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SOCIAL MATTERS. Oeo. And Mr*. Hazrn's Silver Wedding ? Personal Notes. The third assistant postmaster general. Mr. A. D. Hazen. sad Mr*. Hazen entertained a company at their residence, No. 629 G street southwest, last evenuig. in honor of the tweuty fl'lh anniversary of their marriage. The draw ing rooms were tastefully garnished with the prevailing dower, the many-colored chrysan themums. and feathery ferns and palms. Pres ident Harrison sent a large bunch of chrysan themums. that decked the hall for the evening. Gen. and Mrs. Hazeu received their guests in the front drawing room. The hostess was most becomingly attired in a gown of black silk, demi-trained. and she wore diamond orna ments and held a bouquet of bridal roses. - They received a number of handsome gifts * from friends here and from a distance, mostly in silver, the occasion being the silver anni versary of their wedding. A superb supper was served snd the health of the host and hostess were drauk in bumpers of wine that flowed freely. It waa at a lute hour that tho company broke up. Among tho?e present wore I'ostm inter General \Y ana maker, (.'apt. Sherwood, Mr. E. G. Kathbone, Dr. aad Mrs. W'.C.P. Hazen. Mr. and Mrs. T. F. McGntre, Miss McGuire, Mr. and Mrs. D.H. li.izeu. Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wood. CoL Smith A. Wmttield. Mr. aud Mrs. Lacy, Dr. Cbas. F. MacDonald, Mr and Mrs. W. B. Coolev. Mr. R W. Hiyues. Mr. J. K bates. Mr. ar.d Mrs. E. S. Hull. Sir. Jno. A. Chapman. Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Scott. CoL J. F. bate*. Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Hughes. Mi?s Hughe*, Mr. and Mrs. b. 11. browu, Mr. E. >i. George. Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Sperry. Mr. and Mrs. A. G. 31. Frevost. Mr. uud .Mrs. E. T. Hull. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. laris. Mr. W. T. Andrews. Mr. A. 11. liali?!?. Miss 8. A. Norton. Miss S. E. Smith. Miss M. L. best. Mr. W. K. Hooper, Miss Hooper. Mr. and 31 rs. H . G. Kusscll, Mr. and lira J. M. Voting. Mr. A. W. bingham, Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Fowler, Mr. W. R Thompson, Mr. J. J. Jom*s. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Thomas, CoL aad Mrs. bates. Mr. and Mrs. Nathan H ./en. Mr. John l?epue. Dr. and Mrs. D. li. llazeu. Mr. .Mailison Davis. Mr. George b. Scott. Mr. and Mrs. Leidv lln/en. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Depue. Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Hazen, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Collins. Hon. J. W. Tyner. Miss Daisy Depue. Mr. W. T. Norton, Mr. and Mrs. 1?.F. ^wayze, Mr. K. 11. Thayer and Mr. E. C. Wood. Gen. and Mrs. Hazen were assisted in receiving thtir guests by their daughter, Miss belie Hsz?*n. and their niece. Miss Koud. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Halliday returned last week to the city. Thcr spent most of the past season in Europe. Mr. and Mrs. J. 1L Outhwaite are back from Ohio and are located for the season at No. 4 Dupont circle. Capt B. W. Meade and family of the navy yard have taken the house No. 1100 Vermont avenue for the season. Miss Grace L. Taylor, daughter of Medical Inspector W. F.. Taylor of tho navy, is visiting the family of bear Admiral Colhoun, No. 1612 21st street. Hon. J. Ambler Smith and family, with the exception of the eldest daughter, vrho is with her grandfather. Chief Justice Lewis, at Uichmond, have returned for the w.uter. The daughter returns in about two weeks. Mrs. Annie Louise Powell gave a t>ox party last night to hear Miss Howe and the George town Orchestra. Her guests were Mrs. Harri son. Mrs. Ely, a guest at the White House; Miss Katharine Taylor. Secretary Haiford, Dr. Jerome Chase and Mr. Osksr Kurtzscli. Miss K. llolden. Miss M. A. bisbee and Mrs. Peck of St. Louis, Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Jovco and Miss Joyce of Chicago and Mr. and Mrs. F. J. Hennngsworth of Dallas, Tex., are at the Hotel Aruo. Mr. Charles E. Barry has returned from Eng land with his brule and is for the present the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Simpson at their home, 1407 31st street, Georgetown. Mr. J. Heilprin's (pleasant home on B street southwest was brilliant with lights and re dolent with the odor of flowers Wednesday evening on the occasion of the marriage of his daughter Ella to Immanual Cauit of Peoria, 111. At 6 o'clock the bridal party entered the parlor preceded by the bride's sister, Miss lnna Heilprin. daintily dressed. The bride entered with her father, wearing an imported gown of white faille embroidered in silver and and heavily trimmed in old point lace, with a pearl brooche and bracelet, gift of the groom. There was a delightful collation m tho dining room. Among the guests were Mr. and Mrs. Bosafy. Miss bosafy. Prof. Franklvn of Johns Hopkins University and Mrs. Franklvn. uncle and aunt of the bride; Prof, and Mrs Heilprin. Mr. and Mrs. Polluck. Mr. and Mrs. Baar. all of New York; Mrs. Clinton. Miss Mabel Clin ton, sister and niece of the bride; Mr. and Mrs. Baar of Philadelphia, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howser. Miss Mollis and bcrtie Baar. Mr. and Mrs. Black, Mr. and Mrs. Loveman. Miss Hodges, Mr. and Mrs. Giles Heilprin. Miss Fanny and Ruth Heilprin, Miss St. Clair, Mr. Bookder. Mr. and Mrs. Davis. Miss Wilson. Mr. Victor Clinton. Mr. Simms, Mr. Sloan. Mr. Wal ter Polluck and Mr. W. Heilprin. Later in the evening the bridal couple left for their new home in Peoria, 111. The bride wore a light | broadcloth dress with hat aud jacket to match, handsomely trimmed in minx fur. The next meeting of the sewing circle (G.M. H.) will be held at the residence of Mrs. C. M. Peppsr, No. 1337 K street, at 10:30 a.m. Mr. and Mrs. Georgs D. La Fetra returned from Atl inta this morning,where they attended the meeting of the W.C.l.U. Mr. H. 1*. Barnes of Philadelphia, accom panied by his bride, who is on his wedding , tour, is staying at the Normandie. Mrs. F. C. Buckbee and Mus E. E. Spetrs of Owego, N.Y., are at the FreUonia. CoL W. F. Durant and family of Chicago have returned to the city and are quartered at W lllaru's for the winter. W. L Frazier and bride of Greensboro, N.C., are spending their honeymoon m the city and are at Willard's. Cards arc out for a reception at the new home of Mr. and Mrs. 2. P. Gunion. 927 O street, from 4 to 7 o'clock, the 2*">th instant, in honor of their son. Philip Si. Gunion. and his liauce. Miss Manila li. brooks. The wedding wiU bs on the 27th, at high noon, at the resi dence of the bride's father, Mr. A. F. Brooks, 1842 Vermont avenue, and will be attended by the respective families only. A wedding break fust will be served, alter which Mr. and Mrs. Gunion will depart for Cincinnati, Ohio, where the former has located in business. Company B of the W.LI. Corps will give its first complimentary hop of the season on Tues day evening. IS'? . All the Charges Were Dismissed. Sunday night there was trouble at Kate De vmney's house in East Washington, during which Jossph Steinernagel received a gentlo tap on the head with Policeman Curtis' club, and Henry Landvoight claimed that he was pushed aside by the officer. The officer suspected that liquor was being sold in Kate's place, although when once prose cuted it was shown that soda was the only liquid that whs dispensed. hundi.v uight the officer went in the back way and the two young men evidently wanted :? interfere with his action*. Tue trouble en led in the Police Court today by the officer being charged with assaulting one of the men, and the latter with an assaait on the officer. All the charges were dismissed. Fined for Fast Driving. Gs orgeAnthony. an express wagon driver, was called upon in the Police Court today to explain why he drovo his horse around the corner of New York avenue aud 10th street at a rate of speed faster than four mdes an hour. "Certainly, the horse was going faster than four miles an hour." said the defendant. "The animal can walk faster than that." Officer Cross gave ovidence of the dangerous rate of speed at which Anthony was driving aad a flue of tlO was imposed. Caught With Another Man's Bicycle. liarry M. Schueid> r, the hardware dealer, left his Dart bicycle in front