-d. near the (Tuba u.<t state thr- . partniant; aummer rate*. referenoea. niy31-3t* Jj?OR RENT?HAN'DliOMEl.y Fl UN fSHED ROOMS at aunimer ratca. ceutrally located: o\?rlo> kiLtr cPhera n eyuiire, choice tatue in tue houaa. Amy j between ti and V p. u. WIS and W~0 iotU ?; u ? iny31-2t? 1X)R RENT-TWO OOliMCNICATlNO Fl'R ui&hed roouiK, withboaitL On Catltol Hill. V-1. C ?t. ?e. m>31-3t*_ 1WR RENT?FOl'R CK FURNISH ED KiiUlM, well adapted for lirflit houaekeepiiitf, lent 4.0, in cluding yaa, baih. he. Apl ly 1-jS Stb at. n w. 31-^tt* HOR RENT ? TWO TURNIM1ED OR UNFl R .mehed Rooon Apply 017 -d at n.w. my30-:tt* I^OR BEST ? TWO PLEASANT, K1CBLV Fl B ni#hed Kooma. with K'-od l?>ard. at aumrner ra-.en. nice neighborhood; atreat cars and bard)t a t >**? tna door. 123 But. a.% _ my.MJ-St* ?*tjR RENT?Nit ELY FURNISHED ROOMS. Al.^O _ one Ur*a uuiuruiaood, ?t 612 Sth at. i..w "pp. P. O. D. i alao deak room. nij 3 J-3t :oK RENT-ELEtiANTLY-Vl RNIM1LD l.OOilS at C21 E at. n. w , en suite or allele, rcierencea. m> 30-"Ja " F 1 1 F "|>OH RKNT-122? N 81., COH 13TU. FIPaST JP and ?ecoml fl'Kjr RfH rr.s at m<M?t r^a^<?nat?le rates, wita ?dt*d l?oara, dtiiKiiiiui im-atiuu tor buuuii?r. mySiKltf I^OH KFNT-THE COOLEST AND MOST DE lijrhUul rooui* to be found xu the city, furnished or unfuriii?bs<l, m ith excellent U>*j\1 st lowt-at summer rates at 11S 1st at. n.e. m>..? I^OU KENT?H17 15TH 6T.X.W., FCHM>HED OB uiilurnlshed rooms, eu ?uite, slso ofliv e to rent my'^l-lm* IX)R RENT-WELL rUUNlKHKD COMM1 1CAT intr rail or slid b**d room, nor ih and south ex posure; also s lsrire s<m oud su ry (rout ro^rn and other rooms, south exposure; st summer rales. Ill* ii st. n.w. my'JO-lin 1 *36e KENT?19 IOWA OIHriE?THKKK COH. a rooms, with private Lath, second lioor. and two com. rooms, third floor, fur. IkoM kftTibf (wldR or servants Deed uot apply, iitf. txrunugi d. my.Mm FOR RENT?STORKS. 1.V)R KENT?LARUE STORE 421 W1H ST. N. W. Central loi atiou lor any tni*iueaa. near tba new theater. Apply to J. JAY GOULD, 421 Will at It* 1X)R RENT-LABOR STORE AND "DWELLINO, 1002 14th *t. n. w.; all nio.1. impa ; rent $125 per month. W ASli'N DANENHOWLii. lllo 1 al. n. w. Jel-Ot 1JOK RF.NT?STORE 1331 7TH ?T. N W? WITH dwelling above; ajitable for any l>u?,n?aa. beat atjuare north of 1 at. liiiiuire 1424 oth at. n.w. my30 ?t* I" ?OK RENT OR SALE?STORE AND DWELLING; nine rooms bath; all m i.: nUmTi of irroceriea, confectiona and icecream raloon: also larninheJ noma for rent; first-cUaa busineaa piikce. 