of hta store on Pennsylvania avenue last night and a young man came along and went off with it. Mr. Schneider followed the young man to the cor ner of 13th street, where Officer Hollinberger arrested him. He gave hi* name ss John Gor ?.ou aud said he waa a bartender from New York. When tl e case was called before Judge Miller today Lawyer Sillers, for the prisoner, waived an examination and ths case Was sent to ths grand jury. He wss committed in de fault or ?5U> bail. Mrs. Seblppert Wants a Divorce. Anna Schippert, by Hon. John Goods, to day filed a bill for divorce from Ferdinand Schippert Ths bill state* that they were mar ried in Philadelphia. August IS, 18H4, aud weut to New York and lived together till January, IvA. She charge* that he failed to support aad bs frequently cruelly treated her. striking aad kicking her. and she was compellsd to re turn to her father'*. She states he wrote to her to rctnrn to h:m aud she w rote him ia January. lso6, agreeing to do so, but In reply received a letter stating that she waa too late, lor he had aiadc up his mind to return to Ger? SHOOTING STARS. The de parting American Ornithologists' Union to the Washington Club: "Ta, ta, Birilie." money ka-ter. Farmer?to Broker: "Isn't money easier?" Broker: "How do 70a mean? Easier to get or easier to lose?" It may bo a Kolb day in Alabama for Senator Pugh. Dr. Koch will probably be made Prince of Tuberculose-us and Barren of Bacillus by the Emperor in honor of his discoveries. Government officials and agents at present are discharging their duties with loud reports. A Charles county farmer in town today re ports the Madd in Prince Oeorge as entirely turned into dust and liable to be blown away by the slightest breeze. 1 AS AMATEUR. Pretty Girl Photographer: "Oh, mamma, I'm stuck 011 Mike." Mamma?shocked: ''Mike who, daughter?" P. <i. P.: Mike Amera. mamma." A WISE CHILD. Bob and Flaxie wero discussing their beef steak at breakfast this morning, when Flaxic appealed to mamma. "Mamma." shu said, "does beefsteak come out of cows?" "Naw," interrupted Bob, with an air of scorn ful superiority; "of coarse it don't Flaxie. Cows lays milk." AX ADVEBTISEMEST. Now don't you forgette To Uko the carette. You beite! "Japonica" is the title of Sir Edwin Arnold's notes on Japan. [Hook Kevins. Why not Ja panica? NO ESCAPS. | Mrs. Hayseed?impetuously: "And we had the highest fire at our hotel, and they waked us up just in time!" Mr. H.?"l'ou must have had a very narrow escape?" Mrs. H.: "We didn't have any escape at all. Wo had to wait until the firemen put up a lad der." THE CABEFCL PHT3ICIAX. Rich Patient?wearily: "Doctor, do you think I'll get well very soou?" Doctor?absent-mindedly: "Not if I can help it." HIS AM1LL WIFE. Wife: "Before we were married you said I was an angel, but you never say so now." Husband?tenderly: "No, darling, but I wish you were one." + 1 THE GOOD TEMPLARS' BIG TIME. Arrangements for Celebrating Their Silver Anniversary. The Oood Templars of this District are at the present time especially busy, since in addition to its regular work preparations are in active progress for the celebration of the twenty-fifth anniversary of the introduction of tho order in this District, which will begin with a service at the Metropolitan M. E. Church next Sunday evening, when Dr. Corey will deliver the anni versary sermon. Next Monday evening tho an niversary meeting will be held at the Congre gational Church. At this meeting the Grand Lodges of Virginia and Maryland will attend. The Grand Lodge of Ontario studs its vice Templar, Miss Bessie Starr Keefer, and the Kight Worthy Grand Lodge sends its represen tative in the person of Dr. Orouhyatekha. the right worthy grand councillor of the order, n full-blooded Indian, who is a physician, an uutbor of note and an orator and debater of singular force and originality. The chief otli cers of the various District temperunce organi zations have been invited to occupy seats on the platform. The musical part of the elabo rate program will be under the direction of Prof. Bischoff. A large number of the mem bers of the order whose membership extends over ten years or more have effected a tem porary organization of the Good Templars Veteran Association by the election of the fol lowing temporary officers: W. G. Perry, presi dent; Geo. W. Johnson, secretary, and Mrs. E. A. Chambers, treasurer. By unanimous vote the association determined to tender to tho distinguished visitors at the celebration a re ception and banquet at the Kenniore Hotel next Tuesday evening and to extend to the or der generally an invitation to participate. The refurnishing of Good Templars' Hall is pro gressing satisfactorily, so as to be completed before Wednesday evening of next week, when tho Grand Lodge of this District will meet in annual session. AMUSEMENTS Georoetown Orchestra.?The Georgetown Amateur Orchestra last night at the Music Hall showed the great improvement it had made since last season, ana proved itself un organization of which Washington may well Le proud. The program embraced compositions by Uoode, Beethoven. Grieg, Dvorak and Strauss, a range sufficiently wide to satisfy all grades of musical tuste. and each number was performed with an intelligence and pre cision of execution that testified in tho most pronounced mauner to the careful rehearsal by the conductor, Mr. Josef Kaspar, who has every reason to be gratified with the work of the baud. The soloists introduced were Miss Alice C. Spier, pianist, and Miss Marv Howe, soprano. The former in her in terpretation and execution of the piano score in the Beethoven concerts proved herselt a fin ished performer, and although Miss Howe was suffering |from a cold she sang the bird song from David's "La Perle du Bresil" in a manner which delighted the large audience present. The liqnid purity of her voice and its marvelous flexibility were never exhibited to better advantage. In the songs l>y Cowen the singer's cold was more ap parent Ihe entire concert or rehearsal, as it whs called, was the best which the orchestra I has ever given and the murked commendation of the audience should encourage them even to higher aims in the future. The grand concert for the benefit of the old Smithtu Id Church, near Old Point, takes place tonight at National Iiitles' Hall. Miss Marie Tempest, who appears at Al baugh's next week in "Ited Huzzar." made her first step in opera from the music school in l'aris to the role of t'taiiutla, and made a suc cess from the start. National.?"William Tell" was given by the Juch English Opera Company at the National lust night, and though it was an off night the performance was fairly satisfactory. G EOUG ETOW N. The Tbaj?k*oiyiso Paper Ciiasf.?The paper chase to be giveu by the Woodlev Hunt Club on Thanksgiving day will be participated in by at least twenty-five members of the club and their lady friends. Tha club will endeavor to make this hunt an especially inU resting one across tiie country, which in all probability will be followed by a luncheon. TtMrLABs Hear a Sermon.? Potomac Com mandery. Knights Templar, under the com mand of Eminent Commander K. W. Darby, attended divine services at St. Paul Episcopal Church last night. i Imi'hovihg the r Street Bripoe.?The P street bridge is receiving a mnch-ueeded im provement in the shape of a new flooring. Church E*tk?*aisiiest.?There was a largely attended supper and an entertainment at the Congress Street M.P. Church last night, the uroemds of which are to be giveu to the heathens. A CoMixo Wepdiso.? Invitations are out for the marriage of Mr. Harry Bulkley to Miss Emily Hvdu of this place, to take place at St. Johu's Church, Georgetown, on the 26th instant Sent Down Vaurarcx.--Au old man named John Dulany was taken to the police station by Officnr Bradley last evening for vagraucy. The old man had a bucket and sev eral bags of articles that constituted his ward 1 robe and household utensils. When he ap peared before Judge Miller he said that, al though he was sixty-sis years old. he could still pick and shovel all day. Judge Miller thought ! the best thing for the old man was to give him a home on the farm, and a scutence of twenty davs was imposed. _ Forfeited Hi* Collateral.?Fred W. Jones, jr., was charged in tho Police Court today with i disturbing the quiet of Potomac street He failed to appear for trial and his CS collateral was forfeited. _ Sent to Jail on a Bea?h Warrant In the Criminal Court this morning Wm. Bel lows, a young oolored man.charged with the em bezsliag of $130 from Thomas MeClill in 1886, and arrested ye.iarday by Detective Carter,was lOuitnitted to jail en a beach warrant WASHIXOTON NAVY YARD. What Commodore Folger Says of It u n Gun Factory. Commodore Folger, chief of ordnance of the nary, in hi* annuel report to the Secretary re fer* as follow* to the Washington yard: The building* for the gun factory proper have been completed since last report. All the machiaory ha* been in?talled in the south gun shop and is in full operation. The 110-ton overhead traveling crane ha* been erected on it* supports in the north gun shop, tested and found to be satiafactorv. A few chfinge* in the hoiating purchase are being made by the contractor, npon the completion of which the crane will be accepted. The lnrge gun lathe* for this shop havo been con tracted for by the department with Messrs. Wm. Seller* A Co. of Philadelphia, Pa.. under date of July 10, 1890. after advertisement dated December 27, 1889. Feburary 18 and March 7, 18y0. This contract require* the completion and erection of two of the lathes hy January 10. 1893. and all of the lathes within thirty-three months from tho date of the contract, or by April 10. 1893. and the contract dato for the de livery of the forging* for twelve and thirteen lnch guns is made to correspond with the de liveries of these large machino tools, that there may be no delay in the completion of the main batteries of the battle ship*. BDPERIOB TO AS* IS TJSt BBUOAD. The bureau consider* that the large gnn lathe* of thi* contract will be ?uperior in de sign, capacity, handine** and accuracy of work and in finish to any similar machine tool* now in use abroad, and tho department is to be congratulated upon thi* development in our re ?ource*. Tool* nt this clas* and *ize are at present only manufactured by two or three tiruis, and these in England and France. The shrinkage pit and gun carriage shoo have been completed since last report and aro in full operation; the office building ateo ha* been completed and in at present occupied. Tho railway siding, which ha* boen constructed from tho Baltimore and Potomac railroad Into and around tho navv yard, baa greatly facili tated tho delivery of gun forging* and the shipment of ordnance material. The bureau ha* acquired by purclia*o a ?hitting engine. Tho bureau h.i* acquired during the year several special machine tools, notably boring mill* and boring andturniug lathe* of tlio firm of Boment, Miles <k Co. of Philadelphia, Pa., and desire* to mention specially their effi ciency and the merit* of tho manufacture. With tho increase in the quality and the amount of the machinery at the naval gun fac tory and in the adoption of fixed and advan tageous methods of *hop administration and of settled principle*, a large economy has resulted iu the productiou of all material. This is es pecially apparent in the manufacture of tool*, of projectiles, of gun* and carriages. A CHEMICAL LABORATORY. The bureau ha* secured the services of a capable chemist and has inatalled a laboratory complete in all respect* for analytical work and for experiment* in explosive* in connec tion with tho now proviug ground at Iml.aa Head. A marked advantage in the direction of economy has already resulted from thi* pew department in the item of lubricating oil*, tho shop now manufacturing it* own oil. The bureau anticipate* advantageous devel opment* in various direction* from this addi tion to the facilities of the gun factory. ihe shops have been completely provided with an electric lighting plant and it is at present practicable to work at night in case such course should be demanded. A contract has been made w ith the Morgan Engineering Company of Alliance, Ohio, for a fifteen-ton crane, which will bo placed upon tho tracks of the forty-ton crane now in use in the south gun shop, the latter having boen found insufficient to perform the work required of it The bureau proposes to extend these tracks, which now reach bnt to the shrinking pit, throughout the whole length of the north gun shop in order to avoid the disadvantage* of shitting weights from ono crane to another. The gun factory is at present under the charge of Commander tTias. O'Neil, to whom the bureau is indebted for many valuable im provements and suggestions in the develop ment of the machine plant and of the naval material. Jif.W PROVING OROC^D. Under authority of tho acts of March 3. 1887, and Juno 30, 1389, the bureau purchased, iu February, 1890, a tract of laud G59 acre* in ex tent in Charlo* county. Md., on the Potomac river, and about tweuty-?ix miles below Wash ington. At this spot a wharf has been built, magazine and instrument house* are being erected, butts put up, gun platforms for all caliber* of gun* con structed, and nil preparation* made for prosecuting the necessary work of proving and ranging guns and testing power, carriages, projectiole* and other ordnance material. This important work has been in charge of Ensign It. 11 Dashiell. and the bureau begs to com mend his zeal and ?bility in its prosecution. It is proposed to transfer to thi* point all the work thu* far done at the Annapoli* proving ground, and it is believed that the difficulties and risks which have at tended such work at Annapolis will no longer exist. The greatest advantage to be realized by tho transfer, however, will bo the saving in time and cost of transportation from the gun factory to and from the proviug ground. It is anticipated that the advantages of tho direct contact of the manufacturing establish ment with the proof of the material will be at once apparent and result in increased efficiency in all departments of the manufacture. Made Threats Against His Wife. Magrudcr Hough's pretty wife accused him in the Police Court today of having made threats toward her. Divorce proceeding* are pending between them. Mr. Carrington repre sents the wife and Mr. Williamson U looking after the interests of the husband. Magruder was willing to give hi* bond* in the sum of 7300 to keep tho peace toward hi* wife and his personal bonds in that suin were ac cepted. Burnslde Corps Kutertalnment. Last evening Willard Hall was crowded by an appreciative audience, the occasion being tho entertainment of Buruside Corps to Woman's Kolief Corps. An excellent program was ren dered and an opportunity was given to inspect the beautiful thing* exhibited for sale. These were good* left over frim the fair heUl in Feb ruary last. Many of tho goods were disposed of at fair price*. The young people enjoyed the dancing and Prof, lioust entertained the I audience by sleight-of-hand performance. Tho j corps ranks atuoug the foremost in the great I amount of relief afforded distressed comrades and their families. _ J High Scholastic Honor* Won. Rev. George Dclamottc, aged twenty-nine year*, * member of the Society of Jesus, be came yesterday the fourth man in the United States to take the highest scholastic honors of the Catholic church. In the presence of Card inal Gibbons. Bishop Curti* of Wilmington and O'llara of Scranton and others at Woodstock, Md.. he defended his test thesis upon "Church Doctrine" without being beaten in any point by hi* questiouer*. lie v. Mr. Delamotte will | leave in a few week* to devote hi* lifu to mis sion work among the Rocky mountain Indians. He is a sou of Gen. Delamotte of the French army. Indiana Republican* Conferring. Some fifty or moro of the leading republi cans of the state met in Indianapolis yesterday to consider the political outlook and arrange for a complete reorganization of the party pre paratory to the campaign of 1S93. Chairman Miehener states that ho luteuded to leave the state soon and lutimated that it might be wiso for the committee to select a successor as chairman. The members replied that they were not prepared to act on the matter now and tho subject was dropped, leaving Michcuer still at tho head of the party organization. mi Maryland'* Girl Poisoner. Mary Mcbcdorff is now iu jail in Baltimore ( awaiting sentence. bhe pleaded guilty to the i charge of th* murder of her brother and aunt ' by poisoning