2010 H at. n.w. my28-<it* I^OB BENT?LABOR STORE AND~DWELLING X 1002 14tb at. n w.; dwelling conutn, Brncmsand all noi. lmpa . lary* atable in rei-r. i rice tor ?hoia, 0125 per month. MASH'N HAM.MluWtU. ni)4-lw 1115 Fat. n.w. FOR RENT?OFFICES. F'OR BENT-THREE CONNECTING OFFICE rooma, 1407 Y at. n.w.; lifrht and comfortable; only 420 per month. Apply to JOHN bHEKMAN k CO. J?l-3t BUSINESS CHANCES. DO YOU WANT A REAL GOOD 1 HING? I HAVE two aharea National Safe Depoait bu> k for aale. In two yeara hence l~nfe holdera aaj it will be wortu (500 por am re. li iy now and get adranu^e of the nae. r RANK H. I'EXoIZL, 1313 F at. jel 1 w_ 1?OR RENT-STORE 218 10TH ST.. NEAR wholeaale market and I.a ave.. suitable for com miRHionor grocery bUoUieaa particularly. Injuirs W20 La. ave. myl7-ljn _ 1X?B SALE?BUSINESS, FURNITURE. *C, OF payintr office. nuitabie for either lad* or gentle man; no exi'eneiice reuuired; ,75, ir... J resaon for aellintf. Addreaa BUSINESS B, Star office. It* IX)R SALE-THE STOCK. FIXTURES AND GOOD will of a tin>t-claaa Druir Store ou Mtb at.. centrally located; Kooda freah, buamexM (rood and the aooa plant one of the be.->t south of Fhiiadelpnis; pnee $5,000. For further information and permit to liupect ai'ply to FITCH. EUX a BROWN. Jel 3t ^JONSlGNilENTS AND STOUAuE SOLICITED. Havinir ? rery lsiv store In good location and lartre outside si ace to display furniture, both for auc tion and atontt'e, wa are i>rei*rcd to receive ? ouaiKU uienteof houn bold fOuda. men handme of all kinds, hortes, butrtrles, Ac. bpociai attention paid to real estate aalen. snleadsy every Acdnesdsy. my31-liu ROOT ti LUWENIUAL. Au. tioneers, i 937 7th at. n. w. WANTED-A RELIAELE PARTY WITH CU1 11 tal to take a limited partnership, Active or silent, In a well-known private Bauklu* House in tfua city, Uesriny to increase bi-aineas. st'ectaity, coinmercial j discounts; Investments safe and profitable, free of business eipense; capital and securities entirely with in investors control. Address BANKERS, p. O. Box MB. Washimtwu. D. C. myl7-lm I^FOlT SALE - STOCK, ITXTURF.S AND GOOD will of an established pawns' shoe store; atock fresh, dean anil staple: wood h? ation. r-as<'iisblerent; lonir lea*e. Apply or audiras LCt'NuMl' SHOE STORE. S02 7that. u.w. niy31-lin FL RUPPERT, 637 L ST. N. W. FURNACES. a Ramren. and Latrolies, Roofimr, and uuttur.ntf. and Spoutin*. Jobbuig a tpecialty. Satii>facuou Kuar antaad. luy31-ttt* VIT ANTED?RE8IUENCE PROPERTY?PART\ 1>K ii sires to turn in sat:oti deairsnie weat rn land between two rnilroads, and n> ar gTewuiir cities, in exchange. NERLAsK A. star office. iny30-3t* TX)R BALE?A~T1RST-CLASS CONFECTIONEinr 1 and fruit store. rood trade. splendid opportunity lor cult Apply at 1130 1 a. ave. u.w. uiy30-3t* FOR SALE-AT A