them. Her mother had a narrow ' escape from death. She was also poiaoned, 1 aud at the *amc time with Mary'* aunt and ' brother. The poi*on was put iu the breakfast | coffee. Mary says she dtd it for fnn. Dr. John 8. Morris of Baltimore had an interview yester day with Gov. Jackson in reference to the men tal coudition of Mary Mebedorff. He says that , the girl has some cerebral trouble and i* of a | low order of intellect, but know* right from , wrong. He suggests that she be sent to the 1 house of the Good Shepherd. The governor can take no action now as the record of the case ha* not come before him yet. Walter H. Burnham of New Haven, Conn., wo* yesterday elected manager of the Pittsburg consolidated ball club. Last season Mr. Barn ham managed the New Haven Club, which won the Atlantic Association pennant. P. L. Sweeney broke the rope-jumping rec ord at Newport, R. L, yesterday. Jumping 1,627 times without a break in 21 minutes 7 secouds. Best previous record, 1,017 time*. JURORS FOR DECEMBER. Those Who Will Serve In the Criminal and Circuit Courts. The clerk of the court has drawn the follow ing to serve a* jurors of the Circuit end Crimi nal Courts to report on the first Monday in De cember: C1*CUIT OOUBT. Geo. Fowler, Harrison street; John Sullivan, Sheridan street; John McElroy, Stanton place; Wm. Hutchinson. 10th atreet southeast; T. H. Ung worth. Bright wood avenue; F. G. Atkinson, New York avenue; M. M. Martin, Pennsylvania avenue; Leroy Tuttle, Columbia road; J. D. Manion, 7th and H streets southwest; Ed. Brooke, Tenleytown road; John Tay lor, ICth street northwest; B. L. Cumberland, 24th street northwest; Jos. D. Davis, O street northwest; F. L. Hau v?y, 121 h street northwest; W. A. Fenwick, 11th street southwest; J. M. Stewart, East Cap itol street; L. Seivers, N street northwest; John Scafer, New Hampshire avenue; O. H. Kuhn, 10th street northwest; N. Bouvet, 13th street northwest; T. E Burch. 7th street northwest; John Cochran, renusylvania avenue north west; W. B. Wilcox, Pennsylvania avenue north* west; Charles Carter, Missouri avenue north west: Jacob Newratb, Maryland avouue north east; E. b. Muiih. Massachusetts avenue north west. CRIMINAL COURT. Jacob Pecker. F street ncrthwest; C. V. Trott, 8th street northwest; G. W. Simrns, Ver mont avenue northwest; T. J. Keane, Virginia avenue southwest; A. Fickling. 4th street northwest; T. J. Brown. Bowen road; W. Whelan, 32 d street northwest; G. E. Johnson, E street southwest; C. 1). Caton, I'otouiac street; Louis Behrcns, 6th street northwest; T. B. Stahl, Louisiana avenue northwest; A. W. Francis. Pennsylvania avenue northwest; L.Em tut rt, oth street northwest; Jo6. Blumer, C street southeast; Jas. B. Lamhie, H street northwest; B. W. Joyce, 14th street northwest; W. McK. Osborn, O street northwest; G. L. Younger, N street northwest; J, F. Manning, 14th and H street* northwest; G. W. Smith, Washington street; F. liemler, Rhode Island avenue north west; W. H. Fletcher, tlth street southwest; G. G. Donaldson. 8th street northwest; E. Forrest, Hamilton road: G. Gibson. Bhodo island ave nue; \V. H. Shea, 13th street southwest. Centeunlal and Mount Vernon Avenue* To tha Editor of Thk Eykninq Stab: As wo aro casting about for centennial cele brations allow mo to remind the good people of the District of Columbia that on the 15th day of April nest, just one hundred years ago the first boundary stone of the District of Co lumbia was laid under direction of three com missioners, viz.: Gov. Thos. Johnson, Hon. Daniel Carroll of Maryland and Dr. David Stuart of Virginia. These gentlemen had en tire charge of the survey and laying out of the District, The modest little light house mark ing the entrance to what was formerly Belle Baveu, situate just south of the city of Alex andria at Jones' l'oint, has the honor of being tho starting point for tho survey, which was to mark out the ten mile* square, on which was to be built tho tho capital of the greatest and most enlightened nation of the world. The history of the plans of the city of Washington ?the magnificent designs of the young French engineer?are all familiar to us, but I hope I may bo pardoned in suggesting to our friends tho fact, that ut the time L'Enfnnt was ready for his work the finances of tho federal gov ernment were found in a very low condition, so low in fact that President Washington was compelled to call on tho states of Maryland and Yirgima for advances. Virginia responded promptly, and by act of her assembly, passed 17'.il. advanced to the general government ?170,000. which money was drawn and used by Oen. Washington in laying out our broad ave nues and streets. Now allow me to suggest that, as a fitting memorial of a great work and in honor of tho greatost and noblest of men, that Congress ap propriate enough money to commence the build ing of the Mt. Vernon avenue. Mid u gr.iud cen tennial celebration be held April 15. lS'Jl. An appropriation of 310,000 has been expended in surveying the different routes undor supervis ion of the Secretary of War, who detailed Col. Peter Hains for this spccial work. It is need less to say it has been well and thoroughly done. So let us have the centennial. Fuank Hume. Alexandria County, Vs. THE COURTS. Court is Geserai, Tf.rh?Judges Ihigner, Cox and llradlty. Today?In re O. B. Wilson (habeas corpus^; argued and submitted. Mckenzie agt. Under wood; on hearing. Circuit Court?Judie Montgomery. Today?Woods agt. Trinity Parish; trial re sumed. Equity Court?Jutlne Jumett. Today?John H. Miller, Catherine Johnson and Mary E. Smith, alleged lunatics; inquisi tions confirmed. McKee agt. Cochrane; bill of Gibson Bros, approved. Minnix agt. Ward; titlo divested of Ward's heirs and vested in B. T. Morsell. Dudley agt Bute man; former or der of publication revoked and new order is sued. The Alabama Senatorshtp. There was practically no change in the Alabama senatorial situation last night The democratic caucus met at 7:30 and went through tho iormality of four ballots without decisive results aud then adjourned until tonight. The nineteenth aud last ballot stood: I'ugh 40. Seuy 27, Kolb 42, Watts 'J, scattering 'J. Among the scattering were six votes for Congressman Clarke and two for (len. Joseph Wheeler. There is no present indication of a break in the deadlock. *?* President Carnot Gratified. President Carnot of Frauce is gratified at hjs eleetion as honorary member of the Bunker Hill Monument Association, of which tho Mar quis de Lafayette was tho first honorary mem ber, and yesterday he sent a handsome ac knowledgment through Minister Beid. The lotter presented Col. Harrison Bitchie of Bos ton to President Curuot the other day to en uble Col. Bitchie to hand to the president the certificate of his election. \esterday Mr. Beid received a Sevres bust from President Carnot with a lotter asking Mr. Beid to trans mit the bust to tho association to be placed in its assembly rooms as a souvenir of President Carnot's appreciation. _ A Mission lloat Confiscated. Dispatches from the Congo State say that the Baptist mission's steamboat Peace, which was stationed on the Upper Congo river, has been confiscated by the officer* of tho Congo State on the ground that it is required for state pur poses on the Kanslae river. The British flag was hauled down and the flag: of the Congo State hoisted on the vessel. The cngiucers uud stokers were compelled to continue their ser vice*. The Olllclal Count In Missouri. The official count of the vote for Missouri state officer* has been completod and is a* fol lows: For judge of the supreme court, Gantt, dem., 250,011; Mullins, rep., 188,293; Jones, nnion labor, 25,114. For superintendent of public work*: Wolff, dem., 250,079; Hover, rep., 188.248; Browulow, union labor, 25,189. For railroad and warehouse commissioner: Hick man, dem., 251,531; Merrifield, rep., 187,110; Boy den, union labor, 24,732. W. L. Scott's Horses Sold. A representative crowd attended the sale of horses owned by ex-Congrcs*man Scott of Erie, Pa., yesterday in New York city. The bidding was of the liveliest character and all the price* were good. The star of tho sale was Bolero, the crack two-year-old of the aeason, by imported Bayou D'Or, out of All Hand* Around. After lively bidding the colt was filially knocked down to Philip Dwyer for 935,000. Banquet, the full brother of Tea Tray, was knocked down to Michael Dwyer for f6.70U. The tlurty-oue head brought a total of (94,150, or a trifle over e3,037 apiece. ? Mrs. Padelford Obtains a Divorce. Judge Patterson of the *uprcme court in New York yesterday granted a decree of abso lute divorce to Florenco Padelford from Ed ward M. Padelford and has awarded to her the custody of their daughter, Florence Burne Padelford. Hho is allowed (6.000 a year ali mony aud au additional annuity of (2.000 for the support of the child. Mr. Padelford is very wealthy, aud the couple moved in good society iu Now York and abroad. Upon their last return from Enropo Mr. Padelford told hi* wife he could not livq, with her again. The Wrong Train Complimented. Elaborate preparations were made at Pots dam, Germany, for a simultaneous illumination of the heights at the moment of the arrival of the train bearing Prince Adolph of Schaum borg-Lippe sod his bride. A Frascold pas senger train, however, wm mistaken for the bridal train, and the fires biased up prema turely on all the heights. Before the bridal train arrived the illumination was all over. WANTED?HELP. WANTED-* WHITE GIRL TO COOK AND DO ecueral hou**wurk for a *m*il . nltrfur* required; uo waahiny. Apply 1 10th *t.a.w.o'il-3* VVTA*T_ED~T6riio max of good address ti about 18 or "JO to aaamt ou newat>aprr route. Ad dreat. in own handwrltintr. ir:Tin* refereucaa ana sal ary ez| ected. Box 40. htar office. tfl-'-if WANTED^ 11 "cooks. U HOCSEKEhPEBS. 7 eliamN-niiuU, ,r? waiter*, 0 driver*. 4 aictnifn, Po.:i:on.of >11 kind* rui bo gotten tl W. W. BINES * blip. 8. 024 F *t. B.W. !?? WANTED?WOMEN COOKS. CIO TO CHAM benuaid*. uurae* *ud I?undre?* *. in fiV of away; waiter*. driver* or farm hand*. colored men cook*. SAM I. A. COOllliS, t.v;e F at. n w. n-'l-jl* WANTED-COOKS, glOTO ??:. LAINDRE8S. " chambermaid*. w*itre*?, iiurncs. *e*mMr**?. butler*, coachmen, bellmen, waiters. *11 houeework enforfamilieaaud hotels. DICK'S. 013 7th *t. n.w.* WAITED - A SETTLED WOMAN TO COOK, wuhuid iron for * private fumly; mint *t*J" nitthu?ndgivekockI city reference* Atklim Bo* *?? Star office. o'J 1 -3t \\r anted-cobkeswIndence" fbo* A~Bi*??i ii ne*a man of pu*li. with rood c*nva**iuir capa- ity. to represent the ? Mi!ler Fire txtin*ul-dier" in the Dis trict of Columbia, with the ri*lit party a liberal cou trart riven. for iurther particular* addreaa, *tatiuir ? xperituce ami rcicreuce*. to I. II.. ArUmors Hotel. l;Uh *t near F. None but a lire, active, 10th century man, whoae time is worth $'J.OOU a year, need apply. It" VV ANTED-AO ENTS~ TO HLLL MY WHISPER " phone. Write for term* to EltED Pt'LTZ, Patentee and bole Manufacturer. 20 Hickox *t.. Cleve land, Ohio. Mr "W AN TED-ON bTjEWELEB" AND ONE BOY TO " learn the .'ewelrj business w M. FKIEDKRICH, Manufacturing Jeweler, 00b 7th St., oppoaite patent office. n-l-3i* W *NTED ?FEMALES?A FIR8T-CLASS >TE " D mraj her and ty]<e writer. atate *x|>erieuce,aalarF exp>?,.ed, references, Ac. AdUrea* G U.S.. star office. _li21-;tt YV ANTED?A FIRST-CLASH COOK," A BUTLER " and secoud . bent reference* inquired, t ali, bet. 12 and 1 o' Hill K ?t. n.w. n-'l-tti* \XT ANTED-A WOMAN To COOK AND DoTiEN " eral houaework in a small f?; must sleep m the luusc and have reference. Appu to 103,'t Conn ave. Olg ANTED?FORTY LATHERS. FITCH IN. C bet. 13th and 13H U.w. It* \y \\f ANTED?CIRCULARS DISTRIBUTED; ?3 PER T v 1.000 paid. Send 10 ceuta in 1 or 2-cent ?tain]* and *ecure territory and valuable sample* at once. Satisfaction truaraiiieed. MALENA COMPANY. War rior's Mark. Ta. n-l-10t* VV ANTED?BYXpaBTYboABDIMI. A REFINED v T French trill to take care of a child tnrec year* old. Address ilr.. o. to. Hllt.DD, Liucolu Hotel, lutli and 11 ata. aw. ? u21-3t* \\*ANTED?BRIOHT WHITK-GIRL FOR GENr. ?? eral hounework, family ol two; no children; *teady oxploymout. 132o Riirys at. n.w. u21*3t? \VANlbD-AT ONCt^tXllinii ON LADIES* " underwear aud wrapperaut 021 I' *t. n.w. It* W AS 1LD-A liOYT AS GENERALLY USKFUL IN a print'.nK office; one Willi soiue uxpvrionce pre ferred. TYPE, star office. It WANTED -A N EA'l RESPECTABLE TiOLOKLD " womautoccok and do Keneral lionaework in * family ol three; irood waire* Kiven to a bret-claa* ap plicant. Apply 504 bill *t. ?.w., after (> p.m. It* VV ANTED-A WOMAN T(7do GENERAL HOl'SE T T work for three iu family; uium be irood cook; *tay niirhtaaud bruiK relercncea. Apply 1233 11th at. n.w. It* VV ANTED-AT ONCE?A RESPECTABLE WHITE V ' (ftrlfor Keneral housework at 1201 20th st. n.w. uu'* VV ANTED-A WELL-EDUCATED. ENKRGEllC 'I luau. \n<ll acquainted with emrtneeni. to oauva?? for a work on t ntrineennir: In* money for the nvht man. Apply Room 6, l'aciflc buildmx* 11TANTED-A WHITE VlOMAN TO DO FIR8T v ? claaa chamberwork and uieuditiK. reference* re qu red. Call for three LnoruUiics beiore 11 at 17&2 Maaa. ave. n20-3t* VV ANTEb-BOY IN SUoESTORE. V2V FST. N.W7. TT n20-3t VVT ANTED?PARTNER WITH $o7000 CASH AND v v hcrvice*. u*tahli>hed maiiufnctumiK bu*inc*a; 4<> per cent profit: irood cash trade: party must be ?rood accountant and take Onauclal t>art Addrea* liox 100, Star office. n20-3t* VV anted ? girl to dcTgeneral HOUSE tt work. small house and *mall iaunly; reference* required. Call at 10J9 Marion at. n.w. n20-2t* J A N 1ED-IM MED1 AT ELY. 1 WO OU 1III; E E dreaamakera. Apply 1229H Ttli *V. n.w. n20-3* ANTED?MAN SERVANT. VlU~1'1E; BEST Of references required. Apply at 1310 51s?" *ve. u.w. nl9-3t* VV ANTED?OTMTEB 8HUCKER TO WAIT ON v t table and do general kuawwurk. permanent place to nub I man. 413 Ea?t Capitol *t. n-'O .lt* VV ANTED-BOY-OME WHO IS HnNEST. 1N vT tellitfvnt and indu*triou?; for work in a book ?tore. Aildre-a, iu own handwritiiiK, a..a atate atro aud reMidence, BooKS, Mar office. n20-2t VV ANTED?.12;i4 PENNSYLVANIA AVE. N.W\i it a tirat-eliMi cook (colored woman preferred); mu*t stuy at niKht. n20-3t* VVtaNTED-AN EXPERIENCED WHITE OIBL vv to cook, waati, iron and mend tor one lady: atrood cook required; wukim.410. relereucea required. ? all after 1 o'clock. '.120 yt\i *t. n w. n20-3t* W ANTED-A ioU SG WUITE GIRL ABOVI II) li ur 18 year* old to help iu a atore. Addresa Box 44. Staroihca. n20-2t* VV ANTED-YoUMl MAN OF 1 OR 2 YEARS'EX " twrience in druir *toru. i. b. WILLIAMS k CO. nlU-3t W ANTED-C00K?, CBAMBEBMAIDS. NURSES, ii waitresxea, boy* aud meu for all bUHines*. Appli cation* lor (fovemment and railroad cnii'loymeiit tur nisMed CllY INTELLIGENCE OFFICE, 008 E n.w. nl?-4t* W ANTED-A GIRL FOR COOK AND GENERAL II houae?ork; no waaliiuK and lromnir; *tay nights and bi'iuf city reference. Apply to 020 H at. u.w. w VVrANTED-A STRONG, RELIABLE WOMAN, v V who is a first-cla.* do kitchen aud dthlutr room work of a pilvatc family ;Kood ?a^es paid, must be able to Klva reference from previous employer. Apply 1103 oat. nlU-4t w w J ANTED?25 GOOD MEN BY THE MoNU F uiiieutul lV'netii Kuci?ty *J0D Peimaylvau;* ave. m.c. CaJl alter U a.m. tooa faiU. aim* a li. AiAi, sort. T ANTKD-A DKAIGHTHMAN TO M AKE DKAW r l k'8 of mill work iu fiu tury. to uiea^uru draw for estimate**. Aj>i>Jy to W. H. KINu &CO , Cathe dral and Preaton btroeta, baltmiore. ulH-4t W AN 1 h^-OOOKtt, ~1VVAITKES^KS, BLTLElib. " liDiisc, kitclieu aud ladies' luaida, valets, youths aud Kirla to learu trades; 5<?U white wouieu cooks; baK^a^') rooius; trunks. liUUMiAM'd. 1110G at. ELW. nl.Vtit* WAHTKD ? WOMKX, MEN AVD BOYS; ALL vv kinds of work ?ru>raute?4l or muuey refunded: ifood situations, hitfh wutfes: car fare free; irotupt services. BoWXE'b, ii'-l0 17th at. n.w.* aecoud floor. n.l-HK* \LT ANTED?MEN AND WOMEN OF ABILITY IN vf ever> city, town and village to act as a?reuu for the Ladies Home Journal. We want the beat obtaiu ablt- class of atreut*, ana to such unusual terms wili be ollered The journal is th? hai'dsoinesi {^nodical for ladies aud the lamiiy ever isaued and haa nearly half a million subscribers. It will be advertised the couu^ir autumn and winter 011 a Uiver tcale than ever before, creatiuK a dt-mand that agents should be ready to till. CT1U14 PUbi.ism>0 CO., Phlladelpiua* o24-eo2t>t \k] AN1 ED ? DUNDoltE'H EMPLOYMENT BV 11 reau, conducted by ladies?Men and Wotueu. white and colored, for all kiuda of domestic labor, cuy ii*d atatos; with rcfuroucoa. ueuioved to 70U L at u. w. oil-not* WTANTED PIVB A1 INKCKAVCE SOLICITuIW vv to work i.M thia city; biir |?ay. Ai>l>1> to the NA TIONAL CAPITAL LI1E ASSOCIATION. 