BARGAIN-ALL THE prop erty of the ArliinftoU Brick Machine Company in the city of Alexandria, \a., at the outlet lock of the Alexandria canal ui>on the l'otomar river, consutintr of all the machinery, kilns, shed*, trucks, cars, engine and boiler, hack boards, repressers, moulds, tools, belting, shafting, lumber, icon, iron rails, Ac., every thing ueeess-vry to a hr?t-<Tass bt-ck works and in propercoadition for immtdiste work, together with an interest in and to a certain lease executed by ttie Alexandria canal, railroad and bridge company to C. M. Shelley, bearing date lt'th Siay. IsSti, and re corded in deed book No. IS, of the land record* of the city of Alexandria. Va. For price and terms apply to IBANUh HUJTi. my29-6t J301 F st. n.w._ '|xO CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS, AND OTHERS 1 Four blocks ti .m Bouudary, ou 13th st. extcnueO n.w.. rood dumping ground. my2H-lui M M. PARKER. 1418 F at. I TOR SALE - AT A BABGA1N, A FlltST-CLA.sS Cigar and Tobacco Store, in ctioioe location. good trade. Address G. B. X., btar office. mj 27-lw* 1~.V>R SALE?LEASE~AND ITXtURES, BRICK office, scsle, fencing, sheds and stsb!e of cos! >ard corner ot S. Cat', suit Canal sis . rent, S20 per month; lease explies Ji-nnsry 20, 1SU3, price, $200. Apply 1117 lsth st. n.w. my21-lm ?*ri1HE WORLD DO MOVE"?REMEMBER THE X "lerrrstrisl Clock." RAMSAV has cat the prices: watches cleaned, 41: nrst-a laas maiu-eprtnga, warranted one year, 41. all clock aud Jsweiry work at the lowest prices in the city; we dety coini*tiuon. 1224 Fat. n.w, 115 lim 1SOR SALE?AT A GREAT ?ACRIEICE-STUCK, fixturatv, and good ot a iong-eeubliahed store, groceries, hardware, t aint*, oils and vamiah. notions, kc.; owner slx'Ut to lesve th< city . no reasonable oflsr refused. Call between 10 a.m. and 3 pjin. daily, 1201 aunt m w miS-1 m 4. sL a.?. mj s \\7 U. 1. LA TIM).R SURVEYOR ARD CIVIL EI v 1 nesr. Adilrea. 1 IK llarn~jn st.. AiiacoaUa, Special attention to suUiiviaion of suburban prop arty. ui> 4-Sm* PROFESSIONAL. Asthma Ajr> Catarrh Cured by ths CIO arrttri bivio. ?? ot FOR RENT?HOUSF.S. FSr'rewt- _ 4Titr.i4.Bi *???> ,45 1 ? w . m 1 .$K? V' M>4 4*4 ? ? Mr, in. L. 18 4.4 M br .*.. . .lb .??4* M ? ? 12 sufi 7th a.w , *r.. w .14 .ti ' ? 1 f ? ? , .Sr. " 1J f'4.u?.?,.>: . ,...r:4Hlk> a, aura and 1, ,h \ a a. ? ? ,.?r .12 .??1 15 12"5 Mil ave n.? ..Sr. ,lt? Co IiM ? m . 4r.. a li> j 17 Law.. ."?? miikHk, 4r * 52 J1 ? w , 4r " >ta,i.. . l>ai. a* ? w 5 Ui*r4TOV??.aWilr 'iv-i: M.t a.w , ,V . at 11 Jel-3t* C. U PARIiEU. <"or 44t and C ata a.w. 1-V'K RHN T ? ' rtmm*HF.n ??T Park ard Plneata 2t>20 Portaar Flaoe.8r.4ft0 Mi. 1 iMMLkKr ??