1420 N Y. i?a n.w. n 14-1 in W AN'lfcD-LKAltNEhS Folt " PKuF ClIhlST1 v f net 'a International Taylor byttem : ^ ith an> inch rule or ta|>e un-aaure alone, aa ail scientific tailors cut; patterns and materials cut and made and instructlou ITiveu by Vime. h. J. MLbHhli, 1403 Ji.l. ave. at>-.'im* WANTED?HOUSES. VVT ANTED-lO MEEX FAKTY W ITH MONEY TO 11 invest wlio vrill buy lu.UHe for 4!l0,00o caxh aud resell same to advertiser for aame pries at 11 ?> per mou'li and 0 i>er cent interest. Addreu MoNKV, Star oiline. n-0-;tt* IV AN"i> D ? HOU8E8 ? I 11AVK IMMKU1ATE f f purehaser for lot with old houKr uuder small rent; not lets than 'JO feet front; uorthwekt neetiou : not to exeied M.OOO. Ml K. ELLIS. nlU-.'it 1411 T st. n.w. \\T ANTED?EVERY KENIOB TO CALL AT oL'tl li office aud iearu how to make the money paid for reut buy the property rented, lioom U, <i~f 7th at. n.w.. Coinmou ItaB*. Bnildiux Aisoeiation. nir>-Tt* ANTED?1'AKTIES H AVi NG HOtbES OK LOTS for saie at r<a.~oiiaLle price* may find prompt \Y . puirhuiu r. for the aaiue by aeuiUuir full demriptioii and uruia at once to L HTAltUAlillTLU. Liic 013 15th ?L u'-Nl-lm \\T ANTED?HOt'bEH EHOM 44..">00 TO CtiOOO; li alao Lou in \\aalanirton aud Lanier Height*. ACKElt * OAOMBY, an 13 loots Pat. n.w WANTED?ROOMS. VIT ANTED -NOVEMBEU ^7. HY A GENTLEMAN li acd wifo, two furnished room*: pnvilere of icet tiUK breakfast: locatlou bet. lltli and 14th and E and li sta. Addrc*x Mrs. H. A. 1>.. Oak Orove, D. C. It* \\TANTKL- lAVO OH YllllKF. HOOMS. 1ST OB II vd iloor, Ivht h'tUseLeepimr. by ireutlainan and wife villi onc-yoai-oidcUlid. *luto termv Box l.Vi, Star office. It* \\T AN TED-BY A LADY IN OF1ICE-A UO<Jl> li sized uuiumished room inacleau house, where rabbai-e is not rotrular diet; privi'.upe ol irettii:g breai* fa-i iu room. Addreaa, staling price. A. Ja., htar office; It* V|7 ANTED?TO LENT TWO OB THUKE UNFCB IT I railed loom*, north of X.Y. ave. aud bet. 0th and lhtli Kt?. Addreas H.. UOH M at. n. w. n21-3t* WANTED--TO BENT A LOOM OB POBTION OF a atoru on tho vround floor ou or near >' *t Ad dre?* O.K.Star office^ nill-lui \v ANTED ? ABOUT DKCEMBEB 1 ? A UALL 11 room or other small rooiu. couiio; tably furnisbnl, Willi heat aud litfhl. near the luteal office; reierence*. Addre.*. statlwr term*, which must ue low, E. <. D.. ^Star office. ugO-jt* W ANTED?TWO FUBMsHED OB PAKTLY *uiT ii uislied room*, or one with u*e of kitchen; vary litrht UoaacitM'pliiK; easy diaunc* of Capitol, with unlet, reuued iamuy; unexceptionablerefereuci-?:?tate t?rma. Mra. 11.11W., bur officii. ulU-at* FEKSONAXu Heirs wtaxted ?informatio* is wanted at this consulate ol Julius C. Vlaser. Lett W**ii imrton in 1SU? and la?t b?aiairotn tu December. 1871, ou board * ship,. Capt. aauudtua-aud of hi* son* Jerry A. aud Arthur li. Viaaer. Alao of JohuHtude koper of Holland, alleired officer In the late war. Hi* service wanted. A. HOllUECBIBQ. Vice Oonaal N*tb erlauda, 4'Jo 7th ??. niiO-dt* C-(IVIL 8KBVICE FXAMINAl ION QCEoTIONS / and answer*. >md 10 ceuta to It. W. FLYNN, A.M . Itr Inatltnto. n5-lm Southwest coi?8th and Rata. n.w. L'TUOKIZKD FB1YATE DETECTIVE AOKNCVT William* k Co. Communicatlona promptly at* it nd?d to anal atrtcUy conndential. Office open ail ixltr*. WM. WILLIAMS, Manattw. IKM F a*. u.w. n4lBi* \OV ? TVK TIM*. WK WILL FAX "BIO a Money " for Oaata'Flnt-daaa ?*eoid.hand UotA Gw, Addre** m call *1 JlblU'H OLD XT AND, OIU P at n.w. o4 MOBKIS HEFNER. WIOMAKEB. lifO.-. F ST. N.W.. Room x Ladiea* aod vwtleuMM'a hair work, braida, *o.f*Ba, Ac., . apecialtjr. W iv* to Ut UQi t It D.W. WANTED?SITU ATIONS. __ M" rAXTKD-A POSITION BY TOOM MAN or ' twenty in ren; ?eta?e or patent attorney's oAr*. beet of rdsnuce furnished. Address H.W.R.. Mar office. ktl-St' WAKTID-BY RESPECTABLE YOUNG WHITE (IHUU, situation ee BpH-rlw laundr"** or ebamberwsid with flrst-elasa private ianuly Ad.tresa JR.. aw >?i. Collina. 533 loth st n.w. nil-?? "VST ANTKD-A SITUATION BY A THOROUGHLY vv competent typjwrtter, tv..H rs;.r\.u<e? Ad drees Miss ISABEL oLA* MA KER, 4 ,'vi N. OolumlHje ?t.. Alexandria. Va. (31 3t* WUTO-fl ? ? ??!> MCO OLUK oF vv five years' ', ap.-sitnu u either ilttot night clerk. Address LKO. Star offio- n21-3t* WANTED - AT HhADUlAhTlUS-UlM iloNS " for rooks, chamber maid. waitreee. laundr-a-es and nunm, ni n waiters, fMU tosch inau. butiera. HAU L A. iWBW. l?-'6 > at n.w. u-'I-it* \V* ANTr D?<io TO DICK'S AuF.NCY IOR COOK*, vv maids. l ur>i'<. laundress. ho?s> work*?, Sut lers. coachmen. waiters, fuotmen. larni and dairr fflfn all nave reference* fruui laat plnce. bid 7th at. u21-3t* \V A NTED-BY A BOY. SITUATION TO LEA RN vv the tai.onmr trade nineteen year*of age. living with parents. Ad trees 1127 H st. n.e. ii'Jl -'.t* \V AN I'F.D-BY A rir.ST-CLASS COLORED COOlC vv a situation in ? hotel or private tan.ily. ?? >t of references. Apply 1326 Cbaetcr court, bet. V and \> and 13th and 14 th eta. It* WANTED-BY A SIN OLE O E MM A N. GOOD v V horseman and gardcuer. pl.vcc aa drive-. coach man or take caie of ?rviuiei.ian's<. K MARSHALL. Benning. D C It* W' ANTKD-A B1TUATION BY A* ELD1 HIT vv white woman to dc chamber work and as-i?tin the care of children or t."rneral Louse work In a an.all family. Apply HI K at. n e It* \V AN IKD-S1TLA1 ION BY FIRST-CLASS TtU vv <v apli oi*rator. -"J yeare old. 3 rea.e' mperi ence lu telerraph offl>e;ir<>ed penman. best of refor encee. Add ma OPi.UA i OK. 406 Warner el. n.w. n20-2f WANTED-BY A WELL-EDl'CATED PARISIAN ' " girl aired 24. a situation ae tirst-c.aas lady's maid I or governess. Address Mrs. SEVILLE. 17r_"? 1. at. | n.w. n'JO-St* \V ANTED?SITUATION AH CLERK 1N~GROCI RY vv ?tore. would lav. at (300 if satisfactory. huve flret-tlaea reference. W. J.?? htarofficc. u'JO-Vt* W ANTKD?BYA W HITE * (7mA?. Slfl'Al I )N if aa cook iu priTkU'family. do waahiu?r. City ref en nct a. Apply lJwJ 14tu el. n w. u'-'O -t* \|T ANTED-* BlTl'ATlOSi-A LADY WOtLD " like to read aloud two houre dally either to au iQ\al.d or tlaaa. Addn sa Mrs. L.U.U., Mar oltce. n,-'0-3f U'AMHl HV 1ST OK DECKM11LR. l'LACE IN A " dry roods store or Uwk atorr or aa couiiwmon to I amsUboys; industrious colored youth; Kood writer. Best refcretuvs. Artdn ss T.. Star office. ull?-3t* W' ANTED BY AN EXFEB1ENCKD MEAT VVT- ! " ter. also grocery cl. rk, a aituation; can fnruisli best of reference. Address Box 34. Star office till* :<t* | WT A N T EIV 'si TV AT ION B* Will 1 L M A N. AS ? ? Intler in private lxraily: best of ralereu. e? ?ri vnn. AddreitK Bl'TLER W . Star office, nlVt-3t* W AN1ED?BY A PARISIAN DRESSMAKKli, " Work at r> aldi-DCua by the day . *160 per day. Address Miss PELAN, 172H Pa. avc n.w. ul!?-3t* WANTED - SITUATIONS FOR COtiKS. HOt'SI> " aeejtrs. waiters, tnaids, drivers, uursaa. kitchen hands, nalealadies. portent, clerks, bell lioys. kc uuain office, rt< e|Hon and waiting rootusoouuectedj. BI'KN 11 ill's, 1 1 lo ti sUtl.w. ti 1 ?it" W* ANTED - EMPLOYERS FOR EXPERIENCED " slid polite servants. Also positions for applicants for clerical work, CITY INTELLIGENCE oiFICE. Dl RAND 8I1ACKLLFOUD. Propria lor, WOS Kst.u.w. 031-Slt* WAITED?BOARD. \V A n ; L1 ? A UENTLEMAM DESIKM BOARD . 'I with a private family in tbaWest End. Address. with terms, which uiuit bo moderate, Y. M. C., Star I office. It* W A-N T ED-BO A RD AND ROOM BY UF.NTLEMAN vv and wife; Capitol Hill preferred: rlasse (rlve . terms aud accouoi^udatioua. Address 1. C. H , .-tar oiflce. n^l-2t* WANTED MISCELLANEOUS W *"TED-AN ESTIMATOR OF QUANTITIES (>F " lumber, frainta. windows, doors, fcc., in biuldintrs from plans and upeciticatluns. should be a fair draiurliuman and must have bad over three years' ex perience in this branch of the lumber and n.111 work buainesa. n",'I-3t w ANTED-TO RENT A TYPE WRITER. UtM TV inaion i>re(?rred, lor a few weeka. Address, atat inK terms, Mra t.. 1315 Corcoran su It* \YANTED TO BUY A LADY'S GOOD SECOND ' ' hand safety, must 1m a bargain, w. H. v\ , tljti Est, u.w. n!*l-2t* W ANTED-STORE FIXTURES, COUNTERS, .'J, slo-lrin^, to iroln a store 30x40 faet. Apply to T. D. BOND, olii F at. n.w. n?I-lw* \VANTKD?A STABLE- WITH~THErEE STALLS VT and shed room; with larire yard preferred. Ad dress i. F. MANNING, 14th aud H sta. n.w. i. -1 .n WANTED?IT KNOWN WE RECEIVED TODAY au invoica of clear Havana Key WestciKara. w hich we consider fluer than any brouarht inu> this market; threeifor 25*.That ?1 box of &0 cwars. SU kLK'H old stand, 1011 Pa. ave. alU-dui WANTED?EVERYBODY SI'YferTnG KRoM smoky chimneys to know that I irnsrsntee to cure them or no pay required, ran.-es. tumaces and lstrolx-s mada to beat or no pay. W. ? DAN TE. 1413 17th .u I "^w- n-'o-tr WANTED?CHEAP SECOND-HAND SQUARE risno. Addreas, autintf lowest price, PIANO. [ Star office. n'JO 31* \VTANTEII^A FEW MORE-ORDKLS FOR FINE v f I*hoto>rrapha. cabinets, ?2 per dozen. two po sitions. a liirife picture in setitea on dozen orders this month. LARDNER. Photo.. 410 t?th at. n.w. s24-3m W'ANTED-AI-L LOVERS OF HORSERAC E EV v v erclse to send name and address to Box 3S. sue office, sud bear aomotuuiff to their interest niU-3t* \V ANTED-TO EXCHANGE TWO LOTS FOR TY coupe ruekaway or horses. Thla will Lear an in vestigation. If you mean buainaaa aiiply to OH MR, 014 oth at. n.w., 8 to 10 Aiu. ul0-3t WANTED-A FARM ON THEPOTOM AC. WlTHl"5 4U miles of this city. W. P. YOUNG. _nl? at 1303 Fst n w. WANTED?HORSES TO PASTURE AND WINTER, best of care and attention, grain fed.?H per I month, horses called for. Mr*. L. A. SIMPSON, | Lauffley, Va. nl7-flt* Mr AN TED-EVER.' ONE TO LEAVE THEIB orders for the iron eeilin# at J. HELLENGASS', I 721 H at u.e., or BON NELL * CO^ Painters, Dan.-u bower bulldim;, 13th and G sta. n. w nl7-lm* WANTED-OLDUOLD AND SILVhR FOK CASH * ? WILLIAM IRItDERlCH. ti0.? 7th aUoppoaite pstent .iffirf, basement store Manufacturer ol society badKst and medals. Fiua clock and watch rei ainui. | Established 1S72. nl,-lin* W'AKTED-H. BAU'M PAYS THE HIGH EST CASH vv Prices for Ftiruitnre. Oar|?ia. Feather Beda, Office anJ Store Fixturea. Entire Huaaebolds a specialty. Addraaa314 l/th at n.w. nl& Wr AN J ED-H1UHEST CASH VALUE PAID FOR vv Kuruiture, Carpets, Stoves. Earife and Small Stocks of Merchandise, store and Office Fixtures. Call or addrtas A. C. WINSTON, 037 7tbst. u.w. al5 WT ANTED-HORSES TO W INTER OR TRAIN vv Colts, kickers aud balky horaes a ape.ialty, reanoiiabiu rates. By U. H. HEsS, Hotel Beummr. lil'J-'Jw* WANTED- o00,000 BOTTLES OF ALlTKINDS; '? liberal prices paid. Send postal to M. EULLY h CO., 313 3d st. u.w n7-1 m W ANTED-HORSES TO PASTURE AND WINTER " wain led, 6r?t-clsss paature and attention. Ref erence!: N. W .Burchtll, Justice Stroll*. Address H. B BIRD. Camp hprin.a. Md.. or COOK'S STABLE Stli sud 1 sts. n.w. a24-2m* WT ANTED- HORSES TO WINTER; TWENTY vv years' cxpcricnce. box stalls; crsin and hay as re quired. Order box 311 Ulhst. n.w.. farm 7tbst road, S miles out. O. H. P. CLARK. SU?o. Md. o2o-3m* WT ANTED-LADIES. TRY "ORANGE BLOSStlM V v cutes female diseases, one mouth's treatment 4 1 orders by mail promptly fllled. Mrs )f. A. BAU.lY General Airent, 4?.'0 P St. u.w. ol3-^'m* WANTED?PASTURE AT GEM'L BE ALE'S hTOCK Farm, the home of Priucc Orloff and Wilkta Stallion i rnxton. 7 tmlea north of W sshlnirton Kood stabliuirsnd feed m winter, with careiul attentlouat all times. Orders left at Clarke's Livery htab.c, 1724 G St. n.w., or Majrralli A Kennelly 's. ill llthat. n. ? .Will lie proinptlr attended to. GEORGE C DURNO. Manatter. Hystuvilia. Md. o2-3ui WANTED - OOLD AND SILVER, PUNCHED. VI mutllutsd, uncurrent and foienru coins; any ar ticle containiUK irold or silver, confederate bills and bond-; highest prices. FECHNER A CO.. 231 Pa. ave. I s2 < -3ni WT AN TED - HOUSES TO WINTER AT T. a v v W llsou's Stock 1 arm. beat attention in van them t S i*cr month; 3 n.eais a dsy, including daily irrooiu iiiir; ell horaos sent tor tree of charge. Apply F H WILSON. 920 F at. U.W. sl0-3m ANTLD-STLAM CARPET CLEANING AND vv lictiovatltiK Works, laatbars henovsted Mat tresses Made Over. Furniture steamed tnd Moths 1'tsiroytd. V. iL luLNOb. 140^ Pa. ave. 'ialauj uue 1 VttH-i. ,! ? LOST AN D FOUND. rjtAKEN FROM THE ARMORY OF^O. C. FIFTH A bstt., Monday eveniu?r. a brown Melton overcoat with checked w..olcu linintr; laiwla on pocketa and black horn butioua. Any luiormation leading to iia recovery will be rewarded i.y apply war to If JOHN LEAiiY. 2114 M at LOST-A MONKEY-FUR CAPE" IN THE FAIR room of nt. Stapben'e Church, Nov. ltf, lsoo. Lilieral rewaid for it? return to 21 OH Pa. ave. n.w. 1* LOST-WEDNESDAY NIQHT. AT & O'CLOCK. A fawn-colored mastiff iryp puppy , black face and I ears aud toe uaila. Reward if returned to CHARLES 1 E. BARBER'S LAW ol F1CES, ?17 Fat n.w. n21-3t LOST-ON THURSDAY, THE 201M tBBTANT. A lady's fold Ehrln iwi'ch, initials M.A.J Finder will receive reward by returning aame to 1337 nth at n.w. ; n21-2f LOST-SATURDAY. NOV. 16. PENNSYLVANIA ave. near 7th st. a black and tan Collie dog leather collar; Alexandria city tajr. suitable reward it re turned to HIDE HOI BE. 2114 Brig lit wood ave. n.w. n21-CIt* OST-A BLACK LACE SCARF; BET. THE COR of 7th and F at*, n.e. and the Car berry School house. 1 inder leave st 067 F st u.e. Reward. It OST-ON NOVEMBKR IO. CORNER STH AND Ests.. initial ring; letter & Liberal reward it returned to HOY'S liolei. corner 8th and D sta. n.w. n21-3t* STOLEN?HEAVY-BLACK CHINCHILLA OVEB coet; single braes tad; ly front; bound with Mack I silk cord; red. bine and lUht-stnped sleeve Unities. Liberal reward. W C KENDALL, 210 13th st a?r^ LOST-A SCARF PliT COMPOSED OF A GOLD wisb bone, on which is a green enaiael three Iff clover diamond. Reward It returned to 341 at n.w. I n20-2t* GOLD BRACELET BETWEEN 112o i and All Souls' tbnrrh. Finder will wnerat 1125 13th at n. w> and n20-2f T OST-ON THL 17TH INSTANT. A CH1LITS ijopen-faos Silver stem-winditur watch, short chain, bail and Guild b-idge attached. Suitable reward if left at Room 1, kirsman's ltuaranee building. ul0-3t LOST-NOV. Id, BLACK SETTER DOO. WHITE on breast; owner's name on oollar; tag 6N00. Re ward if returned to 41U 6tb et ?.w. Blit-Of TRAYtD ? SATURDAY MORNIIO, 18TH I emfll yellow and gray skye terrier. Reward if re tnrued to 3100 N st nlO-.Tt* Sadies and children will ruv a won derful stock rancy Paper, Border*. Scrap-book tur-a, Gennan Favura. G?lse. Tree Ornaaaenta. plCMi IV titru ii receive reward. FOR RENT ROOMS. P>H UKT-UWE FRONT ROOM *ELL f I H tr.died. r**. hm, bar window , southern esfaantW; third floor new brvk. >11 bi 4--d a to per mouth, Beck room* gvou uik a ? uJ ?h 14 E at. B.W. i .'l Jt" F1K KFNT-JlM 11TH~ *T TIT *? ONE t'XFl'R nl?b~ri room oil second floor. haal. mi snd but ?<atb adjoins*. brirbt w4 rbftrfil. prviic tam uy. Board it 4?trad. iMT JX>R KEKT-TO W.ENTLFMEN. Fl KMSHED room arid Is-ard reaacnable twice. IT teuton place. t* twr4i: Son lb Capitol and 1st. E and L ?ia B.l-'Jt* f|?OR KENT-TWO I'MTlMlHFD ROOM*! nice location. on ow hi.*. 713 11U. at t w. B*?l If DOt lttlll-TVU COMMINIC ATIN.? 1 OOMS r'2 I Boor, prettily furnisbeT ae aittinr and bed rooui. firf south. K ft n-sr 11 tb n.m. . to rrftflM. i?r> 11 aneutts-ople. S30 ?entl?*ieii ifel erred A4dre*a PRIVATE FAMILY y. ?t*tc4hea i i I^OK RENT?lll'S Kt?' HaVIMIIKK AVE." I urac M ?!.. a well-fur. ulwl, Irubt and rhwrt .1 back parlor and ad;,-nunc bed p?n. or sooond-eiory front and ha!! room, ?Itn ?mall private family of a Inf.*. near F and IVtine* Kama eve. nn iivnt tarynttr. pr?*tljud|ii(>n?**iitrl|. tVI t<* I^UK HI NT TWt7 I Ml RNIM1F.D ROOMS. ond P or adJoiuinc liath, amiable for light liow< kMpHw. rnorllOU'ttwUi. 21U ?d ?!. B.e Main uill 1 r: ra.-e_ u1 '-'t* J^v'TTREN I-2VI | WASHINGTON' CIRCLE. sFiTE 1 of tVO Or thrM Unnt(Hi(iimi,rtu*>lin? p....n.? a*. - OE:1 or evpoetire. ... | a ? non i ? 1 v ? I" nv 4 IE* two or three lerwe coBimttntcatinr rooaue. ??? third Boor, n.i.) furti abed. eoutbnu re. fa. in* circle. avenue eere |?ae IM u". 1 <it yo? REST- 1N0M It ?T. *.*.-* HtAl'Tirt'L IT HUitf of tuttu or etuirl.- room *J floor . new tnti?a, lin furniture, etectftr ts'.ia. ateain beau nr. 'l? ?' t table and s|l did situation. ?"1-W t?oR KENT-l ARGE. PLEASANT RiHIMS TMO J7 ib r.? IU. N anl. 435 smaller roouia. w itti board. $ IH nrar iLi?? IujM of rara aLd 4?i*rtiii?-uta. WOK 12th at B w ?*l-?t* 1^'X KKM-LAH?C.H*VI>MiMF.n Ft ltMOHID auitp*. Brat ami ?"* u<l fl< ra . u?w ^avwr. paint ai*?l pliunt luac K03 lVtb ft. b.w. bC 1 -<tt* RENT-ROOMS. TO HIMU1IIN, Willi all Buslaru tini rovfiiicnta. tirar ? guai atatiot:; B.w . all 11 <? c-omforla of a boma. ib a i>n*ate fiiiuljr. Addrewa b> i "jy. Mar. ?. ? b'-'O U' tpOll KENT?TO Ut N 1 LI Ml N ONLV -ThKI.K han.laon.i'lj furBiabed n^iua, Ur?t floor 1C1? 