>?? UHKMKHm 17?1 Maut.Kl ...#200 81S 2d ?? . 7r ? 1? 44 b)5 lVUi at., l:*r 7 ? 141(1 hound > ?( .'ir l? b!3 K at.. i"T tl.V.'Xtl??ili?,#r 15 4.. 017 Eat., lllr 40 1.-07-20 Mm at n a, 13314 WaUach l'Utts. tir each. .. .iUC (lr H.? (Htv**. >t. Cleu<* bid*. 81 "J lvnn.a* a.e. 7r 27 5u< cot vth and * iu. M>nil)>n it. 511. H?> , ant. br 22.Ur )el-3t ;oHN bHItRMAN ft CO. 1407 T* 1*)R KENT-NEW SEVEN l.ixiM H<>(14E,WITH cellar and bath; 1: tiorthwev? . convenient to ran. in ilmnw* locality. r D'. 430 i-er wad, lieLACULL.Nh UAH i-ELM R, >1 3t Itliflt >.? but rcvt r*OM j i i.v i ro uci ?d i t r comj lately formatted houee of ulna iwwa, t**ul moderate. Ai piy 2o J n*? Il hi ti w 1,V?K kkNT?132# hi N*"'NI Ft?lH atory b?? wind w houae. hue aetrhborhood, all llni>rVV*lueU4e. 1 ummj , * *u. l.^uirr at I I (ft raiik (?!?** 1|?OR HIM 14."..'. ANP 14.7 ROlXDAUV t?T., tie* t? niory and baa. .:>etit. X r*?otiie, 'f ur, ko. ; $3.i i*r month. A I'.tAU'' V, _>!?? I.H.'lt I aC I^OK ltl'Nl ??-l(, i<.iM Pl'.I. k. ohm KM N ?. rei.tft.O. Aitly C *? fc. l?.i li Shl>*i>V >1-31* Hint L at U w. l^OK llENT-1 NH IiNlRHri' ri.WK.lfwn.. 14i.SK at. a w. lit ?84 17r ?"ON 'Xi 1 I I v. i ?thM 1 .w . 1 in I' ? 14]3 Mm ?v?.. ITr '.ui;.'UiUserrUt-e.Hr tW indiuUe J?hi i\<i | N nt u ? ,*r ?r?0 14 04'11 li ?? n II *? . f?r .if o ? V- ,u" l S:?Ml.rc.l l??, lur 4-' 1-..I lof? IM'I wai n.? . Ur -4 10 141), at a ? .lur 40 iJvJfoi'VIl b'i .i t i hj iu ??t.. 40 lSm i? lthi7 l."?ti4 lur 4J 1411 bwu^Lton at ,4tua. i, . l" i . liutuu.t . J ?3ju j .(.mi RUara at nw,6r..?(.% viable 70 14 ?? IM?*n ?* tir V ? C(?i ihtf.Htu.H lKtal h w? <?r 15 1 St ti.ww9r tt.'? W J ht?t ? m . t?r 1 J ILe *bov? UuMrt rau U-eiaiiiliifdbvrfrn itfr.ioi CLl other uuly. J 1 1>1>? K i i vl . Jel U*41 ti. ft m. tXtt Rf M 'NT! I.NMI' l> Oooa. u*t || .. i . ? ??'t f :<o N hu? vs it It MtHblr $?50 IMli nt. n w :5 Cor on i'oLtm ?Tf Htut- >4 K .i..? 17 .m ?hie fur rvteijt . ? e 'ilUOhn;. u *? 16 .1tf or buiineai i?ur- HTiHtl's. POMl *JOK X\ 17V5 I4u. Ht .?tr M6 11I- nt. n.w . ^ i l ? 40 1 4iu nt , hU>re tinl 17'J?i Miisi live 1:.* Cellar .....40 I'OlUNvt.uw Al'AhTMrMh l??o<> li'tL Rt..ti w 7."> Fur. flat, M.? lo >t. l(?th hi 7.*? ii w 50 1 M'Jv ! ht. Xi t . ? k ill il nt a i t. ' ; i 11 N at.ti w ... <Hl \ 1 ... l 40 2^01^ Hlayer i*lac? ?i? ^A| irtii.fiit Iioum** :,.r l^OO liOtti at ?*?1 red jwij'Ui, ruoun 150H N street n.w "?0 to * % ?? l.r?l 1 h Ktreet n.w .r>0 OH l( W. l.^tii nt (iioiu OfficeriK .'?,?* 7thit June li 4."? H. 1IVJ1 Con'omiiKt 4<? HUblft .... -.*? loUfe V street 45 Sul-.? remr li4t> .Dtli r 1 HMMIl.L) N e. enr. of l(JtL sti.1 o i-ui irrlanU l'Uce. *lo0 HU .^ieryeur ii<i^SOO 1?? aien ?t. ilroai Mh> Kut^bft.Cou&.tve ki:ii *.-'?? 50 lhtii nt .100 K Kit., l?et. 17tli II lhtli bu|H?nt?'in i? 'J50 Htn N.i LkL. b?-t 14t;i\ i."?tli.*J50 Jft1?"iionl'iu?-r.forhuiu G st., nrar l^tu nt . liiii jut i 76 <Jor lytb ^ I hU.u w. V00 O h' .i?et.I7tb t iMh U ht.. near Arli:.^rton *t*., tor -u .ntn* v 60 H- t-1 \M)'J G *>1 .1- : Otii 1, bet. 17tk A lHUu (tor tt? . t< . HUiuiiier 50 aumiii* r . 175 8uiuit i u? tt, i??r l,b?*t. lhth k li*Tii 10*1 *i7 kuu 50 K at., bet. 1 ??t Ii ^ 1 7tii. ,:hm? K ,U i 17t h and 1 sib Oil,beCtKl kluth lOO at??tora nti r M 14tU. U-t li aui i tior H ?i . In l ib ft 14in ata auiun ar 40 (fruaiiKt. I ?? S at. Wt i:uiik 14th.i4?i lv.b?t.. i-t H K .d l ^ it nr.N li a\e 15o ? tor M.nii: ? i ? 60 E, near Mrl'herxi u atj...t' ' li. 1 av>*^ Lear 1 .?tli at., 1 t.'iin.iN?., a'n \r K . ii<?r Huni ii'-r) 40 CoLU.ava., atiove lial .-5?? F 1. U U i:?th aud Cor Co: n. ave k N *t.5 ? ? Coth ata. d* r a??iu Cotiii.a .b. K ft l)ui' tC.*J.' i ii,. r 40 Jefter>onil..dtuil?.h>. "JOO N at., U t.4 . and li.l.a .U t. 1 4tli & 15th ?.'I'd 10th *t..f? i km., lu-r 40 FntM nr. l>U(H>iit cir .150 Norih nitlr- ^ orturauat. Conn. av-iK-ar Du^Lt Ut.lutband itith >u JO circle 155 BFLLETIN8 CxN lib OBTAIXI D AT OCB Or F1CE. 1 bes?; li *tinea t u.u Oe ? icd oiii^ by uuta from our oiiica lilLI. ft iOnVSTClX, }el-eo?w 19t -.1 ivtift. avM n w VX)R KElfl- C M Mia. a\.n *?#Gr.v >.JS x Ol'J 1 nt.n.w. I1W.C7 id.,) \. J. n.u.,?>r. J > JO Mate ava. and'J0tn*t..l'-J"? .'0 7 Olb ?l u ?? ,'n t>14 11 tli ft.u u.. lvr .liM 1 l?i0 Larob at., or ..'Ju oO 171C inn ai. n.w.. 1 Or v>^l s N nt n. w.. nr. 7*7 1 ltb at.n w..l Jr70.50 1?H? i?;n ??t n.e., ^r *J 1 1917 K at. u w , 1 Ir ??* l(?.'tl N. t ap. nt. fir . 1 r-tl 111 Ui ?t n.w.,Or.. Mb ? hrt L.c.,U. i.? if.ntbi n.w. ilr 55. iU l.'i4-Wnt.n.w.. t?i j^o.:;o 141 o N at.n w , 10r.55.55 HltJ I> at. n. e..0r ... JO hoo l.Mnu. w^ llr..5?).i>o :VZ Mmifi! ti a ., ' JV1*?Mat. n.w.. Ilr ">0..S 3414 1' kl n.w . Ur 1 ri ??V'l l'at. u.w.. ?r 45 :(?.'? hth ?t. u.t-. Or . .15 ..u j-lWia 11 at. n.w., 8r. 4:t Wlutnej Cloaa. tjr la P at. n.w, 1-Jr. 40 i:Uj if at. u?..?ir 16 lOliaOili n w.. Hr..35.0 hi. u ?.. ?.r . 14 .Ml ?04 D *t. u.w., lor :tj v."Ji 5 cIwhImm ara, or.l ;1 4.14 II at. u w.>r :t". 10(14 ? at u w .tir la 1310 Waliacli (-L.Or.33.70 Vii.'t.'i Jnh ?tD.aiir 1^ 22 Mb at. u.e.. br. ...30 45 21 "4 lOtb at. n w.. 6r. 12 200 5iu at l?r 30 111 H 5th at. ii.e? Wr 1Z Hi:tH llitli ml. n.w.. .30.-4?- 317 11 tu at. u.e.. Or 11 1325 s at u w.,!?r ..:t>t.4'? a.w.. f?r . ..1O.K0 1120 btb at. n.w..?r 30.40 1 o -'t 4th "t-U.