1 at. u. w. n?.*0 tit f>)R RE1TT?34? ?TI ST. R.L, TWO CIFl'K utalird roiuniunlcatiB?r rixu.a. kefrrmcra ra quirt-A Apply at house B'.'O 3t* 1>>K RENT?TWO LAlUtl RMi.HT ROoMK. I AR lor floor, rartiiahrtl or utif urtiiahM, witb bnaril or without; suitable* (or CoiuiTPs*Biaii. ?? ry ibwirabla room* aud locality. Also a labia tor raot. kt'.i M Mt B-w ii'JOM* V'OK REST 1004 UTI1KT. S.W..UASl?*oM t LV F t urutabrd rvouia < u suit*-, ou ?d fliiir . bay wn.J ? ; batb. all cobVebisbrxe. tvruia ui<4atate Ji" I" 'OR l:ENT-ri'KSlhHEl? OR I RNIJ?HtP rocnia. iroo4 uris'l.l? rbo>,?l titar Caj-ltol. auitaMa for Birtnbcrof Cotirixaa. Anly W3< latat s r. B20-3t? l.'OR~RKS 1 H.KAhANT El KMM1KI' RtKiMrt JT at 101H l?tb at u w our a M door troat Alao aB UBfnrsiahad rooni; lat floor. lu a I'rivaf faiuiiji uae of lath. HMP 1JOK RKM-OHK HAMIWillKLI H'RMHIU l? r MvoBtt-fl.Mir room, and oiw third floor t*y -miDd?? room . nut- locatioB . teruia reaaonablc Oall alter 4 l>. in. H.14 1 at. li w. HMt* J~?OK Rl.ST?2410 I'ESNSVI.VAXlV" AVE N to reutlcmea. lb entirely priTaU family, l?<auil lulljr altoated rootua. ii.odrrti lu.t roratm-uts. Ikxard for a irvutlauiaii. bSO-.'U* \)K KLM- FRI\ ATE ? AM1LV NEAR 1>1?-. S l" Cirri* would r^Bt ae??-rai B?wiy f iirmabad rooBis to d.-?irabls partiea. bo k>bJecUoB to catorcr. Oall ?t 1 *'40 IVtliat Lt. . D'iO 3t' F AIR KEHT-ONt LARUE BLroNl>rL>0* _ front rootu. tos-entlrmau oblr. 1W ja 9tb at B w. B^O-lit* t>'R RENT - I'.NEI RMSMED T11KEK or?ol? I aiHd rooms and ball ru-Ho. with kit* lu*u if aired; Bow houar, uiod. lni|"i, coriv.-olrnt I "'atiou; ti rrua rcaaoBabla, ln< hlJu.? lt?at ami ralcretuwa ?tchau<ra?l. Address or call at l*4o 14tb st. B w , K 10 a.m. or a. ? n?u. n Jit-3t* I;i'KKtM umM riRMMilEbi(OOI(~STEAK baat. ma aBU bath. lu a or.vale family oi too arrD tleiuau only, luuuiraof L?t>TIM. loOM 14tb at. B.?. a^0-3f U'OR RENT?A " NICELY I'L KN I >H I U LAKOC E I?*y window alcove room, southern eitnwur*: breakfaat if d<nirad; terms mod*rate. private family. l.?3T 1 at. B.w. BZ0-3t F'OR R1N1?COMMl'NICATING I'AHLoR ANl> lied chamber, with batb. furniture, carpets and decoiatiouaentirely new. veiy desirable apartment*; tfeutletuen ouly need apt ly. 134V N k.ave. uW-lk' V^OH IEMT-TUBEE I NEI RNISHKU HKCONlT 1 atory rooms. III.t . suitable tor bouaekeepina . con vetiieiit tn three linae of cars. 3d" Indiana ave. B. w, nU"0-3f KLNT?004 14TB ST.. OPIMMTE FRANK A liu Square, Ulccly furniaLed lUIrd floor fr .nt room; wtU heated, but and cold water, private fam ily. BVti-:tt* yiiHi KENT -ELUim DOCUX 1-ARLoics litt M window, private bath: open vratea. aoutBernei posure. Unit fl ?or. U large counei tiuf rooms lam* doacta; aecoadfloor. l5.1IIal.BW. NMI* |>OR REM-NICELV F( RNISUEU KOUM ^"K E two y ouuk men. *aa. bath, room and boant $?>. .0 per weok . alao several bandaoinel) furBiehed room*, w ith or without board. Inquire 4Tj t st. n.w. kUMM* VUK RENT?fl^'o EOR I'LLAhA NT ROOM. HEAT ? l> 1 aud litfbted. with table boarvl. ball room 4o I. s?. home comfort*, alao a few table boarders. K at. u v. b Mi-3t* 1~ X)R RENT?TlEKlRAbLK Bf.ll ROOM J U rent in prtvaw family . location first .4u?s n w. bear Franklin square. Addreaa 11.11. btat ollice. Bl?3f FOR RENT?FIKHT FTXXiR. A LARGE L'nK'Bs uisbed riH>m. twocloaeU: hot and cold water. 1..UK private porch attached 1310 Corcoran at nlW-3t* ijH)U RENT-ll'JTTiTH Bt7, OPI'T THE 1*. 'RT laud, furbished or UBfurBisbed room* . en ami* or amirle. rooma in excelioulorder, witblaraiv tisvlaj br?t floor, suitable for a doctor. >10-31* F*OR KOOMH-ROOMH FURSIHHED To OK DEE? 741 13tb at., corber H u.w. huite three rooma. ail f runt and eoiumuBicatinc if dralred, aecoud oi third floor. Board. 11 b per mouth. BlO-liu* 1>OU KEN 1? 2030 (i f.T N7w. El'RN 1>H1 D rooma with l>oard. convenienl to departmanu; heroics puas tbe door. Table board fife pur moBtb. i, lh 4t* I]H>R RENT?AT "THE IKVINOTOK," 14t<> E Hi" apacioua aud eleirautlv furnisliwd rooms, wit* board, in suite* of two, three o< aiurly, wtib private batb. Dltlllu' l>oK RENT?IN HAN I>hOME HtlVATE Util.sL, 1 suite of fonr rooma. each Containing larire cloa i. two of them arrate flru>. all weil luruiabed. couveun i.t to cars and lierdic*. lu VIest End . to party witling to pi out for meals, boardiutf very near. Address E C li, btarofbee. ul6-tit* IyOK RENT?1311 H ST. N~W? lSEAlflEtL fiiruisbed rooms, single or en suite, Jd and :td floors, aud suite of oAre rooma on brst fl>K>r. aoutbera t xpoeure and (food board. price* moderate. b13-2w* I^OR KENT?714 l'-'TH ST. N W. TWO ROOKS; back parlor, f urnished. <7 50 l? r Bio , front |.*i - lor. furniabed ordinarily', w 1 -i per uio , foldinar t?d aud waati stand aud Erankliu stove. * 1 nl.i bt* IMJR REE 1?TWO HANUSOUELV El hN I- 111 If cowuiuulcallhtr rooms ou brat floor; ?vuliem*n only. Wlb M at. b.w. b7-1ui* 1>JR RENT?KOl'U BEACTIFCLI.AltOE ROOMS furnished, irivate family, comer bouse op?a K rut ok , liay window* lb eveir room aouth tuid east trout. letereboea required. 1101k at. b.w. utVlaai FOR REN T?FCRNISHED FLAT SIN WOODMONT 13tb at. and Iowa circle, under B*w nianaafi menl ot John E. RoulBeon.for fdte< n year* at Ttoruiiey's Hotel and three year* isk-rer of tbe Ri. btnoBd Table ftret clsas. Prices reaeonable. t or terms ay ply to b5-1bi John f. uuuinhon I'OR KENT?PIKE SITTING ROOM, BED ROOM ami larire ball room, all commuulcatllur kcum preferred. 1313 14th at O.lo-lm ^OR RENT-ROOMS ON OROl'Nll FLOOKON U st. near Metropolitan Club, suitable for doctor. o27-lu. JOHN L. BLALL ,13-'1 F at. 1J?OR KENT?19 IOWA CIl^LE. Fl'RN JbULi> parlor, b?d room, dreaalir room, private bath, coiineciiiic, on 'Jd floor . frontmw park; totfeutlemen only . retere&.-ee required. o'J4 Jul FOR'RENT-FLATS. 1M>R RENl -A VERY Dl SIR ABLE FLAT AT7 -'H 13tli at., throe rooms and Lath, can be as>i at auy time. UliAHAM A sMI 1 H, bl7-6t 7-Sl.ilbat. FOB RENT^STORES. I?B BENT ? STORES - ESTUE MWIM northweat corner 7th and L eU. u.w. . Iiaa eleaiant lunre store on m?ade floor witb modem aht w winiioaa aud la roouia above, all in wood order, will lease to A remonslble baity ata low fvure u taken at onus. HX'U-jt W. C. Kl V ALL, W^o F at. F)R KENT-STORES 1005 B ST.. BETWEEN Hth and 10th sta., opposite wboleaala market. reut V.'WJ aud (40. Inquire at O'.'ti La. ave. BlS lis I|*OR RENT?1000 7TH ST. N W . A DESIRABLE store witb three dwailuiif rooma aad hath abovvj ?t Jubctiou of Otb st and oabl* care. Apply to '1 Hob. J. FISHER A OO.. 1324 F *t b w. 037-1 m FOR RENT?OFFICES. I?OK RENT-OFFICE RtKlMR. 1C05 Q ST N. ? ; tbe*e roi ms are desirable, beiuif ib tbe bnaiuesa ranter of the city. L. U MAT1I<E A Co. HITt st. U.W. e. Lorraine matiice. BgQ-flt CHAS. W. LVHRaND I>OR RE NT?SFLEN DID OFFICE BOOMS, FKOE I, 1321 F ak u.w. Heat aud liarbt. M M. r. HOLTZMAN. nliVlm 132l^F at. B.w. IX)K RENT?LARGE NICE OFFICE; FIVE WI.nI dows; entrance from street, 011 O st. n a. Also two ball rooms, second floor. beat aud ra*, f uxmsbsd. Bio-til* 1>OK BENT?711 14TH ST . DESIRABLE orFICC rooms with stoam beat; suitable for all kind* of business. lavstorie* aud closets ou each floor to JaMEs M. GREEN. 711 14th St. Bl FOR RENT-DESIRABLE OFFICE BOOMS IX Uie 1 enman buildiuj(, 14Jo N. V ave.. food lurbt aud vcntllauou. elevator, eteam beat, Ac. . moderate rent. A. T. COUMBE. Bl-lm 14-'o N V. ave. P)R RENT--332 INDIANA / VE.. OPPOSITE CITV Hall Park. Beautiful Offic?! Rooms, on irround floor; ui new bouae. sanitary plumbuic; heated by steam, teruia reasonable. olS-J?i FOR RENT?MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT-BY THE MONTH, A OOUPELETT* ^od very reaeonable tertua. Apply at 1300 l^^M. FOR RENT?8TABLE8. F)K BENT?BRICE STABLE KEAE OF OOMN. ave. bet. L aud M eta.. ruuaa for 6 borese, rent low. Apply to MEaCUANTS' I'ARCEL DEIJVERY CO, 814 Fat. B.w. Bll-llf fOE RENT?STABLE FOE TUBES HOBSEM AMD EM OVAL SALE.?THE STOCE MUST BE BOLD for what HwUlbeiwr-l ease Genia1 Fancy SUp removal, tf&c. 1 oaae Oaata' FMnt R pen. w ortb SI; removal. 06c. 1 ease Genu' ] Leather Oiforda, worth reanoval, SI.47. 2 Mlseee' Dotifola Eut Button, worth ?l 25. ret Ode. Xaasee Ladlea' Doaarola Kid Hp Button, wortk S2: removal. SI.48. ~ case* Misses' aud Boy* Don. I.eetWer lly Button, woeeb lit utisval. TBa. a| a?iA-iAltf Fa. ave. i W. Ma-i?*