* ,4r. 1C.30 1U30 14tU at u w., 7r .1 31k L at. n e., 4r 10 (il 11 at u w., 8r 2? y* 44,i 1; at. u.*.. 3r 10 31h 14 ?t.n.e..Sr 27 1*5 1U24 Situ at. u.w_ 7r.27 K5 STORES fc tWLLiJNaa IKU IMh n.w.. <lr. .25.75 204 Arthur |d..7r..2i? 4o 141,714th at. a.w 43 Oil' 2U at n.e., < r.. ..25.35 24O0 l a. avc. n.w 20 Jo 1 11 n WARKEK & tv) . 010 Wat n.w. IXJH l'.l'NT 1 I KMSUUJ U'U SK FOKIUUX UK.ntha, auminer pneca: on- ? f the 11,.t |<:<-k?i.ut 1 lar?a in 1.'- l>nnt l'at k; iaaru, *Uaile. all iu 1. lii^uira at Uooin 130 Indian orti. e. Atlaunc builaliur. i< 1 2t* PWH RE> 1-1537 141H M N. *.. VtUY Oull 1 lortable 3-atury bri' k. H r?,ina, laive i arlur and cellar, bath, andj ard. no tx-.aeiuant. ri-L t. 44,1. A| t .y to owner, 411 loth u w. Key atcurn. ratm\. m)l-2m IX)R RENT -4 ZT 6 1 UOM 1.;.]' K b ,1 fLS. with tiatU, latrob.-a, hal.a. raiur.-s urn* yarda to alley new.y | at*i, ,1. lj.y 422.50. h:h st n w . Iw tween band 1 ?.ta. 1527 14tb ?t. i, w ,h imoiim. ?ith all mod. inu?.. very .-heat' at 425-.*,tl. 1KU otk^l L w? alterant 9 r. uia, ino<L luif., I r k. ??!.:>? 4^5 084 wratar rt-nta 44uX C. I'. Nm.MKN i. )el-3t* Room 10. Cen. Nat'l oank bid. L?lf REST M151H 1 X 151H lt.i.av..l4r.$200 1415 n lfllti 2iatet?lur.,10r. 125 l'.il 1 17 th hi Or 15:1 y i.05 12th st.n w.,15r.. lOO 125 11 at.u.e..5r 4..I 'b 15 27 Io?a Circle,14r.83.33 12.Mli. t-t a.e ,tir 11 :hl l;iO0 C at. u e .Hr 3i( 111 l)u,i-tiiati I-iace, 4r V. V? 231311 at. 11.a ,Or 25 l?i' at..4r . h 703 A at.n.e..0r 21.30 1244 2,1 at a.w ,4r h Thirty Hou.sea on 2d at. a w.cont~ininif 4ra., atabia atta, hod, only 4** ?*, n . 7 n?a b,l. .a, 4^, ana o ata a w.. Bra , luod. tl.i|^, 420 ea< h. l b. above ta i "iy ? |?rti^ uat ol llouav. ou n.y liat. ' a.l lor iitilletiu. OlltH. i:. BAN Eh. _Jel-3t N.W. cor. lttn and U ata. n w 1X)K l.i n I PO CAlUtm. KHMIM, H Il niahea h^'Uai m titv[.>,o.ij lur Hummer, d* ,..'ht tutly loeatea: nt-w, uio,l**rn and ou btrveu-.r iin?; relerencua tfiven ana re^uirud. Addrsaa Rl.N I , ~tar olbce. |el-ltt* IJHJu. Rl Nl?431 o at. n.w., i:ir? tu i #o.S !i4o O at. u.?.. lOr, ui. I. iiua ?table t..> 222 ikl at. at., 13r.. ui. t 4 ? ilotiOat. n.w., OT? lu. 1 35 215 lat at. u.e., rear, .?r !? 401 Armory at- a.?? 4i ... b CAIU.kJD* uAi'hX i r. y l-3t* 13th at. ai.d >. V are. 1'joi KCKT-JO'E \ 18MU, i M'O-h lOKt MM k houst , K roon iii.kI imp ; 1245 6th at. u.? 425. Ry t liA.-l P>. bliiiLV i? !OOi? 7tu at. n W. Jel -3t I^UR Rl NT - A REAl'Til L L RAT-UIVIXJW . liridt. * roouia aud 1107 N. a .tan.ra ave. n.w.; 435. A 11.ACV, Jel-31 51U itnat. n.w. l>?u Li xr r 021 A at.a.a. 7 nwrna, mod impa $22 113 11 H,.n.?.,, tno<i.iiu| a 22 114 5th at. a.e., 0 roouia, water and iraa .........10.30 317 Mb at. n.e, 5 rLKiina 10 0*i l>eliuaaaL n_w.. b moina, i,,o,l iu : 1 20 jel-ot H\DS i l i.Aft. 5IX Tth at. a w. 1 >OR KEN l ? '723 low at. 12r.# 100 20"4 I, Cr ??1 HO lur-2122 Met. l.'.r. loo 122.J 30that ,?r ...20.4.? 2112 M nt., I0r.anaat..;5 i3.b2Mi.. lot. in.,. 1U 1410 * )th. lor , m.i <a 72t< 24tb at . Or 17.00 1220 ?2th Ft. 10r...50 0. 1.17 V ?t .or .17 1331 l at., I2r.. ni.l..?0..i0 i..t>4 ^oiii *u. 5r ...15 30 2321 l'a av.,1 Or ,iu.j..^>.oO 2< 05 k at.. Or 1ft 2325l'a.av..l0r.,iu 1.50.fto W4? 2i'tb at.. Hr 15 Fur., 2027 u at.,7r 5o 1203 2Mnat , 5r? 14-30 2l2.?, nr..u,. 1..-40.5V 517 IW23d eL. Jt 14.30 443* Pat , Mr . ui u.. .40 uO ^313(1 at,.or 14 30 1145 21 at.. 12r.,tn.i 40.50 b23 23d at., -r 13 MM 21 at. lor., ui 1 4<l.o0 2.'K>4 I at.. Or 12.30 21 "i'l-2!. k <WjaUi ??' 4 ro. iua 21 lb Pa.ava.. ..lit lblKU ?U. IO1..U1.1.35..M) tat. Or....M...lV 003 23d at., nr? ui.t....? >0 :,IWI at.. Sr 12 <14 13th. br.. in 1.. 3.? 5o 430 1 < th at .Or 10 oO 013 21at at., Or..?u.i .3<? 30 ,tiO?? 1 at., 5r 10.30 21 2W4 Pa. ave.. <r. .30.50 Hear 24<B? 1 at.. Or 10.30 2721 J> at., .Ml .'Mi ^310 Lat. 4r 10 *'2il t at., br.. n?.I..2.i.*ki 511 Uilrux?>u rt, 5r 10 2137 V at. hr.. ui.l. .25 .SO bl AKLEtL 10O3 24111. Or., in. L2ti.ou hear 24o51a.a?a.?.... II 2 i 031 at., br .,..2.>.ft0 blORES. 2135 Pa ava.. 8r .. 25 :m 8t/ ra 2112 M at , 1 Or T* 2 lb L at.. Or., ui l. 22 JO 1 <4U Pa. ara? 4V M 1213-17 3oth. Or..-.2.' 50 173b Penna ava 3i t or a Inli Uatai-pi* to ?U?OOTT ft WTUX)!. Jel 1??7 I- X)R RENT? 1 1 1310 12th at. 1 2t |W1 4<BI at. n.w. at ,?22 50 4.1O M at. u.w.. 12r..... 00 1721 bth at.n.?,ttr..21.60 742 5t,i at. n.w . 12r.50 ,5 14., 11] at u.w. o r. 20.30 bl3 Lat. u. w. 0 r 60 151b :td at. ai.w. 7r 17 n24Pa.ava. 3 rooma. ...3:> i.'414 < th at c w. Or .. .11 221bt>th at. lOr 302221 Ci?.eland at.8r.. 1ft >el-3f A. b. CAkHUOK. H33 Wth at. ?. W. TT?OR RENT- | X 151W torvoran at.. ,03 *}4th at. n.w. br. Mr ....^#45 7 ill 24th u.w . Or IOOO Oat. u.w., lOr... 40 724 24tu at u.w.,0r... 2031 porUiti' PL, 6r 30 Ston -_ol Lat. u.a...l 20214 "? 2027 " 1513 Pierce PL Or?25 1233 22d at.n. w- 0r..7.Ifc Or?25 2o.W 1 at,nw..4r II 7r..25 50 2037 E at n w.. 4r 1(1 1518 " Or 25 70b M.Mary-a PL. 6r a 3(12 C at n. a, 8r 25 710 bt Mary-aK.. 5r 1 304 C at. B. a., br 25 71 (1 M ktaij ? PI.,.Sr. ...I 1030 5th at- u.w.,br.25.5v HI5. ?. V10 25that 5r....| 427 5to at.n.e.. 8r 20 t?lW, r K. 6 25th at ,>r.. J 622 lat at. n.w , 5r 10 K21. r VI626U1 at., Ir. * 732 4th at. mw- * 207 k at. ma. Or _ ? lotr.'l.r. 018 732 4th at. u.w., 4r 15 2520 R at n.w, 2r... WkULLNUTOX DANRTBOWER, )al-3? lllftjrak.*.w